#this is coming out way more cynical than i intended but welp. i just hate these things
eldritchqueerture · 5 months
birthdays were fun when you were a kid but now in the age of cellphone and facebook (yes poland still uses it) its just a day where everyone constantly wants something from me and bothers me and im supposed to be grateful
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Just imagine a normally nice MC that is pissed off. Everyone will be kinda concerned and confused bc this docile, sweet human is threatening to behead them. This something I cannot get out of my head. It’s ok if you don’t do it, but thanks for taking the time to read this :)
((I might just be on a Danganronpa binge, but I picture MC snapping like this (Spoilers for Danganronpa if you’ve never seen or played it and intend on doing so. I’ll put a gif under it if it helps prove the point better) ))
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                         I’m gonna TRY to take this seriously, I swear XD. Only doing this with the 7 bros atm, but lemme know if you guys want the undateables in the future.
SPOILERS FOR LESSONS 1-20, MOSTLY CUSA BELPHIE’S PART. I really hope this is okay, it took me a WHILE to write. There’s probably some grammar mistakes here and there, but I will fix them overtime))
Lucifer was kinda putting pressure on you with chores and tasks, barely giving you time to rest. Eventually, it just kinda made you snap at him.
Welp...it was nice knowing you. Depending on the types of relationship you have with Lucifer, his punishments are either personal...or “Private” if you get my drift.
Either way, you DEFINITELY feel like you are dead meat once you realize it was LUCIFER you snapped at. 
If the others are in the room with you, Mammon will run, Levi will livestream it, Satan and Belphegor will either be there to laugh at you or encourage you to say worse, Beel will get a snack to watch and Asmo...well he’ll probably tell Luci to try not leave a mark on your body because that’s “his job”. Basically no one is helpful here.
Unless you’re not afraid of Luci or just stupid in which case, you keep runnin your damn mouth at him over stuff that will TOTALLY hurt his Pride. If you get one of his brothers to laugh, even SNICKER at him, you are in WORSE trouble.
Bonus points added to you getting screwed over by him if Diavolo was anywhere CLOSE to hear that,
Your ass is getting dragged to his room or office and getting a talking to or a “talking to” for SEVERAL hours straight.
Luci doesn’t take shit, He i the Avatar of Pride and will not let some human taint it.
Not gonna lie though...you DID catch him off guard and he did kinda ease up on the work because even though he’s way stronger than you, he does NOT wanna see you like that ever again
Oh, he did it again. He got both of you in trouble. You snapped cus this was the third time in a row that week. Mammon’s making his stupid excuses and it just..unloaded onto him.
He. Was. Stunned. 
If you’re Lucifer levels of angry, he might even be a little scared of you. 
For a moment to defend himself, he may switch to how he was when you two first met.
“O-Oh yeah?! Who are you, a weak, feeble HUMAN to tell the Great Mammon what he is and isn’t?! I could crush ya right now if I wanted to!”
He’s bluffing so much even humans that WEREN’T there could see it.
“Oh, you know what? YA KNOW WHAT?! That is it! I am not even gonna speak to you til you are BEGGIN’ me to forgive ya!”
Yep, he’s really doing this. Obviously, you don’t care because you’re not the one that should be apologizing here.
The other 6 are actually pretty happy with this transaction. Finally, some silence from Mammon’s ever yapping pie-hole. He’s sitting there with a pout on his lip and slumped. He’s not going to say how sorry you’ll be in front of his brothers because he said HE wasn’t talking to YOU. So he doesn’t need it rubbed in his face.
Of course, being the Avatar of Greed, he’s up to his Greedy ways, so he’ll make whatever excuse he can to get his brothers away from you.
Not even a day has passed and he comes up saying he “forgives you for getting mad at him”. But if you still look upset with him, he does legit feel bad and apologizes...the MAMMON way lol.
“Well...I GUESS if it bugs you that much, I could keep outta trouble...Just for a little while, though! I ain't some softie! I’m too much of an awesome rebel for that~!” he said, trying so much to impress you with his ���Bad Boy” attitude.
Deep down, he just doesn’t want to make his human mad at him again.
((Sorry if the reason isn't great, but this baby boy is too cute to have a reason to be mad at, I’m sorry! If Levi stans hate this, you have permission to slap me. I deserve it XD))
Levi had kept dragging you to play games with him and watch anime, but you had studying to do.
Whenever you tried to tell him you had to go study, he did this thing where he would use the “Studying is probably better than hanging out with a lame otaku like me” speech to get you to cave in.
You didn't realize it, but you only had a few days left to study and you were STRESSED.
Levi was about to use the same speech on you again when you finally had had enough.
Levi was hurt his best friend would say all of that to him. You could see him fighting back tears. 
“F-Fine..! Whatever! I can just find s-someone else to play with me..!” he said, choking n his words. “J-Just get outta my room, already!”
You tried to apologize for snapping, but he wasn’t having it, at least not right now. 
