#koko creations
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Behold! Why I haven't had any time to write this week.
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theheartofthekoko · 2 years
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Look what I made!!!!!!!!!!!
[id: four photos featuring purple crocheted overall shorts with yellow and white flowers on them. /end id]
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angryaromantics · 2 years
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I've decided nothing, except the yarn and that I'm gonna leave the flag in the correct order! I'm still so divided on which type of heart to use tho! Also the colors aren't Exact but considering I was on a budget so couldn't get anything specialty, I think they're pretty good!
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goblinbugthing · 5 months
still working on my sona’s new ref sheet here’s a sneak peek
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the heem
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lamorgh · 1 year
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Body:  Maitreya – Mesh Body Lara V5.3 Hair: Exile – Verbina – @ Mainstore Headpiece: Katz Creations – Forest Flower Crown – New @ Mainstore Eyes: * TentatioN * – Eyes #2 – @ Mainstore Eyelashes: KOKOS – Amelia HD eyelashes – Exclusive @ INOV Event Face and neck tattoo: ::Loa:: – Freya Face Paint – 25% OFF @ We Love Roleplay for Lelutka Heads…
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mothwingwritings · 4 months
From The Heart
F!Reader X Taiju Shiba
HAPPY LATE VALENTINE’S EVERYONE!!! I meant to post this the day of but you know how it is. This one goes out to all my Taiju girlies, sorry I have been lacking on content for him. Please accept this as a token of my love to you and a sign that I miss him dearly.
This isn’t technically linked to There’s Just No One Like You, but I did write it in the same vein, so it can be considered a little bonus chapter of sorts. He’s not as much of a butthead in this-I wanted to mess around with a sweeter, more bashful Taiju. :3
Enjoy and as always, thank you thank you thank you!!!
WARNINGS: possessive behavior, Taiju makes you cry exactly one tear, some miscommunication but not a lot because I hate it and it’s my least favorite trope, Koko flirting with you even though he knows you are a spoken for woman, mentions of sexy stuff but nothing overly saucy, heavy petting.
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“Happy Valentine’s day Taiju!”
Excitement laced your voice as you approached the man in question, a huge smile on your face as you brandished his present, eager to see his response.
However, the initial giddiness you felt was quick to dissipate when you noticed the resentful expression that had settled on his face. Taiju eyed the gift box that lay in your outstretched hands as if it were full of insects, the home made chocolates you had spent all morning slaving over met with a look of revulsion. His piercing gaze drilled holes through the cutely wrapped box of treats you enthusiastically presented to him, his animosity palpable the longer he stared.
A thin layer of sweat began to coat the back of your neck as he continued to turn his nose at the box, his unamused scowl unflinching as he gawked at the gift in complete silence. You swallowed, shifting your feet where you stood. A blush crept to your cheeks as the seconds crawled by, his lack of verbal response making the atmosphere oppressively awkward.
“… Chocolate?”
The word sounded as disgusted as his expression looked, and you flinched when his sharp eyes directed themselves your way.
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, tightening your grip on the box, “I made them for you this morning. I was going to make them last night but I ran out of time…” You looked down at the misshapen lumps in the box, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.  “Um, I know they aren’t the prettiest, I kind of rushed to make sure they would be done in time… They still taste pretty good though.”
It was true that the presentation was a bit lackluster, the simple red box that housed the chocolate was just something you had lying around and you didn’t have any molds or fun sprinkles to turn the candies into cute shapes or otherwise decorate them. The time constraint didn’t give much oppurtinty to focus on the aesthetics of your gift, so to make up for that you made sure the taste would be incredible. You typically weren’t one to brag, but when they cooled enough to taste you were impressed by your hard work, truly proud of them despite how wonky they appeared.
But looking at Taiju’s sneering face scrutinizing your creation made any feeling of accomplishment wither away and die. A nervous pit expanded in your stomach, dread overtaking the joy you felt in gifting them to Taiju. Maybe he didn’t like chocolate? You knew he wasn’t super huge on sweets, but you figured gifting him something traditional, something made from the heart, would at least garner a smile or a thank you.
You felt like an imbecile as he snatched the box from your hand, huffing as he turned on his heel.
“I’ll see you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, “wait for me.”
A deep frown settled on your lips, your eyes following him as the distance between you grew. Eventually he was entirely gone, his exit causing a single tear to slide down your cheek. You were quick to wipe it away, sniffling as you attempted to compose yourself.
You’d just have to try harder next year.
“There she is!”
The unmistakable voice of Kokonoi rang out behind you, causing you to sigh in annoyance. The day was half over and you considered yourself lucky to not have been bothered by him up until now. You had hoped your luck would continue through the whole day, saving you from his smart comments or weird insinuations. But that seemed to be too much to wish for on a day you were already struggling to get through, so here he was to add another trial to your trying holiday.
And you were just starting to feel better, too.
You turned around to greet him, but shot him a puzzled look as soon as you locked eyes with him. He stood before you, hands cupped in front of him as they reached out towards you, posed like he was looking for some kind of handout.
His question only confused you further, your brows furrowing as you cocked your head to the side. He sighed in frustration at the gesture, slumping his shoulders in mock dramatics. Your ignorance had apparently deeply wounded him.
