#this episode was a roller coaster lmao
stellamancer · 2 years
wow i really did take about 45 minutes LMAOOO. 
please perceive my screencaps from this week’s episode lmaoo. 
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akkivee · 1 year
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so….. return of the anime original characters maybe??? and some more??????
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prompt-master · 11 months
I love paranoia because it means I have to do a military level inspection of my house before being able to comfortably lay in bed
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moii3 · 20 days
My Candy Love New Gen Ep.7 Review!
Spoiler Ahead, Obviously
Another day, another short episode. I think off the bat, im dissapointed with how short the episodes are. I really think they need to get it together with the amount of content. It's just not enough and it doesn't help that we have to wait for almost a month every single time for a new ep.
I just had to point this out because since i've been replaying the Eldarya TO, i just started to appriciate how beemov games used to have longer, more filling, structured episodes and stories compared to now. Maybe this is too early for me to say since we are only 7 episodes in. Who knows? Maybe Beemov will actually start to have an enemies to lovers arc between the writers and the new gen game. Anyways..
The ep starts out with Candy complaining to my love Elenda (and soon the whole office) about how difficult it is to live with her annoying mom and sister. Seriously, we see from the flashback that Candy's mother basically insinuates that she didn't think she would have to live with her adult ass daughter in her house. Both Tasha and the Mother(i forget her name) were pretty rude abt it in my opinion. Instead of talking with Candy about house rules they just go on like nothing happened, and make it clear that she is just a guest. Not a part of the household.
Mentioning of TikTok was thrown in one scene for good mesure lmao
As they all hear the story, Devon decides everyone in the office should help Candy look for an apartment. They apperantly don't have anything else to do the whole day.
It almost feels like a little bit Mary Sue-ish. Everyone taking turns wasting their free work hour trying to find Candy an apartment, making it a competition seems comical and unrealistic. (not everything has to be so realistic but it's just ridicilous atp). They are literally racing to find this rich adult woman a place to live...
When it comes to the actual apartment hunting, Thomas's route was a roller coaster 😭. Since apperantly no one rents apartment to stinky stinky singles, LI s jump in to save the day, pretending to be our partners during the apartment showing.
Thomas had both me and the realtor gagged the whole time.
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(sorry for the whack screenshots)
I was cringing big time
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ma'am please be quiet...
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A bit awkward? You're telling me..
Just as we think we are over with this, leaving the apartment, he kisses Candy.
I saw some people saying they didn't like how this kiss came about and i have to agree. He calls it "our little ritiual" , apperantly to convince the realtor. We know that's bullshit and it was kind of an excuse to kiss her. I don't like that Candy is in a cornered position to accept the kiss and it felt kind of unneccesary, no matter how hyped everyone was about it.
Like if this is the dude we will eventually gonna fall in love with& date, it's kind of a bummer that their first kiss had to be "fake". I know they thought of it like a little romantic game Candy had to play to get close to Thomas but i really think even for this it was kinda underwhelming.
I also saw other illustrations from different routes and Roy's has to be my favourite. I wish it was more romantic like that and actually made sense. Anyway..
Anyways, after they leave the house, Thomas gets back to the nonchalant attitude again (obviously) which, gagges Candy again.
Like i said, i don't really like how this kiss happened and i think even for Thomas this was kind of crazy.
If i was the realtor, i would honestly block their numbers and hope that Thomas wouldn't show up at my house to wear my skin the very same night. He deserves some kind of compensation.
I'm gonna keep doing these reviews no matter who reads them, this is for me and my ranting. But i hope you like it! Oh, I also will rate these episodes out of 10.
For my first rating on this series, I'm givinf this episode an underwhelming 5/10
Best part is that this ain't even about the house anymore, even realtor knows he fucked up and they are not gonna choose this house.
