#this happened cuz I asked him for a selfie and an autograph
giraffenbichler · 5 months
lmaooo I miss having eye contact with him 🫠
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“ I always think about that naked guy in the pit and matty trying to get rid of him and be firm about it but also laughing and finding the whole thing hilarious hahahahaha. “
anddd don’t forget when he literally threatened to knock a guy out cause that guy was literally pushing people around, mostly girls during ‘sex’ !!!
YESSSS. That was so hot. Gosh.
There are way too many instances of that. The whole “you’ve had a seizure, love. I’ll make it better. A hug from me. That’ll make everything better.”
“‘Excuse me, Darlin.’ Can they have some water over there?”
“Don’t cry. I see you. Don’t cry.”
“What’s wrong? just sad and stuff? Yeah, I get it. It’s alright.”
Him going out of his way, mid performance, to jump off stage and give his flask to a fan.
Him at the airport, stopping, to talk to fans even though we have it on record that he has said MORE THAN ONCE, he doesn’t want fans to come to airports because he has really bad flying anxiety and is usually not feeling great when traveling.
Him sticking around for selfies and autographs until Ross gets mad and is like “Ma-E 😡”
Him turning back around when the girl at the farmers market melted to the floor cuz he thought something’d happened so he went over to ask her if she was okay.
“Some people they have people, but I have you guys.”
The list goes on and on. He has our back. And we have his. We don’t have to literally know him on a personal basis for our love for him (or his for us) to be valid.
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critgemhero · 6 years
I met the Critical Role gang and it went... mostly okay!!!
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So yes, it happened. I got my autographs from everyone (except Ashely cuz she is not there) from Critical Role! Below I will go into detail my interactions with each. Sadly, as I suspected, my nerves take over my memory and I have forgotten what they mostly said outside of the typical reactions and a few key moments, but here is how it went down!
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - I was first in line for her and facing away from her and down when she came out behind the curtain to start and was not ready at all I turned around like the dramatic friggin Chipmunk. I kept apologizing for some reason and then I got her autograph! She was trying to remember the name of Allura, who I was cosplaying and she recognized, and I forgot what we first talked about but she was the first to sign the book! I told her how much I adored her work directing Cowboy Bebop and asked if she directed Tangled The Series (which I had read online she did) and she said yes and said how much I loved that! I actually chose to get a selfie with her which I didn't do for ANYONE else except Matt, which honestly IDK why it just felt like an impulse decision. At least it looks 1000x better than my Matt one... oh god. 
Sam Riegel - What compelled me to jump in and get Sam’s first, I have no idea. But I did. Anyway, this one went okay! I don’t remember much sadly, but I made a decision to tell the whole cast about my video editing and how they inspired me so much to get back into it and about my VFX video I did! I told Sam himself, the star, and he looked confused at first and I got nervous but I could tell when it clicked for him and he looked in SHOCK. He was like that, “that was YOU??? That was so good oh my god!” Pretty much all the cast had that reaction but only 3 are super memorable to me and he was definitely one of them. I remember he said something about how much hard work that must have been and to keep doing what I am doing or something along those lines. Then I tried quickly saying how much I love his voice work like Teddie from Persona, and while walking away said I was excited for Ducktales season 2 and he seemed happy by that and we parted ways!! I am sure there was more nuance too it but again, I FORGOT A LOT FROM MY NERVES.
Marisha Ray - I did these signings in SUCH a weird order, but I decided to get Marisha next. The sad part is that the most memorable moment was Matthew sitting right next to her doing her OWN signings and he randomly pointed to me and said “Hey just wanted to say you did such a great job on your cosplay! You look amazing!!! ” And I pretty much died right then and there like OH MY GOD. Then I actually got her autograph and she was super chill. I again kept anchoring to the inspiration to do my video editing thing so I told the same story to her and she recognized the video too! For some odd reason, I can’t remember her reaction and this really bums me out. I do remember her saying something along the lines of keep doing my best when making my work, but I also remember the incredibly endearing smile on her face when walking away.
Brian W. Foster - He was super chill and personable! There is a reason he is a good host on between the sheets for sure. I made the same video editing inspiration schpiel, but I feel like I worded myself better with him that time around? He was also super surprised and happy to learn it was me too! Sadly, can’t remember much after that, but once again it was all smiles and sweet words because anything bad or awkward would have stood out to me... trust me on that one later. 
Taliesin Jaffe - Taliesin was such a unique interaction! Beforehand he was having some kind of deep and emotional conversation with the woman before me, and I heard him saying something along the lines as “it's been hard” and “I'm getting by day by day” and I my nerves were kinda overcome by compassion. When it was my turn to speak I said hi and while he was smiling he genuinely looked like he was about to cry???? I was starting to talk but I interrupted myself and genuinely asked if he was okay. He said yeah and that it was all just kinda overwhelming. I kinda forgot this middle part, though I feel like I did bring up the video editing thing. He recognized it too and said that the industry needs way more talented and passionate editors and emphasized how important they are. I can’t remember if it was HIM or TRAVIS who said this, but he said something along the lines of the industry really needing people like editors with how hard it is to do and how they basically MAKE the stories into movies themselves. The more I think about it the more I think it was Travis who said it... a lot of my interaction memories are mixed up from my nerves. Either way, I did something very out of character and asked if I could give him a hug. He had seemed so upset earlier and I saw that other woman give him a hug, so I told myself, hey if you are gonna get a hug from a cast member today, Taliesin is a great choice who would probably say yes (but I wanted to hug Marisha so badly too you have no idea, she was so sweet and endearing and made me feel better. Most others did but she was so huggable looking at the time) We hugged tight and I was on my way!
