#this is like. one of my fave personal hcs for jon
riddled-fingers · 2 years
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even archivists have their secrets
pt 2 of this
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kiaronna · 4 years
I would just like to say that School’s Out For the Summer gives me life and that all the Lonelyeyes moments are absolute perfection
Thank youuuuu!! SCOFS was super fun to write and helped me deal with the horrors these characters were going thru in canon lolol. COPING. I COPE
To be honest, a real challenge in this fic was making Elias n Peter non-threatening and fluffy but still in character?? Making them lil just. Really helped. They are mean bc school is hard and their circumstances suck. Elias just wants to go on one (1) date w/ his crush. Most LonelyEyes HCs I had for that fic did not fit into the flow, and JonMartin needed focus & grounding after their get together. Anyway what I'm trying to say is, here are some LonelyEyes HCs from teacherverse. they are long and if you didn’t read SCOFS they make no sense so I’ve placed em under the cut
-Remember their date plan? Peter legit has a chauffeur but Martin drives him bc Martin is Unofficial Dad. Jon was gonna drive Elias but. Jon accidentally muses about hanging out (COUGH going on a date) with Martin while they wait to drive them back and the idea of their respective dads hanging around while they’re on a date drives Elias into Embarrassed Teen Rage. So Elias takes the bus. Martin also muses about a waiting date w/ Jon but does it 100% on purpose on the drive over while Peter Suffers
-They do get fish & chips and people watch at a cute market. Elias likes this for obvious reasons and Peter likes it bc it fulfills his i-am-here-and-you-all-are-over-there needs.I very specifically picked this date plan even tho it sounds stupid bc it’s perfect for their personalities and it is the type of first date plan people their age would manage to execute. in my day dating at that age was like. going to the mall w/ ur parents in the background
-In the fic Martin says Elias dropped by the Lukas estate “a few” times over the summer. Martin was busy writing poetry in his room and had no idea that Elias hung out once a week
-Elias has had a crush on Peter since 0.001 seconds after he transferred. He spends entire classes staring at him and has turned in HW w/ Peter doodles on it. All his teachers gossip w/ Jon about it at district meetings. 
-Peter hated Elias initially bc he doesn't like attention and also bc Elias is loud and prickly. Then some prep school brat bullies another one of the scholarship students and Elias (partially out of pragmatism, he would've been next) like... destroys him. So Peter starts paying attention. Tbh he only develops a proper crush once Martin is tutoring him and asking him about school and what he enjoys and Peter realizes Elias comes to mind. It is a long summer. Peter spends a lot of it awkwardly wondering how to be a person while they skip rocks on the lake and explode stuff out in the deep woods. yes u read that right. they get a lot of fireworks and they Do Not tell Martin
-when they start dating they spend a surprising amount of time navigating how to handle Peter's introversion vs Elias' desire to glue their frickin hands together bc he continues to find his bf fascinating. the first time Peter erupts and goes into a vent session about school where he rants for 20 minutes, Elias holds his hand very tight and has to remind himself that Peter is pissed and it is not time to smile bc he likes to listen to his bf talk. they text a lot. Peter hates phone calls
-these last points have made the crushing sound one-sided, but trust me when I say Peter likes Elias. Peter does what Peter wants, and if he wanted Elias gone, he'd make it so. sometimes when he needs to be alone he does make it so. Elias spends a lot of time pretending to be someone he's not to be accepted, so he values that kind of honesty. The concept of someone enjoying Peter’s personality actually makes him v uncomfortable and kinda confuses him (Martin skates by under the guise of ‘he is just my tutor who I pay and not the only adult I respect & trust’). after their 6-month anniversary he sort of flips out and ghosts Elias for a week bc he did not expect this to work & he’s scared. Jon and Martin get involved when Elias spends that week mercilessly torturing Jon, showing up unannounced. when they reunite they somehow like each other more. but Elias pettily spends a week w/ extra staring which Peter grudgingly allows
-Peter's family thinks their new maid has a son who now basically lives at their house. Spoiler: Elias just visits a lot and Peter tells them zero personal info
-The difference in social class & money is awkward for Elias, who is hyperaware and insecure and won’t let Peter come over to his house until they’ve been dating for like two years. At that point Jurgen has saved up a lifetime’s worth of embarrassing things to reveal to his grandson’s bf. there is definitely some pining where Elias is convinced Peter’s going to dump him to get with some other hot rich kid at their school. Peter? Oblivious to this fear entirely. Peter had the luxury of growing up filthy rich, and is also the type of person who doesn’t care at all if your clothes are from Goodwill or your dates can’t cost more than a few bucks. This actually leads into the next point
-Peter is super outdoorsy and once his foot heals Elias takes him hiking /canoeing/camping every other weekend when it’s warm. Elias gets into landscape drawings. Peter hates TV but will eat popcorn & snuggle Elias on the couch while he watches his favorite shows on the Lukas’ expensive flatscreen. Elias continues to sketch Peter a lot and Peter does not find out about this for like a year. they continue to explode fireworks and homemade stuff in the woods bc they are teenage boys.
