#in short - yes I will continue to pin the most harmful of the rumors on larries insofar as them making it to mainstream press
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switcher666 · 3 years
First post: ⚠️ 1st warning ⚠️ triggering content “committing not alive” “sharp things” “addiction to things” “harmful” “Sad”
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⚠️ 2nd warning! ⚠️
This is going to be emotional to certain people and this is my story. I’ve dealt with a lot so im going to say a lot. Remember on “UnFiltered Depression” there is no filter and your are allowed to speak your truth and admit your wrongs.
Going through school i was considered the “weird kid”, “Gothic Fag”, “That one asshole”, “The Barcode kid”, “Actual scar face”, “pin cushion”, “Scary dude”, “Austin scissor wrist”, and many.many.many more.
In High school it was not easy for me. I had to keep my head down and never talk because, when i talked i got in fights I win at most of my fights but, not when I’m in my vehicle driving away and a student drives in front of me and 4 people from the car drags me out of my own car. I was gay for a year of my high school life because i was trying to find who i am and right about when i had a boyfriend for a week they break up with me because of rumors which are true. And the rumor was self harm and restoring who i was with pain, suffering, punching things, smoking cigarettes in the parking lot, telling the teachers to quote from quite “Fuck of and burn in hell where you belong.” 😬 not my proudest moment in life but, hey at least i didn’t have to go to weight class haha. I have much more and way more about my high school life but i want to keep this short and i might drop more of my stories if you are interested. And this story is based off my life in high school i graduated in 2021 and this is just a soft story compared to what i have.
I had very little friends in my life and high school put together. And when i had my 2 best friends they were just like me all fucked up and broken like me. But I had a friend named shawn im not dropping initials or his last name but, when he was still alive he always told me to “Stay safe,live, and stop the cutting shit.” He was suffering from self harm too just like me but i was worse. I told him EVERY single day of my life “how are you feeling?” “Are you okay?” “Do you want me to help you?”. He vaped just like i did and he always wanted a aegis hero mini kit for salt “nic” and 2 weeks before we
Were about to turn into seniors i got him one from STL (St.Louis mo) and i was excited to give it to him! Then things took a change. He started to show up more limp than usual. Slouched over, eye lids dropping,straight faced, and always wore a gigantic black hoodie even when it was 90 (F) degrees outside (32 C). I know what happened. He “quit” he told me straight faced and not looking me in the eye. I cant tell the rest because im getting emotional just writing this.
He committed suicide,gashes on his wrists/arms,neck,face, and Shoulders. I never got to give it to him the vape is still in my possession and i use it still but im quitting now i only use it every 6 hrs but i stare at it and currently keeping it as a way to remember him by. I miss him everyday.I promised him 2 days before he committed suicide that i would never fight unless i have to
(I have controlled anger issues and adhd etc. and i was in boxing so i can hold my own and i would never cut or use self harm again.) i kept my promises and never broke them. Well i whooped some ass here and there but that’s because people try to gang up on me and i had a crack headish person in stl try to get in my personal space and tried to hit me with a broken plunger with spit and maaaybe shit on it 😬 trust me i 1000% had to. I often look up at the sky and pretend he’s waving at me from the clouds and i wave back like a mad man. Rest in peace my brother continue to party and drink whiskey with the angels and watch over us all.
⚠️ 3rd trigger warning ⚠️
My harm.:
Im getting this out of the way now. Yes I DID self harm but I currently am not because, the one i love with all my physical soul and passion is with me so there’s no more reasons to feel pain anymore. And i swore an oath to my partner. Also my friends who are no longer with us currently that’d i’d NEVER cut or use self harm as a “Comfort” ever again. Im going to list the things I did so you can understand how emotionally damaged i was. And you can use this as a way of looking at yourself and feeling better that your not doing these things. And I’m doing this so we can ALL open up and admit our wrongs and find a way to fix this. Not as a community but as a family. You are not alone anymore, I welcome you to your new family where you wont be judged or insulted.
⚠️ Please do NOT read these if you have a weak stomach or triggered easily ⚠️
(face,neck,chest/stomach,shoulders, and hands,wrists)
(even when i was only 140lbs in high school)
(punchingmyself in the face till my teeth were almost crooked and bleeding and my face looked satisfactory to me)
(bricks,wood,trees, marble counter tops,cabinets. Anything that was around me.)
