#this idea will be EXTREMELY hard to pull of cus you REALLY need a powerful story
Learning how to use the runes with Caster Cu (FGO)
I spent 6 hrs writing the most shamelessly self-indulgent headcanons ever Here, Caster will teach the FGO master the basics of the runes. Follow the master as they learn a bit about their origins, face rigorous testing, make their own set of runes; and use them for the very first time!
*Disclaimer: These headcanons will focus on the use of the Elder Futhark runes. (In fgo, they use both elder and younger futhark) As I’ve only been researching the Nordic runes for around 9 months, please take these headcanons with a pinch of salt! (also, fgo master will be gender neutral! Please enjoy.)
As soon as you broach the topic to him, Caster Cu’s face pales considerably; as images of Odin hanging upside down on the world tree for 9 days permeate his mind. Hopefully you weren’t asking him if you could do that... you weren't, right?
‘Shit...I knew this day would come.’ Awkwardly lowering his hood over his face (so then he can avoid looking at your expectant expression); Caster sighs. “Ah, yeah...Rune magic. Sure, I’ll teach you later...yeah, later.”
Hoping that his bluff is successful, he tries to dematerialize away as fast as possible. However, once you latch onto his pale blue coat to ask what you should do first, he finally caves in; knowing that there’s no way for him to worm his way out of this perilous situation.
“You know, you could try asking Skadi. Or how about Shishou? There’s a hell of a lot of other servants who know bits and pieces about the runes as well. How about you give ‘em a try first?”
When you admit that you want to learn from him, due to your deep appreciation for his extremely flashy use of the runes; Caster stifles a laugh. Yep, there really was no room for escape now.
“Well, I can’t fault you for that; I do look pretty damn cool in action!” Twirling his staff, Caster strikes a pose. “But I don’t get it. You’re already training in other arts. Why would you wanna load rune magic on top of that? You like drowning yourself in work or something??”
As you excitedly flapped your arms around, explaining how you liked watching him trace sparkling runes with his hands; and wanted to take his tree branch summoning skills for yourself, his eyes widen with surprise. He wasn’t expecting you to be this observant.
“Ah, you mean the Berkana/Berkano (ᛒ) rune? Yeah, that one represents the birch tree, so I can summon it. It also commonly symbolizes new beginnings and fertility...” Caster trails off as your braincells physically implode at his explanation.
Berkana? Birch trees? Fertility?! You had no idea what he was talking about right now. As a dour silence weighs heavily upon the two of you, a lightbulb of inspiration strikes Caster right in the head.
“Oi, master. Read up a little on the runes, and remember at least some of their names first. As your new teacher, that’ll be your first assignment. See ya!” And with that, he was gone, vanishing into thin air. Realizing that he had just agreed to teach you, your face sparkles with glee. Clenching your fists with all of your might, you march towards the library. Time would wait for no man!!!!
Exchanging friendly greetings with Murasaki, as you trundle through an entire emporium of books; it takes hours for you to find a book on the runes. Many of the books were in a language that you couldn’t read, however this one looked rather easy on the eyes.
Titled ‘Easy Rune Magic for Modern Mages’, you flick through a rather simplistic guide that provides you with the names and a single definition for each rune; but it provides you with little to no information on how to truly understand their meaning. With subheadings such as ‘How to use the Fehu (ᚠ) rune to generate wealth to pay for your magecraft PHD at the Clock Tower’ and ‘Is Thurisaz (ᚦ) more effective to use as a defensive spell or curse spell?’ you were officially BAMBOOZLED. Tired, you decide to throw in the towel for today.
However, on your way back to your room, a stroke of excellent luck manifests itself before you. Situated upon a sturdy pine table are none other than Sigurd and Byrnhildr, who are reading together. Although you find this scene to be rather adorable (seeing as they were both entirely intact, with no stabbing wounds to be seen); you decided to interrupt their date anyway.
“O-oh, master...” Byrnhildr blushes, as Sigurd waves politely. “What brings you here today?” Slamming your hands on the table, you passionately declare that you wish to learn more about the runes, but can’t understand them without gaining some insight into their history first. As Brynhildr’s eyes glimmer with a sense of appreciation at your open display of interest of their culture, Sigurd haphazardly pulls out the chair next to them.
“I’m glad to see you profess such a profound interest in the runes, master. Please sit down and join us.” Glasses sparkling ominously, Sigurd explains a little bit more about how the elder futhark runes work. He not only explains how Odin discovered their wisdom after hanging from the world tree Yggdrasil; but also tells you about how Odin shared their power with humankind, making him none other than the ‘Allfather’ of the runes.
At the mention of his name, Byrnhild’s expression sours somewhat; making you realize that the two most likely share personal ties with him.
“They’re a special alphabet that we can use to invoke the power and wisdom of the Norse gods, so be careful with them.”
Sigurd then goes on to explain how all 24 runes are separated into three Aetts- which are basically a means of dividing the runic characters into different categories.
“Each rune comes with a short poem. That way, you’ll be able to understand them and their context a little more.”
Once you thank him for the information, he replies with a “I hope I was of use. I’m very proud of you for asking us for help.”; as Byrnhildr returns with an entire truckload of books tucked within her arms!!!
“These books will be helpful! This one’s about the myths associated with the runes, and this one is a practical guide that’ll help cultivate understanding. As for this one, it explains their etymology.”
Byrnhildr chuckles at your gobsmacked expression, as the two of them heap the books into your own arms. “You don’t need to know everything about them, but it’ll be handy for you to develop a little bit of historical and lexical knowledge as well.”
‘I thought I only had to know their names and descriptions...!!’ Tears pooling within your eyes at the mountain of books, you thank them for their help and leave, as they wish you all the best with your studies (and prayed that one day you’d wish to speak to them in the language as well. They couldn’t wait for that opportunity!)
Sighing all the way back to your room, you gasp in surprise as you bump into none other than Skadi.
“Oh, good timing.” Passing you a bundle of golden-trimmed strips of ancient paper, Skadi smiles vigorously. “You can use these as flash cards for your rune training, as well. I’m surprised that you didn’t ask for my guidance, but that may have been for the best. I would’ve trained you thoroughly in the arts.”
A chill jolts through your spine at that. Who knows just how hard she would’ve trained you? Part of Skadi was Scathach, after all. Thanking her for her assistance, the two of you split paths.
‘I seem to be bumping into a lot of people today...’
Was this a mere coincidence, or perhaps something more?
A busy month full of book reading and writing notes onto your flash cards passes within a blur.
Mash had also shown great interest in your studies, and would help test you with your flashcards every day! However, you were still pretty confused about how long this stage of research would last for.
Whilst reading up on how runes could also be used to predict the future and provide advice for one’s dilemmas; and how the Nornir (3 deities of fate) determined this form of divination, you groan.
All of the people within the books had their own sets of runes, which they would use to communicate with the gods.
In other words, they could be used for divination as well as magic.
‘Why can’t I do that yet?’ You pout indignantly; snapping the book shut.
If Caster wouldn’t teach you rune magic, he could at least teach you about divination! Patience running thin, you decide to leap back into action.
It was time to confront your teacher, once and for all.
However, as soon as you exit your room; you are greeted by none other than Caster himself.
Almost tripping onto the floor with surprise, you gawp in shock at his appearance. With his staff and a mouth-watering cup of Darjeeling tea he had brought from one of Marie’s posthumous tea parties in his hands, Caster smirks. “Yo, master. Looks like I came just on time.”
As the two of you settle in the canteen for class (?), after a bit of small talk; you declare that you want to learn how to use the runes for divination. “If you won’t teach me magic, then I would like to learn how to communicate with the runes first, please!”
At this, he lets out an unusually loud guffaw of laughter. “Ahaha, so you finally worked it out, huh? Before you can use their magic; you gotta understand and communicate with the runes, as well. You’re a faster learner than I thought you’d be.”
Unsure whether this was a compliment or not, you enquire as to what he means by that. “It’s pretty simple: you can’t cast these bad boys without building a relationship with them first. On that note, let’s see how much you’ve learnt from your studies.”
His test is a nightmare.
As he barks the name of each rune from the First Aett (the first eight runes), you are forced to draw each and every one. If you get a rune wrong, he repeats it consistently until you draw the right alphabet for each one.
Afterwards, he takes you through a hellish journey as he asks you to provide at least one definition for each rune.
By the time you are done, night has already swept its veil over Chaldea; the halls devoid of any signs of life.
In other words, the two of you had been at this for the entire evening, which had definitely garnered you both the attention and pity of many staff and servants.
Stomach rumbling, you beg Caster to finish class for today.
“Yeah, sure. Whoops, looks like I got a bit carried away right there.” He has definitely inherited his deadly teaching style from Scathach.
When you ask him if you’re ready for the next bout of training; he frowns. “Nope, that was only the First Aett. You’ll only move to the next stage when you’ve memorized all THREE. In other words, get to learning all 24 runes!!” As you cry in despair, Caster shoots you a mischievous wink as he helps himself to the bar.
The dreaded tests continue on a weekly basis.
Not only do you have to deal with the challenges of the saving the world, helping out your allies and maintaining your own health; you also have to leap into the hellish jaws of rune testing with Caster Cu.
Albeit suffering greatly from the challenge, your spirit was also greatly roused. Learning about the runes was fun!
So much fun, that you’d often dream about them, and see their shapes in the food that you ate; and would even accidentally use their names in conversation sometimes, like saying: “Oh, I’m sure the energy of this rune would help with your headaches,” to a very bewildered Mash; or comparing the sunrise to the runes (which confused Shakespeare and Hans greatly. Actually, they are now worried about your health).
All in all, your studies were starting to take effect!!
It was finally time.
As Caster more or less yelled the name of each rune at you, your response was astounding. Not only were you able to draw the shape of every rune in a matter of seconds, you could also provide multiple readings for all 24 of them.
Eyebrows quirked with surprise, Caster sighs with relief. ‘Phew. Looks like class will be shorter than usual today.’
