#this is a <1500 word report I should be able to knock it out in an hour or two
loxare · 10 months
Every single year at the worst fucking moment the brain weevils attack and make doing anything besides the most mind numbing activities super impossible. My brain feels itchy, and I don't think I should be physically aware of it but I am. I'd really like to be able to write all these lab reports, but doing so is like trying to walk through the 1919 Boston Molasses Flood, and I keep making two and a half steps of progress before having to pull my feet from the sludge so I can sit on a ledge to rest and also try and beat the flies buzzing around my head back with a newspaper
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noctilucentstorm · 2 years
Fic: Puppeteers
Merry Digimon Secret Santa 2022, @marril96! Hope you don’t mind a slightly sinister Archnemon from 02 manipulating stuff behind the scenes. Happy Holidays!
Title: Puppeteers Words: 1000-1500 Rating: K/Gen Characters: Archnemon (main), Mummymon, Oikawa, Digimon Kaiser, Wormmon. Pairing: slight Archnemon/Mummymon Read on ff.net or below
Archnemon lay in a bath set on top of a cliff.  Her main body was partially submerged, while her six legs clung around the sides.  Her chest pressed against the edge of the tub, chin resting on her arms, as she surveyed the canopy of trees below.  Dark Towers stuck out from the dense forest, creating a chaotic patchwork as far as the eye could see.  She didn’t bother to fight the smile that spread across her face. Their plan was coming along quite nicely.
A pinch on her shoulder in just the wrong place wiped away her smile almost immediately.  She glanced behind her, catching her companions eye.
“Are you trying to pull my skin off?” she sneered, relaxed mood gone in an instant.  
“Of course not, my beloved.” Mummymon placed his hands along her back, rubbing so gently she could barely feel his touch.  “Is that better?”
Archnemon, who had already rested her chin back onto her arms in the meantime, shrugged. “I might be able to tell you if I knew what you were doing.”
Mummymon pressed his hands more firmly on Archnemon’s back, and slowly she found herself relaxing again as he massaged her shoulders.  
The Dark Towers were becoming numerous enough she doubted the Kaiser would notice if one went missing. After all, those Chosen brats were running around knocking down towers left and right.  It seemed wise to plan out the next phase of their plan in case the Kaiser’s actions were not enough.  Something to dispose of the Chosen Children and their partners permanently would be ideal, but that carried the risk of revealing themselves.
A phone rang to the side and Archnemon couldn’t help the flinch of annoyance she felt at the sound, or maybe her anger was aimed towards the person she knew would be on the other end.  Unfortunately, rather than taking her queue of ignoring the incessant noise, Mummymon was foolish enough to stop his massage and pressed a button to receive the call.
“Hello sir, isn’t it a fine day,” he began, but was cut off by an angry buzzing on the other end. Archnemon sighed as Mummymon fumbled. “Of course, sir! Yes, she’s right here with me.”
Archnemon lifted herself out of the bathtub, and daintily shook off some of the excess water.  By the time her feet touched the ground she had shifted into her human-looking form.  With a dirty look at Mummymon, she snatched away the phone and turned away from her partner to face the Dark-Tower-strewn forest.
“Did you need something,” she asked, unable to keep the contempt out of her voice as she leaned against the bathtub’s rim.
“I expected you to report in yesterday, or should I assume your lack of communication is due to a similar dearth of progress?” Archnemon could almost picture Oikawa’s frown on the other end of the line.
“Sir, we have made more progress in the last couple of months than the previous years,” she replied, trying to be the voice of reason.  “That the Digital World asked for help from the Chosen Children is proof it feels sufficiently threatened.  The barrier between the worlds is weakening.”
“Then help Ichijouji speed it along.”
Archnemon kept her voice cool to counter Oikawa’s frustration.  “We agreed it was best for the boy to think he was in control, didn’t we? No need to draw attention to our operation with the Chosen Children snooping about.”
“I don’t want them interfering in our plans any longer,” came the biting reply.  “Their power is growing, and who knows how long it will be before the other digimon regain their Perfect forms?  Give the Kaiser what he needs to destroy them once and for all, but keep it discreet.  As you say, the Chosen’s attention needs to be completely on the Kaiser.”
Archnemon gripped the phone tightly, forcing a smile into her voice. “As you wish.”
She ended the call and chucked the phone at Mummymon’s head.  Unfortunately, the idiot had good enough reflexes to catch it.  A shame, she thought, it probably would’ve shattered against his thick skull.
“Everything all right, my dear?”
“He’s growing impatient.” She reached up and rubbed at a lock of her hair.
Ken Ichijouji had made the decision himself to retreat to the Digital World when the Chosen Children discovered his identity.  It had sped up their plans considerably, but the Chosen Children’s minor victories were enough to slow their progress again.  Plus, Oikawa was right to be wary of their continually growing power.  The Kaiser needed a stronger ally to counter their numbers.
Archnemon smiled, letting her hair fall back in place.  “I’m going to pay our Kaiser a little visit.”
It was simple enough to slip into the Kaiser’s base.  In fact, finding its latest location was normally the greatest challenge, but Archnemon could predict the boy’s actions well enough.  The mindless digimon controlled by the dark rings paid her little notice as she waltzed through the entrance in her human form, subtly moving the cameras to give her the narrowest of blind spots to walk through.  No need to raise the Kaiser’s suspicions.
In the dark corridors, Archnemon shifted her form and scuttled up the walls as the cameras became more numerous.  She found the Kaiser in his seat staring at a wall of screens, his pale face illuminated only by the blue light.  
“Ken, it’s late. Maybe you should get some sleep?”
The boy continued to stare at the screens that displayed a monstrous-looking creature, as if he hadn’t heard anything from his partner digimon.
“Ken,” the pathetic worm asked again, poking at the Kaiser’s leg for his attention.
“What?” The sharp question echoed into the hallways.
The little digimon flinched back, but repeated himself. “It’s getting late.”
Ken Ichijouji seemed to startle as he noticed the time, but quickly recovered.  
“Where are the Chosen Children?  Have they given up and gone home?”
His partner seemed to shrink a little.  “They appear to be spending the night.”
“Oh?” The Kaiser sat back in his chair, perhaps contemplating whether to send an army to ambush them.
However, Archnemon watched as his attention went back to the digimon on the screen and he stood from his chair, apparently dismissing the thought with a wave of his hand.
“I’m going to bed. Make sure to clean up.”
The Kaiser disappeared from the room, his cape billowing behind him.  Archnemon slowly shifted in the shadows, careful to keep away from the glare emanating from the screens.  Wormmon busied himself pulling out a duster and cleaning the surfaces in the room, but his eyes kept shifting back to the hideous creature on the screen. Archnemon could smell his fear even without the tell-tale quiver in his legs when he looked at it too long.  