Liam O Brien - ... okay, things sadly got weird here and it kinda puts my mood down. I won’t lie to you guys, Liam seemed really off. Maybe he was overwhelmed by something or very reserved from being shy, but it seemed more like disinterest and... acting rudely? I feel kinda awful implying he was a jerk or something, but I did a really bad job trying to hold a conversation with him and I can’t even remember IF I told him about the video. He was very quiet, and seemed put off by my nervousness in some way? Like he did say something along the lines of “its okay we’re just people” but I barely remember if we made eye contact at all? I thought it was me at first, but I remember when looking up at him after a bit he was the one looking away a lot and I am unsure if I did something to make him uncomfortable or what. What really threw me off the most was his kinda strange remark about me saying how I grew up watching Naruto and loved Gaara. He just kinda nodded and said, “yep, I was a voice of your childhood” like... in disdain as if he has heard that 100 times before? Look... I am NOT saying everyone has to have the same reactions or super happy cheery demeanors (Ex. Taliesin) but something was so disconnected about all of it. Maybe I am only remembering the minor bad parts and am forgetting the good parts, but still. As much as I still love Liam for what he does, he was not having a good time that day and I can only hope I didn't make it worse or even somehow cause it :(
Travis Willingham - Boy this one has the highest and the lowest points. When meeting him I said how nervous I was with these and started rambling and it got pretty bad but he anchored me back in by doing Grog’s voice!!! I told him yes it helped and made me laugh. That was able to get me into saying how much I loved his voice work as Roy Mustang and others, and eventually, I got to my video editing schpiel and he had a similar reaction to Sam! Again, HE may have been the person to tell me everything about how hard editing is and how they are the ones that really make the film, not Taliesin. Then we parted ways... and I realized I had missed SO FUCKING MUCH. I didn’t get to tell him how much I empathized with him recently, or how Fjord was my favorite character, how my favorite acting he did was in Infamous Second Son with Troy Baker. Seconds after walking away I literally yelled “Oh I forGOT TO SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE FJORD” Like really awkwardly as he was already on to the next person but yikes. Great middle, horrible beginning/end.
LAURA BAILEY - I reached a point where I was actually SO nervous I was normal. Like, on the edge of tears but not really so I acted normal but was screaming inside. Luckily she was super personable and I told her she was my favorite voice actress of all time. She asked me what were some of my favorite roles and I was like oh god there are so many but I said Maka from Soul Eater was huge for me and how she was my first cosplay. She said I would make a fantastic Maka and I was so friggin happy!! Then I told her about my editing and Sam video edit and she was so friggin delighted and told me how the WHOLE CAST had seen them because they shared it with each other on a group text chat! She looked so happy and endeared by my words and encouraged me to keep doing what I do. I wish I could remember her words specifically, this is LAURA BAILEY we are talking about!!!
Matthew Mercer - Oh boy here is the big one. Everyone kept saying how he was a long talker and had long conversations with everyone so I was so friggin ready for that. Sadly, I think they started speeding things up with me and I didn't get that long convo. Still, Matt once again complimented my cosplay and I said thank you. I said I forgot the earings which really bugged me but he said if it helps he didn't notice! Then I revealed I almost cried over it and mentally punched myself because why the fuck did I say that out loud. Anyway I immediately went into my video editing schpeil, but I made sure to talk slower and more clearly since people said he made more time. I remember specifically saying thank you for retweeting it and then he recognized it and said how hard that must have been and how amazing it was. He went into this story about how got into editing himself a bit with using final cut pro and adobe after effects and how difficult and tiring it was for him to edit a project he was working on and commended me on how amazing the job was and how we need more editors out there to do that kind of work. I elaborated more on how much he and the rest meant to me and how they got me out of this rutt and helped me find a way to make something for myself and he held my hands real tight and reassured me. Again, WISH I COULD REMEMBER THE FUCKING WORDS, but he looked so happy and emotional for me and all of it felt extremely genuine. What a god damn sweetheart. Here is where things get bad and awkward tho... I forgot my selfie. I paid for a selfie and realized I had FORGOTTON to take it like 10 seconds later after the next person already started talking. I panicked and walked back to the guy managing the lines and he was like OH okay but I apologized to the people on line and him and he said “HEY GUYS are you alright with this young lady getting her selfie??” and they all were like YES and I felt embarrassed but better. Then he told Matt and he was like OH of course okay!! And I gave him my phone because I was confused and nervous and NOT READY or composed like I would have been before. I look awful with my neck way too far back, but it could have been worse... except the moment he took the photo I dropped my prop staff into my face and knocked my head back... I was friggin humiliated. He was like ah are you okay and I literally just said bye have a good day and rushed off almost dropping all my shit without looking at him at all. What a way for me to RUIN a perfectly decent signing... I hope he didn't think I was rude and understood I was kinda hugely embarrassed.
