#this is insane. guess i have to start blacklisting spoilers early
blueskittlesart · 1 year
heads up ! totk in its entirety has leaked ( like the xci got uploaded and everyday people are emulating it, it's not just a handful of leakers streaming / datamining it ). be careful ^^
holy shit how did they fuck up this bad
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fics-for-my-heart · 6 years
Soul Burn (p9)
Summary: The first time you touch your soulmate, your skin burns in that spot till you touch them again.
Word Count: 4070
Warning: None
A/N: Guys, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I uploaded. I’m so sorry. I know I keep saying that but I am, there’s been a lot going on and it killed my motivation for writing and doing anything. I know I said this would be the last part but I think one more, to make it an even number, and to make this seem less rushed. Thank you if you’re still here reading this series. Sorry again for how long this took
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
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 “Where’s the first place we are going?” You asked as Tom handed you a plate with some eggs and pancakes.
 “London.” He sat his plate down before digging in his bag for his phone. “I’ll send you the list. There will be a itinerary with more details waiting for you at the first hotel.” He sat beside you at the breakfast bar, pulling you closer and resting his feet on the peg of your stool. “They will also have a ear piece and phone for you so you can keep in contact with everyone.”
 You smiled as he kissed your shoulder before starting on his food. “Oh sweet. I’ll be official. Am I getting paid?” It was a joke but Tom nodded. “Wait. Really? That’s not necessary.”
 “They want everything to be real. So you’ll get two hundred a day plus money to eat on. Not that you will have to pay for food.” He smiled before taking a huge bite of pancake.
 Harrison shuffled through the door, rubbing his eyes. “Once everyone is ready I’ll call the car.” He spread some butter and syrup on a pancake before rolling it and taking a bite. “First interviews start tomorrow at eight am.”
 “Check in is at one right?” Harrison nodded in response, stabbing some scrambled eggs with a fork.
 “So how is the room situation going to work?” You glanced back to Tom curiously.
 “They are suites with two rooms. You can stay with me in mine and Harrison gets his own. Zendaya is with us for most of it so you’ll be checked in as her roommate.”
 “What if I wanted to room with her the whole time?” You cocked an eyebrow at Tom and Harrison snorted. “Just kidding.” You leaned in and kissed Tom’s nose.
 “I mean you can stay with her too. I want you guys to be friends and according to her you guys hit it off.”
 “Yeah, we’ll see how things go. I might just randomly show up and stay the night with her.” You shrugged, taking the last drink of your orange juice and standing up. “I’m going to go shower.” You gave Tom a kiss and hip checked Harrison as you put your dishes away and made your way upstairs.
 A few hours later the three of you were being led up the back entrance and into a wonderful room. In the main room there was a floor to ceiling window with a breathtaking view that instantly pulled your full attention.
 “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Tom whispered in your ear. Wrapping his arms around you while resting his chin on your shoulder.  
 “You can see so much from here.”
 “I always like the higher rooms. The sunset will be the best you’ve seen.” The two of you stood there in silence softly swaying back and forth. “Wanna get everything ready? It’ll be an early and long day tomorrow.”
 They had everything set up for you, just like Tom said. There was an earpiece and phone already programmed with numbers and calendar reminders. They had a paper itinerary that included blacklisted topics such as you and anything that could lead to a slip up spoiler.
 It all seemed pretty easy. You’d keep track of the times and make sure the interviews didn’t go too far over as well as making sure that everyone got into the next room or location smoothly. Not only were you getting to experience a world you never thought you would, but you got to spend time with Tom and the people he cared about.
 “So are you excited?” Tom asked as you plopped your head onto the pillow facing him.
 “Yes. But I’m also a little nervous. What if I mess something up?”
 Tom smoothed your hair out of your face, leaving his hand on your cheek. “You’ll do fine, love. You get to boss us around.” He leaned in and kissed you softly before resting his forehead on yours. “Ya know. I was excited about this because I love talking about the movies. But, I’m more excited now because I get to have you along for the journey.”
