#this is between us ok. im scared and i dont have anywhere else to go so i hope this doesnt happen
recallback-art · 7 months
oh yeah ftr, there's been talk floating around of a potential deal between tumblr and mid/journey and that's obviously bad news for me here. nothing is official yet and iiiii will probably keep posting until it is either debunked or confirmed, but be aware that i'm gonna delete this blog if its real.
if you'd like to help out small creators like me so we can keep our blogs here, email tumblr via contact us and tell them exactly how bad this is. be calm, be clear, and be serious so they take things seriously. k thaaaaanks sorry for the doom and gloom
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randomwriteronline · 2 months
Krakua thoughts... Krakua thoughts? Krakua thoughts. Krakua thoughts
Since thinking of human!Krakua as albino ive decided he cant see for SHIT. my boy can distinguish Colors and Vague Shapes and that is IT. He can read only if he squashes his face on the tablet or someone reads out loud. this does mean that the details he finds important and the physical descriptions he gives are very funny tho. like Axonn is "very wide, big hands, silver-red-black", Mazeka is "small, goes vroom, white-grey", and Jerbraz is "noisy"
Speaking of Jerbraz, hes the one Krakua is usually assigned to when Helryx decides to send him on a mission. Partly bc they get along fine, partly bc Jerbraz has a sort of "least likely to hurl the boy through the roof by accident" babysitter feeling about him, partly bc who can sneak better into places than a permanently invisible guy and a dude who can just Not Make Sound
Also Jerbraz is easily Krakuas fav member of the order. Like a large fucked up invisible cousin who can and will kill for you if you ask him nicely
Second favorite is Axonn. Big hamds comforble. Perfect to nap in
He used to be incredibly soft spoken due to Loud Sound Will Kill Us All but has since grown into speaking at varying volumes between normal and deafening, though if greatly distressed he will go back to barely perceivable whispers
I do think he absorbs all sound all the time as a reflex, at least in part to avoid fucking Dying (sound cant hurt him in the lethal way it used to when he was a matoran anymore but you know, the trauma of everyone he knows dying due to loud noise might have left some lasting impact. Just guessing). He doesnt get overwhelmed by the build up of elemental energy bc hes constantly making noise purposefully or not so hes in a sort of feedback loop where he supplies his own noise to absorb so he can make more noise etc etc
He loves being around people! People are mildly terrified of him. It doesnt help that hes very sneaky and will show up Anywhere uninvited no matter how krakua-proofed one makes the place. He crawls in like hi guys what are we doing :D and everybody else has a heart attack
I cant get over the idea of him meeting Jaller and being so immensely excited about finally having a chance to experience a sonar so he can replicate it that hes just like BLAST ME BLAST ME BLAST ME (sonar blast) (the worst 15 seconds of his life) OURGHHHHH OK IM GOOD DO THAT AGAIN (sonar blast) (another properly horrendous 15 seconds) AURGHRHHHHHH and Jaller is like "can i stop" and Krakua goes NO ANOTHER TIME IVE ALMOST GOT IT (sonar blast) EIURGRAGURGHHHHHHHH
I may have mentioned it before but Krakua is fucking brutal in combat. Sparring with members of the order could kill a weaker being very easily and he refuses to tone the intensity down in actual fights because hes learned the best enemy is the one whos knocked out cold on the ground where they cant bother you anymore! He's been taught to try and not kill whenever possible since hes still a Toa and not technically fully affiliated with the order, but they do still need to get their hands dirty so he has full permission to torture, scar, threaten, gravely injure, break, debilitate or overall traumatize opponents if he deems it necessary or useful. You can see why other people might be scared of him
Also bc i think of him often being all up in peoples faces due to shit eyesight, lots of excitement and very poor socialization i for some reason have imagined him all over that boy like some kinda lovestruck siren. Third time his captain of the guard charms strike. Bitches love a man who can never die correctly ig
Flapper girl. Thats it thats the thought
Related to that, a fight with him is like a rhythm game in hell. Its a rhythm game for him bc hes hitting every clue flawlessly. Its hell for his opponent bc theyre getting beaten within an inch of their life
In somewhat direct relation to the above, he should also have Something going on with Tobduk. I dont mean friendship or romance or rivalry or mentorship i need something more sinister. Its about their similar backgrounds and trauma and their place so strangely close to Helryx's side. Some kind of grim feeling between them, like a sense of terrible inevitability. You will be me. You will become me. You already are me. It pervades everything when they're in each others presence. Tobduk finds some kind of cosmic irony in it. Krakua doesnt like it. They speak of it in long uncomfortable silences, mental shields rendering the Suletu's powers null, and it's very unpleasant.
His staff should be hollow so he can play it like a didgeridoo. Imagine being in a fight with some willowy kid and he pulls his staff to his mouth and a loud wooaoaooo sound just fucking crushes you against a rock. Thatd be baller
I think he has. Some mildly morbid thing about destiny. He doesnt really have a duty nor unity so instead he leans hard into the third virtue and more specifically the whole "there is an unavoidable reason for why everything happens" aspect of destiny, because it makes terrible things like the mass murder of his village and the possible repeat of that situation with the Order of Mata Nui (if you interpret him becoming "the lone hero of a besieged island fortress" as all other members but him dying) more bearable. Maybe once he meets his destiny he will just wait to die, because what needed to happen happened and he has no purpose anymore. Maybe he will be caught in a loop where his destiny keeps fulfilling itself over and over, because he keeps seeking out the requirements to fulfill it whether hes conscious of it or not.
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sanderchu · 2 years
Hii ! Can i request reader and Dream are dating and she’s coming to Twitch Con with him. They are so flirty and always touching each other in some way. And can they also wear matching outfits.
Thank you !!!
Twitch con highlights 
Note:posting this as i'm shadow banned bc  i dont really like this so bc i'm shadow banned it won't really get attention 
Reader: fem!reader 
Side note: the matching outfits will be at the end and yes ik its a girl and boy fit i couldn't find anything similar for same genders. Explains why it's fem reader because im scared ill get attacked- i also sorta picked a fit to match his fit during twitch 
[writing] or hcs 
suggestive ish again
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Walking around 
You walked around with clay holding your hand. Everyone had their eyes on you guys as you both talked to George and sapnap. None of you had anything to do yet so you all decided to walk around the area just to be aware of it all and know where things are and maybe even check out some areas. Clay did feel off, jealousy got to him as he noticed you talking to George a bunch and getting close. He didn't mind having you talk to him. He was best friends with him after all. But for his first twitch con he wanted you all to himself. “Hey babe, let me show you something” Clay said and before you could answer dream pulled you to a random area in the building kinda far from the group. Clay then pulled you close and held your waist looking at you in your stunning eyes. “You ok?” you asked but before an answer happened with words dream answered with his lips. Dream placed a gentle rough kiss on you but pulled away quickly due to not wanting to attract too much attention to you both. “Can we go away from them for a bit?” he questioned. You smiled and nodded before grabbing his hand again and walking anywhere you guys picked.
Dsmp panel 
Dream sat next to you as you both were the only two sitting away from the table where everyone else was. Panel day with dream for the first time, interesting. “I have a question for y/n!” someone said from the crowd, making your attention on them. The person asked the question and everyone looked at you as the only one who stood up was dream who went behind your chair and placed his hands on the back of the chair. “Well..” you begin to speak as you can hear dreams shuffling behind you and you suddenly get your hair moving a bit but not enough to make it noticeable. You didn't think anything of it until you felt a pair of lips pressed on the side of your neck and slowly releasing and kissing you again. His touch sends shivers down your spine and everything went blank until you heard, “shhhh.” dream stated as he kept going, “keep answering the question” you nodded slightly as his touch kept making you freeze. Right after your question someone else had another question for you so dream switched to the other side of your neck to tease you more. In between his warm touch he let out some hums in between of satisfaction. Soon everyone caught on and started to cheer and ooo at you and making him stand up and sit back down like nothing. You looked at him as he sat and he let out a slight wink. “He was lying in my hair chat-” you managed to say but of course everyone knew the truth but went with what you said to make you calm. 
Taking pics with fans 
“Omg dream and y/n! Can I take a picture with you guys!” you both can hear from a fan in the distance slowly getting louder. You and dream looked at each other before both looking back at the person and taking a nod. “Thank you!” the person said as they stood next to you as you stood next to dream. As the person was getting their phone ready you felt a pair of hands slowly make their way to your waist and gently move that hand down just to go up your shirt making shivers form once again. The person was finally ready and you played off dreams trick pretty well since the person didn't seem to notice and thanked you both before walking away. Instead Of dream cutting it out and pulled you closer and used his mother's hand to do the same. He played it off as laying on your shoulder but now in reality his lips made it back to your neck melting it with his soft touch making his way more and more up slowly. “Dream were in public” you mumbled to him but he didn't seem to care and made it up to your ear, “then don't make it obvious” he hummed as he proceeded to kiss your jaw and soon up once he reached your chin. He looked at your eyes and a smirk planted on his face before he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and stopped soon after. “So beautiful” he whispered as he took his hands out your shirt and pulled you into a normal hug, “and all mine”
matching outfit:
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
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✯pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
✯genre: strangers-to-lovers au!! with fluff, cRack aND!! smut!! slight angst too. uhh the several uses of the term “fat c0ck” because bokuto has a big dick
✯summary: meeting bokuto was a roller coaster you weren’t ready for, but you knew that if you had the chance you’d ride on it over and over again just to experience everything all over again
✯wordcount: 3.7k
✯note: hey guys i’m slowly pushing requests out so i hope you guys can bare with me!! this is for @gulfwanq​ who’s writing i absolutely love!! keep making great content love, muAh
you first met bokutou when you went to the local convenience store near your school
you really wanted some onigiri plus you didn’t have lunch
aNd onigiri miya was closed today
rUmbLe RuMbLe
gosh you were hungry
when you went to grab the last onigiri on the shelf you were surprised to see another person grab it before you
like huh
do i have to bite this stupid persons hand of-
you turn your head to look at the culprit and
your jaw DROPS
this man is gorgeous
and he looks like an owl
a really cute owl
“if you could kindly take your hands off of my lunch i’d greatly appreciate it >.
and that’s the nicest way you could tell someone to fuck off really
but he just smiles and pulls the onigiri towards him and turns to walk away
you jump on his back and try to choke him?? and steal the onigiri back??
and this dude is just laughing
what part of this is a JOKE to you HUH
this is LUNCH
you were not here to play games with cute boys
but you would make an exception if he played with your-
the store owner sees the two of you fooling around and just kicks you both out
in the end neither of you ended up with the onigiri
“did you see what you did horn head? now i’m hungry”
and he just grabs your arm and pulls you into a different direction
“hEY- wHere are you tAking mE” you yelled exasperatedly at the random boy who was pulling you
“we’re going to get ramen”
oh ok
but like,, was he going to treat u or,,,
“i’m paying, come on”
who were you to turn down free food??
especially from a beefy looking dad-
“wait a minute,,, who aRe you?”
“hEY HEY HEY!!! dOnt you know me y/n??? i’m bokuto koUtaro!! i’m in the top 5 ranking of japan’s aces!!! i’m the best!!!”
his name,, did not ring a bell
nothing at all
“uhh,, ok,, how’d you know my name?”
ruh roh
bokuto started sweating profusely when you asked him that question
siri how do you tell your kouhai that you’ve noticed her ever since she was a first year but you were too pussy to actually talk to her or ask her out until you saw her trying to get the last onigiri at a convenience store so u say ‘hey why not steal her onigiri and make her fall in love with me’ so that’s exactly what u do
siri: here are the search results for “adult diapers”
“ahh i’ve noticed you around before n i kinda thought you were cute”
take in bokuto didn’t even care that you didn’t acknowledge him before like he just cares that you’re talking to him now
n he was just avoiding your gaze but all u could think about was how cUTE!! he looked
and that was how you met bokuto koutaro
now he was almost leaving you
and through the months, bokuto had weaseled his way into life as your best friend, and in your heart, but as something more
it was easy to catch feelings for him
i mean,, who wouldn’t
you were currently in his bed, waiting for him while he showered
bokuto had graduated just today and you were gonna miss him so much :((
while you were thinking about bokuto, you didn’t realize that he had already exited the bathroom, sHIRTLESS
his grey sweatpants were hanging low on his hips, giving you a show of his v-line and delicious looking abs
he turned to you and gave you a heartwarming smile
he was too cute for his own good
“kouuuu come lay with me”
he dried his hair a little bit more before hanging the towel back into the washroom, then made his way to your spread out figure on his bed
he crawled on top of you and wrapped his arms around your waist while his head rested on your chest
your hands automatically made their way to bokuto’s head, massaging his salt n pepper locks just the way he liked it
he looked too pure right now
“kou?” “mm?” hummed bokuto
“i’m gonna miss you. so so much.” you forced out, feeling your tears starting to drip down your cheeks
bokuto immediately noticed the quiver in your voice and looked up, only to see his precious girl crying
“oh no bAby please don’t cry, please don’t cry i’m so sorry pretty girl come here” he cooed as he sat up and scooped you up into his arms, sticking you back in forth as you buried your face in his neck
but this only made you sob harder
“whyre you crying pretty girl? i’m not leaving tokyo, and i’m still gonna live here. you’re still gonna see me” he reasoned
he didn’t gEt it
he was going to go to a different school, meaning he wasn’t going to be with you all the time
and going to a new school means meeting other people
what if he meets someone and falls in love with them
and what if he just leaves you behind
you wouldn’t know how to deal with all that pain if that ever happened
you knew that bokuto was a busy man but you weren’t ready for him to leave you completely
like yeah you coUld come to his house to see him but you wouldn’t want to distract him from doing work or anything
you just weren’t read to let your kou go and that was okay
“i-i don’t want to be left behind” you sniffled
instead of comforting you even more, bokuto just tightened his hold on you and started laughing, letting you head the deep timbre of his voice
his laugh was so cute
“what do you mean pretty? im not going anywhere so how can i leave you?”