You would make it up to him after you finished studying and taking your test.
Levi spent the next few days being somewhat passive-aggressive towards you, spending more time with Mammon or Henry 2.0 (his goldfish) just to spite you. However, you were too busy catching up on the studying you missed out on to notice.
Eventually, he was ready to go give you a piece of his mind when he saw...you were asleep at your desk and surrounded by books. It kinda made him realize how much he really made you miss out on and he felt pretty bad.
The next morning, you woke up to a text from Lucifer that said he pulled some strings to get you more time to study and have your date for the test slightly later than the others. You also had Levi’s jacket wrapped around your shoulders.
You definitely bought him some new games and figures as a way to apologize for yelling at him and you two made up.
Rest assured, Levi listens to you way more after that. You being mad at him is upsetting and kinda scary to him.
Satan was being a typical cynical smartass and talking about what tricks he’ll attempt on Lucifer today.
The past THREE times you, he and Belphie tried to pull pranks on Lucifer, you were one step ahead and you just DID not have the energy for it anymore.
“Hey Satan..~” you say sweetly to lure him in.
“Mmm?” he asked, distractedly.
“Shut...the F**K up!” you snapped, irritated at him.
Now...There are really two ways the Avatar or Wrath can take being told to shut up, let alone to shut the f up. 
If you are LUCKY...Satan will laugh it off with an amused chuckle that you’re trying to intimidate him
Your luck runs out of you try and elaborate on that WHILE he’s laughing.
You’re dead. You’ve dug your own grave and you are DEAD. He’ll PROBABLY grab you by the throat if that REALLY pissed him off.
“What the F**K...did you just say to me you weak, breakable little twerp?” he asks in that calm, serial killer like tone that let’s you know you’re dead meat.
That’s when you run, you knock some books in his path and you run!
You don’t stop running until you find Lucifer to make Satan calm the hell down.
It’s probably best if you two don’t talk to one another for a few days.
Satan is secretly shocked and upset his image of you being the innocent one is shattered...for like, a SECOND. That is until he realizes...he LIKES to see you angry...and he WILL use this newfound enjoyment against you.
You go to apologize, but he yanks you in, pins you to the wall like he’s going to hurt you...but smirks and says in his most smarmy and CONDESCENDING tone.
“You’re even cuter when you’re mad~ I won’t hurt you over this...at least not in the way I had intended~” he teases before pecking your nose and walking away like the tease he is.
He could be such a bitch sometimes.
You were honestly pretty jealous of the people who Asmo had been flirting with. To the point it was really starting to irritate you. Especially if he spoke about how cute OTHER people were while you were there.
When he got to talking about something hot someone else has that you are self conscious over…you just lost it.
Asmo blinked at you, shocked you would even WANT to shriek at someone as beautiful as him. After thinking it over for a second, not even looking offended, just surprised, he grew a small smirk.
You see, kids, if events have taught us anything, it’s that you can’t get angry at Asmo…cus his horny-ass just thinks you’re being forceful or aggressive and he enjoys it.
“My, my~ This is an INTERESTING change of pace, (Y/N). I sense that someone is jealous over my attention being away from them~! Of course, it’s not like I blame you~! I’m so beautiful, ANYONE would fight over me~” he bragged.
You were just so done with his nonsense, you were about to leave, but you felt him grab your wrist all of a sudden. He tugged you close and stroked your chin with a sly smirk.
“That being said, I think I LIKE seeing you raise your voice at me~ Do it some more, (Y/N)~ Pretty please~❤”
Yep, you were gone. You couldn’t with his flirty shit right now. You were still mad, you just had the deepest blush across your cheeks.
Asmo kept trying to make you jealous so you would bark at him. You opened a new kink for him to say the least.
You know what DID end up getting to him though? When you looked the person he was flirting with dead in the eye and said “You can have him..” like you were giving away something you didn’t even want.
THAT’S when he got offended. He was maaaaaaaad.
“(Y/N)! How could you SAY such a thing?! Do you not want me or something?!” he asked, pouting up a storm.
Well, you wanted to get a reaction out of him, you just didn’t expect it to go like THAT.
He tries to give you the cold shoulder, but he wants your attention too much to keep it up, so he eventually sits beside you with a pout on his lips and his arms folded.
“I’m willing to apologize for flirting with other demons...but only if you apologize for that comment earlier.” He said
You eventually do apologize, cus even if you love him, a whiny Asmo can get emotionally tiring. You promise him you mean every word of apology…and then he tackles you with hugs and kisses.
You may or may not regret apologize just for that alone, but at least he’s happy.
Beel ate something you were saving for later. Usually he wouldn’t because he would want to eat something like that WITH you since it was yours. Sometimes it wasn’t even that big of a deal to you because you could just get more. ((I know all the foodies in the audience are looking at me funny for writing that. Look guys, unless it’s something I haven’t had in a while, I don’t personally care if someone eats my food.))
