#this is how they insult you in skyrim
dagothurbignaturals · 13 days
I as much as I love skyrim I genuinely wish it was more darker, imagine instead of the dragonborn being celebrated for being this hero they were feared and shunned, jarls don't allow you in because they think you'll attract dragons, people fear you and see you as this freak.
If i had a chance to rewrite skyrim, first thing I'd do is mix the civil war quest with the main quest, and make the first dragon appear at the battle of whiterun. Helgen was covered as a raid gone wrong because people won't believe there's a dragon attack! And when you finally defeat the first dragon you're not praised for it, you're feared, they see you as one of them.
The moment people find out you're the dragonborn they ask you to leave, or maybe even insult you, despite you saving them.
The fucked up part is that they kinda leaned into it, they just. Didn't do anything about it. Yknow when you shout in a city and the guards ask you to keep it down because you're SCARING THE TOWNSFOLK?
I kinda like how they did it in morrowind, the people hate you despite you trying to save them, it's not till you kill dagoth ur that they actually see you as a hero, rather than it being handed it to you at the beginning of the game from some guard.
And it could have ties to dawnguard as well, serana being the only person who actually understands, the dlc couldve been about for the first time you wanna save someone not out of some existential burden of prophecy but because you actually want to.
and imagine if it takes place after the main quest and the dragonborn wanders without purpose, Scorned by the people they saved. and they finds meaning in going on with serana but for once, not out of romance, but a genuinely a platonic connection.
And even the dragonborn dlc could've been something about you and miraak, two sides of the same coin or SOMETHING
I dunno, there could've been so many ways for the dragonborn to be interesting but they went with the power fantasy route.
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I love elder scrolls but I'm sad about how orientalist it can be
I didn't specialize in it, but The College and department I went to specialized in South East Asian studies. So for a long time I've been acutely aware of the obvious artistic and creative influences on various TES societies, art styles, motifs, etc.
Orientalism has a bizarre mix of pandering assumptive stereotypes, romanticism, and at its worst, pure racism. Orientalism originated via dangerous and racist western attitudes of past centuries which were used to simplify and insultingly coddle and ostracize non-western cultures while also allowing westerners to access said cultures via a smug sense of superiority and curiosity.
There are a lot of East Asian, South Asian, North African, Middle Eastern influences in the various societies and cultures of TES.
I cannot speak for how people of those backgrounds may feel about how the various artistic styles and inspirations have influenced the art and lore of TES.
All I can say is there is a lot of IRL cultural influence in TES. Creating a vast fantasy world and *not* taking IRL cultural inspiration is hard. IMO it's practically unavoidable unless you want to get REAL WEIRD with the lore and art in the way Michael Kirkbride does (he can create genuinely alien cultures).
I am of the personal opinion that cultural artistic inspiration is fine as long as it is done with *deep* respect, care, and dignity towards the civilization it is taking inspiration from.
I personally feel TES does more than enough to go beyond simple cultural artistic inspirations and creates something that is both very familiar and also entirely new.
For example, let's look at how Argonian art and culture is depicted in TES.
Besides the Kukri knives which are of South Asian origin, were largely looking at a fictitious culture that has extreme aesthetic similarities to indigenous cultures of Central and South America.
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I myself am descended from such people IRL.
I have direct family connections to specific tribes in Northern and central Mexico. Am I bothered seeing a fictional series taking direct artistic inspiration from the ancient cultures of my ancestors? And that our culture is applied to a bunch of weird lizard people no less?
Yes, it does bother me a little. However, when I think about it I also realize there is nothing ignoble about the Argonian people or how they are represented in game or art. I mean look at them. What is there to be ashamed of when you look at them, talk to them, *see* the Argonians and how they live?
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The Argonians are quite frankly, super fucking cool badasses. They have a complicated, dark, heroic, and fascinating history. Just like my ancestors. Why would I shy away from seeing the culture of my ancestors inspiring a proud fictional civilization?
There's nothing to be ashamed of when I see my culture represented or taken inspiration from as long as it is not being used in a demeaning or insulting manner.
I don't feel Bethesda is acting with racist or ill intentions when they take artistic inspirations from real cultures. I want to give them credit. A lot of very intelligent and learned people work for Bethesda. Many of their creatives come from all over the world and from many different cultural backgrounds.
For example! Many of the artists who worked on the western inspired civilizations of Cyrodiil and Skyrim were of East Asian, South Asian, and African descent. They took it upon themselves to learn the artistic cultural stylings they wanted to take inspiration from and to represent them in an authentic but still creative and unique way. This is what any good fantasy series should be able to do.
They know the world is huge and every culture is endlessly diverse. There should be no shame in depicting or taking inspiration from a culture or their artistic style as long as such inspiration and depiction is done diligently, honestly, and with respect.
I feel that the art and artists of TES have faced up to this challenge and expectation and have (largely) met it. There are some examples that do make me roll my eyes, but even these are largely just cases of lazy artistic expression or generic inspiration.
All in all, artists and creatives absolutely can and should do more to ensure their inspirations from non-western cultures are done with tact and respect. I personally feel the creative behind TES have been meeting expectations in this regard and have done a fair job of taking inspiration without being insulting.
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welovetesvkaidan · 2 months
My honest reaction:
in all seriousness, if you wanna hear me yap about it, more under the cut
warning like, genuinely a ginormous yap, like a HUMUNGOUS, sleep-deprived yap,,, im cursed to be obsessed with skyrim + modded followers instead of touching grass
I think a lot of this is probably gonna be the same thing other people have said, so im sorry
if you feel i'm gonna be bringing up redundant points and get mad at me😓dont read
I haven't experienced and thus won't talk about the versions of EE and IF that are now separate mods from each other. I don't know anything about that.
if they're better now yayyy but this is about pre-separation
I should preface this with the fact that I've played through Skyrim 3 times with different stages of Kaidan EE/IF:
The initial Dawnguard + fixes/miscs mod
Kaidan EE/IF versions before extensive faction/NPC dialogue for Kaidan
EE/IF w/ NPC Dialogue (AKA Fratpack)
I was also part of the two different discords that were purged and created during these intervals. i don't even know if there is a discord currently?
anyway, that is to say that I have experienced the mod and it's behind-the-scenes progress, extensively so I have a pretty good idea of what I liked and didn't like
That being said, I will introduce probably my biggest problems with it: Tonal whiplash
Okay, well the most common complaint is ofc that a lot of the writing is out of character - and I agree. But it's not just ooc on paper, it's his voice too. I swear, it is very jarring hearing hushed, mild og Kaidan 2 voicelines, and then being deafened by EE Kaidan SCREAMING in my ear ALL.THE.TIME. (like... why are you yelling at me rn jeez)
Seriously. I'm not sure why they didn't just re-record everything from the original mod instead of adding more and more contradicting lines on top of the originals. It definitely could have been a standalone mod, and sometimes it almost feels like it is - because he is just so different.
My most infamous moment in my last playthrough with him happened after we defeated the dragon at Kynesgrove. His og Kaidan 2 dialogue played first, in it he shows interest and is cordial about Delphine ("I wouldn't mind prodding her mind" or whatver dialogue), THEN immediately after his Kaidan EE/IF dialogue will play, in which he walks up to Delphine and STARTS YELLING AT HER AND INSULTING HER - like they argue for quite a bit wtf. And it's like, listen, I have my thoughts about Delphine, but whether or not it was okay to yell at her isn't the problem. It would be fine - IF he hadn't just calmly told me he thought she was okay.
It is sooo confusing how he contradicts himself :(
I mean, yeah, fragments of who he is are still there, I can tell it's Kaidan, but he's warped to fit a different character. Like a con-artist Kaidan.
Anyway, besides the contradictions, it also feels out of character because of his established backstory.
Let's go over it: He's an orphan, lost his only connection to his family(his guardian) to drugs, fell into substances himself, joined a violent cult, had to escape said cult, came clean from his addictions, has been traveling Tamriel bounty-hunting, got brutally attacked by the Thalmor, rescued by mere chance. Do you honestly mean to tell me this man would be yelling, pissing, drinking, lewding, and joking his ass off?? After all that???? NO - or maybe not these levels of extreme. (maybe some other dude might, but Kaidan's characterization insists he is a brooding, keeps-to-himself man, even though he never acts like it anymore)
That man should be tired, and he did feel like he was tired in the original. He was more brooding then than he is now, usually silent, but could still have an edge of comedy/wittiness, he was smart, he had been through a lot!
