#this is from my portfolio account!! feel free to hang out there as well I guess
reynaruina · 4 years
Blog Intro
Hi there! Name’s ReynaRuina and I like to do a lot of digital art, mostly fanart of cartoons and such!! I’m currently interested in Invader Zim and Steven Universe, but I’m also into Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, MLP, and some other shows; plus videogames like Minecraft, Don’t Starve and Subnautica. Here’s a little guide on the things I do in here:
Comics, Random Art and Sketches: I share a bit of new stuff every week!
Reblogs of old art: If you’re new, you won’t have to dig thru my blog to find my old stuff. I will reblog it every so often myself!
Sharing other’s art: This isn’t a “my art only” blog, I do enjoy sharing other’s work from time to time (usually pertaining to my current fixation, right now it being IZ and ATLA)
Art resources: I like to find/share a bit of that as well for personal use and my follower’s benefit, if they happen to be artists as well.
Art Highlights side-blog: On reynaruina-art I sometimes post/reblog my best works from both recent and past times. This also doubles as my current online portfolio! 
Some outside-of-Tumblr stuff: 
Art Streams: I stream every Friday and Saturday at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time on my Picarto channel! It is a nice place to hang out, listen to music, and I also have mic on :D
Reaction Streams: Every Wednesday at the same hour and on the same channel I do live reactions to episodes of cartoons, currently I’m doing Invader Zim (rewatching the whole show for the first time in over a decade! it is very exciting :D)
Twitter: I’ve got two Twitter accounts, one for art highlights of my recent/past works and another locked one with mature content (it is adults only and contains sensitive material, you can find the link among My Links)
Where to Find Me:
Asks: My Ask box/submission box are pretty much always open (anon is on! :D). I’ve also got instant messages here o Tumblr on pretty much always.
Discord: I have a private Discord server for Patreon supporters as well where you can reach me at any time for a chat!
Twitter: Feel free to follow me and message me on either account! (do not try to follow my locked one if you’re a minor tho, I will block if necessary)
How to Support me:
Commissions: I am pretty much always open for commission work, don’t be afraid to ask! Here’s a detailed pricelist for whatever you may have in mind :D
Patreon: Made one a couple months ago and I’ve got a few tiers, with different benefits on each! But even the lowest one grants you access to my private Discord server and my whole art archive, plus WIPS and early posts :D
Ko-Fi: If you like what I do here and wanna help keep me doing it, but can’t afford/commit to Patreon or a commission, I’m using ko-fi as a tip jar as well!! This stuff I do here is basically how I pay the bills, so however you feel like you can help keep the lights on and the art coming, every bit is very welcome and appreciated :D!
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bluescreening · 4 years
Practical GCSE Advice
Tips From A New Year 12 Who Somehow Got All 9s
Don’t worry, I’m not becoming a studyblr. I’m writing this on results day as a sort of farewell to GCSEs and to impart some “wisdom” upon the youngsters before I move on to A-levels. I’m going to keep this to specific, practical things you can do to improve, none of that vague nonsense. Subject-specific tips for maths, geography, triple science, language, literature, graphic comms and comp sci under the fold because this is too bloody long already.
General Tips:
Don’t go revision crazy. People will always emphasize revision, but so long as you’re revising effectively (see below) you’re safe to start revising about a month before mocks, and two months before your final exams. In terms of a revision schedule during those months, I worked with one or two hours per day, with a free day on Friday and Sunday. 
Use apps to stay organised. Put your school timetable and exam dates in your calendar of choice with appropriate reminders and colour coding. To keep track of homework and revision, use Adapt - you can put in your GCSEs and it tracks which topics you have covered and how many times, as well as allowing you to input homework and your school timetable. During study time use Forest (free on Android) to lock yourself out of your phone for a certain amount of time.
Pay attention to lessons from the start. From the beginning of Year 10 every lesson is a GCSE lesson, and everything you learn could come up in an exam. Follow along with your teacher, make the best notes you can, do the work and understand the concepts as early as you can. You’ll thank yourself in a year as you watch the rest of your class wonder what a ribosome is when revision time comes.
Revise effectively. Use Adapt or a textbook to keep track of your confidence level on every topic, so when you’re revising you can focus on the ones you don’t understand whatsoever. Also, don’t just read stuff when revising. You have to train your brain to retrieve the information. Memorise vocabulary and basic facts using flashcards, then answer exam questions. Lots and lots of exam questions.
Use your teachers. They want you to succeed because it reflects well on them! If you don’t understand something after a lesson, pop back at break or lunch, or shoot them an email and they will help. Don’t just bank on it not showing up in the test because Sod’s Law dictates that it will. After Christmas in Year 11 they will often start revision sessions or intervention. Attend them for any subjects you’re even slightly shaky on. They’ll boost your grade like nothing else, even if it does take up some of your chill out time.
Buy textbooks and study materials through school. If your school offers you textbooks and workbooks it’s likely that will be the best deal for them, since they’re purchased in bulk. Grab all you can in Year 10 and talk to the school if you can’t afford many - they may be willing to help. If you know any higher-level teachers see if they have any sample study materials from CGP and the like. My English teacher gave me a lovely set of sample CGP Macbeth flashcards that would have proved really useful.
Make flashcards at the end of every topic. Stay on top of them. You want a term on one side and a definition on the other, or a quote and analysis etc. If you don’t like endless bits of card floating around use Quizlet - you might not even need to make them yourself as many people have shared GCSE flashcards there.
And finally - don’t forget you’re a human! Humans need regular sleep, healthy food including breakfasts, hydration, fun and social time. Make time in your day to take care of yourself. Your brain works better when you’re healthy so often an extra hour of sleep will do more for your grade than an extra hour of revision. Hanging out with your friends and keeping up with your hobbies reduces stress. 
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about any of this stuff, or if you just need advice I’m here too! I’ve done it before, I can help you out.
Subject Specific Tips:
Edexcel Maths:
Use CorbettMaths. All the time. If you haven’t done every one of his worksheets at least once you’re not grinding hard enough. Jk, but seriously this guy used to teach me in real life and he’s awesome. He makes flashcard packs, videos on every aspect of GCSE maths, daily challenges, textbook exercises, practice exam questions... literally everything you could ever need.
Practice everything until you’re sick of it, and then do ten more questions.
You’ll need to memorise some trig identities. Don’t memorise them as a table, that’s hard. Memorise them as these triangles, sketch them out in an exam and work it out on the spot. Easy.
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AQA Geography:
Don’t goof off during your fieldwork. Don’t make the same mistake as me. If I ever had to do the fieldwork paper I would not have got a 9. Even though it’s a field trip, even though you’re with your friends, this will directly impact your GCSEs and you need to treat it like an exam.
Memorise vocabulary then move onto exam questions. Geography is very formulaic and exam questions repeat themselves - take advantage of that.
Memorise. Your. Case. Studies.
AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics:
A l l  h a i l  f r e e s c i e n c e l e s s o n s .
Practice those reading comprehension questions where you’re presented with information and have to answer questions about them. A surprising amount of people get overwhelmed because they haven’t revised it. You can’t! You have to read and understand it within the exam.
Memorise your bloody equations for physics or you will fail. Use Quizlet, learn them all by the end of year 10 even if you don’t know what they’re about yet, practice using them.
Buy the CGP workbooks and complete them! Make sure to buy the answers too, because CGP are scammers.
AQA English Language and Literature:
Identify 10-20 brief quotes from each piece of literature so you have a few for each character and theme. They can overlap! Also, memorise the author’s intentions for each one. With poems (for those of you who have to do them... I’m not salty, I promise) ask your teacher to recommend 5 that match up with the most themes and memorise 3 quotes from each. Remember to analyse the rest of the poems too - any of them could come up so it’s good to have an understanding.
Memorise structures for every question. The examiners will tell you not to use structures. Shut up, I got all 9s. Structures are the best way for slow writers to ensure they get everything they need to in. TETAAC (topic, evidence, terminology, analysis, alternative interpretation, context) works for lit essays and can be modified for every other question. Work out how many paragraphs you can write in 40 minutes and take that into account when planning. Once the plan is done it’s just a matter of making it sound frilly. English: hacked. My normal plan for a lit essay is a one-sentence thesis statement for an intro, 3xTETAAC paragraphs and a conclusion which reiterates everything but better.
Don’t worry if your grade is terrifyingly low to begin with. That’s just how English rolls. You’ll slowly develop the skills you need and start to make 3 or 4 grades of progress throughout year 11.
OCR Art and Design - Graphic Communication:
Think long and hard about whether you want to do graphics or fine art, if your school offers both. Graphics is designing logos, fine art is whatever you want. I should have taken fine art in retrospect.
Make as much work as possible from the very start, even if you haven’t decided on your portfolio project yet. Everything, and I mean everything, can be shoehorned. If you make a lot of work you have some leeway and can leave out your early stuff so your overall portfolio looks better.
Annotate as you go and store all your thoughts digitally. Even if you have no clue what you’re supposed to write in annotations, put down your thought process. It’s easy to tidy up something you wrote a year ago, but it’s really hard to stare at a letter F made out of newspaper and remember where on earth you were going with it.
To make enough work you will need to stay after school often and give up a lot of lunch times. That’s just how it goes. At least with the right crew it can be fun - the combo of my friends and the very chaotic art teachers at my school made my Thursday graphics sessions something to look forward to.
OCR Computer Science:
Use Quizlet flashcards to memorise terms. Being able to correctly define terms is half the battle, literally. You’ll basically get an instant 9 on the first paper if you memorise every term defined in the textbook. Luckily, someone beautiful and generous by the name of sporkified (wink wink) on Quizlet has created two sets with everything you need to know for the entire qualification.
Practice programming in your chosen language before your programming project starts. Learn to do everything mentioned in the textbook and try it out on a sample project. Many will tell you to not bother about the programming project, it doesn’t matter. That’s true to some extent, but excelling in the programming project can tip you up a grade as well as making the algorithm questions on paper 2 easier for you.
Take part in Cyber Discovery. Give it a Google, sign up. It’s really hard if you have no practical computer experience but doing it gave me a real edge with paper 2 which is where you want to focus your energy as it’s weighted more. Also it’s fun.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
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No one has yelled at me about my portfolio. This is worth like a quarter of my grade and it’s so I can get certified someone please YELL AT ME.
I’m being dramatic I’m only sort of sorry.
But this is inspired by Tightrope by Michelle Williams from the Greatest Showman!
From the moment he first asked you out, you knew that dating him would be less than ideal. But you knew when he asked you out, again and again, kept calling and texting, spending every free minute he had with, causing you to fall in love, and learn to adjust to life when the most important person in the world to you is almost never with you. 
“You know your life is going to be hard while he’s traveling all the time for games.”
“Why don’t you try to find someone who’s a safer option?” 
“I don’t get why you would want to be with someone who can never be there for you when you need him.”
Telling your friends was easy, they were just happy that you finally found someone so you’d stop moping around about being single.
Telling your family about having a serious boyfriend, on the other hand, was stressful; they had never met or even heard about someone you were dating before. You were convinced that they would think you were lying. It was bad enough they had told you before that if you don’t find a boyfriend soon, you’re going to be alone forever. But when you told them your boyfriend was Jake DeBrusk, they were ruthless to point out that he was: A. Canadian and probably spending his offseason at home in another country. B. A professional hockey player who traveled more than half the year. C. Never going to be home between games, practices, or other promotional team events. And D. Probably not really your boyfriend because how could you land a professional athlete like him. You found yourself trying to defend the relationship you were more passionate about than any of the ones you had before. 
“Look, this is the life I signed up for. Being with Jake is like-” you pause to think of how you can even begin to put it into words to tell your mother. “It’s like this non-stop adventure that comes with this breathtaking view. Like everything I see around me is this perfect place that we never want to leave. Like the whole world is ours to explore and enjoy. Like, we’re walking on a tightrope where we could fall at any minute, but it’s the thrill of being with him.”
Like, yeah, it’s hard when you’re having a hard day at work knowing that you have an empty apartment waiting for you. But, up on the tightrope, he would the one to catch you if you should fall. You knew that. 
“Well, I just think there’s no point in having a boyfriend if he’s not there to be your boyfriend. Why sail the sea when you’re safer on land?”
“Mom, I’m dating Jake. End of story. You haven’t even met him to know if you like him or not.” you say, hanging up the phone. You were going to hear about that the next time you were on the phone with her, but you were tired of hearing about how hard your life would be now that you were with Jake.
You and Jake had decided to tell your families on the same day. You both had to do it over the phone since Boston was nowhere near where either of your families lived. His conversation had gone a lot better than yours had. 
“Hey, I know it’s hard. But we knew this months ago when we start dating,” he says, taking your hands in his from across the table. “It’s worth it for me. If it’s worth it for you, too, then we’re going to make the world our own.” 
You can’t help but laugh at how poetic he got all of a sudden. This was a boy who previously only found love for hockey, his grandmother, and Oreos, now he feels that same love for you. 
“Whatever life throws at us, we’ll get through it, alright?” The sparkle in his eyes made you believe him. He would catch you if you fell.
The next day was a road trip. One week, on the other side of the country. You’ve done this before, coming home knowing that he won’t be in the same city as you to come see you if you get lonely. You thought you would be fine.
What you didn’t think is that it would be the hardest week of your life. 
Your boss had called you into his office to scream at you over a mistake you made on one of your client’s accounts. It wasn’t even a big mistake; you entered the wrong number that changed the overall amount owed by twenty cents. You got screamed at over twenty cents. You coworker slammed more work for you on your desk because she ‘didn’t have time to do it’ since she ‘had to go make dinner for herself.’ Bunch of bullshit. 
By the time you get home, it’s nearly eight o’clock. You’re exhausted, starving, and all you want to do is sit and cry. If Jake were in the city, you would call him. If he weren’t getting ready for a game, you would call him. 
Fuck it. He’s your boyfriend. Even if he can’t talk right now, you can leave him a message for him to call you back. 
“Hey you’ve reached Jake. I’ll call ya when I get the chance.” you hear his voicemail come through the speaker on your phone. 
Feeling the tears practically begging to start pouring, you try to spit out, “Hey, babe. It’s me. I know you’re getting ready for your game against the Sharks, but -” you pause because you would have let out the ugliest sob imaginable if you didn’t. Choking back tears, you finish, “Call me when you get the chance. I just want to hear your voice.” 
As soon as you press end, the tears start pouring. You can’t help but sob. Because of the hard day at work. Because Jake isn’t in the city. Because you’re starting to think your family is right. Because you need someone there for you. 
He would hopefully be done with the game before you fall asleep. At least it was Friday, so you didn’t have to be awake early tomorrow. You could stay up to wait for him to call. You make some dinner out of whatever could be thrown in the microwave while you open some wine and start drinking straight from bottle. The only thing you can do to take your mind off everything is drink the night away and binge watch The Office.
You must have fallen asleep, because you’re jolted away by the same sound that your alarm gives off to wake you up for work. You must have turned on the ringer of your phone, setting that as your ring tone back in college if your roommate called you after a night out. A yellow heart emoji shows up as the contact name, a picture of you and Jake after one of his games, taken by one of the Garden staff members pops up. You had gotten your mind off your day, but remembering that you called him caused all of those emotions to come flooding back, tears rolling down your cheeks before you could even answer the call. 
“Hey!” you say, trying to sound as happy as you can. “How’d the game go?”
“You’re crying. You were crying when you called me, too.” you hear his voice on the other end, hushed and worried. 
“Yeah. I just had a hard day today. It’s no big deal.” 
“If you’re upset about anything, then it’s a big deal to me.” 
You can’t help but smile, even though he obviously can’t see it. You take a breath, letting out a sigh, “It’s just stupid work stuff, my boss is just dramatic.” 
“Hey, Jakey, we’re going out to celebrate!” you hear one of his teammates in the background of his call.
“Sorry, I’ll catch up with you guys, I’m on the phone with my girl.”
“Don’t miss out on stuff because of me. You’re not even with me, don’t let me hold you back.” you say, still smiling, feeling better anyway. 
“I spend so much time with those buffoons, what I’m missing out is spending time with you right now. So tell me about work. Who am I going to go mess up once I’m back in Boston?”
You laugh and spend the rest of the night telling him about work, him telling you about the game, and just talking like you do whenever you spend the night together.
It had to be about four in the morning in Boston when he finally said, “Hey, Y/N?” 
“Yeah?” you drag out, sleepy and struggling to stay awake.
“I love you.” 
He had never said that before. You sit up, suddenly feeling a burst of energy. “I love you, too.”
“I’m gonna turn in, we have an early day tomorrow to get to Los Angeles. I’ll call you at some point tomorrow?”
“Ok. Goodnight.”
No matter what, he would keep you on that tightrope. He would be there to catch you if you fell, wherever he was.
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
hi i'm applying to art center, it's my dream school. Your link to black at accd helped me take off the rose tinted glasses & understand its reputation doesnt mean it's perfect. I still want to go though...Do you have any tips for how to be a successful student at accd? i know its been a while since u were there, but any scrap of info would be appreciated....
sure thing!!! This might be a bit harder to do during a pandemic but it can still be done through voice chat and discord and stuff! A big thing that really helped me that I wish I had done earlier when I first started was finding some friends I can work with, vent about the same professors too, etc. They’ll be going through the same hardships you will be and that bond is stronger than anything, god the intense work and projects you and your classmates will have to do, it can be hard to go through it alone. So even if you can find someone just to sit silently with while you work, quiet encouragement. It’s a great support system that helped me immensely. Like a study group but with art!
Art school is expensive, TOO expensive imo, so even when a profesor says “BUY THIS SPECIFIC BRAND OR ELSE” still try and find cheaper solutions! Lots of students sell old supplies, I’ve even given my supplies away for free to lower classmates! cause for a lot of classes you will really only end up using those supplies just for that one class and never again, so might as well recycle them and give them to someone else instead of keeping them in your garage forever! (Again this will depend on the pandemic situation but we would have fliers and stuff for people selling their supplies! People would even sell art tablets for 100$ or less!! Great resource!)
Don’t be afraid to ask upper term students questions! We are all going through it, and have had to deal with a lot of crazy professors and projects and shit, so don’t be afraid to reach out! They are full of good tips, advice, resources, etc. And just like Black at ACCD, they won’t be afraid to tell you who to watch out for which I think is super important when it comes to choosing classes. Most people are really kind, we just look tired from the lack of sleep 😔
Talk to people outside of your track/major too!! (NETWORKING!!!) this goes hand in hand with the first tip. The biggest thing that helped me, specifically for the future, is the friends I made, that’s how I got my first few jobs! Because unfortunately In the industry it IS very much about who you know. As for talking with other majors!! You never know when you might need a photographer or graphic designer or they might need an illustrator or character artist!! Like it’s great to be able to say “I know someone” and they can do the same for you! It’s great to build those healthy work relationships and also just meet and hang out with other creatives with unique perspectives! Good for your art AND good for actually getting a job in the future 👌
(this also includes networking with some professors, a lot of them have industry experience they can provide! some are willing to look at ur portfolio and even share your portfolio with recruiters!!!) 
