#this is exactly how the transition is cut in the show and it's SO funny
Hear me out, MC is in the beauty or maybe even the fashion industry? And if this company is something they've created with their own two hands from nothing instead of it being a case of an already existing one switching leadership roles, they probably are also the face of their brand too, which isn't much of an issue when you're young and hot, but now you're in your 30s? Signs of aging are popping up and your body's changing. Sure, MC's still hot, but are they just 30s hot? Not to mention it's kinda hard to feel that way when the nature of beauty and fashion is so superficial and reliant on youth, youth that is slowly slipping away from you. I mean I don't think 30s is old at all but especially for women it's hard out there. Also twink death???? Do you stop showing up in your brand's advertising and marketing? Do you shift audiences? Do you change aesthetics if it was originally so heavily tied to you as a person? Do you double down and risk being seen as an old person trying to stay as young as they were before? At what point do you transition styles? And who do you find comfort in when it seems like you're running out of time, everyone around you is already coupled up, and you've had no luck after your divorce? And you know, if MC modeled for their brand they're probably on advertisements that the ROs see out and about, means nothing to B who has no idea who we are until the vacation, might be bittersweet to M who's probably happy MC is doing well after they lost contact, and hell for post divorce E who just can't escape their ex.
On a more lighthearted note, I think it's funny to imagine a MC that goes from super cool and rebellious to full on parent stereotype. Sorry you had to find out this way dear son that your kinda cringe dad who wears hawaiian shirts with cargo shorts and sandals with the most aggressive tan lines and hairy legs used to be everyone's dreamy bad boy type back in the day. People used to give everything up to be with him but now he hosts a neighborhood cookout every month and falls asleep at exactly 6:47pm in his recliner while the TV's on.
Haunts E? Yeah, that sounds like something MC would do. Pretty sure B would be freaking star-struck, and have hearts in their eyes instead. Hey, don't cut M slack, they'd be highly into it, trust me.
MC's son, looking at them starry-eyed: Teach me your ways!
If you are the same anon, who talked about untapped angst potential, I see it. I see it, now. Currently omw to the computer as we speak ✍️ Also bad-boy MC turned good sounds like fun to write.
Ah, the flavor text.
(Totally ignoring the fact that I have to slave away for it. I spent ten minutes figuring out why the code kept giving me an error only to realize how terrible my indenting was.)
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I have a funny prompt. Prometheus as dreamofthemaidenless posts. Basically how you think that Dream rp blog would talk about Prometheus (I think almost everyone in the Sandman fandom is familiar with that blog at this point)
You should know that I laughed SO hard when I got this prompt, I love this so much. I'm not sure I got the delivery exactly right on all of these, but I had a lot of fun making them XD
Obviously credit to @dreamofthemaidenless for this very particular style of humor lmao
dreamofthemaidenless: there's a reason i called them nyx you know. easy to spell. mervyn helps manage the records sometimes and i keep getting notes addressed to promeethiyus
dreamofthemaidenless: lucienne just called me transphobic for rewriting prometheus again so now i'm wearing a rainbow shirt under my robes. you can't see it but i'm told the vibes are there
dreamofthemaidenless: explaining to prometheus that their name was nyx because we could only afford 3 letters due to budget cuts and now their new name should be Lit. like fire.
dreamofthemaidenless: yeah i'm keeping prometheus around this time. every time i rewrite them the corinthian gets all bitey again
dreamofthemaidenless: rewrote prometheus again and now the whole dreaming smells like toasted marshmallows. i think i did something wrong. please standby.
dreamofthemaidenless: intentionally sending the wrong nightmare to a dreamer just bc i'm bored and i want to see how the fight goes down
dreamofthemaidenless: prometheus in the dreaming is like that pack of wolves they introduced to yellowstone. population control.
dreamofthemaidenless: small children have been dreaming of something called "nimona" recently. lots of "go back to the shadows from whence you came" and all that. has anyone seen prometheus.
dreamofthemaidenless: so proud of all my nightmares that became dreams. gault and that other one really showed some agency. good work team.
dreamofthemaidenless: lost prometheus again. how does this keep happening. where do they go.
dreamofthemaidenless: called prometheus nyx again and matthew started lecturing me on what a deadname is. however i have access to the entire collective unconscious and already knew what a deadname is. and i rewrote prometheus again last week.
dreamofthemaidenless: in honor of pride month i would like to remind everyone that prometheus was 14,591 years old when they started their transition journey. and look at them now. it's not too late for you.
dreamofthemaidenless: prometheus keeps bringing light to all the dark corners of the dreaming and it's ruining my carefully cultivated emo aesthetic.
dreamofthemaidenless: what sort of psychological warfare must you wage in order to become romantically entangled with the corinthian. tried to call prometheus down to my castle to explain but they're still afraid of me.
dreamofthemaidenless: lost prometheus again. tried to put a leash on them this time but the corinthian immediately turned it into a kink thing and that brought such visceral and implacable discomfort that i blacked out and woke up covered in millipedes. chat do we have any suggestions
dreamofthemaidenless: tried to lure prometheus back to my castle with a tantalizing little piece of flame but they already have fire. what do they like? the dreamers? they'll always follow the dreamers. but lucienne tells me that kidnapping a child is a bad idea. her exact words were what the fuck is wrong with you. we'll be here for a while.
dreamofthemaidenless: blocking prometheus into their house on halloween night because i can sense over twelve thousand frankenstein's monsters walking around and well. fire bad.
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Venus Transits I tracked!
Descriptions from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
Venus opposite Moon (Apr 17 - Apr 21)
Any problems under this transit are likely to come from doing something to excess
Did I drink a whole bottle of wine on 4/20? yes. Was I feeling it the next day? yes lol Do I regret it? nope! I was trying to have a great night in and that's exactly what I had!
This transit arouses your affections and makes you willing to give and receive love, relationships with women are meaningful
I made this really good pasta with mussels and I invite my aunt to have dinner with me which is simple but I don't usually do that lol
The rest of this transit description was talking about problems in romantic relationships but I'm single soooo N/A
Venus opposite Mercury (Apr 18 - Apr 22)
Favorable time for communication about love and relationships
If you watch 911 you know how it's been this month lol but I've been enjoying watching people watch the show for the first time! Idk which day exactly but it had me thinking about how I used to write fics when I was younger and make fan videos of shows lol such a fun time! Then I had a convo with my bestie about her love live bc she's a late bloomer and naturally is scared of everything lmao
The mercurial side of your personality does not take emotional matters seriously
I forgot to pay attention to this lmfao but I know I was a joker this entire time! lmao I tried to cut back but everything was just toooo funny!!
Be careful what you say about friends and loved ones under this transit , someone may take it seriously
I made a separate entry about the last time this transit happened for me in 2021 so this time around I was very intentional to not talk about anybody lmao about to make myself a shirt like "My friends and I survived my Venus Opposite Mercury transit <3"
One of the most unemotional of all Venus transits
I don't know lol is laughter not an emotion? I was intrigued by this when I wrote it but maybe I would have experienced this if I didn't know it was happening? Or maybe it was something small like me laughing during the serious situation in a show bc the drama was just toooo much I had to laugh lmao
Venus trine MC (Apr 18 - Apr 22)
Good time for any kind of creative activity/getting involved in the arts
I randomly started cooking this pasta with mussels and I've never made it before and it came out so good!!
Excellent time to redecorate your home and make your personal surroundings more attractive, you are much more sensitive to the aesthetic nature of your surroundings
I did do my dishes and clean my kitchen!
Time when you feel very affectionate and have a great need to express your affection, you are pleasant to be around, others can sense how you feel about them which makes them feel good
I didn't really feel thisss? I'm usually pleasant to be around anyway lol but I did text a couple more friends during this time and we were laughing a lot
Transit makes you feel peaceful and anxious to avoid conflict
Bro this bc after my job messed up my pay last week they asked me to update my timesheet again and I was on that email and had it fixed in 2 minutes lmao just for my supervisor to be like oh she doesn't see it on her end like girl....i texted her pictures of my screen like it's there! Don't stress me out!
