#this is just a present for soneone but i have a DREAM of one day making one where you can unravel it and make a different shaped beast
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Behold! Why I haven't had any time to write this week.
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eddiesgirls12 · 2 years
Star and sunshine - Joseph Quinn
A/N: Heey guys!! This is my first one shot,and I'm not a native english speaker,so don't mind my grammar mistakes and shitty writing. Also don't copy or use any of my works without my permission,and also this one shot is already posted on my wattpad.
Warnings: Angst,young Joe is a little asshole,drinking,crying,mentions of autism ( bullying )and fluff at the end.
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Your parents always told you that your university years would be the best years of your life. Your mom's love story with your father was so lovely,you always adored them,and the way they've met. You wanted to have the same. You were just shy.
LAMDA. 2012. 09. 1
First day at the drama university,was boring a little bit. You were just sitting on your place by yourself. You didn't really wanted a bench mate. The classroom and everything was so scary. It was like a big labyrinth for you
It's okey,just calm down,you don't look that bad today,no one is going to judge you
Deep breaths just deep breaths,you're in the school of your dreams right now. You wanted this,so now deal with it-
" Mind if I sit next to you? " suddenly a voice intrerupted  your deep thoughts,then you looked up to see a boy standing next to you,with a shy smile on his face.
His eyes are like hot chocolate. Kinda cute you thought quickly because you realised that he was still waiting for your answer.
" No,of course not. "
He grined then put down his backpack and set down next to you. The two of you shared a few glances,not knowing what to say to eachother. Looking around,everyone was talking and laughing with their new friends. You had more 10 minutes until your first lesson started.
" I'm Joe by the way " the boy said,finally breaking the silence,and he held his hand out for you to shake it.
" I'm Y/N. "
" Y/N I like that. Are you from France? "
You slowly nodded,as you waited  his next movement,because you waren't sure if he wanted to bully you because of accent,or just simply wanted to make a converstation.
" Oh nice,I always wanted to go there. Your accent is so cute by the way. " he spoke again and smiled at you."
Present day
" Shit girls,where are you taking me? " you laughed as your two bestfiends lead you with your eyes blindfolded.
" Relax,we're not trying to kidnap you or anything. We're taking you home,but there's going to be a suprise waiting for you. "
" Okey I understand,but I'm so uncofortable to walk around with my eyes blindfolded. Can I take it off untill then?"
" No. " your friend Bianca replied simply chuckling on your inpatient.
LAMDA. 2012. 11. 5
" Okey so the answers are on the top of the card's and on the bottom there's your next question towards the class. Let's see I read the first one. " your teacher said as everyone paid attention so did you.
You waited for the right question to read your answer,but somehow neither of the questions were the right for your answer. Then she started explaining something,which sounded like the answer which could be on your card,but you were not pretty sure about it,so you didn't raise your hand.
Then the teacher started looking around in the class for the card with the answer on it,and when she reached your table,she grabed the card from your hands. " There is it!!! Why didn't you read it? "
And then suddenly the school bully Lucy rolled her eyes " Why am I not suprised? Don't mind her miss,she's just an  autistic. "
That was when Joe slammed his hand on the table and glared at her. " Go and suck soneone's dick,and leave her alone! "
Everyone let out an " huuuuuh " then the teacher's voice intrerupted the tension between them. " Mr. Quinn!! How dare you say that to a girl? You're getting 2 hours detention in the library,maybe it will help you to learn some respect towards them. "
" And the school's slut is going to get away with what she said? She called me an autistic for not being brave enough to read my answer because I was confused. That's doesn't seem fair to me. " you replied raising your hand with a smirk.
" Fine. Then the three of you will get detention. You and Mr. Quinn getting 2 hours,Lucy gets 3. Is this okey? "
" Perfect. " you nodded,then looked over at Joseph who tried to hold back his laugh.
" I swear you're an idiot. Why would you do that? " you hissed as you and Joe walked out from the classroom to the library.
" What was I supposed to do? She has no right to call you that!! " he answered bumping his shoulder against yours slightly.
" But you got yourself in trouble! What will your parents do,when they found out about this? Joe,that's isn't you! "
" I don't care,because like I said before,I couldn't let her get away with it,so I embaressed her. You also got in trouble,so I don't know what's your problem. "
" I've got myself in trouble because  I felt bad! I couldn't let you suffer alone. It was my fault. " you sighed as the two of you entered the library where a teacher was already waiting for you to keep on eye on you.
" Where's the third one? " she asked rudly.
" Probably left. " Joseph shrugged then made his way to the bookshelfs to find something to read.
You did the same,and started looking for Les Miserables wrote by Victor Hugo. You always wanted to read this book,so you felt like now was the perfect time to read it.
