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Why is straight the default? 
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
“What’s this?”
Magnus turned his torso round to look at Alec who was sat on top of his desk, a photo frame in his hands. Magnus’ eyes flickered down, seeing over the top of the frame to get a glimpse at the picture. A soft smile filtered to his lips when he realised what it was. 
The frame held a picture of them both.
It was a selfie they had taken one morning when they didn’t have any obligations except to themselves. In the picture Alec was facing the camera, but his eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was open in a laugh. Magnus was behind him, his chin hooked over Alec’s shoulder and he was pressing a kiss to his cheek, causing the smile on Alec’s face. Magnus’ own face was scrunched up in happiness, his smile evident in the crinkles by his eyes.
Magnus loved that photo. They both looked unapologetically happy and in love. And whenever he looked at that photo, he always remembered that morning when Alec had opened the camera on his phone. He can still hear the laugh that had erupted from Alec as he spontaneously kissed him. He can still remember how Alec had dropped the phone to the mattress and turned to kiss him properly, their selfie long forgotten.
He loved that photo, because he loved the man in it, and he loved the man that he himself had become. He loved how happy a simple photo could make him. So really, it was no question when he set it as his phone wallpaper and printed it off. He looked up at Alec who was no longer looking at the frame, but instead was looking straight at him, the same look of love in his eyes.
“Mm, just a little something to remind me of your beautiful face.”
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henryclaremontdiaz · 7 years
“All that blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes.“ + malec 👀
#16: “All that blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes.“read on ao3send me a number prompt
“All that blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes,” Alec teased, looking over at Magnus. There they both stood outside of a den, covered in blood. A mission Magnus decided to join them on which turned a bit messy, though neither of them were hurt.
“Do you mean these eyes or these eyes?” Magnus asked, blinking and exposing his cat eyes to Alec. He smiled when he heard Alec’s soft gasp, he learned to love just how much Alec truly loved his real eyes.
“Those eyes, definitely,” he said, leaning in. They stood there for a long moment, kissing deeply, before they decided that probably wasn’t the best idea. The threat might be over, but they should go home anyways. “Let’s go home. I feel gross,” he said, chuckling slightly.
“I bet. Because you look gross,” Magnus teased, pecking his lips again before opening a portal.
They stepped through the portal into the bathroom and Alec instantly started to strip, wanting to get out of the bloody clothes as soon as possible. “You can save this shirt with a little magic, right? I love it,” he pouted, holding out the saturated and ripped purple button up shirt for Magnus to look at.
“Maybe. But you know you want an excuse to go shopping again anyways,” he smirked and Alec rolled his eyes, but still tossed it into the trash can in the bathroom.
“Can we take a bath?” Alec asked, taking off his pants and underwear as well.
“I mean since you’re already stripping...” Magnus smirked, giving Alec a onceover before going and turning on the tap. He filled up the bathtub with hot water and bubbles, getting the shampoo out of the shower since they both had blood in their hair as well and dropping in a gold bath bomb just for fun. He got undressed himself and got into the bath, motioning for Alec to join him and get between his legs.
They instantly got settled, a simultaneous groan falling from their lips at the feeling of the hot water relaxing their muscles, overworked and sore from the mission. They just laid there for a while, relaxing from the day. The steam and the smells of the bubbles and bath bomb almost lulling them to sleep at some points.
“This is nice,” Alec commented, looking up at him from where he was leaning back against his chest. “Just me and you, in a tub,” he smiled.
“Completely naked,” Magnus teased and Alec brought one wet hand up, smacking it back against Magnus’s chest lightly.
“Don’t be crude, we’re having a moment. And said moment doesn’t include that your beautiful, perfect abs are on display right now,” he laughed, smiling lazily. “I just love times like this. Where we get to just relax and not worry about the bullshit around us for a little bit. You don’t have any Warlocks to watch over right now, no clients to please. I don’t even have to think about the Clave or Shadowhunter business right now. All there is is just us and this tub and the bubbles,” he said happily. “Sometimes it feels like a million things are coming at me all at once. And then I get home and you’re there and nothing else matters. Nothing and no one else exists but you and your lips.”
Magnus reached down and started to run his hands over Alec’s chest, smiling contently when he heard a small positive noise fall from his lips. “We should start washing up,” he said, getting some shampoo and starting to wash the blood out of Alec’s hair. He scrubbed until the suds stopped being red and then Alec turned around, smiling as he took some into his hands as well.
Alec washed Magnus’s hair before kissing him slowly, his hands trailing down his chest and tracing every muscle in his chest and abdomen like he had a million times before. “I love you,” he whispered into his mouth, still mapping out his hard stomach with his finger tips.
“I love you too, Alexander,” Magnus grinned, kissing him back.
"You have some nasty bruises," Alec commented, using that as an excuse to continue touching Magnus's stomach.
"Nothing a little magic can't fix," Magnus chuckled, rolling his eyes. "You have some too. You really should be more careful, Alexander," he pointed, reaching out and healing a large bruise on Alec's chest quickly. "It could've been worse if I wasn't there to cover your ass," he teased, smirking.
"My knight in shining armor."