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Until next time, xx
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risingscorchingsuns · 4 months
today has been such agoddamn fucking roller coaster lmao
woke up, got insanely triggered by a pseudo-encounter with my stepmom, called my dad about it, got dismissed by my dad, cried for a bit, watched the new kny episode to cheer myself up, paper airplanes, felt better, GENYA SHINAZUGAWA
the agonies
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Hii Irma!! It’s Ramble Anon!!
This chapter was magnificent 😭
I loved how you described how the siblings are reacting to Y/N’s death, like
-Neteyam checking her breathing
-Tuk trying to cuddle with her, telling her stories, surrounding her with her own toys
-Kiri just being exhausted, taking care of her big sister
-Lo’ak being angry at his dad (misinterpreting his hurt and believing it being apathy)
And Neytiri cleaning the blood off her daughter 😔
It’s so nice seeing Jake trying to correct his behavior when talking to his older kids, him beginning to understand what he did to them and trying to find remedies for what he’s done
Jake knew about Neteyam and Y/N’s closeness!! Y/N was so sure he didn’t know, that he didn’t care, but he does 🥺
Other things I loved:
-Y/N and Lo’ak fighting for food (the most sibling thing ever 😭)
-Y/N being stingy and only sharing with her mom
-The anklet for Tuk!! With rainbow colors!! (And Jake knowing: he was always observing her 😔)
-Y/N being unable to sleep in High Camp because she misses the forest, 🥺
-Girl’s night!!! It’s so beautiful 😭, and Neteyam and Lo’ak not being invited and Spider being an honorary guest, PLS (why do I picture those two faking to not care at all about not being invited, but inside they are mad, like why can’t we come??? 🤨 what are you doing? Hence Lo’ak pestering Spider to know why the hell there is this confidentiality??)
Jake and Y/N 😞
I loved loved loved their interaction, how they spoke together, I genuinely teared up, I’m tearing up RIGHT NOW REREADING IT
[...] “I see you. Of course I see you. I’ve always seen you.” 
The snowflake-frail snivel followed by your sobbing sniffle broke his heart into pieces. “You’re a liar.” He shook his head, hugging you tighter. “You’re mean to me. You’re so mean to me.” [...]
The use of mean makes it so much more childish and so it hurts so much more 😭
Jake just saying “Yes, I’m mean” made me so happy.. many parents don’t own up to what they’ve done and even if we love them and they love us, they just don’t accept that they’ve hurt their child, they don’t try to better themselves, but Jake wants to
[...] Knowing what he was insinuating, “But it’s nice here,” you said, voice thick and coarse from crying. You still didn’t pull back to look at him. Both of you, from the start of this, never looked at one another. Not once. Embarrassed and shameful to be honest, Jake thought. That pride you two shared. “You’re not mean to me here.” [...]
“You’re not mean to me here.”
I would have crumbled if I was Jake to be honest, like now that I died and you want me to come back, now you are gentle with me? I want to stay here, so that you will always be like this 🥺
The “don’t be scared, I’m here” broke me, like YES it’s childish, but at the same time I think it’s really not.
and the “If you told us, we would have been more careful not to make you sad.” Like YESS Jake you should have spoken to your children!!!
I enjoyed the dialogue so much, but it was a roller coaster 😭
Jake and Y/N are so funny together, but it’s just depressing knowing that Jake is aware it’s not actually real
His mighty hunter (it’s so nice that Jake apologized for that, too!!) who broke Neteyam’s record (I read somewhere that he was the youngest Omaticaya to do a successful kill during the sturmbeest hunt, OFC Y/N would take pride in being better than her big bro, I, personally, wouldn’t shut up about it, so it’s just a lot sadder that no one was there to witness it 🙁)
It’s another episode of the series “Jake being endlessly amused by his daughter antics and waiting for Neytiri to find out” lmaoo (I can’t wait to know everyone’s reaction to the name Jack!!)
