#this is a gift Malcolm gives to Leandra after they finally get back together
enby-hawke · 2 years
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Hey tumblr I’m back!!
I’m back with more Leandra brainrot. I love you ma’am T__T
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potatowitch · 3 years
Hawke as Companion
Template by @little-lightning-lavellan
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀)
I did originally plan on doing this for my Inquisitor but, as always, I've got Hawke brainrot instead, and I figured writing some companion interactions would be so much more interesting with her as a companion than my Lavellan. This got .... very long.
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You have selected RIAN to join your party!
Gender: FEMALE
Class: MAGE
Specialization: BLOOD MAGE
Marian Elaine Hawke, known also as “Rian”, “Chuckles”, “Champion of Kirkwall” and “Hawke, NO” was born in 9:06 Dragon to Malcolm and Leandra Hawke. Despite having to keep her father's magic a secret, she was never led to believe that magic was anything but a gift. Therefore, she spent much of her younger years experimenting to see if she could produce magic, eventually managing at age 9 to light the fireplace with a tiny fireball.
Growing up, she was attached to Malcolm at the hip - the two of them shared not only their magic but their senses of humor and general chaotic energy.
After the Hawke family fled Lothering during the Blight, Hawke joined Athenril’s smugglers to pay off her entry into Kirkwall. As soon as she met Varric at the start of Act 1, they became inseparable best friends - Hawke often cites Varric as her soulmate and the platonic love of her life. During the Deep Roads expedition, Carver became infected with the Blight, and with the help of Anders, Hawke was able to lead him to the Grey Wardens so he could join their ranks.
Over the years, she developed close relationships with most of her companions except for Aveline and Sebastian. Her friendship with Merrill eventually developed into a committed romance, and Hawke started to practice blood magic after recognising that Merrill could do so without being "evil". The two of them eventually also developed feelings for Isabela, and as such she joined their romance as well.
By Act 3, Hawke had become a staunch supporter of mage rights, a dedicated member of the Underground, and wholeheartedly supported Anders’ choice to destroy Kirkwall’s Chantry.
Following the destruction of the Chantry, Hawke and her friends fled Kirkwall, splitting up despite Hawke desperately wanting them to remain together. Isabela and Merrill chose to remain with Hawke, and the three of them traveled across the Free Marches, occasionally running into Anders and assisting him in rescuing mages from rebelling Circles. Eventually, Isabela managed to acquire a new crew, and her partners were more than happy to sail with her as she established herself once again as the Queen of the Eastern Seas.
Depending on the player’s choices in Here Lies The Abyss, Hawke can be convinced to stay and help the Inquisition further instead of accompanying the remaining Wardens to Weisshaupt, becoming a full companion. She will move to sit with Varric by the fire in the main hall. Hawke will also be present in Varric’s companion cutscene where he invites the Inquisitor to play Wicked Grace.
Upon first being recruited to the Inquisition, Hawke’s specialisation is not available - when automatically leveled, she will put points primarily into the Inferno and Storm trees. Her unique specialisation, Blood Mage, only becomes available if the Inquisitor has allied with the mages at Redcliffe. At that point, Hawke will initiate a conversation with the Inquisitor about their opinions on blood magic, and if the Inquisitor states that they have no problem with it, her specialisation will open. Otherwise, she will refuse to admit her use of blood magic to the Inquisitor.
At this point, Hawke will also speak more openly about her support of Anders. She will eventually admit that they are still in contact, though she won't tell the Inquisitor anything that could give them an idea of Anders’ whereabouts.
Her specialisation is not open to the Inquisitor, however Hawke can offer to teach a mage Inquisitor "a neat trick", which will give the player the choice to replace their current Focus ability with Hawke's.
Upon unlocking Hawke's specialisation, she will gain a large increase to her Constitution but her mana bar will become considerably shorter, and conventional healing effects will only operate at 25% efficiency. If she is out of mana, she will automatically revert to using her health pool to power her spells instead.
