#this is all c! and /rp
the-kipsabian · 4 months
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wallterwall · 1 month
i go to this blog whenever i feel sad and it cheers me right up . i love this blog sosososo much its so cool i love it
and. hello wallter C:
Why hello, my friend! Quite delightful weather we're having.
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what remains of us?
c!tntduo through the ages :)
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second-wife-playbook · 2 months
"Andrealphus. I have something to say."
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barzfrommarz · 3 months
Can I bring this tweet to tumblr bc I always hated the “wilbur fucked a salmon” bit and the thing with friend. Obviously i’m not calling wilbur or anyone who participated in the joke a z00phile but idk I really don’t like that bit at all
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maze-mind · 3 months
My TMR RP server!!! I tried :33 I think it looks good guysss
(Pst its not just roleplaying. We have Question of the Days to just talk and chill too <3)
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biitchcakes · 21 days
The personals have found and are reblogging my stuff (despite it saying DNI literally on the post lol), and the other day, a personal both followed me and liked posts in mass, so this a reminder/announcement to my mutual rp blogs that I am VERY HEAVILY considering making a new blog when I get back. And this has deffo made me more likely to do that.
A very friendly announcement to any of said personals if they happen to see this: please do NOT reblog my stuff. Do not repost my stuff either -- as I swear I've come across my edited images cropped on another blog. Liking is fine, and I'm always down to yap and yap for hours about Jessica in the DMs, but I'm not keen on my reblogs being filled up with people I'm not directly writing with, as it's easy for tumblr to lose/eat things.
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aquaticshopkeep · 1 month
He's been lurking around , honestly hearing this Sebastian from the other Expendables had him intrigued. Tho he didn't interact wit many due to a slight accident two or one month back, a slight adjust to the scuba mask to correct it's position fixed his reminder what the result was.
It may have been his older brother instincts but for some odd reason when scavenging he found many blankets . Stitched it all up because the others said this Shop keeper was massive.
Looking at the vent he took in a brave sigh before crawling in using a blacklight to get some light. Peeking out halfway he stared at Sebastian before simply speaking out
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"ang shop keep, I can call you that ? " He said awkwardly , god how long has it been to talk this way , "noticed it gets cold here soon" he crawled out to fully stand and plop the blanket he had made in front of Sebastian before stepping back giving personal space , he may used the stitches from medkit to sew the blanket up .
"ano here made this for you , no catch , no charge nothing " he spoke in a bit of a quipy manner tiny hint of sass "ah names allo btw "
(ooc: I love your Sebastian design and want to know if it be ok to make fanart of him ?)
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The shop lights up when he realizes someone's arrived, tilting his head at the curious offering.
"Shop keep is fine, but my Friends call me Sebastian."
He eyes the gift, picking it up to unfold and look it over. Seemed safe. Nothing fell out, nothing glinting in the light... Hmm.
He begins folding it again, setting it up on the shops balcony with a click of his tongue.
"The gift is appreciated, Friend. Why the thought? Seems strange to give someone you've never met a gift... More batteries for your blacklight, perhaps?"
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stormbornluna · 10 days
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VALERIE X DANIEL Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned Screaming "But Daddy I love him!"
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ it's nice that I figured it my work-life schedule but
where do I fit RP into that-
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
my thoughts have been rampant lately but honestly screw whoever is pissed about quackity lying about will coming back, that was so clever from his part both decieving the creators AND audience, genuenly still shocked how the threw the hook and we all bit the bait
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conanssummerchild · 3 months
i finally gave in and im making some rick and morty oc's >:))
we have:
Rick Sanchez A-26M
Morty Smith L9-DD
Summer Sanchez X-22 (she changed her surname to sanchez after escaping her dimension. maybe her jerry was abusive or something. in reality i just want her to be summer sanchez. might find a way to make morty morty sanchez too.)
Beth Smith N0T (thats a zero but it is reffered to as dimension not or the not dimension or smth)
Jerry Smith N0T
and they all live on Earth dimension N0T
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ive never made an oc before literally ever in my life (let alone 5) but im working on the lore rn and maybe sometime this month i'll do character designs but im really busy rn. definitely by the end of summer tho
additional info:
rick has paranoia depression anxiety adhd and autism (but he refuses to go to therapy so most of these arent actually diagnosed, but im literally his creator so i know, with the exception of paranoia (due to his psycotic break he was briefly forced into citadel therapy or whatever) and depression. i dont think he knows about the anxiety/he refuses to acknowledge it and he self medicates his adhd. he knows about the autism) hes also still an alcoholic (like most ricks i think) his beth jerry and summer's whereabouts are unknown (at least until i think of smth better 😭)
morty's rick is dead but when he was alive he was lowkey kinda nice (if overly and unhealthily dependant on morty) so morty misses him dearly :( morty tried to help his rick recover from dianes death and stop him from destroying himself finding rick prime but he couldnt and he blames himself for ricks death, he has a lot of abandonment issues and maybe some ptsd too. hes a bit more prickly than your standard morty until he really gets close to someone, hes less immediately trusting. after his rick died he ran away from home to the citadel, trying to find another rick but after a few years and about 5 ricks he realised it was useless and he would never be able to really replace his rick. his family was assigned another morty after he split and they're fine. he hung around the morty town locos for a while until finding summer x-22
summer's whole family is alive still but she ran away from home due to her jerry being abusive, as i mentioned earlier. she stole ricks portal gun and portalled over to the citadel, but the portal gun was damaged and she couldnt go anywhere else. morty l9-dd found her crying behind the creepy morty and tried to steal her portal gun (bcs the morty town locos fw portal fluid) but she pinned him against a wall and told him she'd slit his throat out if he didnt help her so he agreed. they bonded after that and became pretty much inseparable.
