#this is from a webcomic I’ve been reading called the fox club
emily-mooon · 1 year
Fellas is it gay to say that your best friend since middle school looks beautiful falling in love?
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vilevileposting · 30 days
I'm really enjoying my first reading of Homestuck
I forgor to post this after Homestuck Book Club!
In my notes for Week 3 I talk a little about not really knowing how this blew up and how niche it feels, but I think the picture is forming. WV: Ascend demonstrated that even without really knowing what's going on, Homestuck definitely has the narrative pull to bring me along for the ride. Compared to that, a 13 year old trying to read the thing her friends like probably won't care that she's not picking up on all the references and programmer humor.
My discord status has been RANCOROUS for several weeks. I think the time may be nigh to make a second homestuck reference.
Week 3:
539: Not convinced that John’s dad’s room will be much of anything. Maybe that’ll be the point where John learns his dad doesn’t give a shit about harlequins and the harlequin thing was all a misguided attempt to connect with his son! But if that’s what that is then what John walks in and sees is probably a normal room as opposed to like some FMA shit.
543: The combination of a book whose girth is known to be lethal with a system whose velocity is known to be lethal is interesting.
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As a metaphor for the disconnect between you and also you’re the guy who knocked over your grandmother’s ashes and cleaned them up like shit. Where are those ashes now, John, were you careful with them?
554: Lethal momentum through a wall, baby!!! I still get credit for seeing the future even when it’s heavily foreshadowed.
556: Southern colonel? ☹
592: Does this guy have Kamina glases…
614: Based on how I’ve heard Dave’s name more than John’s as a fandom outsider, John really kinda is the other guy.
629: Blood Loss in the Big Easy sounds like a made up nonsense phrase that somehow captures the intended vintage vibe but it turns out New Orleans is actually called the Big Easy.
636: I bet I can annoy Char by incorporating the phrase “that’s really all there is to say on the matter” into my vocabulary.
645: I’m constantly struck by how niche this all feels. I haven’t gotten any answers to why homestuck blew up like it did, and I think I won’t until I get to the trolls.
651: I bet that mystery silhuette is GG
672: Damning hole in my “this guy is a shadow demon” theory – no sharp teef
687: Lot of king hatred for a guy who isn’t a shadow demon in a cosmology that literally or metaphorically uses chess pieces…
691: Bro eats green… Me too man.
699: Chess board…………………
704: Raising my eyebrow at the ominous planet
708: Me reaching this page marks the first time anyone has thought about Tab since the Tab mine collapse in 2013
713: Hidden message vibes from this page.
714: How could I forget sburb is green. Sburb is green, this guy eats green, think about it!
716: I think Cal sacrificed himself to save Dave, hence the face turn to thinking puppets are awesome and being rancorous. Also – kernelsprite prototyped with dead bird!
756: I don’t even know what a cliffhanger is, Andrew Hussie. I am reading this webcomic five thousand years in the future, cliffhangers are nothing to me. Your world is laid bare for me at my leisure.
757: Coolest shit ever. Whole lot going on. Just want to flex that I noticed the sburb rocket is in the crater of Rose’s house, complete with wizard hand. The next crater we see is John’s house, which bizarrely grows a tree, then a sburb fruit, then we see that sburb fruit is also a weird pod that the (other) other guy seems to be living inside, or emering from. After that we see a crater next to a volcano, and we see the meteor actually hit somewhere that’s clearly uninhabited and explicitly an ocean over. Also with a MASSIVE hole where the volcano used to be. There’s a chance GG is a mountain hermit but no matter how you dice it, with only three meteors they were never all going to be accounted for. John’s dad is a sleeper hit, what a badass. Those fools put him in the trick cuffs and now he’s going to tear through hell doomslayer style. Rose’s mom also seems to have a secret tunnel to the lab, which has a spirograph on it! Dave’s brother in the relative present seems like he might actually be the coolest guy ever between the hat and confirmed kamina glasses, so he might actually be 100% the kind of guy Dave thinks he is. Final note: the symbols for latitude and longitude look like the wandering vagrant’s tattoo.
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floofiestboy · 4 years
Senyuu AU Masterpost
I asked if I should do this on Twitter but Twitter is trash for big posts like this so I’m posting it on Tumblr. 
I’m calling this an AU masterpost but I’m including canon alternate versions of characters too. I’m writing this assuming you don’t know anything past S4, but it will contain spoilers for F5 and the Haruhara Robinson Channel content.