“And here I thought you had made enough chocolate for all of us,” he shrugged, shooting you a teasing look, “Guess I was mistaken.”
“Chocolate…,” Confusion still permeated your features as you spoke to Koko, “What are you talking about?”
It was his turn to look puzzled, “Yeah, your home made ones? The ones you gave to Taiju?”
Noting the look of realization dawning on your face, Koko continued.
“The boss hasn’t shut up about them all day. The way he’s been going on and on about them made it sound like you had toiled over them for days, becoming a veritable chocolate factory.”
A deep blush settled over your cheeks, “He… Wait… What?” You struggled to find the right words, thrown by the fact that Taiju had not only acknowledged the gift you thought he had hated, but was gloating to others about it.
Koko frowned, “Why are you looking at me like that, did you not make him chocolate? I doubt he would accept them from some other chick, and it seems like a lame thing to lie about.”
“No I made them it’s just,” you shook your head, trying to pull yourself back from the shock, “Is he really bragging about them? When I gave them to him he seemed less than thrilled.”
Koko gave a sharp laugh, “Maybe he was just trying to play it cool in front of you or something because trust me, he’s been borderline obnoxious with how much he’s been enjoying them,” Koko took a step towards you, leaning down so that he could look into your eyes, “Made me a little jealous, ya know? I was hoping maybe you had some left over for your old friend Koko~?”
Your face settled into an irritated expression, garnering another large sigh from the raven haired boy. “I guess not. Though it makes me sad, it’s probably for the best. Boss looked like he was damn near ready to kill one of the other guys when they jokingly asked for a taste.  If I got my own directly from the source he’d probably kill me.”
He lowered himself even closer, causing you to take a step backwards to create some distance. A blush flitted across your cheeks at the proximity you shared, nervous that someone may walk by and misconstrue the scenario they saw before them.
“Though maybe someday I’ll get lucky,” his voice was low as he spoke, his eye contact unwavering as he held your uneasy gaze. He raised his hand to his mouth, placing his index finger across his lips, “if you ever feel like making me a batch in secret, I promise not to tell Taiju. I’d never turn down goodies from you, even if you were just using me as a taste tester for some other man.”
Koko gave you a knowing smirk, causing you to blush harder.
“Stop joking around,” you frowned, pushing past him to continue on your way, “I’m sure you’re not hurting for chocolate from girls today, Koko. Go bother one of them if you want something.”
He laughed once more, this time sounding slightly less jovial than previous.
“Guess you’re right. But still, offer stands if you ever need a sampler.”
You felt Taiju’s arm around you before you even sensed him.
Your body lurched, startled by his sudden appearance. Having been so engrossed in the show you were watching you didn’t hear him come through the door, nor did you notice him sneak up behind you.
“Did I scare you,” he smiled down at you, pressing a firm kiss to your head, “You need to pay better attention to your surroundings, what if I was some burglar come to haul you away?”
You gave him a wry smile, relishing the feeling of his closeness, “I wouldn’t be too worried for myself, but I would feel bad for the burglar. Once my boyfriend catches wind of my kidnapping, I don’t think it would end very well for the man trying to cart me away.”
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. “True enough, but I wouldn’t be too happy with you either, letting some other man touch you so easily.” Goosebumps littered your arms as he placed a lingering kiss on your neck, “I’ll let it slide this time, but if you let me catch you like this again I’m going to have to punish you.”
Before you could comment further, Taiju lifted his left hand before you, revealing the vibrant bouquet he had been concealing. Your eyes widened at the colorful array of delicate pink roses and round white peonies beautifully clumped together, delicate baby’s breath placed along the edges as a lovely finishing touch. The flowers smelled as amazing as they looked and you happily accepted them, a smile illuminating your face.
“Thank you Taiju,” you exclaimed, taking a moment to bask in their beauty, “They are so pretty! I love them!”
He gave you another kiss on the head, “I’m glad you like them. I could have waited until white day, but I would have felt bad accepting such a great gift today without showing my appreciation in return.”
You turned back to him, a nonplussed look on your face. “You mean… You really did like the chocolates I made?”
It was his turn to shoot you a look, “Yeah? What man wouldn’t love their girl making them chocolates on Valentine’s Day?” You swore you saw a slight tinge to his cheeks as he lowered his head, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck before he spoke again, “It was cute as hell. And besides, they taste amazing.”
You placed your hand to your chest, breathing a small sigh of relief. “I’m so glad to hear that, I’ve been worrying about it all day.”
“Yeah,” you huffed, “You seemed so mad when I gave them too you! You had this look on your face like you were grossed out the moment you laid eyes on them.”
“Idiot,” he mumbled against your skin, “You completely misunderstood. I was pissed off because you spent the whole morning away from me. I had a Black Dragons meeting for most of the day so I was worried I wouldn’t get to see you, on Valentine’s no less.”
He sighed, detaching himself from you slightly, “Then I found out you were doing some adorable shit like making me homemade chocolate and I didn’t know how to react. I was still mad you weren’t by my side, but…”
You cocked an eyebrow at him, “But?”
