#this fandom has destroyed a lot of my illusions about people
val-ur-pal · 5 months
Jackson hate is a little forced imo cause he’s really just a teenage boy battling depression and grief and is constantly stressed and anxious about things being out of his control for really no reason. Like you have to remember Jackson has known these people for only a couple of months at this point and they bullied him and Exer made his life shit for a good bit of it 😭 now I love Exer that’s my princess and Jackson has made mistakes but it’s what makes him an interesting and dynamic character, people complain all the time that Jackson is boring and one note but he’s really not if you pay attention to his flaws as character traits and not just “oh Jackson here we go again 🙄”
For just season 3 stuff so far he’s kept 1. leaving therapy a secret from Pam 2. Not telling anyone about the diary and Used the diary to manipulate Exer (both consciously and unconsciously) and 3. Spent time with the reds as a form of getting information and its kinda manipulation tbh so I just wanted to give my 2 cents on it in defense and criticism of Jackson cause he’s paralleling Exer in a lot of ways and it’s unfair that he gets shit on so much when Exer is loved and praised by the fandom (again Exer is my favourite character).
1. Leaving therapy a secret from Pam is not a good thing Jackson is doing, he shouldn’t have kept it from her and he shouldn’t have lied that it wasn’t that big of a deal because a big theme in this comic is that keeping secrets and lying really hurts people and relationships and you need to be open and honest with those you love. That being said it’s a really hard subject that he’s still getting over himself, therapy was a safe space for him where he was finally in control and was heard not just listened to. He’s still getting over this and he could barely even talk to Harry for weeks without feeling horrible so yea it’s a really troubling thing for him to think about. He told the detention kids because sometimes it’s easier to be open with friends who get the situation than your girlfriend who you don’t want to disappoint because she was so happy you were getting better and how do you tell her your world fell apart all over again and you’re scared. I’m not saying this excuses his actions I just think there needs to be a bit more understanding here, Jackson should have told her sooner and tell her that he’s not happy about it but he’s also not ready to talk about it just yet, it’ll be good for him to open up to Pam more instead of trying to keep up an illusion that he’s doing great but it’s a hard thing to shake.
2. Telling anyone about the Diary, especially Exer is not fucking easy at all. Some of you are making it sound like if he just told them everything would go smoothly and well and that he’s the bad guy for keeping it hidden. So go on and tell me how exactly you’d tell the person who bullied you over petty reasons that you might have accidentally manipulated and fabricated their feelings and that you’re the reason he apologized, you’re the reason he got a job and started over, you’re the reason he confessed as is dating his boyfriend and that none of it is real and that you did it all by accident. Because that’s exactly what Jackson thinks he did, while I don’t agree with Jackson’s theory he’s convinced of it himself. For all Jackson knows Exer really is that prick back in season 1 and the only reason he changed is cause he wrote it down. That’s a lot of weight on your shoulders especially the whole romance thing I mean Jackson wholeheartedly thinks he accidentally manipulated Exer into falling in love with someone and that’s a very heavy burden to carry cause wtf do you do with that as a 17 y/o depressed child. Not to mention that the Diary is his therapy journal so that’s his one healthy outlet destroyed and he feels guilty about ever coping using it so that only fuels his self hatred and mental health issues. All of this without mentioning he’s still grieving over his mother who gave him the damn thing and now he can’t even have that once connection he has with her because of course it’s tied to Exer the person who’s made his life so difficult up till now. NOW!! Pause, this does not excuse his actions but it does explain them, Jackson is not in the right here because at the end of the day he does need to talk to Ex about it because, accident or not, he’s manipulating him and he needs to know. It’s actually incredibly interesting how much this parallels to season 1 Exer, Exer who started purposely using his magic to cause harm and then slowly losing control and doing it by accident (all while not telling Jackson he has magic which made it hurt so much more) versus Jackson’s harm being on accident at first but now he’s experimenting and knowingly causing changes to Exer. This is a big flaw of Jackson’s, he wants to understand before he takes action but only in ways that benefit him. He wanted to understand Exer’s magic before he told Pam and now he wants to understand his own before he tells anyone and we all saw how that turned out with Pam and the others in season 1/2 so Jack’s definitely going to learn his lesson. Remember that if Exer got that mad cause he was jealous over petty things how do you think Jackson, who thinks he’s one of the only reason Exer became nice, thinks Exer is gonna react to something as big as this!!
3. This is a bad thing aaallll around and Jackson needs to stop 😭!!! Jackson hanging out with the reds just because he wants to study Exer is not a good thing but it’s an interesting character flaw!! This goes back to what I was saying earlier, he wants to know and understand and will fixate on it so bad he neglects the consequences. Not only is he harming the reds by manipulating them into thinking he cares and is friends with them he’s also really hurting himself. As much as I would love for them all to be friends again, Jackson just isn’t in that headspace right now where he can. He’s so obsessed with the magic and how it’s affected him that he can’t get over the bullying, he can’t get over how Exer used his magic to hurt him, he can’t get over him hurting Pam, he can’t accept the many apologies, he hasn’t even accepted that Exer wasn’t in control all the time. He just can’t move on. He needs to move on and not because what happened wasn’t hurtful and is all in the past now (it’s been like 2 months since Halloween mind you) but because he needs to let go and prioritize himself instead of holding onto all this anger. He’s not just an asshole who can’t get over being bullied (which like even if he was that’s valid to a degree), he’s so obsessed with regaining control of his life and understanding what the fuck is going on that he’s actively choosing to hurt himself to hang out with people he doesn’t like. He doesn’t have to be their friends and he doesn’t have to forgive them, yes they’ve gotten better and yes they’re sorry but tbh if my bullies apologized and everything I would not forgive them and I’d certainly not be friends with them. They just need to go their separate ways until Jackson knows what he wants. But it’s hard. Being 17 and struggling with mental health (IN THE 80s!!) is very very hard and that’s before you even begin with the magic shit so cut him some slack.
Anyways this was so long and rambley I’m sorry, I just don’t love the Jackson hate I see when he and Exer are so similar but he doesn’t get the grace of being adored and pawed at. Do I love Jackson? Not as much as I do Exer but I get him, I get being a teen trying to save myself while everything around me keeps trying to push me down so I respond in anger and I’m so over everyone being so mean to him. I could go on for ages and make more points but that’s it for now so!!!! Anyways support Paola on patreon 🩷🩷🩷
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qianqiancandyjar · 10 months
Ninjavember 2023!
Here's completed version with a bunch of explaining below each picture! Just scroll down if you don't want to see me blabbering. (I tried to go short as much as possible)
(I have a lot of AUs and headcanons that only exist in my head and my sketchbooks. Forgive me for wanting to spill them out.)
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Day 2: Randy was listening to music with earphones so he didn't know Theresa was sitting next to him. Imagine how embarrassed he would get when he knows.
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Day 8: Tech-Ninja AU. It's about machinist Randy being set up by Mcfist for murdering the town hero Ninja with his invention, the Tech-Ninja armor. Then the spirit of the destroyed Nomicon travelled to his armor and become an AI, choosing him to be the next Ninja. So Randy accepted it and was determined to make up for what he caused, when nobody except Howard, the boss of Weinerman industries, trusted him.
Day 10: Apocalypse AU. It's about Randy lost the battle at the end of season 2 and became the prisoner of the Sorcerer. The Nomicon was handed to Howard before that, and they later recruited survivors to form a resistance against the Sorcerer. Then Randy was stanked, but instead of turning into a monster, he was brainwashed and given the power of creating his own red and black stank. And- You know what will happen. (Inspired by the Darkness of Randy Cunningham)
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Day 13: Elemental trial AU. You can say it's my take on what will happen in season 3. The Carp god was under the cover of a random carpfish as Norisville mascot. After a series of events it was awaken and gave Randy the power of Ice Rage.
Day 14: I think there's more than just the blood of First Ninja's brothers, since nobody knows how to destank people at the beginning...
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Day 17: The Warrior might have been living or sleeping there, waiting for some ninjas to wake him up or consult him about his forbidden arts. (Ha, It's kinda like Eclipsa in Star vs. the forces of Evil)
Day 18: Or it can be called the New Generation AU. In the future, Randy took the place of Messager as well as the Ninja Guardian, while Brent became the new Sword Smith and Sorceress became their main villain. I am not really good at designing OCs so there's no next ninja yet.
However, I read a fanfic of another fandom in the form of CYOA, and it gave me new idea: just let the reader be the next ninja, it will be fun, too. (Also, this AU was inspired by an RC9GN fanfic titled from the past to the future, where future Randy became Ninja Guardian. But I couldn't find it on fanfiction.net any more. Has anyone read it? I didn't dream about it, right?)
Day 19: During that time I got even crazier after I read Enter the Nomicon. It's hard to believe I had a crazy period of shipping Randicon, even for myself. Especially weird for me since I now have a completely different view about Nomicon (peek at my Yokai Ninja AU comics). Time really can change a person, wow.
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Day 21: Yes, a whole page just for this headcanon. I used the screenshots in the show because it's too hard to draw. The barrier thing is kinda like the one that held Bill's power in the range of Gravity Falls.
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Day 23: Danny: the Walking Air-Conditioner. Inspired by a chapter of Secret Quartet. Danny phased his hand through the scarf. Just imagine your friend put a cold hand inside your scarf in winter. *shiver*
Day 25: Besides Ninja vine ball, there are also spike ball, gas ball, sonic ball, rainbow illusion ball, tear ball and so on. I just pick the most common one from my ninja balls headcanons to put in here.
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Day 27: You may see I prefer using numbers to refer episodes, because that's how I track and rewatch them. To be more specific, I list some keywords here: NomiRandy, First Ninja, Debbie, Tengu. As fellow RC9GN Fans I'm sure you get it.
Day 30: It's a half-baked AU thing. The flowers I tried to draw are rosemary?
Wow! I actually finished all the prompts! Thank you for holding the big event! @evilspiritweek
(I don't mind sharing more details about my AUs or headcanons. *wink*)
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13-nothing · 2 months
Soooooo today we r going to talk about what miraculi would work best as Assassins for funsies. Starting with the ones least likely to succeed at being assassins.
(Keep in mind, this requires them to be able to sneak into a fortified base of sorts and kill the person undetected. They r only allowed what comes with their miraculous NO outside help or materials. Also its based on powers themselves not on any of the people that have worn them.)
19. Goat (kinda meh, it's literally just creating an item and if u don't have a creative holder it wouldn't work. I guess u could stab them in the eye with the paintbrush but eh.)
18. Turtle (Not really great for sneaking. Would be an OP body guard tho. A shield isn't made to make heads roll after all.)
(Stares off into the distance as flashes of another fandom fills my brain. Dammit Marvel!! Stay in ur corner!)
Sry where were we? Oh, yes number 17.
17. Ladybug (Without a creative holder it's just useless on its main power and Miraculous Ladybug would just undo ur work. Yo-yo is great for strangling tho.)
16. Ox (Would be better as a bodyguard. Gnarly skull bashing hammer tho.)
15. Pig (It would leave a bunch of people in visions standing around and someone would notice plus it's possible to leave the gift too. Useless weapon.)
14. Monkey (only effects miraculous stuff so kinda useless normally) (Unless I'm wrong about that, then it would deserve to be higher on the list except it's kinda loud and showy. A stick and a rope tail for bashing and strangling!)
13. Dog (fetch would be great getting keys and stuff to get in and out, but is still traceable if there's guards and stuff. Not a great weapon either.)
12. Tiger (So my understanding is that its thing is explosions and that kinda defeats the whole sneaking around thing, BUT I think it has the same night vision and hearing that the Cat does so it gets to be higher. Bolas so more strangling type stuff)
11. Bee (Lots of people frozen but at least they would stay frozen. Top with string strangling)
10. Butterfly (It kinda has to be someone else using the power even if it is invisiblity, so if u have a trustworthy partner then it would do great. Cane is great for bashing.)
9. Rooster (Any superpower that doesn't exist already in any other miraculous SOOO invisibility and bam. Weapon sucks tho, I guess it's back to eye stabbing.)
8. Cat (I would love to put this higher but the others r OP so I'll say this night vision, great hearing, and black suit BUT still very much still traceable. Tho extra points for being able to just silently turn everyone on the base to dust) (Tho that's based on what I think its powers work where how much u destroy is based on intent) (Ex. u want to obliterate the Eiffel Tower it turns to dust, u intend to kill someone with no-thing [hehehe] left behind soooo *poof* dust, want to destroy a small object only a small object is destroyed. Oh and strangling from the leather belt or head bashing from a stick or two if dusting them doesn't suit ur needs) (Would get seen on Camera)
7. Horse (Go in get out simple, BUT the horseshoe sucks as an assassin weapon, tho I guess bashing works.) (Would get seen on Camera.)