Venus square Neptune (Apr 21 - Apr 25)
Transit stimulates your romantic imagination making you somewhat unrealistic
As a libra with a pisces rising this was just another regular day lmao but I was more in my synchronicity bag because on 4/25 I started reading this book that I stopped reading last year on May 19 bc I left it in my friend's car for months and I was reading something else by the time I got it back buttttt the back of the page I stopped on the main character was talking about how the only place she had visited in Europe was Amsterdam and i was like ohmygod??? What are the odds that i was so close to reading that last year and it's now almost a year later and I travel to Amsterdam ON MAY 19???
Daydreaming and creativity are high
Idk if that counts but I stitched a tiktok on 4/23 and it's still getting engagement and it's at 50k+ views rn on 4/28 and like 7k+ likes lolll
Venus square Uranus (Apr 24 - Apr 28)
You seek excitement and stimulation through love relationships
single as a pringle lol
Tendency to flirt under this influence, don't make anything more out of an encounter than what it really is
I didn't go anywhere bc work had me working for real during this time and now it's the weekend and I have my period but one of my friends posted a story about how her outfit made her look like a teacher and I commented "What's 5x5? Twenty Fine!!" lmfaoo the corniest pick up line and I still think I was so funny for saying that lol
You are likely to be impulsive with money
yeah Sweetgreen has had me in a chokehold ngl lol every year I go through a phase where I get obsessed with a salad from there! $18 is absolutely wild but so so good! Just writing this makes me want to order again omg
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adultswim2021 · 3 months
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Metalocalypse #41: "Dethhealth" | November 23, 2009 - 12:30AM | S03E03
I watched season three when it was on television, but remember very little of it, and suspect that I haven’t actually rewatched any of these since they aired. Good thing I spent way too much money, probably, buying this brand new on blu-ray.
Dethklok have a brush with death when playing a concert meant to help a massive amount of pets get neutered. Fans bring their pets to get their balls cut off by a machine, which collects the nasty things in a big glass receptacle. Predictably, all hell breaks loose, and the Sphinx is destroyed, nearly flattening Dethklok. Suddenly, the band becomes very aware of their own mortality. This fear or “hamburger time” (the “making cotton candy” of this episode) causes the band to subject themselves to a variety of doctors visits. The doctors visits cause Murderface to doubt his sexuality, Nathan to befriend his clearly-suicidal dentist, and Toki to have a cat. Also: Pickles tests come back and it’s bad: he’s dying. 
This one is pretty great, but it still demonstrates the show’s transition to the half-hour format not being exactly seamless. In fact, there’s a case to be made that it barely hangs together and is more-or-less a collection of B-plotish vignettes. There are scenes that you know would’ve been snipped out if this were an eleven minute episode. The scene where they all demand a decadent beach vacation before going to the doctor and leave a desiccated beach in their extravagant wake feels especially superfluous. The dream sequences are cool, but they feel like padding. But if you're going to pad for time on this show, it should be with something nightmarish, like Nathan having his jaw get Ebert'd off his face. The saving grace is that a lot of it is pretty funny, so who really cares? Honestly, this shit being more cohesive sorta comes second to that. 
Pickles doesn’t wind up dead after all because it turns out his pee was switched with Toki’s cat’s, who dies, because anything Toki loves winds up dead. This one ends with a fairly delightful music video where Toki’s head appears on a cat’s body. It’s derivative of season one’s Dethkids, but again, it’s a fun cartoon with cussing in it. How could something with cussing in it be taken that seriously?
The post credits scene, where Nathan takes his dentist on a hunting trip in order to save him from suicide and he immediately says “check this out” and blows his own head off with his hunting rifle, is a memorable one. It’s the one part I remembered from this, hence me calling it "memorable".
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Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode 2.5 | November 23, 2009 - 11:30PM | Special
Okay, I am not going to watch this because fuuuuuuck that. This was an extended cut of the special, which I believe debuted on DVD. So, please enjoy the JPG of the DVD cover I put up there. I'm sure you are all loving that.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
continuing from the last post, we're back to izaya with the bag over his head and earthworm
and it's really interesting because he's animated in a way that makes you really, REALLY doubt that it's izaya
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ok it's hard to show in photo form but like. the way he tilts his head back and forth with earthworm moving the scissors makes him look wary and nervous? and you cant see his face but his body language is so far from relaxed that you're like oh they must have captured nakura or some other person. no way izaya's actually in there
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and after she asks about his sisters (you still cant see well in photo form but i gave you the timestamp and the episode number so :3) he shakes his head back and forth quickly with some kind of wobbly sound effect and it's so unlike izaya!!!! izaya wouldn't react to any of this right??
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and then we cut to here!! and it's like oh yeah that definitely isn't him. he's literally outside with mairu right now
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side note but awww they're so cute. im sure they're 100% normal mentally sound siblings who definitely didn't decide their personalities via a fucking coin flip ahahaha
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orihara family is so fucking weird. sometimes i wonder if izaya is good at dodging shizuo's attacks because he's used to his siblings attacking him all the time (which is really cute actually) or if his siblings saw him getting chased around by shizuo all the time and thought 'hey that looks fun' and decided to attack him too (decidedly less cute but a lot funnier)
im assuming it's the first one though since the twins have been doing martial arts probably before izaya was in high school?? probably
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it's funny how he's actually caught off guard here. like his ultra instinct carries him but he only turns after mairu makes a noise
like he's the king of environmental awareness as opposed to shizuo who kinda blocks everything out so this is hmMMMMm
mayhaps he lets his guard down around his siblings :eyes: ohoho do i sense a weakness orihara-san??
there was this line in the izaya youtuber au where namie is like damn i'm this proud at catching izaya off-guard for like a second?? my life is fucking sad. that's how i feel right now
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smug bitch
flexible characters get me going bro like vash the stampede. izaya. why do i keep grouping them together in my head like they're both human lovers (albeit for very different reasons) and they're both flexible and they're both voiced by johnny yong bosch. what's the deal here what is fate trying to tell me about my taste in fictional men
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i will never get tired of his acrobatics ugh
bro has a fuckin rectangular prism for an ass what is going ON there
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um. gayass
what was i talking about again OH YEAH the earthworm thing. well not like i can talk about that any more until we cut back there
im not taking screenshots of the entire "fight scene" (it's just izaya dodging and being a little shit like "oh woe is me why would you attack an innocent civilian in public??" (he's the one holding the knife, mikage's brother points out)
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and we're back! still not sure how exactly that works considering the transition between phones - was earthworm showing him the footage or something?? or playing the audio, because she asks about mikage right after
in any case izaya continues to keep his head low, visibly reacting to what she's saying/pouring the water but never saying anything
we switch away again to him talking to celty and we're at a really weird place where half of it feels like izaya's going to be under there and earthworm is actually getting to him this time, and we'll see through the flashbacks a series of fuck ups or how he planned to be here and be unphased but he's a little bit shaken by the torture methods
and the other half of it feels like oh, through the flashbacks we'll find out how exactly izaya caught on to them trying to capture him and made a stunt double
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the one post that's like "i dont see him complaining" continues to crack me up
we cut back to earthworm again but im running out room of this post lmAOOO
it's incredible how hard it is for me to stop talking like this is actually insane. see you guys in the continuation post i guess
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ursafootprints · 1 month
this isn't part of the ask games, but I'm curious: how do you create transitions between scenes/ideas? I often feel like your fics progress smoothly writing-wise, and before I know, usually with the help of introspection, we're in another scene. what are your approaches / what is your writing mindset that helps you get from scene A to scene B?
Oh thank you! That makes me happy to hear haha, especially since I find that certain kinds of transitions are often my #1 writing struggle.
