#maito guy x reader
wing-ed-thing · 10 months
Team Dinner! (Might Guy x Reader)
Synopsis: After a mission well done, you and Gai have his team over for dinner. It should be noted that Gai has never cooked (successfully) before.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tags/Warnings: @kakashiswilloffire Kitchen Antics, Reader is Picked Up, Fluff, Wholesome
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You weren’t exactly sure when Gai proposed it, but you had gone with him to the market and marked your calendar for dinner nonetheless. You and Tenten must have had a similar thought as you leaned over Gai’s kitchen counter, brows in various forms of furrowed as Gai worked the cutting board. 
You caught her looking at you in your peripheral and glanced her way to meet her confused stare. Tenten bounced from the cutting board and back to you. All you could offer her was a confused shrug and speculative dip of your lip. She turned her attention back to her teacher, concerned.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything we can do to help, Gai-sensei?” she asked, eyes glued to Gai’s fast-moving kitchen knife. He made short work of a squash, the blade hitting the wood block with a slam sudden enough to make Tenten flinch. Gai shook his head.
“No, no. No guest of mine is being put to work in the kitchen!” His eyes closed as he grinned, throwing two thumbs up and his kitchen knife into the air. You and Tenten shouted simultaneously, both instinctively reaching out in some way or another to catch the knife before Gai could. With a theatric twirl, he turned and caught the knife by the blade between his fingers. You let out a deep sigh. Tenten looked like she was about to pass out. You poured her more sparking juice and nudged the glass into her hand. 
“Where do you want the onions, Gai-sensei?!” Lee spun around from his station at the opposite counter, his eyes puffy and red. He wiped his face against his shoulder. Your lip curled into a slight pout.
You took a clean napkin in your hand, maneuvering around Gai with a light touch on his lower back. He hardly noticed, continuing to speak and wiggle around as he usually did. Lee, always one to wear his emotions freely, continued to cry. He, too, barely acknowledged you even as you gently dapped his free-flowing tears. 
A gentle sound came from the front door. Lee’s head shot up just in time for one of his tears to miss the food.
“Ah, that must be young Neji!” Gai bellowed. 
You slipped the napkin under Lee’s thumb, once again moving around the chaos to answer the door. Sure enough, Neji stood on your doorstep. He wore his usual pout, which you were sure stemmed from a reluctance even to be there. Gai had always been an acquired taste, and Neji was a moody teenage boy, so you couldn’t say you necessarily blamed him. 
“Hey, Neji, it’s good to see you.” He gave a small grunt of acknowledgment as he walked through the door you held open for him. As he stepped into the entryway, the small box hidden under a fold of fabric at his waist didn’t escape your notice. You closed the door behind him as you spoke discretely, “You know, I can put that in the fridge for you.”
Neji froze on the spot. While his blank expression gave nothing away, his relative demeanor told you all you needed to know. He turned, giving you a once over as he tried to decipher any hint of disappointment from you. 
“I brought one, too, if it makes you feel any better,” Tenten chimed in. She hopped up on an adjacent couch, kneeling on the cushions to rest her elbows on the back pillow. “I think the only one who didn’t bring one was Lee.” You rubbed at the back of your neck with a bashful smile. 
“Kinda embarrassing that he has more trust in Gai’s cooking than I do. He’s never made a meal like this, and given how the last ones went…”
Neji frowned—although not by much more than usual. Tenten grimaced at the memory.
“Granted, I think we can all agree that Lee has a little too much faith.” Neji didn’t meet your eye as he sheepishly surrendered his backup dinner to you. You tucked it discretely into your sleeve as he took to scowling at Tenten.
“It actually looks like he’s doing a good job tonight,” you offered. “I told Tenten that if it ends up a disaster, I’ll just give these back to you and pretend they’re leftovers I found in the fridge.” Neji’s brow furrowed. 
“You think that’ll work?”
“Oh, yeah, Gai won’t even bat an eye—” The pleasant smell must have hit you all at the same time. You stopped talking, and all three of you took a deep inhale. Dazed by the scent, you continued, “Uh, yeah, they seem to be doing pretty well there. It doesn’t seem like that will be an issue.”
“Yeah, no, Sensei is surprisingly competent in the kitchen,” Tenten whispered, only to receive a scoff from Neji in return. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Sure enough, Neji did see it. The three of you sat at the counter as Gai and Lee cooked on the opposite side, putting on an oddly fascinating show. You poured Neji a sparkling juice. Your emergency bentos were long forgotten. 
“I would pay money to see this,” Tenten said, entranced as she dug into the chips and dip you had set out on the counter. She held one half of the tray, and you supported the other. “I have never seen curry do that before.” You shook your head slowly in disbelief.
“Out of the pot, in the air, and back into the pot. Like a cartoon.” You ate another chip. “Dare I say it’s art?” Neji scoffed.
“I don’t know about art. I’m still trying to figure out how someone uses the spine of a knife to clean a herring.” 
Gai cleaned his hands in the sink in front of you, and with a triumphant whip of his hand towel, he pronounced,
“Dinner is almost ready!” 
He struck a pose, and you tried not to laugh as you gave Tenten the rest of the chip tray. You cupped the side of Gai’s face, kissing his cheek before you attempted to move past him to grab plates to set the table. He didn’t let you, wrapping two muscular arms around your hips to spin you around the kitchen with a jolly laugh. 
“I will not let you down until you proclaim me House Husband… Extraordinaire!” You yelped as he gave you a light toss, catching you back in his arms as he lowered you into a dip as expertly as any ballroom dancer. You held your hand up to your forehead as if swooning.
“House Husband Extraordinaire, will you please allow me to set the table for your gourmet cuisine?” you declared dramatically, and only then did Gai allow you back on your feet. He spun you under his arm, but when you caught sight of the dinner table, you saw it was already set. Even the dishes that Gai had just cooked were already there.
Gai’s three students stood around the table, waiting patiently for you to join them, each of their expressions warm and sentimental. Lee was crying, blubbering something about a pure and loving relationship. 
You took your seats at the table.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The dinner menu consists of Team Gai's favorite foods: herring soba, curry, and sesame dumplings. Odd combination.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 months
Drabbles Day 3: Pastels
pairings: Might Guy x Fem!Reader warnings: Boruto era, fluff
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“Oh! That’s a new outfit!” Might Guy cheers as he rolls around in his wheelchair.
You’re blushing as your boyfriend admires your new outfit. You had picked out the colors with him in mind. He looked at you, smiling widely. He knows you like to dress up just for him, but these pastel colors were just so cheerful. It reminds him of springtime.
“Haha! You look like you’re in the springtime of your youth, honey!” and without warning, Guy grabs you and throws you onto his lap. He kisses you softly. You hold onto him, smiling widely now as well.
His laughter and his energy are so contagious, you can’t help yourself whenever you’re around him.
“You look pretty no matter what you wear,”
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namelessuchiha · 2 years
“i dreamt of your legs wrapped around my waist”
rock lee, might guy
— NSFW, 18+ only, minors dni.
(a/n: no one asked for this. totally self indulgent for my recent rock lee / might guy brain rot)
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Rock Lee
“You are so beautiful my sunflower, everything about you is perfect.”
It had taken some time to get to this point. Lee and you had been dating for months now. Over the past couple of weeks Lee and you had began exploring more sexual avenues to your relationship. He had made it his unspoken goal to bring you as much pleasure as possible every time the two of you did something.
You were more than content with his fingers, however, recently you had been craving more. You wanted him to fill you so badly. You had spent nights imagining him above you, rocking his hips into yours at an intense speed, cheeks flushed pink from both his arousal and shyness.
“Please…” You whimpered, your naked body strewn across the bed. Lee was slowly dragging his fingertips down your torso, eyelids heavy as he memorized every inch of your body. “P-please Lee, I want you inside of me so badly…”
He let out a shaky breath as his cheeks began tinting in colour. “A-are you sure? That you want me?”
You brought yourself up, leaning on one elbow, and grabbed Lee’s uncovered erection. Looking up at him through fluttering lashes, you pumped him slowly. “I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world, Lee.”
Closing his eyes, he took a determined breath. He gently pushed down on your shoulders, before placing one of his hands beside your head to hold himself up. Leaning down, he captured your lips in what could only be described as the most breathtaking kiss you had ever endured.
He rubbed his hard cock up and down your soaking slit. You brought your legs up on either side of him and wrapped them around his hips in anticipation. Not long after did he break the kiss to lean his forehead against yours.
“I have dreamed about having your legs wrapped around my waist, my flower.” Lee spoke quietly, before pushing his thick cock inside you. His eyes slowly fluttered shut in pleasure as he began steadily pumping into you.
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Might Guy
Never in a million years would you have imagined you would be in your current situation.
Ever since you saw him for the first time on your first day of school at the academy, you swore you were in love with him. It was something your parents and friends thought would pass. However, unbeknownst to them, it had followed you deep into your adulthood.
So when you were paired up with Guy to deliver an important scroll deep into another land, you were both internally thanking and cursing Lady Tsunade.
The mission had gone smoothly without any hiccups. The two of you had delivered the scroll two days earlier than anticipated. A few hours into the route home, it had been decided to stop and have a proper rest at an inn within the nearest village.
Guy had gotten one room for the two of you to share, ‘to save money, of course’. But he had definitely failed to mention the fact that he had only gotten a room with one bed.
And maybe that is how you ended up here, completely naked. With a certain black haired shinobi hovering above you. Thrusting into you relentlessly. It was everything you imagined it to be. He was loud, oh so loud. He grunted and moaned and praised your sweet little pussy.
Your whole body was on fire, was this truly happening? The next words to leave his mouth sealed the deal in taking every last bit of remaining air from your lungs.
“I have dreamed about this for years, my Lotus.” He began, slowing down his pace. “So many nights that I shamefully touched myself, imaging you below me like this, with your legs wrapped around my waist so tightly.”
You blinked up at him in shock, your ears were ringing, your face surely an inhumane shade of red at this point. You gulped loudly.
“And?” You spoke shakily, “Is it everything you thought it would be, Guy-Sensei?”
He smiled down at you and chuckled, picking up his pace again to hear you moan so wantonly in response.
“So much fucking better than I imagined.”
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randoimago · 11 months
Hello! A request for the most amazing Naruto character - Maito Gai - please! Man deserves all the love in the world! “we aren’t friends. friends don’t do this kinda thing.” with “maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.”
“we aren’t friends. friends don’t do this kinda thing.”
Fandom: Naruto
Character(s): Might Guy
Type of Request: Sentence Scenarios
Note(s): God I love Might Guy and Rock Lee so freaking much, I'm happy to write this!!
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He's noticed the sweet words and longing touches. He's not oblivious, he's noticed how you'd touch his shoulder or hand gently to give comfort. But he's also noticed the sweet smiles you'd give to Kakashi and Asuma too. He can't risk losing you to his best friends and it was only a matter of time before his emotions got the hold of him.
Might Guy stared at you, a mix of frustration and longing etched across his face. "We aren't friends. Friends don't do this kinda thing," he muttered under his breath, his heart pounding after you had held his arm with a gentle touch, giving him comfort after his pouting over losing to Kakashi over something he doesn't care to think about right now.
You're standing before him, confusion etched across their features. "What do you mean, Guy?"
His fists clenched at his sides, Guy felt his resolve strengthening. "Maybe I don't wanna be just friends with you," he blurted out, the words bursting forth like a dam breaking.