did u rEALLY have to spell it out
bokuto looked at you expectantly as he lifted your chin to make you face him
you shifted your gaze to the suddenly interesting pillow at the foot of bokuto’s bed
“i’m scared that you’ll find someone better than me” bokuto’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and opened his mouth as he was about to interject-“i’m not the prettiest, or the smartest, or the coolest or the most athletic, but yet you chose me to be your best friend kou” you mumbled
all bokuto could do was watch as his love broke down in front of him, spewing all these lies about herself, degrading herself in front of him
honestly bokuto was pissed
who inserted all these negative thoughts into your pretty little head?
who made his special girl feel like she wasn’t enough for him, when it was him who didn’t deserve her?
she is kind, understanding, and loving. she is also vEry smart. which is why he couldn’t figure out why you thought you were less than what you were
he didn’t understand how you couldn’t see how wonderful you are
“i’m scared that you won’t return my feelings”
there it was
bokuto pushed you by your shoulders, far enough to let you see his beautiful face, but not too far to the point where it seems like he’s doing it out of disgust
“oh y/n. my sweet girl, my special girl, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! y/n, i’m in love with you, i’ve been in love with you since you were a second-year. and i never doubted oNce that you were the one for me.” he stroked your cheek
“im so sorry if i didn’t reassure you, pretty. i just thought that you already knew these things. i’m kinda stupid, even for one of the top 5 aces in japan!!” he joked, causing you to let out a few giggles
you looked into his bright eyes, and cupped his soft, warm cheek, and slowly leaned towards his pink lips
“kOu!!! y/N!!! dinners ready!!”
you immediately placed your hands on his chest, planning to push him away and coax him to going down for dinner
he leans down and captures your lips with a heated kiss
your hands made their way into his still damp hair and tugged, making him groan into your mouth
your body involuntarily arched at his touch, letting you feel his bulge as he pressed into you
you started to rock your hips against his, wanting to feel the friction between your clothed groins
“k-kou— kou please‘ you whimpered into his mouth, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for
“shit babe i gotta stop or else i won’t be able to hold myself back,, and i want our first time to be special” he mumbled against your kiss bitten lips
he was so cute :(( he wanted your guys’ first time to be special :((
mom :( i’m :( in :( love :(
“okay kou, lets go downstairs then” you suggested as you tried to push him off of you
“bUt pretty giRL—“ “no whining kou, lets go big boy, you must be hungry” you said as you finally got him off of you and sitting on the edge of his bed as you tried to pull his arm
“yeah i’m hungry just not for food tho” he mumbled lowly, not letting you catch it”
“what was that?” “nOTHING i’m starving haha let’s eat” “oh okay”
after the both of you made your way downstairs, bokuto i’d mom had immediately noticed your interlocked hands and started cheering
“I KNEW IT!! Y/N WAS GONNA BE OUR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW” she yelled in her husbands face as the both cheered while you and bokuto just stood there
“i’m so proud of you son, you finally grew a pair and asked her out after what? months and months of pining after her? ‘dAd how do i ask a pretty girl out?’ and ‘daD she’s so beautiFul i feel like i’m gonna pEe myseLf’”
any time spent with bokuto was never boring
after that day, bokuto had taken you on several dates, until he formally asked you out
and he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
he always had snacks ready
he always made sure to text you and call you to tell you whenever he was busy so that you wouldn’t worry
he always made you one of his top priorities which felt nice
and bokuto just gives you so much love
but one thing is that,,, bokuto is very jealous
he would get all mopey and dejected whenever a guy or girl would come up to you and ask you for your number, or if you wanted to hang out with them sometime
obviously you declined, informing them that you had a boyfriend
but the fact that people still wouldn’t leave you alone pissed him off to no end
he voiced his thoughts to kuroo, who just thought that he was being stupid
there was no way you are gonna leave him for anyone else
bokuto was stupid to not see how utterly and completely in love you were with him
all you had in your heart was bokuto and nobody else was needed
but there was this one incident, where someone had groped you in public, right in front of him
and he went ballistic
if it wasn’t for his friends and you who held him back, he would’ve certainly gotten arrested for assault
even though it would’ve been fair
sexual assault is a big no no
after that day, you made sure that whenever you sensed bokuto feeling down or jealous, you would insure him that he was the only one and will only be the only one
which usually got him feeling better in a span of 2 minutes
when bokuto had gotten into the MSBY Black Jackals, you were so proud of him
you were happy that he was able to do what he loved and made it into his career
he was really an excellent volleyball player
you would try your best to make it to all of his games and he honestly really appreciated it
he was so thankful for you for being as loving and supporting as you were to him, he honestly didn’t think that he deserved you
but let’s be honest
bokuto deserves the world
meeting some of his teammates for the first time was hEctic
they had all come over for a small get together at yours and bokuto’s condo
hinata wa stour favourite, just because he was cute and you saw how much he admired bokuto
and sakusa was very nice?? surprisingly you got along with him just fine?? which surprised everybody else
but miya atsumu
this boy was something else
you lOved him!! honestly!!!
but he was just a little shit sometimes it made you want to rip out your large intestine and eat it
he would sometimes crash at your shared condo with bokuto, after a night of drinking with their team
and he’d let you clean up after him AND your boyfriend, as they were both drunk out of their minds
there was one night where you had to sleep in the guest bedroom because koutaro and atsumu had fallen asleep in your bed
while cuddling each other
but all in all he was a great guy, and someone you loved as your brother
the first time you had sex with bokuto
you were afraid
bc of the fact that you were a virgin n it was your first time
but luckily it was kou’s first time too!!
which put you at ease a little
but you were still afraid that you might not be able to satisfy him?? like what if he says that it doesn’t feel good?? or if he says that you sucked at sucking dick??
that would be so sad
so you did what you had to do
you contacted all your female friends and asked them to teach you how to uh sex
which was a very awkward conversation between your friend group, since most of them were virgins too
they suggested to take it slow and not spring it on him all at once, especially since most days he’d be too tired from practice
so after practice, you made your move
bokuto had just gotten home and had gone straight into the shower after giving you a little peck while you were cooking in the kitchen
you decided that you were going to let him eat to gain some strength before you sucked him dry
after his shower, he excited the room with black sweatpants hanging low on his hips
kinda like deja vu
this was a scene that would never get old
you say him down and fed him, knowing that he liked being babied on some days
and you honestly didn’t mind, you liked taking care of your boyfriend
he was just too cute
after dinner, you washed the dishes and pushed him on your shared bed, face first
you sat on his bum and started lather his back with lavender oil, knowing that he loved the smell and how warm it made his back feel
you started to massage his back, slowly starting to press your thumbs into the knots in his back, making him groan at the feeling
it went like that for at least 45 minutes, you finished up after tending to each knot in his back, making you feel very accomplished
you flipped him over, only to see his blissed out face. his eyelids were drooping and he had a little dopey smile on his face
you put your hands on his chest and slowly made your way down until they reached the hem of his sweats, which you slowly pulled down
releasing his semi hard cock from its confinements
you felt yourself start to drool at the thought of gagging and slobbering all over his fat cock
he was barely conscious until you licked a fat strip from the base to the tip
which woke him up pretty well
“s-shit babe“
his large calloused hands tangled themselves into your hair and started slowly pushing your head back onto his awaiting dick
which you gladly took into your mouth
he stared with a slow place as you caressed his cock with your warm tongue as he pushed your head down, and suckled on his tip when he pulled back
you loved the feeling of his fat cock going down your tight throat
the feeling of your drool and his precum mixing made you clench your thighs, which didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend
“fuck, thats it pretty girl, take it down your throat. you’re such a good girl. baby’s gonna take my load right? you’re gonna be a good girl and swallow it all for me right?” he teased as he pulled you off of his dick
you coughed and nodded your head, moving your face near his crotch again, wanting to keep it in your mouth
he chuckled at the desperate look you had given him when he didn’t give you what you wanted
luckily, you had only been wearing your panties and one of bokuto’s oversized shirts
you loved wearing his clothing especially because you liked having yourself covered in his scent
he just smelled so nice
he pulled you up and pushed your hips to turn you around
which made your hips over over his awaiting mouth while your were faced with his dripping cock
you started to slowly give the head kitten licks, until those licks turned into long and hard sucks
he pushed your panties to the side and grabbed your hips, pushing your pussy into his waiting mouth
his tongue was relentless
alternating from roughly licking your clit to dipping his tongue in your slit, moving his tongue with vigour
his manhandling had made you work even harder, getting him closer to his euphoria
cuz you are the cause of bo’s euphoria🥺
yEah yEAh yEah yEah yEah yeAhhhh
once hit started to stroke your clit with his thumb
it was over.
you were done and creaming on his face while bokuto was releasing on your face as well
bokuto really do be hitting different
he gently pushed your body off of his and reached for a towel, gently wiping your face while whispering apologies
after he was done he gently kissed your lips and got on top of you once more, using both his hands to spread your legs to reveal your glistening slit
(psa sex isn’t really like this irl LOL i’m exaggerating it,, but if u find someone who cares enough about u then it might just be like how i describe it👁👄👁 my first time having sex was with a skinny weeb gamer boy who sold marijuana to the crazy people downtown so,,)
bokuto shoved two meaty fingers into your hole, spreading you out even more and scissoring you
making you arch your back off of the bed
shit bokuto felt like he was about to bust just looking at you
“i’m gonna make you feel so good pretty girl, you won’t even remember anything but my name.”
👁👄👁 ok den
one thing bokuto loved to do was go on late night drives with you??
it was surprising that bokuto had a license in the first place but after he had graduated you had forced him to get one, because obviously it was necessary smh
he had taken you to your guys’ favourite spot 
which was just on top of a hill that had a beautiful view of all the city lights 
his car always had extra pillows and blankets just in case you guys had a last minute trip to your spot
he immediately set up the pillows in the trunk and beckoned you to come over and sit next to him 
““i love being here with you kou, it’s like just yesterday i was still tackling you in the convenience market for the last onigiri” you reminisced 
he laughed and buried his nose into your hair, loving the smell of your fragrant shampoo
his large hands rubbed your sides, making you snuggle into his side even more than you were 
he was just so warm  and cuddly 
it was hard not to just bury yourself in him 
“i love you y/n. you know i’d give you the world if i could right?” ““i know kou, i love you too. you don’t need to give me the world because i have you, you are my world”
you never failed to fluster him, after years of being with each other 
you were so in love with this boy 
all you knew was bokuto 
he was your first everything, and hopefully your last 
he slipped out of your hold and stood up, admiring the view of the city as he walked a little, until he suddenly turned to face a confused you 
like y was he suddenly standing up 
until he wasn’t 
this was bokuto koutaro, the love of your life, down on one knee, as he held a white velvet box, which contained the prettiest diamond ring you could ever get 
you immediately felt tears starting to stream down your face, even though he hasn’t said anything yet 
“y/n,, i’m so in love with you. i don’t wanna be with anyone else but you. you give me happiness, love, faith, and courage. i want to be by your side until we grow old together. i have loved you since you tried to choke the shit outta me in that convenience store. you loved me at my worst, and my best, you are the cause of all good things in my life. you are the cause of my euphoria. no, you are my euphoria. pretty girl,, will you continue being my euphoria?”
you couldn’t help yourself as you jumped into his arms and started peppering kisses around his face while mumbling yes with each kiss 
he took your hand and gently slid the ring on your finger 
now he could show people that you were his, as he was yours
“i love you kou”
““i love you more, pretty girl” he mumbled as he kissed the top of your head 
“kou,,” “mm?” 
“i’m pregnant”
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
> ==>
> ==>
> ==>
DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
Day 14: The Last Day
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Hi guys! Here she is! The last of our quarantine fic as the world is opening up, whether it should or not. It’s short, but felt complete! Huge thanks to everyone who read and reblogged! A huge thanks for @dirtystyles and @emulateharry for the read throughs and cheerleading! I am sure there will be other little odds and ends-
Harry’s POV maybe...
Day 14: The One With The Loss
"Where the f ..." Elise felt frantic, she could not find her bracelet. Her grandmother had given it to her. She didn't care at this point if she had to leave everything else behind, but she couldn't leave that.
She'd been incredibly close to her grandma Rose. On Some hard days, Elsie would have said she was the only one who ever really loved her. When she was dying Elise had gone to the hospital as much as possible to sit with her, at first to play cards, and then to hold her hand, and finally to curl up next to her and cry. When grandma was still able to talk she'd told her to go in her jewelry box, the one that was packed from her room at the assisted living facility and find her opal bracelet.
They shared an October 21st birthday. Grandma Rose said she'd had the bracelet since her sweet sixteen. Elise was a little older than that when she got it, but the bracelet was priceless and irreplaceable at this point. Her random t shirts and even her books could stay, but not her bracelet.
She'd been packing for a couple hours at this point. She wasn't aware she had this much stuff, or that it was so spread out. She'd been pretty unemotional through the whole process, until she couldn't find her bracelet. Elise might have been crying inside before then, but she was really freaking out now.
It was the first time she had cried since the talk with Harry.
