#things to avoid installing a kitchen sink
elisysd · 1 year
hi! could i please request some comfort charles? like you’re sick or feeling down and he’s just the best boyfriend ever and helps you through it? thank you so much 🧡
Thank you for your request and sorry for the little delay! Hope you'll like it! Requests are open. I'm not guarantee you to be fast tho 😅
Tissues and Pit stops
You couldn’t be sick for Charles’ home Grand Prix. You just couldn’t be. You did not know how you managed to get the flu right before Monaco’s race but here you were, in bed a box of tissues next to you and medicine to help you get rid of the headache.
You had not said anything to Charles. You did not want him to worry, he did not need that. You were not proud to admit it, but you lied to your boyfriend when he asked you if you would come to the paddock for qualifying. You pretended to have some work to catch up on, but you still would be keeping an eye on the TV and cheering him on from the window. On the other hand, you did not manage to find a good excuse to miss his race. That’s why today you would keep things slow. Bed rest, soup, and medicine and hopefully, you were praying for it, on Sunday you would be fine for the race.
But what you did not plan was for Charles to show up upset at your door after the qualifying session. Ferrari had, once again, found a new way to mess with his home Grand Prix. When you opened the door to let him in, completely caught off guard by his presence, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.
Your flat was a mess which was unusual. You were always so put together, so organised. The opposite to Charles. So, seeing cluttery everywhere and abandoned dirty plates in the sink of the kitchen surprised him to say the least.
“Babe… are you okay?” he asked carefully while looking around.
“Me? Perfectly fine. Never been this good.” You tried to persuade him while trying to suppress a sneeze. “I should ask you the question, I heard about the penalty.”
“Yeah… well it is what it is. I can’t do anything about it. I’ll try to have a good race tomorrow, but I don’t expect anything from it. I just needed to see you and hold you.”
He made a move to take you in his arms, but you skilfully avoided him, pretending to pick up something that was laying on the floor.
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea… you must have so many things to do. Like meetings and people to talk to. I don’t want to stay in your way. And you must be tired. You should sleep it’s important.”
“Y/N are you sure you okay, you are acting weird.” He was starting to worry.
“What do you mean? I’m…me. My usual self.”
“No, you’re not. What are you hiding? Why is your flat a mess?”
“I told you; I caught up with some important paperwork and I just did not have time to clean.”
“I know my girlfriend and I know there is no way she would let her flat be this messy.”
His eyes scanned a room trying to find a clue that could explain his girlfriend’s strange behaviour. And then his gaze landed on the sofa where a used tissue and a stuffed animal he knew well from giving it to you on your first anniversary as a couple were lying around. As he approached, he noticed a heating bottle and a thermometer under a cushion. He did not need more to understand the matter.
“How long have you been sick?” he asked.
“It started this morning… I woke up with fever. That’s why I did not want to see you today… I don’t want you to get whatever I caught. I would feel bad.” You confessed.
“Baby, you will always be one of my biggest priorities. I want you to tell me these kinds of things.”
“I did not want you to worry…”  
Without a word he took care of the stuff that was laying around in the living room before washing the dishes. When the flat looked cleaner, he took a blanket from your bedroom as well as your computer and installed them on the sofa and coffee table. He then went into the bathroom to prepare you a hot bath with some lavender in it to help you relax. Without asking for anything in return, he took care of you, washing your hair with your favourite shampoo and massaging your shoulders and back that were aching from the fever.
He then helped you get comfortable and once back in the living room he wrapped you in a big and fluffy blanket before making you both some chamomile tea. He pressed you against his chest while setting up your favourite movie, his hand tracing patterns on your skin and his lips absent-mindedly resting on the top of your head.
“Charles, I appreciate what you did, really but you should not be here. What if you got sick?”
“Then we will be sick together and honestly I don’t mind it.”
And indeed, a few days later, Charles was stuck in bed with the same flu that you had a few days prior. And just like him, you spent the day taking care of him. After all, you both did promise to one another to always stick around when things would get rough. You were each other’s rock, there in the good as well as in the bad moments. Forever and always.
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imagines--galore · 6 months
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Ten
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia’s protégé. She is a tech wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her mentor knows  how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a knack for   anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one thing she fails at is figuring out is the mind and how it works.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine,
A/N: Been a while since I uploaded this, but hey multiple chapters coming soon!
Glancing beside her once more Penelope frowned when she spotted Evelyn sitting just as she had been an hour ago. Staring listlessly ahead at the screen, her leg pulled up against her chest with her chin resting on her knee. The movie was nearly over. And the red head had yet to make a comment on the progress of it. Penelope had stayed quite on purpose. Giving the red head whatever moment she needed to talk. But with the movie almost over and her patience having run out, the blonde turned to her protégé with a concerned frown.
"Sweetums? You've been so quite tonight." Her voice seemed to break whatever trance Evelyn was in. Blue eyes blinked as she focused on her mentor. Offering the older woman a small smile she rubbed her eyes before heaving a sigh.
"Sorry. I'm just tired." Penelope knew it was more then that. Reaching for the remote she quickly paused the movie and turned towards the younger woman.
"Its been nearly a month now sweetheart. You need to start getting back in your game." Evelyn flinched at Penelope's words, her heart dropping in her chest.
A month.
A month since Sarah Jean's death.
A death she didn't deserve.
And despite her claims that she was fine, Evelyn was anything but. It was like her father's death. But this time it was worse. This time she could've done something about it. This time it could've been avoided.
"I've made my peace with it Penelope. I'll be fine." A big fat lie. And Penelope seemed to think that too. Since she shot a small text to Morgan, asking if he could talk to the red head. The blonde just wanted her hyper yet shy little protégé back. It broke her heart to see Evelyn like this. Working murders was hard enough. But befriending a person on a death sentence was even harder. Knowing they would eventually die.
"Is that it then?" Morgan asked with a satisfied and relieved smile as he observed the neatly stacked boxes at the back of Evelyn's garage. The red head nodded, closing one of the final boxes and placing them on the shelf.
"Yeah! Thanks for lending me your strength Morgan." She added with a smile, dusting her hands to get rid of whatever grime she had gathered. Morgan grinned and waved his hand.
"Nothing to it short stuff. Though I wouldn't say no to your chocolate chip cookies as a thank you." His friend giggled before nodding.
"I knew you weren't helping me out of the goodness of your heart." She called over her shoulder as she led the way through the garage door and into her kitchen where she had baked a fresh batch of said cookies just that morning. Catching sight of the filled cookie jar, Morgan rubbed his hands together, eyes alight with, what Evelyn could only describe as glee.
"Alright! Cookie heaven here I come!" He was about to reach for the lid of the jar when Evelyn smacked his wrist.
"Wash your hands!" She scolded already walking past him to get the milk from the fridge. Morgan rolled his eyes.
"Yes mother." He said in a teasing tone before walking over to the sink to quickly wash his hands.
A few minutes later the two FBI Agents were sitting around the island in the kitchen on stools, eating the cookies. Or rather Morgan was inhaling them while Evelyn was nibbling on her first one. The jar was nearly half empty.
"I gotta hand it to you Evelyn, you are officially the best baker I know." She smiled at the compliment, her cheeks reddening as they always did when she was embarrassed.
"I doubt that Morgan." She mumbled taking a sip of her milk and setting the glass down on the counter. The older agent gave a smile finishing off his glass of milk and reaching for the carton to pour himself another one.
"Speaking of being the best, Penelope told me you've been a little distracted the past few weeks." And there it was. The one thing Evelyn had been trying to avoid. Pursing her lips she turned her attention to the crumbs on the counter, starting to gather them up by pressing the tip of her finger along the surface of the island.
"I told her I was fine. Why won't she just believe me?" Morgan shook his head at her words.
"That's the thing Evelyn. You're not fine. You gotta talk to somebody about what your're feeling. And if you don't wanna do that then you should try to put everything behind you and try to move forward." Evelyn's eyes blazed with a sudden anger as she turned to look at Morgan.
"Well what if I don't want to forget! What if I want to live with the guilt because lets face it Morgan we could've done more to save her but we didn't!" Morgan's expression didn't change one bit at the red head's outburst, he only turned his attention to her full and undivided.
"Kid, there was nothing we could've done to save her. From what I heard Sarah wanted to die. It was her final wish." Evelyn shook her head, hands clenched into tight fists.
"But she didn't deserve to die! She could be alive right now. Maybe even watching her son play the cello!" Her statement was met with a frown of disapproval from Morgan.
"That's your problem Evelyn. You focus and obsess so much over what could've been that you forget to look at what has already happened and accept it." Evelyn stared at Morgan with wide blue, terrified eyes. The agent almost felt sorry for he had said, but knew it had to be done.
"You promised." Her voice was somewhat broken. Her tone accusing. "You promised you would never profile me!" Morgan let out a frustrated sound and shook his head.
"This is not profiling Evelyn. This is pure sense." Suddenly reaching out he grasped her much smaller hands between his, looking at her almost imploringly. "Honey, you have got to start accepting that sometimes life gives us rather unexpected circumstances and we gotta make the best of 'em. We can't keep thinking of the what ifs."
Silence followed his words and Evelyn couldn't bring herself to look at Morgan, suddenly feeling ashamed of her behavior the past month. "She didn't deserve to die." Were the words that she finally spoke, finally lifting her head to meet Morgan's understanding gaze. He gave a humorless chuckle.