It’s so curious that Y/N knows pop culture!! Between Jake, Norm and Max, I don’t see many other knowledge sources lmao
Y/N saving her dad, but their meeting being cut short was horrible, I hope whatever Jake does to that man will be so much worse to what they did to Y/N 😭
(I wonder if Y/N met any of her family members while she was dead.. Imagine Uncle Tsu’tey just confirming the fact that Jake is a well-meaning fool lmao)
Every time you update, you make my day, truly
Thank you so much, now I will think about this chapter for the next five days ❤️
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First of all, I hope the siblings' reactions were in character! A lil spoiler BSDJKDS I've tried (started) setting up that Neteyam is developing a trauma response in which he'll just get up in the middle of the night and check her breathing, or just get up earlier than sister!reader and stand there like some ghost to look at her breathing. There's going to be a scene in chapter 7 i think in which she almost dies again from fright when she catches him doing it because THATS SCARY.
also IM SO HAPPY YOU CAUGHT THAT JAKE KNOWS EVERYTHING SISTER!READER IS LIKE "yeah right as if" !! he pays attention !! he just doesnt show it. like. he sends neteyam after her every time for a reason. when sister!reader is SO SURE her rainbow anklet is going to be a surprise for tuk and is asking for jake if she could just explore (she doesnt say its for tuk) he knows because of course he does, he just doesnt say. he knows she doesnt like the cave systems and is having sleeping problems. jake knows a lot that he doesnt let her know that he does.
AHHHHHHH AND!!!! I've used "mean" for a reason, it just expresses that childlike nature of hurt so well stripped from anger. she could have said a million things as her normal self, but i think her true heart expressed it wonderfully by saying he was mean. and jake understood 😭 love that scene its my favorite
also about the pop culture references! there are other scientists than norm and max, like there's a small population of humans closely working with the omatikaya. you know the children watched and learned and read other things than grace's logs and books whenever they visited! humans having brought TV shows and media to consume to pass time in pandora is my canon, at least bc that's what i would do. but sister!reader pretending jack-o-lantern and jack-in-a-box are HUMAN FIGURES is what gives her lack of information away I think BDSBDSJD you will never know if she was teasing about "hit the road jack" or not. up to you BSDBJDHSD
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eternalglitch · 1 year
Glitch! Why won’t you watch monkie kid??? Animated by flying bark, is completely overlooked by western audiences and was given very little advertising it’s basically been given the rise treatment. Plus!!!! It’s super good !!!! The fics are Uber angsty too :)). What’s your hardline stance for /gen?
"The rise treatment" isn't exactly something I would want to emotionally involve myself into intentionally, for one. The constant worry that the show won't get a good ending or will be cut short not because the team isn't competent but because upper management just doesn't care sucks. Plus never knowing when episodes will drop. And often it doesn't really seem to matter how many people rally for the show; if it's arbitrarily decided to be worthless then it's tossed aside. It sucks as a viewer experience lol, and I'm a bit burnt out of riding that kind of roller coaster. (I like supporting the creators but I need something a bit more stable as my next interest iykwim ^^;)
Beyond that... I think everyone experiences this to some degree, and I just experience it very strongly, but if I start with a neutral or slightly disinclined stance towards something and then get it shoved at me too many times when I'm not open to getting into it, it very quickly evolves into strong negative feelings that are hard for me to get over. This unfortunately happened with Monkie Kid right after Rise was canceled, when a lot of people started jumping straight to it and flooding my dash while I was still kind of grieving Rise. (Much to one of my friend's horror lmao they have been trying so hard to get me to watch Monkie Kid for years.)
