#this is a joke jimbo is obviously the star of the show
agapintheskin · 2 years
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the most important conflict of the show obviously.
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80scosmo · 3 years
why jim aka jimbo aka james lake junior is one of the best characters. ever.
from the first season you can tell how much of a sweetheart he is, as he makes breakfast for his mom and his best friend, Toby. He knows how hard his mom works and smiles and kisses her when he sees her asleep.
It breaks his heart knowing that he won't able be able to explain to her why he woke up in the woods, why he got arrested or anything that happened to him because of the trolls.
He promises his mother he'll tell her the truth after she wakes up, but he doesn't. Not at all. Because he won't be able to see her hurt again. He wanted to protect her. To fight for her.
Even after his mother finds out, he still doesn't want her to worry that much. He still pretends to play it off. He texts her during his fights, telling them he's okay.
the way he stood up for Eli, despite the fact that he could have walked away easily. He wasn't a match for Steve's strength but he still landed a punch. He didn't want anyone to get bullied infront of him.
Claire. When he's admiring her from afar, he smiles. He hated the fact that his other life was taking up all of his time, even though he didn't want to be in the play, he knew how much it meant to Claire.
He agrees to baby sit her brother. He crosses the darklands just to find him. Because of his promise. He didn't want to break it. Not only because it would hurt Claire, but also because, he didn't want to be like his father. His father who made empty promises and left them for someone else.
When they are fighting goblins in the forest, he doesn't care about anything but Claire. He wants to protect her. He shouts for his amulet, to come back to him.
He jumps in when Claire is making that huge portal, saying she's never going to be alone. He's going to be there for her. always.
When he makes the Vespa with Blinky, it reminds him of his father. He takes Blinky as his father. Blinky guided him. Helped him with everything. And despite the fact that Jim never showed that his father leaving affected him, he still was hurt.
When Jim sees Aarggh is dead, he doesn't show his emotions to that extent, in comparison to toby. The only thing going on his mind is to protect all of his friends, he couldn't lose anymore. Which is why he went into the darklands, all alone, knowing he might never make it out.
When everyone called him a failure, a joke of a trollhunter, he still fought. Despite the bruises. He knew he was no match for Draal. But he still fought.
He is so torn by Draal's death and his failure to protect him, that he agrees to whatever Merlin says. He doesn't try to fight Draal, even when he's under the blade of Gunmar, solely because he's a friend. Jim would never wield his blade against someone so dear to him.
He never wanted the amulet. But he still fought as if it was his choice. He hated the amulet so much. He couldn't deal with it, but he did. Because he knew the trolls needed protection.
He was so upset over Strickler's betrayal, because he looked up to him like his father figure too, before he found about trolls and him being a changeling. He was his star student and after all of that, he still forgave him and let him walk out alive. After everything.
Normura tried killing him in the start. And he obviously, didn't like her. But when he was battling in the arena, his will being crushed by the minute, as Toby and Claire refused to appear, he still refused to kill her while defending himself. Because he regarded her as her friend after how she saved his life once. He brought her back home, like he promised.
Vendel at first, does look down on him a lot. After all, a human trollhunter? But he gains Vendel's trust by fighting, giving his all to protect trollmarket and vendel realizes how wrong he was about jim in the first place.
He reminds angor rot what he fought her, who he was and how he shouldn't give in to Morgana. Because he knew Angor rot was once a champion as well, that was just trying to protect his people.
Most of all, when he agrees to Merlin's request. Before he goes into the bathtub, he remembers the memories. His moments with everyone and that he'll never be the same James Lake Junior again. That he's sacrificing a part of himself, his humanity, just to fight. To protect.
It breaks his heart. He's scared. And alone. But in his heart he knows, that a sacrifice must be made. That he has to step and protect them or no one will. Because the amulet, chose him.
And in his heart, the words keep on repeating, “that fear is but the precursor to valor. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear, is what it means to become a hero. Don't think, Jim. Become.”
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valeskakingdom · 3 years
Could I request a part 3? Jerome keeps the reader as his hostage for popularity and attention. Reader is really fond of the attention she gets as well and eventually sleeps with Jerome again? In the end she sees how Galavan kills him and is really sad?
Requested by @violentvaleska
So guys, here's part 5!!