Her spell tree is very similar to the Dragon Age 2 Blood Mage tree, however it does not include the Blood Slave ability - it is instead replaced with Blood Bomb, which is a variant of Walking Bomb. Instead of applying a damage over time curse to a target, Hawke channels a spell that corrupts the targets' blood from the inside until the target dies - at which point they explode, doing damage to nearby enemies. This spell continually consumes Hawke's mana and health while it is being channeled.
Her Focus ability is Major Sacrifice, a variant of the Knight-Enchanter's Resurgence. Instead of healing the party to full health and providing an ongoing healing aura, Major Sacrifice will instead heal the party to full health but take 25% of Hawke's current health, and will provide an aura of ongoing damage to nearby enemies, converting their health into health for the party.
If the Inquisitor brings Hawke to Valammar, she will be suspiciously quiet throughout the quest - though she will pipe up to complain about the Darkspawn. Following the reveal that Bianca shared the location of the thaig, Hawke will be furious and will argue with her.
Upon returning to Skyhold and speaking to Varric, the cutscene will begin in the middle of a conversation between him and Hawke.
HAWKE: You deserve better, you know. VARRIC: Yeah, you've said that before. HAWKE: It bears repeating. As many times as it takes to get it through your thick head. You deserve so much better. VARRIC: *sigh* Thanks, Chuckles.
Hawke is not romanceable, though she welcomes playful flirting from a female Inquisitor. She will eventually initiate a conversation where she makes sure the Inquisitor isn't expecting the flirting to go anywhere further, as she is already in a relationship.
RIAN APPROVES OF: Supporting mage freedom, open-mindedness with magic and spirits, sarcasm, humor, stealing from nobility, pranking nobility, loyalty to your friends, being nice to Varric, terrible puns.
RIAN DISAPPROVES OF: Chantry rhetoric, the Circles, Templars, Tranquility, authority, betraying your friends, ignorance, pomposity, being mean to Varric.
Hawke will not leave the Inquisition, even if her approval is at Hostile. When questioned about this, she will say:
HAWKE: Did you miss the part where Corypheus is my responsibility? I’m going to fix my fuck-up, Inquisitor. If I have to put up with you while I do it, then, well … I’ve always said the Maker has a sick sense of humor.
Following Corypheus' defeat, Hawke leaves the Inquisition to rejoin Merrill and Isabela.
Once Trespasser is started, Hawke can be found accompanying Varric and Bran to the Winter Palace.
During exploration of the Eluvians, if both Hawke and Varric are in the party, they will briefly discuss how excited Merrill would be by all this, and Hawke will say "You'd better be writing all this down, Varric."
She will approve of redeeming Solas, though she won't disapprove if the Inquisitor decides they would rather kill him.
High Approval
If Varric has chosen to give the Inquisitor an estate in Kirkwall, Hawke will pipe up during the conversation saying she's excited to be neighbors, offering to give the Inquisitor the key to her wine cellar - though she will complain that Varric has never given her control of the harbor, to which Bran will mutter "thank the Maker".
Regardless of the Inquisition's fate, Hawke will return to her lovers, occasionally keeping in touch with the Inquisitor via letters.
Low Approval
If the Inquisitor has low approval with Hawke, they will be informed that she left as soon as the Inquisitor stepped back out of the Eluvian following the final confrontation with Solas. The epilogue slides will state that her whereabouts are, once again, unknown.
Killing an enemy
And stay down!
One more for me. We’re keeping score, right?
Have at you!
How’s my hair looking? (COMBAT ENDS)
I wonder what’s in their pockets. (COMBAT ENDS)
Oh, ew. I’m not cleaning that up. (COMBAT ENDS)
Low Health
This is going badly!
Little help, maybe?
Why are none of you healers?
This hurts! This really hurts!
Low Health (Companions)
INQUISITOR: You good over there, boss?
VARRIC: Varric, that blood better not be yours!
COLE: Help the kid!
