#this chapter in particular (chapter 22) is a bigger one in terms of content
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A little Chell and Gladys from my fic Years of Science, since it's been a bit since I worked on the fic
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terramythos · 4 years
TerraMythos' 2020 Reading Challenge - Book 22 of 26
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Title: House of Leaves (2000) 
Author: Mark Z. Danielewski
Genre/Tags: Horror, Fiction, Metafiction, Weird, First-Person, Third-Person, Unreliable Narrator 
Rating: 6/10
Date Began: 7/28/2020
Date Finished: 8/09/2020
House of Leaves follows two narrative threads. One is the story of Johnny Truant, a burnout in his mid-twenties who finds a giant manuscript written by a deceased, blind hermit named Zampanò. The second is said manuscript -- The Navidson Record -- a pseudo-academic analysis of a found-footage horror film that doesn’t seem to exist. In it, Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson moves into a suburban home in Virginia with his partner Karen and their two children. Navidson soon makes the uncomfortable discovery that his new house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Over time he discovers more oddities -- a closet that wasn’t there before, and eventually a door that leads into an impossibly vast, dark series of rooms and hallways. 
While Johnny grows more obsessed with the work, his life begins to take a turn for the worse, as told in the footnotes of The Navidson Record. At the same time, the mysteries of the impossible, sinister house on Ash Tree Lane continue to deepen. 
To get a better idea try this: focus on these words, and whatever you do don’t let your eyes wander past the perimeter of this page. Now imagine just beyond your peripheral vision, maybe behind you, maybe to the side of you, maybe even in front of you, but right where you can’t see it, something is quietly closing in on you, so quiet in fact you can only hear it as silence. Find those pockets without sound. That’s where it is. Right at this moment. But don’t look. Keep your eyes here. Now take a deep breath. Go ahead and take an even deeper one. Only this time as you start to exhale try to imagine how fast it will happen, how hard it’s gonna hit you, how many times it will stab your jugular with its teeth or are they nails? don’t worry, that particular detail doesn’t matter, because before you have time to even process that you should be moving, you should be running, you should at the very least be flinging up your arms--you sure as hell should be getting rid of this book-- you won’t have time to even scream. 
Don’t look. 
I didn’t. 
Of course I looked. 
Some story spoilers under the cut. 
Whoo boy do I feel torn on this one. House of Leaves contains some really intriguing ideas, and when it’s done right, it’s some of the best stuff out there. Unfortunately, there are also several questionable choices and narrative decisions that, for me, tarnish the overall experience. It’s certainly an interesting read, even if the whole is ultimately less than the sum of its parts. 
First of all, I can see why people don’t like this book, or give up on it early (for me this was attempt number three). Despite an interesting concept and framing device, the first third or so of the book is pretty boring. Johnny is just not an interesting character. He does a lot of drugs and has a lot of (pretty unpleasant) sex and... that’s pretty much it, at least at the beginning. There’s occasional horror sections that are more interesting, where Johnny’s convinced he’s being hunted by something, but they’re few and far between. Meanwhile, the story in The Navidson Record seems content to focus on the relationship issues between two affluent suburbanites rather than the much more interesting, physically impossible house they live in. The early “exploration” sections are a little bit better, but overall I feel the opening act neglects the interesting premise. 
However, unlike many, I love the gimmick. The academic presentation of the Navidson story is replete with extensive (fake) footnotes,and there’s tons of self-indulgent rambling in both stories. I personally find it hilarious; it’s an intentionally dense parody of modern academic writing. Readers will note early that the typographical format is nonstandard, with the multiple concurrent stories denoted by different typefaces, certain words in color, footnotes within footnotes, etc. House of Leaves eventually goes off the chain with this concept, gracing us with pages that look like (minor spoilers) this or this. This leads into the best part of this book, namely... 
Its visual presentation! House of Leaves excels in conveying story and feeling through formatting decisions. The first picture I linked is one of many like it in a chapter about labyrinths. And reading it feels like navigating a labyrinth! It features a key “story”, but also daunting, multi-page lists of irrelevant names, buildings, architectural terms, etc. There are footnotes that don’t exist, then footnote citations that don’t seem to exist until one finds them later in the chapter. All this while physically turning the book or even grabbing a mirror to read certain passages. In short, it feels like navigating the twists, turns, and dead ends of a labyrinth. And that’s just one example -- other chapters utilize placement of the text to show where a character is in relation to others, what kind of things are happening around them, and so on. One chapter near the end features a square of text that gets progressively smaller as one turns the pages, which mirrors the claustrophobic feel of the narrative events. This is the coolest shit to me; I adore when a work utilizes its format to convey certain story elements. I usually see this in poetry and video games, but this is the first time I’ve seen it done so well in long-form fiction. City of Saints and Madmen and Shriek: An Afterword by Jeff VanderMeer, both of which I reviewed earlier this year, do something similar, and are clearly inspired by House of Leaves in more ways than one. 
And yes, the story does get a little better, though it never wows me. The central horror story is not overtly scary, but eeriness suffices, and I have a soft spot for architectural horror. Even Johnny and the Navidsons become more interesting characters over time. For example, I find Karen pretty annoying and generic for most of the book, but her development in later chapters makes her much more interesting. While I question the practical need for Johnny’s frame story, it does become more engaging as he descends into paranoia and madness.
So why the relatively low rating? Well... as I alluded to earlier, there’s some questionable stuff in House of Leaves that leaves (...hah?) a bad taste in my mouth. The first is a heavy focus on sexual violence against women. I did some extensive thinking on this throughout my read, but I just cannot find a valid reason for it. The subject feels thrown in for pure shock value, and especially from a male author, it seems tacky and voyeuristic. If it came up once or twice I’d probably be able to stomach this more easily, but it’s persistent throughout the story, and doesn’t contribute anything to the plot or horror (not that that would really make it better). I’m not saying books can’t have that content, but it’s just not explored in any meaningful way, and it feels cheap and shitty to throw it in something that traumatizing just to shock the audience. It’s like a bad jump scare but worse on every level. There’s even a part near the end written in code, which I took the time to decode, only to discover it’s yet another example of this. Like, really, dude? 
Second, this book’s portrayal of mental illness is not great. (major spoilers for Johnny’s arc.) One of the main things about Johnny’s story is he’s an unreliable narrator. From the outset, Johnny has occasional passages that can either be interpreted as genuine horror, or delusional breaks from reality. Reality vs unreality is a core theme throughout both stories. Is The Navidson Record real despite all evidence to the contrary? Is it real as in “is the film an actual thing” or “the events of the film are an actual thing”? and so on and so forth. Johnny’s sections mirror this; he’ll describe certain events, then later state they didn’t happen, contradict himself, or even describe a traumatic event through a made-up story. Eventually, the reader figures out parts of Johnny’s actual backstory, namely that when he was a small child, his mother was institutionalized for violent schizophrenia. Perhaps you can see where this is going... 
Schizophrenia-as-horror is ridiculously overdone. But it also demonizes mental illness, and schizophrenia in particular, in a way that is actively harmful. Don’t misunderstand me, horror can be a great way to explore mental illness, but when it’s done wrong? Woof. Unfortunately House of Leaves doesn’t do it justice. While it avoids some cliches, it equates the horror elements of Johnny’s story to the emergence of his latent schizophrenia. This isn’t outwardly stated, and there are multiple interpretations of most of the story, but in lieu of solid and provable horror, it’s the most reasonable and consistent explanation. There’s also an emphasis on violent outbursts related to schizophrenia, which just isn’t an accurate portrayal of the condition. 
To Danielewski’s credit, it’s not entirely black and white. We do see how Johnny’s descent into paranoia negatively affects his life and interpersonal relationships. There’s a bonus section where we see all the letters Johnny’s mother wrote him while in the mental hospital, and we can see her love and compassion for him in parallel to the mental illness. But the experimental typographical style returns here to depict just how “scary” schizophrenia is, and that comes off as tacky to me. I think this is probably an example of a piece of media not aging well (after all, this book just turned 20), and there’s been a definite move away from this kind of thing in horror, but that doesn’t change the impression it leaves. For a book as supposedly original/groundbreaking as this, defaulting to standard bad horror tropes is disappointing. And using “it was schizophrenia all along” to explain the horror elements in Johnny’s story feels like a cop-out. I wish there was more mystery here, or alternate interpretations that actually make sense. 
Overall The Navidson Record part of the story feels more satisfying. I actually like that there isn’t a direct explanation for everything that happens. It feels like a more genuine horror story, regardless of whether you interpret it as a work of fiction within the story or not. There’s evidence for both. Part of me wishes the book had ended when this story ends (it doesn’t), or that the framing device with Johnny was absent, or something along those lines. Oh well-- this is the story we got, for better or worse. 
I don’t regret reading House of Leaves, and it’s certainly impressive for a debut novel. If you’re looking for a horror-flavored work of metafiction, it’s a valid place to start. I think the experimental style is a genuine treat to read, and perhaps the negative aspects won’t hit you as hard as they did to me. But I can definitely see why this book is controversial. 
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neuxue · 6 years
I was looking back at the TEotW live blog entries and I noticed the distinct shift in authorial quality from then to now, which made me curious as to what goes into creating a chapter of the live blog at this stage? You've evidently solidified your style over the years, and it would be nice to know how much effort goes into something we enjoy. Thank you for your work, and I promise Sanderson gets better at writing Mat.
Ha, yeah, I’m a little afraid to ever look at the early posts again because I’ll probably want to crawl under a rock and die of shame, but hopefully they’re at least entertaining…and hopefully the quality shift is in the right direction ;)
Short answer: nowadays, a liveblog chapter usually takes 4-8 hours to write, depending on the chapter’s length and content and how much I care, how I’m feeling that day, etc. To put this in context, when I first started the liveblog I made 2-3 posts per day, of 2-5 chapters each, and a post took me 1-2 hours.
The biggest challenge is therefore finding several hours during which I know I can sit down and do a full chapter. It’s easy enough to find an hour or two, but it’s a lot harder to find 6, and I hate having to split a chapter across several days because I never feel like I can get into it as well. This is mainly because I write while reading, so it feels disjointed if I can’t do it all in one sitting.
To answer your question more thoroughly…as you say, it’s been a case of writing my way into a style that works for me (YMMV, of course). I can’t recall specifically deciding to change anything; as far as I can tell it’s been a mostly gradual change (which adds up to quite a large change when looking at the endpoints). There are a few main contributing factors, which might give a better answer to the question of what goes into a liveblog post now, as opposed to just an amount of time.
Investment, engagement, and progress in the story. I simply didn’t have as much to say when I first started. I didn’t know anything about the world or the characters or the story yet, so while there was a lot to learn and begin piecing together early on, I wasn’t nearly as invested in it as I am now. I also didn’t have as much to draw from; if I were to reread TEotW now, I’m sure I would have far more to say, because a lot of the richness is a product of the story as a larger whole. The more context you have, the more important each individual piece will start to seem.And I care a lot more about the story and the characters now than I did when they were first introduced, so I want to look more closely and go deeper and challenge myself more.  
What I get out of it / what I want to get out of it. This whole thing started as a fun method of procrastination when I was at university. Since then, it has evolved into more of…is it pretentious to say ‘an intellectual exercise’? Being Funny On The Internet is really not my strong point, whereas I actually like writing longer freeform ‘essays’ and getting into detailed analysis. I like having the freedom that a first-time close-read provides to dig into whatever takes my interest, whether that means line-by-line (over)analysis of a particular sequence, or drawing parallels between events or characters, or writing essays on the use of POV as a tool for exploring identity, or whatever else. Because I’m a massive nerd who loves this kind of thing, and this format lets me do whatever I want with it.I’ve actually learned quite a lot about myself as a reader during this whole absurd project, especially about what I want from a story, what kinds of things I like to think about, and what things I could not give less of a fuck about. I want a book that makes me think, and I want to be challenged in some way. When I say the liveblog is primarily for me, I’m really not kidding. I’d be thinking about these things anyway, and this just gives me more structure and ability to do so, because I have to follow my thoughts through and frame them more clearly.Of course, there’s something of a flipside, which brings me to…
Expectations, both my own and other people’s, real or perceived. Probably not surprisingly, I tend to expect quite a lot (too much) of myself. Part of the reason I chose to do the liveblog in a stream-of-consciousness as-I-read format was to give myself as much freedom as possible from those expectations. When I first started, it didn’t matter if one post felt sloppy, or if I skipped over an interesting line, or even if I missed bigger ideas. But as time and wordcount went on, and I got more invested, it felt more and more important to pick up on everything, and to make every post good. (Spoiler alert: I did not make every post good).Maybe it shouldn’t matter to me how many people are reading this and what they think, but I’m human and I have flaws and also an ego. When I first started, I wasn’t thinking of it as work that I was putting on display, or something that would be read and judged as an example of my capability or intelligence or whatever. But as it started to change in style/content, and as more and more people were reading it and responding to it, there was more of a sense of…pressure (an illusion of my own perception, just to clarify, not anyone’s fault). Like I had to exhibit my best work every time, because I suppose I care more what people think of my analytical ability than what they think of my bad one-liners.It’s positive in that it pushes me to produce better work, and encourages me to spend more time on things I find interesting because it turns out there are people who like reading what I come up with. Which is awesome! But as (perceived) expectation increases, it gets harder to produce content quickly. When it didn’t matter, I could spit out several posts a day. Now, I have to spend more time – I want to spend more time; if I’m going to do this I’m going to do it well. But the longer it takes, the better I want each piece to be so that the only post in a month isn’t a shitty one, so then each post takes more time, so then…you get the idea.(To illustrate: every time I think about the Rhuidean sequence there’s a part of me that throws up an absurd amount of self-criticism for not ‘doing those chapters justice’. Because they’re some of the best chapters of the series, but at the time I hadn’t progressed enough in the series or my style to spend as much time on those chapters or analyse them as well as I might now. Also, at the time I felt like I was already doing way more than I had before, and I worried even then that it was too much somehow. Check my tags on that one; I laugh at them now, and it’s clearly a Turning Point in the style of the liveblog, but I was actually quite insecure about it at the time).
The general passage of time. The Wheel of Time turns…when I started this, I was a 22-year-old university student. Now I’m (masquerading as) a Real Adult. 3 years isn’t that long, but people change over time. There are things I’ve formed or changed or relinquished opinions on, and things I care more or less about. My priorities and goals, both day-to-day and longer term, have shifted, some in small ways and some in larger ones. Most of that isn’t going to directly impact a tumblr liveblog of an epic fantasy series, but there’s definitely an indirect impact.  The other thing to consider in terms of ‘time’ is the approach to a short-term project vs a long-term one. I initially saw this as light short-term fun, meaning I could go all-in, use all my spare time on it, and put aside other projects and hobbies for a while. When it became clear that it was not going to be a matter of 2-3 months, that had to change. I wish I could still spend nearly all my free time on this, just as I wish I could get paid to travel wherever I want while reading whatever I fancy. Unfortunately, real life seems to disagree, so the liveblog has had to slow down. 