( once with a gun with no ammo and a rope that i found in my garage and has been worn to hell so it snapped)
(I left my hand off the wheel and closed my eyes for 10 seconds after i got done counting to 10 i opened my eyes and placed my hands on the wheel and repeated “I guess it wasent my time to go.”)
( i held lighters to my skin after 15 seconds of being on them i put the flame out and place it on the most sensitive parts of my body and watched me scream and squirm with anxiety and thrill)
-Free running
(Free running is a hobby i used to do and still do whenever i get time, but back then i would “accidentally” fall off of large platforms and fail “trying” to do a back flip or a hand spring off of something)
Thats it for now. Sorry for making it shortish/long posts. I still have many many many more stories unfortunately. So stick around and get help with what you or a love one needs. Remember! WE are a family and you are apart of it now. You are not alone anymore.
We love you being here and hope we get to see you another day.
Go to my snapchat:
I do face to face therapy talks on Snapchat
Wednesday 5:00pm-7:30pm
Saturday 4:00pm-9:30pm
ALSO! My native tongue is only english but i do know a decent amount of Japanese. And im not promising you i know it Fluently but i know enough to help you. 😁
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theworldofotps · 5 years
I’m Your Master
(Not WWE) This is my one and only fic that will be with someone who isn't from WWE. So any of you getting the idea to ask for anyone outside of WWE please forget it. I really enjoyed writing it but I'm more comfortable writing WWE Superstars as they are who I'm most familiar with. ___________________________
Pairing: Rosemary x reader Word Count:1,933 Description: When your girlfriend's enemy Jessicka starts pestering you, you brush it off continuing to work. However, when Rosemary find out Jessicka made a deal with Father James Mitchell setting a price and her interest on you, Rosemary takes you off to show you who the master is. Right after threatening both Jessicka and Father James. Requested by: @forestspirit12  I did the absolute best that I could darlin and I really hope that you like it. _______________ Tag list: @biforbecky2belts @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @detectiveramen @sassymox @trent7thirsting @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @new-zealand-chic @reigns420 @sassyspacedust @burnitbalor @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch 
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know! ______________
 "Well well what have we here?"
Y/n turns to look over her shoulder frowning slightly when she spots Jessicka leaning against the wall near her.
"Um hello."
Turning back to organizing her makeup containers y/n hopes that she'll take the hint and leave.
 "Where's Rosemary?"
 "Why do you care? You two can't stand each other."
 "I just thought I'd let her know that to make our next match interesting I made a deal with Father James and put a price on your pretty head."
Stopping from sorting the brushes y/n glances over her shoulder trying to keep her breathing level. She wouldn't say it out right but Jessicka scared her and she could only imagine with that smirk what kinda deal she made. 
"Well I don't know where she is right now so if you'd excuse me I have to get ready for the talents to come in."
"I’ll be seeing you soon.”
She winks brushing her fingers against y/n’s cheek then walking from the room y/n sighs trying to shake off the creeps and get on with her day. Working on the talents she can’t help but keep thinking of what Jessicka said, what kind of price did she set? When she finally meets up with Rosemary for lunch she is in her own world thinking and doesn’t notice her girlfriend talking until Rosemary snaps her fingers.
“Baby! Are you alright? I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes and you’ve been completely zoned out.”
“Oh sorry, I was just thinking I didn’t mean to ignore you, sweetie.”
“What were you thinking so hard about?”
Biting her lip y/n internally battles with herself on if she should tell Rosemary now or wait till later.
“If it’s bothering you that much you might as well tell me about it now.”
“Okay, well earlier when I was getting everything set up in makeup Jessicka came in.”
“What the hell did she want?”
Rosemary asks glaring as she watches y/n shift in her seat sensing her nervousness Rosemary takes a deep breath lacing their fingers together.
“She asked me where you were I told her I didn’t know but asked her to leave because I needed to get ready for the talents.”
“That’s my good girl did she leave?”
“No, not right away she said she wanted to make your next match interesting and made a deal with Father James and put a price on my head. Then right before she left she stroked my cheek and apparently rumor is she’s interested in me.”
“She did what!?”
Rosemary shouts jumping to her feet looking around to see if Jessicka was in the lunchroom y/n grabs her hand.