Credit gif: @jokersbabe27
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Jerome x female reader (part 5)
Warnings: mentions of violence and murder, depression
Word count: 3378
*Later that day at the charity*
"Already excited for my show, doll?" Jerome grinned through his magician costume. you hated that costume. It hid Jerome's beautiful face with a shitty beard, his hairs were under a stupid wig and a black cylinder. And that tuxedo...gosh, you hated it thought not as much as the wig or the fake beard. The worst on it was his name...'Rodolfo'. You were disgusted by that name.
No magician in that universe would ever call himself like that! It sounds so ridiculous!
"Of course! Though I already know you'll be amazing as always." You smirked pressing a kiss on his cheek "Give them the best show they've ever seen!"
"That ain't be a problem for me" Jerome grinned "Even Hundini wouldn't have seen such a great show." You giggled at his comment.
"Without further ado, please allow me to present you the Great Rodolfo!" Immediately, Jerome walked on stage, everyone was applauding - even you. You were excited for how he was acting as a magician. Of course, you knew he was doing it well anyway. Jerome was professional. He could play every role in this Earth perfectly!
"Ha! Greetings ladies and germs," Jerome walked on stage "I am indeed the Great Rodolfo! Please ogle my lovely assistant. Ohh, for my first act, I'll require a volunteer. Let me see. Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, goose!" Jerome pointed at Bruce Wayne, the richest orphan in Gotham that was hated by every villain - really, everyone wanted to kill him.
"Hello, young man. Does this handsome gentleman have a name?" You heard Jerome saying after she went out to the crowd to bring him back.
"Bruce." The boy responded.
"Bruce! Well, Bruce. This won't hurt a bit." He clapped two great blades together "Is there a doctor in the house?"
Jerome sticked one of the blades in the box along with the other one. The audience gasped, them applauded him.
While watching you were astonished about Jerome's well, acting. Nobody noticed it was him. Neither Bruce nor the other guests recognized anything. Almost unbelievable for you.
"Some people say Bruce has a split personality." Jerome laughed loud while Barbara brought the little kid back to his actual place "For my next illusion, I'd like to call to the stage esteemed Deputy Major Harrison Kane."
Barbara pushed a rolling table, covered with a tarp, forward that it stood in front of Jerome. She pulled the tarp back and you could see any kind of knives laying down there. You were thinking about what was coming next. Is Jerome still playing with him or is he about to kill that guy?
Barbara bended down making the others noticed the next illusion was incoming. But a mistake happened, her mask fell down.
They're fucked!! You thought panicking. If anyone of the guests recognized them, they all would have a big problem. People would call the police, others die, the police finds you and eventually become informed about Theo, as well.
But Barbara kept being professional. Nobody made a move to start panicking or to call the police. Everything stayed normal.
"By the way, nobody is getting out here alive." At first the crowd laughed because they thought he was just joking - of course, he did not. Jerome killed the Deputy and the gunfire started. People were screaming and hiding in hope they weren't the next victim.
You flinched a little in surprise, although you might have expected it. Who would Jerome not kill expect you? He killed his mother, now the Deputy Major...it was just a matter of time to see who was his next victim.
For you, that all was pretty exciting, but also a big feeling of unpleasantness came over you. This situation reminded you of the day Jerome kidnapped you. You had flashbacks. You fear, you uncomfortableness, the nervousness, the wish to go home...everything came back - you knew best how the victims felt right now, and.
And as the last time, something told you that this situation wouldn't turn out well.
You wanted to be with Jerome right now. You just wanted to hug him, you wouldn't care whether he liked it or not, you just needed it.
But you couldn't go to him. You promised him to stay backstage to watch his marvellous show. And you knew, as everyone else knew what would happen if you broke the promise. His mood would change again and you needed to see whether it would turn out well for you or not.
You just stared at your lover. Finally he took the cylinder from his head as the wig, his black mask and the beard. Finally he presented himself again. You couldn't help but smile. You saw him being excited, being happy. He was the star in the show as he was the boss. You loved to see this: him standing there calm and managing everything while around him was pure chaos.
He was so professional you thought.
Out of nowhere, another woman was brought on stage, it was Lee Tompkins.
She was handhuffed, her gaze expressed fear and panicking.