All that said, I am still enjoying this – it’s been a surprisingly and incredibly fun, fascinating, and rewarding project, and I am still absolutely committed to seeing it through.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Exclusive Details on Michael Bloomberg’s Plan to Rein in Wall Street
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Bloomberg leans left and takes aim at Wall Street
Exclusive: We’re the first to report Mike Bloomberg’s proposals for changing how the financial industry is regulated, which he is planning to announce this morning. The plan features ideas that wouldn’t be out of place for Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.Among Mr. Bloomberg’s proposals:• A financial transactions tax of 0.1 percent• Toughening banking regulations like the Volcker Rule and forcing lenders to hold more in reserve against losses• Having the Justice Department create a dedicated team to fight corporate crime and “encouraging prosecutors to pursue individuals, not only corporations, for infractions”• Merging Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac• Strengthening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and “expanding its jurisdiction to include auto lending and credit reporting”• Automatically enrolling borrowers of student loans into income-based repayment schemes and capping paymentsMany of the proposals are a reversal from Mr. Bloomberg’s previous stance on financial regulation. In 2011, he complained that Democrats were taking “punitive actions” against Wall Street that could harm the economy. And comments he made in 2015 linking the financial crisis to the end of banks’ so-called redlining practices have drawn fierce criticism in recent days.It’s a sign of how far left Democratic presidential hopefuls feel they need to go to succeed in this year’s primary — even with a multibillion-dollar war chest. Mr. Bloomberg’s financial transactions tax plan is remarkably similar to one that has the backing of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.Progressive critics are likely to argue that it doesn’t go far enough. Many Democrats have proposed some sort of wealth tax, while Ms. Warren has called for a complete overhaul of the private equity industry and Mr. Sanders wants to break up the big banks.Bloomberg’s campaign insists he isn’t flip-flopping: On the Volcker Rule, for instance, a spokeswoman said: “When it was introduced, as now, Mike was skeptical of regulators’ ability to divine traders’ intent.” His new plan would focus “on the outcome of speculative trading — big gains and losses — rather than on traders’ intent.”
Apple cuts sales guidance over coronavirus
The iPhone maker was one of the first big companies to reveal how the coronavirus outbreak was affecting its business. The company said yesterday that “a slower return to normal conditions than we had anticipated” forced it to scrap its guidance for revenue this quarter.There is more to come. China’s central position in global supply chains — and as a huge market in itself — means that the outbreak could ripple through company’s financials for months.Good luck, analysts! The virus outbreak’s negative but uncertain effects are coming up often in earnings calls: “Coronavirus” has been cited in 170 investor presentations by S&P 500 companies in the past month, according to a search of transcripts in S&P Capital IQ. Apple’s forecast for future profits was already more vague than usual “due to the greater uncertainty,” Tim Cook, its C.E.O., said last month.Taking a different approach, Walmart said this morning that its forecast for the current financial year didn’t take into account any potential effects of the virus outbreak.
HSBC makes ‘ruthless’ cuts in U.S. and Europe
The London-based bank said this morning that it planned to cut about 35,000 jobs over the next three years as it retreats from the West to focus more on Asia.“We are intending to exit a lot of domestically focused customers in Europe and the U.S. on the global banking side,” Ewen Stevenson, the bank’s C.F.O., told Bloomberg Television. He said the lender would make “surgical and ruthless” cuts to underperforming businesses.The plan is to accelerate investment in its Asian and Middle Eastern businesses, which already generate nearly half of its revenue. That’s the strategy that Standard Chartered, another London-based, Asia-focused bank, has followed.The initiative may not be enough. Shares in HSBC dropped 3 percent this morning. Alan Higgins, the chief investment officer of Coutts & Company, told Bloomberg that the strategy was “on the conservative side.”
Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion on climate change
The Amazon chief has announced his biggest charitable donation to date, a fund to study and fight climate change, Karen Weise of the NYT writes.Mr. Bezos is a latecomer to large-scale charitable giving, starting in 2018 with a $2 billion program to combat homelessness created with his then-wife, MacKenzie.Amazon has been under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint. It revealed in September that it emitted about 44.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018, making it one of the world’s top 200 emitters. And employees have called on the company to stop providing services to oil and gas industries.“One hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” said Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a group of workers protesting the company’s environmental practices.
Europe’s venture capitalists are getting serious
Atomico said this morning that it had raised Europe’s largest-ever independent tech venture fund, worth $820 million. The London-based venture capital firm’s founder, Niklas Zennstrom, told Michael in an interview that it was a sign of how the European start-up industry is coming into its own.There are now 99 “unicorns” — VC-backed start-ups worth at least $1 billion — in Europe, compared with 22 five years ago. “Companies are taking on bigger challenges, and there’s more ambition and experience,” Mr. Zennstrom said.That enabled Atomico to raise more money for its fifth fund than the $750 million it had originally planned. Among the investors in this fund are founders and early employees of Atomico-backed companies like Spotify, the payments company Klarna and the game maker Supercell. Mr. Zennstrom himself is a Swedish billionaire who co-founded Skype.But Mr. Zennstrom sees hurdles ahead:• Valuation multiples for European start-ups aren’t as high as those for U.S. companies. (There are twice as many V.C.-backed unicorns in the U.S., according to PwC.) Even so, Mr. Zennstrom said that unlike their American rivals, European start-ups were more focused on creating businesses that can become profitable.• Although Europe has plenty of gifted coders, getting them to come to a particular start-up — often in a different country — is a challenge.
Mark Zuckerberg calls for global rules for online content
While on a trip to Europe, the Facebook founder suggested that new rules and standards were needed to promote public trust in tech platforms.“I believe good regulation may hurt Facebook’s business in the near term, but it will be better for everyone, including us, over the long term,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in an FT opinion piece. Facebook also published a white paper with “guidelines for future regulation.”E.U. officials rejected his proposals. “It’s not enough. It’s too slow, it’s too low in terms of responsibility and regulation,” said a European Commissioner. And in response to Mr. Zuckerberg’s opinion piece, George Soros wrote a letter to the FT calling on the C.E.O. to “stop obfuscating the facts by piously arguing for government regulation” and urging him to resign.
The speed read
Deals• Pier 1 Imports filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. (NYT)• Univision is reportedly in talks to sell itself to an investor group for about $10 billion, including debt. (WSJ)• Alstom agreed to buy Bombardier’s train division for up to $6.7 billion to take on China’s CRRC. (Reuters)• Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold a third of its stake in Goldman Sachs and a fifth of its shares in Wells Fargo. (Reuters)Politics and policy• The millennial goal of retiring early would be bad news for the Fed if they could manage to do it. (NYT)• Some employees at Oracle are protesting plans by their C.E.O., Larry Ellison, to hold a fund-raiser for President Trump. (Business Insider)Tech• Germany is poised to let Huawei into its 5G wireless network, a blow to the Trump administration’s fight against the Chinese telecom giant. (NYT)• The SoftBank-backed hotel platform Oyo reported a fourfold increase in revenue and a sixfold rise in its annual loss. (Bloomberg)• Palantir revamped its compensation to give employees bonuses in restricted stock, to save cash ahead of a potential I.P.O. (Bloomberg)Best of the rest• BlackRock has become a symbol for anticapitalist fervor in France (NYT)• The N.B.A. commissioner, Adam Silver, said that the league’s rift with China could cost it up to $400 million in lost revenue. (CNBC)• Have global carbon emissions peaked? The short answer is probably not. (Bloomberg)We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Read the full article
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simontams · 7 years
100 Favourite Character Asks:
Thought I'd make my own one of these because I'm bored~ Sorry, they're very long ones... Mention the favourite Character that you chose each time you answer...! _______________________________ 1. Who do you ship them with, if anyone? ❤️ 2. Do you know their middle name? If they don't have one or one isn't mentioned what would you choose for them? 💬 3. How do you view them in regards to yourself? (i.e. Would you call them your spouse, partner, child, friend, more of a sibling, etc, or even enemy (cause we all know how far loving to hate characters can go). 👬 4. What colour do you associate them with? 💛 5. What do you headcannon their hogwarts house to be/ do they have a canon one? (i.e. They're from Harry Potter). 📚 6. In one sentence, summarise why they are your favourite character. 🖊 7. Are they, by definition, alive? If not and you'd choose to bring them back, how would you go about that? ⚰️ 8. If they were to meet another character you like from any other franchise, who would you choose and why? Would they become friends? 👽 9. If you met them do you think you would both get along well? What would you bond/ argue over? 🤓 10. If you were organising a nice, well deserved break for them, what place would you choose, what kind of holiday would it be, and who would you invite along? 🏖 11. You're making them breakfast on a chill Sunday morning, what do you give them and do they stay to eat with you? If so, what do you chat about? 🍳 12. You can change one thing about your character for better or worse, what is it? Do you think it would affect their personal storyline/ how they interact with other characters if this happened? 🤔 13. What flower would you associate with them and if for any particular reason, why? 🌸 14. Would you rather your character be killed off (despite their current canon status) and the franchise keep going without them for a long time or have the series/ book/ game/ comic/ anime, etc, last long enough with them in it to see them gradually loose personality and focus, becoming out of character? 🖥 15. Your character gets to canonically punch somebody else in the franchise in the face, who do you choose and why? (Did they do something to them or do you as the person who enjoys the show, etc, just have a personal vendetta so it wouldn't make sense in terms of plot?). 👊 16. They're organising a surprise date for their significant other, what do they plan and can they keep it a secret before the actual event?! 🔐 17. What sort of weird, hidden talent would you not be surprised they had? 🏸 18. Headcannon something cute and sentimental that they would characteristically do, for example, keeping a photo album of friends or impulsively getting their partner flowers for no specific reason? 💌 19. Do you dislike any ship that they're canonically a part of? Or any that's popular with fans that you don't agree with/ anybody at all really that you would theoretically hate to see them in a romantic relationship with? 💔 20. Who do they view as their best friend and what kind of inside jokes do you think they would have with this person? 💞 21. What kind of music do they like/ do you think they'd like? How do they choose to listen to it- vinyl, cd, download, cassette, live, etc- and can you name any specific modern artists that they'd enjoy? Would they like your personal taste in music? 🎶 22. Give one canon bad habit they have and a headcannon of one you think is plausible. 🍺 23. What is your favourite quote of theirs? 🗯 24. Who in the franchise do they not interact with a lot or not at all that you think they should see more of? 🤝 25. The main few characters of the show gets them a birthday present from each of them, what do they buy your character? Do they like it? What would you give them? 🎁 26. What do you think their mbti type is? Is it the same as yours? 😯 27. What do you imagine was their favourite story/ fairytale as a kid? What would their small self enjoy about it? 📖 28. Are they part of Lgbtq+ canonically/ do you view them to be even if not canon? 🏳️‍🌈 29. What is their nighttime routine? 😴 30. What do their canon interests/ hobbies include? 🎮 31. Top 3 things you wish you had seen them do/ become or that you wish for them to do in the future, if still ongoing? 💍 32. You and them have a hand wrestle- who wins- how do they react? Are they a sore loser, passionate winner or indifferent at the whole scenario occurring in front of them? 💪 33. They're your favourite character right? You intensely appreciate their fictional existence- what do you wish casual fans would appreciate more about them and, in turn, what factor of their hidden depth as a character, if any, do you find the most interesting? 👁 34. You're introducing them to your family, how and where do you do it? How does your character behave/ what does your family think of them? 👥 35. You swap roles for a day and you take on their daily routine and they take on yours...How do you find that? How do they? 👩🏻‍💻 36. You're allowed to design a tattoo for your character? What is it of? Or would you appreciate that they characteristically wouldn't like one and walk away? If they get it, and it's revealed, how do they react? 💘 37. Do you relate to them on any level? 🔍 38. You're placing them into the world of another franchise you enjoy for a week, what is it and can your character cope for that long, in terms of physical thereat, drama and other characters? Might they even enjoy it? 🌎 39. In your opinion, what's the most out of character thing they've done/ said in any form of canon? 🙄 40. They're asked the common question 'if you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you take with you?', what do they answer? Are they logical or sentimental? 🏝 41. You get to say one sentence to them at one point in their timeline...what do you choose to tell them and when is this? Is it something hopeful when they're in a bad situation, is it thanks, a general joining in of present celebrations with them, a congratulations, a tip or clue to help them at the time, or even a joke to cheer them up, etc? 📢 42. If it's the same day and time in their location as it is presently is in yours, what would they currently be doing? ...I'm guessing the majority of answers here will be 'sleeping'... ⏰ 43. What percentage do you think their phone is usually on, or would be on if they don't canonically have one, what's their home screen and lock screen? 📱 44. What's their 5 most prominent character traits? Are they common traits within your other loved characters? Do you personally think that you posses any of these traits? 😎 45. If they weren't doing their current job what do you think they'd be good at? Is it something you'd enjoy to do too? 👩🏽‍⚕️ 46. Describe their handwritings appearance/ if not seen or plausible what do you think it would look like? 📝 47. What common fear do they have? Are they scared of spiders, heights, clowns, etc... do they have any canon unusual fears? 🤡 48. You are gifted with their company for 24 hours- but you can't leave your home town/ city, etc- what do you choose to do? Where do you go? Would they enjoy the company and change of scenery or would they storm off? Do you or them take charge with the planning or do you have similar interests and compromise? (Relates to number 9, in a way). ⏱ 49. You have to rename them after anybody you know in real life, what do you think would suit them? Would it make sense in their world/ location/ time period? 💭 50. When asked 'truth or dare?' what do they pick? Have they got something to hide or are they just really courageous and unpredictable? Are they genuinely honest and love to share or are they simply scared of acting inappropriately? Do you relate to their answer and reasoning? 💡 51. At what moment were you the proudest of your character? ☺️ 52. Is your character your current tumblr icon or background on any of your blogs, main or side? 💻 53. Your character meets the one character you associate with each of your friends, does it go well? Who are they meeting? Do any of them get along? Do any of the interactions shadow that of you and that particular friend compared to their character and yours? ☕️ 54. Can you think of any specific plot point or character storyline that would have been drastically influenced if your character did not exist in that franchise? In what way? Does their existence impact the bigger picture to the point of the canon or future estimated ending being completely different? 💥 55. It's a Saturday and they've invited you to theirs to watch a film or two for the evening with a takeaway, what is their movie and menu of choice, (specific or in general), and would you have chosen differently? Who falls asleep first and who, after seeing 3 films is eager to play another? Or are you both messes? 🍕 56. You have to swap favourite characters with a friend for the day? Who do you trust with this one and which character out of all of the options would you rather spend the day with? 😟 57. With your current set of cooking skills you have to make a meal for your character, this is your one chance of impressing them, what do you make and how does it go? If it goes wrong are they angry or do they have an alternate solution? 🍴 58. Does their fashion sense play a large part in their overall character, does it represent them, personality, uniform, etc, what is your favourite part about it and how long could you pull off wearing what they wear for, if at all? What would they comment about how you dress? 👔 59. Does any particular song, album or artist remind you of this character? 🎧 60. A bit weird, but considering you can't sense it through a screen or the pages of a book, what do you think they smell like? 🍉 61. If they had tumblr what would they blog about? What would their url be? Would they be aesthetic or are they meme trash? ...Would they follow you and your current content? 🐸 62. Would you rather kill them or could you not bring yourself to do it and they would kill you? 🔪 63. What do they dream about? 🦄 64. You take the reigns for a bit, write an episode/ chapter, etc, and whatever you say about the character becomes canon- what do you do with that power? 👀 65. If they were an animal what would they be and why? 🦋 66. What is their place of living like? Do they keep it tidy/ what's in it, etc? Is this canon or do you have any any theories about what their apartment or similar area might look like/ be organised? 🏠 67. What annoys your character the most? Pet peeves and the like. Traits and actions- Lying, feet on furniture, cluttered space, disloyalty, etc...in the same way, what do they value the most in a person? 😒 68. What is the difference between you and your characters last known/ current age- go to that number question if possible- it might be unknown or they could be immortal so estimate how old they look in mortal terms or how you imagine them to- and list another one of your favourites that you haven't been answering this for and answer that question alone on their behalf instead. 🔢 69. What about them/ which of their scenes makes you laugh? What makes you smile contently? What makes you frown? What makes you role your eyes? And finally what makes you want to give them a good shake? 