“Please love don’t fight with her now I just want to get through the rest of today and go home.”
“She really scared you didn’t she?”
Y/n nods her head looking down at her hands to avoid looking at Rosemary who cups her chin eyes softening as she looks at her.
“Hey, you are completely safe alright? I’m not going to let that happen over my dead body and then some will she ever try and get with you. You are mine everyone knows that by the time I’m done with her it’s going to be etched into her brain.”
Pressing a kiss to her girlfriend’s lips Rosemary gives her a cheeky smile as they enjoy their lunch together talking about their weekend plans. After leaving y/n in the makeup department when lunch is finished Rosemary goes off in search of Father James first. Knocking his door she yanked it open when she hears his voice call out.
“Rosemary to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
“Cut the bullshit I want to know why you made a deal with Jessicka to put a price on y/n’s head?”
“I was just merely making a business decision there was no harm in it y/n wouldn’t have been hurt. I personally think she’d enjoy her time with Jessicka and it would be the perfect way to make your next match inter-.”
He is cut off mid-sentence when Rosemary grips his throat pushing him into the wall eye narrowed to near slits.
“My girlfriend is NOT part of any deal, or price or bargain if someone comes to you like that ever again you turn them away and tell me immediately or I will fuck you up.”
She hisses tightening her grip on his throat keeping him pinned to the wall as he tries to push her off his throat.
“Is that understood?
He croaks out Rosemary drops him leaving the room to give Jessicka the same warning and just a little more roughness. At five in the afternoon with her things, all packed y/n stands next to the makeup department door waiting for Rosemary.
“Sorry about the wait baby, I had to have a chat with the boss about an upcoming match. You ready to head home?”
“That’s okay and yes please these heels are killing my feet I definitely need to wear sneakers next time.”
Chuckling Rosemary kneels slightly wrapping her arms just under y/n ass smirking at her.
"Come on baby wrap those legs around me just like this morning."
"But I have these shorts on they'll ride up even farther on my thighs."
"Not like I haven't seen them before besides, maybe if they see my little marks on you they'll understand you're mine."  
Y/n blushes lightly at the mention of the love bites on her inner thighs that had her moaning her lover's name last night. Shoving Rosemary's shoulder as she wraps her legs around her waist Y/n holds her heels in hand kissing her girlfriend quickly. 
"What am I gonna do with you?"
"Nothing I'm the one who's gonna do something with you to remind you just who the master is."
Rosemary says with a slight growl in her throat squeezing y/n a little she was still fuming after her encounter with Father James. As well as the little scuffle she had with Jessicka in the bathroom, one thing that Rosemary considered too far was involving her relationship. When they approached her once before about using their relationship Rosemary nearly took the writer who suggested it out. 
"Babe, you okay?" 
Y/n asks peering at her girlfriend who went completely silent Rosemary nods smiling. 
"Just thinking about you." 
She smiles continuing to walk to the parking lot she can't the slight chuckle when Father James spots them and quickly turns the other way. Reaching into her pocket Rosemary unlocks her car opening the door and setting y/n inside. No way in hell was she gonna let her feet touch this parking lot stealing a quick kiss Rosemary gets behind the wheel driving off her hand on y/n thigh the whole way home. 
"When we get home go upstairs and pick one of your collars out to wear for me then stand by the bed and wait.”
Hearing the firm tone y/n practically shivers she knew her girlfriend was slipping into her possessive headspace that was one of the only times she asked her to wear a collar.
"Yes, ma'am." 
Y/n can feel her heart pounding as they get closer to home she loved Rosemary's dominant side almost as much as the soft side only she and a few others got to see. When the pull into the driveway Rosemary parks leaning over and pressing a kiss to her throat watching as y/n climbs out heading inside. Making her way quickly up the stairs y/n drops her heels by the closet pulling out the special black case Rosemary got her. Lifting the lid she eyes the number of collars finally grabbing the navy blue collar with tiny silver stars on it and a ring. Holding the collar she puts the case back standing by the bed smiling when Rosemary comes in.
"Good girl hand it here."
“Thank you.”
Handing Rosemary the collar y/n pulsar hair out of the way as Rosemary steps forward attaching it around her neck. Gently pulling the ring after it's fastened she presses her lips to y/n in a deep kiss her hands gripping her hips. Backing her against the bed Rosemary pushes y/n onto the mattress quickly undoing the button on her shorts and yanking them off.