The ones I have a hard time with are the ones where there's some kind of timeskip involved but there's still some stuff that happened during that time that's important enough to mention but not necessarily to "show." Any of my transitions that could be badly summarized as "and then Tony and Peter kept getting closer over the next few weeks" or "and then Peter had to have a lot of conversations with concerned teammates" or "and then things were weird between Tony and Peter for a while until--" took soooo much effort to make into… not that, lmao, and it's always very funny to me how it's these mundane things that are often the hardest to write vs heightened emotions and drama!
But as far as how I approach transitions… It's funny to try and dissect it from an actual technique standpoint instead of just the totally abstract "what's going to work best for this scene?" standpoint that I think from when writing, but I'll give it a shot haha!
I'm not sure how it'd work for someone who's more of a pantser or discovery writer, but when I start a fic/chapter I typically know exactly what scenes it's going to include and in what order! So when I'm transitioning between one scene and the next, I already know what the point of the upcoming scene is, and for scenes that aren't just "hard cut" transitions I suppose I typically think about prioritizing both:
1) laying the necessary groundwork in terms of basic details, and
2) establishing an emotional beat that will connect to the "point" of the upcoming scene,
--in order for that scene to have the impact that it needs.
So as a random example, in chapter 4 of YNYD when it's still the first ~week after the Westcott thing, one scene ends with Tony thinking about how his feelings towards Peter have gone all obsessive and wonky from "protectiveness" after what happened, and the next scene starts with Rhodey having to go back to work after keeping Tony company for the week.
I wrote about Rhodey leaving in terms of establishing basic details, and in terms of a connecting emotional beat I wrote about how Tony felt about Rhodey's support for him in the preceding week/how he was feeling "ready" for the emotional support training wheels to come off and go it alone again… as a transition into a scene where that is very much not true because he's still not sleeping, still staying up all night working obsessively on projects to protect Peter, and immediately that night has a slightly-too-intimate boundary-blurring Moment with Peter in the lab.
I hope that makes sense, lmao. Thank you for the question, it was super interesting to think about! 💖
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screechingkroh · 1 year
Any tips on writing?Ive been wanting to write for a show i like but I’m not very confident on my writing since I’ve only done it in school work lmao
Mmm... I think it depends on what exactly you're writing? I'm more of a multi-chapter fanfiction kinda person. So I like to mind dump everything in one doc and figure out how everything connects. My outline-- "outline", it's just a bunch of wild thought slapped into one place-- is a mess of stuff.
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Like-- Will this scene actually make it into the story? I don't know but it gives me an idea for what I want!
My writing comes out in a "dump this shit, fix it while we go" kind of writing. Which is an honest mess because I can get very frustrated. I'm fine so long as I have an idea of what I'm writing for that chapter! Which is usually what helps me get over my frustrations and just go "okay, let's retry it."
Your writing is personalized to you. Don't write with another's success in mind! But don't be scared to take inspiration.
Other than that, just go buck wild lmao. I'm usually not that confident until I stare at the chapter and go "fuck it! We ball!" and post it.
If you want, you can throw what you've written down into a text-to-speech and hear how it flows. Figure out if you need to add, delete, or rewrite something. It helps a lot!
Here are some stuff as examples! These are things that came to mind and I scrambled to write them down. Are they going to make it in? Dunno! But will it help me get an idea of dynamics and personalities, and let me figure out how to connect things? Yes!
EDIT: I, in my complete TOM-FOOLERY, forgot to mention that I save what I "delete." There are so many scenes that I write and end up liking but it doesn't match what I'm feeling. Sometimes, when I write, I get this image of a bunch of scribbles on top of each other and it makes me so upset. So I scrap the chapter or what makes it feel messy and rewrite. But I don't just delete it, I save it in a completely different document! Who knows, I might be able to use it or something in a future chapter! (Examples of this are also under the cut!)
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Examples of scene alternatives -
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I didn't like how it felt despite it being perfectly fine to read now! I think it was because I didn't know how to approach the transition from this to the race scene. I have so many alternatives for Chapter 12 that it's not funny.
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This was scrapped because I didn't like how aggressive I made Seer. Ngl, chapter 10 was very rough for me because I didn't know how to write it. Seer isn't like me-- I'd have shut down any interaction with Macaque if I had to go through what they went. But they aren't me and they're a rather forgiving person who has claws. So I struggled a bit!
Dunno if this helps but I hope it did in some ways!
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mylittlegemlins · 1 year
Nimona Review part 2 (english)
Some of the transitions are pretty cool, the scene where Ballister leaves the house and goes straight to jail seemed perfect to me, but I see complaints about the closet scene as they go from arguing very intensely in a dark place to a scene where they don't there is more noise than that of Nimona coming out like a rhinoceros with a blow to a lighted room. Some of it doesn't feel right.
Turning to the characters, Nimona is the protagonist and she is someone who is easy to get attached to, her redesign is beautiful, her comedy, her expressions of fury are funny and her drawings are something I want to hang on my wall, but she is also someone who She has been through a lot of pain, and they are open with her boss about how she feels about it, her eyes full of disappointment in the strong scenes make me want to hug her.
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When she shows herself as a villain she gives me vibes that she could perfectly well be the daughter of Dementia and Black Hat, since it is capable of generating a massacre in an epic sequence of one minute, I have never seen someone kick so many people in the form of an ostrich, it is impressive, Balliste has puppy eyes that make him adorable, but In addition to this, he is the father you always wanted, and the only one with enough patience to put up with Nimona, I feel that Golden did not shine much in this movie, but I like him much better than in the novel, the scene in which he yells at him queen that cutting arms is not a show of love, is the perfect representation of when you want to shout everything you think but you choose to fit into society.
However, when it seems like he's showing Ballister that he's being manipulated while watching the director's video only to finish it off with Nimona being the one manipulating him, it's a little disappointing but it shows you how much brainwashing there is in the institute, and How much trust there is between these characters, Balliste trusts Golden but also Nimona and Golden trusts the director despite being in conflict with her boyfriend. This is how perfect the relationship between the characters is built, the relationship between Nimona and Ballister fills me with tenderness. Nimona is the one who puts all the initiative to be able to be friends with Blackheart, she is the one who rescues him from prison and offers him her support, in addition to telling him directly that if everyone hates him, it is the same as her, as if he had no choice but to be their friend since they are all they have, not only is Nimona ready to make friends after 1000 years of being alone, but she wants to be with someone she admires because she identifies with him, starting from that point, the moments they have to Getting to know each other happens very quickly, one day they destroy the institute, in the afternoon they destroy the market, and it seems that at night they interview the guard who recorded the video, but I love that Nimona is willing to talk, she never reveals exactly what it is, but yes who come up and take the time to play monopoly and dance to celebrate. Those scenes fill me with tenderness, The scene where Nimona is having a nightmare and her paternal/boss/figure tucks them in and tells them that they are is home…. God I'm dying of love.
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The movie slaps Disney in the face showing a clear romance from the first minute, and a kiss to end pride month with a flourish, I adore you Noelle. The fact that they premiered it at pride fits like a glove considering the problems they had producing this movie after Blue Sky closed, and yet they still put references to the studio in the movie! Stay to appreciate the credits for a moment because the song is gold, and me and my brother were dancing to the soundtrack, this girl has good taste in music, the song is called T-rex by K. Flay.
Overall it's a very funny movie. I also loved the world building. Something that goes against "Elements" that shows you almost nothing about the cloud people and the earth people, while in this movie the townspeople interact with the protagonists and with the press all the time, they show you what kind of world medieval futuristic is the one you find yourself in, they tell you about the wall of what was outside, the hatred towards the show and the devotion towards Gloreth that people had for generations, how advanced are their flying cars and their screens that put out the news live, contrasting with the army of knights and the statues of hundreds of years, and more importantly, it shows you a world where society is as classist and prejudiced as in reality, who prefer to leave a helpless baby as long as they avoid problems, that they do not respect the opinions of their own queen and that they believe the director's defense despite the fact that it took up to days in saying it. Of course, it has many exaggerations with the purpose of entertaining, but who has not seen the effect of certain societies such as the Asian one that does not dare to touch a colleague who faints just so that someone else takes the drama or even the medical expenses?
