#this is canon in Pokémon masters ex now
Adaman: *sends a photo of Leafeon sleeping via text message*
Dawn: *texting back* Akfjksndlshahdks, he’s so cute!
Adaman: thanks but what does that first word mean?
Dawn: Oh that’s a keysmash
Adaman: how do i do it
Dawn: Just press anything
Adaman: 7
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taffybee · 1 month
not that anyone's asking BUT my hot take on giovanni is he should be retired rn. not from like a "the pokemon company should stop talking about him" (weeeeelll that's sort of part of it but. hear me out) kind of way BUT in a. he should LITERALLY not be doing team rocket shit in ANY canon universe anymore. and it would be TOTALLY in-character of him to do so if the medias still using him characterized him the way he should be. welcome to my ted talk let me explain myself
FULL DISCLOSURE: i like giovanni. like, a not normal amount i fear. all of that opening sounds like i don't but i totally feel stupid emotions about this guy. anyways:
GEN 1. gen 1 games are like... NOT known for their compelling dialogue. and in cases like archie and maxie in gen 3 getting remakes in gen 6, their characterization and dialogue gets (kind of subjectively but i feel this is a popular opinion anyways) Much Better. i think that goes for a Lot of stuff where they give old guys new dialogue in spin offs (gestures at masters ex which i think is Great for making characters Actually Interesting)
but i feel like with giovanni there's been a DOWNGRADE in character since his appearance because he no longer Progresses.
i WILL say masters ex does Some Work to try and make him Deeper than just "I'm Evil for the sake of Being Evil grahgghh 😈" but it's like. overshadowed by All The Other Stuff.
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plus he IS rainbow rocket giovanni in masters and i'm like OBSESSEDDD with team rainbow rocket. but i also don't think it should. Exist. I'M GLAD IT DOES but i find it out of character for giovanni to do At All. I CAN EXPLAIN I PROMISE.
team rocket's goals as an organization are and always have been: make money via stealing or otherwise exploiting pokémon. that's all it NEEDED to be. because it was gen 1 and no one needed to be ripping apart the universe yet.
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giovanni himself sees pokemon as a means to an end. that much has stayed consistent in all of his appearances. but what CHANGES things in what happens when he LOSES for the FINAL TIME in r/b/y:
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I WILL DEDICATE MY LIFE TO THE STUDY OF POKEMON. that's like CRAZY sort of redemption. and you Could argue against me to say "well have you considered he was lying" and i Have but i think it's SO much cooler if he was being legit. if he was so Changed by losing So Many Times to a little boy who just cared So Much for his pokémon that he needed to experience that for himself.
I mentioned in my previous giovanni post that pokémon origins has characterized giovanni "right" and THAT'S because via continuously fighting red and seeing his passion for battling as well as his love of pokémon firsthand, giovanni rediscovers his lost passion for pokémon that he had when HE was younger, and he sees HIMSELF in who red is and decides to disband team rocket after their gym battle so he can turn his life around. i HIGHLY recommend watching episode 3 of origins if you haven't seen it. it's freaking Marvelous.
ANYWAYS. THIS is the characterization of giovanni i support the MOST because it's not terribly complicated but still has nice depth to his character that you could read into.
BUT if we're going by this characterization of him, he should. NOT BE DOING TEAM ROCKET STUFF NOW! he SHOULD have been retired storywise by game freak after that and retired job-wise. studying pokémon and touching grass.
but THEN. gen 2 happens. (... well, gen 2 and the first gens 1/2 remakes.)
gen 2 introduces the concept of "let's bring giovanni back". which i wouldn't complain about if giovanni wasn't ALSO trying to get back. WHY. WE ESTABLISHED IN THE FIRST GAME HE'S DONE. and gen 2 didn't DIRECTLY SAY giovanni was up to come back (as far as i'm aware, i did NOT play gsc, someone correct me if i'm wrong). but when frlg released, they Changed dialogue from the original to FIT this idea:
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NOW "studying pokemon" has become "training". there IS no character development for him here, he JUST wants to get stronger to be a Better mob boss. and this is supported by the celebi time travel event where he's ABOUT to rejoin team rocket before you beat him
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the big problem with this (and any giovanni dialogue in the time travel event) for me is that it frames everything that happened to him in gen 1 as "giovanni wasn't a good enough mob boss then but now that he's had some time to Train he's ready to be a Better Mob Boss" WRONG! THAT WAS NEVER THE ISSUE!! part of the pros of team rocket at its peak was that giovanni was Unknown to most and could direct operations in the shadows AND he could keep his business as a gym leader because NO ONE KNEW. but now EVERYONE knows and team rocket can LITERALLY NEVER REACH THAT PEAK AGAIN. the ONLY CORRECT thing to do in this situation is Disband and Do Other Shit (cough cough study pokémon and touch grass cough cough)
this seems obvious to me that this desire to keep dragging him back into things is the games way of being like "woaahh!! callback time!!" and then later down the line "woaaahh!! nostalgia time!!!" (because they wouldn't have retconned that final gen 1 dialogue if it wasn't) and while i can Appreciate it to a degree (because i am Not Immune to getting STUPID EXCITED when old blorbos show up) i think continuing to make giovanni show up to Be Evil isn't the way to go about it. or at LEAST not canon timeline giovanni.