🙃 70. Everyone's a critic- name something genuinely problematic and unnecessary about your character. 👎🏼 71. Do they have a pet/ if they did what would it be and along what lines would they call it/ would they not like one? 🐾 72. What's their idea of an ideal weekend? 🌤 74. What's their most valuable skill/ power? If it's something of significance in the plot do they ever use it to save/ harm anybody? 🥇 74. If they started a band, what would their role be, what would it be called and which other characters would be in it? 🎸 75. If they acted arguably unforgivably against another character in the franchise that you love, would you defend them when faced with other fans or at least let it slide? Or would you loose a significant amount of respect, enough to degrade them so they weren't your favourite anymore? 😨 76. Okay it's the majority vs the few scenario, save the world at the cost of a life- Would you choose to save every character that you have ever loved from all of the franchises that you follow if it meant sacrificing this all time favourite character to an irreversible fate? 💀 77. If you asked them 'What is the worst then best thing that has ever happened to you?', what would they tell you? 😬 78. On a scale of won't-walk-on-cracked-pavement to the-worlds-supposed-to-end-this-year-I-gotta-pack, exactly how superstitious are they? ☄️ 79. Name another favourite character of yours that is the polar opposite to this ultimate fave and in what way is that so? 🎭 80. What revelation shocked you the most about them, if any? Or what scene they were a part of did you find the most surprising and intense? 😱 81. What rules do they live by? Do they seem to have a sort of moral code? If they go by their own set of rules that dramatically conflict most people's or none at all has this ever caused them to clash with anyone or caused issues in any way? How strongly do they believe in this set of morals? 🚫 82. Are they 'the chosen one'? Or even a main character? 👑 83. They can time travel- either theoretically or in canon- and have no limitations on this ability: they can go back in time and influence their past- what do they change, how and why? Is it for their own sake or somebody else's? 🌀 84. Picture your character in your head...just imagine them a little bit...there we go: What expression is on their face? What are they wearing? What are the doing? What mood are they in? this is how you view them the most prominently...wow no... 🤠 85. Are they religious in any way? 🕍 86. How's their poker face? 😐 87. How do they pose in a photo if they have to be in it? Are they happy about it? Or are they the one taking it? 📸 88. Gimme one interesting fact about them that most people don't know, something random or obscure briefly referenced in some decade old short story or a long lost webisode? If you can't think of one... make it up and sell it. Make me believe it- not many people will be able to tell either way 🙊 89. Do they prefer sweet or savoury foods? 🍰 90. How did/ would they/ do they do in school, are they top of the class? Popular? Shy? Intelligent? Weird? Quirky? Bullied? Are they the bully? Do they have a stereotypical highschool sweetheart, are they in any clubs? Do they often get detention? ⚽️ 91. What is your character unapologetically confident about? When do they get passionate and excited? Where do they feel welcomed and comfortable? How do they express this? 🔭 92. If your character was a part of Disney, if they're not already, who would they be and why? ⭐️ 93. You want to get somebody to become interested in the characters franchise? How do you go about selling it and is this character your main selling point? 🗣 94. Tell me about them on Christmas Day? Where are the planning to go? Who are they with? What are they wearing? What do they eat? What do they get and how do they react? Are they excited? Do they help cook or decorate? How are they with the weather? Did they put the star/ angel on the top of the tree? How do they kick back on Christmas night? What do they do on Christmas Eve in anticipation? Do they work through the holiday? What are some personal traditions for this character this time of the year? Do they sing along to all of the songs? 🎄 95. Write a quick and catchy summary of your character for their dating profile 😏 96. Your character is an undercover spy: what do they choose to call themselves as a code name 🕵🏼‍♀️ 97. What common stereotype, if any, does your character fit? 💋 98. If your character was a sim what kind of stupid situation would they get themselves into a daily basis? If they are a sim up until this point I'm calling u out 😂 99. A zombie apocalypse breaks out, or an alien invasion or some kind of sudden, doomsday scenario- what is their instinct? Who do they call? Where do they run? What do they pack? Where do they hide? Or do they stay and fight for their home? What side of them is shown in this time of desperation? What methods do they use to stay calm? Or are they the first to loose it? Do we see some true colours coming to the surface? Bravery? Selfishness? Rebellion? Protectiveness? 🔦 100. Have they influenced your life in any direct way? For example, influencing your opinion on something, anything they've said making you think, what they represent having meaning to you, something about them helping you or guiding you in any way ...💝
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christianmenatwork · 4 years
Good News and Bad News-Selah23-CMAW091
Good News and Bad News -Start with bad news, if our heart isn't totally committed to Jesus Christ in a relationship vs. a religious spirit, we're a not a true follower of Jesus, anything less than total surrender to Jesus doesn't cut it, we understand this type of commitent is a necesary part of a marriage, God shows us how He wants our relationship to have that same, even higher commitmment, In Eph 5:25-33 he compares those 2 relationships, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might [g]sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. 30 For we are members of His body, [h]of His flesh and of His bones. 31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband" -Eph 5:25-33, "For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God" Exodus 20:5, In Revelation Jesus talks to John about 7 churches.  All of these churches did good things, but Jesus rebuked or corrected all of them, except 2, Smyrna called the Persecuted Church and Philadelphia called the Spiritual alive church, The Laodicean church called the Luke Warm church Jesus said he would spit them out of His mouth, in Matthew 5:28 Jesus says "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." in this and other passages he shows that it's not enough to keep the Laws or commandments in terms of your actions you have to guard your heart and take captive all your thoughts to the obedience of Christ, the Psalmist understood this in Ps 139:22-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties;24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." 1 Samuel 16:7 says "For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  Jesus blasted the Pharisees for having good outward appearance while neglecting matters of the heart, Matthew 23:27 Jesus said "“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness",   Rom 8:6 "For to be [b]carnally minded is death" vs 7 says "Because the [c]carnal mind is enmity against God", notice Paul talks about our mind not what we do with our hands and mouth, my Pastor says a good way to think about our sin is 3 words: doing, thinking, saying, my pastor also spoke recently about racism that we've made great strides as a country at politically correct, i.e. we've gotten good at not doing and saying certain things when it comes to race, but being PC doesn't change the heart, I'll personally testify that doing the "right" things in marriage but having an angry, judgmental, non-loving and non-compassionate heart will lead to strife, bitterness, and pain, when it comes to our work if we do a "good job" at work but our heart is filled with discontent, envy, judgment and we're not in relationship with God while we're at work, we will be miserable in our job and will not prosper, here's another piece of bad news: good intentions are worthless, saying "I'm trying" or "I'll try to do better" if worth than doing nothing at all, let me be transparent with an example of this: I recently started carrying a small NT/Psalms Bible from the Gideons with me to work, I just realized and am ashamed to admit that I've been doing this for weeks and not once have I looked at it, are you now ready for some good news? Let me start with the First Light Devotion from Pastor Brian Biggers sent on July 9 - "I have always loved the twenty first chapter of John. It is the great story of Simon's restoration. It is also God speaking to you and me revealing what He is really like at heart. Perhaps no one in history has blown it with God like Simon. He was Jesus' dearest friend; the one Jesus took with Him everywhere. He was the one that Jesus confided in and looked to most often. As a side note, the fact that God chose a redneck, ignorant, uneducated fisherman to be His best friend brings me great hope! When told of Christ' impending arrest and murder Simon vowed that even if all abandoned Him, he would stick with Him. You know the story. In His greatest hour of need at a mockery of a trial, Simon told all present that He had never met the Man. When pressed about the issue he cursed and swore that he had no idea who Jesus was. Some friend! Far be it from me to look down my nose at the famous fisherman. My loyalty could be questioned at no few times. As often happens when a follower of Christ messes up very badly, Simon went back to his old life at sea assuming that his days in God's inner circle were over after His public failure. What a shock to look up from his nets early one morning and see Jesus standing on the shore! First time he had seen Jesus since he had cursed Him and watched as Jesus turned to gaze at him without speaking. What would He do? What does God do to people that betray Him and abandon Him? When Simon arrived at the shore Jesus invited him to eat breakfast that was prepared on a coal fire. As they sat around the fire not a word was spoken about the downfall. It was never mentioned again. Finally, after eating, Jesus looked at Simon and asked him, "do you love me"? He replied, no doubt with deep humility, "yes Lord, you know I love you". After his response Jesus simply said, "tend my sheep".  This is God. This is how He treats people that mess up. Big time. No revenge. He didn't even ask him if he thought he could do better from now on. With Him the question is never "can you behave". It’s always "do you love me"? He is immediately restored in his relationship with Christ and repositioned as the chief preacher in God's great movement. Who cannot love a God that forgives that freely and never gives up on His plans for you? How about you? Have you missed it with Him? Blown it big time? Here's the message of the Bible. If you're not dead, God's not done!
Father, I would have given up on me a long time ago. Your mercy makes no sense. Thank God!
Now I want to borrow from the message I heard from Pastor Adam Cook this morning about freedom, Adam and Eve were naked, content and connected, this was God's will all of use, by comparison now all who sin are marked by shame, striving and separation.  Think about that for a moment, how those 3 things describe aspects of your life, I don't have to think hard to think about how they apply to mine, think specifically about your work, shame shows up in awareness of the mistakes we make at work, not measuring up to our co-workers or to standards set by ourselves or our boss or both,, striving shows upo in feeling like we're working hard, seeing our work as boring or drudgery, being a perfectionist being prideful of of our work which only brings us misery as we judge others we see as not measuring up to our standards, separation shows up at work when when we feel lonely at work, disconnected from others and from God, waiting for church on Sunday to feel spiritual but otherwise feeling like we're just blending with the world while we're at work, working for the dollar or working for the weekend,, buy heart of Jesus in John 8:34-36 Jesus says "34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.", 1 Corinthians 32:17 NIV says "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom", Galatians 5:1 NIV says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  We just celebrated Independence Day in the U.S., in America value highly our freedom, you could say we worship it, when it comes to politics both sides have their own version of what freedom means, I'm realizing more and more that freedom by worldly standards is not true freedom, I like the definition of spiritual freedom that my Pastor Adam gave "the unhindered experience of the presence of God".  The curse that came from sin giving us shame, striving, and separation is reversed by Jesus if we walk in it. We can walk in the cool of the day with Jesus, as my Pastort said, it's like God is saying to us you can swing and miss but you can’t fail because you’re free in me, that is the abundant life that only comes from surrendering our lives to Jesus not just when we're born again but in our daily walk at work and everywhere else
Grant Smith update
1 Thess 4:11-12 NIV "11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."
9) Pray (before, during and after meeting)
Check out this episode!
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mastcomm · 5 years
Exclusive Details on Michael Bloomberg’s Plan to Rein in Wall Street
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Bloomberg leans left and takes aim at Wall Street
Exclusive: We’re the first to report Mike Bloomberg’s proposals for changing how the financial industry is regulated, which he is planning to announce this morning. The plan features ideas that wouldn’t be out of place for Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Among Mr. Bloomberg’s proposals:
• A financial transactions tax of 0.1 percent
• Toughening banking regulations like the Volcker Rule and forcing lenders to hold more in reserve against losses
• Having the Justice Department create a dedicated team to fight corporate crime and “encouraging prosecutors to pursue individuals, not only corporations, for infractions”
• Merging Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
• Strengthening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and “expanding its jurisdiction to include auto lending and credit reporting”
• Automatically enrolling borrowers of student loans into income-based repayment schemes and capping payments
Many of the proposals are a reversal from Mr. Bloomberg’s previous stance on financial regulation. In 2011, he complained that Democrats were taking “punitive actions” against Wall Street that could harm the economy. And comments he made in 2015 linking the financial crisis to the end of banks’ so-called redlining practices have drawn fierce criticism in recent days.
It’s a sign of how far left Democratic presidential hopefuls feel they need to go to succeed in this year’s primary — even with a multibillion-dollar war chest. Mr. Bloomberg’s financial transactions tax plan is remarkably similar to one that has the backing of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Progressive critics are likely to argue that it doesn’t go far enough. Many Democrats have proposed some sort of wealth tax, while Ms. Warren has called for a complete overhaul of the private equity industry and Mr. Sanders wants to break up the big banks.
Bloomberg’s campaign insists he isn’t flip-flopping: On the Volcker Rule, for instance, a spokeswoman said: “When it was introduced, as now, Mike was skeptical of regulators’ ability to divine traders’ intent.” His new plan would focus “on the outcome of speculative trading — big gains and losses — rather than on traders’ intent.”
Apple cuts sales guidance over coronavirus
The iPhone maker was one of the first big companies to reveal how the coronavirus outbreak was affecting its business. The company said yesterday that “a slower return to normal conditions than we had anticipated” forced it to scrap its guidance for revenue this quarter.
There is more to come. China’s central position in global supply chains — and as a huge market in itself — means that the outbreak could ripple through company’s financials for months.
Good luck, analysts! The virus outbreak’s negative but uncertain effects are coming up often in earnings calls: “Coronavirus” has been cited in 170 investor presentations by S&P 500 companies in the past month, according to a search of transcripts in S&P Capital IQ. Apple’s forecast for future profits was already more vague than usual “due to the greater uncertainty,” Tim Cook, its C.E.O., said last month.
Taking a different approach, Walmart said this morning that its forecast for the current financial year didn’t take into account any potential effects of the virus outbreak.
HSBC makes ‘ruthless’ cuts in U.S. and Europe
The London-based bank said this morning that it planned to cut about 35,000 jobs over the next three years as it retreats from the West to focus more on Asia.
“We are intending to exit a lot of domestically focused customers in Europe and the U.S. on the global banking side,” Ewen Stevenson, the bank’s C.F.O., told Bloomberg Television. He said the lender would make “surgical and ruthless” cuts to underperforming businesses.
The plan is to accelerate investment in its Asian and Middle Eastern businesses, which already generate nearly half of its revenue. That’s the strategy that Standard Chartered, another London-based, Asia-focused bank, has followed.
The initiative may not be enough. Shares in HSBC dropped 3 percent this morning. Alan Higgins, the chief investment officer of Coutts & Company, told Bloomberg that the strategy was “on the conservative side.”
Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion on climate change
The Amazon chief has announced his biggest charitable donation to date, a fund to study and fight climate change, Karen Weise of the NYT writes.
Mr. Bezos is a latecomer to large-scale charitable giving, starting in 2018 with a $2 billion program to combat homelessness created with his then-wife, MacKenzie.
Amazon has been under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint. It revealed in September that it emitted about 44.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018, making it one of the world’s top 200 emitters. And employees have called on the company to stop providing services to oil and gas industries.
“One hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” said Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a group of workers protesting the company’s environmental practices.
Europe’s venture capitalists are getting serious
Atomico said this morning that it had raised Europe’s largest-ever independent tech venture fund, worth $820 million. The London-based venture capital firm’s founder, Niklas Zennstrom, told Michael in an interview that it was a sign of how the European start-up industry is coming into its own.
There are now 99 “unicorns” — VC-backed start-ups worth at least $1 billion — in Europe, compared with 22 five years ago. “Companies are taking on bigger challenges, and there’s more ambition and experience,” Mr. Zennstrom said.
That enabled Atomico to raise more money for its fifth fund than the $750 million it had originally planned. Among the investors in this fund are founders and early employees of Atomico-backed companies like Spotify, the payments company Klarna and the game maker Supercell. Mr. Zennstrom himself is a Swedish billionaire who co-founded Skype.
But Mr. Zennstrom sees hurdles ahead:
• Valuation multiples for European start-ups aren’t as high as those for U.S. companies. (There are twice as many V.C.-backed unicorns in the U.S., according to PwC.) Even so, Mr. Zennstrom said that unlike their American rivals, European start-ups were more focused on creating businesses that can become profitable.
• Although Europe has plenty of gifted coders, getting them to come to a particular start-up — often in a different country — is a challenge.
Mark Zuckerberg calls for global rules for online content
While on a trip to Europe, the Facebook founder suggested that new rules and standards were needed to promote public trust in tech platforms.