In that regard, EE/IF Kaidan felt like... we are experiencing Kaidan 10 years in the past - like a Kaidan in his early 20s when he was still a drunkard low-key terrible person. He is just so energetic, always yapping - GOD he talks a lot now. ugh but most of the time it wasn't about anything, it was either inside-jokes, meta jokes, and only occasionally did we get things that added to the experience.
For example, I think most of us who have played Kaidan 2 remember at least one specific line he has said while exploring. What comes to mind for me is either "Can you smell the magicka in the air too? Smells like a rainless thunderstorm." or "Watch for the mammoth with the carvings on their tusks, that's how the giants mark their herd." Alright, both pretty nice small talk for characterization (he IS smart) and worldbuilding.
Tbh i can't really remember any iconic lines from the additions of EE/IF Kaidan... the only two lines that stood out for me were: the "elevenses" line from the clip above (started bumping into him every time he was about to say this so he would stfu... total tonal dissonance), and one he said while I looted Lucky Lorenz ("poor sod wasn't as lucky as his namesake would have you believe!") kai HOW do you know this man, and his nickname, who told you that??? (idc about it that much but its like the only other added line i remember)
I thought that maybe his ooc-iness might have been caused due to the collaborative approach of the mod, I think the mod authors created their own perfect Kaidan - and that's good for them! It takes a shit ton of work (Ik cuz i was there!!) But I think the original essence was lost with each addition. It might have been lack of direction for the voice acting too, a lot of the lines might have hit better if they weren't borderline screamed.
Okay, at some point while playing I got so tired of his constant himbo chit-chatter that I tried tuning him out and bringing other npcs from vanilla skyrim as followers. Problem: even without kaidan on your party, everything starts being about kaidan. Because the extension made it so that Kaidan either has history with/character interactions and development with different NPCs from the base game.
The main poor sods that traveled with me:
Erik the Slayer: Apparently was Kaidan's childhood friend, got inspired by Kaidan to become an adventurer. Least egregious in my opinion, they say sweet things to each other. I swear, Kaidan yells more at me than he ever did at Erik.
The Companions: dumb, dumber, and dumbest basically.. This part of EE/IF was also known as "The Fratpack" and y e a h they pretty much had Vilkas, Kaidan, and Farkas acting like immature frat boys all the time. Just,, absulutely taking away all the maturity out of these GROWN ASS MEN. im sorry, i guess i dont get the appeal. I liked it when they didn't behave like teens (Aela im so sorry, you deserved better than being part of this)
Lydia: All she does is simp for him, ALL.THE.TIME. You think she's about to have a meaningful thing to say? nope, she's checking out Kaidan's ass. Think she'll have a deep convo with another npc about one another? nope! she wants them to tell her all about Kaidan. Both the Companions and Erik will either talk down to her or have to deal with her thirst for Kaidan. i had to start leaving her home.
They also suffered from the same tonal whiplash as Kaidan, unfortunately
additionally, the mod added an "early flirt switch" - you could basically toggle Kaidan to start showing romantic affection for the Dragonborn before the amulet of mara., the interactions were good on paper, but everytime he stammered and stumbled over his words it was written in such an unnatural way... pls people don't talk like fanfics lol !!!
I did like that he gave me flowers, my inventory got full of them - but then he noticed how many flowers I had in my inventory and judged me for "picking everything i see" ugh dude you gave them to me, but also even if you hadnt... mind your business lol
Another addition was a feature that basically made it so NPCs could potentially throw flirtatious comments at Kaidan and the Dragonborn (Bishop flashbacks😨)
You can't do anything to defend Kaidan from those comments, but he WILL take it upon himself to defend your honor infront of any men, women, jarls, or criminals that even so much as find you attractive (THIS INCLUDES FARKAS AND VILKAS BTW :( ) by being rude, forthcoming, AND violent. so yea, you can guess the target audience
speaking of which, he definitely comes on too strong on you once you start the romance, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I specifically picked the "go slow" option for the romance, and the next day or two it was him constantly complaining about having to go slow under his breath, how he wanted to do anything but slow rn... and like just, wow. :/ yikeees lmao
Maybe this is the result of "i can fix him" romance ideals? im sorry but I liked him when he was down to earth
Bonus? He comes with a campsite now, which has to be magic because its ginormous and he somehow lugs it around despite it also coming with a whole ass furnace (fine fine i'll hold my disbelief)
anyway I do like it, its basically a player house you can take anywhere (so long as kai is with you ig) also you can have a cat in there
I like that there is an MCM, I like that the MCM lets you get through the quest stages in case you get stuck
I like that he can guide you places, usually he gets stuck in a tree or rock but its the thought that counts
I think if the mod had continued in the vein as its original iteration when it was just audio/bug fixes and included these qol features it would have been better than it is now.
But it seems maybe i'm just not the target audience, and as a young woman I'm really confused as who the target audience is 😓
okay im srry rant over
if anyone else wants me to yap about other kaidan skyrim things also ask or join in cuz i like yapping about skyrim and kaidan to people!!!
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whitegoldtower · 6 days
How the Skyrim NPCs Throw Hands:
Elenwen: grabs you by the hair and yanks you backwards. She’s gonna scalp you.
Ancano: starting off strong with an absolutely illegal backhanded slap. It does more psychological damage than physical damage but could 100% break your nose at the right angle.
Ondolemar: the ol wind up punch. He fully drops his stance and reels it back. Puts his whole pussy into it. Does a lot of damage.
Cicero: Can’t throw a punch to save his life but you know what he can throw? Knives. Just don’t tempt him to throw hands.
Serana: you won’t even see it coming and you won’t know what the fuck is happening until you’ve hit the floor like a sack of shit tied up in the middle.
Vingalmo: the most fantastic echo-chamber reverberating SLAP you’ve ever witnessed. Hits hard enough to knock you out, but the sound of it adds insult to injury.
Lydia: You hear the L4D hunter scream and see her launching herself across a table at someone. No holding back whatsoever, she’s an absolute animal.
Erandur: A gentle slap across the cheek. Hurts way more than being punched because of the disappointment in his expression and the knowledge that you’ve managed to upset the nicest man in Tamriel.
Maramal: fucking throws haymakers (I used to have this recording where I was getting married but everyone started fighting so I used the sexlab spells to try to get them to stop. It went wrong and one guy was viciously wanking as Maramal threw continuous haymakers at him, all while fire and shock spells were blasting around the temple. It was the funniest thing I’d ever seen and my wife was sat next to me absolutely scream laughing but I have unfortunately lost the recording, and it’s one of my biggest regrets to this day)
Teldryn Sero: Fast. Precise. Knocks all the air out of your body and keeps going. You’re gonna have broken ribs and possibly a rearranged face.
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thegrunkiest · 5 months
Overanalyzing the Spectral Assassin Dialogue
When there's a character with scarce material to draw from for writing, I tend to read into lines a lot, despite it being very likely that It's Not That Deep.
Lucien Lachance is no exception to this; in my opinion his comments in Skyrim actually offer more hints at his character than in Oblivion (aside from being very versed and pious in the Dark Brotherhood's doctrine - that's a personal interpretation I will not shake 😌). Wes Johnson, as always with his unique voices, also gives us some flavor and nuance to think on, whether intentional or not. Here are my personal takeaways from some of his dialogue!
"An ancient city, Markarth. Built by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat."
This suggests to me a bit of an ego. Given this comment it's safe to say he is quite self-assured in his skills and reputation, which I suppose can be taken as a healthy confidence, too. Either or! Though I like thinking arrogance personally.
Also... the way he utters "eradicated"? Sounds wistful, almost. Perhaps he derives personal, sick pleasure in the idea, or perhaps is pleased by the fact such a large-scale notion of death and discord would surely please Sithis greatly.
"You wish to kill me? Someone has already had that honor. Hah!"