Your eyes widened, a flicker of surprise and hope glimmering within them. "What are you saying, Guy?"
A surge of courage coursed through him as he took a step closer. "I've realized that my feelings for you run deeper than friendship. Every day spent together has only strengthened my affection. I want to be more than just friends, to hold your hand and walk this path side by side."
Silence hung heavy in the air as Guy waited anxiously for a response. His heart raced, and doubt began to creep in. But then, a soft smile bloomed on his you lips, and your eyes softened.
"You...you really mean it?" You ask, you voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and happiness.
Guy nodded, his determination unwavering. "With all my heart. I've never wanted anything more than this."
He notices the happiness that spreads across your face. He's not oblivious to how your hand moves from holding his arm to rest against his chest as you lean in. He's definitely not going to risk the chance as he leans forward to press a kiss to your lips, happy that you're finally his.
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Can I please have Gai or Yamato “touch yourself for me”? Also many congrats and i wish you many more followers 🖤
alright @kankuroplease, I made in time for Gai's birthday lets go! Thanks for the request, this was quite... something :D
Might Gai x gn! reader (i tried)
Explicit. 18+. mdni - talk about masturbation and actual masturbation lol
2250 words.
Ao3 link [x]
A drunk dinner talk about masturbation leads to Gai asking you to explore your own body a little more.
Too much alcohol can turn any situation awkward, lower boundaries and start conversations that nobody would usually bring up. Things that you can laugh about the day after and shake your head saying “I can’t believe I mentioned this embarrassing story”, before lying down on the couch with a massive hangover headache. At least this is what happens most of the time, sometimes, unfortunately, loose lips do sink ships.
Last night for example, when a nice round of Jonin sat in a circle around a low table, enjoying the local restaurants all-you-can-drink policy with massive amounts of beers among them, the conversation suddenly moved on to masturbation of all things. You sat besides your boyfriend Gai, who as always was the centre of the party, making the place lively just by his general positive attitude and endless stories. You’ve never been a very confident person, not in your looks or your abilities, but Gai has never been shy of telling you exactly how much he liked you. Being with him sometimes felt like having a warmed up blanket on cold nights. Cosy and homely.
Gai wasn’t bothered by the sudden change of conversation to this very intimate topic. His face was a little red already as he freely told about his first experience touching himself and seeing what reaction it would get out of him. “I learned more about myself by exploring,” he boasted, “Exploring one’s body is part of what one should do in youth. Everybody should do it.”
Going around the table people shared stories now. Their first experience, what they liked the most, Anko used her hands to visualise the size of vibrators she had at home, which seemed to be several. You knew the conversation would eventually lead to you and shame crawled up your neck like a little insect. How could you get out of this situation?
You were still wondering if you could just make a run for it when Gai slinged an arm around your shoulder and knocked his head against yours: “Your turn, dearest, I’ve never heard you talk about it.” He chuckled a little.
Too late now to fake having to run off to the toilet and hope that the conversation had moved on by the time you would be back. Everyone was already staring at you. You bit the inside of your mouth. “Uh- I don’t - don’t really do that…” you murmured.
When you looked up everyone stared at you, even Gai’s mouth was half open. “You don’t do it at all?” Genma asked, a little amused. This was exactly the reaction you had thought they would have and you consider again if running away is a valuable option.
“It’s not like I never do that.” Your fingers grabbed the beer glass in front of you. “There are of course moments when… but I just never really… want to.” Nobody was saying anything for a moment until Gai, seemingly aware of how uncomfortable you felt around this topic, quickly threw in one of his own stories again. It was arguably a pretty funny one, the first time he had gotten full hard in his jumpsuit and then walked back from his mission from wall to wall, so people could only see his backside. Everyone laughed, including you.
And that was that, for now at least. Gai brought you home, you helped him get to bed, as he was a little more drunk than you and fell asleep in his iron, but warm grip and maybe that could have been the end of it all, nothing more than an awkward conversation that most of your friends would not even be able to remember the next morning. At least it would have been if Gai wouldn’t possess perfect memory.
In the morning he rolls over to you and after giving you the usual kiss good morning he buries his nose into your hair, while you press yourself against his still naked chest. Your hopes that the topic from last night have been forgotten are dashed as he says softly: “Can I ask you about something that you said last night?” You don’t even need him to clarify what he is curious about.
“Yes, I don’t want to keep secrets from you,” you say, though you can’t stop feeling insecure anyway. How to explain the very unique unease you have with yourself to someone that is so naturally positive about himself and everything?
“You don’t ever masturbate?” he asks the question you knew he would ask.
You laugh a fake laugh again and touch his arm: “Well you keep me satisfied, so I don’t need to.” It isn’t even really a lie. Since dating him, Gai has never left you wanting for anything romantically or sexually.
He smiles as if he wants to thank you for the compliment. “But before that? Before I entered your life… did you do it then?”
“Uh - n- not really.” You repeat what you said last night. “I just don’t feel like it.” You stop for a moment to rethink how you can explain what you are feeling. “And it is not that I’m not… horny or something.. I just - can’t stop my mind from telling me that I look absolutely awful…”
Without much warning Gai rolls you over on your back, one of his strong arms under your head. “I think you are wonderful ..” he gives you a kiss “... and beautiful” … he kisses you again, “.. .and you are especially sexy if you let yourself go like that.” 
You blush and avert your eyes. He is always so direct in a way that you could never be.
“But I understand having doubts about yourself,” Gai continues, “I, too, sometimes think there are things not quite right with me, despite all the youthfulness flowing through me. Still, the most important thing is that I think you would not look awful at all if you’d satisfied your own urges, do you believe me?”
Gai has never said anything in his life that was not the truth, you think, so you nod. “Yes,” you say. Despite how you might feel about yourself, each compliment Gai has made you since you started dating was heartfelt and true. You know he means it, even if you don’t understand why and so this is no exception.
“Amazing!” he exclaims, then he moves close so his nose touches yours, “so touch yourself for me.”
You push your head back into the pillow: “What?”
There is a slight smile on his face as he runs his finger through your hair: “I said: touch yourself for me. I would love to see you do it, so please.”
“Oh, I don’t know…” you begin, but Gai is already kissing you first light and then deeply, his one hand still in your hair. He knows how to keep you going, what you like and so you are a panting mess not five minutes after he has started. You don’t have to touch between your legs to find out how turned on he has already made you.
He kisses you again, now rolling you to the side so he can get rid of your pyjama top and kiss shoulders and chest just enough to have you breathless, before then taking one of your hands that had so far been running over his back and intertwining his fingers with it. 
“Will you do me the favour I asked you?” he says with this rough voice that only comes out when he wants to turn you on and it is working which is the worst of all. Your heart flutters against your chest as he leads your hand onto your own belly so leave it there.
You are still unsure. If this were night and he could not watch you so closely, maybe it would not be an issue, but it is daytime, morning, and in this way Gai can see your reaction pretty clearly, maybe a little too clearly. He must have spotted the insecurity in your eyes because he draws back a little: “I’m sorry if I am pushing you too much. Of course you don’t have to if it makes you really uncomfortable.”
The affirmation makes you feel warm and you lean forward to kiss him again. Everything he says and does is always so earnest, in fighting, in friendship, in love, in sex and that is the reason you fell in love with him in the first place. You want to grant him his wish, because you know he means it.
“It is fine,” you say and then stutter a little, “j-just tell me how- I mean I know how just … instruct me.” 
A light flashes in his eyes and you take it as acceptance. He leans forward and touches your nose with his again. “Take your pants off, please, dearest.” And you do, nerves suddenly alight with excitement from the order alone. You now can feel the proof that you are as turned on as you suspected previously.
Gai closes one hand around yours again, stroking the fingers softly with his thumb as he leads you between your own legs. “I’m pretty sure you know what you like best,” he whispers to you and lets your hand go. “I would like to know too. So show me.”
He lets your hand go and you take over with shaking fingers. It has been a while since you’ve done that yourself even before Gai and you started dating you hadn’t done it in years. You move slowly at first, lightly tracing over yourself as if you are exploring it for the first time. You are reminded of how Gai said last night that experimentation with your own body is part of youth.
The thought escapes you as Gai leans over to kiss your neck and shoulders again, temporarily distracting you from your own work. Instinctively the hand between your legs keeps on moving, as if it automatically knows what to do. You can’t help but moan a little, which leads Gai to say: “You’re doing wonderfully”, which forces a sigh out of you.
He forces you into another kiss, tongue swirling over yours as you melt right into him, feeling his own arousal pressing against your leg. You can feel the familiar warmth at your core and the desire to go faster and chase that feather light feeling of release. With his mouth on yours and his roaming hands on your body you fully forget being nervous.
As your breath starts escaping you he finally lets you go, and when you open your eyes you can see that Gai is watching you. Suddenly the embarrassment is back and part of you wants to pull your hand away again, but you’ve worked yourself up too far now to worry about how your face might look at this moment. 
“You are absolutely beautiful,” Gai says as if he just read your mind. The compliment hits you at your core and you lean forward desperately to have him kiss you again. He does. 
You ignore the pain in your hand as you move quicker trying to chase the flames now licking on your insides. Your eyes fly open again and Gai still looks at you, maybe he hasn’t even closed them to kiss you. There is a light in them, a genuine fondness for you mirroring so clearly. His loving look alone almost pushes you over the edge.
“I’m so c..close…” you say and long for his lips again. 
Mercifully, he kisses you, but only shortly. “Move to the side, so I can see it clearly,” he instructs and you are not sure you can or want to move now that you are so close to the end, but you can’t disobey him so you roll onto your back and push the blanket off you completely exposing yourself.
As a reward he kisses you again.  “You are so gorgeous, “ he whispers against the shell of your ear. “Show me how you enjoy your youth, dearest.”
Your hand works on its own, increasing the pace until your insides feel like they are exploding. Your eyes fall shut as you come, head pressing against Gai’s forehead as he keeps whispering praises to you and finally his lips are on yours again, guiding you with soft force through your orgasm. 
You’d never enjoyed masturbating so much before. You can barely believe how intense it feels.
Gai has paper ready for you to clean yourself as your hand comes to a stop and you regain your breathing. You push yourself on your elbows so you can kiss him. “Thank you,” you say and you don’t really mean the paper.
He smiles, the fondness you have seen in his eyes before now all over his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever found you more beautiful than just now,” he says, “Next time I’m out of town and you are in the mood, think of that.”
You want to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him so close that he can’t breathe. It is incredible that such an amazing human being could even exist and that he loves you of all people. Your lips curl as you try to find the words to thank him, but then you notice that there still is quite the tent in his pants.
“Hm,” you humm, leaning over to kiss him again, “how about I get to see you enjoying your youth now?” 
Gai laughs his normal, roaring laugh.