"Is that what you're so scared of?" He'd said.
She'd scoffed. That got her back up. "I'm not scared of anything."
"Are you kidding me?" He actually laughed at her. "You're scared of everything!"
"Fuck you Harry! You don't know how I feel."
"Of course I don't. It might actually kill you to talk about your feelings or be honest." His hands were crossed over his chest.
"Honest, feelings? Cuz you are the king of talking about real shit?" Her hands came off her hips and she was pointing. "All we do is play, or fuck. You may actually be a lost boy."
"I'm just trying to read your comfort level, love. That seems to be the depth of life you're willing to deal in. Gotta keep it light for poor Elise, or she will run away. I'm dont even know why I bother." He sighed. "If you liked spending time with me at all, without being entertained all the time, I would not have to lure you out of your room every damn day with some promise of food or comfort or sex. It's so damn hard to know you."
"How dare you!" She seethed. He'd insinuated she was shallow right? That's what that bullshit about depth implied. "I am not shallow. Or a damn child who needs to be bribed. Maybe if I had any idea what I was doing here, or why you were being so nice to me, I'd not be so damn afraid I'd need to hide. I don't know you either, and your intentions are even more obscure."
"What you're doing here? I was just trying to make sure you were ok, or safe. Take care of you. If you were unwell it would be my fault."
"Cmon Harry, we both know you could have got us tests and sent me packing ages ago. What little fantasy are we living out here?"
"Yours!" He shouted.
And the conversation got more intense from there.
"Where could I have?" Elise's cheeks were wet; she was nauseous. This day had already been too much. She'd just got her head in her palms to weep when strong hands came onto her shoulders.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Harry asked into her black hair before kissing it.
"I can't find my grandma's bracelet anywhere. She gave it to me when they told her she was running out of time." She turned a watery frown on him and he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.
"Ok, well tell me what it looks like and I'll help you."
Elise described the delicate piece and they each set off to look. She was essentially tossing things out of her way adding to the mess. The room had already looked casually like a bomb went off, but she was a mess when she looked for things. She did notice Harry was orderly in his disarray.
"When'd you wear it last?"
"I don't wear it. I'm too afraid I'll break it." She told him, and he chuckled.
"If you say something about patterns or bad habits I will cut you." She mentioned.
He put his hands up in surrender. And they both laughed.
He had a point.
Elise was thinking about how their fight the night before had gone when Harry said. "Is this it?"
"Oh my god." Tears filled her eyes anew and ran down her cheeks. "Thank you! What would I do without you?" It was an honest question. It had only been fourteen days but she honestly couldn't imagine not knowing him, really knowing him, not about him, or speculating about him, or inferring about him, or projecting about him. Knowing him, underneath his clothes, under his skin.
"No need to find out!" He smoothed her hair and then gave her a smooch. "Now, can you grab whatever you need so we can pretend we hate that we have to be locked in a house together for an undefined time."
She giggled. "You don't hate that you are stuck in your house with me for who knows how long?"
"Are you going to let me turn up the heater and stay naked?" He picked up one of the boxes she'd put together.
"Not all of the time."
"Then some of the time?" He curled his tongue and poked it to the side of his mouth.
How was she supposed to say no to that. "Maybe."
"Then hurry." Kiss. "Up." Kiss. " we need to go play strip scrabble."
"Im not playing scrabble with you." She said for the umpteenth time.
"Strip monopoly?"
"Apples to apples?"
"How the hell.." she just laughed at his hugely dimpled smile. "How about we just go in your hot tub and drink margaritas naked."
"Deal!" He started tossing clothes wildly into bags. It was out of character except for his insatibility. "Hurry up! We have plans!"
"To have sex?" God he was sooo cute. "More sex." She clarified.
"Yea, aren't those very important?" He stepped into her space and planted his hands on her hips and his flag in her heart. He'd leaned in close, but didn't connect their lips.
She gulped and leaned up against his arms keeping her feet planted and away from his tempting lips. "Yes, very important."
"Yeah." He said and kissed her silly.
She'd never done it on that bed. Seemed funny to do it after it had been stripped and with the knowledge it would never happen again.
It could have went another way. Elise kept catching herself in moments and feeling grateful, that once Harry started talking, he really started talking.
The day before, when he shouted the truth about living out her own fantasy, she'd started to walk away. She couldn't handle the truth. It was at least half true, it was a wonderful two weeks of her life, and it looked like now it was over. Elise knew she couldn't handle going back to his place and fighting more, or worse facing silent treatment. Plus, if he had wanted her there, he still hadn't said that today or before. She was about to cross the threshold of the room. Harry muttered something about her walking away.
She stopped and turned. She only had to walk away if she wanted to be done.
"This has been a fantasy, of course it has. Like a dream come true. And I'm really scared. I have no idea why I'm here, not really, or what we are doing, or what..." she sucked in some oxygen. "Or what." She felt tears building in her eyes. "How you feel about me." She expected him to say something, but instead he just stood and stared at her, waiting for her to talk. "And what happens tomorrow."
"What?" It was the first thing he'd said during her rant.
"We' re almost done with friends." She whispered.
He was nodding. "We are. so?"
"You said." She swallowed. "Last week you said we should finish Friends, the you said we only had three more days to finish."
He was nodding. "I guess I did, but Elise, the end of friends, it doesn't mean the end of us. And I'll answer all the questions you have. If you want the answers. But, I'll be honest and say I have no idea how you feel about me, like the real me, too. It's why I held back so long."
"So long? It's only been two weeks."
"Pretty intense two weeks." He wiped her tears. "It felt like forever. I wanted to love you up by day five."
She giggled. "Me too."
"Ugh." He groaned. "All that missed opportunity." But they were both smiling. "New challenge: make up for lost time now."
She was shaking her head at his ridiculous eyebrows. "So, you like me?" She asked.
"At the risk of being really obvious, I like you, like really like you, maybe could be more." He tilted her chin up. "and you like me? Me me?"
Elise nodded then thought she had already been this brave. "More than like, I think."
He beamed. "Honestly Elise, when I first brought you home it was out of guilt and because it didn't initially occur to me to just get tests." He looked down. "I had Jeff do research, and we had to wait a few days, and by then, well, I really liked spending time with you."
"Me too." All these confession made her feel like a feather.
"And nothing happens tomorrow. It's not some scary end date, I'm not kicking you out at check out time." He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "Honestly? I'd really like it if you stayed with me, for however long this lasts. We've already been exposed to each other.."
"You think?"
"Very exposed to each other." He laughed with her. "And then after, whenever that is. We talk about it. You can keep your place, or save the money."
"I could pay for groceries."
He sighed. "Ok, you can pay for groceries." He quirked a brow and the dimples that bracketed his mouth wanted to break free, they just needed her response. "Does that mean you'll stay?"
"I'll stay." The full wattage of his smile was really like A full moon on a clear night. He bridged the space between them and swooped her into his arms.
"Good, I'd miss you if you were gone."
"I'd miss you if I was gone too." She was honest, hopefully it would become a new habit.
"Then let's not let that happen." He kissed her then, and it was a piece of this tiny instance of forever she'd keep always, if they wound up married fifty years or broke up by pandemic's end.
"Can I tell you something really crazy?"!She asked with her ear pressed to his heart. She felt his body nod on her head. "I'm so glad you sneezed in my face."
"Yeah?" He asked. "I could do it again?" He offered, his body vibrating with his laugh.
"I'm good now thanks. But, I'm still glad it happened."
"Me too baby, me too."
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tw for transphobia/suicide/general im-insanely-pissed stuff
anyone else really sick of “tr@nny/sh3male” p0rn?? i just tried to find an obituary on a kid that just died and i found a single article on her in a sea of P O R N. SHE WAS A KID.
i shouldnt have to use porn to find out about bottom growth i hate that type of shit and it made me violently uncomfortable to watch but i quite liberally couldnt find any actual stuff on bottom growth aside from that. every other person i found looking for the same thing came up empty too and just went to p0rnhub or someshit.
im also fucking tired of having to be scared all the time. frankly if it wasnt completely necessary for me to be political (both because of transphobia and the entirety of america) then i would be 100% fine being a hermit or something in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. but no. i have to worry about leaving my house and debate between wearing what makes me happy and wearing what makes me less likely to be assaulted. 
i have to worry about weather or not my little brother will be attacked i have to worry about my friends and my family all because cis people are fucking idiots and dont know how to shut the hell up and mind their own goddamn buisness.
i have to go to a mass goddamn funeral every year for the hundreds of people that are MURDERED walking home at night and get decapitated set on fire sliced to bits stabbed shot whatever
and all thats on top of the fact that being trans sucks ass a lot of the time even without dealing with other people. 
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oikawa13 · 4 years
love in the time of köttbullar
Shouyou sets the bowl on the tiny table with a flourish and an itadakimasu! and this is when it hits Atsumu harder than a Skurup to the temple:He wants this. Shouyou, hip cocked against the miniature kitchen countertop, smiling shyly up at Atsumu through the amber fan of his lashes, beautiful god-boy-man somehow glowing gold even under the buzzy LED lighting. Though they’re standing in a 430,000 square foot warehouse in Tsurumachi, Atsumu’s looking at Shouyou, and he’s home.
Amid the Flärdfull and the Smörboll, Miya Atsumu falls a little more in love.
words: 3,378 | rating: T
i’ve never been inside an ikea so this fic quite literally changed me as a person. sometimes loving a person is as scary as saying that first i love you!!!! and sometimes... love is easy as saying i love you at an ikea ; ;
"Bokuto said I should bring you home. But I don’t know where you live. So I took you here.”
“To hell?”
"No, Atsumu-san. To my apartment."
words: 1,990 | rating T
i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about this fic and then go on ao3 to reread it again its just so fdjgfhdjf good. i think about this shoyo a lot. theres something!!!! very dreamy going on here. this is the first part to a series btw, you can read them all if you want since theyre probably all around 1k :-)
lord i no longer believe in anything but the way he holds my name between his teeth
The miracle of the rabbit on the moon.
“We took this photo at their seventh birthday party. His father baked a cake. But someone ate all the jellybeans off the top before they could even sing the birthday song. That’s why Atsumu cried. He used to cry a lot. It stopped when the twins found out about volleyball, but before that Atsumu would cry over everything. Spilled milk. A skinned knee. The neighbor’s dog. He was the twin that was scared of paper straws. It's funny how things have changed.
“He looks happier now. Did you do that?”
words: 10,456 | rating: T
so, this goes just a liiiiitle past 10k so its up to you if you want to read it or not, i just thought i’d include it since its so! close! lol theres this part!!!!! they are holding hands underneath the table!!!!!!!!! atsumu are you drunk?!!! no!!!!! hes just so stupidly in love with shoyo. i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!
wait for it, wait for it
The notifications are up at 100+ again and Hana wants to check it quickly to make sure nothing's wrong, especially because she'd just cleared them before the media scrum. The fans, she figured, must be overjoyed with the win.Congratulations MSBY Nation!!! the first reply reads. #myspiker #atsuhinaBoth tags, she finds, are currently trending in Japan.
Five times #atsuhina trended on volleyball Twitter and one time it should have (but luckily didn't), as told by the MSBY Black Jackals' junior publicist
words: 6,043 | rating: T
this fic is SOOOOO much fun!!!!!! also i love hana, idk if i ever mentioned that before but yeah. this is like... hdjkdhgjfd so much ; ; <3
south of an early summer
Warmth, then, was being wanted back. Two weeks later, Atsumu holds that warmth in by Shouyou’s waist; he watches it, how it sleeps, and wonders what the heat will become next.
words: 2,602 | rating T | tw: atsumu being atsumu about (past) kg/hn for a split second
IF i wasnt an absolute fool and gave you all these recommendations to pick and choose from id just send you this and the walking emoji bc honestly!!!!!!!!! i may not know what the heck romantic means but i see this and maybe it is romantic! maybe its not the average romantic idk?!!!! but i do know theres something beautiful here. love ?? ; ;
truths in two’s
Shouyou leaves for Brazil in two hours.
words: 8,300 | rating: T
LDR.... but like, in probably one of the easiest 2 breathe/good feeling fic for ldr!!!! idk im a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ten reasons to break up with me: a love letter
1. It has to be you, ‘cause I won’t.
words: 4,197 | rating: T
pls....... i cant even THINK about this fic without crying okay!!!!!!!! insane. fuckign!!!! i love it so much, so much. it lives in my heart. this is the fic where i was like... i dont believe in love. yes i do. no<3 YES!!!!!!!! and cried and paced my room and finally FINALLY!!!!!! stopped feeling so hurt about hinata leaving for brazil again lmao!! like, i cant explain. this sounds crazy right???? anyway, i think... atsuhina can love each other so much it hurts when theyre apart but their love is so.... i mean......... they literally waited years to play together... so......... their love keeps them going..... GOODBYE!!!! i love listening to fka twigs cellophane & home with you and just..... being insane. 
just can’t help myself
Five times Hinata takes care of Atsumu, and one time Atsumu returns the favor.
words: 5,025 | rating: T
*think about atshn taking care of each other* *cries*
blue crush
And there’s a promise there, sewn into the easy curve of his lips: I’m not going anywhere, Atsumu-san. Glittering eyes that cut through the rain-blurry dark like a beacon when Shouyou turns back to look up at him. Even if you fuck up all of our dates.