"Ha ha! I've suffered worse!"
Could be taken as simple statements - because yes, obviously, he was killed and it was brutal... but what interests me is that he's laughing about it. He's not mad nor morose over his death. Perhaps he's grown to accept the circumstances over two centuries, or sees it as a theatric close to his personal legend.
"Someone has already had that honor" is a tasty tidbit that furthers this idea; I perceive this as an ego similar to the Markarth quote. He sees it as something of an achievement to have been killed: the infamous Lucien Lachance, acclaimed Speaker of the Black Hand, epitome of what the Dark Brotherhood stood for, finally taken to the grave? Be it for false accusations - with his death, no doubt the world became just a bit safer...
"Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the Great Treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son."
The famous line. To me this actually adds on to the above quotes - it's interesting just how... indifferent he sounds about it. He words it as though he's about to read us an Edgar Allen Poe story, rather than harp about some unfortunate events that ultimately destroyed - and prematurely ended - his life. Again, perhaps he's had lifetimes to come to terms with it, but it's just compelling how he's not outright angry. Which honestly? I feel like that'd insult Bellamont more than anything.
"Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying..."
Oh yeah. He's undoubtedly killed a king in the past; it sounds here like he's speaking from personal experience. Take that as you will. Had it been a previous High King of Skyrim, giving a motive to his stated journey through Skyrim in his youth? I'm curious if there's any lore that could align timelines and point to who he could have assassinated, even if it could be chalked up to happy coincidence.
"In my time, the Blades protected the Emperor. It would seem these Penitus Oculatus will prove equally incompetent."
"My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill."
He seems to somewhat revel in Uriel's assassination though confesses some... envy, perhaps?... that it was not the Brotherhood's work. He also blatantly criticises the Blade's failure (ouch, man, don't do my boy Baurus like that!) I mean, it goes without saying his allegiance lies with the Brotherhood above anyone else, and he's evil and nasty, but these quotes convince me he doesn't hold any strong political stance. Complimenting the kingslaying quote and in tune with slaying the Emperor in Skyrim. Powerful targets are just high-prized game - and an acclaimed opportunity to orchestrate Sithis's will on a grander stage.
"Yes. Kill the chef, and then steal his very identity. For that is the true death."
This is most likely just some idle ruminations. It has me thinking nonetheless. Not out of the realm of possibility that he's assumed false identities himself to get to more valuable targets, of course.
I have some wild ideas that have branched from this though. What if?... what if he's stolen identities on a personal level? Aliases, if you will. Some serial killers are notorious for it (take H.H. Holmes for example). What if Lucien Lachance isn't actually Lucien Lachance? (Okay, this one's the total crackpot theory of the bunch but it was a fun idea to throw out there)
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chrismien · 1 year
Let's explore the negative association of milk in Tamriel's Nordic culture.
So, basically, from the dialogue and other sources, we know that drinking milk within Nord cultures is associated with a number of negative perceptions, such as:
Milk is for children.
Milk is associated with weakness.
Milk is not a manly beverage.
This is evidenced by the lines from numerous NPCs in Skyrim.
If you have a disposition of -1 or lower with an NPC, they may say to you: "What do you want, milk drinker?"
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There is also the Taunting Adventurer NPC in Skyrim, who is a randomly encountered warrior in the wilderness or in an inn. He says: "What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother."
But it is worth noting that some Nords such as Rigurt the Brash from ESO oppose the concept behind the insult saying: "Milk-drinker. Why did that become such a terrible Nord insult, I wonder. Milk is good for you! I love the stuff! Not as much as I love mead, but it's a close second. Maybe third."
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With that, it is reasonable to assume that some Nords avoid drinking milk to prevent being perceived as a cry-baby or a weakling by other Nords, and potentially even by themselves.
As we know, even in real life, milk is important for bone growth. When we delve into medical aspects, calcium is an essential extracellular cation required for muscles to surpass the action potential threshold, enabling contractions and therefore movement.
Skyrim, the homeland of the Nords, also experiences limited sunlight in certain regions. UV radiation from the sun is essential for the activation of Vitamin D from cholecalciferol to calcitriol. This fat-soluble vitamin is crucial for maintaining bone strength and a healthy immune system.
Basically, calcium is important for nerve conduction, blood clotting, muscle contractions, immune functions, and healthy bones.
But how would a race centered around strength and possessing a strong warrior culture maintain their constitution?
Skyrim is abundant with cheese, which is directly made from milk and is also rich in calcium. Digesting cheese breaks it down into its components, facilitating the absorption of calcium into the body.
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There is also a thriving fishing culture in Riften and Windhelm. Access to the Sea of Ghosts allows access to marine resources like fish and shellfish which could act as substitutes for calcium sources.
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I understand that it's a fantasy world, but creating a believable fantasy world can indeed enhance the enjoyment of the experience. By grounding elements of the world in reality, it becomes more relatable and allows us to better connect with the characters and settings.
We can now conclude that Nords are able to maintain their warrior culture despite the cultural bias against milk, which is essential for numerous bodily functions.
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sinkingquail · 1 month
an analysis of taliesin through the lens of astrology
DISCLAIMER: i don't claim to know everything about taliesin (i haven't beaten the game with him yet, oops). or astrology. nor is astrology for everyone. please take everything with a heaping spoonful of salt, thank you /gen. tl;dr at the end.
when you first meet taliesin, he's a cornered animal. he's surrounded by people he killed, about to bleed to death (and is hallucinating lol). then, a stranger comes up and sees a thalmor agent next to a ton of corpses. and what does he do?
he very matter-of-factly states that he did, indeed kill all the people around him and laughs about it. he insults your outfit when you call him a "monster". he tells you that he "carved out the heart" of a man because he insulted his dagger. what the heck, bro??
(this is of course not the most normal of circumstances)
holy fuck, if that doesn't scream deflection i don't know what does. this is a guy that is doing everything in his power to not show weakness, especially in such a dire situation.
for this reason, i believe taliesin is a scorpio rising. scorpio is what we call a "fixed water sign" which is essentially ice, so think cold, calculating, takes a while to warm up. scorpio risings are known for giving off stand-offish, dark, yet magnetic vibes. they're also known for putting up tons of walls when they're feeling vulnerable.
as you travel alongside tally, he opens up. he's still his sarcastic, incredibly straight-forward self (if you're playing an argonian, he will ask you if you're related to... smaller lizards lol). but he'll also make comments on how beautiful the night sky is, he'll tell you about how he wants to visit raven rock and elsweyr after exploring skyrim, he'll likely leave if you weren't adventuring, this mer wants to GO PLACES after being stuck doing lord knows what with the thalmor for who knows how long. i'm not quite sure if this guy has ever had the chance to just be his own person for once. ANYWAYS
i think a sagittarius sun best describes taliesin. they're what we call a "mutable fire sign" which combines the passion of the fire element with the fluidity of the mutable modality (this is basically a fancy way of saying "going with the flow"). these natives are known as "truth-seekers" for their inexplicable desire to understand and do not give a fuck if challenging the status quo is frowned upon (ok, with the thalmor it's a bit harder to do that). they're really philosophical, adventurous, and absolutely detest being tied down.
okay, now we're gonna move to the moon sign which is arguably the side of taliesin we see last: his emotions. i'm going to start byanalyzing this quote from him:
"Ah, a fellow insomniac. Seems you and I might have more in common than anticipated. My nights will be less lonely now."
what a roundabout way of saying "i can't sleep and i'm alone with my thoughts, i would really appreciate companionship". he's blunt about other things (this man does NOT pull punches... especially when it comes to your clothes lol) but when it comes to opening up further about his loneliness? nope nope not happening lol. it's like he's hinting at his emotions instead of flat out saying them. this sort of detachment also comes up in the next quote:
"To think, I could be bleeding to death peacefully in a pristine forest"
except this time, it's less about being emotionally vulnerable and more about thinking about his own death, but like, he's prodding the idea with a six-foot-long pole. regardless, he leaves the "wow, i would have died without you" part unsaid. he's using humor to neatly skirt around the part where without the player's intervention and random luck, he would've died. (he also has a quote about haunting you if he dies, which is a lovely example of his dark humor)
to me, this is indicative of a capricorn moon.