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This is seconds before tragedy strikes.
Will Friedle - Yes oddly enough Matthew was not my last signing like I wanted, Will had a different schedule so he was last!  Anyway I was kinda feeling bad cause I never watched Boy Meets World and I didn’t remember much about Kashaw other than he was kinda a jerk but a loveable one who was played really funny, and oh yeah he is RON STOPPABLE. So I refrained from saying and Crit Role stuff since the woman before me already asked all of that and got cool answers to (Vex and Vax would not be Zarha and Kashaw’s kid's names, he would let them have Teifling names) Anyway I was thrown off by him ROLLING A D20 outta nowhere and getting a 7. He rolled again so quickly and I said “Oh man a natural 1?” on the 7 because I didn't see it correctly, less than a second later guess what?? HE ROLLED A 1!! I laughed so hard I felt like I jinxed him! Either way, ALL my nerves were gone from that and it felt a lot better to get his autograph. I told him how much I loved Kim Possible growing up and Ron Stoppable, and how I always used to sing the naked mole rap with my family as a kid and how the bendy straw joke from the movie still kills me. It was way more relaxed then I expected. Then he said okay before you go let me roll and break the curse one last time. Right before he did he said you know what? YOU roll it and see if I could break his curse! I happily took it wishing for the best... I rolled a friggin 2. He said “well at least its better than 1″ and we were both so amused by it as I left! All things considering his went very well!! Anyway, that was my experience with CR autographs today! Some big highs, some big lows, and many content smiles and awkward silence. Overall I consider it a success... but barely. I did fuck up and missed most of their live show floor panel and I'm still kicking myself in the ass for that one. 
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Here we go! Sit back, pull up a blankie cuz I’m about to spill details about meeting Stephen Amell and Kirk Acevedo from Arrow fame at Motor City Comic Con today. Under the cut bc this mayyyy get long, and also PHOTOS!
SO! First up, we went and met Stephen! My sister and I arrived at the convention around 10:15 this morning, and we got through the line pertty quickly since we purchased our tickets before hand. We immediately got in line for the Stephen Amell autograph bc the line was already starting to get long. Unfortunately we weren’t able to get any photos with him at his booth because of the length of the line :( Anyways, we finally made it to the front of the line by 11:00, and I picked out the photo I wanted autographed. I also had pulled out the AWESOME mirror I had etched by my big brother that I gifted to Stephen. FINALLY I was face-to-face with the one and only Stephen Amell! He said “Hey” and asked us how we were. I gave him his gift and he LOVED it. He was so gracious and humble about it the whole time! He loved how we had it completely personalized for him and had has favorite things on it, including Nocking Point. He thanked me and proceeded to sign my photo for me.
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His gift (image from my brother’s business FB page: facebook.com/kraftydaddy):
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Anyways, so we left Captain’s line and we began walking around for a while, while we waited for the photo op time since we still had an hour to kill. We bought t-shirts and I got a free Arrow bag with my new swag. Finally at noon we got in line for our photo op, and I chatted with fellow Arrow fans about the season finale and what we think is gonna happen, Ya know, obvs, since David Ramsey let it out that Felicity is gonna be pregnant, that Oliver will be out soon enough ;) The line moved pretty quickly enough. I WAS planning to have Cap show off his abs for our photo since we had been deprived of them all season long, but he had put his fave jean jacket on and so I settled for a sister sandwich pose with Stephen as the meat ;) We got in the room and Stephen once again warmly greeted us and we got into our pose and the photo was snapped. It went by really quickly! Also, lemme just tell y’all rn, that Stephen is MUCH more gorgeous in person and smells amazing ;) HD does a good job at showing his good looks, but MAN meeting him in person is SO much better! Anyways, we left the room and our photo was already waiting for us. I purchased a neat little sleeve to keep our op and autograph safe until I can get them framed. I’m on the left btw! :)
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After that, we went and browsed some more and we eventually wound up by the celebrities again, and we decided to get in line and purchase a selfie with Kirk Acevedo, aka Ricardo Diaz! We only had to wait for a couple cosplayers in front of us to get their stuff signed, and since we were the only ones in his line we were all able to take our time and chat with him. Kirk is actually a REALLY funny dude, and was awesome about taking a photo with us and talking all things Arrow. He even told us he WILL still be around for Season 7, so we definitely haven’t seen the last of Diaz and his quest to take over Star City. I also laughed every time he referred to himself as The Dragon. Anyways, here’s out photo with him as well:
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We also took photos with a bunch of awesome cosplayers there, but I’ll refrain from posting them here. If you wanna see them, you’re more than welcome to ask for my Facebook and friend request me so you can see more of our day at MCCC :)
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chahchani · 7 years
Boyfriend Rowoon
-you have accepted the fact that this giant will always be hovering over you and giving you bear hugs whether it’s in public or at the dorm with the boys, and you don’t even try to break free because it has never happened before and it will never happen once he’s gotten a hold of you. Forehead kisses, never letting go of your hands, and you sitting on his lap is an absolute must. 
