#this is not a series meant to be read over years T_T
justmybookthots · 11 months
City of Bones
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Yo, I first read this book way back in secondary school. I must have been thirteen or fourteen at the time? So it's been… not gonna reveal my age, but it's been well past a decade.
I never really loved it that much as a teen—I mean, I liked it, but I wasn't crazy over it, or anything. I was more into the Virals series as a teen. Or Skulduggery Pleasant.  Or Maximum Ride but we don't talk about that.
My impression of it has kind of soured over the years because of the cheap/budget-looking ass TV series that came out. Anyways, I'd washed my hands of it until I saw that Cassandra Clare WAS STILL writing this series and milking the heck out of it. And yet SOMEHOW, it's still trending? Chain of Thorns was all over BookTok for a while, and admittedly, I was impressed by the longevity of her series. By Jove I thought everyone should be over it at this point.
Point is, I can't read Chain of Thorns and figure out why the heck it's so popular because I couldn't (and can't) for the life of me remember anything about the worldbuilding of this story. It's been over a decade. T_T
So I thought to myself: well, I might as well reread the first book. I braced myself for a world of cringe and…
It wasn't that bad?
Like, if you asked me to choose between this or Fourth Wing, it'd be this. I don't consider this a bad book, to be honest? Neither was it great, or anything, but all in all, I had a good time reading it even though YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW WARY I WAS GOING IN. I do have one thought at present: while the vocabulary in this book is pretty standard to me now, there was no way teenage / 13-year-old me had any idea what half the words here meant, lol. 
Things I didn't love:
Simon. He felt very extra and out of place the whole book. The only worthwhile contribution he made was shooting the skylight. Prior to that, he spent his time following Clary because he, uh, cared about her or something, then immediately switched his focus to Isabelle and mooned over her for half the book. Then later it turned out he was just making Clary jealous but I was like, boy. Get a life. I can't believe Jace and Clary risked their necks to save Simon the Rat (this is not me being mean. He literally turned into a rat). I'd have just left him with the vampires if I'm being honest. And Simon turning into a heck of an ingrate because he found her kissing Jace was so friggin' weird—somehow it's okay for him to flirt with girls to make her jelly, but her kissing Jace? Yeah, she's a bitch, even though she AND JACE risked their lives to save his rat ass.
The tone of the story was weird. So weird. Like it switches from dead serious to the Shadowhunters being like: "Yay! We're gonna find the Cup. This is going to be so fun!" and Jace / Isabelle just letting Simon hang around them because why not? It feels like teenagers going on an edgy adventure which kind of reduced the stakes for me. Thankfully, the tone switched to a more serious one later on.
The denouement was a little rushed regarding Alec and Isabelle, especially the former. I still don't get why Alec suddenly decided to accept Clary when he hated her guts before. It's not like Clary did anything impactful that was directly related to him. 
Did not like the "other girls" hatred Clary felt towards Isabelle, who didn't really do anything except look hot? What's wrong with looking hot? But the good thing is that so far, Clary only thought those thoughts and didn't act on her dislike towards Isabelle. On the surface, she was mostly pretty civil.
The angst Jace felt when he saw Simon in Clary's room was, um. I mean he was pretty quick to jump to conclusions and go the whole dramatic teenage route of "My life is ending because she had another guy in her bed all along". I couldn't really take his angst seriously.
A little random but: You're telling me a bunch of Shadowhunters didn't have driving licences/a car and needed Simon to drive them to Clary's house to get the Cup. I can't.
A friend pointed out that this story had some Harry Potter influence (Cassandra Clare had apparently written HP fanfic that inspired this?) and I can't unsee certain things. Jace is very much a Draco. Simon is really a mix of Ron and Harry (looks like Harry, personality more like a Ron. No wonder I can't stand him, lol. Spoiler: I hate Ron's guts). And Valentine and his Circle ARE SO Voldermort and his Death Eaters. Still, it's fine. I'm not super nettled by it. The concept of originality has always been a fine line anyway, and it's more about execution to me.
Sometimes Jace's banter was a little too much. And most of the time, Simon's banter was just annoying. I'm just a Simon-hater, can you tell?
Things I DID like:
The twist with Hodge. Didn't see that coming.
I did like the prose. It's very pretty.
Clary doesn't magically become a powerhouse combat badass, which… realistic. I like that.
The twist about Jace and his father. One thing I truly forgot after I read it years ago (or maybe I never really knew?) was that Valentine WAS the man that had raised Jace as a child. They were the same person. Valentine just assumed Michael's name. That said, I do know Jace is a Herondale, and some guy called Sebastian is Clary's real brother, so I want to know the real truth because I can't recall anything else. That will only be revealed in future books, not this one, so I'll see if I get in the mood to continue. 
MAGNUS. HE WAS MY FAVOURITE AS A TEEN AND HE IS STILL A SCENE-STEALER IN THIS BOOK. I may just read the sequel mainly because I want to see him and Alec. 🙂
My brain is kind of puttering. In any case, I can't be bothered to flesh out my review further for a book I'm reading as my literary form of 'trash reality TV' of the day. The book was fine, better than I expected, and I'll still be keeping the four stars I rated this book years ago. That's remarkable in its own way, really. (Edit: I went to check. I'd rated it three stars. Well, I'll keep that, too. Lmao.)
- 8 Nov 2023
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janiedean · 7 months
Hello there, same anon from the heart thing ask here; look, I may not understand what you're dealing with mentally, but as a writer I wholeheartedly get what you're saying about your writing... I don't have much to say except that your writing is exceptional and beautiful and expressive to the point I one day want to achieve. Your fic were one of the first fan histories I had ever read and they're the reason I started to read other fanfics and appreciate the art that fanfic writers do.
It's because of your stories that I joined the GoT fandom and started to write my own histories... I know saying your writing is good won't help with what you're passing through, so I'll just declare one thing: it's because of you that I became a writer myself (though I don't post anything online 🙃)
About the Heart Thing, that's so sweet and the idea of him trying to take care of her heart every time she gets really sad is wholesome!!! It says a lot about his character as a bodyguard... I mean, he's difficult to act gently around people and is most of times rude to almost everyone else, but having him take care of such a fragile part of Sansa is awesome.
Truth be told, when I asked I meant what if Sansa somehow lost her own heart at a young age and how would he act if he received her heart before meeting her, as just "the scarred Clegane, the bloody Hound, the kill-at-command Bodyguard", since that would be a really interesting take on his character 😅... But what you have cooking in the oven is just as good and fluffy.
I hope that wherever it is that you're having to deal with gets better, and that you find your writing as perfect as I find it to be soon!
+++ the Heart Thing is my favorite series and I feel so giggly and warm and !!!?!!? when I read them!!!
... anon I teared up thank you so so so much T___T like I ABSOLUTELY needed to hear it and I'm so glad you found joy in writing your things too!!! and hey you don't have to post online if you don't feel like it, as long as you're enjoying doing it and you like what you do it's all good and works great, but if you ever publish let me know ;)
(and again thanks I'm just like... swamped with real life stuff, I don't think I subconsciously got over a very unpleasant thing that happened entirely too long ago at this point and tbf ten years ago I had envisioned being at this point in my life in a way that was very different and not generally in the good sense, also tbf I'd like to share more about what I'm doing but I'm still paranoid about certain individuals being around and finding out my rl info so I'm not and it's pissing me off so it's just not helping so like I really am not doing great but I'll get through it, I just... wish I could be done with it)
and honestly like whatever point I got to was with like... practicing a lot reading a lot and finding out what worked for me, which again at the moment is basically bleh because I'm absolutely not firing on all cylinders but I know it's because of that and if you just do you thing write what you like and go for it I'm sure you'll be great T_T you're really too kind anon thank you so so so much again T_T
I mean, he's difficult to act gently around people and is most of times rude to almost everyone else, but having him take care of such a fragile part of Sansa is awesome.
BUT YOU KNOW HE'D BE VERY GOOD AT DOING THAT HE JUST HAS TO EMBRACE IT!! ;) I'm absolutely a fan of putting sandor in that position and have him find out he's actually great at that ;)
Truth be told, when I asked I meant what if Sansa somehow lost her own heart at a young age and how would he act if he received her heart before meeting her, as just "the scarred Clegane, the bloody Hound, the kill-at-command Bodyguard", since that would be a really interesting take on his character 😅... But what you have cooking in the oven is just as good and fluffy.
AAAAH I see, sorry as stated I'm completely out of it and misunderstood your ask but in that case...
okay let me think he'd probably be early twenties if we go for the most likely timeline sooo first reaction would still be turning on his side and going back to sleep presuming he's too drunk and he's hallucinating it right
then he wakes up in the morning and it's still there and he's like WHAT THE FUCK
he proceeds to make sure it's very well hidden and pretends it's not there for like three days during which he ends up drinking less because for some reason he feels bad doing it which MAKES NO SENSE YKNOW AND YET
it takes him like two weeks to actually take it in his hands without a cloth around it or something and he's there like huh wait it feels nice i actually feel kind of good WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SORCERY IT HAS TO BE A MISTAKE IT'LL DISAPPEAR IN A WEEK ANYWAY
spoilers it doesn't
two months after he has to admit that no he actually does have it and it glows a bit when he holds it and what the fucking fuck
then it turns out that if he feels like crap and holds it close he actually feels better
at the same time knowing he has it makes him resent the fact that people treat him like he has no feelings more than it would have regardless because he knows that if someone ended up saddled with him regardless he can't be that bad right
at some point he gets asked to do something that's like just not gonna fly when it comes to his morals so he goes like you know what fuck it I quit and leaves king's landing
turns out being a hedge knight actually works out for him
spends a few years going around and actually building a good reputation until he ends up in winterfell out of roaming around while he also looks for the person the heart belongs to
;) ;) ;)
hope you enjoyed this dish too ;)
and awww thanks again for everything! T_T I HOPE SO ANON I HOPE
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I posted 205 times in 2022
That's 130 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (19%)
166 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 203 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#lord john grey - 159 posts
#outlander - 115 posts
#percy wainwright - 100 posts
#lord john series - 84 posts
#john x percy - 84 posts
#david berry - 38 posts
#my random ramblings - 36 posts
#random nonsense - 21 posts
#jamie fraser - 20 posts
#anti diana gabaldon - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#given the distant state of his relationships it's not at all surprising that he formed such an unhealthy lifelong attachment to jamie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hot take: the majority OL fandom derides Percy as not being good enough for John, but the John I’ve seen in the OL books has had me progressively feeling that it’s really John that doesn’t deserve Percy. 
Because the LJG I saw in Bees? That is not the John I loved from the LJG series. That John was flawed and hard-headed, too, but he still had a heart. 
I don’t know that I like who John has become over the years (and not just in regard to Percy). 
11 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
So I’ve been a huge writing slump for basically the last two months and was reading some stuff from my wips in hopes of sparking some motivation (and I’ve fallen down the Star Wars hole again and am still weeping internally about the Obi-Wan series around the clock so I’m trying to distract myself T_T).
 Anyway, this future scene from my fic Quicksilver in the Sun gave me a chuckle so I thought I’d share it. It’s not like it gives away any spoilers, after all. lol
“Right on time I’d say,” Sir George said, relief evident in his voice as he consulted his timepiece.
Four minutes remained until noon after Percy and the general had shed their winter accoutrements and allowed themselves to be led down a hallway by a liveried servant.
“Hold on,” Percy murmured, glancing surreptitiously at the awaiting servant as he reached out to straighten Sir George’s slightly askew wig. He frowned slightly as he cast a critical eye over his stepfather’s form, even as the general wordlessly did the same for him. “Good. You’re good.”
Sir George reached out and brushed lightly at his shoulder, adding with some amusement, “Bit of rogue powder. Very smart otherwise.”
Percy craned his neck to try and look at his shoulder in concern but the general assured him all traces of errant powder were gone. “I wish I had my wig. I do hope I am not dressed too informally.”
“Nonsense,” the general dismissed evenly. “It is only luncheon. You look very well. I, on the other hand...the late Duke of Pardloe cut quite a trim figure, you know.”
“Did you know him?” Percy asked, curiously.
“Oh no, no, not really,” Sir George said, tugging a bit on the front of his tastefully embroidered waistcoat. “I knew of him, of course.”
The servant cleared his throat quietly. “Shall I announce your arrival, sirs?”
The general’s eyes widened slightly and he stood up straighter. “Yes, yes, please do.”
They briefly exchanged glances, offering each other small smiles of encouragement, as the servant moved to the threshold of the library and bowed. “Sir George Stanley, my lord. And party.”
Percy trailed behind the general as he crossed the turkey carpet, drawing up short as his stepfather paused to bow to the pair of awaiting men in greeting. Percy froze – was he meant to bow as well? He continued to stand there awkwardly, feeling vaguely like an out of place pustule that had come unwillingly attached to the general, as the man stepped forward to shake hands with the younger men in turn.
No one could have mistook the pair for anything other than brothers. They possessed the same slightness of build and stature – they were perhaps an inch shorter than General Stanley, who was himself of average height – and the same finely-boned facial structure. One was dark and the other was fair though – both wore their long hair in the same style, powdered and tied back with a ribbon – and there was several years age difference visible between them even at a distance. They were elegantly outfitted in suits of silk velvet – in shades of deep plum and a striking French blue respectively – and undeniably quite handsome as well.
Well, at least I’ll have something pleasant to rest my eyes on while I’m here, if nothing else.
“It is kind of you to invite me to luncheon,” Sir George was saying, smiling warmly. “I cannot say how greatly I appreciate your welcome. I feel most awkward, then, to begin at once with an apology – but I am afraid I have imposed upon you by bringing my stepson. He arrived unexpectedly this morning from the country, just as I was setting out. Seeing that you will in some sense be brothers...” the general faltered slightly, giving an awkward little laugh as he coloured. “I, er, thought perhaps you would pardon my liberty in bringing him along to be introduced.”
Surprise rippled briefly over the Grey brothers’ expressions. The elder, dark-haired one – Harold Grey, Duke of Pardloe, no, Earl of Melton – tightened his lips. The younger, fair-haired one – Lord John Grey – recovered rapidly, an affable enough expression appearing.
“Of course,” Pardloe – Melton – said, managing to at least sound cordial even if the sentiment didn’t quite reflect on his face.
“Most certainly,” Lord John echoed, gaze shifting to Percy.
He stepped forward quickly to stand beside Sir George, flicking a glance from one brother to the other as the general’s broad hand settled warmly on his shoulder. “My Lord Melton, Lord John, May I present Mr Percival Wainwright?”
Melton’s mouth was tightly drawn and Percy could practically feel the barely suppressed waves of irritation coming off of him. He cringed inwardly, the knot in his belly tightening. He knew he shouldn’t have come, but it was too late now.
As long as they liked Sir George that was all that really mattered, he reminded himself. The general was the one marrying their mother, after all. All Percy needed to do was remain polite and try not to say anything terribly stupid. The general’s hand squeezed briefly in a reassuring manner before sliding away.
Lord John was holding out his hand and he took it quickly.
“Your servant, sir,” the young man said – and he was young, Percy could see now that he was standing so close. He was around Percy’s own age, perhaps a few years older at most. And he was...lovely. His features were delicately wrought and...
Percy had seen him before somewhere. Not just on the street, they’d met before, he felt sure of it. He had an excellent visual memory and never forgot a face. Where though...? The young lord felt it, too, he could see it. The man’s fair brows were drawn together slightly, studying his face with wintry blue eyes -
And then it flashed before his mind’s eye: the mysterious, standoffish young man at Lavender House, with the terrible suit, resplendent blond hair, unresponsive hand in his, and the exquisite blue eyes.
Good God.
He drew breath sharply and his hand clenched involuntarily on the other man’s, an action that was mirrored by Lord John half a heartbeat later as the same realization flashed in his momentarily widened eyes.
See the full post
11 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Currently taking a little procrastination break from writing and randomly ended up looking up buttercups, ie. LJG’s codename in the Black Chamber. So yeah, buttercups symbolize neatness, childishness, charm and humility - all things that often apply to John’s general personality (yeah he’s not great at the neatness bit in terms of keeping his clothes clean God (and Tom) knows, but in his preference for orderliness and structure in general).
But the thing that has me laughing right now is that all buttercups - despite their small, pretty, and harmless appearance - are actually poisonous when eaten fresh, blistering the mouth, leaving an acrid taste, and causing gastric upset. Was THAT bit of symbolism also intended for John...because honestly, it seems like it could be?? 😅
 Just ask ANYONE who’s gotten on John’s bad side - whether it’s Malcolm Stubbs’s cheating ass getting the shit kicked out of him in an alley, that woman who pissed John off during the Battle of Krefeld and got punched and fell off the bridge, or John’s father’s murderer getting stabbed in the eye - he may be small, pretty and charming but he can also be a straight up savage at the drop of a hat. 👀💀😂
17 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Oooh, I’ve never seen this bit of BotB discourse by DG before! ✨👀✨
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Ah, Percy’s “spiritual fractures”, his fear that he’s damned and there’s something “wrong” him, coupled with his earlier experiences as a whore, had “a lot do with his eventual betrayal” - that’s similar to what I’d guessed earlier about the psychological underpinnings behind Percy’s actions. 
(I’d link that post but I don’t have time to hunt it down right now - have to get back to work soon. I really need to make myself some sort of table of contents at this point, it takes forever to find things. Mostly because I’m so damn long-winded, no doubt. lol Also, titles, labels? Never heard of them. xd)
And yeah, I’d doubted Percy really thought John would care enough to be hurt by him sleeping with Michael - especially when he himself knew it meant nothing - but to see it confirmed from the horse’s mouth is additionally sad. I will honestly never forgive her for what she did to Percy. smfh
“John’s never seen himself as anything but [an honourable man]” - pffttt, yeah, I can tell. 🙄 And it’s a huge part of his problem, the way he can’t even see the way his increasing rigidity and narrow-minded ideals are actually fetters obstructing him from emotional and mental growth. But that subject could be it’s own rambling post and I have to go! ^_^;
23 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Funny how people are always talking about how much William takes after Jamie, but barely anyone talks about how much he’s like John. Because the first time I read that scene - in Echo was it? - where Willie was running around and fending off a snake with a frying pan, the “OMG, he really is John’s son!!” feeling just smacked me in the face. Chaotic trouble magnets, the pair of them! lmao
Not to mention John seems to have hit Willie with his perpetually-horny-stick, wherein he’ll lust after and unadvisedly become infatuated with any attractive person who happens to cross their path. 
Ridiculous -- like father like son. 
26 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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choibinn3 · 3 years
[ nine. hehe ]
series masterlist
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⋆·˚ ༘ * in which jungwon had meant for that love letter to go to yeri, and not you—her bff. for some reason though, he finds that with each moment he spends together with you he's closer and closer to forgetting all about that damn letter.
no song for this chapter!
also partially unedited, sorry if some things don't make sense or are confusing T_T
The bell rang.
You made eye contact with Jungwon across the room, and yet his brown pools nervously flitted towards Yeri's direction instead. They were President and Vice President though, so you didn't question much. She was packing up her bag, and had sent you a small smile.
"I'll see you next class, ok?" she said, "Make sure you eat a full meal before work."
You grinned at her. "Got it! I hope you have a good time with whatever you said you were doing, sorry I couldn't eat with you today."