"Believe me. Every time we come across a case I think the exact same thing about the victim." Lifting one hand he affectionately patted the side of her cheek and gave her a small smile.
"You gonna be okay now Ginger?" The nickname forced a smile out of her, and she nodded.
"I'll be fine." Morgan accepted her response, knowing she would be alright.
"Good! Otherwise Penelope would've had my head for only upsetting you further." He shuddered at the thought, causing the younger girl to giggle.
"That would've been sad. I happen to prefer a head with my muscles." She poked the side of his shoulder, while he quickly assumed a defensive pose with his arms.
"Sorry sweetheart. My babygirl would be upset if you made a move on me." Evelyn snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Just eat your damn cookies." She grumbled, her cheeks flushing as she pushed the jar towards him. Without another word Morgan proceeded to do so.
Reid had been waiting in the driveway for quite some time now. Since Evelyn was still an agent in training, so to speak, she had to do the mundane tasks of putting away the files and whatever else they had used for cases away in boxes before placing them in the shelves. The Team tried to be as organized as they could be so that she wouldn't have to clean up their messes when it came to the files but none of them had the time since they had to write up reports and such. But Evelyn didn't mind. Morgan had once jokingly referred to her as their little sidekick. Evelyn had argued she was more of a butler like Alfred since she did take care of them. Somewhat. It was another reason she got off work a little later then the rest of them.
The young genius didn't mind waiting for his friend. He was sitting on the porch step, completely immersed in the book he had bought a week or so ago. His eyes quickly scanning over the printed script. Even if he finished the book before Evelyn arrived he had another one in his bag. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caught his attention and he quickly got up at the sight of the woman he had been waiting for. Evelyn frowned at Reid, a little surprised to see him.
"I thought you went home?" She said, finding the key to the trunk of her car and taking out a box cradling it under her right arm as Reid came to stand next to her, having put the book away and with his hands in his pockets.
"I was waiting for you actually. I wanted to talk to you." The man responded as she shut the lid of the trunk and turned to him, still frowning in confusion. Taking her silence as an opening Reid spoke.
"I just wanted to say that you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to Sarah Jean. It was decision. Like you told us when we were searching for Riley. You read her body language and she was never going to go back on her decision. She wanted it to happen. She wanted to die. And it only shows the amount of love she had for her son. And it also shows how strong she was as a mother and a person. Which is a rather rare characteristic because most people would've-"
He was suddenly cut short by a hand being placed over his mouth. His eyes widened slightly before he frowned at the read head, who had to reach up to place her hand there. Her lips were pulled into an amused smile, though her eyes shone with sadness but acceptance at the same time.
"Morgan already talked to me Reid. And I realize it now. There was nothing we could've done." She finally removed her hand, stepping back a little as she did.
"Oh!" A light blush came to his cheeks when he suddenly realized that he had been rambling. Pushing his hair back behind his ear he quickly nodded. "Right! Good! I just wanted to….er…."
Evelyn smiled softly at his stuttering, reaching out to gently pat his hand. "Thank you for caring Spence." She said, using his first name, which she only ever used when things were rather personal between them. A beat of silence where they both simply looked at each other. That beat seemed to stretch on and Spencer suddenly realized that her eyes were probably the most prettiest shade of blue he had ever seen. Evelyn on the other hand was finding it a little hard not to reach out and let her fingers play with his hair. The silence was broken by the sound of a car honking probably a street over. Both agents quickly shook out of their little bubble, bright blushes on their cheeks. Wanting nothing more then to rid herself of the thoughts she had just been having, thoughts she had no idea she would be capable of thinking.
"Hey! I found a few pictures that I think would be really good for your album. If you're still putting it together that is." Evelyn added in the end, her gaze hopeful as she waited for his reply, wandering if he had kept the album. The young genius nodded quickly, doing his best not to stare like he had been a few moments ago.
"Sounds good! I've actually added a few pictures in them already." He admitted, which made Evelyn grin.
"Great! Come on in then!" With that she led the way into her home, the young doctor following in after her, both parties a little surprised at the moment they had just shared.
Yet neither gave it another thought. Almost as if the moment was something they were used to. Something that happened to them unconsciously. And giving it any importance would make any moment in the future seem less significant. So they left it at that.
Tag List - @lovelyygirl8
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edupunkn00b · 7 months
Meus ex Machina, Chapter 8: Reaching
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A public domain image of two hands reaching for each other. The background is colored with indigo blue and neon green light.
Prev - Reaching - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Rated: T - WC: 2472 - CW: non-graphic discussion of self harm
Some people can't help but reach out, no matter how many times they're burned. And maybe that's a good thing, in the past and now.
“And this is the kitchen, kiddo!” Patton grinned, arms open wide to show off the shiny new refrigerator and sinks he and Lucas had installed in the old house.
“I’m not your kid,” the boy muttered, hands shoved deep into patched and faded hoodie pockets. "And you're not my dad."
“Oh, well, yeah, I… I know that. I… I’m sorry. You're right.” The boy never spoke of his parents but, unlike Patton and Lucas, he'd actually known them before they abandoned him at the hospital. He almost squeezed the boy’s shoulder but pulled back at the look he—Virgil, Janus had called him—gave him.
Following Virgil’s lead, Patton tucked his own hands in his pockets and smiled just a little brighter. Man, Janus and Lucas were better with this kid than he was. He'd cast his eyes about the kitchen, looking for a distraction, when his eyes landed on the big mixer Janus had bought last week.
“You know," he said, sauntering over the kitchen and pulling out a box of Eggz and tin of margarine. "Even grown-ups get hungry.” He tried to hide it, but Patton couldn’t miss how Virgil’s were trained on the food. “How about we whip up a batch of my super-secret chocolate chip cookies?”
Virgil licked his lips, eyes narrowed. ""Chocko Chip' cookies," he said, pulling out his hands long enough to make air quotes. "Or chocolate chip?"
Patton grinned and pulled a heavy block wrapped in plasticene paper from the back of an upper cabinet. "Chocolate."
Soft footsteps announced Patton’s and V’s return from The Muse's room. V tapped an order into the cabinet and Patton spoke quietly with Silvertongue in the corner as they worked together to put away a tote of medical supplies.
Logan watched them from his med bed, eyes widening when he recognized a suture tray and a drained IV kit. V caught his gaze and gave him a little shrug. “I’mma go see how I can help Princey.” He shrugged, glancing at Patton with an odd expression. “Up on the roof. Glad to see you’re feeling a little better, Mac.”
“Let me know if you need anything, Kiddo, okay?” Patton called after him and V gave the three of them a little two-fingered salute before disappearing down the hall.
“How was he?” Logan blurted out once V had left. He gnawed at his lower lip, the barely controlled hurt on Patton’s face almost more than he could stand. The two Powereds exchanged a long look, then Janus inclined his head and followed the way V had gone.
Patton moved to Logan's side and patted his hand. The touch was warm, really warm, like holding a too-hot cup of coffee in an antique ceramic mug while waiting for it to cool. “The Muse needed stitches,” he admitted, jerking his chin toward the sharps disposal and the medical tote. “But you probably figured that.”
“Do his…” Logan’s hand twitched beneath his and Patton removed it, too quickly to stop him. “Do his powers cause him physical harm?” he continued, pushing away the ghostly echo of Patton’s warmth radiating through his skin.
“Well… Not… directly.” Patton pulled up the stool Silvertongue had used and folded his hands on his lap. His fingers were long but broad and strong-looking, with little nicks and calluses. He had a half-dozen tiny horizontal scars in various stages of healing over the backs of each hand. With a pang, Logan remembered tracing the fading scars on the backs of his own mother’s hands from her job at Entenmann's before they’d converted. 
Suddenly, Patton nodded and reached for Logan’s hand again, lightly brushing his fingers. He didn’t prod Logan’s scars, but he didn’t avoid them, either. He simply treated them like any other part of his skin.
Logan inched his hand closer.
“Did Silvertongue explain his powers to you?” Logan nodded and Patton took a deep breath before continuing. “The Muse sometimes… well, often behaves erratically when the rest of the world gets into his head. It’s—”
“Overwhelming,” Logan interrupted without really meaning to.
Patton gently squeezed his hand and didn’t let go. “Yes,” he nodded. “His room is protected, no sharps, no chemicals. He…” Patton tilted his head, gaze focused on Logan’s eyes. Assessing.
“Is he suicidal?” Icy slurry pooled in his stomach.
“Not directly,” he said again and the ice spread through Logan’s veins. “He… injures himself. I don’t believe he intends to hurt himself. His… his perceptions are…” Patton shook his head. “It can be difficult to follow all his thoughts when he’s activated. He’s told me he needs to reach the sensations he picks up. But it’s all in his mind. There’s nothing to reach.”
Logan stared down at his thighs and the stumps where his legs abruptly ended. The painkillers Silvertongue had administered dulled the ever-present ache of his phantom limb pain. But even ketorolac couldn’t free him completely of the pain of injuries in limbs he no longer had. ‘Nothing to reach,’ indeed.
He frowned. But stitches? IVs? Surely that part wasn’t from his own mind. “But how?” he finally asked. “How did he cut himself? The lower levels… What’s beneath it all? Cement?”
“Stone and wood. There were carpet tacks.” Patton stroked Logan’s hand but looked away. “We thought we’d gotten them all and replaced them with adhesive. They were… old. Zinc and non-magnetic aluminum alloy that won’t interfere with the EMF shield.” He met Logan’s eyes and continued at his little nod of understanding. “That meant we couldn’t use the sensors to double check we’d gotten them all.”