 “I’m excited to be here with you too. I never in a million years would have thought I would experience something like this.” You kissed him this time, then snuggled yourself into his chest and fell asleep to him softly rubbing your back.
 “This is your wake up call!!” Harrison’s voice boomed from outside the door. You and Tom both jumped, your shoulder accidentally hitting his face.
 “Ooii, fuck off Harrison. Shit. Ouch.” His hand shot it to rub his chin.
 “Oh god.” You turned around, eyes wide as your hands grabbed his face to inspect it. “Are you okay?”
 “Yes. Once my heart beat goes back to normal.” He wrapped his hand around yours, pulling your palm to his lips and leaving a kiss. “Good morning, beautiful.”
 “Good morning.” You replaced your hand with your lips as you gave him a quick kiss. “I guess we should get up. It’s,” you looked at your phone. “5:30??”
 Tom flopped back onto the pillow, pulling you with him onto his chest. “Sadly I have to do hair and makeup.” His arm tightened around you. “I’d much rather stay right here. But at least we get to spend time together.”
 You patted his chest. “Indeed. Now let’s see what Harrison ordered for breakfast.”
 After a few more snuggled kisses the two of you made your way into the living area. Harrison was sitting at the table eating a piece of bacon and scrolling through his phone.
 “Sorry I scared you two.” He said with a smirk.
 Tom tossed a piece of sliced fruit at him. “I’m sure you are going to be worrying yourself all day about it.”
 “Probably. Zendaya is on her way over. So we can all go together.”
 You pulled the new phone out, opening the calendar to today’s events. “Luckily all the interviews are going to be here. The fifth floor conference room. We have to have you guys down there at 6:30 to get ready for hair and makeup. So eat quick.” You locked the phone just as Zendaya walked in.
 “Good morning lovelies. I’m eating your food.”
 Once everyone was happy, the four of the headed off to the room for hair and makeup. Tom and Zendaya got whisked away while Harrison gave you some pointers.
 “So, most of these guys are people we’ve worked with before. They know the rules and are good at keeping time. There’s a few here that they haven’t had interviews with before and those are the ones to look out for.”
 “Are you gonna hang out here or are you getting in on the interviews?” Harrison’s part was small but was pretty important to the movie.
 “I get a few. Jacob and Tony and I are going to be taking turns. So I’ll be here to help if you need anything.” He smiled at you, knowing how nervous you were about doing this.
 “Thank you, Harrison.”
 “No thanks needed Y/N. You’re Toms soul mate, and I’m his other half. You’re an amazing person and I can see how much you and Tom adore each other.” His face was serious as he spoke. “I know things are a bit weird right now but you guys have my support. If you need a break or anything let me know okay.”
 The day went by smoothly. You only had to time check one interviewer, but the rest followed the time and made sure to avoid the black listed topics. About mid way the last interview you ordered room service for lunch, knowing that the rest of the day was going to be less hectic.
 “Oh man, I’m starving.” Tom sighed, wrapping his arms around you as soon as the room door closed.
 “Good thing I thought ahead and ordered lunch.” You laugh, patting his hands as you waddle into the living room.
 “Oh, bless you, love.” He planted a big smacking kiss to your cheek and released you before bee lining to the table.
 As the days go by, things fall into a nice flow. A few interviews a day followed by some off days to travel. The days off were normally filled with sight seeing of their favorite places or lazy days. The rest of the cast joined in on different activities and interviews and Tom had to steady you when you got starstruck meeting Jake.
The craziest days ended up being the ones with convention visits. Everything was planned in advance to the minute, luckily you knew a thing or two about how insane conventions could get. Tom stayed closer on those days. Keeping an eye out for you and constantly making sure you were okay.
 Things were going so smoothly that before you knew it you guys were a month in with the only a few problems like Tom forgetting his charger in one of the hotels and Harrison forgetting his phone in a taxi.
 It was the morning of the last set of London promo and you were all sat around the table going over the day. “Okay, so the first interview is Tom, Tony and Zendaya. That’s at eight. Jacob, Zendaya and Harrison have one at nine, then all of you at ten. I think Jake is joining in on that one. Then after lunch Tom and Jake have two interviews and after that it’s time to pack.” You forked some eggs into your mouth while the plan settled with everyone.