“Holy shit. You’ve done a damn great job, master. You got them all right!” As you roared with joy, pumping your fists into the air with glee; Caster almost fell off his chair- clutching his sides as he tried (yet failed) not to laugh. “Alright, buckle up. We’re gonna get you a set of runes now.”
A set of runes?! Your eyes sparkled at the prospect of finally being able to have runes of your own. It was about time, as well. You had grown sick of using your flash cards, you wanted the real thing!
However, you were confused about the concept of needing your own set. If Skadi and Caster Cu could manifest them just by using their hands, and magical devices; why would a person need to have a set of them? As you expressed your concern, Caster nods his head in understanding.
“I see your point. But even I have a set of runes, you know? It’s every bit as useful a method.” Unleashing a small, worn-out felt pouch; glimmering gems -whose rune inscriptions were engraved upon them in gold- splashed across the dining table. They were beautiful. “’Sides, there’s something exciting about making your own set.”
Your mind swims with excitement, as he describes the different materials that runes can be made from: bones, metal, gemstones, pebbles, glass, clay...there were endless options.
However, when you asked him if you could use your collection of Evil Bones to make a rune set, he chokes on his coffee- pure horror drenched across his features.
“No way in hell! You trying to get yourself killed? Never invoke the power of the runes on cursed items, master.” 
Then how about using QP or Mana Prisms as a base to inscribe the runes instead? Once you suggested this, his face paled somewhat. “Yeah, about that...don’t even think about it. You need those materials, you know.”
Grumpily threading his hands through blue locks of hair, he sighs. “Look, I’ll help you find some materials. Guess we could rayshift the next time I’m free or something...” As you cheer exuberantly, he can’t help but crack a small smile.
Being a teacher was a lot more amusing than he originally anticipated it to be. There was something fun about departing his knowledge. Besides, he had dedicated himself to becoming the guiding light of Chaldea anyway. ‘A little teaching hurts no-one.’
Using the light of the Soliwo (ᛊ) rune to guide the way, the two of you traverse through a forest heaving with verdant green trees and wildlife.
No matter how many pretty trees and tumbled pebbles you found by the riverside; you weren’t sure if they were the right material for you.
Just when you were about to give up, a powerful jolt of electricity beckons you; almost as if it’s calling your name. As soon as you alert Caster of your instinctual powers, he looks rather flummoxed at first; but is somewhat awed once his Soliwo rune’s light begins to shine in exactly the same direction as the one you’re pointing in!
‘Huh, that sure is weird.’
Things only get weirder, once you both come upon a ginormous slab of Labradorite. Situated neatly upon a bed of leaves. Placed carefully within the middle of the forest.
This timing was too good to be true.
As the electricity coursing through your veins triples in intensity, Caster has to hold you back before you cut loose. “Oi, wait up. Let me test this stone for safety first.”
Placing an Algiz (ᛉ) runestone in your hands to guarantee your protection, he saunters towards the massive hunk of Labradorite.
Chanting an incantation beneath his breath, the forest glows in an eerie blue light; as a pale magic circle glimmers beneath the stone. “Yeah, it’s safe. Pretty strange for it to be out here, though.”
As he sketches Thurisaz (ᚦ) (which not only symbolizes thorns, defense and danger, but can also be used as a means to channel a power akin to Thor’s hammer, mlonjir) onto his staff, he smashes it against the mass of Labradorite; splitting what was once an enormous rock into 24 neatly divided; brilliant blue gems.
Gathering them up, he thrusts them before you. “Here you go. That was a pretty lucky find, if I do say so myself.”
You thank him for your help- making sure to also pay homage to the awesome power of your intuition at the same time, which tickles Caster right in the funny bone.
As soon as the stones drop into your hand; they crackle with an immensely powerful energy, as if these gems were waiting for you!!
As you turn them onto the side; you are gobsmacked to see rune inscriptions already engraved onto each and every stone, as if they were reacting to the mana flowing within your body.
You ask Caster to take a look at this strange phenomenon for you.
“Whoa, are you kidding me? That’s pretty awesome. Let me take a look, too.” As you gently stretch your palms towards Caster- trying to keep the runestones steady in your hands- he gently takes your palms, leaning towards them.
As he catches sight of the engravings lying upon them, his crimson eyes widen with bewilderment. “Holy shit...I think the gods just made you an offering. You’re secretly packing a shitload of power in there, ain’t you? Great job!”
Ruffling your hair, Caster grins. “Think you’ve got time for more teaching?”
As you nod your head, anticipation clear on your features; he plonks onto the ground, handing you a felt pouch. “Put them in there. Try doing your first reading, see what rune speaks to you first!”
Eagerly plonking all 24 runes into the sparkly pouch, you close your eyes and concentrate; beseeching the contact of the gods. Imagining yourself encountering the Nonrnir, as you visualize dropping into the center of the world; you place a hand within your pouch.
Rummaging around the bag, a single rune sends energy rippling through your fingers. That was the one! Pulling it out of the bag, you grin excitedly...only to see that it was none other than...
Nauthiz (ᚾ).
‘Aw shite...’ Disappointed by the rune, you sigh. You wished that your rune could’ve been a more positive one! However, Caster’s reaction was rather different to yours.
“Hey, it’s not as bad as it looks.” Figure illuminated by the sun, he looked much more chill than usual. “Nauthiz is all about your needs, you know? With all the singularities popping up recently, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re pushing yourself too far.”
“But this rune is basically saying ‘lol you’re suffering’...It’s frustrating.” You counter him.
You knew all too well about the massive strains your body was going through, the transformations you were forced to undergo. Sometimes, it was just too painful for you to bear. Seeing this rune only served as a reminder of that fact.
“How about you look at it from a different perspective? Even though things are way outta wack for you, a small fire still burns. Doesn’t Nauthiz look a bit like two twigs that you’d see in a fire?” Now that was a funny observation. As you smiled at that, he continued. “It just means that no matter how hard things become; all you gotta do is balance your needs and continue to fight. Nauthiz is also screaming ‘oi, damnit! Don’t give up here, you can survive and make it out the other side sparkling like brand new, you hear me??’”
You were very grateful to hear that. Now you realized that even the most ominous of runes also came with signs of fortune and peace.
In other words, they would be there to support you all the way. Thanking him for his great insight, he replies with a simple “Well, I’m the wise one you know? Anyway, you know the saying. Even the coldest of ice thaws someday.”
As you correctly link his adage to the runes, he claps with pride. “Nice, nice. Well, that’ll be all for my teaching. Soon you’ll be able to do readings with nine or more runes!”
But once you yell to him about how you want to use runes such as Kenaz (ᚲ) to fulfil your long-standing desire to set shit on fire; his expression hardens.
“I ain’t teaching you rune magic until you learn how to master rune divination. Don’t push your luck too far~ Come visit me again once you learn how to read the past, present and future with them!” As you indigently complain about how you still want to summon birch trees, and about how difficult it was to learn about the runes; he bursts into rancorous laughter. “That’s not my problem! C’mon, lay off a little...”
Frustrated, you finally give up, asking for one last request. “Caster. What rune will you get if you do a single reading? I would like to see.”
Begrudgingly adhering to your request, he unearths none other than the Ansuz (ᚨ) rune.
“Ah, my favorite. Well, that’s it for today. Let’s go back.” As he turns away, a frightening wind blows through the trees, as a dark shadow drifts over his figure.
In that very moment, he becomes a dark specter within a bountiful forest filled with brilliant light; as his form briefly flickers and shifts, melding into an entire kaleidoscope of distinct beings.
But all it took was a single blink for his form to return back to normal again.
How strange...Was that none other than an illusion? Were your eyes playing tricks with you? Silently trailing behind, you contemplated the meaning behind the rune he had drawn.
Ansuz...It commonly symbolized communication, breath, and chiefly of all...it was the rune that represented none other than Odin himself.
In addition to that, you saw how the rune landed on its side when Caster drew it, and the mysterious glint in his eyes.
Was Caster hiding something? You couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
‘Just who is Caster Cu really?’ Such a thought weighed dangerously heavy within your mind as the two of you took the steep path back home.
By learning more about the runes, you may have unlocked the door to an endless chasm of mysteries; one that had ties directly linking to the deeper truths lying behind Chaldea...
Omg this was only meant to be like 1,000 words. But I got extremely invested within this concept and was burning with great excitement, which lead to this becoming SUPER LONG XD Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this ;; Also dw learning runes in real life isn’t as hardcore as this, I promise you!
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hello there! If you don’t mind, would it be alright to request a matchup for Demon Slayer, Fullmetal Alchemist & Fire Force?
I’m an autistic, gay trans guy!
(I’m a Libra & ISFP).
I’m 4'10 with short hair that I dye often (as of right now, it’s indigo!) and I have hazel eyes, with a lot of freckles. I’m chubby, but with a very prominent hourglass figure. I gravitate towards wearing clothes that are baggy, but I have a secret love for wearing things like dresses or generally very pretty/cute clothes?
(Like.. Lolita style stuff! I have no problem wearing feminine things, and a lot of it makes me feel really confident! I often feel insecure about myself due to my autism, and I have a birth defect that gives me complications with walking, so wearing nice things and looking fancy makes me feel a lot better about myself!)
I’m timid and struggle when it comes to socialising especially with new people. I tend to not speak at first and only gesturing to avoid having to properly talk unless necessary. I struggle anxiety and extreme hyper-empathy (I feel emotions a lot more intensely than most people would). It’s not hard to get me very overwhelmed either so I do find it difficult to talk to others, but I do get along better with those who are a lot more extroverted and will open up more with people like that! Over time I tend to come more out of my shell and I’m very loving and compassionate!
I’m not the smartest, and can be pretty oblivious (i.e. with romantic advances) and need most things to be said to me at face value or I usually won’t understand, or it’ll go over my head.. And to which, I have my head in the clouds most of the time, always day-dreaming and that causes me to be uncoordinated or clumsy.. Which my short attention span doesn’t help with at all!
(It’s taken me a few hours to actually sit and write this ‘cus I keep getting distracted, haha!)
Despite my initial shyness, I have the tendency to be very loud and childish around people I like/want to impress, and won’t think much when I do this, which leads me to embarrass myself rather often. My love language comes in gifts or words of affirmation and I’m over the top lovey-dovey, but I instantly fluster if they’re returned. I’m very much so teased for how easy I am to embarrass.