Being the only two people in your friend group with the same lunch period, you usually sat with her for it. Talking about classes, chatting mindlessly, idly looking around the cafeteria for people you knew was fun only when it was with her.
"It's fine," she replied, waving off your apology and placing her notebooks away. "It's your first day with a boyfriend, I want you to be happy."
You appreciated her genuine gladness for your own happiness so much, you could barely hold it in. You wrapped your arms around her, sending her stumbling a bit with your weight. "Woah, YN!"
Having someone so positive, so supportive, and so authentic as Yeri around you for so long had definitely brightened your outlook on life. Such a friend was a one in a lifetime chance, and yet you lucked out. You just hoped she thought the same of you too.
"Thank you! I love you so much!" you exclaimed into her shoulder.
She released a giggle, patting your back with one hand as if to ease you down. "It's the bare minimum of friendship, YN. I just hope that Jungwon doesn't hurt you."
The tone in which she said it felt more serious than it usually was, which was a bit odd. You understood her concern though, of course your friend wouldn't want you to be hurt! And yet, everyone and their mother knew that flower boy Yang Jungwon would be the least likely person to do such a thing.
You loosened your arms a bit, tilting your head at her confusedly. "Why would Jungwon hurt me..? You know he's too nice for that!"
You knew that Jungwon and Yeri had definitely gotten closer to each other since the Student Council elections, but your faith in Yeri had outshined any insecurities or suspicions that could've ever formed. She had definitely talked frequently to him, especially with all those times they've had to stay after school for paperwork, so you would've thought that she'd know Jungwon's personality by now.
She took ahold of your arms, smiling at you before wrapping her own limbs around your form. Gahh, hugs from Yeri! You giggled into her shoulder again, from where your face had buried itself into. "I know, I know. I'm just being worried, I think."
You nodded. "I get it, thank you."
Yeri and the rest had always been like this. Even though Niki would act disgusted towards your displays of affection, he loved it when you made time for him. Heeseung too, actually. Yeri and Heeseung were both equally protective of Niki and you, even though Yeri was your age.
Since the day you had became friends she was the one looking out for you. Not to say you were irresponsible, but because she was just naturally a protective person. It was a quality you and many others admired about her—her loyalty to her friends.
"Remember that guy that was obsessed with you? Back in middle school?" she muttered.
You hit her arm playfully, and she let you go. "He wasn't obssessed!" you insisted, "I thought the snacks were cute!"
Yeri laughed. "Ok, whatever you say, but he was always buying you stuff. Can't believe you turned him down, though."
Your eyes glanced towards Jungwon, who was waiting by the door with his hands in his pant pockets. The large mass of students filtering out of the opening had covered his figure at times, blocking your view when they did, and yet you knew you could point him out in any large crowd. He stood out in a way that had you nervous all over again.
"Yeah well," you started, looking away and instead down towards your shoes bashfully, "I told him I liked someone else, and now we're just buddies."
You slung your bag over your shoulder as Yeri decided to nudge it. "Wonder who that could've been," she teased, and you let out a indignant whine.
"You don't have to wonder!"
She pinched your cheek, and you pretended to attempt to bite at her finger playfully. As the both of you exited the doorway, you sent a smile towards Jungwon.
The brief eye contact made him look away again, for whatever reason, you didn't know. "I'll see you in the cafeteria, right?" you asked, a bit hopefully. Yeri stopped beside you.
He fidgeted a bit, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'll find you there."
You grinned at him, and went onto your tippy toes. Jungwon's large brown eyes widened, and he almost leaned back when you planted another chaste (burning) kiss onto his cheek. Again?! You're kidding!
Neither of you knew how relationships worked, but were you sure a kiss on the cheek could be considered the first step? He had to hold his breath, otherwise he would've made a noise.
"Ah—" Like the previous time, you moved away too quickly for him to have comprehended the situation fully—or to say anything.
Your bag slightly jostled as you promptly walked down the hallway. The figure of your back going further and further down, becoming smaller and smaller as he stood there once again. He held onto his cheek. The ghost of your lips were still there, faintly, but the touch was evidently still imprinted into his mind. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get used to that.
As you left, Yeri looked over towards him. Her smile was devoid, which was the first odd thing, and suddenly she grabbed his wrist—the one still tracing your kiss.
Jungwon looked after at her shocked, but she provided no explanation as she dragged him along with long, big strides. "What are you doing?"
"I said it'd be quick, you have to get to YN, right? Lunch with them?" She turned her head to the side, awaiting an answer.
"They told you?" he asked, but of course they told her. You were best friends. "I mean yeah, nevermind. I do."
He was going to tell you about the misplacement of the letter, too.
With how fast Yeri was rushing them both, they made it to the Student Council room much quicker than they would've if they had walked casually as they had done before. The windows of the Council room were open, the long curtains blowing with the passing wind.
The room was fairly old, not yet upgraded as the other classroom in the Hybe building were. They still had gray, cloth curtains connected to their windows, and Jungwon had found the curtains annoying when they decided to brush against his face while he was working.
Still, he found the sun and its brightness too pretty to try and close the windows. As he looked at them, Yeri had made a point to shut the door.
Jungwon glanced over in time to see her lock it, too. If he wasn't anxious before, he was now. "What did you want to talk about?" he inquired, placing his bag down.
No answer. He looked up, and blinked at her as she said nothing, just staring at him with her head tilted.
She took a step forward (he took one back, he had to), and another (his sneakers squeaked against the polished floor), and another, and another (Jungwon stumbled a bit, feet confused with his backwards direction), and more until—
Jungwon's back collided roughly with the wooden surface behind him, making an aching pain build upon the lower part of his body. Before he could even think about the spreading heat, Yeri had already slammed her hands on either side of the desk, shocking him into straightening back up.
She was close.
Not closer than you were, but close enough to where he was panicked on where to look. They had shared such a proximity before. Only once, but it was still near. He had leaned over to take a look at some paperwork on her desk, and her face was inches away.
He didn't notice her lashes though, nor her bright eyes like he did with you.
"I called you here today to speak to you," she began. Her voice was steady, calm, confident. Whatever she was planning to say, she had either rehearsed it or was steeled in her resolve.
"A-About what?" A stutter. Not good. He hadn't meant to stutter, so he just gulped down his next nervous words.
"About YN."
All of a sudden, Yeri had surged forward. Her stands of hair had flown with her, falling off her shoulders and hanging over Jungwon. Even though he was taller than her, he had to lean back to not come in contact with any part of her skin.
He held his breath again, like he did with you, but because he was terrified he'd accidentally breathe on her face.
Her eyes had narrowed. Yeri's eyes never narrowed. They had always been slightly curved from a smile, or fondly closed in thought, but never once had they even become close to those dangerous slits on her face.
Was this the same person he knew? What had initially drawn him to her was her sweetness, so how could she look so stone cold (read: terrifying) in this moment?
"Look, I know we're kind of close and all, but YN was my first friend and one of my only long-standing friendships since I was 9 years-old." Jungwon couldn't take her gaze, so he turned to look out the window as she spoke.
"They've been my rock ever since I started having trouble with my parents, and was always supportive of everything I did. YN is self-sacrificial and diligent in a way you'd only notice if you were friends with them, and observant to the small details, playful when you need them to be, and highly emotionally empathetic—"
She paused, as if finally noticing Jungwon's attempts to distract himself.
"—I'm talking to you here." His eyes snapped back towards her face at the harshness of the tone she used, and a bead of sweat formed at the back of his neck. Ok, never trying that again. "You're not a bad person, Jungwon. I know you're not the type to hurt someone like that, but I'm not taking that chance. YN is a very sensitive individual, ok?"
Yeri waited, long enough for the frightened boy in front of her to get the memo. Eventually, he nodded.
"Good. So don't you ever attempt to hurt them—actually, even if it was a mistake, I couldn't care less. I will make sure you won't live past the age of 30. You won't even be alive to see your grandchildren, Yang Jungwon."
To make her point clear, she turned her glare burning. He could feel it through his soul. Such a stare would generally leave his heart palpitating, and it was surely, but he'd be an idiot if he didn't know the difference between it beating in fear and from affection. Right then, it was fear.
As if she was finally satisfied, Yeri leaned back from the cornered Student Council President in front of her, and took several steps backwards.
"Take this as my blessing for your relationship," she offered, hand coming to give a small pat at his shoulder. It took every fibre of his being not to flinch. He did Taekwondo for God's sake, what was with him?
The words hadn't come out of her mouth, but it was silently spoken from one party to another. This wasn't just a blessing, this was a warning. A threat too, all in one.
Yeri took it upon herself to exit the room first, even making sure to close the door gently as to not disturb anyone around them, and Jungwon's legs took him to his Council President seat—because if he didn't take a seat, he was sure he'd faint somewhere along the way back.
Kim Yerim had just threatened him like an overprotective Mob Boss whose child had just gotten their first boyfriend. Kim Yerim, his crush, the girl he had been pining over since they had both been elected for Council positions, Kim Yerim—who he had apparently not known enough about.
Outside of the room, Yeri was making her way down the hallways, checking messages on her phone as she did so.
(10)! unread messages from Heeseung!
All with the same premise. What did you talk to Jungwon about? What did you say? Yeri? Where are you?
She should've known Jungwon would tell his other friends, it was only natural he would. I'll deal with that later.
She tucked her phone back into her skirt pocket, unaware of the frantic footfalls of someone running down the hallways in the opposite direction.
previous | next - series masterlist
TDLR: you kiss his cheek again, yeri drags jungwon to the stuco room, yeri will make sure jungwon wont live past the age of 30 :D
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i hope this was worth the wait you scoundrels
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moldy-mold · 3 years
Happy New Year, my friends!
I spent 2 weeks back home with my family. Xmas was very small and our holiday meal was humble yet enjoyable. It wasn’t until later when my extended family showed up that it really stirred up some drama. To put simply, things got too heated in the end and we won’t be seeing them anymore. Next year, Xmas will be just me, my bro and my parents, which honestly sounds great. 2022, I suppose like 2021, will be spent making the most of what we have and appreciating it.
I rolled up the cooking sleeves this Xmas... Made eggnog, spiked cheesecake, egg coffee, pumpkin cookies... Became a wine enthusiast lol. I know, it’s about time eh. If there’s any time I’ve ever felt so 30 years old... it’s right now.
My bro was introduced to Xenoblade 2 since I was still finishing it up over vacation. Like with most things, he did a 1-week speed-run of the game while we were still together and nearly caught up to me (which is pretty much the end). Just hours before we had to part ways, I loaded up my file and decided to beat the game so he could see the ending. On New Year’s Eve! You better believe I started Torna on Jan 1st. Starting the 2022 off right, folks...
When I think about last year, I realize I was put to the test in many ways and came out better for it. Learned some things about myself, made some embarrassing choices. Broke some friendships, gained some. It really is just about doing the things that you feel will improve your life and letting people go if they’re not meant for you. I try not to worry too much about my choices. I’m gonna be okay and they’re gonna be okay.
No NY resolutions this year, it’s the circumstances’ turn to change.
The Plant Saga
I feel like this new addition perfectly embodies my taste. Bold. Tropical. AND RED! It’s not that exotic but I think the challenge is keeping it healthy for many years and getting it to bloom again. Most people just throw them out when holidays are over...
I have named him Lloyd.
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Most Enjoyable Webtoons
I started reading Webtoons last Xmas so it was my 1-year anniversary lol. It became more than just entertainment. I’ve actually learned so much about storytelling!
These are my top 5:
Mystical: An artist awakens a mysterious life form from the sea. She wants to learn about where she came from and where she is now.
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Mom, I’m Sorry: An ungrateful son sacrifices 40 years of his lifespan to save his mom from dying. When she wakes up, she’s back to being 20 years old. Wanting to make up for his mistakes, he gives his mom a second chance at achieving her dreams. T_T
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Novae: A necromancer and astronomer discover the mysteries of their culturally rich and complex world... amidst a series of murders.
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Remarried Empress: A dangerously intelligent woman navigates herself gracefully through political and emotional drama within the palace.
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Your Letter: A girl finds a series of mysterious letters to aid her through the troubles of fitting-in in a new school.
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Nerd Stuff
My roommate and I finally beat Xillia 2 when we got back from our respective vacations. Wow it was something. From gameplay to plot to mechanics, that was the weirdest Tales game ever. Not my most loved game, but I had a good time. We’re trying to make it through the Ex dungeon and boy, do I feel TESTED.
Not that this is anything new, but I am in the mood for retro anime (which is all the time, but I feel it especially strong nowadays). I feel terribly indifferent to current shows so I’ll be taking a journey to explore 80s anime OVAs. The animation quality, copious amounts of sci-fi, and art styles intrigue me. Recs appreciated!
Last but not least, I will account my greatest achievement of 2021: getting my friends into Lupin III. The sweet, sweet feeling of finally being united in one fandom again after years of us never being aligned!
We tried out this video sharing site called kosmi and it works pretty well for us. You can decorate your lobby with... stuff LOL.
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Finished Watching... Lupin III Part IV ◆◆◆ Lupin III Part V ◆◆◇ Cowboy Bebop (Netflix Live Action) ◆◇◇ Single’s Inferno ◆◇◇ Interstellar ◆◆◇ Spider-Man No Way Home ◆◆◇ Aggretsuko S4 ◆◆◆ Pet Shop of Horrors ◆◆◆ Lupin III vs Detective Conan ◆◆◇ Lupin III: Dragon of Doom ◆◆◇ Kuroko no Basuke S1, S2 ◆◆◇
Hmmm... all in all, I have higher hopes for this year! I hope I don’t clown myself for saying that.
Thanks for reading!
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sombreboy · 4 years
Wedding night⇢kth x jjk
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⇢18+ ⇢pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ⇢genre: Smut, fluff, mxm ⇢word count: 12.7k ⇢warnings: profanity which is mostly Tae cursing like a sailor, dirtytalk, drinking, dom!kth, sub!jjk, koo sucks tae off in a taxi lmao, slight cockwarming in koo's little throat?, more oral cuz Koo is cockhungry as hell, DADDY KINK, Tae eats Koo's ass like a fuckin champ, light choking ig but its with luv, anal (as always, this is fictional, use lube- koo loves when tae destroys his ass)
A/N: Serves as an ‘after story’ within the Love Maze series AU, however can also be read on it’s own.
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“Damn, Tae.” Hoseok whistled, messing with the younger’s formal, silk bow tie whilst Taehyung examined his reflection through the mirror; set out to dismiss his hyung’s side comments, no matter how uplifting.
He was nervous— as he was expected to be. It was Taehyung’s wedding day, and although he’d been dying of excitement days prior, now that he stood in his assigned dressing room; his heart was racing . Of course he was thrilled to be marrying Jungkook--he wouldn’t have proposed to the man if he wasn’t 100% sure. But.. still . It was an important milestone in their life--Taehyung wanted it to be perfect.
“Jungkook’s jaw is going to hit the floor!” Jin’s elated voice joined in from his spot on the couch, where he sipped on a martini; legs crossed as if he was relaxing by the beach, living his best life.
“I can just imagine the look on his face.” Namjoon playfully squeezed Tae’s tense shoulders, grinning at the anxious man through the full-length mirror. Taehyung simply shrugged him off, grimacing as if Joon’s touch stung. “Hyungs.. can you be quiet? I’m trying to think.”
Namjoon stepped away from Tae, hands raised in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. I just can’t believe it— that you guys are getting married, that is.”
At that, an awkward smile tugged at Taehyung’s lips. He couldn’t believe it either; it felt like a dream. Tae didn’t regret getting down on one knee at all, he wanted Jungkook for the rest of his life. Some might think they’d been taking it too fast— or are in a hurry to secure their future; but this was what felt right to the both of them. They’d been dating for five years now, making Taehyung twenty-three; a young adult whose life was only beginning— supposedly. But that was the furthest thing from the truth. No matter how cheesy it sounded, Tae’s life began when he met Kook, his husband-to-be. He wanted to be married to the guy, to be able to call him his husband. They’d even started looking into adoption agencies, knowing the process could take up to a year’s time. Fuck what people thought of their decisions, they were theirs to assume the consequences of.
“Shit, I just hope it all goes well..”
“It will, Tae. This day will go down in the book of your lives.” Namjoon reassured.
Jin snickered, hiccuping, “You’re so poetic, Joon. Trust me, this day is going to slap.”
Meanwhile in Jungkook’s dressing room..
“You nervous? Need a cig?” One of Jungkook’s coworkers, Jia, offered; already pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her purse.
“Uhm.. I don’t think that’s a good idea..” Jisoo frowned, eyeing the other woman with uncertainty. “Just take deep breaths if you’re nervous, Jungkookie.”
“Ooor you could just smoke one.”
“For the last time—“
“You girls are so different, oh my fucking god.” Yoongi nonchalantly grumbled, arms crossed over his chest. Jia rolled her eyes, tucking the cigarettes back to where she found them.
“You guys are being annoying,” Jimin sighed, setting aside his beer before waltzing closer to Jungkook, studying the younger’s appearance with a pleased look on his face.
“Tae’s going to love you. You look good!”
''No smoking, I'm literally about to kiss Taehyung in front of everyone.'' Jungkook murmured, eyes hyper fixated on himself in the mirror. Honestly, a cigarette, or ten would be exactly what he needed right about fucking now. He was so nervous, his breathing was shallow-- his hands trembling. He took a good look at himself... He's always looked the same in his own eyes, ever unchanging. But today was different. Jungkook was different. Suddenly, he could see all the changes he's made since high school-- all the changes he'd been through with, and without Taehyung. The ever growing muscles finally at their peak, the suit flattering to his shape from his widened shoulders to his slim waist. His tattoos snaking out of the sleeve to his hands and by his neck. And his always way-too-long hair that he refuses to keep too short only because Taehyung had once said 'I like it long.'.. Now, that must've been years ago, but it stuck with the younger.
"I really look good?" Jungkook glanced at his friends through the mirror.
“Yes!” They all answered in unison— “Decent.”
“Yoongi, shush!” Jisoo playfully pushed the newly-dyed blonde’s shoulder, assuring Jungkook of how handsome he looked.
“Kidding, kid. You look okay.” Yoongi shrugged, successfully dodging Jimin’s incoming slap to his chest.
“Don’t pretend like I didn’t catch you trying to hold back your tears moments before, Min.” Jia smirked, crossing her tattooed arms over her chest; smile widening at the man’s taken-aback reaction.
“Wasn’t crying. You don’t even know me, anyways.” Yoongi huffed, now more hyper aware of his feelings, hence he snapped his head in the opposite direction of his peers.
“Never said you were crying, now did I?”
“Yo, both of you, stop bickering. If you didn’t hate each other so much, I’d think you’re secretly in love with one another.” Jimin didn’t bother looking at the pair, instead focusing his attention on the man of the night— well, one of the men. He was extremely happy for them; they deserved their happy ending after all the shit they went through. And it was a lot..
“You look hot, spicy.” Knowing it’d tickle Kook’s amusement, Jimin giggled whilst he verbally teased him, hoping to ease his mind even for a bit.
“Damn, Yoongi’s crying might rub off on me.”
“I wasn’t crying for fucks sake!”
Taehyung was left alone for some time; left to gather his thoughts once the suit was properly fitted, black hair slicked back— a couple strands falling down to his eyes. Still, he felt far from put together.. Reaching for his phone, Tae tapped on Jungkook’s profile, thumbs moving before he could think of the right words to say.