“I believe good regulation may hurt Facebook’s business in the near term, but it will be better for everyone, including us, over the long term,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in an FT opinion piece. Facebook also published a white paper with “guidelines for future regulation.”
E.U. officials rejected his proposals. “It’s not enough. It’s too slow, it’s too low in terms of responsibility and regulation,” said a European Commissioner. And in response to Mr. Zuckerberg’s opinion piece, George Soros wrote a letter to the FT calling on the C.E.O. to “stop obfuscating the facts by piously arguing for government regulation” and urging him to resign.
The speed read
• Pier 1 Imports filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. (NYT)
• Univision is reportedly in talks to sell itself to an investor group for about $10 billion, including debt. (WSJ)
• Alstom agreed to buy Bombardier’s train division for up to $6.7 billion to take on China’s CRRC. (Reuters)
• Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold a third of its stake in Goldman Sachs and a fifth of its shares in Wells Fargo. (Reuters)
Politics and policy
• The millennial goal of retiring early would be bad news for the Fed if they could manage to do it. (NYT)
• Some employees at Oracle are protesting plans by their C.E.O., Larry Ellison, to hold a fund-raiser for President Trump. (Business Insider)
• Germany is poised to let Huawei into its 5G wireless network, a blow to the Trump administration’s fight against the Chinese telecom giant. (NYT)
• The SoftBank-backed hotel platform Oyo reported a fourfold increase in revenue and a sixfold rise in its annual loss. (Bloomberg)
• Palantir revamped its compensation to give employees bonuses in restricted stock, to save cash ahead of a potential I.P.O. (Bloomberg)
Best of the rest
• BlackRock has become a symbol for anticapitalist fervor in France (NYT)
• The N.B.A. commissioner, Adam Silver, said that the league’s rift with China could cost it up to $400 million in lost revenue. (CNBC)
• Have global carbon emissions peaked? The short answer is probably not. (Bloomberg)
We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected].
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Learn How To Make More Money With SEO 2019
The particular search engine optimization (SEO) will be an important design feature associated with the website that enables the particular spider or robot to very easily access it, thereby increasing the visibility on the internet. If you understand you might have VERY lower-quality doorway pages in your site, a person should remove them or re-think your SEO strategy if a person want to rank high within Google for the long phrase. One of the difficulties engines like google and Bing have often attempted to overcome is knowing which external links exist exclusively for SEO purposes and which usually links represent a true sign that the source content is definitely of value to the visitors. 2018 has currently seen some particularly significant SEO paradigm shifts from Mobile First” in order to the ever-advancing Rankbrain machine-learning protocol. Content marketing is definitely a bigger approach which along with SEO forms a part associated with your digital marketing strategy. What You Should Know: This future of search engine optimisation is Semantic SEO. Links plus technical SEO are the biggest pieces of the pie, yet multimedia efforts such as video clip, photos, and podcasts will become the game changer and differentiator in many competitive markets. Occasional, and We do more occasional and not really frequent, usage of keywords plus keyword phrases in these hyperlinks may also help very somewhat in your SEO processes. Excelling at SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION means serving your visitors—not simply search engines. Here arrives the idea of SEO or even search engine optimization. The particular fact remains that SEO solutions assure clients that even in case the site will not position among the top search motors like google, the money will certainly not be a waste owing to the refund. We cover every topic throughout the digital marketing sphere like SEO, technical SEO, local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, PPC, SEM, content marketing, CRO, analytics, backlink, marketing strategy, mobile phone marketing, social media marketing in addition to much more. Any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION company has to be capable to create high quality articles on an ongoing basis. SEO is the method for making changes to the website to be able in order to improve its position in the particular search engines like google. Robert thinks that by 2019 most cellular searches will be conducted simply by voice by mobile devices or even virtual assistants in fact this is very important to obtain your positioning in the lookup engine ranking positions as shortly as possible. As the particular factors search engines like Search engines, Bing, and Yahoo use in order to rank sites are kept key and change frequently, we develop all known SEO best methods into every Squarespace site. Black hat SEO may get you to the best of SERP in a brief time, however, search engines such as google will most probably punish and ban the website more rapidly or later. If might read from the beginning, a person know that links are the key SEO ranking factor. Generally there are 2 types of research engine optimization or SEO. Now, pay near attention to the components the fact that make up on-page SEO, because this is where non-SEO professionals will be able to create the most meaningful impact in their search engine rankings. Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine almost all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO approach that effectively promotes your pictures business, driving new traffic and even taking into consideration the requirements of the site visitors while you concentrate on perfecting the art is a really highly effective tool. SEO is Lookup Engine Optimization and it is definitely required for make a internet site view-able. And you may see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO content material remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have developed from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service suppliers are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Appeal to international people to your sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link creating (easy-to-get links no more possess much value) and keyword study (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For illustration, the phrase ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less aggressive phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION targets increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all some other websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to providing SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of initial, first-run presentations covering the newest SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent network opportunities. SEO combines official lookup engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This is usually a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed in order to give attendees an end-to-end watch of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and touchable things they can do right now to improve their SEO functionality. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO specialists realized just how much key phrase frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your content so it shows up a lot more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) will be becoming critically important for generating traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. "SEO" is a term that will be used to describe the procedure by which visitors a specific site is increasingly generated simply by search engines by means of search results. These white-hat cellular SEO tips will help a person to avoid internet search motor penalties and maintain better on-line visibility. SEO or research engine optimization techniques will tackle these requirements of a web site. AI and tone of voice search have already begun in order to impact SEO, and as these types of technologies continue to develop, we all can expect to see a lot more changes in the way SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is performed. In the second chapter of our SEO guidebook, you will learn how lookup engines work, how people make use of them and what type of research queries they submit. You need in order to provide regular posts either daily or at least several occasions 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Rely On SEO 2019 Anymore a week in order in order to gain a following and supply enough unique SEO content in order to keep your search engine rankings high, attract new viewers plus convince people that you are usually the expert in your industry. Voice research will change the way you interact along with search engines and it will certainly make SEO even more aggressive and vital to online achievement. Our SEO outreach team connect your brand and curated content with key on-line influencers to get people speaking about you & sharing your own message. Yet, with the research engines like google continually modifying their rules SEO may appear confusing and overwhelming. Understanding what these words really suggest, and how SEO analysts make use of them to boost your home page's search engine results, may become a whole other story. But definitely, the acronym many people ask about is SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or search engine optimization. Between this plus 2017's Best SEO Campaign honor from the UK Search Honours, it's clear the world will be starting to recognize Elephate since one of the most trustworthy SEO and Content Marketing organizations in Europe. To understand how SEO functions to improve search rankings, we will have to break it straight down a little. Whichever way you choose in order to categorize keywords, one of the particular most important steps in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION does keyword research. Some illustrations of White Hat SEO consist of optimizing META tags, putting key phrases in URLs, submitting sites in order to directories, making sitemaps, obtaining hyperlinks on related sites, and generating keyword-optimized content. An SEO Executive optimizes internet sites to generate them show up increased on search engines like search engines and gain more website website visitors. Nevertheless, the fresh trend in SEO is ideal for long-tail keywords and even more conversational searches. SEO is the great marketing tool for the particular websites promoting their businesses on-line. Still, the keyword element of SEO is becoming significantly difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. Making use of advanced Search engines semantic search algorithms, we link the gap between old college SEO and the new content material marketing. Tug has been appointed specifically to roll out a multi-lingual search engine marketing techniques campaign using its knowledge in international SEO and PAY-PER-CLICK. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keyword Electrical generator is like a thesaurus intended for SEO -minded content marketers. SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to determine and analyze the keywords that will your competitors are using. I'm heading to share some of our most effective SEO tips that will I've used within all types of campaigns to increase organic research traffic. FAST SEO ADVICE search engine search engine optimization is not magic, and are not able to perform wonders. This SEO suggestions and tricks cover all the essential information you should know with regards to Search Engine Optimization. The SEO content article writer should have a strong knowing of the keywords that are usually ranking and trending on the particular analytics framework. In 2018, there were certain trends the fact that ruled the world of online business SEO (search engine optimization). Don't get worried by them but make certain to use only natural hyperlinks and keep in mind that will their SEO potential may end up being a bit lower in evaluation with single links. As a friend to the table, Internet research engine Land's Guide To SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION explains the ranking factors within more depth, inside a tutorial supplying tips and advice on applying them. Google states that interpersonal media is not an instant SEO ranking factor, but almost all experts agree that things these kinds of as retweets and facebook stocks DO, in fact, effect websites' rankings. And since SEO furthermore targets users who are positively searching for products and providers like yours, the traffic ensuing from SEO is more skilled than many other marketing techniques, leading to cost-savings for businesses. Given that research engines have complex algorithms that will power their technology and our marketing needs are unique, wish unable to provide specific SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to our customers. All of us think SEO in 2019 might find a shift to focusing much more on user intent, problem resolving, and hyper locality in purchase to capitalize on the carried on rise of voice search. Private demographic information would come in a great deal handier in 2019 as much as the ranking of key phrases is concerned. Links are one of the particular most important SEO ranking elements. However, more advanced that will readers will recognize the reduce quality of sites employing dark hat SEO at the expenditure from the reader experience, which usually will reduce the site's visitors and page rank over period. So - THERE IS SIMPLY NO BEST PRACTICE AMOUNT OF CHARACTER TYPES any SEO could lay down since exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title can display, in full in Search engines, at least, since the search little title, on every device. While getting as many pages listed in Google was historically the priority for an SEO, Search engines is now rating the high quality of pages in your site plus the type of pages this really is indexing. Jerrika Scott, Digital Marketing Specialist in Archway Cards Ltd, also thinks in voice being the tendency of 2019 rather than 2018. Today, regardless of all the hype about whether or not SEO is dead, we discover that organic search is nevertheless one of the highest RETURN ON INVESTMENT digital marketing channels. BrightLocal provides been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and boost their positions in the particular local search market since yr. Gowns where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO techniques In this article we describe what local search optimization will be, and why using a nearby SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the internet site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in add-on to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed within this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external elements that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're planning to become found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search phrase you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize internet sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. forty five. Use Google Analytics to determine social SEO factors like the particular number of owned and beneficial results. The common SEO issue for e-commerce sites is that product evaluation functionality tends to rely upon AJAX, iframes, or subdomains, which usually make it very hard, or even even impossible, for search motors to suit product reviews with item pages. Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is an effective way in order to market your business online. Intended for more on Squarespace's SEO-friendly features plus how to use them, check out Increasing your site's visibility in order to search engines. For Ecommerce websites, SEO agencies can see which usually paths users take in purchase to complete a sale, almost all the way down to which usually keyword they used to research for you prior to buying. Continue to increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to construct business and drive traffic plus rank for more terms. SEO refers in order to the process of gaining a good impressive rank in search motor listings. Organic SEO is usually also less costly long-term when you establish search credibility, as longer as you maintain it along with the consistent creation of high quality content and social media use. Within the 6th section of our SEO for newcomers guide, we will discuss hyperlink building - one of the particular most important aspects of research engine optimization. Search engine optimization can furthermore be known as SEO plus it is defined as the technique or procedure for customization the website within an efficient and efficient way in purchase to make a good existence on major search engines. An extensive dental marketing plus dental SEO campaign can become attained by the enterprise just if the web address associated with a dental practice contains in to all the promotional materials intended for the business. This shows the importance of focussing voice search engine results within order to grow your company, marketing, and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies. They accomplish this by increasing their site rank through a method known as SEO or even search engine optimization. Just like most other SEO approaches, be certain your links are appropriate, plus be careful to not cross the particular line into excessive linking : you don't want your guests to obtain annoyed. Bryan Yeager, Research Director at Gartner, can share 9 Key Insights through Gartner's Marketing Technology Survey in order to Help You Prepare for 2019 and Beyond. SEO is a combination associated with digital marketing efforts all operating together to increase a web site's value to users and presence in search. On-page SEO (also identified as "on-site" SEO) may be the work of optimizing different parts associated with your site that affect your own search engine rankings. In 2019, we will have to optimize voice research answers with CTAs that Google's algorithms don't pick up upon, but humans do. Dan Mallette, Lead SEO Strategist at each InVue Digital & HearstDMS, forecasts that SEOs will need in order to optimize for voice search and locate new avenues as SERP real estate property shrinks. Obviously, a social media marketing webpage that has more interaction will probably bring bigger SEO benefits in order to some business than one the fact that has less interaction, but simply having a social presence is usually a good start. The Technical Audit Checklist Produced For Human Beings — Within this post by Distilled, a person will find a link in order to a Google sheet that offers an technical SEO audit directory and links to resources upon how to complete each checkbox. Then each time the term SEO appears on your web site, it's automatically changed into the link you specified. Keyword Analysis for SEO: The Definitive Guidebook — This comprehensive guide simply by Brian Dean teaches you the number of strategies for obtaining keywords and determining intent with regard to your target market. On-page and off-page SEO function together to improve your lookup engine rankings in complementary style; however, SEOs generally advise obtaining your on-page SEO ducks within a row before focusing as well much on off-page SEO. Within 2019, web-based businesses will embrace more voice-to-text technology to enhance engagement and search activity. There are many SEO web sites suggesting that they can offer a service to make our own website LSI friendly, or fulfill ‘LSI requirements'. The particular art of web SEO is situated in focusing on how individuals search for things and knowing what type of results Search engines wants to (or will) screen to its users. Social press SEO would encourage your present customers to come back whilst helping you develop authority regarding potential ones. He is an expert in SEO, Content Marketing, plus Pinterest Marketing. An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION expert plays a huge function in helping companies build their particular businesses and attract new clients through website traffic. Join us for a new three-day, one-track conference full involving forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, growth marketing, the mobile panorama, analytics, content marketing, and even more. The objective associated with SEO is to get a new website ranked as high while possible on search engines, like Google. In the event that you are improving user encounter by focusing primarily on the particular quality of the MC associated with your pages and avoiding -- even removing - old-school SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques - those certainly are usually positive steps to getting even more traffic from Google in 2018 - and the type associated with content performance Google rewards will be in the end largely in Blog9T least about a satisfying consumer experience. For instance, when I'm logged in to Google+ and I actually search for SEO, I have the following in my top 5 search results. Black head wear SEO practice involves breaking just about all of the rules and rules of the search engine. Every time you notice or hear the phrase lookup engine optimization, ” substitute exactly what create quality and indicating relevance” and you'll have the correct mindset permanently SEO work. SEOs conveniently call this effect ‘domain authority' and it appeared in order to be related to ‘PageRank' -- the system Google started in order to rank the web within 1998. In case you have more time plus are keen to follow the particular SEO industry, subscribe to Moz and Search Engine Land. Integrating these keywords into the write-up allows you to add range while still retaining SEO strength. Search engine marketing (SEO) will be the process of influencing the online visibility of the particular website or a web web page in a web search motor 's unpaid results—often known since "natural", " organic ", or even "earned" results. Seo (SEO) is a procedure of improving positions in natural (non-paid) search results searching motors. Various other SEO ranking factors include: obtainable URLs, domain age (older is definitely usually better), page speed, cellular friendliness, business information, and specialized SEO. Your own search engine optimization strategy can end up being divided into two different classes: on-page SEO and off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. When you familiarize yourself with this neighborhood, you will inevitably stumble your own way onto the websites associated with SEO Gurus” selling courses that will teach you SEO for hundreds of dollars. Expert SEO writers can also make use of modifiers and keyword variations in order to further optimize the content. Inside a lot associated with cases, this happens as the consequence of non-ethical SEO particularly buying and selling links which usually could get you up the particular Google ‘adder' quickly. Content is definitely key but content alone is definitely no longer king; content, circumstance, and relevance will drive functionality of content and digital advertising, and SEO is part yet not full parcel. Ultimate WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide for Beginners (Step simply by Step) — 28% of sites on the internet use Wp. SEO is usually abused as a blanket term with regard to digital marketing. 55 The difference from SEO is the majority of simply depicted as the distinction between paid and unpaid concern ranking searching results. I get into much more detail in SEO Titles on pages: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands, which explains the right way to work in relevant keywords that will accurately reflect the page content material. Are good nevertheless SEO potential may be reduce when compared with single links. The training behind our SEO expertise has been developed from years and yrs of learning from mistakes marketing and advertising with our other businesses. Our own in-depth guide contains the most recent SEO best practices so a person can improve how your content appears in search results, plus get more traffic, leads, plus sales. Keyword analysis definitely belongs to the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics. I'll start by stating that social mass media and SEO are heavily linked to each other. Black head wear SEO attempts to improve search positions in ways that are disapproved of from the search engines, or even involve deception. This particular is more tedious and tasking than inorganic SEO because this particular is how all the key phrases get a full blast associated with attention. SEO: It stands for Lookup Engine Optimization. Within this post, we'll break this down in the complete first timers guide to SEO: what SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is, how it works, exactly what factors affect search and exactly what sorts of changes you may make today to improve your own search optimization. The no follow hyperlink has been contradicted many instances over where SEO is included and it depends on the particular web owner concerning if they will allow them on the web site or not.