Setting up a good work schedule is super important cause the amount of homework you will get is pretty much impossible to do at most times, then again I speed run college, I took no breaks and finished in 2 years because of poverty. I do NOT recommend this because o suffered from constant burn out, depression, stress, isolation, etc. So make sure your work schedule includes time to eat, sleep, chill out, ya know good mental health stuff!
Might be good to get a therapist. Art center WILL increase your mental health issues drastically. Everyone I know suffered from stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, etc. and are still feeling affects from Art Center to this day. So it might be good to prepare yourself for this, because it does get really bad for a lot of students unfortunately...
As always my inbox and DM’s are always open! If you end up getting a specific professor, or someone you know I might have had to deal with I’m more than happy to talk about my experiences with them! A lot of them have had the same assignments for yearssss. I was in the entertainment track specifically so I had professors like Will Weston, Jeff Smith, Rey Bustos, Gayle Donahue, Bob Kato, Adam Dix, Peter Han, Richard Keyes, Steve Turk, Paul Rogers, Aaron Smith, Mike Humphries, Ricardo Delgado, etc. (some of these u might be familiar with from the BlackatACCD account so yeah I had to deal with a lot of them :/ ) but I was fortunate enough to take some cool queer classes too, and those were some of the few minority professors in the school, they were the best honestly, I recommend taking a class with Rocio Carlos or Gary Kornblau for sure if you get a chance, they are a breathe of fresh air on campus. 
Hope this helps!! sorry for the long post jaja <3
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mr-entj · 4 years
Hey Mr. E! How are you doing? Hope you are well. This is a personal question but how did you know how much money you needed to be happy and what do you personally spend your money on? Or what does that budget break down even look like because I read a lot about certain salaries create more happiness and it seems like a random number they came up with
I’m doing great, I hope you are too.
I knew how much money I needed to be happy because very early in my life I clearly defined what happiness meant to me. To me, happiness is:
All life expenses covered with no gaps, deficits, or stress. This means rent, utilities, food, car payments, insurance, and all the little and annoying costs of life are completely covered with huge reserves of savings left over in my bank accounts and stock portfolios. Growing up desperately poor, I was sick to my soul dealing with toxic stress from poverty and eradicated money problems early and aggressively in my life.
Complete freedom over my time, energy, and presence. This means not being tied to any job, city, or crappy situation against my will-- ever. I have the kind of money where I don’t need to work but I do anyway because I would be bored out of my mind not utilizing my skills and talents. It means the financial freedom to choose my path and to do what I want to do, not what I need to do.
Happiness is control over my life and financial freedom grants that. No crazy parents I have to put up with because I need their money, no dangerous neighborhoods I have to live in against my will because I can’t afford anything better, no depressing jobs I have to stay in and work to pay my bills, no crushing debt that hangs over my head and grows each day from interest, and no grinding misery from poverty that constantly occupies my mind. This was my goal very early on and once I achieved it I was able to enjoy the best life has to offer.
Outside of the usual expenses (rent, utilities, food, etc.), my main spending goes into: travel, fine dining, and “family expenses.” Family expenses are what I call the immigrant kid tax that most Americans and Western Europeans probably can’t relate to but basically my brother and I cover all of my parents’ living expenses (we bought them a home), car expenses (we bought them a car), insurance (car and home), and we give them a few thousand dollars per month as a monthly allowance for food and fun so they can live extremely comfortably without working. My parents are catered, pampered, and rewarded for the sacrifices and investments they made in me and my brother to get us where we are today. But despite that, no one in this family-- and I mean no one-- is more pampered than baby Mango.
We use apps and spreadsheets to automatically track our expenses. For example, this is the monthly spending breakdown for our fun expenses for July 2020 (some of them were incorrectly categorized as bills and utilities):
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My general philosophy about money is more is better. You can always get rid of excess money if you don’t need it through charitable donations or hobbies, but you never want to be without money when you need it for critical things like housing, food, healthcare, etc. Don’t go by arbitrary numbers from studies about how much money you personally need to be happy. Define happiness for yourself and work towards that goal.
I have posts on budgeting and financial management under the money tag. Feel free to explore it and submit an ask if you have more questions.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
BC,LL: Little Words
Description: Yoongi’s kitten is growing, and he’s couldn’t be happier--even if Taehyung thinks he could. Sanctuary Series: Big Changes, Little Life story.
Warnings: N/A.
Posted: 01/20/2020
Tags: Yoongi, Hybrid!Yoongi, Dad!Yoongi
Fluffy fluff with a hint of angst: 2,204 words
A/N: It’s been ten months since I updated this. Exactly ten months. Now, I know you guys are going to skip over this, but I want to say that I don’t think Yoongi will ever have a love interest. Not while Euny is little, maybe when she’s a teenager or something. So, I’m going to say that this series is complete, with the caveat of requests or something. If you have objections to Yoongi not having a love interest, come discuss it with me!
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Yoongi lifted the blanket. “Boo!”
She jumped, and grinned, giggling happily.
He let the blanket drop over her again and snatched it up. “Boo!”
She squealed and made grabby hands as she giggled.
He scooped her up, tilting her so he could blow a raspberry on her adorably chubby tummy.
Eunyeong squealed in delight, playfully batting at his ears.
He laughed and then cuddled her, play-biting on her ears and drawing out more giggles and even a playful little growl that meant nothing as she squirmed in delight in his hold.
She descended into purrs soon enough, nuzzling his jaw and eyes droopy with happiness and sleepiness.
He lay her down in her crib with a soft purr, draping the blankets over her as her eyes shut and her sleepy purrs slowed.
“Teach me your magic,” Taehyung whispered from the doorway. “Or is the magic that she loves you better.”
“I’m her father,” Yoongi said, trying not to preen at how happy he felt at being able to put her down for a nap more easily than Tae or their occasional babysitter.
“I wouldn’t have expected her to fall asleep after getting riled up like that.” Taehyung flicked the light off with his tail as they headed out into the living room, carefully closing the door so that they could talk without waking her. “How was her appointment?”
“Doctor said she’s at a healthy weight and they’re happy with her progress,” He purred, letting himself ride the high of such a good report. “They still want us to keep her on the formula mixed with oatmeal, but we’re clear to feed her mostly solid foods.”
Taehyung grinned. “That’s great, hyung. She’s growing so fast.”
“The only thing they’re worried about is her talking level. She’s still a little behind there,” Yoongi said, cleaning up some of the toys and blankets from playing with Euny. “But we already knew that.”
“That’s why we’re reading to her more, right?”
“Yeah.” Yoongi moved into the kitchen, effectively sorting the dishes and stacking them next to the sink. He filled the sink and turned to grab a dishcloth, only to find Taehyung holding one with a stubborn look.
“I’ll wash, hyung, it’s only fair. I was gone this morning.” He stepped around Yoongi and started washing immediately. “I sold a few paintings, hyung.”
“Really? That’s great, Tae,” The elder purred, patting Taehyung on the back. “Your older or your newer?”
“Older, the ones I did in school. I’ve got the pictures and prints for my portfolio, don’t worry,” Taehyung reassured Yoongi’s next concerns with a grin. “The gallery said I could come back and sell again next time.”
Yoongi just grinned back, ruffling the monkey’s hair.
“Appa.” Euny’s voice came from the monitor and both of them paused, listening carefully.
“Appa!” She called again, louder this time.
Yoongi sighed. “She’s already awake?”
“Did we turn on the white-noise-machine?”
Yoongi groaned, and then headed back in to look at his pouty baby.
Her tail was sort of flicking back and forth in agitation.
He went over. “What’s wrong, princess?”
Her ears swiveled every which way and then flattened and she hissed, but not at him, just as a demonstration to him that something was wrong and she couldn’t explain what.
But he knew Tae was right just by the way her ears had swiveled around. He hummed thoughtfully and turned on the machine, then twisted the key on the music box that Seokjin had given her for her birthday. She loved it to pieces and it played one of the songs Yoongi had written for Eunyeong—a lullaby that he had Jungkook record a couple days after Taehyung returned from Europe, but that was currently only circulated around his family members—and it had a cute little kitten inside it that was frolicking in stardust.
Her purr was immediate after hearing the first note of the music box. “Appa.”
He purred in response, then quietly hummed the song along with the music box, scooping her up again and lovingly nuzzling her.
She drifted off more slowly, still not quite asleep when he lay her in her crib, but quickly dropping off as he backed away.
Taehyung glared at him when he returned. “No fair at all.”
Yoongi just shrugged. “You have to take into account that I also understand her kitten behavior better, Tae.”
“Yeah, yeah. So it was the white-noise machine?”
“Did she really hiss at you?”
“Not at me, just as a general statement, really.” He shrugged. “She hissed at the lack of sound. She’s never hissed at me.”
“Lucky,” Tae huffed. “She’s all giggles and purrs for you and her crying doesn’t last nearly as long as it does for me, or Bethany.”
“Speaking of Bethany, did you really go on a date with her?”
Yoongi groaned. “I need to find a new babysitter, don’t I?”
“Sorry, hyung.”
“You better find me a new one,” He warned, a slight growl to his tone. “I liked her and Ariel recommended her.”
“If you get the promotion they keep dangling in front of you, then we can move back closer to home and the others can help.”
“I told you, it was just thrown out as something that may or may not happen next year. They’re still constructing offices that way and I’m one of several candidates, not to mention the only hybrid candidate. My company is pretty good about equal opportunity, but the chances are still slim to none. Neither of us should get our hopes up. Now, you’re going to be the one talking to Jimin for three hours to talk to Ariel for ten minutes.”
“You make that sound like a bad thing,” Taehyung protested, grinning.
“It is a bad thing, Taehyung,” Yoongi growled a little more.
The monkey ducked his head, tail finding and wrapping around Yoongi’s wrist. “I’m sorry, hyung. Really.”
“It took Eunyeong all of the two weeks you were gone to warm up to Bethany, and even then she still cried when either of us left her for another month. Just because she was a baby when she was abandoned doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have abandonment issues,” Yoongi said firmly. “Maybe a human baby wouldn’t, but Euny isn’t human. She’s a hybrid.”
Taehyung’s head was hanging. “I know. I really am sorry, hyung. I’ll take care of it.”
Yoongi sighed, but patted Taehyung on the back, ending that conversation. He knew the younger man didn’t mean to cause trouble. He’d always been a little impulsive, but he cared for Eunyeong strongly and would do his best to replace their current babysitter—if need be.
“Did she already tell you she wouldn’t be back?”
“No, but I’m assuming right now. I need to call her about Wednesday night, so we’ll see what happens. If she refuses, then I’ll ask our family for Wednesday and you’ll have to get to work finding a replacement.” They both had important things on Wednesday night—Taehyung at a gallery, and Yoongi at a work gala he didn’t want to go to but needed to if he wanted to stay in consideration for the promotion.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” Yoongi asked, looking up at his brother in confusion.
Taehyng was focused on whatever dish he was washing. “It’s just…one of the reasons we got a babysitter was so that we could both do things. So you could go on dates…even if I’m not available….”
Yoongi internally cringed, but outwardly just started messing with his own hair.
“I mean, when was the last time you’ve gone on a date?” Taehyung asked, obviously concerned.
Yoongi shrugged. “Remember that orange tabby?”
Taehyung made a choked sound. “Before you moved here?! Two years ago?!”
Yoongi shrugged again.
“Hyung, you need to get out more!” Taehyung looked very concerned, almost panicked. “It’s not healthy!”
“And it is healthy to have a different date everyone night?” Yoongi snapped back, frowning and folding his arms. “I’m not suffering, Tae.”
“You don’t honestly want to do it alone your whole life,” Taehyung replied.
Yoongi hardened. “Do what alone?”
Tae froze, eyes widening.
“Do what alone, Taehyung? Raise Eunyeong?” He asked again, glaring at his brother.
Taehyung’s gaze dropped to the dishes again.
Yoongi huffed in frustration. “My priority is making sure Eunyeong grows up happy and healthy. I don’t need a significant other to make sure she has everything she needs. Would it maybe be easier? Maybe. And yes, I wonder if she would be better off in the future having a mom in her life, but that’s not a good reason to enter into a relationship.” Not to mention he didn’t feel the need to be in a relationship. “If you feel like I’m holding you back in any way, you’re free to move out.”
Taehyung’s gaze snapped back up to look at Yoongi in true panic and regret. “I didn’t mean that, hyung! I just…I don’t want you to get lonely.”
“I’m not,” Yoongi replied gently, satisfied that Taehyung understood him. “I’m not lonely. If I do get lonely, you’ll probably be one of the first to know. But dating…right now, I’m not interested. I have everything I wanted—well, other than living close to the rest of our family. But I have my own place, a job I love, a nice roommate, and my daughter. I never thought I would be this happy. I know I’m not a mom, but I’m doing the best that I can and I haven’t hesitated to ask for help, have I?”
Taehyung shook his head, drying his hands and coming over to latch onto Yoongi.
Yoongi sighed and patted his back. “I know you mean well, Tae. And if someone comes along that I’m interested in, then I’ll freak out and probably lose my chance with them and come home and cuddle with Eunyeong talking about how I don’t need anyone.”
Tae let out a little monkey laugh at that, tail wrapping around Yoongi’s waist and knocking them over onto the couch.
“Yah!” Yoongi protested loudly.
Tae just laughed and stayed attached to Yoongi, forcing him into cuddling.
Yoongi protested for a while longer, then just resigned himself to it after a while, especially since his insomniac brother was fast asleep.
A nap didn’t sound too bad.
A little giggle came from the baby monitor.
Tae woke up just enough for Yoongi to escape and get the little kitten.
Yoongi carried her back out to the couch, letting Tae cuddle back up to him.
Euny curled on his chest, giggling as she made little kitten noises with her stuffed animal.
He moved it for her, creating more little giggles and a purr, and felt a warm sense of satisfaction. He read to her, speaking lowly and catching the way she just stared at his face in awe. Maybe understanding, maybe just listening to his low voice as he read.
“Appa,” She murmured, eyes looking heavy.
“Yes, princess?” He asked lowly, glancing to make sure Tae was still asleep.
“‘Ove oo,” She slurred with a mewl. She let out a little kitty sound that said she loved him.
He returned the cat-like affection, then shifted so they were cuddled up more comfortably. “I love you too, Eunyeong.”
“Wuv Taetae too,” She slurred, reaching over and patting Taehyung’s head.
His tail languidly wrapped around her ankle.
Yoongi kissed her chubby little cheek. “He loves you too, princess.”
She wiggled up and kissed him. “Appa.”
He purred softly, brushing her hair from her face and pressing kisses all over her face and getting more giggles and wiggled.
“No, appa!” She squealed as he playfully mouthed her kitten ears, giggling and wriggling to try and escape.
He grinned and laughed, ducking so she could get back at him. He slid them onto the floor, laying on his stomach while she crawled over him and tried to catch his tail-tip (which he let her do because she was moving so well and he was so proud of his baby, he could withstand her little bites on his tail).
He got distracted by his phone for a moment while she was playing with his tail. He grinned and nudged Taehyung awake. “Taehyung-ah.”
Taehyung looked at him blearily.
“Jin said that she’s having twins,” He said, amusement putting a little bit of a cat noise in his voice.
Taehyung started laughing. “Of course she is.”
“One boy and one girl,” He added, shaking his head and pulling Euny away from the corner of the coffee table.
Euny went to Tae, holding her arms out. “Up peas.”
He complied and scooped her up, still laughing about Emma’s situation. “They going to be okay?”
“Yeah, Hobi is moving back in with them to help out with the triplets.”
They both got quiet after a bit while Euny babbled to her stuffed bunny.
“Okay, you really need to get that promotion so we can move closer to home.”
“Yup yup!” Euny chirped, giggling and grinning at both of them.
Taehyung melted and started cooing over her and tickling her.
Yoongi watched with satisfaction, feeling complete.
Previous Part.   Next Part.
Masterlist.  Sanctuary Series Masterpost. 
Tagging: @ephemeral-mindset​  @young-yellkie​  @alex--awesome--22​  @bryvada​  @missmoxxiesworld​  @knjhe​  (Taglist)
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jeonsduck · 5 years
Smoke and Mirrors
A new San fic! Yes I know I have a huge to-do list rn but I got the idea n had to write it ASAP!
Accountant!San warnings: none yet
Summary: you’re an investigator for the IRS and the FBI wants you to audit possible triad members. You’ll only be dealing with the accountant though.