To: Kook Hey ;)) I know it’s bad luck or whatever to see each other before the ceremony, so I settled for texting I’m a little nervous, I’ve had to pee like 10 times now But fuck I’m so eager to make you my husband, bet you look gorgeous as always
Jungkooks scrunched smile and giggle grew, his friends surely knew how to hype him up; even though the nervosity was at its peak. "Thanks guys." He reached for his phone on the table as soon as it chimed, tucking his fringe behind his ear as he tapped the message. It didn't matter how long the men had been together, Tae always put a dumb grin on Kooks face with his interesting mashup of rambles and emojis. He quickly tapped back on the screen, he'd become a pretty good texter these days compared to his younger days.
To: TaeTae I'm also nervous T_T the girls (and Jimin) have been hyping me up for the past twenty minutes...I almost considered smoking a pack but I wanted to taste good lol. x) And I'm pretty sure Yoongi cried! feel so awkward in a suit, but they say I look, and I quote, "spicy" :ooo Can't wait to see you though, I can't imagine how fucking pretty you'll look in a suit.. I'll see you soon ^^ <3
Jungkook cringed, this might be the longest text he's ever sent in his entire life. But it was fun, and hopefully it would help ease the elders' nerves.
"Alright, it's time!" Jimin clapped his hands. "We will head to the audience, you got this Kook!"
Fuck, it was actually happening. They were getting married.
Taehyung comfortably sank back in his spot on the couch, chuckling at Jungkook’s use of emojis; it was fuckin’ cute. His boy was a dork, another reason Tae wanted to marry him.. The younger’s plan unknowingly worked, Taehyung felt more at peace as he typed back his reply; fingers moving quickly as he knew it was almost time to go. Now that he thought about it.. it was a waste, considering Kook probably wouldn’t see it until after the ceremony, but it did calm him down, so Tae said to hell with it.
To: Kook You always taste good tho..love everything you have to offer, you know I’m not picky And fuuuuckkk I bet you’re rocking the suit rn baby, don’t feel awkward
“Tae! Hurry.” Hoseok’s head peeked in from the other side, urging him to wrap it up— whatever had him grinning from ear to ear. Throwing his phone to the side, Taehyung looked at his reflection one last time, messing with Namjoon’s work on his tie. When jogging out of the room, Tae cursed to himself— his speech!  “Shit, never mind.” The elder was so stressed out that he hadn’t noticed the slip of paper was tightly held in his hand; it was nerve-wracking. Taehyung was the one supposed to wait at the altar; after having been decided by a silly game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’. The one thing they took their utmost time deciding on was the name, however.
Jeon. Taehyung wanted to take Jungkook’s surname. Something about wanting a fresh, fresh start. His boyfriend was his everything, and his father was nothing compared to Kook. Tae felt as if change was needed, and what better way than to refer to himself as a Jeon? It drew butterflies in his stomach..
“Fuck— sorry, I’m here now.” The elder harshly whispered to the marriage officiant, nearly tripping over a random cord on the way. Of course. Fuck, his mouth was dry. Taehyung’s chest felt heavy with excitement, squeezing tightly onto the piece of paper that had his vows written inside; just waiting to be heard by Jungkook— and everyone else, but those words were meant for the younger, truly. Shit, Tae just wanted to see him..
Jungkook was trembling behind the closed doors, continuously having to be stopped by Jisoo from running his hand through his hair.
"Don't mess your hair up, kookie. We spent hours on taming it!" She chuckled quietly, fixing the tie on his neck. He was a nervous wreck, his anxiety causing his stomach to do somersaults. He wants to throw up.
"I've never been this nervous in my life." Kook bounced on the ball of his foot, taking deep breaths. He was gonna get through this. He wanted this. He just wanted to see Taehyung.
"Shh, it's time. Go get that husband, Kookie!" Jisoo patted his back, grabbing the basket of flowers that she'd share with her daughter, Yuna. She was 5 years old now, and having them as the flower girls was nothing but an obvious choice. The doors slowly opened, music playing and everyone on their seats stood up, turning to look at Jungkook. It was a mix of eyes, all showing their own version of joy, whether it be with tears in their eyes or a large smile. But the only face Jungkook could see was the one staring back at him from the altar.
"Fuck..." Jungkook whispered under his breath, his feet finally moving on their own, eyes tunnel visioned on Taehyung. His heart didn't calm down, instead raced even faster, pounding heavily in his chest. But it wasn't out of nervosity, but of excitement.
“Oh, wow..” Taehyung was whipped— in awe, too. Jungkook mirrored a literal angel sent from above, and the elder couldn’t seem to look away; not for one second. The younger one looked stunning.. “Gorgeous..” Tae’s teeth clamped down on his lower lip, preventing it from trembling due to the emotions that’d taken over his body in the form of shivers. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry..
Taehyung couldn’t believe it, they were only moments away from— “Uncle Tae! I have no more flowers..!” A fit of muffled laughter erupted from the small crowd, causing a flustered Jisoo to attempt to quiet down her daughter, murmuring shh’s.
“But mama I need more flowers!” Taehyung laughed, mouthing to Jisoo that all was well; Yuna was too cute. Tae loved the little girl to pieces. Once she was done throwing her mini tantrum— thanks to Namjoon, who quickly swept Yuna off her little feet; Tae’s big grin gradually died down now that Jungkook’s figure had gotten closer. Instead, he licked over his lips, feeling the warm tears resurface once again.
“Hurry up, I wanna hold your hands..” The needy whisper came out weaker than Taehyung had intended, voice breaking whilst he made grabby-hands towards Jungkook, wanting nothing more than to stand before the love of his life. When both men finally faced one another, the elder had the strong urge to kiss him; but he held back. The time hadn’t come yet..
“Wow.. you look so pretty, baby,” is what he settled for, nervously toying with Kook’s fingers, glassy eyes shrinking the more his smile widened.
Jungkook chewed the inside of his cheek, the only invisible release of his anxious state that he could do at the moment. Taehyung looked fucking otherwordly, it blew his mind that this man... was his. Forever.
''You too.... So handsome.'' He whispered back, doe eyes sparkling from the lights around them, enhanced by the layer of tears glazing over his dark irises.  Don't cry, don't cry, don't fucking-- well, fuck, he's crying. Jungkook was always a crybaby. ''Shit...'' Kook didn't even register the warmth trickling down his cheeks until now, blinking rapidly as he looked at the ceiling to prevent the stinging in his eyes. His tattooed hands immediately intertwined with Taehyung's, squeezing to ensure that this was indeed their reality. And so, they were both reminded of this reality as the officiant's voice echoed in the venue.
"Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the union of,'' The officiant paused to look at the younger. ''Jeon Jungkook and,'' And over at the elder. ''Kim Taehyung."
Jungkook's breath hitched, squeezing his husband to be's hands tighter.
"Your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust and honor each other through the good, the bad and the unexpected. This union represents your commitment to support one another as individual beings but share your joys, sorrows, and dreams as one." The speech continued, the officiant rambled about marriage, about love, about everything-- and Jungkook couldn't do anything but silently admire Taehyung, just as the elder did back. Their expression said it all, it always did. Ever since they were younger, the look in their eyes never changed as they found each other's gaze.
''Jeon Jungkook, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your husband?''
Jungkook swallowed tightly, it felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest at any given moment. The way he fucking loved this man was unheard of.
"I do." His voice was clear, and for that he was thankful-- even if his cheeks were damp with tears.
The officiant turned to look at the elder.
"Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband?"
Taehyung didn’t need another second to think it through; he’s had five years to make up his mind—“Fuck, o-of course! I mean, I do.” He squeezed the younger’s trembling hands, twiddling with the delicate piece of metal hugging Kook's ring finger; grinning freely past the layer of tears that washed over his chocolate eyes.
“Forasmuch as Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, by the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the groom.” The series of claps and exceptionally loud cheers (drunk Jin) from their friends barely reached Taehyung’s ears. The elder practically threw himself in Jungkook’s arms, tightly wrapping his own around the younger’s neck as Tae kissed the hell out of him, taking his sweet time with his husband. Fuck.. felt disorienting— yet extremely fitting to think that; to be able to refer to Jungkook as his husband.
“I love you so much.” Taehyung’s faint whisper only reached four ears, his and Kook’s. Their friends lingered in the beautifully lit background, cooing; some snapping hundreds of pictures (once again, drunk Jin) of the pair. “And yeah, they were right. You do look spicy..” The elder discreetly raised a brow, having yet to part ways from Jungkook’s warmth. “But tonight, you’ll look even better naked.” The elder’s hands tauntingly slid down to Kook’s waist, where he gripped at his soft edges. Taehyung’s dim smirk diminished into yet another kiss, this time needier..
“Uh, guys? You gonna stop kissing now..?” Hoseok gave them a verbal poke, “We’re still here, you know.”
Jia cheerfully butted in, “Let’s get this party started, I wanna get wasted.”
Jungkook wiped his dry tears off his cheeks when theiy kiss is broken, wide smile mixed with his flustered blush. Tae always managed to sneak in the comments that'd make his insides stir from the mere anticipation of what's to come. Their wedding night. Somehow, that thought made it even more special. And even if they've done practically everything together, Koo was feeling a bit nervous... He wanted it to be even more special. He was thankful for the fact that a bit of liquid courage would surely help with his nerves. Honestly, tipsy sex later on didn't sound that bad...
"Don't say such things yet, or I won't be able to wait until tonight.." Jungkook whispered back, burying his face in Tae's neck momentarily until his blush would subside.
Photos were taken, from Tae popping the champagne bottle for their first drink together as a married couple, arms hooked and cheesy for the cameras, Jungkook cutting their cake and feeding it to Taehyung, with all hyungs in the back cheering like dumbasses, to Yuna smearing cream on Jungkook's nose as he held her. It was the perfect gathering for everyone that loved them, and for the ones they loved. The venue had moved into the party event of the night, Kook's suit jacket came off to only wear the pants and white dress shirt underneath, sleeves rolled up to his biceps, hair slightly messy but still put together. Drinks now in hand, hyungs, friends and the married couple exchanged laughs, memories and embarrassing stories.
''Remember when Taehyungie aaalways would give Jungkookie the marshmallows during breakfast? Ah, so wholesome. And here they are, fucking maaarrried!" Jin laughed, raising his glass for another drink.
''And when they disappeared during that party...'' Yoongi added quietly, his cheeks red from the alcohol. ''Then they came back from upstairs looking all newly fucked.''
Namjoon choked on his drink at the memory, remembering literally finding them naked in the room. But, that was something he'd take to the grave, however giving the couple a look of 'if they only knew.'
Jungkook blushed, tilting his head back to gulp down one of his drinks. ''My favorite is... McDonalds.'' he scrunched his nose at the memory, glancing over at Tae. ''Remember?''
Taehyung sat his half-empty glass of wine down. The slender fingers that once wrapped around its crystal base were now on Jungkook’s thigh, caressing over the smoother fabric of the younger’s dress pants— a different feel compared to Kook’s usual, rugged style. “How could I forget..” Tae chuckled, “That’s the place where you asked me out.”
“I knew it!” Jin’s loud voice startled little Yuna, who was busy stuffing her face with a slice of cake whilst the rest of the adults conversed about different topics that didn’t intrigue her five-year-old mind. Immediately, she hid her face in Namjoon’s chest, small fists clinging onto her father’s suit. “Remember that day in the lunchroom? When both of you were being total assholes and wouldn’t tell us who asked who out? I was right.”
Hoseok’s eyes lit up, as if the memories had just registered in his brain— “I remember! Always thought it was Tae, though.”
Taehyung’s cheeky grin evolved into a laugh, comfortably leaning his body against his husband’s, “Nope. It was him, it was right after the party, too. I remember it clearly— my ass was so sore, and the stars were really pretty.. also, the milkshakes. At that moment, he just.. asked if I wanted to be his boyfriend, so I said yes.”
Jimin’s plushy lips jutted outwards into a soft pout, cooing.
“I didn’t know you back then, but that does sound cute as hell.” Jia looked over at Yoongi, seeing as he was already looking back at her. The sensual tension between those two was pungent, anyone could tell. “This man right here cried fat tears during your vows.” Yoongi’s fond expression shifted into a frown, huffing as he poured himself another drink.
“Not true, Jia. You sure love to over-exaggerate things, don’t you?”
Yoongi definitely cried. Everyone knew.
“Whatever, I’m gonna go... to the bathroom, drank too much..” The last bit was mumbled. With a quick look towards Jia’s direction, Yoongi raised his brows— she got the hint.
“Gonna go check my dress, shit’s too tight.”
And just like that, both disappeared from the table.
Hoseok snickered, “Remind you of some people?” Taehyung smirked, bumping shoulders with Kook.
“They’re definitely hooking up. Yoongi had a tent under those pants.”
“Daddy? What’s ‘hooking up’?” It was Jisoo’s turn to glare at the man at her side, “Jin!”
"That's uhhhh..... oh look Yuna, cake!" Namjoon averted the distraction with sugary sweets, which seemed to work by the way the little child suddenly forgot about any mention of 'hookups', his dimpled smile directed to Jisoo. Jungkook leaned onto Taehyung, his fond eyes travelling across the group. The fact they all managed to still be friends was a blessing. The night went on, everyone getting more intoxicated, Yoongi and Jina still gone-- probably left to continue somewhere else.. and Jisoo and Namjoon ended up leaving because little Yuna had a bedtime to attend. The rest of the group stayed around until late hours, cheering and drinking on to celebrate the newlyweds. But all nights come to an end, everyone standing outside the building to bid their farewell.
"Time for you guys to consummate the marriage huhhhh?" Jin winked, one arm clinging onto Hoseok's shoulder to keep him up straight.
"Itll be like any other night." Hoseok snickered, hissing when Jimin kicked his shin.
"Congrats on the marriage, guys." Jimin cheered, blowing kisses in the air to the sweet couple. "I'm very happy for you guys. Ahh.. I want to marry someday too."
"Maybe Mino will marry you." Jungkook giggled, his cheeks red from the alcohol heating him up, clinging onto Taehyung's arm like a child. He surely was bigger, but in a moment like this he seemed just so small and endearing. "See you guys later."
The couple waited for their cab, as neither were in a condition to drive, anxious to get home to their first night as Mr. And Mr. Jeon.
“Someone’s had a bit too many drinks..” Taehyung drunkenly chuckled, wrapping one arm around Jungkook’s loose shoulders to pull him in closer, out stretching his neck; in the lookout for their expected cab. Once the car finally pulled up, Tae slumped down on the backseat, throwing his head back with a tired groan. It’s been a long, exciting day; almost all of the elder’s energy was spent entertaining their guests. “Fuck, ‘m tired, husband..” Like a kid, Taehyung turned his head to gaze into the younger’s eyes, cheeky grin tugging at his lips. “Dunno if I’m gonna be able to fuck you dumb tonight.” Oh, Tae definitely could. Now that he was in a hazier mindset, messing with Jungkook seemed that much more amusing.. The elder might‘ve been tired; but he never got tired of Kook’s body, and tonight was no exception. “Shit, I was really gonna take my time with you and everything.. I was gonna make love to you, hard.” He forced out a defeated sigh, diverting his attention to the various lights outside.
Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung with his wide doe eyes, hands fiddling in his lap. He pouted. "But Taeeee...." he leaned in closer, hand reaching to tug at his husband's collar for attention. He really turned into such a baby when he drank with Taehyung. And maybe, just maybe it also had to do with the fact that they were horny newlyweds, he's been teased all day. "Tired? noo.. babe, we can wake you up. I'll wake youu uuup!"
“God, you’re so fucking cute..” Taehyung scooted closer to his tipsy husband, Tae’s distant laughter now coming across as raspier than before; the slight vibrations in his broad shoulders brushing against the side of Jungkook’s arm. “You’ll wake me up, huh..” Something else was already aroused awake, and the elder couldn’t bare to keep it a secret from Kook for much longer.. “I have an idea— of how you can wake me up, that is.” Taehyung pressed a small kiss onto the younger’s cheek, alert eyes trained upfront. “Wanna know what it is? Shit, why am I even asking, of course you do..” He pulled away from Jungkook’s ear, drunken-breath clashing against the latter’s clammy skin. “Get a feel, baby.” Tae cautiously led the younger’s hand to his bulge, ragged breath hitching in his throat. He was extra sensitive, and it was hard to not make much noise.. The driver would start to get suspicious. “Ah shit.. move your hand.” With a quick peek upfront, Taehyung undid his zipper, man-spreading for Jungkook. Luckily the back was dark enough, but there was always a chance of them getting caught..
Jungkook's eyes sparkled in the dark, biting down on his lower lip to prevent the needy whimper that threatened to escape his throat. He probably wouldn't admit it so openly, but there was something about the risk of getting caught that turned him on even more than if it would've been a simple wait for them to get home. Taehyung surely knew that though. Kook was his little exhibitionist. And the latter was ever grateful that the elder indulged in his deviant desires. "Can't believe I get to call you my husband." Jungkook whispered, voice more steady this time around. One hand still palming Tae’s bulge over his pants, his other hand snaked underneath the waistband for a direct contact, sighing out a shaky breath at the silky, soft yet hard length that throbbed in his hand. Kook has seen, tasted and touched Taehyung's cock what felt like a million times before, but there was no way he could ever get enough of it. Slowly, he stroked Taehyung's rigid length with lazy movements, relishing in the response he drew out from his husband in the form of twitchy hips, the struggle to remain silent.
“Fuck..” Taehyung’s tongue swiped over his lips, temporarily wetting the dry patches. He harshly tugged at his lower lip with his teeth, and the corner of his mouth twitched once as he held back a deep, thick growl. “My fuckin’ husband; you like this, don’t you? My sneaky baby.. jerking me off in the backseat of a stranger’s car. Dirty little thing.” The elder gently rocked his hips into Kook’s hand, looking down at the way the front of his pants would bulge outwards with every stroke. “So fucking good. You imagining it’s your ass wrapping around me, baby boy? Hm? Fuckin’ bet you wanna jump my bones; you wanna feel this big cock inside of you— fuuck..” Taehyung threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Mmhm... shit, when you talk like that..." Jungkook rubbed his thighs together, uncomfortably adjusting his erection. "Drives me mad. My little ass is throbbing, clenching just thinking about your fat cock filling it up." Koo whispered into the elders ear, squeezing Taes turgid length a little harder, his hand getting more and more slick with every stroke, focusing his attention on the swollen mushroom tip than the rest of it, rubbing his thumb underneath the crease of the head. "I love you. Do you feel a bit more awake now?" He breathed out coyly, nuzzling his nose into Taehyung's neck. For one it could look like an innocent cuddle, little drunk koo just seeking leverage. But the innocence was nowhere to be found in either of the boys.
Taehyung’s nails sank deep into the fabric of his pants, feeling the strong muscles under his thigh shift into a clenched position. The way Jungkook’s thumb kneaded the spot under the reddened tip; accentuating his vigor— it had Tae losing it. Kook knew how much that gesture drove him insane. He also knew that it turned Taehyung on to the max; if the latter wasn’t in such a trance, he would’ve had to punish Jungkook for it. How dare he tease him in a situation like this one?— knowing Tae wouldn’t be able to fuck his brains out.. “Y-yeah.. more awake. Keep rubbing under there..” The elder grew harder in Kook’s hand, the rocking of his hips gaining more momentum. “O-oh.. fuuck.”