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73oss-blog · 6 years
You Should Experience SEO 2019 At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here's Why
The particular search engine optimization (SEO) will be an important design feature associated with the website that enables the particular spider or robot to effortlessly access it, thereby increasing the visibility on the internet. If you understand you might have VERY lower-quality doorway pages on the site, a person should remove them or think again about your SEO strategy if a person want to rank high within Google for the long expression. One of the problems engines like google and Bing have often attempted to overcome is knowing which external links exist exclusively for SEO purposes and which usually links represent a true sign that the source content will be of value to the visitors. 2018 has currently seen some particularly significant SEO paradigm shifts from Mobile First” in order to the ever-advancing Rankbrain machine-learning criteria. Content marketing is definitely a bigger approach which along with SEO forms a part associated with your digital marketing strategy. What You Should Know: Typically the future of search engine marketing is Semantic SEO. Links plus technical SEO are the biggest pieces of the pie, yet multimedia efforts such as video clip, photos, and podcasts will end up being the game changer and differentiator in many competitive markets. Occasional, and We do more occasional and not really frequent, usage of keywords plus keyword phrases in these hyperlinks may also help very somewhat in your SEO processes. Excelling at SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION means serving your visitors—not simply search engines. Here arrives the idea of SEO or even search engine optimization. The particular fact remains that SEO providers assure clients that even when the site will not position among the top search motors like google, the money can not be a waste owing to the refund. Here's a true statement a person hear as often: Your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION technique for 2018 shouldn't concentrate on keywords. (1888PressRelease) Packet Marketing, a Boston-based, full-service SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and internet marketing firm today announces they have been rated as the number five SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION firm in the 2010 Advertising World Top ten SEO Organization Award initiative. According to Forrester Study, the number of global smart phone subscribers is expected to achieve 3. 5 billion by 2019, crossing the 50% mark intended for smartphone penetration by 2018, plus reaching 59% by 2019. On-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ensures that your site can be read by both possible customers and search engine software. In 2019, voice-search will become the dominant way that individuals search. But SEO is all regarding the organic” rankings, which show up in the middle of the particular search results page. The most important SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION factor for creating high-quality content material is doing good keyword analysis. Formula changes in 2018 seem in order to centre on reducing the efficiency of old-school SEO techniques, along with the May 2015 Google ‘Quality' formula update bruisingly familiar. Keep in mind in SEO article writing recommendations you keywords have to create sense too. Domain Authority within SEO is a rank that will measures how popular and reliable search engines call at your own website. If the key phrases you might be hoping to rank regarding don't display on the page, this will be much more difficult to achieve your goals -- making on-page optimization a important part of most SEO strategies. Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine nearly all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO approach that effectively promotes your picture taking business, driving new traffic in addition to taking into consideration the demands of the site visitors even though you concentrate on perfecting the art is a really highly effective tool. SEO is Lookup Engine Optimization and it will be required for make a site view-able. And you may see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO content material remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have progressed from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service suppliers are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Appeal to international people to your web sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link developing (easy-to-get links no more possess much value) and keyword study (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For instance, the word ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less aggressive phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too. Voice research is going to be a single of the main regions of concentrate for SEO in 2019 plus beyond. By 2019 mobile advertising will represent 72% of all US digital advertisement spending. These people should realize that SEO Internet marketing and advertising mandates a business website, considering that it is a necessary on the internet marketing tool. Eventually you can post these pages on various SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION sites or simply submit the particular web page so that the particular search engine spiders can examine on your created content. The history of SEO will go back to the 90s whenever the search engines emerged with regard to the first time. High quality content material is critical in any lengthy term SEO strategy. Successful SEO includes on-page strategies, which use intent-based key phrases; and off-page strategies, which make inbound links from other internet sites. So, along with content marketing and advertising, SEO now needs to be deeply aimed with your company's PR initiatives. Information will be a good introduction to and summary of lookup engine optimization (SEO), a massively important tactic for driving visitors to your blog. There will be a large amount of misinformation about exactly what an SEO campaign (company) may accomplish when it comes in order to search engines engine rankings. But using the particular SEO analysis tools, you may increase the chances of your own website's high ranking that will certainly enable you to get more traffic and ultimately, more business and revenue. Those who have the many to get are small businesses that will before a new harder period breaking into the snug SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION world. "SEO" is a term that is usually used to describe the procedure by which visitors a specific site is increasingly generated simply by search engines through search results. These white-hat cellular SEO tips will help a person to avoid internet search motor penalties and maintain better on-line visibility. SEO or research engine optimization techniques will deal with these requirements of a web site. AI and tone of voice search have already begun in order to impact SEO, and as these types of technologies continue to develop, we all can expect to see a lot more changes in the way SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is performed. In the second chapter of our SEO manual, you will learn how research engines work, how people utilize them and what type of research queries they submit. You need in order to provide regular posts either daily or at least several instances Ten Lessons That Will Teach You All You Need To Know About SEO 2019 a week in order in order to gain a following and offer enough unique SEO content in order to keep your search engine rankings high, attract new viewers plus convince people that you are usually the expert in your industry. Voice research will change the way you interact along with search engines and it may make SEO even more aggressive and vital to online achievement. Our SEO outreach team connect your brand and curated content with key on the web influencers to get people speaking about you & sharing your own message. Yet, with the research engines like google continually transforming their rules SEO may appear confusing and overwhelming. Understanding what these words really suggest, and how SEO analysts make use of them to boost your cyberspace search engine results, may end up being a whole other story. Search engine marketing (SEO) is one of typically the most important marketing things to consider upon your studio website. SEO might generate a sufficient return upon investment However, search engines are usually not purchased organic search visitors, their algorithms change, and presently there are no guarantees of continuing referrals. An excellent starting point whenever using keywords for SEO will be to identify existing pages that will may use some optimization. These are called keywords, plus as you will see, they will are an important part associated with SEO. In fact, this particular will actually hurt your cyberspace SEO because search engines such as google will recognize it because keyword stuffing - or the particular act of including keywords particularly to rank for that key word, rather than to answer the person's question. Prior to we get going, one thing a person want to keep in thoughts when using one of the following SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION elements is not to overdo it. You might be enticed to shove a lot associated with keywords onto your pages, yet that is not the objective. In situation you create links to various other websites and reverse, it may improve your SEO ranking. Really Cisco predicts that globally, on the web video traffic will be eighty percent of all consumer Web traffic by 2019 (a quantity that is up from sixty four percent in 2014). I've bookmarked therefore many SEO websites and sources that it's overwhelming to also look at. Link authority is the major component of SEO, yet purchasing links is forbidden simply by Google, Bing, and other research engines. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keyword Electrical generator is like a thesaurus regarding SEO -minded content marketers. SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to recognize and analyze the keywords that will your competitors are using. I'm heading to share some of the most effective SEO tips that will I've used within all types of campaigns to increase organic lookup traffic. FAST SEO ADVICE search engine optimisation is not magic, and are not able to perform wonders. This SEO guidelines and tricks cover all the essential information you should know concerning Search Engine Optimization. The SEO content article writer should have a strong knowing of the keywords that are usually ranking and trending on the particular analytics framework. In 2018, there were certain trends the fact that ruled the world of e-commerce SEO (search engine optimization). Don't get frightened by them but make certain to use only natural hyperlinks and keep in mind that will their SEO potential may become a bit lower in evaluation with single links. As a friend to the table, Internet research engine Land's Guide To SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION explains the ranking factors within more depth, in the tutorial offering tips and advice on applying them. Google states that sociable media is not an quick SEO ranking factor, but almost all experts agree that things these kinds of as retweets and facebook gives you DO, in fact, effect websites' rankings. And since SEO furthermore targets users who are definitely searching for products and solutions like yours, the traffic causing from SEO is more skilled than many other marketing techniques, leading to cost-savings for businesses. Given that research engines have complex algorithms that will power their technology and our marketing needs are unique, wish unable to provide specific SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to our customers. We all think SEO in 2019 will discover a shift to focusing much more on user intent, problem resolving, and hyper locality in purchase to capitalize on the ongoing rise of voice search. Private demographic information would come in a great deal handier in 2019 as considerably as the ranking of key phrases is concerned. Links are one of the particular most important SEO ranking elements. However, more advanced that will readers will recognize the reduce quality of sites employing dark hat SEO at the cost from the reader experience, which usually will reduce the site's visitors and page rank over period. So - THERE IS SIMPLY NO BEST PRACTICE AMOUNT OF CHARACTER TYPES any SEO could lay down because exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title can display, in full in Search engines, at least, since the search little title, on every device. While getting as many pages listed in Google was historically the priority for an SEO, Search engines is now rating the high quality of pages on the site plus the type of pages this really is indexing. Jerrika Scott, Digital Marketing Specialist in Archway Cards Ltd, also feels in voice being the craze of 2019 rather than 2018. Today, regardless of all the hype about whether or not SEO is dead, we discover that organic search is nevertheless one of the highest RETURN ON INVESTMENT digital marketing channels. BrightLocal offers been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and boost their positions in the particular local search market since yr. Gowns where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO methods In this article we clarify what local search optimization will be, and why using a nearby SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the internet site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in inclusion to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed with this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external aspects that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're planning to become found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search phrase you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based overall performance marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, is usually going to be the true year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a web site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link crucial terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, web pages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective cultural media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make several of this data accessible in their own free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a free account, this is a very beneficial SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and with regard to diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets observe how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses choose to hire external help to be able to get the full benefits associated with SEO, so a large component of our audience is understanding how to convince their customers that search is an excellent investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, because of to the nature of your own business is going to always be more image orientated than text message heavy, you will end up at a minor disadvantage when it comes to be able to employing SEO techniques such because keywords, backlinking and so on. An extensive dental marketing plus dental SEO campaign can become attained by the enterprise just if the web address associated with a dental practice contains directly into all the promotional materials regarding the business. This shows the importance of focussing voice search engine results within order to grow your company, marketing, and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies. They accomplish this by increasing their site rank through a method known as SEO or even search engine optimization. Just like almost all other SEO approaches, be certain your links are appropriate, plus be careful never to cross the particular line into excessive linking -- you don't want your website visitors to obtain annoyed. Bryan Yeager, Research Director at Gartner, will certainly share 9 Key Insights through Gartner's Marketing Technology Survey in order to Help You Prepare for 2019 and Beyond. SEO is a combination associated with digital marketing efforts all functioning together to increase a web site's value to users and presence in search. On-page SEO (also recognized as "on-site" SEO) may be the action of optimizing different parts associated with your site that affect your own search engine rankings. In 2019, we will have to optimize voice lookup answers with CTAs that Google's algorithms don't pick up upon, but humans do. Dan Mallette, Lead SEO Strategist at each InVue Digital & HearstDMS, forecasts that SEOs will need in order to optimize for voice search and discover new avenues as SERP real-estate shrinks. Obviously, a social networking webpage that has more interaction will bring bigger SEO benefits for you to some business than one of which has less interaction, but basically having a social presence will be a good start. Getting SEO right could influence your business hugely since you start to build organic and natural traffic to your site which in turn will naturally grow without the particular need for any underhanded SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION tactics or even spending tons of money on perfectly powerful but pricey solutions such because Pay Per Click or deluxe ads. Searchmetrics is very pleased to have this partnership along with Elephate, a leading content plus SEO agency with years associated with invaluable experience. However, the particular webmasters can grasp search motor optimization SEO through websites. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION offers incredible opportunity and accessibility (it's an inherently free advertising channel) to inbound traffic, yet it can be hard in order to know where to start plus what advice to follow. Video can become an important contributor to your own overall SEO and digital advertising strategy, but it's important in order to be superior on how movie is going to help a person achieve your marketing and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION goals. If you possess ever been into black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, spam, and un-natural links, Search engines will never forgive you plus you will be penalized by google at any time. As mentioned earlier, SEO firms are usually the most experienced in working with various verticals of online marketing, mainly expected to the nature of their particular work. Monitoring: Often overlooked, but one associated with the most important areas associated with successful SEO, this section strolls through how you can monitor your success and tie your own efforts back to real visitors and business, which gives a person the chance to future fine-tune and optimize your programs. It's maybe not an ideal SEO page title because of the multiple distinct services, however the structure might give rise to rankings for some long-tail keyword phrases. SEOs will have to collaborate carefully with designers and developers in order to prioritize technical SEO and user friendliness search engine ranking factors to get a competitive edge. Further SEO Smart hyperlinks allows you to set upward your personal keywords and set associated with matching URLs. When search engine optimization SEO will not involve ethical practices, the particular website may have low presence on Google as well as be taken out from the Google index. An SEO technique is definitely considered white hat if this conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deceptiveness. As an SEO, which indicates that you have to considerably raise your standards around high quality content and links in purchase to achieve top search motor rankings. Most SEO focuses on customizing Blog9T for Google's search engine, which usually dominates the overall search marketplace with a share of more than 90%. 7. Social indicators may even become more essential to SEO as time passes. One Grain is really a electronic marketing agency that helps businesses like Uber, Amazon and Salesforce grow their revenues online making use of SEO plus paid advertising. This may be a growth chance regarding content marketing-specific agencies and the necessary and justified budget collection item for in-house SEO groups. SEO includes both technical and creative components needed to improve rankings, drive visitors, and increase awareness in research engines. If your business does not have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Internet marketing strategies, she or even he will need help through SEO experts. One of the particular most commonly asked questions, Light hat SEO in layman's vocabulary is applying the right strategies along with a legal method to boost your ranking plus increase your popularity. To help the client's future-proof their businesses plus maximize online Return on Purchase (ROI), we have individuals the global partners to develop a good SEO methodology that aligns along with Google's recommended best practices. Off-page SEO will assist make your website most well-known and visible on the internet, so you can get even more traffic and users for your own website and product. You might be the proprietor of a growing and flourishing business, the webmaster of the dozen sites, the SEO expert inside a Web agency or the DIY SEO ninja passionate regarding the mechanics of Search: this particular guide is meant for a person. On their organization blog, Demand Wave also provides a great article about 2016's tops trends in B2B electronic marketing and SEO. Let's take a explore some roles that cultural media plays in SEO. You will craft the SEO strategy around the keyword phrases that will lead customers in order to your most profitable products. Google for example, states that will the no follow link become taken literally as well since the link will not end up being followed at all however within reports done for SEO reasons it shows some conflict in order to this. Head associated with Marketing at @impressiontalk specialising within user-centred SEO, PAGE RANK, content marketing and digital technique. Primary will be on inbound marketing, including every thing from SEO to social mass media. However, a good agency providing SEO services is definitely all about being proactive in order to keep up-to-date with the most recent search engine news and modifications in SEO techniques. Video marketing provides new opportunities to drive even more visitors your site and enhance its SEO status. Research Engine Optimisation (SEO) in 2018 is really a technical, synthetic and creative process to enhance the visibility associated with the website in search motors. Off-page SEO makes reference to the actions taken exterior of your own personal website that could help boost your search powerplant rankings. Since of this insufficient visibility this can be hard to create a sound business case intended for SEO, even though it is definitely strikingly obvious of the advantages to most companies of the particular number one position on Search engines. This particular is a time-honored SEO exercise called broken link building. Definitely engaging in reputation management, content material management and SEO (Search Motor Optimization) can give even the particular smallest business a chance in order to compete globally. Whether you are already adding SEO into your online marketing and advertising mix or not, you may ask yourself how aCO domain name stacks up against acom. With recent Google adjustments, failure to look after cellular SEO could result in lookup invisibility, and mobile's bringing some other changes you'll need to end up being ready for.
