#this chapter is sponsored by sour skittles
jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (15)
Jaebum AU Series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / sixteen
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, romance, drama, mature  plot: you are getting bullied and jaebum decides to fake date you  a/n: this chapter is sponsered by sour skittles lmao <3 not edited, i hope y’all like it :) 
“Yah, are you stupid?” She glared at you. You groaned as you tried getting up from the nurse’s bed. She gently pushed you back down, and let out a loud and heavy sigh. 
“Y/n, I’m not saying this to be funny, or to sound strong, or whatever,” she looked into your eyes. You noticed the new wound on her bottom lip, and the bruise of her left cheek. You felt tears prickle your eyes as the image of those girls crowding around her flashed through your mind. 
“You are my friend, y/n,” Nora says, as she takes your cold hands into her warm ones. “I know you want to protect me. I want to protect you too. But jumping into those kind of situations, against seven other girls, is just stupidity.” 
You looked away from her soft gaze. 
You felt embarrased. Embarrased that you shared this horrible memory, that this was your reality, that you couldn’t even protect her properly and probably made it worse for her. 
“Next time, help me by getting help,” she told you softly, as she touched your chin making you face her. “Get help. Call someone. Don’t jump in.”
She held your collarbone where a purple bruise darkened. 
“You jumping in doesn’t help. All it does is make it the both of us instead one. Okay?”
You nodded, as your chin began trembling, as tears began streaming down your face. “Okay.”
The fluffy white clouds in the blue skies would’ve tricked anyone into believing it was a beautiful cool spring day, but the bitter chill that seeped through the old windows of the building reminded you otherwise. 
Winter had slowly creeped up, and it was getting colder with every passing day. You were surprised it hadn’t snowed so far into the season. However, the weather always so nice. The past few months had been ridden with storms and endless downpours of rain making the early winter colder. 
You stuffed your hands into your pocket of your winter jacket, as you let out a sigh. You wished for something hot and warm right now, but you didn’t want to go out of the old music room. 
You knew leaving this sanctuary would leave you exposed to the judging eyes of everyone, and you didn’t want to risk the chance of running into Jenny. 
The bullying had easied miraciously. Maybe pretending to go out with Jaebum did really help, but it didn’t deter everyone. Some still continued to treat you like trash as you passed the hallways alone. But never when you were with Jaebum, and that seemed to be often. 
Jaebum never left your side in school. At first, it made you nervous. You didn’t like the attention, you didn’t like the stares. And most of all, you hated being a burden on Jaebum. You hated that he carried you around everywhere to protect you from their harsh words. 
But as time has passed, you didn’t mind Jaebum next to you. 
You didn’t feel like a burden as much anymore. 
Not when Jaebum would sometimes forget the watching eyes and let out a laugh as you both joked. Not when Jaebum would hold your hands through the halls, or open doors for you. Not when Jaebum would smile at you and look at you as if you were the only good thing in the world. 
Im Jaebum was nothing like you thought he would be. He was all the good parts you expected him to be. You knew he was kind, nice and caring. But you had also thought he was a sex obessed succubus. 
Atleast that’s what the rumours painted him to be. They painted him like a sex god. As the boy who would only pay attention to anyone as long as he could gain something from them. 
But that wasn’t true. 
Jaebum was a dork. Jaebum was a good friend. Jaebum didn’t need anything in return for all that he was doing for you. Jaebum was a good person with a heart of gold. 
It bothered you that Jaebum wasn’t being sexual with you, because that’s what his nature was made out to be. But Jaebum never touched you more than he needed to. And even when he did, he did it cautiously. His eyes always looking into yours, searching for permission. His hands were always warm, large and gentle. 
Even in moments when you were so near that you could feel his minty breath dance on your lips. Even in moments when you wanted nothing more than Jaebum, his body, his lips, his hands all over you. Even in moments, where all Jaebum needed to do was breath the word and you’d snap and fall into him. Jaebum always managed to pull back, always stopped it before it went to far. 
You sighed as you slid down the wall, and sunk onto the floor. Your knees pressed against your chest, your head leaning against it. The music gently carried from your earphones, and you let it loosen you up a bit. 
You hummed lightly, closing your eyes, as your wrapped your arms around your knees. 
“I can’t wait to hear you sing,” his voice spoke over the music, resting in my chest feeling golden. He sat down two cups of hot chocolate and a bag of snacks. 
He sat down next to you, his shoulders pressed against yours. You tummy flipped, and your cheeks tinted pink. Jaebum didn’t notice and continued, “I always hear you hum, but never sing. I’m sure you’ll sound good.” 
Your cheeks got warmer at his compliment. You avoided his gaze, not sure how to reply.
“Maybe someday,” you replied, trying to sound cool about it, despite your racing heart. He thought you sounded good. 
Instead you searched through the back, and picked out the packet of sour skittles. You squealed happily as you turned towards Jaebum. 
“How did you know?!” You had been craving it for a whole week now, but never got around to buying it. You gave him a wide grin as you carefully opened the packet and held it out to Jaebum. “Hand.”
You took them out on Jaebum’s hand picking out the green ones, and putting them into your mouth. 
Jaebum hated any artifical food that was coloured green. 
“Thanks,” Jaebum mumbled before stuffing the lot in his palm into his mouth. His face contured as the sourness for the candy sharply assaulted his tastebuds. You laughed, as he shivered before chewing furiously. 
“Have the hot chocolate before it gets cold,” Jaebum gestured to the two cups between you two. You picked yours cup, sipping it slowly, letting the warm chocolate sink into your body. 