I’m creative and absolutely adore most forms of fiction, taking mass amounts of inspiration from it for what I make! I’m a writer, artist and a singer in my free-time! (I love to sing for others or draw others, do anything to just show off my talent to make others happy!)
I really enjoy impressing with my ideas and their originality, and adore nothing more than when I get to talk about what I love; but sometimes I overshare or talk too much and can be unsure where to stop.
I guess overall I would do better with someone who doesn’t mind how 'eccentric’ I am? (I’m often bullied for these “strange” qualities) And someone who’s more outgoing than me? That aside, I don’t mind anything else, but I do have a type for guys who are a lot taller than me, haha!
I hope this isn’t too much, but thank you so much for reading, and if you accept this request! I really tried my hardest with this 'cus I really like this blog!
Waah, thank you again! I hope you have a nice day!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hello @eggedeggs and thank you so much for requesting with us! I am sososososos sorry this got out so late, but I truly hope that you enjoy this!
>Admin 𝕋
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𝐼 𝓈����𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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 Alphonse Elric! So, the reasons as to why I matched you up with Alphonse is because i really like the idea of having someone who looks so basic with someone who looks so cool, you! I feel like Alphonse, being the accepting person that he is will have no reservations being with someone so outspoken in the way you show yourself to the world. Hopefully that makes sense, but ultimately Alphonse will ultimately be fascinated with how you look, cool hair and lolita style and all! 
You aren’t the only person who is a little timid at first, Alphonse is just as timid, but as had time to adjust to it. He could be someone that could help you with your shyness and being timid! He understands the feeling, he knows how it feels to be shy towards others, so he will know how to help you feel more confident! And when you feel overwhelmed about meeting new people, he will pull you to he side and make sure that you okay, make sure that you feel calm until you can socialize again, and if you can’t then he will take you some place that will help you feel better! He also loves that you are so compassionate and he especially loves watching you come out of your shell when you are comfortable around people! SO with that in mind, Alphonse will do everything in his power to make you feel comfortable so that he can see you being the bubbly and eccentric person you are!
Alphonse would notice your love of fiction, how you are always reading or writing; so he’ll sometimes go into town and look the various shops to see if they have a new fiction book or if they have someone writing utensils that would suit you and your creative endeavors! He is very attentive to stuff that really makes you happy, so when he sees something that make your smile the brightest, Alphonse will never hesitate to get it for you, no matter the cost!
All in all, I feel that Alphonse will be the best fit for you in the fullmetal universe because he is attentive, loves how you express, yourself, understands your shyness and how sometimes being around people really overwhelms you! He will love every bit of you from head to toe. He isn’t really the most outgoing person, but for you, he will do his best to be the man of the party!
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Tanjiro! Okay, so you and Tanjiro! It’s just *Chef’s kiss*! Tanjiro is a pretty outgoing guy with a love for friends and family that compares to no other! And you not be an exception to that! He would love you cute clothes, your cool Indigo hair, and your amazing hourglass figure! 
Tanjiro would be understanding about your shyness around other people, though wouldn’t personally understand it himself. But that won’t stop him from trying to make sure that you feel comfortable around his friends and such! And oh boy, once you do get comfortable enough to show all of them your funny confident side, Tanjiro’s eyes will become literal hearts for you! He will fin d it extremely endearing when you talk about things that you love and things that give you inpiration! And just as Alphonse will do, Tanjiro will find things that will help you get more inspirations and more motivation to be creative!
Tanjiro will notice that you are a bit floaty, in the sense that you get distracted a lot, which is perfectly fine for him, he is the kind of person that has dealt with that and knows how to help you back to the grounds of reality! But sometimes, Tanjiro will let you do you thing, whatever it may be, from thinking about something else entirely or maybe just letting you stay in your daydream! He mostly does it because he the look on your face whenever you go into your little dreamland intrigues. He always wonders what you are thinking about whether it be your next project or something about the flowers in the garden! He just likes staring and watching, his heart beating rapidly because of how cute it is!
He would love if you were to tell him your ideas, run it by him so that he can be a part of the creative adventure! Tell him about a new book you want to write or maybe a piece of art that you want to paint! And if by chance, the painting would be a portrait of him, he will smile and excitedly pose for the painting! He wants to be there every step of the way even if he doesn’t really know what is going on!
All in all, I feel like you and Tanjiro would make a fantastic couple! He will help you get out of your shell a little but, but still support you when you need to be a lone to recharge! He will be there for you when you have amazing ideas for a book or a picture that you want to make! Tanjiro will be the one to make you feel confident and feel great about yourself with how much love he will shower on you! So make sure to give some of that love back to him!
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Vulcan! So, I chose Vulcan purely for the aesthetic, like come on. You have this amazing lolita look going on with the cool hair and the and the nice sense if style mixed in with his tattoos and rocker look, and his hair and iron personality, it just makes so much sense to pair you up with him! His personality is outgoing, loud, and rambunctious. It’s something that can really combat your shy demeanor in a good way. The way you see him conversing with other people, they way he would make you feel comfortable around because he is with you will help you tremendously! He will make sure you will never feel overwhelmed ever again, and knowing him he will most likely try to fight that overwhelming feelings himself. On another note, I feel that out of all three of these guys, Vulcan would be the most into your body! He wou0d loves the curves and just, the way you look in clothing, he just love it so much! 
As for your floaty mind and your daydreaming, he would find it a extremely endearing and kind of irritating at times, but mostly endearing. What makes it irritating for him is when you do it for too long and you accidentally fall and hurt yourself or something along those lines. He just doesn’t want you to hurt yourself! He also doesn’t want you to forget things, but he would learn to live with it by putting little notes all around your shared space, making sure that you don’t forget at least the important things, such as doctors appointments or  bills that need to be paid! 
Vulcan will be the type to constantly want to embarrass you, so if you show him any affection and he returns then sees you get all flustered by his affections, you will be in for a long ride! He will shower you in hugs and kisses just to see how red you can get! Is it mean? Yes, but does he really care? No, not when you look so cute when you are blushing! He can’t handle it! But he does it cause he loves you, and if anything it is more of an excuse to give you more hugs and kisses!
On another note, he will be absolutely love how creative you are! I mean, look at him, you and Vulcan can do wonders to the worlds with both of your creative minds working together! So, all in all, I think that you and Vulcan would make a fantastic couple in the fire force universe. He will treat you spectacularly, with care and with lots of love! So make sure you give him your all too!
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unikornu · 4 years
11, 18, 34, 37, 55, 77 for Lucy?
Thankz! I will include Harrison too in this one too from the other ask:
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
I suck at history, like completely, i swear i was better at math, so i can’t think of any actual real events right now but thinking about pre-war life, becoming the woman judge in national court, revealing the truth about their actions and kicking all the corrupted folks out, like totally wiping the current system and ending the conflict between government police/law and the criminal underground, no longer trying to hunt ex-criminals just to push more money into their pockets. That would be like a small success in history of the town. Sounds like a happy ending if she wouldn’t choose the other path. 
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Aside from English, she picked up some Polish and Russian words because Rosey parent’s were initially immigrants from Central Europe, Poland, looking back then for better economic situation and living conditions. They still learned her some basics from both of these languages, before they died when she was a teenager. Right after that Harrison stumbled upon her and when offering her a job also kept providing her with language books as it was useful to be able to communicate with immigrants in club as well. Lucy heard her sneaking some of other words from these languages or sentences, mostly when swearing or complaining about clients but eventually got curious about it. Lucy will mostly just swear in some broken Polish/Russian words mixed with English. A street language mess.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
Not at all. Unless she has like no choice or is already in the middle of more serious friendship or partnership. Most of her secrets are rather embarrassing to her, showing weakness or just totally crazy alien weird like with her boss. It also depends on the person she has that relationship with. If they are rather kind, calm and sensitive she might be easier to open up but she will need a slight pull by her braids to do so. With her life that might be a bigger no. She would rather not put her life anymore on any kind of line after finding her little raider paradise. 
 37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Not easy at all, its like Porter Gage level unless she if freaking drunk and in a really good mood. Because of her pre-war relationship it became harder to her. She loved Ian, she was telling him that but hiding like a garbage bag of dirty secrets behind the back at all times so meaning of these words could be questionable and because she felt like shit about it after the bombs she prefers to bite her tongue before saying these words even if she means it. Unless someone says it first and she feels the same she will respond. And if Lucy says she loves someone she really freaking means it, she will no longer lie about it and looking how she isn’t the good angel of the wasteland you can be sure she will protect that person like a wicked high drugged killer beast. 
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
Fairly high due to Sapphire Club experience. You need to be able to stand on your legs and still communicate with others if you worked in a place like that. You ain’t a good agent to anyone if you stumble like a drunk whore in dem high heels. But at some point if she knows she can drink and no longer think about a job at Fizztop, knowing she can let herself go a little oh boy, you gonna get a mumbling gal, knocking glass from the bar top dancing like a typical drunk person with just a little more kick, many more kicks. She would try to jump on tall people to ride on their shoulders and pull smaller folks like her by their hands and spin them around. She isn’t that much more talkative after the booze but a bit too active with all that swinging and jumping around at some point. And she will just superglue herself to the chest of her partner. Poor Gage. Because she forgets to drink water in between or eat decently she will get a bad hangovers and with all that spinning oh man, its a miracle she doesn’t vomit. 
 77. What is their most prized possession?
Gage...lol joking. I can’t think of one item so i would say anything that is shiny and resembling a pre-war jewelry good enough, hair brushes, hair clips, etc. so everything that hangs and sits on her dressing table. Extra points would go to a golden hair clip, long and spiky with engraved ornaments and delicate small roses attached to it as it would be the one her mother used to wear every time her personality would be back to a loving and caring mother and she would always have her hair pulled up by this kind of clip. She would probably sharpen it and use as a surprise extra weapon tho. Yum, dem fancy girly gadgets.  