They probably have taken her from behind as she was about to call the cops to tell what was going on.
You saw Jerome gazing at her with a smile - immediately, you hated her. You hated how you Jerome looked at her, how he smiled at her. It looked the same as every time he was smiling at you.
"Hey, darling" You felt shivers down your spine and jealousy came over you as he said that, you hated when Jerome was acting kinda flirty with other women. You always got the feeling they'd be much better than you but you also that your thoughts are wrong "I need to borrow your phone for a moment. We wanna tell Jimbo how the show's going on, don't we?"
And so he called him:
"Sorry Jimbo, it's just little old me!" He said nothing for a moment, then "Are you outside? You are, aren't you?" He cackled" Oh, goody!"
"Breathe, James. I haven't touched a hair on your girlfriend's pretty head." See for yourself. This is live television after all." You heard Jerome laughing after he responded to 'Jimbo'.
Then Jerome and Barbara tied Lee up on that big wheel pretending to shoot her head. It was all to entertain the crowd, to make them love. No one loved though - besides you. You loved their show. It entertained you and you loved to see your lover in action.
"True, but not the point. Hey, let's talk about what I want." Jerome walked down the stage closer to the camera "$47 million, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang's be careful, the man is a crook, and mm, I don't know, a pony. Uh, you got ten minutes or I start killing people. Remember this is being broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, don't let people die. Bye!" Jerome laughed into the phone as he hung up "I think that went well." Jerome looked at you giving you a wink with a smile.
"Enough! You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave!" You suddenly heard Theo yelling from the other side of the stage. You were confused. What was he doing here? He told them to do this! Or did this still belong to the show?
"Is that right?" Jerome asked with a smirk.
"It may be presumptuous to speak for all citizens of Gotham. But we are sick of you! You're a small, vicious man with a pathetic need for attention. Enough man, for God's sake, enough!"
You were even more confused about Galavan's words. Something was in the bush. In his tower he spoke in high claims of Jerome that he was the star in the show, that he trusted Jerome most that he'll do it. What was wrong now?
"I'm curious what your leverage is here, Mr.?"
"Theo Galavan"
"Well, Mr. Theo Galavan, if you don't sit down, uh, I'm gonna shoot you. In your face."
"I know there is some human decency left in you. If you need a hostage, take me. But let these people go home! To their families, to their children." Before Theo could continue his speech, Barbara knocked him out with a some kind of pan. You giggled for yourself, almost laughed loud. It looked so stupid for you how he fell on the ground. It was like in a real blockbuster.
"Boring" Barbara stated.
"Right" Jerome cackled loudly, then he made his way to you with a big grin in his face. Automatically you grinned, too.
"How do you like the show doll?" Jerome grabbed your hands and pulled you close to him. You felt a slightly blush spreading over your cheeks as he pressed his lips against yours. His hands grabbed your cheeks softly to intense the kiss.
"I love it! It's very exciting" You grinned wrapping your arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around your waist "But I'm much happier about you not wearing this cruel costume anymore. It covered your face, I hated it."
Jerome just chuckled about your comment and kissed your forehead.
"I have an idea," You just raised your brows looking at him in interest "Wanna be the star in my show?"
"Of course I do!" You smiled wide before he pressed his lips against yours quickly, then you both walked out. Gasps filled the room, all eyes were on you. They all knew who you were. You were the missed girl everyone was looking for. They either thought you were dead or that you were left at a lost place. But now you stood there - healthy, happy, self-confident.
"I know what you all think: That's (Y/n)! What is she doing here?! Where has she been?! I tell you all a secret: She was with me all the time." Jerome grabbed your face soft making you giggle "She's gorgeous, isn't she? Always has a pretty smile in her face."
Barbara pulled a next man up on stage positioning right in front of you and handed you a gun. Then she placed an apple on the man's bald.
"You know how to hold a gun, doll?" Jerome grinned wrapping his arms around you from behind. You felt his lips and his warm breathe touched your cheek. It was giving you chills in arousal.
"I'm not that stupid, Jerome." You made sure the gun was loaded. You positioned yourself to keep stable and pointed the gun at the apple. That was what Barbara and Tabitha have taught you over the days you were at Galavan's.
The man in front of you was shivering with wide eyes, his sweat was dripping down his forehead. His eyes expressed fear and you could see he wished you didn't kill him.