As you were sitting next to each other you felt like Lucy was right after all. Wherever you went,you were always bullied and beaten up. You didn't understand why though,but your brain always worked a little bit slower,and you were always panicking. You still had no idea how an autistic person acted though.
" Joe? " you suddenly asked and looked up from his book.
" Yeah? "
" Do you think I'm...autustic? "
He frowned and put his book aside. Suddenly he grabed your hand and squized it to get your attention.
" No ,you're not. See? This is exatly why I did what I did. She wants everyone and even you to think that you're an autistic,but you're not. Believe me,I've met autistic people before,you are not like them. Stop worrying about it. "
When he noticed that you didn't believed him,he nudged your arms causing you to look at him. When you did he smiled and said. " I think you are amazing and adorble. "
And with that, he made you fall in love with him."
Present day
" Guys you know I hate suprises,right? "
You were sitting in a cab between Bianca and Mary. Your muscles were tensed,you just couldn't keep it calm,because of your excitment.
" We're not even sure if you're not going to kill us,after you saw it. " Mary replied.
" Oh god. No. I can't kill you. I would need to pay for your funerals. No. " you answered then you started laughing along with the girls.
LAMDA. 2014. 02. 14
You sighed sadly as you watched Joseph giving his girlfriend a rose. You were suffering. It was your fault though. It was your fault that he was huging and kissing that girl and not you. You should have told him years ago how you felt,when all the girls went after that blondie boy who's already gratuated last year.
Joe aged like fine wine,you weren't going to lie. You still had a chance back then,but now it's impossible. You already lost counting on how many times you ended up crying yourself to sleep.
" Hey cutie!! Oh you look sad! What happened? " he asked you when he set down next to you.
You forced a smile then shake your head. " I'm not sad. I'm just not in the mood for all this red and pink maddnes around me. "
" No one's asked you for the Valentine's ball,right? "
You nodded and looked away to blink back your tears. Your heart was already broken,you didn't wanted to make it worse. If he saw you crying then he wouldn't leave you alone unless you told him what's wrong.
" Hey, uhm...I have something for you. "
You turned your head to look at him,holding a ring between his fingers. You raised an eyebrow at him confused. Why would he give you a ring? You were not his girlfriend-
" That's a promose ring. I want you to take it,so we could stay friends forever. I also have one. " he explained and held up his left hand. He had a similar ring.
" Thank you. " you thanked him quietly as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
" You don't need to thank me,just stay with me. "
" Okey. "
You were alone that night,your parents went for a mini vacation together. It was almost 2 am and you still couldn't sleep. You were curled up into a ball on your bed. Some boys did ask you to be their partner at the ball,but you rejected them,because you wanted to go with Joe. You always wanted him,not someone esle.
Suddenly you heard a knock on your door. It was harsh,you got scared a little bit,but you still went to open the it. You expected one of your friends from school,maybe she was drunk again. But then when you opened the door you were shocked.
It was Joseph standing there,in a drunken state. You quickly let him in,then you turned on the lights. His shoulders started shaking,as he let out some quiet sob.
" Hey...what's wrong? " you asked him,as you quickly embraced him.
" She cheated on me. She kissed another boy,right in front of me. In front of everyone,just to embarrass me. " Joe answered burying his face in your neck,and you wrapped you arms around his shoulder keeping him close.
" Hey hush...it's okey Joe. It's okey. I'm here. You deserve someone better. She neved deserved you,I could tell. I promise you that everything is going to be okey.
As you held him close,you kneeled down slowly with him. You had never seen him like this. This girl was his first girlfriend,but unfortunately not the last one. That night,he ended up falling asleep in your arms. You didn't mind at all,because you knew that he needed you."
Present day
" Hey girl do you remember at that cute boy,from London? You went in the same class. " Mary suddenly asked. You were still sitting in the cab.
" Do you mean Joseph Quinn? Yeah I still remember him. " you replied smiling sadly.
" You two were pretty close huh? "
" We were friends,untill...Untill he fucked up. I mean kind of. He called me autistic at a party when he was drunk. I never trusted him again,because you know drunk words,sober thoughts. " you answered sadly.
" You loved him didn't you? "
" I still do. I'm following his career and I'm so proud of him. But I could never trus him again. He broke me,and gived me years of suffering. This is why I left after graduating. I stayed at the party,then came home on the earliest flight. Plus I got a job here,and that France serial helped me to start my career as an actress. " you explained as you felt the car stop.
LAMDA. 2014. 12. 31
You were at a New Year's eve party with a few classmates and with Joseph. You were dancing a little,and then you went out with Joseph for a quick smoke. You had to tell him,that you were going to go back to Paris,because your parents were moving back there. You planned on finishing your studies there,and to graduate.