There are moments where you can see the 20% that surely they had to do fast, because I feel the scene of the demon baby is too bright Although there are many differences with the graphic novel, the message is the same, an allegory to the social rejection suffered by queer people, and they do not bother in the slightest to hide their hints (we can talk about "you're gonna die in the closet" lmao)
Nimona is obviously gender fluid, I love that they're so much more open and complains that they're the monster. Because both in the novel and in the movie, Nimona was not a serial killer when they started calling her a monster, but she became the """""monster""""" that the institute wanted her to be so that they would destroy her and remain like the heroes of his story.
By the way, the scenes in the previews in which Nimona is drawn as a bird or when he tells Balliste how to like the videos don't appear in the movie, so I'm happy they bothered to animate content to promote it. In this version there is no indication that GoldenLion has sliced off the arm of her boyfriend on purpose, something that seemed very accurate to me because it does sound toxic to go out with someone who disabled you. By the way, what the heck with the arrow scene, Nimona admits that it hurts her but she doesn't scream at her pain like a human being.
I like the ending. Far from saying goodbye, Nimona greets Balliste as soon as she manages to recover her form. I would qualify the film as +7 just because they kept 2 drops of blood. I am proud of Nate, I already admired her work on Netflix because of the She-ra reboot, it took her two studios to get her work recognized on Netflix even though she started as a simple graduation project. Now the whole world will be able to know your girl. Nimona.
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spanish version: https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlegemlins/721658744305516544/nimona-review-spanish?source=share
part1: https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlegemlins/721661075018350592/nimona-review-english?source=share
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roboromantic · 1 year
Episode 15
poggers they have a relative named w/the surname Cunningham
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sjhfsdljkfhsdjfg aww. This gives us a concrete date and iirc there’s a calendar in the kitchen in the first episode so maybe I can figure out roughly how long they’ve been in Witwicky? Probably not though, tv shows are usually pretty vague about timelines and holiday episodes are just kinda thrown in because that’s when they’ll air, not because that’s Exactly how the timeline’s supposed to work
“But what does “anything” even mean?! That’s too many options!” yeah I feel ya there
The bird journal is just reminding me of this one post I saw where someone was talking about Dot seeing some bird in the first episode and then turning and crossing off a completely different bird off of a list on the fridge hgjkdhfdjkfhskjdhf
🥺 babies
It’s kinda funny how scared they are of the bear considering they’ve taken on Decepticons and Mandroid+his Arachnomechs before lmao
hm. Gross
okay yeah I was about to say these are all Very Bad ideas for dealing with a black bear. Playing dead works for grizzlies but not so much black bears iirc.
so uh are the glowing eyes just for the audience or,
I feel like there was a cut scene there or st, that transition felt really janky
😬 ouch                                        oh and of course there’s a waterfall lol
yeah Why didn’t Dot shoot it in the face??? Did the studio think that was imitable violence or something.
Oh never mind lmao. Idk if it was for dramatic tension or if maybe they were told it couldn’t get shot until the alien creature was separated from the actual bear? Who knows. Anyway how’d she activate that given that it’s responded to voice commands so far? That’s not exactly how I’d expect that to react
Also it’s maybe Not Great that it responds to people other than y’know, the one using it. I’m sure she’s gonna chastise Nightshade for that later but geez
That’s interesting and definitely not gonna cause problems in the future
Yeah okay I wasn’t sure if they were gonna actually have that on-screen or to what extent they’d talk about it, I expected like maybe one line about it so it’s nice they spent a bit of time on it
HOW praytell did Alex find them. also what’s he driving nowadays
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YEAH LIKE I’m no ornithologist but y’all CANNOT seriously expect me to believe THIS is a trumpeter swan. This has gotta be a running joke, right? right???
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got another license plate for the “probably a reference but I don’t get it” collection
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clonehub · 2 years
Episode 2 of the bad batch hhhhh
Dear god I hate when hunter gets close to the screen
Why didn't they update cuts model lol
It's a shame cause the lighting here is so pretty
Listen I'm just gonna say. The bad batch don't deserve to know who Cut esp not w the familiarity they have
Man turn the light on in the house?????
Pls why are echo and suu like this
Again why did they not update his model
"how else did you think it worked" goddamn stop being such a bitch for like TWO minutes
Why did they change shaeeah and jeks ages. Also they're like. So clearly played by adults AAAAHHHHH they sound weird. This music is so whimsical 😭
Okay well no Hunter ur not defective. That's not. Ur not. Nvm. Exactly cut THANK YOU
I'm glad they changed suus design tho
These transitions are annoying me like andor spoiled me it really did
I wonder if hunter got these clothes from cut
His arms are so pale lmao
Okay I see the metaphor. The heavy handed metaphor of the storm brewing behind ramparts head
Older sister tings
Suu my wife suu
Something about these moments feels really stitched together. Like the transitions between scenes, how they choose to introduce strife seem like not natural? And like this ep ain't cute. Like they're leaning too hard into the awww she's just a kid thing.
Now she is too damn big to be carried that baby can WALK
No see cajse TECH SHUT UP AHHH
No see cause like wrecker here is asking after omega actually. And hunter didn't. And this'll keep happening throughout the series and Hunter will be called the dad.
I think everyone's just got weird proportions in their lower halves like I can't describe it but these thighs don't need to be this long.
Not tech being impressed by the surveillance state
Ok this kinda funny
It's kinda weird how like tbbs attempts to keep omega safe are thwarted as being like? Wrong in a way? Like she ends up going with them but I'm not really sure it's what would be better emotionally or physically for her. Idk if I'm being clear
Pls give echo an arm
Hunter has some slim ass wrists
Oh yeah episode two was the one that ignited my fear that this whole show was gonna be the bad batch killing regular clones
Pls his lil point
Look at wrecker taking initiative to make sure she's safe
You know those corny lines from like 2000s high school movies that nobody ever says out loud irl??? Everyone in tbb would say those and not even in a campy way
Love when astromechs shriek
I wonder why it has to be this shuttle and not any of the shuttles from the next day
Oh they really buttoned her nose
The storms a comin
Wait now how far from the bay are they that none of this noise is carrying over even a little
They don't recognize cut bc he's the old model
Ik their blasters have stun on them :/
This show is so so so quippy
See now does wrecker need to be doing all this
Okay episode is over
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koolkid692 · 1 year
Mark Twain Blog Post #3!
So this week of Twain was heavily dedicated to his travel writing and travel logs. The first thing that interested me about this is that, well, this is the first time I realized a profession such as Twain’s existed. Not the lecturing, but rather being contracted to go from place to place, from the foreign and exotic, just to write about his experiences and what was going on there. So, it shouldn’t shock anyone to hear as well that I was also surprised to learn that Twain ushered in a new era of travel writing, though it makes sense why Twain led the charge on this new wave. A personal and more humorist approach is exactly Twain’s forte, and he takes charge of this mantle masterfully. For one thing, his travel letters are just plain funny. No serious academic insight here, no, the only insight I can offer is that humor helps to describe and bring about this air of personality and personal flair to Twain’s writing to differentiate it from other travel letters that came before him. Plus, it eases this transition for the reader- when you’ve already read these formal, academic letters about places you’ve never been, of course you want something that is more personable and relatable to you. And what better way to be personable and relatable than through humor. But that’s not all. Within class, we looked at the scene where Twain wants to get his beard trimmed in Paris. While this scene does many things expertly that we went over in class, such as the humor of it, or dropping the facade of elegant glamor that Paris has, I feel like there’s one aspect that we didn’t go over adequately enough. When Twain and his companion enter the barber shop, Twain says, “I said I wanted to be shaved. The barber inquired where my room was. I said never mind where my room was, I wanted to be shaved—there, on the spot” (Twain 3618). While this scene is seemingly innocuous- it sets up the context for the scene about to ensue- I feel like it also shows a foreigner, specifically an American tourist, not knowing and refusing to learn the customs of the country they are in. When it comes to this specific scene, it seems innocent enough, sure, but the assumption that everything works to the standards and customs of where your from-that being, to expect to get shaved right on the spot- is a very American thing to do and assume, which I think Twain is purposefully calling attention to. That is what causes this initial confusion- we don’t know what “room” exactly refers to, as it could be anything. It could be room reservation, or the barber shop could be a part of a hotel that you need to be staying at in order to utilize the barber shop. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, because that’s not how it worked back in the states- no, instead they just wanted it done no matter what. And while I can’t blame the cut Twain sustains due to this confusion, I can certainly say that it most definitely played a factor, even though the story's main job was to humor the reader and take away the glamor of Paris.