 "I can practically smell your arousal Kitten." 
Rosemary smirks spreading y/n's thighs bringing her face close and using her teeth to tug her panties down. Y/n watches her lover with slightly hooded eyes as her panties are quickly tossed over her shoulder. Y/n moans loudly when her girlfriend shoves her mouth between her legs going down on her. 
"Fuckk Rose I." 
Yelping when Rosemary bites her thigh y/n licks her lips correcting herself.
"Sorry, ma'am."
Smirk Rosemary continues her slow licks along y/n core hands gripping her hips tight enough to surely leave bruises. Y/n grips the sheets rocking her hips up trying to get her teasing girlfriend to hit the spot she needed her most. 
"Please ma'am please I need." 
Rosemary hums looking up at her as she continues her torturous motions up down swirl short and long licks. Completely missing the bundle of nerves that would send y/n through the roof. 
"Please please, I need more."
"My baby wants more does she?"
She asks watching as y/n nods quickly her eyes widening when Rosemary licks her lightly just barely grazing her tongue over y/n clit. 
"You're mine y/n nobody elses correct? I wanna hear you say it."
Watching y/n as she continues slowly licking her Rosemary smirks hearing the shake in her voice.
"I'm I'm yours nobody else's please I need."
Satisfied Rosemary pushes her legs just a little farther apart pulling her closer and putting her legs over her shoulders. The loud moan she pulls from y/n when she finally hits her clit causes something in Rosemary to snap. Her mouth moving across her girlfriend as she works her to a high her lips attach to the bundle of nerves sucking lightly swirling her tongue against it. Taking a finger she dips it inside her listening as y/n's moans grow louder her hands tugging Rosemary's hair pressing her face closer until all she can do is breath y/n not that she was complaining. Pumping her finger and continuing to use her tongue Rosemary brings y/n right to the edge when she finally adds a second finger speeding up her actions y/n climaxes screaming out her name. Cleaning her up with her mouth and stopping when she whimpers Rosemary pulls back watching y/n as she licks her arousal from her lips. Grabbing y/n by the collar she pulls her up pressing a kiss to her lips then looking at her.
"I don't want you anywhere near Jessicka or Father James alone, you're mine if they think they have even a slight chance at stealing you. They're both dead wrong I'm not gonna lose you."
Y/n presses a soft kiss to her lips cupping Rosemary's cheeks smiling at her.
"Nobody has me but you, I'm all yours now why don't we clean up a little?"
"Oh no Kitten, I'm nowhere near done with you yet."
She smirks quickly removing her clothes before rejoining her girlfriend on the bed all too happy to continue showing her who the master was.
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awinchestershell · 5 years
Whumptober Day 5: Gunpoint
Tony had to admit, this isn’t the first time he’s woken up somewhere new, confused and dizzy. And it probably won’t be the last time either. Back in his twenties this was basically his morning routine. But Tony knew what a hangover felt like, and this definitely wasn’t it.
No. This felt like drugs. But Tony never did drugs. Okay, fine, yes he did some recreational drugs in his twenties, but he likes to pretend that never happened. But this wasn’t marijuana. This was something much stronger.
Was he drugged? Yeah, that made sense. That would at least explain the course rope wrapped tightly around his wrists, pinning them together behind his back. Which he was just now noticing.
Finally paying attention to his surroundings, he noticed that there was also rope binding his ankles to the legs of the chair he was sitting in. Tony sighs, lifting his head to look around the room.
He was expecting to find an empty concrete room, maybe with some disturbing tools or something.
What he wasn’t expecting to find, was Peter Parker himself sat in a chair across from him. Peter was in a similar position to Tony, the only difference being that Peter was bound with what he could only assume was vibranium, instead of rope.
Tony feels a rock settle in the pit of his stomach. Clearly these people knew about Peter’s powers, that was never good. Tony’s mind was screaming danger danger danger at him, and he forced himself to stay calm and get his bearings.
“Peter. Kid, can you hear me?” Peter hums quietly in response, clearly still out of it. But that didn’t make sense.
