#third life season 4
horizon-penblade · 2 years
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subtomumbo · 9 months
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She's dead Scar
You won
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gltchlmon · 2 years
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he’s just a little guy who’s cursed by the narrative
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puffin-smoke · 2 years
Joel's fixation on submarines is surprisingly wholesome for someone who assisted in a triple homicide this session.
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titiro · 2 years
Praying and praying and praying. God pls have given us clethubs teamup in life series 4 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 if not manifesting for next session .
Like to charge rb to cast
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hyffae · 2 years
i want Jimmy to win this season but i also want Impulse to win. the best possible outcome would be Jimmy doesnt die first and Impukse wins. like just- i NEED
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scarabies-real · 2 years
Over analyzing the life series s4 announcement
but I’m like super sick and have a fever so it’s barely comprehensible and probably very wrong
Many people are taking this to mean that the new series drops in 24 hours but I have a different theory. You see, hermitcraft s9 dropped on March 5th 2022. I believe it is extremely likely that life series s4 episode 1 will drop on the same date. The hermits have shown themselves to enjoy being cryptic and messing with us, so it would make sense that they act like it’s dropping in 24 hours, only for it to be a few days. They wouldn’t be mean, however, and make it much longer than that. It’s not really their style.
So if 24:00:00 doesn’t mean when the episode is live, what does it mean?
This is where we look to past, smaller series in between hermitcraft seasons. Mainly, 100 hours in minecraft hardcore. The timer that was used in Grian’s announcement is the exact same as the timer that is used in the mini series 100 hours in minecraft hardcore.
I believe that the 24:00:00 timer is the time that the lifers have to survive until they gain another life.
Let me explain.
In Grian’s announcement, he uses these three emojis
Now, my first thought when I saw this was, hmm, that’s weird, why is it not 🍏💛🔴 if it’s representing a loss of lives and turning into a yellow and then red life?
That, my friends, is because it represents the opposite.
I believe the lifers will start out with 3 lives and lose their lives as usual. However, they will have the opportunity to gain lives back as long as they survive for 24 hours and not take any damage. This part is very important, because if someone is on red life (and therefore aggressive and Killing People) and still wishes to be on red life, they will have to continuously take damage to remain as such. Not every minute, but just enough to reset the timer. This puts the red lives in a very vulnerable position that makes them easier to kill if they attack a green or yellow life.
In turn, yellow lives will be able to kill aggressive red lives much easier, but they have a higher chance of becoming a red life if they are taking damage to remain a yellow life.
Green lives fulfill a very specific role, and that is the keepers of golden apples. Each green life will carry with them one golden apple, which may grant someone of their choosing a life, but not themselves. You will only get one golden apple at the beginning of the game and lose it as soon as you turn into a yellow life, and turning from yellow back to green will not give you a new golden apple.
This makes green lives the most valuable in the game, as they can prolong someone’s life at any time. Red lives may even ally with green lives to keep themselves alive, or yellow with green to ensure they don’t turn red.
This makes the beginning of the game both collaborative and the most important stage of the game. Players must work together to keep each other alive and remain green lives, and alliances formed during this stage are likely to keep throughout the entire game. Players forming alliances may decide that someone will stay a green life while someone else intentionally loses their life to become yellow or red, so that they have a backup in case they are in danger of losing their last life.
It is unlikely that red lives will immediately go after green lives, since there is always a chance of swaying them to their side and gaining a Hail Mary in case one of their attacks goes wrong.
This setup will prioritize charisma, manipulation, and bribes as player traits and actions, and overall will both prolong the game time and make it very narratively interesting as we watch how alliances change over time and how players choose which life they wish to be on, whether they prioritize safety as a green life, or wish to tear it all down as red life.
That’s my analysis! It’s probably very wrong and doesn’t make sense but oh well. I am going to go pass out in the bathtub again love y’all o7
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lifesmpseries · 2 years
I have watched all the Limited Life smp videos I wanted to watch, and I just wanted to say: That was Awesome!
But here’s the burning question:
Most of these people have died once, and there are probably some people angry at Grian for re-rolling the boogie TWICE.
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Remember when third life was meant to be a small experimental series that was 'easy to make content on' and could 'exist alongside hermitcraft ' and 'wouldn't interrupt regular video scheduling"????
Honestly I don't even care I love this series to much to care
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spacetrashpile · 2 years
on my hands and knees begging for the life giving mechanic to return this season but you can give a life to a perma dead person as long as they died within that session (probably only the first time they perma die as well). can you imagine it. imagine how last life could’ve changed.
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subtomumbo · 2 years
Why does he need a Babysitter each Life series? First life series piece ever!!
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kohol-la-montre · 1 year
I'm new to Tumblr but I just wanted to share this old fanart I did of Ren the Red King !
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puffin-smoke · 2 years
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mysteriousmoss · 2 years
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cameraflowers · 2 years
So they recorded on Monday (feb 27th)
They usually record and edit for the week of release so they can keep things moving…
Last time they released videos on Friday…
Y’all I think it might drop as soon as this Friday (march 2nd)
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Imagine if 3LSMP S4 takes the name of an existing fic / fan series.
I've seen a 'Crazy Life'. And a 'New Life'. Imagine the fallout of the next series being named that. How funny that would be.
(And god forbid LLSMP S4 is called Battle Life I will just about DIE)
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