#with magic
upwards-descent · 1 month
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Rowan of Verdant Sunshine and Emmanuel Moroz are the leaders of a cult set on terraforming the post-apocalyptic planet back to it's former lush green glory 💚
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Her beauty, her fantastic, almost demoniacal, beauty.
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
He hadn’t factored in Timothy. He should have. He kicked himself for the oversight. For there he was, sitting amid a school of people James didn’t know, with his arm thrown around Lily like it was the simplest thing in the world. A knife twisted. Dorcas spotted him first. “James,” she called out, “over here!” That sent Lily’s head whipping around, Lincoln eyes saucer-like. How was she more beautiful than last he saw her? So beautiful it hurt to look. Sun bearing into the eyes of a child. It carved out something deep inside him. Her portrait perhaps. Or his certificate of death. A barb was lodged either way. He forced an easy smile and shouldered through the crowd.
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eldeque · 7 months
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Here’s some mermaid sketches~
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muskoxen · 27 days
When multiple new books fail to catch my interest, I know it’s a “me” problem. Time to revisit a favorite:
The Beldam & the Baronet (Or, The Magician Debutante's Trials & Tribulations) by @dwellordream here I come.
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monkeythefander · 10 months
A Witch and a Baby
Chapter 1: Prologue- The Day Logan Became a Dad
Content Warnings: None that I know of (let me know if I missed anything in the comments)
Summary: Logan lived by himself and didn’t exactly have any friends, until a baby suddenly appeared in his life.
(Aka: Logan’s guide to becoming a dad and making friends)
Click see more to read the fanfic.
It was late in the evening, and Logan was relaxing in his cottage in the Sanders woods. These woods are home to all sorts of magical beings. Logan happens to be a witch.
Logan was reading a mystery novel as he sat on his lounge chair in front of his fireplace. He was about to move onto the next chapter of his book when he heard a knock on his door. Logan waits for a moment before getting up, not expecting any visitors. He doesn’t exactly have any friends. The knock happens again, so Logan finally gets up and answers the door.
Outside of his house stood his ex-mentor, The Dragon Witch. Logan had first heard of the powerful witch with a dragon tattoo on her wrist as a teenager, and wanted to learn magic from her. When Logan turned 18, he went off to ask her for an opportunity to be her apprentice. She accepted him as her apprentice and he learned from her for four years. She taught him a lot of spells and gave him a place to stay so he could move out of his parents’ house. A few months ago, a now 22-year-old Logan felt that she couldn’t teach him anything else and decided to go off and keep studying magic on his own. So Logan told the Dragon Witch he was going off on his own, bought a cottage that was a good distance from a small village and made it his home. He told her where he was moving to in case she ever needed to speak to him. However, Logan didn’t expect his former mentor to want to see him again, since she seemed disappointed when he left.
“Hi, Logan. Long time no see.” The Dragon Witch says with a small smile on her face. It’s at this moment that Logan notices she’s holding something in her arms.
“Salutations, Ms. Dragon Witch. What brings you here this evening?” Logan asks curiously, while looking closely at whatever is in her arms.
“Oh, you don’t have to be so formal with me dear. You may not be my apprentice anymore, but you can still call me by my name.” She says.
“Okay, Delaney. Now, please tell me, what brings you here? And what’s that in your arms?” Logan says, tapping his foot slightly out of impatience.
“Oh, you mean this little one.” She says as she adjusts the thing in her arms to reveal it’s a baby wrapped in a blanket. The baby has a little bit of dark brown hair on their head and green scales on the left side of their face. They are asleep at the moment.
“Why do you have a baby? You always used to say you didn’t want to or have time to care for children.” Logan asks, staring at the baby in shock and confusion.
Delaney chuckles before responding. “Well, I had a bit of a potion mishap. I was trying to create a baby dragon for myself. After you left I’ve been wanting a companion, but none of the typical pets really like me. I thought I might as well live up to my name and create a dragon. But I seem to have messed up the potion somehow and ended up with this baby boy. He has scales, so the potion somewhat worked. His scales seem more snake-like though.”
“Okay…and why did you bring him here to meet me? I haven’t taken care of any babies before so if you need parenting advice I don’t think I’ll be of any help.” Logan says and crosses his arms.
“Don’t think so little of your skills Logan. You’d make a way better parent than I ever could. That’s actually why I brought this baby here. I want to give him to you.” Delaney says with a smile on her face. Logan stares at her in shock. He hasn’t seen her since he left her apprenticeship and now she reappears to ask him to raise a baby for her.