-they’re both Lil Bastards and like to annoy each other but if you ever mess with one the other pops up out of nowhere to threaten you in a cheerful, low drawl (Peter) or descend upon u vengefully w/ embarrassing secrets being yelled out in public (Elias). They hold hands the whole time. it is terrifying. neither of them have ever been the popular kid but nobody will so much as look at them funny
-they make bets about literally everything. My fave is the bet about who's going to be taller, which drags on for yeeeeears and no one will ever concede defeat. “you’re not taller, I could still grow” (Elias) “we are adults and puberty is over” (Peter) meanwhile they are both taller than Jon, who still tries to like. pat Elias atop the head. 
-When Jon and Martin get married u know who walks each of them down the aisle to give them away!! THE BOYS. they both hate the formalwear and look ready to shank someone the entire time
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janiedean · 5 years
I was seeing one of those "5 movies you can't stop watching memes" and wondered if you have any HC for your otps and favorite movies?
throbb: theon is crazy into tarantino and you’ll pry it from my cold dead hands, robb is totally the kind of person who’ll watch every single die hard sequel in existence which means that he usually agrees on tarantino and the likes and theon feels like he lucked out a lot. they both cry over the bridges of madison county but they’d never admit it to a soul - or better robb would, theon wouldn’t
jb: brienne loves romcoms and she’s embraced it at this point but she prefers classic/old ones and she also loves die hard because why not both, jaime loves dark humor/sarcastic stuff (for dark humor I’m meaning dr. strangelove/coen bros/martin mcdonagh level of dark humor his favorite classic is ace in the hole for a reason and if he didn’t love three billboards outside ebbing missouri and movies along that kinda line I’ll eat my hat uu), they always end up watching good war movies together after they find out they have a shared crush on clint eastwood
sansan: sansa likes more modern romcoms than brienne, sandor’s crazy into westerns - his fave is totes stagecoach and you’ll pry it from me and they do 50/50 because there’s not much harmony in between those two genres XD they do double date clint eastwood movie marathons with the jbs tho xD
the jon/sam/ygritte combinations: jon is crazy into indie stuff and probably spent a lot of time watching japanese bw movies when he was fifteen because you know he would, sam is the kind of movie nerd who has seen just about anything and is like I DON’T HAVE A FAVORITE GENRE I LIKE EVERYTHING, ygritte is gonna go down with alien being the best franchise in existence and probably had a shrine to sigourney weaver when she was fourteen. at some point all three of them watched snowpiercer together. it probably Was A Trip.
stannis/davos: stannis is into Old Movies Only actually he’s probably crazy into german expressionism and the likes and is like AAAH NO ONE CARES ABOUT SILENT MOVIES ANYMORE, davos is into the leftist british political movies from the 70s onwards ie ken loach and all that anti-thatcher genre and probably punched in the face people who might try to picked my beautiful laundrette in the eighties, but he can also appreciate some Nice Old Classic and stannis appreciates Serious Politics so they generally get along XD
… tyrion/bronn I guess: tyrion probably knows terry gilliam’s filmography by heart and if he hasn’t cried over brazil I’ll eat my own hat, bronn actually is the kind of person who would know monty python by heart so now I decided that they met at some gilliam movie, except that tyrion technically isn’t into blockbusters before bronn introduces him to spielberg/every superhero franchise ever. that said tyrion totally also was into die hard which is why he gets along with brienne splendidly
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blacksmithgendry · 5 years
I think the 1st born son trope will die at the end. What do you think? I will be happy. Also, why do ppl assume Arya’s 1stborn will be a boy? Her arc is abt wanting love, wanting acceptance. Boys don’t need to be accepted but girls do and to see Arya raise a girl in a new world would be amazing. Not to say she won’t have boys but I’m team Forgesex baby is a girl bc that will prob. be inc. in the books, others won’t. When she sat with the soldiers, one talks abt. wanting a girl.Foreshadowing. lol
nah it’s not dying because men wrote this mess of a show. and if anyone is having a kid, it’ going to be a boy....at least show wise. bookwise is another thing lol. idk why everyone else thinks Arya’s 1st born will be a boy. could be that they just want her to name the kid Jon or Ned. personally, my opinion on Arya’s 1st born varies from day to day and my mood tbh. like yesterday for instance, i was like “Forgie’s gonna be a girl and she’s gonna be Gendry’s fave” and today i was like “Arya is gonna name Forgie Ned or Brandon”. it’s never too definite but i’m always changing my mind so ask me again tomorrow. i could say twins and they’re both girls
and I agree. her arc is about wanting to be accepted as she is and wanting love, be it romantic or familial or platonic. you’re right in the fact that men don’t have any trouble being accepted whereas the women who don’t conform to their standards are rejected. so even imagining Arya as a mother in the possible new world definitely would be incredible. and i very much respect your hc. the scene with the Soft Lannister Boys, tho? that was just a call back to Arya’s relationship with Ned and how she was his favorite. but i do love how you called that foreshadowing haha. who knows, maybe it could be
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maybe-its-5sos · 7 years
Hi,could you tell me what requests did you get?I'm just really curious,it's ok if you don't want to.