Murphy’s Law as demonstrated by Miya Atsumu.
words: 2,297 | rating: T
atsumu trying very hard to have things perfect and romantic and even in the failures its still very lovely<3
If I’m Icarus, You Must be the Sun (Allow me Three Mistakes)
He wonders if Icarus felt like nothing was wrong with self-destructing, because he had reveled in the sun, if only for a little while.
Atsumu finds, loving Hinata is the same.
Atsumu's love over the years, and the mistakes that accompany it.
words: 4,620 | rating: T
i am...very weak to the whole icarus/sun thing with hinata and his ships. this one though......... i think about it A lot.
in your eyes, i see our future
“Yer’ a real sweetheart, Hinata Shouyou.”
Shouyou smiles brilliantly. “Only for you~”
He scoots over so Shouyou can sit next to him. He can smell the pineapple body wash Shouyou is so fond of the moment he sits down. Shouyou passes the tray over carefully before settling against the headboard comfortably.
“What’s the occasion?"
(Or, Atsumu just really wants to marry Shouyou.)
words: 9,769 | rating: T
fhdsjjkjfdsj goes crazy stupid over marriage!!!!! listen... i do not believe in marriage!!!!! but for atsuhina, oh you bet i do!!!! :-)
breathing a hello
There’s no significance to them ending up here except that both of their lives are held in the sway of volleyball. Everything else comes second.That’s the crux of it, really.
words: 2,826 | rating: T
gjhfsjkfd shhhhhhhhh. my heart is very soft when i think of them here, please..... just!!!! pls.
if you’re out there in the cold, i’ll cover you in moonlight
My [23M] best friend and ex-boyfriend [23M] is visiting me for a week, and my current boyfriend [24M] who agreed to all of this is suddenly withdrawing from me. Can I get some advice? Please? Anyone?
words: 8335 | rating: T | chapters: 3 | tw: past kg/hn 😳
this one is optional since you wanted one shots and theres 3 chapters here. my idea of romantic is...well, i especially love when one of them is acting hurtful/mean/difficult to the other bc their own personal issues but the other loves them anyway??? and then they work on that issue!!! just!!!!! ; ;
Love in the Time of Insomnia
And anyway Hinata was sprinting out faithfully after Atsumu, who had keys to the gym like a badass, and who was going to give his spikers a few more tosses after-hours without Meian knowing like the greatest, most generous badass the Jackals had ever seen. 
words: 2,457 | rating: G
running four kilometers just so atsumu can rest. this is what romantic means!!!! hdkshjfhdj
ode to what you’d have been
5 times it’s Kageyama’s fault and the 1 time Hinata realizes it has never been.
words: 3,628 | rating: G
loving someone including their flaws PART 2!!!!!! ok.... u might be like... um... this is romantic? hfdkhjfd LISTEN!!!! to me!!! there is nothing more romantic than being in love with someone and the ugly parts of them. going, i love you, all of you. and communication!!! and understanding!!! and feeling terrible and shitty and horrible but having the one you love accept you. and trying to help ease your mind, worries. *sobs real hard* also shout out 2 ‘okaaayy.... i hate sakusa now’
a shrine for a  boy
Despite his uncertainty about how to tell Atsumu of his move to São Paulo, Hinata takes action. Things do not go according to plan.
words: 2,447 | rating: G
hinatas time 2 be romantic and fail but its ok bc!!!!!!!!!! :-) they are just dummies in love<3
the greatest distance between you and longing is defeat
(In other words: Atsumu, let go. I’m here now.)
words: 3,310 | rating: G
um... *cries* post break up.... o_o!!!! god they really thought they could????? lmao!!!!!!
the tear in this (our gentle language)
“I’m going back to Brazil.”
He isn’t asking for permission. This isn’t a consultation. Hinata Shouyou informs his boyfriend at their after-practice practice. Miya Atsumu has a volleyball in each arm, trying to pick up a third. It drops and rolls away from him. The thud resounding in an empty gymnasium.
Shouyou had tried to envision Atsumu’s reaction many times. He never expected to be met with silence.
Alternatively: an exploration of Hinata Shouyou’s return to Brazil
words: 7,204 | rating: M
ldr CAN be romantic ok!!!!!!!! it takes a lot of communication, time, and love ; ;
evening sun
Atsumu looks at Shouyou and thinks, I want to know every inch of you.
words: 1,502 rating: M
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radioactive-synth · 4 years
💘 for vaughn/nick/hancock, and as a bonus: how did they all come together? were two of them already dating and then the third joined in, or did they all just kind of meld together at the same time? what sorta dynamic did they have with each other before it became romantic?
short version, they kind of melded together at same time. they are basically best friends to lovers trope, but to be clear, Vaughn is romantically and sexually involved with both of them, but Nick and Hancock arent in between each other, their relationship is platonic and familial. there is no jealousy in between them and neither fight for Vaughn’s attention, and they didnt even before they all 3 became family.
long version:
when Vaughn got out the vault, he was scared and hopeless but still he had revenge on his mind. Nick seen that and understood his need for revenge, so he stick with him until they found Kellogg (3 weeks after the vault). his first impression about Hancock after he killed Finn was that he was afraid of him, but he seen that Nick is totally fine with him, so he trusted Hancock enough to accept his offer to rest at the State House until Amari figured it out with the chip from Kellogg. they didnt seen each other for a few months, but Hancock kept hearing about Vaughn and his MM army. after that, they went in the Glowing Sea, but not before Preston asked Vaughn for help, but he refused, which Nick didnt liked that, but still stayed with Vaughn. after saving his life from 2 radscorpions that damaged his power armor, Vaughn asked how he can thank him properly, and Nick told him that for start, he could help out others, so Vaughn finally accepted his role as General. 3 more weeks, Nick helped him and watched him how he started to talk with the settlers around the area, then he retreated to focus on his own work. their dynamic in that time was that they bonded fast and they could talk about lot of things and talk even about the old world. Vaughn was fascinated to hear about Nick’s previous cases, and Nick liked how Vaughn talked about his past life.
 a few weeks later, Vaughn got hurt badly in a solo mission and Nick was called to help him out, as he didnt seen to accept help from anyone else. Vaughn was relieved to see Nick again and missed him. one night, Vaughn had nightmares and Nick calmed him down, then Vaughn asked him if he can stay with him for the night. Nick was a bit surprised at first, but he was kinda used to other people clinging to him for support, but also he couldnt refuse Vaughn’s crying eyes, so that was first night when they cuddled up. after that, it kinda became a habit to just cuddle at night, cause it felt nice. tho, one other night, when Vaughn took too many painkillers, was too high and kissed Nick on his lips. he only realised that next morning, but neither him or Nick mentioned it, but Nick couldnt stop thinking about the feel of the other’s lips onto his own. they continued to sleep together at night.
as for Hancock. a few months later after he got the leadership of MM and got the Castle back, Vaughn took Dogmeat and stopped in Goodneighbor to buy parts for the radio, when Bobbi No Nose offered him a job: help him break in an old bunker and get whatever he wants (i know the canon says DC but i cant see him accept that ever lmao). only when they got to Fahrenheit, Vaughn realised he was tricked and sided with Fah, as he still feared Hancock. Bobbi left, and Fahrenheit thanked him for that, but still took him to Hancock and apologize for the damages. but Hancock was totally chill, and very surprised that the General of MM would break into his strongroom. after they talked, Vaughn suggested to him to join in his MM missions, which the other gladly accepted, only to get out of the town. they also bonded fast cause of their common values, the humor (even that Vaughn drives Hancock crazy with his puns) and the easy way to talk just about anything. Hancock was so impressed on how kind Vaughn is to other people, and Vaughn likes how adventurous and spontaneous is Hancock. Vaughn offered him a newly renovated house in Sanctuary (which a few weeks later he shared with MacCready). even in that time, Nick stayed in Vaughn’s house when he wasnt busy with his work, and Hancock thought they were in relationship. with time, Hancock started to spend mornings at Vaughn’s house, even with Nick there. at some point, Vaughn started to be touchy with Hancock too, like casual arm over the shoulder or arranging the coat, stuff like that. or even Vaughn asking Hancock if he could look at his hands (’im a doctor, trust me’) as an excuse to feel the texture of his skin. its total different from Nick’s, but still feels fascinated by it. not long it takes that one evening spend together just two of them (as Nick was out for a case) it transforms in a passional night (it was Vaughn who wanted it first, he didnt got any action in 210 yrs lmao). at first, Hancock didnt wanted to take Nick’s place in bed, but Vaughn said its ok. even Nick was totally fine by it. they usually sleep with Vaughn in the middle. at some other point, Vaughn started to have passional nights even with Nick.
even that all in Sanctuary thought of them that they were together, Vaughn didnt really realised that. weeks or months later, the stress was getting higher as he got in the Institute, and couldnt handle his emotions anymore. he started to drink more and neglect himself, which made the other 2 worried, so they took care of him and keep him focused on the MM, even that BOS and the RR were pulling at him too.
when the Institute was gone, Vaughn fell in depression and needed a few days to just sleep, with breaks for eating and bathroom. Nick and Hancock took care of the synth kid, and both adored him even first time. after Vaughn finally decided to get out of the room, he seen Oliver onto Nick’s lap, while he and Hancock were reinterpreting a story from a book, while Dogmeat and Hera were on the floor, listening to them, and Codsworth was also joining in the story. Vaughn felt immense happiness seeing them all together.
 a few days later, Oliver asked his dad if he can call the other two ‘dads’ or to call them different, and Vaughn only realised that he should talk with them two about their relationship. he feared at first that the other 2 will leave for their jobs, but Nick and Hancock werent going anywhere. they thought that they were already a family. Vaughn finally confessed his feelings about them, and wishes to be romantically involved with them. they accepted. and 2 yrs later, they married. also Oliver calls Nick ‘pops’ and Hancock ‘papa’. he doesnt consider he had a mother and has a father, but that he has 3 dads.
currently, Nick and Hancock ocassionally leaves home for their own jobs, but all 3 cooperate so at least one of them is at home with Oliver, and not longer than 2 weeks. even way before they got in relationship, Nick and Hancock provide advices and support for Vaughn’s MM missions. even that Preston is second in command, Ronnie Shaw is third in command and Danse is 4th in command, Vaughn would still first listen to his lovers, and even leave them decide for him if he needs a break due of his bad mental days. Danse isnt happy for this, as he considers that the other two should have a rank (they dont have like the others), Hancock’s only response is that ‘we fuck with the General, is that enough power over him for you, rusted tin can??’. Preston doesnt have anything to comment, as he learned to trust their judgements.
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comicsnas · 5 years
TG: you on your way home yet TG: hey TG: john babe youre makin me nervous TG: if you forgot to charge your phone again i swear to god im having powerbanks sewn into your jackets TG: come on TG: why cant i reach your driver either i thought maybe youre just stuck in la traffic TG: la traffique as the french say TG: hello TG: fuck. please TG: alright
TG: hey alan TT: Hey, Dave. TG: sorry to just cold open this but could you do me a solid and track john down real quick TT: One sec. TT: [coordinates] TT: He’s on the move. In the air, seems like. TT: Headed pretty straight to Washington from the looks of it. TG: shit TT: Yeah. TG: alright could you maybe give me a quick ping when he stops moving or if he goes anywhere else TG: you dont gotta do nothing else just let me know would that be ok TT: Sure thing. TG: thank you TG: you take hourly payment in bigmacs if memory serves is that right TT: This one’s on the house. TG: no the fuck it aint im sending you a burger TT: Fine. TT: We can make it Whoppers, if that makes you feel any better. TG: not recently actually i think theres something going on with bk but i sure as fucking christ hope thats not relevant right now TG: nice of you to offer though youre a real one TT: Allegedly. TT: Godspeed.
TG: rose TT: Dawon. TG: theres problems TT: I’m on my way.
Your name is Dave Strider, and you are not panicking.
She wouldn’t hurt John, is what you tell yourself, is what you have to keep telling yourself. There is something about him, and you don’t know what it is, nobody does, you doubt she knows what it is, but he actually means something to her. She wouldn’t hurt him. She can’t. You have to tell yourself that.
There was a time when you also didn’t think she would come to harm you. There was a time when you didn’t think she was going to kill people over this. Whenever there are times when you think that this is it, it’s not getting any more brutal than this, she proves you wrong.
But you aren’t panicking.
Rose says, “Dawon, sit the fuck down.”
“No,” you say, and continue pacing through your living room, John’s living room, in his house that he bought and then let you move into just a few months later. It’s the middle of the night, you’re tired out of your mind, but you’re not panicking.
“You are scaring the children.”
That gets you to stop. You turn, and your sister is sitting on the couch with Roxy on one knee and Dirk on the other, both of them looking as tired and cranky as you feel, but you know that that’s on you. Dirk picks up on your moods so quickly, you pacing around like a caged animal will make him nervous just from watching, and Roxy had to be roused from sleep so Rose could come here and be there for you. To keep you from panicking, which is not something you are doing.
Your baby brother is glaring at you while chewing on his little chubby fist, and your shoulders droop, and you just sit down right there on the floor. “I’m sorry,” you say.
“It’s quite alright,” Rose says, and starts bouncing Dirk gently. “The premiere is supposed to be when, again. Thursday?”
“Thursday, yeah.” You rub your palm over your forehead, and when you close your eyes, you feel like you pass out for a second. What if she does do something to John this time, though.
Rose hums. “She doesn’t want the movie published.”
“Well, no, of course she doesn’t,” you mumble. “And she doesn’t want her son hanging out with me, because this is fuckin’ Westside Story, but with aliens and murder.”
“It’s what Shakespeare would have wanted,” Rose says. “She’s aware that we will come for him, you know.”