and the gen 1/2 remakes for ME is like... the beginning of the issue, but as we've gotten Further Away from gen 1 in time, the more i feel they stray from where he ended in the original in favor of making him More Blandly Evil. he feels constrained to one-liners about how the worlds an EVIL PLACE and he's just playing the game or whatever alpha sigma shit he's on in the masters trainer lodge
rainbow rocket is kind of CRAZY to me because they take this mob boss who likes exploiting pokemon and scientists for money and they make him start. opening interdimensional bad ending au wormholes to take over the world with aliens. (also having him willing to share the power with all the other evil bosses, some who have in their universes Successfully taken over the world??? heeeellll no. not even my proposed toned down characterization of this guy would be cool with that realistically.) it all just seems to be Way Beyond what team rocket SHOULD be doing. they're The Mafia. making The Mafia open wormholes is CRAZY. but giovanni HAS to be the main guy because. Nostalgia.
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idk how much sense i make when i say this but when you make team rocket less cunning and less focused on doing their work in the shadows and running their shady operations stealthily. you get. a more ambitious team skull. and there's nothing WRONG with team skull but it's NOT WHAT TEAM ROCKET IS SUPPOSED TO BE. they've got more of a reputation than that but modern depictions of giovanni and the organization as a whole water him down to "i love Causing Problems" and less "i love Good Business"
whatever. giovanni in modern depictions MAKES SENSE if you followed along the slow regression of his character in real time. but i feel like if you look where he is now and look where he Ended in r/b/y you have like. Two Different Characters. and i think having a redeemed or even kind-of-half-redeemed giovanni could be SO much more interesting in showing up again than having him be Generally Evil
AND IT'S NOT LIKE THAT REALLY POSES ISSUES FOR MASTERS EX. cyrus is half-reformed WITHIN the story. archie and maxie too (although they were already kind of like that). lysandre HAS an evil moment but he DOESN'T DIE like he does in canon and THEN he's FINE. he still "runs" team flare but he's NOT LONGER A THREAT TO THE PROTAGONISTS
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what i think COULD'VE been cool in some hypothetical scenario is have giovanni come back for cameos but Not as team rocket's leader. have him Turn Down the rocket admin radio broadcast. hell, having him come back to help the player Stop Them if he feels particularly annoyed. LET THAT MAN GO ON VACATION. WHATEVER. there's SO MUCH you can do with him the way cameos are done for the Other non-evil characters and there are options where you could Still battle him as a Test Of Strength but THERE'S JUST. SO MUCH WRONG WITH HIM STILL BEING OVERTLY EVIL.
i understand keeping giovanni evil for nostalgia. i Get it i PROMISE i do. i just think it makes him a weaker character, and the companies sacrifice character development for sales. but if you wanted to have a bad guy who was JUST BAD and would CONTINUE to be bad if given the chance,
that's the end of that for me i think. i'm SO down to discuss or debate this take for fun. i just think giovanni should retire and pet his cat because it's funny.
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sage-nebula · 7 months
re: the post about male gamers throwing fits when the playable character is female: The Pokémon Masters EX subreddit is really foul about it.
PokéMas EX is the only part of the franchise in which the male and female MCs are treated EQUALLY*, but because it is equal and the female MCs get to be the canon MCs half the time as a result, the subreddit is constantly crying/screaming/throwing up about how the female MCs get everything, and DeNA hates the male MCs and especially men, and all they want in life is for the male MCs (who are the most important characters in the franchise to them now) to get more alts, so on and so forth.
Doesn't matter that Male Is Default in literally every other aspect of the franchise, or that the division is actually EQUAL in PokéMas; because the male MCs don't ALWAYS have the spotlight and have to share it with girls who should be optional, that is reason enough for sub-wide tantrums. (And don't even get me started on how much hate Lillie got when she had the most alts, but when Steven surpassed her? Crickets. HMM, WONDER WHY THAT IS . . .)