“So… nothing magnetic or… electrical can go in The Muse's room?” Logan’s eyes fell on his battery-powered wheelchair tucked in the corner. “And he can’t come out?”
“No.” Patton’s whisper still managed to sound sympathetic.
“I see.” Logan’s fingers curled a little tighter around Patton’s hand, his thumb tracing swirling shapes against the back. It didn’t seem to bother him, though, so Logan didn’t stop. “The… the next time you see The Muse…” Logan finally braved a glance up at Patton’s eyes. He smiled back at him, listening.
“The next time you see him, will you tell him how sorry I am?” Tears burned his eyes, the memory of The Muse’s pain sizzling through his brain. “I—” His voice cracked and he looked away.
“Oh, Kiddo…” Patton squeezed his hand back, voice soft. “The Muse knows it was an accident. He was in your mind,” he reminded him. “He feels bad for the pain he caused you.”
“He doesn’t need to.” Logan looked up, eyes wide. “It’s not his fault. I wish…” He looked down at the broken bits of a body he'd been left with. The only way he could see The Muse and speak to him in person would be in the arms of one of the team. Even if one of them were willing to carry him, his stomach churned at just the  thought of helplessly clinging to one of the Powereds, even one as kind as Patton.
He closed his eyes, head falling back against the pillow.
So worthless you can't even apologize to him. Can't even thank him for helping Silvertongue find you before the police did.
“I should let you rest,” Patton murmured. “Even with Ja—Silvertongue’s healing assistance, you’ve been through a lot and need to take it easy. Would you like me to lower the bed?”
His eyes snapped open. The med bay was like a fishbowl, surrounded on one side with the main common room, the other by the short hall to the cold steel kitchen. If he slept here, he’d be on display for the entire team. Good for people who needed close observation. Not good for him. He shook his head. “Would you bring my chair?”
“Of course.” Patton rushed to fetch it then stood next to it. “Can I—” He reached for him then let his hand lower. “How can I help you?”
Even with the med bed lowered, it was a bit of a drop down to his chair. But if he was lucky, he could make it on his own. “Perhaps… would you be willing to hold the chair steady for me?”
Nodding, Patton put one foot behind the wheel and locked his grip around the handles. Logan shimmied himself closer, scrabbling for a hold when he listed dangerously close to the opposite side of the bed. After a bit of work, he wiggled toward the edge, parallel to the seat, then pushed himself off the bed.
He landed with a quiet oof in the seat, grunting when his hip grazed an armrest.
“Are you alright?” Patton asked, hands fluttering closer before pulling them away.
Logan smiled, tight and not quite able to speak in a normal tone as pain radiated over his hip and down his phantom leg. He reached over his shoulder to pat the Powered’s hand and nodded.  “I’m good,” he managed and turned on the chair motors. “Thank you. For your help.”
“Absolutely anytime, Machina.” Patton gave him another smile. “Anything you need, please don’t ever be afraid to ask.” He watched quietly while Logan turned his chair and moved to the hallway. “I’ll call you for dinner in about an hour?”
“Actually,” he started, then turned around to face him again. Patton’s brow pinched with worry but he waited and listened. “Would you call me when it’s time to…” He shrugged and looked toward the common room. “Perhaps I can help set the table?” Logan tried to smile and moved his chair back and forth a few inches at top speed. “Use my unfair advantage?”
Patton chuckled and nodded. “You got it, Machina. I’ll call for you. Get some rest in the meantime.”
“I will. Thank you.” Logan’s smile strengthened, then he turned with a little nod and rolled down the hall. When Logan returned to his room, though, he didn’t lie down. Instead, he closed the door and wheeled himself to the window. 
The Prince’s Illusion only worked one way and though from the outside, Logan sat on the other side of a boarded up bay window, he could see perfectly through to the violets and daisies growing outside. The sill was nearly the same height as the seat of his chair and it had only taken him a few days’ practice to work out the best way to wiggle out of his wheelchair and onto the soft cushions.
He hadn’t yet worked out which of them had set this up. While the window frame was old, likely renovated from the original structure, the pillows were stitched from the same durable ecosynth cloth as the Mad Lads’ suits. Throughout the house, there were other window seats and benches, but none at this height. They'd built this for him.
Leaning back against the pillows in the deep window seat, Logan closed his eyes. If the prisoner in the basement wasn’t quite a prisoner, what did that mean for the rest of the team’s behavior? Was all of this, the accommodations, the care… Was it all… real?
And how would he ever make amends for not once, but twice, harming one of their own?
Despite Logan's best efforts to stay awake, it felt like only seconds later when Patton’s soft voice spilled from the comms speaker in his room. He jerked upright, hand reaching automatically for the spot next to his thigh for his chair’s control box. His fingers closed on air.
A half-second of panic later, Logan remembered where he was and took a deep breath. “I’ll be right there,” he called back. Moving carefully, he slid back into his chair and hurried out to the kitchen.
His stomach grumbled before he’d even gotten past the med bay, the aromas of fresh tomatoes and beans from the team’s backyard garden blending with cumin and cayenne. Patton smiled at him, stirring a bubbling pot, and gestured to a stack of bowls, napkins, and utensils on a low counter.
“If you meant it, it would be a big help if you set the table. Ultraviolet and The Prince are up on the roof and Silvertongue’s on a call.” 
“Of course I meant it.” Two at a time, Logan transferred the stack of bowls to his lap, then added the napkins. Taken together, he was able to lean and use his stub of a left arm to hold them steady while he steered his chair to the table.
He steadfastly ignored the way Patton pretended not to monitor his progress. He did appreciate, though, how he’d been spared the indignity of having to wait as he took down the dishes for him and placed them in his lap as though he were a child.
Setting the table went slowly and by the time he’d finished and returned to the kitchen for cups, Patton had already transferred the chili to a serving bowl and was filling a pitcher with ice and the sweet electrolyte drink the team favored. Though reluctant to admit it, Logan had begun to enjoy it with their meals, as well.
What Patton hadn’t done, though, was pull down the drinkware from their high cabinet. After scanning the counters one last time in case he’d somehow missed them, Logan swallowed his dwindling pride and looked up at Patton. “Would you mind getting the cups down for me?”
“Oh, right!” He sealed the lid on the pitcher but didn’t move from his work. “We transferred them to the cabinet by the fridge.” Patton pointed to the low cabinets in easy reach from his chair. “Silvertongue mentioned your bloodwork showed signs of chronic dehydration. Figure it’s easier for you to drink more if you can reach them yourself.”
Logan opened the first cabinet. Recessed lights glowed, revealing stacks of cups and bowls and plates. The front of the shelf ended in an inch-tall lip and, experimentally, Logan tugged it. It rolled toward, putting the dishes in easy reach. He looked up at Patton, eyes wide.
Patton shrugged. “I’m still working on the rest of the kitchen, but we’ve got all the basics there.”
“This is…” Logan bent in his chair to look under the cabinet and slid the shelf back and forth. The rollers were pneumatically assisted, allowing him to use just a single finger to move it. “This is very thoughtful, Patton. Thank you.”
“We’ll need Ultraviolet to make more parts,” he said, picking up a dish of cornbread and the pitcher. Logan quickly followed and stacked the cups between his leg and the side of his chair. “There’s a lot more to do,” Patton admitted. “Maybe after dinner you could help figure out what’s the next best mod to tackle?”
“I—I’d like that,” Logan nodded and followed him out of the room, casting one last glance at the steel kitchen. The whole room felt just a little warmer. “I’d like that a lot.”
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs That Screaming Feeling
Nope. Today is a “feel like screaming” day.
Apparently Scruffman wants us to have a backlog. I tend to think we’re doing well when the dictation queue is really low, but it finally was for the first time today and I was told to slow down on the typing insofar as was possible - basically only taking a few bits at a time instead of the great huge wodge I normally do. The thing is, I take that great huge wodge to ensure that at least some of what I’m typing is the short easy stuff. Because if I just take little snippets, I come back to the typing queue to see all of the longest ones right at the top, having been left there by the cherry-picking temp. And she was on form with that shit today. The best I could do at the end of everything was to miss the fifteen minute monstrosity she left sitting there for me. She left me with one seven-minute bit of dictation, two five-minute bits of dictation ... basically every dictation over three minutes was mine to deal with, a lot of which was this one guy who’s very loud but sounds like he’s talking through a sock. Fine. I can’t do anything about that but I can say, “Sorry; the dictation length may say 14 minute and 36 seconds but by the time I’ve skipped around, gone back to correct things by request, gone back to correct things because the sentence structure was garbage, and fixed the block key so it’s remotely readable, that’ll turn into a half-hour and guess what? I don’t have time for that shit. So I’ll just grab the urgents, thanks, and you can pick up that shit on Monday”.
Also I was told we had “all hands on deck” at the office but I didn’t see it. Violet did a couple, Milady was clearly too busy to touch any, and the other part-timer was entirely inactive even though she’s supposed to be here today. Also Goblin managed to avoid any significant typing and Temp more or less slowed to a crawl at about 4pm ... which incidentally is when Scruffman leaves the office these days. Also (and Scruffman should know this), the techs tend to send a literal deluge into the queue on a Friday afternoon. So we weren’t doing quite so well on the typing queue when I logged off for the weekend as we were when I started.
So fed up. So entirely fed up.
