#this is no hate to other rpf shippers btw
tesseractingrey · 4 months
i was watching a video essay on another rpf ship and like. comparing any other rpf ship to phan is so different it’s crazy. like yeah back in 2012 or whatever maybe it wasn’t so obvious but the things that other rpf shippers have as “evidence” are like “they looked at each other 10 times in this interview” or “this lyric is probably about her” meanwhile we have dan and phil buying a house together and selling tshirts of themselves holding hands. so like yeah phan is real and all but that doesn’t mean all rpf shippers are onto something here the situations are so different it’s crazy. taylor swift could never like a tweet about serving karlie kloss dressed as a slutty nun.
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queerandcartoons · 3 months
because the ninja are famous in-universe i wanna know what level of fandom they have. like, on a level of bts to average Hollywood star, how much fanfic is there? are there edits and videos online available? are there dedicated fan blogs? who is the most popular vs who has the loudest fans? (probably kai on both fronts, lol, he did indulge in his fans more than the others.) are there cole x nya shippers in-universe mad that nya and jay basically got married? (I'm not hating on the nya/cole ship irl, btw, ship and let ship, have fun.)
this kinda blurs the line between the irl fandom and some in-universe fandom. i was going to give random examples of petty internet drama, like nya getting in the way of gay ships or whatever, but then i realized that shit like that happens in real life...so, yeah.
But, also-- how would the fandom change from IRL being a fictional lego show to in-universe RPF (real-person fandom) celebrity fandom?
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cinnonym · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thank you @swanqueensalad for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24 (that’s so much more than I expected lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
264236... ah yes, one-shots my beloved :D
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
on ao3? 2 (Once Upon A Time and Supergirl). Elsewhere? uhhhh we don’t talk about elsewhere hskjd
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Y’all, I don’t have the ao3 skills for that kinda analysis, oof, the amount of time it took me to figure out the statistics button thingie... but here ya go:
1) i know you flirted with me before (but i didn’t get it right, can i try again) - yes and I know I still owe you a part two, it’s in the works, I promise!
2) the file drawer effect - I’m still quite proud of this one, but honestly, this statistics just shows that the SuperCorp fandom is currently more active, I think
3) Curses, like chickens, come home to roost - it better be on this list, I worked so long and so hard on this one. My first novel-length anything ever!
4) Thin Ice - uhm. I’d almost forgotten about that one tbh. It’s.. been a while?
5) it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas (ev’rywhere you go) - though I feel like this one has to be divided by 12 since it’s a short story collection, which would make my actual rank 5: A New Beginning!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
yes, absolutely!! because I love comments and they always make me so happy, and I feel like people deserve to know how happy they’ve made me? But also cause I just like connecting to fellow fans, yay!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’d say Till Death Do Us Part cause it doesn’t really end happily? But then, canon fixes that one, actually. Apart from that probably the greatest loves of all time were never made cause that’s just canonical angst in extra heartbreaking words..
7. Do you write crossovers?
not yet? But I don’t see it happening tbh..
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Oof, once I had an issue where I tagged Regina&Robin but some OutlawQueen shippers took offence that it wasn’t their endgame, even though I’d put multiple warnings everywhere that it would be SwanQueen... But I myself barely received hate, it was just a heated discussion / minor shipping war in the comment section. Still made me sad :(
9. Do you write smut?
not yet. I’m keeping my fics T-rated at the highest, although I gotta say, I’ve gotten a lot spicier lately. But honestly, I prefer building build-up to writing actual explicit smut, so that’s probably all you’re ever getting from me, sorry lol
10. Ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of..
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes!! back in the day @godandmonsters1996 and I sometimes collabed on tumblr. Here’s an example of one of our very angsty pieces!
13. All time favourite ship?
SwanQueen probably. I see myself returning to it for all eternity. Though I also have to say that SuperCorp makes a compelling point!
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
too many, loves, too many
15. Writing strengths?
dialogue, probably. Flirty banter, to be precise. I’m a Gemini, so this is all I do all day irl anyway, lol
16. Writing weaknesses?
Transitions! From one scene to another, ugh ugh ugh, I just overuse horizontal lines a lot hsdjkl but oof, I wish I was better at that. Also, long piece in general? I love it, but I also always run out of motivation at some point? It’s complicated okay??
17. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language?