He sighed again, scratching the back of his head in vexation. “I was also really happy. No one has ever made me chocolates before and I never really cared too much about receiving them from anyone previously. But getting them from you today, knowing that you made them with your own two hands…” His blush returned, this time much more noticeably, “I don’t know, it was exciting I guess.”
You laughed, enamored by the rare bashful expression plastered on Taiju’s face. “Good to know after all this time together I can still excite you with such a small surprise.” You nudged him gently, garnering an almost sheepish sounding grunt from him in response.
“You know you could have chocolates all the time if you wanted, all you have to do is ask.” You mused for a second, before adding “Well, only if you promise not to look at me like I am some kind of gross bug again when I hand them to you.”
He smirked, taking the flowers from your hands to place them on the table beside you. You remained fixated on him as he walked around the couch, gasping as he pushed you back against the soft cushions. Before you could question his motives, he crawled atop you, latching his mouth to yours in a searing, needy kiss.
“Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you?” His voice was husky as he broke the kiss, “You should know by now if I want something I won’t ask, I’ll just take it.”
He crashed back into you, working his mouth against yours with increasing ferocity. You whined as one of his hands gripped your thigh, the other snaking its way up your shirt to fondle your chest. His tongue slid inside your mouth, moving against yours as he groped you, your body growing hot each place he connected with you.
He caught your bottom lip between his teeth, gently biting down as he pulled away, licking the taste of you from his lips when he disconnected. Staring down at you with a lust crazed look in his eye you felt your sanity begin to waver, a shiver of anticipation coursing through your body over what was to come. Noting this, Taiju smiled, baring his teeth in an animalistic grin.
“And right now, I want something much sweeter than chocolate,” he rasped, pressing himself ever closer, “I’m gonna take all of you, and I will give you all of me in return.”
He kissed you once more, this one decidedly sweeter despite the desire that hung heavy in the air.
“Happy Valentine’s sweetheart, let’s make it one neither of us will forget.”
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Happy Birthday!!!
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Thank you so much sweet angel!!! You were one of my VERY FIRST followers on this blog (I noticed👀). You've been a staple in my Tumblr Burger journey circa late 2022.
YOU helped give me the confidence to start engaging with online communities again. YOU supported my VERY FIRST burger drawings (regardless of how awful they were LOL). I really wouldn't be a regular member of this fandom if it wasn't for you (and those you directed my way!)
Thank you for everything, Koko. Truly. The "unclefathersantateddy" presence wouldn't exist without you. Fresh Meat wouldn't exist without you. I owe so much to you, thank you for supporting me when I couldn't even support myself. With each post I make, comes immense anxiety. But you were the little hype man in my phone whose every "Like" would tell me "keep going! You've only just started!!! Who knows where you'll go with this!". That kind of support and hope is irreplaceable, you are irreplaceable.
Fandom's are an ecosystem, whilst the "content creators" (artists, writers, etc) typically get the limelight and all the attention/praise, it is the "lesser known" (for lack of better words) users that are the TRULY important ones. The people who show genuine enthusiasm for creations. The people who may not necessarily go 'viral' themselves, but are the people who MAKE others go viral. That support and love and passion IS what makes fandom. Not the drawings or the paragraphs or the songs. It's the LOVE and EXCITEMENT and sheer JOY from people, like you. YOU make the fandom what it is. We should all be thanking you for that.
Thank you, Koko. You are incredible.
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestiveish,
Desc: a series of different dm's consisting of different pairs in tokrev more or less relating to the same event. also it's the last timeline where everything is jolly (ass description, my bad)
Draken + Mikey
Draken: man i'm so fucking tired of you
Draken: if you aren't here in the next 5 minutes i'm trashing your fucking bike
Mikey: no you won't lol
Mikey: you made it, you're not gonna hurt your precious creation are you?😙
Draken: ...
Draken: we won't name the baby after you
Mikey: you weren't going to anyway 😒
Draken: can't you just listen to me then???
Mikey: bro chill i was taking a piss
Draken: and YOU'RE LYING
Mikey: no i'm literally in the bathroom
Draken: motherfucker i can see you 😐
Mikey: ok fine geez i'm coming down
Draken: i don't want you to be my client anymore
Mikey: you're married to my sister so you can't get rid of me
Mikey: brother in law😋
Inupi + Shin
Shin: yo Inupi! Mikey's gonna come over after the race and chill with me for a while
Shin: so you don't have to close up i'll take care of that
Inupi: i thought we were gonna hang out lol
Inupi: but ig you don't care about me
Shin: wha-
Shin: that's not true 😞✊
Shin: i mean, we work together so we always hang out😅
Shin: and i feel pretty weird drinking with you since i've known you since you were a kid😂
Inupi: i'm 30
Inupi: did you know that i also have sex sometimes
Inupi: i'm a grown adult Shinichiro
Shin: 😆
Shin: i get that you're grown but idk you're just lil Inupi to me
Inupi: 😐
Shin: just hang out with me and Mikey okay?
Inupi: no
Shin: bro why?
Inupi: i don't like him, at all
Shin: Mikey??? what's there not to like?
Inupi: 😑
Shin: :(
Inupi: fine
Shin: :)
Shin: i'll ask him to invite a few friends so it's not awkward and maybe you can invite Koko?
Inupi: k
Shin: 😁
Inupi: ...
