#this could also fit my OC Calliope
bunny-is-cute · 4 months
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can-of-pringles · 8 months
For the ship ask game:
Dream/Calliope (since I know you like them), Dreamling (since I know you don't like them), and Rogue/Gambit (wild cards, pun not intended)
And.... just for fun, Mari x Peter and Jasper x Kyle?
1. What made you ship it?
The Calliope episode of The Sandman. Just seeing Dream and Calliope interact... *screams* they have such good chemistry despite being divorced lol.
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Also, the fact that despite everything, Dream still immediately came to help her. He still obviously cares for her and I lose my mind every time I watch the episode.
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2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I guess I slightly said above. But I like how much of a power couple they are, an Endless and a Goddess is pretty cool.
Also, the fact that it is pretty much canon that they were good parents to Orpheus 🥺 (there's a comic panel of Calliope saying that Dream was a good father)
And going by the show, hypothetically, I think there's still enough there that could bring back their relationship. I'm not saying like canon to the show, but I'm saying their dynamic to me seems like they could work through their problems. (They just need a lot of couple's therapy /j)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmm... honestly the Dream x Calliope fandom isn't big enough to have unpopular opinions if that makes sense. But I guess maybe this is more of a personal gripe, but why is this ship so less popular than others despite actually being canon at some point?
1. Why don’t you ship it?
It's too popular to the point where it's basically everywhere in the fandom and you can't escape it. Also, I don't like Hob Gadling. I'm also not fond of the ineffable husbands comparison, all because they're two Neil Gaiman characters that sit at a table a lot.
2. What would have made you like it?
Well, if better ships didn't exist I guess. And I feel like some parts of Hob's character could've been handled better if you know what I mean. Also, not every relationship has to be a romantic one.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I've read a couple of dreamling fics that were very well written.
1. What made you ship it?
I'm not as familiar with the ship, but I've watched a bit of the old X-Men cartoon and I like their dynamic.
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2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Um... from what I know, Gambit basically is very down bad for Rogue? and idk I like that. (But I'm not that familiar so please no one shout at me if I'm wrong 😅)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know enough to know what's considered unpopular.
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not
OC-related ships under the cut
1. What made you ship it?
Well, it's my own ship lol. But I really wanted to have an X-Men oc in a relationship with Peter.
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2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They're always there for each other, very supportive of each other. The cute bantering and little nicknames sometimes. 👏 They are a power couple. 👏
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Um... I guess not?
1. What made you ship it?
Well I mean reading Heartstrings. Idk how you'd read it and not ship them lol.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like how different they are but how they still fit each other perfectly if that makes sense? I like how they're very supportive of each other. And honestly just how cute they are together lol.
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(I hope you don't mind me using a gif of your faceclaim for Jasper, also unrelated but how did I not realize Miles McKenna was in Goosebumps? I literally kinda watched the show...)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so? Except I guess just that they're better than Kyle and Zoe...
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moth--knight · 1 year
For the ‘So Many Ideas’ post about WIPs, I’d love to hear about any ideas you have for the stuff listed in the post!!!
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK ! ! ! ! AHHHHHHHH I love a good excuse to talk about the feral ideas that are constantly scratching at the cat posts of my brain. I am going to ramble (as per usual......my apologies) so putting my answers below the cut.
Fics I want to write
All of the fics I write are ones I want to write, so this category is a bit funny. But I REALLY want to write a very dorky and self-indulgent Tokyo BayoJeanne rivals fic where they play competitive Splatoon. LMAO. I don't know if I ever will, because it is so ridiculously niche and silly.....but the idea is floating around currently. Jeanne is a Splatana Wiper Deco main and her backup is the fucking Bamboozler (ANNOYING TRYHARD MOMENTS). Bayo mains Dark Tetra Dualies and her backup is the Dynamo Roller. They spend entire matches just trying to kill each other, much to the chagrin of their teams. They meet IRL and are like. Oh she's hot. Oh no. OH nooooooooooo. Their first date is bowling which is way too fucking competitive and they end up making out in the bowling alley's shitty arcade. Love wins.
Fics I want to read
Lumen Bayo. I want this fic so badly as something I could just sit down and devour. In an ideal world, this fic would be written together by dubhgloinne, Dikhotomia, and Wilmaa and I would sob and scream and bite my hand until it bled at every chapter. Alas. They are not writing it, *I* am, so I will do my best to emulate the things they all do fabulously well and translate it to my own style. Part of why this fic is so daunting is because it is something I want primarily to read, and I am not sure if I can pull off the actual writing haha. We shall see.
Also a BayoJeanne coffeeshop AU. How the hell does this fandom not have one yet (as far as I am aware). I have started writing it but.....I know nothing about coffee. Or tea for that matter. So I will probably never finish writing this one. Someone else, PLEASE. I FUCKING BEG. BAYOJEANNE COFFEESHOP MEET CUTE ! ! ! !
There is just One Scene and I could write it but it would be waaaay more cool if I had all the build up to the scene but unfortunately. I can only figure out the Scene
Oh god. I have one tiny snippet of scene for a sequel to my orpheus fic, where Jeanne and Bayonetta have a full fight over Jeanne's over-protectiveness ..... but it would hit harder if I properly set it up and properly let them cope. It has been sitting in my drafts for months. I may never finish it. But I want to.
I keep changing my mind. Where am I going with this
Fun fact - last year I started planning what was supposed to be my first proper multi-chapter (side-eyes DH) set post Bayo 2, where Jeanne and Bayo would manage to bring a small cohort of witches back to life accidentally due a failsafe put in place by the Umbran Elder. But I was worried I was veering too close to some of the amazing ideas andthatisterrible has explored in their Endlings series and couldn't stop changing my mind on what to do with it. I have since abandoned it. I came up with an OC for it (a butch Umbra named Calliope) that I was IN LOVE WITH. She appears briefly in my blood and darkness fic, but this would have been her chance to shine. Alas. RIP to her.
This has been done a million times before. But. Hear me out
Jeanne and Bayo falling in love post Bayo 1. I have written this fic twice before, a million other people have written it, and yet here I am doing it a third time. But here me out. t4t BayoJeanne falling in love. DO YOU SEE THE VISION.
I will 100% Never Write This. This is just my Emotional Support Idea no one can ever know about bc it makes sense only to me
This used to be my t4t bayojeanne fic, but cringe is dead and I am free so I am actually writing it and will post it someday. I don't think I have any current ideas that fit this category.
Would be better as a comic...
I have had this idea pinging around in my head about Umbran hair rituals since last May (and playing Origins has only made it worse) but I think because so much of it is about feeling and vibes it would make for a much prettier and more impactful comic. I can't draw though so. RIP. I will probably break down some of these ideas and incorporate them into other fics though.
This will be my magnum opus if I can just get my 50 pages of ideas into a coherent narrative
Lumen Bayo. God please. Praying I can pull it off. I love it so so so so so much.
All I have are vibes
Eldritch horror Bayonetta, who gets a hold of both Eyes of the World and uses them to prevent Jeanne from ever dying. She becomes a god and loses her humanity in the process, and Jeanne is horrified (both by what her lover has become for her, and because she still loves her despite it all). My favorite Mass Effect fic of all time plays with a similar idea/theme, so I am drawing inspiration from it. But I only have vibes, not a real plot. It will probably be pretty experimental.....if I could write it in a similar style to this fucking incredible fic by Dikhotomia that would be epic. One day. ONE DAY.