 “What about tomorrow? What time are we leaving?” Harrison asked.
 “Uhh.” You flicked through your phone, finding the flight plan instantly. “The plane leaves for LA at noon but check out is at eight. There’s a week break before that leg of promos.”
 “An entire week off?” Tom sighed happily. “You know we aren’t leaving the house for six of those days.” He pokes your hand with his fork.
 “Fine with me.” You laughed, finishing off your juice. “Alright I’m going to shower, you guys have an hour and a half before it’s time do get to work.”
 The day was as smooth as all the others with the occasional time check. When the last interview came around you were sleepy from lunch and excited to get it over with.
 “So Tom, what was it like working with Jake.” The interview asked.
 “Honestly a dream come true. I’ve always admired him as an actor and now that I know him I admire him as a person. It’s been a blast working together.”
 Jake was beaming, nodding along. “I have to agree. Seeing Tom as Peter in the other movies I knew I was going to have to bring my A game. It was probably the most fun I’ve had on a set in ages.”
 “Speaking of ages.” The interview drew a pause. Your ears perked, having caught on to this “repeat what they say”  being the typical topic change method. “It’s been ages since we’ve heard anything about young Toms soulmate.” He raised an eyebrow at Tom.
 Your heart was racing, and Tom rose both brows. “Right it has. I’d like to keep it that way a bit longer, mate.”
 He avoided looking at you, but Jake made brief eye contact, ready to step in if needed.
 “Awh, come on Tom. The world wants to know who the fates chose to keep you happy.”
 You cringed at the wording, but composed yourself enough to step in. “Excuse me, but the topic has been blacklisted.”
 The interviewer raised a questioning look at you. “Oh I know doll but I’m still going to ask.”
 You laughed, shifting through the papers in your folder before pulling one out. “And, oh, look. Per the agreement you signed before this it states that if you break the agreement, for example, asking blacklisted questions, we can scrap the entire interview and you leave empty handed. So either you back off the topic or I watch your cameraman delete all the video and audio from this interview.” You cocked your hip and glared at him, daring him to say something.
 His hands went up as he sat back. “Alright. Alright. I don’t have many more questions so we can wrap this up.”
 You nodded your head and took a step out of the way, keeping an eye on him the rest of the time.
 “Guys you should have seen her.” Toms cheeks were a little rosy from the drinks but his smile was fond. Once everyone was packed you all decided to go out for dinner. “She was all ‘either you back off the topic or I watch your cameraman delete it all.’” He used his best impression of you, retelling the events of the last interview for the third time.
 “Alright, that’s enough.” You laughed, Tom just beamed at you.
 “It was kinda hot watching you take charge like that.” He winked, finishing off his drink.
 “Oh, so when I do it it’s not hot?” Harrison asked, mocking shock.
 Tom squinted his face. “Eh, I mean sure mate. But when she did it I’m surprised they could see it all over my face.”
 You turned toward him. “See what?”
 “How much I love you.”
 Your ears muffled and you stared at him for a minute. He rested his hand on your knee under the table, pulling you back to the room. “I... I love you too.” You whispered, earning a brighter grin from him.
 “Awh. You guys are so cute.” Zendaya gushed. “Alright enough lovey dovey. I’m ready to head back and get some sleep.”
 Everyone agreed, finishing off their drinks and leaving tips. You linked arms with Zendaya and made your way out the door.
 The moment you returned to the room you went straight for a shower. When you finished, you stood in a towel brushing your teeth.
 “Love?” There was a rap at the door. “Can I come in? I want to brush my teeth.” You reached over and unlocked the door, unable to speak with the toothpaste foam in your mouth. “Well aren’t you adorable.” He doesn’t try to hide himself checking you out. After giving a quick kiss to your forehead, he joins in on the tooth brushing.
