#this is not a diss btw i think more media should be insane
snepdragon · 1 year
overwatch worldbuilding is so fucking funny like. 90% of the cast has like sci-fi tech shit but then theyre also like "these two have spirit dragons. also robots can have magic as a treat" incredible. theres also talking animals
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thoughtsbeewild · 27 days
Why did he call himself the rating machines? sounds scary
His truth social so cray cray, like damn this orange is on serious attack mode on all this socials. Slow your role, I wish i had that dedicated time to read it all, but i dont. More or likely he is repeating the same messages, just waiting for the debate to be honest..
When he posted on truth social" I am the ratings machine" that sounds scary. WTF does that mean?
My translation, created a fun meme for him aka the rating machine..like a terminator on a mission to recruit RFK, Elon Musk, and others( i dont care for)..He calling himself a ratings machine is that a positive thing? He on a rager...chill orange..
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If you look from the other side of the spectrum, you see the democrats are marketing selling this delightful joy. I thought of Joy from Inside out pixel movie.
So which looks bad the ratings machine or joy? Think about it on swaying or dipping into the fantasy liberal regime or at least getting some of thier votes to the ratings machine side.
I am unclear of what the FUCK THESE Endorsement mean, is that suppose be a big deal in your politic world? Like why should we clap or give a round of a applause? i don't get it, makes no sense..
Unless you got Beyonce that is a big UNITY TWIST FOR CELEBRITY WOKE SHIT FOR THE FUCKING WHOLE WORLD TO BE BLOWN AWAY and that will take away some of liberal dummy young adolescent , kim Kardashian wanna be voters to vote orange...
I know sort of Elon Musk story, he got dissed at the white house and many other factors that lead to his decision. Make sense, like he doing a courtesy fuck you back. I get it, do your thag.
RFK, i cannot understand him at all. I dont know much, he followed the footsteps of his dad party and finally figured out at age of how old is he now(took him over 50 years for his brain to work, like what), that the demoncrat are shady,shitty, humans throwing subpoenas shut him and you up.
BTW Vegan food is gross , nasty and expensive. Have you tried plant based meatball, that shit is so nasty. Tried organic deodorant, yuck, it chaffed my armpits like crazy. Never again. organic is so expensive, double the price at whole foods, trader joes, sprouts. Like if we are inflation, why the fuck we wanna spend double more money being healthy.
Get your ass to Costco, get the family/king bulksize, your set for life ..cheaper and will last a long time to provide more room for other purchases..fuck the organic shit, that shit is gross..
I think the better idea/proposal is try to encourage people to stay in shape, but its hard cause in each human life you will have your down days, your up days.. Not everyday is always SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS, you will go through the storm with a shit load of stress and wanting BAD COMFORT YUMMY FOOD. BAD CHOCOLATE WITH ALMONDS OR HAVE A CHEAT DAY FRIDAY DONUT FOR THE WIN! but to be forced to into an organic person because RFK has a problem with it and govt will limit unhealthy food to Americans, cmon man... AMERICA SUPPOSE BE LAND OF THE FREE, FREEDOM TO EAT WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT!
At this time, insane high prices of everything, you gotta think cheap, like a cheap ass until change happens...
But if you challenge yourself go vegan or do not look in the mirror for a week. I BET YOUR ASS WILL LOSE! that is a hard challenge.
Your marketing is basically terminator attack mode, i don't watch the other side bullshit and fakeness. So I am not sure how hardcore they are going on this magnificent joy fictional character bullshit..
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glitta · 4 years
Okay, so I need to just.. get some things off of my chest here. Because at some point soon I’m probably going to stop coming to the tag because I need to vent but I also don’t want to keep wallowing. It’ll make it harder to move on when I keep reminding myself of it and getting angry and sad about it.
First I’ll say that I am 100% convinced that they’re done with romantic barchie. I become more convinced each day. And I know some people are hanging on, which is fine.. you do you. But I also hope you see it soon, because I don’t want them to use you. I don’t think it’s fair, and we barchies have been through so much.
What convinces me that they’re done? First.. this was the perfect opportunity to go for it. If they didn’t explore it now, when the road was clear, then they’re not going to. Next..they made some callbacks to the first season, and they were in vrchies favour. The callback to the s1 party? Ended the same way. Archie going after Veronica. You would reverse it if you wanted barchie. And they even used the “if you love me” pilot song back in 5x06, which showcased Archie looking off - because he was feeling things for Veronica, as it turned out. So no, the answer to the question if he loves her is no. (now, I call bullshit and retcon, but this is the canon they’re going with now) Then you have Archie not showing indecision or being caught between the two and not showing feelings for Betty. I hate it, but didn’t. He said he was perfectly fine with booty calls, but I guess when it started mixing with Betty being upset after a nightmare, it started to feel wrong when his feelings for V were growing and he didn’t want to lead Betty on. Archie didn’t look happy when Jackson said he was juggling two girls.
Then you have Archie’s wildly different reactions to Veronica picking his key, and Betty getting his key. Like, honestly.. even if they wanted to go in a direction of him having to deal with lingering feelings for Veronica and then feelings for Betty getting deeper.. we would have seen him having feelings for Betty. Like now. And that’s not how it played. He just showed zero feelings. Which is a retcon from practically the whole series, but this is their new take. To erase barchie from the equation and guarantee the fans of those other ships their endgames.