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sunstaar · 1 year
hc: dating Maito Gai
Word Count: 0,4k
Author's Note: to this day I don't understand why he is so underrated
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Maito Gai is an incredibly passionate man, so much so that his passion and enthusiasm often know no bounds
to everything he does, he brings energy with him, and that also includes his romantic relationships
he’s the type of man to put his heart and soul into a relationship, someone who is very determined to make his partner feel loved and appreciated all the time
that also means that he is a great listener
whenever you have a problem or look upset, Gai does not hesitate to turn that frown upside down
he genuinely cares about what you have to say, and it does not matter to him what you are talking about, he is always willing to listen and lend an ear to your problems
while he does tend to talk a lot and very loudly too, whenever he hears you speak up, he will quiet down and divert his attention to listen to you
Gai is very attentive when it comes to you, and as a hopeless romantic at heart, nothing is too much when it comes to you
he would devote the whole world to you if he could because that’s what you are to him, his world
from grand gestures to elaborate surprises, Gai stops at nothing to make you feel super special and loved by him
when coming to pick you up for a date, he will walk by a flower shop and won’t hesitate to go inside and pick up the most elaborate bouquet in the whole shop for you
because that’s what he does, he’s always thinking about you and ready to sweep you off your feet
a bit boisterous sometimes, Gai wants to show you off, because you’re his and he is yours
that’s what makes him very loyal too
no matter what, he’ll always have your back and never even dare to think about betraying your precious trust
Gai is a man of his word, he always follows through with his promises and commitment
at the end of the day, what matters to him the most is that your relationship is built on a foundation of mutual support and trust
whether that means you are cheering him on as he competes against his eternal rival, Kakashi, yet again, or even sitting and watching him train his team
he appreciates every little gesture and makes sure to reciprocate it as soon as possible
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mayhem-neverending · 1 year
Return Part II
Might Guy x Reader
This is the second part to Return, where reader comes home and Guy tries to summon the courage to tell her his feelings. 
Warnings: Sexual themes, alcohol usage, a smidge angst 
Word Count: 1938
The harsh fluorescent lights of the bathroom coupled by walking made you realize that you were definitely passed tipsy. While you washed your hands you studied your reflection, noticing the flush of your cheeks. You smiled at yourself, it was a good look on you. 
You steadied yourself and headed back to your groups table. You noticed that Anko and Shizune had pulled up chairs to join the fray. You smiled, glad they had decided to come. 
“Y/n!” Anko waved at you, beaming. “It’s been awhile,”
“Sure has,” Kurenai and Asuma moved for you to climb back in. “How have you been, Anko?”
You slid in next to Guy who was about to take what looked like his sixth shot. Kakashi held his glass up to you when he saw you looking with a grin, to which you giggled. He was definitely feeling it. 
“I’ve been pretty good, nothing I can’t handle.” Anko stretched exaggeratedly. 
Guy pressed his thigh back against yours and a jolt of electricity passed between you two. You saw his fingers twitch where they sat at the table, and wondered if he felt it too. 
Guy put his arm around your shoulders as a waiter started passing the table. “Sir, can we get three more shots please!” 
“Guy, I don’t know about that,” Kakashi said, but the waiter was already back to the bar. 
Guy looked down at you, not missing the look Kurenai gave him when they made brief eye contact. He grinned, showing his pretty white teeth. He seemed to lose track of his thought when he made eye contact with you. “So,”
You waited a moment for him to continue, a blush forming on your face as he just continued to stare. You grinned when he didn’t say anything else.
“So?” You prompted. 
He blinked. Thankfully, the waiter was back with his order. “So, uh, are you ready for your first shot?” 
It was your turn to blink. “Uhm, what?”
He chuckled. “Who did you think the third shot was for?”
You could feel the weight of his muscular arm still draped over your shoulders. There was fire where his bare arm touched your neck. It had never felt that way before. You certainly would have remembered that if it did. 
“I don’t know, I’m feeling pretty good from my drinks,” 
“Nonsense!” He pushed the shot into your hand. 
He looked between you and Kakashi, all three of you held your glasses up. “Bottoms up!”
Guy wasn’t purposefully trying to get you drunk. However, he realized his mistake when you were three shots in and you slid your hand onto his thigh while you were talking to Genma and Anko. It made him freeze. Even being intoxicated himself, he was painfully aware of every move you made. The more you drank, the happier and flirtier you got. With everyone. It was making his stomach do backflips every time you said something suggestive. He was also put off a little by the fact that so far, you hadn’t flirted a bit with him. 
Your hand had him feeling butterflies. You seemed to notice him stilling, too, because when there was a lull in your conversation, you smiled coyly at him. You tilted your head up and beckoned him to your level. He did so obediently and you tilted your head up so that your lips grazed his ear. Shivers ran down his spine and heat pooled between his legs. 
“Something wrong?” You whispered. 
“N-nothing,” He stuttered, pulling away. He gave you a weak thumbs up. Kakashi, who was watching, felt a small burst of panic. If you kept this up, Guy would take you home and what happened next wouldn’t have anything to do with feelings. Or, you would get his hopes up and go home with someone else, since it seemed you were getting particularly frisky. He didn’t want his best friend getting hurt. 
“Guy,” He called across the table. 
Guy snapped his head towards him. “What can I do for you, Kakashi?”
He gestured with his thumb towards the bar. “Come with me for a minute.” 
Guy nodded. He tried his best to subtly readjust himself before making everyone scoot so he could follow Kakashi. “Be right back,” He said to no one in particular. 
You watched them head to the bar, wondering what was up with them but your thoughts were quickly intercepted by Anko. 
“Hey, Y/n, you want another round?” She gave you a mischievous smile. 
You held up your hand.  “Thanks, but I’m good. I know you guys are all attractive, but you’re looking extra good after those shots.” 
Anko pouted playfully at you. 
“Don’t worry Anko, you’re the best looking one.” You winked. 
She licked her lips. You wondered if she may have taken you seriously. Then you wondered if that would really be a problem with you. Before you could contemplate further, your favorite boys were back at the table. 
You felt a little woozy as you moved for Guy to sit back down, so you made a decision that would change the rest of your life. 
“Hey, I think I’m gonna step out and get some fresh air,” You told whoever was listening when you got up. 
“Let me accompany you!” Guy nearly shouted. “I could also you some refreshing air,” 
You giggled. His cheeks were red and he was unsteady on his feet. 
“I think you may need more than a little fresh air,” Asuma sniggered. 
Guy didn’t hear him, or if he did, he ignored it. You lead the way out of the busy bar, hardly hearing whatever Guy was rambling about behind you. The cool air was welcoming on your warm skin. 
You leaned against the building and took a deep breath. It was lovely out. You let your eyes flutter closed, but popped open quickly. 
“I didn’t think I was that drunk,” you muttered to yourself. You made a note to drink some water so the swirling behind your eyes would ease up by the time you went to bed. You both stood in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the weather and each other’s company. 
“Y/n?” Guy asked, leaning in next to you.
“Hm?” You turned your head to meet his teary gaze.
“I missed you,” 
Your stomach flipped, and you felt a lump trying to form in your throat. You were suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. The loneliness of those two years, the longing for home, and the years and years of yearning for Guy to be yours crashed over you in a tidal wave. 
Your eyes welled with tears, but never broke contact with his. “Gods,”
“I missed you too,”
Guy pulled you into a hug, completely enveloping you in his warmth. A few tears escaped you, but you didn’t mind. You secretly wiped them on Guy’s t-shirt, but it not-so-secretly made you giggle. 
He pulled away and smiled at you. Not in the overpowering way he usually did, but so tenderly it left you flabbergasted. “Let’s take a walk,”
He held a hand on your lower back as you walked. You told yourself it was to steady you, not believing he could truly have another cause. You were feeling raw, unsteady, lonely; even with his presence. You had a thought that it was probably the liquor that had changed your demeanor so suddenly, but couldn’t summon the power to change it. 
“I’ve felt so alone these last two years,” You finally uttered. 
Guy listened silently. “I don’t know how many times I wanted to just pack my bag and come home. Tell the Hokage to send someone else out there.”
You took a deep breath. “I tried to make some friends, but they were shallow. How could I connect with people when I’m not who I say I am?” 
The tears were leaking now. Guy rubbed your back. His heart ached for you. “Every night I lied awake, wondering what you and Kakashi were doing, if you were happy - if you were even still alive.”
“I hate that about being a shinobi. My best friends could die at any time and I wouldn’t be sent a word about it... I know you’re capable, but I lived with that fear for two whole years. I couldn’t even send you a letter to let you know I was okay! Even when my parents died, I didn’t feel that alone. You and Kashi made sure of that,” 
Guy looked at you solemnly. “I wish I could have been there for you, in any way. I’m so sorry, Y/n,”
You wiped your tears. “It’s not your fault,”
A colder sort of breeze rose up around you, making you shiver. Guy put his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. He was heartbroken for you, and wished more than ever to tell you that he loved you, but he knew this was not the time. 
He spotted his apartment building not too far up ahead. He gazed at your form, your hunched shoulders and tears still escaping on your red cheeks. 
“Hey,” He paused. “My apartment is just up ahead. Do you want to go up and have a glass of water?” 
You gave him a watery smile and nodded. “Okay,” he murmured. 
You made your way upstairs and inside and were happily greeted by warmth. He turned the lights on and walked swiftly to the kitchen. You followed him and leaned against the counter as he poured you a glass of water. His heart was full seeing you in his home again. You looked so natural here. 
He handed it to you and hovered in front of you as you took a sip. As soon as it touched your lips your body thanked you. You sighed. “Oh, thanks for taking care of my apartment, by the way,” 
Guy chuckled. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Of course, anytime.” 
You looked up at him with surprise. He hoped that wasn’t too forward. Nervousness started to creep up and his cheeks and ears began turning red. Maybe that was the wrong thing to do, he thought. 
You had a burst of courage as you watched him turn red. Your cheeks don’t turn that color if you’re just being friendly, you thought. 
You pushed forward on your toes and met his lips in a chaste kiss. Guy’s mouth was agape, his heart leapt into his throat. Were you.. did you? Do you love me too? 
He leaned in, hopeful that your soft lips would meet his in another kiss. You followed his movements, meeting his lips and leading him into a deeper kiss than before. Your lips moved together with hesitance for only a moment, before you were pulling each other in. 
Guy pulled away gasping, his eyes shining. “I love you,” And then again, louder this time, “I love you, I have for so long,” He smiled, happy to get it off his chest. His heart beat wildly as he awaited your reaction.
You laughed, relief and joy filling your chest. “I think I’ve loved you longer,” 
Guy lifted you onto the counter. You leaned in again, kissing each other heatedly. The next time you pulled away, Guy pointed his finger at your chest. “Is that a challenge?!”
“No!” You laughed.
“I think it is!” he pressed his lips to yours before you had a chance to argue. 
(I know no smut, but it took a sweeter turn than I had meant it. I thought it was fitting for Guy to want to take care of you though! He would be an excellent partner in that aspect.)
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
could I request guy or lee comforting an upset s/o? like not upset with them, but just upset with other people please ❤️
you pick which one ^^
You're in luck, nonnie.
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I love Lee and Gai, so I gave them each a drabble.
Rock Lee first, Maito Gai second. Individual warnings will be attached to each drabble.
Enjoy. <3
ROCK LEE (521 words) Warnings: Hospitals, exhaustion
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You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. It had been a long day at the hospital, and every single person, from the patients to the other medics, seemed determined to get on your nerves.
“Yes,” you explained. “You need to take this medicine after you eat.”
“No,” you sighed. “This little red spot isn’t going to kill you. It’s just a zit.”
“Yes,” you growled. “You need to wash the sheets in hot water.”
“No,” you cried. “There isn’t any peppermint extract left!”
You had never felt so drained as you did when you finally trudged out of the hospital towards your house. And along the way, everyone and everything only seemed to make it worse. Why did that dog have to see a squirrel and bark incessantly? Why did the waiter have to shatter a plate? Why was the sun so damn hot?
