#this is a messy ramble but I’m too lazy and busy to rearrange and make it make more sense
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
my hero // yoon dowoon // au
anon requested this:  hello! can i request for a community police officer!dowoon of day6 and he falls in love with a girl (you can make it up!) i know i sound greedy, but do you think you can mke this kind of long? i wanted to save this idea for my favorite writer!
enjoy my dear <3
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yoon dowoon x reader.
words: 3.4k.
genre: fluff, mentions of crime, but basically all cute things.
You looked at the shattered glass littered around your feet with tears in your eyes. Everything you had spent the last eighteen months of your life working towards gone with the smash of a hammer against glass, bookshelves having been pushed over or destroyed, and the entire contents of your safe - and hard earnt money - gone. It was so devastating to see it all shattered before you that you were barely processing the police officer speaking to you.
“Miss y/l/n?” the officer said, his curly hair blowing in the summer night’s wind. He had introduced himself to you earlier, but you had forgotten his name immediately - in fact, you weren’t sure you ever caught it, after being in shock from seeing this catastrophe.
You had opened your little bookstore cafe eighteen months ago, and had slowly been building a strong relationship with the customers. You had your daily customers, those that came in one or twice a week and those who you had seen once or twice but remembered.
Fortunately for you, you’d been able to purchase the flat above your bookstore so were easily able to manage the store. You had two part-time teenagers that also worked here after school to cope with the rush of customers, and you had just built your life around things that you loved the most - coffee, and books.
Which is why you had fallen in love with your job. So to see your little business in ruins, quite literally, before you, was heartbreaking.
“Dowoon I think she’s still in shock,” the second, taller officer with bright blond hair and a namebadge that read Park Jae Hyung. You finally looked at the younger police officer in front of you, reading his name badge. Yoon Dowoon. It definitely matched what his buddy was calling him, so you took that sense of normality at least.
“Hello,” you say sheepishly, wiping the tears from your eyes and shivering. The wind, whilst warm, was very fresh and bitter against your skin, and along with the shock of what had happened to you, you were beginning to shiver. “Is this real? Or am I dreaming?”
“Unfortunately this has happened,” Dowoon says, putting the clipboard under his arm to give you his jacket. “You need to wear this before you really go into bad shock and we have to call an ambulance, y/n. Is it okay to call you that?”
You nod, sheepishly putting your arms in his warm jacket and sinking into it’s warmth.
Dowoon leads you away from the mess of the bookstore to talk you through the paperwork about what has happened. You know that you are numbly answering questions for the time being, probably giving a really poor recall of what actually happened.
You had been woken up by the sound of smashing, but had assumed it had probably come from some drunk’s stumbling out of the bar a few streets away. It wasn’t until the alarm in your apartment started ringing that alerted you of an intruder downstairs. You had called the police immediately, who had told you to remain hidden upstairs until they were called to the scene.
Unfortunately the thieves had gotten away with all of the money in your safe and happy hearts, leaving your’s shattered.
“Now, I’m asking as your local community police officer, and as a friend, are you okay?” Dowoon asks, resting a hand over yours as you fiddle nervously with a loose thread on his jacket. You look up at him, half hidden behind your unbrushed bed hair and still shivering slightly in his jacket and your pyjamas.
“I’m scared,” you mumble, “what if they come back for more? I don’t have anything more other than some coffee beans and last year’s paper backs. They took everything else.” Dowoon smiles sweetly at you, removing his hand to maintain an air of professionalism.
“Fortunately for you, people like the burglars here tonight tend to avoid attacking the same place multiple times. They know that police officers will be on patrol in that area, and therefore will avoid it or they could risk getting caught,” Dowoon explains in a calming tone that really helps to settle your raging anxiety. Jae, his partner, is chatting with a neighbour of yours who had acted as an eyewitness to the incident from their bedroom window.
You just wanted to be in your bed. Safe, warm and happy. You didn’t want to have to worry about money now, or how on earth you were going to keep your business up and running with the front of the store as damaged as this. You’d give anything to just be back to normal.
Why did this have to happen to you?
“People tend to do the worst things to the best of people,” Dowoon says, answering your thoughts then chuckling softly as you realise you had been mumbling out loud. “It’s okay, when I’m nervous or scared I tend to do the same thing and talk out loud. It annoys Jae endlessly.”
You have to share a quiet giggle with the sweet officer, because you know he is trying his best to put you at rest. He settles for making the most of the conversation as Jae finishes getting details from your neighbour, making you thankful - you weren’t the greatest at maintaining conversation at the best of times, and that didn’t usually involve times when you were drowning with anxiety.
