#this MIGHT eventually evolve into an alterbeing care blog but rn its only for sourcecalls :]
rqsourcecalls · 8 months
Hi everybeing! This is a blog dedicated to sourcecalls for alterbeings! Radqueer, transID and fact- alterbeings are 100% welcome here!
This blog is run by @jestersrq, call us Jester (it/its) :]
No real rules for sourcecalls, but here are some guidelines vv !
What is your source? Who are/were you in source?
How cannon compliant are/were you in source?
Are you looking for anyone in particular?
What is your alterbeing type? (System member? Kin? Link?)
What is your (chrono and/or intra) age?
Do you have a preference for sourcemate's (chrono and/or intra) age?
Are you looking for a particular type of relationship to a sourcemate?
How can (potential) sourcemates contact you?
These are all optional, you can make your sourcecall however you want to! I do recommend at least including a way of contacting you though, even if it's "interact with this post, I'll message you" :P
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