Since the majority of these AUs are entirely fan-based with only the slightest bit of official content, I’ll also discuss common fanwork concepts, including things like special ship names for particular AUs.
Table of Contents
Common AUs
High School
Magical Girl Alfo-chan
Visual kei
Less Common AUs
High School Detectives/Police
Himura + Yami
Rosicks + Hialba
Wild West
Obscure AUs/Outfit Changes
Feral Ros + Adventurer Alba
Formal Wear
Scientist Ros
Urashima Tarou
Vampire Ros
Canon-Adjacent AUs/Canon Alternate Characters
Boss + Sleepiez
Creasion + Maoruba
Elf’s Universe (”0verse”)
Meta Ros
This got super-long so I highly suggest using CTRL/CMD+F to jump to just the ones you’re interested in!
Common AUs
All the AUs in this category are universes you see everywhere in fan content, regardless of how much official content there is for it. 
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Alright, this isn't an "AU", but including it for completion's sake. This is the main canon, the original Alba and Ros from the original webcomic. The anime and the Main Quest manga can be considered to be equivalent to the web-verse.
Official Japanese | English Scanlations 
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(Image from Jump SQ’s website.)
SQ is an “official” Senyuu AU - it’s basically Senyuu if Alba and Ros kept their Season 1 dynamic forever and nothing really bad ever happened. Haruhara has said a number of times that an important thing about SQ is that everything sad has gone poof, which is why he decides against giving a sad dramatic reason why Ros’ name went from Sion to Ros in SQ-verse. Other notable changes in SQ include Januar being human, Elf being a demon, and Foyfoy being cute and shy.
Senyuu SQ originally ran in the Jump SQ magazine for thirty chapters (Official Japanese | English Scanlations), named as such because of the magazine it ran in. More recently, Haruhara began releasing SQ Senyuu! on his channel, where the SQ stands for Super Quality and definitely not anything copyrighted (Official Japanese | English Scanlations.) The chapters released on his channel were sometimes in draft form, so he additionally inked some and released it in doujinshi form (Official Japanese | English Scanlations), along with a doujinshi-exclusive chapter.
Senyuu SQ Alba (seen above) looks identical to Web S1 Alba. SQ Senyuu! Alba (seen below) looks like Web S2 Alba but short and without the Red Fox scarf. SQ Ros doesn’t change appearances between Senyuu SQ and SQ Senyuu! He has the Web S1 Ros hairstyle, but lacks his armour and sword - his bat is his most defining feature.
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High School
There’s actually two different high school AUs:
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SQ Academy: There’s three omake chapters in SQ Senyuu where everyone is in high school - see here and here, in volumes 1 and 2 respectively. In the SQ High School AU, Ros, Alba, Hime-chan, Foyfoy, Januar, and Rudolf are students, while Rchi is a teacher. Alba is the president of an unnamed club with Ros as a club member. 
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
Soccer Club Drama CD: This drama CD was released with one of the MQ volumes. You can only buy the original Japanese on auction sites now, but you can listen to the audio and read a translated transcript here! This AU features only Ros, Alba, and Crea, who are all part of the same soccer club. Alba is the club president.
In both AUs, Ros calls Alba “Prez”. The canon content for both AUs is rather sparse, so the Prez thing is usually the only thing that’s retained in most fanworks. Reincarnation stories are pretty popular in fanworks, but there’s no hints or implications in either official High School AU that it’s connected to SQ or Web canons. Usually people use the Drama CD designs (probably because they don’t want to draw Ros with S1 hair.) Sometimes they use the SQ Academy designs at the start, then change to the Drama CD designs in second-year or something.
There’s also the Senyuu Light Music Club from one of the web omakes, which features Crea and Elf. I haven’t seen any works incorporate it though.
Japanese terminology glossary
High School AU: 学パロ - Gakuparo
Prez:  部長 - Buchou
Magical Girl Alfo-chan
This is the mahou shoujo parody of Senyuu, featuring Alba as a girl - Alfo-chan - and Ros as a cat - Roll.
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(Image no longer available online.)
Roll is usually made into a cute catboy that can transform into a cat, because I mean, why wouldn’t you. And also presumably people want a Roll they can ship with Alfo-chan. For some reason there’s also a lot of works that ship Alfo-chan with Creasion, though I’m not sure where it came from.