WIP I started and haven't updated in 2 years and oh god its beEN TWO YEARS???
LMAO. It was this fic but since I finished it I don't have any other WIPs that have been sitting stagnant for more than four months. The other ideas pinging around my brain right now are Origins focused (I have a longer Morgana/Rosa endgame Origins AU fic in the works, but who knows when that will see the light of day.

ANYWAY. Hope this was interesting?
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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Send me a ⭐ and I'll tell you muses I want to throw your way! // Accepting!
@draconisa / @divinecounsel asked: ⭐ for Athena!
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I'm gonna do for BOTH because I can! ^^
BUT YES, for Athena, I have so many thoughts! So many thoughts! I of course have my PJO muses if you feel like interacting with any of them! There's also Hades, Kronos, and Orpheus if you feel like a slightly more mythological spin on things.
If not, I've got plenty more! 😁 Kratos has a long history with Athena, some of which is good, some of which is not so good, so that could be interesting. Calliope and Atreus could be super interesting to have interact with her for similar reasons, in some world where she's still around or where Kratos didn't kill her or lots of other things! (I know my partner and I have talked about how some of Odysseus' song/lines in Epic also fit super well for Kratos, which kind of delights me).
Beyond that, I've got my OC Aster who is a child of Dionysus and could conceivably interact with her! He tries to do what he can to help most everyone, but he's also a capable fighter and formidable foe, potentially.
Otherwise, I'm open to pretty much anything!
And as for Dany, WELL. Give me a verse where Brienne's her bodyguard because YES. Badass ladies supporting badass ladies. ^^
I have a decent amount of other characters that have various modern-type verses that could potentially run into Dany, depending. But another one that's easy to come up with off the top of my head are Riftan Calpyse and Hebaron Nirtha. Riftan's modern verse also has him as the head of a very wealthy company, and Hebaron is kind of his second-in-command. They could meet on business or if Dany wants to buy a horse or some other things too.
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f0xgl0v3 · 11 months
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These are design concepts for my OC Calliope, I mentioned her in my first post (where she looked WILDLY different but my art style flips on a dime sometimes) but yeah! These are just some concepts for things like her face, hair (which I find hard) and basic layouts for things like moles & scarring. She is meant to be a Demigod and I have her placed at Camp Jupiter at the beginning of her story (arc? Idk)
But uh yeah! Her name is fully, Calliope Augustine Varus (yes; THAT Varus. I’ll explain that more, and this probably puts her teetering on the Mary sue status- and she is partially what I have scripted for my DR) but she’s meant to be the Granddaughter of Michael Varus, a daughter of Dionysus (yes- the Greek aspect, not Bacchus) and a legacy of Janus. Also born on June 21 (because that’s my birthday and i like it; and it’s a great plot device in her backstory- ‘it’s my tea party, I get to choose the rules’/j. Maybe I’ll say some bad excuse.)
Her whole spiel is that she went to Camp Jupiter at a younger age (not as young as Jason for her actual character and not DR but probably younger than 12. I’d put her as maybe nine) her mother was increasingly worried about the monster issues, as she chose to move from New Rome and not in any Demigod populated community; and Calliope already began learning about her powers from a young age (It’s mentioned in tLT that the reason monsters begin hunting demigods is when they start learning of their powers; Percy did his whole fountain thing. And it’s a good reason as to why Frank got 16 years of smooth sailing) but she learned her powers from a younger age; combination of her mother and Janus things (I’ll explain her power distribution and a thematic role in her powers) and Dionysus things- because Dionysus totally finds some way to hang out with his children before they get to Camp, he had a good relationship with Castor and Pollux and he cares about them a lot. But instead of Helen (the mother; probably should’ve said that, but Helen’s her name) bringing her to Camp Half-Blood. I’d like to think on Calliope’s birthday (me and my friend decided birthday trauma because that would be a time Dionysus- or none of the gods could watch their kids) Lupa comes over and is like, ‘Helen, pookie, hand over your kid. It’ll be safer in the legion’ and Helen is there like T-T, ‘Okay’. Obviously; it’s far more like, intricate than that- but it pretty much is an okay enough bad summary. But yeah- Helen scribbles down a letter of recommendation, grabs one her mother (who was totally the Augur previously, making her Michael Varus’s lover/wifey/idk, and the Augur that told him, ‘Michael don’t do that it’s not time’ and it doubles as ‘Michael we have a small child and you have one more year until retirement don’t get yourself killed now’) and tucks them with her small child; that pearl necklace in the drawjng is also from this time period of Calliope’s life. But uhhh whatever; something, something, Lupa training. I usually only see her when thinking about her in HoO as a Modern AU (If it was taking place during 2009, her birthday would be probably moved back; and she would be a 2009 scene girlie. But she only is thought of in a world with MY head canons, MY re-imagining, and MY storyline. So she is hard to try and re-work to fit in the OG. Maybe I’ll try once and post it here and giggle with everyone on how much I’d probably butcher her.) but yeah; as a modern AU that has my re-imagining and head canons, back on track- so, she does her training, gets to the legion, fun letters of recommendation and I think she shows some special ability to get in the first cohort (again; in line with my head canons for the re-imagining of the legion. I’m plugging it a lot but it’s something I’m putting a lot of effort into) but she gets in, and naturally becomes friends with Jason’s friend group but still is kind of an outsider to that. Next important thing is Octavian joining the legion- they had seen each other around New Rome and talked with each other a couple times, they were friends; and just became better friends once he joined the legion (I put Calliope at around 17 for the majority of HoO) once he gets his Centurion position (I have to figure out how I wanna think abt the Augur stuff) but he promotes Calliope to Optio (or Optio centuriae specifically, it means she’s pretty much the second in command for Centurions- I’ll probably talk more about them in my Roles post for CJ Re-imagined). And then she doesn’t really matter until Jason’s praetorship, during the barely mentioned mutiny; of course. Because she’s meant to be a good friend to Jason, but I have her fatal flaw as being like two-faced, for a Janus related one. So I feel like she went behind her friends backs to discreetly fuel the mutiny, but just teetering the line enough that she wouldn’t be traced back to it? If that makes sense; I want it to be a reveal. Uh, yeah- she’s mostly thought of in relation to my DR. And I’ve ran out of words, byeeeee!! I’ll talk more in a
part 2!
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luhatev · 1 year
Trigger Happy Havoc CANNON U (Pt.2)
THERE ARE DANGANRONPA SPOILERS IN THIS!! The Cannon DR.1 Universe involving my oc + calliope
The next day the students get handed their envelopes, which consisted of an embarrassing moment in their life that they didn't want anyone to find out.