They stayed in the bath until the water was cold, getting out and wrapping in fluffy towels. They both climbed into bed and cuddled up under the blankets, the only noises coming from them for the rest of the night being giggles and the softest of noises, just like it should be.
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jaskiersbeloved · 7 years
Okay so what if…
Maryse’s brother came to her after having heard that Alec was dating a Downwolder. He wanted to help her understand that love is love. I mean, against everything he has married a mundane woman. But he doesn’t know that it’s a guy who is also a Downworlder. So when Maryse tells him this he is like “So what? He loves and is loved, that’s what matters the most. I can’t say it about your husband, though.” And this is a breaking point for Maryse. She has finally realized that this is true. That her marriage is a lost cause and she should fight for her happiness like her brother and son did. Beceause her son is a happy man, and that’s what should matter to her the most. So when she heard that Alec has been appointed the new Head of NY Institute she decided to create a new life for herself. To end things with Robert and make it up to everyone that she has hurt in the past.
So she created a list of those people. Of course her children and their friends are high on that list. But she surprises herself when she automatically wrote the name of Lucian Greymark on this list too. So right after she made up with her children she went straight torwards him. But when he ignored her slightly, she feelt upset. She didn’t even know why. But it just upset her for some reason. But Luke, right after he’d got freed from prison, went to her, beceause deep down he knew how important this could be for her. And they apologize to each other. And that’s it. Maryse can finally start her new life. She sent a fire messege to her brother about everything that happened to thank him for his help and asked him if he was free in the next week so she and her children could meet his wife. And he just smiled, agreeing to the meeting and beeing happy he could help his sister.
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
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my friend Basco took some pictures of me being a huge dork today 🤓✨
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cat-loss · 7 years
cat-loss >> okano-lyrica
new url until sh returns. still tracking #userjoanna, please reblog to spread the word!!
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wolfspirals · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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alecsimon · 7 years
harryshvm replied to your post: so would you consider selfcest 'having sex with...
why am i not even surprised that this is on your blog lmao
bLAME @daddariossmile AND @magnusbaene
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And I don’t know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first Fearless
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
malec + rings
“What are you doing?”
Alec looked up towards Magnus, seeing the quirk in hiseyebrow as he looked down at him. Alec was laid across the sofa, his head inMagnus’ lap while they both were reading quietly, just enjoying each other’scompany. However, Alec got distracted when Magnus’ hand came to rest on hischest.
The light from the lamp that was beside them was hitting offthe rings on Magnus’ fingers, and it wasn’t long before Alec put down his bookand picked up Magnus’ hand to watch the light reflecting some more.
“Your rings are just really pretty in this light.” Aleclooked back down at Magnus’ hand, and started to play around with the ringsadorning them. He didn’t realise that Magnus was watching him, and seeing theway that curiosity was shining in his eyes.
“Alexander, have you ever tried on rings before?”
“Hm? What? No, I’ve never worn them, why would I?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“I know, I just. Never felt like I could have littlepleasures like that, I couldn’t give myself up to what I truly wanted, and onelittle slip would cause me to fall down that rabbit hole. So, no, I’ve neverworn rings before.”
Alec watched as Magnus pulled his hand away from Alec’sgrasp as he took one of his rings off, and held it out towards Alec. He didn’t pressurehim, he didn’t ask, he just let it linger in the air between them. Alec reachedout to hold the ring in his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm beforeslipping it onto his finger.
It felt weird; to have a constriction between his fingers,but it wasn’t unwelcome. And just like he had done with Magnus, he moved hishand around to watch the ring catch the light. He smiled when he saw it glimmeron his finger, and realised that he could have this if he wanted. A ring on hishand, just a small piece of jewellery to make him feel more himself.
“How about we go out tomorrow, and you can pick out a ringyou like for yourself.”
Alec looked up at Magnus and then back down to the ring, unableto deny the rush of wearing it.
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
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henryclaremontdiaz · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
lovely ball of sunshine and eros Yuuri Katsuki
my cat
Star Trek
(+bonus) all of my followers but my mutuals specifically as well thanks for putting up with me 😘
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jamescarstairz · 7 years
omg yes you are a fucking good person with a big heart and you deserve a lot more and i love you very much
I forgot what I reblogged to spark this love and I was like wtf ily??? but I remember now and you’re amazing and I love you and I’m so happy you’re my friend and I just love you a lot and I’ve told you a love you a lot now but I fucking love you dude.
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ketzwrites · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
Thank you!
Discussing shows I enjoy
Eating cake
The sound/smell of rain
I’d say sleeping but once in my life I have to face the fact that I suck at sleeping.
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yilingbee · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
im super late but eyy!
no more exams
i’m soon going home which means foooood
also means my bed which oh my god my back will finally be pain free 
and proper fucking good tea i’m crying just at the thought of finally having nice tea again
rosa diaz being a confirmed bi like god bless 💖💜💙 (y’all should watch b99)
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acoupleofcows · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
awww thank you for sending this my way :)
oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
the sun peeking through tree branches
the sound of rain while you’re lying in bed
magnus bane and alec lightwood smiling at each other
live music
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whistlepen · 7 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but its sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
marta thank you ily
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