English isn’t my first language, and I do speak several other languages, but nope nuh-uh nah, I just feel uncomfortable writing in any language but English. Only exception can be pet names I suppose..
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
... okay listen... 15yo me was very into ABBA okay (I still am btw, which is why I’m freaking out rn), and uh. I wrote straight ABBA rpf on wattpad back in the day (*hides in a corner*)
19. What is your favourite fic you’ve written so far?
I always like my latest fic most, I think, so A New Beginning? I’m really proud of it in any case! Though my favourite story-wise might actually be love bites, love bleeds (it’s what i need)
I’m tagging @waknatious if you wanna? Also, anyone else who wants to join in!
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zhansww · 4 years
Hi! I don't mean this in a judging way, I'm just curious, don't you think it's an invasion of privacy to obsess over the relationship of two people, regardless if they're in the public eye or not? You said you don't ship for fun, but isn't it nobody's business who they want to associate with, especially if you don't know the person? I just don't really seem to grasp why one would ship people in real life.
Hey. This is actually a really good ask imo. I appreciate that you are trying to understand what tf I'm thinking instead of immediately judging^^
I am a little confused by your choice of words, though. I don't "obsess" over them or "ship" them. To me, "shipping" implies doing the same thing one does with fictional characters which is using your imagination, making things up to feed your fantasy. I always try to ground whatever speculation I have in reality instead of my feelings, ie what I want to be reality. So when you say you can't grasp why one would ship real people; I can't either (though I have tried) and never will.
I don't have this attitude of "oh they're both idols, so they should expect this shiz and be fine with it" and thinking that that makes speculating about them okay. When it comes to ggdd, I really think that they want us to know (because they actually are together but forced to hide it). So many of the hints they give seem to be for our sake rather than each other's. Gg is more subtle in that regard but dd... he has shown a few times that he keeps up with speculations in their cp supertopic. I actually made a list of that, here. During their TTXS episode, right before ggdd got asked to name their team, dd turned to gg and asked him "is bjyx not good?" and gg shook his head in reply. This was in July 2019. Bjyx is the first fanmade cp name for ggdd which was coined by cp fans back in April 2018. That little interaction goes to show that dd knew about his and gg's cp name and was fine with it - which is kind of a big deal cuz dd would usually show disdain for any of his cps. (gg, refusing that as their team name is also interesting btw. If they were just friends, they should be fine with giving that kind of fanservice - but they didn't) I don't take them, being okay with having cp fans, to mean that they are okay with being "shipped". After what happened in February, gg did say he supports creative freedom but I definitely don't think anyone would approve of having an rpf written about you and your (boy)friend in which you're an adult female prostitute and your boyfriend is a teenager (yikes, I hated even typing that shit out). I do take them, being okay with their cp supertopic, to mean that they don't mind the shared support they get or even the speculation. There's also the fact that they are both men which inevitably makes things harder for them, unfortunately. I think I mentioned this before somewhere but if either of them were female, I definitely would not care as much as I do. But since they are both men... they have it more difficult and therefore, I think, need that much more support. They need to know that they wouldn’t only be met by hate and disapproval if they ever come out. As an international fan, there isn't much I can do to show that support but I still want to do anything, be loud about it, because I feel so fiercely supportive about what they (might) have. And there is no other way to make more people see and support what ggdd have other than to first prove it - through all the speculation. I know that c fans have that attitude, too. They have many ways to actually show their love for them and they do. They do it because if we are actually right about them, we want them to know that they are being supported, and to drown out the hate and homophobia.
Me, I draw the line at shipping. And you, I assume, draw the line before that, at speculation. Like I already said, I don't get the shippers and I try my best to stay away from them. I do understand your group, though. I reckon you like ggdd individually and also their friendship but you consider all the speculating and theorizing that I'm doing to be too intrusive. And I totally get that. I was in that group myself at first (until I jumped down the ggdd rabbit hole and inevitably had to change my assumption that they are nothing more than friends to "okay they are more than friends" to "ggdd married", lol) Your attitude is perfectly valid and you obviously don't have to agree with or approve of my line of thinking. But I hope that my answer possibly made you understand it.