 But this time it was different. It was a special treat someone close to you had brought just for you before you got to the Devildom. Maybe even they last time you’d see them for a long time, not just the year you were in the Devildom. It’s not the last time you see them ever because it’s not gonna be THAT depressing guys.
You had written your name and everything on it, but Beel was in his hungry stages…like CLOSE to demon form stages.
You saw the carnage left over from this special treat. Beel was JUST apologize when you snapped.
“TURNING INTO A DEMON PUT YOUR BRAIN IN YOUR STOMACH, DIDN’T IT?!” you snapped. Beel was like…legit surprised to see this coming from YOU of all people. You were such a small, sweet little human the rest of the time and here you were, yelling at him.
Yelling at Beel definitely caused some instant regret, because the boy couldn’t help himself. Now YOU were about to apologize when Beel interrupted.
“I-I’m so sorry (Y/N). I didn’t realize how much it meant to you. I should have gotten one of my brothers to call you…o-or told you on my D.D.D so we could’ve…I’m sorry.” He said, frowning. “I promise, I’ll make up for this…I’ll go to the human world and get the person who made it if I have to.” He said, leaving you alone.
Well you sure felt like a jackass now. Yeah, out of all the brothers, Beel is probably the most understanding, so you legit feel like an ass after yelling at him. You texted and said your apology over and over to him, but he either wouldn’t reply because he was trying to re-create it or insisting it was hit fault.
Belphie is pretty pissed you yelled at Beel like that, but you did tell him you didn’t mean for it to slip out and explain the situation.
He doesn’t get the sentimental value like you or Beel do, but he soon gets you really ARE sorry and leaves you alone about it.
Beel eventually calls you over and he made a BUNCH of the food he ate on you. Some he got his brothers or Barbados to help him with, but a lot were made by him.
This freaking teddy bear of a demon worked his wings off to make it up to you. Of COURSE you two forgive each other.
The flavor probably isn’t EXACTLY like the one he ate on you, but you felt the love put into it none the less and you at least have a new fond memory of that food. You may need help eating it all though.
The whole house eats that dish for a while. You even get Solomon, the angels and even Diavolo to help clean out the supply.
Beel’s more than happy to help though. It’s also just as well you won’t see the person who gave you the original for a while. You get sick of it pretty quick…but seeing Beel smile over it does help bring enjoyment back to the flavor.
It was either like Satan where he got you in trouble with Lucifer or he slept in and missed out on something important. Either way, you were fed up with Belphie showing up late to things or not showing up at all
As soon as he woke up, he just gave you an innocent looking, bus clearly condescending smile, much like when he used to lie to your face. You sure let him have it in the middle of his smart ass tone.
Now kinda like Satan, at first Belphie’s response to this is to get angry right away. His face gradually lowers and he kinda towers over you like he’s trying to intimidate you and, if you remember what he did in another timeline, it kinda works to a degree.
“The hell did you just say to me? I killed you once, I’ll do it again if I wanted to.” He was hoping to catch you off guard and laugh at you once you got scared of him, but you were still just so mad at him, you were ready to call his bluff.
Okay, THAT was a scorcher tho! That knocked the damn wind out of him. He knew for a FACT, you would never bring him being in the attic into this, so he KNEW he had legit pissed you right off. He just kinda took a step back in surprise.
“Okay, damn…I wasn’t being serious.” He said, picking up his pillow and walking away, shaking his head slightly. “You humans are so sensitive at times.
Out of all the brothers, as surprised as he is by your outburst, he probably cares the least. You know how he is with Lucifer, so he’ll likely use this as a means to push your buttons too.
You don’t want to talk to him, but he will STILL give you a smarmy “Are you done being a child yet?” JUST to get on your nerves.
Beel can see that it’s not just putting a damper on your mood, but Belphie’s too, because as much as he wants to uphold how much of a smartass he is, he’s finding it harder to take naps knowing he upset you.
The twins talk it out and Belphie admits defeat, waiting til you’re alone in your room to go see you. He says nothing, comes in and sits on your bed, gesturing you sit beside him and resting his head on your lap.
“I’m sorry I kept pushing you…I didn’t realize how much I actually upset you and I’ll try not to sleep in as much if it’s for you..” he said softly.
You stroked his hair slowly and kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry I yelled at you..the attic thing was too far.” You said.
Belphie smiled and wrapped his arms around you, keeping you in place. “You can make it up to me by letting me sleep on you.
He did actually make better effort into showing up and it only cost more naps while holding you, so best make sure you don’t have anywhere to be for the next few hours. Belphie will lock you in place.
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firebunnylover · 6 years
LoSH SU AU/Shards AU - Part 2 - Characters
Welp, this is officially the longer part of the AU explained post. Follow up to the first post here, this time going into the characters that are established so far.
Also. Don’t be surprised by who gets the biggest section.