I did take some break time during all this to accept my grocery order, put it away in installments, and head out to take out the trash because cleaning the fridge. I’ve got another load to take out because I did some cupboard clean-out and need to empty the bathroom bin, and also take out the recycling involved in my Amazon order, which I also took some break time to accept. But I’m going to wait on that because I am in pain right now. I’ll probably get to that later. It doesn’t help that immediately after work ended, I took the time to mix some instant hot chocolate mix (mostly to clear some more cupboard and counter space) and dumped some drain cleaner in the kitchen sink because it’s been draining kind of slowly lately and I’d rather deal with that before it gets untenable. None of which helped the pain, I suppose.
Of course the problem now is this: the fridge and cupboards are full of food but I hurt too much to cook anything. Again, I’ll see how I feel in a bit, after I’ve had some actual chill time ... and done the rest of my chores, I guess. But chill time first.
The chill time is mandatory for a few reasons. It’s been a hard day. It’s been a hard week. This country is a mess and I have to live in it. I kind of want to cry but I don’t really have the energy for that either. So I’m going to make myself some hot chocolate and just veg for a little while. And I will trust that the grey in the sky will not become rain for at least an hour so I can recover a bit before taking out the bins.
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zeepatnablog · 2 years
Luxury Interio Patna
Luxury Interio is Best Interior Designing Company in Patna. Some Interior related points are:
Home-designing is not only about interior designing, but it is about making our house comfortable, attractive and usable. We need to make sure that we have everything that we need inside the room or in the house. In modern homes, people are focusing on different things like furniture, lighting, colors, etc. But still, they do not think much about the design of their interiors. There are many things that should be considered before starting the designing process. If you want to redesign your whole home then first you should start with the kitchen. Kitchen Interior Design Ideas : You need to choose a good color for the kitchen if you want to redesign it. You need to know what color goes well with your wall and floor. If you have chosen some specific paint color for the kitchen then you can get help from professional designers who will suggest you how to decorate it. Once you have decided the right color for your kitchen then you can begin to work on other parts of the room. If you want to change the look of your kitchen then you can add some nice touches in the kitchen. You can put some cool pictures on the wall above the counter tops. You can hang some interesting pictures over the island or over the sink area. You can even use wooden frames to display any picture you like. You can use some interesting artwork pieces in your kitchen. You can make sure that you remove all the old cabinet doors and replace them with new ones. If you feel that the old cabinets looks ugly then you can buy some new ones instead of replacing them. Kitchen Cabinets : To install new cabinets you will need to hire professional interior designers. Before installing the cabinets you should measure the size of your kitchen to ensure that the space will allow for the installation of cabinets. You may also consider buying the pre-cut cabinets, if you have enough money to spend. If you cannot afford to install the cabinets then you can always look at online stores that sell ready-made cabinets. Kitchen Lighting : When you are designing a kitchen you need to pay attention to the lighting. A dark kitchen does not look good and neither does having bright lights on all day long. You should set up your kitchen accordingly. You can install dimmer switches if you wish to adjust the brightness of the lights. You can also try to match the color of your existing lights to your new ones. If you have small children then you should place nightlights near the refrigerator and oven. Laundry Room Layout Design : A laundry room layout is very important if you want to redecorate it. You should arrange the washer and dryer in the middle of the room so that both of them are visible at once. You can also arrange cupboards around the washing machine and dryers to make sure that you have ample storage space for clothes. Make sure that you label the shelves and drawers so that you don't make mistakes later on. You should also take care of any electrical outlets and plumbing connections in case you decide to move around them. Bathroom Layout Design : Before beginning to plan the bathroom you should first determine where you intend to position the toilet, sink, tub, shower, mirrors, and various fixtures. You should make sure that you leave enough room between these objects so that you can clean up after yourself easily. Also, make sure that you install your medicine cabinet and mirror in a spot that makes sense for you. You should also make sure that the doorways leading out of the bathroom are wide enough. Bedroom Layout Design : There are many ways to redesign bedrooms. Many people prefer to keep the same bedroom layout as before, but you may find that you wish to change things around a little bit. Take into account the amount of space you have in your bedroom and the way it suits you best. You should also check the amount of natural light in your bedroom. You should try to avoid rooms with windows facing south or east because they tend to get hot during the summer months.
Contact Us Luxury Interio (Best Interior Designing Company in Patna) website address is https://luxuryinterio.in/
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alizrenovation · 4 days
Plumbing Service in Naperville: The Backbone of Your Renovation Project
Whether you're updating your kitchen, adding a new bathroom, or designing a commercial space, one thing remains constant — the need for a reliable plumbing system. At Aliz Renovation, we understand the critical role that proper plumbing plays in the success of any construction or renovation project. Our plumbing service in Naperville ensures that every aspect of your plumbing system, from installation to repair and maintenance, is handled with expertise and precision.
Why Proper Plumbing Is Essential
A well-functioning plumbing system is more than just convenience; it’s a necessity for the longevity and efficiency of your home or business. Poorly installed or maintained plumbing can lead to leaks, water damage, and even mold growth, all of which are costly and disruptive. Whether you're tackling a minor renovation or building a new space, our certified plumbers ensure that every pipe, fixture, and fitting is installed to the highest standards.
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Comprehensive Plumbing Solutions
At Aliz Renovation, we specialize in providing affordable plumbing solutions in Chicagoland, covering all aspects of plumbing work. Our services include:
Pipe and Fitting Installation: Proper installation of pipes and fittings is the foundation of a reliable plumbing system. We ensure that every installation meets code requirements and is built to last.
Fixture Installation: Whether you're installing a new sink, toilet, or shower, we handle all fixture installations with care and precision, ensuring they function properly and are free from leaks.
Water Heaters: From installation to maintenance and repairs, we cover all water heater services, ensuring you have reliable hot water when you need it.
Repairs and Maintenance: Our expert team addresses any plumbing issues promptly, from minor leaks to major pipe repairs, helping you avoid future complications that could escalate into bigger problems.
Professionalism You Can Trust
At Aliz Renovation, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality plumbing services that meet the unique needs of both residential and commercial clients. Our team respects your home and project timeline, ensuring minimal disruption while providing long-lasting solutions. Whether you're facing a first-floor plumbing repair or a full system overhaul, we focus on doing the job right the first time.
For all your plumbing service in Naperville needs, trust Aliz Renovation to provide expert care and affordable solutions that ensure your plumbing system works efficiently and without future headaches.
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
How to Choose the Best Microwave Cabinet- Petra Shops
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/how-to-choose-the-best-microwave-cabinets-petra-shops/
How to Choose the Best Microwave Cabinet- Petra Shops
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Microwave cabinets are great for providing additional storage space in your kitchen, without taking up too much space itself. However, there are many different models of microwave cabinets to choose from, with some providing more storage space than others. To help you choose the best microwave cabinet to fit your needs, consider the following factors before making your decision!
  1) What is the Purpose of Having a Microwave Cabinet?
A microwave cabinet acts as a covering for your microwave oven. It also helps to hide some of those unsightly cords and makes cleaning easier. As such, you may be wondering why you need one in your kitchen at all, let alone how to choose it. For starters, if you have a separate oven and microwave as part of an appliance set, you’ll want a new cabinet if yours gets damaged or too worn down over time. If you want extra storage space on top of hiding unsightly things, however, then there are other options that do just that without costing more than $500. It’s up to you which route you want to go!
  2) Things to Consider When Choosing Microwave Cabinets
Be sure to take your needs into account when shopping for microwave cabinets. Depending on your particular requirements. You might be better off opting for a more customized solution. For example, if you plan on installing a microwave above or below your oven, look for cabinets that are wide enough to accommodate it. If you have specific concerns about counter space in your kitchen, measure carefully before you buy. The last thing you want is to set up your new cabinet only to realize it blocks half of your sink! Some cabinets are designed with extra room, which can make placing them in an awkward location less problematic. And while most cabinets can handle microwaves of various sizes, some will only work with certain models. Finally, depending on where you live and what materials are readily available nearby, buying locally-produced items might help avoid shipping costs and lead times.
  Buying Tips When Shopping for Microwave Cabinets
For anyone in need of a new microwave, cabinets are definitely an important consideration. There are so many choices available on today’s market that it can be overwhelming when trying to find one. However, making sure you take these tips into account when shopping can help you to narrow down your search and ultimately land on a product that will look great in your kitchen while also functioning well! Before shopping for cabinets, consider where you plan on placing them. Will they be placed above or below eye level? While some people may not think twice about their placement preference, there are certain aspects of each location that will play into your purchasing decision.
Make sure you weigh your options before settling on any particular design! When choosing a design, keep style preferences in mind as well. Do you want a more modern-looking cabinet? A more traditional model? Either option is fine – whatever best fits your needs is all that matters! And lastly, never underestimate how important size is. Especially if you have a small kitchen with limited space! Make sure you measure out any area of your home before settling on cabinets to ensure they will fit properly. Luckily for those looking to make an easy replacement purchase, many models come with specs listed right on their websites which makes finding information like measurements incredibly easy…but don’t take chances! It’s always better to be safe than sorry – especially when moving heavy appliances around is involved.
  Reviews on our Recommended Microwave Cabinets
When purchasing a microwave, it’s important to also take into account what type of cabinet will best suit your needs. There are many options available—wire, glass, or stainless steel doors and many colors. You should consider your budget and counter space before purchasing a cabinet as well as how much you plan on using your microwave (and whether it will be exposed). Before choosing a model, consider its power and wattage; an 800-watt microwave is probably overkilled for most consumers. We recommend looking at microwaves with features like defrosting buttons and specific cook settings like for vegetables or potatoes. All microwaves produce radiation but those with ceramic components, such as those in our list above, produce less than those with plastic components.