Now for Harrison:
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Being overly protective and thinking it will re-pay him for the past of sort. Lucy and Gage have been taking care of Nuka World for a long time and she was left alone after the bombs to herself so she no longer needs THAT much care as to accompany her even to the market trip. He knows its annoying but he just can’t help it. Also he has hard time to trust people even if Lucy trust them cus of above.
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Yup. But he is stubborn as donkey.
27. What is their biggest strength?
Staying focused and calm no matter how messy and brutal the situation is, hell he might even still throw a piece of advice or even a joke while at it. From a car accident he ended up in a lab tube having his soul literally detached and contained and still aware and fully conscious so its hard to...surprise him, let’s say, man became literally immortal. And he is also aware of his powers so feels pretty powerful as a fighting unit of sort.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?     
Yes, he is. He knows what he is, what he can do and learns more and more day by day to bend the powers of his soul to his will, he can’t just command himself to use it to extremes as it would only respond when he gets really emotional or certain desire is strong inside him. Although he can easily lift small objects just like that and hit someone’s head with it. *tin can in Porter’s head*  He doesn’t pushes away what he became, he is the type of man who deals with the facts here and now and as to his personality, well...its a grumpy old man, ofc he is aware of everything about him, even if its annoying others. 
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
He is so much better at it than Lucy. He was a father of a disabled boy before the war so has quite an experience. He didn’t give his best tho...looking that his son was taken by the car explosion due to his lack of care with repairs. And he was a bit let down that his wife didn’t deliver the fully healthy child, it challenged him mentally of sort. On a one side he couldn’t blame anyone for it, he just wished he could play with his son like any other father, doing sport and running around and so on. Instead he was busy riding with him to hospitals, pushing the small wheelchair and just tryin to communicate at the base level with him. Its a hard topic. Sometimes parents feel really taken down seeing their child might never be fully healthy or capable of living by themselves in future and they tend to lose it, get tired or even angry but in the end he still loved his son. As for current event Lucy is the closest “child” to him and turns his focus on that for now. He doesn’t pushes the idea of having a new relationship after the bombs but he is scared to start any due to what he is and is scared to fail at protecting these who he cares about again. So he will rather say no another round of family life, not wanting to drag anyone into his bullshit unless there would be a woman brave enough, not scared of him and fully aware, accepting him for who he is.
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rkkyul · 5 years
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it hits her all at once, the overwhelming emotions trapping her before swallowing her whole. she’s going through the motions - watching heejin and minho rise from their seat beside her as their names are called, numbly following them up onstage. kyulkyung isn’t sure she’s breathing air, mouth opening in surprise and eyes widening as her teammates lead the way. perhaps her reaction is a bit dramatic, but oh is it genuine. 
the whole experience was so surreal - to even be considered for the top performance of the week when she had failed to do so the entire show. kyulkyung was tired of being average, of resting on that safe middle ground between being the best and the worst. average. want an ugly word. their names weren’t called when the top performance was announced, but she was too high in the clouds to notice - hand clasped tightly around heejin’s as they awaited the announcement. was it disappointing? maybe a little, but to finally be at the point was certainly an ego boost. 
semi finalist. 
the words were strange to her. the woman who had allowed herself to persuaded into something she once found silly was now officially a semi finalist for the mga’s fifth season. oh, she couldn’t wait to tell her mom. 
her heart was still racing when the trio once again returned to their seats, following throughout the hug minho gave them - adrenaline coursing through every part of her being as the show went on without her. kyulkyung listened, watched more talented performers leave them and she wondered how she had even managed to make it this far. she didn’t doubt her worth or talent, just wondered what happened to suddenly have luck on her side. 
after the disaster that was 2018, the woman entertained the idea of this just being some cruel joke. zhou jieqiong? making it this far on her own? joonho would’ve laughed in her face. but she tried to not think about that.
she’s slapped back into reality when the contestants suddenly awake with life, their bodies moving in shock and excitement rising in hushed tones. moving her eyes from where they stayed fixated on her shoes, they follow the movements of the new appearances on stage
from sphere entertainment, please welcome CONVEX’s very own JINKI and JINWOOK, as well as our star trainee and winner of the last season of the MGAs, GO HOJUNG!
her ears hang tightly onto the world CONVEX, hoping a familiar someone’s name will follow but much to her disappointment, she’s left with unfamiliar faces and dismay. but she perks up, attentive in her seat as she patiently awaits the coaches from TRC to be announced. JINSOUL - kyulkyung can’t help the tiny noise that passes her lips, excitement enveloping her entire form when she lays eyes on her best friend. “hey, that’s my best friend!” she attempts to whisper to minho and heejin - practically shaking in her seat and definitely way too excited.
i can’t believe she didn’t tell me, despite her thoughts, kyulkyung grins anyway. her anticipation only grows as time passes. please let me get onto trc’s team. please. please. please.
and no, not just because that would mean jinsoul gets to coach her.
she’s just a tiny bit disappointment when the TRC group announcement rolls around and her name is passed up. just the tiniest bit. however, this is short lived when her name is revealed under KT. the company is a bit surprising, solely for the fact that she wouldn’t have chosen it for herself. out of everything, she was expecting nova the most. but getting picked to perform in a group for a company run by katie lee, that’s pretty amazing. 
"semi finalist? oh, god i can’t believe.” yea, she can’t either.
kyulkyung laughs at her mother’s enthusiasm over the phone - feeling her cheeks grow hot at the woman’s constant, unrelenting praises. it’s nice to hear the complements and she allows her ego to inflate with each syllable. her mother always complemented her, but it was nice to hear something the woman herself could also feel proud of.
the mgas were different than anything else she had done in life. there was no reliance on anything other than what her talent alone had to offer. there was no behind-the-scenes magic that needed to worked, no amount of bills slipped under the table and secrets to be kept. the fact made her prideful if anything.
after last year, it seemed as if everything wrong she had done had constantly stayed on her back - a quiet monster, the chill that ran down her spine and kept her awake at night. it was hard to put it past her, but somehow she had managed to tuck it away far enough, bury it so deep within that it never even became an afterthought. the process took time and trust, especially with her mother who felt almost as guilty as her.
“you know after last year, i worried about you. i felt like i set a back example.” kyulkyung clenched the phone pressed against her ear tightly in her grasp, fighting back whatever emotions spewed up. biting down on her lip, the woman pushed through whatever words left her mother’s mouth through the phone. perhaps the worst part about the whole situation was that her mother felt responsible, took on her daughter’s worries and that was not okay. 
the woman’s voice is strained through the phone and she fears she’s holding back tears. “but i’m proud of you, for doing something and making it this far. i really hope you make it this week, jie.” me too, mom. she answers, burring herself further beneath the sheets - feeling the dull ache of attachment to the woman who can only speak to her through a phone or stupid screen.
“i wasn’t going to tell you this in case it jinxed you this thursday but chun and i are coming in next week - just in time for the finals. he has a business down there, but i figured i’d tag along just to see my girl.” and lying in her bed that night, phone tucked between her ear and pillow, making it to the finals next week meant so much more to her.
once again,the week goes by rather smoothly with her teammates. except for the fact that they are busy, busy, busy.
the coaches and teammates are alike in the ways that they are helpful to a girl with minimal singing experience. and lucky for kyulkyung, this week she’s in a room full of incredible talents. of course yukhei and her scream over each other their first meeting, having only spoke to the boy over suwoong’s phone a few episodes ago and having got along pretty well. he’s just as fun as the woman expected and paired with talent to combat his upbeat nature. 
the girl known for her singing and musical talents, yuri is just as amazing to work with as she expected. their team is full of power vocals, yuri and sia bringing enough to the table and offering whatever tips they had to ever so curious kyulkyung. “c’mon please... think of me please?” she begs yuri to sing such an iconic song - phantom of the opera being a personal favorite of the woman. she could never get enough of the tragic story that was erik and christine. ugh, it made her cry every time.
“i’d say i’d help sing it, but that’s a disgrace to phantom of the opera. it’s a sin.” kyulkyung pulls a hand to her chest, bowing her head in sadness before shaking her head at the thought. yuri is the only one who could do it justice while she couldn’t bare the embarrassment for herself.
kyulkyung’s delighted witrh yuri’s compliance, elated to hear one of the songs from her favorite musical from personally one of her favorites on the show. before being teamed up together, the woman had always admired her from afar - completely losing herself in her voice and loving every moment of it. just as expected, yuri’s voice complements the song nicely and she can’t help the long drawl she lets out, pressing a hand against her heart and swaying ever so dramatically to the tone of the other’s voice. 
all shenanigans aside, the woman found herself in a situation that left her bewildered. she didn’t mind to help usually, but sia’s call for help left her a bit nervous. kyulkyung didn’t have experience with cutting or mixing music, but the other girl needed help and who was she to refuse? “i don’t care to, but you’ll have to lead the way some.” the woman admitted with a tiny smile, eager to help out in any way that she can. 
the process wasn’t too difficult, but it was a process. creating the choreography with nakyung for the dance break wasn’t nearly as hard as creating the mix, but eventually they got it done ( and kyulkyung was there to offer any extra help whenever someone needed it ). the fact that they had managed to pull it off was extremely exciting for the woman, even going as far as to do a mini celebration dance whenever they finished it. yes, she was embarrassed with herself afterwards but damn was she proud. 
turns out she’ll be heading back to hook & crook after the show with a little bit more than dance and performance tips.
thursday approaches quickly and this time, kyulkyung’s a bit nervous when she climbs onstage. the semi finals held a lot of more meaning than the other performances and after being in the top 3 last week, she’s sure there’s an expectancy for both her and her team. in fact, the entirety of team kt had at least one episode’s worth of top 3 experience under their belt and it makes her wonder if they’ll be watched that much closer. 
her hair, now faded a bit after a few washes, hangs loosely atop her head - the white nature of her top and shorts a contrast to the red bandanna that’s tied around her thigh. she’s standing on stage with her team, head held high and signature smile wide despite the nerves that light up when the judges and eyes of their first live audience lays upon them. “hello! we are FOH!CUS.” the team greets before being met with the thunderous clap of applause.
the noise is enough to brighten her smile and settle whatever negative emotions she felt. kyulkyung did not get stage fright, well not anymore at least. the eyes of an audience was not foreign to her especially after her time with knb. it was all just noise to her, eager eyes there to watch them perform and their entertainment for the night. they’d give them a show worth while, especially with all the pretty faces and power vocals up there. 
in the most arrogant way possible, kyulkyung thought team FOH!CUS was hard to forget. 