The Crystal Legion (i apologize if i miss anyone you wanted to see on the list, its really hard to keep track of all of them, it's like herding kittens - but i'm trying to hit the main ones first, or at least the ones ive fleshed out so far - when i finish coming up with the others i'll make another post for characters).
To clarify on who the Leadership positions “belong” to in the main timeframe, it’s Superman, Kell, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl.
While the origin of Superman and Kell are still relatively to the original idea I posted (my idea of Pink back then has been obliterated...), where they were intended to be a single type gem made from an asteroid (preferably a Ruby duo for missions), but came out as a Ruby and Sapphire, and far too big. They came out just as Rose and Zhay started causing problems on Earth for the Homeworld colonizing efforts, so the Blue Diamond then had them go to earth to find the rebels with the offer that they will not be shattered due to being off-color.
Kal El, or as humans from the 20th century and onwards would call him, Clark, lacks pristine future vision desired from Sapphires. He usually gets fuzzy visions that can vary quite quickly depending on the different actions taken, rarely seeing anything clear happening in the future. He quickly fell in love with the Earth when he came across a human settlement and was taken in, where he was given the name Superman due to his unique abilities.
He almost forgot about his original mission, but was rudely reminded when he found Homeworld Gems trying to kidnap people to bring to the zoo. He quickly sided with the humans and fought off the other Gems, making him wanted by Homeworld. Rose caught wind about him, and went to see him. He was rather easy to persuade to join them, but served as the prompt to fight for other gems.
After the war, Kal spent more times with humans again, constantly helping whoever he can. Gained a fondness for children, and came to want one for himself. The problem being that when he learned of adoption, he came to think that he could take in children who don’t have any parents around in the immediate area. It got so bad that the other Gems finally built a fence when the human population got over 50 and a literal mob formed - the humans were scared away but enough was enough.
But you do not want to bring children any harm in his presence, for he will thrash you good. Signed up as a foster parent in the beach area, but due to a low population, never got to foster any kids. Was thrilled to help raise Cham as a baby… but was one of the few Gems that understood how to care for a human baby, and as a result got sleep deprived.
Kell El was, more or less, the unwilling tag along. Unlike Kal, he wasn’t as entranced with Earth or Humanity, sticking to his task of finding the Rebels, but as Rose was just about impossible to find for some reason (she figured out how to quickly get out of the last places she was spotted), he started making return trips where he had left Kal, the human settlement, as he was the only other gem for company.
When the Homeworld gems came to bring humans to the zoo, he found himself being flocked to by the humans as Kal was fighting off the invaders. Since he wasn’t witnessed by Homeworld soldiers, he wasn’t put on a wanted list. But quickly realized that even if he were to capture the rebels, that wouldn’t really be a guarantee on his safety, after stumbling into a Kindergarten and witnessing two new off-color gems being caught immediately, one being shattered and the other one being bubbled away. So he joined the rebels out of spite.
Post war, Kell was still not too crazy about Earth, but had developed a soft spot for the other gems he was still with, choosing to stay with them. His interactions with humans however got worse. They get angry, he gets angry, ugly fights. And then his worst habit came into development - stepping on others. Due to his larger-than-average-ruby size, he fails to notice anything below his torso unless it yells at him. This did not go well when Superman witnessed him stepping on several children. Kell found himself bubbled for an hour as a time out.
Rokk/Cosmic Boy was a standard Amethyst for guard duty, and had developed magnetic powers as a result of the soil of his kindergarten. However, he would join the rebels when he became fond of Imra and Garth, who he worked with. A few hundred years into the war, he found an Amethyst that had emerged late that came out from underneath where he did, thus was stunted in height. The small Amethyst imprinted on Rokk, prompting him to follow him back to the rebels, and was dubbed Pol. Soon, he and Pol became the closest gem duo, Pol constantly looking up to Rokk, and aspiring to live up to him. In an effort to impress Rokk though, Pol was shattered on the battlefield. This left a lasting mental scar, as Rokk was too afraid afterwards to even consider letting anyone he considers too young to join any fights or missions.
Garth, and Ayla, are both Orange Celestites with their gems cut, as Celestites are designated to having twin partners upon being made, and are typically meant to be higher than a quartz in term of rank. Was the one who convinced Rokk to follow after Imra when she left to join the rebels. Garth’s gem has one crack in it, which he got after Rose’s death, and he uses barite to fill it. Ayla is almost completely broken, thus she is kept in a bubble in the temple, as using a filling agent could cause more harm than good in her case. Lightning Lad… has a huge ego problem due to a combo of being both a rare cut and color of his gem type that are highly valued warriors in homeworld, and being seen as a hero on Earth.
Imra as a Rhodochrosite is a gem meant for controlling other gems and interrogation, with both psychic abilities and strength. But she preferred to talk things out with others rather than using force if possible, eventually finding herself fighting against the system and going to the Crystal Gems. Her discomfort on reading other minds without permission was the main reason why she never found out Rose’s true identity. Helped Garth and Rokk hold themselves together due to the states of the gems they were closest to. While not as into humans as Superman, she’s inclined to help them out, as she is more empathetic due to her powers, although she does draw a line with the whole adoption/abduction thing.