“Jae, can I speak to you for a second?” Dowoon asks, leaving your side with a polite smile to speak to his friend. In this time your neighbour wraps you in a hug, telling you how sorry she is about this and that she is happy to help in anyway she can. You just thank her and wait for further news from Dowoon and the situation.
“Okay, so Dowoon and I have both decided to park the police car about a street away from here tonight. Obviously we are on call so if we are called away, we will have to move, but until our shift ends tomorrow at seven o’clock, we are happy to stay close by in case of anymore trouble,” Jae explains to you, Dowoon smiling proudly at being able to get his friend to agree to this.
“Thank you officers,” you said, finally being allowed to walk through your destroyed bookstore to head upstairs to your little flat. Before you disappear to hopefully grab some more sleep, you had Dowoon back his jacket, thanking him personally for tonight.
“It was just... scary,” you say, beginning to ramble now, “and I don’t handle surprises very well. So thank you for being so prompt and calming.”
“As your local friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, it’s my job,” Dowoon replies once Jae is out of earshot. You raise an eyebrow at his choice of words, but he just nods at your Spiderman pyjamas bottoms and makes you blush. You had completely forgotten that you had thrown those on before you went to sleep that night because your usually night clothes hadn’t dried, and you were too lazy to wait.
“At least you’ve got a stellar sense of humour,” you say sarcastically, making Dowoon laugh loudly. Jae raises an eyebrow from the police car’s front seat, making Dowoon blush now and wish you a goodnight before running after his friend.
You were extremely tired as you had started work this morning. You opened at your usual nine o’clock starting time, refusing to let last night get the better of you. Yet there was this uneasiness about everyone who entered the store, like you had done the unspeakable.
Yet you were pushing on as well as you could, with your brightest smile that you could muster in this time.
It was now about midday and the busiest time of your day. Today the customers had been especially nice with leaving tips in your small tip bucket, or purchasing that extra sweet treat to add more money into your tills. You definitely couldn’t complain about the genoristy of people today so far, even if all their eyes and their words were heavily dripped in sympathy and sadness.
The busy lunch hour passes fast, and soon you are back to tidying the last of the mess in the bookstore. During these hours no one really enters the shop, sometimes the occasional book worm looking for a good read. However there isn’t much left for them to look at, so again they just leave a nice tip in the collection pot and leave.
You finish rearranging what books you have left just before the slightly busier after school hour starts. Usually this is when one of your two coworkers come to help, mostly with the influx of studying students or tired mothers. However you had told of them to stay off today as you figured it wouldn’t be incredibly busy and you’d be able to manage.
What you hadn’t expected was your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman to show up.
He walks inside the store with a sad look in his eyes, but that softens as he sees that you’ve tidied up. Dowoon glances around the shop and looks for someone in particular, and his eyes skip right over you at first - this is probably because you aren’t sobbing into his jacket, wearing childish themed pyjamas and your hair has been washed and put into a smart ponytail. That and the bags under your eyes from your rough night have been covered with half a bottle of concealer and thick powder.
“y/n,” he says with a smile, walking over immediately and definitely attracting the attention of the customers in the shop. His hair is messy and curled, his eyes still foggy with the remaints of sleep and clothes rumbled from being thrown on last minute, however you can’t help but feel your heart lift. “How are you?”
“Tired,” you say, making him chuckle as he stands aside, letting you serve another young man buying coffee. The customer stands there somewhat awkwardly as you chat with Dowoon.
“You’ve tidied a lot in here,” he says, indicating to the empty bookcases but clean floor.
“I read online that smashed glass everywhere and paperbacks not on the shelves is awfully bad for business,” you say, cracking a joke and making his small smile turn into a big grin. As you hand the customer his drink, Dowoon places an order for a hot chocolate, but you refuse to let him pay for it.
“Dowoon, please. The tips today have been very generous, one drink isn’t going to break my bank,” you say as you turn on the kettle. “Besides, after last night I owe you one.”
“It’s just my job,” he says, leaning on the counter beside you as you take a seat behind it and hand him his drink.
Dowoon stands there and happily drinks his drink whilst catching up with you. He isn’t entirely sure why he came back here, but after tossing and turning all morning because he couldn’t sleep, he figured he should probably do something with his day rather than waste it completely.
But then again, he hadn’t intended to end up here. He had just been aimlessly walking around city, and found himself pulled towards you. He just couldn’t help but walk inside and check that you were okay.