“Everything okay back there?”
Shit— shit! As if it could possibly hide the commotion going on inside of his pants, Taehyung’s hand instinctively covered over his bulge; looking like a wide-eyed idiot. He quickly turned to look at Jungkook, silently pleading with him to answer for the both of them. His voice would betray him, Tae was sure of it. Fuck, he just wanted to arrive at their expensive suite already and fuck his husband..
"All good, siiir! Just a little too much to drink!" Jungkook chirped back, keeping his eyes fixed on Taehyung's wide ones. Mischief was evident on Jungkook's expression, he was fucking thriving off of the risky situation, the embarrassment that could possibly dawn upon them. But Kook was confident the chance of actually being caught was more unlikely. "Don't worry so much, you're way too obvious..." Jungkook whispered, although he did enjoy the tension it provided. "I wonder if I could just suck you off right here?" He added lowly, eyes lowering to watch his hand resume it's work, squeezing and rubbing at the swollen head. He licked his lips, nodding to himself as he leaned down, his raven hair barely visible in the dark anyway. "Just gonna take a little nap til we arrive." He cooed out loud, quietly tugging down Tae's pants to release his length from the strain of fabrics. He sighed, the sound coming out as a quiet moan that only the elder could hear before directly taking the tip into his mouth, no teasing-- just as much as he could possibly take down his throat, tongue brushing against the velvety skin. He remains still, his gag reflex well trained throughout their years together, allowing the elder to just feel the wet warmth of Jungkook's fleshy mouth, like a good cock warming prep. Koo knew this would drive him mad, riled up to the max to get what he wanted in their bedroom later on; a desperate, rough, punishing fuck.
“Kook— wha.. a-ah..” Taehyung gasped; he didn’t expect Jungkook to actually go through with it, but now that the younger’s mouth lingered frozen around his heated cock, Tae found that to be even more surprising. Jungkook was really testing him.. “Fuck, babe quit playing and suck my dick..” His fingers wove themselves in through his husband’s long hair, tugging at its roots.  Taehyung stared down at where Kook’s warmth engulfed his most sensitive body part, desperately trying to make out the younger’s swollen lips in the darkness.  Still as cautious as ever, Tae’s eyes continuously flickered between the focused driver and his husband, slightly pushing downwards on Jungkook’s head. “Baby, fuck.. so warm, shit.” Taehyung felt as if he’d be able to stay like this forever.. “You’re taking in all of it like a champ, Jesus..”
As if Jungkook was cock-warming him, Tae threw his head back, eyes closed while he visibly relaxed. It was tempting to fuck the younger’s mouth, but after a long; eventful day, this was what Taehyung needed..
“So newlyweds, huh? How does it feel?”
The elder’s eyes immediately awakened, worried that the man would be able to see Jungkook through the rear view mirror. He pushed down on Kook’s nape, feeling the younger’s drool slither down his naked length. “Oh, uh.. it— it feels great.” Taehyung bit down on his rosy lip, slowly thrusting his hips upwards. Fuck, Kook was going to be the death of him.
Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's thigh, smoothing his hand in slow circles as a way of reassurance that he's fine. But of course, Tae knew the younger could take it all. He took a deep breath through his nose, swallowing tightly around the elders swollen length. The fleshy walls of his throat constricted, the light quiet sound of the younger gasping for more air more prominent. But Kooks hand remained soothing on Tae’s thigh. It was fine. He loved this. And, the fact that Taehyung was having a conversation with the driver only made it so much more entertaining.
"That is amazing. You two make a very handsome couple. I can hear the sighs of women from here when they see the two of you together." The driver chuckled lightly.
The moan scratching at the back of Taehyung’s throat converted itself into an awkward chuckle; his posture stiff as he relished in the comforting touch of Jungkook’s hand. “Y-yeah,” another forced laughter, “He’s very good.. very handsome. Lucky to have him— o-oh shit.”  Tae felt his husband’s throat close in around him, and the elder insisted Kook could make out the saltiness of his precum. Shit, he was practically squeezing it out of him at this point, Jungkook was so fucking tight..
“Everything alright?” Of course the driver heard.
“Yeah— yeah, ‘m good.”
Taehyung’s tongue swiped over his lips, his fingers having yet to part from the younger’s hair. “Wanna feel you even more..” Subtly, Tae’s hips fucked into his mouth, the tip of his cock repeatedly prodding against the back of Jungkook’s throat. “Oh god..” His body’s rhythm was steady, but anything was better than nothing. The elder stared down at him, admiring the way the boy’s plush lips would occasionally graze the skin of his pelvis. Jungkook’s gag reflex had gotten better, and Taehyung was big— it came as an initial surprise for both. Now, they were used to it. While his dick stayed snug inside of Kook's mouth, the driver decided it’d be a good idea to continue asking them questions.
“Any plans for the future?”
“Uh, buy a house, raise a baby— things like that.” Normally Tae wouldn’t have answered so quickly, but he was desperate for the man to stop asking them questions..
“That’s amazing. Babies are a handful, I have two of them myself, so I wish you guys the best of luck!”
“T-thanks. We’ll need it.”
“How does your husband feel about that? Excited to raise a kid?”
“Yeah, babe. How do you feel about raising a baby with me?” If Jungkook could tease him, so could he. “Come on, wake up from your nap honey. It’s rude..”
Jungkook clawed at Taehyung's thigh for having the guts to force the younger to interrupt what he'd started. He really didn't want to separate his throat from Tae's cock. However, he did, slowly feeling the rigid length brush against his fleshy mouth as he pulled back to sit up straight, combing his fingers through his hair with one hand and wiping his teary eyes with the other. "Yeah,'' His voice came out hoarse. He padded his eyes with the back of his hand, instead acting as if he's so touched by the very thought of children. "Yeah I am very excited, can't wait to raise a child with him." Kook glanced over at the elder as he said so, he genuinely meant every word that rolled off his tongue. However, right now, there was a hint of his mischievous annoyance present. He wanted to tease more. Instead, he opted for simply... Not going back down, leaning back in his seat as he placed his hands in his lap, covering the throbbing bulge he's rocking of his own. Fuck, this car ride felt like it was taking forever...
"How sweet.'' The driver chirped as he finally pulled over by their street.
"Well, here we are. It was a pleasure talking to the two of you, I wish you the best of luck with your future. And congratulations on the marriage."
After seconds of just.. waiting for Jungkook to dive back down, Taehyung passed as an actual idiot. He expectantly stared at his husband, dick stiff as a pole— but without anyone to take proper care of it. When it became obvious that Kook wasn’t planning on continuing, Taehyung scoffed, tucking himself back in with a sour expression. This man..
Once the sight of the massive hotel came into view, Tae was eager to get out of there. He rummaged in his back pocket for his wallet before paying the driver, thanking him for the thoughtful wishes regarding their marriage. However, part of him felt guilty that the man remained clueless about what took place in the backseats, so Taehyung gave him a big tip. It didn’t completely get rid of his gnawing guilt, but it definitely helped..
“Thanks. Drive safe.” The elder waved at the man, an innocent smile on display until the car disappeared from their sight.
At that moment, Taehyung grasped onto Jungkook’s bicep, bringing him closer. “What the fuck was that?” He growled into the younger’s ear, “You didn’t even suck me off, that’s low, babe.” His bigger hand snuck down to Kook’s ass, giving it a firm squeeze. “You teased me a lot back there, I don’t wanna hear a word from you when I do the same. Now come on, let’s get checked in, then we’ll see if I’m still up for it..”
Being manhandled in this manner had Jungkook speechless, the one and only sound he dared to allow slipping past his suck-swollen lips was a breathy whimper. Now, it was no secret that the younger was physically the one at an advantage if he wanted to be-- but the thing is, he crumbled so easily with every word hissing through Taehyung's teeth. Jungkook nodded, keeping his gaze low on the ground as his lips curled up in a small smile, legs trembling with excitement. This little game, it was the perfect thrill. Would he get teased until he physically couldn't take it anymore? Would he be left tied up on the bed for hours upon hours? Or would the elder simlpy be too impatient and just fuck him into a dumb drooling mess?
Not knowing what to anticipate drove the younger mad.
Once they made it to the door of their premium suite, he patiently waited next to his husband who had the keycard to the door, eyes occasionally daring to look at how Tae practically oozed with frustration-- like a cloud of power that followed him all the way from the car. Kook licked his lips at the sight, a soft shaky breath all that left him as he shifted his weight on his feet, keeping his head low still. He wanted to feel small.
Taehyung turned on the doorknob, stepping into the neat space that’d soon turn into a mess. The elder was annoyed, and Jungkook knew how he got whenever something was on his mind, especially something like this.. “What are you doing still standing there? Get in.” No trace of fondness remained put in Taehyung’s naturally lower voice. Tonight, he’d put Jungkook through the merciless teasing that the younger showed him in the car; and Tae was going to enjoy every minute of it. After closing the door behind them, the elder loosened his bowtie, throwing it to the corner where his suit jacket laid. He turned around to face Jungkook, forcing the latter to stare into his eyes by redirecting his chin upwards.
He really looked too cute..
“Why are you so shy? You look so innocent..” Taehyung clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, withdrawing his hand from Kook’s chin. “But you’re far from innocent, and I think you know why.”
With a bratty smile, Tae made himself comfortable on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his top. “Why should I fuck you, hm? You’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass.” He made zero efforts to meet Jungkook’s eyes, playing uninterested.
Jungkook's doe eyes widened as he stepped closer to the elder until he stood in front of him, knees almost touching. He tried to meet Tae's eyes, but they kept avoiding him like the plague. And that alone ignited the needy fires within the younger-- he craved the attention even more when he was deprived of it. "Please, Taehyung." Jungkook's voice was low, a just audible enough whine. He dropped to his knees in front of Tae, still desperately attempting to feel his husband's gaze on him. "I'll be good, so good for you." He added, his hands already unbuttoning his own shirt after loosening his tie; eager to free himself from the restraints of the fabrics. Eager to feel Taehyung's clammy skin against his own at some point. Kook threw his shirt to the side, leaving his tie loose around his neck purposefully. He leaned in, placing his tattooed hands on Taehyung's thighs daringly as his sparkly gaze seeked attention. "I'll do anything to make up for it." He licked his lips as he said so, genuine in every sense of his words. "Mr. Jeon." He quirked a brow, liking how his name sounded when addressed to the elder, giving him a new level of authority that had Kook's cock throb beneath his dress pants.
Mr. Jeon..
Taehyung’s fingers tightly curled around Jungkook’s loose tie, roughly pulling the younger’s body upwards, unbothered to be the one who put in the effort to make their gazes clash. In this moment, Jungkook was his little doll; Tae got to handle him as he pleased. “Anything?” Their noses were practically touching whilst the elder’s hot breath fanned Kook’s flustered face, his eyes dead-set on the younger’s relaxed lips. “Call me that again.” Taehyung not only wanted to hear, but he wanted to see. The elder’s stare fell heavy on Jungkook’s lips, anticipating seeing the way they moved as Kook referred to him by such a commanding name. “Fuck.. say it.”
Jungkook licked his plushy lips deliberately slow before he inhaled deeply. "Mr. Jeon... Please, use me." He said with a low voice, his dark eyes still seeking for any attention. But knowing he wouldn't get it until the elder chose to, he settled for observing every little reaction he was able to draw out of him. He knew Taehyung didn't go unaffected, whether he acted like it or not. "Jeon Taehyung." He repeated the full name, this time it came out more like a strained sigh due to the tightness of the tie around his neck, eyes fluttering shut when he felt Tae's hand tug at the fabric controlling his airways.
Fuck, Taehyung couldn’t take it any longer; he had to have Jungkook. It was annoying— how the younger more often than not got away with whatever the hell he wanted, simply because of Taehyung’s undying hunger for the man.. But, who said the teasing had to end there? Surely not the elder. It was more fun that way.. Tae’s bigger hand unlatched itself from Jungkook’s tie, instead snaking around to the latter’s nape, sinking his fingers into the rigid skin before forcing their lips together. The kiss was anything but gentle, instead it reflected off of how Taehyung was feeling at the moment; needy, controlling— rough. “You’re gonna regret messing with me..” The elder mumbled in between their breathless kisses, the grip on Jungkook’s nape now more prominent, and so was the bulge in his tight pants. “You’re gonna listen to Mr. Jeon’s every word, got it?” Taehyung’s thumb caressed over the smooth skin of Kook’s cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from it. “Now undress me, but undo my zipper with your teeth. Hold eye contact throughout all of it, can you do that, puppy?” Not waiting for a clear answer, Tae comfortably leaned back on his arms, waiting for Jungkook to get started.
A spark of excitement swirled in Jungkook's dark gaze, eager to please and serve his husband. It was so fucking hot to see him this way, a nonchalant expression oozing of power, leaned back to showcase just exactly Jungkook was yet to unwrap for himself to see. Kook was confident, thrilled; and impatient. The mix had his hands trembling as he firstly finished the job of unbuttoning every single button on Tae's dress shirt, letting it freely fall to his sides to expose the firm yet soft torso that the younger had seen and admired countless times; yet every single time it felt new. "Yes, sir." Jungkook dragged his upper teeth across his lower lip as he lowered himself back on his knees between Taehyung's legs, eyes never wavering from his husbands. He clicked the initial button of the elders pants open before inching down to clasp the zipper between his bunny like teeth. Kook still stared up at the other male, desperate for any praise at all; and it showed in his eyes. And he was ready to work for it, there was no challenge the younger male wouldn't attempt to conquer. With every tooth of the zipper unraveling, the sound triggered his cock to pulse beneath his still intact pants. He both relished and cursed the slow pace of this, he craved to feel full, yet the journey there was just as exciting. When finished, he kept his teeth clamped on the little metal piece on the zipper, not daring to let go until ordered to do so.
“Have I ever told you how fuckin’ pretty you look when you’re obedient?” Taehyung purposely stayed back to watch Jungkook’s patient expression, knowing he could tell the younger to let go of his zipper whenever he wanted. “Now’s when you decide to be good, huh.. shit, so gorgeous..” The elder leaned forward, a shit-eating smirk tugging at his slightly swollen lips. “Let go.” Right as Kook was beginning to pull away, Taehyung’s palm pressed flat against his throat, gripping at Jungkook’s neck with his slender fingers. Although his grip was too strong to wriggle out of, Tae made sure it didn’t hurt Kook.. badly. “If you were so confident in the car, how ‘bout you prove to me just how deep you can go, hm?” Taehyung’s thumb pressed down harder at the receptive spot on the side of Jungkook’s neck, loving the way his husband seemed taken-aback by his actions. “Suck my cock, no games this time.” Growing impatient, the elder let go of his hold around Jungkook’s skin, expecting him to follow through; just like he always would.
"Yes." Jungkook gasped his word out the moment Taehyung withdrew from his throat, his throbbing erection aching so badly it almost hurt. He wanted to please so badly, he was thriving as he would remain feeling inferior throughout. He placed his hands firmly on Taehyung's thighs, using only his mouth to pick up the tip into his mouth, leaning forward to take the entirety of his husband's rigid cock down his throat, tongue brushing against the soft skin as he did so. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he wasted no time in hollowing his cheeks, sucking with an evident hunger as he began to slowly bob his head up and down. Every time his plush lips pressed against the elders pelvis, he'd feel his throat fight the girth in the form of constrictions, his eyes beginning to gather a layer of tears. He looked up at Taehyung as he withdrew, keeping the tip in his mouth as he swirled his wide tongue around it, only for him to move back down until the bulbous head prodded the back of his throat. Jungkook resumed his ministrations for as long as Taehyung would desire, the wet, loud sounds of the younger sucking with greed striking in the quiet room.
The muscles underneath Taehyung’s throat bobbed with every gulp he took, jaw slack as he watched Jungkook get to work; in a trance from the way his husband’s tongue circled around his head. Ever since they were younger, Kook always knew how to please him during a blowjob. The younger knew what he was doing, and it benefited them both. Those times they’d sneak out of the classroom only for Jungkook to get down on his knees— that feeling of infinite bliss and exhilaration never left. And now here they were, married, yet acting like the horny teenage boys they once were when they properly met... That’s how Taehyung felt with Jungkook; young.
“Shit.. you’re gonna fucking make me burst..” The elder threw his head back, the raspiness of his moans now accompanying the lewd sounds in the room. “You love my cock so much.. fuuck yeah, that’s it, good boy.” Taehyung relished in the warmth a bit longer, cheeks flushed with color. He could endure it a little more..
Jungkook pressed his thighs together at the sounds he managed to draw out of his husband, his muffled moans still caught in his throat. He took it upon himself to ease the pulsating ache between his legs by reaching down with one hand, unbuttoning his tight pants to seek some relief. Never once did he waver the rhythm he'd built up, skillfully sucking and licking Taehyung's turgid length as if he was worshipping the man himself. Kook snaked his hand beneath his own waistband, palming himself through his underwear to find even the slightest of friction, his teary eyes forcing a tear down his cheek to join the mess of drool and precum on his lips and chin.
Similar to a favorite movie of his, Taehyung found the sight below him so foreseeable yet so enticing. No matter how many times the elder’s seen Jungkook’s drool glisten down his skin, each time felt like the first. Kook was working so hard for him, maybe it was about time he did the same.. “Shit.. that’s enough.” With his hands on the younger’s shoulders, Taehyung withdrew his cock from Jungkook’s mouth, instantly missing the warmth it once provided. He gazed down at the thick layer of drool on his dick, and then back at Kook’s face— he looked beautiful like this, with rosy cheeks and watery eyes.. But Tae knew something else had to be done. “Strip for me, wanna see all of you..”
Jungkook gasps for air, not bothering to wipe his glistening chin at all as he gets up on his feet. His cheeks are flushed when he sees his own erection aching beneath the fabrics of his pants. His already exposed torso clammy from working hard on Tae's cock, messy hair and the loose tie gives him a sure look of a good, submissive boy. Now all that's missing is to show off just how badly he needs Taehyung. "Am I doing well?" Jungkook asks, fishing for more praise. His tattooed, long fingers curl around his pants as he pulls them down along with his underwear, allowing the fabrics to pool at his feet before stepping out of them. Now fully in the nude (except for the little cute tie around his neck), he takes a step to stand right in front of his husband, hands limp on his sides as he awaits what's next, cock twitching in anticipation.
“You’re doing amazing, baby..” Taehyung’s hooded eyes skimmed down Kook’s exposed, awkward stance; inhaling every inch of the younger’s skin as if it was smoke to his lungs. Jungkook was drop dead gorgeous— even in such a vulnerable state, he managed to make the elder’s breath hitch. Taehyung was sure that feeling would never, ever go away.. He never wanted it to. It kept things exhilarating between the two; it gave Taehyung a rush like never before. “You look so fucking cute with your tie.” A low chuckle emitted from deep down the elder’s chest whilst his feet moved on his own, breaking the small distance between their bodies. One of his hands landed on the side of Jungkook’s waist, and his pointer finger hooked itself underneath the flimsy fabric around Kook’s neck, drawing him in closer. Their cocks gently grazed over one another, the small contact having Taehyung bite down on his lower lip— his husband’s lower lip, anything to be more than close. “You turn quiet real quick, don’t you?” The elder breathed out against Jungkook’s neck, running the tip of his nose along the responsive skin. “Hope you’re less shy when I pound into you, wanna hear you.” In that instant, Taehyung harshly drove the younger’s back against the wall, caging his relatively larger build in between his own. No matter how much stronger Jungkook was; or how tough he appeared in people’s eyes, Tae knew the younger man would always be his baby boy.