Querl was a Tourmaline made during the war, along with several other gems as Rough Diamonds, thus given the second name Brainiac 5 as he is among the 5th Gem to be inserted with a shard of the original Green Diamond, as new and artificial Diamonds were formed by Alchemy rather than the traditional method of gem creations. Rough Diamonds are engineered to be unable to discuss anything related to diamonds unless they get some kind of wave of the order not to say anything, so while Pink/Rose was suspicious of who he was, there was no way to get a clear answer.
Was quite literally dragged over to the Crystal Gems when Zhay and Kell captured him from Yellow Diamond’s court as a hostage. Despite that, he was rather indifferent towards the war on both sides, UNTIL he met Sapphire Superman, who he fell head over heels. Afterwards, he warmed up to the Crystal Gems and their purpose and sided fully with them, and grew fascinated with organic life, humans and their ability to change as a culture and evolve. Will not hesitate to dissect them though.
Brainy is responsible for inspecting everyone’s gems to make sure they are in good condition, and was the one who initially discovered that Kal and Kell both had shards in their gems. He insists on doing an inspection every earth year. Which everyone dreads. It’s like dental appointments for gems.
For the most part, life on Earth is good... at least... until his gem got a crack. That caused him... personality problems.
Tinya is an Obsidian from White Diamond’s court. She was previously under the care of a very kind Agate who did her best to treat gems equally under her and encouraged and/or pushed better treatment for gems designated to the lower classes, but frustration with the system and the inability to change it left Tinya cynical about Homeworld’s order and structure, fleeing to earth to assist the rebellion, hoping the new order will flip everything over. Still carries a lot of pride with herself, and is the troublemaker of the group as she now has no more high-court duties to worry about. Had only met White Diamond once, and she refuses to discuss what exactly happened.
Timber Wolf is a Jasper made on earth, not for fighting, but to experiment on. Was left with Mar Londo, a grey Agate put in charge of a new science program under Yellow Diamond to help further the war efforts. He was put under limited corruption on the physical level before being moved onto the mental stage, but escaped before the mental stage was finished. Upon being found by  the Crystal Gems, Rose healed him enough to help him regain control mentally, but remained physically corrupted. Had a lot of respect for Zhay as they were both Jaspers, and was the only other gem who understood what she went through when she was partially corrupted. 
Was and still is constantly mistaken for a werewolf by humans, and has come to have a love-hate relationship with the fall holiday… Halloween. On one hand, he can walk around without too many eyes on him. On the other hand, there are the humans that try to remove what they think is a costume, those odd movies with werewolves (some he can tolerate, others he burns whatever copies he comes across), and the candy eaters.
Bouncing Boy, a Dumotierite Quartz, was one of the gems that emerged after the war. He was very quick to adapt to life on earth and human culture, never knowing the stress of Homeworld expectations, and took the human name Chuck. The softest gem to ever exist, what Rose aspired to be but couldn’t fully capture - a caring person to those in need, and better at connecting to others in full honesty. 
Prefers to shapeshift into a ball rather than summon a weapon for fighting. Is one of about half the gems that can tolerate eating, and likes it. Had more familiarity with raising human children, but his supplies of horror films he stashes has led to Cham watching films at a very young age that did give him nightmares.
Triplicate Girl came out of the ground long after the war… but it was before she was ever expected to. One of the earliest prototypes of the cluster, rather than being composed of shattered gems, her gems were deliberately designed to resemble a phantom quartz: Amethyst and Citrine together, encased in White Quartz. Due to the appearance, it was assumed she was a byproduct of the rushed gem production on Earth during the war. Came out looking more like the cluster prototypes, but due to the fact she’s not composed of shattered gems, was able to reshape herself to resemble a more human shape eventually. Was found by Bouncing Boy, and they bonded quickly.
As for the ability to split into three - she can split her light formation into three separate entities with distinct personalities, as a result of her gem being three different quartz types. However, the personality that has their gem depends on which one splits away first - whoever separates from the body first gets the gem, so they all get equal grabs on it. However, her ability to split up is limited by distance and time. A few days to a few week of her being separate is usually okay, but after a while, has to get back together otherwise they risk getting poofed due to the strain.
Shrinking Violet was a tourmaline that came out after Triplicate Girl. Her extended stay in the ground didn’t stunt her growth, but it did cause her shape shifting problems, as she can only shrink down from her original size. Curious on homeworld gems, she began pestering Brainy, as they are the same type of gem despite the different shapes - his is finely cut while hers is polished. While initially annoyed, Brainy found himself enjoying her company, as there finally was someone able to keep up with his scientific ramblings. Enjoys experimenting with mechanics and botany. Was captured by human children once as she was mistaken for a fairy. She eventually got out though. Can and will curse like a sailor.
