#this is just my personal thoughts on it but i do follow a couple aphelios blogs too
deadn30n · 9 months
while i was in the shower i was brainstorming about heartsteel aphelios and all the different reasons he might've lost his voice ( && i'm of the opinion that it's recoverable, but difficult to achieve that ) and i thought..... what if aphelios is autistic? maybe he's like me and not on the stronger side of the spectrum, but he is autistic and so the first several years of his life he was actually nonverbal. because, yanno, sometimes we autistic people just be like that. i myself was on the side that never shut the fuck up, but i had friends who were quieter or didn't speak much.
so what if aphelios was autistic? what if alune was one of the only people he spoke with? she's his twin after all, she had a lot deeper connection with him than anyone else, even their parents. and maybe eventually she coaxed him into actually communicating ( but for the most part still speaks on his behalf ) && for a lil while he was a bit more communicative.
&& then when he was a teenager, unfortunately he developed throat cancer, which was tragic in itself, because he'd only just discovered how much he likes to sing. he'd sing to alune fairly often, and she loved it because his voice was always so sweet and gentle. after the cancer developed, he had to go in for surgery and that ultimately robbed him of his voice. not completely, but for a very long time it's extremely painful for him to speak, so he just doesn't. alune knows this, so she picks up the same habit she had as a kid in speaking on his behalf now that he quite literally can't.
but maybe one day he'll be able to get his voice back, yeah? he won't ever be able to sing again, but he will be able to speak. he's going to speech therapy actively, but not much progress has been made since the healing process is a long and grueling one. one day though! one day...
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writerblue275 · 7 months
How Heartsteel would act when they are tipsy. (18+)
(Seriously drinking too much is not fun. Either while you’re drinking, or the day after. I once learned the hard way in college that I become extremely emotional if I have a bit much and it’s just straight up not a good time. I still drink, but very occasionally and not much.)
Inspiration: Now all that being said……I’d love to have a drink or two with the Heartsteel members. I think that would be so fun!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff (I’m still saying this is 18+ only. I’m American so technically the legal drinking age where I am is 21, but I know for a lot of places around the world the legal age to drink is 18.)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: We’re talking about alcohol use in this one. Mention of a drinking game or two. Mention of sobriety. Swearing.
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If you want a calm, chill, but still fun night, Aphelios is the guy to drink with. 100/10 vibes and I’m all here for it.
This is when he’d use more sign language to communicate. (I’m imagining tipsy Phel signing incredibly cheesy pick up lines to his partner and I’m OBSESSED.)
And you know how words can start to slur when people get tipsy? That concept maybe translates into his sign language juuuuust a little bit. Maybe a slightly sloppy sign here or there. But you know him well enough that you know what he’s trying to say.
And while he’s not super touchy, when he’s tipsy, he’s definitely staying connected to you somehow.
Either through linked hands/pinkies, an arm around you, or just some other way of him keeping connected to you.
You two turn into the parent couple a little bit, making sure everyone, including yourselves, is staying safe and hydrated. Aphelios might be mischievous and like pranks, but he knows when it’s time to be more serious, and keeping everyone safe when alcohol is involved is definitely a time to be more serious. (Surprise surprise, you might have thought Yone would be the parent but he’s already the band mom sober. The man needs a break. Out of the other members, I actually think Phel could wrangle people pretty well.)
Ezreal would be such a fun person to drink with just in general, but especially as your S/O. He’s energetic, fun, generally positive. In my experience, those people make for enjoyable beverage buddies (alcoholic or not). He’s the life of any party (#1).
He’s also a lightweight. Absolutely no question in my mind. He’s not a large man by any means. (I love this teeny pop prince.)
It doesn’t matter if the two of you have been together for years, once he’s tipsy, he’s pulling out all his best (read: cheesy as fuck) pick up lines and using them on you.
“Hey, my name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” “Ez, we’ve been dating for over a year.” “Yes we have. And? Can I not flirt with my own partner?” “…Ok that’s very sweet, please continue.” (He always manages to make you blush and make it feel like the first time you met him.)
Only uses them on you though. As flirty as Ez can be, this green bean is LOYAL to you. Only you get his flirty side. Anyone else tries flirting with him and they get some truly bombastic side eye.
Otherwise Ezreal’s just really fun to chat with or play drinking games with. The absolute best beer pong partner. There’s no one more accurate. And unless you’re sitting out a round, he’ll always ask you to be his #2. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you are. When you do sit out and he plays, there’s always an argument about who gets to be his partner. The next best player is Sett, who is also very good, so there’s a house rule that the two of them can’t be on a team together 😂.
I was struggling to figure out how to describe Kayn while drinking, and now I realize why I was struggling so very much…
Plot twist: Kayn is sober. (Shoutout to anyone on a sobriety journey, for whatever reason. I have so much respect for you. Our society loves to glorify alcohol and drinking culture, so for those who actively choose to go against that, props to you.)
I genuinely don’t think he drinks at all. Maybe he did in the past but he doesn’t currently. Rock stars historically haven’t always had the best relationship with substances. This could be one of those situations where he realized he didn’t like who he was when he drank.