Your life had been flipped completely upside down in nearly six months. Last year at this time you’d been a few months into a new desk job, working in the investigation division of the IRS.  The work wasn’t fun, but you sorely missed it now. These days you couldn’t even step outside your house alone.  You remember the day you were handed your first big case, they day your life started on an insane rollercoaster that you had no power to get off of. Your supervisor had come into your cubicle and slammed down a few thick file folders. You had jumped at the loud noise, looking up at her. “This, is your new case. Someone higher up reccomended you take control of this. It’s a real doozy, so I hope you’re ready for some serious responsibility.” she said, resting her weight on the stack of papers.  “You’re really giving this to me? But I just got here.” you pointed out, eyeing the tower of files next to you. “Think of it as test. If you can handle this then you’ll start getting better cases. So you’re not running after every Bill, Sally, and Joe that ‘forgot’ to file their taxes, or chasing after those cash-only busniesses.” she counters.  You sigh, resigned to your fate. “So, what’s the case?” you ask, picking up one of the files and opening the cover to glance at the page. Your supervisor smiles, patting the remaining stack of files. “Its like a movie or something, you know? Tax fraud, evasion. FBI needs their records gone through with a fine toothed comb. They have suspicions that the restaurants and companies they control may have something to do with the triad.” she says, like it’s a cute little fun fact. “Wait you’re sending ME to investigate whether or not the owners of these businesses are triad members? Isn’t that dangerous, shouldn’t this be the FBI’s job?” you balk.  “The FBI doesn’t have a right to investigate unless you fimd some discrepancies. Besides, you won’t be dealing with the directly. You’ll be coordinating with their accountant, Choi San."  You supervisor pulls a card out of her blazer pocket, waving it between her two fingers and placing it on top of the files. "You can divy your other cases up amost the agents, I want this investigation to be your priority, okay? You should call Mr. Choi and set up a meeting, get on his schedule ASAP. And in the mean time  read through these files, get a grasp of what you’re looking at with these guys.” She said and turned to walk away.  You sighed again, eyeing the daunting stack of files. Your supervisor spun on her heel, clicking back over to you cubicle.  “Oh, and good luck.” she adds, before walking away for good.  You pick up the business card from the top of the files and look at it. It’s rather plain, white with green and black typing. It just says Choi San, Personal accountant, his contact information and the address of his office. You flipped the card over, and it was blank on the other side.  Your work friend Jacob pushes away from his desk, wheeling across the walkway to take a peek at the Manila folder you had open. You weren’t super close to Jacob or anything, but he had helped show you the ropes when you first joined that office, and now you were getting the feeling that he might be nursing a workplace crush on you. Too bad he wasn’t really your type, but he was a good friend.  "So, your first big case, how are you feeling?“ He asks, searching your face for some kind of reaction. You shook your head, turing to face Jacob. "When did you get your fist big case?” you asked, looking for comparison.  “About a year or so in. But she did say that someone requested you from higher up."he pointed out, and you just shrugged. "Well, whoever it is has a death wish out for me. Investigating the triad? This is crazy.” You say, waving the card around. “Well, I doubt you need to be scared of the accountant. He probably doesn’t really know what goes on behind closed doors.” He points out in an attempt to comfort you. Thinking back on it now, you wish you hadn’t ever let your guard down around Choi San, even before you’d ever met him. It had been a fatal mistake.  “Hey, you call the guy, I’ll go redistribute your workload to everybody. And if you need some help let me know, I’d be more than happy to lend you a hand.” he offered, already sliding your extra cases off of your desk. "Awh, thanks Jacob. You’re a blessing.“ Jacob smiles at you and flips his non-existent hair over his shoulder.  "Oh, its nothing. Now, go ahead and call the accountant.” he said, spinning away in his chair.  You chuckled and shook your head, turning back to your desk and looking at the business card again. You took in a deep breath and picked up your clunky office phone to make the call. You type in the number and it rings four times before someone picks up on the other end.  “Hello, this of the office of Choi San, personal accountant. My name is Jasmine, how may I help you?” a woman answered in a very cheery voice.  Ah, that would probably be his secretary. “Yes, is Agent Y/N from the Internal Revenue Service. May I speak with Mr. Choi?” you ask, summoning your best customer service voice. “Mr, Choi is not currently taking calls, but I can try to pencil you in in the next few months.” the secretary says, and you sigh, because of course he isn’t. “Mr. Choi needs to contact me immediately. Can you give him a message?”  "Yes, what is your message?“  "That his clinets are currently be investigated for tax fraud, and I will be conducting an audit and follow up investigation of their accounts.” you says and there’s a pause. There’s some muffled talking and shuffling noises before you hear another, distinctly male voice. “Hello, this is San speaking.” He had a nice voice, a cheery sounding demeanor. Like a child in a grown up body. “Hello Mr. Choi. I’m Y/N, an agent with the IRS. I’ll be conducting an audit of six of your clients.” you repeat. San hums, and you can’t see but he’s perched on his secretary’s desk, legs crossed over one another with the phone held between his ear and his shoulder, balancing his schedule book on his knee. “Ah, we’ll that’s pretty important isn’t it? We should probably schedule a a meeting, right?” he mused, flicking through the pages. “Uh, yes I suppose that would be best.” You say, a little taken aback. “Great! So I have an opening for a lunch on Monday the 18th, how does that work for you?” he asks, twirling the cord around his finger. “Oh that works perfectly, Mr. Choi.” you says and you hear a chuckle on the other side of phone. “Well, I’ll pencil you in, and send you the details later. And please, call me San.” he says and hangs up promptly. Again, you’re not privy to him handing his schedule back to his secretary and saying to her. “Jasmine you’re doing a great job dear, quick note though. Any communications from that agent, Y/N, forward it directly to me or I’ll fire you on the spot, is that understood?” he asked and his secretary leaned away slightly, nodding. “Great, keep up the good work!” he pushed himself off of the desk and walking back into into his office. You stared at your phone, making a dial tone for a moment. Weird guy. You slipped his business card into your pocket, and programmed his office number into your phone. You added the lunch meeting to your Google Calendar and open your files again. Your phone rings loudly and suddenly. “Hello, this is Y/N, IRS Investigative Division, to whom am I speaking?” you say., cordially. “This is Agent Heejin with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I’ll be your FBI contact during your audit. I’d like to ask that you reach out to me before and after your meetings with the accountant Mr. Choi for a debrief and further explanation of what red flags you’re looking for.” the person on the phone introduces. “Oh, hello Agent Heejin. I have a lunch meeting with Mr. Choi on the 18th so I suppose I’ll contact you a day or so before?” you reply. “That sounds perfect. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions while you review those files we sent over. Good luck.” she said, and ended the call. You hung the phone up again and focused on the files again. You eyed the daunting stack of papers before you. You’ve got a lot of reading to do. The files are extensive and detailed. It’s all the information the FBI can give you without a security clearance, tax records for the last few years, and registration documents for their businesses, deeds to cars, apartments, houses. There was so much information, you ended up running yourself ragged reading through it all and then compiling the most important points into notes. It was a lot. First there was Kim Hongjoong, the ring leader. The investor of more than a handful of up-and-coming fashion houses. The boutiques doubled as wharehouses, according to the FBI, the work spaces in the back were a great storage facility. 
Next, there was Park Seonghwa, second in command, he owned port stalls and small shipping companies in the area. His previous records with the port and ATF made it obvious that he was a mule. Whatever products they needed moved, Seonghwa dealt with it. 
Yeosang was the charity case. He ran a foundation for disenfranchised youth and donated obscense amouts of money to other charities. But Yeosang's money was sunk in solid investments. Gold, sliver, jewels, oil, popular up and coming tech companies. He obviously helped fund their little operation, diversified the financial portfolio. If they lost money in one market, they gained it in another.
 Then there was Mingi and Yunho, co-owners and operators of a state of the art security firm which secured many important establishments across the city including museums, auction houses, and high end jewelry stores. Five of which had been robbed in the past two years, installing their company as the replacement. Currently, they were vying for a contract at a pharmaceutical lab past the city limits. 
Then there was Park Wooyoung, who owned a spattering of bars and restaurants, giving them a perfect front to wash any dirty cash they might have. And access to some very infamous regular patrons with triad affiliations. Finally, there was Choi Jongho, who ran a prestigious martial arts academy that trained multiple national teams. The position of Jongho’s gym gave them a bit of political protection. It’s amazing what powerful people were willing to do in order to get their kids into the Olympics. 
So, either you didn't have the security clearance, or the FBI had no idea what these men were actually doing. It was like they identified the gang before the operation.
And then there was Choi San. The accountant for his dear childhood friends, and a good many other high profile clientele. The others all had strong possibly triad ties in close family members, but Choi San was squeaky clean. It was possible that if his friends really were part of the triad, he wasn’t aware. He could be innocent in all this. But even if he is clean, if his friends were gang bosses, would he really sit idly by as you help put them away?
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Dancing Lessons
Barry Berkman x reader
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Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating, drinking.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● 
Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Part 8
NoHo Hank was already in they warehouse that the other bald man drive him to, he looked a hit more pale than usual, but he still had a bright smile on his face, and if it was possible it grew even more once he saw him enter the building.
"Oh Barry, I thought Anzor will have to bring you by force here" He said and as always having an exaggerated hospitality considering the large weapons his men were carrying and the desolate place they were in, and specially since Anzor had already tied his hands together an sit him on a chair in front of Hank "Well I'm sure Fuches told you, we had an offer for you, and I want to be clear, I am more than willing to negotiate, but Batir is more of a "Do it or else" kind of guy, so what do you expect from this little exchange?" He said like this was a normal job interview, and maybe his annoying attitude made him came out of the trance and realize this was a bad idea.
"I won't kill for you anymore Hank" He said, but the pale man ignored him, or pretend he didn't listen "I came here because Fuches ask me too, but I'm no going to become your henchmen, I'm no longer killing for a living" And then because he was actually not to convince to fight for his life he add "So if you want to kill me do it for once, this is your best chance" he said and rise his tied hands
"Oh relax, who said anything about a henchman? We are no longer that kind of business" Hank said and with a hand order his men to walk out, then he let him lose, so he start rubbing his wrists.
"And the Chechen mob just want to hire me as what? An accountant?" He said bitterly. "What kind of business are you now then?"
"Batir is expanding our portfolio of business, and well sometimes acquiring new companies takes a little of persuasion, you would understand that people don't feel comfortable with guys like Anzor doing the negotiation, a gorgeous tall man with piercing blue eyes like you could come in handy to us"
"That sounds a lot like being a henchman, also what if I said yes? I am going to bully every company owner in LA for you and Batir, and then what? When I'm no use for you anymore you will shoot me? I don't think so" He said, desperately trying to figure out an escape plan.
"Oh but that's were you are wrong Barry, we don't want to hire you to be part of our organization, this is more a freelance situation" He said and smile widely since Barry was now perplex and silent. "We have a problem with a little oil company that thought they could found a wide benefactor in Texas so they will protect them from Batir, you must understand how disrespectful that is, so we want you to go a and make their lawyers to back on that idea and come back to us, after all you have greatly offended us, however if you do this your debt will be completely erased" he said and let him a couple minutes to think.
"How am I supposed to convince them?" He asked finally.
"Well you can just look at them with those puppies" he said pointing at his eyes "And if that doesn't work I'm sure you can figure something out, in the end if something happens to them I'm sure their boss will understand the message"
"How many?" He answered, and even when he haven't agree yet he could feel the adrenaline run trough his veins.
"Two guys, semi rich, but pretty unknown guys" he said unable to hide his excitement.
"And we are clear?"
"And we are clear" He said delighted "After Fuches little charade with the Burmeses, Batir thinks you are better away from us, but he will spare your life for a favor, specially a big one like this one, and if it comes to the worst case scenario for them he will also pay you for your service.
"It must be a big company if they are willing to forgive everything just for two guys" Barry said and Hanks let out a little laugh that made him realize there was something else going on there.
"Isn't it funny? This is how we met, and how we said goodbye too" he started "One of the guys used to work for us, but then he starts getting ideas of how to get ahead of Batir and he start giving advice to companies to go with our competition for a price obviously and then Batir found out he has been dating one of his niece's for like a year, like any other straight guy, right? Why do you have to be so toxic? Anyway, he wants him dead, and he is convinced that is you could do an exceptional job as you did in the monastery you can eliminate him" He handed him a folder but before he could open it a moment of clearness came to his head.
"Why me?"
"Well because you can handle a gun like anybody and are the best cold blooded killer of course" He said with no hesitation.
"Hank, you know what I mean, why do you want me to kill this man specifically, and why now?" He said with his hands trembling while he opened the folder.
"Batir found out he was dating Monique while we were following you" He started, serious for the first time in their exchange "Crazy coincidence huh? Anyway it could be of use to your lady friend, the guy is an asshole, not like Monique is any good either, but you know Batir, it took some convincing him to give this work to you, otherwise he will send our guys to deal with him, and you know how stupid these guys are, there could be collateral damage" he said and he could see the anger on his face as he look the pictures of Alan coming out of Y/N studio.
"I'll do it, I want half in advance" he said finally, and the dark look on his eyes was enough for Hank to not prevent him to leave "She needs to stay out of this, you know that right? I will kill you myself if she knows, understood? " He said before he walked out.
"Loud and clear"
Once he was alone in his car and away from the look of Hank's men he did the only logical thing he could think off and he start screaming, and loudly banging his hands against his head, he had swear to stop this, no more blood in his hands, but Hank was right, there would be collateral damage otherwise, and if doing nothing meant having her blood on his hands he rather take his gun out again.
The next morning a duffel bag with 15 thousand dollars masterly appeared at his door, thankfully before his roommates could see it, and he spent the next three days using his rehearsals to calculate Alan movements out of the studio. And he concluded that his best chance was early in the morning when he leave his house to go to his "office"
"So tomorrow is the big day" her voice said once he was resting after a particular hard session with Macy, but since his mind was on her husband he didn't saw her approach him.
"How do you know?" He asked alarmed, but he immediately realized she couldn't possibly know.
"Well you told us that your big recording of the dance is tomorrow, that's why Macy is making you do this all extra work isn't it?" She said a bit scared of his tone, maybe fearful that they were not supposed to talk yet.
"Oh that, sure, I'm just a bit worried about it I'm sorry" He said and finally a good idea came to his head. "Actually it would mean a lot of you could be there, you can tell Janice to stop acting out and teach a thing or two to my coordinator" he improvise a smile and she take it as a good sign because she smiled back.
"I would love too, what time?"
"Well I have to be there at 10, but you should go early like at 8 and see the studio, I'll text Sophie so she will give you a pass" he said knowing that Alan leave the house exactly at 8:30.
"Are you sure you want me there? I mean maybe you'll get more moral support from your..."
"I'm sure my ex girlfriend is busy tomorrow" He cut her mid sentence and for a brief moment that doesn't have to do with murder he enjoy the little smile that curve on her lips at the word ex
"In that case I think I can be your cheerleader for a day" She said but then she took a guilty look at her wedding ring and her smile disappeared "I'll see you tomorrow I guess"
He had a sleepless night, he took his gun out and cleaned, then he reviewed his plan over and over again, trying to think of a way out of this, he would kill Alan and broke Y/N heart because his nexus with the Chechens will be clear after his dead and he will be finally free, and in a couple months he and Sally will be happy, that was it right? She may be ashamed for his husband but she will be alive...
He could obviously spare his life, convince him to go away, in that case how long before Batir found out?, how long before he killed him... but she will be safe, with both men away from her... Because it was clear to him that spare Alan's life meant his own death sentence, maybe months later, but eventually, but if he was now without Sally, without Y/N, even without Fuches, what was the point?
He finally took a decision and put both the gun and the money in his backpack and fall asleep at 3 in the morning. Making his last thoughts to be of her, waiting in the studio to cheer him on his big scene.
When the sun rise over LA next morning he was drinking a hot cup of bad coffee, looking in the distance how she exit her house at 7:30, she looked prettier than in his dreams, he could have swear that she was carrying her white seetrough dancing skirts on her bag, ready to teach Janice a lesson, and his heart ached, he could not do it anymore.
Suddenly he felt the urge to confess, so he called her, begging the heavens for her to pick up, she would hate him, but she would be safe.
The phone ring... once, twice, it went to voicemail after the fourth. He was about to hang up, but suddenly he found himself talking, he didn't confess... not to his crime at least, but he was now certain that herr life and stability were more important, and sure that he will no longer see her again.
At exactly 8:30 Alan left the studio, he walk to his car that he parked a little far from the entrance, so he didn't saw the man wearing a hoodie and a baseball hat approach him, and there was so little people on the street that nobody else did.
"Keep walking asshole" and angry voice, oddly familiar, said and put what without a doubt was a gun on his back.
"Take my wallet and my phone man, that's all I got on me" he said with a nervous voice "Here my car keys, is that one there, is new" He said now more like a plea.
"I don't care about your fucking money, keep walking" he said and put him closer to him, it almost look like two friends walking, nothing suspicious about them, finally after a couple blocks he made him walk towards an alley and finally made him face him, he took off the hoodie and the cap.
He looked surprised at first, maybe a little less frightened, but the gun on his hand was a very real threat.
"I don't understand" he started "what do you want?"
"Do you know a man named Batir?" Barry asked with a dry growl, enough to make him silent.
"No, what are you talking about?" He lied nervously.
"It will be on your best interest to don't lie, I will ask one more time, do you know who Batir is?" He said putting the gun between his eyes.
"Ok, I do, I may have work with him a couple times, but I'm clean now ok?"
"Don't piss your pants dude, one more question, why did you think it was a good idea to screw his niece?" Barry said and Alan's brain seemed to finally connect the dots.
"This is about her? I'm no longer with her, we broke up, after you saw me with Y/N, I swear" He said, and the mention of her name make him loose his guard for a moment, something that Alan notice. "Listen I love my wife ok? You don't have to do this, I already got a better job offer in Texas, I will leave and Batir can keep harassing small companies, if he want the merge gone is gone ok? I don't care about the money, it was all my associate Tom's idea."
"You really like to snitch right?" Barry said exasperated "Turn around" Tear started running on Alan's face, and all hope abandoned his body "TURN AROUND NOW!!" He screamed.
He obeyed shaking and face the wall, and maybe without the fury of Barry's eyes looking at him he managed to think with clarity.
"Think of her" he said and even when he didn't saw him he felt his respiration change and saw his hand an the gun shake on the corner of his eye. "I know you are her friend, she told me everything last night because I saw you leaving the studio in the afternoon." He explained quickly and since he didn't fired he continued "You must care about her since you didn't told her what you knew about me, your a decent guy Barry, don't do this, I promise I will leave..."
"Y/N? Damn it's your voicemail, anyway I'm calling because... actually I don't know why I'm calling, I'm going to see you later right? , I was thinking maybe we should go eat after... You know what? The truth is... that I think, I don't know maybe if things were different, maybe I would have asked you out, but you are married and I can't change that, but at least I wanted to say that I'm glad that I met you, thank you for being there... I'll see you soon"
It was already 9:45, and he hasn't showed up yet, but you had made a full tour of the studio with Sophie and she even let you give notes to Janice, since apparently she have saw you dance in NY years before, but for a moment an odd feeling invaded your heart, the message had no sense but it felt like a goodbye.
Something completely stupid of course since he had no reason to say goodbye, but you did. You had confess to Alan about your adolescent crush, and after a long talk you had decided to try again, even when you were sure it was impossible. But it wasn't fair on your side to drag Barry into that mess, he was a good man after all.
The sudden sound of something hitting the ground scared him, but it was just a backpack.
"Pick it!" He said and he obeyed "There are 10 thousand dollars there, I'm sure a smart guy like you can find a way to survive somewhere else with that, you will leave and never comeback ok? No contact with Y/N or any girlfriend, no family. Nothing" He said angrily.
"Of course, thank you, I swear you won't see me again" he said frantically.
"Give your phone and your wallet, and your car keys" Alan do as told quickly now with his breathing regulated. Barry was about to start walking away from him, when he could saw him smile sardonically. "What is so funny?"
"The fact that I knew sleeping with Monique was wrong and I panicked when you saw me with my wife, but I never thought that it could save my life" He said and maybe the nod Barry gave him encouraged him to keep talking. "At least now you can be with her, and I don't intend to come back and ruin your future happiness by her side."
"Y/N, last night she was so helpless telling me how sorry she was about her little crush on you. That's how I know you are a man of honor, you had dirt on my, and you like my wife, yet you didn't told her."