 “So, what’s the first thing you wanna do when we get to LA?” You asked, whipping the extra toothpaste from the corners of your mouth.
 Tom spit and rinsed his mouth, turning and pulling you close. “Spend a few days doing nothing but spending time with you.” He leaned in to kiss you but you stopped him, using the wash rag to whips at the corners of his mouth.
 “Sounds excellent.” Your voice was a whisper before you closed the gap, enjoying the minty freshness. “Now, I’m a bit cold and need some clothes.”
 “I can keep you warm.” He winked, gently smacking your butt. “But go on, naked, put some clothes on.”
 Tom was already drifting off to sleep when you got in bed. With his eyes still closed he lifted your arm, welcoming you to his side. “Pst.” You whispered, nose almost touching his.
 He opened his eyes, smiling before closing the small gap between the two of you. His voice was almost quiet as yours. “I love you.”
 “I love you.”
 You both fell asleep somewhere between lazy kisses.
 “Y/N.” Toms soft voice pulled you from sleep. A lazy hand covered his mouth and his laugh vibrated your arm. “Love. It’s time to wake up.”
 Tom nudged your cheek with his nose, much like Tessa when she wanted a snuggle. “You can sleep on the jet.”
 “But. I’m so warm.” You pushed closer to his warm body.
 “I know. Here.” He got up and you groaned. Falling into his empty spot and watching him walk around the room. “Put these on.” He set his hoodie on the bed and a pair of your leggings.
 You did as he said, reluctantly. There was toast and fresh fruit waiting to be scarfed down before you all had to leave. You and Zendaya shared a car while the boys had their own.
 “Okay, so I’m pretty excited to go shopping with you. Also, what do you want to wear to the premiere? You thinking a designer? Or we can go shopping.” Zendaya was much more awake than you, but looked equally as cozy.
 “Woah. That’s in a few weeks. Oh boy. Um. I want to make a good impression, but I don’t want to seem like I’m stealing the light.”
 “Babe that’s going to happen no matter what. You’re hot and you’re Tom Holland’s soulmate. People will be talking about you for weeks.”
 “Yeah, I’m not excited about that part.”
 “Hey, it’ll be alright. Like I said, soulmates are big talk for a few weeks then they stop obsessing. Let’s just focus on getting you the perfect outfit.” Her smile was contagious and helped push all the nasty thoughts out of the way.
The boys were already settled when you got there. It was a little mind blowing taking it all in. There were two couches, seats, a mini fridge, and TVs. “It’s like I’m on the BAUs jet.” You joked while taking a seat beside Tom.
 “I forgot you’ve never been on one before.” He laughed. “Sadly I can’t afford my own yet, but Marvel likes to treat us pretty well.”
 “I can tell.”
 “Wait, here’s my favorite part.” He pressed a button on the arm and the chair started moving. “Massage chairs.”
 “I’m never leaving.” You moved around, getting comfortable before dropping your head back and looking at Tom.
 “Trust me, the only good things are we have it to ourselves and there’s no waiting through customs. After a while they aren’t all that fun.”
 “I’ll take your word for it. But right now I’m loving it.”
 You were asleep before take off and when you woke up everyone else was asleep. Silently you made your way to the bathroom, hoping the loud flush didn’t wake anyone. On your way back to your seat you grabbed a sandwich and drink. Tom was awake, scrolling through his phone when you sat down. “Hello sweets. How much longer till we land?”
 “Still about three hours.” He sighed. When his eyes landed on your sandwich he smile and opened his mouth for a bite.
 “You want one? There’s plenty in there.”
 “Nah yours taste better.” He fiddled around on his phone for a minute before showing you a picture. “I’m going to post this is that okay?” It was you, asleep with your hair in your face and your head on his shoulder. He had the cutest grin on his face.
 “It’s cute, go for it.”
 He talked as he typed. “I have a lot of wonderful women in my life, but you’re by far my favorite. I love you, Love Bug.”
 The two of you spent the rest of the flight snacking and showing each other funny things. When the jet landed it was dark, still early morning in LA. Security met you all at the landing strip and escorted you to cars which quickly sped off.