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narkinafive · 1 year
ahshowka breakdown! tagged #ahsoka spoilers and #ahshowka
the good:
when i tell you i almost stood up and cheered during the memorial ceremony. i could feel the great cosmic energy surging through my VEINS, senator jai kell and clancy brown and UGH. thank GOD
relatedly, i really liked having hera be the first person to say his name. idk. it felt nice and in character that she still thinks of her crewmember-cum-son-and-boy
i, for one, am really, really really digging the slow, deliberate pacing. time will tell if it ends up more plodding than contemplative, but i love having the space to breathe and observe... almost like a jedi? lol, but mostly i'm happy not to be taken on a roller coaster
kiner bros putting their whole pussy into the soundtrack
showing sabine's helmet in the foreground and having her twice avoid it to pull out other stuff from under the table. i have so many thoughts
man i love that they're all kind of bitches to each other. i support unlikable women
huyang: man you suck ass at this whole force thing, huh
the... less good:
ignore the makeup ignore the makeup ignore the makeup
i'm interested to see the show tackle the idea of how to transition from empire to republic, and i think it can be a salient critique of capitalism to have the republic essentially absorbing the imperial workforce so as not to stop production, but i am, as always, skeptical, since LF has uh... not been great about this before (i mean narratively, not even like getting into unfortunate implications lmao)
utterly bored with we-have-asajj-ventress-at-home and the other dude (rip ray stevenson tho, what a phenomenal talent) but i'm hopeful that will change!
dreading thrawn just bc i hate thrawn but that is entirely personal and not at all a critique of the show 😂
seated and watching:
i am extraordinarily interested in the sabine/ahsoka dynamic, and i am dying to know more, because it really is reading like a nasty lesbian breakup. which i am totally okay with
i am less... concerned? wary? of sabine as ahsoka's apprentice than i was before we started. idk, given all the visual emphasis on sabine avoiding these two "opposed" poles (avoiding the jedi by not going to ezra's memorial, avoiding the mandalorian by shoving her armor away under the table) i am curious to see how this plays out. it feels like a natural evolution from her rebels arc of choosing her new family in the ghost crew, but inverted? which i'm interested in. idk. feeling hopeful, tho
there's an interesting motif of seeing things through (and failing to do so) in these first two episodes. obviously ezra says that to sabine almost verbatim, but there's also ahsoka walking away from both anakin and sabine before training was completed, there's the new republic failing to fully eradicate imperial sympathies (sometimes deliberately so), and there's something there too, i think, about failing to confirm thrawn's death. or account for his return? anyway. i'm interested
but truly, highlight of the premiere is huyang being like good god you are bad at this
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becker-call · 8 months
We know your thoughts on Blue and King Orange, how about the other stick figures? (Just the Color Gang if you're not bothered)
thoughts on the color gang? oh do i HAVE SOME
i'll just be talking about red, green, and yellow here, though. not that i don't have thoughts on orange/second (i very much do), it just ties in a lot with my chosen/dark thoughts and that's something i'll discuss in another post probably lol
so first, red. i like him a lot!! i think he or yellow would be my favorite if it wasn't for blue. i've mentioned this before, but back when i was first watching avm/ava i thought red was going to be an aggressive, cynical, kinda toxic masculine sort of character since a lot of the stuff i'd seen with red before the series was mainly him fighting. but nope! he's pretty much just a more assertive fluttershy that can also kick my ass and i love it. i think it's nice to see a character that's pretty strong and canonically works out having "non-masculine" interests (aka caring for animals). it's something i don't see too often in media, and i like seeing it.
green. green's chill. he's not a character that i'd consider my favorite, but i think he's cool! he's good at a lot of things, kind of a jack-of-all-trades sorta deal. i don't know if we'll get to see purple again in the main AvM series now that s3 is over, but if we do i think they should have some sort of buddy-movie-esque episode with green! i think their friendship should be expanded on a little more.
finally, yellow. yellow, m'darling. i love her a lot. i like how she's super intelligent and the smartest of the cg, but she has her moments where she doesn't really think things through, like in the roller coaster and command block episodes (though in yellow's defense in the former, i don't think that the sticks knew how minecraft physics worked at the time). and their intelligence doesn't mean their entire personality is them being smart, either- they're shown to care deeply for their friends (especially their "best friend" blue(i know what you are /silly)), and they still like getting into shenanigans, like in the wallpaper actual short. like i said with red, she'd probably be my favorite if it weren't for blue, lmao.
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
I see that amethyst already beat me here but let me talk about the Fischoeders from season 1 (for context to amethyst's ask)
So in the episode Torpedo from Season 1, towards the end of the episode Calvin and Bob have this exchange
Calvin: Ah, roller coasters come and go. But Bobs are once in a lifetime. I admire you.