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allypacino · 4 years
deeply fascinated by the way the spn powers that be engages with destiel. the absolute official silence. the way even someone making benign jokes about it is seen as a "win". the disgust with which people see destiel shippers. like, let's go over this.
it's like, they invent a show for straight men. us soldiers like this show but your viewing slot carried over from gilmore girls so most of your fans are women. you realise people are writing incest porn and rpf and go. alright, these insane people with no social life are into our show, but at least we can milk them for money. 90% of convention goers are women and they start screaming whenever you make a joke about being friendly with your costar. you find out people think the actors are in a committed relationship and that the wives are evil beards.
your network becomes the cw and you get asked to include women and you go on internet forums and see that they're writing poetry about how much they want the women to die so that the brothers can be together. you kill them off to make these people happy also you hate women anyway. you write incest jokes into the show because you're a richard siken stannie and also want these fans to continue to spend thousands on the conventions.
then the writer's strike happens and you cast this dude as a plot device but he has such insane chemistry with your lead that you give him the plotline that the lead's og love interest was supposed to have. you then spend a decade trying to write him out of the narrative, fail (bc a lot of the audience loves him), then try to milk his moments with the lead by suggesting they're into each other.
you think the fans will act just like the previous ones and do nothing except create erotica and pour money into conventions. they start getting annoyed. you tell them that it's not gonna happen. you explicitly say the words subtext and destiel and fanfiction on screen. you tell them they're delusional and weird. you intentionally mirror them with other romantic couples, like thee cain and collette. you say the fans are sick freaks. oh your leads have done everything from being attracted to a dog to genocide btw. the entire media now sees your show as 'the one that won't quit queerbaiting'. people write essays and dissertations on the extent to which you queerbait.
in the third to last episode of your show you make clear the dude you cast as a plot device whom you clearly despise is in love with the male lead and then kills him. in the last episode you mention that he's alive now offscreen and the entire time no one has any idea how the male lead feels about all this. the show ends and your social media is flooded with 1. women and lgbtq+ people calling you homophobic and 2. men and boomers being homophobic towards you and saying that destiel ruined the show. you think you're free now, at least. these disgusting little perverts will be happy with fanfiction and you can move on to promoting your cowboy show.
the fans hate you. minor cast members who don't understand parasocial relationships start using these fans for clout without committing to it and receive backlash. all of you try to explain that destiel is icky (for reasons you won't explore) without using the word icky. @ wincestshipper13 sympathises with you and implies that the fans need to be institutionalised. you cry out of relief. finally, someone gets you. you like the tweets. you get harassed. you block people. you delete your accounts. destiel is now the source of your trauma.
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Hey. I’m making a new post instead of reblogging yours because I don't keep track of who's blocked me yet and I’m too lazy to bother checking heh.
In case you were asking for real (and in case you can still see this), here goes mine:
Because "CC believers" take to any outlet they can to directly harrass Darren and Chris and their friends and family. That's where we inevitably see your conspiracy theories and their harmful effects.
On a small scale, this hinders my fandom experience.
On a much larger scale, these people are spreading misogyny, homophobia and transphobia among other nasty things. This isn't about anyone "believing" anything about Darren (people who are not conspiracy theorists simply accept what he tells us about his own private personal life because why the hell wouldn't we? It's his business).
I know what you're going to say: "I have never addressed the actors directly on social media" and "not ALL ccers" etc
It doesn't matter. CCers who don't tweet hate at people still foster those attitudes here on tumblr and do so in the hopes of roping more people into it. You believing whatever doesn't concern us until you start acting on those beliefs to the detriment of others.
You've possibly never posted a single hateful word and simply delight in reading RPF and daydreaming. In that case, anti-CT posts are not for you, they are for the people who promote the terrible attitudes I mentioned. But you asked why some people were bothered by what CCers say, so I took it to mean you were asking fans. If you wanted to know instead why “Miarren stans” send CCers insults, then sorry for butting in :P (I don’t know any Miarren stans, I can’t answer for them). Tbh that practice seems to me like old, nasty ship wars and it’s something usually both sides feed (though I can’t really offer input in, as I don’t partake in RPS, nor do I stan anyone. I don’t endorse these practices and generally disencourage shippers from behaving like this).