By the time you actually got home, you wanted to just hide in your room and break down. You were overheated, overworked, and overwhelmed. You just needed to hide away somewhere that no one could find you.
When you walked through the door, however, you weren’t alone. Lee was already standing in the kitchen, stirring something in a pot.
He looked up at you with his trademark smile. “Welcome home, my precious flower!” he said. Then his smile faded as he saw your expression. “Is everything all right?”
You briefly debated what to say before settling on the truth. “No,” you muttered.
Immediately, Lee crossed the room and pulled you into his arms. “What happened, my love?”
“Long day at work,” you replied, relaxing into his embrace. “A lot of stupid people doing stupid things and making my job harder.”
He hugged you tighter. “I am sorry.”
“You don’t have to be, Lee. You didn’t do anything.”
“Be that as it may, it pains me to see you in distress,” Lee replied. He pulled back and looked you in the eye. “What can I do to help?”
You settled back against his chest. “This is a good start.”
He rewrapped his arms tightly around you, pressing a tender kiss against your scalp. He gently rubbed his hands along your back and whispered soothing nothings in your ear.
You closed your eyes, quietly savoring his affection.
The timer sitting on the counter went off, and Lee sighed. “I must finish making dinner,” he said. “You just relax, and I’ll bring it to you shortly.”
You managed to form a small smile. “Sounds good. Thank you, Lee.”
Lee bent down and pressed a sweet kiss against your lips. You closed your eyes, savoring his affection as you kissed him back. He pressed one more kiss against your forehead, then stepped back to the stove.
You did as he suggested, going into the living room and settling on the sofa. You laid back and stretched, watching Lee putter around and put the finishing touches on the food.
He glanced your way as he took the pot off the stove and gave you a warm smile.
You smiled back, feeling the stress from the day vanish like smoke in the breeze.
MAITO GAI (560 words) Warnings: Minor injury/blood, treatment of said injury, mild angst
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Your fists pounded the punching bag. The fabric stretched and groaned around your fingers, but you didn’t care. Every time your fist collided with the bag, you saw yourself punching every member of your last squad.
Your squad mates didn’t take a mission seriously, causing a bandit to nearly escape before he could be questioned. You had caught him again, but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
And your squad mates certainly shouldn’t have blamed you for it. You were taking your sleeping shift, they were on guard. And yet they tried to saddle the blame for the incident on you.
Fortunately, Tsunade saw right through their lies and tore them to shreds during your debrief. She also offered you a few days off to “rest and recuperate,” which you were glad to take.
You wished she would let you pummel your squad mates too, but that was out of the question. So you just had to settle for the punching bag hanging on your back porch instead.
Your fists slammed into the bag harder and harder, but it still wasn’t enough. Frustrated, chakra crackled through your veins and into your hands. You threw one more punch, and this time, it was hard enough to knock the bag clean off of its chains. It flew a few feet away before falling to the ground.
You felt satisfied as you watched it fall. Then, as you went to pick it up, you felt a stinging sensation in your hands.
You looked down and blanched.
Your knuckles and fingers were badly scraped, blood leaking out of several spots. You cursed, walking towards your door.
“Good afternoon, my dear.”
You spotted Gai coming up the path towards you, his arms loaded with groceries. “Hey, Gai,” you said, tucking your hands behind you.
He frowned. “What’s the matter? You’re normally so full of youth!”
“Yeah, well, not today,” you replied.
His expression grew serious as he saw your hands hidden away. He glanced at the fallen punching bag, then back to you. “My dear, let me see your hands.”
You sighed, then pulled them back out.
He walked up and studied your injuries. “Let’s head inside,” he said. “I’ll put these away real quick, then we’ll get you cleaned up.”
“Gai, you don’t have to do that,” you said.
“I would like to, my dear. If you’ll allow it.”
The look he gave you was so sincere you couldn’t help but nod.
You followed him into the kitchen. True to his word, he stored away the vegetables and bread in the blink of an eye. Then he brought you to the bathroom and gently began to wash your hands in the sink.
“Rough day at the office?” he asked.
You snorted. “Yeah.”
You ran through what had happened as he wrapped your hands in clean bandages. He was a good listener, reacting exactly as you needed him to.
He finished tying knots above your wrists as you finished your story. You carefully turned your hands, pleased to find you still had full mobility. “You’re really good at this.”
“I do try to give a hundred percent to everything I do, especially when it involves someone precious to me.” He then lifted your hands, pressing a soft kiss against each of your wrists.
You melted.
He smiled at you. “Better, my love?”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @rayofmirasol (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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Characters: Maito Gai and Reader
Training was a given with Gai. No matter what was going on in your day, time had to be taken out for Gai to do his excersises.
It was a necessity to keep himself in top form. Something you didn’t complain about because you usually found a good spot to sit and view, and what a view Gai made.
Today you weren’t behind him checking out his ass as he did stretches, but instead you had chosen to slide in underneath him when he decided to do one thousand push-ups.
For every push-up he did, you rewarded him with a kiss.
A small kiss on the cheek, or a peck on the lips, followed by one reason you loved him. Everytime you did it, Gai’s smile grew a little wider. Which was impressive given the man had a face splitting smile twenty four-seven.
“Five hundred ninety three,” he lowered himself towards you, chuckling when you give him a tiny kiss against the nose. “What is it you love about ke this time?”
“Your smile.”
“You’ve said my smile sixteen times now,” he teases you. “Do you really love it that much?”
Reaching out towards him, you trace your thumb over his lips. “More than anything in the world,” you promise, leaning in to steal one more quick kiss before he pushes himself back up. “It’s the most beautiful smile in the world.”
“The most beautiful?” His laughter rings in your ears. A boisterous, overwhelming sound that could fill a room with ease.
The most beautiful sound in the world to go with the most beautiful smile.
“That’s what I said,” you hummed. “Now, i believe you still have four hundred and seven push-up’s to go.”
“I do.”
“Better get to it,” you smile up at him. “Or we’ll be late for lunch.”
“Will you run out of reason’s you love me?”
“Never.” it’s a promise, firm and true. There is no end to the reason’s you love Gai. A thousand is only the beginning of an endless list.
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wing-ed-thing · 8 months
Might Guy x Reader x Kisame Love Triangle Headcanons
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𓆃 Is this a love triangle? How much does it really count if one leg of the triangle completely forgets that the other exists? That still counts... right?
𓆃 It's most likely that you're a Leaf shinobi. Considering Guy's tunnel vision, the most plausible scenario is that you and Guy are peers, and Kisame isn't afraid to express his interest no matter the "sides."
𓆃 While other love triangles are more interactive— where your two interests compete for your affection— Guy's cluelessness leaves quite a bit to be desired.
𓆃 Neither Guy nor Kisame really see a competition. More so, Guy is only half aware that he's into you in the first place, and Kisame thinks fighting and flirting is just a good time.
𓆃 And given that you rarely see Kisame in the first place, the times the three of you are together ends up being mostly business.
𓆃 Kisame is bound to say something complimentary— if not vulgar— and while Guy can swoop in with a swift kick and recognize that, he can hardly remember Kisame let alone focus for a second.
𓆃 You're pretty sure Guy sees it as a chivalry thing, that he's coming to your defense without realizing that he's particularly attentive to you.
𓆃 If there's any contention between the two, it would be at this moment, specifically coming from Kisame.
𓆃 Kisame loves a good fight— and good banter— more than anything, so Guy getting in the way is a surefire way to get him annoyed.
𓆃 From the outside, things can look a bit funny when Kisame is slamming Guy into the forest like a baseball before turning to you and telling you that he likes the new way you've got your hair.
𓆃 "Do you wanna get out of here?" he might ask and how is he expecting any other answer than a few rapid blinks and a "...what?"
𓆃 The Guy/Kisame dynamic isn't the most exciting. It's mostly Kisame trying to shoot his shot the little time he's around you and taking advantage of the handicap that is Guy's general obliviousness.
𓆃 Kisame doesn't even seem to see himself as a threat or an enemy to you because he's on a whole different brand of clueless.
𓆃 Guy is a nuisance; you're cute; Kisame is a terrorist for hire.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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belit0 · 9 months
Unbreakable Bond (part 4)
It took me a while because I had no idea how to approach this chapter, but finally, here we are. Lots of revelations in it, and more Uchihas in the cast!!!
it always helps me a lot to get feedback on what you think, so please share with me your opinions on this!!!
"What about that one?" Obito tersely asks, lying on the roof of the tallest building in the city, black wings camouflaging themselves in night's darkness despite their blue feathers, these acting as a cushion for his body. He scans the streets with disinterested eyes, fed up with the situation and eager to return home.
Hunting humans is much easier than hunting angels.
"No, poor physical ability, he won't even withstand a hit," Shisui answers, observing the same celestial being his companion pointed out. Their goal is clear, to find a divine protector of excellent conditions and skills, though they have been on the task for about a month and the aforementioned does not seem to exist.
"Why can't it be either of us two, again?"
"You didn't hear a word the leader said, did you?"
"I mean, can you blame me? I get chills just listening to his voice, creeps me out so much I'd rather act as if I don't exist when he's talking to us."
"You're a child."
"I'm not a child, I value my life, it's different. I don't wanna be subject to the leader's wrath."
"Yeah, and for that very reason you keep asking what the fuck we have to do since we arrived!" Shisui ends up pseudo-yelling in frustration, shoving him and getting a punch in reply. "You wouldn't have a fucking clue about what to do if-"
"LOOK AT HIM!" A blue claw points at a new angel, and following the direction Obito guides, Shisui agrees with him for the first time. Down the street, an angel with a powerful aura and a bowl-cut walks beside an old woman, probably the human to whom he must be bound.
His wings are large, thick, and his body looks in good condition. Not so young, not so old, he's the perfect description provided to them by the leader before leaving. "Do you think he'll be strong enough?"
"I sure hope so." Both demons stand up in unison, launching themselves into the heights and taking advantage of the darkness to camouflage themselves without any problems. They fly higher than any angel would, out of the radar and shielded, following their target at a safe distance, waiting for the right moment to act.
When the angel they are tailing seems to stop in front of a building, they quickly descend, taking up position on another rooftop and observing again. "You have the leader's blood, don't you?" Obito asks, biting his lip at the sudden anxiety for action. They've spent what felt like an eternity searching for the perfect vessel, and now that they have it in front of their eyes, they can't fail.
"Ha, and here I thought you hadn't heard anything of what he'd told us."
"It's hard to ignore when the strongest man in the entire fucking world gives you a vial of his blood, you idiot."
Shisui produces a small container filled with red liquid, carefully feeling it in the palm of his hand as if afraid of losing it. The cold glass on his skin generates a sense of comfort, securing the most important part of the entire sequence in his grip, ready to proceed.
They listen as the old woman and her angel exchange a few words, presumably having arrived at the lady's home. "Thank you very much, Guy, again, no need to take care of this poor old thing if you have business to take care of up there you know."
"Please, Akira! In heavens I'm bored, it's much more fun to spend time with you and feel the blessings of youth blossom! Did you enjoy your Shogi game? Your opponent was humbled by your skills!"
His aura is sweet, pleasant, powerful, the kind of energy any human would want to have around.