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seattle-fog · 6 years
7 Unbelievable Facts About SEO 2019
If you are usually tired of hearing the expression SEO (search engine optimization) probably you ought focus on SMO. Given that research engines have complex algorithms that will power their technology and everybody's marketing needs are unique, wish unable to provide specific SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to our customers. We all think SEO in 2019 will discover a shift to focusing a lot more on user intent, problem resolving, and hyper locality in purchase to capitalize on the carried on rise of voice search. Private demographic information would come in a great deal handier in 2019 as significantly as the ranking of key phrases is concerned. Links are one of the particular most important SEO ranking aspects. However, more advanced that will readers will recognize the reduce quality of sites employing dark hat SEO at the expenditure from the reader experience, which usually will reduce the site's visitors and page rank over period. So - THERE IS SIMPLY NO BEST PRACTICE AMOUNT OF FIGURES Blog9T any SEO could lay down because exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title will certainly display, in full in Search engines, at least, since the search little title, on every device. While getting as many pages listed in Google was historically the priority for an SEO, Search engines is now rating the high quality of pages in your site plus the type of pages this really is indexing. Jerrika Scott, Digital Marketing Specialist from Archway Cards Ltd, also feels in voice being the pattern of 2019 rather than 2018. Today, regardless of all the hype about whether or not SEO is dead, we discover that organic search is nevertheless one of the highest RETURN ON INVESTMENT digital marketing channels. Investing in high quality tactics which do take much longer but endure and are usually the ones which generate useful traffic is the best method to spend your time upon SEO. Some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists and bloggers say that will short URLs ranks better within Google. This technique will be sometimes known as SEO content” or SEO copywriting”. But you need to not ignore the most substantial part of the website developing process, i. e. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Whilst businesses can choose to perform their own SEO, hiring the SEO agency that has encountered search engine optimizers will simply no doubt, help businesses reap RETURN ON INVESTMENT in the long run. Within fact if you look carefully you will find that content material marketing and SEO go hands in hand. On the various other hand, Black Hat SEO consists of efforts like redirecting internet lookup engine "spiders" to different webpages than human visitors see, mass-posting "spam" comments (on blogs, community forums, articles), or putting lists associated with keywords in late each web page in very small fonts. Since we've seen, one of the particular major advantages of SEO will get more traffic because of much better search engine ranking. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, we all recommend reading this guide front-to-back. A few of these SEO strategies attempt to deceive users into going to sites about subjects they no longer have any fascination with, which places them at odds with the particular purpose of search engines. "SEO" is a term that is usually used to describe the procedure by which visitors a specific site is increasingly generated simply by search engines by means of search results. These white-hat cellular SEO tips will help a person to avoid internet search motor penalties and maintain better on the internet visibility. SEO or lookup engine optimization techniques will tackle these requirements of a web site. AI and tone of voice search have already begun in order to impact SEO, and as these types of technologies continue to develop, we all can expect to see a lot more changes in the way SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is completed. In the second chapter of our SEO guidebook, you will learn how research engines work, how people utilize them and what type of lookup queries they submit. You need in order to provide regular posts either daily or at least several periods a week in order in order to gain a following and offer enough unique SEO content in order to keep your search engine rankings high, attract new viewers plus convince people that you are usually the expert in your industry. Voice research will change the way we interact along with search engines and it may make SEO even more competing and vital to online achievement. Our SEO outreach team connect your brand and curated content with key on the web influencers to get people speaking about you & sharing your own message. Yet, with the lookup engines like google continually altering their rules SEO may appear confusing and overwhelming. Understanding what these words really indicate, and how SEO analysts make use of them to boost your home page's search engine results, may end up being a whole other story. An extensive dental marketing plus dental SEO campaign can end up being attained by the enterprise just if the web address associated with a dental practice contains directly into all the promotional materials with regard to the business. This shows the importance of focussing voice search engine results within order to grow your company, marketing, and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies. They obtain this by increasing their web site rank through a method known as SEO or even search engine optimization. Just like almost all other SEO approaches, be certain your links are appropriate, plus be careful never to cross the particular line into excessive linking : you don't want your site visitors to obtain annoyed. Bryan Yeager, Research Director at Gartner, can share 9 Key Insights through Gartner's Marketing Technology Survey in order to Help You Prepare for 2019 and Beyond. SEO is a combination associated with digital marketing efforts all operating together to increase a website's value to users and presence in search. On-page SEO (also recognized as "on-site" SEO) will be the take action of optimizing different parts associated with your site that affect your own search engine rankings. In 2019, we will have to optimize voice lookup answers with CTAs that Google's algorithms don't pick up upon, but humans do. Dan Mallette, Lead SEO Strategist at each InVue Digital & HearstDMS, forecasts that SEOs will need in order to optimize for voice search in order to find new avenues as SERP real-estate shrinks. Obviously, a social networking web page that has more interaction will probably bring bigger SEO benefits in order to some business than one that will has less interaction, but simply having a social presence is definitely a good start. If you work in lookup marketing, you'll know that SMX is one of the greatest search engine marketing conferences associated with the year, covering topics which includes SEO and PPC. SEO is conducted each on-site and off-site via various resources that are the existence of your web identity associated with different social media platform plus prominent display of your home page's link on other well-reputed internet sites. Our unique data science-driven SEO & content marketing platform can help your eCommerce business find out millions of dollars' worth of formerly untapped organic search marketing possibilities. On the other hands, if the website doesn't make use of any digital marketing strategies or even SEO services, no one troubles to search for pages plus pages on Google just in order to find your website and check out it. Some dentists, who possess tried applying SEO, have not really been very successful in moving their website to the best of Google search engine. Prior to we do, let's check away a couple essential areas with regard to SEO: social media and cellular. SEO can price between $100 and $500 for each month if you do this yourself with a keyword analysis tool. This SEO guidebook explains acquiring links from exterior domains. Let's review the fundamentals of SEO (search engine optimization). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is conducted on the knowning that webpages rank because associated with how relevant a webpage will be to a search query plus how many links point in order to that webpage. Business professionals try to rely on these SEO techniques intended for optimization wishing for a larger profit. Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine almost all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO approach that effectively promotes your picture taking business, driving new traffic and even taking into consideration the demands of the site visitors while you concentrate on perfecting your current art is a really highly effective tool. SEO is Research Engine Optimization and it will be required for make a web site view-able. And you will see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO content material remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have developed from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service suppliers are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Bring in international people to your internet sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link constructing (easy-to-get links no more possess much value) and keyword analysis (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For instance, the phrase ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less aggressive phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too.
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Therefore, cheer up and tools up to policy for SEO- the particular organic top-ranking practice. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (search engine optimization) places your own website within the natural outcomes section of search engines. SEO is specifically important for businesses since it guarantees they're answering their audience's greatest questions on search engines, whilst driving traffic to their items and services. Intended for marketers who were brought upward in the ‘traditional SEO marketplace, ' 2018 is really the time to adapt or pass away. White hat SEO includes almost all the SEO practices we've discussed about so far which possess a long term approach in order to site optimization and focus upon the user experience and exactly what people need. Cost effectiveness - SEO is definitely one of the most budget-friendly marketing strategies because it focuses on users who are actively searching for your products and solutions online. The reality is that you can obtain top Search engine ranking roles spending a little bit associated with money and working on the particular project yourself or paying the professional Seo services thousands associated with dollars to get your Internet site on the first page. Although black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION methods may boost a cyberspace search engine page rank within the short term, these strategies could also get the web site banned from the search motors altogether. According in order to research and advisory firm Forrester, programmatic marketing is expected in order to account for 50% of just about all advertising by 2019. This guide is definitely made to describe all locations of SEO—from choosing the terms plus phrases (keywords) that generate visitors to your website, to producing your web site friendly to search motors, to building links and marketing and advertising the unique associated with your own site. With no SEO, a website can end up being invisible to search engines. On-page SEO refers for you to every strategy, technique, and application you utilize within your web site to optimize your web internet pages and content for search motors like google. Today, the quality of newly arriving links is evaluated higher compared to their quantity and may lead your SEO efforts. Research engine optimization (SEO) tools assist companies position themselves to obtain a favorable ranking in internet search engine results. The particular second biggest SEO trend within 2019 will be voice research Ten Reasons Why You Cannot Learn SEO 2019 Well. Jooxie is long past mobile search plus voice-search being a ‘trend' -- they are the full upon normal now, outdoing desktop lookup in both volume and SEO-favorability. Rather compared to marketing at people, you require to make it possible intended for them to find you whenever they want you, and that is where SEO is available within. Prior To proceeding BlowFish SEO full Time, Robert Headed very successful internet incoming marketing campaigns for Bella Sante Day Spa's of Boston plus Red Door Spas increasing their particular yearly Gift Card Sales simply by over 400% and increasing consumer appointments over 300%. In 2019 and further than, the majority of the on the internet searches will be in the particular form of conversation, and since a result, the online entrepreneurs will give more importance in order to artificial intelligence keywords for optimisation of the web content.
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Also companies considering about getting Search engine search engine optimization services should go through these types of magazines to familiarize themselves making use of the latest trends within the particular SEO and web-based marketing sector to allow them to determine the assistance offered for all of them from the selected SEO companies. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 will be all regarding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The term SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION also describes the making internet pages easier for internet lookup engine indexing software, known since "crawlers, " to find, check, and index your blog. I feel that technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION mistakes that affect crawl spending budget - and also pollute Search engines with non-SEO-friendly content such since social landing pages, WordPress press archives, offer pages and cloned e-commerce product pages - may have a far more detrimental effect upon sites moving forward. Effective SEO lets you improve your web​site to demonstrate up within search engines. Many of us will get into how to be able to pick the best keywords intended for your business later in this specific SEO guide, but it perfect you to know how to be able to use them, as they will be referenced throughout this section. Despite the fact that meta descriptions are not some sort of ranking factor for search search engines, they do hold value with regard to your website and are element of your SEO presence. Let us speak a bit as to exactly what SEO is before we enter into the SEO article writing recommendations for people who may become new or do not very understand it. SEO stands intended for Seo. A lot of of these so-called 'tweaks' include advertising and link-gathering, and I actually use SEO and article marketing and advertising for that. Within 2018, your SEO success will not depend on how well a person optimize your website for Search engines. But if you're brief on money, use these diy SEO ways to improve your natural rankings. If you choose SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you're helping Google's spiders in order to crawl and understand your content articles. The job of a good SEO is to manage the particular optimization of websites to guarantee they gain site traffic from research engines such as Google and Bing. One great part of content that will ranks well within the lookup results is its beginner's facts SEO. SEOs plus online marketing specialists in basic who are dealing with global websites or for online firms thinking about going international will certainly certainly benefit from attending ISS. We might like to serve you in order to save money and your power by offering affordable SEO providers to increase link popularity. Work the key phrase into the SEO page name, content header, image, image betagt text, etc. SEO equipment provide position monitoring, deep key word research, and crawling through easy to customize reports and analytics. Certainly, white hat SEO always integrated creating high quality, unique content material as a prerequisite for getting long-term quality results, this reality hasn't changed. Beyond compensated and organic, there are additional types of SEO and expertise and niches within search motor marketing.
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Getting SEO right can easily influence your business hugely since you start to build natural and organic traffic to your site which often will naturally grow without this need for any underhanded SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics or even spending tons of money on perfectly efficient but pricey solutions such while Pay Per Click or lavish ads. Searchmetrics is very pleased to have this partnership along with Elephate, a leading content plus SEO agency with years associated with invaluable experience. However, the particular webmasters can grasp search motor optimization SEO through websites. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION offers incredible opportunity and gain access to (it's an inherently free advertising channel) to inbound traffic, yet it can be hard in order to know where to start plus what advice to follow. Video can end up being an important contributor to your own overall SEO and digital marketing and advertising strategy, but it's important in order to be superior on how video clip is going to help a person achieve your marketing and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION goals. If you have got ever been into black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, spam, and un-natural links, Search engines will never forgive you plus you will be penalized by google at any time. As mentioned earlier, SEO firms are usually the most certified in working with various verticals of online marketing, mainly expected to the nature of their own work. Monitoring: Often overlooked, but one associated with the most important areas associated with successful SEO, this section strolls through how you can monitor your success and tie your own efforts back to real visitors and business, which gives a person the chance to future modify and optimize your programs.
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One thing will be crystal clear: if you need people to discover your function, you need search engine search engine optimization (SEO). This almost all means when you're thinking regarding your SEO strategy, you require to think about how your own social networking strategy fits into the particular puzzle, too. As your visitors slowly increases, be sure to include additional SEO strategies (like adding exterior and internal links, guest publishing, etc) to engage more customers and keep your metrics higher. Google has remaining a very narrow band associated with opportunity when it comes in order to SEO - and punishments are made to take you out associated with the game for some period while you cleanup the infractions. Head of Marketing, Shiny Edstrom, at BioClarity, a San Diego based health-science company, feels that SEO is going in order to see a decreased importance within 2019, and SEOs should begin ensuring they're competent in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING. The best rank that you could see the profile with contact information and maps on right hands side of search result web page is achieved after long treatment for using SEO tactics. Numerous search engine optimisation. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of enhancing a website for search motor discovery and indexing. SEO is actually a technique which search motors require that sites must improve properly, so that they show up high in search results. The European Search Honours is an international competition that will shines the spotlight for the best SEO and Content Marketing organizations in Europe. User-generated content racks up serious SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION points by providing sites along with fresh content, bundles of inbound links, and sources for organically framing natural attributes. You'll find it right here Also really worth checking away is Moz's Beginner's Facts SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, ” which you'll find right here, and the SEO Success Pyramid from Small Business Search Advertising. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy refers to the impact of a change in various other websites in your search rank. Bruce Clay-based set the standard for honest internet marketing by authoring the particular " SEO Code of Integrity, " now translated into eighteen languages, and it has already been a respected leader within the particular ever-changing research engine marketing industry since mil novecentos e noventa e seis. Website SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (including, content optimisation, meta seo, the significance of links). A good SEO Specialist is someone that is an expert on the particular topic of search engine search engine optimization. Just due to the fact a proper On-page and Off-page SEO optimization work will provide a better Ranking to your own website in Search Engine Outcome Page (SERP). The greatest SEO change and pattern I realize already happening within 2018 is Google's switch in order to a mobile-first index, so in case a site is not however mobile-friendly and optimized for this, it's critical to prioritize this particular as it is now essential for its SEO success. With good on-page SEO, lookup engines can easily index your own web pages, understand what your own site is about, and very easily navigate the structure and content material of your website, thus rank your site accordingly.