Kayn is self-aware enough to know he’s already fairly impulsive and a little wild while sober. Alcohol added to that mix wasn’t helping anything. So he stopped and surrounded himself with a network of people that fully support his decision (that ofc includes you and the other Heartsteel members).
Now all of that being said, Kayn still likes to enjoy himself. He’s a fan of fancy beverages, even if they’re non-alcoholic, so he’s always getting a mocktail or a non-alcoholic beer (I’m really glad to see bartenders/companies starting to include NA options. Listen, sometimes I just want to feel fancy and sip a fun beverage that doesn’t have alcohol in it). Having something to sip on makes Kayn feel involved even if he’s the only one in a group that doesn’t have an alcoholic beverage.
Now even though he doesn’t drink, don’t think he’s a spoilsport. Even without alcohol he is a very fun person to be around, so when you’re out with him you’ll still have a great night filled with some shenanigans, fun talks, and laughter.
I’m not kidding when I say I want to have a drink with Heartsteel K’Sante so badly and I’m genuinely a little sad I cannot. I want to pick his brain. I’ve said it before but I get great vibes from him. To me, it’s very easy to see why he’s one of the co-leaders of Heartsteel.
Absolutely gets philosophical/goes into deep conversations when he drinks and those people are SO FUN TO BE AROUND. A perfect companion for someone who might be a little more introverted since he’d be focused only on you and he’d maybe take you somewhere a little quieter so you can hear each other.
I feel like it’s very easy to lose track of time when you’re talking with K’Sante. Like you look down at your phone/watch and an hour has passed just like that while the two of you chat and sip on your drinks.
These deep conversations can be about anything too. Maybe about literature that you’ve both read, dissecting their music with a close eye, discussing the meaning of life, or even him listening to you discuss your problems and offering you advice if you want it.
And even if the topics of discussion are deep, K’Sante is still making things light hearted. He never wants to cause you to not enjoy your evening.
In between discussions of deeper topics, he’s cracking some jokes or telling you funny stories about himself, his family, or the other members of Heartsteel. Whatever is being discussed, the overall vibe with K’Sante is very safe and fun. When you have a drink with him, settle in and enjoy a fun night talking about anything and everything.
Oh my god Sett would be so fun to have a drink with. He absolutely gives off “life of the party” vibes (#2) and I absolutely love that for everyone around him. Hell he gives off those vibes without alcohol.
This is going to be so damn specific: Sett gives me slight frat bro vibes BUT IN THE VERY BEST WAY!! (I SWEAR I mean this as a compliment!)
When I was in university/undergrad, I was in a sorority. (Hehe surprise! I’m definitely not the stereotypical sorority girl.) Because of this I am familiar with fraternities and frat bros. While generally I don’t have a high opinion of them, there was one frat on campus that was actually awesome. Their guys were safe/fun to be around, respectful, and kind (a lot of them were athletes so they knew they better behave if they wanted to stay on their teams).
THAT is the kind of frat bro vibe I get from Heartsteel Sett. Ma raised him fucking right. He has manners and is incredibly respectful to those around him always. (Unless they give him reason not to be but that’s a whole different thing.)
And just like Ez, his flirty side is totally coming out, but again, only with you. I can’t imagine Sett ever being unfaithful in a relationship. Ma raised him far better then that.
And if you’re out with him and getting unwanted attention, he’s definitely sticking up for you, whether or not you’re dating him. Hell even if you’re a stranger, he’s the type to pretend to be your boyfriend/brother/friend to get you out of a situation. Just overall a 100/10 man to be around. You’ll definitely have a blast with him!
Yone (Yes his is long but listen, I have thoughts!)
This man. This man is my dark horse. There are two possible ways I see Yone acting when tipsy. 1. Completely fucking normal and alcohol doesn’t affect him like at all. 2. Turns him into a clingy koala man who is a lightweight.
Clingy koala man is far more entertaining so THAT’S WHAT WE’RE GOING WITH. I feel like it doesn’t take much for him to feel it. Part of that is, Yone wouldn’t drink that much to begin with. Maybe a glass of wine on a dinner date with you, or the occasional drink at a party, but otherwise it’s not his thing.
All this to say, when he does have something, he definitely feels it. And that’s when he’ll be glued to your side. Now obviously if you’re in public, he’s not going to be wrapped around you, but even then, he’ll link arms to walk with you, keep his hand on the small of your back, or even link pinkies with you.
Now if you two are alone? And you’re not going anywhere for the evening? Oh all bets are off. You better do everything you need to do before sitting down with him, because once you do, he’s pulling you into his lap and that is going to be your spot for the foreseeable future. (It’s like the unspoken pet rule: “if a pet is on you, you’re not allowed to move until they do” but in reverse. As long as Yone is cuddling you, you’re not allowed to move. [Like of course you’re allowed to move, especially if you need to go to the bathroom or get more comfortable. He’s not an asshole. But he just really loves holding you.])