But now that he was here, he didn’t want to leave.
Eventually you ended up making him a second drink, and this time he insisted on paying for it. The afternoon was quiet for you, and you ended up shutting on time unlike usual. Dowoon wasn’t ready to leave your company just yet, but he didn’t know what had come over him as he asked you out for dinner.
“There’s this amazing chicken place close to where I live and I think you’d really like it there,” he said, before realising how weird that sounded. “Of course, you don’t have to come- I guess if you just wanted to get your mind off of things-”
“I’d love to come, Dowoon. Give me twenty minutes to change and I’ll be back down again,” you say, running upstairs to get into something nicer. You figured that you wouldn’t dress up in a pretty dress and heels, but you wanted to make a nicer impression than last night had.
Opting for a simple skirt and shirt, you grab your bag and jacket before running back downstairs. Dowoon had remained standing at the counter where the two of you had been before, looking around the little store in awe.
“Did you make all of this yourself?” He asks, smiling when you nod in response. “This is so... wonderful. It’s lovely in here.”
“Growing up I never really knew what I wanted to do,” you explain as you lock everything up tightly. Dowoon watches you move around the shop, shutting the wooden blinds you have on the windows - they were there originally for the aesthetic, but now they are actually necessary - and pushing all of the chairs under the tables. You checked the floor and upon inspection, figured you could get away with sweeping it tomorrow. You were too excited for hanging out with Dowoon to wait any longer. “So after school I went travelling for a little while, and came across a similar style bookstore in London. I decided to try and impliment it back here, and so far everyone has loved it.”
“It’s so amazing,” he says with a smile, “you have a very good fashion sense.”
“Thanks?” You say with a laugh, finally heading towards the door with Dowoon follow you like a lost puppy. As you look up he runs his hands nervously through his hair, definitely more awake and now running on excitement and hot chocolate rather than two hours of sleep.
The two of you walk side by side down the street, maintaining conversation very easily. It has been such a long time since you’ve held this level of conversation with a boy, especially one as cute as Dowoon. You can’t help but fall in love with his big brown eyes, his messy hair, the energy he has when talking about his hobbies.
You find out that he actually really loves music, and has an incredible passion for it. When he was in school he used to play the drums, and his partner Jae used to play the guitar. The two of them had played together in the school band, and stuck together since then.
“I still play them sometimes when I have time,” he explains, kicking the ground as he walks. “But that isn’t very often.”
“I think it’s really cool,” you say, making him blush under his thick curls. “Like, super cool. I’ve never known someone who can play the drums, that’s awesome.”
“Well now you do,” Dowoon says with a grin, holding the door open for you to the restaurant.
True to his word, the restaurant does serve some of the best chicken you’ve ever had. It could possibly rival even your father’s chicken, and that is the thing you miss most from home. Every time you travel back into the country side you have to have it, and bring home as much of it that you can. Yet this restaurant has you thinking of home, and feels you with warmth or happiness.
Or perhaps that was just being around Dowoon’s bright personality.
Because for the whole evening he was just glowing with life and happiness. He spoke with such enthuasiasm as well, and would crack so many jokes that you were often bent double at the table. After the meal as well he insisted on paying for the food, leaving you no choice but to keep quiet as he handed the waiter the money.
And to top it all off, he walked you home like the gentleman he was.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you said with a smile, brushing your hair behind your ears and blushing. “I would love to do something like this again. It was really special.”
“Me too,” Dowoon says, handing you his phone for you to put your number in his contacts. “I think you are really awesome, and I’m glad we got to check out that place. I won’t lie to you though,” Dowoon says, making you freeze. You had a horrible feeling he was about to tell you he was married with two kids, or only hung out with you tonight out of sympathy. “I’d never been to that place before, so I’m glad you tagged along.”
“Dowoon!” you exclaim, making him laugh. “That’s not funny, I can’t believe you!”
“But the important thing is we had a good time,” he says, taking back his phone before you can play-hit him with it. “And I would love to do it again, somewhere we know we will love.”
You just snort in response to his comment, before hugging him briefly and wishing him a good night. As you run upstairs to your apartment and climb into your fluffiest pyjamas, you can’t stop smiling. You were definitely giddy with excitement, and drunk on his smile.
And you could not wait until next time.
eek i hope you enjoyed it hunny! most of my fics are between 1.5k to 2k so this was definitely a longer one for me :) also favourite writer afasfgbafg you make me cry that’s so cute ilysm!!
requests are open!
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