The “official title” of this parody is actually Magical Princess Alfo-chan, not Magic Girl Alfo-chan, and most fanworks on pixiv are found under this name.
Japanese terminology glossary
Magical Princess Alfo-chan: マジカルプルンセスアルフォちゃん
Alfo: アルフォちゃん
Roll: ロール
Alfo/Creasion: アシルフォ - Ashirufo
Alfo/Roll: ロルアル - Roruaru
Visual kei 
Visual kei is a music genre - you can read about it here. This AU started because Haruhara drew a pic of Alba and Ros in visual-kei-like outfits, and then it all spiraled from there. There’s three images that fuel this entire AU:
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter. Note that you can find a higher quality scan of this art if you download this artbook scan here.)
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
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(Image no longer available online.)
The Alba and Ros in the first image were dubbed Visual-ba and Visual-ros, the Ros in the second image “Roppongi” (because his t-shirt says “Roppongi Hills”, and the Alba in the last image “Kuroba” (because Kuro means black and he’s black-haired.) Why were the bottom two images lumped in with the first? That’s a mystery that may never be solved.
There’s two common variations of the AU in fanworks. 
The first is where Kuroba + Visual-ba and Roppongi + Visual-ros are two pairs of brothers, and typically the pairings go Kuroba/Visual-ros and Roppongi/Visual-ba. In this variation, Visual-ba basically always gets to be Alba, while Roppongi and Visual-ros often take the names Ros and Sion respectively. 
The second common variation is where Kuroba and Roppongi are just the civilian identities of Visual-ba and Visual-ros, which doesn’t have a pithy shipname in Japanese.
With regards to their visual kei identities, I’ve also usually seen two main variations - either Alba and Ros are currently in a singing group together, or Ros used to be a famous singer and Alba is currently trying to get famous under his tutelage. 
Haruhara has also recently posted a glow-up pic of Visual-ba, bringing the grand total of official art in this AU to... four.
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Japanese terminology glossary
Visual kei: ビジュアル系 - vijyuaru kei  (Note that while technically ヴィジュアル is the correct term in Japanese, in the Senyuu fandom, ビジュアル is used for everything, probably because it’s easier to type and say.)
Visual-ba: ビジュアル - bijyuaru
Visual-ros: ビジュロス - bijyurosu
Roppongi: 六本木 
Kuroba: 黒髪アルバ - Kurokami Alba (lit. Black-Haired Alba) --> クロバ
Kuroba/Visual-ros: ジュロ黒 - jyurokuro or 黒ジュロ - kurojyuro
Roppongi/Visual-ba: 六ビジュ - rokubijyu or ビジュ六 - bijyuroku
Visual-ros/Visual-ba:  ビジュロスアル - bijyurosuaru, 派生ロスアル - haseirosuaru
“2P” is used in many fandoms to refer to alternate character designs that are often associated with different personalities as well. In Senyuu, the official 2P designs are all alternate colourings:
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(Image from Haruhara’s pixiv.)
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(Image from one of Haruhara’s artbooks which doesn’t seem to have an online scan, sorry for the bad quality.)
Likely because the bottom two are only available in an artbook, I haven’t seen many fanworks with them. 2P AUs tend to be only 2P Alba and Ros, with some occasional 2P Rchimedes or 2P Crea (who’s typically drawn as 2P Rchimedes with short hair.) 2P Ros is usually drawn with blue eyes, presumably to match with his red Mana Maker. 2P Rchi is also common enough - she tends to be drawn with a blue and black scheme, to contrast with her canon pink and white scheme (example). 
2P Alba and Ros have varying personalities in fanworks, but the one consistency seems to be that their personalities are nothing like canon. 2P Ros tends to be the silent serious type or a yandere. 2P Alba tends to be an innocent happy boy or a yandere. You may be seeing a pattern here.
Note also that 2P Ros is usually referred to as 2P Creasion, for obvious reasons.
Japanese terminology glossary
2P Alba/2P Ros: 2Pアシアル - 2P ashiaru or 2Pアルアシ - 2P aruashi. Both are sometimes shortened by removing the “2P”.
Less Common AUs
These AUs aren’t seen quite as much as the juggernauts above, but you’ve probably still seen them around occasionally.