Bob:You do?
Calvin: You remind me of my father, He was honest, and he worked hard.You an immigrant, Bob?
Bob: Um no.
Which implies their father was an immigrant, which will further help my own theory that I've been working on. Which is based on me and amethyst's preexisting theory that she is deadset is correct
That is all, thats context, any additions to the new or old theory are welcome :>
(I would love feedback on the theory because I want to build it more and add more details and stuff to it)
i think the fischoeder's dad being an immigrant makes sense!! maybe he immigrated in his late teens or early 20s bcuz he already seemed to mostly have his business and life sorted out by the time calvin and felix were born
because of the time calvin was born (maybe like the 1950s) immigration from europe was very common. bob's mom's family likely immigrated in the 1920s before world war 2 to new york from like germany or whatever, could definitely see calvin being of austrian/german heritage (at least on his father's side). google says that "the name fischoeder is derived from the german word fischer which means fisherman. this suggests that the early bearers of the name were likely involved in fishing or lived near bodies of water." so most likely his father's family was german or austrian and immigrated around world war 2, and in-canon he would come from a coastal town or a family of fishermen. which isn't unlikely lmao
back in the day requirements for immigration were not as strict (depending on where you were from. probably. i hear they weren't big fans of european jewish immigration in the 1930s!!!) so it's not a stretch to assume that calvin's dad immigrated to america for political reasons etc and eventually built a life for himself as a businessman in a small oceanside town. how it became big enough that calvin is RICH rich is beyond me but idk much about buisness tbf
he also could have had generational wealth on his mom's side although that seems more unlikely based on what we've been told
or maybe he just asked bob if he was an immigrant bcuz of his *geastures vaugely* vibes
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thoughtfulfangirling · 3 months
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Goliath sound genuinely exuberant here. It makes me a wonder little if at least a night or two has passed since the incidents at the end of the last episode. He went through quite an emotional roller coaster, and I doubt he's over the prospect of Demona's death. Interestingly, he may have a better idea than the show lets on that she didn't die that night though. Elisa probably would have offered to look for it even if for no other reason than that she knew it would cause a problem if a gargoyle corpse was found in the streets of Manhattan. Annd, she wouldn't have found it. So, perhaps there's that.
I don't think I find Goliath someone who is deceptive with his emotions, but I can see him trying to 'fake it till he makes it' not in a deceptive sense but in a sense that it can actually work to a certain extent. Focusing on the things that bring one joy and things one can be grateful for does uplift the mood of someone over their focusing on all the negatives. And Goliath is absolutely the type who, when his mind is in the right place for his clan, will sacrifice his own brooding to set a good example. (Though he does like to brood lmao)
And of course, how exciting is it to have a new friend?! There is absolutely that. However he feels regarding Elisa at this point, he's found a certain kinship with her, and I think it's been a long time until he's gotten to feel like he gets to socialize with someone he knows so little of.
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ourmondobongo · 2 years
What do you think about the anime adaptation of 132? i think dedicate your head scene and especially hanji fight scene was very good
I have so many mixed feelings!!!!
I think the visuals were stunning, the VAs OMFG - Romi and Kamiya were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
I liked a few additions, like, the way Levi was walking down the stairs with Armin, and GOSH, there are moments I REALLY WANT TO KISS Hanji's character designer for the perfect visuals.
I think it was so rushed. Again. Our personal CURSE.
And I feel like putting 131, 133 and 134 + 132 (and the afterlife scene) was not a really nice move. It pains me that Hanji dies and we can't even feel it right because there is so much happening.
131 was already a HUGE, FANTASTIC roller-coaster of despair and horror and shock. It was terrifying and painful, but then BOOM - we have these kinda silly (?) aru-annie moments, then mikasa-annie, then Floch, then BOOM- Hanji comes to die.