CASSANDRA: They’re swarming the Seeker!
BLACKWALL: Hang on, Beardy!
IRON BULL: Bull’s in trouble!
Fallen Companions
INQUISITOR: Shit! Trevelyan/Lavellan/Adaar/Cadash is down!
VARRIC: Don’t you dare leave me now, Varric!
COLE: Cole! No!
CASSANDRA: Seeker is down! How did they manage that?
SOLAS: Come on, Solas!
DORIAN: Help Dorian!
SERA: Awful quiet, isn’t it? Oh shit, Sera!
(first time seeing a High Dragon) *laughing* "Oh, this will be fun!" IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "Hawke, the last time you fought one of these you nearly died." "Yeah, but I didn't die. That's the important thing."
(approaching a campsite) "Well ... I've slept in worse places."
(when collecting a Shard) "Let me guess. We have to collect a stupid amount of these for a really stupid reason, and they're all going to be in really stupid, hard to reach places. *sighs* I love adventuring."
"Have we been here before? Feels like we've been here before."
(upon unlocking the cabin in Redcliffe with the Tranquil skulls) "That's ... fucking Maker. Tranquil have always made me uncomfortable but ... they were still people. They were still... shit, I need a second."
"Eugh, that smell! Worse than my dog when he's eaten cheese, and that's saying something."
(upon killing Widris) "Something, something, crazy mages ... "
"Oh, walking corpses. That's nice."
(upon seeing the dragon vs giant fight) *laughing* "Oh, that's brilliant!"
"Not to sound like Varric, but why are there so many bloody hills around here? My legs hurt."
"Maker, I hate Orlais."
(finding Valorin's corpse) *sighs* "Might sound a little hypocritical coming from me, but ... blood magic is not for the careless."
(seeing the ruined bridge, if Varric is in the party) "Hey Varric - " "Don't you dare, Hawke." "C'mon, please?" "You are not tossing me!" "Spoilsport."
"I've always thought it was beautiful how the Dalish bury their dead under a tree sprout. Like ... I don't know, maybe death doesn't have to be the end."
"There's sand in ... places. So many places."
"Have I said I hate sand? Because I hate sand."
(seeing Red Lyrium) "Maybe don't touch that. It'll do all kinds of weird shit to you."
"I'm fucking freezing. When can we go home?"
(seeing Red Lyrium giants) "What the fuck?"
(Elfsblood River rift - near the lady with titsicles) *giggles*
"I'm getting the weirdest sense of deja vu." IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "You're not the only one."
"Why do I always end up back in the Deep Roads? Am I cursed?"
VARRIC: "I was worried about what would happen if I brought her here, but ... it's nice to have Hawke around again."
CASSANDRA: "I have to admit, I do admire the Champion. A woman who built herself up from nothing to defeat the Arishok ... there's a certain romance to Varric's stories about her."
SOLAS: "I've been informed that Varric also calls Hawke "Chuckles". I ... don't see how we are similar."
DORIAN: "Hawke? Oh, I like her. She's not as daft as she acts."
BLACKWALL: "The other night, I found her getting teary-eyed in the tavern over how much she misses her dog. Don't quite know what to make of that, really."
VIVIENNE: "She is a powerful mage, I'll give her that, but she's also a naive fool. No wonder Kirkwall fell to pieces around her."
IRON BULL: "She's fun. Got a lot going on in that head she doesn't talk about, though."
COLE: "Fleeing, fighting, falling. Failed father, failed mother, failed Beth and Carver too. Fire and freedom, and she knows it's right but it still feels wrong. Old wounds that never healed, sometimes she can still taste the blood in her mouth. You chose to save her. She wishes you chose differently."
SERA: "Thought she'd be scary, but she makes me laugh. Hasn't let owning a mansion get to her head, either, and have you seen those arms? She's strong."
CULLEN: "I'd ... rather not talk about her, if you don't mind. We've a less than friendly history."