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packers-movers-in-hyd · 2 months
Top 10 Tips for Effective Pest Control and Prevention - Toskie
Pests like cockroaches, spiders, ants, and termites are more than just nuisances—they can damage your property and spread infections. While the best way to eliminate these pests is to call a Toskie professional pest control service, there are several steps you can take to minimize their presence in your home. Here are the top 10 pest control tips and tricks to help you keep your house clean and pest-free.
1. Keep the Kitchen Clean
Pests are attracted to food crumbs and spills. Ensure you clean up immediately after meals, wipe down counters, and keep floors free of debris—store food in airtight containers and regularly clean appliances like toasters and microwaves. Pay special attention to areas where crumbs accumulate, such as under the toaster and refrigerator. Regularly take out the trash and sanitize your sink and drain to prevent buildup.
2. Keep the Bathroom Clean
Moist, dirty bathrooms are a haven for pests. Scrub the bathroom regularly with a heavy-duty cleaner. Keep drains clear and sanitized and ensure there is no standing water. Pay particular attention to hidden areas like under the sink, behind the toilet, and inside cabinets. Install exhaust fans to reduce moisture, and repair leaky faucets and pipes promptly to prevent mold and mildew.
3. Do Not Allow Water to Stand
Standing water is a breeding ground for many pests, particularly mosquitoes. Regularly check for and eliminate any standing water around your home, including in flowerpots, air conditioning units, and dish racks. Ensure that gutters and drains are unblocked and flowing freely. If you have a pool, cover it when not in use and ensure the water is treated and circulated properly.
4. Don’t Keep Fruits and Vegetables Out for Long
Ripe fruits and vegetables can attract flies and other pests. Store them in the refrigerator or cover them properly. Dispose of overripe produce promptly. Regularly inspect your produce for signs of ripeness or decay and use or discard items before they become a problem. Consider using fruit and vegetable storage containers that allow for proper air circulation to prolong freshness.
5. Dispose of Garbage Regularly
Garbage can be a major attractant for pests. Use a trash can with a lid and empty it regularly. Clean the can periodically to avoid the build-up of food residue and Odors. Use strong garbage bags that seal tightly to prevent leaks and smells from attracting pests. For added protection, consider using a deodorizing spray or powder in your trash can to neutralize Odors.
6. Maintain Your Garden
Overgrown gardens can be a source of pests. Keep your garden tidy by trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and clearing fallen leaves and debris. Also, avoid letting water accumulate in your garden. Plant pest-repellent herbs like mint, basil, and rosemary, and use mulch to discourage pests from settling in the soil. Regularly inspect outdoor furniture and play equipment for signs of pests.
7. Keep Items of External Use Outside
Things like garden tools, outdoor furniture, and shoes can bring pests into your home. Keep these items outside and clean them regularly. Consider setting up a designated area or storage shed for these items. Wash and inspect them regularly to ensure they are free from dirt and pests before bringing them inside.
8. Fix Nets on Windows
Install nets on your windows to prevent pests like flies and mosquitoes from entering. Make sure the nets are free of holes and tears. Choose high-quality, fine mesh screens that provide a strong barrier against even the smallest pests. Regularly inspect and clean the screens to maintain their effectiveness and appearance.
9. Dispose of Things You Don’t Need
Clutter can provide hiding places for pests. Regularly declutter your home and dispose of items you no longer need. Pay special attention to areas like basements, attics, and garages. Use airtight storage containers for items you wish to keep and consider donating or recycling items you no longer need. Create a regular cleaning schedule to keep clutter at bay and make your home less inviting to pests.
10. Contact a Professional Pest Control Service
While the above measures can help reduce the number of pests in your house, professional pest control services are essential for complete elimination. Toskie’s pest control services ensure thorough and safe pest removal. Our professionals are well-trained, and use verified chemicals to ensure the safety of your family and pets. Regular inspections and treatments can prevent pests from returning and provide peace of mind.
Benefits of Pest Control Services
Here are some key benefits of opting for Toskie's professional pest control services:
Thorough and Safe: Our professionals use safe pesticides, disinfectants, and other verified chemicals. Modern pest control methods are safer and less harmful when used correctly. If you do pest control on your own, always wear gloves.
Affordable: Toskie's pest control services are highly affordable, making it easy to maintain a pest-free home without breaking the bank.
Expertise and Experience: Our technicians are trained to identify and treat a wide range of pest problems. They can provide customized solutions based on the specific needs of your home and the types of pests you are dealing with.
Time-saving: Professional pest control saves you time and effort compared to DIY methods. Our team can quickly and efficiently address pest issues, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
By following these tips and considering professional help, you can keep your home clean, safe, and free from pests. For more information or to book a service, contact Toskie’s pest control today.
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rajan1542 · 2 months
Brisbane Accessibility: Adapting Your Home For Disability Homecare Services
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Ensuring that your home is accessible and comfortable for individuals with disabilities is a crucial step in providing effective homecare services. In Brisbane, making the right modifications can greatly enhance the quality of life for those with mobility challenges, allowing them to live independently and safely. Suppose you are feeling confused and having difficulty finding ways to make your home adaptable for your loved ones. In that case, you can get help from a disability and homecare service provider in Brisbane.   
This blog focuses on suggestions and the best approaches to physical changes to be made in the household to support the need for disability home care for the occupants.
Asses your home before making it adaptable -
Nevertheless, you should start by evaluating your home to determine which areas will benefit from the changes you intend to make. Think about that person's characteristics and seek advice from occupational therapists or other specialists in accessibility.
Check for entrance and exit -
Make sure that there is easy access by providing ramps with a gradient and place handrails that are strong and long at the main entry and exit points in place of stairs. Make sure that door sills and thresholds are between 1 ½ and 1 ¾ inches high and that doors have clear widths of at least 32 inches. One may let in light automatically through the use of automatic door openers.
Modify your interior -
The key thing when designing such homes is to open up the living space to promote mobility by wheelchairs and walkers. Thus, a non-slip flooring material should be installed on all floor areas to avoid slipping incidents and improve safety. Another is having the walk, the light switches, and the outlets installed at a conveniently high level to enhance the use of this area so that basic tasks of the day-to-day are eased, thus improving the independence of the place.
Do some bathroom adjustments - 
Roll-in showers with no threshold must be installed as wheelchair users cannot use showers with thresholds, and hand-held showers and shower seats improve the comfort of the user. Thus, the installation of grab bars by the shower, tub, and toilet is of great help as this minimizes cases of falls. Also, when designing the architecture of the sink and toilet, using those that are specially meant for wheelchairs, with hefty turning disks and a height that can reasonably fit every prone person with sufficient knee implement clearance, shall adequately meet those people’s needs. Make the same adjustments in the kitchen.
Make the Outdoor Accessible -
Accessible Pathways: Ensure outdoor pathways are smooth, wide, and free of obstacles. Use materials that provide good traction.
Accessible Gardening: Create raised garden beds and use accessible gardening tools for those who enjoy outdoor activities.
Incorporate Smart Home Technology -
Voice-Controlled Systems: Integrate voice-controlled systems for lighting, temperature control, and security.
Remote Monitoring: Utilize remote monitoring systems to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.
Look for Funding and Support
Government Grants and Programs: Explore available government grants and support programs for home modifications.
Local Resources: Connect with local disability support organizations in Brisbane for additional resources and assistance. In conclusion, Transforming your home into an accessible haven not only enhances comfort but also celebrates independence and dignity. Imagine a space where every corner welcomes, every pathway invites, and every room empowers. By embracing these thoughtful modifications, you're not just adapting a house; you're crafting a sanctuary of freedom and ease for individuals with disabilities. Together, with disability and homecare service providers in Brisbane, let's build your home a beacon of accessibility, reflecting the vibrant spirit and inclusive heart of our community.
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rprservicesllc · 3 months
What Are Kitchen And Bathroom Components?