Inupi: ���
Koko + Kisaki
Kisaki: you need to stop gambling Kokonoi
Kisaki: evertime you lose, a strand of your hair turns grey
Kisaki: and well... you lose a lot
Koko: my hair is white because i dyed it that way
Koko: no other reason
Kisaki: ...sure
Koko: and i'm not that bad, i just need a little more practice is all🙂
Kisaki: you have lost millions of yen due to this practice
Kisaki: enough is enough😕
Kisaki: anyway, i need a drink and there's a new restaurant that opened up yesterday, will you be joining me?
Koko: i'm meeting up with my friend Seishu today so i'll have to pass
Kisaki: oh yes, your friend
Kisaki: the pretty boy, correct?
Koko: yes
Koko: i mean you could call him that, i wouldn't know
Kisaki: ...
Kisaki: are you guys...
Kisaki: nevermind
Koko: are we what?
Kisaki: you know...
Kisaki: gay
Kisaki: are guys gay together? as in homosexual. as in attracted to each other as men? together?
Kisaki: like a couple of sorts
Kisaki: i usually don't like gay people but i'll make an exception for you and still be your colleague and even your friend
Koko: ...
Koko: Seishu is my friend
Koko: 😐
Kisaki: your secret is safe with me
Koko: there is no secret
Kisaki: alright 😏
Kisaki: i regret sending that emoji, i apologize
Koko: what about you and the hand tattoo man?? hm? what about that? Hanma was it?
Kisaki: Hanma??
Kisaki: i've called the police on Hanma 4 times already, you know that😐
Koko: he makes breakfast in your kitchen fully nude
Kisaki: we were friends in our teenage years and then he confessed his love to me and made it weird
Koko: and here he is still in your life
Kisaki: arguing with him is futile, even with the police. what do you want me to do?
Koko: just remember that when you point at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you
Koko: i'm leaving😐
Kisaki: not very slay of you
Pah + Peh
Peh: wife angry again
Peh: not talking to me
Pah: haha bozo
Pah: try rubbing her feet
Peh: they smell bad
Pah: try rubbing her back
Pah: massage
Peh: won't let me touch her 😕
Pah: her loss 👎
Pah: show off your abs
Peh: been eating more lately she cooks good no more abs
Pah: lmao
Pah: cry
Peh: already doing that 😐
Pah: sorry
Pah: don't know what you want me to do
Peh: i'll figure it out
Pah: why is she mad?
Peh: we were watching E.T and she said she liked him and i told her that i would kill him with hammers brutally
Pah: fair reaction
Peh: women r so hard to understand
Pah: word
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elettralightwood · 5 months
Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons". Lilith is known by many names, including Lady of Edom, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto, Satrina, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, and Partash.
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🦉The Church of Talto houses a cult that worships Lilith and murders infants for her.
🦉Asmodeus referred to her as their princess.
🦉Her main enemies are the angels Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf who were specifically sent to punish her for her creation of demons and warlocks. Because of this, these angels' names are used in the protection ritual performed on Shadowhunter babies.
🦉Her realm, Edom, is considered "a wasteland of night creatures and screech owls" which is presumable why owls are considered a symbol for her.
🦉When changing her appearance into other people, she apparently will be adorned, in one way or another—be it earrings, a necklace, or ring—with a specific blue stone.
🦉The color of her magic is bronze.
[art by Cassandra Jean]
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The two different times I've tried to join a stranger things discord server have had so many rampantly obvious red flags that i didn't even last an hour. What's up with that, you guys.
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theheartofthekoko · 2 years
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Richard the beaded lizard.
[id: two photos of a yellow beaded lizard with purple stripes and orange paws, the beads crocheted out of yarn. /end id]
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Let's say what happened after pt - since Koko has money & connections, Inupi & his wife were able to escape safely (or maybe not)
Omi's relationship with his wife crashed really bad after what happend. As a big bro,he always took care & protected who was younger - so he felt very ashamed and guilty that he wasn't able to protect his little wife. He know deep inside that what his wife said wasn't true,she didn't blame him but feel that she doesn't deserve so caring and attentive husband and cries a lot. So he do what he should - make sure she know that he madly in love with her and his number one priority
Well, about Mochi. I am afraid of my imagination, so leave it to yours
I think I'm going to leave Mochi's as is! It seems pretty obvious what happens, no thanks to Sanzu.
Hand Her Over II Part 2: Hajime Kokonoi/Takeomi Akashi x Fem!Reader
Hand Her Over Megapost
wc: 2.1k
tw: angst, Koko is in a poly relationship with Inupi and reader, Inupi is the "hinge" in the V, angst, fluff, angst
Hajime Kokonoi
Inupi sits on the couch, furious.
"It's gone too far," he breathes, holding you close. "Mikey's gone too far."
"I know," Kokonoi echoes, looking down at his feet. He can't be on the other side of the room with his lover. He can't even support the two of you like he wants to. It's a shame; he's not sure how things got this bad, but...
"Listen," you add, sitting up straight. "If Mikey can't control himself, we might be in more danger than we originally thought. I'm not sure we can run forever."
"We could," Inupi murmurs, looking over at you with a sad stare. "But it would cost us."