6. Fox (Illusions that act as camouflage coupled with excellent hearing and (basically) a staff to make an excellent assassin) (Wouldn't get seen on Camera)
5. Snake (unlimited tries, but the weapon sucks so while it would be unbeatable it doesn't entirely work) (Would get seen on Camera)
4. Fluff (again unlimited tries and the umbrella works like a staff so kudos for head bashing) (Would get seen on Camera)
3. Mouse (Idk how tiny they can go so it's basically undetectable and they can either strangle them full sized or block their airways choking them to death.)
2. Longg (Travel through metal and electrocute them to death, no weapon required. The sword is a bonus)
1. Duusu (Create a tiny bug with cyanide in it, tell it to go inside the victims mouth and boom dead. Total control and u get to stay in a cozy apartment chilling and don't need ur weapon. Which is good cause a fan is really not that great of a weapon.)
Before anyone asks why I put the rabbit and snake where I did. Their powers aren't entirely undetectable and it didn't feel right to give them the top slots for assassins anyway the goal is to be sneaky and quick NOT to guess ur way to success.
This list isn't perfect in anyway and I'm not sure I will agree with this myself give or take a couple hours, so I'd love to hear ur feedback. (Just don't be rude prick-prack-patty-wacks about it)
Thanks for reading and I say farewell to thee my fellow existences!
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lost-times-memories · 5 months
Ah yes my Steve saga era which litterly less then a week ago. grabbed me by the ankles and dragged me back into the abyss that is wattpad.
I don't remember how exactly I got into the Fandom it was probably vea Fandom osmosis as I was one of the few people in another little known minecraft Fandom and boy, the instant anyone commented on a book of mine, or just wrote one I consumed everything that they ever wrote.
I remember watching some of the really early stuff years before I got truly Into the fandom but I watched everything and caught up just around the Elemental steve Arc just before the Rainbow town was destroyed.
My main memory that stuck with me was Rainbow dieing from Void, I physically screamed and my parents were so concerned about the intire ordeal.
The Illusion/ Reality Arc was so fun as well, I litterly Called the whole "that's not my Rainbow bean" thing, and "Illusion is going to take his Account" God I was so exsited when I called that one.
Steve saga days were incredible my brain chemistry has been majorly impacted by it.. and oh boy I'm in college and nearly 21... but I'm litterly thinking of continuing one of my fanfics.
Thanks for sharing! I can completely understand getting dragged back into The Steve Saga after many years, it’s basically what happened to me. I primarily consumed The Steve Saga and some fanworks as osmosis, that being my sibling rambling to me about the episodes and oftentimes joining them to watch the newest episode.
When they got into the community I think it was somewhat close to Galaxy’s first appearance. I think Nightmare’s arc was coming to a close as they had caught up and told me all about it. I’ve been looking back at some of those memories and find a sense of community, one that actually respected one another for who they were.
It’s odd to think I was in an entirely different house when TSS was about 6 months from ending. It’s been a few years living in a different house and I’ve really come back to the memories of how it felt to live back when the community existed, really.
I feel that people get pulled back into the communities they were in to some extent because they miss the actual getting along part, even if there was some drama. It’s also because things were a bit better for a lot of people I’ve noticed getting dragged by the ankles into the old communities they were in. In my personal experience, something had happened to me that I never truly thought much of until 2021. It was about that time I started getting into some older communities (that weren’t exactly TSS) I was in, and rediscovering those small things.
I’m glad to see there are other people who have gotten thrown back into the void of community.
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xiyao-feels · 2 years
How is JGY not a bad guy? Sure he did some good things but he’s a bad guy who did some good things.
Just like WWX! Exactly.
More seriously, I feel like if your take from MDZS is that we're supposed to round off people who do both genuinely bad and extraordinarily good things as "bad guys who do some good things" I think you have seriously misread the text. In JGY's case in particular I feel like people seriously underrate the good he does because a lot of it is...well, boring; the watchtowers project, a decade+ of good and peaceful government, even handling corruption in Carp Tower. It's very much not the kind of dramatic good thing we see WWX do, and moreover most of it happens during the timeskip and is of most importance to the less powerful, who we spend little time among and are definitely not the central characters. But in terms of actual good done, they're not only hugely impactful, but complicated and ongoing projects! Dismissing them as "a few good things" displays a, frankly embarrassing, either ignorance or apathy of how much work goes into that kind of thing.
And in JGY's case specifically—man, after we have the big "villain" reveal, after LXC stabs him to death, after all this happens, only then do we learn:
-JGY would never have attacked LXC like that! NHS was lying.
-JGY saved LXC after CR burned
-JGY helped with the rebuilding of CR
-JGY literally saves LXC's life right there, again, as his final act
-JGY was only in the temple to bring his mother's body with him; there was never any kind of superweapon
-In fact he made the temple for his mother.
-while we already knew he gave JL Fairy, we learn the context of his giving JL Fairy—a wonderful and thoughtful gift to a lonely and struggling child! And we have JL explicitly rejecting the idea that JGY was actually faking his kindness to JL.
-We have yet more very explicit parallels of the way people are treating JGY now, with the way they treated WWX back in the day.
All throughout and after his downfall, JGY's "bad guy" status is absolutely complicated by the narrative. Don't talk to me, talk to the text!
And as a final note—I think it is very, very telling that I basically never see this kind of language used about NMJ, even though he is 100% pro-Wen-extermination and argues against the Wen remnants at a moment when his support would have been crucial.
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elonaackerman · 4 years
Is Erehisu dead ?
The answer is no.
/!\138 spoilers coming/!\
First I want to cheer you up guys. There is a lot of harassment going on on Twitter, from toxic Eremika shippers mostly, and I don’t want anyone of you to feel depressed because of it. I think that EH not happening in the chapter surprised Eremika (toxic) shippers and that they feel relieved, that’s why they are attacking us now. Every peaceful eremika shipper who wants to express his opinion on this post can do it, that’s why I put the eremika hashtag, and also to ask you guys to not be harassing EH shippers, on twitter especially. That’s not how the fandom should be. I will block anyone who threatens me.
In this review I will show how Eremika isn’t canon in my opinion. I actually don’t understand why people are saying it is when in fact the chapter just shows the impossibility and tragedy of Eremika and the way it’s just « a long dream »...I however understand that it’s an enjoyable content for Eremika shippers, but from Mikasa’s perspective only.
1) Mikasa’s dream
« If Mikasa said that she loved Eren, they would have eloped, running away from the world together. Eremika is canon. »
Let’s analyze this part. First, Mikasa has her ancient haircut, same for Eren. They are living in a house which insanely looks like Mikasa’s parents house, the one where her relationship with Eren is born. This is just an image of what Mikasa desires, something stuck in the past she can never gain or regain.
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But what is the most shocking is Eren’s words: this is not the true Eren, the same boy who seeked freedom and stood up desperately against a titan when he could have accepted Mikasa’s confession.
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This is not the man who pursued giant goals and who couldn’t stand not being free. The Eren from the dream says « I put Historia through hell », saying he couldn’t choose between genocide and breeding like livestock, and ran away instead. Do I need to explain that it’s just a fantasized Eren ? Eren « keeps moving forward », mostly for his people, he doesn’t run away in the woods to go fishing. It’s so wrong to think a simple confession could change all of his character. That’s the Eren Mikasa dreams off, not the one that actually exists. It’s a dream where Eren didn’t choose Historia. When, in fact, he absolutely did.
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Chapter one is the mirror of this chapter, Mikasa and Eren are changing up roles, which means the reality is the complete contrary of Mikasa’s dream: Eren made his choice, and he didn’t put Historia through hell. He fought and didn’t run away from the world problems, like every attack titan did before him, and proposed to a certain someone to run away: Historia. However, Historia was the trigger, she just conforted him into the prospects he already had, erehisu doesn’t go against Eren’s character and development like the dream does. Historia and him could have run away like he asked her to, in order to save her, but Eren still would have applied his plan.
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(Look at Eren’s determination in those panels, especially when Historia accepts her fate: it’s impossible that he would have turned his back on all of this matters so easily)
2) They kissed it’s canon.
Kissing a corpse is not canon, it doesn’t show any reciprocity: I mean Eren didn’t even have hands he couldn’t have rejected her. Plus, it was a goodbye kiss, expressing Mikasa’s feelings only, Eren was already dead. She said goodbye to him, she needed it. Because like she says she can’t give up on his feelings for him and she doesn’t want their last exchange to be the one they had around the table. However, Mikasa is more than those feelings, that’s why she kills Eren, helped by Levi, but expresses them honestly for the first time during Eren’s last moments. It just showed that in this world, the only Eren Mikasa can kiss is dead. It’s pure tragedy. This relationship is impossible and Mikasa needs to free herself from it.
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3) But it’s an alternate reality
No, it’s a reality Mikasa created, her and only her, like she already did in the OVA, not accepting Eren’s death. It’s an illusion. I’ve hesitated about that but the previous analysis + the titan marks appearing on Eren’s face when he told Mikasa to accept his death and to be free, finished to convince me. The marks suddenly appearing without any reason show the brutal return of Mikasa to reality. She wakes up.
However it’s legitimate to ask ourselves why this « reality » appeared in Eren’s dream in chapter one. I think that the answer is the smiling Ymir behind Eren’s head and Mikasa. Ymir was satisfied, as if something she was waiting for happened. In fact, if the shifters can exchange memories, if Ymir decided to send that fake reality to Eren from Mikasa’s spirit in the purpose to get him to do what she wanted him to do, then it’s perfectly understandable. « You will die no matter what, but if you die by running away, then everything, your home, your friends, will be destroyed by the Mahrs ». Maybe that’s why Eren doesn’t hesitate to die at any moment and is « a suicidal idiot ».
It would also explain why Eren is so attached to freedom since he is born: because Ymir subconsciously influenced him by showing him what would happen if he acted like a normal person and ran away from the world problems. Maybe the Eren from the dream is the one that never was obsessed by freedom, an Eren we never knew in SNK, the one that never received Ymir’s message and yes, that Eren could have loved Mikasa and could have ran away with her. Maybe this is Eren from a past reality. But it’s surely not the real Eren, the hunter/free one, who received the attack titan, who was so obsessed by freedom and his own plan that he ordered his father to kill the Reiss family. That’s what caused him to get turned into a titan himself by Grisha, it shows that the two realities can’t coexist, otherwise Eren would not have become a titan, Historia would not be queen and everything, they wouldn’t even have discovered the truth about the world, and obviously, Eren and Mikasa wouldn’t have been in that situation from the dream if all of that didn’t happen.
That’s because that two separated Erens and realities mix into Mikasa’s dream, that it collapses. Because from the start, they never were the same. All the SNK story is linked to the Eren Jäger we know, he created it. The story of the other eren would have been the one of an ignorant and normal human.
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Mountain Night
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): A Court of Thorns and Roses Series/Rhysand
Rating: PG-13/T (lots of implications but nothing explicit)
Original Idea: Just kinda skimming back through ACOTAR and felt like it.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This has a couple extra headcanons of mine sprinkled in here, just to fill in gaps. Thanks. Enjoy!
I stood in front of the fireplace next to Rhysand, watching the flames. Somewhere within the Mountain, a bell tolled eight, agreeing with the clock on Rhys’ mantel. Rhys’ shoulders slumped. “Amarantha’s gonna be summoning me any time now,” he said. Dejected, exhausted. But not defeated.
I reached out and held him. “Not much longer now. The forty-nine years of Tamlin’s curse are almost over. Then… then we’ll see if we can break the spell on you and the other High Lords and get out of here,” I said into his shoulder. I traced my fingertips over his shoulder blades, where his wings met his back when he had them out. Amarantha didn’t even know he had wings—and he wanted to keep it that way.
“We can only pray,” he said, wrapping his own arms around me.
The mating bond thrummed between us. Neither of us had accepted it. Acted on it. If we did, Amarantha would smell it on us. Destroy me for what I meant to Rhys, just to torment him. It drove us both mad—wild, occasionally—but we’d fought it for years. We could fight it until we were free.
I kissed his barely-exposed collarbone, where the hint of his tattoos were poking out.
“Happy Starfall, Rhysand,” I whispered.
He shuddered. “Happy Starfall, darling,” he replied. His voice shook slightly. He blinked away tears and released me from the hug. Still holding one of my hands, he lifted it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to my knuckles.
His eyes, so dark blue they were violet, seemed to be piercing right into my soul. “I swear to you, when we’re free, we will never have to hide our love from anyone,” he said.
I smiled. “That will be nice.”
His voice dropped to a whisper, “Go. Be safe. Walk through the walls as a shadow so she doesn’t see you leaving.” He pressed his forehead to mine.