(Oh, don’t mind the weird page number. Kindle is weird about page numbers sometimes.)
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panharmonium · 2 years
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yamato: i’m pleased to meet the both of you!
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mercy-misrule · 2 years
that was exactly the episode that needed to happen, as the transition between the turbulent getting together to now establishing their relationship
every single bodyguard in this show is a bimbo. how are none of you bubble brains picking up that kinn and porsche are together. dear god.
im loving porsche’s current excuse of being called in for punishment to just have wild sex with his boyfriend
but, no it was so cute! lmao porsche calling kinn a slut pettily behind his back is so funny. just going through the rolldex of boys kinn has fucked and judging them. his little ‘oh you slept with a celebrity‘ was so bitchy, so good.
and then kinn brought back his insufferable dick joke. amazing.
also it was porsche’s first date! and telling Yok that he didn’t know where to go for dates because normally he just fucked people behind her bar. amazing. king of self awareness.
i liked all the friendship building, i liked the further foreshadowing that Pete sucks as a spy, and I loved seeing Porsche have a mini breakdown about ghosts. I knew he would.
but they communicated openly and clearly! No bullshit or beating around the bush. I was thrilled, I really was. Honestly I love the choice to actually make Kinn shooting Tawan real. Its a huge changeup, and that’s something that we all have to deal with, and we will next ep, apparently.
post script: kim fucking with big like, ooooh maybe porsche is my illegitimate brother was so funny. what are you doing, kim, you absolute weirdo. also you don’t get to cut Chay loose, a pet is for life!
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Groceries (Might Guy x Reader)
Pairing: Might Guy x Reader
Word Count: 2723
Warnings: very minor angst, food mentions (TW for EDs)
A/N: Hope you enjoy! I've been so thirsty for Naruto characters recently it's not even funny
Also, this was originally two parts but I've combined them into one so let me know if the transition doesn't work!
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Growing up in Konoha you always felt safe. You knew there were experienced shinobi there to protect you. As a little girl, you would see them walk down the streets and watch in awe as they passed by you.
Despite everything you had seen in terms of violence, you still felt safe in the Leaf Village. There had been some tense battles, but the leaf shinobi always prevailed.
It was a day more peaceful than most as you made your way down to the store. You only needed a few things, but with the nice weather you decided to take advantage of the day instead of waiting for the grocery list to get longer.
Smiling, you walked into the store to the tune of children laughing and birds chirping. It was like you were in a movie.
You made your way down the aisles, picking up the items you needed as you went. Milk, eggs, noodles, and more went into the small cart in your hands as you browsed. Lost in your own world, you didn't see the other cart as it came around the corner at the same time as your own.
The carts crashed into each other, you and the other person with them. It almost winded you, both from surprise and the force of falling into the cart.
"I am so sorry!" You explained, looking up to the man you found in front of you. Luckily, neither of your groceries seemed to have sustained much damage. You found yourself surprised to be met with the most gorgeous dark eyes you had ever seen.
"It's no problem!" Said the man, flashing you a confident smile with a thumbs up. "No damage done."
You felt a hot flush rise to your face, but thankfully the man didn't seem to notice.
"Thank you," you said in a fluster. You weren't sure what you were even thanking him for, not yelling at you? It was then that you took notice of his outfit, especially the band around his waist. "Are you a shinobi?"
The smile stayed ever-present on his face.
"Yes I am! A jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village!"
If you had just half the enthusiasm of this man, you think you would be running on empty in less than five minutes. Hearing he was a jonin, you were impressed.
"Well, thank you for all that you do," you offered, moving to continue your shopping.
Although your interaction was brief, you couldn't stop thinking about it as days passed. Something about his eyes, and his confidence, drew you into him. You tried to brush it off, seeing as it was such a simple interaction, but it was impossible. Even trying to tell yourself that he didn't remember you wouldn't work; there was still a part of your brain that would never quiet down.
You had never minded being a civilian in Konoha. Sure, when you were younger you had thought about being a konoichi, but those were just the thoughts of a child. You never pursued it. You were happy with your career, teaching young children in subjects other than jutsu.
Despite your happiness, you began to wish that you had gone to the academy. Then you would have been able to find the man who was plaguing your thoughts. Even after that, you might have been a real option for him. You knew shinobi tended to mostly be interested in other shinobi.
You didn't know why it upset you so much. You didn't even know the man's name, and yet you were sad that you might not be his type. Feeling a bit pathetic, you found yourself in need of another grocery run. Trying to ignore the thought that you might see him again, you made your way to the store.
Sadly, at least for that persistent, gremlin part of your brain, the trip was rather uneventful. At least, until you found yourself in front of the produce.
You were trying to eat healthier, but it was hard. It wasn't that you didn't like your body, you just wanted to feel better in your own skin. As you stood there pondering, a male voice scared you from your thoughts.
"Excuse me."
You turned, disappointed to see a man with silver spikes instead of the dark bowl cut you had hoped for. You mumbled a sorry, stepping out of his way.
"Careful Kakashi," boomed another voice, "I'd keep your distance from that woman's cart if I were you."
Now that is the voice you had been hoping for.
As you turned, the tall man immediately caught your eye. You blushed at his words, remembering your initial encounter. The other man, Kakashi, looked at you with confusion. He grabbed what he needed before walking away, leaving you and the other man alone.
"So what brings you back here?" He asked. Normally you would have thought of this as awkward conversation, but your heart leapt at the opportunity to talk to him again.
You sighed, "I'm trying to decide what I want. I wanted something healthy but I didn't want to just start grabbing vegetables."
"Then you're in luck," he grinned, "I'm somewhat of an expert. Try some blueberries, they're a superfood." He grabbed a package, placing them in his own cart. "They're on me today."
You tried to protest, but he wasn't having any of it. You made your way through checkout, paying the rest of your items before meeting back up with the man.
"Thank you," you told him, looking back up at his deep eyes. Pausing for a moment, you realized something. "I don't even know your name! How could I thank you for buying these before me without even learning your name?"
The man chuckled, extending his hand out to you.
"The name's Guy," he said loudly, shaking your hand. "Would it be crazy to ask for your name in return?"
You blushed as you grabbed his hand, his grip firm yet his hands soft.
"Y/n," you told him. He smiled.
"That's a beautiful name." His words did nothing to help calm the blush on your face. You were sure he knew exactly what he was doing to you based on the color of your cheeks alone. Suddenly Guy grew rather sheepish. "I know how this is going to sound, but would you want to come by my place sometime?"
Your eyes widened. After all this time wondering what this man was really like, he was just the type to invite you into bed with him immediately? Admittedly part of you was curious, but you weren't stupid.
"Excuse me?"
Now it was his turn to blush.
"Well I know how that sounds," Guy said quickly, trying to get his words out faster than he could think. "But I just meant to make you dinner. I could show you how to cook some vegetables so that they aren't all that bad."
Immediately you felt bad for assuming the worst, offering him a small smile.
"I would like that."
He smiled back at you. Guy gave you his address as the two of you decided on a time before parting ways. You couldn't help the giddy grin that covered your face as you walked home. Your date couldn't come fast enough.
In the days leading up to your date with Guy, it was all you could think about. You told yourself that was fine, since you were obsessing over him already. At least now you had a reason to.