Peter had a much faster metabolism than Tony, he knew that for sure. So how could Tony have woken up first. Unless of course they knew this and gave Peter a much higher dose. That was the only logical reason.
“Peter, I need you to wake up, okay?” Tony calls to him, watching as Peter weakly raises his head and squints at the light.
“Mr. Stark?” He asks, and Tony smiles even though the kid can’t see it.
“Yeah, kid. It’s me. Are you hurt?” Peter shakes his head lazily, and Tony is starting to get worried. Peter’s metabolism should’ve burned through this stuff already.
But he isn’t given much time to worry, because suddenly a man is moseying in, a grin on his face. Tony glares up at the man.
“Good morning Stark. Mr. Parker. How are we today?” The man asks politely, smiling innocently.
“Let’s skip the pleasantries, shall we? Who are you? And what do you want?” Tony snaps bluntly, his anger festering.
“Well, I guess there’s no harm in telling you my name. It’s Jared. Jared Platt. As for what I want…” The man- Jared- let’s his sentence fall off at the end, placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder and leaning in real close.
“I want your cooperation Tony. That’s all.” The man is smiling, and he’s close enough that Tony can tell he’s recently drank coffee.
“Cooperation in what?” Tony asked carefully, not taking his eyes off Jared.
“Well, that’s a long story. You see, I have a meeting with a very powerful, very dangerous old friend next Thursday. That’s 6 days from today. And my plan is to betray him and kill him. But the problem is, I’m not sure he can be killed.” Jared was monologuing now, and Tony found himself slumping in his chair, resigned to listen to this speech for the next 7 hours.
“So what I need from you is for you and Peter over here to find a way to kill him. And yes, I know all about Peter and his powers. But Spider-Man isn’t who I’m interested in. I want Peter because I know he’s just as smart as you. So maybe he’ll be helpful. Using him as leverage is simply a bonus.” Jared backs away from Tony, moving to stand next to Peter, who has fallen back asleep.
He pulls a gun from his hip, immediately pointing it at Peter’s head.
“Hey! Don’t you dare touch him.” Tony growls, fighting the ropes.
“Are you going to help me? Or do I have to kill this kid?” Jared asks, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Yes! Okay, yes! I’ll help you. Just don’t hurt him.” Tony yells, and Jared smiles and lowers his gun.
​“Good. Now I’m gonna untie you two, and I’ll send in my scientist friend so he can explain Andrew’s powers, and then you two get to work.” Jared moves to untie Tony, and as soon as he’s free he rushes to Peter. Jared releases the vibranium cuffs holding Peter’s wrists, and the kid slumps forward into Tony’s arms. Tony catches him, and he moves him onto the floor.
It's hours before Peter wakes up. And when he does he's extremely groggy and confused.
”Peter! Kid, hey. How do you feel?” Tony asks helping Peter sit up.
“Like I got hit by a bus. What happened? Where are we?” Peter glances around the room nervously, before his gaze settles on Tony.
“Some guy named Jared wants us to figure out how to kill his old friend. Apparently this guy is one tough cookie to take down, and he expects us to figure it out.” Now that he’s repeating the story, Tony realizes how ridiculous this situation is.
​“Can we? Figure it out, I mean.” Peter seems genuine, and Tony has to really think about that one.
“I’m not sure yet. Jared’s friend is coming to explain more about this Andrew guy, and I guess that’s when we’ll find out.” Tony answers honestly.
Another two hours later, and a short man in a lab coat enters their room.
“Greetings gentlemen. My name is Boyd, I’m here to explain to you Andrew’s history, in order to help you kill him.” Boyd seems nervous, and Tony doesn’t blame him. He’s currently locked in a room with Spider-Man and Iron Man, and he looks weaponless.
“Before you think about attacking me, there are several guns in the walls of this room, and they are programmed to shoot Mr. Parker, if any harm comes to me or Jared.” Well there goes that plan.
“Andrew is a very talented young man. He has an IQ of over 175, and he has the gift of controlling electricity. Which isn’t even to mention his teleporting and regeneration abilities. Have you two heard of Deadpool?” Boyd asks, and Tony and Peter make eye contact, before looking back at Boyd.
“We’ve heard rumors.” Tony admits, wondering if this guy is trying to tell him that Deadpool is real.