It’s the we in that sentence that makes you feel more awake again, and you glance up at her from between your fingers. “Uh huh?” you prompt.
“Mhm,” Rose says. “Here is what she wants to happen, dear. The timing of this is, of course, impeccable. I have no doubt that it was in part inspired by your daring Academy Awards gear, but more than getting back at you for that, she wants the movie thwarted. She wants you to lose your steam and put it on the backburner, pack your bags, fly to Washington, and face her. Tired, scared, and angry, so she can kill you before the world will ever see what you had in store with this one. Are you going to do that, Dawon?”
You pull your knees to your chest, and press both of your hands to your face. Rose is right, you know she is, because she always is, but it’s hard to force your mind to agree. In your head, this is all about John, and you need to come and help him, protect him from what he can’t fight all alone. But maybe it isn’t. Maybe this is about you, as awful and strange as that thought may be for you. “No,” you say, muffled against your palms. “No, I won’t.”
“Atta, boy,” Rose says softly. “I realize that sleep might not be in the cards, but you will rest tonight, at least. I am staying here with you. And in the morning, darling, you will get up and you will make coffee, you will put on your big boy pants and you will go to work, and you will finish your movie. It will premiere on Thursday, and she can go choke on it.”
You sniffle and nod, feeling about half your size. “What about John?” you ask your hands.
“Oh,” Rose says, “we are very much coming to get him.”
“She’ll see us coming.”
When you look up from behind your hands, Dirk’s eyes are closed, and his head is resting against your sister’s chest. Rose is looking right at you, unwavering. She says, “Then we best put on a show.��
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domesticangel · 6 years
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here’s a big ol dump of art thats been sitting in my folders for anywhere between 1-3 years that at this point ill probably never finish to accompany some Really Long rambling under the cut
im a junior in college now (””should be”” a senior/whatever that means/since i took a gap year but) but when i was in my like....sophomore-senior years of high school i drew like.....every. freaking. day. like literally i feel like i would draw like, 1 or 2 fully fleshed out, give-all-my-attention to type drawings every single day of my life, and i always had so much fun doing it.
after having a while to self-reflect though ive concluded theres kind of some layers to this. because i figure theres at least a little romanticization of the past going on, because i KNOW i wasn't a very happy person in high school; in fact, mental health wise, late high school into my freshman year of college was probably my very lowest point. i did lack motivation at these points, but not for drawing; i kind of put off school work and college prep, which wasn't good, but drew like HELL every single day, and pretty much all of it was fan art. thats one of the main differences between me then and me now; i used to dedicate so much of my time and energy to “fandom” and the media i was into, and it totally fueled my desire to draw, whereas now, i obviously still enjoy different series, but... my life doesn't really revolve around them like it used to.
the way i see it, i think i definitely used to use media and fandom participation as a form of escapism, but not really the good kind... i think it was more of a maladaptive obsession i failed to keep in check that i know for a fact really got in the way of my schoolwork, and i only doubled down when it came time to apply to colleges, because of course that stressed me out and scared me; during times like that, which was almost always due to my mental health issues at the time, i clung to fandom because its what brought me comfort and kind of shielded me from my responsibilities.
either way, that obsession with whatever media i was into at any given time is also what i think gave me that desire to draw all the time that i miss so much. i think being THAT invested in something is what actually gave me the constant desire to create, and being able to create something and feel accomplished in something without having to face anything uncertain or scary kept me totally hooked. so its weird trying to parse how i feel about that time period in my life.
on one hand, my mental health has gotten SO much better. obviously ive matured a lot since high school, so over time ive learned about much better coping mechanisms and ideas about mental health, ive gotten on a medication that works for me, and ive really gotten into my major so I'm really enjoying school as well. and obviously this is progress that i would never, ever, just want to give up or throw away. however, its also this progress that seems to have inadvertently influenced how often i draw, because I'm no longer fully diving into media/fandom because i dont need that escapism anymore, and therefore i don't have this like, feverish, obsession-fueled desire to draw like i used to. its kind of a double edged sword i guess and something i don't have a clear answer to.
i also think another factor i can't ignore is that i used to have a very large following in a lot of fandoms on tumblr, and if i remember correctly before i deleted my old tumblr i had around 12,000 followers that i had accumulated over probably the course of about 5 years. so that meant that my fan art got a LOT of attention. not to sound like hur-de-blur-social-media-is-evil but like at least in my personal experience, i kind of taught myself to think, “your art is only worth something if it gains a huge, instantaneous reaction, and peoples’ reaction to your art is the ONLY thing that decides its value.” and thinking like that really has hurt how i feel about my art over time! often times, after deleting my tumblr, i would find myself thinking, “well whats the point in doing any art, because nobodys going to see it anyway” so i honestly didn't draw or feel anything for art for a long, long time. in that time i channeled my feelings and energy into much more harmful activities, and i really could've used art at the time, but it had become such a worthless concept in my head since i could no longer associate it with immediate praise and attention.
i forgot a lot of important things about art, most importantly, how it could be fulfilling to just ME and that that was ok. i forgot that drawing regularly would help me improve, or give me something to focus on when i felt down, or give me the power to create something when i felt like i messed up everything else around me, or just make me happy because i thought of something i wanted to put on paper and then just put it on paper. and thats one of the main reasons i created this tumblr; i want to kind of rekindle that passion i had for art, but this time, without the maladaptive obsessions and without the need for approval from everyone around me. and i know this isn't a unique struggle; i know lots of artists who share their work online get discouraged by how little attention their work gets after they put so much time and effort into it, and like them, i don't have an answer as to how to “fix” this feeling either. but i can at least try. i want to prove to myself that the time i spent feeling hopeful and happy about something i created justifies its entire existence regardless of now many notes it gets, whether its OCs, fan art, digital, traditional, whatever. i just want to learn how to draw because it makes me happy.
that said, finding the motivation can be hard. however, i think I'm sometimes a little too hard on myself. I'm on winter break right now, and ive kind of defaulted to thinking “you haven't drawn enough, you've wasted so much time wishing the motivation fairy would visit you and make you draw that you haven't put in the time and effort needed to make yourself do it, youre pissing away every chance you have.” but when i think about it, i don't think thats true.
ive spent a lot of time thinking about OCs recently, which is kind of wild, because i haven't had the desire to make OCs in probably literally ten freakin years, so thats honestly huge for me--i actually really WANT to make original content despite the fact that i know it won't get as much attention as fan art, and i want to just do it for me, because i want to get it out. ive done a whole character sheet and I'm working on another! and sure, it didn't take me half a day like it maybe used to would've, but what does that matter? i thought, hey, i wanna get this out, and i got it out, and thats good enough for me. ive even written up storyboards in case i wanna ever make some small comics about my OCs just for fun, which is exciting cause ive never done it before. ive also been working on a commission for a close friend who wanted me to design her a fursona, and not only has it been a really fun process, but its the first commission ive done in a really, really long time, and it feels really rewarding. on top of that, I'm working on a painting for my dad as a late christmas present, and its my first really ambitious traditional piece in a while, so thats been pretty exciting too. and sure, ive done some fan art, but it feels like its coming from a better place; its less “please assign me value” and more just, really feeling something for the characters and wanting to try to connect with other people who feel something for those characters as well.
so, while it seems challenging, i also need to remind myself not to be blind to my own progress. i think i am doing better, and feeling better about art even if sometimes it feels like i spend way more time thinking about doing art instead of actually doing it. i think thats probably normal, and i think i can keep heading in the right direction.
ANYWAY this got really long but sometimes typing out how i feel about something and then reading it back helps me understand my own head a little better, so thats ok
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legion1993 · 6 years
The Time For Secrets is Over
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A/N: this is my new fave story header!!! i mean he looks so hot!!!! anyway this is for another write challenge!!! happy birthday @thinkwritexpress-official!!! this is #2 of 3 for ya...
pairing: jensen x reader
prompt: possessive
my city is Shadowhaven, my name is Y/N. my home was originally New York, but i moved for my work... what happened after i moved was the way things happen, the way i ended up standing beside my very double-sided possessive Fiance. although before i should probably tell you how we got into this situation before continuing. 
~let me take you back to before we got into the danger~
as a artist, song writer and author i move around alot and always end up staying in a different place every few months or so.. depending on work, concerts, conventions, etc.
this project was taking me to the far regions of Europe. yay we are close to my ancestral grounds but i had never ever heard of a place called Shadowhaven till i was told to go record and spend time there... my manager told me it would be good for my rep... 
so i booked my flight and left the USA behind, flying my way to Shadowhaven a decent sized town in the deep end of Scotland (my home ancestral grounds). it was a nice relaxing flight, course i knew my history, but Shadowhaven had never been mentioned anywhere at all.
i could tell that this was the start of a new adventure, immediately making my way through the airport, through customs, towards the inner of the airport, i decided to shop for a new wardrobe that might help me to blend in, i knew my family crest colors so i used my skills in shopping to inconspicuously find a blend in outfit.
you approached this one boutique upon arriving inside this shopkeeper approaches you, and notices that you look like your seeking something specific. 
Shopkeeper: “good day lass, can i help ye with somethin’?”
you smile and turn to face this shopkeeper.
Y/N: “yes, what would you recommend for someone whose first time being in her ancestral grounds and wanting to experience some of her heritage?”
the shopkeeper was very impressed, but immediately had a thought. so she went around the desk again circling through some of the stuff she had back there, and as you watched you realized that it wouldnt be long before someone over here recognized you.
Shopkeeper: “what are your families colors?”
Y/N: “would this help i don really know how to describe it...”
you pulled out your smartphone and showed her a picture of your families colors. she comes up to you again a few moments later with a dress that looks like it was made for royalty, but yet it also looked surprisingly comfortable.
Shopkeeper: “come with me darling, let me help you put it on...”
you follow her to the back of the store storing your suitcase & backpack behind the counter, you knew that there was someone who was kind enough to help you. 
as she helped you get into that dress you started to feel like a normal person. almost like this was your destiny. but thats when you got to look at yourself in the mirror. upon seeing yourself in that dress you felt something inside you change. 
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you looked at the lady and were instantly grateful.
Y/N: “thank you so much i appreciate this...”
Shopkeeper: “your welcome deary, its on the house... welcome home!”
you walked back to your bags and smiled as you left the store now blending in. you went to hail a cab and find somewhere to stay at a reasonable price.it wasnt until you got out of the cab in mid town, that there was a voice hailing you down...
a gentleman wearing a suit was now approaching you... it wasnt till he got alot closer that you realized how hot he was... 
Jensen: “excuse me ma’am, may i help you? you look a little lost.”
Y/N: “well yes i am a little lost, i dont really know the city too well... and i very well dont know how to find myself a place to stay so i can start working on my vacation! well actually it was my boss who said i work too hard and told me to just go back to my roots... so here i am on my ancestral grounds.”
Jensen: “well how does staying with me in my castle sound...”
Y/N: “you know supposedly my family also has a castle somewhere but i hath no idea where... its really quite frustrating...”
Jensen could only smile as he moved closer to you... he extended his hand and bowed...
Jensen: “my name is Jensen Ackles! and what is your name mi-lady?”
you were so flattered that you slid your hand into his and curtsied.. not being completely away that he had just marked you... a mark of possession it is something that has been passed down between your 2 households for ages...
Y/N: “my name is Y/N Y/L/N it is good to meet such a fine handsome fellow...”
Jensen: “its my highest honor to have you stay with me for the duration of your stay... no exceptions no constitutions... but some nights i do have things to do, extra work loads and stuff... so on those nights ill be gone shortly after dusk... so will thee join me as my guest, fair lady!”
you smiled at him nodding, but then before you had a chance to say another word your bags were being loaded into his car...
Y/N: "sir, are you sure its fine for me to come stay with you, i really dont want to be a bother..."
at the sound of your lips calling him sir something inside him stirred... as if some sort of dark force on the inside was trying to push out his darkness and take control...
Jensen: "sir seems too formal just call me Jay... everyone does..."
Jensen smiled darkly as you threaded your arm through his and both of you walked to his car... getting in you happened to see the heading of a newpaper.
《《Ethereal Phoenix claims another woman as his own》》
but Jensen rook notice of how your eyes flitted immediately across the headline on the newspaper. Jensen also knew he would have to be careful with where you would wander off too...
Jensen: "those colors are a representation of one of the original founding families of Shadowhaven... it is actually a funny thing our 2 households have always had good relations!"
the dark twisted sound to his voice made you shiver but it was almost like that good kind of shiver...
Y/n: "well i hope that i can learn some history while im here... i honestoy can say i knew i was from scotland but i didnt know where.. it really is beautiful here..."
Jensen: "when we arrive at my castle we shall take a walk through the country side and ill show you where your families castle stands!"
Y/N: "that sounds wonderful in fact i had hoped to get to know the man whose house im staying in tonight. for its my undying gratitude that i give to thee."
Jensen could only smile for in his mind, his other side was getting ready for its time to reveal itself.
the rest of the ride was calm and peaceful! Jensen suddenly felt something come over him... he had the driver stop the car and he stumbled getting out he started into the trees, you followed you had to make sure he was ok...
<< The danger is revealed>>
After a bit of running you found yourself in a clearing, you stopped to admire your scenery, but someone else was there too. for the sound of bushes rustling, branches breaking and heavy footsteps scared you frozen in your tracks..