"Is not about honor, not like you would understand it" he said suddenly getting angry at him.
"Yeah yeah, everyone has an agenda Berkman, and everyone can be bought, maybe not all with money, like in this case"
"What do you mean?" He said with a calm that hide his anger from Alan.
"Well I bought my life from you and ten thousand dollars in exchange of my silence and my blissful ignorant wife, who appears to be to decent to cheat on me, maybe you'll have to work a little there for her to take you, but don't worry I won't come back"
"No, you won't"
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (4) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: i am absolutely hanging out my arse so editing and re-reading this chapter made me feel vaguely ill. i’ll pass it off as method acting xo thank you so much for the continued love and support for this fic, the fact that each chapter so far has broken 100 notes makes me piss my pants with excitement (watch now i’ve jinkxed it and this one’ll get like 8). in this installment Scarlet finds it hard to believe that she isn’t Victoria Beckham.
Trigger Warnings: explicit drug use, alcohol. unaaay.
Summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree
Scarlet had to admit, she was enjoying the high life. As she sat up the back of the lecture theatre in the new fur coat she wasn’t planning on taking off anytime soon, blinking heavily with her £75 lash extensions, drumming her £50 acrylics against her notepad, she smiled to herself. This was definitely the kind of life she was suited to. Okay, she got a bit of a shock when the rent left her bank account, as well as her gas and electricity bills, but she still had a good amount there. Clenching her stomach, Scarlet thought about the number on her banking app. £3713.65. Slightly giddy, she pressed her lips together as she thought about it. How could she have spent over a thousand pounds in the space of two weeks? She thought through it in her mind. Rent, £550. Electricity, £30 split with Ra’Jah. Gas, £25, also split with Ra’Jah. But that only came to what…just under six hundred pounds? There was still so much unaccounted for. Scarlet thought about how much she’d paid for on nights out, the two shopping trips she’d been on since her scratchcard win, and the many, many Ubers she’d taken pretty much everywhere. It was time to reign the spending in.
It was crazy how much confidence it was giving her, though. Even on the group chat Scarlet felt self-assured enough to throw out barbs every so often, the girls all responding with keyboard smashes and capitalised laughter and giving her a boost of serotonin. It had even made her feel more confident around Yvie. Scarlet felt weird about the whole Yvie thing. Now that she’d realised she liked her, she didn’t really know what to do about it. She knew she would do something, she promised herself, as if she ended up in a situation like Vanjie’s she would scream. Scarlet cast a glance to the girl beside her, frantically typing notes into her laptop and listening intently. Bored, Scarlet took her fluffy-topped pen and wrote on her notepad, pushing it Vanjie’s way.
Lunch after this?
She watched as Vanjie looked down at her writing, looked back up, then nodded once. Scarlet smiled, glad that she had something to look forward to. It had been a while since she’d had a catchup with Vanjie, and part of her was excited to see if there had been any progress made between her and Brooke. Scarlet then realised it was a little selfish of her to think that way and, realising she hadn’t confided in anyone about her crush on Yvie yet, she decided she’d let Vanjie in on her secret.
When the lecture finished up they decided they would go for lunch at the Mexican place in town. It was a slightly longer walk than anywhere on campus but Vanjie was good company, chatting away happily about something funny her Mum had done back home and distracting Scarlet from the cold weather. They eventually reached the restaurant and got sat at a table, despite the fact Scarlet could have stood under the heaters that were blasting by the entrance forever. She watched as Vanjie shrugged her huge coat off then leant forward.
“So, how’s your lovely flatmate?” Vanjie asked, Scarlet letting out a snort and rolling her eyes.
“Our oven’s broken. She’s saying I broke it,” she explained, Vanessa tilting her head with intrigue.
“Why? What did you do?”
“I don’t know. Used it to cook food,” Scarlet said, her laugh giving away her monotone voice and causing Vanjie to giggle too. “It’s exhausting living with her! She just hates me for no reason! I swear she’s going to turn up by my bed in the middle of the night with a knife and her pillow to smother me with.”
“But then she’d have no-one to blame for the shit that goes wrong in the flat.”
“True. If I’m ever found murdered, though, you know who it was,” Scarlet raised her eyebrows knowingly, Vanessa having to stop herself from laughing as a waitress arrived at their table and took their drinks orders. Vanessa ordered a Corona and Scarlet almost joined her, then realised that beer on a lunch break when she still had a lecture in the afternoon was risky. She got a blood orange San Pellegrino instead. As the waitress walked away, Scarlet continued. “How’s Silky and Akeria? I’ve not seen them since last Saturday.”
“They’re good. Akeria’s stressing about Masters applications, even though I keep telling her every uni is gonna be fallin’ over themselves to accept her. Silk is fine. She’s always fine. I think she’s made peace with the fact she’s probably going to get a 2:2.”
“Nothing wrong with a 2:2,” Scarlet shrugged, even though she knew that if she was on course for a 2:2 she’d be crying as if her life was over.
“That’s true. Degree’s a degree. Still gon’ cry like a baby if I don’t get a 2:1 though,” Vanessa frowned, brightening up as the waitress returned and put their drinks in front of them.
“You will,” Scarlet said. It hadn’t been a lie- even though she only saw Vanessa working towards part of her PPE degree, she always seemed on the ball with lecture notes, got good grades in her essays, and you could never shut her up in tutorials. The other girl still narrowed her eyes at her as she took a drink.
“You have to say that, though. You’re my friend,” Vanessa said, Scarlet brightening up at the validation of her friendship. She’d never known if Vanessa had liked her at first, but over the years they’d eventually settled into being comfortable with each other. Vanessa sighed. “I worked out that if I want a 2:1 I need to get above 65% in everything until the end of the year.”
“That’s doable!” Scarlet insisted, pouring her can into the glass in front of her. She frowned and shook her head. “Anyway, let’s not worry any more about uni. How’s Brooke Lynn?”
Vanessa slid down in her seat and covered her face with the menu. “I don’t know, bitch, ask her.”
“You know what I mean! How are things going? Any progress?”
Vanessa screwed up her face. “I mean, I don’t know. Kind of? Maybe? It’s so hard to tell with that bitch.”
“What’s the maybe?”
“So last Monday we went for a drink after we went to the library. We were just talkin’ and somehow…I don’t even know how we got onto this topic…we started talkin’ about how we were…y'know, like in bed.”
Scarlet let out a screech. “OH my God. Amazing. How is that a maybe in any way?!”
“Nah, well, you know,” Vanessa smiled bashfully, fanning herself with the menu which neither of them had so much as glanced at. “It started to get deep and then I did my classic ha ha ha what a big joke this is I’m definitely not takin’ this serious in any way thing I always do with her. I think I made it awkward, ‘cuz I’ve not seen her since then. I mean we’ve talked on the chat but…yeah.”
Scarlet pouted, feeling sorry for her friend. “Oh, Vanj, no. It won’t be that at all. You know her and Plastique have got their portfolios due next week, she’ll just be busy!”
Vanessa bit her lip, then smiled slowly. “How about if I organise a lil somethin’ to take her mind off her work, then?”
Scarlet took a sip of her drink. “You’re going to turn up to her flat wearing nothing but a massive bow playing The Stripper through your phone speaker.”
As Vanessa howled, Scarlet realised a little too late that someone had come to take their order. She asked for five more minutes, neither of them having looked at the menu yet and having only used it as a prop for embarrassment.
“No, bitch,” Vanessa wheezed, finally getting her breath back. “Let’s see if we can get her to come out tonight.”
Scarlet felt her brows pulling together involuntarily. “On a Wednesday? She’ll be too responsible.”
Vanessa sighed and gave the menu a cursory glance. “Couldn’t we at least try? I just need to know if I’ve made things awkward so I can go about trying to fix them. Although how the fuck I’d do that, I don’t know.”
“I guess you could put it on the chat?” Scarlet shrugged.
Gleefully, Vanessa bounced about in her chair and grabbed her phone decisively, immediately typing. She put it back face-down on the table almost as quickly as she’d picked it up. “It’s sent. Although now we’re running the risk of everyone being free apart from Brooke Lynn, and if I’m honest I really don’t have the energy to go out otherwise.”
“We’re getting old,” Scarlet shrugged, her eyes scanning over tostadas, taquitos and empanadas without really being able to focus on any of them. “Do you remember the days when you could manage two nights out back to back?”
“I remember the days I could manage two nights out in one night,” Vanessa laughed, running a hand through her hair and exhaling. “Scarlet, why am I nervous? Tell me why I’m nervous.”
“Because you’ve just orchestrated a night out with our whole friendship group just so you can see one member of it. Instead of, you know. Asking her on a date,” Scarlet smiled teasingly, Vanessa laughing in self-depreciation. It occured to Scarlet that she still hadn’t told Vanessa about Yvie. “That reminds me-”
Just then she was cut off as the waitress appeared again at their table. Scarlet couldn’t bear to send her away again so she quickly ordered some fish tacos and some sort of cheesy beany quesadilla she had no idea the other ingredients of. Vanessa rapidly fired off an order for a pulled chicken burrito and pork taquitos which, Scarlet could glean from a quick glance at the menu, seemed to be served with radioactive levels of spice. As the waitress walked away, Scarlet frowned.
“Are those taquitos not really spicy?”
“Meh. I don’t mind spice. Worst case scenario I’ll have to install scaffolding round my ass for the next three days after I eat ‘em,” Vanessa shrugged and then leaned forward, hardly giving time for Scarlet to laugh at what she’d just said. “You said ‘that reminds me’ after we were talkin’ about dates, what’s up with that?”
“Oh uh, nothing,” Scarlet smiled shyly as she picked at a bit of dripped candle wax on the tabletop. “Just that I’m joining you in the crushing-on-my-best-friend club for the foreseeable future.”
Vanessa’s face lit up. “What is this?!”
Scarlet felt cheeks flush red as she said it. “I…think I have a crush on Yvie.”
Vanessa let out a quick screech of delight, drawing the gaze of a dining couple sitting at the opposite side of the room. Hushing herself, she leant close to Scarlet and continued. “Oh my God! Bitch! I love this. This is amazing. Aw, you’d be so cute together! I knew you were touchy with each other but I always thought that was just how your friendship was.”
“It is how our friendship is!” Scarlet protested, then put her head in her hands to cover her cheeks as she smiled. “I just…realised I like being touchy with her a little too much to be friendly.”
“Oh, I got it. You wanna be touchy with her in a different way,” Vanessa winked suggestively, Scarlet squealing in mortification and both the girls ending up howling with laughter. As the laughter died down, Vanessa smiled. “Well, welcome to the world of crushing on a friend, boo. It’s amazing, electric, and largely horrific. And painful. I’m not selling this well.”
“It sounds slightly sadomasochistic.”
“That’s actually what you get if you Google it,” Vanessa nodded faux-seriously, then put on a funny, posh-sounding voice. “If you liked getting shocked by a disused electrical socket twenty-five times in a row, perhaps you’d like: crushing on your best friend!”
Scarlet laughed, then shot a glance down at her phone as it sat face-down on the table. “I’m kinda hoping Yvie comes out tonight too now.”
“Ooh! We should check the chat,” Vanessa said, pouncing on her phone and her face dropping as she looked. Scarlet opened her own to see what had been said.
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: me n Scarlet wanna go out tonight who’s down
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: BITCH ARE U CRAZY WE AINT FRESHERS ANY MORE
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: I GOTTA DATE WITH BRADLEY WALSH AND WHOEVER THE CHASER IS TODAY
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Girl we all know The Chase starts at 5pm you gotta think of a better excuse
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Sorry boo I’m out
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: BITCH BACK TO BACK EPS ON CHALLENGE TV FROM 7 THANK U NEXT
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Need to be at the library early if I wanna get that 1st
Kim Kardashian-West: Placement :((((((( sorry babyyy
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: I’ll see yall at pres though
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: I’m guessing they’re gonna be at ours
Okay Then: Sorry girls our portfolios are due in like 9 days
Okay Then: big celebrations after though!!
Dave the Laugh: i’d actually be down
Scarlet felt guilty as her heart gave a jump, Vanessa sitting dejectedly across from her. “Hey, chin up! She’s not replied yet.”
“If Plastique is sayin’ no, she’ll be a no too,” she jerked her mouth to the side in a pained attempt at a smile. “Your girl’s down though, that’s good!”
“Stop. She’s not my girl.”
“Yet,” Vanessa smiled, a glint of disappointment still present in her eyes. Just then, Scarlet’s phone lit up in her hand.
mose: I’m going to follow the tradition of my entire university career making poor life choices and say yeah I’d be up for a night out
Scarlet looked with anticipation across to Vanessa, whose eyes were wide with excitement. She didn’t seem to know that she had a beaming smile on her face, and Scarlet couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, happy for the girl opposite her. “See? Good news!”
“Oh my God. It’s gonna be me, you, Yvie and Brooke Lynn. Fuckin’ double date night out,” Vanessa’s eyes scrunched up as she laughed happily. Scarlet felt her pulse start racing, nerves taking hold of her already. She was excited, though, for some time with Yvie in a slightly smaller setting. She hadn’t grabbed a coffee or done anything with just her in a while, and even though this wasn’t the ideal setting, it was still an opportunity. Vanessa was back typing quickly into her phone, and Scarlet watched the group chat progress.
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: yall suck apart from Yvie and BrookeLynn
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: come to mine for 9 then bitches! Xoxoxoxo
Mose: See ya then boo
Scarlet turned over her phone and raised an eyebrow at Vanessa. “You’re her boo.”
“Yeah fuck y’all bitches, I’m Brooke Lynn’s lil’ ghost,” she smiled and gave her hands a quick clap together in excitement, Scarlet spluttering a laugh at her friend’s adorable reaction. Just then, their food arrived and got placed down in front of them.
“Oh hey, can I grab another Corona?” Vanessa asked, holding up her empty one. The waitress took it and nodded, and Vanessa gave Scarlet a guilty look. “I should really head to the library after this but I’mma go back home and nap, then spend the next four hours gettin’ ready. Fuck, I don’t even know how I’m gonna afford goin’ out tonight.”
Scarlet took a bite of a taco, then thought. Lunch was only going to come to about forty-ish pounds altogether, and really, what was that out of her winnings? She swallowed, looked to Vanessa, and smiled.  
“Hey. I’ll get us lunch,” she shrugged, shifting a little in her seat as Vanessa blinked at her.
“Serious? No, Scarlet, I can’t let you do that.”
“Honestly! My loan came in early,” she said, looking down at her plate as she lied. “Think of it as a celebratory, double-date-crush-night-out-whatever-the-fuck-this-is treat. And you can buy me a drink or something when we go out, call it even.”
As a waiter came by and placed another bottle in front of Vanessa, she gave a smile and raised it. “To coming out on the other side of tonight with girlfriends?”
Scarlet smiled as she clinked her glass against Vanessa’s beer. “Let’s not push it.”
The rest of her lunch with Vanessa passed by comfortably, Scarlet paying the bill when they were finished without a second thought and the girls saying goodbye with a hug and an excited squeal in anticipation of later on. Part of Scarlet wanted to head straight to the shops to look for something new to wear but she stopped herself, instead getting in an Uber and going back to the flat, the prospect of her returning to campus for her 3pm lecture growing thin. Turning the keys in her front door, she sighed when she heard loud music coming from Ra’Jah’s room. Scarlet had hoped she’d be out by now. Walking through to the living room to dump her shoes, coat and bag, she paused when she saw something on the messy, cluttered coffee table that she was sure hadn’t been there before.
It was a tiny, clear, plastic ziploc bag filled full of a white powder. Scarlet frowned as she picked it up, transferring the bag between her fingers and watching as the powder inside crumbled and broke up, the same sort of consistency as flour although slightly looser and whiter. The realisation of what she was holding suddenly hit her like a bus, nearly making her drop the bag. She stood silent for a couple of minutes, completely unsure of what to do. Then she heard the music in Ra’Jah’s room get turned up and that seemed to make her decision for her.
Storming back through into the hallway, Scarlet banged on her flatmate’s door. “Ra’Jah!”
The music got cut off and there was an eerie buzz of silence in the flat. The door in front of Scarlet swung open to reveal her flatmate, her face unimpressed. “Yes?”
Scarlet held up the bag, hoping it would elicit some emotion out of the other girl. It did not. “Can you not leave that shit lying around our flat?”
Ra’Jah smiled in amusement, showing a set of slightly uneven teeth. Scarlet felt her top lip curl up in a sneer. Ra'Jah wasn’t able to pull them off, not like Yvie with the cute gap she had between her front teeth. Fuck, was she really thinking of Yvie right now? Ra’Jah leant on the doorframe cockily. “What, a girl ain’t never seen cocaine before?”
“Of course I’ve seen it,” Scarlet lied, gripping the bag tight between her fingers. “I just don’t want the flat looking like a fucking crack den. I mean it’s not a potted plant, Ra’Jah, it’s a fucking class A drug. It’s not decorative.”
“Class A, ooh,” Ra’Jah mimicked mockingly, irritation washing over Scarlet. “Don’t shit yourself, bitch, it’s fine. I only put it down for, like, two seconds anyway. Just give it and I’ll put it somewhere safe.”
Scarlet went to pass it back to her, but something held her back. She looked at the powder again and a flash of thoughts flew through her head, of skinny, glamorous models and nightclub toilets and champagne. It was an illegal drug, and everything Scarlet had been brought up to believe told her it was fucking disgusting, and dangerous, and led to a spiral of addiction and debt. But still part of her was so insatiably curious, like she was addicted without even having tried it yet. She watched Ra’Jah’s expression change as Scarlet curled her fingers back. “Where’d you get it?”
“What is this, twenty fuckin’ questions?” her flatmate snapped back, rolling her eyes. “Just give me my narcotics, bitch.”
“Can I, um. I’ll buy it off you?” Scarlet stumbled out, causing Ra’Jah to look at her in disbelief.
“You want to buy cocaine?” she raised an eyebrow at her, speaking through a slight laugh. Scarlet’s hackles were up.
“Or give me the number of your dealer.”
Ra’Jah let out a small snort, shrugging her shoulders. “Ain’t any need to involve anyone else. Alright, that’s a gram. Give me sixty and it’s a deal.”
Scarlet felt her eyes widen involuntarily, Ra’Jah chuckling in response. “Girl, what did you think it was gonna be? Naomi Campbell snorts this shit for a reason, people use rolled up hundred dollar bills to snort this shit for a reason. It ain’t fuckin’ Cabbage Patch kids weed we talkin’ ‘bout here.”