CCers could also take their own advice: If they’re so sure Darren goes home to Chris every night, they could relish in that certainty without the need to use their public blogs to throw insults at their fave’s female partner (including whore and alcoholic, which btw gives you a glimpse into what kind of people they are), who they have CHOSEN to assign the role of villain to in their theories out of entirely subjectively disliking her. What they are certain are mere “PR stunts” shouldn’t ultimately bother them. But they want to hate Mia more than they want to just believe Darren and Chris are holding hands out there somewhere. They’re not the only ones. It’s a defining trait in tinhats across fandoms (Supernatural, Outlander, One Direction, Prince Harry, Twilight, Benedict Cumberbatch, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and sadly so many others - you’ll find they use practically the same arguments, lore, “evidence” and insults).
And it’s nice that you say that proven wrong you’d just accept it. It is. Problem is I don’t know what you guys think will prove you wrong if from the very beginning Darren outright said specifically who he was and you decided he was lying. After that, there really is nothing he could ever say with his own mouth or otherwise that would prove you wrong. The words “Chris and I are not dating” have been uttered. Clearly a wedding doesn’t do it for you (it only makes your theories all the more convulted and outlandish). I know for sure that having kids wouldn’t prove it to you either (see those other fandoms for fake baby theories). Your reasons for dismissing his words are 0% objective. Because you think their wedding attires were awful? Plenty of people without bias would agree and plenty would disagree. I fail to see how one’s personal taste in fashion is confirmation of anything. You want to take snapshots, moments in time, in which Darren is being photographed with neutral expressions while going about his business and call them proof? Still being 0% objective, because you are adding your own (wild) interpretations to them (not to mention if people simply walked down the street with a smile on their face, they would look deranged). And with those methods you could “prove” myriad ridiculous statements. There already is a compilation of Darren looking miserable while holding instruments and you haven’t said he hates music. There is a compilation of Lea Michele and Chris Colfer looking and acting and posing like actual lovers. Why aren’t we stating that they are in love as if it were a fact? This could be endless. Whether you think somebody has chemistry or not is ultimately just that, an opinion. Opinions are not facts. You personally hating the color yellow doesn’t make the color yellow universally shit. So, while you may label the wedding as “trashy” and think “well, if it was trashy, it must be fake,” there actually are people out there who thought it looked great. And you would both be correct in your assessments, because they are opinions. The things is, neither opinion has any correlation to the veracity of the event. Zero.
If someone you don't even know personally one day tells you something about themselves like "So my favourite color is yellow" and you go "Fine. Good for you, I guess," instead of deciding it's a lie and then trying to cling on to anything that could however remotely back up your already solidified conclusion, you'd probably be less stressed out whenever they wore yellow sneakers.
There are plenty of contexts in which skepticism is vital, but people’s sexual orientations are not it. And battling homophobia is very important, but making an unwilling participant your champion for it is completely inappropriate. CCers keep talking about how outing someone is bad. But are their blogs not an effort in doing exactly that? If all they wanted to do was vent amongst themselves, they would have passworded these blogs. But they’ve been trying to make these conspiracy theories spread for ages, because that is what conspiracy theorists do.
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maspwinj2 · 7 years
 so i had this angry anon sending me 4 messages the other day so i guess im gonna answer, i mean as much as it is possible to answer those kinds of messages you know
anyway anon, i hope that you’ve calmed down a bit, ate some snickers and shit
i’ll do it bit by bit
“Okay I get it, you really believe and have "profs" and everything about Jared and Jensen being together in a romantic relationship, fine, you ship them.”
 well that’s the first sentence and you already show that no, you do not get it lol
cos you’re making it sound like i only tinhat j2 cos i ship them when it’s the complete opposite actually, it’s only months after i discovered that j2 were together, and learned during all those months what great guys they are and how much their love is real and beautiful and inspirational that i finally started shipping them sooo yeah don’t call me a j2 shipper because not all j2 shippers are tinhats and the j2 shipping hets are the most disgusting pieces of shit cos they fantasize and over sexualize gay relationships WHILE erasing those relationships in real life, they use j2′s blatant love for each other as fuel to wet their panties but refuse to acknowledge it’s real, it’s so fucking disgusting so yeah don’t put me in the same bag as those people, im not just a shipper thank you
“What I don't get is why does it matter so much to you? I've seen your blog and literally all you talk/answer questions about is whether their wives conceived in this way or the other and saying things about two man in a relationship that you honestly don't know anything about?”
well j2 are my favs so... i care about them, what the fuck is you problem dude this blog’s whole purpose is to talk about j2 related stuff, have you been living under a rock??? people gossip about actors and famous people since forever and i know more about j2′s lives than i know of my own family members, that’s just what happens when you’re interested in something/someone: you try to get as much information as possible!!! wake up!
and i’ve looked at my last 20 posts and at least 15 of them are asks, i mostly answer asks around here so if you have a problem with the topics you should send your complaints to the anons ok?