Risa and Calliope are suddenly enemies, despite their past and being friends for so long and also despite the fact they are literally inseparable Risa finds out that Calliope had ruined her life and her chances to be the heir of her family's extremely successful company. In the past Risa had destroyed her adopted younger brothers work and stole any of his personal stock within the company, selling it for her own benefit so that she could stay on top as the heir to her family's company. Somehow her parents found out about this fact and emotionally disowned her (not actually, the media loved her so they kept her close for the Lu family name to be seen as perfect. Due to this fact, Risa fell into a deep depression, blaming her adopted younger brother for everything attempted to poison him aiming to frame it as an overdose on his side, but when it failed and he survived with no issue, she felt so much guilt anger and regret that she attempted suislide. (Part of this was Risas embarrassing secret, not wanting anyone to find out she attempted to kill her brother and attempted suislide.) Now finding out it was in fact Calliope who revealed this to her family, she hated her and declared them no longer friends. Risa and Calliope argue, causing Risa to withdraw from her childhood friend and leave the gym before anyone else, Byakuya snuck away and started following her selfishly, in an attempt to find out why she was so emotional for his own benefit and curiosity, not because he cared. Risa lashed out at him in a fit of anger and told him to back off. Byakuya in this moment learned more about risas emotions and developed a sense of respect for her needs to be alone, allowing her to leave without any more arguments. After this Byakuya head to the library, it was natural for him to be around knowledge. Toko finds him here and tells him her secret, he doesnt exactly care about this at all but recalls something about Risa. As he left the library that night he noticed Mondo Owada was leaving the changing rooms by the pool. After checking it out he was the first to see.. and rearranged the rooms to expose Toko's secret, he didn't care about her in the slightest and wanted to make the game more interesting for himself in a selfish manner. The second murder occured that night, Calliopes friend Chihiro Fukisaki had been murdered. The others discover the body and Risa is unphased by the death. Calliope was breaking down as a result of her friends murder. Risa was cold and ignored Calliope despite her natural instinct to want to be there for her.
Through her pain Byakuya subtly hints to Risa that there were stickers in the room, which reminded Risa of Calliope. Growing suspicious she decided in her own mind that Calliope could've been the murderer. Byakuya in reality actually performed a selfless act, he knew that Risa would confront Calliope about it which would force them to talk, and express their feelings to another and hopefully make up by the end of it. The second trial starts, they reign successful. During the trial Risa (as Byakuya had planned) confronted Calliope about her stickers being where the scene of the crime was, the two of them arguing and talking about how they felt about each other and eventually decide this whole argument and whole situation that was already in the past and too late to change, wasn't worth ruining their friendship over, Risa forgiving but never forgetting. Risa also found out that her favourite serial killer (bad way to word that ik) was the person she hated the most, Toko Fukawa, but when Genocide Jack was revealed to be her second personality, Risa instantly had an infatuation with her asking so many questions that were not relevant to the trial causing everyone to get a little irritated by her, however she quickly mentions that the killer could be Mondo and they forgive her instantly going down that thought pattern until it was finally revealed that Mondo Owada was the killer. The execution made Risa emotionless, Calliope not throwing up this time as she was starting to used to seeing death, she hadn't completely forgiven Risa for suddenly changing her opinion over a mistake she made in the past and for accusing her of killing Chihiro, not accepting any affirming words of comfort from her as a result. Calliope finds out about Risas and Byakuyas friendship, seeing them together, and instantly shipped them for having a hate love kind of friendship. The three of them hanging out in the kitchen, forcing Risa to eat as she hadn't eaten (due to anxiety) since they arrived at Hopes Peak. The three of them then explore the third floor together, Risa excited to find an art room as that was one of the many jack of a trade traits she had learnt, Calliope happy to be beside her best friend again. All the students find out about Chihiro's secret project, a computer ai that resembled them so greatly, Alter Ego. Instantly Calliope had an attachment to the robot and spoke to them often, reminding her of her friend Chihiro.
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the font is pretty small mainly so i could fit everything together, but here's my updated family tree that includes Thomas O'Malley! i believe if you click on it you should get better quality.
please keep in mind that this is for hestia's canon (aka the canon that i use for about 95% of my stories), so if your hcs differ, that's totally valid, but please do not be upset if these hcs do not align with yours
also george is not on here because he's not paired off with anyone in hestia's canon, and i did not include my other OCs (Quasi, Jitterbug, Miela) as they don't 100% fit here.
Athena, Sekhmet, Ares, and Persephone belong to @dcjelliclequeen33
Jubilee belongs to @queen-with-the-quill
Calliope, Fabre, and Ziggy belong to Jemi on Ao3 (aka @terpsichorian here but she isn't active anymore)
if you have any questions about this tree, please send me an ask! i love being able to talk about my hcs, especially family hcs!
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chick-from-nz · 4 years
Paper, Scissors, Rank (Ch: 1)
CHARACTER/PAIRING: Modern!Carrillo x Army!OC (eventually) 
WARNINGS: maybe some swearing, military slang, spelling and grammatical errors. Could be very OOC/AU for some. 
AUTHORS NOTE:  this is kind of just an establishing chapter to get the idea out there, Carrillo is barely in this chapter. Characters are younger than they should be for their ranks. Also so far there is no first names, that’ll come later
TAG LIST: @girlpornparadise @1zashreena1 @xxidontwikeitxx @nicke0115
The sun was beginning to disappear behind the curve of the earth,  painting the sky with a unique mixture of orange and dark violet. The distant sound of rumbling thunder is like persistent background music for the evening , powerful and uncanny.  The impending storm instills a sense of relief within the thirty or so soon to be officers standing stock still in a neat formation.
The cadets have been standing at attention for what seems like an eternity, the warmth of the day slowly fading away into the brisk cold that is night. This day was the first of many long days to look forward to in the treacherous week ahead, a week full of drills, missions and courses set to make or break the cadets and be the decider on whether or not they will become the soldiers they so desperately wish to be.  
The cadets had been informed of an up and coming role in a new task force that would be the highlight of one lucky future second lieutenant's career. A foreign Colonel was set to choose the most fitting recruit for his force to fight an enemy unknown to these youngsters. Only a cadet who scored within the top three of the company would be eligible for this role or at least that's what the platoon imagined.
The tension within the platoon was high, higher still with this opportunity hanging over their heads. Each cadet was now fighting tooth and nail to be at the top of the pack. Among this group was a young female recruit with everything against her. It seemed like all the instructors had a vendetta against her because of her last name, yet she was sitting top of the pack. The female cadets gossiped about her and the male cadets paid her no notice, she was hoping whoever this Colonel was that he at least would see her worth for what it was and not because of the last name attached to it.
When the thunder cracked and the rain came pouring down only then did the morale of the group start to drop, holding a pack above your head for what felt like 3 hours, and probably was, was being to take its toll on certain cadets. Almost half the platoon had forfeited points by dropping their packs, another five cadets were beginning to sway from the weight and would no doubt drop their packs within the hour. The test of strength and endurance was a tough one at that. Do you drop your pack and lose some points but not be exhausted for whatever discipline was thrown at you next, or did you power through and hope that this was the last task of the night.  
As another hour or so passes there are all but 3 recruits standing out of the rain. Cadets Greyson, Calliope and Micheals were the remaining cadets out in the downpour with their packs hoisted above their heads. It was a power struggle now, Greyson and Micheals were but half a point apart for top cadet while Cadet Calliope was only a point behind them, these three were now not only competing for top cadet but for a chance to make it onto the Colonels “kill squad” as it had been nicknamed by the Cadets.
Calliope was the first to drop his pack, followed closely by Michaels. Cadet Greyson, like usual, was the last cadet standing, feeling incredibly proud of herself as she spun around to face her fellow cadets only to be greeted with distasteful looks and the occasional snarl on her opponents faces. At this point she thought she should be used to it, but each time it stung more and more. Was no one going to acknowledge the fact that she had proven herself yet again?
Greyson was given no time to dwell on her thoughts as the cadets were called to make formation and report to the Lieutenant in charge. Lieutenant O’Connor. The man was the only superior who Greyson felt appreciated by, he always took time to pull her aside and give her tips to improve on if she needed them, or congratulate her on her win. Since she dominated the event yet again Greyson was tasked with determining the route best fit to take to get back to their tents. With the help of Cadets Calliope and Michaels, whom she had chosen as her second and third in command respectively. The platoon made their way back to the campsite without a fuss.