Delaney continues before Logan can try and argue against her idea. “You’re very smart and reliable Logan. Way more reliable than me. I’m always traveling to sell potions and gather ingredients to make more. I wouldn’t be able to provide a child with a stable home life. You on the other hand, from what I’ve heard from the village residents as I searched for you, tend to stay in one place. You keep to yourself and are frequently home. And you’re also very smart, so I know you’ll be able to figure out parenting on your own. You’re also the only person I trust with important things, like this baby. I wouldn’t want to send him to an orphanage or leave him on a random doorstep. So please, can you take care of this baby for me?” Logan stared at her for a moment, caught off guard by her kind words. Back when he worked for her, she did compliment him, but never this much.
“Are you completely handing over guardianship to me? Or do you still want to be involved in his life?” Logan asks.
“I’d like to be able to visit him when I can, but I wouldn’t want to be a parent. Maybe I’d consider myself his aunt. While you were my assistant I did start to feel like you were a younger brother I was trying to keep out of trouble.” Delaney says.
Logan sighs, “I didn’t cause that much trouble for you. Yes, some of my spells resulted in the cottage getting messed up but it was easy to fix. Anyways, okay, I’m fine with you being the aunt. And I guess I’ll take over the parental role for you since you trust me so much.”
“Oh, thank you Logan. I promise to visit and help out when I can. For now, here he is.” Delaney then hands Logan the baby. Logan carefully adjusts the infant in his arms and rocks him, trying to keep him calm since he woke up due to being put in someone else’s arms. The boy has one golden eye on the scaled side of his face and a brown eye on the other side.
“Does he have a name yet?” Logan asks. Delaney shakes her head no.
“I thought you should be the one to name him, since you’re going to be his dad. So, what will you name him?”
Logan then looks down at the baby boy in his arms and tries to think of a creative name. He then remembers being told about a certain god as a kid, and felt that the name would fit this child well.
“I’m going to name him Janus.” Logan says and the Dragon Witch smiles in response.
“That’s a lovely name, Logan.” She replies. Then she glances at her watch and sees how late it’s gotten. “I should probably go now, and let you and Janus get settled. I have to travel to sell some potions tomorrow, but I promise to come and visit again when I get back. Goodnight Logan.” Delaney waves goodbye before walking away into the night. Logan watched her go before stepping back into his house and closing the door with one hand, holding Janus with his other arm.
“I guess it’s just you and me now, Janus. I’ll do my best to take care of you. We can go to the village tomorrow to get some things for you.” Logan says to the baby, who makes a squeaking noise.
End notes: Thanks for reading. This is my first time trying to write a multi chapter story, so please leave a comment, like, or reblog if you’ve enjoyed so I’ll know you want me to continue this story.
Link to next part: https://www.tumblr.com/monkeythefander/737266270016241664/a-witch-and-a-baby-chapter-2-logan-makes-a
Link to this fanfic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52055863/chapters/131648824
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enby-hawke · 2 years
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Hey tumblr I’m back!!
I’m back with more Leandra brainrot. I love you ma’am T__T
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etherealluceras · 8 months
Day 16 <3333
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My fav one so far lol (I.AM.IN.LOVE.WITH.THE.OUTFIT)
Idk wat magic to do so ye flower power
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nightvale359 · 7 months
Okay okay but here me out
If we just get rid of Stolas or make him a random character that does cool magic while being gay and NOT in love with another main character (Blitz).
Then AroAllo Blitz CAN STILL WIN !!!!
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kianamaiart · 17 days
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Pretty Pretty Please I Don't Want to be a Magical Girl
While I’d want this concept to mostly be a lighthearted comedy, since that’s more my forte, the north star (heh) of this premise would be the loss of passion for something you once loved, feeling the pressure/expectations of sticking with something that you’re “a prodigy” at and the subsequent burnout. How hard do you fight for an old passion or at what point do you just let it go? Is it even okay to give up when so many people are counting on you? 
Sounds bleak but I promise I’m an optimist and that will always reflect in my work :)
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pastacrylic · 3 months
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Don't vent to Pinkie Pie
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soaptaculart · 2 months
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Postcanon Farcille indulgence
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bashcrandicoot · 8 months
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A powerful warlock that uses most of his energy to bother one streamer
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prokopetz · 7 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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pocketss · 1 year
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mmm soob
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yuumei-art · 5 months
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Terrarium wings Brittle things My imaginary Sanctuary Part of my Glass Wings Series
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victusinveritas · 9 months
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