High School Detectives/Police
There’s a few different detective-related fanworks floating out there, based on one of the three official chapters: Detective Ros in Senyuu SQ, Senyuu Police from the webcomic, and High School Detective Teufel in Main Quest Vol. 6, which hasn’t been scanlated yet (runs):
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I haven’t seen too much art of High School Detective Teufel, but I’ve seen a couple fics and art out there for both Senyuu Police and Detective Ros, mostly Senyuu Police.
Himura + Yami
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(Image from Haruhara’s Skeb.)
This isn’t really a Senyuu AU, but it shows up enough to include it here. Himura and Yami are two characters that Haruhara drew - you can see this original picture of them on page 12 of the artbook here. Himura is the redhead - at first, he meant to draw Alba, but he decided in the end it wasn’t Alba anymore and renamed the file to “Himura,psd.” Yami is just a fan-name - he’s only referred to as “the boy that shouldn’t be seen” in the artbook. Himura and Yami eventually appear in Gakumon! with the names Rahimu and Damia respectively.
Senyuu fanworks that include them usually have Himura being an Alba that fell into despair after Ros’ disappearance, while Yami is a physical manifestation of his despair.
Japanese terminology glossary
Himura-kun: 火村くん
Himura-kun/Yami: やみひむ
Rosicks + Hialba
This is yet another AU that was born from a mere two pieces of official art:
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
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(Image from Haruhara Robinson channel.)
The first picture is entitled “Soldier Rosicks” - Haruhara posted it saying it was a Ros beta design. The second picture is an scrapped Alba design for web season 2. Hialba was originally revealed on the NicoNico channel Hiaruron that Haruhara shares with a couple other artists, and so he got the name “Hiaruba” --> Hialba from the channel name.
Fanworks typically have Hialba as dead inside and sad because of Ros’ disappearance, and Rosicks as a gruff irritable guy who isn’t Ros and doesn’t like being compared to him. Cue angst because Hialba sees Rosicks as just Ros, etc.
Japanese terminology glossary
Hialba: ひあるば
Rosicks/Hialba: ロシひあ - Roshihia
Sheepba originates from a New Year’s illustration Haruhara made for the year of the sheep:
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(Image from Haruhara’s pixiv.)
While Haruhara has done this for multiple years - there’s illustrations of Alba as a dog, a rat, etc. - Sheepba in particular became particularly popular. Why? Is it the floofy body? The innocent expression? Nay. I say there’s but one reason for Sheepba’s popularity in comparison to other Chinese Zodiac/Alba hybrids-
Haruhara has produced a crapton of Sheepba merch over the years.
I believe he’s made coloured sheep versions of other characters too for merch, but I unfortunately wasn’t able to find any of them. I was, however, able to find outlined drawings of them:
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
Enjoy this flock of Senyuu sheep. And be prepared to see some uh... questionable things if you choose to browse the ひつじるば - Hitsujiba tag.
Wild West
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This AU comes from the Wild West parody in this chapter. The fanworks I’ve seen tend to have Ros be some dangerous outlaw with a huge bounty.
Obscure AUs/Outfit Changes
These AUs tend to be only used as outfit changes, or aren’t seen often at all.
Feral Ros + Adventurer Alba
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Basically a Tarzan AU. Based on this Haruhara Channel comic: Official Japanese | English Scanlation.
Formal Wear
You may sometimes see Alba and Ros wearing suits. There’s two pieces of art this originates from:
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(Image from Haruahara’s twitter.)
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
There’s also a corresponding Ros-in-suit-with-striped-shirt photo that you can see in the artbook here.
You may have seen characters dressed up as what seemed like waiter outfits. That may have come from the Senyuu Karaoke collaboration that happened around when the anime aired:
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(Image from collaboration website.)
This comes from the recent Haruhara Robinson channel comics - Senyuu Kindergarten Story #1 and Story #2.
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It features Alba and Rchi as kindergarten teachers to the rest of the Senyuu cast.
Haruhara was the writer for a manga called Dignified Asleep Saeki-san (Official Japanese | English Scanlations), which was a romcom that featured a girl called Saeki determined to sleep in class, and a boy called Tokimiya who sits next to her. 
When the manga began serialization, Haruhara drew a parody sketch of the manga where Ros is Tokimiya and Alba is Saeki.
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
Scientist Ros
You may have seen art of Ros wearing the glasses + lab coat combo from when he made the Mana Maker in season 3:
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Or from when Alba had his... questionable body measurement exam in Senyuu+:
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Or when they both wore glasses in the Haruhara Robinson Channel doujinshi Crea-kun Has Cheerfully Fallen to the Dark Side:
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A while back, Haruhara drew a picture of Alba and Ros in the winter wearing coats:
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(Image from Haruhara’s pixiv.)