summer confided that she hadnt had a good relationship with her morty bcs he always turned a blind eye to the abuse and excused jerry. morty told her he spent so much time trying to keep his rick from spiralling that he never formed much of a relationship with his summer
when they get to dimension N0T beth and jerry seem perfect but they soon find out that the rick of this dimension was dead of suicide or smth and that beth tried to commit to after his death maybe. beth here is also an alcoholic, like c-131 is and jerry is in charge of keeping up appearances, which is harder once you have 3 new people living in your broken home.
im not sure a lot of this still might change it needs a lot of work
defining traits (both personality and physical):
rick: more quiet, often zones out and seems like hes not even there, but still bitchy when he does talk. when they first get to N0T he barely leaves his room for 2 months and beth keeps panicking bcs shes worried he'll kill himself like her rick. even tho she doesnt know him he looks so much like her rick did (bcs theyre both ricks duh) and its just stirring back up some stuff for her. his hair is a little flatter than c-137. perhaps he has a fringe. maybe he wears a soft wool jumper. je has self harm scars but always wears long sleeves, so theyre not visible
morty: his tones a bit sharper, hes more skeptical of ppl than morty prime is. hates rick prime almost as much as a-26m does. darker yellow t shirt (like the mortys in mortytown) scars across his eye (I KNOW IM NOT ORIGINAL OK i didnt want to put the scar down his lip bcs i didnt want to assosciate him with evil rick and morty, he has nothing to do with them) maybe the scar is across his cheek idk
summer: always a bit on edge, carries a knife on her at all times. incredibly mistrusting of jerry N0T when they got there. still weary of him and doesnt let him get too close. jerry is too tired trying to keep up appearances to really do much to try and ease summers mistrust of him. black tank top instead of pink. hot pink belt on her jeans tho maybe. loose hair bcs a ponytail is too easy to grab, sharp nails, painted pink. bruises on her arms that start to fade in the beginning of her time on the citadel with morty
beth: often out of it or drunk, more so the more time rick morty and summer stay bcs she cares less and less about keeping how shitty shes doing from them. at the beginning she seems like a perfect housewife, or someone putting on a performance of one. looks pretty much the same if not a little more disheveled, in the beginning wears one of those fancy white frilly aprons with a red heart embroidered. drops the apron as she drops the act
jerry: tired, dark circles maybe (rick and morty also have these, summer and jerry wear makeup to cover them, beth and rick have eyebags also) starts wearing the apron when beth stops lol, defeated demeanour, kinda depressed a lot of the time. lonely
anyway a lot of this is probably gonna be changed idkkkk
ooh also how long it took for a bond to form between characters:
rick and morty: about 2-3 months. both desperately missed their old partners which sped it up a bit but morty was scared of getting attached and rick at the start was too out of it most days to really form any kind of connection also he was scared of getting attatched too but for different reasons (morty was scared he'd lose another rick, rick felt like everyone he got close to ended up worse off (diane, his prev morty))
rick and summer: like maybe 5 months, they didnt interact much at first, like i said rick was too out of it and summer didnt really trust rick and saw him as unstable, but as rick grew closer to morty, summer slowly became a little less suspicious and maybe rick helped her with smth and they bonded over that idk
rick and beth: their initial relationship was not healthy, beth trying desperately to prevent rick from killing himself and rick not being willing to work on himself healthily, causing beth great panic and anxiety, but after like 6 months or so they become drinking buddies, still not the healthiest father-daughter relationship but it eases beths mind and makes rick feel less alone
rick and jerry: even after like 10 months living at the smith house rick and jerry dont have much of a relationship, both are too caught up in their own exhaustion to make an effort to bond, may change at some point
morty and summer: started to form a relationship within the first week of meeting eachother, maybe 7 or so months before they encountered rick (i need to make a timeline) probably the strongest relationship of all of these listed
morty and beth: surprisingly quickly, within the first 1 or 2 months, morty misses his mum and he wants to try and help beth a bit
morty and jerry: mutual respect for eachother, morty helps jerry out around the house and with things, started like this after anytime between a few weeks and 2 months
summer and beth: 4 months, took a while but eventually they formed a bond, its easier for summer to relax around beth and beth likes having a daughter
summer and jerry: still distrust after 10 months, will likely take a long time for any kind of relationship to form, no matter how minor
beth and jerry: pre established relationship obviously but its not a very good or happy one, maybe after 9 months they start trying to work on it again
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karlnapity and c!tntduo enthusiasts are patting each other on the back rn like old friends finally reunited as they wistfully pass the torch to karmaland fans who are now the ones who get to make fanart and headcanons of quackity's new homoerotic minecraft roleplay dynamic, it's really quite beautiful-
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
schlarklez will forever be one of the funniest ever ships to me btw. at face value it looks like it would be the world’s most insane crack ship, but it’s not because of the sheer amount of times schlatt has flirted with jordan and the fact that jordan started a whole cryptocurrency business just to rival schlatt. there’s genuinely a good amount of history between them, not to mention the fact that they’re both often painted as tubbo’s father figures, it just makes so much sense. but also the mental image of captain jordan maron sparklez and jonathan jebediah schlatt in a romantic relationship sounds like the most insane bullshit ever
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Spreading my brainrot agenda;
check out all of these blogs or you explode and die, not sorry
If you don't at least check their blogs out, you die and explode, sorry not sorry
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foolbo · 2 months
the key part of the dsmp was that everybody sucked at least a little bit. there was nobody who didnt suck. dont reblog this saying "c!so and so didnt suck". youre wrong. they all sucked that was the beauty of it.
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