*Most regions MCs are treated equally in PokéMas. Kanto is the exception. Red is the golden boy and Leaf is treated like garbage. She didn't even get to participate in the Kanto villain arc, which DeNA recently made fun of with an unlockable title. The subreddit is fine with this however, because Leaf is a girl and Red is a boy. If Leaf was being treated like gold while Red was forgotten though? The sub would be raging, trust.
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aetherceuse · 8 months
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Let's talk about Lusamine's affinity for parasitic life forms.
My biggest gripe with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon was the butchering of Lusamine's character; they removed so many story beats that were crucial to her, that it really dulled her down as an antagonist. I always felt that the Necrozma plot was awkwardly shoved into the game, and Lusamine's character assassination was the result.
I have been looking at it through a difference lens since Pokémon Masters EX released Lusamine's sync pair with Dusk Mane Necrozma.
The fact that Lusamine has bonded with not one, but TWO parasitic entities, is really interesting to me, because it is full of so much symbolism.
The plot with Nihilego, of course, has had many different interpretations; the "motherly love" interpretation is one that I stray away from in my blog canon. Lusamine's fixation on Nihilego, and her bond with it, is a result of fascination turning into delusion and madness. Her obsession with it's lack of emotion and efficient existence through a hive mind system led her to want to emulate that behavior. Of course, we all know what eventually happens, regardless of whether it is a canon or headcanon based interpretation: Lusamine is accepted by Nihilego, consumed, and becomes a host to it. And because she was a host, she lost autonomy and was driven insane by the neurotoxin.
That's a great story and all, and one that I am constantly trying to work out and restructure in the background for my own canon-- but now I am also looking at the Dusk Mane Necrozma implications.
Lusamine and Necrozma have a lot of shared themes and symbolism: being a source of light while simultaneously burning those around them, hungering for more power, living in a world that they were not born in, and being fractured. I do believe that Lusamine seeking to quell Necrozma in USUM had something to do with her being aware of these similarities, and deluding herself into believing that she was the only one capable of quelling this quasi-deity.
Only, she was NOT deluding herself, she was CORRECT.
Lusamine was capable of syncing with Necrozma and commanding it, but ONLY while it was ALREADY in possession of a host; Dusk Mane Necrozma is simply piloting the body of a Solgaleo, meaning, it is easier to be contained while it is feeding. And I think Lusamine knew what she was doing. She knew that she was compatible with this monster, but knew that it was parasitic in nature. THAT is the major difference between her dynamic with Nihilego, and the one with Necrozma: she is destroyed by UB-01 because it was a host-parasite relationship, instead of a balanced partnership like syncing. She did not allow Necrozma to control her.
That being said, there's still a lot of sad implications here: Lusamine syncing with a Pokémon that is using Solgaleo, a monster that her daughter was bonded to, is full of so much upsetting symbolism. She herself is a parasite, smothering Lillie's joy and other connections. There's no better representation of Lusamine and Lillie's toxic mother and daughter relationship than Dusk Mane Necrozma-- a form that gained its name because it represents the death of the sun before being overtaken by the night sky.
ALSO, the fact that Lusamine's dialogue lines in PokeMas suggesting that she views herself as a "guiding light," despite being paired up with the consumer of light, is another indication that she TRULY believes that she is some sort of superior entity and "savior," while channeling Necrozma's desire to "be full of light" and whole again. They really are parallels of each other. She is more in line with Necrozma's themes, than Nihilego's. That is why she stands at the side of Necrozma, and is doomed to be a servant of Nihilego.
All of them are parasites and all of them are connected, and it's not great.
What I'm currently thinking, is that the Nihilego plot AND the Necrozma plot can both exist at once-- Lusamine would not have the knowledge to sync with Dusk Mane Necrozma WITHOUT realizing that physically fusing with Nihilego did not work out.
We'll see how this develops in future plotting.
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latealzalost · 1 year
Have you ever tried thinking about what a "canon"-esque team for Wes and Michael would be? I mean that, what feels like a team an official adaptation of these games would go for. In my opinion for instance, I think Michael would use the Zangoose snagged from Zook since its semi-plot relevant, as well as Eldes' Shadow Salamence for the one battle left after it. You could either make him pick an eeveelution (I'd suggest flareon or jolteon aesthetically) or going with the beta starters of Vaporeon and Jolteon. Wes' would entirely depend on if you think using the legendary beasts is fair game lmao
Ah nah. I know some people try to make a "canon" team for trainers. But "canon" and stories in Pokémon games don't really mix. All versions of a game are true and they happened in their own universes. Every possible way a game was played is real and has already been done before you've even thought about it.