Archnemon bided her time until Wormmon finally moved to turn off the screen.  Pulling out her flute, she played a haunting melody, stopping the tiny insect digimon in his tracks.  Under her influence, the Child digimon put away his cleaning equipment and made his way down the corridor in the direction his master departed, ignoring the computer completely. By the time Archnemon’s melody finished he would be near the Kaiser’s sleeping quarters, unable to remember how he’d gotten there, but unphased enough to assume he had done his duty.
Archnemon put away her instrument and lowered herself to the ground, back in her human form as she stared at the creature on the screen.  The Kaiser had copied data from other digimon to give it form, but it still lacked the spark that would bring the creature to life.  A shudder made its way up Archnemon’s spine.
They were nothing alike. Oikawa had given a piece of himself to create her and Mummymon, trusting them to carry out his will.  The Kaiser was attempting to play God, creating life without a thought to his responsibility afterwards.  Much like Frankenstein, his hubris would likely become his downfall eventually.  
However until that time arrived, Archnemon could take advantage.  Remembering an ocean, a call to darkness, she tapped out a new course for the base.  With one last look at the creature, Archnemon locked the computer screen and left the room as quietly as she had entered.  
Mummymon was waiting for her with the jeep running outside the base when she gracefully jumped from the entrance into the passenger seat.  He took off without a word, correctly deducing the need for silence until they were completely clear of the Kaiser’s base.  Archnemon watched the base gradually disappear from the side-view mirror, a smirk playing on her lips.
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spinchip · 4 years
The What-Ifs
Summary: Zane and Nya discuss things that could have been while paired up on a mission together, finding maybe they’ve wanted the same thing all along.
Pairing: Braincellshipping
Wordcount: 1500
A/n: Nya and Jay have already been broken up for a while during this.
“I think about what-ifs, sometimes.” Nya’s not sure why she says it- probably a half-baked plan to break the awkward silence lingering between them, Zanes profile lit up by neon lights and the passing of cars headlights. Out of everyone, the two of them have spent the least amount of time alone together entirely because of her growing feelings and subsequent avoidance of said feelings- which led unintentionally to her avoiding him, and while she’d seen Lloyds considering look during meal times, she had never thought he’d stick them together like this. They had basically been partnered up on all missions the past few weeks, and while Nya was perfectly fine if she could keep her space, being so up-close and personal with Zane was making her tongue tie itself into knots. She was usually so good at knowing just what to say.
His eyes don’t break from the horizon, scanning the sidewalks, but his shoulders tense just slightly- she wouldn’t have been able to tell if not for the taxi that pulls around the corner, the headlights just barely reaching the alcove they had been holed away in, enough to catch the uncertain shift of his hoodie.
She scrambles, the implications of the statement hitting her too late, “Just- what if I had never said yes-?” cringing, she bites the rest of her sentence down, admitting a truth too raw in her haste to reassure him she hadn’t meant the Never Realm. Despite the shame making her face hot, she can't deny the relief that wiggles in her gut when his defensiveness drops for curiosity, his blue eyes pinning her with glowing interest.
Before he can ask for clarification like he clearly wants to, a shadow moves between the hustle and bustle of the street and Zanes eyes zero in. She picks up on the shift immediately, taking his elbow while he leads them into the crowd, seamlessly blending in with the other civilians enjoying the autumn night. Slowly, deliberately, they tail one of the Mechanics right hand goons, easily keeping pace with the man who seemed to have no idea how to avoid being followed. Zane wordlessly notifies the Ninjas group chat they’re on their mark, the others all spread out through out the city can relax. He doesn’t seem to have noticed the two ninja hot on his heels.
Though Nya does assume it would be hard to recognize the two of them like this, dressed down and casual, especially given Zanes human disguise and yellow hoodie and her own red jacket. If he was looking for white and grey, he’d pass right over them. Being dressed so informal seems to only make her even more paranoid, certain if they were caught they’d mess everything up trying to do spinjitzu in denim. A cool hand lays overtop hers where she’s been unwittingly squeezing his arm, and she wills herself to relax. They were just friends on a walk in the city, no need to be so on edge.
She focuses on the retreating man's back, letting the way Zanes' thumb passes over her knuckles remind her to stay calm, the motion soothing.
“So what was the question?” Zane asks and she inwardly cringes, it had been wishful thinking to believe he’d forgotten, “The one you wish you’d refused?”
“I don’t know if i said it that way…” She mutters, shoulders slumping. Exhaling, she decides it’d be a good idea to get the thought out of her head anyway, “I just wonder what could have happened if… if I…”
“You do not have to tell me.” He reassures her as she hesitates, curling his arm to cradle her hand in the crook of his elbow easier.
She swallows, “What if when Jay asked me on that date I said no?”
There’s a long pause, his hand stilling where he’d been comforting her, and she risks looking away from the man they were following to glance at him. His expression is surprised, but when he notices her gaze on him he tries to close it off quickly, “Oh.” He says simply.
“It’s not like I regret our relationship,” She winces, side stepping a group of people chatting outside a fancy restaurant, “We had some good times together, but I just… I wonder what I missed out on, sometimes. What could have been.”
The goon stops suddenly, turning around with a suspicious look on his face. Nya catches on first, shoving Zane nearly to the ground in her haste to hide them under the cover of one of the many food carts lining the street, the restaraunt advertising many different types of drinks and foods. She blows loose strands of hair from her face, peeking out from behind a weirded-out looking patron to see if they’d been spotted, Zane apologizing to the vendor for nearly knocking a rack of utensils over while she’s on lookout.
It seems they’d underestimated him. He’d disappeared into the crowd the moment their line of sight was broken. She curses under her breath, it was a busy Friday night and the streets were packed. It was lucky they’d even seen him in the first place, and now that he knew he might have been followed… She shares a grim look with Zane, pulling out her communicator to report back to Lloyd.
There’s a long crackle of static on the other line as Lloyd thinks, holding down the button until he’s ready to deliver their plan- which turns out to be no plan at all, “There’s nothing more we can do tonight. Finish up with a final sweep and we’ll meet back at the monastery later.” short and to the point. The patrons at the food stall seem to have caught on to exactly who their dinner guests are, whispering amongst themselves, and the Wwoman behind the counter’s eyes glitter as she pulls out her camera with hopeful eyes.
Zane shrugs blithely when Nya sends him a probing look, and they both lean over and pose with the owner while the older woman prods her patrons to snap a picture. One mini photo-shoot and some free Empanadas later and they were ducking back out onto the street, continuing their circuit of their designated lookout. Without thinking, she hooks her arm around his, linking them together again as they walk. It’s as natural as breathing.
She scans the crowd, nibbling on her food, when Zane announces in a tone that makes it clear he’s absolutely certain, “I would have asked you.”
She blinks, tilting her head as she puzzles the random words, “Huh?”
He looks at her, those brilliantly blue eyes earnest, “If you had said no to Jay.” He explains, “I would have asked you to dinner.” He smiles as if he hasn’t just pulled the rug from under her feet.