Kokonoi sighs. He shifts his head onto his hands and tries to think. Where did Mikey stop, and where did the real world begin?
"America." Inupi and you inhale sharply. "I have contacts in America that will help for the right price." Koko stands and twists his long hair around his hand briefly. A bad habit he has to get rid of eventually. "I'll send you both that way and then ensure your tracks are covered."
"You're not coming with us?" The question makes Kokonoi flinch. He could never travel with either of you without Mikey knowing. There was too much hinging on his importance to Bonten. Which is why he can't tag along.
"No," he finally admits. "I... I won't be able to go with you." You burst into tears. Kokonoi's heart wrenches in two; he loves you. He really does. And he loves Inupi. But there's no way that he can go with you two without putting you in danger.
"I'll make sure you two won't have to lift a finger while we're apart." Inupi pulls you into his chest, where you sob. "And..."
"Koko," Inupi breathes. "You don't have to stay."
"I do," he repeats, standing firm. "I'll stay behind to make sure the both of you have the best chance at staying alive and safe." Your tears don't stop, not even when Koko presses a kiss to your forehead and wipes them from your eyes with gentle thumbs. "Take care of Inupi."
You clutch him even closer, and that in itself is a comfort to him. He's felt loved before, but your reluctance to let him go makes him feel adored. "Inupi, take care of her."
"I'm giving you a month to come get us." Inupi stands just a foot away, but it couldn't be any further. Koko already feels the distance in his heart. And it's a raw ache, the type he knows he might never recover from in this lifetime. Inupi joins in, hugging Koko tightly and inhaling his scent one last time.
"Don't forget about us."
"Impossible," Koko laughs, though his eyes prick with tears. "I would never forget about my favorite people in the entire world."
Kokonoi wouldn't be a good partner if he didn't see you two off at the airport. He holds your passports with an iron grip, praying you two would turn around and stay and fight with him. But when he hands them over, Kokonoi understands he's to face his fines creation - Bonten - on his own.
"Call me when you make it," Koko murmurs, adjusting Inupi's scarf and your jacket. "I'll be waiting by the phone."
"Get some rest," you urge him, touching his cheek gently. The ring on your finger will stay there; it's still a symbol of the promise Koko made to your family to provide for you and keep you safe.
"And don't linger by the window," Inupi adds, his own hand sporting a golden band - from Koko, but to anyone outside of the three of them, it'd look like they were a married couple. Koko nods.
"Your flight will be leaving soon." Inupi ushers you away, and Koko watches wistfully, touching his own fake passport in his pocket. I could still go with them. Kokonoi looks at the ticket counter, eyeing the various people clicking away at the keyboards and weighing baggage.
"Wait," Koko whispers, looking back at your retreating figures. "Wait!" You hear him first, turning around to stare at him hopefully. Koko hurries up to the two of you, his hands shaking and his mouth forming soundless words. Inupi frowns as Koko stands in front of you both, his eyes trying to drink their fill of the couple.
"D-don't..." Kokonoi isn't sure if he can say it. "Don't..." You both stand there expectantly, and Koko can see the desire in your eyes. You want him to go with you. And maybe...
"Don't--" Koko's phone begins to buzz angrily. He stops, sucking in a harsh breath. "Don't forget about the time change." Your shoulders slump. Inupi grunts. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone, seeing the name scroll across the top. Your teary hiccup is the last thing you muster before pulling free from Inupi and walking toward security. Inupi, ever the cynic, exhales and turns around, but not before muttering,
"You'll always choose him, won't you?"
When Koko picks up the call, Inupi turns away, scrubbing the tears from his eyes.
Takeomi Akashi
It's not like Takeomi to come home drunk in the middle of the day. But he staggers over the threshold, holding himself up by a thread. He hadn't been this bad since Shin died, and yet--
Something shatters when he opens the door, and Takeomi swears. When he looks behind the wooden frame, he sees a little project of yours lying on the floor in a million pieces. Whatever it had been, it's destroyed beyond repair.
"I'll... I'll... fix it," Takeomi mutters, closing the door behind him and gripping the wall for the strength to stand up.
"Not again." An exasperated sigh comes from the kitchen, and Takeomi slides down the wall, trying to take his shoes off. "I'm caring for you every day," you gripe, stomping to meet him in the foyer. "You're a lazy, drunk old man."
Takeomi burps, forgetting his efforts to untie his shoes and leaving them on as he sprawls on the floor. You approach him, face set in a grim line.
"Shoes," he slurs, pointing at his feet. "Can't get 'em off." You silently fume, but your fingers pluck at his laces, untying and undoing all of the work he'd done on them before.
"You come in drunk every day," you hiss angrily. "I have to... clean up after you, and for what?"
"Thanks," Takeomi whispers slowly, feeling your hands tug his shoes off. "Thanks, beh-beh. Shoes were really tight. Hurt." You stoop low and pull him up off the floor - your strength never ceases to amaze him - and he stumbles along with you to the bedroom. He hiccups a few times as he drags his feet, but Takeomi's mind is working at a mile a minute. It's his body that isn't responding properly.
"Y'know," he begins, wiping his mouth. "I could... we should do that thing people do when they're... together." You slide him onto the bed without responding, your eyes averted from his face. "We could... should... watch some TV and trash talk... shitty people."