Those doe eyes made Taehyung want to corrupt him again and again.
“So fuckin’ pretty, goddamn.” The elder’s mouth latched on to his husband’s sweet spot, sucking on the soft skin as if it was the last thing he’d do. Both of his bigger hands held Jungkook’s wrists above his head, stopping him from wriggling too much. “Gonna give you so many hickeys, want everyone to know what we came here to do.. and that’s fucking mark my territory.”
"Ah~ yes, I'm yours...." Jungkook's rosy lips parted in a needy whimper, muscles in his arms and torso flexing as he lightly tugged against the restraints that were Taehyung's hands-- however not hard enough to actually set himself free. He could.. but he did.not.want.to.. He was thriving to be Taehyung's good boy. His regular day to day life always consisted of being the big guy, the strong guy. The one in charge. And ever since they were teenagers, the elder was the only person who could reduce him into a whiny, needy boy that just wanted to be manhandled, praised, and properly and utterly fucked. Jungkook's breathy moans were growing heavy, eyes screwing shut as he deliberately focused on the way Tae's lips sucked on his skin-- and trying his best to ignore the borderline painful ache between his legs. He could practically feel the precum drool from the swollen head of his tip. But it was so much easier said than done, and the younger's well repeated words throughout the years slipped past his lips in a quiet whine. "More, please.."
Taehyung’s lips attached themselves to parts of the untainted skin of Kook’s neck, down to his collarbones and shoulders, where he stamped a bundle of kisses— ranging from big to small— along every shuddering dip and arch. “Such a good boy for me, I love you.” With one last look into Jungkook’s eyes, Tae spun the younger around on his feet, hands grabbing at his small waist. “Just wanna devour you whole..” The elder’s breath clashed against the other’s nape, feeling the delicate hairs of Jungkook’s skin brush against his nose in a feather-like touch. Everything Kook had to offer was intoxicating.. Taehyung nuzzled his face in the crook of his husband’s collarbone, one of his hands snaking around to where Jungkook’s aroused cock bobbed. His long fingers didn’t wait to wrap themselves around the thick girth, accumulating the precum at the tip, and smothering it down to the rest of his length.
“Don’t cum yet, alright~?” The elder pressed himself harder onto Kook’s ass, pushing the latter’s chest against the wall. His rock-hard dick stayed snug in between his husband’s cheeks, taunting him with painfully slow thrusts. “Fuck..” Taehyung flicked his wrist a couple of times, then proceeded to carefully stroke Jungkook’s wet cock— from the base to the tip. “Your moans are so fucking pretty, I wanna hear them all the time.”
"Oh, fuck... Tae.." Jungkook pressed his cheek against the wall, heavy huffs and moans slipping past his lips. His cock twitched happily in the elder's hand, finally receiving the attention he so badly craved. But it quickly turned out to be not enough. Not enough at all. "You're so good to me-- god.." kooks voice tore into a higher pitched moan when the elders cock pressed against his plump ass, arching his back to seek more, to silently beg for his husband to fuck him already. But he knew better than that, Tae wouldn't give in so easily; even if they both knew and desired just that. "You drive me crazy, I love you so mu-uch!" He tensed his leg muscles, desperately trying to hold back how fast his orgasm wanted to creep up on him, whining louder with every stroke provided by the other male. Kook imagined their first time in that dirty locker room, this position way too familiar-- yet so different. Tae back then compared to now was a completely different man; and yet parts remained exactly the same. Just like Taehyung, Jungkook felt younger with his husband, like they're still a pair of horny teenagers. Now, they're just older; and much better at what they're doing. "Please... baby, I need more." Kook glanced over his shoulder, his dark doe eyes pleading to the elder like a puppy. "Stretch my tight ass for you... I want your fat cock in me.."
Koo paused for a moment, grinding his hips back against Tae's cock-- "Daddy..."
“You know me too well, baby..” Taehyung growled into Jungkook’s ear, grunts muffled against the side of Kook’s neck as his hips gained momentum; feeling the delicate skin of his cock glide between Jungkook’s ass, continuously rubbing against his husband’s clenched entrance. “Oh fuck, daddy’s gonna make you feel so good.” His hand’s dragging motion faltered, “Well, he always does, doesn’t he?” Taehyung’s teeth tugged at the back of Kook’s tie, forcefully ungluing the younger’s tinted cheek from the wall, choking him in the slightest. With the piece of fabric securely clamped down in his mouth, Tae tauntingly tilted his head to the side, wearing a sly smile upon properly making out Jungkook’s shift in blissful expressions. He looked too fucking good.. The elder’s hooded glance was casted downwards, admiring how the tip of his cock would pop out with every upward drag, standing tall in between Kook’s cheeks. “Hngh..” Taehyung tugged harder with his teeth, nails sinking deep into the flesh of Jungkook’s hips.
"Y-yeah, always-- ahn...." Jungkook shamelessly rolls his hips against his husband's cock, legs quaking to keep himself up, hands firmly pressed against the wall to keep some kind of leverage as he gasps from the pressure against his neck as he's tugged back. "Please, now-- need more..haah..." He breathes out in a choked whisper, licking his lips until they shine as if they were glazed with gloss. His fingers curled against the wall, not caring that it'd cause marks if he kept going. Nothing else mattered, only the boys-- reckless and messy, just like they've always been. Now that Jungkook was deprived of the friction of Taehyung's hand on his cock, all he could think about was to feel his clenching hole being stretched and filled to the brim, his agile hips continuously grinding back deliciously against the elder, showing him what he's missing out on. "Just shove it in me, I'm dying without it." He pleaded once more, screwing his eyes shut as he prayed for the tease to soon be over with-- he swore he'd combust at any moment if he couldn't have it.
Taehyung’s rigid mouth let go of Jungkook’s tie, letting the damp fabric resume to its spot on the younger’s nape. Now that he was able to, Tae trailed open-mouthed kisses along Kook’s flexed shoulder blades, the fluttering of his eyelashes grazing the man’s soft skin. “Just a little longer, babe. You’re a big boy, you can handle it.” However, Taehyung himself didn’t know just how much longer he could take it either.. He was good at teasing, but it didn’t mean he didn’t want to rearrange Jungkook’s guts right then and there. The elder kept it up for a few extra seconds, continuing to grind against his husband’s ass; his dick sandwiched in between each rosy cheek. But those seconds felt like hours, and that’s when Tae called it  off. “Not gonna shove it in you now, at least wait until we’re on the bed, will ya?” His chuckle caused his shoulders to vibrate, and his cock to twitch. “It’s our first time as husbands, let’s be a little classier~”
With one last squeeze to Jungkook’s ass, Tae led them both to the spacious bed, too high on the moment to part their hungry kisses. His hand securely clasped the back of his husband’s neck, deepening their kiss until the back of their shins met the wooden edge of the bed. Taehyung lightly pushed on Kook’s chest, urging him to lay on his back whilst he discarded his dress shirt that the younger had previously unbuttoned, lower lip clasped in between his teeth. Kicking off the pants and boxers pooling at his ankles, Tae proudly showed off his naked physique before situating himself above Jungkook, towering over the younger man. “So gorgeous.. so pretty.. so fuckable.” Despite their difference in size, Taehyung was used to manhandling Koo in the bedroom, so it came naturally. The elder liked to joke that carrying his buff husband around was the reason he’d been gaining extra muscle recently.. “Gonna stretch you out first, but with my tongue.. spread those legs wide for daddy, he wants a taste of you.”
Jungkook's cheeks flushed in pink at the praise and commands hurled his way, nodding as he did as told. Shuffling up further on the bed with his husband on top, he reached behind his knees to spread his legs wide for Taehyung, exposing everything he had to physically offer like a good boy. He just looked so small like this, it was pitiful yet endearing. "With your tongue...?" Kook meekly replied, leaning his head back comfortably against the soft duvet, the blush on his face spreading fast across his features. He felt a bit embarrassed, but... He wanted it. Taehyung was skilled in many aspects, and using his tongue was definitely one of them. "Taste me, please daddy...."
“Gladly, baby.” Taehyung could pinpoint Jungkook’s obvious embarrassment from a mile away, the redness in his cheeks drawing all the more attention to his body’s natural reaction. The elder could relate, but he also knew that at the end, Koo’s initial uneasiness would soon turn into pure lust; Taehyung knew how it went— all too well, in fact. “You look so pretty all spread out for me, yeah you do.. fuuck.” Tae pressed his hands against the backside of Jungkook’s muscular thighs, leaning downwards to meet his feast in the eyes. “So pink ‘n untouched.. but not for long.” The elder’s wet tongue lapped over his husband’s clenched entrance once, giving each of them a small sample of what was to come. “So sweet, too..” Tae’s chaste kisses were sensual around the rim, his fingernails digging deep into Kook’s flesh whilst he steadied himself on his knees.
A drawn out moan passed through Jungkook's parted lips, pressing his head back against the bed. His hands withdrew from his thighs to allow the elder to take over the grip of his legs, his own hands vulnerably laying above his head. His hips jerked lightly at the sensation, his tight entrance twitching from the welcoming warmth teasing around it. "Mmh, yeah.. Feels good.." Koo announced his pleasure in small, breathy whines, indulging in the way his husband is taking care of him, worshiping his body like it was his last meal in this life. Jungkook glanced down at Taehyung, and the sight had his cock throbbing. The elders dark fringe dangled over his eyes, strong arms holding Kook's legs up, the lower part of his face hiding to please and tease with one of Jungkook's most sensitive parts. "Fuck, you're so hot.." Koo was already losing any sense of embarrassment, all he could feel was the overwhelming lust drowning him-- tunnel visioned on his husband, and his husband only.
“Fuck, I know,” Tae outwardly agreed like the cocky bastard he was, allowing his mouth to linger close to the milky skin of Jungkook’s thighs, ghosting over the smooth flesh with his plush lips. “Gonna finger you first, I know how much you love that.” The elder’s tongue slightly peeked out of the corner of his lips, switching his utmost attention to Koo’s hole; and as if an indescribable pull had taken over his senses, Taehyung’s middle finger sank in without a warning. The man was still leaning down, too focused on the way Jungkook swallowed his slender digit to look away. Soon enough, Tae added in another finger.. and another; and like a small child in a candy store, he was amazed by how much his husband could endure. His eyes were shining with anticipation, mouth watering from the simple sight.. The scissoring motions inside of Kook came to a halt, and as soon as he pulled out his dripping digits, Taehyung’s lean tongue snuck its way past the gaping opening. It was a new feeling.. he’d eaten out plenty of girls before in his High School days, but having his tongue deep inside of Koo felt new— not necessarily a bad kind of new. Shit, he was so warm and.. pleasant. Taehyung’s eyes were fluttered shut, relishing in the way he flicked his tongue in the compact space, scolding himself for not doing this sooner.
"Yeah, yea- oh god..." Jungkook's moans from the familiar fingers broke into a gasp at the new sensation of Taehyung's warm, wet, firm tongue smoothing his insides, his thighs trembling in Tae's hands. "Holy shit..." Koo almost chuckles in disbelief at the fact they hadn't done this the other way sooner, placing his hand over his face to wipe his clammy skin, cheeks flushed red. "I see why you like this so much now, wow..." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair, slightly dry from the residue of the product, taking deep breaths as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to truly focus on the wet muscle exploring his most intimate parts. "Feels so good.."
The constant shower of praise and moans of approval amped up Taehyung’s slowly diminishing confidence. He didn’t know if he was doing any good— until Koo decided to open his mouth. He gripped tighter onto his husband’s inner thighs, knuckles turning white from his secure handle. The elder’s skilled tongue lapped at every reachable inch of Jungkook’s insides, humming in pure delight at the new taste he’s grown fond of. It didn’t take long, once and Taehyung was hooked.. “Oh wow, you taste so fucking good,” Tae murmured under his heavy breath once he’d pulled away for a quick second, gathering extra spit in his mouth before aiming at Kook’s swollen hole. He placed kitten licks on the entrance, lips slightly puckered as he roughly fucked his tongue in and out of Jungkook, one hand sneaking up to toy with the younger’s warm balls.
Jungkook's hands instinctively reached for Taehyung, combing his fingers through his dark curls as his moans had gradually grown breathier and louder. "Uh huh-- shit, you're so good at that.." Jungkook mindlessly spits his verbal reassurance of the pleasure he's put through, his words coming out as high pitched whines. Kooks hips squirm for more, greedy and needy in every sense of the word. He was an absolute puddle for his husband, always have been, always will be. "I love you, I fucking love you... please, need your cock so bad, noooow..."
The elder withdrew his mouth from Jungkook’s ass, warm spit glistening around his blood-fueled lips and the tip of his nose, making Taehyung look all the more fucked as he gazed down at Kook; making a show out of the way he slipped his tongue back in his mouth, moaning deeply whilst he savored the rest of his husband. Didn’t taste overly sweet, and that Taehyung liked.. “Wanna eat you out everyday now..” Koo’s pink entrance was slick from Tae’s previous work, the rim spread wide enough for him to poke the head of his cock through— “Shit..” Taehyung’s tip was immersed in between Jungkook’s flesh, and soon enough was the rest of his long, thick length. The younger always takes him in so well.. The first time 18-year-old Tae slipped inside of Kook might’ve been a lot to take in, but they’ve both gotten used to each other’s bodies throughout the years they’ve been together.
“Fuck, you good?” Taehyung’s veiny hand guided his dick to a more comfortable position, his long fringe falling down to his eyes. “I love you so fucking much, Koo, fuck.” The elder threw his husband’s legs over his broad shoulders, resting his muscular arms beside Jungkook’s head before beginning to grind into his man, starting at a slow pace. It was their honeymoon.. it had to be somewhat romantic. “I can’t believe you’re my husband— hngh..” Tae grunted out loud, “I-I can’t wait to have a family with you, yeah.. fuck, wanna grow old with you ‘n do everything t-together— so tight..”
"Mhm, yes." Jungkook nodded, his calloused fingers grasping around Taehyung's lower arms tightly, blunt nails digging into the skin for his own sake, he needed to claw at something to release the overwhelming warmth that spread throughout his body. "So good, I love you-- shit, I love being your husband." Koo's eyebrows were tightly knit together as he stared up at Tae with his doe eyes, his blurry vision glazed over with every single emotion he could possess at a moment like this.
Lust, love, relief.
He was just as whipped for the man on top of him as he'd always been, for years already-- and he had no doubt that this was his forever after.
Jungkook bit back a raspy moan when Tae's cock finally started to tease at his prostate, eyes fluttering in bliss, struggling to keep his gaze focused any longer, simply drowning in how amazing it felt to feel his husband's hips grind into him with the utmost affection. It was fantastic, but knowing the younger man-- slow only pleased him for so long... "A-ah, your cock is so big... I love it, fuck, more... Please, Mr. Jeon.." He purred, deliberately clenching his warm flesh around the elder's turgid length, the hint of mischief sparkling in the younger's eyes.
Tae burrowed his face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck, their bodies’ shine mingling with one another whilst Taehyung sweetly kissed the pale skin, tasting the slight saltiness of his husband’s sweat on his lips. He licked over them, allowing them to hang open as grunts and groans made themselves known in the room. The elder wasn’t shy when it came to the noises he made in the bedroom; he wanted to let Koo know just how good he was making him feel.. His husband held a tight grip on his cock, causing it to twitch in anticipation as Tae gradually thrusted deeper into him. “Love it when you call me that— hmph..!” His balls smacked harder against the younger’s ass, squelching sounds taking over the invisible bubble they’ve made for themselves. “Fuck..” It came out as a hoarse whisper, and one of Taehyung’s hands snuck between their bodies to grasp onto Jungkook’s cock, giving the stiff skin a few delicious strokes. “So good..”
"Aa-aah*..!" Jungkook snapped his head from one side to the other, pressing his flushed cheek against the bed. His body trembled like a leaf at the added sensation, a drawn out moan in relief, finally touched where it ached the most. He felt like he'd been a really good boy then and there to finally earn this as a reward. "I f-feel good? fuck--" His voice was strained and wobbly, every thrust choking his words. "Tell me, tell me please... How good I make you feel."
Koo knew already, the sounds his husband was making gave him no doubt about the pleasure his body brought upon the elder. But Jungkook loved to verbally hear it. Almost like back when Taehyung had gone overseas, and all they had were FaceTime. Even though they could easily look at each other through their screens-- the verbal aspect of it was Kook's favorite. And it stuck with him since, hearing that deep voice his husband possessed tell him the most filthy of things, and the highest of praise; it turned Jungkook on.
Taehyung’s head tilted upwards, the fringe no longer as smooth. Instead the dark hairs stuck together by a thin layer of sweat on his creased forehead, giving him little access to truly look into Jungkook’s doe eyes whilst he grumbled out his next words; “Your insides are always so fucking tight, no matter how many times I push my cock in you— hngh.. it never fails to drive me crazy..” The elder snapped faster into Koo, having yet to withdraw his hand from Jungkook’s dick whilst he thrusted into him at an animalistic pace, feeling the head of his cock prod at his husband’s abused prostate. “You’re so warm, too.. the warmest I’ve felt in a really long fuckin’ time. Fuck.. so soft. You make me feel so good.” Still jerking Koo off, Tae’s mouth wrapped around one of the boy’s nipples, swirling his wet tongue around the bud before lightly nibbling on it. He quickly flicked the awakened nip with his tongue, humming into the skin.
"Fuck yes, oh my good, Taehyung..." Jungkook's whiny moans turned into sobs, his abs flexing as they tightened in rapture, the pool of heat quickly ramping up in his lower abdomen. The continous prodding of his sensitive prostate drove him mad. "I'm gonna c-cum, I'm clo-ose, ahhn..." His eyes were filled with desperation, sparkling with the layer of tears and admiration swirling within them. He was completely transfixed on his husband, absolutely whipped for the attention his body is given in so many various ways at the moment. Taehyung's cock, his mouth, his hand. It was overwhelming as hell. Jungkook could easily feel his own cock drool with precum, his thick length swelling to full hardness as if it was about to explode at any moment. All he needed was just-- one. small. push.
Taehyung’s release was also knocking at his door, begging to be spread across Jungkook’s fleshy insides as every thrust of his cock dragged Tae’s energy down bit by bit. “G-gonna cum inside, so close..” Eager to make Koo break down along with him, Taehyung’s grip on his husband’s dick tightened, feeling the stickiness of the younger’s precum cover his fidgeting fingers; easing the slide of his sore hand. “I love you, I love you— a-ahh.. fuuck I-I’m cumming so much.” Spurts of warm white shot into Jungkook, dribbling out of the latter’s entrance as it was too much to hold in despite his cock staying still in its place.
“Wow.. so, does this officially make us husbands now?” The elder’s voice was raspy as he teased, breath hitching once he pulled out of Jungkook to lay on his back, chest heaving whilst he blankly stared at the ceiling. It felt different, yet not different at all.