She’s so thrown she actually stops walking, and he jerks back as her hold on his arm stops him too, “You… what?”
He blinks, a flash of nerves making his shoulders hunch, “I think you are amazing.” Present tense. He still does.
They stand there on the sidewalk while she gawks up at him, only spurred back into walking when a passerby nudges past her. He awkwardly leads them through the streets as the city lives around them, thinking he’s said something wrong. She can’t find the right words to reassure him other than to say, “Well, what if you had asked?” She can feel him looking at her, but she doesn’t glance back, keeping her eyes on the crowd, “And what if I had said yes?”
He hums a little, glancing down at his sneakers as they walked, thinking, “I would have cooked.” he says obviously, “Your favorite: Baked macaroni and cheese- though that’s not your favorite now.” He says thoughtfully, “It is Pineapple fried rice, correct? I should make it more often.”
“No one else likes it though.” She says, looking up at him with a smile, warm fuzzies spreading across her face. He remembered her favorite foods.
He hums noncommittally and she gets the feeling he doesn’t care wether the others like it or not. Slowly she leans her head on his shoulder, lacing her fingers together where she’s been holding onto him to draw them closer together. She wonders how that night would have gone, if she would have been charmed by him, if it would have led to another dinner or a kiss. She wonders if it could have been Zane to offer her that promise ring, and if she would have gotten to keep it. What if.
The walk in silence for a long while, finishing off their impromptu dinner, coming to the end of their sweep. It feels so weirdly final, despite the fact they’d both be out here tomorrow night too, on the same hunt. It feels like a door is about to shut, one she desperately doesn’t want to close before she sees who’s behind it.
They come to the mouth of the alley they started the night in, both their bikes stored in the darkness and away from prying eyes, the shadows of the backstreet an ending she doesn’t want to face. She lets go of his elbow, standing underneath the lantern of the bar right next to them, only stopping him by catching his hand in hers while he’s still lit up by street lamps and restaurant signs. She’s always tried to be bold, when she knows what she wants, and she thinks she might have it figured out. He turns to face her, a inquiring tilt to his head.
“What if,” She says, smiling up into his questioning eyes, “I asked you to go on a date with me? Not the past, but here, now?”
He smiles and she can see him try to contain the happiness, his eyes flickering two shades brighter when he says, “I would say yes."
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pseudocitrus · 6 years
rest // violet & gilbert
i was sick yesterday so i marathoned violet evergarden and literally cried at every episode. REAL, ACTUAL TEARS.
i haven’t read the light novel yet so sorry for inconsistencies with that;;; 
i hope you have a good day ahead!
~1500 words // content notes/plot description // excerpt:
“There’s a lot of food, Violet,” he tells her, just in case it isn’t yet completely clear. “Please eat as much as you like.”
In the end, she doesn’t eat anything more until he puts it on her plate himself, but once he does — tumbling over fruit and pancakes and fried egg and slices of bacon — he is pleased with how she makes steady work of everything. She is on her sixth pancake when he realizes with panic that she isn’t likely to tell him when she’s had enough. He stops, and she stops. Waiting.
“Are you full?” he asks.
She nods. She is, Gilbert realizes, holding her stomach.
“You need to eat,” Gilbert tells her, feeling, for the first time, a little helpless. “But you also need to tell me if you are full. Does…does that make sense? It’s an order,” he says, with inspiration followed immediately by a stab of guilt.
Her eyes light.
“Understood,” she says.
There are many things he doesn’t understand about her, but in the beginning, the most confusing is her insistence that she sleep on the ground. As soon as Gilbert opens the door to her room, the bundle on the floor jerks, and she stares at him through mussed hair and blankets. Completely awake.
“...good morning,” he says.
Violet doesn’t respond. Her gaze is like a knife. The floorboards creak as he shifts his weight from leg to leg, and she fixes her eyes on his boots, and he stops. He clears his throat.
“Are you hungry?” he asks.
No response. He rubs his stomach indicatively, mimics scooping food into his mouth, chews the air with exaggeration.
“Mmm,” he tries. “Food. Do you want food?”
She is just looking at his stomach, now. Following the circling motion of his hand. He grimaces.
“Come downstairs,” he tells her finally, and she scrambles to her feet. Her boots — which she is already wearing — didn’t she take them off to sleep? …Her boots scuff the floor and despite the heavy rubber soles she is so silent when she follows him that he glances back at her to make sure she’s still there.
“You know, it’s alright to sleep on the bed,” he tells her, when she finally makes her way to the table and begins eating, with her hands, the plain pancake he gave her. She eyes him. Between her chews she scans the room. Left, right, chew. Left, right, chew. The maid arrives with another batch of pancakes and notices her eating them without embellishment and says, “Oh, is this syrup not to your taste? Would you like me to bring out something else? We also have jams, fresh fruit, cream...”
“This is sufficient, thank you,” Gilbert answers after a long silence. The maid smiles and leaves. Violet pushes the last bit of pancake into her mouth and then just sits there, watching Gilbert reach for a bowl of chopped fruit.
“Would you like this?” Gilbert asks. “An apple?” He attempts a warm smile, waves an apple slice. Her eyes follow it. Left, right.
“There’s a lot of food, Violet,” he tells her, just in case it isn’t yet completely clear. “Please eat as much as you like.”
In the end, she doesn’t eat anything more until he puts it on her plate himself, but once he does — tumbling over fruit and pancakes and fried egg and slices of bacon — he is pleased with how she makes steady work of everything. She is on her sixth pancake when he realizes with panic that she isn’t likely to tell him when she’s had enough. He stops, and she stops. Waiting.
“Are you full?” he asks.
She nods. She is, Gilbert realizes, holding her stomach.
“You need to eat,” Gilbert tells her, feeling, for the first time, a little helpless. “But you also need to tell me if you are full. Does…does that make sense? It’s an order,” he says, with inspiration followed immediately by a stab of guilt.
Her eyes light.
“Understood,” she says.
Her unfamiliarity with food, even her intense moderation of it, is something that he can understand, something that he can imagine being shaped by her experiences (though he’d rather not imagine those too clearly). And, certainly, the ability to sleep without issue on flat ground is something that doesn’t come easily to everyone. On the field these and other skills she seems to have had from birth are basic and necessary; he doesn’t even think of them.
But for the first time, Gilbert finds himself staying awake, and staring at the ceiling, knowing that she’s taken her blanket to the floor again, and left even the pillow on her mattress. It occurs to him that he doesn’t know exactly how many years the war has gone on. Long enough that there are children like her, that have never known anything else, whose lives are primed for this and only this kind of existence. But…
What about when the war is over?
There isn’t much time to teach Violet how to survive outside of battle, but he does his best between their deployments. Though it’s clear she prefers his old hand-me-downs, he has the maid find other clothing for her to try, blouses and dresses and hats. (He presents these to her hopefully, and then, sheepishly, asks the maid to teach her how to put them on.) There’s the reading, and the writing, which she picks up eagerly when he teaches her. Sometimes they don’t have much time for anything except for him to share stories of things it’s clear she’s never seen: schools, bookstores, parades, lush and vast markets, peaceful parks, city views.