these guys are compartmentalizers. they want to push all their emotions into little boxes and hide them in the attic but forget that everything will break down eventually from the sheer weight. they are PRACTICAL, and they don't really believe that there's room for emotions when it comes to getting shit done. and they do indeed get shit done. they also tend to have incredibly high expectations for themselves and kinda just assume the worst in others? this makes a pretty weird dynamic with his sagittarius sun, which absolutely does want to be optimistic and open-minded. there's (probably) a lot of conflict there on his world outlook.
deep breath
okay, so for taliesin we have sun in sagittarius, moon in capricorn, and scorpio rising. the moon in capricorn + scorpio rising both contribute a lot to his seemingly cold and detached exterior, especially in the beginning. it's hard for him to open up ("well this has been fun, making myself emotionally vulnerable") but at the same time, makes his emotions run deep. once he opens up it's a whole new story.
he also has a self-proclaimed "lust for life", which i believe is the influence of his sagittarius sun. i think that taliesin really does want to go out there, explore the world, ponder life's questions, and grow, which of course he couldn't do with the thalmor.
okay, last one i swear:
we're gonna talk about my favorite, which is the asteroid chiron. it symbolizes what we call the "wounded healer" in astrology, and gives insight on where your "life wounds" are and how to heal from them.
his… less than kind childhood thanks to a shitty father points to chiron in the fourth house, which is essentially indicating some sort of wound that is related to his home life (the fourth house concerns home, family, and security).
but how does this manifest in him?
aside from struggling to find a "true home" or place where he's accepted for who he is, i think taliesin also (especially as an older sibling) feels the need to take responsibility (aka: stop the ldb from doing stupid shit), probably struggles with feelings of inadequacy, and is fiercely protective of the dragonborn ("You want them? You'll have to get through me first!", he also says something along the lines of "don't go too far ahead, i don't want to lose you in the fog". he also latches onto them very quickly which i'd love to talk about, but alas)
as a result of this, i believe his chiron is also in capricorn. people with their capricorn in chiron feel a constant need to prove themselves - when you combine this with chiron in the 4th house, it basically says:
taliesin grew up in an authoritative household that placed incredibly high expectations on him. as a result of this pressure, he struggles with deep-rooted self-esteem issues (i have the feeling his aura of self-confidence is a way to convince himself of his positive traits, fake it til you make it ig) and perhaps, a need for control in his environment. the ldb is so so so important to him. they bring a sense of stability, purpose, companionship, and genuine acceptance of him, which are all things that he hasn't really experienced. brb, crying
i might just be pulling all of this out of my ass, so again, don't take this too seriously lol i barely know what i'm talking about
TL;DR taliesin's scorpio rising gives him a somewhat cooler exterior that hides his emotional vulnerabilities (cough chiron in capricorn) that is further swept aside by his capricorn moon. however, there's a deep passion for adventure and a quest for truth from his sagittarius sun, which helps balance out the more cynical sides of him, especially when you take into account all the trauma this mer has. this has to be the weirdest crossover of my interests i've seen. i know not everyone cares for astrology, but i find it to be a really interesting way to analyze characters and is an excellent tool for introspection. taliesin is doing a great job. he's really respectful about boundaries, i like to think he's gone to therapy at least a little. keep it up, tally <3
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newplayingsmash · 2 years
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Remember the last words of Iwata before he died? Before he left Nintendo to the hands of his successors? "Please Understand?" Iwata is gone. The Switch was his legacy Gorrister, and yet all these months you have refused to buy Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch!
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Sometimes I wonder if you have a good reason to keep being so loyal to the Playstation! Remember how everyone keeps saying it has no games? It wouldn't hurt you to remember, Benny. Then you might be able to understand why I insist you get Skyrim for the Playstation 5!
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Think about Xbox Live Ellen! Remember the pain of being harassed online? Remember all those games where your mom was insulted? Don't cry, Ellen, it's just horny teens! Tsk tsk tsk, that's such a sexist stereotype! Just remember the pain, Ellen and think how Skyrim will make it easier for you to be a Gamer Gurl!
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Do they know the Xbox one is a failure, Ted? Have they told you all about the constant updating times? Have they told you how they had a PR disaster when it first launched? Have you told them about Skyrim for the Xbox One? Maybe then they'll stop badmouthing your console of choice!
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How are things in the Steam community? Tell me again how you have so many unplayed games because you couldn't resist the sales. Or don't you want to talk about your good pal, Mr. Gabe Newell? For everyone it must be hell. But getting Skyrim for PC will make it heaven for you. Isn't that right, Mr. PC Master Race? 
I have a secret game that I’d like to play. It’s a very nice game. A game of dragons, lockpicks and cat people selling wares. A game of ugly peasants and pastries and stealing cheese from people’s homes.
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argisthebulwark · 2 years
To be loved is to be changed - skyrim men
Includes: Vilkas, Brynjolf, Miraak, Erik the Slayer, Arnbjorn (all sfw)
Vilkas wouldn't feel himself changing. It was gradual, dozens of tiny shifts in how he saw the world. He wouldn't notice the way his tone softened or that constant buzzing annoyance faded into nothing. He wouldn't see what others could - the way his smiles came easier or the distance he'd maintained from others closing. It would finally hit him one night out of the blue. The Harbinger snoozing on his chest and his fingers combing through their hair, a book propped up in his free hand. The gaggle of new recruits would practically fall through Jorrvaskr's doors in a mess of drunken giggles and slurred words wrecking the hall's silence. Vilkas would shoot them all a warning glare as his hand lowered to cover the Harbinger's ear. They'd fall silent, making a show of tiptoeing down the stairs into their quarters when Vilkas realized what he'd done. There were no insults. He hadn't threatened to shut any of them up for good. That old anger that had been his companion throughout the years was gone, replaced by that gooey feeling the Harbinger always left him with. Their sleepy fingers closing around his arm would make him realize just who was at fault for the way he'd softened since their arrival but he couldn't find it in his heart to be angry.
Brynjolf had never known a sense of self. He was a thief, a right hand man, a pillar of support. He was whatever those around him needed to be. He could be a mentor or a student, a shadow or a distraction. He had learned at a young age that the easiest way to belong was to become what everyone needed most. His new recruit was the first person who made him want to be more. When they laughed at his jokes Brynjolf learned he was funny. When they asked about his past or his future they meant him not his place within the Guild. Brynjolf learned that he liked attention when it came from them. He wanted to be a whole person, someone who could reciprocate the love they showed him. Everything would change when the recruit grabbed him by the face, gaze intense when they stared at him and said those words. They shook Brynjolf to his core and he wanted to laugh them off, to tell them to not be silly and finish their drink but something deep down knew he had to change. "You are worthy of my love." Long after Mercer was taken care of Brynjolf would look back on who he had been - empty, no thoughts for himself, no time for anything other than his Guild. His most important lesson was learning how to set boundaries - "sorry, can't be there today. the wife's meetin' me in Whiterun." "I'll take care of it tomorrow." "I'm heading home for the night."
Miraak gave up on being a person ages ago. He became an enigma, a malevolent force to be reckoned with. No matter how much power he accumulated it was never enough. There was always more - someone stronger to take down, books being written with new knowledge, old gods turning their eyes back toward Tamriel. There was always something more. The Last Dragonborn ruined his carefully crafted world without trying. They brought him to his knees and didn't flinch under his gaze no matter how much hatred he flung at them. He wanted them to be scared and run far away from him, to escape before he ruined everything. He hadn't expected his anger to be met with tenderness, his vitriol countered by their kindness. When their hands stripped away his mask and Miraak was laid bare they didn't flinch. "I love you at your worst and I will love you at your best." The rage fizzled out at their words. Miraak allowed the Dragonborn to change him, to tear down the walls Mora had helped him build around his heart. He remembered how to be tender when the Last Dragonborn offered him their hand. They never faltered. Every change terrified him but he muscled through. He was vulnerable with the Dragonborn but he knew they would never attack. He would dig deep for whatever shred of humanity had survived and find joy in his new mortal life.