Jungkook's clammy chest heaved up and down and placed one hand on top of his skin, mindlessly rubbing at his peck as he chuckled. The aftermath of his own orgasm still pulsated in his softening length, the pool of his release warm on his lower stomach. "Yeah, it does." Kook's voice was just as hoarse. He turned his face towards his husband with a small, toothy grin on his face. They were both exhausted, definitely sobered up, and.. sticky, to say the least. But, content nonetheless. Jungkook couldn't have imagined a better way to spend their first wedding night together.
"Hey." His voice lowered, eyes heavy on the elder as he scuffed closer, pressing a soft kiss on Tae's arm.
"I love you. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Mr. Jeon."
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate. Co-writer is my lovely @velvetwicebang​ <3
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echodrops · 5 years
Hshshsnansna seeing that ask got me in a HUGE HaaH mood. Like, I went through and read a bunch of asks, and I'd probably go reread the fic itself if I had time. So!! Is there anything about HaaH you've always wanted to share but never had the chance to? Headcanons, worldbuilding, backstory, hidden details- anything at all??
Oh friend… There is so much. I have a Word document that’s like 17k of JUST headcanons and world-building for this fic kghsdkjhdkfg I’m not crazy, I swear.
It took me a while to respond because I had to comb through and find stuff that wasn’t spoilery, but tada, have some Home and a Half Hunk and Shiro (and Matt) headcanons and backstory under the cut!
Also, as for hidden details… Same as the Garrison professors in the show were named for staff members, Neuhahn and Ania are named after IRL contributors to the Voltron animated series–Chris Neuhahn was a producer and Ania O’Hare was the casting director.
And here are some Hunk, Shiro, and sorta Matt headcanons/backstory that shapes their characters in HaaH. (Please note, these headcanons ignore absolutely everything from about season 6 of the actual show and on. I stopped watching Voltron after Season 6 because I just couldn’t handle the writing anymore. T_T)
Hunk:- He’s mixed ethnically, and although his parents are from Samoa, his family tree actually spans many different countries, mostly in Polynesia, including Tonga, but even places as far away as Malaysia.- His parents were converted to the LDS church by Mormon missionaries in Samoa. A few years before Hunk was born, his parents moved to Utah to be closer to the church, so Hunk has only ever been to Samoa once, on a vacation to visit family.- His first name is actually “Hyrum,” and until he met Lance at a Garrison-sponsored summer astro-camp when they were nine, everyone just called him by his real name.- Lance actually meant to call him “Incredible Hulk” at camp, butttt to nine-year-old Lance’s utter mortification, it came out “Incredible Hunk” instead. “Hunk” stuck.- He has a little sister who is even more sensitive than he is.
- Although Hunk’s parents originally agreed on the plan to move to America, after the family arrived, they experienced difficulty fitting in with the very selective Utah culture, and Hunk’s mother grew disenchanted with the church. Employment was difficult to find in their small, rural town, and Hunk’s parents both struggled with being isolated from their extended families. Tensions over whether or not to remain in America, as well as over money, led to some miserable fights that contributed to Hunk’s aversion to conflict when he was younger.
- Hunk sometimes had to play the role of family peacekeeper, working hard to make sure that his youngest sister wouldn’t notice the strain.
- Nevertheless, despite their share of troubles, the family is extremely close-knit. Hunk values his family and their opinions more than anything in any world.
- Which is how he ended up agreeing to go to Garrison, even when he really just wanted to help his parents kickstart the restaurant they were planning to open. His mother felt that working in a family restaurant, even if Hunk is a great cook, would squander his incredible academic and engineering talent (which Hunk thought of as just a hobby), so she begged him to go and continue his schooling instead. Hunk couldn’t say no to his mother, even if the thought of being shipped off into space terrified the living daylights out of him.
- Hunk doesn’t curse and is somewhat uncomfortable with people cursing, at least in front of him. Although Lance used to have a pretty colorful repertoire, when he learned that cursing made Hunk uncomfortable, he immediately adopted all of Hunk’s weird Utah replacements instead. “Holy crow” and “let’s kick some trash” are things they actually say seriously.
- Hunk is always down to cuddle and is never embarrassed by asking for or giving cuddles to anyone. He would 200% cuddle Shiro if he thought Shiro would let him. (Shiro would, in fact, let him.) Hunk’s favorite person on the team to cuddle is actually Keith, because Keith (who was taught to comply by Garrison scientists with all unexpected/unsolicited touch) will just sit obediently for hours letting Hunk hug out all his stress. Hunk knows that something is off about Keith’s behavior, but his leading theory—that Keith allows the hugs because he’s touch-starved—is unfortunately false.
- Hunk knows the lyrics to every Disney song EVER.
- And he’s like a dog with a bone when it comes to secrets. Once he discovers that someone’s keeping something under wraps, he goes a bit crazy with curiosity and cannot stop thinking about what they might be hiding. The rules of privacy go totally out the window when he gets like this, but time and again, Hunk’s adage that it’s always better to tell the truth bears itself out.
  Shiro (and Matt?):
- Shiro is the only member of his immediate family whose first language was not Japanese. His grandparents on both sides immigrated to the US from Japan due to work transfers relatively late in life, when their own children, Shiro’s parents, were already young adults. As the first family child to be born in America, Shiro’s parents strongly emphasized the need to learn English well, which unfortunately resulted in Shiro being pushed away from learning Japanese when he was young. Even though he’s a capable conversationalist now, he’s struggled his whole life with regret over not learning the language when he was young and could have picked it up easier.  
- There’s a running joke in his family that he’s actually an ogre in disguise, given that he is much taller than many of his other family members. Tradition demands that the first photo of every holiday gathering is a joke group shot in which Shiro’s posed so his entire head is outside the top frame of the picture.
- Shiro was mercilessly bullied as a child because of his height. The other children frequently suggested that he didn’t belong in their grade because he was too big and that the school must held him back multiple times for being dumb. (Shiro was never held back. In fact, he had excellent grades from kindergarten to the day he graduated from Garrison—and no, not because his parents forced him to study; in fact, throughout his schooling, they often ended up having to force Shiro to go to bed already instead.)
- On top of being teased for his looks, Shiro was naturally shy. He barely spoke, even to his teachers, and would stumble miserably if he was put on the spot in class, contributing further to the rumor that he was stupid.
- Shiro loved learning, but he hated everything that happened in school and didn’t have a single real friend outside of his cousins until he went off to middle school and met Matt Holt in sixth grade.
- Barely two weeks into their first middle school year, and it was already obvious that Matt was the school’s biggest nerd; he’d been bumped up two grades because of his obvious genius and was the textbook definition of an alien conspiracy theorist (It’s not a conspiracy if they’re REAL, guys!) But the strange thing was that no one bullied Matt—he was just so quick on the sarcastic (and biochemical) comebacks that teasing him wasn’t even worth it. Instead, the school’s resident assholes took it out on targets a little less likely to corrode their homework with miniature magnesium bombs—read as, they picked on polite, well-meaning Takashi Shirogane instead.
- Out of pity more than anything else, Matt finally stood up for Shiro one day and ran off the assholes. (It was not, as Mrs. Shirogane insists, with a home-made taser. It was not.) After something like that, well… You sort of feel obligated to befriend a guy, don’tcha?
- Becoming friends with Matt Holt transformed Shiro’s life. Even if Shiro wouldn’t originally speak up for himself, he was ferociously proud and supportive of his first real friend, and learning to be bold for Matt taught Shiro the value and meaning of standing up for not only others, but also himself. Being friends with someone as off-the-cuff and tricky as Matt helped Shiro grow more spontaneous, less self-conscious, and ultimately much more confident—even if, to this day, most of that confidence is still focused on helping others, rather than on being self-assured.
- It was Shiro admiration for Matt’s father, Sam Holt, that led Shiro to take his childhood obsession with military history a step further by actually joining the military. Shiro and Matt enrolled in Garrison together, although Matt was part of the research rather than the combat division.
- Matt was the one who convinced Shiro to get his hair styled in an undercut. It was originally just a dare, but Shiro ended up loving it afterward. The “Undercut Incident,” as it has come to be known in the Shirogane family, was the official straw that broke the camel’s back and resulted in Mrs. Shirogane declaring Matt Holt a “bad influence,” the only impact of which was that Matt had to sneak in through Shiro’s bedroom window instead of coming to the front door when he wanted to hang out.  
- Shiro has received two separate Medals of Honor for making dangerous supply deliveries to war-torn countries across the globe, delivering the vital food and medicine that helped save hundreds of lives. He has also been part of several missions to save stranded astronauts from failing international space stations.
- Shiro is actually a giant memelord, but his crushing sense of responsibility keeps him from indulging in quality shitposting in front of anyone he actually knows. He had a ridiculously active secret Vine account before leaving on the Kerberos mission. His snaps are legendary. Deep down, Shiro dreads the inevitable day someone connects him with his cringey social media accounts.
- Literally the worst at adulting. His mom still filled out his tax forms for him and booked his dentist appointments. He has no idea what the hell he’s doing leading Team Voltron when he can’t even remember which of his clothes are machine-washable and which aren’t.
- When they were in their third year at Garrison, Matt conned Shiro into volunteering as a camp counselor for Garrison’s summer astrocamp program, even though Shiro had minimal understanding of how to take care of children and mostly just BS’d his way through, hoping that none of his campers had anything close to a serious issue.
- He won “best camp counselor” the very first year he volunteered. Mostly because Lance cheated and voted for him 23 times, but still.
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ladyxanatos · 5 years
Fate of the Jedi: Outcast
So, Fate of the Jedi: Outcast. Instead of reading the Hand of Thrawn Duology, like I was supposed to, I instead decided to start FOTJ because I am back on my bullsh*t. I had promised myself I wouldn’t start this series until I finished the New Jedi Order, but that’s not happening because again: bullsh*t, back on.
This is going to be more of a FEELINGS post than any kind of proper review, FYI.
And, while we’re here, please: I literally don’t care why you hate Fate of the Jedi (or Legacy of the Force, for that matter). If you’re looking for a post on which to hold forth about why you think FOTJ is garbage, this is not the post you’re looking for. I’m not kidding. I will delete replies, hide reblogs, and block with abandon because, once more, I literally do not care. (This also applies to the Last Jedi, since I discuss it later in my post. I’m here for healthy discussion, even civil disagreement, sure, but any diatribe will result in the same treatment I just laid out)
Who made Natasi Daala, of all people, Chief of State?? I really need to reread LOTF because I am fuzzy on how all that went down, but seriously: what the bleep, GFFA. Anyway, it’s cute how she brings up Kyp’s rampage in JAT in this whole anti-Jedi legislation nonsense, but conveniently glosses over that bit where she bombed refugees, or whatever, in the same series. Okay, Daala.
I do like that there *is* political fallout from Jacen Solo’s fall off the Sith end, though. Aggravating though it is, something does need to happen on a large scale in reaction to what Jacen did as Caedus (my original second-generation Organa-Solo trash son, why must you be like this?). It’s also completely in character for Luke Superpower-Is-Love Skywalker to martyr himself on Caedus’ coffin. Resulting Luke and Ben intergalactic exile road trip is also just about The Best Thing Ever, since anything involving Ben Skywalker is The Best Thing Ever. But seriously, though, there are just so many good Dad!Luke moments in this book and MY HEART.
I’m still not a Jag/Jaina shipper, but my blazing dislike for the ship has cooled to an apathetic simmer over the years, so this is fine.
HAN AND LEIA RAISING ALLANA AS THEIR ADOPTIVE DAUGHTER, MY FEEEEELS. Literally everything with Allana is just: T_T. Also, the Looming Giant Dark Presence or whatever that only she seems aware so far is absolutely Totally Fine. Like, great, yes, let’s endanger more children with Force sh*t, this is completely (not) FINE.
Can my girl Tahiri Veila like, CATCH A F**KING BREAK SOMETIME, THOUGH??? Girl needs all the hugs and hot chocolate, rjhtoiweiwjtweijt.
There’s really good, crunchy stuff in this book about redemption and forgiveness in the wake of Jacen’s fall that is super relevant with the release of the Rise of Skywalker looming. I meant to mark some of it so I could reference it later, but then…didn’t. Oh well.
The part with Tahiri about breaking, though, is very, very relevant to the story of Kylo Ren moving forward, and her questioning when Jacen was broken. We don’t yet know when Kylo was broken, but we really need to. It must have been fairly early on for Snoke to get a hold the way he does. DESPERATELY NEED MORE INFO ON THIS.
In closing, when Luke is getting ready to depart Coruscant and so many of the Jedi gather to show him love and see him off, I…got a little choked up, ‘cause yes, this is Luke Skywalker, surrounded by the new Jedi order he built through all the bonds of love and friendships he has forged. He has made plenty of mistakes, but they do not define him or shatter him.
This is not me ragging on the Last Jedi. Y’all know I love that movie. And Rian Johnson did his best with what TFA set up for Luke.
THAT SAID: *This* is Luke Skywalker. This is who he is. Grand Master of the Jedi and farm boy of my heart.
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
When you can. can you do RFA with the duo with an Albanian MC also apparently some people didn’t know we exist T_T
RFA + Minor Duo with an Albanian MC 
Hi dear, it’s not that some people didn’t know that you exist, it’s just that none requested….I think the request came from people, who have another culture….for example, a Brazilian fan request a Brazilian Mc, an Italian one requested an Italian Mc and so on….So perhaps no Albanian Fan requested for it >.
Somewhere in Seoul there was a shop, which was your favorite. 
You went there since you were a teenager, being left out for being a foreigner. 
Jumin didn‘t know that you were an Albanian. 
He just found out when the two of you went to that very shop. 
You began to talk to the shop owner, told her that Jumin Han was your husband and that you loved him. 
Jumin however didn’t understand anything. 
,,merrni këtë me ju“ she told you which meant to take this with you. 
You thanked her and left the shop. 
Afterwards Jumin smiled at you. 
,,Why are you laughing?“ you asked him. 
,,Because you learned another language!“ he praised you. 
,,Well I‘m Albanian but I never told someone and hid it because I was bullied...“ you told him. 
,,I see…“ he mumbled and took your hand. 
,,Let’s make sure that something like this won’t happen ever again, my love…“ he mumbled and kissed you. 
You were really lucky that Jumin was the first one in your life accepting you the way you were. 
You simply loved the Albanian TV Series. 
The thing you loved the most was that you could understand everything without any subs like other people. 
But every time something happened to the lead character, you had a phase where you could only curse. 
In that moment Zen came home, surprised by your screams he asked you what you just said. 
,,What?!“ you mumbled and paused. 
,,I said ,,Shko te djalli që je idiot“ which means go to hell idiot.“ you explained and just noticed that you cursed in Albanian. 
,,Oh, I guess you didn’t know Zenny, I‘m Albanian!“ you giggled. 
,,What?!“ he yelled.
,,Why didn’t you tell me! And there I wonder why you looked so good!“ he whined and kissed your face. 
,,Enjoy your TV, I don’t understand anything…“
,,MC!’’ he whined and came rushing to you. 
,,Yeah?’’ you asked him and looked at him. 
,,My pite me mish looks horrible!’’ he whined. 
You looked at the Pite with meat and smiled, you remembered how you first tried to cook your mothers food. 
,,Do you want to eat real Albanian food?’’ you asked him and he gave you a nod as a response. 
You smiled and in the next moment the doorbell rang. 
You chuckled and opened the door. 
In the next moment ten people entered your house. 
,,Mc, who are they…?’’ he asked you and noticed that they looked like you. 
,,Well, that’s my mother Ajkuna, my dad Aleksander my sister Afrodita her husband Cemi my brother Albian and his wife Emina my second brother Samir, my little sister Fatmire and the little twins Ndrita & Sindi, Emina and Albian’s children.’’ you told him and smiled. 
Too many names but as soon as you all sat around the table and ate a dish together Yoosung could get to know them better. 
,,I am Albanian.“ she told you. 
,,Oh! Really? I didn’t notice! Why don’t you wear a headscarf?“ she asked you. 
,,Well, just because I‘m Albanian I‘m not Muslim.“ you noticed that Jaehee didn’t really understand. 
,,I‘m sorry, I didn’t want to make your -“ 
,,I‘m not angry. I‘m happy that you show interest in my culture and religion.“ you told her honestly and began to tell her a few things. 
,,Për të mirë!“ you let her say and answered with ,,ty gjithashtu!“ which meant you too for wishing a good dish. 
,,Mc, let‘s do this while we‘re really eating!“ she laughed. 
,,Okay, are you okay with Pasul?“ you asked her. 
,,Surprise me, dear!“ 
Jaehee was really excited to get to know you better. 
,,LOLOL’’ he laughed and looked at you. 
,,What?’’ you snapped. 
,,Well, you don’t look like an Albanian at all even through you were born there!’’ he laughed. 
,,And so what?!’’ you yelled. 
,,Nothing…I just bet that I can talk better in your language than you actually!’’ he laughed and made a bet. 
,,Let’s see…’’ you chuckled. 
And Saeyoung had to admit defeat, he lost. 
,,I need to become better…’’ he mumbled and sowed you two tickets for Macedonia. 
Your eyes began to shine as soon as you read your hometowns name. 
The two went there on the next day, you immediately visited your family to show them how happy you were with your future husband. 
,,Mc….I think I don’t want to eat anything for the next 100 years…’’ he mumbled as your grandma gave him his third plate of food. 
She just didn’t give up on giving him food. 
,,That’s respectful here, they give you a lot of food to show you how nice they are to the guests…!’’ you whispered and smiled.  
,,I have to confess something…’’ you mumbled and looked at him. 
,,Yeah?’’ he asked you without looking up. 
,,My mom is sleeping over for the next week.’’ you confessed. 
,,Okay, and now?’’ he asked you as if it was something normal. 
,,Well, she can’t talk Korean…I’m Albanian.’’ you told him and made him finally look up. 
,,Oh, why didn’t you tell me?’’ he asked you, making you blush. 
,,I dunno…’’ you whispered. 
Saeran looked down again and went on with the work he was doing. 
,,I don’t have a problem with it…on the other side I would like you to teach me some things about your culture…I don’t know why you kept this as a secret.’’ he told you and looked a bit disappointed. 
You hugged him and whispered something in his ear 
,,What did this mean?’’ he asked you. 
,,That I love you….’’
,,Uhm….’’ you mumbled while speaking Korean with him. 
He had to chuckle at your sweet face. 
He loved the fact that you weren’t Korean but Albanian. 
He wanted to learn your language to support you a bit more. 
After all your eyes began to shine so beautiful whenever you called your mom and talked to her over the phone. 
And he actually noticed how much easier Hangul was than speaking Korean. 
He decided to research a lot about your culture and you supported him. 
Whenever you just said a dish’s name, you would cook it, thinking that he wanted to eat it. 
But that’s what he loved so much about your personality! 
,,You are the perfect grua…!’’ 
,,And you the perfect husband…!’’
23.01.’19// 21:28 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 
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gojaimas · 6 years
Late Comments
Hello people. It’s been four months since I finished I Wanted What I Saw That Day, and I’ve received many more comments since then. I figured I’d do some more responses, and give you all a quick update on what my plan is for writing more in the future.
So, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from writing, but I’ve been mulling over ideas for my next story and I think I’m ready to start planning it out officially now. It’s gonna be set in the Legend of Zelda universe, and it will be mostly centered around original incarnations of pre-existing character archetypes that have appeared throughout the series. But just so you know, it will still be a long time before I start posting again, so please be patient with me.