“I will.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I let his hands go. Darkness swam over my skin, almost like how they did with Azriel. Az… I missed our family.
Tears brimmed in my eyes. I backed toward the opposite wall from the fireplace, my lower body passing through the unrumpled bed. I wiped the tears away, staring at Rhys for as long as I could before I was swallowed by the wall.
I lingered in the wall for a while, letting my tears fall in the privacy of the stone. Inches from Rhys, yet I may as well have been on the other side of the Wall on the farthest end of the human continent. Forty-nine years. So close, trapped, together Under the Mountain. Mates unable to accept their bond for fear of their lives.
I heard the door open to Rhys’ room. “Well, hello, handsome,” Amarantha’s smooth voice greeted.
The sound sent me running. I knew Rhys hated every single night she forced herself on him. I knew he wouldn’t want me to hear. Knew he was ashamed of it, but willing to keep doing it to keep our family and our home safe.
I loved him all the more for it.
Even if the dormant mating bond chafed against me at the thought of another female in bed with my mate.
Stupid territorial instincts.
I burst out of the stone in my own bedchamber. Small, not particularly grand. Sometimes I imagined it was the guest room I usually occupied in the Velaris townhouse. When I was desperately in need of comfort. Neither Rhys nor I had seen the sun much in the last forty-nine years. Sometimes, in midsummer, Rhys, Helion, me, and a few closely trusted people would gather in one of our bedchambers and let Helion glow, imitating the sun.
Then Rhys would cast a blanket of darkness through the room. Darkness and those glittering stars. A night sky we never got to see either.
Neither High Lord had enough power to hold the light or dark for too long, but the brief snatches we got of both were enough to keep hoping. Enough to keep us from breaking entirely. From shattering down to our very souls.
I collapsed on my bed. Nuala and Cerridwen appeared a few minutes later. Just to sit with me. Their touches were light as I cried. It felt like they were barely embracing me. But I knew they were there. Appreciated their care and concern. As well as their company. If it weren’t for Rhys and Helion, I would have certainly gone mad a long time ago.
“My lady,” Nuala said softly, “how may we ease your pain?”
I shook my head. “Just… just sit with me a while.”
The twins nodded. “We serve and protect,” Cerridwen said.
The three of us stayed on the edge of my bed for hours. Hours, I knew, Rhys was spending with Amarantha. On Starfall. Because she knew he loved it, and she wanted to deprive him of it. Just as, if she found out we were mates, she would want to deprive him of me. Slowly. Painfully. In every way possible before I finally died. Hoping to break him beyond repair.
But my High Lord’s soul was forged in hotter fires, even, than this half-century-long trial. He would never let her break him. Even if she found out about his relation to me.
Long after midnight, Cerridwen pulled a small comb out of my hair that I’d forgotten I’d put in. A small, silver thing with a single star engraved into the top. No jewels, just metal. A simple ornament to remind myself it was Starfall. To remind Rhys.
Even if I had forgotten I put it in.
The twins helped me with the stiff buttons of my tunic and shirt and then left me for the evening to finish undressing and climbing into bed.
I didn’t sleep.
Forty-nine years, and I never slept the night of Starfall. Nor the Winter Solstice.
Rhys slipped into my room well into the next morning. I was still lying in bed, eyes closed but awake. He set a hand on my shoulder.
I opened my eyes.
His wings were out.
I sat up quickly. “What—why—”
He just held a finger to his lips. “So you know it’s me. Not some illusion. She didn’t see. I didn’t let them out until I closed the door in here.” His wings tilted backwards and then disappeared.
I leaned my head onto his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me.
“This kills me,” he whispered. “I should never have brought you to that party. Then you wouldn’t be stuck here.”
“It was my choice too,” I reminded him, sitting up from his shoulder. “I thought… I thought you’d need backup. Someone to distract anyone who came too near while you were getting into her head to make her confess. It kills me that I didn’t think to test your drink for curses. Sniff it for poisons. I want to kill her for all she’s taken from you. For the fact that we’ve lived like this for decades. That I can’t take you to be mine because of her. Some nights it makes me sick thinking about my mate being forced to bed a different female. This isn’t your fault, Rhysand. It’s mine too.”
I never called him his full given name to his face unless I was serious about something. He knew it too. Which was why his violet eyes finally met mine from where our knees were almost touching.
“I don’t deserve you,” he muttered.
“I feel the same way about you.”
He kissed my forehead.
Forty-nine years. The bond had snapped into place thirty years ago, even though we’d known each other for two centuries before that. Thirty years of not being able to even kiss him on the lips for fear of us both losing control and accepting the bond on both ends. Slamming our scents together in an unmistakeable sign we were mates.
“I promise, I’ll find a way to get us out of this,” Rhysand vowed, voice low.
“I’ll help any way I can,” I said.
It wasn’t a bargain, per se. Not the type that required a tattoo. Just a quiet promise between two people in love.
Nuala appeared in the room. “Amarantha’s calling a party for tonight,” she said. “Throne room. The usual.”
“Thank you,” Rhys and I said at the same time. She nodded and disappeared.
Silence stretched out between us for a few minutes. Long enough that it started to make me uncomfortable. I got out of bed and started selecting clothes for the day. Awful, immodest, wicked, Under the Mountain clothes.
“What do you think?” Rhysand finally asked.
“About?” I tested.
“The party tonight.”
“It’ll be just like all the other ones.”
“Wanna shake things up?”
“No. A party just like all the other ones is how we’ve survived this long.” I picked up a brush from where it sat on my basic vanity, set my clothes bundle where the brush had been, and started to detangle my hair. “We survive by playing our roles. Wearing masks even worse than those at the Spring Court, stuck to their faces. The people here—they know what you are. They know what I am. They know I will pretend to tolerate their company while the monster inside sizes up its prey. They know you do the same thing. Changing it now won’t be good for us.” I shook my head.
“What if you arrive in your most revealing gown and we pretend to be lovers that will use and discard each other?”
I didn’t answer until I finished brushing out my hair. “You know that would be dangerous.”
“It would distract Amarantha.”
I threw the brush across the room, where it bounced off the padded headboard, soaring an inch past Rhysand’s ear. “I’m not talking about Amarantha!” I snapped. Rhys looked startled, though the expression smoothed out after the blink of an eye. “You know why we can’t do that to each other. Not now. Because… because—” I squared my shoulders. “—because having you so close, playing that game… you know neither of us would be able to help it. We’d come back here, shred each other’s clothes, and tomorrow Amarantha would start slowly butchering both of us.”
He looked away from me, down to his knees. I crossed to the door that would lead to my tiny adjoining bathing room. “I know,” he said softly. He stood up and stomped over to me as something seemed to rile his temper. “But don’t assume for a second that she hasn’t noticed you have never taken a lover your entire time here. Everyone else has—except you.”
“So what?”
“She doesn’t like being beaten at her own game. Everyone else takes lovers because she expects them to grow more and more wicked and base as their souls wear down and break. For pretty much everyone else, she’s been right. She thinks she broke me like a prize stallion with very little effort. She sees that you’re not breaking—and she’ll want to start working on wearing you down. Tamlin’s deadline is crawling ever-nearer and she’s getting paranoid and restless. She’ll turn you into entertainment just for defying her like this.”
My shoulders slouched. “Even so, she’d never give up you. And I’m not about to take any other male while I’m here, knowing it’s you I should be taking.” The barest flicker of feeling twitched at the mating bond between us. Which emotion, I couldn’t place.
Rhys looked thoughtful. “She’d let me have a side-dalliance as long as she suspected there was nothing behind it. No care, no emotion at all. Just base, primal, carnal instincts we’d later toss aside.” He shrugged. I missed the sight of his wings sweeping the air with his shrugs back home.
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” I said.
“Your choice.”
It was always my choice. Even when things directly impacted him, or hurt his feelings, it was always my choice. “What about your choice?”
“Well, given I suggested it, I think you already know what my choice would be.” He gave me one of his best, sensuous, seductive grins. Wickedly flirtatious. Appealing to that part of me that was absolutely feral deep down. My chest tightened and I clamped down on the longing rising in my heart.
“Fine. But we can’t let—we can’t let the bond solidify. She can’t know.”
Rhys grinned. “I think you’re going to need to choose a different dress, darling.” He gave me a wink.
If I hadn’t already thrown my hairbrush at him, I’d have done it again.
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cosmic-day · 3 years
I just finished a rewatch of The Leftovers, and it really is one of the most sublime pieces of television ever made and deserves to be better known. I mean, I get why it’s a bit of a niche fandom, it is hard work, it is pretty out there a lot of the time, and it definitely improves and finds it’s voice as it develops – the third and final season is where it really soars. But it is also one of those shows which really repays the effort.
More thoughts under the cut with spoilers for the ending – pretty vague ones, but if you haven’t seen the show, you really want to remain unspoiled.
I did think watching a show where 2% of the world’s population disappear might hit differently while in the middle of a still ongoing pandemic. Especially here in the UK where we appear to be collectively shrugging our shoulders at the continuing daily death toll. However, the nature of the event in the show is different enough that it didn’t really remind me of current events as much as I thought it would, though it was there at the back of my mind.
What the characters in the show struggle with is not just the suddenness of the event, or the scale of the loss, but how there is just no explanation for it, how it shatters their perceptions and preconceptions of reality, how it shatters any illusion of safety. The characters struggle with grief and loss, of course, but more than anything struggle with how meaningless and random the Sudden Disappearance was.
Of course in a way, nothing’s really changed. The characters feel unsafe, like the ground has shifted under them because at any moment they or their loved ones could disappear, could just be…gone. But then, that’s always been true, for all of us. Even if death makes sense to us in a way that the Sudden Departure doesn’t, it’s just as random and devastating in its effect. How you make sense of that, how you live with that, how you find meaning in life, is the theme of the show and especially of season 3.
I’m intrigued and amused by the fact that two of my favourite shows of recent years, The Leftovers and Black Sails, both have ambiguous endings that hinge on a monologue that may or may not be true. Black Sails is about stories and the politics of storytelling, about how story and history and myth intersect, about who gets to tell the story, and how certain voices are excluded. The Leftovers is about the stories we tell ourselves, how we construct stories to make sense of our world, how those stories can heal, but also how they can kill.
The Book of Kevin is one of the stories that kill. One of the things that fascinated me on rewatch was how carefully they push the envelope on all the weird events that surround Kevin, how they build up the idea that there must be something supernatural going on with him without ever pushing past the point where the ambiguity is gone. In the end, for me, I do think it’s all in Kevin’s mind. His final trip to the “afterlife” pretty much confirms that. Not just because he destroys it, but because the only message he carries back is a personal message, from himself – literally – “We fucked up with Nora.” And in the end that’s all that matters. Just like, in the end, all that matters about Nora’s final monologue is that Kevin chooses to believe it. And so that becomes a story that heals. In the face of a random, meaningless universe, all that matters is love. People often describe the Leftovers as bleak and miserable, and it is, especially at the start. But it has one of the most simple, beautiful, cathartic endings of any show, and it wouldn’t have had that impact without all that went before it.
In conclusion, watch The Leftovers. It may just blow your mind.
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Noncon stories, Fantasy vs. Reality, and more. fucking. issues.
Recently, I’ve been hit with some drama as to why I’m a “bad person” by various, anonymous users in this fandom. I thought I’d try to address the claim, address my stance on fics that involve noncon, and what I think about the “Tumblr mentality” after everything I’ve seen of this place. I should also note that I’m going to use the specific words and phrases I’ve been forced to constantly repeat as explaining my stance has been very difficult for me, as I’m a person who’s apparently challenging to understand.
This is going to be a long post, with subjects that's obviously going to trigger people so here's a warning right now..
That being said, I’m going to dive into this with some shit I’ve definitely said before:
“Consensual Noncon” Kink
The Appeal of this Theme in Fanfiction:
I don't think calling fics that involve noncon "rape fics" and those who enjoy it "getting off to rape" is a very good way to put it. Many engaging and well done media pieces often involve some very dark themes. Again, Monster by Meg and Dia is a song that features the main character sexually abusing a girl he met. You COULD call this a "rape song", but acting as if the rape is the only thing that matters in this story would be pretty..naive. The story has to do with an emotionally, and physically neglected/abused boy, who grows up and becomes an attention/love starved monster who's SO starving for validation, that he believes forcing himself upon a girl he knew would "prove" to himself that he's capable of being touched and loved. Of course, the main character eventually realizes that rape is not love, that what he did was wrong, and later kills himself in his own bathtub with kerosene and a match.