The kitchen and the bathroom are that piece of the property which are profoundly inclined to high prone accidents. Kitchen and bathroom issues incorporate broken or missing cupboards, appliances, tools, sink, and numerous essentials considered during the property inspection process. An all-around protected property can maintain a strategic distance from vulnerabilities that can make an unfortunate situation. Although most things in the bathroom and the kitchen are standard, there are some specific items that a property preservation processor understands efficiently. Kitchen Items: The kitchen consists of numerous appliances and requirements that are familiar to any property preservation processor who works in this field. The majority of these machines are basic household things that you know about, for example, Refrigerators, Oven, Stove, and Microwave broilers. Moreover, different things which you probably won’t be exceptionally acquainted with are: Range Hood Filter: A range hood filter removes oil, earth, and different contaminants out of the air over your cooktop. Range hood filters are essential in keeping your kitchen air spotless and new. It evacuates all the ignition items, airborne oil, and smoke while cooking. Appropriate ventilation can guard you against indoor air toxins, and provide proper ventilation to your residence. Garbage disposals:  These are electric gadgets implanted under the kitchen sink between the channel and the trap. It sheds food waste into sufficiently small pieces to go through pipes, and that avoids clogging issues easily. Pea Traps: Pea Traps are another essential component placed under the sink, it is the U-twist shaped like pipes line, which has a reason for catching garbage that channels with the sink and keeps it from passing and obstructing the channel. If the Pea Trap is damaged, bid for it on the work order for the replacement to avoid any further damage. Dishwashers:As the name suggests, they are utilized to wash dishes and is an essential machine in the kitchen that should be available in every family unit. All kitchens will have kitchen sinks with working faucets and channels. Whenever such things are damaged or missing, a bid should be offered. We have to ensure that these cabinets are undamaged if the doors or racks are missing or the cabinet material is plundering, we have to evacuate, and put in new cupboards. If any main appliances are absent in the kitchen, whether the fridge or the range hood, they should all be regularly noted by the processor in the work order. Bathroom Items: Sink: Sinks have faucets that supply hot and cold water and may incorporate a sprinkler to use for better flushing. They additionally consist of a channel to evacuate used water. Sometimes sinks have an integrated soap dispenser. Numerous sinks, particularly in the bathroom, are introduced adjoining or inside a counter. Showers: Most showers have a temperature, splash pressure, and movable showerhead spout. A shower can be installed in a less spaced shower stall or bathtub with a plastic shower window curtain or door. Toilet: Toilet with a proper toilet seat, toilet paper holder, and sink is a vital part of any bathroom. Property preservation inspection is necessary to check these things periodically to avoid any unwanted nuisance in your property. Bathroom vent fan: Bathroom vent fans are a kind of exhaust fan mounted on the roof or mechanical ventilation device that debilitates indoor air to the outside using an adaptable cylinder or metal. They are used to evacuate odor and smell and improves the general air quality of the room.
RPR Services is a property preservation work order processing company, who examine the photographs that are introduced after the investigation of the property and provide the complete report of the state of your kitchen and the bathroom with the solution to neglect the issues that damage the overall tranquility of the property.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Ten
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia’s protégé. She is a tech wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her mentor knows  how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a  knack for   anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one  thing she  fails at   is figuring out is the mind and how it works.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine,
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Somewhere between Episode 15, 16 and 17, Season One.
Glancing beside her once more Penelope frowned when she spotted Evelyn sitting just as she had been an hour ago. Staring listlessly ahead at the screen, her leg pulled up against her chest with her chin resting on her knee. The movie was nearly over. And the red head had yet to make a comment on the progress of it. Penelope had stayed quite on purpose. Giving the red head whatever moment she needed to talk. But with the movie almost over and her patience having run out, the blonde turned to her protégé with a concerned frown.
"Sweetums? You've been so quite tonight." Her voice seemed to break whatever trance Evelyn was in. Blue eyes blinked as she focused on her mentor. Offering the older woman a small smile she rubbed her eyes before heaving a sigh.
"Sorry. I'm just tired." Penelope knew it was more then that. Reaching for the remote she quickly paused the movie and turned towards the younger woman.
"Its been nearly a month now sweetheart. You need to start getting back in your game." Evelyn flinched at Penelope's words, her heart dropping in her chest.
A month.
A month since Sarah Jean's death.
A death she didn't deserve.
And despite her claims that she was fine, Evelyn was anything but. It was like her father's death. But this time it was worse. This time she could've done something about it. This time it could've been avoided.
"I've made my peace with it Penelope. I'll be fine." A big fat lie. And Penelope seemed to think that too. Since she shot a small text to Morgan, asking if he could talk to the red head. The blonde just wanted her hyper yet shy little protégé back. It broke her heart to see Evelyn like this. Working murders was hard enough. But befriending a person on a death sentence was even harder. Knowing they would eventually die.
"Is that it then?" Morgan asked with a satisfied and relieved smile as he observed the neatly stacked boxes at the back of Evelyn's garage. The red head nodded, closing one of the final boxes and placing them on the shelf.
"Yeah! Thanks for lending me your strength Morgan." She added with a smile, dusting her hands to get rid of whatever grime she had gathered. Morgan grinned and waved his hand.
"Nothing to it short stuff. Though I wouldn't say no to your chocolate chip cookies as a thank you." His friend giggled before nodding.
"I knew you weren't helping me out of the goodness of your heart." She called over her shoulder as she led the way through the garage door and into her kitchen where she had baked a fresh batch of said cookies just that morning. Catching sight of the filled cookie jar, Morgan rubbed his hands together, eyes alight with, what Evelyn could only describe as glee.
"Alright! Cookie heaven here I come!" He was about to reach for the lid of the jar when Evelyn smacked his wrist.
"Wash your hands!" She scolded already walking past him to get the milk from the fridge. Morgan rolled his eyes.
"Yes mother." He said in a teasing tone before walking over to the sink to quickly wash his hands.
A few minutes later the two FBI Agents were sitting around the island in the kitchen on stools, eating the cookies. Or rather Morgan was inhaling them while Evelyn was nibbling on her first one. The jar was nearly half empty.
"I gotta hand it to you Evelyn, you are officially the best baker I know." She smiled at the compliment, her cheeks reddening as they always did when she was embarrassed.
"I doubt that Morgan." She mumbled taking a sip of her milk and setting the glass down on the counter. The older agent gave a smile finishing off his glass of milk and reaching for the carton to pour himself another one.
"Speaking of being the best, Penelope told me you've been a little distracted the past few weeks." And there it was. The one thing Evelyn had been trying to avoid. Pursing her lips she turned her attention to the crumbs on the counter, starting to gather them up by pressing the tip of her finger along the surface of the island.
"I told her I was fine. Why won't she just believe me?" Morgan shook his head at her words.
"That's the thing Evelyn. You're not fine. You gotta talk to somebody about what your're feeling. And if you don't wanna do that then you should try to put everything behind you and try to move forward." Evelyn's eyes blazed with a sudden anger as she turned to look at Morgan.
"Well what if I don't want to forget! What if I want to live with the guilt because lets face it Morgan we could've done more to save her but we didn't!" Morgan's expression didn't change one bit at the red head's outburst, he only turned his attention to her full and undivided.
"Kid, there was nothing we could've done to save her. From what I heard Sarah wanted to die. It was her final wish." Evelyn shook her head, hands clenched into tight fists.
"But she didn't deserve to die! She could be alive right now. Maybe even watching her son play the cello!" Her statement was met with a frown of disapproval from Morgan.
"That's your problem Evelyn. You focus and obsess so much over what could've been that you forget to look at what has already happened and accept it." Evelyn stared at Morgan with wide blue, terrified eyes. The agent almost felt sorry for he had said, but knew it had to be done.
"You promised." Her voice was somewhat broken. Her tone accusing. "You promised you would never profile me!" Morgan let out a frustrated sound and shook his head.
"This is not profiling Evelyn. This is pure sense." Suddenly reaching out he grasped her much smaller hands between his, looking at her almost imploringly. "Honey, you have got to start accepting that sometimes life gives us rather unexpected circumstances and we gotta make the best of 'em. We can't keep thinking of the what ifs."
Silence followed his words and Evelyn couldn't bring herself to look at Morgan, suddenly feeling ashamed of her behavior the past month. "She didn't deserve to die." Were the words that she finally spoke, finally lifting her head to meet Morgan's understanding gaze. He gave a humorless chuckle.
"Believe me. Every time we come across a case I think the exact same thing about the victim." Lifting one hand he affectionately patted the side of her cheek and gave her a small smile.
"You gonna be okay now Ginger?" The nickname forced a smile out of her, and she nodded.
"I'll be fine." Morgan accepted her response, knowing she would be alright.
"Good! Otherwise Penelope would've had my head for only upsetting you further." He shuddered at the thought, causing the younger girl to giggle.
"That would've been sad. I happen to prefer a head with my muscles." She poked the side of his shoulder, while he quickly assumed a defensive pose with his arms.
"Sorry sweetheart. My babygirl would be upset if you made a move on me." Evelyn snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Just eat your damn cookies." She grumbled, her cheeks flushing as she pushed the jar towards him. Without another word Morgan proceeded to do so.
Reid had been waiting in the driveway for quite some time now. Since Evelyn was still an agent in training, so to speak, she had to do the mundane tasks of putting away the files and whatever else they had used for cases away in boxes before placing them in the shelves. The Team tried to be as organized as they could be so that she wouldn't have to clean up their messes when it came to the files but none of them had the time since they had to write up reports and such. But Evelyn didn't mind. Morgan had once jokingly referred to her as their little sidekick. Evelyn had argued she was more of a butler like Alfred since she did take care of them. Somewhat. It was another reason she got off work a little later then the rest of them.
The young genius didn't mind waiting for his friend. He was sitting on the porch step, completely immersed in the book he had bought a week or so ago. His eyes quickly scanning over the printed script. Even if he finished the book before Evelyn arrived he had another one in his bag. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caught his attention and he quickly got up at the sight of the woman he had been waiting for. Evelyn frowned at Reid, a little surprised to see him.
"I thought you went home?" She said, finding the key to the trunk of her car and taking out a box cradling it under her right arm as Reid came to stand next to her, having put the book away and with his hands in his pockets.
"I was waiting for you actually. I wanted to talk to you." The man responded as she shut the lid of the trunk and turned to him, still frowning in confusion. Taking her silence as an opening Reid spoke.
"I just wanted to say that you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to Sarah Jean. It was decision. Like you told us when we were searching for Riley. You read her body language and she was never going to go back on her decision. She wanted it to happen. She wanted to die. And it only shows the amount of love she had for her son. And it also shows how strong she was as a mother and a person. Which is a rather rare characteristic because most people would've-"
He was suddenly cut short by a hand being placed over his mouth. His eyes widened slightly before he frowned at the read head, who had to reach up to place her hand there. Her lips were pulled into an amused smile, though her eyes shone with sadness but acceptance at the same time.
