#this is not to say that dukeceit and prinxiety are canon anywhere other than my heart
No thoughts tonight just Roman and Remus (any canon, I just know this to be true) having a sibling rivalry over whose husband/bf/partner is The Most Prettiest Actually™
honestly this is funniest to me as a canonverse concept because the juxtaposition of their already canonically strained relationship and romans deep running Moral IssuesTM about their whole deal........ with this completely stupid and silly and petty argument about janus and virgil is just fucking sending me aslkdjalj
roman goes on a tearful, furious rant about how Remus is the moral antithesis of all good things and finishes it off with a shrill, snippy "and virgil has prettier hair than janus so THERE"
and no, this is not a version of canon in which the sides have slightly different bodies in the mindscape
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