I believe in the definite fact that Michael snagged and purified every shadow pokemon. I also believe that Michael traded his Togepi back to Hordel for his Elekid named Zaprong, but I know some may opt not to do that. So whether or not he actually gave Togepi back it really doesn't matter cause he has and hasn't at the same time.
Now, there is an exception to that rule for my personal bias. It's canon that Michael is a good kid with a big heart and loves his Pokemon and family very much. So that scenario where he releases his Eevee to see the eeveelution captain's other dialogue is completely unlike Michael. And I don't believe he would release any of his Pokemon ever. I refuse to believe that anything that would be uncharacterstic of Michael are canon and part of the multiverse in any way.
Hypothetically speaking, referring to the story of Pokemon Masters EX, if Hoopa were to drag a Pokemon Character out of the infinite universal contexts represented by how their game could be played, Hoopa would never drag Michael from the universe where he releases his Eevee, but he could take him from the universe where he kept the Togepi and not give it back to Hordel, since I remember Hordel being a somewhat okay with Michael keeping Togepi. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
I believe that every possible universe is canon, but there are limits because the constant is Michael is a good boi. The variable is how the player plays the game. The multiverse of a game can be determined by the infinite possibilities of play, but only the reasonable universes that don't betray Michael's character should be canon.
And same goes for Wes, obviously. Anyone who releases Espeon, Umbreon, or Plusle outright assassinates Wes's character.
And you know, by extension, I'd say that also goes for the main-series games too. If Pokemas Hoopa ever dragged a protag from their universe, it would have to be a universe where they kept their starter all the way to the end of their story, or at least up until the point they were warped to Pasio.
In certain media I've seen Michael officially matched with Flareon and Jolteon in two different universes. I've never played through the game with Flareon nor Vaporeon so my bias tells me it would be Jolteon (at least it matches Michal's jacket aesthetically, I agree Flareon suits him too.)
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Beyond that it's a toss up between all of the Shadow Pokemon and a few Pokespot Pokemon. At the end game he might opt to have tanky Shadow Pokemon like Snorlax. He might have an Aggron from evolving an Aron from the Cave Pokespot. He could have a Walrein from one of the Hexagon Bros's Shadow Spheal. He could have kept Teddiursa and evolved it into Ursuring. It's so hard to make a canon team without that bias you know?
As for Wes, as you know, he'd probably keep one of the Johto starters from either Bluno/Verde/Rosso and his two starter eeveelutions. Depending on which Johto starter, he'd keep Entei/Suicune/Raikou respectively. Hitmontop is a favorite. And last one, a Flygon, another favorite.
Scrolling back up to read your question, I see for an "official adaptation" I agree that Zangoose could be plot relevant. Though the one time you get to snag Zangoose is the last time you see Zook. Unless some liberties were taken with the game's story I can't see Zangoose becoming a main-stay for some rivalry with Zook. Miror B. is a better rival than Zook, and Lovrina along with other Cipher admins (excluding Ardos) have a character arc of starting out as enemies and accepting him as a friend by the end of the post-game so Shadow Pokemon belonging to them might be something to toy with for a rival thing. Zook is just a meat head masculine macho mohawk dukey-nukey wannabe who's more of a joke jerk character for how nothing goes his way after bumping into Jovi at Gateon Port. They'd have to do a bit more like how they developed Team Rocket (Jesse, James, Meowth) for the anime and how they're pretty much loved by everyone despite being the bad guys.
What I wouldn't give for an official anime adaptation, but alas all we have are obscure game walkthrough manga that few have seen and have (but I believe more should see and have)
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frozenflmes · 1 year
2, 3, and 5 for the headcanon game
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//i'll answer 4 too since it's caught in the middle there.
//2: nah lmao. glitches and shit are fascinating and i actually stayed up all night reading about them and watching youtube videos about them (they've got arbitrary code execution in pokémon diamond and pearl now! have to use the japanese verion though), but it's not something i want to incorporate into my roleplay.