JOSEPHINE: "Lady Hawke is charming, certainly, but I cannot imagine her being popular amongst her neighbours in Hightown. She throws the very concept of decorum bodily out of the window."
LELIANA: "I knew her when she lived in Lothering. She didn't seem to like the Chantry much, but she was always sweet, and her jokes made me laugh. It's a little odd to see the woman she's grown into."
Malcolm also made sure he trained Hawke in using a sword. She's not very good at it, preferring instead to use her staff as a melee weapon if an enemy gets too close.
She has a mean right hook.
Her and Varric have matching tattoos on their left buttcheeks.
Despite being Ferelden and adoring her own mabari, Hawke has a preference for cats.
She's awful at singing. She sings a lot anyway.
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theconfusedartist · 5 years
Rae Hawke Chronicles
So, since I’ve been getting really far in my playthrough and I’ve been making fanart and fanfic for my wardens and stuff for the longest, but felt like I didn’t have enough meta to consistently write them, I’m just gonna start chronicling the meta of my chars in posts like these so I can refer back to it when I’m writing them.
Name: Rae Hawke
Class: Mage
Specialization: Spirit Healer, Blood Magic
Cantrips: Horror, Sleep, Hex of Torment, Hex of Terror, Heal, Mind Blast
Lover: Isabela + Merrill
Close Friends: Fenris, Varric
Friend: Anders
Weird Relationship: Sebastian, Tallis
Family: Leandra (mother), Bethany(sister), Carver(brother), Malcolm(father(deceased)), Sapphire(sibling(deceased)), Leon (sibling(deceased)), Gamlen (uncle), Ava Amell (cousin)
Before Ostagar:
Malcolm was an elven mage who had grown up in the Kirkwall alienage, chained and taken away from his home at a young age and dragged off to the circle. Due to this, Malcolm was cut off from all his family, friends, and ties he had to his past life, now stuck in a cage where he can’t escape the racism, fear, and prying eyes of the templars. Wishing for the simpler days, back with his family, he began to hate his magic, viewing it as a curse and instead decided to learn more about the Dalish and city elves, hoping to one day run back home to his family to or to the Dalish clans that often passed through Sundermont. 
As his hate for his magic grew, the more strict Malcolm became about the use of his own magic, reading all and any books that would teach him better to get rid of his powers. After a failed escape and solitary confinement for a year, Malcolm changed his stance on magic, from then on using it every day, for all the small things and large, in an attempt to view it as another limb that he can control at will, so when the templars cast dispel magic on him, he woudl be able to resist it and continue to defend himself.
One day, after skipping out on a lesson due to his own conflicting viewpoints with his instructor, Malcolm met the Amell family, as a cousin was being brought into the circle in Kirkwall, away from the Amell in the circle of Ferelden. At this time, he met Leandra, who was at first put off by his pride in elven culture, magic, and gruff demeanor, but as she continued to come by to visit her cousin, she ended up running into him more often and started to enjoy his company as she saw that he was willing to listen to what she had to say and didn’t belittle her, treating her as an equal, rather than putting on airs and being false with her. 
The more time passed, the less gruff Malcolm became, leaving small gifts where Leandra would find it, things that would bring her luck, fortune, and safety no matter where she went. While it was obvious that it was Malcolm giving her these gifts, he rarely ever did it directly, and would avoid the subject if asked, becoming easily embarassed at his open affections for her. 
As time passed, the new knight captain was put into position, Meredith Stannard, along with her close confidante, Orsino who was there advising her and asissting her the moment she was given command. Leandra’s cousin had the misfortune of sporting a crush on Orsino for a time and Meredith had her killed to send a message to any others that tried to befriend Orsino. 
Leandra was horrified and feared that soon Meredith’s wrath would extend to Malcolm and urged him to run away with her and to live a happy life with him. While he told her he would take the opportunity if he had the chance, he would, but he feared there was no way for him to get out of the circle, as Meredith was gaining more and more templar and chantry support and keeping a closer eye on all the mages who had passed their harrowing. 