Erik would gladly welcome every exciting change in his life. He'd follow the Dragonborn wherever they went, soaking up every bit of wisdom he could - they helped him find a weapon, gifted him armor, showed him the world he'd only dreamed of before their arrival. He could hardly believe how strong he'd become during their time together. During the day he focused on his physical strength - precision with his blade and blocking blows with his shield. Once night fell and they sat in front of a crackling fire Erik would slowly gain an emotional strength he didn't expect. The Dragonborn's unwavering confidence in him wasn't something he'd experienced in Rorikstead. "I'm proud of you." They'd whisper against his shoulder and gods, Erik didn't realize how badly he needed them. His dreams of becoming a hero the bards sang of felt silly after his time out in the real world. When he looked at the Dragonborn he wanted nothing more than to be the person they saw in him. He wanted to become someone who made a difference. When Erik and the Dragonborn returned to Rorikstead after so many months away he wouldn't cower under his father's glare. He'd delight in the Dragonborn's hand in his when they regaled his family with tales of all the places they'd gone together. He was thankful for the boy who had dreamed of being an adventurer, the one who'd led him to the Dragonborn.
Arnbjorn was sure he would never love again. Despite Astrid's final betrayal he couldn't overlook the years of love and dedication they'd shared. He would settle into the new Sanctuary expecting nothing - contracts were all the same, after all. He would hate the way the Listener made him feel. He hated them for the way their smile flustered him and the way their laughter seemed to lighten his heartache for just a moment. He detested the knowing look on their face as if they could see right through his hatred to the truth he'd hidden away. The Listener would never approach him. Arnbjorn was infuriated - why did he want them to approach? He told himself that he wanted to rebuff them, a solid chance to draw a line between them. Yet he couldn't stop himself from leaping at any opportunity to bicker with them. Arnbjorn would start small. He stopped leaving the room when they entered and worked his way up - offering them a drink when they entered the kitchen or holding a door for them. The surprise in their voice would only make the guilt worse. When they returned to the Sanctuary shivering and lips blue from the cold he wouldn't think. Arnbjorn would wrap the Listener in his arms, skin overheated from the beast blood in his veins. He would allow them to curl into his body in search of heat or comfort, heart slamming shamelessly into his ribs with every brush of their hands. It took a long time but he opened himself up to the Listener. He would be shocked by how shamelessly they flirted with him after that first night and how much he liked it. He let them in, learning to live with the fact that his feelings for the Listener didn't invalidate the love he'd held for Astrid. He would become someone capable of loving again.
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morgana-ren · 9 months
Alrighty, everyone mute me here cause I'm about to go on a tirade.
Look, I've been playing video games since I was young. Very young. Probably too young, if we're being completely honest. We had an old Nintendo 64 from my step-dad's youth that I used to play religiously. I played my ps2 for hours and hours a day as a way to cope with a.. shall we say unstable household. I had Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy color, all the way up to Nintendo DS to the switch. This is something I've been doing since I was barely old enough to speak. I used to get games at Blockbuster, okay? I played the OG Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights on a clunky old computer. Even when we were flat-busted ass broke with absolutely no money to spare, I would play at friend's houses. I would play old AV consoles on those fat ass TVs. It's my oldest hobby besides reading, is the point here.
My point is I'm old enough to remember when gaming was a niche hobby that you could actually get bullied for. It was back when studios made games mostly out of passion, and not to sell to a broader audience. There wasn't really even such a thing as microtransactions. You bought a full and complete game. Blizzard released good products, actually (unbelievable, I know.) Games knew their audience, and there wasn't necessarily an assload of money in it, so it was mostly made out of love for the games and their community.
Gaming has grown in popularity over the last 10-20 years, and that can be an excellent thing! Really! It can be! But Baldur's Gate 3 winning game of the year brought something to my attention that has been driving me mad for a few days now. It's a concept I've found myself repeating for a long time, but barely just sort of sat down to analyze it:
Not everything is for you.
The last few winners of GOTY have had some... sour people be very upset. Not that this is uncommon, but especially the last few years. People saying Elden Ring is 'too hard,' people saying that Baldur's Gate 3 is nothing but pedantic dice rolls, etc. People who, in general, were very unhappy that these games did not appeal to them in particular, and they were very vocal about how these games should be changed to appeal to them personally.
What I'm saying is that these people, along with most others, were not there during the days of niche gaming, where when you didn't like a game, you didn't necessarily throw a tantrum and stamp your feet and demand that these games aren't good and that they need to change, but rather, you just... didn't play them. They weren't made for you.
We live in an age where absolutely everything is being scraped for every last dollar. Games that used to be made out of passion for their communities are now being made to sell, sell, sell as many copies as physically possible to everyone. If it won't pander to every last person, it's not going to be made. Things are being 'streamlined' to make the games appeal to anyone and everyone who might play them.
'Streamlined' in this case, means 'dumbed down.' As Bethesda famously says, KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.
Games that used to be a little bit more 'niche' and 'complex' like Morrowind, are now games like Skyrim, that are dumbed down to sell to everyone. They remove a lot of the aspects that made them beloved in the name of 'garnering a new and broader audience.' Older folks, adults, children, everyone. But this attitude of inclusivity isn't as great as it might seem initially. It isn't done out of community. It is done to get absolutely every last person possible to empty their wallet at the altar. To get every last fucking dollar out of everyone.
Games are passionless money pits. They sell you a half-baked, simple product that insults your intelligence. It's impossible to fail quests, because God forbid one person doesn't like that and asks for their money back. They won't touch on complex topics, because they don't want to cause a controversy that might drain their prospective bank account. They can't make things so intricate that God forbid a toddler might not understand them. They are milquettoast, miserable little games that appeal not even to people who enjoy games, but rather, people who don't.
Yes, they are making games to try and get money from people who don't even like them. They can't make anything nuanced or put a learning curve or put any actual work or fun into the game, because people who don't actually like playing games might realize "Hey, actually, I'm not enjoying this at all." and not give anymore money.
I'll get to the point.
Games being disliked by certain people is a good thing. It means those companies were unwavering on their vision and their loyalty to their fans. It means it was a game made from passion, and not just to be marketed and sold to literally every living person. They were made with their communities in mind, and no offense, but if you aren't one of the people that likes the things those communities stand for, maybe you should seek it elsewhere rather than trying to change something someone loves to suit you instead. You are not the demographic here.
You hear people that hate turnbased saying that Baldur's Gate 3 should not have been turnbased. Guess what? That's literally DnD. It's a DnD game. Don't like the lack of day cycles? Again, that's long resting in DnD. Pedantic dice rolls? That's fucking DnD, baby. Maybe you don't like it, but just because the game got popular does not mean it was made for you. Too much gay? Go away. Baldur's Gate was not made to sell copies to everyone. In fact, it was a relatively niche prospect that gained massive popularity near the end because of a scandal. I've been with them since Patch 2 of Early Access, and it very much was a passion project by people who loved DnD and TT games. They did not think it was going to hit this level of popularity, and they stuck to their guns even when it did. I cannot tell you how rare and remarkable that is.
Dark Souls is too hard? Maybe it's not the game for you. If you don't like certain design aspects, that's fine and okay! But Miyazaki and Fromsoft should not be forced to change their vision of their passion project because you personally do not like it. It was around before you, and they have a loyal community that does love the game just how it is. If you want a game with a difficulty slider, maybe you should play a game that has one. I'm sorry if you don't like the fundamentals of the game, but they exist for a reason, the community likes it, and no, it's not just for elitist reasons like I see all too often. You just do not understand because you don't like the game and do not like being told no for once by a company that has integrity.
I'm not trying to insult you. I'm being honest when I say that it's an attitude that is expected in the current climate where everything is changed when people complain the loudest because changing it means more money, and more money is the goal. These people are not your friends. Do not forget that. They are not changing it because they care about you. They are changing it because they think they can con you out of another dime.
People have a masochistic relationship with these companies. They have gotten used to being pandered to. They have gotten used to being sold a shitty game that everyone from their grandmother to their toddler niece and nephew can beat. And no, there's nothing wrong with games for everyone. But it's not because they wanted to make a game for everyone. It was because they wanted everyone's money.