Scarlet frowned and took out her phone, opening up her banking app. Just before she transferred the money, she looked at her flatmate suspiciously. Ra’Jah rolled her eyes.
“Look, I’m not taking you for a ride. I got it for fifty, a bitch wants to make a profit. Sixty is standard in some places. Others you’d be talkin’ seventy. Google it if you don’t believe me.”
“No, I believe you,” Scarlet simply said, hitting a button and just like that, sixty pounds flew out of her account. A nervous heartbeat felt entirely too fast and too loud in her body. Another hundred pounds gone.
“Thanks, bitch. This was great fun, maybe I’ll drop out and become a dealer,” Ra’Jah laughed, Scarlet saying nothing in reply as the door swung shut in her face. The bag seemed to make her right hand tingle, and a surge of nervous excitement shot through Scarlet like propane.
She got ready for the night ahead in a sort of daze, as the panic and the gravity of what she’d actually done began to sink in. She’d just bought a gram of cocaine for a night out. What the hell was she planning on doing with it? There was no way she’d be able to actually do any. Or was there? That was what Scarlet had always said about weed and now her and Yvie got high together all the time. Her pulse thrummed at her wrists when she thought about the other girl. Scarlet imagined bringing the small bag out in a toilet cubicle with her, watching her eyes grow wide, imagined her thinking holy shit, I never knew Scarlet was this type of girl at all. Imagined them both cutting it up with Scarlet’s bank card and snorting it, then hitting their high on the dancefloor, turning to her and letting Yvie lean in and kiss her in a haze of euphoria and lust.
Scarlet felt a throb of heat pulse between her legs, her doubts gone. This was a good decision.
Scarlet showed up to Vanessa’s flat only running a tiny bit late, ready with a bottle of vodka the size of her head and a couple of mixers in case any of the girls wanted to share. She got buzzed in quickly and was welcomed into the flat by Akeria who was looking a far cry from her usually-glamorous self, her hair piled on top of her head in a towel and a pair of pink flannel pyjamas on. Scarlet was shown through to their kitchen where she found Vanessa, Brooke and Yvie all sitting on the sofa or on chairs beside Silky who was also in her pyjamas and, just as she’d promised on the chat, was watching The Chase. The girls gave a small cry of delight as Scarlet walked in, Scarlet not missing the way Vanessa was sat on Brooke Lynn’s lap. Part of her prickled with jealousy, wishing that her and Yvie were in their place, but she didn’t mind too much. She was happy for Vanessa. Scarlet grabbed a glass, took a chair to sit in, and began pouring a drink as the girls continued to watch the TV.
“Low offer of minus four thousand pounds, high offer, please?”
“Fifty-one thousand pounds.”
“We’re watching The Chase,” Vanessa explained to Scarlet.
“I gathered.”
“If he takes the minus offer, I’m gonna reach through the TV and stab him,” Brooke said seriously, her face displeased.
“Nah, he’s gonna stick in the middle. I trust Nigel, 52, from Stockport,” Yvie drawled, taking a sip of her drink then smiling at Scarlet from her position on the chair beside her, reaching across and squeezing her hand. “Hey, girl, how are you?”
“I’m good, thanks,” she smiled shyly, giving Yvie’s hand a small squeeze back and admiring her crushed-velvet red dress. “You look good.”
Yvie momentarily looked as if she was about to say something cute in response when her eyes were suddenly ripped from Scarlet’s and back to the screen as the girls groaned loudly.
“He’s a fucking TRAITOR,” Silky yelled, launching a cushion at the TV. “Sheila brought back forty-five thousand for this asshole to take from it? NO MA’AM!”
“Well this is the most lit pres I’ve ever been to,” Scarlet deadpanned.
“I hate this motherfuckin’ game show. Silk, turn this shit off,” Vanessa rolled her eyes, her flatmate loudly complaining.
“It’s my fuckin’ flat too, hoe!”
“Yeah, some of us actually have to do work tomorrow,” Akeria piped up from her position at the oven, checking on whatever she’d put inside. “How come you’re out tonight anyway?”
Scarlet caught Vanessa’s eye and she just stopped herself from smiling. “Oh, you know. Sometimes you just fancy going out.”
“It’s called being spontaneous, Kiki. You should try it,” Brooke joined in as she brought both hands up around Vanessa’s waist, the other girl giving a happy sigh and Scarlet staring at them, jealousy burning under her skin. As the other girls bickered, Yvie turned to face her again.
“Hey. You alright?” she asked, concern etched on her face and making Scarlet’s heart swell up.
“No, yeah, I’m good!” she smiled, blinking and trying not to come out with the truth of I’m insanely jealous of how close and cuddly Brooke and Vanessa are being right now and I wish Silky would get up off the sofa so we can join them. Satisfied with her answer, Yvie smiled.
“That’s good. No sad allowed at pres,” she joked, then tapped her gently on the nose. “Also you’re not allowed to be upset, you’re, like, my favourite person. Don’t tell the others.”
Scarlet felt something akin to a tidal wave flood over her whole body. Boosted, she gave Yvie a small wink. “I won’t. I promise.”
Something behind Yvie’s eyes seemed taken-aback, but not in a negative way. Almost as if she hadn’t expected Scarlet to come back with something so flirty so quickly, and Scarlet had to hide her smile behind her hand when she saw Yvie’s cheeks turn slightly pink.
Two hours later, all of Scarlet’s vodka had been drank and the four girls had managed to navigate a drunk Uber ride and entry into one of the fanciest clubs in the city. Usually none of them would have been able to afford the entry fee, but Scarlet had paid the ten pounds for each of them without batting an eyelid. She probably should have cared, but Scarlet had hit that stage where the alcohol had her convinced that life was wonderful, she was invincible, and she would be young and rich forever. She laughed as she cast her eye around the small circle the girls had formed on the dancefloor. Vanessa was dancing, frankly, like a stripper, and Brooke seemed to be living for it, her hands on the other girl’s waist protectively. Yvie was bouncing and flailing about, completely intoxicated, and yelling along to whatever song was playing- Scarlet didn’t know it, but she didn’t really need to. Turning to Yvie, she grabbed her hands and laughed. Yvie looked at her curiously.
“You look like those things…those car lot things…they go like this in the wind,” Scarlet explained, suddenly demonstrating to Yvie and throwing her hands in the air. Yvie buckled over with laughter, her hands on her knees, and Scarlet was so pleased she’d made her laugh.
“Bitch you started doing the floss to Miami 2 Ibiza, shut the fuck up,” Yvie snorted, Scarlet howling beside her. Casting her eye again to Brooke and Vanjie, an idea planted itself in Scarlet’s head.
“Yvie, watch me dance like Vanessa,” she commanded, suddenly feeling emboldened enough to throw her arms around Yvie’s neck and push her body up against hers. She ran her hands through the other girl’s hair messily, Yvie’s eyes half-lidded as she laughed gently at her.
“Girl…messing up my hair,” she muttered, Scarlet smiling back brazenly.
“It was messed up when you did it,” she smiled cheekily, tapping Yvie on the nose like she’d done to her earlier. Without giving her a chance to respond, Scarlet dropped down onto the floor in a move she hoped would make her look irresistible. Instead, she toppled over and ended up flat on her back against the sticky floor, the crowd parting around her like the Red Sea. She looked up to see Yvie laughing hysterically, holding both her hands out to her. Scarlet took them gratefully and she was pulled up, beside Yvie again only this time with just a fraction of the confidence. Yvie must have seen her pouting as Scarlet felt her strong arms being wrapped around her in a hug.
“Aw baby, I like your dancing the way it is,” she slurred into her ear, a tingle shooting down Scarlet’s spine at the proximity of Yvie’s lips to her skin. Scarlet was about to do something, say something, when she suddenly felt herself being wrenched away from Yvie and dancing beside Vanessa, who was gripping her arm. Scarlet was confused until Vanessa leaned in close to her and yelled above the music.
“I got an idea,” she said, her voice thick with alcohol. “Gonna make them both jealous.”
Scarlet’s eyes widened, an electric shock running through her veins as Vanessa pulled her close, then tilted her head up and kissed her. There was little to no hesitation and Scarlet felt herself kissing back, feeling the eyes of the other girls on them both. Vanessa kissed as if she’d known Scarlet’s lips her whole life, hot and passionate, and it briefly ran through Scarlet’s mind that Vanessa probably had a certain Canadian blonde on her mind as she was doing it. She desperately wanted to open her eyes, to look over to Yvie to see if she even cared. Show over, Vanessa pulled away, beaming and laughing, and Scarlet felt herself laugh back. In her drunk state, the situation was funny- the pair of them getting with each other to try to make their two other friends jealous. It appeared to have worked, certainly in Scarlet’s case, as Yvie took her hand and pulled her back, an odd sort of smile on her face that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She shouted over the music at Scarlet, something that she couldn’t quite hear.
Yvie raised her voice a little more. “I didn’t know you liked Vanessa like that!”
Scarlet laughed. “I don’t!”
Yvie gave her a funny look, a multitude of questions no doubt running around her head. Scarlet felt her confidence peak and she leaned in close to Yvie’s ear, Yvie’s arms snaking round her waist instinctively. “You jealous, girl?”
She felt Yvie’s body shake in a laugh Scarlet could tell was affected. “No…bitch.”
Scarlet leant her head on her shoulder and spoke against her neck. “Hey, 'f you’re lucky it might be you next time.”
She pressed a tiny kiss against Yvie’s skin and pulled away laughing, Yvie looking momentarily shaken then joining in with Scarlet’s laughter. Scarlet ran her tongue over her teeth. Fucking yes. Suddenly, she remembered the tiny bag she had in her bra. She caught the attention of the other girls and shouted over the music again. “Guys. Come pee with me.”
She began to make her way through the crowd to the toilets, hearing Vanessa and Yvie laugh at Brooke singing a parody of Come Fly With Me but replacing the word “fly” with “pee”. They eventually all managed to cram into a cubicle together, Scarlet counting her blessings that there was no toilet attendant on duty who would almost definitely have bundled them all out. The girls looked shocked as Scarlet turned around from locking the door and produced the bag from her bra.
“Is anyone down?” she asked lightly, Brooke letting out a nervous laugh beside her. Vanessa flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“What the fuck is that,” Yvie asked, her face set in a hesitant, concerned smile. Scarlet shrugged.
“It’s exactly what it looks like.”
Vanessa spoke first with a blase shrug. “Yeah, bitch, let’s do it.”
Scarlet smiled happily, part of her quite surprised at how readily Vanessa agreed to the whole thing. Her eyes darted to Yvie, who was still looking at the bag cautiously. Obviously noticing her eyes on her, Yvie gave her a look that Scarlet couldn’t quite decipher, then screwed her face up. “So this is a thing we all do now?”
Vanessa narrowed her eyes at her. “Aw Jesus, Yvie, it’s one key in a club on a night out, we’re not all about to turn into fuckin’ junkies.”
Scarlet’s confidence had been given a knock. She hesitantly caught Yvie’s eye. “I mean, you don’t have to, I just thought-”
“No, girl, I’ll do some. ’M not a fucking pussy,” she frowned, taking a breath that seemed to be shaky and turning to Brooke, who was still looking with wide eyes at Scarlet. “Brooke, you doing this?”
It occurred to Scarlet that this was the first time she’d ever seen Brooke look anything other than completely sure of herself. She was laughing awkwardly, almost nervously. Scarlet watched as Vanessa put a gentle hand on her arm. “You don’t have to, baby.”
“No, well, y'know me. Try anything once,” she slurred, leaning into Vanessa’s touch. “Okay, fuck, let’s do this shit.”
Scarlet moved to empty the bag out onto the toilet cistern, but Vanessa put out a hand to stop her. “Woah, girl, the fuck you doin’? Just take a key, ain’t no need for all that fuckin’ credit card shit.”
Scarlet frowned at her, confused in her drunken state. “Keys?”
Vanessa seemed to shrink back into herself as she saw all three girls looking at her intently, wondering how she knew so much about the process. Wordlessly, she gestured for the baggie and produced her keys from her gold clutch bag. She calmly opened the small plastic bag and fished into it with a single key, balancing some of the powder on the length of it. With a short glance up at the girls, she pressed a finger to one nostril and gave a quick, harsh sniff with the other. As quickly as it had appeared, the cocaine was gone. Vanessa rubbed quickly at her nose, sniffing awkwardly.
“Alright, who’s next?” she questioned. Scarlet could feel Yvie’s eyes on her.
“Well since Scarlet brought it, she should go next,” she said, something off to her tone and her stare that Scarlet couldn’t quite pinpoint. Scarlet shrugged stiffly, Vanessa reaching back into the bag with the key and holding some out for her. The butterflies in her stomach almost overwhelming, Scarlet leaned forward and mimicked what Vanessa had done. The first thing that she felt was the all-encompassing smell of petrol, followed by a horrific stinging at the back of her nose and mouth, Scarlet briefly being reminded of jumping into swimming pools when she was little and water shooting up her nose. She gave a cough and a big, follow-up sniff, Vanessa chuckling lightly.
Well, that just happened.
Nervously thrilled, Scarlet felt the butterflies in her stomach dissipate as she watched Vanessa hold a key out to Yvie. Yvie frowned and shook her head.
“Nah. Changed my mind. I’m out,” she said darkly, shooting Scarlet a glare that made her feel like a reprimanded child.
“Come on, Yvie, it’s fine,” Scarlet offered, the other girl scrunching up her face.
“No. It’s not happening. You guys have fun.”
Scarlet felt dejected. She wished she knew what she’d done wrong. Trying to push her feelings aside, Scarlet watched as Vanessa turned the key to Brooke. Brooke was looking from the key to the lock of the toilet stall, nervous. Vanessa reached up and touched a lock of her hair.
“You don’t have to, Brooky.”
“No, I will, I will. I’m just nervous. And excited,” she stammered out, Scarlet thinking she couldn’t have judged the girls’ reaction to this entire situation less accurately if she’d tried.
“You can rub it on your gums if you don’t wanna snort it,” Vanessa explained, part of Scarlet wishing she’d told her that before her turn. Brooke tilted her head, considering, then wet her finger, reached into the bag and took some. Then she put her finger back in her mouth and maneuvered it around, her eyes on Vanessa.
“You tryna flirt, boo?” the other girl questioned, her eyes half-lidded as she locked eyes with her.
Brooke let out a laugh. “Bitch I’m trying to take fucking drugs!”
Vanessa, Brooke and Scarlet burst out laughing, Yvie shushing them.
“Right, let’s go, junkies,” she said irritably. Scarlet frowned, sad that she seemed to have upset Yvie in some way. An idea came to her as they left the cubicle and wandered past the judgemental line of waiting girls.
“I’m gonna get us a bottle of champagne,” Scarlet decided, sure for a second that she saw Yvie roll her eyes, but she wasn’t too sure.
“Vanjie, does it look obvious we’ve been doing drugs?” Scarlet heard Brooke yell over the music, Vanessa laughing gently.
“Everyone here is on drugs, baby. Just chill. It’ll kick in in a minute,” she winked, taking both of Brooke’s hands and jumping a little on the dancefloor.
Scarlet watched as Brooke’s eyes darted to a security camera on the ceiling. “Guys. They can see us. They know.”
“Brooke, relax, nobody gives a shit,” Yvie rolled her eyes. Brooke turned to Scarlet, panic filling her eyes.
“Scarlet, what was in that? Is it all okay, yeah? It’s not got anything through it?”
“Oh, good. Well done, bitch, are you seeing this?” Yvie glared at Scarlet before she had a chance to reply to Brooke. “Brooke! It’s fine! You’re okay!”
The music seemed as if it had been turned up louder. Scarlet scrunched her eyes closed. “Brooke, it’s fine, okay? I’m going to the bar, who wants something?”
“Ugh, of course you are,” she thought she heard Yvie mutter. Suddenly irritated, Scarlet whipped around to face her.
“And what is that meant to mean, huh?” she snapped, Yvie’s eyes widening a little at being challenged.
“You, bitch! What the fuck is up with you these days?”
“Nothing’s up with me? What is this?!” Scarlet cried, a couple of heads turning their way then slowly turning back. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as if she’d just drank fifty Red Bulls back to back, although she was unable to tell if this was the effect of the drugs or just how annoyed she was.
“Something’s off with you. Fucking…cocaine, champagne, this constant…buying everything for everyone like we’re all charity cases, behaving like you’re a fucking extra off Gossip Girl? This isn’t you, Scarlet!” Yvie yelled back, suddenly grasping her by the wrists and giving her a shake. “The normal Scarlet would have shit herself at the thought of doing a key, the normal Scarlet would want to go to Levels and pay a pound for entry instead of going here to dance around with a bunch of fucking Love Island rejects!”
Yvie’s words stung harshly at Scarlet’s heart. She knew the other girl could sometimes grow argumentative when she was drunk, but Scarlet had never had it directed at her. It wasn’t nice. Scarlet felt her tone switch a little as she spoke. “Yvie, you’re being kind of a dick.”
Yvie gave a laugh of disbelief. “Well breaking fucking news, Scarlet! So are you! I mean do you have any idea how shitty it is to see your best friend grow into a total asshole over the space of two weeks?”
“Guys,” Vanessa suddenly interrupted out of nowhere, and Scarlet had no idea how long they’d been fighting or at what volume. “Me and Brooke are gonna go. She’s not doing well.”
Yvie looked at Vanessa, panicked. She cast Scarlet one last withering look before dashing through the crowd, presumably to pick up their jackets. Scarlet felt a bubble of upset prick at her throat. She turned to Vanessa instead. “What’s happened?”
“She thinks she’s having a heart attack. I mean, she’s not, it’s just the drugs, but I’m still worried about her,” she frowned, biting her lip. Vanessa jerked a thumb back to where Yvie had slinked off. “The fuck was that all about?”
Scarlet shook her head silently, not trusting herself to speak unless she began to cry. She didn’t understand how she’d managed to fuck everything up so badly. Vanessa saw her upset and pulled her in for a quick hug.
“Baby. Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”
The four of them got their coats and joined the taxi queue in a blur. Yvie wouldn’t even look her way, and Scarlet didn’t trust herself to try to speak to her in case she managed to make things even worse. She seemed more concerned about Brooke anyway, who was chattering away, her teeth clicking together in the cold night air.
“Is the taxi driver going to know? Will he just drive us to the police station and hand us in? Do you think he’ll phone the police? What if the police were to just come here right now and say they’re giving random drug tests to everyone in the line? What if-”
“Oh my God, what if you shut the fuck up?” Yvie snapped, Brooke looking taken-aback. Vanessa wrapped her arms around Brooke’s waist protectively.
