#this illustration has been Glazed to protect it from AI use
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@bachaboska 's lacho trailers are living rent free in my mind :)
So here is what this unfinished one inspired me!
Lalo stepped from behind the tiny abandoned house he knew so well. So many cold bodies laid under the dust. But he wouldn't let the only one he cared for join the other souls.
He fired, as soon as Gus Fring crossed his vision, and the man behind this whole mess fell to the ground, a bullet through his head. Guns were out the next half second. Two pointing at Lalo. Three at Victor and Tyrus.
"Leave." Lalo's voice left no place for negotiation.
The two men, faces tense, climbed back into their vehicle and left in a cloud of dust. Lalo finally looked down at the man still kneeling before Bolsa. Nacho was looking back at him over his shoulder. His stunning brown eyes were wide opened. His beautiful face stained with dried blood. What a shame.
"No deberías haber hecho esto." You shouldn't have done this
Lalo looked at Bolsa, and couldn't be any less bothered by who's body it was, laying in the dust. This life was done for. There was nothing to change what happened. Lalo would have killed him sooner or later, he was sure of it. Bolsa stomped away, getting his phone out, cooking a fake explanation to give Eladio to cover his ass.
Lalo's attention briefly flied to his cousins and his tío. He exchanged a long look with Hector, who's eyes were still glaring daggers. He wanted the kneeling man to die too.
Lalo approached Nacho. He was breathing fast, shallow, eyelashes fluttering imperceptibly as not a single word seemed to pass his lips. Lalo wasn't really expecting any. He didn't need any. He could read his other half like an open book right this instant. The shock, fear and guiltiness.
Crouching behind him, Lalo freed Nacho, noticing the fresh blood on his fingers a second too late. Nacho had already brought his hands before him, his shoulders hunched forward. Lalo looked over him to see the younger man looking down at his bloody hand, a piece of glass cutting his skin as he kept squeezing it.
Lalo went to his feet, and gathered Nacho's arms to pull him backward, his other hand guiding the precious head of his lover against his shoulder. This brilliant mind he loved so dearly. He cradled him tenderly, fingers stroking his shirt and his head, as Nacho's breath hitched as he tried to contain obvious sobs.
"Esta bien, Nachito." Lalo murmured in his ear "Yo te perdono, mi amor. Te perdono."
Still hidden on top of a rock, Mike looked through his lenses as Nacho let go of the bloody piece of glass, and even with the distance the tears shining in his eyes were visible. Mike sighed, pulling away from the edge, collecting his weapon. He had hoped of a better future for this lad. But he knew the next time Death will be on its way to gather the poor soul, he wouldn't be alone.
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