However, the assault aspect of this song is still a meaningful and alluring part because it talks about how emotional and physical abuse can warp someone's perspective on reality, to the point where they think forcing someone to "stay" with them is how to create a healthy relationship. That's the same energy I have for noncon fics, especially in the slasher fandom. Many slasher fics that contain noncon often have to do with the slasher preying on the reader because of their own fucked up mind. It's intriguing because, let's be honest, pretty much none of the slashers are in a pretty good mental space lmao. Thus, noncon actually falls more in line with how slashers would go about what they believe is a "good relationship" more often than quite a bit of fans here seem to believe. Again, Michael got boners, Jason chained someone up, Fredddy smooches people against their will, Billy Lenz is a sex offender, Chromeskull makes snuff, yada yada yada, you know the drill. That being said, it's interesting to see noncon being expressed with these characters because it gives us a new perspective on how fucked up they'd likely be if the world of sex and relationships was introduced to these characters.
Now why would some people become sexually aroused by the events of the story? First of all, how does “Consensual Noncon” kink work?
u/Jumbledcode. (2015). ‘Can anyone comment on why people (someone like me) enjoy rape/non-con story lines?’. r/TwoXChromosomes.
“I'd suggest that there are several factors that make up the appeal of non-con fantasies.
Guilt/Self-image: For many people, their sexual/relationship desires don't necessarily match their image of themselves, or alternatively they feel guilt over others' perceptions of those desires. Rape fantasies allow them to mantain some illusion of denial over their desires while still indulging in the idea of them.
Responsibility/Laziness: The appeal of abdicating control isn't limited to avoiding guilt; it's very tempting to want a scenario where you have no responsibility for maintaining your lifestyle/happiness. Similarly to before, it's the appeal of being given what you secretly want without even having to choose it.
Transgressiveness: A rape scenario has overtones of danger and taboo-breaking. These can easily be exciting and can therefore be a turn-on.
Desire: Being wanted is often a huge turn-on, and the idea of someone desiring you enough to break laws and disregard everything to have you plays into this feeling.
To me, it seems that most people who fantasize about being the subject of rape do so due to some mix of these motivations I've mentioned. Of course, there are also those who have experiences which have taught them to associate non-consent with their sexuality, but that's a separate issue”.
What if the Fanfic Only Involves the Act though? Wouldn’t it Encourage Actual Rape?
Let’s differentiate fantasy and reality. Towards those with the noncon kink: it offers arousal because of the ideas listed above (the idea of the reader not having to make any moves and the character doing the “intimate work” FOR them, the excitement of such a taboo sexual encounter, and the feeling to be desired through an altered, brutish encounter). Rape is the use of sex to remove control over the victim’s mind and body. The readers DO have control over whether or not they get to “encounter” (the choice to even read) this fantasy, so right away consent is present in reality, and no actual rape is being done.
Now does this mean that the kinkers are getting off on the idea of rape? Not really.
The thing with self-inserts is that it allows you to be connected to the story. That way, even if the story has you bruised up and begging for mercy, a part of you-you (if you’re a kinker) wants to keep reading it as you find it exciting. That way, as you and story-you are connected, what you really want in such a fantasy is for it to keep going despite the brutish, possessive, however yet desired nature of the character you’re dreaming about dealing with. (repeat: the idea of the reader not having to make any moves and the character doing the “intimate work” FOR them, the excitement of such a taboo sexual encounter, and the feeling to be desired through an altered, brutish encounter). That being said, it’s still entirely possible for kinkers to have their personal space and wishes crossed, and ultimately assaulted. Us enjoying the fantasy of such a reverie sexual encounter does not spell out to real life because (in reality) we’re not horny all the time, we would still like our bodies to be respected when we find it necessary, and we still have feelings as we’re still human.
“Fantasy (including video games) leads to violence” fallacy.
It would be like assuming that shooters in games like GTA fantacise about murder, encourage it, and would do it in real life. Taking fabricated anger out on virtual bodies or NPCs is quite different from the weight of murder (the killing of another human being). One can play video games with lots of violence towards such fabricated characters, while discouraging violence towards human beings. The act of using a game controller to beat up Donkey Kong in Smash, to shoot Nazi zombies in a Black Ops game, or to kill a Geisha in Little Nightmares is incredibly, and immensely different from completely eradicating the life of a person on Earth, and to assume that everyone who plays violent video games would spill out to violence in reality would be to participate in a ridiculous fallacy. Yes, there are outliers who are feeble minded enough to let their fantasies influence their actions towards actual people, but I must repeat that there are also people who utilize these fantasies for their personal satisfaction, while understanding the weight of the real world around them (and choosing not to act so detrimentally). Therefore, it wouldn’t be fair as it would be unnecessary to blatantly say that all fantasies are horrible and should be entirely eradicated if there ARE many people who ARE aware enough to understand that some thoughts are better off staying in fiction.
Now is the time to address what’s been said:
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...Firstly, I think it’s very disgusting that random users, on Tumblr of all places, are trying to manipuate random victims of sexual assault into hating something or someone just because these users FEEL like “it’s the right thing to do”.. People, victims of sexual assault aren’t your fucking dogs. They’re not carriage horses, they’re not your work mules, they’re not your guns and swords...they’re just people who normally wanna be left the fuck alone like everyone else. Plus, there ARE people who have experienced sexual assault who take joy in reading such dark storylines. What would these users have to say to them? That they’re not “real” victims? That what they’ve experienced “never happened”? That they’re “just like” their own perpetrators for using the consensual nonconsent to miraculously help them overcome their trauma? Should they really abandon their coping mechanism just because there are other victims who cope in different ways?
..If you seriously believe that all people who have gone through a traumatic event are gonna cope in the exact same fucking way, you literally don’t even know enough about PTSD to even be making a bold statement about cope.
This is the part where I finally realized that people, and especially those on Tumblr, don’t actually care about rape victims as much as they may claim. Many users on here, on this platform and in this fandom, don’t truly give a flying monkey shit about rape victims as people, nor what they have to say about the subject. Rape victims..on this place..seem to be used mainly as a means of figurative weaponry for a group’s subjective morality.
I find the similarity close to radical feminism. Radical feminists often believe that women, from near and far, have to do everything in their power to “destroy” the patriarchy. This would mean disobeying the societal expectation of women, even if there are some women who take joyment in engaging in some societal standards for their personal liking. An example would be sex work. Radical feminists acknowledge the flaws in performing sex work, but believe that NO woman should EVER partake even if the woman wants to do it out of her own free will. In demonizing and ostracizing any woman who doesn’t fall into the radical feminist agenda, radical feminists actually contradict their purpose to “let women be free”. At this point, you realize that radical feminists often don’t actually give a fuck about what any woman wants for herself. Instead, radical feminists want to utilize any woman they can find just to flip off men as a group.
In Tumblr users trying to “stand up” for rape victims for their personal “holier-than-thou” ego, they fail to care enough about the very people they defend to understand the dynamics of some of their coping mechanisms, thus begin to bully some members of the group they claim to protect because of the very narcissism, misunderstanding, and controlling nature going on behind their own “activism”. So now that some users have found something to hate, in this case being noncon stories, they attempt to manipulate victims of rape into ostraciszing and demonizing fantasies and other victims of rape just because the “activists” themsleves don’t like it. Even trying to argue that rape victims have a “duty” to agree with everything these “activists” try to do for them.
Sounds awfully familiar to the attitude democrats have towards any minority when it’s time to vote. “I care about you...but you have to agree with everything I say and believe because I want what I think is best for you. If you disagree with me, you’re ungrateful and a traitor”.
Now...a little about myself.
I’m not sure of everyone else who’s into the noncon type of story, but I use it to get away from my past. In noncon stories, I want to read what happens in the chapters. I want to imagine them for morbid curiosity and arousal I feel at the time being. In reality, my attackers didn’t care when I wasn’t in the mood, and never gave me a choice. In noncon stories, I get to choose the character I want to encounter in the fantasy and NOT have it picked FOR me. In real life, I didn’t get to choose who did some things to me. In noncon stories, I get to stop reading them and do something else whenever I’m not feeling it anymore. In reality? My attackers kept going because, in the situation, it was no longer up to me. After noncon stories, my body doesn’t walk away with bruises, bite marks, and physical reminders every time I take my clothes off or try to masturbate. In real life...that shit can mark you, disease you, and then traumatize you. With the stories, I get to delete my search history, join another fandom, and act like nothing ever happened. For reality? Your own body is a reminder of what happened because it was real. In reality, I’m NEVER gonna fucking forget what happened. I’ll be lucky if my own mind and body doesn’t haunt me for at least one day..
So seeing that someone, and probably multiple people not only tried to use victims of sexual assault for their own “go get em” dogs, but to try and phrase me as someone who loves and encourages such an assault on human beings? After the things I felt? After the things I tasted? After pathetically searching for the support of relatives, just to get shut down with “you’re lying”?..
...All the times I've been held down..threatened..clothes getting snagged off..parts being opened and touched after I've fought to just get the fuck away from certain people...
According to this anon..."she likes rape".
...I guess I just fucking LOVED EVERYTHING THEN.
You know...all my life I’ve been misunderstood by many people. It’s honestly really disappointing that even now when I’m better at explaining myself than ever, I’m STILL being phrased as a “psychopath” by random people who haven’t even taken the time to even know me. Not even from a minute-long conversation through a damn computer screen. And you wanna know the funny thing? I’m probably being laughed at as this is being read. Some of these users, these internet stalkers, are probably giggling, smiling, and saying “Haha YES we GOT the bitch!! Cry you piece of shit SLUT!!”. So maybe explaining my past experiences to help everyone understand why some people may use noncon stories to their fantasy advantage is gonna land me messages going: “You haven’t been raped you lying bitch”, “Maybe you should get raped again”, “You definitely enjoyed it”, and the overused, yet strong “Kill yourself”.
So how am I gonna end this message? With me saying that many of you, who THINK you’re doing the right thing by justifying harassment and trying to manipulate others into joining your little crusade to bully people away from the fandom (over extremely mundane fucking things)...aren’t really good people. At best, in this case...you’re fucking stupid. You will never truly speak for any of the marginalized groups you claim to know like the back of your hand. Simply, you will never. be. a hero.
If by chance, by an astrological chance..that any random user wants to come up and apologize out of the blue for talking such shit and for saying such things..I don't even wanna hear it...just get the fuck out of my face..
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icyxmischief · 3 years
Loki Ep 1 Pt 2
Blow by blow review, take 2: 
--The “sign this to verify that this is everything you’ve ever said” thing is genuinely hilarious.  I find it a little unlikely that he wouldn’t have ultra-suspiciously, with great characteristic paranoia, looked through every single page, and grilled the guy with the cat for info on where he was.  Little bit ooc for humor there, which is a major pet peeve of mine. 
--”Do a lot of people not know if they’re robots?” Okay this part was great bc it showcased Loki’s natural propensity to get into trouble because he’s such a curious cat and intellect, lol. 
--His scorn with “take a ticket” when only two variants are in the room is also very IC because Loki despises order without logical reason.  Order for its own sake is dangerous and oppressive and heyyyyy a lot like Thanos’s idea of a universe, ain’t it. 
--The All-Knowing Time-Keepers ended a timeline war, huh? H M m m m m M m m . They destroyed the capacity for nexus event and a multi-verse to exist huhhhhh? H M M M M M M M M .  Do I smell the potential for many Lokis from many Marvel canon verses, among other things? 
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--Okay I know everyone hates the logo but I kind of love how it is as fluid as Loki himself? A shape shifter? A master of magic and illusion? I’m sorry to all the graphic designers out there but I’m digging it for Conceptual Art reasons lol. 
--I’m sensing that if the French kid in 1549 thinks a horned devil caused a massacre in a church, this is evidence of Loki escaping the TVA to jump into the 1500s in France to cause mayhem. A bit predictable and I am hoping otherwise, but he IS Loki, “between damnation and redemption” at all hours.
--Owen Wilson’s character is strongly established as a good guy from the start.  
--”Madam, a god doesn’t plea.” Biiiiiiiiiitch yasssss.
--OHO he figured out the Avengers were time-traveling already, sharp. The reason why, he’s so far off that one must cringe for his fall from pride to come. 
--His laugh, that’s all. 
--”Hang on, everyone quiet, don’t rush me,” lol <3  Not a fan that once again he’s not allowed to use his full powers except within a contained system, but I’ll take it.  For now. 
--”You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends.”   Wahoo if this series and character have a thesis statement, there it is.  Loki, God of Stories, forger of his own fate even when all tides run against it. 
--Loki doubting the reality of the TVA is an interesting hint into how much illusion was used to torture him as well as his own hyper reliance on illusion to protect himself. 
--Loki assuming Agent Mobius wants to kill him when Mobius is just showing him kindness is soooooooo revelatory of where Loki is psychologically right now.