"Morgan already talked to me Reid. And I realize it now. There was nothing we could've done." She finally removed her hand, stepping back a little as she did.
"Oh!" A light blush came to his cheeks when he suddenly realized that he had been rambling. Pushing his hair back behind his ear he quickly nodded. "Right! Good! I just wanted to….er…."
Evelyn smiled softly at his stuttering, reaching out to gently pat his hand. "Thank you for caring Spence." She said, using his first name, which she only ever used when things were rather personal between them. A beat of silence where they both simply looked at each other. That beat seemed to stretch on and Spencer suddenly realized that her eyes were probably the most prettiest shade of blue he had ever seen. Evelyn on the other hand was finding it a little hard not to reach out and let her fingers play with his hair. The silence was broken by the sound of a car honking probably a street over. Both agents quickly shook out of their little bubble, bright blushes on their cheeks. Wanting nothing more then to rid herself of the thoughts she had just been having, thoughts she had no idea she would be capable of thinking.
"Hey! I found a few pictures that I think would be really good for your album. If you're still putting it together that is." Evelyn added in the end, her gaze hopeful as she waited for his reply, wandering if he had kept the album. The young genius nodded quickly, doing his best not to stare like he had been a few moments ago.
"Sounds good! I've actually added a few pictures in them already." He admitted, which made Evelyn grin.
"Great! Come on in then!" With that she led the way into her home, the young doctor following in after her, both parties a little surprised at the moment they had just shared.
Yet neither gave it another thought. Almost as if the moment was something they were used to. Something that happened to them unconsciously. And giving it any importance would make any moment in the future seem less significant. So they left it at that.
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primekitchensandmore · 4 months
6 Things To Consider Before Installing Custom Kitchen Cabinets
When planning a kitchen remodel, one of the most critical decisions you will make is selecting the right kitchen cabinets. While some homeowners choose prefabricated options, custom kitchen cabinets in Orlando, FL, offer many benefits including better quality, a perfect fit for your space, and the ability to tailor the design to your tastes. This is why it is advisable to consider custom kitchen cabinets for your home in Orlando, FL. However, there are important factors you need to take into account before starting the installation process. Apart from partnering with professional full house remodeling service providers such as Prime Kitchens And More LLC, here are six essential things to consider before installing custom kitchen cabinets.
1. Budget
First things first, let us talk about your budget. Custom kitchen cabinets can be a significant investment, but they also add substantial value to your home. Figure out how much you are comfortable spending and stick to that budget. Remember, while custom cabinets might be pricier upfront, their durability and personalized design can save you money in the long run by avoiding frequent replacements and adjustments.
2. Kitchen Layout and Space
Understanding your kitchen’s layout is very important because custom cabinets should enhance the functionality and flow of your kitchen. Take accurate measurements and think about how you use the space daily. Do you need more storage? Want to create a specific work triangle between your sink, stove, and refrigerator? Planning these details will help your cabinet designer craft a kitchen that meets your needs perfectly.
3. Material and Finish
The material and finish you choose will significantly impact the look and longevity of your cabinets. Options range from solid wood and plywood to MDF and particleboard, each with its pros and cons. Solid wood, for example, offers unmatched durability and a classic look but can be more expensive. When it comes to finishes, decide if you prefer a natural wood look, painted cabinets, or a laminate finish. Reputable remodeling companies that provide custom kitchen cabinets often feature a variety of styles to suit different tastes.
4. Storage Needs
Think about what you need to store. Custom cabinets allow you to design unique storage solutions tailored to your needs. Consider incorporating features such as pull-out shelves, lazy Susan's, deep drawers, and built-in organizers. By focusing on your specific storage needs, you can maximize your kitchen’s efficiency and keep everything neatly in place.
5. Style and Design
Your kitchen cabinets should reflect your style and complement the overall design of your home. Whether you are looking for a modern, rustic farmhouse style, or something more traditional, custom cabinets can be designed to match. Pay attention to cabinet door styles, hardware choices, and color schemes. Visiting showrooms or consulting with a professional designer can spark inspiration and ensure your vision comes to life.
6. Professional Installation
Lastly, make sure you have a reliable and experienced professional remodeling contractor to install your custom kitchen cabinets. Proper installation is key to ensuring your cabinets function correctly and look their best. A skilled installer will make sure everything is level, aligned, and securely fastened. They can also handle any unexpected challenges that arise during the installation process, giving you peace of mind and a flawless finish.
The Final Word
Investing in custom kitchen cabinets in Orlando, FL, can transform your kitchen into a functional and stylish space tailored to your needs. Considering those mentioned above, you can ensure a successful custom kitchen remodel that adds value to your home. If you are looking to transform your kitchen, search for professional remodeling contractors such as  Prime Kitchens and More that offer reliable and affordable custom kitchen solutions and schedule a consultation.
Source URL: https://primekitchensandmore.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/6-things-to-consider-before-installing-custom-kitchen-cabinets/
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pristinegroupcleaning · 4 months
How to Get Rid of Clogged Restaurant Filters
When a restaurant’s exhaust hood filters get dirty, the fan can’t work properly to pull smoke and grease out of the kitchen. This can make the restaurant filter cleaning, smoky and hot, and customers don’t want to eat in a place that smells like a greasy kitchen. But if you clean your filters regularly, the fan can continue to do its job. The best way to do that is with an automated hood cleaning system like AutoMist. These systems can be programmed to clean your vent system on a schedule that fits with your kitchen’s operations. They work from inside the hood and ducts, spraying a mix of grease-dissolving water and detergent that goes to work to remove accumulated grease.
Using this method eliminates the need to shut down the restaurant for a long cleaning process. It also frees up staff to focus on other tasks. If you don’t want to deal with a third-party kitchen exhaust cleaning company, there are ways you can cut back on the need for a full cleaning by doing things like installing hood access doors to make it easier to get at your filter.
First, start by removing your filters and getting them ready for the cleaning process. They should be wiped down with a sponge or non-abrasive brush to remove loose debris. Then, fill a sink or large container with a solution of degreaser and hot water. Submerge the filters and let them soak for 10 to 15 minutes.
After the soaking, drain the sink and rinse your filters. You can then use the sponge or non-abrasive brush again to remove any remaining grease and dirt from your filter. Now, let the filters air dry before putting them back in the exhaust system.
When you’re finished, your filters should look good as new and be ready for use. They’ll help keep your kitchen cleaner and safer for your employees and customers. And, they’ll help your kitchen exhaust system stay in compliance with NFPA 96 requirements.
A clogged filter can lead to an overworked motor, forcing it to work overtime to push heat and smoke out of the restaurant. That puts the restaurant at risk of a fire. But, when the filters are cleaned on a regular basis and following a cleaning schedule, the fan can continue to do its job without causing a fire hazard.
To avoid costly repairs and expensive re-cleaning, it’s important to follow a cleaning schedule for your exhaust system. A reputable and certified hood cleaning company will clean the entire kitchen exhaust system from the hood canopy to the exhaust fan and baffle filters. This will not only keep the kitchen and customers safe, but it will help you avoid a costly fire. And, it’ll allow you to continue to receive inspection stickers that show when your restaurant is due for a full cleaning by a third-party kitchen exhaust company. This will keep your restaurant in compliance with local and state regulations.
Pristine Group Cleaning provides unrivaled quality cleaning services to Houses, Apartments, Townhouses, Estates, and Small Offices throughout Sydney. Hire our professional cleaning services in Sydney and transform the entire look and feel of your place with us! We are ready to sweep off your feet with cleaning services in Sydney. We are passionate about our work and keep up with technology and progress.
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tmgcompaniesllc1234 · 4 months
TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions Mystic CT
Municipal Pipes
Our organization provides plumbing repair and installation services in Connecticut.
Fixing and Maintaining Plumbing Systems
In the event of any plumbing emergency in Connecticut, TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions is the firm to contact plumber near me Our licenced plumbers have seen it all and are capable of fixing or installing everything you can think of.
For all of your plumbing needs in the Cambridge area, TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions is the company to call. Any plumbing repair you get from us will be of the highest quality, and we stand by that promise. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you are having plumbing issues at your home or place of business.
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By keeping up with routine maintenance, you can avoid the inconvenience and cost of unanticipated plumbing problems. Despite popular belief, indoor air quality is affected by the condition of your home's plumbing. Mold, mildew, and bacteria can flourish in damp, dark places where water seeps out of pipes due to poor water pressure, malfunctioning valves, or burst pipes if not addressed promptly. A dripping sink provides the perfect breeding ground for cockroaches and other unwanted bugs. The respiratory system and general health are vulnerable to the devastation that pests and insects can do. Their presence may exacerbate asthma and allergies, especially in children, according to the available research. This is why it's crucial to address plumbing issues promptly and, ideally, prevent them from happening in the first place.
The value of routine inspections and fixes in warding off more extensive issues
Plumbing maintenance, such as keeping the pipes clean, improves water quality and extends the life of your plumbing system. The plumbing in your home determines the pressure of the water that you feel when you bathe, wash dishes, or brush your teeth. Our licensed plumbers will be able to check the state of your water supply during a regular maintenance appointment. In addition, they can advise you on the best water softening system to install in order to lessen the probability of costly plumbing issues brought on by corrosive minerals blocking and weakening your pipes.