//3: from the anime, mostly the portrayal of pokémon coordinators is fun to mix in with game canon. colloseum and xd are fully canon, as is magikarp jump. pokémon go is canon to an extent (team mystic, team valor <- best, and team spark's one i forget the name all exist and are legitimate groups (what, you thought all teams were evil? there's a reason people in the games don't automatically categorize people as the villains the moment they put "team" in their name), and those team rocket characters probably exist or whatever. idk, haven't interacted with them much yet. hey you, pikachu! is canon. pokémon tcg (the video game) and its sequel are canon, but the odds of that coming up anywhere is very low bc the tcg islands keep to themselves. from the physical tcg, delta pokémon exist, dark pokémon exist, light pokémon do not because they make no sense. all of the mystery dungeon games are video games in-universe. pokémon pinball: ruby and sapphire is canon, but the original pokémon pinball is not. pokémon snap and its sequel are both canon. smash bros is canon but if you bring it up there'll be an awkward silence for a while before someone changes the subject. pokémon trozei! is canon. pokémon conquest is canon and in the past. the pokémon ranger games are all canon but don't tell me about them i don't know anything yet and i want to be able to play blind. the pokémon rumble and poképark games are in-universe video games. detective pikachu and its sequel are canon unless i play the sequel when it comes out and i don't like it. learn with pokémon: typing adventure is canon. pokémon art academy is canon and takes place in the tcg islands. the thieves and the 1000 pokémon is an in-universe game. pokkén tournament is canon. camp pokémon is an in-universe kids' app. pokémon duel is canon, and carmonte island is near the tcg islands. pokémon playhouse is an in-universe kids' app. pokémon battle revolution is canon. hayley and bridgette exist. dream radar scientist exists.
//pokémon masters ex is not canon bc i have no idea what the fuck is going on with it
//4: currently i don't. i'd be potentially open to incorporating some, but i am unfortunately a born little hater which makes me picky about which ones i like. genuinely this is a frustrating thing about myself, and i'm trying to work on better incorporating whimsy, but it's a process. i have designed fakemon/lines of my own in the past though and there are a bunch i've seen out there that i really liked.
//5: i've put more than enough text into this answer already. send a new ask.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
hello hi might i ask an absolute newbie question about submas? been lurking for a couple months now, and i've never personally played a pkmn game, but i still have no idea how ingo and emmet would even Know elesa. as far as i see (read: bulbapedia tells me) they don't even so much as reference each other in game? i don't see Gear Station listed as an actual gym either, which has added a separate but comparable layer of confusion! ty and also love your fics <3
You can always ask newbie questions, no shame in that! And thank you so much for the compliment on my fics :)
So first off Gear Station is canon! It's not a gym, the Battle Subway is a battle facility. That's like a large challenging Pokémon battle gauntlet that you get to fight in after you finish the main story of a game (as far as I know; are there games where it's not postgame??)
EDIT: Turns out the Battle Subways itself is one of the few non postgame battle facilities. I didn't actually know that! Hell yeah! (I haven't gotten there in the game; I've only seen game footage of the actual battles, not knowing when in the game you can actually fight them!)
Anyways, about Elesa!
Them being friends with her is almost entirely fanon!
They do know her at LEAST in passing; in the anime they tell Ash she's a strong gym leader. And I think they have dialogue with/about her in Pokémon Masters EX, the phone app. However that's not exactly canon so I'm unsure if we count that lol. But yeah they never interact in the main games.
So how did ALL of the Nimbasa Trio stuff happen? Well I don't know when it started or who started it, but it's built on the idea that both Elesa and the twins live in Nimbasa City and are extremely strong, gifted battlers in-universe. Of COURSE they've fought each other, they're practically neighbors and enjoy challenging fights. It just... makes sense. And then people decided "you know, we want them to BOND over love of Pokémon battles and stuff."
And thus the headcanon was born!
So, much like Emmet and his joltik, it's a theory born of taking a tiny bit of canon, looking at it, and expanding it in a way that's perfectly plausible in-universe :)
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epicspheal · 2 years
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So, I was getting back into my SWSH hyperfixtation today and went to the official website to get inspo for some art stuff. And I see sonia’s new outfit for masters EX. And it made me wonder, does this indicate that tsareena was a part of her Pokémon team?