Enter the wardens. Leandra knew that there was a warden coming to Kirkwall soon, as the warden had sent an invite to one of the nobles in hightown for a place to stay while they were in the area. Leandra cornered a warden, in polite society and then asked for a private audience with one of the higher ranking wardens. The dwarven warden agreed, and the commander of the grey, Larius told them to make their meeting quick as they had other business to attend to. 
Leandra then made her plea to the dwarf, much to her disappointment that Leandra hadn’t wanted this meeting solely for her good company, but was moved by Leandra’s plea, remembering being stuck in the casteless, feeling trapped with no way out. The dwarf then persuaded Larius to help them smuggle Leandra and Malcolm out of Kirkwall, but only if they agreed to the conditions that they set for them.
Leandra then took Malcolm from the circle, under the claims of needing a healer to deal with what was ailing her, and told Malcolm of her plan to get them both out of the city. Overcome with joy, the two of them spent a passionate night together. After a few months of waiting for the wardens to asisst in the destruction Malcolm’s phylactery, the day finally came for Malcolm to leave the circle. Larius reminded Malcolm that he has to do what they tell him, as he gave them his word, and Malcom happily agreed, as the wardens took Leandra out of Kirkwall on a private ship and Malcolm accompanied the wardens to the Vinmark Mountains as part of their business. 
Seeing that Malcolm would have to use demons and blood magic, he refused to continue, claiming that he wouldn’t lower himself to blood magic, and the wardens reminded him that they still had Leandra with them and they could hide her away in a place he would never find her, and silenced Malcolm’s further protests with the news that Leandra was pregnant (Rae) and that he wouldn’t want to jeopardize the life of their unborn child. So, Malcolm reluctantly agreed, and kept the magic that held Corypheus bound for a few more years with his blood, then going off to Leandra, hoping to put it all behind him and that his children would never inherit the curse of his magic.
Malcolm and Leandra Hawke gave birth to one child (Rae), two years later a set of twins (Bethany and Carver) and then four years later gave birth to another set of twins (Sapphire and Leon). Save for Carver, all of the children born of Leandra and Malcolm were mages. Rae and Bethany were taught the proper way to use their magic and be at peace with it, but Sapphire and Leon, seeing the hate and problems that magic had brought the family denied their magic and instead took up theft and rogue activities in the alienage that they lived nearby.
The Events of Ostagar:
Bethany, Sapphire, and Leon stayed behind with Leandra and Rae went to see Carver off to the army in Ostagar, but after learning that the army was outnumbered and not well planned, Rae decided to stay for the battle to watch Carver’s back. 
It was good that she did, since the fighting kept going on after the torch was lit and no reinforcements came to aid them, Carver was willing to stay to the last breath to fight against the darkspawn, but Rae convinced him that it would be better to die after a long life than for a king smeared on the ground and a battle already lost.
Rae and Carver managed to make it back into Lothering, where Sapphire and Leon had snuck off to see scout for any ways out of Lothering, while Bethany and Leandra packed. Carver helped set up the larger of their belongings, while Rae went to the local inn to get supplies, only to walk into the fight between the late grey-warden commander, who was fighting against Loghain’s men with the local chantry sister, Leliana. Not wanting to get involved with the absolute chaos going on in the inn, Rae didn’t bother to stick around or talk to any of the wardens (of those that were present, Anya Aeducan, Natya Brosca, Ava Amell, Ayre Surana, Cece Cousland, and Alistair) as she went out to gather as many herbs as she possibly could, snatching reagents as she tried to avoid all the fights the wardens were causing all over the town. After witnessing the wardens kill a number of attacking towns members and darkspawn that had swarmed the gate, Rae then set up wards and traps around their home as they got ready. 
While this did later give the family enough time to escape Lothering with their lives, via an off road pass that Sapphire and Leon found, they managed to escape. On the road, the family decided to go to Kirkwall for shelter, as Leandra believed they would be returning to nobility, and soon after encountered Aveline and her husband, Weasley, who had detoured from his mission to deliver a message to Denerim for the right of Annulment in the wake of hearing about the events at Ostagar. 
