#this is mostly rambligns sorry
wildstar25 · 1 year
once again thinking about graharshtola during 5.0 post-5.1 era where G'raha is still kinda hesitant about the whole relationship. Work is being done to send the scions home but he will remain. Maybe a part of him is worried Arsay wouldn't have a reason to come back once everyone goes to the source. It's not like the first is in danger any more. Arsay has Y'shtola already so if any thing /he's/ the addition. He's expendable. He's also just... not really seeing her as a regular person. not considering her feelings at all. To him she is still this amazing hero he is lucky to share a bit of time with. Even though Arsay is literally throwing herself at him, he just can't get it in his head how serious she is about the relationship. He maintains his reserved Exarch persona. He holds himself back to a frustrating degree, always cuts things short, keeps this feelings to himself. And because hes so in his own head about it, he takes Arsay's forced smiles at face value.
During one of Arsay's many visits to the greatwoods, Y'shtola clues into whats been going on. Arsay didn't say anything direct about it, but she seems upset enough when talking about having nothing to do around the Crystarium. Arsay never complains about having nothing to do so like... the vibes were definitely off enough that Y'shtola starts asking direct questions. and oh boy does y'shtola get peeved when she hears how Arsay feels even the slightest bit brushed off. Arsay's off to the source the following day, so Y'shtola takes it upon herself to have a polite conversation with G'raha about how he is fucking up big time. In typical Y'shtola fashion, she gets right to the point with that sharp tongue of hers. The most brutal call out you can imagine. Worse than the one she gave Thancred. She's quite frank about how he's being a complete and utter fool. Probably a remark about him getting blind with old age, too, since he can't seem to recognize how hurt Arsay is. She gives him some insight into just how hopelessly in love Arsay has been with him since they met during the tower investigation. After sufficiently making G'rah feel terrible about his actions, Y'shtola surmises G'raha's has been equally in love with Arsay this whole time as well. "Do you not care for her?" "I do, but-" "but what? You've been granted this opportunity by no small miracle. You'd do best to not squander it. I suggest, Crystal Exarch, you give some proper thought into that unwritten fate of yours; before the story repeats itself." G'raha hangs his head. Y'shtola, having said all she could, turns to leave the ocular. She is stopped by a question. "Why would you go to such lengths for me? Should I sacrifice my part in her life, you can return home with her all to yourself. Would that not be a more desirable outcome for you?"
Y'shtola glances over her shoulder with a simper, and answers without a note of hesitation. "For all that she has done for me, what I desire most is for Arsay to be well and truly happy. For reasons far beyond my comprehension, you factor heavily into that. Really, it's in my best interest for you to wake up already and see what's right in front of you." With that, Y'shtola takes her leave. G'raha ruminates on her words, loosing track of time in the process.
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autoresponderdaily · 1 year
hal'd be a better parent than dirk
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ok tbh. tbh. i agree. anyways take ur cursed bro-hal drawing
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jamiewoolleyart · 5 years
Any shading tips? you shade so well and I want to know how you do it
?!?! omg thank you. that’s nice to hear bc honestly shading/lighting is the part of art I’ve always actually struggled with the most I think haha. Linework and graphic shapes has always come much, much easier to me! I’ve had to practice a lot and I still feel very ???? guessing game when I paint haha.
I guess some things that helped me were really leaning into the warm light/cool shadows or cool light/warm shadows thing (or breaking that/using both if u want to go for an opal-look). I usually pick a color I want the shadows and highlights to lean.
Like in my most recent thingy I decided I wanted to tint the highlights a light warm yellow, and the shadows would be more on the cool green/grey side. making one or the other a lot less saturated will make the other colors pop! I’ll even make it easier sometimes by highlight a selection in photoshop and going to color adjustments and pumping up the yellow/red/blues/whatever till it looks right.
I also use the Lighten/Darken selection slider thing a lot (which can also change saturation) bc my brain always wants to use BRIGHT colors and seeing how much better something looks more muted kinda brings me back down to earth a bit & realize I need to chill out the shadows or something.
Also just trying to keep it simpler than you think. Be choosey with where u put rim light and really think about “is this part in a shadow?? it doesn’t get fancy lighting then it gets mostly flat colors”. when things are both kind of in/kind of out of shadow honestly I dont even know I just mess around until it looks right. practicing environments helps too, helps u learn where highlights/shadows go without the bias of wanting to make sure the audience can see ur characters shiny hair or eyes or something.
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hijackedhoneybeeez · 7 years
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