A little more recently, he was commission to redraw the image:
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(Image from Haruhara’s pixiv.)
Fanworks that use Alba and Ros in these outfits often treat them as university AUs (and usually have them on a date.)
Urashima Tarou
Urashima Tarou is an old Japanese fairytale which Haruhara used as the setting for one of his omake segments. If you’ve seen turtle Alba:
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Or Ros in old-timey fishing clothes:
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That’s where it’s from.
Vampire Ros
The typical Vampire Ros design comes from an SQ chapter where Alba and Ros disguise themselves as demons after chasing Elf into the demon world.
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Alba is usually either a werewolf (presumably because werewolves and vampires are a common pair) or some hapless human that Ros sucks blood from. 
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(Image from Haruhara’s twitter.)
Haruhara drew this when he was getting married(?) because it apparently felt less embarrassing to draw his protagonist getting married than to draw him and his wife. 
Fans promptly used the outfit to marry Alba off to Ros, likely galvanized by the Mana Maker + Hero Symbol combo on Alba’s head.
Canon Adjacent AUs/Canon Alternate Characters
Moved to an overflow post here because this one got big enough that Tumblr stopped saving my post.
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kitty-does-stuff · 6 years
you like homestuck? why not try ___
(reblogs > likes, if you read this all and think to yourself that you should check out one of the things i talked about then why not reblog and share with others?)
hiya so ain’t a normal post for this blog, think of it like a youtube video but text (i’d make this a video but i don’t have a good mic & idk how to edit), anyways this is a start to a series of posts i’ll sometimes make, the point of this series is to point some fandoms at other pieces of work like the thing that fandom likes, so like in this post i’ll talk about other pieces of work that homestuck fans might like
anyways most of the post is under the cut cause it might be a long but i’ll show the 1st 2 that way you can see if you like my reasoning, also i haven’t seen every piece of media ever so i might miss some things so feel to add in a reblog
(also the numbers i use aren’t to show the quality, it’s just what came to mind 1st)
1: borderlands
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ok tbh this game is why i made this post, this game series has a lot of the same kinds of humour (though borderlands doesn’t to what i can recall have any ablest jokes or the stuff like that), it’s a very fun game  series even for those who most of the time don’t like shooters as it’s kinda like what would happen if overwatch’s fun shooting mechanics had a baby with diablo 2‘s skill trees
the story is really great, taking a lot of cues(and names) from greek legends, also a hot tip, you really don’t need to play the 1st game, just start at borderlands 2 then go to pre sequel and then tales from the borderlands and you should be fine
also there are quite a few lgbtq+ characters (including a canon lesbian relationship that can end in marriage, i say can as it’s a part of a game where what you say and do can have things end in other ways), and there is also a lot of room for oc making as it takes place in it;s very own world that has a lot of things no other story really has
2: Undertale/Deltarune
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ok you most likely know about at least Undertale but hey this is my post and i get to add what i want. anyways Undertale’s story is this: once a upon a time monsters and humans both lived above the ground but one day a war started, humans with their determination sealed the monsters deep beneath Mount Ebott, creating a barrier only a human soul could pass, one day a child climbs Mount Ebott and falls into the undergrond, the way this tale ends is up to the player
ok so there are quite a few characters that you get to know well, they all have backstorys that are quite the tales, there is canon lgbtq+ characters (including a canon relationship with two of the woman characters, a non binary protag and trans coded characters),
it’s also a very funny game and the story is one of the best story's i’ve ever heard, also if you like the music of homestuck then you’re gonna love this game’s music as it was made by toby fox (some of his songs from homestuck are: Black, Descend, Savior of the Waking World, MeGaLoVania, ect)
now Deltarune isn’t a full game yet and only chapter 1 is out rn but if you’ve already played Undertale then give this a go
3: My Hero Academia
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ok so a lot of you already know about this anime but i still feel i should about it. So the show’s plot is about a world where most people have superpowers called Quirks, the main character (named Izuku Midoriya) has the dream of be coming a superhero like his role model All Might but he has a problem: he was born without a Quirk, the show has him slowly learn how to be a hero, make new friends and fight evil
there are a lot of characters so if you liked the bigger cast size of homestuck then this will be great. the fights are very well done and the super powers are well done, there is also a lot of room to make oc’s so if you liked making oc’s this show should be great for you
you can find this wherever you stream/watch anime
4: danganronpa
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did you like the murder in homestuck? wish there was more and it was somehow more nuts? well then these games (plus anime and book or two) are for you!