“Then you’ll have heard of his remarkable regeneration abilities. How he can come back to life as long as only one single cell of his body remains intact. We believe his stem cells are highly advanced, beyond anything anyone has ever seen. If we could only shut them down, maybe that would stop his body from repairing itself.” Boyd continues, glancing down at the chart in his hands.
“Andrew is very similar. Our only idea so far was acid, but he seemed to bounce back from that in less than 48 hours. We need you two, to come up with a better plan. One that will destroy him for good.” Boyd finally finished, giving Tony and Peter a smile, before scurrying back out of the room.
“Well if his stem cells immediately replace any damaged or missing cells of any type, then how on earth are we supposed to kill this guy?” Tony asks, genuinely confused.
“I’d suggest just chopping his head off, but if his stem cells really are that advanced, it’s highly possible that his head would grow back on one body and his body would grow out of the head and suddenly there’d be two of him. Of course one of them would have no memories because you can’t regrow memories so he’d have to take a minute to relearn how to walk, and that can be a real pickle, not to mention that he wouldn’t even know his own name, or how to speak, or what earth is, or even how to breathe, but I’m assuming he can’t suffocate to death, although that is a possibility we should look into-”
Peter had started rambling. Spouting out any information he could think of that related to this topic.
“What?” Peter asked, looking up at Tony in shock.
“I know all of that. We need to think of something we don’t already know.”
The two mulled it over for hours. Hours turned into days, and suddenly it was Wednesday.
They were given food and water, and bathroom breaks four times a day, but for the most part they stayed in their little room, sometimes actually forgetting the machine guns planted in the wall singling in on Peter’s head at all times.
They’d made little to no progress, and Tony was getting very stressed out. Peter just seemed frustrated. Like he expected himself to have solved this already.
“TBI!!” Peter suddenly shouts, turning to Tony with exhausted excitement.
“I’m sorry?” Tony asks, his eyes wide with shock.
“TBI! Today body irradiation. It’s been used for years to kill diseases like Leukemia. In Leukemia, the patient produces the wrong kind of blood cells. Those bad blood cells are created by stem cells in the person’s bone marrow!” Peter is rambling again.
“To treat Leukemia, one option is to get rid of all the stem cells in the bone marrow so that there are no cells left to produce the bad blood cells. Doctors do this by exposing the patient to high enough radiation to literally kill off all the stem cells. Now of course we’re not trying to cure Andrew of Leukemia, but the principle is the same. If we wipe out Andrew’s stem cells, we wipe out his healing ability!” Peter shouts, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.
“Peter Parker! You’re a GENIUS!! That could actually work!” Tony praises the kid, pulling him into a hug.
“Now of course we’d need a lot of radiation, and I mean a LOT, because of Andrew regenerates as fast as they say he does, the lethal dose for humans might not be the same for him. I’m talking at least 30 gray. Because we need him to experience the symptoms immediately. But how on earth do we produce 30 gray of radiation? Hospital radiation machines go up to 6-8 at most.” Peter keeps talking, and Tony keeps listening because the kid is really on to something.
“Now the radiation won’t kill him horribly fast, but if we’re really talking 30 gray here, his stem cells should be gone within three minutes, and then we can kill him however we want and he should, theoretically, stay dead.” Peter finishes his rant, seeming pretty proud of himself. And you know what? Tony was too.
“Jared! Hey! We figured it out!” Tony shouts, knocking on the door.
It’s only about one minute before Jared and Boyd both enter, seeming excited as well.
“Well? Explain.”
“Well, as you may know, when it comes to day to day humans going on planes and getting X-rays and exposing ourselves to the sun, we only experience .0024 gray of radiation a year! So to really do damage we’d have to find a way to expose Andrew to over 30 gray. After a few minutes you should be able to kill him without him regenerating. I could explain the science but I’m sure Boyd already understands.” Peter tells them, still smiling.
“My goodness. He’s right. Total body irradiation could destroy all of Andrew’s stem cells which means he can’t regenerate anymore. That’s genius.” Boyd looks absolutely thrilled, and Jared seems to trust him, because he too smiles.
“You’re sure this will work?” Jared asks Boyd, glancing between Peter and Tony.
“I’m absolutely sure.” Boyd tells him.
“Guess that means I don’t need you two anymore.” Jared says, pulling out his gun and pointing it right at Peter.
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