Idk ; i know there is little to no chance we’ll ever canonically see her entire team unless it’s mentioned in the anime or the manga but it still makes me wonder. Why would they maker a rival to Leon when she has no clear team in the story? Did something happen? Or is it just a plot hole? Anyway, it’s fun to toy around with the idea. her new outfit looks great tho and well designed. :000
Hi there @kitsuna21! Yes, I did see that, and I did a little cheer. Sonia looks so great in that outfit, and it's great that she has an alt alongside Nessa, Leon, and Raihan (now we need Piers to get one). To answer your question about whether or not this means she had a Tsareena (and a shiny one at that), I'd say it's very likely. Pokemon Masters is an interesting blend of canon and non-canon. Things that happen on the island itself, such as the PML league and the new villain arc, aren't canon to the main series. However, the trainer details have actually been confirmed to be canon. So Raihan, in his anniversary alt talking about how he met his Flygon, is a canon detail, as is Blue talking about how he's known as the Phantom Champion. Then, of course, there are the Pokemon choices for the trainers in the sync pairs. That's a bit of the grey area too. Obviously, Pokemon that are shown in-game (or the anime like Cynthia's Kommo-o) case are canon. But some of the alts/sygna suits are in a grey area. A lot of the legendary alts are non-canon (and I have some gripes with the legendary alts, but that's for another post), but some are (like N's being a reference to him having either Reshiram or Zekrom, depending on the version of the gen 5 games you play, to May being able to meet a Latias in ORAS canonically). With all of Sonia's team being unknown except for Yamper and the fact that Tsareena is not super rare/legendary, I'd say it's highly likely that she canonically has one. It'd be nice if we get to see her show off one in the Pokespe manga since things are starting to heat up there To answer your question about why they made Sonia Leon's rival, it's about making narrative parallels between the young adults (Nessa, Sonia, Leon, and Raihan) and the kids (Victor/Gloria, Hop, Bede, and Marnie). Sonia, like Hop, ends up leaving Pokemon training to do research while Leon and Victor/Gloria become champions. Many people in the Pokemon world have retired from training and thus don't show their full teams. One of the best examples of that is Professor Oak, who was Agatha's rival back in the day (and in some adaptations is confirmed to be a league champion), yet we've never seen his team outside of a Nidorino. He's not interested in battling like that anymore, so he doesn't feel the need to show off his time. I feel Sonia is the same way. I don't think anything bad happened to her team; she just doesn't feel the need to show off her entire team. Now, of course, I would love for us to see more of her team because in the manga, at least it's confirmed Leon has never beaten her in battle, so I'd love to see her team composition. Not to mention there are a bunch of G-max Pokemon that haven't gotten a debut under a trainer, and I feel like she would likely have one G-max-capable Pokemon on her team. And I just want to see more researchers (and female researchers at that) show their battling chops.
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viola-stars · 3 years
Okay so people sometimes ask me how and why I ship this and I could never put my words properly so I will do it now so here we go!! I’m gonna make different categories which are 1.) From canon and me thinking about them [game, manga and anime] and 2.) Headcanons! 
It’s going to be really long and I doubt anyone will read the whole thing but I’ll still do it because this post is for me ghdfgfdhg
-I would bring up the game because I found some interesting facts from the game which I ended up thinking of a lot, the first one is the fact Falkner became gym leader because of inheritance in a way [+ hardwork which will be discussed in the manga portion!] and how Whitney became one because she was chosen by the league itself. Here are information from Bulbapedia itself:
“Whitney uses the Normal-type, and although she only began battling a little while ago, her talent attracted the Pokémon League to choose her as a Gym Leader.”
Now you may ask why I wanted to bring this up, so I’ll explain why- I just find this thing really interesting because I would love to think that Falkner sorta sees Whitney as impressive because she was a natural, and her family wasn’t related to gym leaders at all yet she was able to catch the attention of the league- she was one of the only few ones which had this said, if not only her. Meanwhile, Whitney would probably know Falkner because of how his father was a gym leader before, and when she sees Falkner being the one to replace him, she’d definitely want to see how it happens! She probably loves his want to be the best bird keeper of all and finds his passionate side quite endearing.
-They both love their Pokemon to bits- and it really shows. Falkner has shown this through a lot of ways, such as being a bit upset when they’re hurt, and in other games [such as Pokemon Masters Ex and the main Johto game itself I believe], he shows his dislike towards electric types because of how people perceive that they can easily win against flying. He also dislikes seeing his Pokemon hurt, as you can see when you fight against him- “...For pity's sake! My dad's cherished bird Pokémon..” while Whitney, in Pokemon Masters Ex, does say that she cries after being defeated because she saw her Pokemon get hurt and defeated- which I found really interesting in her part! I always thought she just hated losing, but it wasn’t just that! Honestly, I can imagine them gushing about their Pokemon and that’s REALLY cute!
-One thing is Falkner may show that is somewhat irritated by losing, but he accepts defeat once he realizes that he does lose, especially if it is fair and square. On the other hand, Whitney is more emotional, even crying when she loses but as I said, it’s because her Pokemon get hurt and she doesn’t like that. I can imagine that when gym duties end for the day, the gym leaders talk about what happened and Falkner somewhat helps Whitney to deal with her defeats better, and she tends to listen to him and his advice! 