 -The kid lives for couple coordinated outfits, he love wearing matching shoes and jackets, showing you off and everyone often says you guys are couple goals and he’s so fricken proud of that while your like ok its not that deep rowoon and hes just grinning at all the fan-site photos like omg we look cuteee. He’ll drag you often to public events because hello couple goals and yall attend seoul fashion week every year like its your religion. It’s casual to see many girls anywhere and everywhere checking him out even when you’e right next to him but you’re really chill and cool about it because you know he loves you wayyyyyy to much, it’s like he forgot that other people exist sometimes. 
-Selfies? A tradition to do everytime you meet. Selfie when your dressed up, selfies with you both look like shit, selfies in the bathroom, bedroom, public  candid selfies, cute couple selfies, creatively planned and well posed photoshoot type selfies, derp ugly selfies, cartoon filter selfies, etc.
-Is so cute because he’s always easily jealous when it comes to you not giving him attention when you’re out with other people and sometimes it gets annoying because rowoon chill i love you ok i wont leave you but he’s also super considerate about how your feelings at all times and gets worried about the smallest things like him having a female love interest in his new kdrama. “It’s just acting ok? Don’t feel hurt, you don’t have to watch it. She means nothing to me.” Whenever he does hurt you though, it kills him so much and he’s so emo for the rest of the day even when he’s working- lowkey he knows he shouldn’t be cold when hes around fans but it just comes out like that and he gets scolded alot by his manager however, he’ll just take the scolding because all he’s thinking is about calling you when he gets home (the type to leave like at least 2 texts and calls before giving up).
-Dates include getting coffee and walking together holding hands or even just lazying out on the couch watching movies and eating snacks with his shirt off and you in nothing but his tshirt, either way he’s up for anything as long as he’s with you. You’ll start to realize the chic and cool image rowoon is basically only on stage because with you he’s like a cute puppy who always needs to be near his owner and is super dirty sometimes like him not washing his hair rolling on the floor but it’ cool because you love him. THIS BOY ALSO A HOT ASS CHEF so nomatter how many times you’ve seen him shirtless in the kitchen cooking you something, it just never gets old and you’re like why is this kid so hot damn….
-Expect you to come to all of his events. “You're coming to my show in Singapore right?” and you frown cuz Rowoon thats all the way in freaking Singapore, and he just looks at you smiling like “Here’s your plane ticket and you roll your eyes and groan because he does this every time but it’s not even about the fact that he’s spending his hard earned money on your plane tickets whenever he goes out the country- it’s just because you have your own life and schedule and can’t go see him whenever you want so you guys often argue about that even though you always end up going to support your silly boyfriend at the end because he’s always in a better mood when he sees you in the crowd, you’re his lucky charm. Basically even though you whine for him not to spoil you, he always shows up with gifts, or paying for this and that and sometimes when he’s busy he just leaves stuff on your front door and you are half thankful but also sad because he does so much stuff for you.
-Won’t talk alot about you or hardly at all on camera or on tv, but whenever he is asked, his face will always turn a bright red and look down like the cutest little shy bean ever. “Yeah she’s doing alright..” He’ll say with a soft smile, he doesn’t want to talk too much about you because he wants your life to be private and knowing how hard it must be for you to date an idol, it’s better to keep you a mystery so you don’t get hated on. However doesn’t try to hide you in public either like other idols when going on a date. Will walk freely in the night and day with you like you’re hips glued to him or something even when there are people taking pictures. He will look the coolest to you during moments like this because his full attentions is on you and will never accept pictures with others or autographs because he’s really serious about his personal time-but of course rejecting them in a nice way and always with a smile. Your friends also know about him and everyone around you talk about how you’re dating an idol and you sometimes feel like it would be a burden on him because you’re expected to bring him to parties and stuff or people will say he doesn’t care about you but he always comes every single time with you even when he’s tired from a schedule and everyone’s shooked af because they didn’t think he would care enough to come but he’s always super happy every time like yes I’m y/n boyfriend!
-He asked his staff members if you can work part time in the summer and that was how you ended up working as an intern with fnc, being a stylist for sf9. It was nice being almost everywhere with him but was also really weird because since your relationship was public, everyone treated you super duper well and you didn’t have to do intern chores like run for coffee. You used to be able to touch up the other member’s makeup but because of that one incident where Taeyang play-flirted with you to piss Rowoon off, you were only allowed to take care of Rowoon from then on because your boyfriend is petty af.
-Basically love you alot, is a cute puppy- is YOUR puppy and keep him smiling all the time. Don’t ever question your love for him because that’s what keeps him so bright and happy and just allow him to take care of you even though it’s a bit burdening, know he means well. 
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Tender Pt. 1
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Reader and Seb lock eyes at a convention, and he hopes to see her again.
Warnings: It’s ‘real life’, so there’s going to be naughty language.
A/N: I need to be stopped... No clue why I started writing this in third person, but I hope it works regardless. My first RPF! I’M SCARED! Reader is part of the Game Grumps in this; cousin to Suzy and half sister to Ninja Brian. Oh! And I made Tom Holland younger than drinking age in the U.S. (21).
@cassandras-musings Idk if you want in on this. If so, let me know and I’ll tag you as usual.
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“Come on, guys! The sooner we can decide, the better the chance we'll have of getting the days we want,” Suzy chided.
Y/N pouted. “But it's so hard when we don't know who's doing what or when. I don't wanna miss something awesome because we scheduled too early.”
Suzy sighed, “Fine. What's the one thing you'd hate to miss if it happened?”