“hello! constant #5050, zhou jieqiong here again!” she will never forget that tiny bit of chinese at the beginning of her introduction - not until the very end ( it’s kind of a habit at this point, honestly ).
as the group arranges themselves for the beginning of the performace, yuri finds herself in the center - surrounded by her teammates and introducing the audience to chi chi’s lion heart. the vocals are soft as are their movements, the singer’s tone and charisma alone enough to draw attention and set the mood of their performance. kyulkyung’s sure the audience’s heart fluttered just a little as did hers when she heard yuri sing the song for the first time.
ah 넌 달라진 게 없어 여전해 난 애가 타고 또 타 사냥감 찾아 한눈파는 너
kyulkyung’s voice follow’s the other girl’s smoothly, a nice transition into her sweet tone and flowing nicely with the music. luckily for her, the movements during this part are minimal for her at least - allowing her voice to carry unfaltering and comfortably. singing live was something she worried a lot about, but with tips and a lot of help, her confidence grew little by little. her smile is delicate upon her lips, her legs carrying her into the next series of moments as they draw into the chorus.
chi chi’s choreography isn’t hard to follow, but it’s nice and fun to watch. the song and melody allows for an easy smile from kyulkyung, putting on an image of a girl in love and innocence. their movements and choreography are soft and flows nicely against the music, but that makes it so much better when the shock of their transition settles in.
lion heart suddenly comes to a halt and everyone is moving into new position - a new light overwhelming them as the beat changes entirely. the mix that kyulkyung and sia put together takes over the stage, the group moving in sync with one another in a way contrasting themselves just a few moments prior.
nakyung and kyulkyung were responsible for creating the choreography, transitioning them into the beginning of i got a boy and creating a whole new mood for their stage. the woman’s presence changes drastically, a more coy, cheerful look overtaking her frame as the upbeat tone of the music sounds. personally, she prefers songs like this to lion heart - feeling more like herself with peppy beats and modern lyrics. hahaha! eh let me introduce myself - kyulkyung points to yukhei as speaks,  here comes trouble, whoo! there’s a playful grin on her lips as she moves - raising a hand to motion a ‘come here’ movement with her fingers, 따라해.
어떨 땐 오빠처럼 듬직하지만 애교를 부릴 땐 넘 예뻐 죽겠어
preparing for their performance was once again fun for the woman - this being what she looked forward to most when she joined the competition. and honestly speaking, kyulkyung learned a lot more than she thought she would. working with people was one thing especially on a show like the mgas, the fierce nature of the competition threatening to bring out the worst in people but so far, that hadn’t been the case ( at least for her ).
the way they move alongside one another on stage is exciting - no doubt a visual and talent overload for their audience and she wonders if this what being an idol felt like. and if that’s case, it makes her want that contract even more.
making it this far was exciting, but left her greedy more than ever. there was a lot pending on today’s performance, on her advancement into the competition that she undermined completely. coming in with no expectations and following through with nothing but the highest, that was surely a shock. but not only did she want a contract presented to her in the end, kyulkyung would also love for her mother to at least see her perform once. 
귀 기울여 주는 너 너
her mother’s words drive her confidence, fuel the endless stream of energy that courses through her as they near the end of their performance. kyulkyung didn’t have a lot of lines, but she didn’t asked for many - leaving the singing up to the professionals and taking as many notes as she could. the coaches and her teammates helped equally and she matched their drive with one of her own, practicing up until the very last moment because she didn’t need the embarrassment up on stage.
she’s not as perfect as she’d like to be, but she knew what she had to work with and milked it for its worth. what she lacked in singing she made up with her dancing and countless expressions, enjoying every minute she was up on that stage. 
as the performance neared its end, kyulkyung couldn’t help the bottomless pit of worry that began to sizzle deep within her stomach. no matter how good they did or how much the crowd loved their performance, one of her teammates would be going home. 
it hurt to think about, but she supposed that’s just the nature of a competition and she’ll do anything in her power to make sure that person isn’t her.
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wantediniceland · 6 years
(( Under the cut: way too long chatzy log of @safecrxcker and Hardison in the cam boy verse. Wolfgang watches H do a cam show for the first time, and then talks about his tragic backstory and gets a hand job.  Extremely nsfw. ))
Hardison: "Okay, so for the record I *know* that I'm always the one saying how you should see me do my thing because I'm really good in videos, but if this turns out to actually be a terrible idea, I'll probably turn around and blame it on you and say it was all your idea," Hardison rambled as he set up the lights and camera how he liked them. Wolfgang was sitting behind the camera to eliminate any chance of catching him on screen at all, and Hardison was wondering if he should call the whole thing off after all.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang had made himself comfortable in an armchair, listening to Hardison as he rambled. He had been quiet most of the time, curious about how Hardison set up, all of the lighting and placement. It was pretty detailed, but that made sense, it was a production after all. “I don't have to watch.” He offered seriously. I can go out for a drink and you can make your money.”
Hardison was just about ready when Wolfgang said that with his voice full of sincerity, causing an alarming feeling of melting to happen in Hardison's chest. "I know," he said, taking a few large strides over to Wolfgang and leaning down to kiss him. "I want you here, I want you to see what I do just so you know what it is. I'm just nervous because I've never had anyone in the room with me before, I don't actually regret it."
Wolfgang: “Good. because I am very curious.” He agreed. He just wasn't going to push Hardison if he didn't want to show him. It wasn't a big deal, it was just work, but it was interesting work. It's not like he took him with to his own job... Though there was an idea. He leaned into the kiss, cupping his cheek. “If you decide you want me to go you should have a signal, I'll be quiet and leave, yah?”
Hardison: "You are too good to be true," Hardison mumbled into Wolfgang's lips. He mimed slashing across his throat, mostly as a joke, but "that's your signal for leaving, okay? And obviously you can also just leave anytime, you don't have to stay just for me." He pulled away and took his shirt and pants off, pulling on a pair of very baggy basketball shorts instead but leaving himself topless. He adjusted the shorts until they hung dangerously low on his hipbones, and grabbed a baseball cap that he flipped backwards. He gave Wolfgang the middle finger when he snorted. "Don't knock it, the 'straight jock who goes gay for pay' schtick makes the big bucks," he said, cuing his bluetooth speaker to start playing some generic bubblegum rap.
Wolfgang: “I'm curious how you'll work that into your performance.” Wolfgang commented. His eyes did widen slightly when he saw Hardison's wardrobe choice. It was definitely not what he was expecting. He'd seen a few items like it in Hardison's drawers but he'd thought maybe they were just some things he'd gotten as gifts or on a whim and never wore. “Straight jock... Are two words I would never use to describe you.” He said simply before the music started up.
Hardison put a finger to his lips to tell Wolfgang to hush, and logged on to his channel. A few eager spectators were already there, and more signed in once he turned on the camera. He said hello to a few names he recognized as loyal viewers, but in general didn't talk much. His tendency to get off track meant he might give away too much if he allowed himself to talk, so he mostly struck to a sort of script he had perfected, dancing to the music while talking about how he never did this because he was a good straight Christian boy but he really needed the money -- it was mutual suspension of disbelief, since many of them had obviously seen him before. Once the tip jar started pinging, he removed his shorts with fake reluctance, fisting his cock. "Alright, requests are open now. What do you guys want to see?"
Wolfgang: Wolfgang, of course enjoyed the view. Hardison knew how to move his body, he already knew that. He hadn't expected the pre-show acting though and he had to cover his mouth with his hands at one point, a very faint near giggle escaping when Hardison described how he'd never done this sort of thing before. It was silly but fun, he couldn't blame his watchers for enjoying it. It was all about the fantasy. That giggle was barely muffled though when he heard Hardison call himself Jonathan while he jerked his own cock. He was only human.
Hardison told his viewers he needed to go get something special and would be back in a second, and then quickly hit mute on his mic. Of course, his supplies were already in reach because he was a professional, but he needed the excuse to stomp over to Wolfgang and slap his shoulder. "Don't laugh! It'll make me break character, stop it. Jonathan Steed is a very desperate broke straight boy okay, he plays lacrosse and basketball and he has a virgin butthole," he said, not helping because he knew that would make Wolfgang laugh. He liked hearing him laugh. But okay, not helping, focus. "Don't laugh," he warned him again, trying to be threatening. He grabbed some lube and a rather large dildo, walking back into shot.
Wolfgang: As soon as Wolfgang saw him hit pause he snorted out loud. He tilted his head up to look at him as he walked over, a grin on his as he accepted the absolute abuse of Hardison's hit. “I was trying to be quiet!” He insisted, bursting into a louder laugh at Hardison's absolutely NOT helpful statement. “I' sorry, I'm sorry.” He called over to him before he hit unmute. “I hope you and your virgin butthole forgive me, Mr Steed.”
Hardison turned the music up louder just in case Wolfgang made any more noise, and put the dildo on the bed in full view of the camera. Comments started flooding in telling him to put it inside him, of course, but he kept saying no, saying it was far too big for his virgin ass and he was scared he wouldn't be able to take it. It took all of his will power not to look at Wolfgang to check his reaction. After almost ten minutes of acting reluctant for the camera, while also jerking his cock to get it hard enough to look like he was really into this, he decided he'd made enough money to give them what they really wanted to see. He flipped the cap off the lube bottle and started prepping himself on autopilot, his movements practiced and smooth but his mind almost zoning out, thinking about stuff like how many private shows he should offer next week and whether he should buy a jock strap.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang did grin a little, but he was quiet while he watched. Hardison was good at working up his crowd, and he stared shamelessly as Hardison prepped himself with a care that was was definitely practiced. He enjoyed the sight as he worked the toy inside of himself with an ease that would never have happened if Hardison was a 'virginal' as he was claiming for the show. He wanted to applaud but definitely didn't want to distract him so he kept his hands at his sides.