The being's gestures, the bizarre movements of his body, the awkward way of speaking and expressing himself, everything is strange about him, but the strength he carries within is undeniable, just as the leader described he needed.
"You are exaggerating, my dear angel, I could only win once, but it was more than enough. How are your friends? I haven't seen the gray-haired boy for a long time."
"Kakashi? He's too busy to pay attention to me, I'd rather devote myself solely to you!" The angel flashes a perfect white smile and gives a thumbs up when he hears his human snorting.
"Ayay, come back soon so I can cut your hair, it's getting too long."
"Will do!"
As the woman closes her front door, the angel is left alone on the street, spreading his wings, and setting out to take flight. Analyzing him closely, both demons confirm he is the perfect vessel, the best body for the leader to possess and execute his purpose, they can't miss the opportunity.
Once they see him flying, the two decide to follow at a moderate distance to avoid suspicion, waiting until a reasonable altitude for no one to see them intercept him. At this hour, most humans are eating dinner, watching TV, getting ready for bed, and the flow of angels diminishes due to lack of demand.
It is the perfect moment.
At the right moment, both demons increase speed in sync, sandwiching him one from above and the other from below. Obito takes it upon himself to land on his back, shrinking his unsuspecting wings and embracing him in a constricting grab. “WO-A-AH”. Shisui, on the other hand, approaches from below, the vial of the leader's blood open, and grabbing him by the neck.
When Obito has him successfully imprisoned, being the one to keep the angel from plummeting to the ground due to the inability to move his wings, he spins in midair, letting the celestial being rest on his chest while still managing to keep them moving.
Shisui, now staying on top of him, doesn't waste a moment or give him time to understand the situation, squeezing his cheeks and forcibly opening his mouth. The blood from the vial enters smoothly and slides down his tongue like honey, until the last drop is secured inside.
The change is immediate, and when the angel stops struggling in the demon's arms to try to free himself, Obito sets off for the landing, choosing a particularly desolate alley without prying eyes. Followed closely by his partner, they both hit the floor of the cramped passageway kicking up a cloud of dust, and deposit the angel carefully on top of a dumpster.
"And now?" the blue-feathered demon asks, uniquely sure of how they were to execute the plan but having no idea how it all follows.
"Just wait." Shisui kneels on the ground, bows his head, and prepares for his commander's triumphant entrance.
The angel's body, stiff and paralyzed as if dead, suddenly convulses. His limbs tremble uncontrollably, his ridiculous haircut moving with the uncontrolled shaking of his bones, his mouth producing incomprehensible and agonizing noises.
Obito can only watch in horror as the celestial being that seconds ago he had trapped in his arms now seems to transmute in front of him, its sickly sweet energy changing into a dark and terrifying one, the same one that gives him goosebumps when he has to face it at home.
The leader's own power takes possession of the angel's body, invading the entire cramped alley with spikes of fear and panic, the air becoming thick and heavy. Imitating his companion, he quickly collapses to his knees upon realizing what is about to happen, and ducks his head nervously to avoid looking his commander in the eyes.
None of them dares to watch the transformation, but after a few seconds of screams of agony and convulsions, all goes silent. Unable to check what's going on, they listen as the angel's body sits on top of the dumpster, and lands on the alley floor a few seconds later.
"Took you long enough." It is the guardian of heaven's voice, but both demons know it is not him speaking.
"I'm sorry... we... we weren't finding anyone bu-" Shisui tries to explain without daring to look up, only to be stopped in his tracks by that terrible presence. "Not interested in your excuses, where is he?"
"We have no idea." Obito bluntly confesses, preparing his body for the most brutal beating he will ever receive. The Leader is ferocious, a beast with no restraints, to be subject to his rage is a straight ticket to death.
"You're telling me you've been here for a month, yet you couldn't find who I asked you to find? A month, a whole entire month, and you have no trace of him?" The possessed angel walks up to them, and with their heads down, they can both see the sandals of the being they just abducted inches away.
"Sorry, my lord, but-" before he can explain anything further, Shisui gets kicked straight in the mouth, fangs flying and blood in the air. His head slams against the opposite wall of the alley, and the demon slumps to the ground. The Leader walks over to him, stepping on his black and emerald green wings on the way, grabbing him by the neck, and lifting him into the air.
"A month, a whole month, one where both of you strolled around whilst I still haven't regained my powers." The demon struggles for breath, holding the wrist of the possessed angel, desperate for release. "A whole month, where I remained wingless and you flew free as birds." Obito feels a shiver of terror run through his body at his words, finding himself paralyzed on the ground, unable to move his body out of fear of suffering the same as his companion.
"A whole month, where my brother wanders free through life and I continued to suffer his injustices." He has to move, he knows he has to say something to save Shisui's life, but the panic is stronger than his will, reduced to a bundle of tremors and cold sweat.
He hears his brother's body hit the ground again, a desperate cough as he tries to regain the air he lost for more minutes than would be prudent, and the dirt on the alley floor rattles again under the angel's sandals.
"Come on, I feel him." Is all he says before taking off, white wings unbecoming of any demon fluttering rapidly in ascent, and when Obito feels him far enough away, runs to Shisui, assisting him to stand and draping one of his arms over his shoulder. "I'm fine... I'm fine." The previously attacked demon manages to regain stability, able to launch himself into flight on his own and following the pace of them both amidst labored breaths.
Together they mimic the Leader, flying off and following the direction of his dark, unmistakable aura. If any angel in the city was paying attention, it would not be at all difficult for them to identify him, pure and materialized darkness in his whole person.
It is overwhelming to keep up with him, and it is bizarre to observe how the celestial being they captured, cheerful and calm, funny, now wears a long and angry face, serious and unpleasant countenance.
Obito never saw him in action, never able to witness the unrestrained power of his commander, so to be faced with his presence, not literally but energetically, about to go into action, is both wonderful and terrifying. He could stand and watch the perfect movement he executes with his borrowed wings, so different from what demons themselves do, but the fear the man inspires in him is stronger than anything else.
From birth, both demons were trained by their elder brothers, Izuna and Madara, without ever having had the privilege of seeing the leader use his might. They have grown up under Izuna's tales, the stories he always told about him, about his strength and power, about how he is the most powerful being of all time. The leader always confined himself to his private quarters, where only invited guests could enter, always wearing a long black cloak covering him from the shoulders down.
The only things he knows about him are myths, but he has no doubts about those either.
The man himself is a legend, a figure of respect and fear, someone not to be contradicted, and the only thing the blue-feathered demon is sure of is that the Leader has no wings. No one knows what happened to him, not even Madara himself can explain the story for he has no idea, and the only certainty is that they were taken away from him at some point.
Nobody knows why or how, who did it.
Engrossed in his fear and overwhelmed by his thoughts, Obito concentrates on keeping up, his companion a few meters behind him, and descends quickly when he notices the leader goes first. He seems to be heading for a rural area, few houses scattered around a small neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, desolate.
The possessed angel lands hard and without fear of attracting attention in the middle of the street, while the other two prefer to remain unnoticed, not sure if their help will be needed for the moment, hiding together at the top of a tree.
Several angels appear before the rumble, some coming out of their humans' houses and others rapidly descending from the sky. The two demons watch as a circle of white wings and light robes surrounds the leader, confused and worried faces asking him if he is all right.
Neither of them knows this angel is not normal.
One, in particular, stands out in the circle, a celestial being the commander keeps staring at, and before everyone can take note of what is happening, he pounces on him with the cry of "ASHURA!". The onlookers soon try to join the conflict, attempting to attack the leader among all, and that's the moment when they realize they both must help.
Angelic bodies fly back and forth and both are convinced the Leader could handle them all alone, without an ounce of help, but he seems to be interested in one particular guardian, and if the demons don't get rid of the excess, he'll never have time to fuck him up alone.
"NOW!" they exclaim in unison urgently, coming out of hiding and bringing out their sharp claws for combat. Where ten angels simultaneously attack the leader without any success, the two demons join the fray, landing on the heads of several and mercilessly launching themselves at others.
They form the perfect distraction for the Leader to take care of his target, fighting one-on-one with no hindrance in between.
Ashura looks at that particular angel, who landed in the middle of the street and left a crater in the asphalt, and asks him if he is all right. It irritates him terribly to think about how he’ll have to repair the damage in the morning, but it worries him even more whether his companion is in trouble and needs help.
"Are you okay? Hello?'" He asks again, and his neighboring angels join the round of curious onlookers. They all form a circle around him, repeatedly asking if everything is okay, but something is wrong with that creature.
His aura is heavy like pure darkness itself, energy full of black and revulsion, terror, and the hairs on his back stand on end when those eyes stare at him. Serious countenance and leaving nothing to be seen, the angel is scary, plain and simply scary.
Words catch in his throat as he realizes how recognizable the intensity of that gaze is, but before he can react, two hands grab him by the neck and take him flying over the street to the cry of "ASHURA!"
It can't be. There's no way this is happening, he's supposed to be dead.
Paralyzed, he watches as the rest of the angels swoop down on his attacker, trying to cut him down, but none are successful in their attempt. White feathers and forged bodies fly this way and that, and each one that tries to touch him is hurled in the opposite direction without success.
It cannot be.
In his peripheral vision, he notices two pairs of black wings, and the paralysis ends when a nostalgically familiar force impacts his face mercilessly. Ashura flies backward again, this time impacting a tree. "'Thought you'd never hear from me again?" The possessed angel asks, and no doubt remains.
The movements of his hands, the way he stands, the coldness of his gaze and the madness of his words, all indicate it is him. "A-Aniki-i?" he tries to ask, before a foot dives into his stomach and steals all the air from his lungs.
"Did you truthfully assume I would die, how you would never have to deal with me ever again?" there is venom in his words, pure resentment in every sentence, tangible evil in the way he expresses his loathing. When a fist is about to impact against his chin, Ashura finally reacts, deflecting the blow with his own hand and using the opening to stand up again.
"HO-OW… HOW CAN YOU BE ALIVE! I-I SAW YOU FALL!" his question is abrupt, solely because of the surprise and anxiety he feels knowing his brother never disappeared, never left. "I SAW YOU FALL, I TRIED TO STOP IT BUT-"
"Try to stop it... you were the one who yearned the most for my banishment, pure greed in your dirty intentions to keep everything for yourself." The serenity with which he relates his point of view is at odds with the violence with which he wields each blow, lashing out again and again at him relentlessly. This is not his body, yet there are marks of his own in each of his movements.
Ashura can even visualize that large, flowing brown hair flying in the wind after each lunge, red eyes full of anger at him, his Aniki's soft hands, the ones he held in his own over and over again as a child.
The way he uses the wings of the body he borrowed, the short, precise flicks of the white feathers, everything is an account of how Indra used to fight, exactly as he set out to remember him after the day of his death.
He saw him fall, and could do nothing to stop it.
Memories and flashbacks mix with shock and surprise, reducing his ability to battle the brother he thought dead years ago, showing himself weak and insecure at every step. Ashura cannot find within himself the strength to put aside all that was awakened when he recognized that look, exposed in front of the most brutal and merciless angel that ever stepped on heaven.
He saw him fall, for fuck’s sake, he saw him fall!
Two wings wrap around him from each side, acting as a catapult to bring him face to face with the body his Aniki stole, earning him a direct headbutt to the forehead that leaves him dizzy enough to collapse to the ground.