“Brooky. It’s alright. The police aren’t coming, the taxi driver isn’t gonna turn us in. We’re going back to your flat and we’ll get you into bed safe. You’ve got us, nothing’s gonna happen to you.”
Brooke let out a sound that was halfway between a sigh and a sob. She buried her face in Vanessa’s hair. “I love you, V’nessa.”
Scarlet saw something shut down behind Vanessa’s eyes as she squeezed Brooke tightly. “I love you too, baby.”
Scarlet couldn’t stop herself from casting her eyes across to Yvie, selfishly longing. If she hadn’t fucked everything up, maybe something could have happened. Now, though, it looked as if she’d have to piece their friendship back together, never mind anything more.
The line moved up, and they found themselves at the front. Brooke and Vanessa spilled in, then Yvie. Scarlet went to join them when she found the door getting pulled across in her face. Yvie scowled at her. “No. You’re not getting in with us. I don’t even want to speak to you right now.”
Scarlet could hear Vanessa protesting. “Yvie, for fuck’s sake-”
“You’re not coming with us, bitch. Make your own damn way home,” she reiterated, slamming the door shut.
As the taxi sped away, Scarlet couldn’t fix the slack-jawed look of complete hurt she could feel on her face. As the reality of what had just happened sank in, she felt her face crumple like a paper bag as she began to cry, stood on her own at the taxi rank in the small hours of the morning, and all she could do was wait.
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bnha-kokoro-zine · 5 years
Tips for first-timers in Zines
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Hello! I hope you don’t mind if I show your question like this @angel-of-darkness-217 ; this is something I would’ve loved to know when I started applying to zines myself, and that I’m sure it will help more people who are thinking of applying to this one.
There are many different types of zines out there; free, for charity, for profit, only for artists, focused on writers, focused on merch (like tarot projects), and with all kinds of contributors working in them. Every zine is unique, so their applications may vary, but there are a few essential things you always need to take into consideration if you want to be a contributor to one of them.
I will divide this answer into the different stages of a zine for a better organization.
Getting interested in a zine
When you first bump into a zine, all zines look like shiny little jewels you want to get your hands on asap. However, a lot of zines sadly fail through in their earliest stages, so you need to take into consideration a couple of things before thinking of applying:
Who’s the mod team? Try to find a list/post with some information about the mods of that project. See if they have prior experience in modding a project like this one. If they have experience, there are more chances that the project will follow through until the end. Be careful, though! Zines with heavily experienced mods can also fail for multiple reasons, and people without experience can also produce a really good product. It all depends on the next points.
Check their FAQ and guidelines. A properly structured FAQ including details of the project shows very well the organization of the team. A good FAQ makes a good project. I’d also advise you to read through the FAQ to make sure you’re really interested in the project.
Is the mod team communicative? Do they answer questions regularly? Are they clear in their answers? Are they polite? Do you think you’ll be comfortable working with them? Have they answered all the questions you’ve left in their ask box? (check if it has been answered before or that you’ve left them enough time, though) If you have answered with “No” to one or several of these questions, I’d rethink my wishes to apply to that project.
Remember, if a project doesn’t follow one or two of these points it doesn’t necessarily mean the project itself is bad. However, this is what you ideally need to find in a project like this.
Now it comes one of the most nerve-wracking parts of a zine: applications. You really want to get into this project, and you want your application to knock the mods off their feet. Applications may feel daunting, but they’re pretty straight-forward once you get the hang of them!
Follow the guidelines carefully. Mods usually leave some rules for applications, like the number of samples, the maximum word count, the theme, etc. Make sure you follow all these rules, or else you risk your app being disqualified.
Make sure your work is easily accessible. Make sure the mods will have no issues viewing your samples (for example, that the links you’re posting aren’t restricted only to your followers, that the link is still active until the end of the applications period, or that you’re sending the correct link). Mods can’t give you a score if they can’t see your work. 
Answer all the questions as clearly as possible. Make sure to read them all carefully before submitting your app. Don’t worry if you have to take a while to write a proper answer, or if you need to ask the mod team about clarifications for some questions -- Mods will gladly answer any doubt you have. 
Make sure your application fits the theme. Normally, it doesn’t matter much if your samples stray a bit from the theme of a zine, but some zines ask specifically for samples that fit a certain, general theme, like nature, love, fairy tales, etc. For zines like that (and essentially all zines if you want to get more attention from the mods), it is nice to make a bigger effort to find samples that fit the theme. A very important note! To all artists who also apply as a merch artist, please don’t apply with the same samples you used for your artist application. It shows a lack of care and it might hinder the mods’ opinion on you. Including actual designs for merch in your samples and/or portfolio helps a lot.
Offer pitches if they ask for them. Sometimes it’s not obligatory, but well-explained pitches really show how interested you’re in the zine. It will leave a good impression on the mods! Again, don’t worry if you need to take some days to think about them, and get feedback if you need it. Just make sure you submit it before apps close.
Have a good portfolio. Our dear Mod Dev has written this post about what makes a good portfolio. It’s a very interesting read, so I recommend you read it, guys!
Again, if you don’t follow one or two of these rules it won’t affect your application much. Mods are pretty flexible, and they can adapt to most situations without hindering their opinion on the application. However, it will look really good if you do follow them.
And remember the most important rule of them all:
Don’t be discouraged if you get rejected. Sometimes zines get too many applications and have very limited contributors spots. Mods see themselves in a situation where they have to choose between several really good applications and discuss for hours to see who they accept and who they reject. 
Being rejected doesn’t mean you’re bad; sometimes, someone else’s application fits the theme better, they explained themselves better, or they were just very lucky and were chosen over you. So, please, don’t let a rejection email let you down and keep trying! 
Most of the people who have participated in a zine sometime have been rejected heaps of time before. I have been rejected dozens of times before (at this point it’s part of the zine experience*). However, if you keep trying and learn from your mistakes, it’s only a matter of time until you get into one yourself.
You won’t get in if you don’t try.
*And please, remember not to bring someone else down if they have been accepted in the zine you wanted to get in, and never, never say they got accepted because of their popularity. Most mods score blindly or know they can’t be influenced by someone’s popularity, and that someone has already been rejected dozens of times before, just like you.
They have tried just as hard as you, and they were lucky enough to get in, so make sure to congratulate them.
Creation process
You’ve finally gotten into a zine, cool! However, there are still a few things you need to take into consideration while working in a zine.
Follow the zine guidelines. Be it dimensions, standardizations, limited word counts, etc., make sure you follow them. Every contributor has a limited space assigned to them in a zine, so make sure you can stay within those limits and ask for help if you need it.
Be communicative, ask questions and be patient. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your team -- mods are there to organize the project, and they will gladly answer any question you may have. But remember to be patient; modding a zine is a hard job, and sometimes the team needs to discuss the answer to your question before they can give you an answer. Don’t worry; your answer will come eventually. Feel free to remind them if they haven’t answered you in a while, though; they may have forgotten about it!
Follow check-ins down to a T and in time. Check-ins are there to help you go through your workload seamlessly while letting the mods see what you’re creating. It still shows the mods that you’re still very interested in the zine - they won’t know if they have to find someone else for your position if you don’t answer. Don’t be afraid to ask for an extension if you need it.
If you’re a writer, find a beta. Some zines offer betas for their writers, but some don’t. However, that doesn’t mean your work doesn’t need to be anything less than the best (after all, it gets to be in a zine!). Try to find a beta to spot any mistakes you could’ve missed before submitting the final piece.
If you follow all these points, I’m sure the mod team will love you forever. 
All the final pieces have been submitted and the zine has been assembled, so now preorders start. You obviously want this project you’ve worked so hard on to succeed, and you can actually help to make that happen if you follow these little tips:
Reblog the Preorders open post in all your social media. And if you have social media where the mods don’t have accounts for, post the link yourself! You want to attract as many buyers as possible, and that will only happen if we spread the word.
Make sure you post a preview of your work if the mods ask you to. Previews help hesitant people to finally decide to buy a zine. If you like the concept of a zine but you don’t know if you really want to pay $X for it (remember, zines are usually quite expensive), some cute art and snippets can convince even the most stubborn of buyers!
Ask for updates. See how things are doing and help promote preorders and events like giveaways if necessary. You can also ask for photographic proof when the physical zines get to the mods in charge of shipping; who doesn’t love to see shiny, beautiful products all of you have worked so hard for?
Sometimes, zines don’t make enough money to provide their contributors with a free copy of the zine. It’s really sad, but it happens. And if you’re sad, believe me when I say that the mods are absolutely devastated; they’ve made their biggest effort to lower the expenses as much as possible, but math sometimes just laughs at them in return. If it comes to this, be supportive and, if you want a copy of the zine, try to find alternatives; see if you can buy the zine at production cost, or if you can pitch in with the shipping/fees expenses.
And that’s about it! If you follow these points, I’m sure your experience in the zine scene will be very enjoyable! If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask. Our ask box is always open :D
Lots of love,
Mod Lie
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bigbangclappin · 6 years
Pairing: OCxGD ft. Choi Seunghyun
Genre: daaaaaamn Corinne back at it again with those angst scenarios. Sort of AU by the way.
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n/; serious unrequited love up ahead proceed with caution. Also I’m still writing Run. This on was just finished first. Enjoy XD
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She felt a comforting arm wrap around her as her world began to fall to pieces. They had been next door neighbors for as long as she could remember, best friends shortly after. All through school they had been all they needed to get through the zits and first broken hearts, they had been inseparable. Romantic partners came and went but none of them ever got in between this soulmate friendship until Seoyun.
She had always been his go to, until Seoyun had come around. She knew what his relationships had been like before. They were always toxic, he had no idea what commitment was and the current girlfriend would never fail to get fed up. His usual run was a year and if they hadn’t left him by then only then would he break up with them.
She’d always tease him about his need to save face, to make sure his image of sweet and innocent was never perturbed. She was waiting to give him the same lecture with Seoyun but at the end of the year it never came. Not one single fight that was worth accounting for.
He started coming around less and less which she thought was fine because he was busy and so was she. He was an idol and she was a highly anticipated painter. Typical the two artsy kids were as thick as thieves, she had thought to herself on more than one occasion. Usually when they were together at an exhibition or the latest fashion show. As of late however all she thought about was how she discovered she loved him and now it being too late. She was being replaced. It felt like there was nothing she could do to stop the separation, the hurt, or the loss.
“Haeun-ah…” she knew who it was by the strong comfort emulating from his aura but his voice confirmed her suspicion anyway.
Her coordinator, manager, and close friend since college Choi Seunghyun had been privy to her feelings for her best friend long before she had admitted it to herself. The natural result of knowing such knowledge? He was the one who had to collect the pieces of her broken heart off the floor.
Haeun instinctively turned in to his warmth to which he told her, “We knew this was going to happen, now this can go one of two ways. Messy or smooth, whichever you choose I’m right behind you. Decide quick though cause here they come…”
“What?” she gasped looking for a place to hide or maybe even a hole to fall in to but no such luck.
Kwon Jiyong had always been painfully handsome and quite the charmer. In his couture suit and sleek as heck shoes his reputation for being a fashionista was well maintained. He usually took her breath away, this time he made her feel like she was going to puke. She had to muster up some phony congratulations despite her upset stomach. Seeing how happy her sweet rival was did her no favors.
She made a move to get around her tall friend but he grabbed her around the waist and forced her to stay, “Anni, anni, anni, I will not let you run away you need to face this.”
“I don’t want to face it oppa, let me go or I will leave your firm and go to Seungri’s.”
“Chincha?” he mocked her, “If you want to make half of what you make with me just because you want to take the coward’s way out be my guest…”
“I’m not insulted,” Haeun replied in a hushed but urgent manner still trying to slip out from under the spindley man’s arm. “Come on Tabi let me go.”
“If you leave now think of the consequences, the questions he’ll ask you later, you’ll really be cornered then. At least here you can hold your head up high with some sort of dignity.”
She looked back quickly to see them nearly closed in on her and Seunghyun’s space, with one last pleading, pitiful look, she begged her friend for the opportunity to leave. He only shook his head at her.
“Jiyong-ah, Seoyun-ah congratulations on your engagement.” Seunghyun’s deep voice rumbled and it made Haeun tense, crap now she really had to pull it together.
She braced herself with the largest fake smile and finally faced the couple; their linked arms did not go unnoticed, a sharp pang of hurt caused her to freeze. Her coordinator’s quick tap to her elbow shook her out of her self pity.
“Congratulations you two,” the words tasted like bile leaving her mouth, “I’m so happy for you guys.”
“Thanks Haeun-ah it means a lot coming from you.” Seoyun spoke and her voice as sweet as sugar made her want to resist rolling her eyes. The woman was never mean to Haeun, she was the kindest soul she had ever met actually. It made her feel guilty for disliking her as much as she did.
Haeun kept that phony smile plastered on as she nodded in a you’re welcome sort of way. She was feeling kind of proud of herself for doing so well. Until her best friend came in for a hug and she left him hanging awkwardly as she stepped closer to Seunghyun.
She felt the taller man laugh and let out a ‘messy it is’. To which she glared up at him tempted to crush his large foot beneath her stiletto. She faked a look of regret when she noticed Jiyong’s dejected face.
“I’m coming down with a cold trust me you don’t want to come any closer.” Haeun said hoping to relieve the expression on Jiyong’s face. She could tell he didn’t quite buy her fib, but he didn’t question it further.
He only nodded his head in reply and smiled that bright smile as he let it go, “I know it’s only been twenty minutes since we announced our engagement but I wanted ask you before you got wrapped up in one of your collections Haeunnie…”
He wanted something from her and she felt herself panic. She wanted nothing to do with this wedding, why oh why was God testing her self-control. What had she done in her past life to deserve such a trial?
“What do you need?”
“Seoyun and I were wondering if you would do our photos and maybe our wedding portrait. We know it’s a lot to ask of you and of course we don’t expect you to do it free—”
It came out before Haeun or even Seunghyun could stop it, “I’m not a photographer Jiyong.”
As silence consumed the group uncomfortably the older man cleared his throat ready to back his friend, “What Haeun means to say is she’s a mediocre photographer at best and lacks confidence in that form of art. She doesn’t do well when she’s faced with difficulty.”
While it was a jab at her because of her immaturity toward the situation she was still thankful he had stuck to his word. She did very well with a camera even though she preferred fresh paint and a canvas. Through all that she’d still repay him for the dig and his kindness with a bottle of wine he did not yet have. One he didn’t particularly care for.
“She isn’t mediocre,” Jiyong replied with a bite, “I have several of her photographs in my apartment.”
Haeun rolled her eyes almost playfully, “They’re of your cat pabo, anyone with a cellphone can take pictures of cats.”
“That’s not true Haeun,” Seoyun replied sincerely, “Ai sees me coming with my phone out and runs away as fast he can.”
Haeun was starting to feel painfully annoyed when they wouldn’t take the hint she just didn’t want to do it. Why couldn’t they understand she was trying to be polite?
“I hardly think a portfolio of Ai shots makes me a qualified candidate.”
Her response was harsher than she had wished and left the younger woman stumped. She hadn’t meant to get nasty with the girl but she had tried the nice approach and they kept pushing. It was the only thing left to do.
“Haeunnie has struggled with photography since college,” Seunghyun the white knight stepped in again, “She failed her class senior year and has had a complex ever since. To be fair though her professor was a harsh grader.”
“You never told me you failed photography…” Jiyong said evenly and she knew by his tone he felt slighted.
Well that makes two of us, she thought to herself. Shooting yet another glare at Seunghyun.
“I was embarrassed it’s not exactly an accomplishment,” Haeun replied continuing to glare at Seunghyun, “The only reason this jerk knows is because he caught me crying under a tree.”
“In the rain I might add,” the older man quipped, “It was very cliche of Eun-ah.”
“You could’ve left me there,” Haeun snapped jokingly, “Spared us both the aggravation of sharing the world’s smallest umbrella.”
“Ungrateful woman.”
“Ingrate of a man.”
The two friends shared a hearty chuckle as they jovially shoved the other at the same time. She was very grateful for Seunghyun’s presence Haeun realized he made her forget her pain briefly and that was worth a quick collection and two bottles of cabernet.
“In any case now that you know about my complex I hope you understand why I can’t accept your offer.”
Jiyong’s expression settled in to a deep frown torn between confusion and disappointment, “Arasso, what about the portrait then?”
Haeun found herself without an excuse again she looked to her savior who then pulled out his phone with her schedule in it, “When were you thinking?”
“Whenever she can in May preferably.” Seoyun answered this time with a hopeful smile.
Her heartbeat hammered against her ribcage as she hoped for once she was overbooked with appearances, and speeches at universities across the country. Even if she was available she prayed Seunghyun would lie for her.
Two incredibly long minutes passed before the long awaited hum of disappointment passed through her friend’s lungs, “Regrettably that seems to be her busiest month, if you can move it to April she can get you in on the sixteenth for an evening?”
Haeun owed her coordinator the sun for this party for she knew why he chose that date. Jiyong would be on tour and there was no way they’d let him out of a show in fear his fans would riot and turn against his marriage. Which would be a huge mess for Papa YG, and no one wanted that.
Seoyun let out a glum sigh while Jiyong let out an angry one, “You really can’t move something around? Or do a weekend?”
“Yeah, sure, I don’t need to sleep, or rest Kwon Jiyong.”
“If you needed something from me I’d make time.”
“Well the next time I’m in the neighborhood for a mixtape I’ll ask Youngbae so we’re even.”
“She can’t help that she’s busy Jagi,” Seoyun said softly trying to diffuse the situation, “We didn’t exactly ask her months ago.”
Jiyong seemed to relax a little bit but with a frustrated glare he looked at Haeun and said, “Just make time to show up as my best man.”
“What?” she bit in surprise, “Shouldn’t that be Youngbae’s spot since he’s a man?”
“He’ll be right behind you.”
“Jiyong you have to ask people before you just assume they are available!” Haeun’s temper was fizzling over at his selfish behavior and how it hadn’t changed at all in adulthood. “We just talked about this not even thirty seconds ago.”
“Am I supposed to be sorry for assuming my best friend would want to be a part of my wedding? Would you rather I just leave you out?”
Seunghyun grabbed Haeun’s hand to keep her from answering honestly, shaking his head he put the glass of wine down he had been nursing on a nearby table and put his arm around his dear friend.
“I think it’s time for us to go Haeun took up plenty of your time and she has a busy morning tomorrow if you’ll excuse us,” Seunghyun excused the both of them before it got ugly.
As the tall man led the way from the main ballroom to the coat check Haeun let out an angry “Aish somethings never change he’s still a self-centered child, he would not drop whatever obligations he had with YG for me. He’s such a liar.”