the 1st game story is this: you are Makoto Naegi, a student of Hope's Peak Academy, who finds himself trapped in a game of mutual killing among his peers, in Hope's Peak Academy everyone is some kind of Ultimate (of skills or things like being a robot), Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student witch is a Ultimate given out in a lottery
the games have a lot of unique characters and a story about as messed up as homestuck, there are also canon lgbtq+ characters but for the most part most are only coded (and the ones that are canon don’t uh really get any happy endings), also due the whole Ultimate thing there’s a lot of room for oc making
here’s the order that you’ll wanna use (bolded means you need to see or else later things won’t make sense anything else is just a plus): Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc > Makoto Naegi Secret File > Danganronpa Kirigiri (may not be canon) >  Danganronpa: Togami (not canon, also just save yourself from wasting time and don’t read it, it sucks) > Danganronpa 2: Goodby Dispair >  Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc IF (non canon) >  Danganronpa Zero >  Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls > Ultra Despair Hagakure > Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy (there are two different complimentary series. The idea is that you alternate between the two of them starting with Side Future, then Side Despair so your order would be F1, D1, F2, D2, etc...)  > Super Danganronpa 2.5 > Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer > anything else to do with the main danganronpa universe > Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (not canon to the rest of the games, it is it’s own verse)
5: steven universe
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so i’m sure most of you have heard of this but it’s really good so it’s worth sharing, here’s the plot: The Crystal Gems are a team of magical beings who are the self-appointed guardians of the universe. Half-human, half-Gem hero Steven is the "little brother" of the group. The goofball is learning to save the world using the magical powers that come from his bellybutton and he goes on magical adventures with the rest of the Crystal Gems, even though he's not as powerful -- or smart -- as fellow group members Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Despite his shortcomings, Steven usually finds a surprising way to save the day.
this show has so many lgbtq+ characters that if i tried i wouldn’t be able to list them all, there is so much room to make oc’s if you can think of a type of gem then you got a gemsona idea buddy cuz any gem can be a character and the story is really great
6: the adventure zone
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ok so this one is a tabletop rpg podcast, so far there has been two main campaigns though one is still on going, the 1st one is called The Balance Arc it’s the campaign that was for d&d and so far is the only main campaign to be over as it has a ending (though they sometimes still do live shows set in the campaign), it’s also the one you should must likely start with, then the  2nd main campaign is called: Amnesty it uses the monster of the week rpg and is on going, this podcast is hosted by the McElroys
here’s what campaign 1 can be summed up as: The story of four idiots that played DnD so hard that they made themselves cry. 
here’s a fan-made trailer for The Balance Arc 
7: critical role
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another d&d show! yeah i know but this one and the last one are very very different, for one everyone in this show knows how to play d&d, anyways this is a web series in which a group of professional voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons, that is played live every Thursday. There are two campaigns, one of them is over while the other is on going, both are already very long so you better have some free time on your hands
if you do watch then be ready to cry at least once
8: 17776
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ok so uh this one is a bit odd, it’s on the shorter side os things and is a serialized speculative fiction multimedia narrative by Jon Bois published online through SB Nation, it’s odd but from what i know it’s good
9: paranatural
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a webcomic that is made by the same person that made summerteen romance (y’know from Paradox Space?) anyways the comic follows the story of Max, the new kid at school, and the other members of the Activity Club as they fight ghosts, investigate the secrets of Mayview, and interact with their fellow middle school students
it’s a fun webcomic that has characters that you end up really wanting to learn more about
10: young justice
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so this show is a pertty good way to get into the dc fandom, you don’t need to know much of the lore of the main dc verse as a lot of the stuff isn’t quite the same in the show so need to worry if your not the must into comics, the story is about the the teenage team of superheroes as they save the world as well as deal with normal daily life issues
it’s a fun show that can make you cry really fast, that goes from light hearted to dark very quick and isn’t afraid to kill off a characters
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Apr Edition 2020
franstastic-ideas - April Content
Apr 15
Would Asriel be a friendly rival for Papyrus?
How does Kris feel about his sisters being courted by humans?
Apr 17 - What are Sans’ thoughts on Chara's animosity towards humans?