Now, onto your comments:
EternalWisdom: “I just gave a standing ovation for a fanfic of a cartoon from my childhood: That's how good you are. I've already praised much of the technical work such as your pacing and understanding of the characters, but I'd be lying if I said this Final Chapter didn't just play my heart strings like a golden violin. I intend for my own work to (eventually) convince readers of my characters having 3-Dimensional, 'clicking' personalities like the masterpiece you just bestowed upon our nostalgic, incest-supporting fandom. Best of wishes from an avid reader (with a somewhat pretentious name I came up with years ago), yours sincerely, EternalWisdom.”
Wow, thanks! It’s very nice to hear people found my depictions of the characters to be that well done. And don’t worry too much about your name. I’m already hoping I don’t live to regret choosing a broken japanese phrase for mine.
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Anonymoose: “Sneaky how Lucy suddenly became the main character. Loved it the ending. I wouldn’t change it or create an alternate. It was perfectly bitter sweet.”
Lucy’s always been sneaky, after all. And thanks, I plan to leave the ending alone for now. I will still consider continuing it in some way in the future though.
justanaverageguy: “"I wanted what I saw that day."...I would pull a CinemaSins and say "Roll Credits," but I would also say it was well used in this work (Plus, it was in the last chapter, after all). I had always thought the "I" in the title was Gwen, but seeing that it was actually Lucy was a great reveal. Lucy truly was the star of this fic. Her character makes this one stand out among anything else (that I've read at least) from this community. I've always seen Ben and Gwen as a great duo ever since I first watched the show, and I will always enjoy fics and episodes focusing on those two. But seeing these three work as a trio was quite a unique take on the characters, and they work so well together. Hats off to you, my friend, for what might possibly be my favorite Ben 10 fanfic. I look forward to checking out what else you may do. I am a Zelda fan too, so I'll probably end up seeing your work again at some point. Until then, ciao!
I couldn’t resist the title drop! It was really fun holding onto the secret of the title’s true meaning for nine whole months while everyone else tried to figure out what it meant. I’ve said before that I’ve probably done more for the Lucy fandom than I have for the Bwen fandom at this point. I would certainly like to see her appearing in more stories. Thank you for your compliments, average guy! I look forward to your reactions to my Zelda story in the future!
jairoesme: “wow that was epic I wasn't expecting the title to show up in there as I read that part it felt so strong. Great story”
Thanks! Seeing everyone reacting to the title drop like this seriously has me giggling. I love it!
Spazbulba: “That was pure magic - it has been years since I was simultaneously both so happy and so sad with the end of a story. Gojaimas You truly are a Legend!”
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armandaza: “I wanttt moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, no wayyyyyyy T_T”
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Guest: “Well, it took me 17 and a half hours to do it, but I finished it. All 300,000 words of it. I gotta say, this has been one of the best bwen stories I’ve ever read in my life. I was so excited to see that there was a new story to read after not looking for months, I read it all in one day! I was wondering something though. Since you basically have the market cornered on Ben 10 fanfic now that everythings died down so much, I was wondering if every now and then, you could post another story about it. Not necessarily long ones, just a one-shot every now and then and maybe a longer one if you’re up to it (maybe even a few stories with Lucy and Ben or even Gwen). It’s been ten years since Ben 10 ended, so there isn’t much more new material out there for the community to enjoy. I know you said you were planning on moving on after this, but maybe every now and then, when you’re stumped with writers block or you’re just bored, maybe you could throw together a little story for us. If it’s even a fraction as good this story was, it would honestly make everyone’s day to have something new to read, especially if you’re writing it. :) Cheers man, happy writing. -Just another fan”
Wow, 17 and a half hours? Damn, dude. I hope you got some sleep after that. But also, wow, that’s really flattering! I’m glad you liked it so much. Doing little Ben 10 one-shots set in my story’s canon every now and then as I work on my Zelda story is something I’ll consider. I grew really fond of working with those characters, so it’s definitely something I’d love to do again some time.
Guest: “Beautiful. What a journey this was” Dark Ace Demon: “What a journey. Thank you for posting this masterpiece up, truly.“
Thank you! Alexa, play “Don’t Stop Believing.”
Guest: “Just as an FYI, a werewolf is a man-wolf. Wer being the old english word for man." (Context: Chapter 12)
That was based on a real conversation I had with someone back when I was (even more of) a little know-it-all. Gwen is smart, but she’s still a kid. She can make mistakes too. I was the Gwen at the time. I was corrected by Snape when I watched the third Harry Potter movie.
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GoodScottish: “That was an amazing read and well worth staying up all night to finish it but its just left me wanting so much more. There is just so many things that i want to know what happens next to. Like what happens to Lucy does she find that special someone? What do Ben and Gwen get up to on this summer vacation? Does grandpa Max find out? What happens when they get back can they keep hiding it? And most importantly for me what happens when their parents find out?”
Many thanks, good scotsman! I know there’s still a lot left unanswered, but that’s how Ben and Gwen feel now too. They still have a long road ahead of them. Maybe I’ll write more of it one day, but I think that was a good place to leave it for now. Also, today I’m finding out a lot of my readers have terrible sleeping habits.
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Mason: “Your country is proud of you son.”
Fuck yeah!
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Kira Sema: “Anyone else reread this in the span of a couple days and start crying all over again? Because here come the waterworks all over again. I know I reviewed, but had to review again after a reread. I think I've said this before, but I relate to Lucy so much. It's hard not to be considering how she felt. Great story once again. Even though it's 48 chapters, all those chapters were worth it and all as much in character as they could be.”
Thank you once again, Kira Sema! I’ll admit I often cringe too hard at my own writing to reread too much of it, but I’m glad you enjoyed it as much the second time around!
Guest: “I read through this everyday... it’s a bittersweet ending. It was like waiting for an anime episode every week and you feel sad when it’s over, so you go through it again holding onto hope for a season 2.”
I know that feel.
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“I’ll even wait as long as for an incredibles sequel if I have to.”
Um. I have some good news for you on that front, buddy.
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“I had no idea the story would stop there though so it kinda threw me off guard... I was all “wait it’s really over?!” I thought we’d deal with more of having their relationship bloom, being exposed and we’ll have a year 4 summer trip before coming to an end. I mean having the epilogue near the end of a summer trip would really match the beginning of where Ben and Gwen started off in the story but show us how much has changed between the two of them. But I guess it depends on how we look at it, we could also view it as the “Start of Something New” with Ben & Gwen going to their trademark summer trip as a couple then they were as kids who couldn’t wait to get rid of each other at the end of it in the beginning, so maybe it’s a sign that their story isn’t over yet. Lucy was one of the most breathtaking and heartbreaking characters in this story, kind of like menma, a bit of an airhead. always happy, puts other people infront of her feelings.”
She probably was one of my minor inspirations for Lucy’s character. I think I watched Anohana at some point while I was writing this story, hence the inspiration for the title. I love that little cutie.
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Thank you for the rest of your comment too, kind guest! I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a glowing review of my work. I’m glad I was able to give you another Bwen story to read!
Guest: “Mr. Gojaimas, I don’t feel so good...”
I love how Infinity War came out during the time I was posting this. I’ll always associate my story with this meme because of my fans, and I’m very happy about that.
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TargaryenFire: “Hey Just came here to say i am loving this story, one of the best i have ever read with this ship. Not wanting to be a bother, but will Gwen's anodite blood come into play in the future?”
Thank you! You’ve probably seen your question answered in a different chapter by now, but just in case: Anodites don’t exist in my story, Gwen is completely human, and a lot of other stuff from the sequels is ignored.
Guest: “Your legend will live on...”
Hopefully in the form of oddly specific fandom inside jokes.
Shirokokuro: “You did an excellent job on this-especially in keeping within the 4-year timeline you had set! It was all so sweet, and that ending of them going on a summer trip together was amazing! Here's to you on being such a dedicated and awesome author!”
Thanks so much! I’m pretty happy with how everything turned out, and I’m glad you liked it too.
Lost: “I think I just binge-read this whole thing. Uh. It was riveting, to say the least. The final connection between Lucy's actions, her memories and the title was very powerful. Thanks for writing this! :)”
You are very welcome! Once again, Lucy steals the show!
Guest: “I read the entire story in a week. I loved the character development and how you effectively gave some deeper understanding of the characters not just Ben and Gwen, but also Lucy, Natalie, Joel, Emily, and Julie. I love you so much for creating this fanfiction and your undeniable talent in writing a story. That is why it pains me even more for how the chapter ended and contiualy wished that Proffesor Paradox or even Gwendolyn could just come up from the future and change Lucy's ideas or yours so that the three could be like a three- man couple. I am just so heart broken right now bailing my eyes out and just hoping there is a continuation (not a different ending) where it can be from Bwen to Bwency (I don't know if that's a word).”
Giving minor characters more development is something I’m a huge fan of, as you can plainly see with Lucy. I’m always happy to hear from binge-readers! Bwency is most definitely a word, and if I ever do a continuation, I very well might make it happen! But for now, Ben is simply following this sage advice from yours truly:
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Slykke: “Beautiful shit here. Binge read this in 5 days. Really liked how this was wrapped up and how you turned someone that I forgot even existed in the OS into a favorite. Lucy was amazing in this story and now holds a special place in my heart after this. Thank you for the wonderful read and I cant wait to see your next work.”
“Yes, yes! Praise me more!” -Lucy
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Amin: “This has such solid plot that every other fanfic seemed inferior. I kinda wish this story was real.”
Thank you! If any Ben 10 writers are reading this and wanna retroactively make it all canon instead of the sequels, that would be just fine by me.
Guest: “when are we gonna get the Lucy route?”
Not sure. Maybe someday. I am very interested in how I could make that happen.
Guest: “Gojaimas is... GOD. He does a miracle and then leaves us. This was the second coming of Jesus Christ.”
I’m flattered, but I’ve never made a tree.
Well, that’s all for now. Bye, everybody! I hope to hear from all of you again someday!
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 7 years
Hiraeth (Seven x MC)
Hello! So...this is my first Mystic Messenger fanfic and the first part of my word series, which is basically just where I find an unusual word and make a fanfic out of it. Easy as pie! If you like what you read, feel free to send a request.
Right, on to the fanfic! Enjoy!
Contains spoilers for Seven’s route and Secret Endings
Strong language
References to child abuse (only hints, nothing explicit)
Slightly angsty with poofs of fluff :3
hiraeth (n.): a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.
PART 1 - The Agent (2 years ago)
“You’re slacking, 707.”
He knew he wasn’t in his right mind that day, who would be on a day like this?
“Listen to me kid, this is serious. You know exactly what happens to people like us when they don’t get things done in time. There is a reason they are called deadlines,” Vanderwood said smoothly.
Luciel felt a chill crawl down his back at the memory of agent 425, who for some reason disappeared out of thin air after ‘a small accident’. Luciel knew the danger of the situation, he knew he needed to get this done, he just couldn’t keep thoughts on track, “Sorry.”
“What’s wrong with you? You’re usually much faster than this, are you sick or something?”
“I’m fine.”
Vanderwood let out a sharp sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. This kid was going to be the death of him. He knew all this time what was wrong with him, it was the same every year. “Listen, is this because today is the anniversary of when you left home?”
Luciel flinched at his choice of words. Anniversary sounded too jubilant to be wasted on such a day, it should only used for a day that should be celebrated and  not loathed. However, home was the word that hit him the most. That place was not home. It was an empty shell, a hollow space that seemed only to be appropriately filled with the screams and cries of those who were too weak to escape it. That had no privilege to be called home.
“I said I’m fine, Vanderwood,” he said steadily.
Vanderwood let out another sigh, this one much lazier than the last. Whilst he wasn’t supposed to, he knew this kid had had a hard life; that even though he supposedly chose this path, Vanderwood knew deep down that when it came to the bottom of it, he had no choice. “Whatever it is, please at least try to focus and get this done. I have things that I need to get done so I’m going to trust that you will finish this, okay?”
As soon as Vanderwood left, Luciel rocked back on his stiff chair. This was torture. He let his mind wonder and his rather vivid imagination took over him. He thought about all the terrific places he could have gone, all the beautiful things he could have seen, all the brilliant people he could have met. Was this really the right choice? What other options did he have? What other ways could he have saved him? He snapped back into reality at the thought, and as if by instinct he reached for the floppy disk hidden inside a book of fairytales and inserted it into his computer. Everything melted away as he scrolled through the photos of his other half, and his chest ached and he felt a lump form in his throat at the nostalgia of their smile and how their eyes squeezed shut as they did so. This is why he went through this torture. It was for him. Maybe Vanderwood was right, maybe he did leave home behind after all.
Luciel shook his head and shut off his computer, all the colour that enfolded him gradually fading into a cold, bland grey once again. This was for the best. Deciding that he needed a break, he plonked himself onto his bed and logged onto the RFA chatroom.
Yoosung★: Failed my midterms fml T_T
707: Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.
Jumin Han: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.
Yoosung★: I’m still on the list?! +_+
Luciel quietly chuckled to himself as he read through the chat, joining in here and there. He truly loved the RFA; it was the closest thing to family that he had, the only secure thing in his rickety life. But he had to put up a barrier between himself and them, to ensure their safety and to prevent things from getting…complicated with the agency. That barrier just so happened to be painted with silly jokes and a happy-go-lucky persona, which was both exhausting to keep up and a refreshing distraction from his other life. This was all apart of the game he had to play, the balls he had to juggle and stones he had to step on to keep everything in his life as balanced as it could be.
He had come to the realisation a long time ago that he will never live an honest or steady life, since it appeared that he would never see his brother again and the RFA could never know who he truly was. He was slowly loosening his grip on the fantasy that he will ever have a true ho-
707: Wait!!
Yoosung★: Why?
ZEN: ??
707: Think someone entered the chatroom;;
PART 2 - The Apartment (1 year and 358 days ago)
“Seven, why the headphones? Are you avoiding me?”
Dammit. He knew his meaningless flirting in the chatroom was turning into something…maybe not meaningless. Now he was here with her in Rika’s apartment, and he could no longer keep up the facade like he had in the chatroom.
His barrier was being broken down.
This was for the best, he thought. Just push her away and eventually she will give up, she’ll move on and be happy with someone else. Someone with an honest life, a good job and a secure future. This was right. This was good. This would 100% ensure her safety and well being.
So why did it hurt so much?
He carried on typing to stop himself looking back at her, otherwise he would never be able to say no to her. He kept his focus as his fingers moved across the keyboard like he was being repeatedly shocked by electricity. It felt like that too.
He glanced at the clock on his laptop and noticed that he had been working for several hours, which meant it had been several hours since MC had last spoken to him. Did his plan work? Had he finally got her stay away? Was she finally safe?
In that sense he was relieved, but something just wouldn’t settle in his stomach. They had only known each other for a week, but he knew MC well. She was stubborn, there was no way she would have given up so easily. He slowly removed his headphones, expecting to hear the sound of pans clashing in the kitchen or the shower running or loud music leaking through earphones. Nothing. Feeling everything in his stomach sink, he darted to the kitchen. Not there. Bathroom? Not there. Living room? Not there.
His heart was pounding against his ribs as he frantically searched the apartment, nearly turning it upside down. Shit. His breath started to grow more rapid as memories of her spilled into his mind from when his beloved twin almost took her away from him. For the first time in his life, somethings clicked:
“Seven!!!! I love you!!!”
He was loved.
“Seven…are you okay?”
He was cared for.
“Alright, I’ll trust you, Seven.”
He was safe.
Seven froze as he reached the one room in the house he hadn’t yet searched: her bedroom. Lightly he rested his ear on the door, only to hear gentle and quiet sobs coming from the other side. His beaten heart split right down the middle and he squeezed his eyes shut to prevent his own tears spilling out. Gathering up all the strength he could find within his shattering form, he gently knocked on her door.
The crying abruptly stopped, apart from a few sniffles before a small voice peeped from the other side of the door, “Y-yeah?”
“Can I come in?”
Slowly he clicked the door open and creeped into the dim room. He could just make out her crumpled figure lying on the bed, hiding her face from him. He knew it, she was stubborn. He knew he shouldn't have, but he impulsively wrapped his long arms around her body in an embrace. MC was shocked at first, but eventually gave into his warmth and wrapped her own arms around his torso, her head resting in the crook of his neck, “I-I just-“
“Shhh it’s okay MC, I know.”
Together they sat there in silence. Neither spoke, neither needed to. They just sat there in each other’s arms as their breathing and heart beat synced. Time passed and MC could feel her eyelids growing heavier and heavier, until the power of sleep over took her. Seven felt her eyelids flutter shut against his neck, and laid her down on the bed to keep her in a comfortable position.
When he was sure she was going to stay asleep, he removed his arm from under MC and laid the blanket over her sleeping form. Before leaving her to rest, he pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead, “I’m sorry, MC, but I think I might be a little bit in love with you.”
And with that, he went back to work. New thoughts started flooding into his brain, thoughts of how he had almost lost her twice. Once to Saeran, once to herself.
He found her, then he saved her.
He saved her, then he shoved her away.
He found home, then he burnt it down.
Seven laughed at his own stupidity and the ridiculousness the situation he had found himself in, “People like me aren’t supposed to settle,” he thought to himself, “we’re supposed to forget.”
“We’re made to lose.”
PART 3 - The Housewarming Party (Present day)
“Hello? Earth to Saeyoung?”
Saeyoung snapped back into reality and turned his head away from the view from the balcony to find an even more stunning view in front of him, “Terribly sorry m’am, the Defender of Justice just received a call from the Space Station. Apparently they have run out of napkins for our wedding so we will have to bring some ourselves.”
MC playfully slapped his shoulder before hugging his arm and looking at the rest of the city. This was their favourite time to watch the city; all the little lights from the buildings blended perfectly with the stars, a light breeze flowed through the air, and it was quiet. The only sound to be heard was the sound of music coming from inside their new house. More specifically, music from musicals (it was Jaehee’s turn to choose). MC looked up at her fiancé before pressing a kiss on his shoulder, “This is our home now.”
“I guess it is. We did a pretty good job finding this place. Nice neighbours, amazing view, gre-“
Saeyoung was interrupted by his lover’s giggles. God, he wasn’t sure if he would ever get used this. She settled down and once again rested her chin on his shoulder, “That’s not what I meant. I mean, you’re not wrong, it is a lovely house. But, that’s all it is right now, a house. It will become home in time.”
“And what is home to you, oh wise MC,” Saeyoung queried.
She shot him a playful glare before turning serious again, “Well, I think home can be a lot things. A place, an object, a person, an idea, anything. It’s not really about what it is, it’s the feelings that you get from it. It’s where you go when you have nowhere else, where your heart takes you when you are most lost. Home is where you feel all fuzzy inside, like when you’re drinking hot chocolate or when you’re snuggled up on the sofa watching your favourite movie. When you’re home, you’re cared for and looked after. It’s a bandage, a medicine, a kiss better. Home is warm, it’s safe, it’s love.”
When he went quiet, MC turned to Saeyoung but was caught off guard when he leaned forward placing a firm but soft kiss on her lips. How did he get so lucky? How did he find someone who understood him so well? He laced his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him as she wrapped her own arms around his neck. They could go on forever, completely lost yet found in each other, something neither could describe. But a familiar salty taste brought MC back to reality. She loosened her grip to look up at him, tears streaming down his face. She would have asked him what was wrong, but she didn’t need to. She knew the answer, and she knew those tears had been held back for a long time. So instead, she just gently wiped away his liquified fears with her sleeve, never to be seen again, “And what is home to you, Saeyoung?”