The day was finally here, and as the hours ticked away you found yourself growing more nervous. Deciding what to wear was a challenge in itself. Did you want to try to dress up nicer, or would that be too much? Yet at the same time you worried dressing too casual would give him the idea that you weren't as interested as you were.
You tried on just about everything you owned, settling for a dress that made you feel pretty. It was fancy enough to make you feel like you were trying, but still casual enough that you would be comfortable.
You looked at the clock, seeing that you still had ample time before you needed to leave. Sitting down, your mind wandered. What would tonight be like?
in your mind you ran through a myriad of scenarios. If you didn't like the food he cooked, you would have to just stomach it and hope for the best. Based on what he told you at the store though, it seemed like he would know what he was doing. Still, you worried that something would go wrong.
Above all, there was a bigger question ringing out in your mind. Would he try to kiss you? And, would you want him to?
The seconds turned to minutes as you pondered, the minutes turning into hours until it was time to go. You collected your things, making sure to grab any and all essentials before you left. You had already told your friends who you would be with, going as far as to give them the address should anything go wrong. Guy seemed like such a nice guy, but you could never be too careful.
Locking the door to your apartment behind you, you set off. It was early in the evening, and the sun was just beginning to set in the sky. You were thankful you wouldn't have to walk in the dark. You knew there were plenty of shinobi around, hell, you were even meeting one right now. But even then you felt uncomfortable walking home alone at night, surrounded by darkness.
It was a shorter walk than you anticipated, and before you knew it you were at his place. Taking a deep breath, you reached up to knock on his door. It seemed like a nice enough part of town, and his place itself was well-kept especially considering how much time you were sure he spent on training.
You heard Guy's loud steps make their way to the doorway, pausing on the other side before the door swung open. His usual confident smile was on his face, but instead of moving his mouth into words he just looked at you. You felt yourself growing red under his gaze.
"Hello Guy," you said softly, looking up at him.
Guy had been making the same amount of preparations as you, if not even more. He planned the meal out carefully, even practicing it the night before to make sure it went well. He had spent more time than usual perfecting his hair, making sure not a single strand would be out of place. He had even thought of exactly what he wanted to say when he opened the door.
Hello Y/n, he would say as he smiled at you. You look more beautiful every time I see you.
Sure, it was more forward than he had been with you before. This was a date after all, and he wanted to make how he felt about you clear from the start.
That plan went right out the window when he saw you, your sundress captivating him. It looked so cute on you, and at the same time there was something about it that sent a wave of tingles between his legs. To put it simply, he was speechless.
He knew he should say something but he couldn't, enraptured by the way you looked in his doorway.
"Hello Guy," you said to him. That sweet voice of yours would drive him crazy someday, and he knew that. He loved hearing his name fall from your lips, hoping it would be far from the last time. Everything about you made him fall for you more.
Despite his thoughts about your voice, your words were enough to stir him to action himself.
"Hey," he said.
Really Guy? He thought to himself. You're the Blue Beast, a strong shinobi. And yet all you can say to a woman is 'hey'?
You giggled at him, and he felt a smile creep onto his face.
"It's good to see you again," he continued. He decided to dial back the forwardness, realizing he had already kept you waiting outside for too long in his daze. "Come on in."
You followed Guy into his home, taking in the delicious aroma filling the rooms.
"I don't know what you're making," you stated, "but it smells amazing."
Guy beamed with pride, ushering you over to the kitchen.
"It's my favorite." He told you. "A spicy, vegetable curry."
Thankfully, you didn't mind spicy. In fact, you enjoyed it. Your mouth watered, taking in the sight and smell of the food in front of you.
"Actually, it should be just about done." Said Guy, stirring it all for a final time before putting it onto beautiful dishes to serve.
He had already set the table, candles and all. He pulled the chair out for you, pushing you back in as if you weighed nothing. He sat across from you, and the way he smiled at you made you weak in the knees. It's a good thing you had already sat down.
You wasted no time, digging in. And it was delicious.
"Oh my god Guy," you said in near disbelief at how good it was. You could see his expression perk up. "This is amazing!"
"I'm glad you like it," he chuckles, eating his own.
The rest of the meal went off without a hitch. You talked about your job and his, bonding over your love for your respective students.
"Maybe sometime I can come watch one of your training sessions," you mentioned. "I would love to see you teach them."
Guy smiled, "I would love that." The sincerity in his tone took you by surprise. While you knew he was never joking with you, there was always some sort of bravado to his speech that now was missing.
You helped him clean up despite his protests. You told him that if he cooked, you would at least clean up. It was only fair, after all. You scrubbed the dishes, oblivious to the way Guy was looking at you.
He never would have admitted it to anyone but himself, but he was falling in love with you. He had no problem picturing a life with you. Coming up to you at the end of the day, sharing a meal together. He wanted everything that life would bring him.
"Well," you said, finishing up, "I should probably get going."
"Let me walk you," insisted Guy. "A lady such as yourself should never walk alone at night."
He offered his arm to you, and you accepted it with a shy smile. You could feel his prominent muscles under the fabric of his outfit, and you could feel your face growing warmer. You were thankful for the darkness for obscuring your face from him, hoping he couldn't tell.
He could tell.
As the two of you made your way back towards your own apartment he would flex his muscles every so often, loving the way your face would flush. A couple of times he timed it right so that you were speaking, making you stutter.
The walk ended much earlier than either of you would have liked it to. Suddenly your heart started racing. You could answer your questions from earlier clearly.
Would he try to kiss you?
You sure hoped so.
Would you want him to?
You paused in your doorway, letting go of Guy's arm. You looked up at him, flashing him a genuine smile.
"I had fun tonight."
He reciprocated your own expression with a smile of his own, "me too."
You both paused for what seemed like the longest second in the world. It was as if he was building up the courage to actually go through with what he wanted to. He cleared his throat.
"Y/n, may I kiss you?"
You nodded your head and he lowered his lips to yours slowly. As you pressed your own lips to his you couldn't help the gasp that escaped them.
That's a sound I'll keep replaying... thought Guy.
He pulled away sooner than you would have liked, but he was a gentleman.
"I'll see you soon." Guy ended his sentence with a wink, sauntering off as you went to go inside.
"I can't wait."
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kissmeaboutit · 2 years
I’m not sure if this is any good but I wrote it in twenty minutes so
Buck posts on tiktok. The inevitable happens
Getting lost on tiktok has been something Buck has been doing for months now. He just loves the app and it always gets him laughing, or buying something, or cooking something. Buck so easily fell into the clutches of small shop owners.
Mostly importantly though, Buck loved the trends. So much so that he actually made an account and started posting his own videos. He currently had 12.2k followers, but he never really told anyone about it.
It wasn’t that he was hiding it exactly…it just so happened that Eddie was sometimes the center of his videos without knowing it. Which maybe sounded bad, but he couldn’t help himself.
Which was why Buck had his phone propped against the wall, quickly taking the first half of his video in his civilian clothes. No one was around so it thankfully only took one take. Afterwards, Buck slipped into the locker room and changed into his uniform. He was hoping he’d be able to finish it within the shift.
The opportunity found itself 8 hours later when Eddie was stocking the truck. Buck bit his lip and inconspicuously set the phone back up in the same spot. He rewatched the beginning of the video where he stood earlier.
“I’m shy. I’m so shy!” Followed by Buck’s eyes flickering to the camera as he laughed, doing a little jump to start the transition.
Buck bit his lip and set the timer, hopping a little in his spot as it went off. He had his arms over his chest, showing off both his uniform and his pecs all on one.
“I’m not shy i’ll say it.” Buck took a small step to the side, Eddie now in view as he shut a door on the truck. “i’ve been picturing you naked.” Buck winked as it ended. He quickly grabbed his phone as he looked around. No one noticed. Phew.
Buck looked down and watched it over, adjusting the transition a little before he posted it no problem. Buck put his phone away and didn’t think anything about it.
Until 12 hours later when they were all in the loft.
“I’m shy-“ Buck’s head snapped up at the sound on Hen’s phone.