Nemesis Kid/Hart is the youngest of the gems to come from the Earth, only coming out 500 years prior to the main events. As a Gaspeite, he was designed to act as an high-ranking enforcer for Homeworld with the ability to neutralize the ability of other gems. But that clearly isn't happening on Earth. As there is an age gap between him and the last few gems that came out before him by almost 700 years, he wandered around the Kindergarten before being found my Cosmic Boy and was taken to the others. Like Pol, he came to look up to Cosmic Boy as an idol, but due to Rokk’s strict rules on no young gems coming on missions, he has only been allowed during the last 50 years to come along.
Chameleon Boy, aka Reep, learned shapeshifting faster than any of the other gems, much to others confusion, who would all take a while to figure out how to adjust their forms. As a baby, everyone was constantly on alert when he was unable to be found, worried he might have shapeshifted into a small animal. During which Kell was forbidden to be anywhere NEAR the house by 300 feet, as he had stepped on Cham before - in his regular baby form.
As he got older, Cham quickly picked up on the odd glances made by everyone when anyone remotely mentioned Rose and Zhay, and learned quickly about the relationship between the two that the Legion knew, the shattering of Pink Diamond, and how his mom fell into a depression afterwards.
He has started a habit of sneaking out of the house to follow other gems during missions due to the sheer boredom, as well as influence from Tinya. Although Superman has been trying to convince the others to give him a trial mission.
Sometimes he will shapeshift to look like a regular human, but he can’t maintain it for long, compared to all of his other forms. He’s not really sure why.
Liggt, while looking like a fully corrupted gem - his appearance slightly similar to a sea slug, is aware of who he is and of his surroundings. However, Cham is the only one able to communicate with him, and Liggt tends to take long periods of sleep. Has a rather cheeky attitude towards humans, prides himself on being the son of Zhay. Is very soft, as he doesn't seem to have any bones, doesn’t get injured easily, and lacks a full nervous system, so Kell could step on him and the little guy wouldn’t notice much. Until the other gems are chasing after Kell.
Val Armorr is 100% human. He was on the run from the foster system before being adopted by the gems, and Cham began dragging him along when following after the other gems. Superman quickly noticed Val was very good at fighting, so he began teaching him how to spar efficiently. He is still adjusting to the gems and their lack of understanding of humans stuff.
As for life before the Crystal Legion… it had a bad start. His father was abusive towards him and his mom, and his mom began taking it out on him. When child services came when he was 6, his maternal grandparents didn't want anything to do with him. He got taken in by an elderly man named Toshiaki for a few years, who taught him how to fight, but he passed away when Val was 10. Since then he had been in and out of different foster homes before deciding to try making it by himself. 
There’s been few people he’s willingly kept in touch from this period of time, one of them another foster kid who decided to also make it on his own - Billy Batson.
As for how he got stuck with the Legion, that’s for later discussions.
Gems and Humans that aren’t immediate members of the Legion - initially at least:
Lois Lane was a reporter during the Roaring 20’s, and literally broke into the temple at the beach to get evidence of the “Odd Jewelry Fellows” residing in what people considered an old cave. Superman found her, helped her get out as the rest of the gems were not in the best of moods and had a less than gentle method of removing things not meant for the temple, and was quickly smitten by her. After a while, he asked her out and they began to date, as well as go on investigations together. It didn’t last, but they remained good friends, all the way up to the current time period. 
Also due to her explaining how humans can adopt children that aren’t genetically theirs, its her fault that the other gems eventually had to put up a fence because of Superman (HE CAME OVER TO HER PLACE AND CRIED FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT). Is over 100 currently, and it may or may not be related to her time with the gems.
RJ Brande is a successful businessman from Texas who enjoys travel a lot, and loved Zhay. He had problems back home due to his more liberal views on things compared to his traditional/conservative Southern family. So that was something he and Zhay could immediately relate to. Encouraged Zhay to try to reconnect to the remaining gems - and it went better than expected. 
Hasn’t contacted his immediate family in years - he doesn’t want them targeting his twin boys due to their unhuman appearance, and their gem peers. Despite having to be out of town most of time, he makes an effort to drop by as often as possible, and to Video Call Cham as often as possible. Quickly welcomed Val to the family, and doesn’t press for details on his past.
Bruce Wayne - much like in the DC comics, a rich business owner with an alter-ego named Batman who fights crime. Does do the vigilante justice stuff in the Empire City of the AU, tracks down the Gems when he’s dealing with a bunch of criminals using shattered remains for bad crime stuff. Has already adopted kids - the batkids are equivalent to the Cool Kids (haven’t decided if he has all the batkids yet or if he still has to adopt a few more - Dick Greyson is definitely there tho). Has been hitting on Clark, and acting like a Sugar Daddy at times. Everyone in the Crystal Legion is semi-dreading the two actually being together because that would be two people with the vice of trying to adopt every single child ever.