You smiled, as you thought of how much the drink reminded you of Jaebum. It was warm and sweet just like him. The darkness of eyes stealing the colour of the hot drink. His eyes were like hot chocolate; warm and soothing. He was hot chocolate. 
You looked over to Jaebum who was looking at you intently. Your cheeks tainted pink as you bit your lip. 
“What?” You whispered after a moment when he continued to look at you. 
Jaebum couldn’t help but think back to the first time you both were in this room together. He couldn’t help but compare you to the timid, shy girl who didn’t want to eat because she thought she deserved to. He couldn’t help but feel joy and find humour at how you stared at him, asking him questions, instead of stealing your gaze away from him.
He smiled to himself as he looked at you, making you frown in return. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, as making his smile get wider. 
“Jaebum, stop,” you pouted. “What is it? Why are you smiling at me like that?” 
You stared as the light from the heaven shown into the little room on the fourth floor of the old building. 
Jaebum threw his head back, his locks falling back. His throat long, his skin soft begging you to place a kiss on it. His voice bounced of the walls, his shoulders shaking as he barked out a laugh. 
You couldn’t even be upset anymore. 
You couldn’t even remember anything, as Jaebum laughed. 
The light radiating of him, his skin glittering emitting the sunlight. His dark locks glistening, the darkness breathing in the light, as swayed gently with his movement. His red lips open and turned upwards, his eyes squeezed shit, making his long lashes graze his high cheekbones. 
He was beautiful. 
He was breathtaking. 
You stared at him in awe, as he slowly settled down. He peeked at you from the corner of his eyes, as he coughed out the remaining laughter. 
He didn’t say anything. He reached over and patted your head before rubbing your hair. 
Your lips parted, as you stared at him in shock. You were sure your cheeks were as red as tomatoes, as you peered at him through your lashes. 
Jaebum smiled, and sat back down.
You stared at him. He was playing with you. 
You reached over and rubbed his black hair; you couldn’t help but notice the silkiness of it. It’s touch just as it looked like it would be. 
Jaebum gaped at you, taken aback. His long hair lay over his eyes, covering it slightly. But you could see enough to see the surprise in them, slowly turning into mischieve. 
“Jae, no-” Your yelp was cut off as Jaebum leaned in towards you. He was so close you could feel his warm breath fall over your lips. His eyes darkened, as they rested on your parted lips before meeting your wide eyes. 
Your heart shivered, as excitment and the urge to kiss him ran over you like an electric wave. 
His hands placed beside you on either side, caging you in. It made him surround you. It made him take over your mind completely, so all you could think about was him. 
“Jae,” you whispered, your chest heaving. You leaned back slightly, but Jaebum followed you. He came in closer like you were a magnet pulling him towards you. 
He was closer now; much, much closer now. So close that the slightest movement would make your lips brush against his soft ones. 
He lifted one of his and placed them on your waist. The slightest thought of Jaebum feeling the curves of your plump waist crossed your mind, but instantly they vanished, as Jaebum parted his lips. 
You wanted to lean in closer. You wanted nothing more than to press your lips against him, and pull his body onto you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss Im Jaebum. 
But, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You couldn’t move even if your wanted to. Your whole body stilled with anticipation as your blood ran hotter with every passing second. 
Kiss me. You thought, as if Jaebum could magically read your mind. 
But maybe he could. 
Jaebum’s eyes darted from your lips to your eyes; searching, reading. He smiled lightly, before looking back at your lips. His hands on your waist tightened, as he swallowed nervously. 
You closed your eyes, your hands moving from your skirt onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your fists clutching it, tightly. 
You felt Jaebum move for a second, the warmth of his breath moving for a spilt second. But then he was back. His one hand still on your waist, the other now on your cheeks. 
Your chest rose and fell. Your sweaty palms holding onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your eyes closed tightly. Your lips waiting for Jaebum’s.
After what felt like eternity, you felt the slightest brush of lips pressing against yours, when a loud shrill ran through the room. 
He jerked away from you. 
Your eyes snapping open, your arms outstretched from holding Jaebum’s jacket. 
Jaebum stared at you, and you felt yourself burn up. You were sure your whole face was on fire, as you looked away from Jaebum. 
Oh my god. 
Before Jaebum could say anything, you quickly grabbed your hot chocolate and ran out the classroom mortified. 
Jaebum walked into the room fifteen minutes after you. The lesson had started, but the teacher didn’t address Jaebum as he strudded into class and settled in his seat beside you. 
You felt his gaze remain on you the whole time, and lowered your head. You let your hair fall and become a curtain between Jaebum and your burning beetroot face. 
After a minute, you saw a green box slide onto your desk. It was the sour skittles packet. Upon closer look you saw a white note peeking out. You pulled it out, and could tell Jaebum was watching. 
Sorry you couldn’t resist my charm. 
You looked over at Jaebum, letting out a little snort. 
Someone snickered from in front of you, under their breath, “pig.”
Jaebum’s eyes darkened, his fist clenched, but he kept his gaze on you, watching you. 
You reached out and touched his hand, before giving him a small smile. 
This time Jaebum snorted, loudly, obnixiously. Even the teacher froze, but he didn’t turn around. He remained facing the board, his pen stopped midstroke. The whole class froze over, and no one let out a peep. 
Until from infront of the room, a girlish snort came. 
You looked over, and you couldn’t believe. 
She remained facing the front of the room, as the whole room erupted into a quiet roar of commotion. 
Jenny. It was Jenny. 
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