“Shit...” Y/N pondered it for a moment. “Hannibal or Supernatural cast appearances.”
“That's two!” Arin yelled in his typical fashion. “You don't know how to count ‘one’?!”
“I can't choose! How about you choose which eye you wanna lose?”
Suzy looked to Danny for help, who just giggled from his spot on the couch. She should have known better than to think anyone would be of any help. Ross and Barry stepped out as soon as Suzy walked into the game space looking all business, and Kevin had his headphones on, determined to focus only on his work.
She threw her hands up in the air, “You guys are impossible! That's it,” she said as she pulled her phone out. “I'm calling Brian.”
Y/N groaned. “Suuuuze,” she whined. “I'll die if I miss either of those. You remember how bad I took it when Hannibal was canceled.”
“God, don't remind me. You were so adorably pathetic,” Dan finally spoke up.
“And it'll be worse if I'm at the same convention unable to see them.”
“What about you guys?” She gestured to Arin and Dan.
“Uhhhhhhhhh, Sailor Moon,” Arin said. Suzy facepalmed. “Uhhhhhhh, I guess I just wanna check out the anime booths and the gaming demos.” Suzy looked gratefully at her husband.
“Ok!” she said more cheerfully than she had previously felt. “Dan?”
“Gaming demos for sure, Zelda, um…”
“Cool! Barry picked the same. Ross said Doctor Who and Brian said Marvel.”
“Oh! Game of Thrones!” Danny yelled, making Suzy groan.
“Hell yes!” Y/N agreed, sharing a high five with him. “I wanna meet Jorah fucking Mormont.”
“Giiiirl, me too.” Danny did a hair flip.
“And Jaime Lannister.”
“Oh shit, yeah!” This time it was Arin that spoke.
Suzy sighed again before leaving the room. “I'll go make some calls.”
“Wait!” Y/N called out. Suzy turned expectantly. “Bruce Campbell?” She expected Suzy to roll her eyes, and was surprised when she was met by a grin instead. “And Aliens!” she tacked on, earning her a glare. “I love you, Cuz,” she said sweetly, causing Suzy’s stare to soften.
“I love you too. But no more!” she sent her a pointed look before finally leaving the room.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
A week later, Suzy called them to the meeting room to go over the convention schedules.
“Ok!” she clapped her hands together. “Thursday, the first day of the convention, is our only day off, but-” she tried to bypass the groans she knew they'd let out. “BUT!”
Arin laughed, “You said butt twice, babe! Butt butt!”
“Anyway!” she continued. “The Game of Thrones and Civil War casts are doing their panels, photo ops, and autographs then. Y/N, I'm sorry, but hardly anyone you wanted to see is going to be there. No Jorah, Jaime, anyone from Hannibal or Aliens...” she trailed off.
“Dammit!” she yelled. Ross laughed, causing Danny to give him a quick smack to the back of his head.
“I know, I'm sorry.” Suzy still felt guilty, even though she couldn't control it. She sighed. “Ok, so Friday is a full day for us all. Arin, Dan, and Y/N, you guys are doing Game Grumps Live, then photos, then another Live, then the first Grump panel, and autographs. The rest of us are doing photos together, then we split for different panels. I'm  doing a ‘Girl Gamer’ one, Ross, you're doing an animator’s one, and Barry and Brian are doing a YouTube one. Then we all meet up and do the panel and autographs together. Everyone got it?”
“Do we get any breaks?” Barry asked.
“Yeah, we get about an hour for lunch, but that's all.”
“So carry snacks. Got it.”
“Ok, on Saturday, Y/N and I are running the Grump merch booth, while the rest of you will have the morning off. The Doctor Who, Batman v. Superman, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff will be going on then. Then Barry will join us in doing photos. We're going to be in our Victorian costumes, guys. I'm so excited. Y/N, after our photos are done, we're going to get some of our own with the Supernatural cast.”
“Fuck yes!”
“We can get autographs too, if you want?” Y/N could tell she was still feeling bad about her not being able to meet anyone else.
“Pictures are more than enough. Thanks, Suze.” She smiled when she saw the tension leaving her cousin's body.
“It's no problem. OK, in the afternoon, Arin and Dan, you have a gamer panel and then autographs. Ross, you’ll be running the booth with Brian until he has to run his workshop, then you’ll be joined by Barry after he’s done with photos. Sunday is another full day. Dragon Arin, Sir Daniel, Ninja Brian, Princess Y/N, and Barricorn will do photos while Ross and I run the booth. Then we do our second panel and autographs, then you guys do your Starbomb/NSP show while we sell more stuff. Aaaand that's our con schedules.”
“Why are we only working the booth two days?” asked Ross.
“Because then we wouldn't have time to do anything fun!” Arin yelled. “Unless you wanna not meet the Game of Thronses people and work the booth yourself…” Ross sank down on the sofa.
“It sounds perfect. Not only do we get a chance to see whoever we want, but you gave us a half day in between two really busy ones,” Y/N praised, causing Suzy to beam.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sebastian loved going to the conventions. That was where he could see first hand the impact his work had on others, and he was never disappointed. Fans would often get emotional when being in his (and his co-stars’) presence, not realizing that the encounters mean just as much to him as they do to the fans. The whole cast was scheduled to begin the first day of the con with autographs, and he was grateful. He could have his coffee on the table and he wouldn’t be all sweaty from the day’s heat and activities for the selfies he was taking with fans.