Apr 28 - Do you have any Wraithtale hcs?
A Little Too Much
Apr 1 - Little Edge would have no reason to reject Little Red
Apr 3 - Do ALTM Toriel and Asgore raise all the children together?
Apr 6 - How is Edge when it comes to romance?
Apr 8 - Prior to meeting Chara, were the Papyri also pursuing Frisk
Pillar Skeletons
Apr 23
Pillar Skeletons AU
Head canons for the Pillar Skeletons AU?
What exactly does she do with these giants?
Apr 24
Is there any Papara or are all the skeletons just infatuated with Frisk?
Live the dream for us Frisk!!!!
Apr 25 - How petty the three are with each other
Apr 26 - What's Frisk and Kris' relationship?
Apr 29
Can the pillar skeletons use magic to alter their size?
Some of the ways the Pillar skeletons would try to woo Frisk
Pure Underfell
Apr 11
When Undyne and Tori&Asgore interact, what tends to happen?
Does Undyne attempt to intervene when Toriel&Asgore "coincidently" show up
Apr 13
Headcanons for Doomfanger the Cat?
What's UF Muffet's story?
Headcanon: when UF Paps gets surprised…
Apr 20 - Edge was able to summon his first attack at a young age…
Apr 21
When Papyrus finds it in himself to forgive Asriel
What does Muffet think of Toriel and Asgore
Papyrus would pretend to know about poetry
Apr 29 - Would Edge go to Frisk for advice on wooing Chara?
Classic Undertale
Apr 5 - Does Papyrus wear a cape or scarf in your headcanons?
Apr 6 - What does UT Chara think of the Monster Kid?
Apr 8 - Why Toby Fox's Character is called "the Annoying Dog”
Apr 13 - Since Chara is the co-founder of the “Papyrus Fan club”…
Apr 17 - What relationship do Mettaton and Burgerpants have post-pacifist?
Apr 29 - Would Chara lie to Asriel about humans?
Multiple AU Headcanons
Apr 7 - How do the AU Counterparts of Sans and Grillby feel about each other?
Apr 11 - Do UF Papyrus, SF Sans, and G Papyrus ever get bedtime stories
Apr 14 - Frisk's legs are sore because they walked for a mile or so…
Apr 17 - Shhh… Don’t tell the other Sanses, ok?
Other Headcanons
Apr 1 - How does Narrator Chara reaction to Frans?
Apr 12
Pap and Grillbys interactions
Henri interacting with the Frans and Papara children?
Apr 17
Can you do some Littlefell headcanons?
When does Chara realize that SF Sans genuinely cares about his brother?
Apr 25 - What would the Chasriel child be like?
Apr 28 - What is US Sans' reasoning to joining the Royal Guard
Apr 29 - Can we get some information about the Chasriel Child?
Apr 30
How is the Horrortale crew doing during this quarantine
If SF Chara were to be killed, what would SF Papyrus' reaction be
Other types of posts
Apr 2 - The past paranormal experience of mine
Apr 3 - I wonder how many moro(n)sexuals out there…
Apr 8 - More nature photos from my walks!
Apr 9
Dear UT Fandom…
A Small List of Dumb Nicknames I Have For My Cats:
Apr 11 - Tubbs Mcgee, lol! Tubbyguts, LOLOLOL!!!!
Apr 12
So, everything about Frisk is supposed to be ambiguous
Your cats are SO CUTE!
Apr 14 - Guys, hope is on the horizon
Apr 15
Reasons why BACK is an amazing webcomic and you should read it:
I’ve said before that I’m not much of an artist, and I’m not, but
Apr 19 - Vivi: Mika, would you be willing to do me a small favor?
Apr 20 - If he says he's willing to kill a man for her…
Apr 21
Tomonui Tuesday
We’ve been looking for four-leaf clovers lately
Does Mikaela ever tell Vivi how she saved him?
Apr 22
Here’s Mirio-Nui at breakfast!
That one scene from Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby
Apr 25
So our labrador really does like our cats
Why does nobody really bat an eye at harem anime/manga but…
Say WHAT?! How the crap is reverse harem bad or inferior!?
Your cats are SOOOO CUTE!
Apr 28
Mirio tries his hand at cooking:
Is Wraithtale actually a story or a comic
Apr 29 - I think Mirio really likes climbing trees
Apr 30 - Some artwork I found today that my sister drew…
0 notes