The family and new companions stuck together and protected each other from the darkspawn that continued to surround them and entered into an open plain to scout out for any other routes to Gwaren, only to be attacked by an ogre.
Sapphire and Leon, the two closest to Leandra, struck the orge first. Sapphire went in to attack the weak spots between the joints on the ogre’s leg, while Leon shot arrows at the ogre’s head, but neither of their attacks were affective. Sapphire was grabbed then crushed in the hands of the ogre, which then after used her dead body to smash Leon to death. Leandra barely managed to survive the onslaught, in shock at watching two of her children die in front of her. 
Rae, foolishly charged at the ogre, swinging her staff wildly and beating it over and over again, casting horrible waking nightmares on the brute and taking advantage of it’s inability to attack, Carver and Aveline dealt with the other darkspawn as Bethany gathered what was left of the bodies of her siblings and escorted her mother and Weasley as far away from the fighting as possible. Enraged, Rae Hawke used blood magic for the very first time, using it to rip apart the ogre limb by limb. This took an extreme effort and Rae was no longer much use in the fight, nearly collapsing from intense mana and blood loss and the darkspawn overwhelmed them. 
Before they were killed, a dragon swooped in, killing the surrounding darkspawn and revealing to be the witch of the Wilds, Flemeth, who seemed very interested in helping them out should they carry an amulet back to the free marches with them.
Leandra, blamed Rae for the death of Leon and Sapphire and refused to speak to her on the way to Kirkwall, Carver couldn’t bear to look at her after hearing her sob in the lower holds one night, and Bethany was very much unresponsive to the events around her, and didn’t interact when pushed. Rae had to carry Bethany off the boat, as Carver and Aveline bore what little they had left as the Leandra stumbled on along them, only to learn that refugees were being turned away at the doors.
Refusing to let this stop her, Rae stormed in, demanding that the captain find their uncle Gamlen Amell to come and get them. After a bloody disagreement with other deserters, in which Rae revealed her magic power, the captain agreed to let them stay in the gallows while they wait for their uncle to arrive.
Three days later, Gamlen gives them the opportunity to get into Kirkwall either by Athenril the smuggler or Meeran the raider, who would pay their way to get into the city. After meeting with the both of them and having an internal disagreement, they eventually voted on signing on with Meeran as none of them were comfortable with smuggling, had any sort of lockpicking, and no stealth abilities whatsoever, and it helped that they could explain away explosions in the heat of battle.
And so, they committed a murder for pay and let the blood on their hands pay the toll to the city of chains.
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this-basic-mage · 7 years
4+5 for all 3 of your girls :')
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Ashanna: Growing up Ash was quite the daddy’s girl. He would take her walks around the alienage to satisfy her need to explore when she was really little and be there to clean her wounds and deliver sage advice after fights with kids that were mean to her and her cousins. Of course he could never condone such behaviour, in fact it was him who taught her ‘the greatest victory is the battle not fought’, a motto she tries to live by whenever she meets a new opponent (though how easily completely depends on the opponent), but he always low key agreed the kids had it coming. However, this started to change as Ash got older and her attention turned to outside the alienage. As a teen, she and some friends became Red Jennys, which worried Cyrion no end and even led to a few arguments about whether all the pranks on rich humans were really worth the risk. She came eventually agree with him when a couple of her friends were caught and brutally punished for their crimes and hung it up, if only for his sake. The resentment this caused expanded when announced her arranged marriage, which she protested but begrudgingly accepted once again for his and the family’s sake. Since the events of Origins they’ve patched things up, be it a bit awkwardly (he still worries too damn much), and he’s always the first person she visits whenever she’s back in Dernerim.
As for her mother, she died when she was about 5 so her memories of her are really hazy but what she does remember is a compassionate and fierce woman who’s probably the one installed the compulsion to do whatever you think is right no matter what. So she must’ve made a deep impression on her young mind.