"No TV," you murmur, taking off his tie and tossing it aside. "You need to watch TV like you need another hole in your head."
Takeomi laughs, pointing at each hole - two ears, one mouth, two nostrils... he has five already! "Maybe I need an extra one to round it out," he replies, leaning back on the bed and sighing. "Could use another one for all of these thoughts." You don't reply again, shifting him onto the bed fully and covering him with the sheets.
"Sleep it off," you command Omi, and he obeys, pretending to fall asleep immediately while making loud snoring noises. You grunt, putting a pillow over his face, and he laughs as he takes it off.
"Funny girl." You shake your head, the look of displeasure still on your face, and get up from the bed all in one movement. So graceful.
"I'll be in the kitchen. Shout if you need me." Takeomi opens his mouth to shout, but you add, "If it's an emergency."
"It is," he whines. "It's an emergency when you're not here."
"I'll be in the kitchen," you say again. "Five-alarm level emergencies only."
"What about six alarms?" You roll your eyes and give him a playful swat before leaving the bedroom. Takeomi debates on whether he should shout your name for the hell of it or just keep quiet and let you work on whatever you did when he wasn't here. He opts for the latter and lays back in the bed. His head is thumping with the blood that's pumping behind his eyes.
"Ugh..." Right now, Takeomi wants to swear off drinking for good. The hangover is never worth it. Takeomi exhales sharply, then resigns himself to sleep, like he should.
He wakes up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. It's hot in the room, and... his hand feels around in the darkness. You're not there.
"Baby?" Takeomi gets up out of bed slowly, trying not to trip over himself or anything else he may have left on the floor. "Babe?" His throat is parched, and he feels like death... but he needs to ensure you're okay first.
Something tugs in his gut when he hears a soft sob, and he opens the door fully before stumbling into the light of the foyer. He holds his breath and peers around the corner, finding you at the kitchen table, holding your phone to your ear as you cry.
"No, no," you choke out. "It's just... I know everything is weighing on Omi. He comes home drunk most afternoons, and I..." You break off, then sniff. "I take care of him because I know everything was so stressful, and I love him. I just don't think he loves me anymore." Takeomi clenches his jaw. Here you are, worried to death about him when your assumptions couldn't be further from the truth.
Takeomi enters the kitchen nonchalantly as if he hadn't heard what you just said. He yawns, wiping his face, then sees you wiping your eyes quickly and whispering, "I'll call you later" into the phone.
"You alright, Omi?" you wonder, standing up from the kitchen table. Takeomi shrugs, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.
"Throat's sore as hell." He takes a few swigs, then turns to you.
"I can make you some tea if you want," you reply, smiling. Your nose is still red, but Takeomi can forgive that.
"I need a hug and a kiss." He opens his arms for you, and you oblige, leaning into his embrace and tucking your semi-wet face into his skin. "And a kiss?"
At his reminder, you lift your face, close your eyes, and pucker your lips. But Takeomi doesn't kiss you. Instead, he wipes your wet eyes, staring down at your puffy face in adoration.
"Why do you cry, my sweet?" he whispers, and you open your eyes. You look so sad, so forlorn, so dismayed. Takeomi's heart stops at the sight. "Are you upset with me?"
"No," you affirm, shaking your head. "Never."
"Then why are these tears running down my baby's face?" Takeomi wipes the fresh ones and clicks his tongue as you press your face back into his chest. "This won't do," he coos at you, stooping to pick you up. He scoops you into his arms and carries you to the bed, holding you against his chest even as he sits down on the comfy king. He positions you so your head is on his chest and you're straddling him; his hands run over your back and caress whatever he can touch.
"You know," Takeomi begins, regaining some sensibility. "I once had an awful time with my brother. Couldn't take care of him for shit. The guilt ate me up for years." Takeomi swallows hard. "Thought I had gotten past it." The unspoken fact that he still hadn't gotten past it didn't need to be mentioned. You knew already.
"Anyway, you shouldn't beat yourself up over all this." Takeomi strokes your hair carefully, leaning back onto the headboard. "This one was all me."
"Omi," you whimper, but he shushes you.
"I can handle it." His shoulders slump. "I'll take the blame for this. But you're my number one priority."
"But you'll drink--"
"No," Takeomi asserts. "It's not helping." You pull away from him, leaving his chest a wet, cold mess. You sniff and look up at him, holding his face between your hands.
"We should see someone about this. About everything."
"I'd do that for you." He takes your hand and kisses each fingertip, savoring the feeling of the unique fingerprint rubbing against his skin. What would he have done if you'd been taken away from him like Shin? "For us." He tilts your chin up with tender fingers. "And I still love you." And he kisses you like he means it.
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goblinbugthing · 1 year
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MEET AIJIKCONN!!! He’s my sona’s dad :)))
Full name: Aijikconn Youwaa
Age: 532
DOB: 12th of September
Birthplace: The Void
Height: 6’5”
Gender identity: who needs labels when you’re an angel? (he/him)
Sexuality: again, who needs labels when you’re an angel?
S/O: Kevyaka (spouse)
Occupation: Royal Guard
Teleportation (500 feet max)
Rift (he opens rifts)
Extra Info:
Koko’s dad!!
