#this is ............. so late im sorry feuisd
lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
malec + rings
“What are you doing?”
Alec looked up towards Magnus, seeing the quirk in hiseyebrow as he looked down at him. Alec was laid across the sofa, his head inMagnus’ lap while they both were reading quietly, just enjoying each other’scompany. However, Alec got distracted when Magnus’ hand came to rest on hischest.
The light from the lamp that was beside them was hitting offthe rings on Magnus’ fingers, and it wasn’t long before Alec put down his bookand picked up Magnus’ hand to watch the light reflecting some more.
“Your rings are just really pretty in this light.” Aleclooked back down at Magnus’ hand, and started to play around with the ringsadorning them. He didn’t realise that Magnus was watching him, and seeing theway that curiosity was shining in his eyes.
“Alexander, have you ever tried on rings before?”
“Hm? What? No, I’ve never worn them, why would I?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“I know, I just. Never felt like I could have littlepleasures like that, I couldn’t give myself up to what I truly wanted, and onelittle slip would cause me to fall down that rabbit hole. So, no, I’ve neverworn rings before.”
Alec watched as Magnus pulled his hand away from Alec’sgrasp as he took one of his rings off, and held it out towards Alec. He didn’t pressurehim, he didn’t ask, he just let it linger in the air between them. Alec reachedout to hold the ring in his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm beforeslipping it onto his finger.
It felt weird; to have a constriction between his fingers,but it wasn’t unwelcome. And just like he had done with Magnus, he moved hishand around to watch the ring catch the light. He smiled when he saw it glimmeron his finger, and realised that he could have this if he wanted. A ring on hishand, just a small piece of jewellery to make him feel more himself.
“How about we go out tomorrow, and you can pick out a ringyou like for yourself.”
Alec looked up at Magnus and then back down to the ring, unableto deny the rush of wearing it.
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
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