" I have to tell you something. It's very important. " you sighed and blow out the smoke nervously.
" Oh okey. Go ahead. "
" I'm going to go back to Paris. My parents are moving back,and...I want to go with them. I'm going to graduate there. "
" What? " he looked at you confused and shocked at the same time.
" I'm sorry. But I don't want to leave my parents behind and...and I'm missing my friends- "
" What about me? " he intrerupted you. " What about Wes and the others hm? What about us? "
" Joe,I'm so sorry,but I have no choice- "
" Oh yes you do. You could stay there in that house."
" ...and I want to graduate there with my friends and cousins. "
He glared at you,and stubbed out his cigarette,then lighted another one.
" Why are you mad?  I have the promise ring. We're still going to stay friends. "
" Oh yeah? Amazing. That's amazing. " he mumbled in a sarcastic tone.
You folded your arms,and stared in to the distance. Why was he mad? He had a girlfriend,he was happy with her. He ignored you because of her,and skipped your programs which you had together. He also had his new friends. He didn't paid much attention on you,and he didn't protected you anymore,when Lucy was bullying you.
" Stay. I don't want you to go. " he whispered.
" I'll think about it. " you promised just because you didn't wanted to argue with him on New Year's eve.
Joe was vomiting for the third time. He was pretty drunk,and Wesley already tried to offer him water,but drunk Joseph was always so fucking stubborn.
" Do you want some more Martini my love? " his girlfriend asked him and you and Wesley looked at eachother with wide eyes. She was also drunk.
" Mate,you really need to stop drinking. "
" Says who? " he asked as let out a dry chuckle.
" Me for instance! Joe you already vomited three times!! It's enough!! " you answered,and that caused his girlfriend to roll her eyes.
" I think he can decide what he wants by himself. So you can go home freak. "
" Stop pretending like you are that good for him!! Unlike you we care about him,his mom asked me and Wasley to take care of him!! " you fought back,but that really pissed Joe off.
" Oh shut the fuck up!! Didn't you hear what she said? I can decide what is good for me,I don't need you!! Are you that autistic or what??!! "
Tears filled your eyes as you stared at your bestfriend,the boy you adored and loved the most. With that question he killed all your love you had for him. You felt betrayed and left alone. You didn't said anything,just throw at him the promise ring he give you then ran out.
" You are a dick Quinn. You better kick that slut out from my house before I do. " Wesley told him gesturing at his girlfriend,then he ran after you.
You almost reached your car when he caught up with you. " Y/N,please wait!! He didn't mean any of this!!
You turned around with a sad smile then chuckled. " Oh come on buddy. Drunk words,sober thoughts. At least I know that I should forget him forever because he's...he's not the one. "
" I'm so sorry,baby. I didn't expected this to turn out like this. "
" At least it was just the three of us now. I should have left with the others. "
Wesley gived you a conforting hug,and rubed your back. He was really over protecting when it came to you. He was the only one who knew about your love - or ex love - towards Joseph.
" Are you going to move back to Paris? "
" I'm going to stay just for you. My parents told me that if I wanted to stay,they will wait another year with the moving back gladly. I'll graduate then leave this fucking place.
" You are a strong girl. I'm going to kick his balls for treating you like this. "
Present day
Joseph apologised multiple times after this,but you ignored him,and set next to your other friend during class. You slowly pushed you feeling away,and felt a little bit free.
After the graduating party,the only thing you told him,was that you are going to relax and watch movies - and with that you made a perfect excuse, to reject his offer because he wanted to invite you to another party the next day - and maybe look for a job. Then you left on the next day with your parents,without saying goodbye.
But you got scolded a little bit,from your parents for not saying goodbye to him. Your mom really loved Joe,and always told you that you should forgive him. But you were too hurt to do that. You thought that cutting him off would help you to heal. But to be honest it just made it worse,and now it's a 100% sure that you two are not going to end up together,because he's famous now,and meeting beautifull women during Comic Cons and Fan Expos.
" What does this sign mean? " you asked him,after he drawn a sun on your palm with his thumb.
" You are my sunshine. That's how I remind you. " he smiled shyly.
Your face turned red,as you grabbed his hand and drawn a star on his palm.
" Well,what does this sign mean? "
" That means that you are my star. "
You smiled to that memory,as the girls slowly lead you to your bedroom. The familiar scent of your room helped you to calm your nerves. Suddenly they stopped you,and they lifted your arms.
Then you felt two gentle hands grabing yours,slowly pulling you closer to his body.
" Oh so the suprise is a person then,hm. " you noted,while your heart was beating fast.
Something happened. Something terrifying which made you froze. That was when you heard the door closing, alerting you that your friends left the room.