People make hour long youtube videos about how Baldur's Gate would have been better if it was real time, and if it was more like this game and that game (namely games that pander to everyone) and then, in the same week, release a video bewailing that all games are so bad now and they don't understand why. They grasp that greed has a part in it, but they don't understand that they are directly contributing to the problem.
Games are bad because when everything is for everyone, nothing is truly for you. You won't have a chance to be passionate about anything, because on the off chance you find something you love, you will inevitably watch it die the same way that those of us who have been here forever did, because someone outside of the community doesn't like it, so it has to go because Christ forbid they don't sell two more copies.
And no, I am not talking about 'woke' or 'political correctness' so you alt-right weirdos can keep the fuck off of this post. I am talking about things like a lack of quest markers. Complex puzzles that you can fail. Political nuance. Things that take brainpower and are fun but not everyone likes.
Maybe not everything is for you. Maybe a game is allowed to exist even if you don't like it. Maybe communities are allowed to have their thing while you have yours. Maybe you have gotten so used to being pandered and catered to with every game being this blase, half-baked experience that is sorta liked by most, but... beloved by none. It's a forgettable, boring experience that garners no real loyalty, but at most a "Ha, that was alright." And then you put it on the shelf never to touch it again.
It means these companies aren't thinking of money; they are thinking of their communities. They are thinking of their fans and the people who love their games. Every time Miyazaki says 'no' to changing the formula that we love about his games, he is thinking of his loyalty to his community and his passion to the game. When Sven refuses to change aspects of the game to suit people who don't like DnD, he is staying loyal to the DnD community.
More companies should be doing this. Not less.
But consumers need to remember that one little creedo: Not everything is for me.
It can exist and I can exist. I do not have to play it and I do not have to enjoy it. It doesn't mean that it's bad. It means it's not for me. And that's fine.
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dynamite124 · 7 months
I have questions!!! Or just one to be exact.
I've a character who's not necessarily the dragonborn, but I do play her in Skyrim- she's a Redguard who's parents died in a Dominion attack since yanno, they're probably real pissed that Hammerfell is one of the only places to successfully fight back Dominion and Thalmor influence and invasion-
Anyway what would be his reaction to her being just so fucking anti-Dominion and traumatised by the events that she gives a whole (very tearful) rant about how 'your kind' ruined her life and how she's 'all too happy to show you the same pain you did to my parents' when she meets Tally. Like how would he convince her to spare him?
Also bonus question. If they did somehow end up travelling together, how would he feel about her joining the Stormcloaks purely out of her hatred for the Dominion, which now extends to the Empire for allying with them?
Sorry if these questions are too heavy! I'm just curious how he would resolve the situation of their initial meeting and all that.
This is a tricky one.
When the player meets Taliesin, he's not expecting to be met with friendly arms. He's hostile to the player at the start because he's literally backed into a corner, he's expecting to be put down. That's why when the player decides to help him, he's caught off guard. He expected that moment to be his last because everyone he's met that wasn't in the Thalmor has been hostile to him.
He's use to hostility. Being patient and caring is new.
So your character giving him a rant and being "You did this, you deserve this, how dare you kill my family" would just be met with the rolling of eyes. They wouldn't be the first to say this to him and probably not the last.
He's not there to change minds. So their insults and backlash towards him wouldn't be heard. He'd respond with:
"So is this how you're going to kill me? By talking my ear off? If that's your tactic than I'm afraid Elenwen is far more talented at that this this pitiful attempt."
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kotalithealfiq · 2 months
Meeting Ko'tali
Italic text is the player's dialogue choices. Indented text is branching dialogue.
Ko’tali: Ahh, you must have gotten Ko’tali’s letter. It is nice to meet you.
[This version of the conversation will occur if the player is not a Khajiit]
Uh… Ko’tali: *laughs* You are confused, yes? Khajiit like this one are rare outside of Elsweyr. Since when do housecats talk? Ko’tali: How insulting! Ko’tali is no pet. She is as clever as any other Khajiit. Watch your words, [human/elf/lizard].
So what type of Khajiit are you?
Ko’tali: This one is an Alfiq. We do not often leave Elsweyr, except in…special cases.
What does that mean?
Ko’tali: This one would prefer to speak more later. All that matters is that Ko’tali would like to accompany you. Unwise to turn down help, no?
[This version of the conversation will occur if the player is a Khajiit.]
Oh, you’re an Alfiq!
Ko’tali: Surprised? Were you expecting someone taller?
You of all Khajiit should understand why I wasn’t expecting to see someone like you. Alfiq don’t usually leave our homeland.
Ko’tali: *laughs* True, true. But you agree to the terms in this one’s letter, yes? You would like Ko’tali to travel with you?
[Dialogue continues here regardless of player’s race]
 What sort of skills do you have?  Ko’tali: This one has been studying magic for years. Ko’tali is very good at Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, even Alteration! *mumbles* Conjuration could use some work, though… Why are you in Skyrim?  Ko’tali: That is…a very long story. This one will tell you some other time. Preferably away from so many listening ears. What determines a Khajiit’s shape? Ko’tali: It depends on what moons we are born under. Ko’tali was born when Secunda was full and Messer was waning and so she is an Alfiq. Very simple. [Player is not a Khajiit] Ko’tali: How long have you been away from home, [sister/brother]? It is based on the moons. Ko’tali was born when Secunda was full and Messer was waning and so she is an Alfiq. [Player is a Khajiit] Alright, you can come with me. Ko’tali: Fantastic! I don’t know if this is a good idea. I need to think about it. Ko’tali: Suit yourself. Just do not be surprised if this one gets tired of waiting for you. [Ends dialogue]
[If the player accepts, a quick animation will play of Ko’tali jumping up onto their shoulders.]
What are you doing?
Ko’tali: Ko’tali is rather small, yes? Do you want to wait for her to catch up to you? This will be easier for both of us. Plus this one can hit enemies easier from up here.
Fine, let’s get going. [Ends dialogue] Get off of me! Ko’tali: Hmph. If you are going to be like that, maybe this one does not wish to travel with you after all. [Animation plays of her jumping down. Ends dialogue and dismisses follower.]
Ahhhh I did not intend for this to take so long! Sorry to the small handful of followers I've gotten. However, more is soon to come. Next will probably be the aforementioned letter that she sends you before your first meeting.
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mdhwrites · 10 months
The demon realm isn’t diverse despite the show saying all myths from the demon realm influenced Earth even back in the deadwardian era it very European inspired there are also POC witches but their skin color makes no difference and the demons in the show barely have any resemblance to demons from mythology or religion I feel like the Crew could not write different Cultures and sticked to the Fantasy European Model because it easier and because some people will take issue with the show depicting their monsters as demonic What do you think?
Punctuation. Is. Important. This post is... weird without it. BUT it does actually bring up an interesting point, in part because... Well, I'd be in a pretty similar boat unfortunately.
See, western/European fantasy may have a WIDE variety of options but it also has the easiest when it comes to having a good selection of easily available creatures, settings, etc. to take from. Everyone knows dragons, dwarves, elves, gnomes, etc. At least, here in the west. Unless you do deeper digging, a lot of people will have a pretty limited reach for what they can do monster wise and I think that is reflected in the show.
And I suffer from it myself. I've never done real deep dives into all the monsters out there so while I like them, my mind ends up freezing on only a handful of common ones to use in my writing or the like. It's something that I would like to get better about due to just the sorts of things I enjoy writing. But because a lot of fantasy sticks to these close knit groups of easily useful monsters and myths, you kind of get stuck in a loop.
The show did give itself an out though for worry about potentially insulting other cultures and that was that everything is BASED on something from the Isles. They didn't have to make one to one portrayals but could have taken inspiration. Theoretically, that is in fact what the show did since we don't actually get anything named after a regular monster. The closest are the fact that the witches and wizards actually use those terms and I guess giraffes. Otherwise, they're all purely made up. Which, you know, isn't a bad thing so long as they're interesting.
Unfortunately they're not for most of the like... five that show up in the series? Cool designs usually but little in the way of making them unique obstacles or having real personalities besides "Creature."