-A small thing which I really loved knowing is the fact they BOTH go to Pokeathlon, so it won’t be a surprise that they meet time-to-time there! I feel like Whitney is a regular, and Falkner joins in every once in a while! Being fellow gym leaders, I feel like they actually root for each other and that’s such a nice thing to do, especially if it’s someone you genuinely care for! I can also imagine them hanging out after it! But yeah, it’s canon they both go there so many possible scenarios happen in mind. Also, Whitney definitely cheers him on the loudest because she’s the !!! kind of person and Falkner would probably hear it from afar. He sometimes looks at her direction, and when he does, she cheers even louder.
-Listen, their titles- “The Incredibly Pretty Girl” for Whitney and “The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon" is truly something and I like them holding their title dearly. Obviously, Falkner wouldn’t say anything if someone says something about Whitney’s title AS LONG as they don’t insult her about it, because if they do, he cares enough about her to react to that. On the other hand, Whitney will throw hands with anyone who believes differently. She really finds Falkner elegant and she wants people to KNOW he deserves that title. The other doesn’t know though.
-In game canon, Whiney’s gym looks like this, it is very cute and it is in a shape of a Pokemon- the gym trainers point it out because they probably know about its shape because Whitney told them
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But honestly??? You wouldn’t even be able to see it in reality unless you’re from above? And you know who can go from above- Falkner. He literally has flying Pokemon. I feel like he flew up one day over Goldenrod gym because he had to meet Whitney and when he looked down he just “Oh?? Clefairy?” and he brought it up to Whitney who went “!!!!” because he noticed. It’s just cute thinking she just wanted to do it for herself but Falkner’s pleasant surprise of seeing it was a bonus!
-The city of Goldenrod is somewhat close to Violet! I think if they have a break, they sometimes meet up to talk or the like! Also both of their breaks in HGSS seems to be Saturday! I can see them together just hanging out and talking, staying updated about each other! They also like visiting each other’s gyms/places because they want to see how the other’s Pokemons are doing!
-In Black and White 2, the Johto Gym Leaders can be fought so it’s a funny thought of them hanging out together in airplane rides and the like, maybe even just going around the different region! I like thinking the first four gym leaders change seating positions Every time. Also Whitney probably drags the rest around for fun.
-Pokemon Masters Ex shows there are canon festivals in Goldenrod! Whitney talks about how the festivals in Goldenrod is bigger than the ones in Pasio! I think Goldenrod actually goes to the more traditional style during these festivals and Falkner LOVES going to the festivals when it happens. He gets surprised seeing Whitney is traditional clothing, because she doesn’t usually wear it and she gets so happy to see him around!
-In the game she is mostly depicted as happy and sweet? She’s also really caring! Meanwhile Falkner may sometimes seem calm, cool and collected, but he does show sense of irritation in a lot of his dialogues. So I’m just offering the dynamic of sunshine x grump is what the game versions give off and I like that dynamic ghdfghfdg
-OKAY WHAT I LOVED ABOUT THE MANGA IS THIS... Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney and Morty were in a group when the gym leaders split up to work on what was happening during the Gym Leader Tournament! They were together trying to find the culprit of what had happened! I feel like they’re friends because of this because most of the others seemed like they went by themselves, or someone that they trust. [Claire was even fighting with Blaine so]
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-Also Falkner and Whitney were next to each other during one time and I thought that maybe it was to show who’s closest to who? Like you see- Jasmine and Morty seem close friends, and then Whitney is closest to Falkner, and Bugsy is too! So they aren’t even by number? so yeah this made me think a lot, but I feel like they’re close to the people they trust!
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-I know this was based on their position on when they go against the other gym leader but yeah, them, I care for this group so much. This is what started to make me think of them all HGFDHGDFHG but yeah, I feel like they’re a group!
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-Okay so that’s all because the manga showed them interacting but I don’t want to show every panel but just know that the manga made them communicate and I feel like I wished we got to see their relationship more with one another [all gym leaders], but I BELIEVE Johto gym leaders are somewhat close, besides Pryce and Claire [Pryce bc you know,,, masked man, and Claire because she does things alone more than anything- but they DO trust her, she is just duty bound]
-Whitney was smart enough to realize it was Pryce who was in control, SHE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO REALIZE IT. It shows she’s actually pretty smart, and well- Falkner was smart too because in HGSS he was the first one to identify that the Pokemon of Chuck knew the Rhyperior of Silver! I like to imagine that they’re both smart in their own way, and they actually like that part of each other??? For Whitney, she KNOWS Falkner is smart as heck, while Falkner KNOWS Whitney is observant as heck and they just like that part of each other!
-SPOILERS GONE but you see, for the anime part, THEY NEVER INTERACTED, and I find that a crime for the anime, the anime committed lots of it [shakes Elite 4 Members who don’t know up and a lot more]. But it shows Whitney getting lost easily in her own city, and Falkner likes gliding around with his Pokemon in the sky. I can imagine Whitney giving him a call to tell him that she’s lost sometimes HFDHGDFGDFHG and so he helps her by flying there.