Y/N: "Jensen... Jensen where are you?"
it wasnt till you screamed that, a dark deep laugh came out of the trees. it showed through the trees a golden blur... it kinda startled you but at the same time made you wonder, what kind of creature might be able to move like that...
you kept a steady pace and slowly continued to now wonder the dark wood in search of Jensen. but you were startled once more qhen a voice spoke out of the darkness.
Ethereal Phoenix: "have you lost something mi lady?"
you tried to track where that voice was coming from but debated on answering it but felt like you could trust it. but as if natural you pulled out your best scottish accent.
Y/N: "a friend of mine ran into these woods a few moments ago and i have not been able to locate him. who are you? where are you?"
ethereal phoenix didnt answer right away instead he raised up in a gold blur and placed himself in a tree.
Ethereal phoenix: "i am the one that those papers in town speak of, the one who takes those women away from their men, i am he who makes women feel like they are worth something. i am Ethereal Phoenix. Miss, may i say you look new, how long have you been in Shadowhaven?"
Ethereal Phoenix said with a dark twisted tone to his voice. you shook off the bad feeling that suddenly plagued you.
Y/N: "only a few short hours... look i really dont mean to be rude but im really scared and i need to find my friend, so please excuse me.."
you started to retrace your steps back to the car, but once more the ethereal Phoenix spoke as thought he had been following you.
ethereal Phoenix: "why are you in such a rush to find your friend dont you want to be with a real man..."
you stopped dead in your tracks, almost feeling more scared of the voice that was talking than that of the dark wood. thats when you saw it standing there a shadowy figure in the little sunlight shining in between the trees. 
Y/N: “excuse me, you have no idea how much of a decent hot man Jensen is... trust me he is better than you... mr im gonna be that creepy ass voice hiding in the shadows... that preys on innocent women, raping them, at least Jensen is man enough to show his face...”
at that moment Ethereal Phoenix rushed in a golden blur and pinned you to a tree... the sunlight reflecting off his face made it clear that he was nothing good... 
Ethereal Phoenix: “you need to learn some manners little girl... how bout i teach you some manners. you know i feel a little possessive of you, now lets go somewhere where i can stand over you, while you scream... while you scream for a rescue that will never come. now hold still and let me see what kind of goodies you have under these clothes...”
at that moment it was like something out of an erotic rape novel... for this creature teleported the both of you to a fancy castle bedroom. where he got off of you after laying you on the bed... he then shackled you to the bed... 
with one evil laugh he snapped his fingers and your dress tore in 2... this exposed your breasts and your lace panties and well everything. there was nothing good happening, there was a creature of some kind that looked human but yet wasnt... 
for it was the thoughts of Jensen, the mystery man that had disappeared that kept you squirming, that kept you screaming... for it was then that you screamed louder... that you tried to break the chains that now held you down.
Y/N: “if i survive this you son of a bitch i’ll kill you...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “oh you will survive this, you will just be my slave... my pregnant slave...”
your mind was now clouded, your mind was scared... hell your physical form was scared... your emotions were running higher and higher, but your form was screaming but all it did was echo over the walls, bouncing off of them like soundwaves off a pond of water.
Ethereal Phoenix: “keep screaming no one will ever hear you...”
this thing seemed to be very sly & very very demanding... that of course is till you started to think back to when you fist met Jensen. it was pretty well a similar nature but this was probably your minds way of making you think about something else.
this of course also seemed to be the bane of your existance... just as you watched your captor walk around it seemed like he was now addressing someone else...
Ethereal Phoenix: “stay down little boy, the girl is not yours... I’m about to claim her... stay away...”
you at that moment wondered who the hell he was talking to...
Y/N: “hey ugly ass if your gonna claim me you should just do it ‘nstead of making small talk with yourself.”
thats when you heard it, a voice it came out of the shadows... a voice that was a delight to hear, for you had no heard it for hours.
Jensen (voice): “phoenix you will not lay another hand on her cause i already marked her... not in the way you were about to but a mark of claiming that i placed on her when i first held her hand... now i say again, let her go...”
the voice, there was only one man you knew to speak with such a dark fire... but ethereal phoenix started to stalk towards you again, this time he was removing his shirt... it seemed like everything you held dear was about to be taken from you but the panic started to set in...
Y/N: “Jensen help!!!!”
Jensen (voice): “hold on Y/N I’ll explain in a few... but first embrace your inner Scotish heritage, you have to try and seperate yourself from those chains...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “insulent fool if you think that you can help this young girl escape... ha, you are really demented... soon she will have the sperm of a god thrust inside her, while you Jay will never ever see the light of day again...”
Jensen at this point had enough and started trying harder to take control back of his own body...
Jensen (voice): “Ethereal Phoenix you have made an enemy of me... as soon as my girl is free you will die asshole.”
you kept doing what Jensen said trying to embrace your scotish heritage... after a few moments it turned out that Jensen had been right the entire time... for you felt this surge of energy loosening the chains... 
Y/N: “Jay take control, bring him towards the mirror...”
the closer to you that phoenix came the louder that he screamed it was almost a war cry...
Jensen (voice): “Y/N keep doing what doing... he doesn’t seem to like it...”
Y/N: “thats fine but i dont know what im doing... or how im doing it...”
thats when it occured to jensen... he had to say something...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “Y/N, listen the mark i told him about its a mark of possession, it is always passed between our two houses when 2 people of the same age range find eachother... its passed through to show the other posers that the 2 people are... well its like a promise ring... or a betrothal of sorts... anyway its got powers, it is how your breaking the chains.”
Y/n: “ok so how does it work...”
Jensen (deep dark voice): “you have to think about what you want and you will have it so...”
with a few more thoughts your feet were free this made Phoenix look over at you... with a few more seconds and a loud crash your hands were now free... it was then that you were once more able to move... 
you didnt bother trying to cover up cause this fight was more important than what ever was left of your decency... 
Y/N: “hold on Jay... i’m gonna try to seperate you guys...”
you grabbed both arms, the screams got louder and louder the mirror started to crack... but you looked at the mirror coming face to face with Jensen, it was Jensen you could see him but you were hold Phoenix back... 
Jensen (deep dark voice): “okay you need to think about spliting me and Phoenix apart... think about 2 seperate physical bodies... i promise once i am in my own body seperate from this evil son of a bitch i intend to be possessive of you in the right way...”
the way that Jensen said that sent a fire deep into your core it was unlike anything you had felt before... you suddenly like it was beyond your control found yourself holding 2 different arms pulling apart 2 different bodies... but it was only the beginning... 
finally after one more good pull you had them split apart but when you did ethereal phoenix went flying out the window... it was not a pretty sight... Jensen however landed on the bed... 
you knelt down to catch your breath for it felt as though you had been running and running continuously.. but in truth it was just your physical body being exhausted from all the magical exertion...
Jensen who was laying still on the bed only breathing from what you could tell he only started speaking in a dark deep tone...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “it is said that when 2 has become 1 that they will fight the evil that plagues the world... they from the moment of marking shall be known to the world as Dark Archer & Dark Mistress... may they serve their powers with the same courage and shattering loyalty as their ancestors...”
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mindlessly-meme · 7 years
Always Love You
Peter Parker x reader
Plot- gonna skip this today cause i feel like it would ruing the story if you knew what was going on so, it s a surprise
Warnings- language like usual, angst
A/n ok so im like super proud of this cause I’ve had this idea for a really long time and i like how it turned out. Let me know what you think!!!
You sighed, leaning forward on the counter and tapping your fingers against the wood, leisurely scrolling through tumblr to pass the time at your job. You were bored out of your mind. Every Friday, you worked the night shift at the small little coffee shop you worked at. It was easy, hardly anyone came in at night, and you were allowed to drink a few coffee’s to keep your eyes open, so it wasn’t anything too bad. Plus, there was the extra cash, so.
But, above all, there was one major plus in working the night shift, and that was your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. He came by to buy a coffee once, you ended up talking for hours, and it just kinda became a thing between you two. Eventually he would bring some snacks, as you often got hungry in the night, and you would sit together and drink coffee and eat snacks with him. Well, you ate, he refused to lift his mask that high, and you respected him as to not lose his trust. Of course you wondered who he was, when you first became friends it killed you (not to mention something about his voice was so familiar), but you accepted his secret and let it be.
To be honest, you really enjoyed his company and looked forward to these Friday nights. You didn’t know how many times you had refused to skip a week of the night shift in order to go out on a Friday with your friends. They all eventually learned to plan their nights out on Saturday. You didn’t want to ditch Spiderman, or have him worry. He had freaked out once when you were sick, thinking something had happened to you, and you thought it was really sweet. You worried about him too, a lot considering what he did. He rushed off all the time in the middle of your conversations, and most of the time you wouldn’t see him until next week. Of course you would see on the news that he was fine and had taken down the threat, and that would put you at ease until the next time it happened.
It was dumb, and you knew it was, but you couldn’t help but have a little bit of a crush on him. He was sweet and kind to you, and you loved being around him. You knew you had no chance, you didn’t even know his name for god’s sake, but it was a nice thought. Not, that you thought about it often. You definitely didn’t daydream about him romantically taking off his mask and taking you into his arms before kissing you and-…no, you definitely didn’t think about that.
A few months ago, the light almost silent sound of someone landing outside your stand would have scared the shit out of you, especially at this time of night. But you were more than used to it now, and smiled as you turned around and saw the mask of your favorite superhero.
“Hey Spidey,” you leaned on the edge of the counter to greet him before turning to make his usual espresso, “Slow night?”
“Ya, but hey I’m not complaining. In this business, you don’t want a busy night.” he said with a dorky giggle at the end.
You had to stop yourself from swooning. God, he was just so cute!
“Can’t argue with that.” you handed him the coffee, and as usual, he tried to hand over the money but you pushed it back, “How many times do I have to tell you, Superheroes drink free.” You winked.
Although you couldn’t see his face, you had a feeling he was smiling, you could tell from his voice.
“Thanks (Y/n). So how’s your week been?” he asked.
You went into the usual retelling of your week, as he listened intently, lifting his mask just enough to get the straw under and to his mouth. He then followed with his own stories from the week, which you often argued was the more interesting part of your conversation but he insisted he liked yours better.
“But by far the worst part was when this dude tried to tase me.” he chuckled, and you too couldn’t contain your own giggles. Just imagining him swinging around trying to avoid getting tased.
“Hey, it’s not funny. See, this is the kind of thanks I get for trying to protect you citizens. I was promised the pretty girls would be swooning over me, but instead all I get is laughed at.”
You only laughed harder, until his words processed in your minds, “Wait, you think I’m pretty…?” you trailed off, your amused smile turning to a hopeful one, and you prayed he didn’t pick up on it.
His whole body seemed to go rigid for a split second as he himself realized what he had said, “Uh, I um- I mean uh-” he floundered for a moment, reaching up and running the back of his neck while looking anywhere but at you as he tried to gather his thoughts. Then he froze, looking off into the distance.
You knew that look. His spidey-senses were tingling.
And the moment was gone.
“It’s ok, go save the city.” You smiled, playfully nudging his shoulder.
He looked at you, and you wished you could see the emotions on his face, but all you got was a rushed, “Bye (Y/n). See you next week.”
And it was over. Just like that, the best part of your week had gone by, and you would have to wait a whole seven days before you got it again.
During rest of your shift, and the moments up to when you fell asleep that night, all you thought about was him. Or, more specifically, what would have happened between you and him if he hadn’t had to go at that moment. That night you dreamt of him, or at least someone like him.
Slamming your locker shut, you dropped your head onto the cool metal, “I definitely bombed that test.”
“Same.” your friend mumbled, her eyes fixated on her phone.
“Seriously am I crazy or was that nothing like the study guide?”
“Both.” she winked as you began to walk towards your car.
You laughed, climbing into the driver’s seat as she got into the passengers.
Looking through the rearview mirror, you froze as you saw an oh so familiar car pulling up.
It was Tony Starks. Or, rather, his drivers, coming by like he did every Monday to pick up Peter.
You felt the air drain out of you as you saw Peter run out of the school and into the car, the tinted windows preventing you from seeing anything else.
You gripped the steering wheel and tore your eyes away, looking down. It was ridiculous really. It’s been so long. Why did it still hurt so bad just seeing him?
“Hey,” you felt a comforting hand on your arm, “Does it still hurt that much?” she asked.
She was right to be surprised, it had been almost two months since you broke up with Peter, and as bad as you wanted to, you just couldn’t move on. It was like something was keeping you hung up on him.
He was the first significant other you had really loved, but you never even got the chance to say it. After just over a year of being together, he began to grow distant. He would disappear, miss dates, ignore texts and calls. And the weirdest part was when he would show up with random bruises and cuts. No matter how much you begged, he wouldn’t explain. According to Aunt May, he was sneaking out at night and not coming home till the morning. Not to mention his sudden friendship with Tony Stark, which he claimed was an internship, but he never went into too much detail about it.
It was all just too much. The lies and excuses drove you insane, and you eventually forced yourself to end it. He had just stared at you with huge eyes when you did it, and you knew if he had simply asked you to stay, you would have. But he didn’t ask. And you didn’t stay.
“I don’t want to talk about it.�� you mumbled, putting the car into drive and pulling out of the parking lot.
Standing by the window of your coffee stand, you impatiently tapped a beat into the counter. Your coworker was 30 minutes late with no explanation as to why, which meant you were stuck here until her or your boss showed up, whichever happened first. It was almost 9, and you had a crap load of homework to do, but you were stuck in the goddamn stand.
You folded your arms before resting your head on them. A few minutes passed before you heard the sound of a car pulling up.
When you looked up, and saw a van about twenty feet from the stand.