 “That was the fastest I’ve ever left an airport.” Tom, you and Harrison had your own car since everyone was going to their own places to rest.
 Toms fingers closed around yours. “We always try to be sneaky when we get into LA unless we have plans to be seen arriving.” He pulled his phone out and responded to a text before turning back to you. “So, is there anything you’re dying to see?”
 “I really would enjoy seeing Griffin Park. And maybe the National Science Museum. Anything you think would be fun.”
 “The Studios are fun, but we will be there working and I can show you around then. But we will definitely go to Griffin Park. It’s beautiful at sunset and the view is amazing.” Before you could respond the car pulled into a garage. “Ahhh home sweet second home.” Tom laughed. He gave your hand a light squeeze before getting out of the car.
 “I slept on the plane but I’m still tired so I’m going to go straight to bed. Love you, goodnight.” Harrison said, dragging his suitcase behind him and disappearing into the dark hall.
 You followed Tom around the house, getting a tour of every room. He promised to have groceries delivered since they cleaned everything out before they left a few months back. A little after eight there was a knock at the door.
 “Love!” Tom called from the couch. “Could you get that?”
 When you looked through the peephole you had to muffle a scream. “Julie!!”
“Y/N!!” She responded once the door was open.
 “Oh my god what are you doing here?” A huge smile spread across your face as you pulled her into a hug.
 “Tom invited me and Mitch for a few days. Also you didn’t think you could go shopping for a premier dress without me? Uhhhh, I missed you so much.” She tightened her arms around you.
 “I know I sent you almost everything but, wanna hear about it again?”
 “Definitely.” She smiled. Looping her arm with yours and going to the back porch, both of you already giggling.
 “Alright, darling, Mr. Holland sent us some pictures of you as well as what he will be wearing, and we were able to hand pick a large amount of styles based off of those. All three of you are allowed to go back. There’s drinks and snacks and if you need anything just press the button.” The shop attended had a soothing voice, explaining everything to you.
 It’s been three days since you guys got to LA. The first day was spent watching movies and eating junk food, with a visit to Griffin Park for sunset. The second day you all took a trip to Hollywood Boulevard joined by Zendaya, Jacob, and Tony. Mitch made dinner for everyone that night and it was a nice relaxing day.
 Today you, Julie, and Zendaya were at one of Zendaya favorite dress shops. Julie had to leave soon and you guys wanted to go on and get dress shopping out of the way.
 “Woah.” Was all you could say when you entered the room. There were racks of dresses and accessories and shoes. It was like walking into a dream dress up closet. They had some shoes along one wall, and a picture of Tom in his suit for the premiere on the mirror. “Guys, we are going to need a game plan.”
 Each of you picked a dress. Toms suit was going to be black and burgundy so most of the dresses were those colors but in different styles.
 Julie picked a long flowing burgundy dress with
a high neck. Zendaya’s pick was a black, somewhat poofy , knee length dress with three quarter length lace sleeves.
 “Okay.” You said after trying them on. “I love the length and style of the skirt and the sleeves of the black dress. But I love the color and lace neck of this one.” You held it up, trying to imagine a dress that had everything.
 “I think.” Julie started thumbing through the rack again. “Ah! Here it is. I knew I saw one similar.” Her grin was ear to ear as she spun around holding the dress up to you.
 Zendaya unzipped you as Julie readied the other dress. They were both speechless when you turned to look at them before turning to look at yourself. “Oh.” You stepped closer, moving around to see everything. “Oh yes. This is.” Your fingers ran across the lace designs at the neck that also covered the top. The skirt hit just right and the color was a perfect match to Toms tie. “This is perfect.
 “Here.” Julie and Zendaya both said at the same time. Holding up shoes and a necklace. They fixed you all up and spun you to the mirror.
 “Alright, this is the dress. But, I’m buying it because I want to remember this day forever and I want to wear this again.” You continued to look at yourself while the girls cleaned the room and got the attendant. Tom was going to be speechless just like them, but he was going to have to wait till the premiere.
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