Major Benn was perched on the hood of his jeep when the platoon reached camp. Ever one to be formal Cadet Greyson brought her squad to attention and popped off a salute to the aforementioned man. The major was quick to return the salute, a small smile gracing his lips.
“Cadet Greyson, congratulations on another win, dismiss your squad and everyone gather round the Jeep”
“Yes Sir!”
Greyson did as she was told, silently thanking the Major for the kind words, and gathered the squad around the jeep. She was hoping that they were going to be jagged in for the night, but just their luck the Major would have them up running parade drills for the next three hours.
“As you well know one of you will be chosen and given the opportunity of a lifetime, working alongside one of Colombia's most renowned Officers in the intelligence field. In two days he’ll be here to oversee the evolutions for the day and set challenges for you to complete. He will select who he thinks is right for his team, scores will not play a part in his decision. I suggest you all take this on board and do you best to impress. This opportunity will not come around again so I expect top performance from each and every one of you. You are dismissed”
At the order each cadet gave a salute and went off to their own tents, thankful for the opportunity for rest and each thinking of how they could impress the Officer and gain a place on his team.
As the night drew to a close and everyone was drifting off to sleep Cadet Greyson decided to wander away from the cadets campsite and unintentionally towards the instructors camp. It was only when the darkness gave way to the burning lights surrounding their camp did she slow her pace and hide in the shadows. She knew if she was caught here she’d be doing in a world of hell, but for some reason she just couldn't turn around and walk back to her tent.
She could hear voices coming from the camp, she could pinpoint all but one of them, and it sounded like they were deep in a very serious discussion. Greyson gathered  her courage and began to creep closer to the voices, remembering her training she kept low to the ground and used the shadows to her advantage. She came to an abrupt halt when she heard her name being passed around between the men. Why would they be talking about me? Please don’t be ruining my name she thought to herself. She took a few steps more and placed herself behind one of the tents. The fourth voice was louder now, accented and strong. The kind of voice that makes you want to run towards it and away from it at the same time. Greyson wondered if it was possible to be attracted to a voice, and promptly decided it was, that voice, whoever it belonged to, was the most attractive voice she’d ever heard.
Deciding she’d pushed her luck too far, the cadet soundlessly turned and made her way back to the path at the edge of the camp, but instead of continuing towards her camp like any sane cadet would she turned to see if she could catch a glimpse of whoever the authoritative voice belonged to. What she managed to see nearly made her fall over breathless. He was gorgeous, even from a distance. A strong chiseled jaw that gave way to wide shoulders and what seemed to be the strongest most defined arms she’d ever seen.  God if his arms look like that i can only imagine what he must look like under that uniform Greyson thought. He was standing in a stance that screamed power and experience, shoulders back, head tilted back in a way that made it look like he was looking down his nose at someone, except, he was staring right in her direction.
“Fuck!” Greyson whispered to herself, if he had spotted her she might have just compromised her points she earnt today and might have just dropped herself into the biggest punishment she’d ever receive. As to not draw attention to herself she slowly crept backwards further into the shadows, double checked that the coast was clear and bolted in the direction of the cadets camp. She reached the camp in record time, the fear of being caught fueling her the whole way back to the camp.
Greyson wasted no time kicking off her boots and climbing into her sleeping bag, if she’d been caught the platoon would get a rude awakening in a matter of minutes, if not she had maybe three hours to get as much sleep as she could. As the minutes ticked by and the night stayed silent it seemed as though she would get to sleep tonight, she could only hope that tomorrow would bring slightly better outcomes than the day before. As she drifted off she smiled to herself, the image of those wide shoulders and strong arms had her imagining some not so professional situations where she could use them to her advantage.
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mysteryprone · 5 years
oc questions 1-5 about alina and 6-10 about cal .......
asks for oc writers. / selectively accepting.
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When did you create your muse?
early august 2017 at the same time as mila and karina (cause i think konstantin came a bit later even tho mary had his concept from the start ) 💕 
officially i posted her stats on august 5th 2017 so . i guess that’s the Day 
Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
we just love the comet ensemble and connected ocs here …. and honestly i don’t even remember how we collectively decided they’d all be criminals but somehow we did and i also don’t remember where the tour guide/pickpocket thing came from so long story short my memory is useless
but it was mostly just from watching the comet ensemble and how they interact with each other and the audience (and i definitely was able to get a more solid idea after i saw it and could see what courtney does live and up close) and there’s so many little stories that the ensemble created every night and their own little things they did that i wanted to be able to create something with that
Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
while i kinda just default to writing a general modern au, her main verse IS technically NOT modern day and actually some anachronistic wild mix of modern times and 1812 due to them being originally based off of great comet, which in itself is also a very anachronistic 1812 so basically I Do What I Want 
but one very fun thing is that in the area where karina and alina live there is one very popular club that the two of them frequent quite often and one of its main events is a weekly leather night. it’s exactly what it sounds like. thank u that’s all
What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
i don’t think i have a favourite headcanon specifically but one thing that i do love about alina is that she just loves using pet names for ppl??? be it jst using diminutives (regardless of if she Should be or not cause this dumbass does not respect authority) or like traditional pet names (she is definitely a babe/baby person but she’ll also call people shit like sugar and cutie). sometimes it’s an actual display of affection and sometimes it’s just her being annoying and it is often unclear which one it is and i think thats very sexy of her 
What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
uuuh maybe that she’s got a lot of love in her? she really tries to make it seem like she Doesn’t and she’s heartless and doesn’t care about anyone but she is so fiercely loyal to her little found family (karina, milana, konstantin) and the few close friends she does have and would without hesitation die or kill for them. she projects coldness all the time even around most of these people and sometimes she even manages to convince herself that she’s really that unfeeling but she’s got a lot of love in her for the people that manage to slip through the cracks in her walls and once she loves you she won’t stop.
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Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
oh fuckin absolutely . absolutely. we are going to just Skip over the fact that we have the same hair cause i think i subconsciously got brittain ashford’s haircut in 2016 ANYWAY 
both cal and i are very musically inclined first of all? i am much more than she is but music is a v important part of both of our lives/childhoods (also i took inspo for her dad playing rock music when she was a kid and it becoming a solid part of her childhood memories from my own parents lol). we also are both introverted and anxious though luckily i am not NEARLY as nervous as she is because i’ve really fucked my poor girl up but we definitely have like shyness and stuff like that in common. also we’re both greek but that’s literally just because i wanted to have a muse in a similar family situation to mine cause write what you know or whatever
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
two!! her original fc was miss brittain ashford cause she’s partly inspired by her music and then since i already have a muse here with her as an fc (sonya) and i didn’t want to have doubles i switched her to stef! 
How did you choose the name for your muse?
since i grew up in a greek family i’ve just kinda been Surrounded by greek names and i find them really pretty? so once i’d decided she was gonna be greek i decided to pick from some of the ones that i like most and calliope won the battle! (and second place daphne went to her roommate so it all works out)
a fun bonus is that calliope is the name of a muse and cal’s whole character kinda revolves around the Arts 
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
it’s very hard for me to picture her anywhere specific cause she’s just like a pretty normal character who could fit into pretty much any like? mostly reality based story set in modern times? so she’s really easy to insert anywhere, especially slice of life stories.