I got 28 requests left to do.
Blowjob smut with batboy of your choice 
Can you write a imagine where the reader is batsis but she doesn't know about all the vigilante stuff cause they hide everything from her to keep her safe, until one night when they are all together on patrol and the situation is very complicated but a new vigilante appears and save them and she happen to be the reader?
Can you do an imagine where the fam finds out batsis is dating El Diablo? Like she's been keeping it a secret and they find out by either seeing her on patrol or she confronts them.
Batboys(and older!Damian)losing sight of their 3old child in the Christmas Crowds in the mall?)
So Batboys S/O is university student. How batboys would react upon finding out that S/O's campus is plagued by alleged serial killer who's targeting students?
Perhaps a HC with the batboys + Bruce on how they'd comfort/ treat/ and protect their S/O from some strangers rude comments when their S/O is EXTREMELY self conscious of their body? Please? I'm extremely self conscious about my body, having always hated it, and would love to know how'd they'd treat a reader who has problems with that.
could you do a part two to the New Brother oneshot where batmom is getting married to Bruce and the boys try their best to make the day perfect but like one says "Oh sh** we forgot the present" something fluffy and fun
Can I request some Damian Wayne smut where the reader does something to annoy Damian. So to get back at them he takes away sex until they apologize, but the reader start to act extra sexy around him so Damian ends up caving and then lots of sexy times
It's may be a sensitive topic for some, and I won't complain if you turn this ask down, still - How would boys(and Bruce) react if they find out that their S/O therapist overprescribed them with something completely unnecessary?
You know how people sometimes have a "secret stash of something". So...a secret stash of THAT will batfamily members have?)
Imagine Jason's s/o very flirty with everyone, because it's just their personality and although Jason knows this, when Dick flirts back Jason gets salty and steals his s/o. Could hardcore smut be included
Headcanons on batboys having a s/o which is a scientist?
Headcanon of dating Damian and being Jason's little sister? Or vise versa (with being Damian's older sister and dating Jason) thank you!
Can I request a Damian Wayne smut where the reader and Damian have a crush on each other for a while, but they never act on it until one day after a pretty rough patrol. Damian is just like fuck it and kisses her. Then they take things up stairs ;). And after the reader is like it took you long enough then fluff
I saw that your requests are open, can you please write an imagine where Batmom and Bruce meet back when they where in their 20s and Batmom used to be a pole dancer to sustain her family? (I kinda have headcanons for this, so I don’t know if I’ll do it?)
Headcannons for Jon having a crush on Damian's sister who's around the same age as them?
Can you write an imagine where Batman and Robin are assigned to protect the reader who's the daughter of a big business man that's been threatened bc, "hey your dad's rich," and Damian ends up falling for her?
headcannons for being childhood sweethearts with the batboys + Bruce
I think youre taking requests right now, so can you please do headcanons for all the batfam's reaction when Jason's s/o gets killed by one of bats villians and she used to be super duper close with the batfam?
Since we got some HCs with an English S/O, any chance we can get some with an Australian one please?
Can you do an imagine about a young trinity?With Jon and Dami meeting Wonder Girl(reader) and go on a mission,maybe Dami starts liking her
Hi love, can you do a Bruce Wayne falling with a rather unpolished woman fic?
Ok so I was wandering if I could request a HC for Tim with an S/O who swears a shit ton, because we all know he is innocent when it comes to that.
Could you do something where Dick is dating a single parent, and while the adults are talking (Alfred, Bruce, Dick, and the Reader) the rest of the brothers have to like babysit the kid (preferably a toddler or a young child) and there's like havoc. And then at the end maybe the kid is crying (over something pretty small but the brothers freak the fuck out) and then the reader is like eyy wassap my little spawn and the brothers get a glimpse of the reader and Dick as parents?
Can you do an imagine with Damian and reader based along the song Dead Girl Walking from the Heathers musical?
Can you do either an imagine or HC where the reader is EXTREMELY self conscious having had body image issues all her life since she's always been the "short, chubby friend". Damian, Jason, and Dick are my fave batboys if you are going to do an imagine. But if you are going to do a HC can I have all the batboys? (I'm greedy lol)
Hi! If you still have a spot left, could I please request Bruce comforting his s/o after they had a nightmare?
Can you please write a headcanon with the batboys +Bruce where their s/o was a former Shield agent and they knew about the boys secret identities before the boys told them? (Maybe with a Older! Damian) sorry if I ask too much.
If I later decide that I can’t write some of these, would it be okay? And what are y’all looking forward to the most? Anything anyone wants me to do first? 
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