For good measure he also talks at length about how comfortable it is to sleep on a bed, on a plush mattress with such nice sheets, a simple luxury especially after nights of knobby tree roots and jagged stones. She takes it all in, contemplatively.
The progress is slow, but it is progress. One day her report contains, alongside her usual observation of the weather and battle strategy musing, a description of her namesake flower, and the butterfly she saw gently fluttering around it. One day he spots her gazing at a map, tracing and sounding out city names until she finds Leiden. One day she carefully dollops cream and slices of strawberries onto her pancakes. And one day, after he yawns and notes aloud how much he’s looking forward to going to sleep in his own bed, Violet looks up at him.
“Is it really…that nice,” she asks.
“Yes,” Gilbert says, trying to suppress his enthusiasm. “Of course. You should try it. Absolutely.”
“Understood,” she says.
That evening, when he goes upstairs, the light is already off in her room. Gilbert sighs with some relief, and continues on, and suspects nothing until he is already in bed himself. There’s enough tea and lantern oil left for him to get through today’s reports, and he settles in, arranging them on his lap. Then, there’s a quiet knock.
“Yes?” he calls. The door opens, so silently that he knows it can only be one person.
“Violet,” he says, sitting up. “What’s the matter? Are you alright?”
“Yes,” she says. “I’m fine.” She is still wearing her shirt and overalls from the day, and also is carrying her blanket. She walks forward, purposefully, and then, before he can understand what it is she’s doing, she dumps everything on the foot of his bed. He watches, incredulous, as she piles herself on top of it, and curls up.
“Violet,” he says, in disbelief. Her head jerks toward him.
“That’s not…” He trails off. Her expression is as usual, but by now, he knows how to read her. Her eyes dart, with confusion, with sudden apprehension. Her body is stiff. She grips the blanket, knuckles paling.
“…that’s not how you sleep on a bed,” he finishes. “You rest your head on a pillow.”
“Pillow,” she repeats.
“This,” he says. He picks up one of the pillows at the head of his own bed, the one he hasn’t propped up against his back, and lifts it, and leans his head against it indicatively. Then he sets it down, and pats it, emphatic.
“Now go and —“ Get your own pillow, he wants to say, but, perhaps sensing her mistake and eager to make up for it, Violet lunges. She sets her head on the pillow, exactly where he patted it. She kicks the blanket up and swathes herself. She checks that she’s covered, and then checks the pillow, and centers her head more precisely onto it. Then she gazes up at him. Waiting.
“…is it comfortable?” he asks.
“Yes,” she says, after taking a moment to evaluate it. “It is. I like it.”
“Good.” He feels himself softening. “But, listen. I need to stay up a little longer. So why don’t you return to the bed in your room? You’ll be able to sleep better there, without the light.”
She thinks.
“I think,” Violet says, “I’ll sleep better here, Major.”
“Oh? Why?”
Her gaze drops. He waits, and then sighs.
“Nevermind,” he says. Now that he thinks about it, maybe she doesn’t know the word yet, for loneliness. He opens his mouth to teach it to her, and then closes it. It’s fine, for tonight.
“Goodnight, Violet,” he says instead.
“Goodnight.” She works the word around her mouth like a new food. “Major.”
She falls asleep quickly. He glances over at her, and feels unsettled, and it takes him a while to understand why. It is, he realizes belatedly, the first time he’s looked at her and not seen her looking back at him, watching his every move.
He adjusts the blanket more fully around her, and gathers his papers, and stands, carefully enough that the bed won’t make any noise to wake her. 
Downstairs, he smiles to himself as he arranges the papers on the table. When the war is over, perhaps her expression will be that peaceful all the time. He looks forward to seeing it.
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flslp87 · 7 years
A Shell Call Away ----(YES!)
Watching the clip of Emma sitting on her front steps holding Killian’s shell necklace from the preview for 6x15, I remembered reading or seeing a picture that Colin has filmed a scene with Jasmine, I believe, on a beach and was holding a seashell.  I’m hopeful that he will be able to get word to her via a shell call. My wish is it goes something like this. 
words ~ 1500
They say you should never make big changes right after a major loss and after a few drinks with her mother and Regina, Emma had to agree.  She had originally been upset when the call had ended up being a false alarm just to get her out of the house, but seeing a slightly tipsy Snow had been good for a few laughs and being away from the memories in the house for a while had allowed her more rational side to return.  Unsure what had caused the girl that she had been in the past to return the last few days, she was now determined to relocate the woman she had become.  The woman who had turned Killian into a dark one against his will to keep from losing him.  And the woman who hadn’t accepted his death, following him to the underworld to bring him home.   A woman willing to fight for that white picket fence life that was within her grasp.  
Walking into the house, she flipped on the lights and noticed that not only had Henry forgotten to put his shoes away but he had also forgotten to take the sea chest out to the shed.  Sitting on the sofa she pushed up the lid and lifted out the chain holding Liam's ring.  Memories of Camelot and how when Killian had given it to her with a "calm down Swan, I'm not proposing," she had felt both relief and disappointment.  Not only had the darkness had hold of her emotions but so had fear.  But slowly his patience and love had helped her have confidence enough in herself to lower her walls until he had proposed and that had been the happiest day of her life.  
But like so many other instances in her life, a single moment in time and a few words best left unspoken had reached inside of her awakening that little lost girl.  The one who always dreamt of a home and a family but never thought she was good enough to deserve one.  And when she had walked by and noticed Killian sitting in front of the fireplace with his memories, her insecurities had taken over her voice and accused him of not trusting her.  Of not trusting that their love was strong enough that together they would be able to overcome anything.  This time though her accusations on top of his self- flagellation over the past had brought forth more pain then she knew how to handle.  
Leaning back on the settee, with Liam's ring clutched tightly between her hands, she let the memories wash over her. The memories of the night she had been searching for answers in Killian's things - no - if she were really honest with herself, snooping for answers in Killian's things - and had discovered the engagement ring, she had been so excited that she may not have given Killian the opportunity to say everything he wanted to say.  Remembering the look on his face when she had made the quip about him drinking Captain Morgan, and then his words, "I’m afraid it wouldn't give me the courage that I need." Had she misunderstood and he hadn't been going to propose right then, but had been going to tell her what happened?  Feeling the tears well up she closed ther eyes and let the call of sleep carry her away. 
Emma opened her eyes to the sunlight streaming in through the window and to her son standing next to her holding a steaming cup of cocoa.  "Mad at me?" 
She pushed herself into a sitting position, took the cup and frowned at him, "Mad at you?" She managed to say before the smell pushed her to take a sip. "Why would I be mad?" 