--He still has his trademark swagger :D 
--”For the record this really does feel like a killing me kind of a room,” LOL, I love it, they’ve somehow kept his sense of humor spot-on! 
--”Trust is for children,” ahhhh kono kokoro. 
--”I live within whatever path I choose.” Ah, Loki, I wish you could, but is it so simple? 
--The fact that he tries to kill Mobius immediately and Mobius stops him while being fair and level-headed? I’m really liking Mobius. He’s the dare I say friend Loki has needed for a long time. 
--[Cooperation is] not my forte.” “Really, even when you’re wooing someone powerful you intend to betray?” Oho, okay Mobius, how long have you been serving as the metonymic stand-in for Loki’s fandom “army” and watching him grow and change  and self-sacrifice in the intended timeline? How well do you know him? You seem to know a lot, and that may be a good thing. You could be his advocate.
--”I don’t have to play this game. I’m a god.” Oh honey. Put the hackles down now, it’s okay.  You have far more heart than that, and far more accountability.
----Allowing Loki to see his entire “correct” (gulp) timeline (and God help us all if the end of this series involves him choosing to die in order to “fix the timeline,” I will RIOT if we get one more cheap “you’re only redeemed if you die horribly” growth arc for a morally ambiguous character) was the most important thing for me as a Loki fan of 10 years.  Allowing him to weep openly, to come to terms with the loss of his mother and the (too little too late, but at least extant) apology of his father, and, most of all, the potential to regain camaraderie with his brother, this was all that I wanted. A Loki allowed to flex his own muscles in his own limelight, no longer defined by what he lacks, but by what he can uniquely offer (even if in the “service” of an ethically dubious authority).  A Loki who KNOWS how much his brother has suffered and grieved but who still has his own freedom.I am admittedly optimistic.  The tone of the show is excellent.  My only fear at this point is a sacrificial death ending. Hopefully Loki will machinate a way to survive without breaking the universe with his divergent timelines, lol. Perhaps that’s the whole purpose of the plot going forward.
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rivamikaislife · 4 years
About chapter 138...
Okay, so i just read the full chapter, and to be honest, i was left with even more questions than answers. And the pain of losing more nice characthers all over again. I hope they can be turned back somehow, or the sadness will be even bigger in the last chapter. 
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Connie realizing what was going to happen to them, so sad. Some might say Levi was to harsh here, but he's still the Captain of SC and has to guarantee the survival of those who can stop the rumbling. I'm very sure that was really hard to him to give this order and leave Jean and Connie behind. But again, that's why he's the best character in my opinion, Levi doesn't often let his emotions speak louder than his duty.  His main goal is to protect the rest of humanity, he always put the greater good above his desires. I'm glad he's alive and still keeping everyone focused on the mission. A true captain. 
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First, i wanna say that Levi worries so much about this girl, since the beginning! But his words are always priceless LOL, it wasn't "Hey, you're okay?" or "Mikasa, what's going on?", indeed, was a very Levi way of showing concern "get your shit together". It is very funny to see him trying to help but at the same time scolding her. And the "we're the only ones who can kill Eren", wow, that was so powerful, because yes, they are the only ones. And there is nothing that i love more than seeing they fighting together.  
And the huge development in their relationship? At first, Mikasa used to hate him because he hurted Eren, but now they are working together to kill Eren. Mikasa now trust and relies on Levi. I live for my Ackermans crumbs.
Now, about this...I have a lot of questions about this "dream", "illusion" or "alternative reality", whatever, that Mikasa was seeing. 
I'm still confused and not sure of what it was. I saw some people saying this was an alternative reality Eren sent to Mikasa's mind so she could see what would have happened if she had told him that she was in love with him back in chapter 123 events. And i saw some saying it was all an illusion or dream that she made up to herself, as a way of achieving her desires to live peacefully, away from the war and everything. There's also the theory that it was an old memory, from other life that she lived before, but ended bad too. I definitely cannot say which seems more true or possible. If someone has a good idea of what it really was, please explain to me. 
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What intrigues me the most is this whole conversation, which is pretty similar to the conversation child Mikasa and child Eren had in chapter 1. It's like a dejá-vu, but not exactly the same, cause their roles are switched. So, it's Mikasa's dream? Or Eren's dream? Or is it something else? It is really and alternative reality that both of them dreamed about? Also, when Mikasa says "i'm not sure if i am supposed to be here", it was a weird statement. Like she was instantly back from somewhere else, starts crying unconsciously and wonder if she is where she needs to be. I don't know why, but this caught me. "Supposed to be here". I need answers Isayamaaaaa
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And the last point in the "dream" that i would like to comment. When Eren tells that they ran away alone because Mikasa asked. Literally everything in this part of the conversation seems to absurd for me to believe. I doubt Eren would give up of his promised revenge to destroy their enemies just because Mikasa asked him to do. She asked him many times to believe in the others, to share his thoughts and he never did neither of them. Mikasa and Armin always tried to understand and show support to Eren, and he was the one always acting on his own. So no, excuse me, but i don't believe he would leave it all behind and go to live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere knowing that Armin and the others were fighting for their home. He was the one who promised to take revenge, he was the one asking "if we kill all enemies in the other side of the ocean, will we be free?"
The same goes for Mikasa, i strongly doubt she would abandon Armin, Sasha and the others just to live with Eren while the others has to fight and face a war all by themselves. Yes, she loves Eren, but she love her friends too. Mikasa isn't that egoistic and reckless teenager anymore, she changed. So, that other reality is many ways, a impossible one at least in my interpretation. However, it could have happened if Isayama decided to ignore the main goal of the protagonist and the entire development of Mikasa. 
But that's the thing, it doesn't seem like that happened. It's more like a illusion of what she wanted but knew it couldn't happen.
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So, how the hell when she's back, Mikasa suddenly knows the exact location of Eren's head? I mean, no one knew the exact location before, and the shifter usually is supposed to be on the neck. Maybe i missed something? She was certain of his location and headed to  without hesitation. 
The moment she comes back, after Eren asks her to forget about him, is interesting too. After listening to his wish, she decides to finally kill him and to do the opposite of his desire. Here she is in her full control and is her decision. I need to gush over Levi accepting immediately her words and helping her to fulfil her decision. He's always so supportive with her. Armin too! Her two best boys by her side, as she has to do the thing she postponed the most. 
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And the moment that surprised me the most (the kiss was gross, but okay, nothing special), her last words to Eren are the exact same words that Eren listened in his dream/memory in chapter 1 and is the  last thing he saw before he dies. That confused me so much. So it really was a memory of something that happened? Or the dream got mixed with reality and sent through the paths to young Eren? What this all means?
The fandom always liked to theorize that the dream of Eren with Mikasa saying goodbye "see you later" with her short hair was his last vision before death. But it would make sense if it happened inside the main line of the events, and not in a dream of a supposed alternative reality, right?
I think i'm going crazy, i don't know what to think anymore. And i honestly don't know if we gonna get all the answers in the final chapter. I just hope it ends the better possible, given the options left. And i just want my Ackermans to be happy and live a good life from now on. Together if possible. In the end, rivamika survived it all. I can be grateful for that :)
Sorry for the mega text, if someone read all this and have some thoughts to share, please, you're welcome!
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musical-chick-13 · 3 years
Excuse me, please tell me about the Mentally I’ll woman and WOC save the world. Also the extremely long canon compliant Adlock fic. Please and thank you 🖤
Saving the world:
So, basically, there are creature that warp reality and have a real knack for getting into people's heads. They're trying to find the best simulation to place people in or, "system" for people to perceive, by figuring out how best to subjugate Earth (and other planets, though Earth is the one being focused on because I, the author, live here). This allows for a lot of different genres to show up, as well as the team who decides to take them out and figure out how to escape these "systems" by having to fight their way back to reality needing to...improvise.
SPEAKING OF THIS TEAM there are are 4 women: one of them is...basically me: lover of classical music, discovers she's bi over the course of the show, very severe OCD. Her love of music helps her use sound as a weapon and look at situations more creatively, and dealing with her OCD helps her deal with being in the various "systems" because she already has to fight her brain trying to change her perception of reality on a regular basis. She's more optimistic than I am (to a fault), and very good at pretending to be happy because character flaws and conflict!! Occasionally her OCD holds her back from doing the necessary things to save the world because she gets paralyzed by the need to do things ""Right™"" and she is deathly afraid of her intrusive thoughts being weaponized by the reality warpers, which is a major source of angst. Uses self-destructive coping mechanisms as a way to "hold herself accountable."
The next member of this team is an Asian woman with a degree in literature. Because of this, she has a very good understanding of how stories work, as well as a wide breath of knowledge about different time periods, trivia, and strategies. All of which allows her an advantage in breaking down the illusions of the reality warpers. She deals with severe depression, which affects her perception of reality as well. Sometimes this manifests as anger or impulsive behavior, which can be very helpful as tools for motivation and in providing needed split-second decisions, but sometimes it works to her detriment. Has been friends with the woman with OCD for a very long time, and their friendship is central to their respective recoveries.
NEXT CHARACTER. An aroace Indian woman who practices Hinduism. She works as a stuntwoman/stunt driver for the movie industry and, as such, is excellent at working vehicles and physical combat, which are obviously very helpful in the whole saving-the-world-fighting-your-way-out-of-dangerous-simulations, thing, but she has to figure out the best way to reconcile that with her faith. She tends to assume the worst in people, which makes it hard for her to let herself fully open up or be vulnerable, and has made it harder than she'd like to make friends. This is because of the harsh, toxic culture of the entertainment industry, trying to tell her who she should be and how she should act. As it is...wont to do. She didn't want to be a stereotype or be broken by discrimination, so she decided to isolate and harden herself in response. Her harsh understanding and hardened determination allow her to be immune to most of the reality-warping. But she is fiercely compassionate, which ultimately wins out over everything else.
And the last member of the team: A Latina medical student working on her doctorate. Has a love of science, which helps pinpoint the structure/chemical makeup of the systems the team finds themselves stuck in, as well as how to heal those broken by them. Tends to be a workaholic and majorly struggling with a work-life balance on account of a fear of being seen as unintelligent. Some of her fellow doctoral students really suck. Her perseverance allows her to power through the reality-warping illusions. Takes a much more logical approach to conflict and problems, and is extremely loyal to those she lets into her inner circle, but is unafraid to cut ties with narrow-minded or unprincipled people. She also falls in love with a trans man and they quote anime at each other all the time. It's adorable.
Also, all of them are huge fandom nerds, which gives them all different areas of expertise depending on the genre of the simulation they fall into. There is definitely a Big Conflict™ that takes place at a con while everyone is in cosplay. Ultimately, it's a story of healing from your emotional baggage, the strength one can find in friendships, and leaning how to fall in love again with things you might have lost your passion for. It's a story about the complexity of human relationships and how we perceive reality, and how different life experiences (especially as marginalized people) can shape who you are and how you see the world and interact with others. And despite the author's snarky cynicism in real life, this is a story of hope.
Adlock Fic
Sherlock saves Irene. Sherlock helps Irene get a new identity. They bicker and disagree on how best to do this. It's a defense mechanism because they don't understand emotions and don't want to admit that the other person has given them a desire for vulnerability because they Caught Feelings. There's corruption in MI-6 they have to fight, with the assistance of an MI-6 agent who has know Sherlock for years and grows to become good friends with Irene (whom he finds interesting and entertaining in spite of himself). Plus, there's the added stress of them both pretending to be dead and taking down Moriarty's network after he dies. Eventually this all explodes into a volatile discussion of Feelings™ between our two favorite emotionally repressed disasters, and they begin the closest thing they can to a romantic relationship, with Irene eventually giving birth to Nero Holmes, who they have to protect from enemies they've made with the whole "destroying the MI-6 conspiracy and Moriarty's network" thing. Lots of time devoted to Irene kicking ass (and Sherlock being head-over-heels because of it, although he'd never actually admit that).
ask me about my wips
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
A very long Rant about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU and his show
Hey guys I wanted to make a post about a big issue I had with the Loki show. I still really enjoyed it, but I also wanted to share a major criticism I’ve had with MCU Loki for a long time. All my feelings about this over the years came to roost after the season finale. I know things are really tense in the fandom right now, and I don’t hate the show. I just want to share my criticism. I want to talk about how I’ve had this issue for awhile before I talk about it in the actual show because I’m hoping I’m not the only one who’s kind of pissed, considering I was hoping to finally see it happen in his show, and that would be the fact that Loki’s sorcery is STILL so fucking nerfed. First though, I’m gonna talk about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU, and oh boy there’s a lot. Get ready for an overly long rant. I’ve really needed to get this off my chest.