He’s an Angel! Type 4 specifically. Yes, Ko is half-angel. Wahoo lore—
Works for Nebulis and Galactica as a guard of the castle.
Silly guy really. Absolute jokester. Total funnyman. Goofy ass mf.
Really laid-back for a Royal Guard.
Enjoy F A T H E R
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lamorgh · 1 year
Let Spring Begin
❀• F A S H I O N • C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Body:  Maitreya – Mesh Body Lara V5.3 Shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BRYONY shape @ Skin Fair 2023 Skin: 7 Deadly Skins – BRYONY bom skin in OAK tone – Exclusive @ Skin Fair 2023 Lashes: KOKOS – HD LASHES DIVA EVOX @ INOV Event Hair: Wasabi – Lucky FLF Ed. Hair Absolute Pack @ Mainstore Necklace: [Selene Creations] – Michelle @…
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alolanrain · 1 year
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It’s a bit of both of those things and the trauma over everything that’s happened to Ash in the au.
Ash’s aura is naturally connected to the earth core of aura, where all the other legendary’s connect but the majority of them are very feint and can only reach out so far -the exclusion is Arceus, mew, the creation trio, Lugia, ho-Oh, Necrozma and Celebi-which doesn’t bring a lot of drama. His own aura is very strong though not fully stopped into until Hoenn. It leaks out a lot when around other mythical, legendary’s and very strong Pokemon though quickly developed in Sinnoh when he meets Riley and his Lucario. The connection to the earth’s overwhelming spring of pure concentrated aura fucks Ash up, this is around Unova hence why he’s starting to mentally decline and become a lot more bitter quickly despite struggling to still love his friends around him, and continues to do so the moment he meets a very strong Pokemon. As those Pokémon have curated their own aura to be stronger as well during training.
It’s also why Ash starts to hate crowded places like shopping centers and gets annoyed easily on school grounds because Human aura is so finicky and unpredictable to the majority of the human race that it feels like he’s constantly being poked at. Like some damn science experiment like the Mewtwo’s and Genesect, so he gets their pain to a point to have a standing leg for timid friendship. It’s also why he prefers the wilderness, solo missions, and Pokemon over his own kind. It’s an important note to say that when a human’s emotions turns complicated and hurtful (bed confusion, anger, sadness, depression-you get the gist) it causes their aura to naturally reach out and hurt the one that’s causing them to feel this emotion. It’s why Ash is so hesitant to be around the kids almost 24/7 because their so young and inexperienced unlike Ash was at their age. They don’t know that their Ta can turn into a cold blooded mass murderer if pushed to far.
Ash is also effected by the claims the gods have settled into his soul. Like Lugia is the strongest as even though he’s the second to lay claim-he is after all Arceus creation-Ash naturally seeks him out more then any other legendary. Specifically taking trips to the Orange Isles in the guise of champion duties when in reality he’s specifically in Lugia’s tiny above cave Lugia, ho-Oh and Rayquaza were raised in. Ho-Oh was the fourth and even though he was the first to truly activate his claim when Ash wished on him on his first day as a trainer, it’s the only reason why it’s that strong. Lugia’s claim wasn’t activated until Ash and him fell into the sea. He had wanted to keep Ash away from the prophecy as long as he could as Lugia knew it would fuck his very human kid up in ways that Ash would never recover from but it was evident that the prophecy must come true. Thus saving Ash-and by extension Pikachu as Pokemon cannot be laid claim to by other Gods besides Arceus himself-and the day.
While Ho-Oh activation felt like prosperity and wanderlust and Lugia was a breath of life and very eerie tranquility, Arceus was of pain and anger. That was before he truly realized where he was was and referring to Ash as “his Ash” or something along the lines it’s been a while since I saw the movie when he calms down. Arceus regrets his first meeting with his logically certified grandchild being so traumatic and rough and this leads to him not smiting Ash when he murders actually humans due to everything I’ve stated so far and more. Tapu Koko is terrified of activating his claim, he’s the third since he’s Ash’s other godly parent, and puts Ash through the Tapu’s versions of trials and grand trials.
Ash doesn’t get the zing as in the anime but he does get the ability to reflect it regardless onto his Pokémon to creat stronger moves. His aura would briefly connect with the ones he’s really close to-so like his older Pokémon, up to about everyone before Unova and half the Unova team since Ash focused on their care and training during his first break to escape from registering what he did-and it’s like his version of a Zmove. He can also briefly reflect the same typing in his aura, which is flowing more into his more animalistic spider of his dna and soul. Ash’s aura is already so dense and most importantly malleable. If he concentrates hard enough Ash can mold his aura to creat objects. So like the majority of his knives, nails and barb wire on his metal bat and to be able to sense when certain types of Pokémon are nearby. The typing can also fall into this as well to creat small shard of ice sticking to torn skin or putting poison on his blades.