No one seems to come to his aid, unable to see what happened to all his companions, but the lack of assistance indicates they were reduced and defeated by those creatures that appeared alongside his older brother.
Everything is a blur from that moment on, but his last memory is how those black-winged beings hold his arms and legs, while his Aniki steals his blood from one of his cuts, and plucks two white feathers from each of his wings.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
All Through The Night(Team Guy sexy headcanons)
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Warnings: Smuttiness, unprotected sex, oral sex, vaginal fingering Pairings: Tenten x Fem!Reader, Neji Hyuga x Fem!Reader, Rock Lee x Fem!Reader and Might Guy x Fem!Reader
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She’s a little shy at first, but she comes around pretty quickly. She’s mostly just nervous about screwing up your friendship.
She’s a bit of a moaner. It’s so sexy to hear her like that. She gets so excited and she gets a little loud when she gets close to cumming.
Tenten is a little sloppy with her movements, but she is very good at making you cum so quick.
Her cheeks are so red, but the way she keeps tugging on your hair and pulling you closer to her wet cunt, you know she’s enjoying herself. She had been so worried about screwing up the friendship with you. But you assured her it would only be making things so much better. You lick a stripe from her hole to her clit. She shudders from head to toe.
“So receptive,” you mutter against her wet skin.
“D-don’t say that,” her cheeks burn once again.
You don’t let her finish whatever she’s going to say in protest. Instead, you begin lapping firmly at her wet slit. Tenten moans loudly, and you can feel her thighs beginning to shudder. You can’t help but smirk at the sounds she’s making. You know she’s so close and you want her to tumble over the edge. Your fingers come down and you pump two of them into her. Her silky walls feel so amazing clenching around you already.
“So close!” She cries out, and you begin pumping into her a little quicker.
Her lips are parted so sweetly, her breath coming out in short pants. She’s clutching the sheets beneath her, her hips pumping in time with the movements from your fingers. She’s going to cum. She’s so close.
Her voice echoes off the walls as a loud wail comes from her. You’re soaked from her juices gushing out. You can’t help but lick it all up, moaning at her sweetness. Though she may be overstimulated, you want to pull another orgasm from her.
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Neji is a little more precise than Tenten. He knows how to be attentive to your needs and he’ll make you feel so good.
He’s got your body mapped out in his head. He knows where to touch you, and where to kiss you to get those sweet reactions from you.
He can last quite a long time, but he has a slow refractory period. He likes to cuddle after sex.
He smirks when he finds your sweet spot. His fingers curl against that spot over and over. You let out the cutest little moans, and Neji swears he figured his cock couldn’t get any harder than it already is. He wants to fuck you,  but he knows you need some stimulation first. He likes to make you cum before he fucks you. It’s just the way he likes to do things.
“Really close, baby.” You whine, your head falling back against the pillows.
Neji doesn’t let up, and his thumb comes up to bully your poor, aching clit. A cry falls from your lips as your orgasm hits you hard. Your juices soak his hand, making everything so much slicker. It’s not long before you watch as Neji licks his fingers clean after pulling them from you. He smirks when he notices you watching that lewd act of his.
“You ready now?” He asks, slotting himself between your thighs.
“I’m ready. Please, Neji. Fuck me,”
That’s all the encouragement he needs.  His cockhead is teased between your slick folds a few times, earning him a few whimpers from you. Then he slips into you, stretching you out as his cock eventually bottoms out. The two of you take a moment to breathe, and you’re both practically panting.  It always feels this good when the two of you are together like this.
“You feel so good,” You whine and Neji quiets you with a hungry kiss.
“So do you, angel.”
His hips snap quickly, chasing that sweet high. He knows he’ll be able to make you cum again, but he loves cumming with you. His lips find the tender spot on your neck and he bites down as he begins pounding into you.
“Mine. All mine.”
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Rock Lee
This man is just excited to fuck you. He’s sloppy and loud. But he always knows how to make you feel good.
Expect to cum at least three times before he even fucks you. Your body is a temple to him. He will treat you like royalty.
He’s so sweet too. Rock Lee loves to praise you and he will absolutely die of happiness if you were to praise him.
“You feel so good, flower. So so good.” Lee whines as he begins pumping into you. It’s so tight and warm inside of you.
“You feel good too, Lee.” 
Your legs wrap around him, pulling him even further into you. It’s been a long time since the two of you have seen each other. You were both so busy with missions, that when you did finally reunite, it was so explosive. You basically had to drag Lee to your place so he wouldn’t just rip off your clothes in public. Right now, he’s pumping into you like his life depends on it. His sweet moans are like music to your ears. You wish you could hear him like this all the time.
Lee is practically sobbing as he continues to rut into you. You feel so fucking good. It’s been way too long since the two of you have made love. He wants to just feel so lost in the pleasure that is you. You say the softest things to him, you make him feel so wanted. For so long, Lee figured he’d never find a lover. Nobody wanted to be with him, he was deemed to be too much. But he was everything you were looking for, and you took pleasure in the fact that he is too much…for everyone who isn’t you.
“I’m gonna cum, Lee.” You whimper, and he pumps into you even harder and faster.
He’ll do anything to have your little walls pulsing around him. He will fuck you until he is completely exhausted. Anything to have you moaning his name so wantonly. 
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Might Guy
He’s very confident in his abilities. He knows he can fuck you until you’re crying and you can’t take it anymore.
Once tried to make a bet with Kakashi that he can last longer in bed, but you weren’t sure you wanted to follow through with that bet.
Guy is the literal Energizer bunny. He just keeps going and going and going and going…
“S-slow down!” You whine. You weren’t even sure if you were still lucid, but him jackhammering into you like this is what pulled you from your lust filled fog.
“Not a chance! You know I need to make you cum more than last night,” Guy says with a bright smile on his face. You have no idea where that energy comes from, but you really aren’t complaining.
But your legs are getting sore from resting on his shoulders for so long. You let out a whine when the tip of his cock slams against your cervix. Your mind is so fuzzy with lust. Guy leans in to kiss you softly, giving you a moment to catch your breath from his crazy pounding. You’re shuddering beneath him, your body slicked with sweat. 
“You’re doing so good for me, flower. Holding on just for me, aren’t you?” You nod frantically, and Guy chuckles. He loves seeing you so fucked out like this. It’s why he loves to make you cum over and over again. Plus it’s a great way for him to get his cardio in. You’re so perfect like this, so small beneath him. It turned him on like nothing else when he noticed how much bigger he was than you. It made his cock ache like nothing else.
“Give me one more, flower. Then I’ll let you rest.”
A few more thrusts, and your eyes screw shut. This must be the tenth orgasm. You lost count, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your body shudders as Guy fucks you through every white hot wave of pleasure. 
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namelessuchiha · 2 years
♡ NamelessUchiha Masterlist ♡
all work is nsfw unless otherwise stated
ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇᴅ 11-19-2022
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♡ミNSFW Alphabet - ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ (ᴀᴏ3)
♡ミSwipe of Love - ᴍᴜʟᴛɪᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ (ᴀᴏ3)
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 - ᴏɴ ʜᴏʟᴅ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴇɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴛɪɴᴅᴇʀ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ ꜰᴜɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴇ. ɴᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ.
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♡ミRules - ᴏɴᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴛ (ᴀᴏ3)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ ʜᴀᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ꜱᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙᴇɴᴇꜰɪᴛꜱ. ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴜɴᴋɴᴏᴡɪɴɢʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍɪɴɢ.
♡ミBaby Blue Dress - ᴏɴᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴛ (ᴀᴏ3)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ ʜᴀᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ꜱᴡᴏʀɴ ʜᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ, ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴀʏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ ʜᴀᴛᴀᴋᴇ’ꜱ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ.
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♡ミUnrequited - ᴏɴɢᴏɪɴɢ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ (ᴀᴏ3)
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 - ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 - ᴘᴀʀᴛ 3
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏɴɢ-ᴛᴇʀᴍ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ.
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♡ミBarbaric - ᴏɴɢᴏɪɴɢ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ (ᴀᴏ3)
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴀꜱ ɪᴛᴀᴄʜɪ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ꜰɪɢʜᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴛᴛʟᴇꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ɪɴ ꜰʟᴜɪᴅ ᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴꜱ, ʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜʟᴇꜱꜱ. ꜱʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴠᴀʟᴋʏʀɪᴇ ɪɴ ᴀʟʟ ʜᴇʀ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴘᴀᴡɴ ɪɴ ᴀ ꜱᴇᴀ ᴏꜰ ᴄʜᴀᴏꜱ. ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ ʜᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ꜰᴀʟʟᴇɴ ꜰᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴀʟʟ ᴀꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ, ꜱʟᴏᴡʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴀᴛ ᴏɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴇɴɢᴀɢᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛᴀᴄʜɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ ᴄʟᴀɴ’ꜱ ʜᴀʀꜱʜ ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴᴠᴏʟᴠɪɴɢ ʜɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴ.
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♡ミPrompt 23 - ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ 23 "ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ꜱᴏ ꜱᴇɴꜱɪᴛɪᴠᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ."
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♡ミBreathless - ᴍᴜʟᴛɪᴘᴀʀᴛ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ (ᴀᴏ3)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴇᴛ ꜱᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴏɴ ᴀ ʙʟɪɴᴅ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ, ɴᴏᴛ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ. ꜰᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ.
♡ミPrompt 1 - ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ 1 “ɪ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴇɢꜱ ᴡʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀɪꜱᴛ”
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♡ミPrompt 1 - ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ 1 “ɪ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴇɢꜱ ᴡʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀɪꜱᴛ”
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mayhem-neverending · 1 year
First Naruto fic here. I’ve been on a Guy kick the last couple days, so here it goes! (Not edited)
Might Guy x Reader
This is part One. I’m not sure how many parts there will be, because I only meant for it to be a short story. I’m getting carried away but I don’t want to lose the integrity of the story by rushing the best parts, so I thought it better to break it up.
Word Count: 2,665
Warnings: alcohol usage, I think a single swear word, sexual themes.
Part II
It had been two full years since you had been to the Village Hidden in the Leaves; thanks to a tireless mission where you had played a waitress as an undercover operative in the Hidden Sound Village. You had gathered all the information you could, and you were ready to return home. The journey back was rushed, excitement coursing through your veins the closer you got to the gates. You could see them just through the trees, and restrained yourself from running forward, maintaining a steady pace. 
As you stepped into the clearing, you noticed two shinobi congregating at the left side of the gates. One stood with his hands in his pockets, while the other spoke animatedly with his hands. It didn’t take long for you to recognize the two as your old classmates and close friends, and you forgot about your restraint, breaking into a run towards them. The one with his hands in his pockets noticed your movement almost immediately, and turned his stance defensive. He sized you up as you ran towards them, but you saw recognition come through his masked features as he dropped a kunai. 
“Y/n?” He uttered softly as he dropped his kunai. 
The animated man next to him stilled, turning his head to follow his friends line of vision. His eyes widened and he spun around to fully face you. 
“Guy! Kakashi!” You beamed brilliantly at them, your final yard turning into a leap as you crashed into Guy’s now open arms. 
“Y/n! How long has it been!?” He squeezed you until you couldn’t breathe, happy tears clouding his eyes. 
“Kakashi, am I dreaming?” He asked his rival dramatically. 