He was in the middle of signing a shirt with Bucky and Steve on it when there was a commotion just beyond the crowd. He ignored it as best he could, talking to the fan about the shirt and her favorite character, but the noise only got louder. Suddenly, the girl who was stood in front of Anthony to his left started cheering, too.”
“Who just walked in?” Anthony asked her.
“The Game Grumps!” she answered excitedly.
Sebastian knew Anthony would ask who they were, but he never got the chance. On his right, Tom jumped up onto his seat. “Where?!” he squealed, attempting to look over the crowd. “They don’t have anything scheduled today, do they?” he asked the fan.
“Not that I know of.”
Sebastian laughed at the young man’s excitement, and gave a passing glance through the sea of bodies before returning his attention to the shirt in front of him. He did a double take and his breath hitched, eyes growing wide. Among a small group of people was the cutest girl he’d ever seen. He was in such a daze that he barely notice the ‘HEY GRUMPS!’ that the boy beside him called.
Everyone, including the girl, turned their attention to their section. What they responded, he didn’t know, all he saw was the sweet smile the girl sent Tom’s way. She scanned the tables, and when her eyes landed on his, he forgot how to breathe. She held his gaze, her own eyes gone wide, until she looked down. Sebastian released the breath he was holding, but still only watched her.
She slowly looked back up at him, cheeks burning. His eyes softened and his lips twitched, wanting to smile. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and offered him a shy smile. He gave her a big grin in return, fighting the urge to turn away at the blood rushing up his own cheeks. Her attention was abruptly torn from him, and he felt like someone had pulled the chair out from under him. When she turned back, her smile was replaced by an almost sorry look.
“STAN!” he heard from his left. Chris was sat on Anthony’s left, and both men were looking at him, clearly amused. “What are you looking at over there, bud?”
“What? No- nothing,” he blubbered out, ignoring their snickers. He looked over to where the girl stood, and his face fell. Just like that, the moment was over. She was gone.
“Well, if it’s nothing, mind finishing up on that shirt? You’re holding up the line,” Anthony teased.
His eyes snapped to the girl still standing before him, patiently waiting for her shirt with a knowing look.
He face- planted the table and groaned, quickly composing himself and offering the fan, and his friends, a sheepish apology. He went back to signing and chatting with fans, but the girl never left his mind. He couldn’t help but feel hope as he replayed her reaction to seeing him over and over. Maybe she recognized him and was a fan, and it was only a matter of time until she appeared before him wanting something signed. He’d ask her name, and it wouldn’t be weird; they always asked fans their names. He wasn’t sure whether to ask her out for drinks or dinner. He supposed he’d know when the time came. But that hope waned as time passed with no sign of her.
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Permanent -  @melconnor2007 @ria132love @psychicwitchphilosopher @sireennotsiren
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dollhandinfection · 7 years
How was AFI?
Oh man, it was honestly a life changing experience. So the concertstarted at 9 pm and me and my awesome friend got there at 12 pm. Oh and did Imention that it was fucking hot?? It was literally 110 degrees, and if you knowanything about Kansas you know that the majority of the heat was humidity. Butluckily when we got to The Midland (which is where they played) we found thislittle crook of shade so we put all our stuff in that and camped out. While wewere sitting there it came out that we were the first people (and almost only)who were actually from Kansas. I spoke to a couple of AFI fans while we werewaiting for hours and most of them were pretty cool and really nice. While wewere waiting I went across the street to the really fancy grocery store to goto the bathroom. I go in and I end up talking to this neat dude whose like anuber fan and has been to almost all the shows on The Blood Tour. While we weretalking it got brought up that apparently Circa Survive wasn’t playing thatnight. Which honestly I was kinda glad about cuz I didn’t really know anythingabout Circa Survive. But I felt so shitty because my friend came with me cuzshe’s a Circa fan! Luckily when I told her she wasn’t upset or anything andsaid she would’ve came anyway. Apparently a lot of other people in line alsodidn’t know that Circa wasn’t playing, but no one was mad about it (I guess alot of people just assumed that because all the other shows on this leg of thetour are with Circa Survive, but I guess KC was the exception.) I was also a little worried because people kept saying thatthe tour shirt didn’t even mention the KC stop on it, but luckily they werewrong! (it doesn’t have the right date on there, but it definitely says KC). Sofinally at about 8 something they start letting us in, and by that point myfriend got like a pinched nerve from sitting on the ground for too long, so sheended up just sitting in the lobby for the concert (which honestly may havebeen a good thing because she probably would’ve gotten crushed in that crowd).I immediately go to the merch table and while I’m buying my shirts my awesomefriend goes and saves me a spot so close to the stage. I get to the spot andthe girl standing right next to me is wearing the same shirt as me! (which isfunny because we were the ONLY people there wearing that shirt. We both knew itwas an older AFI tour shirt, but we both couldn’t remember exactly where we gotit from haha.) She was pretty cool and so was her husband. Before the concertstarted, she leans over and goes, “so you’re gay and I gotta ask… Do you thinkDavey and Jade are gay?? I always thought they were in a relationship.” And I’mjust like ha well they’ve never really straight out said what they’resexualities are, but I know