#this ask doesnt just reek of reddit it reeks of loneliness and tragedy
animentality · 1 year
Nice try at a roast, kid. People actually like my writing though. I got three r/nosleep stories on the front page. What is you got? A book nobody wants to read? Kek you wokies are delusional. By the frickin way... my pronouns are fuck/you so don't misgender me!
oh my god guys, i've never gotten an ask that reeked so strongly of reddit
i could smell this guy coming from 2000 miles away.
a good thing too, because i sure am terrified of reddit toughguys. gotta pack my bags and get my things, or else he might give me a lecture on how minorities such as Women in video games signal the end of civilization as we know it.
he might Just Tell Me How It Is, or say Facts Don't Care About My Feelings, or even call me a Kid again. How will I ever recover?
#im also laughing at the idea that having a trending post on reddit is like#an achievement?#what a weird thing to be proud of#i go viral on tumblr all the time and all i know is shame lol#at least my books are something i made that is original and different#write a book anon#do something that matters instead of karma farming and sending anon hate#if you think youre a good writer then write something beautiful#instead of whatever the fuck this is#wasting your time sending me asks that ill just find amusing#ive been around#sporto#i strongly suspect im much older than you bc you come across like a 13 year old who just found his parents' iphones#the constant use of the word kid#as if youre not a greasy little insecure high schooler whos just hopped up on a tiktok algorithm of andrew tate imitators#this ask doesnt just reek of reddit it reeks of loneliness and tragedy#but theres hope for you#theres a chance you could turn around by your twenties and be rightfully ashamed of how you used to be#and thats why i forgive how embarrassing youre being right here and now#we all do embarrassing things as teens#one day youll cringe#or#or you wont and youll go down the reddit hole trap and end up a bitter 40 year old straight white man with no girlfriend wife kids or frien#friends#and youll wonder why the world hates you#and the answer will be that you hate you#and all of your mistakes stem back#to spending all of your time online instead of making connections with yourself and others#btw you should kno#you actually do smell
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