#this is my blorbo and yall have to deal with that fact
fluffypotatey · 6 months
I read it years ago, and it's good don't get me wrong, but A) it's pre season 3 and B) I want your opinion
oh ok gotcha 👍
so you asked: “Hanahaki shadowpeach post divorce. Both have it. Theyre both immortal and hanahaki cant kill them, just painful and unbelievably annoying and hard to fight with it. Who would be the first to confess or would they both live with that forever”
ok, so my personally interpretation of hanahaki (and the interpretation i'm using for my top gun fic) is one where the character coughing up flowers believes that their affection are unrequited but can no longer reconcile with that fact.
as in, "maybe i've been pining for you for some time but i never truly hoped for anything big except what we had. but i cannot stand it anymore and it isn't fair how i can see you and feel butterflies while you look at me and acknowledge nothing."
i like this mostly because it adds to the angst factor and is a good character study for the blorbos who are terrible with dealing with their emotions.
tbh by s5 shadowpeach aren't saying shit. they actually start coughing by s5 and are in denial for what it means but both know that the truce they gave each other was an olive branch and an open door for reconciling but the two idiots are under the impression that it is only them who desires to go to a relationship that was close to where they started. so they continue to cough up flowers and because of their immortality, the disease is much slower than it would be for a mortal.
it's become their chronic disease that neither will ever confess to one another and then you have mk who knows that both of them have the same disease and is sick and tired of their bs. like, he knows neither monkey will die from Hanahaki but he is so annoyed bc every time shadowpeach inch a step closer, MK's like "ok, this has to be good enough to stop the coughing" and then it doesn't and he's like "YALL WANT MORE????"
rip mk
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capeline-cutemeister · 7 months
Jesus Christ three of yall messaged me about Granby why does everyone want opinions on him specifically First impression: It feels so long ago but i started the first book like less than a month ago bwahhhhhhh. At first I had mixed opinions on him. I thought he was going to be like Dayes (so cringe), and my opinion of him really didn't change that much until like, he obviously started not being a dick lol lmao. I honestly really like his character arc in the first book specifically because like. Mans got the courage to be like "Fuck im sorry for being rude and uncouth but I *cannot* let things continue this way" and honestly thats a really cool and chill moment. Like i love long and drawn out sentences (i love Jane Austen i love Jane Austen) but also i really like it when a character is real blunt and just doesn't drag it out. That also especially took guts because the last time that he did something like that Laurence threatened to get him in trouble for insubordination (very smooth Laurence)
Second Impression: Thats right baby Granby gets three impressions because hes that cool. This is Granby precisely from the beginning of Throne of Jade to *right* before he gets Iskierka. Just absolutely most badass guy imo. Super reliable. Best friends with Laurence, super competent. This is Granby at his best and treated with the most respect, and I think Novik had to give him Iskierka to nerf him.
Impression now: I feel so fucking bad for Granby. My severe dislike for Iskierka is not really hidden but she has dragged my poor Glorbo through the mud. When I think of Granby now i just think of that cat that had its face in milk and looks miserable and sad. Like goddamn what did they do to you. Hes still a really strong and awesome character, and it was AWESOME seeing him storm up to Poole in LoD; but he gets so much horrible stuff just tossed on him because Iskierka is a petulant child. Genuine princess behavior, hes a tired king.
Favorite moment: Its a tie between him telling Iskierka to fuck off and listen to him for once, and him in a blistering rage and storming up to Poole. Like you cannot understand how much i love those moments. Just Granby finally putting his foot down and going "No. I will not deal with this bullshit any longer, there are going to be consequences now." Of course that doesn't really go anywhere in LoD because Laurence is also a fucking badass, but meh. The heart was there, man was about to commit civil war in the Aviator Corp just for his friend. I really appreciate that <3 But also on the other hand I REALLY like him standing up to Iskierka in Crucible of Gold because HOLY SHIT she was so insanely disrespectful to him. Like I don't *care* that she is 'his dragon', it was like borderline homophobia in my eyes and the fact that it came from someone so close to him and the entire point of his service in the corp just broke my heart. So i'm glad that he put his foot down for once and made her listen to him. Setting boundaries is really important, and I think that he set them quite well.