“You’re just hurt Eun-ah,” Seunghyun said as he helped her with her coat, “You don’t know that for sure.”
“Sure I do,” she replied instantly, “This one time in school I was having a really hard time with you guessed it photography I asked him if he could come by and be my muse. I couldn’t use the model my professor provided because he wasn’t someone I knew well enough to be comfortable with, you know me I need fun and energy for a good session. You know what he said? Sorry working on a new album I can’t. So you know what, fair is fair.”
“Okay I get it,” the tall man replied, “Just make sure this isn’t something you’ll regret later.”
One Month Later
Her pride in this collection outshined any in her past work. These paintings were the very lovechild of her current emotions. Turbulent and raw, she portrayed her deepest layers for the world to see. Whether the art community picked up on that was up to them.
Her work was a wonderful outlet all the tears she shed while painting left her feeling numb now. Like she could get on with life in a little more time and distance. Avoiding Jiyong at all costs right now was just the way it had to be until she could fully let him go.
A little guilt she felt because he reached out to her more than five times to apologize and hang out. Each time she matched his olive branch with an excuse, getting ready for a show, paps could be hanging around and she didn’t want rumors of an affair going around. Those two were her major go to’s but she used the excuse that her dog was sick the one time.
She understood she was pushing him away and for the most part she didn’t mind. She wanted to spare whatever feelings she could. Sure she would miss him, but this was best for everyone.
“Haeun-ah did you look over the guest list?” Seunghyun called amongst the hustle bustle of the art gallery staff preparing for her long awaited opening.
“I did it looks good.” She held her hand up as he began to speak again, “I’m not inviting them, even if I did it’s too short notice they couldn’t come anyway.”
“Are you sure you’re doing the right thing?” he asked her again, “You invited everyone but them, even his parents are coming.”
“They’re like family.”
“Aish stubborn girl.” Seunghyun conceded, “I will not give you any sympathy.”
“Don’t need it,” she retorted, “I need positive energy around me and they cause negative energy.”
“Whatever you say,” he dismissed her with a wave of his hand, “I’m going to check on the caterers.”
She nodded as she looked over her artwork one last time before heading to the back room to change and meet her hair and makeup team. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket and without thinking she grabbed it and unlocked the message.
It was from the last person she wanted to talk to.
You’re having an art show tonight?
Ignoring the message she threw it on to the table, “Make me not ugly guys!”
Her beauty team rolled their eyes and set to work. Fixing her hair in to loose ringlets, her makeup natural but beautiful and a gorgeous floor length, black floral gown. She felt pretty, at least on the outside it looked like nothing was wrong.
She vowed after tonight she’d release all of this terrible energy once and for all. Haeun joked with her makeup artist Jieun as they patted down her face with translucent powder, when she heard Seunghyun’s voice over one of the headsets asking if anyone was near her.
Jieun handed her walkie over to Haeun, “What’s up oppa?”
“Someone wants to see you.”
“You can just send my parents back,” she replied, “You know that.”
“It’s not your parents,” Seunghyun replied as he snapped a ‘yah’ at someone. She was afraid it was some crazy art fan when she heard the knocking on her door.
“Should we call security?” Haeun called over the walkie.
One of the crew peeked through peephole and sighed, “It’s only Kwon Jiyong.”
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You can think of it as an insurance policy. If you�re a portfolio manager, managing someone�s retirement money, then you may think its a good idea to protect your portfolio against a significant drop. If the S&P 500 is trading at around 3,000, then perhaps you�ll want to protect against a decline of more than 20%. This protection can be achieved by purchasing options contracts at the price of 2,400 (20% below the current market). What�s remarkable is that you or I can be the one selling the options contract in that example. All we need to do is place a sell order on an options exchange. What threw me off initially was learning how trading options for income is no different from being an insurance salesman. Many options traders consider themselves to be in the insurance industry. I was in awe as I read the book: The Option Traders Hedge Fund. The central premise from the author is how an options trader is a one-person insurance company, operating a solo business. The insurance business is summed up in a few bullet points:Calculating the risk for insurance policies soldReceiving adequate premiums for those insurance policiesPurchasing �re-insurance� to protect against tail-end risks like natural disasters, e.
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I then use a small portion of that premium received to buy a re-insurance policy for myself to sell out of those shares at an even lower price. It�s easiest to understand via an example:The price of Nike stock is US$ 100. I sell a short-term, two-week insurance policy to a holder of Nike shares to protect his investment at $95 (5% below the current price). If the share price of Nike falls below $95 during this period, he can sell his shares to me at the agreed price of $95. In this example, he has paid me $1 for this insurance. I might then go out and buy a re-insurance policy for $0. 2 and protect myself at $90 (10% below the market). This way, if the share price tanks 20%, then I had to buy the shares at $95. BUT my downside is protected as I can sell out of the same stocks at $90. After the two weeks, if the insurance policies all expire worthless because the Nike share price is still above $95, then I�ve made 80cents ($1 I received initially, minus the $0. 2 I paid for re-insurance). Unlike trading stocks where you need the price to go up to profit, I make money if the stock price rises, stays the same, or goes lower by not too much. If you put on ten such trades, each with a 90% probability of profit, then you can expect nine of them to close profitably with just one being unprofitable. The icing on the cake is that it�s not the end of the story for that one trade that didn�t work out. There�s a lot you can do to �repair� and make it profitable once again. One of the main concepts in trading options is �rolling,� and it�s something I had to learn when the market dropped significantly enough to put most of my trades underwater, just a month into trading. All rolling means is pushing forward the period of the options expiration date further out in time. You achieve this by buying back the options contract you sold and then selling another contract in the same name, further out in time. The beauty is you even earn extra income while doing it. I can best illustrate this with a real trade I recently closed (obviously cherry-picked):On Feb 12th this year, a week before the market started it�s COVID-19 free fall, the SMH Vaneck Semiconductor ETF was trading at $150. I sold a put option for March 6 expiry at $140 and received $100 of premium/income. Of course, the market tanked, and the trade was underwater. I, therefore, kept rolling the trade further out in time until the price recovered. On June 5th, I was able to close it finally for a profit of $500, much more then my initial premium received. The reason for the increased profit was because as the share price dropped, volatility had a massive spike. And when volatility is higher, the premium received for selling options increases, thereby allowing me to collect extra premium on each roll. The above is a chart of the name during the period I had the trade on. The green line is the $140 strike price I sold the put option/insurance contract at and so the trade was underwater the entire time it was below that line. What�s worth mentioning is, I�m trading options in the same names over and over again. I have a list of stocks and ETFs I�d be happy to own outright and hold for years. And I only trade options in these stocks.
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Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new.
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I was both excited and curious to see what he was up to. After the usual formalities and a beer in, I asked him. He responded by saying, �I trade options for a living. �I was confused. My face resembled a deer in headlights doing a Derek Zoolander impression. He tried to explain the gist of it, but it was way over my head. All I could think of were the words �I trade options for a living� as I furrowed my eyebrows for the rest of the night. And then I went back to my button-pushing existence the next day. But this thing about options trading kept tugging at me in the back of my mind. I spent a few months reading up on it to understand some basic concepts. Once I felt I knew just enough to ask some not completely retarded questions, I emailed Suzy. For the next two years, I read through some pretty heavy and dry material while taking extensive notes. Colleagues at work would ask about the �Options Trading For Dummies� book I had on my desk. Although I started to understand some of the theories, I had trouble picturing them in action. Suzy admitted in our email exchanges how it�s one of those things that only makes sense once you start doing it. Unfortunately, when you work at a bank, the compliance department attempts to prevent you from doing anything meaningful with your life, including trading options. Yes, I may sound cynical, but I�m calling it how it is. Although I was dying to put some trades on, I had to wait until I quit my job. Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it. And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade.
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In a single day, a call or put can go down over 80%. Similarly, they can quintuple in a single day depending on what happens to the company. An index fund will never go down by 80% in a single day, but it will also never quintuple in a single day. And an option�s value can swing wildly within a few minutes depending on the price movement of the underlying stock. Nibble With Your Options BuysThe first time I bought options, I was extremely conservative. I bought a single Nikola put contract which did well. My logic for buying the put was that more evidence around Nikola�s fraudulent practices were emerging. I followed this stock for weeks before finally deciding to get started. I still buy Nikola puts to this day and will likely continue buying puts until the stock gets delisted. Due to Nikola�s premiums being higher than the average stock, I buy puts set to expire in 5�8 days. For stocks with lower premiums, I�ll buy options with further out expiration dates. The further your expiration date, the more time you have for the stock to move in your direction. There are a variety of risky options trading strategies such as buying an option on its expiration date that can quickly deplete your money. If you want to give the stock additional time to move in your direction, buy a closer to the money option with a further out expiration date. You�ll pay more for it, but the extra time is worth it. For a guide on what to not do with options, check out the article below. The Riskiest Way To Invest In StocksThis strategy is entertaining to watch but extremely stressful to implementProtect Your Portfolio From Downside With PutsOne of the best ways to buy options is through hedging. If you own shares of a company and are nervous about the short-term outlook, you can buy a put to cap your losses. This strategy is great for a few key reasons:#1: You don�t panic sell or end up selling a stock you wish you held onto. This has happened to me a few times before buying options. #2: If the stock goes down, you can hold onto the shares and eventually sell the put. The put will shield you from most of your losses. #3: If the stock goes up, your put will lose value and eventually expire worthless, but it took off a lot of stress from your shoulders. You could focus on other things instead of worrying about the stock price or panic selling your shares. If the stock price isn�t likely to hit the strike price of your put, you can sell the put early to protect yourself from some of those losses. The protective put that attributed to most of my gains thus far was a protective Fastly put. I bought this put right before Fastly lowered their revenue guidance and the stock tumbled in after hours. I talked more about Fastly�s after hours tumble and explained how I�ve been playing the stock moving forward. The stock went down $33. 48 by the end of the day. My $500 put turned into $3,083.
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I sold a put option for March 6 expiry at $140 and received $100 of premium/income.
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Due to Nikola�s premiums being higher than the average stock, I buy puts set to expire in 5�8 days. For stocks with lower premiums, I�ll buy options with further out expiration dates. The further your expiration date, the more time you have for the stock to move in your direction. There are a variety of risky options trading strategies such as buying an option on its expiration date that can quickly deplete your money. If you want to give the stock additional time to move in your direction, buy a closer to the money option with a further out expiration date. You�ll pay more for it, but the extra time is worth it.
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I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns. When I started this a year ago, my broker was paying me 1. 9% for idle USD in the account, so I was quite happy leaving it. However, that�s obviously not the case anymore, with interest rates at zero. But I could allocate that money into some safe dividend stocks and boost my returns that way. Which is somewhat the approach I�m taking. My Path ForwardTrading options may sound sexy, but it�s pretty tedious. I�ve entered over a thousand executions into my spreadsheet this past year, which is something I LOVE doing. I used to have to make manual trade confirmations at work.
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wordpress-guides · 3 years
Transforming into a Codeable Certified WordPress Expert Designer
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For those who have not heard of Codeable well before, this is basically the WordPress-specific freelancer program where they are doing all the vetting and go with you up with the very best WordPress experts.
 Table of Contents
 1 Codeable Professional Software
 2 Codeable Test Project
 3 Codeable Are living Html coding Check
 4 Codeable Trial Period
 5 Good results!
 6 The advantages of becoming a Codeable Specialist
 7 Get Licensed or Employ an authority
 Codeable has been in existence for quite a while now and also over time their vetting method to be a WordPress specialistis becoming increasingly more stringent and much more engaged to enable them to really keep the product of your crop of WordPress developers. The present acknowledgment rates are 2%. In spite of a solid curriculum vitae, you might not notice back from their store for quite a while since they control their builders based upon offer and desire. I used to be fortunate enough to have my application approved and undergo this complete qualification process.
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Codeable Professional Application
 You need to have a portfolio of work to indicate why is that you are simply a very good applicant. Developing a strong Github repo or some WordPress plugins in the WordPress plug-in repository can be quite a major help in obtaining seen. You should probably have a minimum of five-years of expertise with WordPress alone at the same time and become well-talked in English. This first software is definitely the major dropoff level for individuals so be sure to impress.
 Codeable Check Venture
 You receive a choice of what type of project for you to do for your personal test. The initial one is a front-end webpage build, another is creating a small wordpress tool. I will only talk with the top-stop webpage build as those were things I selected for my analysis project. To begin off of the venture I found myself furnished with a design as well as a heap of belongings to work with. 
They specifically explained that I would not really receive any other possessions and that I was free to ask questions about anything. Any theme or instrument was a reasonable video game to make use of, nonetheless they specifically created a style that could stop being something that you could easily make by using a web page tradesman. There is some flexibility to work with my own judgment with hover effects etc allow it that added contact which makes it wonderful.
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I began with the Astra concept as my base as it is a clear fast design out from the package and is a superb place to start for any custom-made project. I don’t personally like to use page building contractors, so for this task and its requirements I was just planning to construct it on your own making use of Superior Custom Fields (ACF). I added several additional javascript libraries to deal with some functionality and I was off and operating.
 I quickly recognized why they specifically informed me that I would not obtain almost every other asset. It was actually simply because they didn’t provide you with the ideal assets to create the internet site is the easiest way. It was on the designer to see this and change what you should be much better. 
Total this is probably one of the most demanding single entrance-finishes I’ve had to produce. They managed to stick in every form of snag you can deal with by using a style and you possessed to make it work. 
Additionally, they ensured to delve into woocommerce adjustments plus some google maps API advancement. It was no going walking within the park, but I experienced a whole few days to complete it around my full-time task. I could proudly say that the done product which I provided was actually a factor of elegance.
 Codeable Are living Html coding Test
 The subsequent stage in the vetting procedure is undoubtedly a talk to and stay computer programming examination. All of this transpires on the webcam and through CoderPad with 2 people through the Codeable staff. I found myself incredibly emphasized going into it and although they let you know to rest, it is still somewhat difficult immediately to truly unwind. 
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My internet access made a decision to eliminate at the start of the getting together with also following introductions, therefore I actually had to depart and are available back after having a quick reset whilst my cardiovascular system is a panic mode. Thankfully it didn’t have issues next, however, it included my anxiety stage.
 The first enabled me to ask inquiries I needed and they answered them all. Trust me, I had lots of questions to ask so receiving these out of the way right at first was a comfort for me. We were actually onto the Customer Support part of the meet with where you stand provided different circumstances that may surface and you also focus on how you would deal with them. I have dealt with clients like a freelancer as well as at an agency for a lot of many years this one particular was a straightforward property operate in my opinion. I transferred that area with flying colors.
 Upcoming up was the specific reside programming portion. If you’re like me and your human brain goes blank when a person tries to watch you rule over your arm, it’s somewhat much like that but not as bad. Because you don’t feel their looming existence behind you, it is actually much less distracting.
 The initial few inquiries went effectively, and then I success a snag. Instead of studying the entire guidelines on the screen issue, I was just proceeding off of the quick summary assertion through the tester. I started to go into the panic method as I searched for what I thought I found it necessary to locate. I re-went through the code speaking out deafening when I went talking about everything, however, i wasn’t choosing the matter.
 Ultimately, they lower me off and proved me whatever they were seeking. I exclaimed, “Oh that’s the things you wanted?! I realized that!” Luckily for me, they really managed to know that I recognized the answer they were hoping to find because I was speaking out loud because i went through the computer code and fortunately detailed what a pertinent percentage of it does.
I can’t expose any actual essentials, nevertheless, i accidentally saved myself by chatting out high in volume. By the end, I found myself told which they would tally most of my results from your tests to date and I would pick up back in the future. I was honestly less assured now next, but I was confident in everything i got done furthermore one issue.
 Codeable Trial Period
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 I did it! I got beyond the testing segment and obtained the email that we experienced passed, but it was still not the end of the trip. If anything, the hardest part remained. This became the beginning of the 45 trial period where you needed to speak the discuss and go walking the go walking in the genuine foundation. Following having a few needed launch lessons, understanding the trick Codeable Blackbook, and establishing my personal information I began scouting the duties.
 The tasks can come quickly and several professionals are really swift to respond. I acknowledge I used to be firearm timid for the solid day time prior to actually posting comments on my small first job. As soon as I broke the ice pack using that I needed to sharpen my abilities around the undertaking message boards and work to establish myself because the expert the customer would like to work with. 
It is quite difficult for the newcomers as clientele oftentimes goes for that specialist that has completed 1500+ activities successfully over a person who has to 10. I ultimately acquired my very first job by means of an appointment, which managed cause work about a month in the future. 
I at some point obtained the hang-up of this and began to get more activities more rapidly. I needed to damage the ice cubes and from now on I had been using a distinct difficulty of handling my time between Codeable and my regular job.
 Good results!
 Your day finally came where I had fully made it by way of my free trial. Not only was there a nice pile of extra cash during my banking account, but there seemed to be another congratulatory email with a WordPress expert certification during my inbox. I found myself excited and reduced finding this and you couldn’t wipe the smile away from my face. You will discover a fulfillment that accompanies generating one thing by means of challenging work and also the struggle was certainly there. It is an overwhelming thing to try together with the lower 2Per cent acceptance amount, however, you shouldn’t hesitate to test. If you get in, it comes with lots of positive aspects.
 The Benefits of being a WordPress Expert
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 Every WordPress expert would reap the benefits of becoming a Codeable specialist and these are the basic main reasons why I locate it to be so beneficial.
 A Group of Experts
 You know that anyone in this group is actually a WordPress expert, but web development is such a broad discipline everyone could possibly have unique expertise in another region. When maybe you have a question in one of the weaker locations you are able to question it from the Codeable slack group and obtain an answer coming from a fellow expert who could be stronger in this region. Codeable programmers are a user group and despite it, as being an independent foundation the place you would count on competition, the group works similar to a helpful local community of coworkers than rivals.
 Clientele come your way
 Consumers appear from the Codeable program trying to find vetted professionals and you will find a wonderful constant stream of new task qualified prospects arriving through the day. They come in all day long, each day, 24/7. If you are an early morning riser or possibly a nighttime owl, you are able to craft your timetable, however, you want and there will still be new leads to suit your needs in the program. You don’t commit everything that time seeking your very own new clients, advertising yourself constantly to keep work arriving.
 Codeable takes care of the marketing and advertising to usher in the customers and you are the person who actually gets to pick and choose from the work you might want to do. I personally enjoy focusing on website speed search engine optimization tasks, and therefore appears to be a reasonably everyday sort of process getting published by prospective clients. I have learned that clientele often come back to you again for additional work as you develop a romantic relationship along with them by your very first task.