“Hey look it’s Buck!” Hen snorted which caused her to pause it when Chim and Eddie peaked their heads into view so she could start it over.
“Ah no well that’s not really necess-“
“I’m shy-“ it started up again and Buck’s eyes widened because there was nothing he could do in the 10 seconds the video takes. Buck could see in their eyes the moment Eddie was on screen. He wanted to crawl in a hole and never leave.
“I-god how did that even come on your page!” Buck squeaked, his hands covered his eyes in embarrassment.
“Well Buck this thing has 120k likes on it, and i’m pretty much only on gaytok and that…was really gay.” Hen whistled in surprise.
Buck sunk deeper into his seat, hiding his face into a pillow. He wanted to be absorbed into the sun or something. Even though it was currently night time.
He could practically feel someone standing over him now. He had a pretty good idea of who.
“Okay let’s go.” Eddie’s voice cut through his thoughts as he pulled the pillow away and grabbed at Bucks hand. He started yanking him down the steps and away from prying eyes. Buck wished he could instead just turn into a pile of goo on the ground.
Eddie didn’t stop until he reached the bunk room, pushing the door closed gently. There was silence for a solid ten seconds so Eddie sighed loudly “Buck would you look at me?”
“No.” Buck scuffed his shoe on the ground.
“Why? Because you would be picturing me naked?” Eddie fired back.
Buck’s head whipped up “That’s not fair or funny, Eds! look I’m sorry about the video I was just…it was just a joke!”
“Uh huh.” Eddie snorted “So where was the punchline?” He took a step closer, watching Buck swallow hard with burning red cheeks.
He shrugged weakly which had Eddie grinning. “Ya know, I’ve been picturing you naked too.” Eddie whispered, grabbing at Buck’s chin to tilt his head up towards him.”So how about in 4 hours we turn those imaginations into reality.”
Buck choked over his words “What?”
“In 4 hours.” Eddie winked, pressing his thumb into Buck’s bottom lip. He let go slowly and headed towards the door. “I’ve seen all your videos Buck.” He stopped at the doorway and turned his head to him. “I love you too. So why hold off on the inevitable, because honestly Buck? You’re it for me.”
Buck couldn’t even believe this was happening right now. “You love me. Holy shit you love me? I love you, and yes I definitely am picturing you naked right now so you should go before I do something stupid.”
Eddie’s head was thrown back in a loud laugh “4 hours~” He winked again, opening the door and leaving the bunk room.
Buck took a deep breath, slowly letting it out “4 hours.”
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sasa-gay-yo · 3 years
Levi Gives You A Promise Ring
Request / Summary:  Levi worried about reader before a scouting mission (maybe they were hurt in the last one or something), and to make him feel better about it he gives reader a promise ring?
Timeline: Pre-Season 1 
Warnings: some swearin’ and suggested NSFW 
Art Credits: AoT 
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He had called you into his office to try and convince you to stay back for today’s expedition. Walking to that dark, stuffy office, you were thinking about the numerous arguments you could give him that would make your place on the expedition team solid. You were a squadron leader. You were one of the best fighters that the Scouts had currently. Levi couldn’t hold you back just because you two had a relationship. How was he supposed to assign you to his elite squad next week when he can’t even let you go on a simple expedition?
However, you knew why he was worried about letting you go today. Last expedition you were injured by an abnormal. A new recruit was shellshocked by seeing his first titan and was easily grabbed off of his horse and body thrown towards the titan’s mouth like a snack. You swung through, shoving the boy out of the way, and your ODM line was caught by the titan. If you were to survive, you’d have to cut one of the wires and fall about forty feet to the ground. Levi watched helplessly as your body fell, but not before you sliced into the titan’s ankles.
Miche was the first one to reach you and pull the abnormal’s dead, limp body off of you. Levi came next, frowning at the fact that you were laughing at your bad fortune. The new recruit was also looking at you like you were crazy, and Levi made them run laps for that after their return. Levi, not able to show care in public, watched helplessly as Miche took you on his horse and cared for you until they returned from the expedition. Miche had done Levi’s job. In the HQ’s makeshift hospital, he watched as Hange wrapped feet after feet of bandages around your middle. Broken ribs and a sprained ankle and wrist. Still, he couldn’t come near you while Hange and Erwin were laughing at your jokes. He just had to sit back and watch the others care for you. At that moment, he decided that you wouldn’t be joining them for next months expedition, but he hadn’t told you of his decision yet. He couldn’t live like that. Always having to watch your risk your life for any member of the Scout’s while he sat on the sidelines.
You, now with a healed ankle and wrist and only a few bruises left on your abdomen, were about to get him to change his mind.
You knocked on his door and a grunt from inside signaled he knew it was you. You opened the door and slid in, closing it behind you. By the way he was sitting in the chair, you knew he was Captain Levi to you right now. Not the man who likes his shoulders massaged after hard training ODM with the new recruits.
“Squad Leader (Y/L/N), thank you for coming on such short notice.” You wanted to roll your eyes at his formality, but you knew that it would give him a reason to actually bar you from the expedition.
“Captain,” you let out, short and sweet so he knew how you were feeling about this meeting. He didn’t smile or smirk at you like he usually did with your sass, he just stared straight ahead thinking. Over and over in his head, he was replaying the image of you falling from the titan hands, your body bounding off the ground on impact. If only you listened to him when he said that it wasn’t your job to save the recruits, then you two wouldn’t be in this position. You crossed your arms, waiting for him to respond.
“I don’t think it to be wise for you to go on this expedition with your injuries still fresh.” He was bullshitting you. If your injuries were still fresh, why did he have you in his bed the day prior? He didn’t care about your injuries when his fingers left bruises on your hips. His secret marks of passion.
“With all due respect, Captain, my injuries have healed, and I’ve been cleared by Hange. I think medical knowledge outweighs your concern. Are you going to not let Petra go on this expedition too when she was injured recently?” He drew his eyebrows in with annoyance, one hand going to rub his temple. Why couldn’t you just listen to him, so he didn’t have to worry about you?
“(Y/F/N) can you just sit out this one, please? Everyone would understand why. There’s no reason to-“
“I thought you said you would never give me preferential treatment, Captain.” Little did he know, his actions when you were injured stung your heart. Even if he felt the need to hide your relationship, that doesn’t mean he can’t care for you as a worried Captain. He just stood there, watching Miche carry you on his horse, no protest or quick jabs of insults. Even when it was only Hange and Erwin, the two people who were already suspicious of you two, he barely looked or responded to your yelps of pain. He would only visit you once a week for five minutes, weary of the others who lay in the cots around you. It hurt you that you were visited by that new recruit whom you hadn’t know existed till you saved him more than your boyfriend, who you’ve known for five years. And now, after all of that, he’s showing whatever kind of concern this is by barring you from the mission?
“Are you upset with me for caring about you?” He had completely transitioned from Captain back into your Levi, but you wouldn’t let him have this moment. Your arms were crossed, jaw clench, and your eyes were boring holes into him. These were all the telltale signs that you were angry, having studied them in secret for years.
“You have no consistency, Captain.” He sighed this time, knowing now exactly what you were talking about. Did you really believe he felt no remorse? That he wasn’t fighting inside himself to go and grab you from Miche’s arms? To put the bandages on you himself since Hange was causing you even more pain with her incompetence?
“You know I cannot express my care for you under the watch of the others. Not only is it for privacy, but your safety could be at risk.” This time you rolled your eyes, loud and clear. He doubted so many of your abilities.
“My ability to defend myself shouldn’t be a problem, Captain, and your ability to just show a little care for me as a fellow soldier shouldn’t either. You can patch up Petra’s wounds, but as soon as I’m hurt, your hands don’t work anymore, it seems.” He slammed his fist against the table at the mentioned of Petra’s name. Why is it always Petra? Oh, yes, besides the fact that she told you that she had feelings for the Captain, why was it her?