The side door slid open.
“What the hell…?” you mumbled,  standing up straight.
As soon as the words left your mouth, a man jumped out and began firing at the stand with a machine gun.
You shrieked, and dropped to the ground, covering your head.
The firing didn’t stop, and you began to crawl towards the back door, but as you reached the door knob, it was pulled open. A man stood outside, and grabbed you, pulling you to your feet and dragging you along with him.
He pushed you forward to the center of the group that had exited the van. They didn’t seem like anyone special, just a group of very scary looking people.
You tripped and just barely kept your balance, looking around at the circle that had formed around you.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Call him!” a girl spat at you.
“W-what?” you stammered, “I don’t know what your talking about please-”
“Don’t play dumb with us. You dont think no one’s noticed the Spiderman coming here every week? He obviously knows you and unless you call him here the next time he sees ya is gonna be in a body bag!”
You flinched back, tears filling your eyes, “I don’t, I don’t know who he is he just stops by to talk i really don’t-” you screamed as one of the fired into the air.
“Just kill the crying bitch. Leave her as a warning- mmh!” His mouth was suddenly covered in webs before he was kicked in the face.
“Is that really how you talk to a lady?” a familiar voice asked, standing over the guy as he webbed him up.
There was yelling and a lot of  gunshots, then for some reason you were laying on the ground.
You could hardly keep up with the red and blue blur that was Spiderman. Watching him fight was mesmerising, nothing like listening to his retellings of it. He always down played his feats.
Then all at once there was a pain in your stomach, and you couldn’t contain your scream of pain. It was like nothing you had felt before.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Open your eyes!”
When had you closed your eyes? Nevertheless, you opened them and saw the masked face you had grown to close too. He had pulled you into his lap and was gently moving your hair out of your face.
“What…what happened?” you breathed.
“You were shot oh god (Y/n) I’m so sorry this is all my fault I should’ve come faster or better yet just never let them get to you in the first place just just stay awake ok Mr Stark is bringing help he’ll fix you oh god-” you couldn’t quite hear the rest of his rambles, but instead focused on the increasing feeling of familiarity. His voice,  it made you feel comfortable, and safe, and reminded you of better times. You felt happy, closing your eyes, listening to the sound of his voice, and leaning into his touch. It was soft and loving. And for some reason, Peter was all you could think about. Peter. Why him, why now? Why was he the one?
You could hear him calling your name.
Or, was it Spiderman.
You couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes to check.
And as you slipped into unconsciousness, there was only one thing on your mind.
He felt sick.
He felt tired.
He felt like he had died.
But he wasn’t the one who had gotten hurt.
He sat in the hospital room, everything a sterile, too bright white. The only thing keeping him together was the sound of the heart monitor. Your heart monitor.
He didn’t want to look at you, he had already seen your skin, which was strikingly pale. He had already seen your face, with dry lips and a tube to help you breath. He had already seen your bandged up stomach, where the bullet wou d had been.
He just wanted to see your eyes. For you to be awake.
But until then, he didn’t want to see you because then it became too real.
He did this too you, and it was killing him.
The door opened,  and peter didn’t have to look up to know who it was.
Mr Stark placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Here kid, you gotta eat something.” he place a box on the table next to them.
Peter stayed silent, so he spoke again, “All those times you went on and on about (Y/n) I figured the first time I would be meeting her would be at the engagement party.” he said, trying to lift the mood.
“She wasn’t even my girlfriend.” Peter simply said, keeping his gaze on the floor.
“What? I thought you said-”
“She broke up with me. Because I was keeping secrets. I didn’t tell her cause I thought she would be in danger if I did. And I took her for granted and she broke up with me.” he paused for a moment and Tony heard his sniffling, “But I love her and I couldn’t stay away so I was being selfish and talking to her as Spiderman. And I fell in love with her all over again. And I was an idiot and I almost killed her.”
The room was silent, the steady beating of your heart the only thing making noise.
“You’re right, you were an idiot. You can’t protect people by keeping them in the dark. But this isn’t your fault, kid. You did everything you could, and she isn’t dead, just injured. So my advice is to tell her the truth and pray she’ll take you back when she wakes up. This life isn’t worth losing someone you love over. Trust me.” Tony stood, sympathetically patting his shoulder again, before leaving the room.
For the second time since he had gotten to the hospital, he brought his tear filled eyes up to look at you.
He had missed you more than words could describe. When you broke up with him, he felt his heart breaking, and he hadn’t been able to make himself saying anything. He regretted that everyday. If he had just asked, would he have been able to make you stay?
He took your limp hand in his.
He wanted nothing more but to hold you again, kiss you again.
Finally tell you he loved you.
But for now, this was as close as he could get.
He would just have to wait and hope.
What do you think?? Is it good? Let me know, i love you all!!
Part Two for ya’ll
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a-baleful-howl · 7 years
Let's talk about Sansa and Littlefinger
Im rewatching season 1-6 slowly lately, and Ive just finished S4.
Ok, I wanna talk about Sansa and Littlefinger. A lot of people confuse this story line or flat out twist it to fit their “I hate Sansa” narrative. The scenes are there, so lets go through them.
I think LF has always given Sansa the creeps. The first thing he ever says to her is a creepy, gory story about The Hound and The Mountain. She looks frightened, and LF looks so goddamn pleased to have freaked her out. He wanted her to feel scared. Paraphrasing - “Don’t tell anyone I just told you that or you’ll be a dead little girl.”
Is this him starting to groom her to keep secrets? To listen to him? To desensitize her to horrible acts?
While shes stuck as a hostage in KL, LF offers her a way out. Going with him on his boat. Their conversation is off screen so we don’t know what was said or how Sansa reacted. She has to politefully let him down later when she decides to marry Loras instead. Petyr knows about the marriage plot, and he *punishes her* for choosing someone else over him.
Think about it - Sansa has two options: go on a ship out of KL with Petyr, who she barely knows and gives her the creeps, or marry Loras, who is the handsome knight shes always dreamed of but means she cant go back home right away. She chooses marriage over Petyr. And it angers him, because its not what he wants, and he punishes her by ruining her plan.
He sets it up to make sure she *regrets* not going with him. When she hears shes to marry Tyrion, she cries and watches Petyr leave, regretting turning him down and watching her chance for escape float away.
When she flees The Purple Wedding, she doesn’t know where shes going. She just knows that this once-a-knight wants to help her because she saved his life. When someone you think “owes you” offers you safety and a chance to escape - you take it. Especially after you have seen chance after chance slip through your fingers because you made the wrong choices. She wasn’t about to let another chance slip through her fingers. So she went with him - not even knowing what was on the other side.
When she finally sees who was behind her escape, shes confused - not elated. And the very first thing LF does when shes on his boat is KILL Dontos right in front of her. And shes horrified. Shes seen death dozens of times, and she still screams.
Not only did this once-a-knight trick her and betray her *for money*, not loyalty, shes see what kind of person LF is. Petyrs very first act is one to cement in Sansa’s mind that he would lie to and kill anyone he pleases if it benefitted him. This is NOT a man she would “admire”. This is an act of intimidation and control.
So I want to make a few points here before continuing. 1 - Sansa has never fully trusted LF. 2 - Sansa didn’t even know she was going with LF when she escaped with Dontos. 3 - LF *does not* have her best interest at heart and doesn’t even try to hide his ruthlessness anymore.
Petyr full on *framed* Sansa for Joffreys murder. This was premeditated and fully zoned in on Sansa after she turned down his first offer at escaping. He has her now only by intimidation, manipulation and blackmail. She cant go anywhere else or with anyone else because LF has all the cards. If she were to go back to KL, she would die. Everyone in Westeros is looking for her. Her husband is on trial about to die. And no one would believe she was innocent.
Sansa is no less a hostage than when Arya is passed between hands, all hoping to get a reward for bringing her home or to relatives. Shes not with him by choice, unless her choice is “whelp, if I go anywhere else I’ll surely die. Might as well sit here and wait this out.”
Her discussions with Petyr are very guarded. She asks questions, tries to find answers. And when she asks him what he wants, theres always this little unspoken question behind her tone. All her life shes heard about raping and danger, been told shes so beautiful every man would love to have her, Joffrey threatened to rape her, she was nearly raped by peasants in KL… She is wary of LF true intentions. Surely, this older man who owns a brothel, wants *her*. He doesn’t even deny this.
She has lots of time to think about her situation, and think about Petyrs answers to her questions. Shes becoming more observant just to survive.
I think Sansa genuinely thought she was going to be safe and happy in The Vale. She had her mothers sister, she was in an impenetrable tower, she didn’t have to lie and hide anymore…she was really happy and felt safe for the first time in a long time. It looked like Petyr *really had* done her a huge favor. He saved her from KL. She must have been a fool to doubt him.
Until she realized “yo this bitch cray”. And then Petyr pretty much confessing his love/lust for Sansa.
Important lines here, me thinks. “What do we do to those who hurt the ones we love?” This would sound so lovely to hear after your entire family is murdered and you’ve been held captive and tortured. It sounds like he’s on her side. He will protect her. His loyalty is just because he loved her mother. Aw, thats so sweet. And refreshing to hear after years of being in KL having to say her father was a traitor.
When in reality, Petyrs responsible for her fathers death, for her misery, framing her for murder and conspiring against her family. He definitely has not protected the one he loves, or even protected Catelyn. Ever see a tear shed for Catelyns death? Nope. Not a one. This line is utter horse shit said only to make Sansa trust him more. Even if he *believes* he means it - its so so so not true and he’s deluding himself.
“You’re more beautiful than she ever was.” Is basically LFs way of saying “I love you”. Because he values pretty things, the finest things. He confesses his love/lust for her here. No doubt. Whats odd is that Sansa kind of *returns* his kiss for a moment before she pulls away. Whether this was a mistake by Sophie or actually meant to happen, I don’t know. He says he wants to protect her because he loved her mother, basically says he loves/wants her and then takes a kiss. Sansa thinks he pretty much just laid all of his cards on the table. She finally knows what he wants and why.
The “what do we do to those who hurt the ones we love line” IS KEY to what happens next. When Petyr kills Lysa, Sansa thinks its because Lysa was threatening Sansa’s life. She thinks Petyr is protecting her because he loves her. To a girl, this is also a form of power. “he’ll never hurt me, because he loves me.” or “he only did it because he loves me so much.” When in reality, Petyr was probably planning on killing Lysa the entire time.
Actually, he only agreed to marry Lysa ASAP when she started spouting off about how she killed Jon Arryn for him. She started talking and Petyr was like “oh this bitch is going to blab everything to everyone if I dont shut her up soon” so he marries her ASAP to confirm his claim on The Vale and to get rid of her before she opens her crazy mouth again. Her threatening Sansa was only icing on the cake to make Sansa more indebted to him.
People always yell about why she lied for LF at the trial. Why didn’t she just tell the whole story and stay with these people who loved her father in The Vale?
So why does Sansa lie to save LF? Because she thinks she owes him one. He just saved her life, so she will save his. And maybe she is started to return his feelings - maybe she thinks she can use his lust for her against him, too. Theres nothing for her in The Vale anymore - no more family except gross little Robin, no more friends, no real reason to stay. Sansa wants to continue down the path LF has started. She wants to go home. She wants revenge against those who hurt her family - and she likes what LF is cooking.
She thinks shes on to him. This scene plainly lays it out. She doesn’t trust strangers - and why should she after all shes been through? - and she thinks she knows what Petyr really wants. He wants her, he loves her. So he would NEVER hurt her, and only protect her. Shes making a bet against his feelings for her. Love is the death of duty, and men die protecting the ones they love. Staying with a rich and powerful Lord who is hopelessly in love with you is actually not a bad idea. Shes been fully manipulated at this point.
And Petyrs last words “Do you?” plant a HUGE seed of doubt. She was sure he wanted her - but oh shit, what if shes wrong? Shes already saved him, theres no turning back now.
IMHO, this isnt where Sansa starts playing the game, like many think. Sansa started playing the game when KotV rode in on BotB.
Petyrs creepy boner is now only raging after she lied to save him and went with him out of The Vale. He’s more brave about taking kisses and speaking openly. He has her under his thumb completely. But she still never fully trusts him. She notices when he hides letters. She questions him when it looks like he’s ready to leave at a moments notice. She freaks out when it finally dawns on her that LF is marrying her to Ramsay. But… LF loves her, right? He would never intentionally put her in danger. He must have a plan. So she actually trusts him and married Ramsay.
When Petyr mentions that he was a penniless boy from nowhere amongst kings and lords - she smiles. Because Petyr started from nothing and has built himself up to a rich man in KL. This is another line told to Sansa to reinforce this idea that Petyr knows what hes doing. Hes smarter than her, more powerful and more cunning. And if he did it for himself, he can help her do it, too. With his help he can take her from a traitors daughter with no name or family to a powerful lady just like him.
Petyr promises her its only temporary, and he will return soon and Stannis will save her and soon she will be Wardeness of the North and have her home back to herself. Notice how she doesn’t smile at the idea of being Wardeness - she actually seems fearful of it. She doesn’t want to be Wardeness - its almost like shes about to say “I cant”. People think Sansa wants power and to be Queen. This reaction to Petyr telling her to be Wardeness says the exact opposite - it wasn’t on her mind and she doesn’t want it. Petyr plants that seed - Petyr wants it for her. Not the other way around.
Then, LF leaves her to Ramsay and fucks off. She escapes because its way WAY worse than she could have imagined. Stannis failed - how stupid was she for listening to LF - and Petyr is nowhere to be found.