You pulled away from his embrace and let out a full laugh that vibrated your chest. Tears were threatening to spill from the corner of your eyes as you launched yourself at Kakashi, who was fully prepared and grinning wildly under his mask. He placed a gloved hand to the back of your head, fingers curling slightly in your hair to pull you under his chin. “It’s been too long, Y/n,”
He let go of you and you stepped back from them, wiping tears from your eyes. “Gods, I’m so glad I’m home,” 
“What are you guys doing here waiting at the gates?”
“Guy had our teams do a training exercise out here.”
“And I am now even more glad I chose this place today! Let me escort you back into the village, I’m sure the Lady Hokage will be pleased to see you! You can tell me all about your mission on the way!”
Guy put a large hand on your shoulder. “Kakashi, I’m sure you can handle the youth when they are finished?”
Kakashi just nodded, eye crinkled from his smile. He pat your back as you started to move forward. “Would you be up for a round of drinks tonight? I’m sure I can wrangle everyone together for your homecoming.”
“That sounds amazing,”
You and Guy walked through the gates, and happiness filled your chest with warmth. You couldn’t have asked for a better welcome party if you tried. You had been close friends with those two since the academy. You were one of the few people who had been at Guy’s side right from the beginning - before he became strong and proved all the other kids wrong. You had a deep connection with him, and you knew he felt the same warmth in his chest now because he stayed oddly quiet and he kept reaching out to touch you, as if you may really be some sort of imaginary figure. About the fifth time of him doing this, you grabbed his hand and pulled him back into a warm hug. 
You looked up at him. “You don’t have to keep reaching out, Guy. I’m really here, I promise.” 
He smiled down at you, sniffling. “Two years away and you can still read my mind,” 
“Of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I couldn’t?”
The rest of the walk to the Hokage’s office was short and uneventful. You parted ways with Guy in front of the Hokage’s door. “I’ll be seeing you tonight, then?” 
“You betcha!” Guy exclaimed, giving you his signature thumbs up.
He gave your hand a squeeze, and you knocked on the door with a sweet smile. 
Guy’s walk back to the gates was swift, and he never dropped his grin on the way. He couldn’t be more excited that you were back home. He had waited two painstaking years for you to return, his heart longing for you all the time. 
Around a year before you left, Guy had realized his feelings towards you were more than platonic. He had stewed on that realization for months, and decided he wouldn’t tell you how he felt, because he didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize your friendship. Your were the nearest and dearest thing to him, and it would tear him apart to lose you. 
It tore him apart almost just as much to lose your contact for two years. You weren’t allowed to communicate in any way. It was especially hard for him when he went to your apartment to make sure it stayed clean and he could smell you everywhere. 
While you were away, he toyed with the idea of telling you his feelings when you returned. It couldn’t be that bad. He imagined you reaching up to kiss him in response, telling him you loved him just the same, before the vision was morphed into you rejecting him, disgusted, and telling him you didn’t want to see him again. 
It was hard to shake off that thought; he wasn’t particularly lucky with women. He was used to rejection, but you had always been there for him, helping him with his confidence. Rejection from you would be the nail in his coffin and would completely shatter his confidence. 
He visibly shook himself off as he reached Kakashi again, the smile returning to his face as he noticed his team waiting there for him. 
“Sensei, where were you?” Lee asked impatiently.
“Not important, Lee.” He turned to Kakashi. “How did they do?”
“Quite well, I’m sure Naruto and Sakura will be disappointed they came in last,”
Guy laughed. “Well alright, lets get a move on, team. Kakashi, I’ll see you later,”
“Where to now, Sensei?” Lee, as always, was right on Guy’s heels. 
“To dinner, I think you all have trained enough for the day,”
His team made noises of excitement behind him, shooting off different restaurants they wanted to go to. Kakashi crossed his arms and watched them leave. He was in good spirits because one of his best friends was finally home, but he had a little niggling worry in the back of his mind for Guy. It wouldn’t be irrational to think that he would unload the feelings he had been holding onto for you in a moment of excitement and in a stupor of liquor. He hoped that Guy would have more control than that, but you could never be certain with him. 
Your time in Tsunade’s office seemed to drag on for hours. You were more than exhausted by the time you dragged your feet across town to the apartment you hadn’t touched in years. You were wary as you put the key in the lock, hoping there wouldn’t be too many cobwebs.
The door swung open to reveal a.. clean apartment. You walked through it, seeing that there wasn’t dust or cobwebs collected anywhere. Who...?
You smiled to yourself. The only other people who had a key were Guy and Kakashi. Somebody had kept your place pristine, and you had a feeling it wasn’t Kakashi. Your heart flipped, imagining Guy coming in and dusting every few months.
You had liked Guy for awhile, well, you had liked Guy since you were kids. You found him inspiring and he was a wonderfully attentive friend, unlike a certain other shinobi you knew and loved. Over the last two years though, the distance had made your feelings wane. You thought you were almost completely over him by the time your mission was wrapping up, but seeing him again had flooded you with those same old emotions. 
You dropped your things on the kitchen floor and went to go take a shower. You pulled a towel out of the linen closet and got undressed before remembering you forgot your soap. You covered yourself and while retrieving the soap out of your bag you noticed a figure in your windowsill. You stilled, holding your breath. Thankfully though, you realized it was Kakashi.
He gave you a closed eyed smile. ”Don’t mind me. I just wanted to let you know everything is set for tonight. I’ll see you around 6?”
You looked at the clock on the stove. 4:32. “Sure,”
He nodded and disappeared from the window, to which you followed it up by shutting and locking it. You had always hated him appearing like that. More than once had he found you in a compromising state by appearing unannounced.
You quickly got your soap and hopped into the shower, washing your hair after a long journey back felt absolutely amazing. You wished you could stay in there for hours, but you wanted to be on time. You dried off quickly and pulled open your drawers and flung the closet open. It had been so long since you had been able to wear your good stuff. It would take some sorting to decide.
It took only twenty or so minutes to figure out a good outfit. You wanted to look nice to see all of your friends again, but nothing too flashy. You had settled on a pair of pants that complimented the shape of your ass very nicely, especially since it had gotten rounder during your mission. A little show wouldn’t hurt, you thought, winking at yourself in the full length mirror. 
The top was a green, hand-crocheted long sleeve crop. It was warm out, but that would change quickly when the sun began to set. You felt good, your clean hair, clean scent and your clothes had you feeling yourself. You wondered if you would attract Guy’s attention with the way you looked. You hoped so. 
You checked the clock as you finished getting ready and realized it was past a quarter to six. You hurried with your finishing touches and grabbed your bag, excited and ready to go. 
You locked your apartment, nearly skipping down the street in your pleasant mood. The bar wasn’t a far walk; you would be there with a couple minutes to spare. 
Guy was nervous to go out. He fidgeted with his hair as it dried, trying to get every piece perfectly in place, and struggled picking something to wear. He normally just wore his jumpsuit out, but he wanted to look nice for you. He was ecstatic to see you again, to get to be by your side again. He decided on a green t-shirt that hugged his chest. He not so secretly hoped you would be impressed by his muscular form. He flexed in the mirror and gave himself a thumbs up before grabbing a jacket and heading out. 
He walked with purpose towards the bar, not realizing how quickly he was walking until Kakashi appeared beside him. 
“You seem to be in a hurry,” Kakashi looked at him with a sly grin. 
“Only exercising a youthful stride,” He boasted, giving him a half salute. 
“Of course, I’m sure your pace has nothing to do with Y/n,” Kakashi put his hands behind his head as he walked beside Guy, who had faltered in his step. 
“I can’t say I’m not looking forward to spending some time with my best friend!” 
Kakashi eyed Guy but said nothing. They made there way into your favorite bar in record time. They were spotted almost immediately by Kurenai who waved them over to a circular booth near the back. They could see that you were seated next to her smiling widely at them. Guy grinned, and admired your appearance. He thought you looked stunning woth your hair down and your relaxed shoulders. 
Guy rushed to the booth while Kakashi took his time. He was happy to see you, but he never wanted to appear too eager. Guy, however, never seemed to have that problem and slid into the booth with force. Nearly smooshing you in his enthusiasm. 
Kurenai raised her eyebrow at him and gave you a subtle look that didn’t miss. Your cheeks dusted pink. 
“Hello! Has anyone ordered drinks yet or shall I go get some?” Guy asked boisterously.
“Asuma is at the bar,” Kurenai responded, nodding towards him. 
He had been very pleasant, giving you a typical overly hard pat on the back when he first greeted you. And Kurenai had given you a bone-crushing hug. You appreciated them and your heart was full as you reunited with your friends. 
Asuma was quick to bring drinks over, gabbing enough for Genma and Ebisu too, for whenever they decided to show. You took a sip of your sake, enjoying the flavor. 
“Hey Kakashi,” Guy said suddenly. 
Everyone looked over at Guy as he continued. “How about we make this a contest? I bet I can out drink you!” He laughed.
Kakashi squinted at him for a moment before giving in. “Why not, this is a celebration,” 
You giggled. You had missed this. The friendly competition, the warmth of your best friend as his shoulder seemed to perpetually pump you. He gave Kakashi his signature thumbs up and downed his sake in one gulp. “Drink up my friend, the night has just begun!”
Guy winked at you. 
It didn’t take more than an hour for your group to get tipsy. You, especially, were feeling the liquor. It had been awhile since you drank and you could feel that you had very little tolerance for it any more. At some point Guy had put his arm on the seat behind you, and your right thigh pressed against his left. The area where they touched was electric. You reached for your second drink, you tossed your head back and finished it as Genma (who had been late) whooped. Your cheeks were pink from the liquor and attention. Everyone had been asking all about your mission and while you loved them, it was a little overwhelming. 
“Did you date anyone while you were away, Y/n?” Genma asked, sparing a glance at Guy. 
He stiffened slightly in his seat, though you didn’t notice.
“No way,” You laughed. “I’m not really interested in dating under a fake identity,”
“But still, when was the last time you dated someone? Its been, what, 6 years? More?” He pried. 
“6, yeah.” You answered somewhat uncomfortably. You looked at Guy out of the corner of your eye who was frowning.
“You still have many more youthful years, Y/n, worry not!” Guy said, putting his arm around your shoulder and giving you a friendly shake. Your heart sped up a little bit and you gave him a small smile. 
“Kurenai, can I scoot past you? I need to use the restroom.” She and Asuma shuffled around so you could get out. You stretched as soon as your feet hit the floor. You didn’t feel the eyes on you at first, but heard the whistle from Genma. 
You laughed at him and winked, before sauntering off to the bathroom. 
“Well shit,” Genma said, watching you walk away. Might Guy’s eyebrow twitched at his objectification of you, but couldn’t stop himself from admiring you as well. The way your hips moved made him discreetly readjust himself. 
“I know you have a thing for her, but I think I may give ‘er a try if you don’t hurry up.” He said to Guy, who flushed. 
Kakashi smacked Genma upside the head. “Hey!”
Guy noticed that half the bar had watched as you made your way to the bathroom, and he wondered if he would be able to work up the courage to tell you his feelings before someone else got you.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
kakashi and gai having a competition on who can make you scream LOUDEST; rokudaime! and in the hokage's office
Anon, you get me.
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Here you go! <3
Make Her Scream
Fandom: Naruto (Blank Period era) Pairings: F!Reader x Kakashi x Gai Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: All Porn Zero Plot, unprotected PIV sex, semi-public sex, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal fingering, orgasms, chair sex, desk sex, hickeys/marking.