that Davey’s really never been the one for labels.I honestly don’t think they’re 100% straight, but I can’t really say if they’regay or not since I don’t personally know them. (Granted tho they’ve been in aband for over 20 years and if you haven’t been at least a little gay with yourbest friend, then you’re not really best friends haha.) So finally the concert starts and Citizen comes out. Now I had only really heard ofCitizen by their lyric pics on tumblr and a couple of seconds of some of theirsongs. But I gotta say, I was pretty impressed. Besides the fact that there wasn’t a good mic check before playing, I thought it went pretty well. Icould hear all the instruments clearly and that whole band was really puttingtheir all in. It was a little awkward since no one really knew their songs sowe just kinda stood there and listened and clapped. After that performance I’lldefinitely be checking out more of their music. I really wanted to saysomething to them after the concert, but they pretty much grabbed all theirequipment and bolted (they probably just wanted to get back on the road asap.)After Citizen it was about 20 minutes before it finally happened. Adam came outfirst and got set up, then Hunter, then Davey, and Jade. Where I was standing Igot an amazing view of Davey and Jade. Sadly tho I wasn’t able to get any pics of Hunter because he was on theleft side of the stage, and I couldn’t get any pics of Adam during the concertbecause of the way his drums were lit up you couldn’t see his face. They startoff playing Girl’s not Grey and it literally felt like I was seeing the face ofGod. Davey locked eyes with me for like 1 second and then he reached his handright across in front of me and I brushed it with my fingertips because I wasnervous and didn’t want to be pushy. And let me tell you about this setlistholy fuck. So like I said they started off with Girl’s not Grey, then they wentinto Love like Winter (which was the first song I ever heard by them so thatwas awesome), then So Beneath You, then 17 Crimes (which is one of my favsongs/music videos), and then Malleus Maleficarum (which is when everyone losttheir fucking minds and started shoving like crazy), then Get Hurt (which wasthe first time they ever played that live!), then Lost Souls (which is whenDavey stepped into the crowd and I FUCKING TOUCHED HIS BACK HE WAS RIGHT THEREIN FRONT OF ME AND I HAVE VIDEO PROOF), then The Leaving Song pt. 1, then HeWho Laughs Last, then Feed From the Floor (which is also one of my fav songsand I may base my AFI tattoo that I’m gonna get after), then Days of thePhoenix (I could watch them play this song over and over until I die), then IHope You Suffer (which honestly I never really connected with this song before,but watching them perform it live holy shit, there was just so much passion andit literally felt like Davey was singing the song into my soul), then SnowCats, then Miss Murder, then Paper Airplanes, and then Silver and Cold (which wow, it just really struck a chord with me).Davey also sang most of Jack the Ripper (one of my all time favorites)completely a capella! (I also got some of that on video.) During the concert Ialmost lost my balance a couple of times cuz during certain songs people fromthe very back would start pushing and it pushed me into the first two rows ofpeople (which I said sorry about every time it happened just like the girlsbehind apologized when it happened.) Oh and also during the last two songs Igot wedged between these guys that were like a foot taller than me. The guy onthe right wasn’t really excited and just kinda stood there and nodded his head.The guy on the left wore a bright blue shirt (he was in the video that I took ofDavey in the crowd) and he was drunk and a complete asshole. Apparently duringthe rest of the concert he was pushing and shoving the girls that were behindme and made his way next to me. then during the last two songs he startsshoving me to the right (when literally no one else was shoving), I thought itwas an accident at first. Then I realize he’s clearly trying to bump me out ofmy spot, so I start shoving back. Then HE LITERALLY STARTS SHOVING HIS ASS INMY FACE. I had it, I was in the heat all day and about to pass out from toomuch excitement and I was not gonna put up with this shit, so I shoved him realhard and yelled, “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?? YOU’RE SHOVING YOUR ASSIN MY GODDAMN FACE I’M A LITTLE GUY JUST LET ME STAND HERE PLEASE”. He fucking turns tome and says, “um you’re being a little rude.” So I was like haha dude whateverand wedged myself in front of him so that I could enjoy the last song. Afterthe concert like six people behind me came up to me to tell me that that drunk guy was an asshole and thanked me for actuallypushing him back and calling him out (they were all my height and the dude was like 6 foot something). A partof me worries that Davey just saw me pushing and thought that I was the assholeor something, but Jade was right there too and we talked after the show and hewas so nice. So after the concert ended me and my friend went out by the tourbus to wait and see if the band would come out. Adam came out first and theperson next to me asked for a pic and he said, “well actually I have a coupleof stuff I need to get. But I’ll be back, is that okay?” Like wow what a sweetguy. So eventually he comes back out and I’m starstruck. I shake his hand andtell him how weird it is to see one of the people I’ve been idolizing since 5thgrade so I’ll try to talk like a normal human being as much as possible, and hesmiles and says he’s happy I had a great time at my first AFI concert. Then Igave him this letter I wrote to the band and I tell him I didn’t want to makeit out to any specific person in the band because you’re all important. I tellhim how much I love AFI and that I don’t ever want him to feel like fans don’tappreciate him because the band wouldn’t be the same without all you guys. Andhe was like aww thanks. And he took a selfie with me and after I took it he waslike, “wait I didn’t see where to look, was I looking