"Hold very still." Jerome growled at the man, then he covered his eyes with one hand "I can't look! Someone tell me how it turns out."
You inhaled deeply and concentrated on the apple. But as you pulled the trigger, just water came out and splashed into the old man's face. At that moment, you thought that Jerome jerked you around with tell you time the star.
Jerome just sighed in annoyance grabbing your gun and gave you a new one assuring you that he didn't know the gun was fake.
"Damn! Turn around." The man looked at you in fear and turned around. With his eyes he literally begged you not to shoot or at least to hit the apple. He was about to stop moving as you shot the apple from his head. The crowd gasps in shock and relief that the guy wasn't dead yet.
"Whoo!" Barbara cheered happily. You knew she was proud of you that you didn't blame yourself and missed the apple. You were proud of yourself, too. You shot without hesitation, not even thinking of missing the apple and accidentally shoot the guy.
Every one else kept quiet tho.
"Well, clap!" Jerome shouted kinda aggressively to the crowd - then they did it. Nervously and fast. He laughed slightly pressing a kiss on your cheek "Well done, doll."
"Thank you, Jerome." You grinned. He took the gun out of your hands and placed it on the table with the knives. Then he kept staring at them for a while, you could see he was thinking about something.
"Do you know how to use a knife? Just wondering." Jerome smiled at you.
Before you could answer though, you saw Lee kicked Barbara in the stomach making her grunt.
As Barbara looked up at Lee, you could see fury was written in her face. She was angry, mad...these words just described a very small part of her feeling. It was incredible how much hate a person could express.
You looked at Lee. You could see she didn't give a fuck about her consequences.
"Haven't been ten minutes," Jerome hissed holding Barbara's arm tight that she was unable to stab Lee "We need to buy you a watch." Soon as Jerome turned around back to you Barbara punched Lee in her face. The crowd and you all gasped in surprise. Jerome instead, just looked at you shaking his head in disappointment what made you chuckle.
"Well, I think it's time for tonight's first official victim. You all know and love. Poor rich boy...Parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer: Where is Bruce Wayne?" Jerome claimed waiting for the little boy's appearance - he didn't come though. Everyone looked around for the boy hoping he would come. They, as you, knew what would happen if he did - someone will die.
"You know, I'm an orphan, too, Bruce? I killed my parents, though." Jerome spoke to the microphone, then stepped away from it "Where are you hiding?"
"Bruce!" Jerome screamed in anger making you flinch a little - you were always surprised about his temper. It came rapidly and was gone after a few seconds "Where are you buddy?!"
"That little kid's afraid of you, Jerome." You giggled wrapping your arms around his torso kinda in hope to calm him down a little. You had no idea his temper could ride that fast. "Give that boy some time to realize how much fun he's gonna have with you."
"We don't have time, right now. We have a plan to follow." Jerome grumbled looking around for Bruce and slightly pushing you away from him. In your eyes, Jerome was  a mix of an infant and a monster or the evil itself. His impatience reminded you of a child that didn't get his will. And his eye expression expressed fury, evil and the strong wish to kill the kid. It was fascinating, and almost frightening.
"Kill his butler!"" Barbara suggested.
"Alright, last chance Bruce but it's about to get very butler-brainy out here." Jeromekept looking around. While that, some of Jerome's colleagues grabbed the butler's arms right pushing him forward to Jerome. He was an older tall man in a black tuxedo looking very concerned for the little boy - understandable.
"Brucey!" Jerome yelled looking through the crowd but the boy still didn't appear "I'm bored. Shoot the butler." Jerome turned to you with a grin, not even really paying attention to what was happening around him. He just wanted you.
"Stop!" Bruce claimed panicking and ran fast in front of the stage to his poor butler.
"Let's get this started, huh?" Jerome gasped pulling Bruce back while pointing a gun at his head "You! Check behind the curtain! Make sure no one's playing silly buggers"
One of Jerome's colleagues nodded and walked to the curtain. He moved it aside the entrance,  he got shot.
"Drop the knife!" James Gordon shouted pointing a gun at Jerome, but he just laughed and pressed the young Bruce Wayne in front of his body, a sharp blade was pressed on his throat almost cutting his thin skin.