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters?
nothing like . endgame ship or whatever but me and @mtrock have a nice lil verse for a high school ship that evolves into a really solid friendship and saves them both from the toxic relationships they have in high school in their canon! we love and stan! 
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ardenttheories · 5 years
Howdy! Just stumbled upon your blog and was wondering if you could help me Classpect my character? If you don't want to, that's okay and I hope you have a good day! The main thing about them is that they're a chronic daydreamer who struggles with making their dreams a reality. Like, they know what they want; to build a life of their own, to be independent and to create a visual work that brings the same amount of joy to others as others' works have brought them, but they have a very vague (1/?)
idea how to accomplish such feats. They enjoy drawing (especially character design), animating and writing stories but can’t muster enough strength to consistently work on their many unfinished projects. They’re obsessed with cartoons and comics to the point of ignoring reality to engage with them, see the chronic daydreamer comment. They are very diligent when it comes to other people assigning them a task, however, working hard till completion, having the ability to ignore any (2/?)
distractions until the task is done. They are very bad at making and maintaining any and all relationships, believing they are better off alone when in reality they need other people more than the average Joe. And they know and HATE that fact. Even though they’ve been bullied a lot they believe in the goodness of people, although the belief borders on desperation at times. When it comes to themselves, however, they are rather negative, introspectively so. It’s not that they think they (3/?)
don’t have ANY positive qualities, they just don’t know what those qualities are after so many years of negativity. And they are VERY tired of that. They admire larger-than-life, possibly hammy people who take charge, put themselves out there and stay true to themselves no matter what. They hate those who voice their unwillingness to do things, who won’t even try to cooperate and who whine without acting to change the situation. Thank you in advance! (4/4)
Hmm. I can see aspects of Breath, Blood, Heart, and Hope in here. Maybe also a little Space.
Chronic daydreaming - especially to the point of it interfering with everyday life - could be Hope or Space. Space players tend to be a little “spacey” for lack of a better word, having a lot of things going on at once and spending a lot of time with their head in the clouds. They’re naturally creative people, and that can indeed interfere with everyday life. Think how Jade creates this little world around herself to cope with her loneliness, or how Calliope lives through the Alpha kids and inserts herself into their story to cope with hers. 
(Putting the rest under the cut, as this got a little long)
It could be a little Hopey since Hope is a sort of dreamer state - you have to have Hopes to Dream, after all - but I’d probably give that tick to Space, if only because of the fact that they know what they want in life. Again, go back to Jade; she knows what she’s living towards, that she has this big purpose as her end goal, and when that’s suddenly stripped from her in Pesterquest she genuinely doesn’t know what to do. A Hope Player would be more likely to exert all of their effort into making that thing come true; Space Players tend to struggle with that. 
The want for independence and the inclusion of joy is what made me think of Breath, especially since they tend to isolate themselves from people - and the fact that they actually do need people more than the average person is what made me think Blood.
But going back to our Space players, we see this a lot. They tend to have this habit of needing people, and are almost always in the unfortunate circumstance of being alone. It definitely seems to fit along the lines of Jade and Callie, both of whom were completely separated from the people they loved but really didn’t handle that isolation well. 
I’ve seen a Space Player that’s literally all about struggling to finish projects. I know exactly what this could reference to. It’s that want for creativity without the ability to actually take a step forward, to see something through to the end without help. The fact that your OC can complete things that are set for them vibes really well with this; it’s not creative pieces they struggle with, but starting something on their own. 
That said, it also makes me think of Blood or maybe a Ghosting Breath player. The fact that they struggle with making and maintaining these friendships, believing they’re better off alone, but still retaining a desperate sense for the goodness of people despite what they’ve gone through… It definitely has that sort of feel to it. Especially since they know that they need people, and hate it.
It might also make sense to the prior stuff you mentioned about projects. It’s not the stuff they’re responsible for that they struggle with; it’s the stuff they’re not held accountable for. If it’s for themself, there’s an issue; if it’s for someone else, they can do it straight away. I’m not sure that would explain the daydreaming, but it would explain the procrastination. 
The desperation to believe in the goodness of people could go for both a Space Player or a Blood/Ghosting Breath Player. As does the fact that they can’t really see the goodness in themself; that after so long of being bullied and subjected to negativity, they can’t quite see their own good qualities. 
I’d almost say it vibes more with Blood here. Space definitely has this mentality in it - you can easily see this in Jade, and we know that, for instance, Kanaya tends to struggle with knowing her own worth or capabilities - but we also see it in Karkat, who puts too much emphasis on what he’s not and not enough on what he is. 
And then this part:
They admire larger-than-life, possibly hammy people who take charge, put themselves out there and stay true to themselves no matter what. They hate those who voice their unwillingness to do things, who won’t even try to cooperate and who whine without acting to change the situation. 
Again, I can see that as both Space and Blood. A Space Player who struggles with starting their own things looking up to someone who just takes charge? Sees the bigger picture? Stays true to who they are? I’m pretty sure that’s the exact journey Jade goes through. 
I think that might vibe better with the fact that they hate people who are unwilling to do things, too. Blood Players definitely don’t like it, but they’re more likely to actively change it or see it as something that has to be fixed - not outright hate it. It’s a frustration, not a hate. 
I’d tentatively suggest maybe a Rogue of Space, then! Maybe a Knight depending on how you view it. 
Rogues tend to really struggle with their Aspect; they just don’t feel comfortable with it, and even if they are good at it, it can be a bit too much. They also tend to be surrounded by it, whether they want to or not - so your Player surrounding themself with Space despite needing people? Very okay with that.
The Rogue is also the one I was thinking of for the struggle to finish projects! They really struggle with creativity, and might try to create too many things in an effort to fill up the Space around them. They might just not be wholly happy with what they’re doing, or even see a point to finishing them. 
They still have the potential to be a daydreamer, though; they’re still incredibly creative, it’s just the struggle to make that creativity a reality. They also just aren’t very confident as people, and I think that might cover them not knowing how to make their dreams a reality. They aren’t confident enough to figure out where to start, to Begin that journey, and actually may even just struggle with Beginnings in general - which is a huge part of what Space is. 
There’s also the fact that Rogues of Space feel uncomfortable with the idea that you have to make something out of your life. That you have to give it meaning because there is no meaning otherwise. So that might fit in well with both A) why they can more easily finish tasks given to them [the meaning is already there] and B) why they can’t find a way to start [they have to give meaning to the things they’re planning out].
So, yeah! Rogue of Space would be my best answer. I hope that helps!
