#this is a repostttt <3
ballnutty · 2 months
watching Rebels season 3….Ezra does a murder suicide in the first few mins….can’t blame him…he is merely a teenage boy…
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mexipoopy · 1 year
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ah good memories~
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crookedaverse · 7 months
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WE'RE HIRING VOICE ACTORS FOR OUR MOVIE Want to be in an Indipendant, 2D animated, musical, furry based movie? (READ ALL THE FINE PRINT BEFOREHAND, DO NOT JUST SKIM.) Actor pay: You will earn from the revenue from the movie, we have a tight budget and this is a passion project. It's also this studio's first film altogether. If you don't agree, don't audition. Simple. (Depending on what things change over time you may be paid in advance per-movie release.)
[Read our Terms of Casting and Detail Entireties(TOCADE) before continuing: 0.ONLY HIRING; LGBTQIA+ SUPPORTIVE PEOPLE. 1.The information given in these listings is the bare minimum, if you take interest in any of these roles please remember that before you audition we'll give more details on these characters to make it more specific.
Please understand that if you are new to the voice acting side of the animation industry or even the acting industry as a whole, that you may not get picked and even may not get an email back, because not only have several people auditioned before you but we also run a tight schedule and have an even tighter budget to work with. 3.Our expectations for the character's voices are extremely specific, if even the slightest detail in your audition preformance is off, you will either be asked to correct it or be passed over. However, if there is a trait you want to suggest be added to the character you can, this does not mean it will be, but it is an accepted endeerment and on rare occasions the trait shall be added.
All auditionees must be 16 years or older to audition, this isn't a suggestion, it is a rule of the Crookedaverse.inc hiring sector. If you are a minor you must have consent from a guardian.
You do not have to be any of the ages listed in the character's "Age box" to audition, it is just an extra detail. You do, however, have to have the voice octave listed in the 'what we're looking for' section and be 16 or older to have a chance at being picked. This term is requesting the bare minimum.
All actors/auditionees must have the strong enough capability to sing seeing as this is a musical.
The pay may seem odd at first, but please understand, our budget is tight seeing as this is my/our first indie production, and this is entirely a passion project.
That all being said, let's get this show on the road!]
Meet the main cast!:
Creyton Everbent [He is not available for casting but we still unclude him to give you a better perspective]: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him. Age range: Canonically he's millions of years old, but his coding is set to be in his late fourties to early fifties. Personality: Loud, excitable, energetic, fun(ny), the man-child who's also a badass. Voice, veranacular, and accent: A gruff scottish accent. Can speak gaelic. Voiced by: Crooked Bear, the writer, animator and producer.
Roger Lopez: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him. Age range: Adult, late thirties. Personality: Excitable, funny, smart but trusting and likeable. What we're looking for: A midrange, common American English accent. He's excitable and jumpy like a rabbit(since he is one), but he can be suspicous and serious aswell. His laugh his a cackle much like his brother(Reymond's).
Luke Mendez: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him. Age range: Adult, mid thirties. Personality: No-nonsense but funny when he wants to be, smart, a scaredy-cat but brave. What we're looking for: A deep, black vernacular English accented voice. Someone who has a good high-pitched hysterical scream and a giggle-laugh. Needs to be good with speaking spanish being as Lu is a bi-racial coded character.
Romaine Gabels: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/They. Age range: Adult, mid thirties. Personality: Shy and bashful, talented, kind but not soft. What we're looking for: A soft, japanese accented voice. Someone who can sing softer and louder, sopranos and altos preffered.
Reymond Lopez: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him. Age range: Adult, late thirties. Personality: Whiny but not annoying, mean but morally correct, funny, smart, good with guns. He swears a lot. What we're looking for: Very high pitched, well spoken, british accented voice. Posh would be preffered, someone who can cackle and snort like there's no tomorrow would also be great for him.
Scissors (Dwight Peiterson): Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him. Age range: Adult, mid thirties. Personality: Smart, patient, the total mom of the group. What we're looking for: Someone who can do a stern but sometimes gentler voice. He's also a loud laugher, do with that information what you will. He ironically makes some very vulgar jokes at cleverly-timed moments.