You’re already the only person besides Heartsteel’s hair stylist Yone lets touch his hair, but when he’s tipsy? He practically leans his head into your touch until you play with his hair, sighing happily as you do. He especially loves when you braid it. (God damn I want to braid his hair so badly.)
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I was discussing with my friends which fictional characters we’d like to have a drink with and that’s where this idea really stemmed from. Random, but fun to think about! 💙
(Also this is just a small reminder that my requests are currently open. If you have specific ideas, send them through my asks! Just check the rules post [linked on my masterlist] first!)
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@theunicornioblogueiro srry I accidentally deleted your ask my internet is being an idiot and decided to also delete the Aphelios x Lunari reader that you asked for but to answer your question
Yesh I can make it darling!😘😘
I dig deep in my brain and tried to remember hehehehehehe.
Lovers of the Moon
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All your life you survive all by yourself, you live on one of the secret cave inside of Mount Targon, it hurts you when you face others especially your kind after an army of Solari killed all your family when you were making a ritual for the moon with the other Lunari,but gladly some survive and hide to the other secret caves and temple inside the mountain.
Well you were never that lonely for you had a companion to company you every day, White, a Bolor who is a bird like creature, his kind is mostly feral and dangerous but after saving his life you can say he owes his life to you, besides his good at hunting as well.
Your POV:
After finally making another perfect blade out of moonstone I notice the missing presence of a certain bolo but then I realize that he got out to find food.
"it's been a while and he doesn't take this long". sighing in frustration I grab my blade and started to walk at the entrance of the cave, seeing it's night I hesitated to use a torch but and march off without it to find him.
Using that might help the Solari's find and kill me easily and that's a no no for me.
A couple of minutes past I found tracks of claw prints.
"this is his alright but-" I notice that the tracks was too far from our home and strated to worry.
"he maybe got a bit far this time". Tightening my hold on my weapon I started following the tracks.
Walking a bit I ended at the last claw print but see no giant bird, I tried looking around with the help of the moon's light but no luck suddenly.
A trilling cry of a familiar Bolor rang out over the silent night, without second thoughts I sprinted towards the sound.
As I started running towards the sound I caught a glimpse of a man standing a few feet away from my fallen friend.
I pull out my blades and jump in front of White, just in time to block the man's sword from ending my friend's life.
Aphelio's POV :
After a long training it's was already night time when my sister spoke in my head.
"brother you can take a break now you must find food" she said and I comply the feeling of tiredness consuming my body.
Time past I gather a few berries and edible plants but I suddenly hear my sister voice in my head.
"look Aphelios a Bolor, it's seems a bit busy you can kill it and eat it". She pointed in my mind.
I look over and saw the bird like creature dragging a dead Tamu (another creature also found in Mt. Targon).
Switching my weapon to Calibrum and aim towards the unsuspecting animal in the legs and shot, the Bolor let out loud cry a fell on it's side.
I stood up a start nearing the bleeding creature, it's snarled, cry any means necessary to try and intimidate me but I stood my ground and change my weapon to severum to end it's life.
But halfway before I can slice it's neck a figure jump out of nowhere a block my hit with another moonstone blade.
I jump backwards in shock and to create a distance between us, I look and saw more a little clearly with the help of the moon's light.
I see a woman holding a what I can tell is a handmade blade made from moonstones.
"You better stay away from him or you'll get it!" She shouted aiming her weapon at me.
I grunted in frustration and prepare to fight her off but Alune's voice rang out in the air.
the woman jump and started looking around franticly, I saw my sister emerging behind me in her spirit form and few towards the woman.
The woman who's back was facing me turn around and saw Alune levitating infront of her, she jump in fright and fell down then scooted near the laying Bolor.
The creature surprisingly shrill towards my sister rather that the woman and started protecting her while she pointed her weapon to Alune's form.
"Do not fear I apologise for frightening you but what caught my attention is that are you by any chance a Lunari?" She asked to her while the woman's eyes widen in return.
"h-how do you know that?" She stutter and lowered her blade at the ground while petting the Bolor's feathered head.
"I can see the blood of my kind following in your veins" Alune smiled and offered her a hand.
"it's fascinating to see another person who can see and hear me".
The girl only smiled but frowned again as she looks back to the bleeding animal behind her.
"it's nice to meet you and all but I'm still mad at your brother from hurting my friend". She kneed down a looked at the wound I made in it's leg.
"but I guess I can't hold you on that you didn't know but It would be great if you can help me by carrying the dead Tamu with us back in our cave". She sighed after she finished patching the wound and help the Bolor stand up.
"Aphelios can help you with that". Alune pointed at me.
I put out my weapon and pick up the Tamu and followed the two.
After a bit the woman spoke towards us.
"now that I think about it I know why you two are so familiar". She smiled and look at us.
"especially you Aphelios, it's nice to see my best friend again". The moons shines her face and now I can see her more clearly.
It's was my long lost friend (Y/N), who also is the girl I fell in love with and for the first time I smiled.
Alune's POV :
I looked at my brother and see him looking at (Y/N) with love and adoration in his eyes and a smile while she keep looking at him also with smile on her face.
I already knew from the start that this two was made for each other even the moon said so.
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