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fangsmyth · 5 years
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@underteika​ asked to be kintyped!
camini - sign of the commiserator
lime blood ( cancer )
*smacks* how do you have such a good, detailed oc and not post their birthday anywhere!!! anda’s background is very centered around family, and considering that they’re also into art, kind of an introvert, and honestly just strike me as someone that doesn’t really like to go out that much i figured cancer was good enough! gemini would be my second guess considering their kind of infectious energy, but since that’s a byproduct of their powers rather than their personality that would be kind of inaccurate. plus they... actually have an interest that they’re focused on concerning death and all that so i don’t know ANYTHING
derse dreamer
pessimistic and reserved to a fault, anda has derse written all over them. they aren’t really prone to jump into things unless they need to, more specifically in terms of self-defense but otherwise this was probably the easiest one to decide on. they’re even purple! get out of here!
heir/rogue of doom
alright i’m not gonna lie i know for a fact that doom is so literal and obvious it hurts, but it really does fit them! doom players don’t necessarily thrive off of suffering, but their life tends to revolve around it intentionally or not! anda literally buries the dead for a living and has dead parents, getting their powers as the result of a loved one dying. they have doom written all over them.
doom players are also very empathetic, but unlike life players that want to act and resolve emotional conflicts doom players are centered around listening to people and letting them vent. you could... you could almost say doom players absorb the emotions of their friends do i have to defend my point any further? have i made it obvious that doom fits??? give me $200--
now for the new installment in ‘please give me the class quiz because my understanding of these things are the only part of homestuck lore i don’t have a perfect grasp on’ i am absolutely bisected between heir and rogue for anda since they both fit very well but for very different reasons. this was so fucking hard for absolutely no reason this is where i started spiraling
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i knew for a fact that anda would be a passive role as doom seems to play such an unintentional and indirect role in their life, so heir was kind of my first choice since they seem to have the most indirect involvement with their aspect. they have some tie with their aspect and protection. they can either be protected by their aspect or use their aspect to protect others. (i.e. john is an heir of breath that is often swept away by the wind and protected by it as a result, but mituna is an heir of doom that lost his mind protecting his friends)
mechanically heir works very well, especially when you consider how equius was sort of blocked out by doc scratch’s omniscience since he was an heir of void. depressing moods radiate off of anda, and that makes the class suit them very well! but personality wise i’m not quite sure if the shoe really fits. the primary thing i associate heirs with is not being easily shook, and with my personal experience writing with you that is just untrue. (i am TOTALLY willing to concede that it’s specifically lanque that gets them so consistently, but this is what I’VE gathered)
rogue is a bit better suited to their personality, as rogues generally have an extremely lax energy and are easily underestimated. rogues as a result usually aren’t very well seen or noticed either, which is the intention i read behind anda’s just... general energy. they don’t want to be seen, which is why they slouch. they hate talking to people. anda might as well have ‘leave me alone’ tattooed on their forehead.
mechanically it kind of makes sense since rogues are all about taking (from) their aspect and redistributing it to their allies but the problem with this is that despite being a passive role rogues usually do this in a very deliberate and intentional way. (i.e. nepeta’s shipping chart, rufioh forming a weeaboo cult in the forest, literally just read any of roxy and calliope’s conversations about callie’s self-worth and her relationship with caliborn) and anda’s infectious energy isn’t something they have any control over from my understanding?
i don’t know just pick one this kept me up at night i hate classes they’re easily the hardest part about shoving anyone into the homestuck cinematic universe
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues: Prologue, reaction post part 1
So me and Blaperile have decided to start reading it now. I kind of hope the format & art style stays true to form, but then again, change could be interesting. In any case, if this epilogue were to include the already posted snaps, that would be a break from format in image size (not including the credits, of course).
I guess if there is immediately an [S] page, it'll be the second one, not the first, to give use aheads up in the command.
Okay, so the first is a title page.
The link to the next page says... homestuck.com/epilogues/proglogue. Andrew, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(Yeah okay, so it has begun. Again.)
I could see the snaps being the prologue, since they kind of set the stage for what's to come. Jane taking control over The Felt being a major development, for one. Also, the noted absence of Davepetasprite^2 & Arquiusprite on Earth C. Or, perhaps rather, the noted presence of all the other sprites, they didn't stop being spirit guides after the game ended. And in the credits of course, there was John's being aggravated by Caliborn to the point this all would lead presumably to the clay doll scene Caliborn showed us, taking place further into the future than any of us had business viewing at the time.
> Start
AAAAAAHHHHH, Homestuck's a fanfic now!!! Yes, this is the Archive of Our Own format, including tags and... Andrew is no longer sole author of this story!!!
We have achieved MAXIMUM FANDOM (or should I say FANON).
Characters: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-h... Barack Obama?! :P I guess maybe John switched to a Baracktop in light of out-of-story events, plus of course Dave's idolization of the man. :P And Aranea returns!! And Davepeta too, cool! ... Wait, there's gonna be new OCs?? :P ... In before Joey & Jude & troll friends join the Homestuck madness. Well, if we can rely on this list of course. This IS Andrew Hussie we're talking about, of course.
Hmmm, Blaperile has a good point that Davepeta & Arquius are mentioned but not their component A2 trolls, since the "main" versions of them (post-retcon) are inside the sprites! And that all these characters except maybe for Caliborn (pre-LE, I mean) MIGHT just end up in the Furthest Ring together to do... whatever there needs to be done with the black hole aftermath of the standoff between Vriska & LE. And Calliope seems to be joining them, which is a nice thing to look forward too, main Calliope doing a plot thing. ... No mention of carapaces, but again, that doesn't have to mean anything.
Caliborn's entry seems to me to imply we might see the claydoll fight animated (or at least drawn) properly! :D
Barack is probably an Easter Egg just, nothing more. Which is funny because Easter is coming.
Content warnings: ... All these things (well not all of them, but) just refer to things mentioned in Homestuck proper. :P Quite the list we racked up, eh? Also, Gamzee hath invaded the list: clowns, honk... Hahah. Surprised "horses" didn't make it on here. And puppets. So I know I was saying I don't really believe these tags to truthfully warn about things to come in this epic, but I'm kind of scared by the mention of Trickster Mode. :P ... Oh yeah, hahah, that WAS something that happened at the wedding, didn't it, Calliope bringing the sucker & transforming John & the B2 kids? So that thing survived the end of the session we know.
Another thing making me uncomfortable is all the illicit subjects the warnings are about, but yeah, that's what a lot of fanfics contain.
Summary: ... Ooooh, so John DIDN'T immediately take off to fight Caliborn! That's... I actually had wagered the epilogue to start on April 13th, 2019 thinking about it over the weekend. It would just seem so fitting, but I thought it might have been so that the B2 kids would have aged a relative 2 years during the time the B1 kids were stuck in the house. So that they could go back to filling that big brother/sister relationship that was kind of always there, first & foremost shown in the Strider Bros, later when we didn't know yet that the kids would be the same age when they'd meet up, during Act 6 Act 1.
Blaperile has a good point, this means Terezi has been exploring the Furthest Ring for 7 years (or almost 4 sweeps).
Contents: This looks like it could grow into a list. Since, well, this is the prologue just yet for the epilogue hahah. Then again, maybe we 'return' to this page after the prologue is done, only for the list to have grown with the next... "act".
> Prologue
Well, it's definitely a medium Andrew didn't touch on yet, the "picture this for yourselves" type of fiction. Kind of incentive for people to draw this for themselves.
And then Homestuck became a serialized novel. :D
Okay that entire first sentence. I'm definitely on the same page here as everyone when I say this must be about the Furthest Ring cracking. ... I think Andrew's propensity for dragging out a story comes over quite well in fanfic prose form.
Hmm... So, "eternity" is being filled by the black hole, and continuity is buckling up? Seems like the entirety of Homestuck proper might be at risk of being undone in something more damaging than a mere retcon.
Wow, nice vivid description of the dreambubbles being shattered. "Hypothetical futures", does that suggest that the ghosts of alternate timelines were more like... mirages? That's a harsh thing to swallow, and not something any of them would have been happy hearing stated as fact. Well, except the Aradiabots, maybe. "Double-death" mention!
... So there's a symphony at the center of the black hole. Does that mean Alternate Calliope still lives (or well, "exists"), as the conductor of the havoc? It's super black at the center, apparently. Like, Vantablack?
Wait, "> Wake up"? Did John dream about the Furthest Ring? ... What DO the kids dream, after they won the game? Or rather, where do they dream?