He didn't say anything but his glance at the sea chest told her exactly where his thoughts were.  Emma reached out caressing the lid, before pulling him down next to her, "No kid, I'm not mad.  I'm sad, very, very sad." 
Henry sat there staring at her for so long she felt as if he were able to read her mind.  The look on his face far more mature than his years caused the tears that hadn't been far away to fall freely down her face.  He put his arm around her and awkwardly patted her on her shoulder, “Mom, Killian loves you.  Are you sure there's no explanation?" 
Rubbing the back of her hand across her wet cheek, she took another sip of the chocolate, "Things will be fine honey.  You'd better get ready for school."  She followed his lean frame as he ran up the stairs, the telescope catching her peripheral vision.  A thought flitted through her mind, not quite close enough for her to grasp yet, but just hanging there, waiting for something.   Finishing her cocoa, she took her cup to the kitchen hoping that by the time Henry left the house she would have a firm hold on the thought.  
Once he was gone she walked back and sat down next to the chest.  Looping the chain of Killian's ring around her neck she silently scolded herself for not pushing him to wear it for protection.  One by one she took each item out of the chest; besides his ring, there was his flask, his spyglass, and then she stopped and looked up at the telescope that was directed toward the water.  Holding her breath, her heart beating rapidly in her chest, she stood up moving slowly toward the window.  
Leaning over she placed one eye against the eyepiece and slowly focused on the water.  Adjusting the telescope just slightly, she could see the one thing that Killian loved almost as much as he loved her, the Jolly Roger.  Her eyes filled and a sob burst forth from her throat as she sank onto the hard floor and allowed the cathartic tears to fall freely.  
Once the tears had stopped, there was a new determination to her step as she felt that something unnatural had been the cause of Killian's disappearance.  She spent the day retracing his steps, finding out he had picked up coffee at Granny's and been seen walking along the docks.  Because her mother reported that he had been on his ship, she stopped by there where she ran into Smee, who also hadn't heard from him.  Feeling the panic riding just below the surface, she slowly walked back to her car, climbed in and leaned her forehead against the cold steering wheel. 
She wasn't sure how long she had been sitting there before she heard knocking on the window and wiping the tears from her face rolled down the window, "Regina, everything ok?" 
"You're sitting in a cold car, you tell me.?" 
Emma took a deep breath and pushed open the door, "I was looking for Killian." 
"Did you find any sign of the pirate?" 
"No, and I'm all out of places to look."
Regina pulled her phone from her pocket and held it out toward Emma in one hand, waving her other hand over it, "I think you're forgetting something."
Emma frowned at her, "Whatever spell that is, I don't want it.  I'm seriously not in the mood for magic right now." 
"Who said anything about magic?  You're the one who taught me about GPS." She smiled at the look on Emma's face. 
Emma ran her hand through her hair, "I can't believe I didn't think of that." She quickly pulled up the app and logged into it waiting for it to lock in on their phones.  It quickly found hers and Henry's but for Killian's it said 'looking' for a while before reporting 'last known location.  Emma looked up at Regina, fear in her eyes, "He disappeared from the dock but the Jolly Roger is still there.  Where could he be?" 
You know the last time we couldn't find someone in this family, they were in another realm."
Emma's eyebrows went up, "Who could have,” she started to say before it dawned on her. “Gideon?  But why?" She asked quietly. 
"That is a really good question," Regina told her kindly as she turned to leave.  "Be vigilant." 
"I will.” She hesitated a minute, “My parents?"  
"Don't worry.  I will check on them." 
"Thanks Regina."  Emma climbed back into the car and drove home.  The sea chest was exactly where she had left it and closing the lid, she carried it back upstairs and set it on the bed, opening it more time.  Everything was exactly as she had left it but as she emptied it, she kept hoping that she would uncover a new secret.   Moving aside an old piece of cloth she uncovered the shell necklace that he had told her about.  Reverently, she removed it from the box, allowing the chain to dangle in front of her face. "Is it possible?" She asked the empty room.  Not expecting an answer, she curled her fingers around the shell, turned off the light and walked outside to sit on the stairs. 
She hadn't been sitting there very long when the shell came to life in her hand.  She lifted it closer to her face, unsure exactly what to do, when her breath caught in her throat and tears sprang from her eyes. 
 Thanks for reading, but some reason thinking about Killian actually using the shell to call her I kept thinking of Adele’s song “hello’.  If it happens we’re going to be blubbering idiots.  @linda8084
Tagging some friends
@whimsicallyenchantedrose  @linda8084 @hellomommanerd  @lady-bell @killihan-jones  @duathadun  @ilovemesomekillianjones  @kmomof4  @hungrywhovianpotterheadfrom221b  @gingerchangeling
139 notes · View notes
Car insurance cost and car’s cost?
"Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do obese/fat people get health insurance?
I am self employed and live in missouri and am having trouble finding health insurance.
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?
Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.""
How much does small business insurance cost on average yearly ?
my friend is doing a project for her college class and needs to know a rough estimate on the yearly cost of small business insurance. Her business, is a used furniture partnership with a few part time employees. It does not need to be exact but time is a factor so any quick answers would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!""
How much does a moped cost?
I am looking into a cheap way to get around town and someone told me mopeds are pretty cheap. but i need to know how cheap. How much does a moped cost new? how much would gas cost me on average? what about license and registration? would i have to buy insurance and if so how much does that cost? links to a site that would tell me these things would be very helpful. thank you for your time. (i am an 18 year old female and this will be my first vehicle and first time driving anything, i don't know if that makes a difference)""
First time getting car insurance I'm 20 years old...help!?
I'm 20 (will be 21 in March '08) and have only been on my dad's insurance. His record isn't that great so to add on a car to his is expensive. My relative is selling a '98 Escort - very basic - to get to work and college. $1500 car. don't understand collison and comprehensive. The one that pays for a replacing the car I don't want. Anyway, I went online for quotes and they ask if I've had insurance before and I haven't (on my own) so I'm not sure if I'm being docked for that. I have a clean driving record and just want some basic coverage mostly for if I hit other people. Could someone guide me so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg? What are the ranges I should look for? I see numbers like 200/300/500 but I don't get it. My mom said she'd insure the car under her insurance but then naming me as a drive might be expensive. How do people get insurance that covers any driver? Like when people use other people's car? So many questions! It's hard to work, be in college and pay for car.""
How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?
I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?
Car Insurance rates for a new driver.?
Hello so my question is what kind of apr would a driver around 19 or 20 get for a new car, i am looking at a Toyota Corolla, with no preexisting credit. I understand that I would need a cosigner and that is not an issue. I would just like to see what type of apr I should be expecting so I may save and plan accordingly. Thank You.""
Why do a lot of health insurance plans through your parents employers cut you off at 25 yrs old?