Then we didn't have the same nuances the manga gives us between Levi and Hanji - like, the way Levi's and Hange's lips changed during the Sasageyo, and Levi avoiding to see Hanji fighting at first, and I wished we had heard everyone crying in the airplane, and I wished the episode had ended with Hanji and Erwin+everyone in Ymir's realm.
I have to give many thanks to my perfect LH comrade, @murdergiraffe, with whom I shared the rawness of these moments (we watched it together through phone call lmao). I was feeling so many things, (pretty numb actually lmao), and we discussed soooooo many things, freaking out and then raging together lmao. It enhanced the experience again <3
And that's it for now. I want to watch it subbed, but i don't think I will do it today. Still many mixed feelings to sort out!
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Very hard episode to watch. Really felt like a roller coaster of emotions and by the end of it I was heartbroken for my baby Yasumi. Hate seeing her go thru this.
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Honestly didn’t expect things to get so depressing considering how we started off the episode all bright and cheery. The girls cleaning up Asaka apartment was so real, where can I find friends like that lmao.
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Then we got good news about the fans basically turning on each other about stalking Yasumi and Yuhi so everyone’s more concerned about that than the girls themselves 😂
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Yasumi getting her dream role in a Kamishiro anime, like this should’ve been a nice chill episode.. until Yasumi’s insecurity reared its ugly head. To her defense though, idk how you can expect to give someone a script 24 hours before recording starts and then expect them to come in cooking. Like it takes time to get into that role and prepare, Yasumi’s “disappointing” first run is all down to the production staff’s incompetence.
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The role is actually perfect for her too because she can channel that rivalry she has with Yuhi into it, which I’m sure we will see once she gets her head right. It’s just gotta be overwhelming to walk into the studio with all these people you’ve idolised growing up and they’ve got years of experience on you and then getting criticised by the director.. at only 16-17 years old. But she’ll bounce back.
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Awesome ep
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ofswordsandsorcery · 2 years
My thoughts on SHADOW & BONE S2
I wrote this while watching, so it's really chaotic
Also, I haven't read any of the books in a while, so forgive me for not remembering how to correctly write the names and probably forgetting stuff :D
Episode 1
A privateer actually, it's an important distinction
Take your fuckin shoes off the bed
Episode 2
"you live in a single moment I live in a thousand"
You're old as shit we get it
Nina Zenik is a fucking menace and I am SO living for it
Also, we love a queen that eats <3
Oh oh Nikolai trying to steal Mal's girlfriend i see
Tamar and Alina interaction ahsjsjsjsj
The bonding over being shu han???
Awww, i loveee themm
Wylan and Nikolai working together would be the end of the world as we know it
I thought the girl working for Aleksander was Zoya for a sec and i was SO confused
Aww, Wylan he's beyond thrilled, he just doesn't show it love
Jes getting his fucking hat before leaving is everything
Episode 3
Soaaring flyyyyinnn
Nikolai is one hell of an inventor
Jes and Wylan on a missionnn *in a singing voice*
Nina giving Kaz contra >>>
Ajsjyjsjsjs Prince Nikolai reveal i am jsksksjsj AN ICON, truly
You lying bastard
Even more iconic
David and Genyaaaaa
I love David
I'm still so incredibly mad
On an unrelated note: Lewis Tan is one fine man
A casting decision I actually love
Side eye to Nikolai
(sorry paddy, nothing against you, you are doing a wonderful job just really not how I imagined Nikolai to look at ALL)
Nadja meets Tamar
Brb, I'm going to turn in to a useless queer
Also, I love Aldrick
Fuck allies, you need a wife
I am so living for Wylan begrudgingly agreeing with Jes
Wylans horrified stare at the piano playing omg and the little flinch
"He's really good" lol
Jes is so falling in love with Wylan over his piano playing skills
Uhhh, kaz inej fight lol
Let me bandage it for you even tho i am deadly afraid of touching skin
Ahhh, communication
Omg the subtle shaking? The fear in his eyes? Well done.
What's your telll?