Meet the sem-main cast!:
Tennet Sevens: Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him. Age range: Adult, early thirties. Personality: Shy, well-meaning, nice, inarticulate. What we're looking for: Someone with a soft spoken, deep-ish voice, he stutteres sometimes and has vocal-motor control issues.
Mixx (Kiki Mixx): Gender/Pronouns: Fluid, He/Her. Age range: Mid to late thirties Personality: Loud, bossy but not unreasonable, a chill gal/guy. What we're looking for: Someone who can talk loud, snort-laughs, can have any voice octave.
If you are interested in a semi main or just a background character to play, give us a message and we'll list them out for you.
FAQ: Q; "How does auditioning work?" A; You contact us directly through the provided email, we give you info and audition lines for a character, and then you send us either a clear voice recording or video of your lines. We'll decide later if we want you as a VA or not. Q; "Where will the movie be released and when?" A; We're trying for Cinemark and PEACOCK. As for release dates we aren't completely sure but we're shooting for later this year to middle of the next (2024-2025).
Funding: If you want to support this project, go to our Etsy or our Kickstarter. Neither of which are live yet, but just give us your email/gmail and you'll be added to our list to be notifed once it is.
Additional information: Currently we aren't animating yet, we still need a brand new artist 16 magic drawing pad for that, that's what the Etsy and Kickstarter will be for, so don't expect to hear back from us regarding casting for quite a while seeing as it's a busy time. We aren't hiring any outside/extra animators, writers, etc, for this one. The writer and animator is the creator of this studio and this movie, they will be doing most of the work with some exceptions.
For auditions, extra info, or questions regarding any of the topics above go to [email protected] and use the tagline REGARDING MOONSTANDERS so it isn't sorted into spam or junk.
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teddylvpn · 6 years
❝ Some are just born to burn; you can tell by their firework smiles bright enough to strike a match. But here’s the strangest part: some are so terribly brilliant that we wouldn’t mind burning with them. ❞
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INSPO: pinboard and stats page ( I’ll post this when i finish it ).
TRIGGER WARNINGS: parental death
QUICK FACTS:  twenty-seven, former slytherin, former sergeant of the auror’s dept. a little addicted to gambling/card sharking, his hair changes color with his mood but is normally a nice dark navy. besties with victoire. gonna marry nadia zabini my dudes. doesn’t take shit and always lends a helping hand to those in need.
❝ He is a sun in human skin; bright enough to blind, yes, bright enough to ravage corneas and hearts alike, but you have been on fire from the start and the burning has always been worth it. ❞ TREVANTE RHODES? No, that’s actually TEDDY LUPIN. Only TWENTY-SEVEN years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as UNEMPLOYED and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE/THEY identifies as DEMI BOY and is a HALFBLOOD (METAMORPHMAGUS) who is known to be SLY, NOSY, and SELF-SACRIFICIAL but also HONEST, PLAYFUL, and COMPASSIONATE.
[ TW: PARENTAL DEATH MENTION ] Teddy had come as a surprise to Dora and Remus, one that had somehow brought them back together. To say his parents where happy during their time with him would be a lie. They weren’t the healthiest couple and due to Remus’ fear of Teddy becoming like him – it even strained their relationship with him during the time he spent kicking around in the womb. The month after his birth is a different story. Though their time was cut short, Remus had warmed up to his bubblegum-pink haired infant and his relationship with Tonks had smoothed out just before their demise.
Teddy spent most of his childhood bouncing between his grandmother and his godfather, Harry Potter. Though it was his grandmother’s place that he called home. Teddy grew up curious as to how different his life would be if his parents were still with him. Countless people had countless stories of his parents. They would tell him how they were heroes, how they gave their life for the greater good and while he thought that was brave...he would have rather them be there with him. He had Andromeda though. It was her and him against the world and he’d never give her anything less than the whole world.