Mekt is an off-color blue celestite. He didn’t have a twin when he came out of the ground, but as the war was going on at this point, no resources were to be wasted. So rather than being shattered, he was assigned to be an imitation Pearl - equivalent to a real Pearl with status and decorated and given makeup to look like one as much as possible, but more widely available and usually given to newer-high status gems before they get new Pearls. He got handed around for several years before his final owner, a Golden Beryl. His last owner was nice, and they did have a relationship, but there were on uneven levels of power for their relationship to really work in a healthy manner. Mekt eventually left with Ayla to join the Crystal Gems upon her persuasion. But like Garth and Ayla, his gem got cracked, although his were thin and across his whole surface, compared to Garth.
Post war, he left the Crystal Legion, and ambled across different cultures with humans, although whenever he needed to get more filling to replace what he lost, he would need to find Brainy to help, which was usually about half a century. Unlike the Legion, he did get into more sinister activities during his time after the war. During the 20’s, his more notable activity then was working with a mafia - as both a callboy and for dirty business involving alcohol as prohibition became a thing.
Later on, Brainy dragged him to the Temple to get his cracks filled, just a few months after Reep and Liggt were born. He had some experience with helping with babies before, and was appalled by the majority of other gems because they didn’t know squat about how to properly care for babies. As Superman was in desperate need of sleep (despite denial) and the other gems had missions to go on, Mekt was put in the babysitter position. Due to the soft spots he had for children, Mekt got a job to get stuff for them when RJ wasn’t necessarily available and the other gems said no. He will not tell the kids what TYPE of job. Not illegal. Just adult stuff.
As for serious relationships… he is attracted to Kell. Kell, being the oblivious one, can’t figure out when Mekt is flirting with him, at all, for the last 5000 years.
In regards to him being a Celestite vs his position in homeworld culture as an imitation Pearl, he sincerely wishes he was created as a Pearl, similar to people being trans. So he experiences some body dysphoria in regards to his gem not being a Pearl. He hasn’t told anyone about it outloud though. Well, no one in the Legion currently.
The late arrivals from Space - that would be Ron Karr, a Peridot. Like Peri in the show, he is in charge of checking the status of the cluster. He eventually comes to Earth with backup after he complains about the gems on Earth interrupting his mission, getting stuck on what he considered... filthy dirt ball at the time.
He’s one of the few Gen 2 Peridots that can still shapeshift, which he’s as good at as Cham, although he’s still stunted in height. As for his relationship with Mekt, as they were teammates in the LSV in the cartoon show, Ron-Karr quickly writes him off as some cheap faux-pearl and even offers to be his new owner, which served as a catalyst for the two to have a fight. But afterwards, they smoothed things out, and form a pretty calm friendship. So calm they end of being roommates at the barn.
Has called a Diamond a clod. Notably the Diamond who replaced Pink shortly after the war.
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vanogla · 7 years
got any vanogla headcanons? idc if its in au or not all i know is that I Need Vanogla Content Or I'll Die.
aw fuck don’t die i need every vanogla fan alive if i want to grow my empire 
ah jeez, this list is going to be a friggin’ mess so it’ll be under a cut-
general headcanons
here’s my base for hcs when i watch their videos. please remember that these are merely headcanons and may not be true!
*Evan’s only mean to David when Tyler is around; when they’re alone they laugh literally every other sentence and make harmless jokes and its all feel good banter 👍
*they’re both awkward in public and avoid PDA; if u ask them abt their (established) relationship they’ll be very tight-lipped abt it(・θ・)
*its not a headcanon that they’re both born in the same year :) you may have noticed that i draw Evan’s height in line with David’s caterpillar eyebrows so that’s my height diff hc :D
*imo Evan never uses pet names or terms of endearments with David, he’s not comfortable with it, and the furthest he’ll go is “babe”. David comes up with the shittiest, most obnoxious nicknames for Evan as much as possible to make up for it tho, and he’s not afraid to embarrass Evan in public with them xD however the only legit terms of endearment David uses are “dear” and “darling” cuz he’s an old man at heart
*this one is a rather unpopular one but i can never see Evan casually calling daithi “David” instead of “Nogla”. I know its like a relationship milestone to call him by his first name, but i cant see it happening unless its for a joke (e.g David Blaine from one of the vids) so imo daithi will forever be “Nogla” to Evan. (However if it’s AU im completely 100% all for it yes)
*Evan isn’t as smart as David thinks he is (tbh David puts him on a pedestal), and Evan doesn’t actually think David is stupid or dim (shown when he calls David “smurt” when he gives a good idea). i fuckin love it when they discuss solutions to the game together because they’re so quiet and serious in those moments :>
*surprisingly Evan overthinks more than David does; he’s actually a doubtful guy. David’s generally more impulsive than Evan, but he can form a black-or-white opinion depending on the facts he’s given. Evan on the other hand will stay in the grey area- he’ll find some way to balance out both sides (unless it’s morally wrong then hell no- he’s def picking a side)