I’ve been on the Loki train since the very beginning. I’ve loved him since the first Thor movie. I may have mentioned this before, but a big thing that always irked me about MCU Loki was how nerfed he was in terms of his sorcery. We’re always told how he’s a very powerful sorcerer and he barely uses his magic. He does one awesome thing in each Thor movie. In the first movie, in the end credits scene it’s implied Loki was influencing Selvig while he was in another  dimension. Is it ever mentioned or seen again? No. There’s a scene in Thor: The Dark World where right after he finds out about Frigga’s death, he destroys his cell using telekinesis. Does he ever use it to fight? No, and if he does it’s just to throw his knives at people LOL. Or in Thor: Ragnarok when he looked into Valkyrie’s mind and saw her memories. Odin also mentions that Loki put him under a spell, and Frigga would have been proud because it took Odin a long time to break the spell. It really would have been nice to SEE that happen, but no, we just get to be told about it. Every time I saw Loki use an awesome ability, I would think “Oh wow, that’s so cool! I can’t wait to see more. I can’t wait to see what else Loki can do!” And then the MCU is like, “Yeah Loki can do all these cool things. But were not gonna expand on his abilities, and this is the only time you’ll ever see him use them. You’ll never see them again so just forget you saw anything LOL” God it’s such an aggravating tease. 
This isn’t a new issue I’ve had with Loki being nerfed in the MCU. It’s always bothered me. Yes, I know certain characters being nerfed isn’t new, that Loki isn’t the only one. But to me he’s one of the most nerfed characters in terms of being able to use his magic. I would always mention to people that I didn’t like how nerfed he was. What was the point of telling us he’s one of if not the most powerful sorcerer in Asgard if he BARELY uses it? And they would say, “Well, they can’t make him as powerful as he is in the comics because then he’ll overshadow the heroes.” Okay fine, I can cut them some slack there as we did need to see the Avengers come together. Or they’d say “Not everyone reads the comics, so MCU Loki isn’t gonna be exactly like comic book Loki.” Okay, but people shouldn’t have to read the comics to see how powerful of a sorcerer Loki is. Is there some kind of unspoken rule that says if there are characters who use magic or sorcery in the MCU, only the heroes are allowed to be extremely powerful? Because Wanda and Doctor Strange still get to use their abilities, and in Wandavision, Wanda becomes even more powerful, and it’s amazing. 
Why can’t Loki ever use his powers? Because he’s a “villain?” What would be so bad about allowing Loki be the sorcerer he’s supposed to be? You mean Loki would actually be able to be a powerful villain? Sorry, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. I don’t think giving people more of a reason to love Loki is a bad thing. If anything, if they do read the comics, or are at least somewhat familiar with what Loki can do, they might be a little upset about how much the MCU has nerfed him like I was, and still am. Maybe if Loki was actually allowed to use his magic, he wouldn’t get his ass kicked all the time, and he’d actually be a threat to his opponents.
 I don’t think Loki really needed to use the Mind Stone to control people in the Avengers, he probably could've done it using his magic. I actually think it would’ve been cool if Loki used his sorcery to amplify the negative emotions Bruce was feeling to manipulate him. Bruce knows something is wrong, and maybe Thor seeing Bruce struggling, trying to fight whatever is harming him is able to figure out Loki is exploiting Bruce’s negative emotions to manipulate him. Thor knows how powerful Loki is and he’s trying to help Bruce fight off Loki’s influence, but he’s too powerful. Bruce can’t fight the anger Loki is making him feel so he transforms into the Hulk and Loki is able to bend the Hulk to his will. I think that would’ve been a lot cooler than the Mind Stone being the thing that was responsible for amplifying everyone’s negative feelings, but that’s just me. How cool would it be not just to have a master manipulator but an extremely powerful sorcerer to deal with? I thought that was initially what was happening.  I thought at first Loki was using his magic through the scepter, that he was actually using his magic and his skills as a master manipulator. But no, apparently he was just using the Mind Stone. 
Also I know that there was only so much time for that small scene between Loki and Doctor Strange in Ragnarok, and it was really cool to see the two of them on screen, but Loki should’ve been more powerful than Doctor Strange. Don’t get me wrong, I love Doctor Strange. He’s very powerful and could put up a good fight against Loki if the two of them ever had to fight each other. But Loki should be more powerful. He’s a god. He’s lived for thousands of years and studied magic for a very long time. He should have centuries of not a thousand years more knowledge and skills with sorcery. I think he might find Strange’s sorcery impressive for a mortal, but in terms of his skills and abilities, Loki should be much stronger. I think the dialogue should’ve been more like, “Oh, so you went up against Dormammu? That’s cute. I’ve been able to do all the things you can do for centuries, but if it’s any consolation, your sorcery is impressive for a mortal.” But no, instead Loki is once again played for laughs and just takes out those useless daggers again before being yeeted though a portal.
 Also yeah I’m gonna say it. The fight with Valkyrie is a fight Loki should have won. If he used his magic he would’ve won. He wouldn’t even need to use violence. He could’ve just restrained her and put her to sleep and she could wake up from a nice nap or something. I’m so sick of Loki ALWAYS getting his ass kicked by everyone and being treated like a joke. He’s so fucking weak when he doesn’t need to be. He capable of so much more. We know he is because they always trolled us in each Thor movie when Loki would do one awesome thing one time in the movies and then never again, always hinting that he’s much stronger but they’re afraid to show more of it because god forbid he become even more popular. 
And the final part of the nerfing of Loki’s sorcery before I finally get to his show, and that would be his death in Infinity War. Now listen, my issues isn’t that Loki died. I understand the point of his death. They had to sell Thanos as the big bad. Infinity War was Thanos’ movie. Loki died trying to save his brother. Loki probably knew there was a very good chance he would die. My problem is with how it was handled. Loki is supposed to have tons of magical abilities, right? So why didn’t he at least try to use his magic? Why didn’t he cast an illusion, or shapeshift? Why didn’t he use a teleportation ability or something? Was I expecting Loki to beat Thanos? No, but goddam it, anything would’ve been better than those fucking useless butter knives. God, they couldn’t let him use his magic one last time before he died could they? Also I hate that Loki and Thor never got to have that brotherly hug and Loki never had the chance to reconcile with the Avengers. Wouldn’t it have been cool if Loki got the chance to fight along side the Avengers and died, so they could see he really did change for the better? Apparently not, I guess.
And now, we finally come to Loki’s show, which actually pisses me of more than the movies. You know, I would be more forgiving about all the bullshit excuses people have said or tried to give for Loki being so nerfed. I let it slide because the movies weren’t completely about him, and I could see where Loki’s popularity overshadowing Thor, the Avengers, or the heroes in general might be an issue in terms of sales and getting people to care about the other movies. Hell, Loki was the reason I watched the Thor movies in the first place. That was when he wasn’t the main focus. When I heard he had a show coming I had hope that I would finally get to see Loki be the sorcerer he was supposed to be. There’s no other characters to worry about Loki overshadowing, so now there’s really nothing standing in their way of showing how powerful he is right? After 10 years, I’d finally get to see all the focus on a character I love, he’d no longer be nerfed, right? Wrong. I was so excited, practically giddy when Loki fired green magic beams in a fight and used Telekinesis to stop a building from falling on him and Sylvie. I was so happy because it was a taste of what I had been wanting to see from Loki for so long. I was excited to see more.
Unfortunately, that was really all we got from Loki. Well, except for when he used teleportation to try and stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains. Guys, I’ve loved Loki since the first Thor movie. It always bothered me that he was so nerfed in the movies, but I was able to look past it because he very well may have overshadowed the other characters if he was allowed to have all his powers. I can understand that. But the fact that he’s so nerfed, maybe even more nerfed in his own show than he was in the movies really pisses me off. I think it’s cool to see all the different Loki variants using magic, but there’s absolutely no reason for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki not having the same powers and abilities as the other Loki variants. What really burned my ass was in Episode 5 when Loki said he couldn’t enchant or didn’t know how to enchant. Fucking really? He did it to Valkyrie in Ragnarok. And before you come at me “Loki in Ragnarok was older than 2012 Loki so Loki probably didn’t know how to enchant before Ragnarok.” Okay fair enough. The thing is though Loki is thousands of years old. He should have centuries to at least a few thousand years worth of knowledge about sorcery. And we’re supposed to think after all that time studying it he wouldn’t know how to enchant someone? Bullshit. Loki should’ve had all of these abilities  and more all along in the MCU and especially in his own show. There’s no excuse for why he’s not just as powerful as the other Loki variants.
Look, I really hate that I had to make such a long post about this. I hate being negative. I really appreciate that we got a Loki show. I’m really happy to see Tom Hiddleston so passionate about it. There’s a lot I appreciate about this show. But the fact that Tom’s Loki was always so nerfed and not really allowed to be the powerful sorcerer he was supposed to be always bothered me. I’m not even saying I’m upset that MCU Loki isn’t exactly like Loki in the comics. I’m saying that  I always wanted to see Tom’s Loki kick ass as a sorcerer for the past 10 years. I was upset that I never got to see him do it in the movies. And when his show was announced I was excited to see him finally use his magic particularly in fights, and to see it even more underutilized was really disappointing. I was patient for 10 years and all I got to see was Loki firing green energy balls, and use telekinesis, and teleportation ONE time, and all the other Loki variants are so much more powerful than him. Not to mention he gets knocked around like a ragdoll all the time. Is it too much to ask to see Tom’s Loki actually be allowed to be a powerful sorcerer and be able to hold his own in fights? Can I see him use cool abilities MORE than once? Can I see more than just illusions and daggers? Can Tom’s Loki be allowed to be a threat instead of being used for laughs? If  the writers for the MCU are gonna mention that Loki is a very power sorcerer, then they should stop nerfing him, and let him be a sorcerer.
I know the first season was basically used to set up the multiverse and the next phase of the MCU which is cool, but I really hope they focus more on Loki and his abilities in season 2. I’m really trying to stay hopeful when people say Loki will use more magic in season 2, but I don’t want to get clowned again. But I’m also starting to think when they say Loki will use more magic in season 2, it won’t be Tom’s Loki. If Tom’s Loki isn’t allowed to be the awesome sorcerer he deserves to be in his own show, then at least we still have fanfiction and the comics. By the way, I’m not throwing shade at fanfiction writers a lot of them write great stories and do a far better job showcasing Loki’s sorcery than the MCU. I have a lot of respect for you guys :) Sorry this was so long, but after the finale I had a lot of frustration to get off my chest.
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ryoryeonggu · 4 years
Okay, I’ve just finished 13 reasons why in one day. Despite everything people else have to say, I love it ♥♥♥  I love it so much ♥♥♥ I had planned to finish it as soon as possible, but when it’s truly over, my heart’s really crushing because from now on, I have to let it go forever :( I will miss this show so much along with all the characters (even those ones I once hated so much like Bryce and Monty)
Let me talk about a few thing I love and also leave me heartbroken in this season:
First of all, Clay. Ofc, people tend to say he’s annoying, but I really love him, knowing all of his flaws and his mistakes. He’s sometimes aggressive, he’s sometimes too controlling and overreacting and has hero complex. He’s an idiot. But all I have seen is a boy who cares too much about the others and it finally breaks and destroys him. He always is the one who protects, the one taking care of others, so when of course, he also had his own problems, he had his own issues, so people tended to not likely notice that or help him like the way he helped them because he’s supposed to be strong one, and he also wanted to be strong for his friends so he rarely let it out. And don’t forget he’s having very serious mental illness (I don’t believe that’s only depression and anxiety, it could be also schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder, since he has illusion of Hannah way before Monty and Bryce “ghosts” tortured him). And not only his friends and his family hardly recognized his issues, a lot of people in fandom kinda are ignoring it as well. Despite how he acted or what he had done was right or wrong, he had tried and done a lot of people, like not for him, a lot of people would have ended up dead or worse. Because of Clay and his courage, Tyler would have become a school shooter and suicide, the rape case of Hannah and Jessica would have remained in silence, Justin would never have found a home and been happy and had a chance to become a better person, Alex would have killed himself again out of guilt… and the most important thing, they wouldn’t been friends and stayed strong together like the ending. So, to me, Clay is still the greatest friend that no one could ever be and I adore him with all my heart. And I can see myself in him: a kid with anxiety and depression that love living with fantasies, trying so hard to be strong, to be a good person and a good friend, and thinking that I could never love anyone and no one could ever love me back.
Then Alex. My favorite of my favorite character in this show. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting anything good happened to him in this season. But turns out, it was even so much better that what I had been imagining. He’s still sad and depressing, he still thought low of himself and blamed himself for everything, thought he was not good enough. But he found love, and was happy. And they really make him BI! Like, I was hoping it but I never thought they would really do it. And he kissed three guys, and I ship it all lol.