The first day of Hogwarts was a train wreck. The letter came just as expected, he’d breezed through shopping in Diagon Alley, and literally could not stay still on the train ride to Hogwarts. Once he stepped on the boats the looks he’d gotten from Hagrid, then McGonagall, the rest of the professors as he made his way down to let the sorting hat crown his head had created a pit in his stomach. Pity and sorrow– nothing he needed but it seemed his first year would be full of it. There were whispers of Hufflepuff or Gryffindor but he had surprised everyone with Slytherin. He was welcome graciously but still he was received by careful kindness though he felt it was more because he was an orphan than actual kindness. He spent that first week moping, hair colored black/blue, using his free time to stare, teary-eyed up at his parents portraits and ushered into McGonagall’s office for tea and biscuits. He wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl into his grandmother’s arms but he didn’t -- Teddy stood strong and stubborn.
Time passed as it always does and he eventually grew used to the pity in their eyes until it slowly disappeared all together. Around his fourth year, at least in school, he’d grown out of the ‘Poor Orphan’ trope and made a name for himself outside of his parents – which is a necessity of growing.
He was quite popular through out his years in Hogwarts due to a shining personality that even McGonagall herself couldn’t  hold a straight face towards. Aside from family history, his hair, handsome looks ( OH BUT U THINK HE GONNA LET HIMSELF NOT LOOK GOOD, FRIENDS U WRONG ) tendency to hold out a helping hand to anyone had plenty on team Teddy. He eventually would get a Head Student role in his seventh year just because of his compassion, natural leadership and charisma.
However, Teddy continued on his own little legacy into his career after he graduated. He was ( still is ) well loved once he entered the aurors field, finding a lot of older aurors who were friends of his mother and father who were willing to take him under their wing. And just like school he breezed through ( perhaps not the best but he definitely had the qualities that earned him an extra star or two ). He became particularly famous for high priority targets he brought in due to being a metamorphmagus. And just in two years after finishing his training, he was promoted to Sergeant of the Auror’s department, working at the side of Harry Potter himself.
He’d happen to stumble upon talk of an ‘attack’ late in October on a covert mission he’d set himself on to get a lead on the movements of the death eaters. But he would come o Harry’s rescue much too late. Teddy attempted to save him and dueled with Death Eaters cloaked in masks that would have taken him as a victim with the three. He escaped to a ‘close friends’ house and recuperated until the memorial.
Eventually he lost his status as Sergeant and was fired from the auror’s department two weeks after Fawley took over. He now is technically unemployed but he manages well with gambling death eaters out of their money.
He acts as a second in command for the Order of the Phoenix and tends to take on the more dangerous missions alone due to his meta abilities.
basically teddy is the type to find the best in every situation so he’s rarely bothered by other people and usually finds any attempt to ‘shake’ him hilarious.
he’s very open with everything and upfront with his feelings. if his happy, he will tell you, if he’s sad, he’ll tell you. ( and yes his hair is a makeshift mood ring so study up on color symbolism )
a big goofball tbh. super troll-y and down for a good drag. he is savage and he is a take no prisoner type of person. LOL even if you are lily potter, he’s gonna drag u – with love <3
he’s a proper snake when it comes to games. he’s good at strategizing and it’s rare that he’ll lose unless it’s on purpose or if HE is drunk tbh. basically he’s a CARD SHARK. he’ll cheat you right out of every cent you have though…he mostly keeps to snatching that money from the drunks in hogsmeade. and by drunks, teddy means douchebags or the corrupted members of society – watch your pockets de’s.
on the subject of family, he lived mostly with his grandmother. kind of going back and forth between the potters and andromeda’s home. he adores the wotters and kind of takes over the big brother type of role for any of them. he’s quite sensitive on the topic of family so he doesnt quite consider the wotters family because they aren’t?? – his family is andromeda and his parents and he feels that he should keep them separated. HOWEVER this does not mean he is anti-wotters or he loves them any less??? honestly he adores every single one of them.
he doesnt really talk about his parents. that’s probably the one thing he refuses to be open about and will remove himself from the situation if it’s brought up.
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