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It started with a seemingly innocent request. Kakashi and Gai had been having a very heated discussion as you walked by the Hokage’s office, and you couldn’t help but look. When they noticed you, they invited you over and explained that they couldn’t reach an agreement on something for one of their competitions, and would you be willing to help settle things?
Of course, you said yes. You’d been friends with them for years, and if you were being honest with yourself, you’d been attracted to them both for nearly as long. And who could blame you? Both men were incredibly gorgeous. Kakashi was strong and lean, even beneath his billowing Hokage robes, with dark eyes that always seemed to look right through you and silver hair you wanted to tangle your fingers in. Gai was built like a god, with more muscles than you thought the human body had and a bright smile that made you melt even on the coldest days. But it wasn’t only on the outside where they were gorgeous. They were both wonderful people as well, warm and caring, and always willing to lend a hand or a friendly ear.
You hadn’t seen nearly as much of Kakashi since he’d become Hokage, and you hadn’t really seen Gai recently either, so it was nice to talk to them again like nothing had changed.
That is, until Kakashi closed the door to his office and explained exactly what they were having a disagreement about.
“You see, Gai and I were trying to determine which of us is the better lover,” Kakashi said.
You blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Exactly what Kakashi said,” Gai said. “I for one have never left a woman unsatisfied-”
Kakashi snorted.
“I haven’t!” Gai said indignantly. “Regardless, Kakashi seems to think he is better at pleasing a woman than I am.”
“…I see,” you managed, still struggling to believe what you were hearing.
“But, this is one of those arguments where we can’t get anywhere on our own,” Gai continued. “So, that’s where you come in.”
“So, the way you want me to help is…” You swallowed. “To see which of you can please me better?”
“That’s right,” Kakashi said.
“Well, to be more precise,” Gai chimed in. “We want to see which of us can make a woman scream the loudest.”
Was your face on fire? It certainly felt hot enough.
Kakashi then looked at you with his most serious expression. “Now, please understand, you’re under no obligation to say yes to anything. You are free to leave or tell us to stop at any time.”
“I understand,” you said, even though your brain was utter mush. You were being offered a chance to have sex with Gai and Kakashi? Surely, this must be a dream or a genjutsu. There’s no way this was real.
Gai wheeled up to you and gently laid his hand on your arm. Your eyes widened slightly at the callouses you felt against your skin.
Yep, this was real.
“We promise, we won't do anything you’re not ok with,” Gai said, his expression a mirror of Kakashi’s.
“So,” Kakashi asked. “What do you say?”
You looked back and forth, looking for any sign that this was a joke, that surely they weren’t serious, that they’d never ask you for such a thing.
But there was none. They were completely sincere, patiently waiting for your answer.
Slowly, you nodded. “Ok.”
As soon as you said the word, you were pulled backwards into a warm lap and felt heated breath at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Kakashi was still in front of you, so you guessed that Gai had wheeled behind you, eagerly pressing his lips against your skin as his arms wrapped around your waist. You couldn’t help it as a soft moan escaped your lips, already feeling your body growing warm.
Kakashi lowered his mask as he leaned down, and for a moment, you were awestruck. You had never seen his bare face before, and it was as beautiful as the rest of him, with a boyish smile gracing his lips. But before you had time to process the sight further, Kakashi slipped a finger under your chin. He tilted your head back, then pressed a kiss of his own against your lips.
You whimpered as Gai continued to work up your neck and Kakashi captured your mouth. If the challenge was to make you scream, then it wouldn’t last very long with how weak you felt from just their lips grazing you. You closed your eyes, tilting your head to allow Gai more movement while maintaining your kiss with Kakashi.
They both noticed your adjustments and moved accordingly. Gai kissed harder, leaving a trail of bruises down your neck. Kakashi’s hand drifted lower, unbuttoning your blouse before pushing it open to reveal a lacy black bra. Gai pulled the blouse the rest of the way down your shoulders, then his deft fingers crept up your back to your bra. He ran his thumb over the clasp. “Still ok?” he asked, his hot breath against your ear.
Kakashi pulled back long enough for you to whisper, “Yes.”
Gai unhooked your bra, and Kakashi helped pull it down your arms. You shivered again, partially from the cool air and partially from the way Kakashi’s eyes and Gai’s kisses grew hungry. Gai’s hands slid back around your waist, feeling your delicate skin beneath his calloused palms. Beneath you, you could feel Gai’s growing erection pressing up against your ass. And from what you could see from Kakashi, he was in a similar state.
“Are you just going to stay clothed the whole time?” you asked breathlessly, grinding against Gai’s lap while hungrily eyeing Kakashi.
Gai chuckled behind you. “So eager,” he purred.
Kakashi shrugged. “It is only fair,” he said, pulling off his robes and hanging them on a hook.
“Mmm, I suppose,” Gai said, reluctantly loosening his grip on your waist.
You leaned against Kakashi’s desk, watching as the two men stripped in front of you. Your mouth went dry as bare skin and sculpted muscles appeared, and your eyes darted back and forth between them, not wanting to miss a second from either.
Gai, who seemed to view even the act of stripping as a competition, finished first. He grinned smugly at Kakashi, who merely shrugged and gestured in your direction. Gai then turned to you with a smirk, and your mouth went dry as your eyes roamed over his sculpted chest and arms.
He wheeled over, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of your pants before looking up at you. You leaned back and nodded, letting him drag the rest of your clothes down your legs. Then Gai hoisted you in his arms and set you down on the desk. You gasped as he leaned forward, roughly kissing your inner thigh and leaving a fresh set of bruises along the delicate skin. His hands seized your legs, hauling them over his shoulders. His left arm wrapped around your thigh, holding you firmly as he delicately traced his tongue closer to your folds. Your breathing became ragged as he looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust. “May I?” he asked, as breathless as you.
“Yes,” you whispered.
He immediately dipped his head, running his tongue over your folds. You gripped the desk tightly as you gasped, struggling to keep yourself upright. Then he swirled his tongue around your clit, and you involuntarily leaned back, wanting him to have as much access to you as possible.
Gai noticed your movement and snaked his right hand around your back, guiding you until you lay flat on the desk. Once you were comfortable, he draped his left arm across your body, holding you firmly in place. Then he returned his efforts to your folds, dragging his tongue up over and over again before sucking gently on your clit.
You tried to writhe under his amorous attention, but you could only whimper as he held you down. His right hand snaked higher, his fingertips tracing lines along your thigh. Once they reached the apex of your thighs, Gai pulled his head back before plunging a finger inside you.
As you moaned, Gai chuckled. “That’s my girl,” he purred, his breath hot against your pussy. “Just let it out.”
He added a second finger, pumping them in and out of you before suctioning his lips back on your clit. Your moans grew louder, your feet digging into Gai’s back. Encouraged, he pumped harder into you before curling his fingers upward. You arched your back against his arm, moaning loudly as hot tears leaked from your eyes. “Fuck, Gai, that feels so good.”
Looking extremely pleased, Gai curled his fingers again, sucking loudly on your clit. Your moans of his name devolved into incoherent gasps, unable to articulate anything other than raw pleasure.
One final push from his fingers, and you fell apart, sobbing in pleasure as your walls clenched around Gai’s fingers. He stayed between your legs, licking up your juices until your orgasm faded and you lay limp on the desk.
He finally pulled back, wiping his mouth. “Are you all right?” he asked, studying you with concern.
You lifted your head, nodding as you tried to catch your breath.
A smug grin formed on his face. “Splendid!” he said. He then grinned at Kakashi. “Good luck, rival. I think I’ve got this one in the bag.”
Kakashi shrugged. “If you say so.”
Gai folded his arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The challenge was to make her scream,” Kakashi replied as he moved behind the desk. “And I didn’t hear her scream once that entire time.”
Gai blanched, and you gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but you were really good though,” you offered.
Kakashi hummed behind you, and you turned back to look at him. “Are you ready to continue, or do you need a minute?”
Right. Kakashi’s turn. You took a deep breath, then nodded. “Go ahead.”
Kakashi sat in his chair, then beckoned you over to him. As you slid off the desk, he took hold of your waist and gently turned you around. He then guided you onto his lap, where you could already feel how hard he was. He nibbled lightly up your neck, his arms wrapping around you from behind, and you gasped, feeling a renewed heat between your legs.
Their techniques were like night and day. Where Gai was forceful and passionate, Kakashi was more focused and deliberate. He kept his mouth on your neck, adding a fresh layer of splotches to your skin. His left hand went to your breast, his fingers pinching at your nipple, and his right snaked down, gently teasing through your pubic hair to touch your clit.
Still sensitive from your earlier orgasm, you let out a gasp as you writhed in his grasp. Kakashi smiled, then simply followed your movements, never allowing you a moment of respite. You shivered and moaned, unable to focus on a single sensation for more than a few seconds. Your nipples swelled under his pinches. Your clit throbbed, producing sparks of pleasure that shot through your body as he circled it. You were dripping onto his lap, but you were too lost in your pleasure to be embarrassed. But even with so much, it wasn’t enough. You needed more.
Then he abruptly stopped, and you looked back with a confused whine. He merely smiled at you, then gripped your waist and hoisted you up. Before you had a chance to react, he pulled you onto his throbbing cock. You moaned loudly as he filled you inch by delicious inch, pressing up into you until you sat flush on his lap.
He sat still as you adjusted to having him inside you. “Still ok?” he asked.
You nodded. “Please.”
He immediately gripped your waist tight and pulled you up until his cock nearly slipped out. Then he pulled you back down, causing you to cry out as he refilled you. He slammed you onto his cock over and over, his quiet grunts drowned out by your cries. Before long, you took over the motion yourself, fucking yourself with his dick. This freed his hands, and they immediately returned to your clit and nipple. He played you like an instrument, humming as you sang out your pleasure.
You felt your core tightening, and you gripped the arms of the chair, your cries growing louder and louder. “Ka-Kakashi!”
He thrust hard into you, and that was it. You screamed his name as waves of orgasm crashed over you a second time, your walls spasming around his cock. Kakashi followed right behind, filling you with his warm seed as his cock pulsed inside of you.
You leaned forward against the desk, trying to catch your breath as Kakashi carefully pulled himself out of you. He gently rubbed your back and asked, “Are you all right?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Kakashi leaned forward and kissed your shoulder. Then he looked up at Gai. “Well, Gai, who do you think won that one?”
You glanced up to see an annoyed Gai, his arms folded as he stared down Kakashi. When he didn’t answer, Kakashi said, “I believe that I’m the winner of this round. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“All right, I’ll concede this one,” he said. “Congratulations.”
You offered a sympathetic smile. “It’s ok. Like I said before, you were really good.”
Gai sighed. “Maybe, but I still lost.”
“Well, you know what that means, don’t you?”
Gai and Kakashi looked at you curiously.
You smirked. “You’ll just have to beat him next time.”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @undersero (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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✨ imagine ✨
Going to the training field to do your daily work out and practice that jutsu you’ve been trying to perfect for weeks, only to find Maito Gai already there in the middle of doing his own training.
If it were anyone else you’d be able to ignore them and continue on with your plans, but it’s Gai.
Gai, who is currently bent forward with his ass facing you and a smile on his face when he looks at you between his legs.
“Enjoying the view?” He teases you, chuckling when you try to turn away and act like you weren’t just staring at his ass.
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