“And yes I get that you are going to insult me for this” 
well actually no im not cos you’re embarassing yourself enough as it is i don’t wanna shoot on the ambulance
“I'm not saying this for YOU I'm saying this because of them. Would you like having someone like you talking and making assumptions about your life or your love life in the EXACT same way your are doing in here?”
oh boy look at this, this is j2′s white knight in shining armour right here, protecting them from people daring to gossip!!!! and what a vile crime that is!! buddy there are people out there actually insulting directly on SM jared and jensen over anything and everything everyday, so i can assure you, people like me, who just say their wives are beards on our private accounts really aren’t the problem and you should go somewhere else and protect j2 from actual harmful people instead of wasting your time here
“Because yes, you can ship 2 people and all...”
again as is said earlier me tinhatting j2 isn’t about shipping, and i think shipping 2 real people who aren’t together for real is disrespectful
so no actually you can’t ship 2 people who aren’t together, it’s gross imo but do i expect people to agree with me and stop writing RPF? no. do i send them messages to tell them how bad what they’re doing is? no. im not expecting anyone to go by my morals because guess what? morals vary a lot from people to people
and you actually believe it’s PERFECTLY FINE to write a 500,000 fic about jared and jensen fucking each other on set??? to write a fic about them getting raped tortured or whatever else awful things peole can think of??? you think people fantasizing about getting fucked by them is a-ok??? but me talking about their wives being beards (which is simply the truth btw) IS GOING TOO FAR??????? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING wtf is wrong with you??? 
so treating j2 like sex objects is morally ok but me talking about their real life is NOT????? 
im just..... 
and the worse is that you actually believe you are the better person here just oh my god.... whatever moving on
“but why do you have to involve the kids and everything in this?”
what the fuck did i say about the kids? do you think saying they were convinced via IVF is insulting? does science scare you that much? 
and i’d like you to note this: i’ve literally seen hets talking about danneel using IVF since they think she has some fertility problem, and since she got twins, they really believed she used that way. SO what you’re trying to say is that hets can talk about j2′s “wives” and kids without being disrespectful but SINCE IM A HAT I CANT DO THE SAME??? SERIOUSLY??? 
guess what, hats aren’t the only ones who analize j2s family, they aren’t the only ones who look for every new pics and info about them, they aren’t the only ones who gossip about them ok? 
“you are saying that 2 mature man are in a romantic relationship and they who KNOW are on 2017 and are extremely supportive of minorities and gay people, are hiding it so bad like to hire "fake wives" and kids”
uuuh do you actually believe that the only reason why j2 could be in the closet is because they are self-hating gays and they hate all all gays and are racists??? do you even look at what you write?
j2 are in the closet, not because they hate themselves, but because if they were out, spn and their career would be over! and you think they “hired” kids???? you don’t make any sense!
you’re just one of this person who don’t know anything about bearding and just fyi j2 aren’t an exception there are many many other gay people in hollywood who have fake relationships, and kids too! because gay people are actually allowed to have children! crazy right?
anyway im tired of answering that ask now, there was more but you’re just repeating yourself and like god:
“if you are going to ship them I think you should do it and not in the sick invasive way that you are doing it right now”
you really do not understand, making theories and making vids proving j2 lied ISN’T SHIPPING!!!!! it’s TINHATTING, ITS NOT THE SAME THING
if i was an active shipper, i would post fanfic recs, i would post headcanons and fanarts, do i do that? no! stop saying it’s shipping for fuck sake
oh god this anon was so dumb they have no idea what they’re talking about uuuuuuuuuuugh stupid people everywhere
and wait finally i’d like you to notice that those angry messages came in response to that ask  and as you can see, this anon was trying to convince me and manipulate me by using my own tweet into thinking j2 aren’t actually together but since it didn’t work they came back very angrily vomiting their real thoughts and my guess is that they were so angry because j2 LITERALLY HAD A DATE NIGHT RIGHT AFTER THEY SENT THAT ASK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i bet they were so mad j2 were proving them wrong lmaoooooo
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