 Codeable Deals with all the Payment
 Anyone who has done the trick as a freelancer recognizes that gathering funds from clients can be a job by itself. Regardless of if the customer just skips the monthly bill, contains your settlement hostage for more out from extant work, or perhaps is painfully late in paying out, it could be a nerve-racking scenario to suit your needs who is determined by that revenue to reside and pay your very own monthly bills.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet Music Playing in the Dark: Ch. 1- Fire Escape (Craquaria)- Dill
hi everyone!! it’s been a while since i’ve submitted on this blog, but i decided to give it another go! this is the first chapter of a new fic i wrote a while ago and i’m (finally) almost done with the next chapter! you can find me @ drdill on AO3 as well as the remaining chapters of Home (the first fic i wrote)
I hate elevators.
You wait for half an eternity in the lobby fresh off your 9-to-5, only to crowd into a little 4x6 room just like every tired, irritable person around you, then stop at
Don’t get me started about the summer when sweat becomes a factor. It’s a free, disrespectful sauna. If I didn’t live on the eighth floor, I’d take the stairs, but what sociopath would willingly do that?
It’s a Friday in late May, particularly Memorial Day weekend. The chipping cream-colored paint in the lobby paired with dirty maroon rugs welcomes me off the sunny Brooklyn streets. Most people around are eager to escape for the next couple of days, but I’m sequestered to my apartment to research the new summer color trends. How riveting. The bell rings as the doors open. Walking on quickly, I press the button and seclude myself in the corner. I feel like a fucking sardine, begging no one tries to speak to me as I put my earbuds in. Every “excuse me,” and quick neighbor catch-up is silenced by Bowie and the drums of “Fame.”
Though I’ve never spoken to anyone in this elevator, I somehow know all of them. There’s Joanne, who’s always in a hurry for no goddamn reason, Alan, the workaholic accountant whose undereye bags could be an airport carry-on item, Mike that calls his wife when he gets in the elevator, then gets mad when the signal cuts out, some others whose habits are mildly concerning, and me- the art school dropout. It’s a melting pot of people pretending to have their shit together until they step foot into this building.
I count the floors: 2, 3, 4, 5, and one by one, they shuffle off while I bob my head to the music. Finally able to breathe, I shift out of the corner when I notice a new guy hiding behind Mike. He’s shorter, no more than five and a half feet with umber hair that’s faded on the sides. His wardrobe might as well be a walking Gap advertisement- a powder blue button-up and khakis paired with matching brown belt and shoes. One last person gets off on the seventh floor before it’s just the two of us, causing more confusion when I realize he’s going to the same place I am. Why haven’t I seen him before?
He’s oblivious to my stare, scrolling through his phone. I’d be lying if I said he was my type, but I’d be lying more if I said he wasn’t pretty cute. His pants hug his hips nicely, showcasing his ass before my eyes wander to the front of his-
Pull yourself together, Giovanni. You can’t mind-fuck a stranger in the elevator.
A small hop and the doors open to the eighth floor. He follows me out, still ignorant of his surroundings, ice shuffling around in his coffee as he takes a sip. I reach my door and fumble with the keys when I notice he’s unlocking the door next to me.
That’s…Kevin’s place, as in my very loud, dark-skinned neighbor of 2 years, not this puny white guy. Based on his physique, there’s a zero percent chance he mugged Kevin, so why does he have a key? When he opens the door I hear him enthusiastically say “Hi, Muffin!”
Muffin is Kevin’s cat, so he clearly knows him well enough to be chill with the world’s most evil cat. Regardless, I get inside, throw my stuff on the kitchen table, and give Kevin a call.
“What’s up, G?” He sounds like he’s in a car.
“Hey, I just watched a very small white man walk into your apartment way too happy to see your demon-child.” I’m talking in a low voice as if he’ll hear me through the concrete walls.
His laugh erupts through my phone. “I’m sorry, girl. I totally forgot to tell you!”
“Kevin if this is another guy you met two weeks ago that ‘is definitely the one,’ I’m gonna move out. He’s clearly not your type.”
“Calm down, bitch! It’s just my friend Max. He’s moving here from Seattle in a few weeks and wanted to get a feel for the area. I invited him to stay at my place for the weekend while I’m gone. I just dropped him off from the airport.”
Ah, so that’s Max. Kevin’s mentioned his friend from college a few times but never gave much description. I was imagining someone a bit…taller. And more muscles for a guy with a black belt. It’s underwhelming.
“Rude of you to leave without saying goodbye, but I guess I’ll survive sitting alone outside.” Kevin and I have some intense solidarity from hating our neighbors and sharing a fire escape. Not a day goes by in warm weather without a quick chat on the metal platform. It all started with a false alarm one Tuesday night, causing both of us to run out like idiots and get to talking.
“I’m just going to visit my fam. My sister’s been bugging me to come and see her new house.”
I sigh dramatically. “My blunt and I will miss you dearly, princess. See you Monday?”
“You bet! Love you girl!”
“Love ya, bye.”
I hang up and think about my next move. Do I go over and say hi? That’s way too forward. Do I stay inside all weekend and act like I don’t know he’s here? Well, that would just make me a rude fake-neighbor. Neither sound too appealing at the moment. I settle for a compromise: I will introduce myself…tomorrow- let him get his feet wet a little bit in Brooklyn. I’m sure I’ll be seeing him around more often if he’s moving here soon, anyway. Satisfied with my plan, I make myself a grilled cheese because I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and get to work on my research.
Dusk falls over the city and I’ve spent too long staring at Pantone’s Tumeric and Pepper Stem swatches with reference photos from fashion week. I form a makeshift portfolio for the editors and close my laptop. For finishing ahead of schedule, I roll a celebratory blunt and head for the fire escape.
A deep blue swallows the sky with a bright yellow streak as the sun sets over downtown. The temperature has finally cooled down as I step through my window and touch my sandal on the serrated metal beam. Supporting myself on the railing, I feel the night breeze run across my skin and catch my v-neck before raising the blunt between my lips, sparking the lighter quickly, and inhaling deeply. A quick burn runs through my throat on the first drag, eyes closed as I let the remaining smoke exhale to the sky. The streets are pretty peaceful at this hour, probably because there’s nothing around me but nail parlors, shoe stores, and boutiques that close at 6pm. My temporary neighbor has been suspiciously quiet all day. Normally I can hear Kevin washing his dishes or watching TV when I’m out here, so maybe he’s gone out for the night.
I’m about halfway through my joint when I hear blasting, stark trumpets from behind. Confused, I turn around and detect the sound coming from Kevin’s window, slightly cracked. I creep over to investigate, walking softly so the platform doesn’t rattle, slowly peeking through a slit in the curtain to see Max belting what sounds like “Boogie Wonderland” and dancing around Kevin’s kitchen. Now I can see why they were friends in college.
He’s cooking dinner- some type of pasta, adding pepper on beat and shimmying his shoulders. Those hips of his get put to work, scooting across the floor to grab the garlic bread and place it in the oven. It’s mesmerizing; hilarious, yet adorable, and I can’t look away. I start to realize how long I’ve been staring and get out of sight before he sees me. Somehow, I’m comfortable spying on this man but not knocking on the door and greeting him. Congrats, Gio. You’re officially a creep.
Max must be in a disco mood when the song fades out and “Relight My Fire” immediately follows. I’m giggling at the situation I’ve found myself. This definitely beats the same three Nicki Minaj songs Kevin plays on repeat while he cleans, so I might as well enjoy myself while it lasts. I finish the blunt as I begin dancing around the fire escape like an idiot, bouncing around and singing lightly to myself:
“Relight my fire,
Your love is my only desire,
Relight my fire,
Cause I nee-”
Spinning with my eyes closed might not have been the smartest idea. On my third rotation, my left sandal gets caught on the ladder as I started to move forward. My right knee hits the platform first, followed by my right hand, then elbow, then hip. A loud crash supported by sharp pain in my knee is enough to know I fucked up, and I will probably be getting some company out here soon.
The music ceases. Shit. I hear footsteps getting closer, my back facing the windows. The curtains are pulled back as a voice says “Oh my God!”
I look over my shoulder and see Max open the window and pop his head out. His face reads as really confused, but concerned.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh! Um, yeah. Yeah I’ll be okay,” I reply as I try to push myself up, hissing when I bend my knee. Looking down, I see a trail of dark red run down my leg. Great.
“Here, let me help you clean that up.” He motions me to come inside the apartment. Knowing that I fully don’t own band-aids like a dumbass, I have no choice to accept. I scoot my way over to the window and take his hand.
“‘Tis but a scratch,” I joke, lifting my leg onto the windowpane. He’s laughing while gently pulling me into the apartment. I take my previous statement back about his lack of muscles. His bicep is about to pop through the shirt sleeve, and I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
“I’m Kevin’s friend Max, by the way.”
“I’m Gio. I promise this isn’t a normal welcome to the neighborhood.” I’m shaking my head smiling.
“It’s better than the homeless guy that showed me a magic trick outside the coffee shop earlier,” he giggles.
He puts my arm around his shoulder and rests his at my waist as he walks me over to the kitchen chair, slowly drops me off, and props my leg on another. The apartment is lit dimly, only the lights above the stove and oven providing a yellow tinge to the room. I see a large pan of chicken alfredo and I’m suddenly hungry again. He turns off the burner, runs a washcloth under some cold water, and kneels next to me, lightly dabbing the wound to soak up the blood.
“Hold that there while I get some ice to help the swelling.” Our hands lightly brush against each other as he gets up to go to the fridge. I’m trying to understand the amount of care he’s giving me. He’s such a nice guy; I’m a complete stranger and he’s treating me better than most of my exes.
He grabs a zip-top bag from the drawer and starts filling it with ice.
“So, what brings you to Brooklyn?” I ask him, acting like I didn’t speak to Kevin hours ago.
“I’m getting relocated for work. The publishing company says they need my ‘talents’ in the New York office.” He’s using air quotes, blatantly unamused.
“Jeez, don’t sound so excited about it,” I smirk. He gives a soft smile, closing the freezer door.
“It’s not that I’m unhappy about the job or moving here, I just want more time write my own stuff instead of editing other people’s work.”
“You’re a writer?”
“Trying to be.” He shrugs, coming back to my side and lightly placing the ice above my scrape. I wince as the cold towel touches my skin.
“It’s okay,” I reply. “It sucks not getting to do what you’re passionate about, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah.” It’s silent for a little bit- the tales of a struggling artist.
“Do you want some wine? I probably shouldn’t drink the whole thing by myself.”
“Red or white?”
“I could have a glass or two.” He smiles and heads back to the kitchen to get glasses and a wine opener.
“So,” he says twisting the corkscrew in, “what’s your story?”
I sigh deeply. “Moved here from Philly, dropped out of art school last year, haven’t told my parents yet, working at a fashion magazine on complete luck.”
“Holy shit, how’d you manage that?”
“I modeled for a photographer to make some money right after I withdrew from classes, and he was friends with an editor there who was looking to hire an assistant.”
“Okay, that actually doesn’t surprise me.”
“That he and the editor were close?”
“No, that you were a model. Do you want ice?”
I’m slightly taken back while he pours two glasses.
“Wait, what?”
“No. Well, yes, but no the other thing.”
“What? I’m not blind. You’re cute.” What a charmer. I’m looking down, containing the huge grin on my face from his line of sight.
“Thank you.”
He hands a glass to me and heads for the bathroom. I shudder when it touches my tongue, further supporting my hate for dry wine. However, it’s free, therefore I will drink it happily. Upon returning, he brings some ointment and various sized band-aids.
“I wasn’t sure what size you’d need,” he laughs.
After drying the area around my wound, he applies the ointment, then gently places the bandage overtop. Every action thus far has been with such tender composure, as if he’s performing surgery. Wiping his fingers off, he grabs his wine and sits next to me- not on in a chair, on the floor with his legs crossed. I think he’s suddenly my type.
We exchange stares with silent smiles, finally giving me time to admire his soft, chestnut eyes that crinkle each time he grins, as well as the little, curled hairs resting on his forehead.
“You’re pretty cute, too,” I blurt out.
“Oh, thanks,” he says, a bit flustered at the compliment. His eyes look away, only to avert to my ice pack that starts leaking. I feel a drop of water run down my leg onto the floor.
“Let me get you a new one.” he starts to stand up. “I can get it.” I sit up and reach, getting used to the pain.
Our hands meet one another’s again as we grab for the washcloth at the same time. A tension begins to form in the air when we lock eyes less than a foot from each other’s face. His lips are slightly pursed, breathing heavier than normal.
It feels like slow motion as I lean in closer and shut my eyes. I feel his left hand relocate from my knee to the base of my neck, our lips separated by centimeters, foreheads touching as I feel his breath right under my nose. My lips brush lightly against his when-
The oven timer provides as much warning as the fire alarm. We jump away at the sound, hearts pounding from shock. Max starts regaining his composure before jumping up and shutting it off. He rests his arms on the counter, sighing before looking back at me, holding back a laugh.
“I think my garlic bread is done.” His head falls in his hands as he starts to laugh from embarrassment. I join in as I stand up for the first time, limping over to the counter, and grabbing a potholder. He opens the oven door for me, red-faced as I place the tray on the stove, still laughing.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” He asks me.
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that since I smelled the garlic bread,” I giggle. He hands me a plate.
I think I stayed at Kevin’s for about three hours. We talked about books, bonded over our dying love for Emma Stone, and gave each other new album suggestions while washing the dishes together. It felt so natural, to the point where we finished the bottle of wine even though I couldn’t stand it. A yawn builds up and I curse myself for getting tired, wishing I could stay until the sun rises.
“I think my bed is calling me,” I tell him. He nods.
“I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah, and this time, I’ll try not to trip on the fire escape.” His giggle becomes my new favorite sound after hearing it so much.
Our goodbye was a quick hug, nothing more than the attempted kiss before dinner when I duck out the window and climb into my apartment.
Having this one close to home will be dangerous.
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I had enough of pushing buttons for a living. And so I dedicated my time and effort, transforming my experiences into a side hustle that would provide personal and financial rewards. Most importantly, outside of an office setting. I read somewhere that the wealthiest individuals have seven separate streams of income. Our household currently has four, and I plan on ramping that up to seven. I�m gonna keep hustlin to see which of my skillsets I can leverage into income streams. You can do the same. �I�d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5. �UnknownThat�s how I feel and maybe you do too. How I Made $5,000 Trading Options In Under 2 MonthsTips to get started and what to avoidYou can make far more money trading options than buying and holding onto stocks. You can utilize options trading strategies that complement your portfolio, protect yourself from downside, or straight up gamble depending on how you utilize options. However, options trading isn�t for the faint of heart. Just as you can make astronomical gains, you can also take on heavy losses if you don�t invest with the right approach. Success in options trading is a combination of skill and luck. Skill puts you in the position for massive gains and luck allows those massive gains to materialize under your timeline. In this article, I�ll talk about some of the trades I did, what to do, and what to avoid. Selling Covered Calls Is The Best Way To Get StartedFor a while, I resisted buying options because I saw it as gambling. And yes, you can buy options in a way that makes it pure gambling, but that doesn�t apply to all bought options (we�ll talk about buying options later). My introduction to options was selling them. When you sell options, you collect a premium rather than you paying up to buy the option. You become the seller rather than the buyer and get paid accordingly.
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In this example, he has paid me $1 for this insurance. I might then go out and buy a re-insurance policy for $0. 2 and protect myself at $90 (10% below the market). This way, if the share price tanks 20%, then I had to buy the shares at $95. BUT my downside is protected as I can sell out of the same stocks at $90. After the two weeks, if the insurance policies all expire worthless because the Nike share price is still above $95, then I�ve made 80cents ($1 I received initially, minus the $0. 2 I paid for re-insurance). Unlike trading stocks where you need the price to go up to profit, I make money if the stock price rises, stays the same, or goes lower by not too much. If you put on ten such trades, each with a 90% probability of profit, then you can expect nine of them to close profitably with just one being unprofitable. The icing on the cake is that it�s not the end of the story for that one trade that didn�t work out. There�s a lot you can do to �repair� and make it profitable once again.
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And then I went back to my button-pushing existence the next day. But this thing about options trading kept tugging at me in the back of my mind. I spent a few months reading up on it to understand some basic concepts. Once I felt I knew just enough to ask some not completely retarded questions, I emailed Suzy. For the next two years, I read through some pretty heavy and dry material while taking extensive notes. Colleagues at work would ask about the �Options Trading For Dummies� book I had on my desk. Although I started to understand some of the theories, I had trouble picturing them in action. Suzy admitted in our email exchanges how it�s one of those things that only makes sense once you start doing it. Unfortunately, when you work at a bank, the compliance department attempts to prevent you from doing anything meaningful with your life, including trading options. Yes, I may sound cynical, but I�m calling it how it is. Although I was dying to put some trades on, I had to wait until I quit my job. Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it. And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade. Grasping Options TradingOptions trading makes me think of the magnetic toy blocks my kids play with. You can arrange them in any which way, depending on what you�re trying to achieve.
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That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it. And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade. Grasping Options TradingOptions trading makes me think of the magnetic toy blocks my kids play with. You can arrange them in any which way, depending on what you�re trying to achieve.
all in one trading program to learn how options work Arkansas I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital.
April and May of this year are write-offs because I was inactive. I hid under the blanket as the market was in free fall. I was pretty crafty in March, trading bearish strategies, but I put on only a single trade in April that was buying a put option on the S&P in case the market tanked further. We know that didn�t happen and so I lost that money. And in May, I didn�t put any new trades. My only activity was rolling existing positions further out in time. Excluding those two months, my average return on capital at risk was 1. 6% for a total annual return of 16. 4%What�s worth noting is, even though my average capital at risk was $186,000/month, my trade duration was, on average less than two weeks. Meaning I only had $96k of capital at risk at any one time, rather than $186k. I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns. When I started this a year ago, my broker was paying me 1. 9% for idle USD in the account, so I was quite happy leaving it. However, that�s obviously not the case anymore, with interest rates at zero. But I could allocate that money into some safe dividend stocks and boost my returns that way. Which is somewhat the approach I�m taking. My Path ForwardTrading options may sound sexy, but it�s pretty tedious. I�ve entered over a thousand executions into my spreadsheet this past year, which is something I LOVE doing. I used to have to make manual trade confirmations at work. Now I do it to record my profits!I feel like a kid counting pennies added to his piggy bank. Except this one pays to feed my family!That said, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. And that�s how I feel right now. Rather than patting myself on the back for profiting this past year, I feel hesitant to be proud. I realize how little I know and that I�m merely scratching the surface of the knowledge I need to feel fully confident in trading options for a living. And also how much more I need to hit the books.
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