You can relax knowing that our licensed plumbers are doing their best to extend the life of your plumbing system with regular maintenance, even though your home's pipes will inevitably wear out and require replacement.
Common Problems with Plumbing Systems
In the life of a homeowner, there will inevitably be plumbing emergencies. Some problems may be the result of inadequate maintenance or older fixtures, while others may be the result of regular wear and tear on plumbing equipment. Regardless of the nature of your plumbing issue, TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions is here to help. Some of the most typical problems that might develop include:
Plumbing issues such as running toilets, poor water pressure, clogged drains, and dripping faucets are quite typical.
When it comes to plumbing, TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions is ready to tackle any fittings and provide solutions to make sure your systems are running well.
Municipal Pipes
A Guide to Locating Reliable Plumbing Services
A clogged kitchen sink drain or an unflushing toilet could be a major annoyance first thing in the morning. It could take quite a while to look for local plumbing services online. Verify that a plumbing provider satisfies the following requirements before hiring them:
Insurance and Authorization
Goods and Services • Promises • Customer Reviews and Contact Information
Subjects Discussed: • The Company's Community Role • Communication Strategies • Services Provided
Is fixing your plumbing system absolutely necessary? If so, why?
As soon as you notice a problem with your plumbing system, you must take immediate action. You should never put off repairing a plumbing issue because doing so can lead to expensive repairs, health issues, and property damage in the future.
Ignoring plumbing issues, such as leaking pipes, can lead to water wastage, higher utility costs, and property damage. The growth of mold, deterioration of flooring, and corrosion of pipes are all potential results. These problems can threaten the safety and security of your family.
In Search of Reliable TMG Plumbing & Emergency Services? Make Your Call Today!
We are proud of our plumbing specialists' lightning-fast response times and comprehensive repair and maintenance services. Exceptional service, long-lasting equipment, and dependable plumbing repairs are our top priorities. To exceed your expectations, we will stop at nothing short of perfection.
Regardless of the hour, our trained staff is devoted to providing precise plumbing repairs at a guaranteed fixed fee. We will not rest until we guarantee your total satisfaction with our services.
Convenient, Quick, and Reliable Plumbing Services Near Me in Connecticut
Is a dependable plumber in the Connecticut region something you require? No matter what, you can rely on TMG Plumbing and Disaster Solutions. Being a top CT plumbing company that can cater to your unique needs with trustworthy and efficient plumbing services is something we take great pride in. At TMG Plumbing and Disaster Solutions, you can trust that our highly-trained staff will deliver exceptional service. We have the resources to handle any plumbing emergency, no matter how large or little.
Our Connecticut emergency plumbers are available 24/7 to respond to your plumbing needs. We guarantee to be there for you at the moment you require our services the most, since plumbing emergencies can come whenever you least expect them. We can handle any and all plumbing needs in Connecticut. Maintenance, repairs, new installs, and upgrades are all within our capabilities. No task is too big or too little for our staff.
Professionalism and reliability are hallmarks of the job done by TMG Plumbing and Disaster Solutions. Our meticulousness brings us great joy, and we are committed to exceeding your expectations in every way. Avoid hassle and uninterrupted service due to plumbing problems. Quickly contact TMG Plumbing and Disaster Solutions if you find yourself in need of a plumber in the Connecticut region. You can rely on us to consistently deliver high-quality work at affordable pricing.
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thedraindoctor1 · 4 months
What Are the Common Causes of Blocked Drains in Miami?
Dealing with blocked drains in Miami can be a frustrating experience that disrupts daily life. Understanding the common causes of these blockages can help you prevent them or at least know when to call a blocked drain plumber in Miami before things get worse. This article will explore the typical reasons drains get blocked in Miami homes, offering insights into how to avoid these plumbing headaches.
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1. Hair and Soap Scum Buildup
One of the most frequent culprits behind blocked drains, especially in bathrooms, is the accumulation of hair and soap scum.
How It Happens
Showering and Bathing: Hair and soap residue wash down the drain each time you shower or bathe. Over time, they stick together and to the walls of the drain pipes.
Lack of Regular Cleaning: Failing to clean out the drain regularly allows this combination to harden and become more difficult to remove.
Prevention Tips
Use Drain Guards: Install a drain guard to catch hair before it enters the pipes.
Regular Cleaning: Clean the visible parts of your drains weekly to prevent buildup deep within the pipes.
Signs of a Problem
Slow Draining: If water starts to drain more slowly than usual, it’s often a sign that a clog is forming.
Water Pooling: Water standing in the shower or bathtub indicates a blockage.
2. Grease and Fat
Kitchen sinks are particularly vulnerable to blockages caused by the improper disposal of grease and fat.
How It Happens
Cooking By-products: Grease and fats from cooking can solidify inside the plumbing, reducing the effective diameter of the pipes and eventually leading to a blockage.
Washing Dishes: When greasy dishes are washed, fats enter the plumbing system, cool down, stick, and accumulate over time.
Prevention Tips
Dispose of Grease Properly: Never pour grease down the drain. Instead, let it cool and scrape it into the trash.
Use Hot Water Sparingly: Hot water can help prevent grease build-up, but it’s not a foolproof solution since it can solidify further down the system.
Signs of a Problem
Bad Odors: An unpleasant smell from the kitchen sink can be a telltale sign of grease buildup.
Gurgling Sounds: These sounds indicate trapped air pushing through the gunk in your pipes.
3. Foreign Objects
Drains are often blocked by items that should not be flushed down toilets or pushed down sink drains.
How It Happens
Accidental Dropping: Small objects can accidentally fall into the drain and become lodged.
Improper Flushing: Items like sanitary products, wipes, and even excess toilet paper can block pipes if flushed.
Prevention Tips
Educate Household Members: Make sure everyone in your home knows what should and should not go down the drain.
Install Childproof Locks: If you have young children, consider childproof locks on toilet lids to prevent the flushing of toys and other objects.
Signs of a Problem
Immediate Blockage: Unlike build-up blockages that develop over time, foreign objects can cause an immediate stoppage.
Inconsistent Flushing Efficiency: Toilets not flushing as powerfully or completely could indicate a partial blockage.
4. Tree Roots
In Miami, the lush landscape is beautiful but can be a hidden menace to your plumbing.
How It Happens
Root Intrusion: Tree roots seek out water sources, and if there are leaks in your underground pipes, roots can grow into them, causing blockages.
Older Pipes: Older, cracked, weak pipes are more susceptible to root intrusion.
Prevention Tips
Regular Inspection: Inspect your pipes to identify potential weak points where roots might intrude.
Manage Landscaping: Be mindful of planting trees near underground pipes or choose species with less invasive root systems.
Signs of a Problem
Sudden Drop in Water Pressure: If the water flow in your home suddenly decreases, it could be due to roots constricting a pipe.
Unexplained Increase in Water Usage: Leaking pipes caused by roots can result in higher water bills.
Conclusion: Keeping Miami Drains Clear
Blocked drains are more than just a nuisance; they can lead to significant plumbing disasters if not addressed. By understanding the common causes—hair and soap buildup, grease and fat, foreign objects, and tree roots—you can take proactive steps to prevent blockages. Implement regular cleaning routines, be cautious about what goes down your drains, and consider annual inspections by a professional. These practices will help keep your Miami home's plumbing in top shape and minimize the need for emergency interventions.
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blsahoo · 6 months
5 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Black Kitchen Sink
If you're thinking about buying a black sink for your kitchen, there are a few things you need to know. In this blog post, we'll discuss five important things to consider before making your purchase.
1 The first thing you need to consider when buying a black kitchen sink is the material. Black sinks are made from a variety of materials, including granite composite, cast iron, stainless steel, and fireclay. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Granite composite sinks are durable and resistant to scratches and stains. Cast iron sinks are heavy and durable, but can chip and scratch easily. Stainless steel sinks are lightweight and easy to clean, but can be noisy. Fireclay sinks are durable and resistant to chips and scratches, but can be expensive. Consider your lifestyle and budget when choosing the material for your black sink.
Size and Configuration
2 The size and configuration of your black sink is also an important consideration. If you have a small kitchen, a single bowl sink may be the best option for you. If you have a larger kitchen or do a lot of cooking, a double bowl sink may be more practical. Additionally, consider the depth of the sink. A deeper sink can accommodate larger pots and pans, but can be harder to reach into.
3 Before purchasing a black sink, you'll need to consider the installation process. Some sinks are easier to install than others. Undermount sinks are installed beneath the countertop for a seamless look, but require professional installation. Drop-in sinks are easier to install but have a visible rim that can collect dirt and grime.
4 Like any other sink, black sinks require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. To avoid staining, be sure to wipe down your sink after each use. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive sponges that can scratch the surface of the sink. If your sink does get stained or scratched, you may be able to remove the damage with a non-abrasive cleaner.
Style and Design
5 Finally, consider the style and design of your black sink. There are many different styles to choose from, including farmhouse, modern, and traditional. Consider the overall aesthetic of your kitchen when choosing a sink. A modern black kitchen sink can add a touch of sophistication to a contemporary kitchen, while a traditional black sink can complement a classic design.
In conclusion, a black sink can be a stylish and functional addition to any kitchen. Before making your purchase, consider the material, size and configuration, installation process, maintenance, and style and design. By taking these factors into account, you can choose the perfect black sink for your kitchen that meets all of your needs and fits your personal style.
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