Idea for a story: Any of them where he gets a better dragon than Iskierka. JKJKJKKJKJKJKJK Nah but fr i think my only real story idea with Granby would be to explore all of the things that he was doing when he wasn't with Laurence. His constant Struggles with Iskierka and having to deal with being friends with someone that committed treason for a cause he believed in. Most importantly how he developed and maintained any sort of relationship with Little. I dont have anything super unique unfortunately, its hard for me to do something that would be in character without getting rid of the things that make his character, if that makes sense?
Unpopular opinion: Hmmmmmmm well I haven't been around the fandom long enough to really see what is and isn't popular opinion with the blorbo, but i think that my most controversial statement about Granby is that I don't find him that amusing. I love and adore him and i think hes great but he is very sincere in my eyes and that leaves very little in the way of him actually being funny. I think there are only a couple of moments where I think hes funny/in a funny situation. But oh well.
Favorite relationship: Finding any non platonic relationship in Temeraire is so hard for me. I want to say my favorite relationship is him and little, but also i dont care about little that much. I think hes cute! But i was given very little to work with in the books in the way of *their* relationship other than that they have fucked. And like, idk. I think my favorite relationship in general though, is probably him with Iskierka, funnily enough. I think it shows the best of both characters whenever its done right, and I think it really let Granby Be His Own Character. Like everyone in the Corp wants a dragon. Duh. But when Granby gets his, she's a nightmare! He has to go through this long and twisting road where he is afraid to take too wrong of a step because Iskierka, and because hes friends with Laurence(traitor adjacent), and because hes always wanted dragon and hes afraid to fuck it up and etc etc etc. And he kinda has to learn to stand up for himself and others in a way that he probably hasn't had to before. Its not really a path that the other Aviators get to take, they just become background characters after they get their dragon. I mean even Ferris just drops off the face of the earth when he gets his Prussian.
And Iskierka is great because despite how horrible she acts she really does care for him, im not blind to that. But her path in their relationship is that she has to learn to stop being so overbearing, so crazy, so difficult to work with. She has to understand that she is not infallible, and that the things that hurt her are not the same as the things that hurt other dragons, and that realization comes at a pretty horrible time in her life. She has to grow up, which while we see other dragons grow up in this series (like mentally i mean), i dont think that theres ever so stark a comparison as with her.
Idk if that makes sense, but I like their relationship the most out of Granby's relationships because its the most unique for both characters, imo.
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gay-otlc · 2 years
I've already mentioned this in the general I Kissed Shara Wheeler screaming post but I'm going to talk more about how much I love the execution of Smith's gender identity because everything about it was so well done?
First of all, I was very happy to see some more diverse nonbinary representation! More nonbinary rep is always good to have, and I love Ash's character a lot, but they're a bit of a stereotype. I'd like to reiterate no hate to Ash, I love them, but they are assigned female, short hair, weird earrings, they/them pronouns, on TikTok. Which is fairly standard, though in no way bad.
Smith, though. A genderqueer character who's assigned male at birth, a definite rarity even in queer fiction. Football player, typically masculine build, doesn't use they/them pronouns.
I like how he and Ash coexist in the same book, and they're both nonbinary (or some sort of non-cis), and the book is really just telling us there's no one way to be nonbinary. Fantastic. Shoutout to Casey McQuiston for giving us this.
The scene where we found out Smith maybe wasn't cisgender after all was also fantastic, potentially my favorite scene in the book. The whole experience of "well I feel like that and I'm not queer" and then later realizing your queer is so relatable and an experience I think a lot of queer people share. As someone who has absolutely done that multiple times, Smith experiencing that Oblivious Queer moment made me laugh.