The cane the limp, know ones ever smart enough to look for the real one????
It's not what you think??
Nina is like yeah, take your bullshitting elsewhere
I LOVE seeing that friendship develop.
Shit at first dates lmao
Love you Nina
Kaz fighting scene omg
Crow club takeover? What?
Y'all I wasn't prepared for this
So much is happening at once, help
Eww he licked the knife? Bah
Go Inej, get his ass..
Wow the prayer
So much emotionnnn
Vladim, what are you doing love
General Kirigan what the actual fuck
That.. Is your mom
The horror on David's face
I feel the same way tho
I HaVe a PrOPosAL
Shut up Nikolai, you're gonna get punched again and you're face is actually to pretty for that...
STOP IT. They're holding hands
This is a fucking emotional roller-coaster
I'm not going anywhere - walks away
Thanks Jes, for saying what i thought
Jesper you little fuck
Don't betray Wylan like that?
Wylan talking about how Alby isn't responsible for who his father is
Oh Mathias my poor boy <3 he seriously needs a hug...
What's your price? Nuh uh
Episode 4
Vasily you idiot
Baghra the wise im cackling
Jes you can't just drop that casually and then move one as if fucking nothing happend????
No mourners no funerals and it's almost all of my babies
Nadjas impressed look at Tamar and her axes has me SOBBING
That was a long time ago
Yeah oops
Make him kneel make him kneel make him kneel omg
That whole scene is so fucking good i had to actually rewatch it multiple times before i could move on
Tolya and Tamar supremacy <3
Tamar and Tolya meeting the crows??? Holy shit
This has taken so many twists and turns and loopings what
You could... Come with me??
Wylans lil shrug???? I'm actually crying
Kit's acting in the confession scene? SPECTACULAR the glances, the lil eye roll before be gathers the full courage, the little waver in his voice when he does confess??
Maybe you need a reminder?? The laughs the giggles I'm going to spontaneously combust
Wtf kaz
I worry about you?
I can't have a weak link in my crew?
You're a bloody idiot, is what you are
Nina should kock some sense into that head of yours after what you just said you moron
I think Rollins knocked it outa ya
And king he shall be
Just not yet oops
Unhinged Genya? hell yes!!!!
Ahhh, Baghra, you sly fucker
Not Adrik
Not him
Please not him
Jesper, Inej and Nina solidarity
Jes loves the gossip so much ahahahah
Episode 5
Genya not wanting David to see her because she's afraid of what he'll think hurts my heart
Genyalina hug supremacy
Baghra said sobatchka
I'm crying. This is not the time but omh
Damn right she doesn't.
Tolya looking at the bowl of food is literally me
I'm not here for you whoops
Oh Jes, you said the wrong thing baby
Bhez Ju? It looks INCREDIBLE!!!
Tolya being like wtf is going on with you and wylan is gold
I know metal
David i love you
The gentle forehead press
What did you do to him
Tolya giving relationship advice to jesper avout wylan I'm going to cry
Nvm I'm actually already crying
Nina trying to talk to Kaz about tea had me laughing so hard
Tolya snacking all the time, we love it
Zoya honestly
Tolyas comment about soldiers, i love that
Episode 6
I'm laughing so hard
Poor Mal
He doesn't deserve any of this
The thief is so beautiful
And she's so badass
Lol she's giving it to Jesper
I think she knows he's a special one
Love her so much
Another Wesper kiss??? Also, Tolya's knowing face lmao
Mathias = slab of fur and i will not refer to him as anything else ever again
Episode 7
Why on earth is everyone losing their hands?
This is ridiculous
Let me introduce you to Inej - Badass of the Barrel
Uh oh is right you witch
The crows join, it's over you idiots
Not the cane, that's a sacrilege what you just did.
Sibling reunion I'm sobbing over that hug
Um, Mal u okay hun?
Episode 8
Not kaz giving his cane away what is happening???
My Man
Kaz and Tolya bonding over Poetry? Of all things? love it
Ah ah ah is that an upward lip tug i see Kaz?