He has to use it constantly or Ash will go insane. It’s like a pressure building up behind his eyes like a killer migraine and he’s actually had blood leak out of his ears and eyes when trying to appease Delia since she doesn’t want to see, hear, or talk about aura in her household. It’s also the main show of trust between him and Rowan when Ash is first dropped off at his house straight after the bloody team rocket massacre in Unova. The professor wasn’t going to let Ash waste such a talented gift-in the best of way possible-and constantly asks for help at the lab. Bringing Ash slowly out of his shell while also keeping a professional attitude not to fuck up the kid any further. Because Ash is a kid still, barely near 18 and so fucking traumatized. It’s the best Rowan could offer in that moment which is somehow the most Ash had ever positively received from an adult besides his mom and Ash doesn’t want to talk about her during his whole stay at the veterans house.
We can’t forget the general trauma he’s left with. He mostly focuses on the bad guys more then the gods when he can help it. It’s easier to process and to let himself feel all the emotions they caused him and that left with the horrible impression. This leads to Ash to be very bright hot angry towards people he finds ‘emotionless’ such like Gladion as a true example. He can clearly see-after being forced to spend time together due to situations-that Gladion still has the ability to care. Care about his mom, his Pokemon, his dad to some extent and most importantly Lillie even though he left her in some kind of stupid hero-sequel move. Gladion doesn’t have the right to care about Lillie, Lusamine can go fuck off and Ash hasn’t met Mohn yet, in Ash’s very open opinion. It doesn’t help that Lillie agree’s-silent, scared with her voice shaking like she’s still on the verge of tears and her craftily hidden anger hand in hand-and show’s through her actions more then word that she’ll follow after Ash over Gladion.
Cold anger is different. It’s calm and calculated and it shows first with Cyrus who truly doesn’t show emotion. Ash reacts like that because he can see himself in Cyrus and it scars the little boy that still clings to the ever prosperous kindness hidden behind bars in the deepest bit of his heart. He isn’t good at it, the Admins of his team were good at tugging at the burning hotness that started to take root or has most likely been there from the start all the way back before he could speak clearly, but he meets lesser opponents on the field of league politics. Rowan and Gary help him as it’s a language they’ve been fluent in for years at this point. Lysandre is greeted with refined calmness and control and even though the battle is long Ash know’s for certain he is alive band trapped in a bubble in the earth core. Saved by Zygards anger as the ‘Mon wants to watch him die over and over again for hurting it’s territory and its people.
Lusamine is his newest target if Ash could even get a hold of her first. Every call of his or the schools calls in general go straight to voicemail and it pisses him off to no end. He’s had to be talked down by Kukui not to fly to wherever the fuck the Aether stood in Alola and kick all the doors down until he had the woman’s full attention. Later it was burnet how’s worked with this woman and have a work friendship with, which is already a bit tense due to Lusamine obvious unhealthy obsessions with UB’s like Gladion, and instead she mostly focuses Ash’s attention of Faba and Colress. Which… wow that was not a person Ash ever thought he’d end up seeing again. Let alone the fact that Colress has some strong amnesia.
So yeah! This ins’t the whole scope of my world building, that would take for hours to talk about, but you’re questions were really good ones 🤍 this isn’t all the examples of trauma, pallet town is it’s whole other issue I’ll hopefully reach to soon-ish, but it;’s a good start to show just how fucked up Ash is in this Au.
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so which version of how garmadons powers work are you using for legacy gamradon (both alive and resurrected) the oni trilogy explanation of fighting fueling him of crystalized explanation of anger and other extreme emotions being the source of his power and does creation work in a similar and opposite way for wu
WELL the whole ‘anger and other extreme emotions’ in Crystalized was for drawing out his Oni form, hence why he was egging on Lloyd so much to get the form that would help them fight against the crystal people (and Lloyd, who knows what he’s like when he’s at his most intensely angry, does not want to do that). So, my point there is, anger and emotions aren’t necessarily feeding into his destructiveness, just his ability to access his Oni form. But that's so far in the future so who knows how it'll turn out
The ‘fighting makes me stronger’ thing…probably makes more sense, hence why good!Garm would want to avoid fighting after his years of rampage and why he knows the Art of the Silent Fist in the first place—his father wanted to teach Garm a way to "fight" without accidentally making him overly destructive. (It's also why he tries to avoid conflict with Wu, Koko, and Lloyd–Wu is simply an even match for him and thus not worth the effort, he runs the risk of hurting Koko if he goes at his full capability, and ofc he doesn't want to hurt Lloyd but also Lloyd could wipe the floor with him he just doesn't know it yet)
I also keep getting asked about Garm's ~telekinesis powers~ from S9, but man, I dunno if I'm even going to include that scene yet let alone the machinations of how it's gonna work snknksnk
Regardless of whether he’s alive, dead, or zombie, he’s still the Master of Destruction, and so long as those powers are his they’re always going to work the same way.
As for Wu—he hardly even uses his abilities in the show, so I really don’t have much to draw on, but if we're gonna parallel Garm here, there he's probably "stronger" at times of peace, when he's not fighting, which is why he's partially desperate to even maintain the illusion of peace.
Either or, their emotions don't really feed into the Essences—sure, they can react to them, but there's no direct complex diametric relation to how their powers might function as a result, as how it is with just an Element. They just are, which is why they have the potential to be so terrifying. Destroying at will, and bringing whatever into creation on a whim…just by themselves that’s horrifying, and the only thing balancing them out is each other (....or being neutralized, or getting stuck in a void).
So yea
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