*idk how to explain this one but i really love the way they say each other’s names. I noticed in some videos that David will keep calling “Evan” multiple times to get his attention and same goes for Evan repeating “Nogla” a buncha times to show or tell David something- and i just find it really cute and dorky.. if i could i would compile all of these moments together (T▽T)
*just sayin’: when they call each other ‘owl’ and ‘lobster’ it sounds flirty as fuck
*this is sappy but i definitely think that Evan is 100% himself when he’s with David. With David, he doesnt have to be the coolass-motherfucker-with-awesome-one-liners, and instead he openly giggles and asks for help/affection without having to filter himself to sound cool (i think this can be seen in some of their videos as well). although he isn’t as comfortable with David when other ppl are around, when they’re on their own Evan can always count on David to be encouraging, supportive and playing along with Evan’s jokes so that’s why Evan is so comfortable with David ( ´ ▽ ` )
*fuckin hell they’ll always come back together; whether as friends or lovers they could never permanently cut each other out of their lives because their lives are so entwined with each other- David having Evan in his thumbnails/in the title, Evan laughing at David’s shenanigans are the highlight of his videos- and no matter how harsh they seem with each other they’ll always bounce back in the end :’)
*i think that they have a closer relationship than casual viewers of the crew think, and so they are forever a memorable aspect of each others lives (ye, theyre my OTP and BrOTP ヽ( ´¬`)ノ) 
*despite all’a this, i dont think they need each other, of course they can be independent and go their separate ways. but i just know for a fact that sooner or later they’re gonna see something that reminds them of the other and the memories will remind them of good times ^_^
*err i have like, 1 solid nsfw one and that is neither of them like penetration so they rarely do it. Its not because i have anything against anal, its because i don’t see either of them as people who enjoy being penetrated. Generally I don’t see them as a pair who’d have sex often anyway (^_^;) -however when they do they’d be laughing so much thru it ◎▼◎ (ill be posting a list for this veryverysoon! [update: here it is])
additional headcanons
here’s some of my indulgent hcs ^_^ here’s where the good stuffs at, cuz the general hcs don’t necessarily apply to these ones:
*David pining is my favourite thing ever like he’ll write a lot of songs abt Evan and he’ll post them and say that it’s not for anyone in particular but its a fucking lie because he literally has only one person on his mind when he writes it and sings it but he’ll never tell anyone and he sure as hell won’t tell Evan
*Evan pining is also v good yes :’) He’s fuckin scared that David’ll know that he has a soft spot for the Irish prick so he hides it with jabs and insults. but sometimes his fondness slips thru and his laugh comes out a lot warmer than he’d intended and his eyes linger on David and for a split second it feels like he knows, he fucking knows and yeah it scares him so in the end both of them think their feelings are unrequited woohoo
*i have a love/hate relationship with whipped!Evan cuz it feels like i stripped him of his personality but its the only way i can get him to shower David with affection so Welp he’s staying for the fluff
*whipped!Evan snippets: Evan longingly gazing at David like David would disappear the moment he blinks + Evan being bold and chasing after David because ‘you’re a part of this mess, we’re in this together whether you like it or not’ will really fuck me up
*Evan isn’t as giggly in some of my AUs. i like playing around with his GTA or Gmod-roleplaying personality so he can get pretty closed-off depending on the au. most of the time when he’s in this character, David will be the lighthearted and cheeky one to balance it out c:
*i love to treat David well but i also love to wreck him so cynical!David or insecure!David are some of my fav angst hcs cuz both’ll make him very very frustrated lol
*following the last point, David’s usually the one to fall in love first, but he’s also the one to doubt their relationship- so he’s hesitant of commitment and he’ll say stupid shit just to see if Evan will stay with him despite his flaws. 
*lowkey hero/villain au: the way bad-guy-David taunts good-guy-Evan with “little owl” or “little bird” or “plucking/ruffling yer feathers” is like, h o l y shit yes. (And don’t tell me you cant imagine Evan yelling “YOU’RE GOING DOWN” xD)
*for one of my soulmate aus, they’re not soulmates. they’re just two people who fell in love and decided to stay together despite the fact that they’re not “meant to be” cuz they feel like their relationship is valid, even if it doesn’t match up to society’s expectations. another one is that they are soulmates, but despite knowing that they’re supposed to be the perfect complement to each other, their personalities are incompatible as fuck and honestly it’s a mess of misunderstandings hahaha.
*that nsfw hc mentioned previously does not apply to most of my AUs by the way- ngl there’s a lot of sexual tension in my AUs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aye that pree much sums up my main headcanons (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ 
ive got a few more headcanons for cop au but that’ll come out another day on another post xD also i have a lot of hcs for other aus that ive never fully developed, perhaps ill post those someday as well lol
also sorry for the wait, i hope ye enjoyed despite this being late (::)
holy shit im so obsessed with these two i spent 4 hours typing+editing this fuck
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