Hardison sat on the toy, his back to the camera so his viewers could see his the way his bubble butt bounced as he lifted and lowered himself. It helped hide the fact that he occasionally lost his erection, since the position wasn't really doing much for him and he wasn't getting off on it. It was just a simple bodily reaction to discomfort and he was a seasoned pro, nothing dramatic breathy moans couldn't cover over and with some dedicated jerking, he finally got himself hard enough again to turn around and spread his legs for the camera. "First person to tip me $100 gets to tell me how to come," he grunted, one hand pushing the base of the dildo and the other working the head of his cock.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang held back a laugh at that. He was tempted to paper airplane a hundred dollar bill and fly it over to him, just for the reaction. He didn't think Hardison would appreciate the sudden guest appearance though. It wasn't exactly hard to tell from his angle that Hardison wasn't fully into what was going on. He supposed that was show business. He made a note to himself that if he ever did watch again that he should log in on his phone and post his thoughts on his performance there. All good reviews of course, and a good tip.
Hardison paused so he could concentrate on reading the comments, much to the chagrin of his audience. "Come into your nostrils and then hawk---NO, bigdaddy242 that is disgusting and I will *not* be doing that, thank you very much. Okay here, 'jack into the camera it looks like you're coming in my mouth', that I can do. You should tip more just in case it ruins the camera though, I won't be able to do my show next week if I can't buy a new camera."
Wolfgang: Wolfgang shook his head. It had been interesting, but he was glad the show was wrapping up. He'd never been one to watch a lot of porn, though the up close and personal was definitely a different touch. He waited for Hardison's 'big finish'. That HAD to void the warranty of the camera... When Hardison had finished up any final touches and turned off the camera he stood up and clapped his hands.
Hardison laughed awkwardly, grabbing some paper towels to wipe off the camera. He'd never done this in front of someone in person before, and although having Wolfgang there had actually kind of helped him orgasm in the end, it was overall slightly embarrassing. "How was it? Was it totally weird?"
Wolfgang: “It was certainly different.” Wolfgang went over to sit on the edge of the bed. “You're good at it.” He complimented. “You big jock you.” He reached to pull Hardison's baseball cap off his head and slide it onto his own.
Hardison took the opportunity to straddle Wolfgang's lap, completely naked. "Mmm, coach says we can't have sex with our girlfriends before the big game but I'm sooooooooo pent up, what do you say we help each other out?" he purred, half joking but laying his hands on Wolfgang's crotch anyway. He just watched a sex show, he must need some relief.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang fell back on the bed, pulling Hardison with him and laughing. “Are you calling me your team mate or your girlfriend?” He smiled up at him and cupped a hand behind his head to pull him down for a kiss. “You just worked hard, yah? Don't worry about me.”
Hardison bopped the hat on Wolfgang's head. "You're wearing the cap, you're on the team," he said. He kissed Wolfgang back more lewdly than he would normally. "I just worked myself all loose and open, you shouldn't let it go to waste," he argued back.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang groaned a little at that and bit lightly at Hardison's bottom lip. “I'm not really a team player, Mr. Steed.” He laughed softly, barely getting the name out. “Do you really want to?” He asked seriously. “Id be tired after that if I were you, and I can wait.”
Hardison: "Don't *you* want to?" he countered. He wasn't exactly turned on, since being in work mode was never really actually sexy -- he was so concentrated on his sexy persona and calculating his next five moves and thinking about business that it was very removed from real sex for him. But he wanted to do something for Wolfgang, after having done something for a whole bunch of strangers he didn't even care about.
Wolfgang: “I'd like to, but only if you want it too.” Wolfgang answered, having hoped that was obvious. Just in case it wasn't... “I'm not a client... It's not sexy if you aren't enjoying it too, really enjoying it. I'm an adult, my dick doesn't fall off if I get hard and don't do anything about it.”
Hardison was frustrated by this conversation, by his inability to articulate or even really understand what he was feeling. Talking was his thing, and it felt like it was failing him now. "I want to be close to you," he said, because that much was simple enough truth. "All that was just business, but you're more than that."
Wolfgang: “You're literally pressed up against me.” Wolfgang rubbed their noses together. He agreed with part of that sentiment though. He wanted to be more than that too. They hadn't exactly put a label on what they were doing right now, but he'd enjoyed it. He'd spent a lot more time in the area then he'd planned to just to stay in Hardison's radius and he didn't plan on stepping out of it yet. “So stay right here with me.”
Hardison: As though to make a point, Hardison pressed closer, knee sliding between his legs and weight fully on him. "Even closer. All the time." His fingers started sneaking toward the fly of his jeans. "Can I?"
Wolfgang: Wolfgang groaned and was sorely tempted. He did have a slight hard on. The show hadn't been entirely his thing, but it had been Hardison naked and moaning... He shook his head. “Later, lay down with me?”
Hardison lay down readily, cuddling in. He motioned for Wolfgang to take his shirt off so they could be skin-to-skin. His hand hadn't really moved away from Wolfgang's crotch. "Can I just hold it, though? Put my hand on it?"
Wolfgang: That was going to do nothing to help his hard on... But he shrugged a little, wrapping an arm around Hardison and settling in on the bed more. “Kind of weird, but sure.”
Hardison: "I know," Hardison said, embarrassed but not enough to not do it. He popped the button on Wolfgang's jeans and slid his hand down until the heel of his palm touched Hardison's cock. "I just want to know you're here," he said, which made little sense since as Wolfgang pointed out they were literally pressed together. He tried again. "Nothing ever...I don't do this because anyone ever, you know, exploited me or whatever. I know that's the stereotype. I just started because of the money."
Wolfgang: Wolfgang grunted softly at the touch. He hadn't been lying, it was weird, not bad, just weird. So it was Hardison. “I'm glad that it didn't.” he kissed his temple. “Sometimes the jobs you're good at just find you.”
Hardison: He tried not to move his hand too much, knowing it would be uncomfortable if he wasn't planning on giving any follow through. "I learned after I started that things can get a little hinky sometimes, way more people tried to exploit me after," he admitted. He was trying to explain why Wolfgang felt different, but he couldn't quite bring himself to say it yet, it was too much. "So how did your job find you? Did your school counsellor recommend you should be a thief?"
Wolfgang: “Not exactly.” Wolfgang had his eyes closed as he relaxed. “My father was a boxman, my... family has very deep ties to many businesses in Berlin.” He explained, trusting Hardison to be smart enough to figure out what that could mean. “I knew anything I might want to be, my family would twist it into something for their benefit. So I didn't bother with another trade.” He also left Berlin as soon as he could steal his passport out of his uncle's safe. There was no leaving the family easily, or safely.
Hardison snugged in closer, worming his hand under Wolfgang's dick so he was cradling it. "Hmm, sounds dangerous. What else would you have wanted to be, if you could? And how long are you planning on staying in America?" the last question was asked casually, as though his heart didn't start pounding at the thought of certain answers.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang grunted softly and reached to rest his hand over Hardison's to keep him still. “I don't know... I never let myself think about it.” He answered, popping an eye open to look at Hardison at the second question. “I've been here for a few years now, I just move around a lot, from job to job. Staying too long in one place doesn't tend to be good for a thief.”
Hardison rubbed an itch on his nose against Wolfgang's shoulder. "Sorry," he said, for moving his hand and for asking. "If you ever have visa issues or need like a fake citizenship or something, let me know. I feel like I could probably help. Hey, what's the coolest thing you've ever stolen?"
Wolfgang: Wolfgang snorted. “I thought you just stole credit card information. What do you get up to, hm?” He kissed the top of his head. “Cool?” He repeated the word back to him. “I don't steal 'cool' things, just valueable things. Jewels, cash, drugs, information.”
Hardison: "I'm pretty handy with the computer in general," he shrugged. "I didn't go outside much between the ages of fourteen and...now." He laughed at the memory Wolfgang's face when he first heard about the broke frat jock routine. Yeah, he was very much a nerd. "So it's just all business? You never steal anything for fun? What about rare antiquities? Musical instruments? Exotic animals?"
Wolfgang: “Nerd.” He agreed then shook his head. “I like breaking into places, opening locks, cracking safes... That's the fun part for me. Things like that are interesting... but hard to move. I want things that make it worth the risk AND that I can sell after.”
Hardison: "Not a nerd, a *geek*. There's a difference. And that makes sense, but I never knew you were so sensible and practical. I bet you look real hot when you're working though, all concentrating hard and wearing all black. Do you ever wear a leather catsuit like Catherine Zeta Jones in Entrapment?" he giggled. He curled his fingers. "Can I give you a hand job now?"
Wolfgang: “Geeky nerd.” He compromised quite fairly then shrugged a little. He'd always considered himself a practical person. “I haven't seen it, but that would be awful to work in.” He trailed his fingers over Hardison's wrist and nodded quickly in agreement.
Hardison: "Don't move," he commanded. "Don't do anything back for me. That's what I want," he realized, the thought occurring to him as he said it out loud. "I want to get you off without having to have anything done to me. Is that okay?" He flicked his wrist and chuckled at Wolfgang's moan. "Would a geeky nerd be this good at this?"
Wolfgang: “More than.” Wolfgang agreed readily. That he could understand, and he could certainly appreciate as well. He smiled a little, settling back on the bed and keeping his hands to himself for now. “Hm. Would a geeky nerd be used to using his hand on a cock-...” Wolfgang let the thought hang out there even as he shivered a little at the stroke of Hardison's hand.
Hardison bit him on the shoulder for impertinence, and then left his chin there, propping his head up on Wolfgang and watching his own hand work over his cock. He pulled the foreskin down and ran his thumb around the ridge of the head.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang started to laugh, but it quickly cut off into a short moan and a soft huff. “God, like that.” He whispered, his fingers grabbing onto a fistful of the sheets as he was stroked and played with. “More, come on...”
Hardison lightened the pressure, almost but not quite pulling his hand away, as punishment for Wolfgang trying to tell him what to do. He let Wolfgang twist and curse for a moment before tightening his grip again, pumping in earnest to make up for it.