I'm a full time student and turned 25 in September. I guess once September ended I'm no longer covered under my dad's health insurance. I was surprised because I at least thought I had the semester to finish off since it was that way with my friend. But anyways, why do a lot of companies cut you off by then? I know a lot of people at that age are done with college, but there are still plenty who aren't. I'm still an undergrad, but what about the ones that are going to medical school, dental school, etc, that aren't even done with college until there late 20s if they went right out of high school? 25 is still young, and it's still hard to afford for most people at that age. Also, I heard about student insurance. Do most college have that for students to check into?""
Cheap Life Insurance?
So I need a life insurance, and I don't know what term, universal, and whole life insurance is. I don't really have a budget, just under 300 dollars per year I guess. By the way I'm 13.""
What is the formula for calculating the monthly payment for an Auto Loan?
The bank is financing my wife for 9606.00 at an interest rate of 7.5%. The Term is for 5 yrs (60 months) What should the monthly payments be? I used to be able to do this, but I think I'm missing something. Here is how I did my math: I took $9606.00 and multiplied it times 7.5% and came up with $720.45. Then I added that $720.45 to the $9606.00 and came up with a total of $10,326.45. I then divided the $10,326.45 by 60 (months) and came up with a total of $172.10. Meaning that $172.10 would be my monthly payment. I went to bankrate.com and used their auto loan calculator and they came up with $192.48 The bank came up with $205.00 (I think they added credit, life, and disability) So what the HECK am I missing......Please help!""
""Hi, i am due to renew my car insurance and HASTINGS ESSENTIAL is the cheapest, i want to put my dad?""
on the policy and my current insurer wants an extra 73, whilst hastings will put him on for less than my renewal quote for just me, i am currently with ECAR and it costs 1 a minute to phone customer services, if any one is insured by hastings or ecar i would love to hear your feedback, many thanks, Dan.""
How come people drive without insurance?
how come you hear about people driving without car insurance? surely they cant have a tax disc either?
What are insurance company for?
My car was a total loss the insurance company paid what the car was worth but not the finance charges. How do this work? I thought your insurance paid everthing and everything was a lump sum
How do I get health insurance for my unborn child?
I'm 17 and I'm due the 13 of September. I have insurance through my dad but my baby won't be covered. My parents make too much for any type of government assistance. I need my baby to have health insurance before we go to the hospital but I don't know how to achieve that.
Motor bike insurance?
i am interested in getting a motor bike (125cc) so how much is insurance for a 17 year old who has just completed there cbt and the bike is a shed at nite and is used little amount of travel like to and from collage i live in north norfolk ,3rd party only ,and it will be a cheapish bike 2nd hand and a off road style, no more then 1000, prob a manual and i know it can differ a lot from person to person but i want a rough idea to compare against getting a car or walking i hope i have included enough detail thanks""
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance and motorbike for a 17 year old man. (125cc)?
im interested in getting a geared 125cc superbike looking motorbike, what is the cheapest bike i can get at this age, a long with the cheapest insurance? on go compare i think i've got it down to about 500 pounds. thankyou""
I knocked someones car but he claimed for a lot more and now my insurance has gone from 400 to 900 - help!!?
Back in June I knocked into a stationary vehicle in a car park. I waited for the guy to come back and apologised straight away. (when its your fault in life own up) He was initially annoyed (fair enough) but went on to tell me that someone else had knocked into his car recently and caused 600 worth of damage (the other driver had sped off and hed already had a quote for the work). I cant remember the exact wording of the next bit - but it was understood that I would pay whatever it cost on top of that to fix the area (bumper / side corner area) We exchanged details. I told my insurance company what had happened and the previous damage. There were also photos taken at the time that I forwarded on (not sure if they were actually any help) Next I hear his insurance company has approached mine with a bill for 700. The total amount for fixing his car. I brought up the matter of the previous damage - couple of conversations between insurance companies - his asking him directly if there was any previous damage and him saying no. I told my insurance company that there was a friend with me (we were walking our dogs in the park) who had heard the whole conversation - in fact she was the one that took the pictures. She is a responsible, respectable person who was happy to make a statement. I was told by the insurance company that as it was someone who knew me - they couldnt be seen as an impartial person and they ended up paying the whole amount to his insurance company. I have just received my new insurance quote. Last year it was 437 and now that I have lost my 3 years no claims bonus (I have been driving for much longer but have only owned a small van for 3 years (practicality for my dogs muddy feet) and insurance starts again for vans) but I also have this 700 fault against my name this year. My insurance quote is now 960. Is there anything I can do. Does anyone have advice for any further action I can take? I believe in taking responsibility for your actions - but I am being cheated here out of a lot of money and I dont know what to do. If 100 was down to me then I could have just paid that amount directly and not lost my no claims bonus. But as it stands it will cost me around 500 this year and more again on the consequent years of insurance. Sorry for this being a long one but I really am lost. My insurance is due on 7th Jan.""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
Is there any insurance company that accepts sr22 insurance required cdl driver who need just bobtail insurance?
I have sr22 restriction on my cdl. And just bought my truck. Its really hard to find Bobtail insurance some ppl call it non trucking liability insurance because of my driving record or sr22 (I guess its samething). Is there any insurance company or agency out there who might accept?
""What are some large health insurance companies, I am 23 and need to buy health insurance for the 1st time?""
Are there any good affordable plans, any recommendations will help, thank you""
Insurance claim and deductible questions?
I scratched somebody's car while they were parked, so it was my fault. Damages were minor. Since my car is old and I've dropped coverage on my own car (I have coverage for the other car), I have no plan to fix mine. And the other party offered to settle on our own and not go to the insurance company. So, the questions are: 1. If I claim to my insurance company, how much out-of-pocket do I have to pay? His deductible? Or $0 (since I am not fixing mine)? 2. Would my insurance rate will go up even though I have a clean, no at-fault, claim for at least 10 years? 3. Is this settle on our own legal? And anything to watch out for? 4. What would you do if you were me? Thanks much!""
When buying a used car what do you do about insurance?
so i am going to buy a used car. it's my first car but to put it on the insurance how do i go about it? do i call the insurance company before i buy the car or after? im so confused
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
How much will a speeding ticket cost my insurance to go up?
I am 16 years old, have been licensed for two months, and recently received a speeding ticket. Assuming that I cannot get the ticket dismissed, how much will it cost my insurance to go up?""
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?
Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.""
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
What type of insurance is better: private healthcare insurance or union insurance?
I used to have Kaiser Permanente but now I'm on a union healthcare plan because my mom works at a grocery store. I used to always be able to see a therapist a few times a month no problem when I had Kaiser, but with the union insurance I tried to go and after a few months it sucked up all the money in our insurance and we couldn't go to see any more doctors until the next year. Should I switch back to Kaiser? I'm mostly concerned with being able to see a therapist a few times a month, maybe a dermatologist a few times a year(currently I'm being treated for my acne), and being able to get contacts and a yearly eye exam(which I can do with my current insurance) and also being able to see a good dentist biannually(I can also do this with my current insurance) So pretty much all I'm missing is the mental health care I want! Would Kaiser be able to provide me all of this? Thanks in advance for any helpful input""
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
Young peoples car insurance?
ok im 17 and i passed my driving test in july but i havent been driving because insurance is too high and i couldnt afford it. So i was holding out for my 18th birthday in jan to see if it went down abit. I have just gone on my weekly check of confused.com and for third party f and t its now 2500 (same as always) but when i change my DOB to 6th december 1992 it goes down to 1544 so does that mean when im 18 in jan i should get a qoute with a similar price or will it stay at 2500? cheers
Autoplan insurance in Vancouver?