When LF shows up in Moles Town to offer her KotV she is fully and completely enraged with him. She is angry that she trusted him. She sees him now for what he is - a liar and only out for himself. He hurt he. He must not truly love her. She was wrong to trust him.
And Ive spoken a lot about WHY Sansa goes to him for aid for BotB and, frankly, I dont have enough space or time to explain why here. Lets just say, Petyr is that toxic boyfriend you run back to when times get tough because you know them. It wasnt because she didnt trust Jon and she did trust LF - it was because she didnt trust FATE and she took her safety and Jons safety into her own hands since no one listened to her.
So, remember when Sansa said “I know what you want” to LF after the trial and LF made her doubt it? Everything he did since made her doubt it. Now, directly mirror it with this scene.
“You know what I want”
“I was wrong.”
“No. You weren’t.”
Maybe we’ll see Sansa use Petyr’s affection toward her even more so in Season 7. I sure hope so.
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Zila Umbra (Fairy Tail)
I'm not sure if I've reviewed this before, but I don't think I have. Let's begin.
I was asked to delete the art by the artist, so I have. It was very well done, though.
i haven’t written her complete background yet but i have it written in my minD
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This is off to a rocky start...
I’m curious about the issue with putting the ideas down on the profile, but I’m not here to nitpick.
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Hello, yes, this is my blog, where I nitpick things. Enjoy your stay!
sOOSOoo her name is Zila Umbra and shes a lil bae and im still kinda n the process of designing her character so yee
Don't describe your OC as a 'bae' or I will kill you violently.
Also, 'bae' means 'poop' in Danish...
ok so when she was younger she found out that she could talk to the dead,
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Okay, no. We haven't seen any ghosts in Fairy Tail other than Mavis, but she's only there because of her residual magic and the guild seal that acts as an extension. This is not Supernatural, contrary to the gif I just used.
and it completely paranoid her and her parents.
That's kind of mild....?
Just paranoid?
Her parents where completely religion based and basically thought she was the spawn of satan or something
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The only church I can think of in Fairy Tail is the Church of Zentopia, and that was a filler arc. So please explain why her parents are Fairy Tail puritans.
and sent her off to a mental hospital that completely isolated her from others besides her ghosts
And they didn't just say 'Oh, that's your magic'? No, they just jumped to "SATAN!"
and thats really not something a little girl should have to deal with sOOOO she made friends with one specific ghost who actually turned out to be her mentor in magic.
That's... convenient.
She taught her that the reason she hears all the ghosts and voices is because of the eye she was born with is basically the sorce of most her magical energy so she started covering it up and her everlasting headache went away.
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...No. Just no. That is not a thing. WHEN DID THE HEADACHE THING COME IN? Body parts are never magic in Fairy Tail, other than Erza's artificial eye. 
She was also taught that if she wore sage it would ward off bad spirits, so she put some sage in a small vile and put that on necklace and put the necklace around her neck and she wears it to this day uwu.
she still could talk to ghosts and stuff though.
Oh yes, all benefits and no cons. She can still use her magic usually even though she covered up her eye?
Her mentor ( her name is darcy) taught her all the basics of magic and such as she lived in her little cell.
This is too dark for Fairy Tail.
Darcy though specialized in shadow magic, so she passed it on to zila (along with some knowlege on spells that let you use ghosts as your allies and stuff).
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This is not okay. 
once zila had been taught all she could darcy taught her how escape and about a guild called fairy tail she could go to for help
Why wasn't she like 'Go to a soup kitchen' or a homeless shelter, but nooo, let's go to a MAGIC GUILD.
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Also, Darcy is a ghost. Of course she's an expert at escaping. She can WALK THROUGH WALLS.
Zila made it out succsesfully after 3 years of being isolated ( and thus began her fear of being alone uwu)
i don't think she'd be able to function properly in society after being isolated for three freaking years.
once she made it to the guild she was let in and made friends quickly ( which really suprised her because she haddnt interacted with real people in like forever eheh)
Like I said, she wouldn't be able to function properly. She'd be quiet and reserved.
This is so improbable I CANNOT EVEN.
out of the children in the group
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and was usually the peace maker between gray and natsu bUT ITS ONLY BECUASE SHE LOVES THem,
She literally just stole Erza's job.
once erza came she was always trying to talk to her and make sure she wasnt sad because she felt sorry for her and knew that if she was going to be alone that it would be sad
It feels like this OC is ripping of Erza's struggle. 
anddddddd yeAH THATS A WHOLE NOTHER STORY BUT THEYRE BASICALLY BEST BUDS KINDA ANd they go on jobs together a lot ( like i imagine her being with erza when they came into the story line )
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If she's S Class, I will scream.
shes such a little sweatheart too.
I am suffering.
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She hums when she fights easy battles 
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That... makes her sound insane. Nobody does that in Fairy Tail.
and will only cry if someone tells her its okay  
That is not good for your mental health.
Oh gee, I didn't see this cliché coming.
LIke if she let a friend get hurt when she couldve prevented it she would be so dispointed.
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Of freaking course.
Like every OC ever.
She DOSENT like seeing a people she cares about in pain
Nobody does, sweetheart.
so she’ll do her best to prevent it like rub natsus back while they’re on a train or in a car or somethin u kno.
Not even Lucy does that. Nobody wants him to puke on them. 
Shes pretty caring and forgiving unless you break a promise or betray the guild or somethin, but shes not overly forgiving of people who used to be bad and are now good unless shes had time to understand them and stuff idk. ALSO PLS DONT TrY TO HURT JUST HER FRIENDS IN FRONT OF HER BECAUSE SHES GOING TO tRY AND KILL U NO MERCy.
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Wow, I so haven't seen that before in my three years of reviewing OCs.
ALSO she’ll straight up be like “I love you” if she loves you bUT JUST AS A FRIEND OK if she loves u romantically shes gonna hide it a bunch or iF SHE FInds out that you like her shes gonna blush all the time around you
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Please no.
You know, for someone who was stuck in an asylum, alone, for three years, she sure acts like a normal teenage girl.
and just omg i love her.
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You don't put that on an OCs profile.
You just don't.
She’s also pretty comfortable around people she knows so like if she’s on a train or somethin she will use grays shoulder as a pillow because iTS COLD AND SHES TIRED AND NOBODY CARES BECause it’s her and it’s completely normal for her.
Juvia would mind. Juvia would mind a lot. And so would Gray, to be honest. 
OveRALL SHES NICE AND FRIENDly and shes a pretty strong fighter and stuff and shes calm and optimistic and encouraging even though when shes fighting shes scaRY
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There are no flaws anywhere.
a babe ok shes just a babe 
The more you say that, the more I want to kill her.
negative characteristic wise shes really paranoid still due to all the ghosts and shit,
Wouldn't she be used to that? Also, can't she keep away the bad ghosts?
SHE HAS THAT BIG FEAR OF BEING ALONE LIke she will stay by whoever shes with and usually they make sure they stay by her too because they kNOW SHES SCARED AS FRICK OF BEING ALONe.
The creator is trying to make a flaw. But these will not effect the OC in critical moments. 
but if shes confined in a place and has no idea if people are near her or not shes rEALLY SCARED EVEN THOUGH SHES A TOUGH MOMMA SHES SCAREd.
You are running in circles here. What is her weakness? The situation you provided would scare anyone! 
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shes forgetfull but wont ever forget things really important eheh,
Yay, another weakness that isn't a weakness. 
I do this all the time. Many people do. You aren't a special snowflake.
she can get really anxious and worried for others, and when you upset her in a fight she might get upset and start being reckless but yOU REALLY GOTTA TUG ON THOSE HEART STRINGS (unless ur like ’ ima kill ur bud’ then its really easy for her to go cray on you, but usually
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Okay, no. That is literally Natsu. This person is ripping other characters off.
Also, that was a run on sentence. It stars at "She's forgetful" and ends at "when that happens uwu." USE PUNCTUATION.
if the person being threatened is with her they’ll calm her down and she’ll be able to fight in a less reckless way), but once you do she goes a little insane and is more powerfull but gets hurt eaiser and dosent even care just as long as she fucks the other person up aND SHELL TELL EM TOO idk shes really violent/crazy/scary/blood-thirsty when that happens uwu.
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What happened to "She's such a lovable sweetheart?"
Shes super ’ no mercy’ in fights too, mainly because thats what darcy taught her,
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Was Darcy evil? Because in Fairy Tail, mercy is a virtue. Lucy would hate her if she showed no mercy. Even Natsu shows mercy, though he goes kind of ballistic if someone threatens his friends (especially Lucy). How did she get in if she shows no mercy? How did she even make friends?
and because she has no trust in the enemy to not hurt her after shes won. 
That doesn't justify that.
She has a bad sense of humor too ok shes a cutie
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Zila also has a little ghost friend named Boo ( it’s cliche but idec) who wears a bow with a spell that let’s other people see her on it.
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Is Boo more powerful than Mavis now? Because Mavis's residual energy let the members of the guild with a mark see her, but that was the only reason. Nobody else could. But apparently, Boo is so powerful everyone can see her. 
Boo would have to be god-like in terms of power.
I call nonsense on that.
Boo is only with Zila when theyre ina care-free environment but Boo can’t talk and can only use facial expressions. Boo is bae too
If you call something 'bae' one more time, I am going to lose it.
Also, what sense does that make?
(also heres what her eyes look like without her eye patch uwu)
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That is such a generic thing to do with an OC.
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Literally, just no.
Overall, this OC was terrible. She had no flaws, no weaknesses, and her ghost friend had god-like powers. I cannot even. I'll see you guys later.
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syxjaewon · 7 years
I would like to instead request all the texts...... okbye
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.  [ tx; catwoman ] hope ur having a fantastic morning on kavasch we’ve already pulled away from the planet and left u  [ tx; catwoman ] that’s what happens when u dONT STICK TO THE FUCKING CURFEW  [ tx; catwoman ] enjoy dealing with those assholes u stole 5000000 units from im sure theyre not literally abt to knock on the door to ur hotel :)
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.   [tx; catwoman ] being with you makes me want to die   [tx; catwoman ] i swear to god i hate this i hate us together but seeing anyone else with you makes me a little insane and i just can’t get to you, i can’t get the need for you out of my fucking head   [tx; catwoman ] maybe if i drill a hole through my goddamn skull–
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.  [ tx; catwoman ] GET ON THE GODDAMN SHIP SORA  [ tx; catwoman ] IDC IF UR NAKED  [ tx; catwoman ] WE’RE LEAVING
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.  [ tx; catwoman ] u dirve me craczy  [ tx; catwoman ] liee up th e fuckking wal  [ tx; catwoman ] i shouldb t have said that nowi cagnt stopp thingking about walss and kfuckin  [ tx; catwoman ] thisi s how crayz u make me
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.  [ tx; catwoman ] the next time you come into my bedroom wearing a robe like that, i wont let u leave so easily
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.  [ tx; catwoman ] can u please fuck jaehyung A LITTLE BIT QUIETER FOR FUCKS SAKE  [ tx; catwoman ] the whole damn ship can hear u
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.  [ tx; catwoman ] u want off the boat so badly, then bye  [ tx; catwoman ] the door isnt locked and i’m /sure/ no one still remembers what u stole or how u made fools of them all  [ tx; catwoman ] cuz its not like i risked my ass and this ship to fucking save u [ tx; catwoman ] why doesnt that mean anything to u
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.  [ tx; catwoman ] u left ur underwear on my floor  [ tx; catwoman ] tell me that wasn’t intentional…
Send “@” for a SCARED text.  [ tx; catwoman ] dont go anywhere ok i’m coming to get u  [ tx; catwoman ] dont say anything dont move dont breathe dont try to run, they’ll catch u  [ tx; catwoman ] just fucking stay still until i can bring around the ship ok i will get u out of there i swear to god i’m on my way
Send “&” for a LOVING text.  [ tx; catwoman ] no okay?  [ tx; catwoman ] i dont want you to go  [ tx; catwoman ] but i dont want u to be miserable either  [ tx; catwoman ] just  [ tx; catwoman ] stay please?  [ tx; catwoman ] stay with me
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.  [ tx; catwoman ] not to pry but  [ tx; catwoman ] my first mate cant focus w/ u here  [ tx; catwoman ] i didnt mean to ever ask u this  [ tx; catwoman ] but what the fuck is it between the two of you?????
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.  [ tx; catwoman ] *spams her 280 selfies of himself wearing an old cowboy hat he’s found in some dusty, nowhere town*
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.  [ tx; catwoman ] sometimes i do want to kiss her but im pretty sure she would poison me for it  [ tx; catwoman ] she’s gorgeous in that venus flytrap kind of way. we disturb each other chemically, somehow- it’s madness  [ tx; catwoman ] WHICH IS OF COURSE MY FAVORITE LINES FROM THAT ONE MOVIE I LOVE  [ tx; catwoman ] hi sora sorry abt those last message, they werent abt u  [ tx; catwoman ] or for u  [ tx; catwoman ] or anything to do with you goodnight
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.  [ tx; catwoman ] yknow i still remember when we first met? i remember seeing u run like a shooting star across the sky; u were all bright edges and fire and pure drive and intuition, and im pretty sure i’d never seen anything as amazing as you, as beautiful as you, but at the same time i kind of realized that they couldnt catch you, the men giving chase [ tx; catwoman ] like no one could ever catch you  [ tx; catwoman ] and i’d never be able to catch you either  [ tx; catwoman ] would i?
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