Wolfgang: “Hm-” Wolfgang hummed, smiling a little even though he was being teased, in fact likely smiling BECAUSE he was being teased. “Don't be so cruel, that's my job.” His hips jerked a little, but he forced them to still. His cock was leaking steadily in Hardison's hand and he was more than willing to admit he was getting close fast, warning Hardison since he seemed so intent on being a control freak right now.
Hardison: "I'm not cruel, you like this," Hardison said confidently. He jerked him quickly, rolling his palm over the head occasionally, spreading the fluid around. "And you're not cruel either," he said, before scooting down and putting his lips just over the very tip, sucking lightly while his hand continued to move up and down.
Wolfgang: “Just because I like it, doesn't mean it's not cruel.” He shuddered a little, his hand reaching out to grip lightly at the back of Hardison's neck. He was only human, and he needed the touch to ground himself if he was really expected not to move. “Come on...”
Hardison lifted up whenever Wolfgang bucked up, so that he always just had the head of his cock in his lips and nothing more. He knew he could probably make Wolfgang come like that if he kept it up, but he was starting to get tired himself and in the end he suddenly gave in, without warning, opening his throat and letting him sink as deep as he wanted.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang squeezed the back of Hardison's neck as he cruelly tortured him, but he didn't complain, didn't demand. Good things came to those who were patient enough to wait for them. He moaned out Hardison's name when he felt the wet drag of his tongue, the sudden hot rush of pleasure from being taken inside. He came quickly, with little finesse, definitely not worthy of the shows Hardison liked to put on, but it was just what he needed.
Hardison sat up and coughed a few times. "That was fun," he rasped, crawling up Wolfgang to give him a lingering taste of himself before rolling off the bed and grabbing some pants -- the regular joggers he wore around the house, not the basketball shorts. He bounced to the kitchen in search of food, figuring Wolfgang was probably sleepy from his orgasm now but feeling oddly energized himself.
Wolfgang: “You just take what you want from me and leave?” Wolfgang called after him after he remembered how to use words again. He stayed stretched out on the bed, feeling loose and content. “I bought some juice.” He added after hearing him rummage around. He'd noticed Hardison wasn't the best at keeping his fridge stocked with essentials. He figured after sex show he should probably hydrate with something other then soda.
Hardison wandered back into the room with a bottle of orange juice and a handful of jellybeans. "Thanks," he said, drinking some before giving it to Wolfgang. "I thought you'd be passed out." He popped five jellybeans into his mouth at once and looked for a shirt to put on.
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Ferrari 488 GTB is the 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
When a car is as good as the Ferrari 458 Italia that won Best Driver’s Car in 2011, you don’t need to change much. Ferrari did anyway, and it produced the even more impressive 488 GTB. Although much of the front half of the car has been reused, it’s all been tweaked. The new bodywork has been designed with slavish devotion to aerodynamics, and the 488 features both an electronically controlled drag-reduction system in the rear diffuser and a Formula 1–inspired blown diffuser in the rear bodywork. The new 3.9-liter twin-turbo V-8 makes a staggering 661 hp and 561 lb-ft of torque and carefully controls boost levels at lower engine speeds to keep the turbos spooled and the acceleration linear. The second-gen Side Slip Control vehicle dynamics system now controls the adaptive dampers, the traction control, the stability control, and the electronically controlled limited-slip differential. The seven-speed dual-clutch automatic, your only choice, receives new ratios and shifts quicker. The rear suspension, meanwhile, is wider than ever. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon. With 661 horsepower and only 3,412 pounds of carbon fiber to move, the 488 GTB screams to 60 mph in just 2.7 seconds and past the quarter mile in a stunning 10.6 seconds at 135.2 mph. Let it loose on the figure eight, and it’ll post a 22.6-second lap time at 0.99 average g. In steady-state cornering on the skidpad, it’ll pull 1.02 g. Stopping from 60 mph takes just 94 feet. We Say “Wow. That’s a super car. Ferrari proves here and now why it’s the gold standard. The speed is absolutely incredible. It’s so incredibly powerful and yet so linear. It’s a force of nature, like being picked up by a tornado. There’s zero turbo lag. Even still, it’s easily modulated. The ESC is magic. I see the light blinking, but I have no idea what it’s doing. Completely invisible. I know from the figure eight it’ll snap sideways left to its own, but not in Race mode. The handling is perfect. It flows like whitewater rapids through the corners. The weight transfer is just enough to make you feel like you’re pushing it (you’re not, really), the grip is unending, and yet it’s so light and responsive. The steering is fantastic. You think. It goes. You almost don’t have to think. Instinct happens, and the car responds. My only complaint is the brakes. They’re very strong, but they feel very wooden to me. If you need to scrub a lot of speed, you need to stand on them like you’re trying to break the pedal off.” – Scott Evans “Holy crap. How can a car this powerful be this easy to drive? It has the most horsepower in this group, and it takes some bravery to floor it for the first time. This thing has limits way beyond what I’m capable of, but that doesn’t make it any less fun at lower limits. This is a car that makes you feel like a superhero. Part of that is in how usable every single one of its 661 horsepower is. True to exotic form, responses are heightened everywhere but not dramatically so. The steering is quick with no dead spot at center—just a consistent flow of alacrity lock to lock. The transmission is even more telepathic than Porsche’s PDK, intuitively anticipating all upshifts and downshifts. “The drive up 198 was literally a blur. I was going so fast. Only after I rounded the last corner coming down 198 did I realize I had been holding my breath.” – Derek Powell Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Porsche 911 Turbo S Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE Porsche 718 Cayman S Lexus LC 500 Mercedes-AMG GT R Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Aston Martin DB11 Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “I got a couple of instances of bump steer, but otherwise it was glued to the ground. The steering is very lively and requires constant attention (this car needs me), if only to keep it pointed where I want to go, but it does go there with obedience and authority. The engine is brilliant … everywhere in the rev range, and the brakes were unflappable and the soundtrack was intoxicating. This is one of those cars, one of those drives, one of those moments that will forever be seared into my synapses as an epic moment—when all that is good in the world was heightened/bristling for the 4.2 miles up and then down the hill. A true deus ex machina experience that I will add to four other ones in my life.” – Chris Walton “This is what every teenager’s fantasy is when they think of Ferrari. Sometimes in the past, Ferraris have been more about image and beauty and grace and style, but the performance has been just OK. The 488 is razor sharp, blisteringly quick, and finely tuned. The engine note is simply animalistic. This fulfills the complete list of needs, from extreme exotic to dauntless touring car. On Highway 198 it immediately became clear there is only one true supercar in this batch. There is immortality in its forgiveness in going at least 10 mph quicker around corners than its nearest competitors. How you can wad up this car is unknowable. Downhill, the brakes seem like they were a bit softer than I would assume a really fast Ferrari would have, but you get used to them. Besides if you grab a shorter gear, the engine braking is phenomenal.” – Mark Rechtin “This is one that forces you to keep both hands on the wheel and your foot on the gas (or brake) at all times—no fancy lane following/departure stuff. In that sense, at the most basic level of car control, it demands that your full attention. But that doesn’t mean it’s hard to drive—it’s effortless at very high speeds, completely poised yet responsive. A flat attitude and fingertip control while cornering at speeds 10-15-mph faster than other vehicles is difficult to achieve—as is the same, if not greater confidence heading down 198 as up. Only this 488 and the 911 Turbo S gave me that exhilarating feeling of invincibility (I had no issues with the brakes), and I only give the 488 the nod over the Turbo S because the V-8 twin turbo wail at WOT sounds more lurvly.” – Ed Loh “Faster than everything else by 10 mph, at least, in every situation. Blazing speed. In love with it? No. Not as satisfying to drive as some of the others, even in Race mode. But in terms of athleticism, a benchmark. As Randy said, it’s more like a Moto GP bike than a car. Also, I did not trust the brakes. “I understand the intoxication of the 488. It’s an out-and-out supercar that within 3 seconds of behind-the-wheel time, you’re able to confidently take to your limit. Perhaps that’s really what makes a Best Driver’s Car: a machine that not only makes you confident, but one that does so almost instantly.” – Jonny Lieberman Randy Says “Whoa, that’s a thrill. Entering a corner, the front is very strong and turns in really hard. And then through the middle of the corner, I think the stability controls are doing things. I found that if I went to an early maintenance throttle, it didn’t like that. It would create quite a bit of understeer, and I’d be pushing enough that I couldn’t go to power. So I realized the best strategy was to stay off the power longer and let it get turned more for a really late apex, so I could straighten up and just shoot down that next straightaway because it gains speed with amazing rapidity. “Its engine is absolutely a delight. It’s so fantastic. There’s no turbo lag on the track, it just feels like a very powerful engine with a fat torque curve, and it’s not very picky about the shift point because the torque curve is so fat. “I felt what I think was like traction control or stability control coming in, and it was very smooth. It allowed a lot of slip angle in the tire, and that got to be quite a lot of fun. Especially the last time I went out, when I kind of figured it out. Things were all happening so fast. This was a car where it was not easy to go fast in right away because it took so much getting used to. “I was not real happy with the brakes. I didn’t get that initial bite, you know, not like the Corvette. You know good old GM? It’s just so good at designing brakes right now. With the Ferrari, I had to push really hard, and after a point pushing harder didn’t cause the brakes to be better, they made them worse. A couple times I started thinking about explaining to these guys how I got in the wall, and I think I was braking early enough. I really was. But there was not a linear relationship between pedal pressure and brake force. And there was not a lot of bite. It took a lot of pedal effort, and it didn’t get a lot better as you pushed harder. So I found myself having to brake what felt early, like real early. “The car is relatively soft to me. It feels compliant, and if I still had a lot of weight on the nose when I turned, I could feel it roll. It wasn’t terrible but it rolled in there. It would rotate, the rear would move out a little bit, but it was best to let it do that and not go to throttle. Have the entry speed, slow hands, a little bit of brake maybe or at least off-throttle, and be patient and get it pointed way down at the late apex because then when you go it was amazing how it just pinned me back in the seat. It just felt so good, like if you could take the seatbelt right out of the car then it wouldn’t matter while your accelerating because you’re pinned to the seat. It feels really, really good. The engine is an absolute home run—it’s just unbelievable.”   2016 Ferrari 488 GTB POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Mid-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Twin-turbo 90-deg V-8, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 238.1 cu in/3,902 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.4:1 POWER (SAE NET) 661 hp @ 8,000 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 561 lb-ft @ 3,000 rpm REDLINE 8,000 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 5.2 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 4.38:1/2.81:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Control arms, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 11.9:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 1.9 BRAKES, F; R 15.7-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic disc; 14.2-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic disc, ABS WHEELS, F;R 9.0 x 20-in; 11.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES, F;R 245/35R20 91Y; 305/30R20 103Y Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 K1 (Tread 180) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 104.3 in TRACK, F/R 66.1/64.8 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 179.8 x 76.9 x 47.8 in TURNING CIRCLE 38.7 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,412 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 41/59% SEATING CAPACITY 2 HEADROOM, F/R n.a./— in LEGROOM, F/R n.a./— in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R n.a./— in CARGO VOLUME 8.1 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.2 sec 0-40 1.7 0-50 2.2 0-60 2.7 0-70 3.4 0-80 4.2 0-90 5.0 0-100 6.0 0-100-0 9.7 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.2 QUARTER MILE 10.6 sec @ 135.2 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 94 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.02 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 22.6 sec @ 0.99 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:31.68 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,600 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $249,150 PRICE AS TESTED $365,793 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 4: Dual front, front side/head BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 3 yrs/Unlimited miles FUEL CAPACITY 20.6 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 15/22/18 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 225/153 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.11 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Ferrari 488 GTB is the 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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robertkstone · 7 years
Ferrari 488 GTB is the 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
When a car is as good as the Ferrari 458 Italia that won Best Driver’s Car in 2011, you don’t need to change much. Ferrari did anyway, and it produced the even more impressive 488 GTB.