"I don't have a clean shot!" Gordon shouted.
"Stay calm, Bruce." The butler tried to encourage the little boy after he took a gun, as well, pointing it at Jerome. He totally ignored what Gordon said. His mind was all around Bruce.
"It seems like we've got ourselves a pickle." Jerome stopped laughing but pressing a knife against Bruce's throat. "What do you say Brucey boy? Wanna boost our ratings, huh?" Jerome cackled insanely again "Smile."
"I said enough!"  All of a sudden Theo appeared behind Jerome. He looked mad, very mad. Again you got that feeling of uncomfortableness. And again you got that feeling that something bad will happen now. You saw it on his gaze. This devilish grin. Something was in the bush.
And you weren't wrong. Shortly after Jerome turned to him slowly, Theo stabbed a knife into his neck.
Everyone gasped in shock, you were the loudest though. You heart dropped, you couldn't move for the moment, your legs became weak, cat got your tongue - you weren't able to breathe normal. You felt poor as you stared at Theo's hand that pressed the knife in Jerome's throat deeper and deeper - and that all right in front of you. Your whole body shivered, you were about to throw up every minute.
Tears built up in your eyes and some even streamed down your cheeks. This couldn't be real, this mustn't be real! You couldn't loose him, not now, not again, not forever.
Things have happened not quite perfect and you were mad at him, you didn't want to be with him, you even hated him for a moment, you were afraid of him... everything. You could say for one moment he was your biggest fear in your life because you were scared he'd kill you every minute, or every time you did something wrong. But that faded, it was forgiven, your love was refreshed. It was stronger than the night you two met for the first time. Your connection was stronger than ever before - you knew you belonged together. Why else did fate decide to let you two meet again? Why else would you fall for him again? Why else did he all you his doll, his girl, his queen? That weren't just words...it was more, a lot more.
You knew Jerome couldn't show love as usual people did, but you knew he loved you. His soft side towards you, him trying to make you smile, him protecting you when Greenwood teased you or harassed you..,that was all real. He didn't act at all!
All the memories came up. His smile, how you two hold a conversation for the first time at the circus, you felt the warmth on you hand again when you remembered how he held your hand. You could feel his arms wrapping around your body, and you could hear him calling you 'doll'.
And all this was gone forever now.
"I know, I know." He pressed Jerome down to the ground "Im so sorry, Jerome. You have real talent. But now you see, the plot thickens. Enter the hero." You saw Theo grinning slightly.
You could kill him for what he has done to him - and to you. He took all your joy away, he ripped your heart in two and three it away that it shattered in thousands of pieces. He had to die in your eyes. He just deserved it. You wanted revenge. You wanted to make him feel what he has done to you. You wanted to make him feel how you felt - sad, broken, shocked.
"I was gonna be.." With his last breath and his last courage, he looked up to you still having a grin in his face. His mouth opened shortly as if he was about to say something to you, but too late.
He was dead - dead as your happiness, your joy, you will to live. Your heart felt so heavy that every beating was exhausting you, as your breathing. The world was spinning around you. You body and your psyche couldn't handle what has happened just a few seconds in front of you.
He died, your love, your everything - your Jerome. And he will never come back.
And you died - inside.
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archived-brokentoys · 4 years
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@kldblodiige​ asked:
🔥 your opinion about The R!ddler in live action adaptations
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MOST OF THEM ARE BAD. 🙊 I’ll just begin by talking about each Ed in each live adaptation...
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Let’s start off with the first! Frank’s from the 60s! This one ISN’T bad. Which might come as a surprise, because I’m always the salty motherfucker who complains about Ed’s character being portrayed as too much of a joke. But it didn’t matter that he was portrayed silly in this show... because so was everyone else! It didn’t feel like Ed’s character was the butt of the joke, because EVERYONE WAS! Therefore, his character felt just as respected as the others’. Now this obviously isn’t my favorite portrayal of Ed... even if I do take some fun inspirations from it, it’s... not exactly how I picture Ed. BUT. Frank was a fun actor, and not only that... but he practically saved Ed’s character. Ed made his debut in the comics in 1948. Then... after the two-parter, his character literally faded into obscurity, never to be seen again. UNTIL. The 60s! Because the 60s show decided to use the R!ddler. Then... suddenly Ed was beloved again! People adored Frank’s portrayal of the character! It caused Ed to return to the comics. So, yes. Even if people may not like Frank’s portrayal because of how silly it could be. I think he still deserves the respect nonetheless. I feel if it wasn’t for him... right now, would’ve been looking back at Ed as that weird one time character, and he would’ve never played such a big role with the rogues. So, I’m certainly thankful for Frank’s portrayal!