Alindra: Lin got her dorky sense of humour and all her best jokes from Malcolm. So he’s to thank/blame for her not taking life too seriously. Their childish banter around the dinner table amused/annoyed Leandra to no end. Although this bond remained strong up until his death she did find it hard to accept most of his free time would be spent with Bethany after her magic showed and often felt resentful whenever her and Carver were waved outside to play while he taught Bethany how to do a new spell inside. So much of her relationship with her father is a paradox of closeness and distance and she’s never been able to fully articulate how she feels about that.
Meanwhile, much of Lin’s insecurities can be traced back to Leandra. As the eldest, she expected her to be the responsible one, especially after Malcolm died, which did not gel well with her originally more laid back attitude. Which meant she often got the blame when things went wrong, which she was actually happy to take cause it spared her siblings and she thought she deserved it anyway.  Although really Lin owes a lot to Leandra, she taught her to be cautious, to think before she acted, and the importance of family. If Lin had a problem she couldn’t solve it was her mother she turned to, as much as she hates to admit it. Malcolm taught her to be funny, Leandra taught her how to turn that humour into charm. The best times they had together was at the fancy high town parties where they could finally relax and laugh, even if Lin was secretly laughing more at the high-class guests than with them. 
Ariel: Ari doesn’t remember her real parents very well as she was adopted by Clan Lavellan when her magic manifested at age 6. But she does remember them quietly indulging her interest in humans by giving her a few trinkets they found during raids on Shem camps, even if in most other memories they come off as quite harsh to others.
When she came to Clan Lavellan the Keeper took her under her wing and became like her adoptive mother, making her see her magic as a gift rather than a danger and encouraged her inquisitive mind and kind heart. They would debate about many things, particularly Ariel perhaps straying too far alone on her explorations and her curiosity of humans sometimes winning over her caution. But Ariel respected her wisdom and would come around in her own time unless it was something that really mattered to her then she would just agree to disagree or negotiate hard. Sometimes she wondered if the Keeper just played devil’s advocate to test her wits. So it was quite a surprise when the Keeper agreed to her going alone to the conclave without much explanation, although she didn’t let her leave without assuring her ‘you still have much to learn da’len’.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Ashanna: She doesn’t have any but Soris and Shiannai are pretty much her siblings in all but name as both look up to her as like a big sister. They were always playing together as kids, with Ash and Shiannai even dragging the more cautious Soris off on what they thought to be real adventures with the Red Jennys when they hit their teens. As adults, they’ve all matured and gone their own ways in life, so they don’t get to see each other that much, especially Ash. But when they do get back together it’s like their kids again.
Alindra: As mentioned Lin was expected to be the responsible role model to her younger siblings, though in practice this proved to be the more mature Bethany. She’s often Lin’s voice of reason when her need to joke about everything becomes too much and knows her better than anyone, which is why she’s her perfect sidekick that can stay positive when she can’t. But it wasn’t always like that, as a child, Lin was jealous of how much time she got to spend with her father, and how protecting her was always the family’s top priority. This has subconsciously followed her into adulthood, manifesting as resentment and frustration at the constant pressure of protecting her. But she’d never ever let Bethany say she was a burden. She really missed her after she was sent to the circle, but she was happy Bethany was is happy and they wrote regularly, something they’ve kept in practice every time Lin has to go off and do Hawke stuff.
Carver was the annoying little brother she was always having to pull away from fights. So of course when he enlisted in the army she had to follow him. After all, she was responsible for him and the two had the kind of begrudging but unbreakable bond only two siblings in the shadow of another can have. She really misses their bickering and beating his ass every time he annoyed her into sparing with him.
Ariel: She doesn’t have any though Sera has become like her little sister. They debate/bicker about elf things all the time but Ari appreciates her unique perspective on things and how she’s taught her not to take some things too seriously, and there is no one in the world Sera trusts more.
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