Although much of the front half of the car has been reused, it’s all been tweaked. The new bodywork has been designed with slavish devotion to aerodynamics, and the 488 features both an electronically controlled drag-reduction system in the rear diffuser and a Formula 1–inspired blown diffuser in the rear bodywork. The new 3.9-liter twin-turbo V-8 makes a staggering 661 hp and 561 lb-ft of torque and carefully controls boost levels at lower engine speeds to keep the turbos spooled and the acceleration linear. The second-gen Side Slip Control vehicle dynamics system now controls the adaptive dampers, the traction control, the stability control, and the electronically controlled limited-slip differential. The seven-speed dual-clutch automatic, your only choice, receives new ratios and shifts quicker. The rear suspension, meanwhile, is wider than ever.
It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon.
With 661 horsepower and only 3,412 pounds of carbon fiber to move, the 488 GTB screams to 60 mph in just 2.7 seconds and past the quarter mile in a stunning 10.6 seconds at 135.2 mph. Let it loose on the figure eight, and it’ll post a 22.6-second lap time at 0.99 average g. In steady-state cornering on the skidpad, it’ll pull 1.02 g. Stopping from 60 mph takes just 94 feet.
We Say
“Wow. That’s a super car. Ferrari proves here and now why it’s the gold standard. The speed is absolutely incredible. It’s so incredibly powerful and yet so linear. It’s a force of nature, like being picked up by a tornado. There’s zero turbo lag. Even still, it’s easily modulated. The ESC is magic. I see the light blinking, but I have no idea what it’s doing. Completely invisible. I know from the figure eight it’ll snap sideways left to its own, but not in Race mode. The handling is perfect. It flows like whitewater rapids through the corners. The weight transfer is just enough to make you feel like you’re pushing it (you’re not, really), the grip is unending, and yet it’s so light and responsive. The steering is fantastic. You think. It goes. You almost don’t have to think. Instinct happens, and the car responds. My only complaint is the brakes. They’re very strong, but they feel very wooden to me. If you need to scrub a lot of speed, you need to stand on them like you’re trying to break the pedal off.” – Scott Evans
“Holy crap. How can a car this powerful be this easy to drive? It has the most horsepower in this group, and it takes some bravery to floor it for the first time. This thing has limits way beyond what I’m capable of, but that doesn’t make it any less fun at lower limits. This is a car that makes you feel like a superhero. Part of that is in how usable every single one of its 661 horsepower is. True to exotic form, responses are heightened everywhere but not dramatically so. The steering is quick with no dead spot at center—just a consistent flow of alacrity lock to lock. The transmission is even more telepathic than Porsche’s PDK, intuitively anticipating all upshifts and downshifts.
“The drive up 198 was literally a blur. I was going so fast. Only after I rounded the last corner coming down 198 did I realize I had been holding my breath.” – Derek Powell
Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders:
Porsche 911 Turbo S
Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE
Porsche 718 Cayman S
Lexus LC 500
Mercedes-AMG GT R
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio
Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport
Aston Martin DB11
Mazda MX-5 Miata RF
McLaren 570GT
“I got a couple of instances of bump steer, but otherwise it was glued to the ground. The steering is very lively and requires constant attention (this car needs me), if only to keep it pointed where I want to go, but it does go there with obedience and authority. The engine is brilliant … everywhere in the rev range, and the brakes were unflappable and the soundtrack was intoxicating. This is one of those cars, one of those drives, one of those moments that will forever be seared into my synapses as an epic moment—when all that is good in the world was heightened/bristling for the 4.2 miles up and then down the hill. A true deus ex machina experience that I will add to four other ones in my life.” – Chris Walton
“This is what every teenager’s fantasy is when they think of Ferrari. Sometimes in the past, Ferraris have been more about image and beauty and grace and style, but the performance has been just OK. The 488 is razor sharp, blisteringly quick, and finely tuned. The engine note is simply animalistic. This fulfills the complete list of needs, from extreme exotic to dauntless touring car. On Highway 198 it immediately became clear there is only one true supercar in this batch. There is immortality in its forgiveness in going at least 10 mph quicker around corners than its nearest competitors. How you can wad up this car is unknowable. Downhill, the brakes seem like they were a bit softer than I would assume a really fast Ferrari would have, but you get used to them. Besides if you grab a shorter gear, the engine braking is phenomenal.” – Mark Rechtin
“This is one that forces you to keep both hands on the wheel and your foot on the gas (or brake) at all times—no fancy lane following/departure stuff. In that sense, at the most basic level of car control, it demands that your full attention. But that doesn’t mean it’s hard to drive—it’s effortless at very high speeds, completely poised yet responsive. A flat attitude and fingertip control while cornering at speeds 10-15-mph faster than other vehicles is difficult to achieve—as is the same, if not greater confidence heading down 198 as up. Only this 488 and the 911 Turbo S gave me that exhilarating feeling of invincibility (I had no issues with the brakes), and I only give the 488 the nod over the Turbo S because the V-8 twin turbo wail at WOT sounds more lurvly.” – Ed Loh
“Faster than everything else by 10 mph, at least, in every situation. Blazing speed. In love with it? No. Not as satisfying to drive as some of the others, even in Race mode. But in terms of athleticism, a benchmark. As Randy said, it’s more like a Moto GP bike than a car. Also, I did not trust the brakes.
“I understand the intoxication of the 488. It’s an out-and-out supercar that within 3 seconds of behind-the-wheel time, you’re able to confidently take to your limit. Perhaps that’s really what makes a Best Driver’s Car: a machine that not only makes you confident, but one that does so almost instantly.” – Jonny Lieberman
Randy Says
“Whoa, that’s a thrill. Entering a corner, the front is very strong and turns in really hard. And then through the middle of the corner, I think the stability controls are doing things. I found that if I went to an early maintenance throttle, it didn’t like that. It would create quite a bit of understeer, and I’d be pushing enough that I couldn’t go to power. So I realized the best strategy was to stay off the power longer and let it get turned more for a really late apex, so I could straighten up and just shoot down that next straightaway because it gains speed with amazing rapidity.
“Its engine is absolutely a delight. It’s so fantastic. There’s no turbo lag on the track, it just feels like a very powerful engine with a fat torque curve, and it’s not very picky about the shift point because the torque curve is so fat.
“I felt what I think was like traction control or stability control coming in, and it was very smooth. It allowed a lot of slip angle in the tire, and that got to be quite a lot of fun. Especially the last time I went out, when I kind of figured it out. Things were all happening so fast. This was a car where it was not easy to go fast in right away because it took so much getting used to.
“I was not real happy with the brakes. I didn’t get that initial bite, you know, not like the Corvette. You know good old GM? It’s just so good at designing brakes right now. With the Ferrari, I had to push really hard, and after a point pushing harder didn’t cause the brakes to be better, they made them worse. A couple times I started thinking about explaining to these guys how I got in the wall, and I think I was braking early enough. I really was. But there was not a linear relationship between pedal pressure and brake force. And there was not a lot of bite. It took a lot of pedal effort, and it didn’t get a lot better as you pushed harder. So I found myself having to brake what felt early, like real early.
“The car is relatively soft to me. It feels compliant, and if I still had a lot of weight on the nose when I turned, I could feel it roll. It wasn’t terrible but it rolled in there. It would rotate, the rear would move out a little bit, but it was best to let it do that and not go to throttle. Have the entry speed, slow hands, a little bit of brake maybe or at least off-throttle, and be patient and get it pointed way down at the late apex because then when you go it was amazing how it just pinned me back in the seat. It just felt so good, like if you could take the seatbelt right out of the car then it wouldn’t matter while your accelerating because you’re pinned to the seat. It feels really, really good. The engine is an absolute home run—it’s just unbelievable.”
  2016 Ferrari 488 GTB POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Mid-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Twin-turbo 90-deg V-8, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 238.1 cu in/3,902 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.4:1 POWER (SAE NET) 661 hp @ 8,000 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 561 lb-ft @ 3,000 rpm REDLINE 8,000 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 5.2 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 4.38:1/2.81:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Control arms, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 11.9:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 1.9 BRAKES, F; R 15.7-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic disc; 14.2-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2fimFt2 via IFTTT
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