About Zalex, honestly, I never really shipped it until season 4 came out. From what I saw, I believe Alex did have real feelings for Zach and this kiss really meant something, for both of them. The way Zach didn’t pull away from the kiss, the way he asked Winston that if he really was in love with Alex or what he saw in him (like a jealous idiot), the way he corrected Alex right away (in front of Alex’s BOYFRIEND lol) that that kiss wasn’t a disaster at all, his sad look watching Alex and Charlie holding hands, yeah, not mention “why are you with me but not with Charlie?”. So from all of that, I don’t think that feeling was only one-sided. But like everything else happened in Zach’s life, when his life got shit, especially when it came to love, Zach tended to be a coward and did everything to hide from his own feeling and his complicated situation. Like in this season, the way he used alcohols and casually having sex – not giving a shit about anything like the way to hide from his problems, instead of actually dealing with the problems. Like he lose Hannah because of it. And now he also lost the chance to be with Alex. I think in the end, he did realize that he had feelings with Alex too, but it was way too late. And I also believe that Alex will always love him, like the way he also love Charlie. You can love both, if you believe or not.
A lot of people say that if Alex had been there and had helped Zach like the Zach had done to him in season 2, Zalex could have been ended up with each other and had been endgame. But, no, I don’t think it will. Alex chose to be with Charlie is the best and realistic choice, because Charlie was good for him. Yeah, Zach was depressed with trauma, in the deepest ship of his life and he needed helps, ofc, but so did Alex. Don’t forget Alex in this season wasn’t in the better situation to help anyone, he murdered someone and blamed himself so much for everything was happening, and he was also really self-loathing like Zach was. So he needed someone, like Charlie, someone’s positive, confident and had healthy energy, someone who made him feel he was loved, he was taken care of, and someone would be able to remind him everyday that he’s worth being loved and deserved all the happiness in the world. Not a mirror to see how fucked up and destructive he was like Zach. All Alex’s life problems was trying to be tough, to be man up to be able to take care of and be with a girl; and with Charlie, he didn’t have to do it anymore. He was safe, he was loved, and he was happy. Alex loved Zach, but sometimes, love isn’t the answer. Sometimes you have to choose what’s good for you, so despite it wasn’t built up as deep as Zalex, the relationship between Alex and Charlie was still one of the best relationships in the show and I love it. Alex and Zach clearly was in love with each other, but they just miss the right time and now it’s only regrets. And moreover, even also in the messy shit of his own head, except the coach and sometimes Charlie, Alex was the only one who tried to help Zach and never gave up on him. In fact, those words from Alex about how he helped him and made him feel safe was one of the major effects that brought Zach back to life. 
The same goes with Winston and Alex, another “what we could have been but it was too late”, they just met in the wrong time and the wrong circumstance then lost each other forever. But I do believe that their feelings was genuine, even it’s only for some short of time (at least from Winston, since he dropped his revenge which he was obsessed with the entire time all just for Alex, how sweet).
And Justin!!! OMG Justin!!! My heart really ached so much with all the scenes he’s in hospital. Not only because Clay lost a brother, another important person in his life, their group lost a very good friend, but also the most hurting part, that he could have gone to the college, he could have had a future, he could finally have had a good life, but then it was completely wrecked in one go (especially right in the moment he was finally happy and had everything that he had ever wanted). I almost cried when he said he’s scared (we should have known since the show dropped a number of time Justin kept saying he wanted to be live, how fucked up and depressing it is) and wanted Clay to hold his hand. Even Clay acting like a dick and pushing Justin away a lot, the bromance between them was still the best and the most memorable one (and now thinking about it only wanted me to punch my chest so hard and cried). Life is fucking not fair and he definitely deserves so much better.
And finally Ani. She actually grew on me in this season since the last season she annoyed me so much. I like how she finally admitted that she was wrong when he slept with Bryce and finally apologized to Jessica about it (which really made it up to the whole shitty storyline of her in the previous season). I love how Clay and her finally broke up and admitted to each other that they were not fit and weren’t ready to be in any relationship (f**k thanks god, finally, because they was never fit, like at all). And I also like the way she always got Jessica’s back and was there for her everytime (I even almost ship them with the scene Ani asked Jess to go to Prom with her, it’s so adorable ♥♥♥)
And I love Tony, I love Tyler, I love Jess... basically I love everyone ♥ ♥ ♥
Okay “my thumbs got tired”. I would probably write another essay about what I love about this series, someday, probably.
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stellar-imagines · 4 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝hey, Mr. Villain.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku (Villain) ]
「Scenario of Villain Deku with reader who's an information broker. The two met one another in a bar and has a really interesting relationship with one another. The reader sells information to both heroes and villains, completely disregarding their status.」
Sometimes, you weren't sure which side you were on. Was it on the good side or the bad side? But all you knew that things like these were fun. Surely, this line of work isn't something your parents would be proud of. Then again, you could no longer remember their faces after being abandoned by them and sent to an orphanage. You were what people would call an information broker. Selling information was very fun. Not only you could name any price you wanted but you could witness the chaos and conflict that erupts. There were heroes and villains who knew of you but you were always equal to your clients, no matter what side they belong to.
The only reason you were only able to run free was thanks to the heroes and villains who kept your existence a secret from one another. One of your favorite places to trade information was a small bar in the back alley and it was known to very few people. You have befriended the bartender who happened to be the owner. He was a man no older than 40, someone very knowledgable about alcohol. You find yourself sitting by the bar, shrugging off your vest, and stretching your arms. The bar was empty, the seats were unoccupied. The bartender quickly acknowledged your presence and smiled at you.
"Good evening, [Last Name]-san. A long day at work, I suppose?" the man began to prepare your drink while you made yourself comfortable. There was gentle music playing in the background, one that soothed your nerves. A soft sigh left your lips as you rested your elbows onto the table, supporting your head with your left hand.
"You know it. Anyway, you have to hear this, barkeep. There was a car crash today. I was trading information with a mafioso and apparently the information he just traded with me was top secret. Later that day, it's reported that he's hospitalized from the car crash." you said while the bartender gently placed a coaster and a glass filled with some liquid over it.
"Then I was almost killed because my client slipped out the fact that he had passed on the information before being taken away. Well, I managed to escape."
You grabbed hold of the glass and swirled in the contents as the ice clinked against the walls of the cup. A river of clear-golden cider flowing over crystal cubes. The glass was then raised to your lips and you inhaled the scent of your drink. A sip was all it took. The taste is like a hypothetical melted scoop of apple gelato. It's as if you were drinking the juice from ten apples in one gulp—multiplied by alcohol. It has a nice tartness without becoming syrupy sweet. The taste had you humming and sighing in the content. The stress from putting your life on the line was suddenly washed away.
"Almost all critical and classified information in the world is in your hands. Your head's full of them that's more valuable than gold. There must be as many enemies as there are stars in the sky who wish to torture you for information." the bartender was busy wiping glasses as he said this.
"But you seem so happy." he smiled.
"Well, it's because the information seems to be interesting and I look forward to others that might mix things up a bit in this case. Because I have a feeling it's far from over." you chuckled gently.
You always appeared to be an innocent civilian outside your work. You didn't have any friends at all aside from the bartender and probably the very few people you always traded information with. While you drank, you had your phone in your right hand, looking through the news on heroes. They seem to be performing well recently, stopping villain attacks, helping, and protecting civilians. In a way, your job is helping people but its completely different from what heroes normally do.
A plain white long-sleeved top finished off with a black vest, a tie, and black trousers. If he weren't sitting two seats away from you with a drink in hand, you would easily mistake him as a bartender. His face looked a bit young, framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair that sticks up at odd angles. Somehow it looks really fluffy too.  His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. You recognized him as one of the most notorious villain.
"So you're the infamous informant broker?" he spoke first.
"And you're the villain, Deku right?" you asked.
"Oh! Am I that famous?" he perked up.
You chuckled at the sight of his face lighting up in surprise. Sure it probably was him just messing around with you and faking an expression. Deku smiles at you in response and you couldn't help but think that he looked quite attractive despite being a villain. You've heard a lot of rumors about him but honestly, this was your first time seeing him face to face like this. And you couldn't help but think that he's quite attractive. Overall he looks innocent but you've met countless villains before and you could see the crazed look in his eyes. 
"So, you needed something from me? You're quite lucky to run into me in this getup." you said, setting down your drink back onto the coaster.
"Are you implying that this is how you really look?"
Your quirk was a strong one but you never really used it for combat, you often it used to hide your identity and to escape. The name given to your quirk was Illusion. It revolves around the use of illusions, allowing you to create illusions that deceive many people. You can also determine who sees and hears the illusions and who doesn't. When the targets strike the illusions, they will break after a few hits. You often used your quirk to change your appearance and sneak into places, it was easy to deceive cameras and people with a little bit of acting. 
"Perhaps." you shrugged with a coy smile.
Deku was surprisingly a talkative person and a smooth talker. You've had your fair share of guys that flirted and tried to pick you up but none of them actually caught your interest. Most of the time, you would do this for the sake of obtaining information. But with Deku, you were genuinely interested in whatever topics he brought up. It was as if you were talking with one of your old friends. You felt at ease and even thought that lowering your guard wouldn't be a problem at all. Then again, the bar was a quiet place with only you, Deku, and the bartender inside. He was a gentleman through and through, even going as far as to pay for your drinks.
The two of you had an odd relationship. You both flirted with one another often, acting like lovers when you're actually not. However, you couldn't deny that Deku is an attractive person.
You’d always meet Deku in the same bar at the same time. Sometimes he’d pay for your drinks and sometimes you’d pay for his. He was probably one of the very few people that actually meet up with you just to spend some time instead for information. He often went on about his day, talking about how he just got rid of an organization that was using his name, spreading false rumors which caused other organizations to attack them. It was very interesting for you to hear him talk about his thrilling life. As an information broker, you often assisted people who're living a lifestyle where they know they could lose your life at any moment was to be expected. 
It was the kind of lifestyle you can never relate to. Of course, just like any other human, you feared death. You preferred listening to stories of people living that lifestyle you could never imagine yourself in. You actually loved watching from a distance whenever a fight breaks out. It's like watching an action movie for free and thanks to your quirk, you get a front-row seat to it.
"Damn, they’re at it again."
"What's it this time?"
"The port on the north, there was a fight between two organizations and it blew up!" 
You heard people whispering about that while you were walking around town. At that moment, you recalled blurting out that a certain organization was planning on shipping high-quality explosives to Yokohama. The only people you told that to were ones that were really close to you. As you stepped into the bar, you were greeted warmly by the bartender and the music. Your eyes landed on the familiar figure sitting by the counter, casually sipping their drink and looking like he has been here for quite a while.
"That was quite an explosion, Deku-kun!" you exclaimed, skipping over and taking a seat next to the man. He let out a chuckle in return, his posture was relaxed and just by looking at him, he was giving off an innocent vibe.
"Hm? What are you talking about?" he feigned innocence with a smile.
The two of you conversed like usual. It was all over the news that there were theories that Deku was the culprit behind this explosion but the police didn't have enough evidence. On the other hand, you had been observing the whole incident from a very safe place. It was very thrilling, there were quirkless people with weapons and a ton of action. The explosion was one that attracted attention and woke up countless of people. Despite being within a safe distance, the heat from the explosion and the noise managed to deafen your ears. You knew that it was him because you only remembered babbling about it while you were in the bar. What’s more, it wasn’t a fight between two organizations. It was only Deku single-handedly destroying the entire port.
”Maybe I should’ve become a detective instead.” you hummed.
”No way. This job suits you well.” Deku said with an innocent smile, leaning against you.
”With that innocent vibe you give off and your quirk.....And not mention, your irresistible charm and draws in men.” Deku takes hold of your hand and gently strokes the back of your hand with his gloved hand.
“Don’t tell me that you’ve fallen in love with me?” you teased playfully.
”Perhaps I have.” Deku answers within a heartbeat. He sounds pretty serious for once, dropping the playful smirk that he usually has. But that serious look disappeared and was replaced with that usual grin he had. He chuckled and told you that he was just joking. You rolled your eyes in response and watched as he sipped his drink.
"Any man would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend. I know I would be." Deku rested his elbow on the counter, holding his cheek with his hand and looking at you.
"Is that your way of asking me out?" you smiled cheekily at him.
"Not today sweetheart. I will ask you out in a way that will blow your mind." Deku said with a confident smirk. You could only smile at him.
"I look forward to it."
On the next night, instead of heading to the bar, you decided to head elsewhere. The streets were still busy with people crossing the road and cars passing by. However, you took another road that was small and vacant. You were closing in on an abandoned building by the port which was currently used as a storage. As you looked up into the sky, you could see a few heroes flying in the air and making their way to the same destination as you were. You laid low, ensuring that no cameras and people caught you snooping around. 