"You've been dreaming in anime again." Ah yes, there's the first real meme of the evening. So, John rejects this dramatic dream and will rather substitute his own fantasies? :P
"> Look outside just to make absolutely sure the world is not ending." --> Why does it feel like we've started this adventure anew? Why are command prompts working out so well in this format?
'The only sound you can hear for miles is the wind skimming the hollows of your neighbors’ pipe homes.' Well, if that isn't a reference to his atmospheric page! And oh yeah, that was his new neighbourhood! Or, after 7 years, not 'new' anymore, I guess.
'It’s a normal day in the salamander village, which you refer to as Salamander Village because the damned salamanders never bothered to give this village a name, you guess.' Perfection. So, it appears the consort species remain the same, no matter how many millenia may pass. I wouldn't like to be a mail person in the Consort Kingdom, if all packages are to be delivered at Salamander Village. Then again, the Breeze might still be on mail duty on Earth C.
'Beside your pillow, your phone is vibrating. Rose is calling. The screen of your phone reads 9:30 a.m. April 13, and also the number forty-six, which is how many text messages your friend left you while you were sleeping. A bit excessive, even for her.' Ahahahah, so even in texts Rose is wordy!! Good to see they kept in contact, then. Not as much in-person contact, seeing the credits, but then again, the kids always used to live apart, didn't they? (I can still call them 'the kids', even if we're no longer a decade apart in age. Get of my lawn!)
"> Answer the phone." Yessssss, coloured text logs!! In the absence of drawings, it would've really sucked a little and be bland if we'd lacked this.
Aww, April 13th is still a solemn day for John. :/ Rose is calling it "April Thirteenth" as if it's a holiday, which it might just be. Blaperile has a good point that John has called Rose directly, and isn't texting. The immediate assumption for what Rose said, was that they don't talk a lot, but maybe they don't CALL each other a lot, just trade messages!
"You wander to the window and watch the salamanders go about their day. All over the neighborhood, the little dad-salamanders are putting on their little rumpled hats and picking up their little suitcases and kissing their little families goodbye for the day. You’ve always been confused about what, exactly, they contribute to the global economy. But it’s pretty cute how much they love playing at being suburban businessmen."
Pfff, the rumple hats are still a thing, guess the kids really did shape this universe in much the same way as the session! (Okay yeah, so, consorts came over from the session too, so the fact that the custom remains to the current day might just be another showcase for the status quo that consorts live under when not interacting with PCs...) Of course, this is going to sting for John, all this dadly business going around.
"The silence over the phone is growing awkward. You’ve stalled long enough. You decide to just come out and say it.
JOHN: i’ve been dreaming in anime again lately."
Aaaaaand meme number two is here. Blaperile mentioned Act 7, and yeah, John DID dream about the Furthest Ring & the blackhole, both centerpice in the Act 7 animated video. :P
"ROSE: i see." Therapist mode, engaged. Next, ask him how he feels about the dream, Rose.
"JOHN: whenever i have these dreams, everything’s breaking apart.
JOHN: millions of people are screaming and dying." Huh, is it that John didn't recognize the ghosts (being the oblivous bloke he is), or is there something more to the danger of the black hole? After all, after all of the Furthest Rings is swallowed, what's left is sessions and the universes they spawned...
"A couple yards over, a salamander blows an astounding spit bubble. Truly one for the books." Meanwhile...
"ROSE: I don’t have the slightest idea what it means that you’ve been dreaming in anime, John.
ROSE: To be honest, I...
You wait for Rose to finish her thought. She doesn’t, which is troubling because you have never known Rose to leave a thought unfinished in over ten years of acquaintance." ... Did she have a Light vision, or is someone pulling her sleeve about this or other with the troll grubs? It just hit me, we might be in for some new venues in the relationships between the humans & trolls, since yeah, they're all adults now.
"JOHN: rose... are you ok?
ROSE: Not exactly.
JOHN: what’s wrong?
ROSE: I think my condition’s been getting worse lately.
JOHN: condition?
ROSE: It’s why my message probably sounded urgent.
JOHN: you left 46 messages.
ROSE: Yes. They were all urgent.
JOHN: oh.
ROSE: I don’t think I can wait much longer before telling you."
So, Blaperile was theorizing Kanaya or Rose might be pregnant based on her trailing off. I dismissed it out of hand, but now... It would be just something for Rose to designate a pregnancy as a "condition". ... And to see contractions as a worsening of that condition. If John just talked about anime over Rose trying to tell him the baby is coming, I might just scream. And it's on HIS birthday, too!
"ROSE: I held out for as long as I could. I figured your birthday was as good a time as any to let you know.
JOHN: let me know what?
ROSE: It’s crept up on me, these last couple of years.
ROSE: Gradually enough to ignore as it was happening, but I can’t anymore." Okay, so this seems to dismiss that. I'm actually somewhere halfway between "Rose is suffering from some sort of aspect-driven migraine/dementia due to the black hole", or secondly "Rose is realizing she loves John (platonically)". I mean, the latter would be standard-issue Lalonde fuckery.
"ROSE: Lately the visions have been overwhelming.
JOHN: visions??
ROSE: John, I have terrible headaches these days. Talking on the phone doesn’t help at all.
ROSE: Would you mind flying to my apartment, so we can continue this in person?
JOHN: oh, yeah. you mean...
JOHN: now?
ROSE: Yes, now is the time.
ROSE: I’ve put it off long enough." ... Oh. So, I guess Rose was ignoring these visions because she was like "fuck you, multiverse, I earned my happy ending", which I get, but... What visions does she have, do they match what John was describing? (I don't think she wants to get him over for a surprise birthday party, in any case.)
Wow, okay, so whatever drove them to go fight Caliborn, it wasn't just John convincing the rest of them. Should've known, he was never that kind of leader.
"As you hang up the phone, a familiar feeling settles over you. A feeling of...standing? Standing, and being alone. In your bedroom. As a young man. On your birthday. You swear you’ve felt this feeling before. It’s almost like...
A young man stands alone in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man’s birthday. Though it was twenty-three years ago when he was given life, and ten years ago when he was given a name, it feels like it is only today that he will begin to understand what all that means.
That young man is YOU, John Egbert.
What will you do?"
Oh HELL yes. That first shoutout was glorious, but the actual word for word callback? Priceless. And the fact that the narration gives John the initiative for what happens now? Glorious. Because it sure as hell ain't gonna be US giving him prompts, this time around. And what in the high hills is there for John to find out about what it all means! I mean, is he going to discover the nature of his existence as a fictional character? Because that might just crush his widdle brains.
Okay, this is as good a place as any to cut off this liveblog. Since I'm not sure how long this prologue might continue after this!
Cooooool though, we've started this journey anew. For however long it's going to last. Which, given the fact the epilogues get their own entry on the Homestuck site... Might be a very, very long time. It's three years since the ending of Homestuck, and I wonder how reading up is going to be. For now, everything kind of fell back into the old pattern between me and Blaperile. We'll see what we'll do next.
I'm equal parts exhilarated and anxious about getting on Mr. Hussie's wild rollercoaster again, so I'm going to try and quarantine the anxious part and cultivate the exhilarated part.
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analytic-chaoticism · 8 years
Hiveswap, Cherubs, Fantrolls, First Guardians, Limebloods: How Does This Concern Me?