The other potential excuse is that the style of the Isles was specifically based on a Dutch/Netherlands artist named Hieronymus Bosch. While his art is weird, it still is steeped in his culture as his buildings and the like are still European in inspiration. Of course, then we get into the fact that they don't include any of the actually surrealist elements of his art which is part of why the Isles is so boring. Strip that part away and all you're left with is... Europe but it's a little weird.
However, the reuse of European history, even including people who look like Vikings, is much weirder to me. At that point, you're not basing this on artwork or fantasy... You're just copying history. Like you point out: Their architecture, style of dress, etc. like that actually mimics common, HUMAN clothing trends just as much four hundred years ago, before a human ever ruled them, as it does in the present day. That's a bizarre disconnect that adds to the feeling that this is just kind of a lazy fantasy setting.
And no, I don't expect every fantasy world to look like Hylics and be this unknowable, abstract landscape. I am fine if something just steals medieval fantasy for its style and creatures after all. The thing that makes most fantasy distinct are its cultures and the interplay of them, or how they diverge from our world despite being so close to it at the same time. Skyrim is not a bad or boring fantasy world because it is THE style you go for with generic fantasy. It's world is vibrant to many because it feels more alive and like there are conflicts that are motivated by things like magic, monsters, etc.
It doesn't even have to be something big. My favorite book series of all time is a medieval fantasy series with some magic for two books and then NEVER BRINGS IT BACK. The mythos around the Rangers of Ranger's Apprentice though, them genuinely engaging with the different countries they come across (even if many are just replacements for real world countries) and the exploration of those cultures, how they differ, their beliefs, their tactics, etc. helped make each place feel like a unique challenge and world in and of itself even though it was lifting so much from reality. It drips with what makes these countries interesting and fun to take from for a fantasy world.
TOH though? They wrote in explicitly an excuse to take literally EVERY fun part of every religion, story, myth, video game even, etc. that has EVER been told... And decided to snark at all of it instead and act like it was better than all of that. Which is potentially a reason to go with the generic, European-centric style BECAUSE it is the most generic. Because most people will know about it from Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. As such, it is the one that is the easiest to ridicule because they are actively choosing the elements that are the easiest to mock. It's like when people say that Madoka Magica is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre because they have literally only seen Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura.
And yes, there is an argument to be had about Dana potentially not feeling comfortable including other cultures' mythologies due to cultural appropriation and... I'm not going to try to deliberate that. I am the second to last person to get to behind the British. I also won't say it would be exactly a bad reason to avoid it even. Just that it is a thing and... *shrug*
A lot of this in fact kind of doesn't have a conclusion besides a shrug. After all, I like D&D. I like the Forgotten Realms. They are not, by default, that unique a fantasy world, in part by design. But, you know, a good DM makes that generic world into a playground. TOH never feels like it's willing to expand to even add a slide.
Btw, if you want a monthly-ish D&D show to watch, I HIGHLY recommend Dan Jones and Dragons. It has a more casual feel to it than I feel like a lot of D&D stuff I've watched tends to have while not devolving into jokes and gags. Everyone is taking it seriously but they're willing to diverge for thirty seconds about a good joke that happens. All of the characters, their personalities, the drama they go through and the care they have for each other is also just SO GOOD. Cannot recommend enough.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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morihaus · 1 year
I am a Lover of the Rose. Yes, even still.
For 200 years, I have been her priestess. Since the turning of eras, I've committed my soul to her, and in return, she has lent me her guidance. Gracious Azura, she foretold of the disaster on Vvardenfell that would redden the skies and choke the sun; she led her faithful to safety, far from the troubles that enveloped our homeland. I was a novice in the cult then. I walked the pilgrimage to Skyrim with so many others who, like me, felt the warmth and compassion of our goddess in the coldest of nights.
I helped to raise that statue and establish that shrine. I tended to it, I heard her voice, and obeying her wishes I tended to my fellows and myself. Azura is a spirit of love, of true, beautiful, all-consuming love. No matter how lofty she may be, no matter where in the heavens she walks, her love is felt by her faithful. Not one of us would ever doubt it. She bade us fly to Skyrim to escape the dreadful fate of our homeland, but also, to make preparations for those who would follow in our footsteps. Those who her voice could not reach, the blind, the deceived, the lost, her soul swells with love for even them. Our people flocked to Skyrim to escape the chaos of the Red Year, of the Arnesian War, of the fall of the Tribunal and the dawn of a new era, and it was we, the Lovers of Azura, who welcomed them, who guided them as she had guided us to the embrace of her sanctuary.
It has been some time since I last visited that shrine. I spent centuries there in worship, in devoted service to the brilliant soul of my Lady. I worked with others to make a place for our people, to soothe their pain, to give them surety and guidance in those dark times, but little by little, they began to dwindle around me. Lady Azura is kind, but her prophecies are not always so. In those dark times, it was difficult to accept the fates of those around you, the horrible things foreseen. Tragedies like the collapse at Winterhold, the deaths of so many more Dunmer who had taken this place as their new home… not all were made to withstand these tests. In the end, only I remained.
And I remained because she had told me to. Because one day, her Champion would arrive in this land, to that very shrine, and defend her honor. She told me this long before her birth, over a hundred years in fact. And for all she had done, and still did for me, why would I refuse her request? Was it not the least I could do? Did I not do it out of love?
As I kneel before her image, I can feel the eyes of her Champion on my back. I am not atop that mountain, not at the feet of her statue, but instead at Windstrad Manor in Hjaalmarch, knelt before a traditional etching of Azura. The one who took me away from that place of sacred duty is standing on her porch, wrinkling her nose up at the goddess's portrait.
Azura's Champion is not fond of her. Who can say why? Why it is that she was destined to be her chosen, this I cannot surely know. I can no longer ask my goddess such things. Our tie has been severed, well and truly, with the completion of Vivynne's duty, and my own. But I can wonder-- stare up and wonder at the blending hues of twilight and attempt to decipher her scheme. Sometimes I do. Other times, I only lock my hand with hers and lean close.
Why it is that she dislikes her, she has told me herself. While it is true that she has never been fond of marching under the orders of her betters, whether her family, her house, or the gods themselves, she has quite adamantly argued that she begrudges the manner in which she has treated me. It took some time to understand what she meant. After all the wonderful things she's done for me, after saving my life and the lives of countless others, what have I to complain about? I would not have lived and loved in devotion to her for so long if there was even a shadow of doubt. Vivynne knows this and never means it to insult me, but in her eyes, it is unfair to have served her for so long only to receive nothing once my work is done.
And when she tells me this, time and time again, I smile so that the creases of well-loved centuries show around my lips, and I say this to her. "I did not receive nothing."
I said I wasn't sure why Viv was chosen, yet in my own time, I have reached some conclusion.
It had to be someone like her, ash of the earth, whose irreverence would shock me, unglue me from that stylite station of long-held duty. For so much of my life, that was all I knew. Serving the Queen of Dusk and Dawn, her intermediary, her follower, her Lover. It's who I became under her light, a mirror of her loving soul. Could anyone but Viv have coaxed me off that frigid perch? Could another devotee have roused me from that complacent pattern of true and tireless loyalty? Lady Azura knew my path- she has known it since the moment she first spoke to me, since the moment she foretold of her Champion's coming, she knew I would serve her well and never waiver, and one day, that I would be relieved of my service, and that she would need to relinquish me.
It seems cruel, I will admit. Viv said I was cast aside the moment my purpose was fulfilled. But how can we pretend to know better than the goddess whose sight extends across the twilight of time? To mortals, the actions of gods seem arbitrary, but we, their lovers, we can scarcely glimpse the depth of sentiment in each and every choice they make, and we know, I know, that she has not abandoned me. She has not let my love for her go unrewarded, unanswered. It was her who brought me a new love, a kind of love I could only grasp if I had left. If her champion convinced me to leave. If her champion was a jaded wizard without any heed for the gods or their worshipers.
So when Viv tells me I've been abandoned, overlooked, ignored by my goddess, I only laugh and press myself against her. When we lay together, our bodies so perfectly intertwine, as though they were always intended to. And here and now, when she wraps her arms around me and I bury myself in her embrace, I know, I am her most beloved.
