#this fandom continues to be very very annoying and unserious
ASOIAF stans can be very annoying because a common characteristic in any discussion about leadership in this series always delves into readers zeroing in on failures while they completely write off any successes. This happens with just about any person thrust into a position of power, but I see these bizarre standards most applied to Jon Snow and Daenerys (especially Dany). You’d think that after years and years of analyzing the text to death, we’d come up with more compelling arguments than “Jon Snow bad Lord Commander” and “Dany bad (she’s just bad)”. Fans have decided to define these two by the mistakes they make while completely writing off all the good they do. And then the most baffling thing is when they say that Dany and Jon are failures so someone else should be the endgame ruler….and then they name Young Griff as their chosen champion.
Setting aside the obvious role Aegon plays as a narrative foil to Jon and Dany, how can anyone say he would do a better job? He has done literally nothing. His skills are a blank slate. Where is the evidence that he would have better reforms for the Watch than Jon did? That he would know how to better handle the different factions at the Wall than Jon did? That he would know how to prepare for the upcoming food shortage than Jon did? Where is the evidence that he would know how to better handle Meereen than Dany did? That he would know how to better deal with the obviously gargantuan task of abolishing slavery?
The point is that ruling is hard. There’s no such thing as a perfect ruler in this series and if anyone thinks that there is, they obviously have not been paying attention. All who have been put in a position of leadership in this story fail in some way. That’s the nature of the job. Even good-hearted, well-intentioned people like Jon and Daenerys struggle with the weight of leadership. So even as they do such incredible good, they still have blind spots. That’s because they’re human and human beings are not perfect. And let’s be real, people would complain if they were suddenly so good at ruling despite their young age and inexperience. So it’s insane to me that fans will read these books and come to the conclusion that all that is needed, instead of Jon and Dany, is a perfect leader who will make everything ok - even more baffling when they name Aegon/Young Griff or some other person who has zero experience with administration so far. Please, let us be serious for once.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
This is spot on. The BT fandom has worked so hard to completely try and twist the narrative 9-1-1 has put forward. I’m not surprised Oliver is blocking people and not promoting the ship because there isn’t anything worth promoting and if I were him or a showrunner I would also be annoyed that a small amount of fans are trying to hijack a storyline. BT fans act like the general audience loves Tommy when I genuinely think the general audience just does not care one way or another about Tommy. Because the show has not given any reason to care about him. The only people that care so strongly (either liking or disliking him) are fandom people online who are stuck in discourse. That is not the majority of viewers. We’re going into season 8 - we don’t have a guarantee of how many seasons are left. Now that they’ve moved networks and we’re given the green light they’re going to focus on the storyline that wraps up their main characters arcs in the most satisfying way (which based on everything we’ve seen in this show is Buddie) not trying to start from scratch for both Buck and Eddie with new relationships. And if they DID want to pair Buck and Eddie with other people they would’ve actually tried to develop Buck and Tommy in season 7 and they very purposefully didn’t.
clickable link for the post because it's very spot on
The thing with the cameos is that it turned a narrative that was supposed to be about Buck and turned it into a narrative about Buck and Tommy. There is nothing in canon that backs up the idea that Tommy is anything other than just some guy. The show didn't restart at season 7 and if they wanted to make Buck and Tommy something with a fighting chance, Tommy would've existed in the narrative beyond the coming out plotline. Taylor's storyline was complete with beef with lafd personnel and a canon tragic backstory. If they wanted to make people care about Tommy they would've. They made it with Taylor with 4 episodes. You want me to believe they couldn't do it with Tommy after 6? Lou was putting out headcanon after headcanon and people took that as gospel as if he was reading scripts and had input from writers when Lou said in an interview that they didn't even tell him what label Tommy was supposed to have when they filmed the kiss. The show created a very clear narrative that shows that the relationship is not that serious. And if we are taking word of god as canon, Tim said that it's a "level entry relationship" and used the word "first fling" multiple times. First implies a second and fling is as unserious as it can get. The actual show is saying something, the creator of the show is saying the same thing. But sure, the actor they are paying and prompting has more say than the actual source material 🙄🙄. This story is about making Buck bi. Nothing else. If they wanted to make this be a Buck finally found his person, they would've developed Tommy into someone who's at least a little bit likeable, not continuously make him look worse every time he opens his mouth. If Oliver really is frustrated with this and blocking people because people hijacked the storyline he's telling, he has every right to be. He wanted to tell a nice story about Buck being bi and now he's caught having to dodge people who want him to walk up to the creators and say they have to marry Buck and Tommy by 802 or else he walks, when he clearly just wanted it to be about Buck's identity. Somehow Buck got pushed to the background of his own story by this very loud group of people while being aided by an actor who's creating a pr nightmare. The story is about Buck exploring bisexuality not about Buck falling in love with Tommy and it's painfully clear. The fact that people can't see it because someone paid a dude 100 and something dollars to say they are "thriving" is madness and shows the lack of basic media literacy.
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gform polls are so unserious and its always the most loser crowds wanting their ego fed who take them serious. can't even blame any group or anything, they're ALL botted to hell and even the low ranking results have voted that utterly eclipses how many views the gform poll even had or even how many active ppl there are in the fandom.
but mgd sharon fans do it in such an annoying way bc they'll constantly talk abt respecting (616) comic verse as the basis for their ship but somehow end up in every single mcu gform "poll" to bot & then comb the replies + qts to throw pity parties & self victimize whenever anything less than enthusiasm for the ship gets expressed
And if anyone dares mention that in the universe the poll was based on confirmed not once but twice that "mind you, he's her uncle who changed her diapers" then all 5 of them flip their shit at the inc*st reminder. I know new Cap comics are boring as fawk for everyone so they're prob just bored, but that crowd talks big abt respecting different marvel canons just to repeatedly jump into the movie verse discussions and act like they're owed smth there. And that is what gets me, the hypocrisy
Well, that gets me, but also the way that fan crowd embodies the strain of fandom which acts like misogyny is when women aren't paired with a man character but also really hate fictional lesbians for some "odd" reason (calling them "stereotypical") and only mention F/F "ships" if it's the straight woman's idea of "girlfriend" where the "pair" goes on "dates" to talk abt their husbands
I agree about the botting - it makes these things so boring & I'm not sure why people continue to make polls if we'll never really get any proper results....
I won't talk too much about sharon fans because they're so exhausting to talk to & they're always harassing people about extremely trivial things like shipping so I don't want them to get involved in our conversation. One time on twitter, there was a poll about ships involving tony stark & a sharon fan botted tonysharon & it won & they called people misogynists for being upset about it....I'm not sure if I feel sorry for them or if I'm very annoyed. I agree with what you said, though, they're one of my least favourite corners of the marvel fandom & they're terribly misogynistic towards other female characters, which makes their arguments less credible imo. And they really need to let go of mcu staron - it would be extremely gross if anything happened now (more than it already is thanks to endgame).
I did not know about their lesbophobia, though....who do they hate on?
I know some of them ship sharon with natasha & I'm assuming that's what you're referring to when you talked about straight women's idea of girlfriends...that ship makes no sense to me, personally, and I want natasha free of cap comics asap.
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