When you arrived at the abandoned storage building, you could hear a conversation going on while you sneaked into the building, and found the perfect spot to watch everything unfold. This kind of information will really sell well, especially to the news reporters. You kept quiet, holding onto a voice recording tool as you sit atop a bunch of crates, swinging your legs back and forth.
"Villain Deku. On the criminal charges of complicity in 140 murders, 67 cases of extortion, and sundry other crimes. You are under arrest."
"I guess I have finally been caught." Deku raised his hands in defeat. He was out of tricks, even injured from fighting against heroes. He was laying atop of broken crates, blood running down his face and his body ached all over. His wounds weren't that major but if he moved, it was still painful. Not to mention, his pristine white dress shirt was soaked in his own blood.
Deku finds himself closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.
"Hey, Deku. Do you want to live?" 
Your familiar voice caused him to open his eyes. He has never felt this relieved to see you here. Seeing you smiling at him made him smile too. His gaze softened into the one that you’re used with, one that was playful and loving.
All of a sudden, the moon emerged from its hiding spot behind the clouds. The moonlight cast a silhouette over your figure and with the help of your quirk, you were well disguised, looking like a completely different person. You stood at the top of a stack of crates and the spot where the moonlight shone onto the building. Using your quirk, you changed your appearance, from your hair to your clothes. Instead of making yourself visible to only Deku, you decided to reveal yourself to everyone. While everyone still has their attention on you, you hopped off the crate and landed on your feet gracefully. The people Deku were fighting against heroes who were looking into the port explosion incident.
"Oh! You came to save me?" Deku's eyes gleam in surprise. 
"I can't have you dying." you stood in front of the villain who was knocked down with debris of the crates scratched up his skin. You paid no heed to the heroes who were telling you to get out of the way and wondering whether you were an accomplice or not. 
"Not when you promised me a date."
"What kind of magic are you gonna show me today?" Deku finds himself smiling at you. He knows the full extent of your quirk and has seen you actually use it before. It was very versatile. You could create a smokescreen and use that chance to escape. Or you could create illusions of soldiers to distract the heroes and escape. Honestly, the things you could do were endless. You pulled out a grenade from your pockets and waved it around.
"Nothing. Just a simple old grenade." you grinned.
You both miraculously escaped despite your half-assed way of escaping. Normally, you always planned everything carefully to avoid people looking for you. However, you just felt like taking a risk today. You took Deku to your apartment to patch him up. This was your very first time actually bringing someone to your apartment and you couldn't believe that Deku was the first-ever person you've brought.
"I feel like I just did something really bad." you muttered to yourself as you gathered the medical supplies you had laid out.
"Would you feel better if I took you out on a romantic date as thanks?"
Total: 2595 words Published: 09.09.2020
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 First time writing for villain Deku! Hope you liked it anon! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! How does one write for villain Deku? Our very first time But we hope you enjoyed this, anon! ― author Natsuki
Requests are open! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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sasodei-is-real · 4 years
Good afternoon💙 Well, or just Hello if you have a different time of day 😅💙
Thank you for your answers!)
And I still can’t reply to comments (I don’t know what is wrong), so I’ll answer like this)
@justanotherblonde thank you very much, it's so nice 🥺💙 And I'm glad that it will be interesting for you) Because the topic is actual and worth discussing.
@movethisalong Thanks for the answer!) I will soon work on the text in drafts, I will publish it today)💗
@bodoquehenko Weeell ... it's not directly related. But indirectly, yes. After all, even though Deidara is an adult, he has a big age difference with Sasori. So, for us - Sasodei fandom, this topic is not completely alien. Anyway, in any fandom, this is a very controversial and interesting topic that is worth discussing. As a sasodei shipper, I was asked questions about this topic. I think it would be nice to say my opinion on this issue and put all the points above and. I will talk not only about the general phenomenon, but also about sasodei separately in this topic.
But of course I will continue the analysis💛. This is not even discussed, because it is for this analysis that my blog was invented. But the point is, right now I only have time for one post. And analysis consists of many parts. And if I had written today about Onoki and Gaara (that is, I would have continued the analysis), I would have been able to move on to the next part of the analysis only in two weeks (this is how long my studies at the university will last). And that's not very good. Because although the analysis consists of different parts, the thing is integral. And it is best to read it without long breaks. I already postponed the analysis for a long time because of the uni , and then I did not want to continue again and stop the two weeks between the next part. I thought, since there is only time for one post, why not write about an actual topic that I would still raise and which would fit into one post. And then continue writing the analysis during the holidays and without long delays between continuation in order to maintain integrity.
Well, then the question was whether it would be interesting for you to discuss the topic of the age difference))
As for the ships, I think to talk after a specific stage in the analysis - when we analyze the characters of Sasori and Deidara. That is, the storage of posts turns out to be something like this - 1 question about the age difference 2 analysis where we left off - Onoki and Gaara (Iva and Suna) 3 The next stage of the analysis is Sasori and Deidara's relationship with the rest of the characters 4 Sasori and Deidarf characters 5 Short conversation about crack ships (which is not part of the analysis of sasodei, but what is worth discussing) 6 Philosophy of Sasori and Deidara, the symbolism of their characters 7 FINALLY 😂 Analysis of the relationship between Sasori and Deidara - Sasodei
Thank you for answer ^w^🧡
@deidaraakasuna Yes, I myself really want to move on to their relationship as soon as possible 🤧❤ Yes, they were created for each other. It is obvious.💫💗
And yes. I agree, everyone has the right to ship whatever they want. I am not against any crackships, or ships with questionable context ... well, any. A person's taste is formed on the basis of his lived life and emotions, and this is too personal to criticize.
But. I'm not talking about WHAT they ship, but HOW they raise their ship, for example, how, by substituting facts, they justify their ships.
I will try to explain what I think about this. The bottom line is that Naruto is a very elaborate and fragile story, the essence of which is her philosophy. Naruto has a very interesting build scheme. Recently I talked with my friend, and she noticed that in its structure Naruto is similar to the Russian classic novel "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov. And this is so. The bottom line is that there are a lot of characters in Naruto. Each character has its own story, its own psychology, motivation and internal conflict, the solution of which manifests one thought. The character has a conflict, the opposite or controversial side of his conflict is put in front of him, most often with the help of another character and ultimately, thanks to the contradiction, the truth is found - that is, we get a ready-made thought about any aspect of life. And so on. Everything is connected together, and each such thought, which is formed with the help of the character's life - by doing it with the rest, creates the philosophy of the work.
For instance. Sasori and Deidara degenerate their vision of the world in their art. They were a contradiction, in the end they found harmony, Deidara accepted eternity, and Sasori the truth of transience. Thanks to the fact that Sasori took instant and soul - Kankuro managed to dissuade him and Sasori decided to find eternity in the continuation of generations. During Edo Tensei, we see Sasori no longer hide his concern for Deidara with excuses and aggression - he has evolved. Therefore, Kankuro deals with the question of the soul. Sasori dies while Deidara screams and he pretends to embrace his parents. During the conversation, Edo Tensei, with the help of Kankuro and Sasori, reveal to us the theme of the soul. What is the soul? A haven of pain that poisons the heart, but without which you become a weak-willed marilnet. And Sasori's conflict is directly related to Obito. After discussing the soul issue, we see Obito pointing at the hole in his chest and saying that he doesn't feel anything. This is great preparation for Obito. These two characters are somewhat similar. Both wanted to escape their pain and forget themselves in illusions. Sasori replaced people with puppets, and love with universal contempt and control. Obito wanted to forget himself in the eternal Tsukuemi. Sasori accepted his feelings for Deidara. Obito realized that he shouldn't forget Rin. Sasori died in such a pose like hugging his parents. Obito died again while saving his friend Kakashi. Both died in the same situations that doomed them to suffering and pushed them into the dark. Simbolic 👀.(By the way, did you notice that Sasori's main OST is playing in the background? "Despair"). I mean, in Naruto, everything is very closely related to each other. Sasori and Deidara's relationship is their development. And when, for example, I see the sasosaku shippers dismantle the battle scene and say that Sakura influenced Sasori, proving her validity, it's not very pleasant. Primarily as a Naruto fan. Let's imagine for a minute If Sakura really influenced Sasori.
Sasori would not be able to achieve what he most desired - true eternal art. The role of Kankuro would not be needed and he would not have developed as a character and would not have received future Puppets . Since Kankuro is not needed, then his conversation with Chiyo and her acceptance will not take place. Since Sakura has already influenced him, there is no need to talk about the soul - there is no full disclosure of Sasori and the prologue to Obito's conflict. Complete disregard for Sasori's feelings for Deidara and for finding harmony.
And the most important thing. Sasori is a complex and deep character with his own feelings and motives. Each of his actions is based on his state of mind and thoughts. And when they explain Sasori's decision by the fact that he was influenced by a 15-year-old girl who then shouted that she wanted to get rid of her parents and who was unable to understand Sasori continued to scream, and not his character - this is a spit towards Sasori. As a Sasori stan, I am not pleased.
And so with everyone. I love Deidara. Obito is my heart. But in the pairing, Obiday Deidara is presented not as a deep character with his own conflict, but as a cliché "I behave aggressively, but I like you." Rin and Obito's wonderful story...?? No?😅😂
And yes, of course it is clear that in canon these are all crackships.
And I don't mind when people ship characters for themselves, draw art, write fanfiction and have fun. no, that's cool. BUT when they try to prove the canonicity of such an absurdity ... I'm Here 🌚👍
And after all, philosophy really changes. I was talking to my friend last week and he said, "It would be cool if in the Kazekage arc it turned out that Gaara is Uzuma. It would turn out that Naruto Uzumaki saved Uzumaki." Umm ... no. It wouldn't be.
The fact that Gaara was none for Natuto was done for a reason. From the very beginning, Gaara's history and development prepared us for 1 Pain's Philosophy. 2 To resolve the conflict between Suna and Iva. Two old villages.
Remember the first season? As after the fight Naruto said "I understand your pain, I went through the same." Gaara was not Naruto's relative, his friend from the start, he was from another village and was his enemy because
1. This resolved the conflict between Chie and the conservative villages. Chie asked, "Why does he care so much about Gaara? They are from different villages." Chie of the old school has broken the world into structures, forgetting that, first of all, they are all people and not representatives of countries. Kakashi replies, "He doesn't care what village he is from. They went through the same pain and are the best at each other." Chie dies realizing the old mistakes imposed by generations "You will change this world invented by old and stupid people."
2. Gaara was preparing us for a meeting with Pain. Pain's philosophy was that people who were completely alien to each other could understand each other by knowing the same pain. If Gaara was Naruto's relative, it would destroy the entire structure of philosophy.
3 The example of Naruto and Gaara is Jiraiya's true teaching. "We know what pain is and try to be merciful to others." The idea seems to be the same as that of Pain, but at the same time it is completely different. Pain used pain ( ahh sorry 😂) as a weapon. Against the background of Gaara's example, this looks even more obvious.
4 In the future, just like Naruto changed Chiyo, Gaara will change Onoki.
I want to say that in Naruto everything is very fragilely interconnected. This is the order and the relationship of the characters of the link. So why when the same shippers Sasosaku, Tobidei and Itadei prove their "canonicity" by
1 Sakura influenced sasori
2 Tobi called Deidara his favorite senpai
3 Deidara hates sharingan and talks about Itachi
Well, on the one hand, I don't care as the sasodei shipper , because as many canonical proofs and justifications as Sasodey has, not a single ship has
but on the other hand, as a fan of Naruto philosophy, I hate to see how people are ready to distort the idea of ​​anime and the characters of in order to prove their canon.
In a word, I want to talk about this first of all as
1 A fan of the naruto philosophy that becomes meaningless due to the substitution of facts for some ship
2 A fan of all these characters who are distorted trying to prove their "canonicity"
3 Sasodei shipper
In general, I do not mind "I like this ship and I ship it. Ok"
I do not like "I will ignore the facts and at the same time do not care that I made the philosophy of the anime useless, distort the characters of the persona only in order to prove their some crackship's canonicity 🌚👍"
I hope I could explain why I want to talk about it😶
And this one is so sweet🥺💗Yes, I also know people with a huge difference in age who are beautiful and happy together for a long time. And although I agree that a lot is not visible from the outside, but age really does not matter. It's all about people.
And I'm sorry that it turned out so long 😅
This was a good chance to explain why I decided to talk about other ships (/> <)/
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So, thanks again for the answers ^=^ ❤💛
I’ll go and write a post about the age difference in the drafts, edit it a little and post 🐥🦂
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