But that was not the scariest thing. You knew that touch. You reconised it even though it's been years since you felt it. But you were not sure that it was really him,so you tested him. You drawn a star on his palm,with your thumb.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you waited. And then is happened. He drawn a sun on your palm. You took a step backwards from him.
" Go away. I don't want to see you. "
He let out a big sigh,then walked closer to you. You kept walking backwards untill your back bumped in to the wall.
" You only making things worse Joseph. Go away. "
" I know you loved me. And I know you still do. The girls told me everything. " he finally replied.
You ripped off the blindfold from your eyes,then glared at him. You looked at him with your killing look,which you only used when you wanted to scare someone away from you. It usually worked. But not on him.
" You better leave before I kill you. I feel like I could choke you right now. "
" Why are you still on that? I've already apologised multiple times!! "
" Because I know you meant it! You meant every fucking word what you said. You never regreted saying it. Go back to your slu- "
" How can you say that? " he intrerupted you,stroking your palms. " Couldn't you see how much I cared about you? I was ready to sacrifise everything for you. Hell even if you'd ended up coming back Paris for your last year,I was ready to give up everything in London,and follow you. "
" You're lying. " you huffed simply which made him roll his eyes at you. " Why are you here anyway? To make me suffer? Go away! I don't want to suffer anymore!! Please don't ruin my birthday!!! "
"I love you!!! "
Your eyes widened at the sudden change of his tone,and looked away from him. Of course he would say that now that you are breaking down right in front of him. He only said this because he feels guilty. Good move.
" You don't have to say that just because you feel sorry for me. "
He slowly touched your chin with his fingers, then turned your head back,to look at him. Your breath hitched when you made eye contact with his hot chocolate eyes,and decided to listen what he has to say to you.
" Y/N,I never wanted to hurt you. What I said it was horrible,and I wish I could turn back in time,just to fix everything,but unfortunately I can't.  I didn't mean any of that- "
" Drunken worlds sober thoug- "
" No no no,you're going to let me finish it first. And anyways this stupid expression doesn't include me,because I'm not an asshole. "
" Not all the time. " you corrected with a slight smirk.
" You are such a bitch. " he laughed shaking his head. " But I love you. I always knew,that it's going to be you,I just...I'm an idiot. And you are so silly for not telling me sooner. "
" Stop saying this! " you shake your head as more tears filled your already glassy eyes. " Like I said it before,you are just only saying this because you feel guilty because of what you've done! I don't need your pitty. "
" Darling,I know it's hard to believe it,but I'm sure about my feelings this time,and I would never tell you such a serious thing,if it was not true. Sweetheart you are my sunshine,and I love you with all my heart. "
" Please...don't make me suffer. Stop saying it. It's not true. Please Joe,don't say that...don't give me hope. " you begged him,as you slowly sunk down on your knees,sobbing.
You didn't even blinked twice,and he was right in front of you,also on his knees,and held your cheeks between his hands. Your foreheads were pressed together as he wiped you tears with his thumb. At this point you believed him,because he was just holding you,and looking at you lovingly.
" I love you too. " you whispered after five minutes. " so damn much. "
He smiled and kissed your forehead. You smiled back,and wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him.
" So did I ruin your birthday? " he asked as the two of you were cuddled up in your bed.
" I hate your timing. " you replied shaking your head.
" I take this as a no then. "
" You are wrong,because you did ruin my birthday. You made me angry,then you made me cry. It's the worse thing which could happen on your special day, you know. " you teased.
He looked at you seriously,and then the next thing you knew he was hovering over you,tickling your sides. You laughed histericaly and screamed as you tried to stop him,but he was too strong.
" Stop!! Joseph please s-stop!! "
" Make me. " he smirked.
" Nah ah. I'm not going to melt under your smirk, you smiley idiot. No chance mate. "
" Too late my love,I already made you melt. And if don't believe me,then I'm going to do it again. Because I still have the promise ring. " he explained as he took it out from his pocket,and held it between his fingers. " the difference is,that you can't take it off,untill I give you a new one,when I'm going to ask you to be my wife. "
" Hmm well planned out plan. But are you sure,I would say yes to you? "
" You better,if you don't want the tickle monster visit you while you're sleeping,and maybe tickle you somewhere else. "
" Joe!!!! " you yelled as your face flushed.
" What's with the red face Y/N? I was reffering at your pretty little butt. "
" You're awfull. "
" But you love me. " he leaned down to give you a quick kiss,and slipped the ring on your finger.
" Yeah. I do. It hurts how much I love you. "
Maybe your uiversity years weren't the best,but you still ended up with the man you truly loved after all. And that was the only thing that mattered.
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