He let the corners of his mouth curl upwards and leaned towards her again, his hand cradling her neck. Yes, he thought to himself, this is it, right? This is hom-
Almost flying apart, they looked at the doorway only to see a familiar figure standing in the middle of it, “S-Saeran!”
“Uh sorry to…interrupt but um we’re going to take some photos inside…” Saeran said, looking at the floor and rocking on his feet.
“Oh yes of course! We’ll be out in just a sec,” Saeyoung replied cheerfully.
“Actually, uh, Saeyoung?”
“Yes, Saeran?”
“I just wanted to say,” he paused, “thank you for letting me…live here with you guys. I know I’ve been a lot to handle over the past few years, but thank you for not giving up on me and watching over me. When you first helped me escape Mint Eye, I thought I was being betrayed, but now I see that you took so many risks to help me and save me. Thank you, you two…are my family and I..love you both.”
Both Saeyoung and MC were stunned to silence at this sudden outburst. Saeran was usually so bitter and had spent most of his time blaming Saeyoung for everything that had gone wrong in his life, but now he was thanking him? And saying he loved him? His initial thought was that Saeran was just playing some sick trick on him, but the rosy flush over his cheeks told him otherwise.
Saeran’s figure started to blur through Saeyoung’s eyes as they once again filled with tears. Overcome with emotion, he lunged towards his twin and engulfed him in his arms, which Saeran reluctantly returned. One step at a time.
“Um, should we go and take the photos now?” Saeran said, though his voice was muffled in his brother’s hoodie.
“Yes, yes we should,” Saeyoung quickly wiped his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie, “um, you two go ahead, I’ll be right behind you!” he shot them his signature cheery grin.
“Okay, don’t stay out too long, it’s getting cold out here,” MC said before pecking his cheek and following Saeran inside. She linked arms with him and playfully ruffled messy hair with her free hand, the sight of them interacting like that made something warm bubble in Saeyoung’s chest. His heart may be be damaged and bruised, but it was healing. They were healing him. Maybe home wasn’t just one thing, maybe it was in the form of two people? Taking a deep breath, Saeyoung went back inside his new house. The whole RFA was there preparing for the photo.
“Jumin, move! You’re blocking my good side!”
“Every side is your good side, Zen.”
“Well, you’re not wrong, Jaehee.”
“Yoosung, you’re standing on my foot. Please remove it.”
“Oh! Sorry Jumin! I’ll just sit here instead.”
Saeyoung chuckled warmly at them, which grabbed the attention of the blonde who was moving round the red sofa, “Saeyoung! You’re back! We saved you a space next to MC and Saeran.”
Taking his place on the sofa, he looked round at all his friends. They were all smiling at him, at each other, laughing and settling into their own positions. Saeyoung felt that familiar warmth in his chest before something clicked.
He had waited so long.
This was it.
He found it.
It found him.
“Woohoo! Good job gang! It looks great!”
“Lemme see!”
“Me too!”
“I would like to see.”
“Jaehee, can you see it from there?”
“I can, it’s wonderful.”
Only MC and Saeyoung were left on the couch, a few seconds passed before MC spoke up, “You okay?”
“I think I know what home is to me now.”
MC smiled fondly at him, relieved that he had finally found peace, “I’m so happy you found it, you deserve it.”
Saeyoung leaned back on the couch, MC in his arms and observing the chaos in front of him. Sure, it was messy, but it was his mess. It took him his whole life up to this point to find his haven, and it finally came to save him. The RFA was home, his brother was home, the woman in his arms was home.
This was home.
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There we go, my first piece of writing for Mystic Messenger. I know it’s not perfect and it’s a bit rough round the edges, but hopefully I’ll improve with time. As I said before, requests are open and I have some more ideas in mind, so stick around!
Have a fab day everyone!
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So I’ve been a huge writing slump for basically the last two months and was reading some stuff from my wips in hopes of sparking some motivation (and I’ve fallen down the Star Wars hole again and am still weeping internally about the Obi-Wan series around the clock so I’m trying to distract myself T_T).
 Anyway, this future scene from my fic Quicksilver in the Sun gave me a chuckle so I thought I’d share it. It’s not like it gives away any spoilers, after all. lol
“Right on time I’d say,” Sir George said, relief evident in his voice as he consulted his timepiece.
Four minutes remained until noon after Percy and the general had shed their winter accoutrements and allowed themselves to be led down a hallway by a liveried servant.
“Hold on,” Percy murmured, glancing surreptitiously at the awaiting servant as he reached out to straighten Sir George’s slightly askew wig. He frowned slightly as he cast a critical eye over his stepfather’s form, even as the general wordlessly did the same for him. “Good. You’re good.”
Sir George reached out and brushed lightly at his shoulder, adding with some amusement, “Bit of rogue powder. Very smart otherwise.”
Percy craned his neck to try and look at his shoulder in concern but the general assured him all traces of errant powder were gone. “I wish I had my wig. I do hope I am not dressed too informally.”
“Nonsense,” the general dismissed evenly. “It is only luncheon. You look very well. I, on the other hand...the late Duke of Pardloe cut quite a trim figure, you know.”
“Did you know him?” Percy asked, curiously.
“Oh no, no, not really,” Sir George said, tugging a bit on the front of his tastefully embroidered waistcoat. “I knew of him, of course.”
The servant cleared his throat quietly. “Shall I announce your arrival, sirs?”
The general’s eyes widened slightly and he stood up straighter. “Yes, yes, please do.”
They briefly exchanged glances, offering each other small smiles of encouragement, as the servant moved to the threshold of the library and bowed. “Sir George Stanley, my lord. And party.”
Percy trailed behind the general as he crossed the turkey carpet, drawing up short as his stepfather paused to bow to the pair of awaiting men in greeting. Percy froze – was he meant to bow as well? He continued to stand there awkwardly, feeling vaguely like an out of place pustule that had come unwillingly attached to the general, as the man stepped forward to shake hands with the younger men in turn.
No one could have mistook the pair for anything other than brothers. They possessed the same slightness of build and stature – they were perhaps an inch shorter than General Stanley, who was himself of average height – and the same finely-boned facial structure. One was dark and the other was fair though – both wore their long hair in the same style, powdered and tied back with a ribbon – and there was several years age difference visible between them even at a distance. They were elegantly outfitted in suits of silk velvet – in shades of deep plum and a striking French blue respectively – and undeniably quite handsome as well.
Well, at least I’ll have something pleasant to rest my eyes on while I’m here, if nothing else.
“It is kind of you to invite me to luncheon,” Sir George was saying, smiling warmly. “I cannot say how greatly I appreciate your welcome. I feel most awkward, then, to begin at once with an apology – but I am afraid I have imposed upon you by bringing my stepson. He arrived unexpectedly this morning from the country, just as I was setting out. Seeing that you will in some sense be brothers...” the general faltered slightly, giving an awkward little laugh as he coloured. “I, er, thought perhaps you would pardon my liberty in bringing him along to be introduced.”
Surprise rippled briefly over the Grey brothers’ expressions. The elder, dark-haired one – Harold Grey, Duke of Pardloe, no, Earl of Melton – tightened his lips. The younger, fair-haired one – Lord John Grey – recovered rapidly, an affable enough expression appearing.
“Of course,” Pardloe – Melton – said, managing to at least sound cordial even if the sentiment didn’t quite reflect on his face.
“Most certainly,” Lord John echoed, gaze shifting to Percy.
He stepped forward quickly to stand beside Sir George, flicking a glance from one brother to the other as the general’s broad hand settled warmly on his shoulder. “My Lord Melton, Lord John, May I present Mr Percival Wainwright?”
Melton’s mouth was tightly drawn and Percy could practically feel the barely suppressed waves of irritation coming off of him. He cringed inwardly, the knot in his belly tightening. He knew he shouldn’t have come, but it was too late now.
As long as they liked Sir George that was all that really mattered, he reminded himself. The general was the one marrying their mother, after all. All Percy needed to do was remain polite and try not to say anything terribly stupid. The general’s hand squeezed briefly in a reassuring manner before sliding away.
Lord John was holding out his hand and he took it quickly.
“Your servant, sir,” the young man said – and he was young, Percy could see now that he was standing so close. He was around Percy’s own age, perhaps a few years older at most. And he was...lovely. His features were delicately wrought and...
Percy had seen him before somewhere. Not just on the street, they’d met before, he felt sure of it. He had an excellent visual memory and never forgot a face. Where though...? The young lord felt it, too, he could see it. The man’s fair brows were drawn together slightly, studying his face with wintry blue eyes -
And then it flashed before his mind’s eye: the mysterious, standoffish young man at Lavender House, with the terrible suit, resplendent blond hair, unresponsive hand in his, and the exquisite blue eyes.
Good God.
He drew breath sharply and his hand clenched involuntarily on the other man’s, an action that was mirrored by Lord John half a heartbeat later as the same realization flashed in his momentarily widened eyes.
“Yours, sir,” Percy murmured, forcing himself to relinquish the man’s hand, and masking the sudden, half-hysterical urge to laugh aloud with a slight cough as he stepped back.
His mind was still reeling about as unintelligibly as a chicken with with its head freshly cut off as he reached out to shake Lord Melton’s extended hand, unable to prevent himself from sneaking a glance back at Lord John as he did so. If Providence had ever been known to act in the favour of men like himself, he might have been thanking God right then.
Possibly. Dying chicken wasn’t a language Percy was fluent in.
Melton’s previously tense countenance had eased into a polite neutrality that was reflected in his cut-glass accent as he spoke, eyeing him, coolly evaluating, even as he offered the customary niceties. Percy listened somewhat distractedly, pulse racing excitedly along with his mind in direct opposition to his attempts to collect himself. And could not seem to keep from darting surreptitious glances back at Lord John, whose eyes met his every time he looked. He hoped to God that he wasn’t flushed, because he already felt far warmer than he should have on a January day.
Of all the coincidences...of all the people to turn out to be his new stepbrother...!
Melton was just concluding his welcome when Percy’s traitorous gaze flickered once more to the paramount object of its interest. Lord John smiled at him. His stomach somersaulted and fluttered madly in response. Oh God, Melton had finished talking.
Percy hastily yanked his lingering attention away from the man’s brother and offered a bow. “Your Grace is most...gracious.”
His last word emerged half-strangled as his abstracted brain belatedly caught what he’d said a half second too late. A horrifying moment of utter silence throughout the room followed. Melton had frozen, his breath gone still for an instant before he rapidly recovered himself and returned the bow.
“Not at all,” the nobleman replied, voice remote and immaculately courteous. His pale eyes – winter blue, just like his brother’s but all the more piercing for the long dark lashes that surrounded them – had gone cold, which was saying something as they hadn’t been particularly warm to begin with. Percy felt himself shrinking inside at that look, as the man added in the same carefully controlled tone, “Shall we dine, gentlemen?”
Melton turned at once on his heel and quit the library, not looking back at any of them.
Brilliant. Off to an auspicious start already, Perseverance.
He turned guiltily to find his stepfather staring at him, his already wide brown eyes the size of saucers in his horrified disbelief. Sir George rolled his eyes in mute aggravation even as Percy cringed, hunching his shoulders pathetically, in abject apology. The man’s hands flailed in the air and then clutched briefly at his wig in dismay. After seven years as General Stanley’s stepson no words were actually required for him to interpret.
One thing! The one thing I asked of you, and you went ahead and did it anyway!
Percy would’ve been clutching at his own hair right now if wasn’t full of frigging powder. What could he possibly say to explain the temporary mental aberration that had just occurred?
Sorry, but it turns out that Lord John Grey suddenly smiling at me has the power to make my wits scatter like a flock of startled geese?
He thought not.
And speaking of the incendiary device...
Percy turned to Lord John, mortified anew at the realization that he had been witness to their awkward pantomime all the while, and grimaced apologetically. The man just lifted a shoulder nonchalantly, a faint glimmer of wry amusement in his eyes.
“We are fortunate in our timing,” Lord John said, sidestepping the matter with a gracious smile. His hand came to rest lightly on the centre of Percy’s back - in an electric touch that seemed to linger long after it had gone - as he allowed himself to be guided in the direction of the door. “It’s Thursday. The Beefsteak’s cook does an excellent ragout of beef on Thursday. With oysters.”
Weren’t oysters an aphrodisiac?
Oh, do shut up, he told himself fiercely. It’s not as though you need any.
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ais-n · 8 years
Ajin is so great wtf! (no spoilers, no worries ) ALSO, lots of other anime recs mentioned
I started watching an anime last night that @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil keep mentioning especially in their liveshows -- Ajin. I think I thought it was something completely different, like a continuation of another series or something. But I was bored last night and saw it on Netflix so gave it a go.
What the actual fuck, guys! This series is AWESOME so far!!
It actually gives me a lot of Tokyo Ghoul vibes, and from what I can see they first started serialization as manga about a year apart, with Tokyo Ghoul first. But Ajin feels sort of like, if Tokyo Ghoul had focused on the start of all the craziness in Tokyo instead of after there was the full formation of their law enforcement crews and etc etc. 
The designs have sort of similar vibes too, from the elite dude in LE to the MC to the MC’s childhood best friend who I also wish was in the series more just like in Tokyo Ghoul, but the personalities aren’t all the same.
I’m not finished with what’s out of Ajin in anime yet--just finished the first season last night, saw the first ep of season 2 this morning, will have to wait till after work to watch the rest this week. So I probably will avoid tumblr for a bit just to avoid spoilers until I’m up to date on the anime at least. Also, I see there are 9 volumes of manga so I’ll probably read the manga too if I continue to like the anime.
I’m feeling about Ajin so far the way I first felt about Tokyo Ghoul -- that I really like it, although sometimes the government or LE make really weird decisions as if it’s to make sure the MCs win, but imo the bad guy in Ajin is way cooler than TG. He’s way more intelligent about the way he’s systematically dismantling shit. Actually, the way social media is integrated into Ajin reminds me a bit of Zankyou no Terror which I ALSO really loved the fuck out of in the beginning but the fucking ending of that and the choice to MC that stupid ass girl totally ruined the series for me.
Also, while I loved the hell out of Tokyo Ghoul, I’ve so far been largely disappointed by Tokyo Ghoul:re (so much so that I stopped reading the manga months ago but I plan to give it another go soon). 
So right now, Ajin is reflecting the love I had for Tokyo Ghoul and Zankyou no Terror, but has yet to disappoint me like both of those did. I hope that continues going forward because wow would it be nice to finish an anime series or continue a manga series with as much love as I started it lol
Anyway, Dan and Phil--you guys give good anime recs! (More about their other recs behind the cut)
I also watched Magi after you kept talking about it, even though I’d tried reading the manga years earlier and didn’t like it. But then I gave it another go and now I fucking love that series. Alibaba is the actual fucking best and has become one of my favorite anime characters, period. I’m a few chapters behind on that one because I think the series is ending soon and I kind of wanted to read it all at once, but we’ll see.
Also, I know I’ve watched or heard of a number of the other ones Dan has mentioned in his anime recs. And for the most part, I also have liked or even loved those. Dan’s videos are: Anime Will Ruin Your Life, Dan’s Anime Recs, and Dan’s Anime Recs #2. Also here’s Phil’s video where Dan and Phil cosplay.
The main place where we differ is I didn’t much like Erased (can’t fully recall why), Sword Art Online I gave a go for an episode but didn’t get into it (but this may be a generational thing; I have been into anime like 13 years longer than Dan so I think it’s just that SAO feels like a really new concept if they haven’t seen the 10,000 anime like it I watched ages ago, but it ALSO may be that maybe it gets way better later and I just didn’t give it a good enough chance), and.... that’s actually it. All the other ones he lists I either love, really like, thought was cool, or haven’t seen yet.
Honorable mentions:
I started Haikyuu!! because they mentioned it and OH MY FUCKING GOD THANK YOU DAN AND PHIL.
Chihayafuru--my friend recced this separately to me, said it was one of her favorite series ever. I did start watching it and liked it, I stopped it because idk I just took a break, it’s a bit slower moving of a story than I usually do. BUT it’s good!
Madoka Magica, Soul Eater (the bit I’ve read), Black Butler, Death Note, Free!, these are all good.
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop are classics. If you haven’t watched them you have to! Kaworu all the fucking way in Eva <3333333, and Cowboy Bebop is just all around incredible.
Tokyo Ghoul I watched on my own before they recced it --like I said, I liked that too; Tokyo Ghoul imo is super good, it’s just :re that’s meh. Your Lie in April is really good for the most part (although a relationship thing of it bugged me because I knew from the start what was going on, not because spoilers but because it was obvious to me, so that kind of ruined the story a little because I think it was meant to be a plot twist, BUT it’s still quite beautiful and moving)-- Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is fucking incredible and if you haven’t seen that WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. Magi is awesome. I started reading Parasyte because I got the first volume in the $1 bargain box at rightstufanime. I have Stein’s Gate but haven’t watched it yet. 
Attack on Titan was one I was suuuuuper into when I first started reading it/watching it when it first came out but then idk. I got caught up to the manga, had to wait for chapters, the art quality deteriorated/changed, I didn’t like most of the characters and the one I did like kind of wasn’t around as much, so I lost my love of that series. I’ll probably watch the anime sometime to see what happens because the anime is much more well done than the manga, in a shocking turn of events that’s contrary to usual.
Fruits Basket is another classic and IT’S SO FUCKING CUTE AND GOOD, if you haven’t seen that WHAT ALSO ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE.
re:ZERO I’d found on my own and I loved it. I agree with Dan on having that as a rec. It’s very interesting.
Yuri on Ice I feel pretty meh about. I know everyone thinks it’s the best thing ever but I think it’s really poorly written and I don’t really care too much about the characters. idk if I’ll even bother watching season 2. We’ll see. I kind of don’t like any of the relationships tbh. Not really a fan of the two MCs.
Hunter x Hunter ... I think it’s good through the Yorknew City arc, and I love the FUCK out of Kurapika as a character just generally in anime/manga ever, but I don’t really like the series after that. I am behind on the latest chapters. I tried reading it when the new ones came out after the hiatus but I was kind of turned off by the first 2 chapters and set it aside. Eventually I’ll continue that again.
The rest of the ones Dan has mentioned, I have yet to see but I think I’ve heard a number of them before on other recs.
You should watch his videos for more information on those anime, also you can get a free trial at Crunchyroll using their codes if you need it. tbh I did eventually buy Crunchyroll so I can watch anime on my roku and I’m really happy with this decision. I will continue to pay for it because it’s super nice--even just in watching One Piece for the 10,000th time with my friend.
That became way more rambling/in depth than I planned lol I was just gonna be like “LOLZ AJIN = GOOD SO FAR WOW! :D” but then I wanted to link Dan’s vids and basically say that I do think you should listen to Dan and Phil’s recs. So far they seem like they have really good taste in anime. 
And that’s coming from a 33 year old who’s been watching anime/reading manga since 13/14, and has seen/read a shit ton of series over that time. I’m pretty critical of series by now. And for the most part, Dan and Phil have been recommending genuinely awesome series. And I’ve found new series I wouldn’t have watched without them so I’m really happy.
Anyway those are my thoughts! I’m excited to watch more Ajin when I get back from work today! PLEASE DON’T LET ME DOWN AJIN T_T
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