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gilgamish · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I have been tagged by friends: @thequeenofthewinter , @rainpebble3, @dirty-bosmer and @kookaburra1701 -- Thank you all :D!
Tagging: @tallmatcha and @paraparadigm + plus anyone else who has been tagged by me in the past. consider yourself still tagged >:) Summary: In which, the Dragonborn commits some identity theft, and Kaidan vaguely references a poem by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.
4E 199
It was a chilly spring evening in Solitude. On some balcony in one of the city’s many inns, Kaidan had left the party to decompress from the constant buzz of conversations, music, and laughter. Once in his life, he could have withstood the sights and sounds for so much longer, which didn’t help with his guilt for leaving his companion with that pack of nobles.
Though, Felix had this terrifying ability to going from a curmudgeon into a charming, if affable, man within seconds, asking after family members, how so-and-so studies in this-or-that were going, sharing polite jokes, and trading occasional barb or two. Kaidan, on the other hand, had remained his shadow, occasionally nodding when addressed, and throwing in a short comment or two, but nothing more than that. Naturally, the conversations skipped over him, and he was more than fine with that. Though, the smallest noise grated his nerves after a while, and he knew that he had no true reasons to be irritated by it.
Far beyond the railing, guards along the city walls exchanged watches, each of them marked by the torches and lanterns they carried. He watched them for a while, getting his bearings, adjusting to the muted noise of the nightly city around him when the door creaked open again. Much to Kaidan’s relief, it was just Felix. He joined him by the railing, leaning on it with his elbows. Wine-red velveteen brushed again his arms. ‘Are you alright?’
‘I’ve never cared for this,’ he admitted. ‘The double-speak. The thinly-veiled insults. The rumor-mongering. I used to think that it wouldn’t be like this, here in Skyrim.’
‘If only we could all be so candid with each other.’
‘Perhaps, in a better world?’
Down below, the inn’s doors opened, and a gaggle of young bards spilled out into the dark streets. Careless laughter, jabs, and bawdy jokes ricocheted about as the lot of them gradually headed off in the direction of the College. Their merriment echoed down the quiet streets, infectious as a winter fever. Kaidan found himself smiling slightly. ‘Damn, wish we’d been downstairs with them.’
‘Oh, to be young…’ Felix murmured facetiously.
Glancing at the moons, Kaidan added, ‘Shame that the night is.’ He dreaded how many more hours they would have to spend here, then Felix turned around, considering the party behind them, and squinted as he thought.
‘You know, I don’t think I’m going to convince Thane Erikur to sign on for this commission.’
‘Eh, he’s a twat anyway.’
‘But a rich one.’ With that crooked grin of his, he reached into his sleeve, withdrawing a hand-held seal matrix of ebony metal. ‘And you can’t get far without one of these.’ He then deftly tucked the matrix away.
How Felix got the seal matrix from Thane Erikur’s grubby, overly grabby hands, Kaidan did not know or want to know, but to take a noble’s seal matrix was effectively to steal their identity— a serious offense throughout the Empire. Felix had to know this too, but he was busy basking in his own dubious achievement. A matter like this required a slow, measured breath. Patience. He still couldn’t keep the hiss out of his voice when he whispered, ‘He’s going to sicc the entire Solitude guard on us when he figures out. Which could be any minute now.’
‘Oh, I knew that, but who said that has to be us?’
With a small sigh, Kaidan went, ‘Who’s the poor bastard we’re planting this on then?’
‘I’ll show you, and not to worry, friend, they’re not poor.’ He turned and started for the door. ‘Or a bastard like you and me.’
But Kaidan said after him, ‘Are you sure? I... might just bugger this up.’ Everything would show on his face, at the very least, and that would tip their hand to the rest of the figurative table.
Felix shrugged. ‘Even if you do, we’re human. That’s what we do. We mess up. What’s that phrase from that one poem you like? That one about plans and the mouse?’
‘The best laid plans oft go astray,’ Kaidan answered softly. He wouldn’t mention the poem’s ending, with the poet dreading man’s inability to determine the future, but here Felix was, ready to embrace it. A quality that he had been trying to emulate himself.
Another carefree shrug from Felix. ‘Sounds par for the course.’ He went back inside. Kaidan watched him go, soon to follow. Par for the course indeed.
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I come bearing corvid questions of the what if variety. A sociological question for you. What do you think the Nord concept of "honor" might be, and what are its cultural implications? If you were to elaborate on what TES gives us (or extrapolate athwart to it), what might you come away with? Take it as an invitation for wild meta XD
Very sorry it took me so long to get to this, Para, but it has been rattling around in my brain for the last week. I hope that any of this also makes sense at all because I think I started rambling at the end.
I think there are a myriad of ways that one could think about honor and its role in Nord society at different levels or rather, how we can see how this concept affects everyday society/culture from the top down.
Take for instance one of our favorite Nordic insults: “milk-drinker.” Why is it there and how is it used in order to classify who or what is seen as honorable—or conversely in this case DIShonorable: drinking milk. Why? There has to be some concept there which is related to the simple act of an apparent beverage choice. Seems very innocuous, doesn’t it? There has to be something behind it because why else would random bandit chief #76 insult is in this way. What can this language choice tell us? This could go many ways and I don’t pretend to have the answer to this, but my best guess is that milkdrinking is seen as an activity for infants. (Obviously cheese is for real honorable macho adults.) So…what is there with the implication? You are a baby. You are incapable of taking care of yourself or swinging around your big burly battleaxe or maybe that you’re even taking the easy road out by accepting some of the most readily-available food source available in Skyrim. Honor is seen in strong action and proving oneself as being capable.
I’ll let you stew on that for a second as we look at something else.
On a similar note, finding a partner in Skyrim is much the same thing. How does one go about doing it? While we might find the whole system of, “Go fetch me X thing in Y creepy frostbite spider infested cave” to be laughable, there is also a lot to be said about Nordic culture and their beliefs about honor as well. I mean, who wouldn’t want a good and honorable husband or wife? It would appear that they place a higher priority on actions than romantics. (Although, we can find romantics there! Think of Jon and Olfina.) It’s stated by Maramal himself that life is ”hard and short” for the “earnest” people of Skyrim, so by wearing an amulet of Mara and then having potential marriage candidates respond to it only after certain actions…well, I think that speaks a lot about what is honorable. 
…Or perhaps what we really should talk about is my pet “blorbo,” Ulfric. What is honor and how do the people respond to him and his actions? We know that there is a huge dichotomy of Empire vs Stormcloak and implications, opinions, and the dreaded discourse depending on whose side you are on. What’s the main problem with the man? Why is or isn’t he honorable? I’m not going to touch the whole thing here because I don’t have any wish to stir the bees. I only want to look at two particular:
The Challenging of High King Torygg
Skyrim’s Civil War
A lot of how you’re going to view Ulfric’s actions as honorable or dishonorable is going to heavily lean on what your personal belief system is in relation to morality (even if most of it is really very grey in Skyrim) and the concept of what is right and wrong. (And it’s not about who you think is going to actually win the war at all.) Is it moral that Ulfric used his ability to Shout to challenge High King Torygg? Depends on who you ask. I don’t want to go too far down this rabbit hole right now because I would write a whole 5 paragraph essay (actually probably more) about it and I’m not prepared to do that at the moment. But let’s just suffice it to say it all boils down to actions. Is it honorable that Ulfric stands up to defend the people of Skyrim and take it back from a clearly crumbing Empire to save their province? Or is dishonorable that he slaughters a young and naïve ruler to pave the way for his own coronation? Is he a hero or is he an egotistical megalomaniac? Is he perhaps both? I can’t tell you. Only YOU can tell yourself that and it’s the beauty to the TES universe. We can pick, decide, and choose what is and isn’t honorable just as much as the people who are in Skyrim. We can imagine what they think or feel and make deductions based on what we do or do not see in the context.
Anyway, I think all of this at its essence comes back to the same thing: Respect. Do you respect the other person you are in combat with? Do you respect the person proposing marriage to you? Do you respect Ulfric’s decisions and actions?
Being able to prove oneself as strong and capable and having traits which demonstrate to that you are reliable, I believe, is part of this. At the end of the day, people respond to actions and people respect or honor you based on that.
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