-Okay but Whitney is shown to also be very sweet to Pokemon, kissing their cheeks even when they’re hurt, so I can imagine that she does it with her Pokemon and her friends’ Pokemon if they’re comfortable with it! She sometimes kisses the bird Pokemon of Falkner when they’re hurt or after they’re healed and they’re happy with that, Falkner meanwhile, like taking care of her Pokemon a lot [especially once she gets a Togekiss! It looks soft and it can fly so]!
Okay so this isn’t based on anything canon, unlike the other statements, I have my defense from canon and saying it can work out, but this one is just pure headcanon HGFDHGFDGH
-I can imagine them around the same age because there is no official age, and so far, the ages I got were mixed? So I decided to get the average of some sites, and their ages are pretty close! So because of that, I see them going to Pokeschool together! It says Whitney wasn’t too into Pokemon battling before, but I think she liked Pokemon because of how sweet she is to them! So yeah, I think they were classmates.
-They knew each other for a long time, and Falkner was sort of protective over Whitney because she would cry easily, so I can imagine him being one of the people who comforts her most, and she feels really safe with him and in his arms. She sometimes visits him after gym hours to just let out her emotions, or sometimes, he goes to her first to see how she’s doing.
-Whitney wanted to be a Nurse Joy before because her mother was a Nurse Joy [this explains why she doesn’t like seeing Pokemon hurt and kisses them if they are, she wants them all healthy], and she used to take care of Pokemon which are hurt if the Pokemon Center isn’t close enough. Falkner saw that first hand and saw how loving she was with his Pokemon and he went “Oh,,,” for a moment and was very thankful for her, and saw how sweet she can be.
-Falkner wants to be like his father, which was a gym leader- so he can relate to Whitney in that manner- but he watched Whitney take her own path at the end and it made him want to find his own path as well WHILE being a gym leader, so she was one of his inspirations, but he wouldn’t tell her that. 
-Whitney saw how elegant Falkner was even back in Pokeschool, and when she sees him now?? Still as elegant as ever, he was sort of the inspiration to her too on why she wanted to start Pokemon training because he made it look so Cool yet also Fun at the same time. So they inspired each other !!
-Obviously, they’re very close to one another and they care for each other- A LOT. Falkner is usually the one who remembers the smallest details of Whitney, while Whitney is the one who knows what Falkner needs or wants at the moment- it’s all because they’ve been friends for a while.
-There’s a lot more I can say but maybe it’s for another time ghfdghfdg
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DR OC Roleplay
【 1 】 You are allowed to make your character any gender, sexuality, race, color, etc. 
【 2 】 If you make your character have some sort of disability, mental disorder, etc. We advise that you research it fully. When you make in introduction for your character, you must include a detailed description of what the complete definition of the disorder/disability is. We also advise when researching the subject you check multiple websites to make sure your analysis on it is correct. If you falsely describe or roleplay these disorders, you will be immediately contacted. 
【 3 】 Please do not make it so that your character has traits that could offend others, for example: racist, homophobic tendencies, etc. 
【 4 】 No Mary Sues! We will not allow all powerful characters, they must have their own weaknesses and faults. This makes the character realistic in multiple ways.
【 5 】 For now, you are only allowed to apply one character per Department in School Mode, along with one character per MKG, applying up to 3 only. If in the future we plan to hold more MKGs we suggest submitting a completely new characters for the new game. 
【 6 】 Face claims and voice claims aren't allowed, Doll makers are acceptable though! 
【 1 】 We frown upon the re-use of canon game talents. If you have trouble coming up with a talent for your character we suggest addressing one of the staff members for help. 
【 2 】 If the talent is already taken on a list in #school-mode-information then it can not be re-used by anyone else. MKG applications are different, multiple people can enter the same talent, but only one will be chosen. 
【 3 】 Ultimate ??? is only allowed in the MKG. 
【 4 】 Talents like these aren't allowed: 
♢ Brother / Sister Complex 
♢ Minecraft Map Designer, Beyblade Master, Pokémon Master, etc. 
♢ Mental illness based ( EX: sociopath, dual personalities ) 
♢ Killing multiple people ( EX: Serial Killer ) 
♢ Overpowered talents ( EX: Mastermind, ultimate ) 
【 5 】 Talent can't violate any of the categories listed in the triggers channel. If you think your talent is on the fence with a trigger, we suggest coming to an admin to discuss the matter.
≫ Admin Haley ♥︎
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