Ash's explanation of how traditionally feminine interests =/= being a girl, and short hair =/= being a boy, was a good and also fairly realistic way of separating gender identity and expression. I don't think most people in real life will use the unicorn thing, but people do talk about hair. It didn't feel forced.
The way Smith described dysphoria was also great. Sometimes it is looking at your body and hating, loathing, it should be the other binary sex, but sometimes it's not- sometimes it's "I wish it was different but I guess I can deal with it." And wearing baggy clothes to try to imagine your body is different? Very relatable.
"You know... if being a guy feels like something you have to do, like it's an obligation or something..." Ash says carefully. "Maybe think about that." This line is probably getting so many readers to question their genders. Honestly, reading something like this would have been my genderqueer awakening if I hadn't been awakened already.
In the burn pile, Smith's multiple attempts at answering the prompt "what is a moment in your life that you felt truly yourself," and the way he struggled with finding a time he felt truly himself, was a painfully common queer experience.
The football response to that prompt was good, but I adored the one about feeling endless, like the Holy Spirit. Queering religion and using it to feel closer with your gender. Very glad McQuiston didn't take the "I'm queer so fuck being religious I guess" route, because that is fairly common, the "I'm queer and religious and they enhance one another" mindset is nowhere near explored enough.
Smith also wears his letterman jacket all the time, even in eighty degree heat, which Chloe puts down to "jock flexing," but reading that scene after finding out Smith wears that jacket to cope with dysphoria makes the reader see this fashion choice of his in a very different way. I see what McQuistion did there.
I didn't expect Smith to end up being genderqueer (though I definitely called the thing with Rory), but I'm so glad he is, because that whole subplot was beautiful and I clearly have a lot of thoughts on that, but I'll shut up now.
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bisexualgodofchaoss · 2 years
overthinking about “I'm a guard stationed at a secret government prison“
ok so i found a few fans of the story and that lead me to realizing, why the fuck am i approaching this like a normal fandom? this is a banger creepypasta that most people just listend to and were on an adrenaline high for like 2 days and moved on, and those of us who went insane over the great story or our blorbos(adrian for me) couldnt really do anything about it since the fandom is desolate and there is no fan content. also here is the best narration of the story:https://youtu.be/SKnt8Ni3gLs so my idea is to do what i plan to do in the zombie apocalypse, jump into a radio tower and scream my every conscious thought until people think"huh myabe i should have strong opinions on obsecure creepypastas" anyways im gonna start an unhinged rant about what im gonna call now IGSSGP since that is less annoying to say. ok begin in..... 4 3 2 1!!!! keal and hugo fight versus kentay is geniunly the best fight in the story, like come on!!!! a monster hellbent on justice is a good way to describe kael and hugo but it fits no one better than kentay, like the words were made solely for him! so watching them fight what they could have become had they gone a bit more insane or free its kinda the whole "you and me are not so different" kinda deal but kentay is too insane to say that so oh well, also hugo's death was so fucking disrespectfuldont understand why kael couldnt just turn him into a fucking vampire like COME ON MAN!!! im guessing kael was too fucked up to reach hugo in time as he was just a pulp of beaten flesh at the time which is just terrible and tragic. also adrian is just a great example of the limp dick villian, he is superior to all the basic humans and he takes a pleasure in that fact! he is an astro coke head with no concept of empathy or deceny and just pure raw hedonism keeping him running. also i hc him as a misognystic incel. keal is a bottom. its very clear kentay's experince in the evolution ritual pretty much shaped him fully in the present story, basically he needed something to keep him sane and he clearly fabricated an idea of justice in his head to keep him going through the insanity of the ritual and i really wish to understand what got him obssessed in specifically justice i also think its fucking hillarious that kael tried to bite down on kentay's neck......like dude we don't know how your ability works a single bite could turn him into a vamp instantly and you could have a motherfucking super adapting vampire muscle beast god the idea is genuinly the scariest thing i can imagine good fucking god. anyways thats most of what i thought see yall next time in my unhinged rants
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