Hi everyone, i am new to British Columbia and i will be living in canada for a very long time. I wanna ask you guys a question that suppose i have a driving license here ( N ) and i own a car under 20,000 dollars ( not included tax ). Then, how much do you think i have to pay for just the basic car insurance and the tax ? Thank you very much Best wishes to you guys and your family""
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Why do NEW drivers complain about how much it costs to insure there cars.?
Numbers DO NOT tell lies! my Sister works at a car insurance brokers and she told me The number of new drivers who are involved in accidents is UNREAL You CANT actually drive a car correctly when you have just passed your test (I know you think you can but you cant) So therefore you are a liability to other road users and therefore have to pay more to insure your car.
Can you get your drivers license without any insurance?
I live in West Virginia 17 and I have had my learners for almost a year and have got all my hours so would it be OK if i got my license w/o insurance
Can you get an insurance quote if you don't have car yet?
My dad is helping me buy a new car. And he is up my a s s trying to get me to figure out how much insurance will cost. How am I supposed to get an insurance quote without a vin though?
Who do you guys think is the cheapest motorcyce insurance company?
and if you are insured by them do you like the service you get?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Im 17 and i need insurance and i wanted to know the cheapest way
How much would a eclipse be for insurance?
how much would a eclipse be for insurance.. its going to go under my dads name and his insureance.. he says it cost alot casue its a sports car but i dont know. its a 95 manaul. and used.. he gots AAA its gunna be under his name ere thing
Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?
Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?
Motorbike insurance?
barclays motorbike insurance
How to calculate car insurance policy premium refund?
I sold my car one week after renewing my car insurance policy. I required to cancel my policy and asked for the refund. The first time I faxed them my cancellation letter, they asked me to call back after 2 weeks to ask for the check. But after 2 weeks, they told me they didn't received my fax and asked me to pay for the extra 2 weeks, although I have evidences that I required to cancel my policy 2 weeks ago. Also when I renewed my policy, I told the agent that I will sell my car within 2 weeks, so the agent told me I can only pay 32% of the half year policy premium. But now when I asked for refund, he told me that because I only paid 32% of the total amount, they will charge me more (53% more) and refund me much less. Is this common in this industry or they just try to steal money from me? Thanks.""
Car insurance discount for drivers using a camera?
Does anyone know of any UK car insurance companies that offer a discount to drivers who use an in-car forward facing camera such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing premiums i'd be tempted to splash out 200 on one of these for a cheaper insurance quote!
Car Insurance for Male Teen?
-I'm a 17 year old boy -My parents have nearly clean records. i don't think my dad's been in an accident for 10 years (knock on wood) -im probably gonna drive an acura integra g-sr 2 door coupe anywhere from 1995-2000 not sure what year yet. ab
What's affordable about obamacare?
or the Affordable Care Act that so many want us to call it so that Obama hopefully isn't yoked with this monstrous failed program for the rest of time.
Can I drop my Health Insurance and pursue the Affordable Health under the Obamacare program?
... and would it be wise to do so?
Can I cosign a car title with my boyfriend but just add another car on my insurance?
I already own a car of my own and my boyfriend had a car too until he crashed it yesterday. since we are tight on money I was going to help him pay for half of a new one and cosign on ...show more
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
Does anyone know of any good prescription insurance?
We are a low income family who apparently make too much to qualify for any state assistance. I have expensive medicine needed for panic disorder every month and can't afford it. Does anyone know of any prescription plans that are affordable and worth it?
Insurance and juniors lisence?
My son just got his Jr's license will my insurance go up? Or does he need a Senior license for that
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
California or Ohio ?
Which place would be better to stay ?
Which car insurance is good and cheap for a teen?
Well not so much a teen anymore im turning 20 in a few months.. but my car insurance is REALLY high..is it because i have a honda civic? or that im 19.. Should i try Geico? I dont know what to do. anybody know any cheap insurance companys?
""My car was totaled, can I haggle with the insurance company?""
My car was totaled and the insurance is only offering me $11,500, but the same car (year/make/model) with same mileage on it ranges from $13,500 - $15,000 in my area. Can I haggle with them to give me more? I have not yet accepted the $11,500, I tried to tell them, but they keep saying they won't give me more, shall I ask for a supervisor, I don't know if insurance companies are starting off low and you can drive it up a bit?""
Insurance cost?
How much, on average, would insurance cost for a 17 year old?""
How many of you cant afford health insurance? If not why not and how long have you been unable to afford it?
Could you afford it if you cut out frivolous expenses?
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
I am 18, almost 19""
""Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?""
I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?""
How to join car insurances?
HI I have one car at the moment. Which insurance is due in november 1st. Now if i buy another car this month or next i will have to get that insured aswell. The question i want to ask is that how can i have both cars insured under one company e-g LV. As they will have different starting dates of insurance and different ending dates? Also is it cheaper to have two cars with same company or different companies?? Can i have both with same company but different main drivers?? Many Thanks
Long-term care insurance?
Has anyone invested in long-term care insurance? Are you counting on that to get you through if you need help? I am fairly alone in the world and am considering this to help provide for my future if necessary.
""What is the cheapest car insurance in Toronto, Canada for a female student w/out any prior auto insurance?
I am 22 years old and have never had auto insurance b4. I do have the driver's certificate and currently have a G2. The basic coverage is fine as I will not be getting a new car. I'll be getting a 1998-2001 car not sure of the modell yet.
""For my roads test, do i need to have insurance on the car i use (virginia)?
I am 19 years old and I am long over due to get my license. My mother let her insurance lapsed and she is the only person who's car I can use. Do I have to provide a insurance card when I go to take my roads test
What would be the possible price of car insurance?
My mother and I have been looking at cars since I will be 16 in a year so we wanted to get a head start on what car we would try to get for me. I believe I found the perfect car for me. It fit all the qualifications my mom had set. The only problem that she has with it is that it's a coupe (although she didn't seem to have a problem with getting me a coupe a few months ago since she almost bought me on but I said no to it). She said the insurance would be a lot since it's a coupe but I figured as long as I handle my money the correct way, I could handle it. The car that I've fallen in love with is a Toyota Celica( 2001-04). The car for sale is slightly under 5k, gets 25mpg city and 32mpg highway, and it has less than 80,000 miles on it (not to mention, it has the sporty look to it that I can tune over the years). Does anyone know how much car insurance would be around/could start at with this car? The help is greatly appreciated!""