at the camera?” so I pullup the picture and he goes oh okay cool I did it right (what a nerd I lovehim). He also autographed this AFI postcard thing that I got with a pendant andThe Blood Album at Bestbuy. And then Jade comes out. And at this point I letsome guy borrow the sharpie I brought and I was scared that I wasn’t gonna haveit when Jade came up, but luckily he had his own (it was a gold sharpie aw). Ishake his hand and tell him how much I enjoyed the concert and how much Iappreciate him and the rest of the band and how it wouldn’t be the same withoutthem there. And he goes, “well you’re favorite band is kinda like yourchildren, you gotta love em all equally” and I’m like ha yea, I have sixsiblings tho.. and he’s like, “oh well siblings are a different thing, we allhave a favorite haha”. And then I told them that this was my first AFI show, buthopefully not my last unless you guys break up tomorrow. And he laughs andgoes, “well that is a possibility. Davey just made a really stinky sandwich, sothat might lead into something.” What a funny guy! We take a selfie and then Iask if he could also sign my card. Now this was pretty funny, when I handed himthe card he flipped it over, then he flipped it back over again and lookeda little confused. He goes, “I don’t recognize this at all, where did you getthis??” and I told him and he looks at my pendant and goes “wow you’re the onlyone here that I’ve seen wearing that, cool!” I just thought it was so funnythat he didn’t recognize that card at all. Then Davey came out and he waswearing that really cute black hood thing he’s been wearing a lot ininterviews, and as he walks by these two drunk girls scream demanding apicture. And he was nice about it and goes No pictures, but I’ll be out later.We waited like an hour and half after that and he was a no show, but honestly Ithink he was just drained (he may have came out after we left but I doubt it.)This concert was a real life changing experience. When I got home from theconcert my grandma started yelling at me and I realized; I accomplished one ofmy childhood dreams, so I’m not gonna put up with shit anymore. I feel like amore complete person. I feel like now I really only want to use my energy onthings that are important to me, and getting yelled at for no reason isn’t oneof them. And also since I wasn’t able to get a pic with Hunter or an autograph,and I wasn’t able to get an autograph from Davey (I don’t expect to get a picwith him since I’ve only seen like one pic of him and a fan on this tour) thisjust means I’ll have to go to another AFI concert! I can’t wait! 
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taylurswyft · 7 years
1, 5, 9, 12 also is there a link or something to the story of how you met Ed? I love reading those kind of things!
1. Any scars? One on my bottom lip from a dog bite that required 9 stitches 5. Coke or Pepsi? Coke9. What’s your dream job? Taking/editing pics or playing games12. Favorite color? Pink How I met Ed: Basically I just waited with others outside a radio station until he was done. (I can’t remember how long it took, it didn’t seem like too long though maybe 45 mins?) I made some small talk with this girl behind me, she asked if I’d met him before and I said no & that I’m probably gonna cry/freak out etc (but I didn’t do either, at least not until after. I was in shock. She looked worried I was gonna go crazy or something hahaha). Then Mark (his tour manager) came out, told us to be chill & get in a line. When Ed finally came out I kept looking at his tattoos & was like omg he’s real it’s really him!! & I remember his red watch band & black Martin guitar shirt. They were in a rush so we couldn’t take selfies but we each got an autograph (I had him sign inside my hello kitty journal lmao) & a hug (omg he gives the best hugs). I know someone who used to work at Electronic Arts so I gave him a bag of like muffins & an EA Sports mousepad, a note & other dumb crap idk I thought maybe he’d like it cuz you can only get it from that EA building & he’s talked about some of the games they make so.. Hahah. And what guy doesn’t like food? Before he left I remember specifically him heading to the car (still holding the lil bag of stuff I gave him) and he gave my left arm a lil squeeze?! Idk I didn’t see him do that with anyone else. I must’ve looked like a sad puppy dog, “you’re going already?!” When he got into the car I wanted to see him open the bag or my letter or something but he checked his phone instead 😂 I’ll never know if he read it or what happened to the EA stuff. I also don’t think I said one word to him & I don’t even remember him saying anything to me (he probably did but I just don’t remember, it all happened so fast) but was lucky enough to have had someone who was also there take a pic of us when he was signing my Hello Kitty journal. Everyone always mentions how good he smells too but I don’t remember that either lmao (yesss Shape of You just came on the radio right after I typed this) Sorry I kinda rambled but I hope I made sense!
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no bc i just wanna talk about cute little fancy things with matty and pretend like i’m a genius, is that too much to ask for
im pretty sure you already are a genius! If you like the 1975 odds are you're smarter than Matty, and, I'd say he's pretty damn smart, so....yeah. you're pretty much a genius.
The talking with Matty about stuff though....thats literally my dream. I think I've said this before on here but i dont wanna meet him cuz simply getting a quick hello, or a selfie, or autograph would feel like a slap in the face to me. I wanna sit down with him, buy him a cup of coffee or lunch or something, and just spend an hour asking him things and having a real conversation. so.... yeah :( I feel you but i dont really know how to make that happen. short of like, getting really rich really fast and gradually infiltrating their social circle and making friends with him....any tips on how to do all that, btw? asking for a friend....
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