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New year, new theory! With Hiveswap hot on our heels it’s fitting that we kick 2017 off with a bang, right? Gotta get my bets in before the races start! You know what they say right? Go big or go home.
So let’s make the first theory of the year a Hiveswap plot forecast!
Let’s talk about how the fantroll we saw for 2 panels might actually tell us how Doc Scratch and cherubs factor into the plot of the game.
This is definitely a lot more interesting than the Handmaid.
Longish post warning. We’ve got some potential to discuss.
We know Mierfa and Nektan are going to appear in Hiveswap.
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Considering their donors paid $10,000 this is only fair. As we can see here their designs have been altered a bit but they are still very much the canon fantrolls we know and love. Obviously we don’t have images of what they’d look like in the new spriting style but let’s just imagine it.
So how are they relevant? Well how did they die?
A particularly destructive male cherub attacked them.
Now if they’re appearing in Hiveswap at relatively the same age (judging by appearance and stylization) that they appeared in Homestuck, we know they lived on Alternia and not possibly some sort of troll colony planet that might exist.
What happened to this destructive male?
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He fought a protective female…
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And laid an egg. Calliope and Caliborn’s egg.
After killing Mierfa and Nektan he would go on to lay the cherubs of Homestuck. You could say Mierfa and Nektan’s death - and subsequently the other deaths that occurred (let’s not forget those) - were part of a crucial series of events that would lead to Caliborn’s birth. We’ll get to that in a moment.
Now if this cherub attacked Alternia, shouldn’t it be destroyed?
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Why doesn’t troll land look like this?
What drew him to Alternia specifically, of all the other planetary bodies he could have destroyed? And what drove him away before he could finish the job? What could interrupt a destructive male cherub? It looks like he only managed to cause minimal damage, killing a crowd and… then what?
Well we’re not sure, but we know Alternia is relatively fine. Maybe there’s an area the size of a city which is a big smoldering crater now but even so the whole thing should be kaput right?
Question 1: Why Alternia?
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I imagine the immense amount of Time and Space energies released by a cherub portal would draw his attention, and most likely drive his soon to be guardian female mate to pick up the pace in her chase.
Question 2: What drove him away?
Well we have some key players involved here.
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Alternia has 2 first guardians, and one is VERY invested in the birth of Caliborn. One also presumably doesn’t happen to exist very much in Homestuck.
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We have the puppet men backing up Scratch. 
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A powerful, durable troll with an army worth of clown cult and adult trolls on call who is also invested in the birth of Caliborn and Calliope (keep in mind I’m not sure if it will be THIS highblood but I’m assuming there’s always a purple filling the position. Purples live for at least centuries and we don’t know where the GHB falls onto the Homestuck chronology so maybe they’re alive for Hiveswap but die before Homestuck?).
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The Handmaid (who I covered in another theory alongside Scratch) - http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/154670995195/the-handmaid-in-hiveswap-homestuck-ancestors-in
Perhaps the female cherub’s hastened approach scared him off as well. But let’s also consider our protagonists.
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We have no idea what items they’ll come across, but perhaps a juju or doomsday device they could discourage a cherub with?
Either way there are a lot of strong people invested in both Alternia not being destroyed and the cherubs having giant space snake sex. LE himself should theoretically be able to appear but that might bog down the lore a bit too much. Introducing Scratch and having him say something like ‘I work under a cherub with control of time who retroactively employs me to ensure his arrival, one of these things being getting his dad to not blow up the planet and then get laid’ isn’t too dense though. I can’t say anything for certain.
Perhaps the Axolotl sacrifices itself in the process of defending its planet?
In doing this it would make sense that Scratch could fully assert himself (as if he hadn’t already) as the first guardian, and explain why the axolotl never appeared in Homestuck despite FGs playing pivotal roles.
There are only two reasons Scratch would let the axolotl live lest it interfere with his activities: 1 - The indigenous FG lived within one of Scratch’s blindspots, or 2 - Scratch knew that it would be necessary in the fight against the cherub and so let it live that it may die valiantly defending its planet, ensuring the survival of Alternia and the birth of Caliborn. The male cherub, defeated, would slink off (and possibly universe hop to Universe C at a point in time where Earth is dead like we see in-comic, which is not that far fetched because chronospace universe hopping cherub portals exist and cherubs themselves are connected to ‘all that is eternal’).
So, is one of the possible events we see in the climax of the action of Hiveswap the attack of Calliope and Caliborn’s father on Alternia? Perhaps.
You could say that this is too confusing, incorporating such dense aspects of the Homestuck mythos but think of it like this: Scratch reveals that he has been manipulating events the whole game so that things may transpire in a way which culminates with the attack and defeat of the cherub, who would then lay the egg of his employer, a worse cherub who hired him retrospectively with some achronological time shenaynays like the Handmaid. Calliope and Caliborn, nor who they are or what they go on to do in Homestuck, are mentioned. Simple.
Kind of.
I mean I could see it all being explained pretty clearly in a 5 minute dialogue sequence in a way that unpacks the dense timeline relatively simply.
Now this is where I’m going to throw in a crackpot ass idea, so bear the fuck with me. You think introducing Homestuck events into the mix is getting crazy? You think Hiveswap resulting in the birth of Homestuck’s villain is crazy? Well what else could I be cooking up.
“Crazy” Idea: Lime Bloods In Hiveswap Help Stop The Cherub
In an exchange on Twitter with Hussie (which not naming names BUT the person who asked him may or may not have been me on my first Twitter account under my old alias shhhhhhhhhhh) it was confirmed that limebloods would be in Hiveswap.
Limebloods were wiped out by the highbloods because their abilities scared them. Now what would scare a highblood, someone who benefits from their societal position as the violent oppressors of the lower castes who live in fear of their chucklevoodoos and rage?
Emotional manipulation abilities. The power to pacify.
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Karkat is a mutant, placed on the hemospectrum between yellow and olive, where lime green would go. Here we see him pacifying the highblood rampage anger of his moirail. This is denoted by lime green text. Somehow, rubbing Gamzee’s face pacifies him after he killed 2 of his friends and beheaded 4? Uh huh. Sure Jan.
Idea: Karkat is a limeblood mutant. This mutation arose from ineffective attempts to purge limebloods from genetic materials. Their psychic powers to calm the highbloods who rely on their rage and strength to dominate the lowbloods caused them to fear them and kill them as a result.
If we learn more about limebloods in Hiveswap not because we get to hear about troll history, but because we’ve gone to a point in time where limebloods still EXIST, what if a bunch of them come to pacify the male cherub? Use their powers to calm down his violent rampage enough for everybody else mentioned above to land some strong hits on him and scare him away without too much fighting back? This frightful display of power - the ability to stop an incredibly destructive cherub in its tracks, or at least chill him out a bit - would definitely be enough to incite genocide on the part of the highblood’s.
Do keep in mind that this is possible! In one of the KS updates, Hussie said the time in which this takes place on Alternia is ‘nebulous.’ It could be decades or ‘centuries’ before the events of Homestuck. Centuries is long enough for limebloods to still be around I feel.
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What if Fiamet - who appears to have an affinity for axolotls, coincidentally - is lime and not olive (NOTE: this would be really awkward because my limeblood OC has the axolotl as a lusus Hussie I’m sorry I have to sue you I have no choice).
Also I would just like to say that Fiamet feels… odd to me. Like it doesn’t sound quite like the rest of the troll names? Calliope did say that limebloods had strange names. I dunno. Might just be me.
Anyway, there are some thoughts for you.
Happy 2017!
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