How is insurance on a 2004 GLI?
I am a 17 year old High School Student I am a male and make Good grades, How much would insurance be on a 2004 VW GLI. Most of the cars I've been looking at are way to expensive to insure. Does it being a 4 door sedan lower the price at all.""
""Car Insurance coverage, will my insurance provider cover sun damage paint?""
I own a honda pilot suv, I have full coverage insurance on this vehicle. My pilot has bad sun damaged paint I live in a salty dessert area. I wanted to know if my insurance company ...show more""
Car Insurance question!?
ill be 16 years old. I'm getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac Trans Am. Very good responsible driver. so, would car insurance be a lot of money??? What would be a good and cheap company to go with??? name brands please (state farm, All state, 21st Century, ext.)""
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
How can I lower my car insurance if it is high because of bad credit?
I have been told that my car insurance is high because of a bad credit rating. I am currently enrolled in a DMP to pay down some credit cards and I'm sure this is why it is so bad. Will any insurance company work with me to lower my rate? I currently have GEICO insurance bc it was the lowest I could find. I lease my car and always make my car and insurance payments on time.
What company has the very cheapest car insurance for Tennessee?
I just need the bare minimum insurance. Which is the cheapest?
Car insurance/van insurance?
My son 24 year old with 7 points .Trying to fet him car insurance cheaper than 1000.Also van insurance cheaper than 300. IN10 AND CD30 on his license .Does anyone know who could possibly beat these quotes .Thanks
Will my insurance cover Invisalign?
My doctor recommended me using Invisalign cause i have 2 crooked eye teeth (not bad...) and my insurance covers 90 percent of what i get done. But wouldn't Invisalign be under cosmetic?? So my insurance wouldn't cover it... Just wondering if somebody might know the answer to that...
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?
What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?
How much is it to add a second car to the insurance.?
im getting my first car and im wondering how much it would be to add it to my dads insurance plan.It is a 1990 firebird
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
""If someone else drives my car while I'm in the car, but they're not listed on my insurance, is this legal?""
My boyfriend and I are over the age of 25 and live together. We are not listed as drivers on each other's car insurance policies, so I was wondering if it's legal for my boyfriend to drive my car while I'm in it or for me to drive his car while he's in it. If we get pulled over or get into an accident, are we covered by the other person's insurance? Will we get in trouble for not being listed on the insurance of the vehicle we're driving?""
How much is AAA insurance?
I'm 17 I live in California. I have a license already I drive when my parent's are in it. But I need the car for school. I was wondering how much does it cost to be added into my parent's insurance to be listed as an authorized driver?
How much would my car insurance be when I move to california?
I will be 25. I am male and I drive a 2008 Kia optima. Car is paid off. No accidents on my record. (Knock on wood). I want to get the most affordable coverage. So in an estimate, how much am I looking at monthly? I will be living in San Diego""
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Is there such thing as unemployment health insurance in TX?
I don't have a job but I want health insurance. I live in Houston, TX. What is my best approach to this problem? (other than getting a job that has insurance)""
How much will it cost me to insure monthly a Porsche Boxster 2.5 2dr Roadster 1998.?
Saw a very good one, will like to have an idea of how much it'll cost me before i dive in. Thank you.""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 yr old female?
I'm 16 & getting a 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don't tell me not to get it because I'll wreck or trash it. I learned how to drive when I was 12 and I drove all the time when I got my permit. I'm not going to trash it at all. All I need to know if how much insurance might be. A rough estimate because I know everywhere is different. Some few details: I'm 16, a female, straight A student, and really responsible. Thanks.""
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
Car insurance question?
i was just wondering, i know that having a two door car cost more for insurance,but how much more on average is it. im 16 and i wanna buy my friends 03 hyundai tiburon. how much more do u think insurance will be considering its 2 door""
Can I get car insurance at 15 years old?
I am 15 & bought a classic car with my dad. Can I insure it in my name and build up two years no claims bonus while we restore it?
Car insurance go up if not your fault?
If somebody hits you from behind, and it's completely their fault, you file claim for insurance, does the non-fault person's insurance go up?""
Insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound?
Does anyone know of any car insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound? The cheaper the better.
""Kawasaki Ninja 250R, insurance help?""
I just turned 17 last week, and it's the summer break now and am looking to get a job. The plan is to earn and save as much money as possible until I have enough to purchase the 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R Motorcycle. I've read and heard many good things about it, and it seems to me like it's a good starter bike to purchase. One thing I am unclear for is the insurance. I've read that insurance for the Ninja 250R is very cheap, but also have read that it can be really expensive. Realistically, what am I looking at here annually? I have a clean record, I'm also planning to get my M1 in the next few weeks.""
4 years after DUI... insurance?
so when i was 21 i got a dui (it's called an oui here in Maine, but same thing). PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME I KNOW I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID. anyway, i ended up selling my car to pay for the whole mess since my license was getting suspended anyway. since then i have been a happy bicycle commuter! now the time has come for me to become an adult woman again and get my license back because i have enrolled in a college that is not in biking distance. I have signed up, paid for, and in 2 weeks will be taking the DEEP class required by the state of Maine in order to be licensed again. basically i am curious about my insurance premiums. i haven't had my license for almost 4 years, but i have read online that your insurance will have to be sr22 and all expensive and whatnot for THREE years. also, i have since turned 25 and will be 26 soon, so i expect a rate decrease from that. i guess my question is: have i managed to bypass the higher insurance rates because it has been 4 years? if so, it almost seems too good to be true. i am highly suspicious. can anyone give me some insight as to what to expect when purchasing my insurance? thanks chums""
Question about applying for health insurance?
Okay so I applied for medi-cal a few weeks ago and I didn't qualify, because i have more than $2000 on my savings account. I'm twenty one years old living with my parents and going to college with no job; would I qualify for Cover California?How much money can I have on the bank to qualify?""
My car insurance monthly rate is $92 how much is my down payment?
i need to figure this out through here if possible, i will pay $92 a month, state farm wants a down payment though they haven't gotten back to me with how much I'm going to need - I was wondering if anyone here might possibly know. Thank you.""
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
""Any way I try, I can't seem to get Car insurance for less than 4000!?""
I passed my test last week on Thursday, found myself a VW polo yesterday, and cannot seem to get insured for less than 4000. I'm 17 years old, just passed, no previous problems or anything, full UK passport etc. The car is a 3 door, 1 litre hatchback. I've attempted to get quotes on other cars as well. I've also tried applying as a second driver, with my father as first. He has 9 years no claims discount and a perfect motoring record. The result is the same. Nothing for less than 4000. I don't understand why it is so much cheaper for others around me to get such cheap insurance! A girl i know got insured a few months ago on her old Citroen A3. She's also 17. The company she found quoted me 4103, whilst she is paying 1300! Where am I going wrong?""
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
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