Jes... Why did you ruin the moment like that?
There's six of you you morons
Just don't know it yet lovelies
Have i said i don't like Genya's eye thing? It just looks so cheap
He wants an investment lol
Kaz you fuking idiot
You actually have to say it you know
Oof, the I want- I want you
Gives me the same vibes as i love, i love, i love you
How many fucking flying ships do they have?
Nah wtf is this Inej & Tolya shit
What's with the suggestive camera angles, stop that
Actually, i like the sturmhond look on Mal
Inej on the boat taking over slaver ships
So many things i didn't think I'd see this season omg
Ketterdam what kinda fucked up, out of proportion moon do you have???
Ugh not the apparat
Fuck off already, i didn't miss you at ALL
For a man of faith...
Love you for that, sobachka
Finally a better eye patch
Zoya you actually could lol
Are we going to get a triumvirate sitch with Alina?
Omgg yesss
You finally gonna go to Fjerda huh
Not that it doesn't look good just...
Talk about show stopping, am i right
Well, that's a way to end the show
Additional things I LOVED
- The show name at the beginning of every episode
- The different languages >>>>
- everything Tolya does
-Patrick Gibson as Nikolai, the longer I watched the better it got
What I did NOT like:
- lots of things actually but I have decided for myself that from here I'll just see the show as something different from the books and cherish it for what it is
-David and Genya having literally five seconds before he died? WTF? David was supposed to be here longer :/
-that they put SO MUCH into this season? like so much is happening at once and then they introduce additional stuff??? Felt a little rushed to me... Like were kinda already at the point of King of Scars but at the same time the SOC plotline is so ripped apart? I am confused...
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jetcat-14 · 6 months
I got someone who follows me on Facebook to watch Hilda because it kept popping up in the recommended LMAO 🤣
We talked about the first Episode today and they loved it
LolZ they have a roller coaster waiting for them in season 3
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ilikeyoshi · 9 months
can't remember if i posted about it yet but i think the possibility of food intolerances or IBDs is officially very low!!!! long story short i've been improving for 4+ days straight without changing anything yet, and i was going through the papers i got from urgent care friday detailing causes for the stomach issues i was having, and saw antibiotics on the list!
and i've BEEN on antibiotics for an infection we found while looking for answers to the stomach issues, so my theory is i DID have a stomach flu, and the antibiotics COMPLICATED it, and now that i'm OFF the antibiotics my body is finally, slowing picking itself back up. ;_;
(disordered eating-ESQUE discussion under the cut, also suicide mention)
and i am. ssssoooooooooooooo fucking relieved lmfao i don't know if i could've handled a food intolerance of all things. i can handle needing MORE of certain foods, like with my hyperlipidemia, but having to reduce/remove food is. my flavor of autism already makes eating a literal nightmare, like it is genuinely hard not to constantly be losing weight due to how little i can already eat, and the idea of having to narrow down the tiny, ever-changing list of Safe Foods even MORE was. i'm gonna be real chief i haven't felt that suicidal outside of a PMDD episode in a HOT fucking minute LMAO.
like this year has been a medical roller coaster. i've, at various moments, had to seriously consider the possibility that i might be at an elevated risk of things like my joints fusing together, blood cancer, blindness, heart attacks/strokes, and god knows what else—and that last thing i AM confirmed at elevated risk for—and NONE OF IT scared me like the food intolerance thing. i'd take ALL THAT SHIT over a food intolerance. i keep trying to tell myself i'd figure it out, i'd be okay, but honestly, i don't believe it. it is already so hard and so frustrating and so demoralizing how hard it is for me to eat as it is, ANYTHING that permanently worsens that sounds like my own personal kryptonite. like. i understand and appreciate how many people live with this and live HAPPILY despite it, i just... i do not think that could be me. i think that'd be the thing that'd break me, lmao.
absolutely MISERABLE two weeks, but seems to have at least ended on a high note. ;_; happy new year.
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