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Now time for Jimbo’s portrayal in Forever. I... I don’t like it! I’ve noticed a lot of people are starting to find a new appreciation for it, especially Tumblr. Which I can understand, seeing that he was queer-coded, and Jim fans might appreciate it. But my problem with this portrayal is that... he’s just another Jim character. He didn’t feel like a R!ddler character, but instead a Jim C character. He said his portrayal was based on Frank’s... which I have two problems with 1) every Jim character is wacky, and watching this? It still felt more like a Jim portrayal than a Frank portrayal. 2) Again, Frank was more of a product of his name. At this point, we’ve kinda evolved away from that. Now, I’m not saying we can’t have no more fun B/atman related things. Brave & the Bold is still fun, as well as anything based on the 60s show. But the movies were known for being more grim/dark. So, it’s kinda weird to have such a silly character... (Harvey was also portrayed as wackier, too.) for a sequel. I also feel Jim is the anti-Frank for R!ddler as well. While Frank popularized and revived Ed’s character, I honestly feel Jim killed it. I just feel there was a drop in Ed’s popularity after Jim’s portrayal and the failure of Forever. So, I can’t really enjoy Jim’s portrayal, just because to me... it doesn’t FEEL like Ed. 
Also, I get turned off by any portrayal that depicts Ed as a SCIENTIST. I know this is a... weird pet peeve of mine. But it feels like such UNCREATIVE writing. Like the writers are just sitting there thinking, “okay... this character is SUPER SMART... but how would people know he’s a GENIUS?? Oh! I know! Make him a SCIENTIST!” So many media opts to make the genius a scientist. Even tho it’s like... not every smart person becomes a scientist lol! This is why I appreciate Ed’s “backstory” in Nu52, Ark verse, and Animated Series... because they all involve computers or programming. I feel that’s much more fitting for Ed, AND it’s also a way to show that he’s smart without making him a scientist!
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G0tham Ed also bad. I can’t FULLY judge because I never watched G0tham. But from what I’ve heard... it’s just a big can of YIKES for me. Just because I’ve heard far too many bad things about it. Such as apparent homophobia, and again... I feel they’re more concerned about portraying him as a zany/quirky crazy rather than actually mentally ill. Again, I didn’t appreciate that, as far as I heard, he doesn’t have OCD? Just because I felt OCD is a big part of Ed’s character, and who he is. I can say one nice thing about G0tham Ed, and that’s his design/look. Although I don’t believe Michael is the perfect Ed looks wise... (but that’s understandable, it’s difficult to find an actor who looks exactly like the character.) While I probably prefer Frank’s suit more (I really like the question marks!) But Frank was more often in the um... can’t really call it spandex, because the outfit was made of cloth. But he was in those classic PJs more times in the show than he was in the suit. And as always, I prefer Ed with glasses over the domino mask or no eyewear at all. I also like the black leather gloves.
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And finally... the new movie. I hate, hate, HATE this design. But I’m not really sure if that’s an unpopular opinion? As I honestly don’t know how every one else feels about it! I don’t often see many other R!ddler fans talking about it. Anyways, this just doesn’t feel or look like Ed at all. I don’t feel Ed’s STYLE or CHARACTER when I look at it. I also think out of all the actors Ed’s gotten, Paul looks... the least like Ed. But... other than not liking the design. I can’t say anything about his actual character because it’s too soon for that! The trailer made me feel he might be portrayed correctly! I loved the “NO MORE LIES” thing in it. It feels like this could be an Ed I always wanted to see more of) one of anarchy and believes he’s going up against the corrupt government/police force of G0tham. And also perhaps one that doesn’t like to lie... but again, we won’t fully know until the movie’s out!
(Also is it me, or does the “books” in the background looks like they’re PlayStation 2 games? I’m fairly certain I see Star Wars: Battlefront back there.)
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