Then you have “the break up scene”. Following on from the retcon, I’m just so frustrated with this because of the lack of effort. They didn’t explore barchie and let them really navigate their feelings and figure if they worked or not. They just had them had meaningless sex (apparently, at least on Archie’s end) and throw some reason out there why they ~don’t work~. That was full fanservice and closing the door by declaring that they.. don’t work. Even though it was full TELL and not SHOW. I still don’t even understand?
Take it back to Betty’s conversation with Kevin - where she was so happy and didn’t want it to end, btw. Like lets lay it out:
 “I don’t want to get too deep with him.”
“He’s this lit window in the darkness. And I don’t ever want that light to go out.”
Okay.. so my take away from that is that she would like it to be more, but it’s a fear of losing him if things don’t work out and she’ll lose the light that he brings. Fair enough, I kind of get it.
But then when it’s a conversation with Archie, she just say’s they’re completely different people in their cores. ?? Being different people is not a reason to not be together if you get on. If you’ve been best friends your whole lives. If you have amazing sexual chemistry. And then with him being her light - damn, utilise that. Does it really make a difference if he’s helping her as a friend or romantic partner? Will that make a difference in not dragging him down if he’s there for her anyway through what she’s going through? It just doesn’t make any sense to me. And it’s not like Archie doesn’t have his own issues and trauma. But it’s again all in favour of the antis/other shippers who just want to know that BA are over and insist from their biased perspectives that they can’t ever work. The writers are full on catering to that, and I can’t for the life of me understand that obsession when you’re running the show to it’s end with those kinds of decisions. I just feel like they went.. right, we need to find an excuse why they wont work, and insert some word vomit and use the words “we should work because (cliche) but we’re different.” and think that just.. explains it all, even though it’s all tell and no show.
Anyway, I think that covered the biggest red flags I saw for the end of the ship. So now let me start on the thing that pisses me off even more even more than them fucking ruining my ship to serve the antis everything they want.
The engagement of the writers on social media leading up to this. You want to tell a story and do whatever you want? Fine. But I cannot grasp what kind of people take a ship that it’s fans have been waiting for.. for four years while they dropped hints and had them kiss and teased them.. and hypes them up and makes them promises of a romance coming up.. and then fucks them over in about 3 episodes by ending the ship for good. And rushing back to the other ship.
Who does that? How do they think it’s okay to fuck with people like that? And then they victimize themselves because people are calling them out. (note: not condoning any death threats or extreme things)
And it’s not even shippers that have a right to be angry, just as a side note. A fresh start and new things were promised. And they’re right back to the stale things? Make it make sense. You can’t.
You know, not that long ago I was still laughing at myself for loving a ship on Riverdale. Like no offense, but past the first few episodes I thought this show was a joke, and became more so. But I loved barchie. They were this little thing that made so much sense and seemed to have a set up for a beautiful story in the end. So I got invested in that. Jokes on me?
And I will never understand how they think it’s the best story to keep the same two couples together for the duration of the show with little to nothing else. They couldn’t keep them apart for 5 episodes through cheating and a time jump? It is SO insane and odd? It is so boring and complete fan service and actually ruins the show and makes it a joke?
And I’m happy that Betty and Jughead were “allowed” to have sexual relationships outside of each other, but at least 3/4 of these characters never got to experience another loving relationship outside of their high school loves..? (and I’m only excluding Veronica because I think at some point she loved Chad at the start..?) Now, I’m not dissing all high school relationships that go to marriage. But to just pair up two couples neatly with these core 4.. and have them break up for 7 years and still not give them these experiences and relationships is stupid and really fucking sad. You can love more than one person in your life, and it doesn’t discount anything.
And if they wanted them brought back together eventually, they could have actually had a much better build up back to it? Yet they’re just incapable of taking any time and wont keep them apart for more than a handful of episodes? I’ve never encountered a show like this, and that is not a good thing. At all.
And the fanbases they’re catering for are so entitled. And I guess that goes hand in hand with the constant fanservice, but it’s just such a toxic thing. I don’t think any fanbase are innocent angels, but as someone who has dealt with their shit and entitlement from season 1.. it’s just unbelievable and funny any time that they try to say that we.. I don’t know, deserved this? What does that mean your toxic fanbase deserves?
But let me clear about something: I’d never want your content and ships. More screentime, maybe. But even then the screentime and focus on two ships took over and at least the barchie fandom never wanted that with our ship. We were happy to share screentime with other characters. And if my ship had one cheating on the other with someone the other character had always worried about.. and they never apologised for the cheating? I think I’d be done. As it is there’s a lot of barchies that don’t excuse or forgive things that went down and unsure if they could forgive it and like the ship again.
And hey, I will take Archie being Betty’s light and never wanting to lose that vs I don’t know.. sharing darkness with someone else?
And barchie’s chemistry was unmatched. (and drew people back in that they will now lose.)
Anyway.. I think I’ve covered at least most of what I wanted to. Didn’t mean to get so anti-other ships at the end, but I’m just venting on everything.
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