“Do you think I don’t feel pain when you’re injured?! Is that it? You don’t think I care about you?!” Now, all formality was off. You were yelling. Hopefully, someone didn’t walk by and ruin Levi’s want for privacy. It was a possibility to, seeing that the expedition is supposed to depart soon.
“If you care you have a funny way of showing it, Levi! Not doing anything when I get injured, not visiting me, not tending to my wounds, only to order me to not go on the expedition?! You know my squad needs me, so you’re being selfish now, but how come you can only be selfish behind this door, huh?” You pointed to the wood behind you, the one you were about to walk out of and slam in his face. It infuriated you that he thought he could assert his control over you like this. If he showed you one ounce of concern while you were hurt or in the medical barracks, maybe, just maybe, you would let him. You would stay behind, sleeping in his fresh sheets, and rest a bit longer. But now, it seemed he was only concerned about you because he was in pain.
He stood up slowly from his desk, eyes still on his fist which connected with the wood.
“How dare you think I don’t care about you. Do you know how much I wanted to go to you? How I wanted to rip those bandaged out of Hange’s hands and do it myself? How I wanted to kill that new recruit for not only causing you harm, but for visiting you and talking about you during training?  I’m suffering inside because I can only hold you at night. I can’t sleep when you’re not with me! Do you know how many days of unrest I got while you stayed in the barracks? I want to tell everyone. I want to get up on that damn table in the lunch hall and announce to your little fucking fan club that you’re mine, goddamn it! But I can’t. You know why? I care about you too much to let the Royal Government put a target on your back because of me! To let everyone know that you’re Captain Levi’s would let those who want to kill me know the same. There’s so many in the Underground who I know would jump at the chance to hurt me, and I’m not ready to let you live through my past mistakes. I’m not ready to let you get hurt in front of me while the only thing I can do is stand and watch!” He was breathing heavy at this point, and you had your hand on your heart. It was beating fast at this sudden burst of emotion. You weren’t used to this Levi. Only in your shared bed would he show a glimpse of what the demons he was truly fighting inside, but now he yelled it loud enough that it Erwin was in his office, he would have heard all of Levi’s soliloquy. The last line. That last line wasn’t about his past or the Underground. That last line was about the expeditions. About watching you fall to the ground before his eyes, the titan falling on top of you.
His breathing hadn’t stabilized, and you couldn’t see his face to know how he was feeling. You couldn’t get a glimpse into what he was thinking.
“Levi,” you said, your voice soft. Had you known all of this previously, this problem wouldn’t have occurred. If only he told you about how you felt, and only if you told him your frustrations with his displays of emotion. Your problems were always about communication. Levi didn’t know how to communicate love to anyone.
“Do you know how many times that scene replays in my mind? You falling? Your body smacking into the ground, rolling as the titan falls on top of you? Over and over. Erwin knows about our relationship because he heard me yell for you when it happened. I shouted my name for you.” Your eyes widened, remembering hearing that. Hearing the name that he gave you behind closed doors be announced over the battlefield. The name that signified his private love for you. The name he never used around anyone, for it being too revealing of his emotion. You thought it was your mind playing tricks on you then. There was no way that the man who turned a cold shoulder to you had shouted that out of the battlefield.
“Erwin knows.” It wasn’t a question, but more of a confirmation to you. Confirming that Levi had told someone on his own accord, even if it was because of a mess up. Someone knew about your relationship, and it lightened some metaphorical load on your shoulders. Erwin knew. The Commander knew and he had a whole month to tell you two that it was against the rules for officers to have certain relationships with each other on the pretense of nepotism. That meant he didn’t care, or rather, he approved.
“I wanted to give you something, at a different time and in a different setting, but I don’t think I can let you leave today without it.” That made you lighten up even more. He was letting you go on the expedition.
“What is it?” He opened the top draw of his desk and dug into it, walking over to you with something in his palm. When he opened his palm, there lie a small circle of green jade. Your heart sped up again, not knowing what this was for.
“Levi…?” You asked breathlessly. You two had only been dating for a few months, so it couldn’t have been that, but you’ve almost never gotten a gift like this from him. It was always tea or some chocolates he brought back from meetings in Mitras. One day, he brought back clothes for you, and you had to tell everyone you bought it in Trost, fighting back to the urge to brag about Levi’s care for you. However, this ring, whatever it was meant for, this wasn’t just something you could lie about or hide in your dresser drawer.
“I read about this in a book. The main character wanted to give something to the person he loved, just so they knew how deep it was. Its a promise. A promise to love you. To care for you. As long as I’m alive. No matter how cold I seem to be on the outside, I care for you. I care so much it hurts. And… and if you’re ever in a situation when you’re doubting me, like the one we are in now, then you have this,” he held it up for you to look at, before grabbing you hand and slipping it on. The jade felt cold against your finger, but you were surprised at the sung fit. Your eyes teared up.
“Levi, it beautiful,” was all you could breathe out. You were on cloud nine, receiving this gift of devotion, but also having him say it out loud. The shouts of the past fifteen minutes had faded in your memory with one touch of this jade. He linked his fingers in yours, holding your hand up so he could see and feel the jade on your finger. He marveled at it too, something inside of his tightening at the thought of a ring on your finger. A ring he had given you.
“I promise to be by your side forever, (Y/F/N).” You looked up at him this time, wiping the tears from the corner of your eyes. Never had anyone in their lives devoted themselves to you like Levi just had. Instead of responding verbally, you pulled his face in, kissing him in the middle of his office. His grip tightened on your hand as you did this, allowing you to feel the passion run throughout your whole body.
A knock at the door had broke you two apart, but your hands were still connected. Erwin’s head popped in slowly, knowing that he might walk into to something very different. He’d seen you stalk off to Levi’s office in a huff, ordering some cadet to hitch your horse for you. Yet, he saw that your hands were connected, and when Levi didn’t push you away from him, hands still together for Erwin to see, your smile radiated enough for Erwin to feel his effects. Good. He needed his two best fighters to be happy again.
“Hurry up, you two. We’re leaving and it’s going to be obvious who’s missing soon.” You were the first to let go, knowing that you’d probably have to feign some innocence for the others. The fan club Levi had mentioned liked to know your every move so they could cater to it. You decided that walking down with Erwin was probably the best bet at secrecy and so you bid Levi a smile goodbye before walking out into the hallway with the Commander.
“I didn’t know he told you, Erwin.” The blonde man huffed once in laughter, looking down at your hand. He recognized that ring, Levi quickly confining with the man about relationship advice. Erwin wouldn’t tell you, it wasn’t his place, but Levi was as eager to finally have someone to talk about your relationship with.
“It was due to a mistake, but yes, he told me. He threatened me as well. A very bold move for a subordinate.” You knew he was only joking, and you lifted your hand up to cover your laugh, imagining Erwin punishing Levi of all people for that.
“I’m sorry on his behalf, Commander.” You reached the door out into the field, everyone getting lined up in their formation to leave. Somehow, Levi was already there, sitting on top of his horse with that same neutral expression. When he saw you and Erwin walk out, it didn’t change at all, but this time it left no sting like it had previous.
“No worries, Squad Leader (Y/L/N). I’m glad the ring fits, he was worried about that.” The wicked smirk that broke across your face was confirmation to Levi that Erwin had told you something about their secret conversations about you. He glared at the blonde as he climbed up on the horse next to him.
“I moved Squad Leader (Y/L/N)’s camp closer up in the middle so you won’t have to worry, Captain.” Erwin purposely said that out loud, the others around them trying to pretend they didn’t hear their Commander’s words. Levi’s glared intensified and he gripped the reigns. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you mount your horse, only thirty feet away from him.
“Why would I care, Commander? Good for them. Now when they mess up, they can have us to back up their asses,” Levi growled out, trying to make it sound as harsh as possible. That made the others around stop listening, hearing a normal response from their Captain.
“I’m glad it fit, Captain,” Erwin said lowly, starting his horse to walk up to the front of the formation to give a rousing speech. Levi’s expression softened a bit, but he looked forward, testing out angles that made sure you were always in his periphery.
“I am too, Commander.”
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