#this also means the 'oceans of kisses' line was not relates to Mina getting married and is just how they greet each other
arbitrarity · 2 years
new headcanon about Lucy's happy August 30th letter:
the description Lucy gives and the date definitely don't line up, both in terms of being in Whitby and feeling great; it's even more clear with Arthur's letter to Seward the next day pleading for help with Lucy's health. I thought it might be either the letter having the wrong date or Lucy just putting on a face for Mina. but what if it's a bit of both? what if Lucy wrote the letter when she was back in Whitby but didn't actually SEND it until August 30, after she got Mina's letter about her marriage?
I can see Lucy in Whitby, actually getting that reprieve from being drinked by Drac after he leaves for London. Arthur comes to visit and they have a lovely time, and she starts to feel better! full of blood life! she writes a letter to her lovely Mina gushing with hope. but then she hesitates...
Mina has left to go meet Jonathan. in a foreign hospital. with no idea what's happened to him and barely an idea of his current state. she's given Lucy the address but neither know what she's going to find when she arrives there. can Lucy really send Mina this letter of happiness when she doesn't know the state it will find her in when it arrives? what if The Worst has happened to Jonathan... Mina might be glad to hear Lucy is feeling better, to know that she doesn't have to worry too much, but how would she feel reading a letter of Lucy's dates with Arthur if her own love is a broken man or dead...
so Lucy doesn't sent it. she waits. she waits until she hears from Mina, til she gets the letter she sent full of happiness and hope and love! Mina is a happy, married woman! what a relief, Lucy can absolutely write back to her now. but now she's back in London and she's drained ill again, and she's afraid and alone. how can she possibly reply and tell Mina that she's glad for her, but that she herself is wasting away. Arthur has noticed and is so worried; she doesn't want to worry Mina too, when she's finally gotten some happiness in her life...
so she doesn't write a new letter. instead, she picks up the letter she wrote back in Whitby... thinks that's what she wants Mina to hear, and sends it dated for today, August 30. the letter is true, afterall, just not the whole truth. and who knows, maybe her health will be restored again by the time Mina returns home anyway. it's a compromise but also maybe a hope, maybe a small reassurance to Lucy that things could be okay again soon...
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