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The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 styles in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices will be going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't become a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you usually are a marketer, webmaster or enterprise owner, it is very crucial invest in voice SEO optimisation to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that cultural media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even talking about it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, keep in mind that take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the lookup engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search technology and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on-line using SEO and paid marketing. Keep in mind that will links, content, and user expertise are all major SEO position factors. Could holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, I actually suspect that search engines' technicians will initially overestimate the accuracy of their AI, resulting within Penguin-level collateral damage. SEO (Search Motor Optimization) is the process associated with making a website more noticeable in search results, also called improving search rankings. Siteimprove SEO furthermore provides in-tool tips on where to start and the way to get the most out associated with your keyword research and supervising. We've already been operating in the SEO plus content marketing industry since last year and know how search motors work. Right now there are a great number associated with resources out there surrounding competing link analysis (and a great deal that have been authored simply by me! ) but whenever We speak with people that are usually working on SEO projects, it can always one of those "yeah, I am aware I should do this more" tasks. Amy Kilvington, Marketing Executive at Custom Drapes, believes that SEOs are heading to have to optimize social networking more as Google indexes this and prioritizes it over their own sites' pages. Social media is usually the easiest and most efficient way to push out the SEO-based content. However, presently there are some easy adjustments that will you can make to the particular search engine optimization (SEO) component of it, which will ideally provide you with fantastic results.
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whatevernevermind · 6 years
Low Ranking: How to Fix and Avoid (An Expert Guide)
With professional interest and the assistance of skilled SEO specialists, your business may leverage SEO trends to arrive out at the top in 2018 plus beyond. Analyze your website's overall position, including SEO, usability, performance, plus backlinks. Algorithm adjustments in 2018 seem to center on reducing the effectiveness associated with old-school SEO techniques, with the May 2015 Google ‘Quality' algorithm upgrade bruisingly familiar. From an natural search perspective, we feel Youtube . com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in most cases remain the particular social media sites that provide the most important SEO worth or for you to drive organic visitors to brand sites in 2018. Because millions of people decide to use their particular digital devices, the opportunities regarding SEO and content marketing will certainly continue to increase. In other words, focus upon the things you can manage, like on-page SEO, content high quality, website design, social media marketing footprint, plus overall user experience. Because it takes a great deal of effort and time to find the best techniques, I have got integrated those must use on-page SEO techniques here. Here are Top five SEO trends and techniques regarding 2018 to boost search motor ranking that you must maintain in mind. Google will be constantly rolling out updates in order to its search engine algorithm… plus while the basics of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will never change, you need to make use of updated tactics to get your own website ranking higher in the particular search results. However, before we get to our main event, I must note that after our 2017 edition of SEO trends launched last year on Search Engine Journal, we heard a couple of complaints about just how long it was. Utilized by more than 3 mil websites, Yoast SEO is the particular only SEO plugin that a person will ever need to create your content appear on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Mobile SEO, within my opinion, will dominate SEO styles in 2018. While the core SEO methods won't change too much, the particular way we do keyword study and form our strategies can. Keywords would be the base of SEO. Then upon your post and pages the particular Yoast SEO plugin now provides a section to type within your meta keywords as noticed in the example below.
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A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design with regard to all devices. Many people try to get their SEO strategies into their particular own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which may test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. In order to find out more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to increase your SEO technique this 2018. Having a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Due to the fact the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO regarding a local business). Within this post, we've broken lower the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your amount of monthly website visitors. People always attempt direct method but most associated with time these trick don't functions for SEO. One particular of the biggest initiatives within SEO is creating quality content material. His expertise is within SEO, Paid Search & Content Marketing. Our goal with on-page SEO is to optimize a good article in a natural, yet smart way, so that lookup engines can easily select the particular prospective keyword and bring the website targeted visitors. It can be helpful if you talk about some on-page SEO tips plus how to do a key phrase research. A number of non-SEO equipment still give you a great insight into keywords. The greatest SEO companies is going in order to do keyword research on your own company as well as your own industry to come up along with a list of terms which usually will yield the best outcomes for your website. Most likely, you heard about the phrase Google's Rank Brain, the latest synthetic intelligence & machine learning criteria that is considered as the particular supreme invention of SEO position till now. Mobile phone SEO trends and strategies may continue to morph and change. While I understand all about the SEO things: SEO title, focus keywords and so on, my challenge is writing appealing headlines that contain all the particular focus keywords. Canonical: This connect to handles content syndication, which basically allows other blogs to distribute your work (similar to franchising) without hurting your website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking—simply by adding a rel=canonical will get your brand and content material on the web in several outlets, ensuring a greater get to and bigger audience without harming your own search results. I am curious - sometimes with your own chapter-based guides, you have just about all of them on a one page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page as the sort of intro + desk of contents, like the Key word Research for SEO Definitive Guidebook. 22 year-old Aircraft Preservation Manufacture (Houses ) Murry from Campbell River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like amateur astronomy, top seo trends in 2018 and wine making. Enjoys travel and have been stimulated after visiting Durham Castle and Cathedral. A much great number of social media sites to be will highlight that your content material is well engaged with the particular users as well as this is likely to create the value for the users, for that reason SEO experts must leverage properly for the social media plus brand mentions as well. Still, the key phrase facet of SEO is becoming significantly difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists started to abuse Pr to be able to enhance the rankings. This blog uses the particular tagline Learn SEO Straight through the Search Engines, ” plus it doesn't tackle easy topics. Learn Search Engine Marketing From The Basics Find the very good Keywords On Web page & Off Site SEO! Here's the exactly where we try to find plugs of Active Campaign, with simply no link to, utilizing the SERP Tool from the LinkResearchTools SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION toolkit. While this particular holistic approach will eventually get rid of a lot of the problems created by some SEO professionals through the years, I believe that search engines' engineers can initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO is usually identifying issues that are harming search engine rankings and decreasing the traffic you get through SERPs. You are able in order to put up a team yet it would take a great deal of time because you will need to create substantial research and training prior to you can incorporate it. This this case, hiring the providers of an SEO firm is definitely the best choice for a person. So in particular in the event that someone is pasting links upon a spammy site, or probably a previous SEO went away from and ran some script in order to place links and a few of forums, and you still cannot clean that up for no matter what reason, and you don't possess a manual action, but a person want to make sure this doesn't even get that considerably, then the disavow file is usually a great method to simply like preemptively say well I realize about these issues, I no longer wish to lose any rest over them, I'm just heading to disavow them and obtain them taken out of the particular equation. Portable optimization for local users, together with the rise of tone of voice search, can provide an superb way to produce a productive SEO strategy in 2018 simply by facilitating the search experience by means of personalized and relevant answers. You can even rate the particular work on an SEO business through the position of your site in the search result regarding your keyword. Considering that so much data has proven that mobile traffic has overtaken desktop during the past year mobile gets a bigger factor for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION each day. There are a few factors that effect Domain Authority, but the important point here is that DA is really a significant Local SEO ranking factor. How will your business carry out SEO strategies in 2018? Views expressed here by Contributors are usually their own. The SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends for 2018 as nicely as the years to arrive are not some detached ideas you need to tackle individually. Simple, easy-to-read content material may help with voice lookup SEO. Canonical: This particular plug-in handles content syndication, which usually essentially allows other blogs in order to create your work (similar in order to franchising) without hurting your home page's SEO ranking—simply by adding the rel=canonical can get your brand name and content out on the particular internet in multiple outlets, making sure a better reach and bigger viewers without hurting your own research results. SEO provides you with a shot at ranking regarding the terms which your clients use, so you can find out better business. When it arrives to on-page SEO, I'm particular you've heard enough about the particular meta tag and keyword thickness for one lifetime. Awesome article i don't understand about youtube SEO but right after reading this article i completely understand how to rank movie on youtube and google furthermore. Brand building is the particular new link building and off-page SEO strategy in digital marketing nowadays, given that when brands turn out to be true to their core beliefs, messaging and personalities, it is definitely easy for them to enter and dominate their target viewers. So what will be something the average joe may do to help boost their particular SEO rankings for a specific keyword? Placing hyperlinks for your other website webpages, is a great way associated with enhancing your site and utilized properly, internal links can end up being a useful weapon within your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION arsenal.
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The third major SEO ranking signal is Google's artificial intelligence search ranking algorithm. In 2018, SEO strategies will be significantly influenced by voice search since the focus will be on long-tail search keywords. Content material is key but content only is no longer king; articles, context, and relevance will generate performance of content and electronic marketing, and SEO is component but not full parcel. So, from this blog, you can discover the newest information that Google is definitely ready to release, such as Making use of Page Speed in Mobile Lookup SEO 2019 Slide Ranking” Any time you read SEO weblogs on other domains, they may likely be linking to plus quoting from this blog anytime something new is published. For that person who have the website or blog, SEO helps get organic traffic of potential clients, clients and visitors in the free of charge, ” organic, ” editorial” or even natural” search results. This is the next major component of ethical SEO ranking. Keyword research have been listed as Amount 0” because it is a prerequisite to performing best practice on-page SEO.
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All of all of us need to reduce old techniques and work on evolving methods to rank on top in 2018 Listed would certainly be the TOP 10 SEO trends that are in buzz for 2018 which will definitely set a person on your way to getting a trending name on the particular internet. Being an SEO specialist, you should plan your marketing and advertising strategy keeping the mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in the mind. This means, unfortunately, SEOs need to play their video game and provide just as very much structured data as possible in order to that Google can manipulate plus display it to their customers as it wants. There is usually a ton of detail in order to ranking in the SEO entire world, to rank in Google's outcomes. There is no secret regarding SEO in 2018: Two Phrases: Mobile Speed. Google drives 96% of cellular search traffic, and you might have noticed that the vast majority of the latest trends within SEO are tied around cellular users, while desktops are getting a secondary touch point intended for a lot of users. Pursuing the most happening SEO Tendencies continues to be the primary value of efficient Digital Advertising strategy in recent days. Whether you are usually a marketer or a company owner, or even a organization for SEO, it's always helpful to research and learning fresh SEO tactics. I'm curious - sometimes along with your chapter-based guides, you have got them all on a individual page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page being a kind of intro + table associated with contents, like the Keyword Analysis for SEO Definitive Guide. More significantly for us as SEOs, it indicates that the power of hyperlinks to rank websites is fixed to decrease, as well since the power of good user-engagement metrics on the website (and anything that improves them) is usually increasing. Even as we head in order to 2018, SEO is becoming more and more important as more businesses are usually aware they require it in order to get found online. If youโ€d like to know more about doing keyword research that will give a boost to your SEO activities, head over to our completeย long tail keywords research guide and find out some of the FREE tools in action. Wise SEO activities improve your own rankings in the search motor results page (SERP). 1. Boost your Google My Business Entries (the top local SEO position signal) to help improve regional visibility and branding. Big Brand name campaigns are far, far various from small company SEO strategies that don't have any hyperlinks, to begin with, to provide you but one example. SEO has been misinterpreted by these Internet marketers mainly because they assume that you can find much better ways to get visitors plus SEO takes a lot associated with time and effort which isn't very worth it. If you are usually after growth and targeted visitors then search engine traffic will be really a traffic source that will you seriously have to think about. These happenings of the particular past year will shape upward mobile SEO in 2018. SEOQuake: A plugin intended for your web browser, not Wp, SEOQuake allows users to rapidly and seamlessly assess SEO characteristics of any website without starting up extra programs. Earlier these people were always concerned about the particular SEO ranking factors, as they will keep on changing with the particular periodic algorithm updates rolled away by the search engines. As Google as well as other search motors roll out updates, local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is becoming even more essential. You wager they actually. But, the backlinking initiatives on most SEO companies out there there leave an unnatural hyperlink pattern that Google can discover from a mile away. I have been making use of WordPress SEO by Yoast intended for a long period and upon all of my blogs along with no single problem. Since Backlinko is in the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION niche, I'll look for movie keywords using searches like key word research tips”, building backlinks” plus SEO tutorial”. I've noticed success with making videos recently and am looking forward in order to using your SEO tips in order to help my videos rank upon page 1. AI will shape fresh SEO trends in 2018. Some posts are usually definitely about SEO, such because this one: SEO Marketing Technique: Techniques for Success in 2018 This particular post begins with a declaration that few if any SEOs would dispute: Businesses should make use of 2018 to break the poor habit of viewing facets associated with an SEO marketing strategy since a one-time exercise. SEO is actually heating up with regards to brands plus businesses competing for backlinks making use of well-crafted custom content that attempts to solve a certain issue that people may be looking for. Yet with professional curiosity and the particular assistance of trained SEO experts, your business can leverage SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends to come out upon top in 2018 and further than. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing positions in organic (non-paid) lookup engine results in search motors. An SEO method is considered white hat when it conforms to the research engines' guidelines and involves simply no deception. While keyword study and optimisation still dominates SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, experts are seeing a change to natural language and contextual search over the last many years. Although many prominent numbers in SEO believe that RankBrain isn't something for which a person can specifically optimize, it continues to be a concern for most people. A report published by World Journal of Advanced Research Base states that India is fixed to see the incredible development of digital marketing industry mainly because of growing acceptance of web commerce and online businesses; and, We expect the same for the particular career of content writers or even SEO copy writers. Gaining higher ranks within the search results to make leads and thus generate on the web revenue from organic marketing strategies is how you rock the particular SEO domain. Despite the ancient usage, Backlinks are nevertheless the most powerful facet associated with the latest SEO trends plus techniques. I discussed this idea within my last post here upon Moz — Awaken, SEOs -- the NEW New Google is usually Here — so I is not going to repeat myself, but I perform suggest you decide to move read it (again). Also, with just how SEO works today, just spamming keywords isn't going to assist you at all. All SEO professionals will give more emphasis in order to content marketing and social press in 2018. Your blog site post is about SEO guidelines. All of us reach out to the Holding chamber and various other local websites to promote the events, which usually aids in our SEO. With Ahrefs, a great starting stage for keyword research for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the Keywords Explorer device. SEMrushย โ€ A very extensive SEO tool that, among other features, provides a detailed look into your domainโ€s backlinks letting you discover and remove potentially dangerous backlinks. My first tag is usually my exact target keyword (Example: Google SEO”). With an increased concentrate on user experience, Google provides challenged the SEO community in order to pay more focus on the particular overall experience of a site and how the information interacts with users, rather than just the basic elements that many optimize toward. SEO can keep your business at the best of the search results with regard to a long time to arrive, so who knows how numerous more visitors you'll attract. Several marketers chose to drive their particular modern marketing engine with the particular fuel of Video SEO within 2015.
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To get executive buy-in, SEOs need to talk a various language - a CMO will be not thinking about a checklist of rankings, they want in order to know the impact of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION on performance. If a person want to get more SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION traffic in 2018, we suggest you create and optimize content material specifically for YouTube. Search Motor Optimization (SEO) refers to the particular process by which search motors crawl” content to see just how effective it will be in order to attract traffic. On-page SEO optimizes articles for a target keyword inside a single blog post. Link authority is definitely a major component of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but purchasing links is banned by Google, Bing, and additional search engines. SEO Services - Research engines have become rigidly strict as well as the competitors is doing all it may to advance up. However, we grab the very best positions regarding you. SEO is the particular procedure for affecting the presence of a webpage by research engine results.
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I know there's the entire idea of search experience optimization” and ensuring you are customization for platforms beyond search yet when it comes down in order to it, SEO is about becoming found in search engines. Current addition of Google's new lengthier meta description snippets, featured thoughts, knowledge panels, local packs plus much more, you've got your own SEO hands full! SEO specialists have to look for new tricks and techniques to promote a website due to the fact Google algorithms take into accounts not only keywords, but also context, and a lot more. The particular biggest SEO trend in 2018 is voice search queries. There is the blur line between mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and desktop search engine marketing and advertising. One of the particular trends I expect to discover in 2018, which will have got a significant impact on most aspects of SEO, could be the improving role of artificial intelligence. SEO is an Online marketing and advertising strategy that improves the visitors on your webpage or internet site. Meaning by 2018, SEO based promotion strategy need to concentrate on having long-verse articles for best ranking results.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
DealBook: Exclusive Details on Michael Bloomberg’s Plan to Rein in Wall Street
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Good morning. (Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here.)
Bloomberg leans left and takes aim at Wall Street
Exclusive: We’re the first to report Mike Bloomberg’s proposals for changing how the financial industry is regulated, which he is planning to announce this morning. The plan features ideas that wouldn’t be out of place for Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.Among Mr. Bloomberg’s proposals:• A financial transactions tax of 0.1 percent• Toughening banking regulations like the Volcker Rule and forcing lenders to hold more in reserve against losses• Having the Justice Department create a dedicated team to fight corporate crime and “encouraging prosecutors to pursue individuals, not only corporations, for infractions”• Merging Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac• Strengthening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and “expanding its jurisdiction to include auto lending and credit reporting”• Automatically enrolling borrowers of student loans into income-based repayment schemes and capping paymentsMany of the proposals are a reversal from Mr. Bloomberg’s previous stance on financial regulation. In 2011, he complained that Democrats were taking “punitive actions” against Wall Street that could harm the economy. And comments he made in 2015 linking the financial crisis to the end of banks’ so-called redlining practices have drawn fierce criticism in recent days.It’s a sign of how far left Democratic presidential hopefuls feel they need to go to succeed in this year’s primary — even with a multibillion-dollar war chest. Mr. Bloomberg’s financial transactions tax plan is remarkably similar to one that has the backing of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.Progressive critics are likely to argue that it doesn’t go far enough. Many Democrats have also proposed some sort of wealth tax, while Ms. Warren has called for a complete overhaul of the private equity industry and Mr. Sanders wants to break up the big banks.Bloomberg’s campaign insists he isn’t flip-flopping: On the Volcker Rule, for instance, a spokeswoman said: “When it was introduced, as now, Mike was skeptical of regulators’ ability to divine traders’ intent.” His new plan would focus “on the outcome of speculative trading — big gains and losses — rather than on traders’ intent.”We’ll have more soon on nytimes.com/dealbook. Breaking: This morning, Mr. Bloomberg qualified for the Democratic debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday night, the first time he will appear onstage with his rivals for the nomination. ____________________________Today’s DealBook Briefing was written by Andrew Ross Sorkin in New York, and Michael J. de la Merced and Jason Karaian in London.____________________________
Apple cuts sales guidance over coronavirus
The iPhone maker was one of the first big companies to reveal how the coronavirus outbreak was affecting its business. The company said yesterday that “a slower return to normal conditions than we had anticipated” forced it to scrap its guidance for revenue this quarter.There is more to come. China’s central position in global supply chains — and as a huge market in itself — means that the outbreak could ripple through company’s financials for months.Good luck, analysts! The virus outbreak’s negative but uncertain effects are coming up often in earnings calls: “Coronavirus” has been cited in 170 investor presentations by S&P 500 companies in the past month, according to a search of transcripts in S&P Capital IQ. Apple’s forecast for future profits was already more vague than usual “due to the greater uncertainty,” Tim Cook, its C.E.O., said last month.Taking a different approach, Walmart said this morning that its forecast for the current financial year didn’t take into account any potential effects of the virus outbreak.
HSBC makes ‘ruthless’ cuts in U.S. and Europe
The London-based bank said this morning that it planned to cut about 35,000 jobs over the next three years as it retreats from the West to focus more on Asia.“We are intending to exit a lot of domestically focused customers in Europe and the U.S. on the global banking side,” Ewen Stevenson, the bank’s C.F.O., told Bloomberg Television. He said the lender would make “surgical and ruthless” cuts to underperforming businesses.The plan is to accelerate investment in its Asian and Middle Eastern businesses, which already generate nearly half of its revenue. That’s the strategy that Standard Chartered, another London-based, Asia-focused bank, has followed.The initiative may not be enough. Shares in HSBC dropped 3 percent this morning. Alan Higgins, the chief investment officer of Coutts & Company, told Bloomberg that the strategy was “on the conservative side.”
Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion on climate change
The Amazon chief has announced his biggest charitable donation to date, a fund to study and fight climate change, Karen Weise of the NYT writes.Mr. Bezos is a latecomer to large-scale charitable giving, starting in 2018 with a $2 billion program to combat homelessness created with his then-wife, MacKenzie.Amazon has been under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint. It revealed in September that it emitted about 44.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018, making it one of the world’s top 200 emitters. And employees have called on the company to stop providing services to oil and gas industries.“One hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” said Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a group of workers protesting the company’s environmental practices.
Europe’s venture capitalists are getting serious
Atomico said this morning that it had raised Europe’s largest-ever independent tech venture fund, worth $820 million. The London-based venture capital firm’s founder, Niklas Zennstrom, told Michael in an interview that it was a sign of how the European start-up industry is coming into its own.There are now 99 “unicorns” — VC-backed start-ups worth at least $1 billion — in Europe, compared with 22 five years ago. “Companies are taking on bigger challenges, and there’s more ambition and experience,” Mr. Zennstrom said.That enabled Atomico to raise more money for its fifth fund than the $750 million it had originally planned. Among the investors in this fund are founders and early employees of Atomico-backed companies like Spotify, the payments company Klarna and the game maker Supercell. Mr. Zennstrom himself is a Swedish billionaire who co-founded Skype.But Mr. Zennstrom sees hurdles ahead:• Valuation multiples for European start-ups aren’t as high as those for U.S. companies. (There are twice as many V.C.-backed unicorns in the U.S., according to PwC.) Even so, Mr. Zennstrom said that unlike their American rivals, European start-ups were more focused on creating businesses that can become profitable.• Although Europe has plenty of gifted coders, getting them to come to a particular start-up — often in a different country — is a challenge.
Mark Zuckerberg calls for global rules for online content
While on a trip to Europe, the Facebook founder suggested that new rules and standards were needed to promote public trust in tech platforms.“I believe good regulation may hurt Facebook’s business in the near term, but it will be better for everyone, including us, over the long term,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in an FT opinion piece. Facebook also published a white paper with “guidelines for future regulation.”E.U. officials rejected his proposals. “It’s not enough. It’s too slow, it’s too low in terms of responsibility and regulation,” said a European Commissioner. And in response to Mr. Zuckerberg’s opinion piece, George Soros wrote a letter to the FT calling on the C.E.O. to “stop obfuscating the facts by piously arguing for government regulation” and urging him to resign.
The speed read
Deals• Pier 1 Imports filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. (NYT)• Univision is reportedly in talks to sell itself to an investor group for about $10 billion, including debt. (WSJ)• Alstom agreed to buy Bombardier’s train division for up to $6.7 billion to take on China’s CRRC. (Reuters)• Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold a third of its stake in Goldman Sachs and a fifth of its shares in Wells Fargo. (Reuters)Politics and policy• The millennial goal of retiring early would be bad news for the Fed if they could manage to do it. (NYT)• Some employees at Oracle are protesting plans by their C.E.O., Larry Ellison, to hold a fund-raiser for President Trump. (Business Insider)Tech• Germany is poised to let Huawei into its 5G wireless network, a blow to the Trump administration’s fight against the Chinese telecom giant. (NYT)• The SoftBank-backed hotel platform Oyo reported a fourfold increase in revenue and a sixfold rise in its annual loss. (Bloomberg)• Palantir revamped its compensation to give employees bonuses in restricted stock, to save cash ahead of a potential I.P.O. (Bloomberg)Best of the rest• BlackRock has become a symbol for anticapitalist fervor in France (NYT)• The N.B.A. commissioner, Adam Silver, said that the league’s rift with China could cost it up to $400 million in lost revenue. (CNBC)• Have global carbon emissions peaked? The short answer is probably not. (Bloomberg)Thanks for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Read the full article
0 notes
mastcomm · 5 years
DealBook: Exclusive Details on Michael Bloomberg’s Plan to Rein in Wall Street
Good morning. (Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here.)
Bloomberg leans left and takes aim at Wall Street
Exclusive: We’re the first to report Mike Bloomberg’s proposals for changing how the financial industry is regulated, which he is planning to announce this morning. The plan features ideas that wouldn’t be out of place for Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Among Mr. Bloomberg’s proposals:
• A financial transactions tax of 0.1 percent
• Toughening banking regulations like the Volcker Rule and forcing lenders to hold more in reserve against losses
• Having the Justice Department create a dedicated team to fight corporate crime and “encouraging prosecutors to pursue individuals, not only corporations, for infractions”
• Merging Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
• Strengthening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and “expanding its jurisdiction to include auto lending and credit reporting”
• Automatically enrolling borrowers of student loans into income-based repayment schemes and capping payments
Many of the proposals are a reversal from Mr. Bloomberg’s previous stance on financial regulation. In 2011, he complained that Democrats were taking “punitive actions” against Wall Street that could harm the economy. And comments he made in 2015 linking the financial crisis to the end of banks’ so-called redlining practices have drawn fierce criticism in recent days.
It’s a sign of how far left Democratic presidential hopefuls feel they need to go to succeed in this year’s primary — even with a multibillion-dollar war chest. Mr. Bloomberg’s financial transactions tax plan is remarkably similar to one that has the backing of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Progressive critics are likely to argue that it doesn’t go far enough. Many Democrats have also proposed some sort of wealth tax, while Ms. Warren has called for a complete overhaul of the private equity industry and Mr. Sanders wants to break up the big banks.
Bloomberg’s campaign insists he isn’t flip-flopping: On the Volcker Rule, for instance, a spokeswoman said: “When it was introduced, as now, Mike was skeptical of regulators’ ability to divine traders’ intent.” His new plan would focus “on the outcome of speculative trading — big gains and losses — rather than on traders’ intent.”
We’ll have more soon on nytimes.com/dealbook.
Breaking: This morning, Mr. Bloomberg qualified for the Democratic debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday night, the first time he will appear onstage with his rivals for the nomination.
Today’s DealBook Briefing was written by Andrew Ross Sorkin in New York, and Michael J. de la Merced and Jason Karaian in London.
Apple cuts sales guidance over coronavirus
The iPhone maker was one of the first big companies to reveal how the coronavirus outbreak was affecting its business. The company said yesterday that “a slower return to normal conditions than we had anticipated” forced it to scrap its guidance for revenue this quarter.
There is more to come. China’s central position in global supply chains — and as a huge market in itself — means that the outbreak could ripple through company’s financials for months.
Good luck, analysts! The virus outbreak’s negative but uncertain effects are coming up often in earnings calls: “Coronavirus” has been cited in 170 investor presentations by S&P 500 companies in the past month, according to a search of transcripts in S&P Capital IQ. Apple’s forecast for future profits was already more vague than usual “due to the greater uncertainty,” Tim Cook, its C.E.O., said last month.
Taking a different approach, Walmart said this morning that its forecast for the current financial year didn’t take into account any potential effects of the virus outbreak.
HSBC makes ‘ruthless’ cuts in U.S. and Europe
The London-based bank said this morning that it planned to cut about 35,000 jobs over the next three years as it retreats from the West to focus more on Asia.
“We are intending to exit a lot of domestically focused customers in Europe and the U.S. on the global banking side,” Ewen Stevenson, the bank’s C.F.O., told Bloomberg Television. He said the lender would make “surgical and ruthless” cuts to underperforming businesses.
The plan is to accelerate investment in its Asian and Middle Eastern businesses, which already generate nearly half of its revenue. That’s the strategy that Standard Chartered, another London-based, Asia-focused bank, has followed.
The initiative may not be enough. Shares in HSBC dropped 3 percent this morning. Alan Higgins, the chief investment officer of Coutts & Company, told Bloomberg that the strategy was “on the conservative side.”
Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion on climate change
The Amazon chief has announced his biggest charitable donation to date, a fund to study and fight climate change, Karen Weise of the NYT writes.
Mr. Bezos is a latecomer to large-scale charitable giving, starting in 2018 with a $2 billion program to combat homelessness created with his then-wife, MacKenzie.
Amazon has been under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint. It revealed in September that it emitted about 44.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018, making it one of the world’s top 200 emitters. And employees have called on the company to stop providing services to oil and gas industries.
“One hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” said Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a group of workers protesting the company’s environmental practices.
Europe’s venture capitalists are getting serious
Atomico said this morning that it had raised Europe’s largest-ever independent tech venture fund, worth $820 million. The London-based venture capital firm’s founder, Niklas Zennstrom, told Michael in an interview that it was a sign of how the European start-up industry is coming into its own.
There are now 99 “unicorns” — VC-backed start-ups worth at least $1 billion — in Europe, compared with 22 five years ago. “Companies are taking on bigger challenges, and there’s more ambition and experience,” Mr. Zennstrom said.
That enabled Atomico to raise more money for its fifth fund than the $750 million it had originally planned. Among the investors in this fund are founders and early employees of Atomico-backed companies like Spotify, the payments company Klarna and the game maker Supercell. Mr. Zennstrom himself is a Swedish billionaire who co-founded Skype.
But Mr. Zennstrom sees hurdles ahead:
• Valuation multiples for European start-ups aren’t as high as those for U.S. companies. (There are twice as many V.C.-backed unicorns in the U.S., according to PwC.) Even so, Mr. Zennstrom said that unlike their American rivals, European start-ups were more focused on creating businesses that can become profitable.
• Although Europe has plenty of gifted coders, getting them to come to a particular start-up — often in a different country — is a challenge.
Mark Zuckerberg calls for global rules for online content
While on a trip to Europe, the Facebook founder suggested that new rules and standards were needed to promote public trust in tech platforms.
“I believe good regulation may hurt Facebook’s business in the near term, but it will be better for everyone, including us, over the long term,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in an FT opinion piece. Facebook also published a white paper with “guidelines for future regulation.”
E.U. officials rejected his proposals. “It’s not enough. It’s too slow, it’s too low in terms of responsibility and regulation,” said a European Commissioner. And in response to Mr. Zuckerberg’s opinion piece, George Soros wrote a letter to the FT calling on the C.E.O. to “stop obfuscating the facts by piously arguing for government regulation” and urging him to resign.
The speed read
• Pier 1 Imports filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. (NYT)
• Univision is reportedly in talks to sell itself to an investor group for about $10 billion, including debt. (WSJ)
• Alstom agreed to buy Bombardier’s train division for up to $6.7 billion to take on China’s CRRC. (Reuters)
• Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold a third of its stake in Goldman Sachs and a fifth of its shares in Wells Fargo. (Reuters)
Politics and policy
• The millennial goal of retiring early would be bad news for the Fed if they could manage to do it. (NYT)
• Some employees at Oracle are protesting plans by their C.E.O., Larry Ellison, to hold a fund-raiser for President Trump. (Business Insider)
• Germany is poised to let Huawei into its 5G wireless network, a blow to the Trump administration’s fight against the Chinese telecom giant. (NYT)
• The SoftBank-backed hotel platform Oyo reported a fourfold increase in revenue and a sixfold rise in its annual loss. (Bloomberg)
• Palantir revamped its compensation to give employees bonuses in restricted stock, to save cash ahead of a potential I.P.O. (Bloomberg)
Best of the rest
• BlackRock has become a symbol for anticapitalist fervor in France (NYT)
• The N.B.A. commissioner, Adam Silver, said that the league’s rift with China could cost it up to $400 million in lost revenue. (CNBC)
• Have global carbon emissions peaked? The short answer is probably not. (Bloomberg)
Thanks for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.
We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected].
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