#this is now a tauro fan account
fandomloreblog · 1 year
You cannot tell me that Tauro from the new Tears Of The Kingdom Game isn’t autistic with a hyper-fixation on Zonai ruins. YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE, THAT MAN IS DEFINITELY NEURODIVERGENT AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT
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z-cerulean · 1 year
Pokemon Violet
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For the main series, the last Pokemon I played was Ultra Moon. Various aspects of gen 8's launch turned me away from it back then, and BDSP didn't help matters either. I came back for PLA, which I overall liked, and decided to return to the main series with Violet after playing Blue and Crystal earlier this year.
Here's my brief non-spoiler thoughts on the game after finishing the main story, again, just what I think
Story and Setting
The story is, yep, it's a Pokemon game. Though this one takes a slight turn compared to prior games, where you have three separate plot threads to follow: doing the usual gym crawl and the Pokemon League for Nemona, taking on Titans for herbs with Arven, or defeating Team Star with Cassiopeia.
Personally speaking, the Team Star thread was fine if predictable, I cared the least for Nemona's story but it's ok enough and Arven is one of the better characters the series has managed to put out, I'd argue he's easily the strongest character in the game for writing.
The Paldea region as a whole sort of ties into my opinion on the gameplay, speaking of:
The game is open world and lets you go most of anywhere you want in any order, which is theoretically cool. The problem, however, is nothing scales to your current progression and everything is fixed, so you may as well go in order anyway. Which, isn't exactly communicated, I fought the ice gym 7 levels under and the water gym 7 levels higher. Overall to me, it undermines the open world progression.
Additionally, more of a personal nitpick, the progression being open world like that really made most of the towns bleed together in my mind, I barely remember any of them besides Levincia because it's the only place to buy tofu at.
That said, running around the open world is genuinely pretty fun. If you're a fan of exploration and collectathons for the dex then it's a decent recommend for that alone.
Battle system wise, it's... Pokemon, in short it works but i can't deny as I get older I'm finding the main series underutilises its own systems a lot, and I'd not mind a return to something like Colosseum where there's a lot more experimentation and varied strategy. Though Terastalisation is an option now, which does make for some fun pokemon builds. Though I will say how Tera types are handled isn't perfect, all wild pokemon just have one of their normal types as a tera type and it's a pain in the ass to grind up shards to change it, unless you get lucky with a tera raid spawn. It's fun enough, either way.
Also, removing the shiny sparkle noise is also sort of annoying, especially if you're unfamiliar with the newer pokemon and don't have side by side comparisons with the spawns.
The Pokemon being open world instead of tall grass is also cool, but there could have been some invincibility on exiting encounters so after finishing one you aren't forced to fight the Tauros that crawled up your ass during the previous battle.
The biggest issue with the game though is its performance. It's well known by now and admittedly, I'm surprised the game managed to be as enjoyable as it is in spite of it. The game is not foreign to random lag spikes or slowdown, even crashing in some cases. It's not a huge obstacle, personally, but for a game from the second biggest media franchise globally... yeah, why is it like this.
Also 20 minutes for online battles wasn't enough in gen 8 by all accounts I've heard, why is it still 20 minutes here. I'm probably just going to use Showdown for it if I decide to stray into that realm.
For all it's problems, Violet still managed to be a fun time, I enjoy most new additions and there's a decent basis for working out the problems with the ones that didn't work as well as intended. Numerical score, it's probably like an 8/10, 7.5/10 if i feel like being particularly harsh for its flaws.
There's almost inevitably DLC for the game next year, so I'll probably get back to the game for that once I'm done with the dex and postgame.
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doubleddenden · 5 years
Your friendly neighborhood pokemon veteran with more tips to help you debunk rumors!
Anything that tries to claim anything specific to specific dates. Sure, a small one like "March 15th: tune in", vague, simple, nothing risky. Something like "March 22nd, box legends revealed, April 5th, regional bird and rodent, e3: 3 new eeveelutions, september 12th: new psuedos revealed, etc" is most likely not true unless the source is a damn time traveler.
Anything that contains "eevee evolves to a ghost type via dusk stone" is instant fake. Only newish evolution methods have been used thus far: gen 1, stones, 2, friendship and time of day, 4, area specific, gen 6, affection and fairy type move. You have to think creatively here.
Dunsparce normal/dragon evolution. Oy. Do I have to explain it?
"No gen x pokemon" when a pokemon of that gen was shown in the first damn trailer.
A past region post game
Pay attention: is the poster just parroting ten other rumor posts?
This one is risky but ima say it: pre evolutions. Kind of pointless at this point and are kind of Dex filler, which I think GF realized 5th gen onward. If anything, expect evolutions, alternate forms or alterations to past pokemon ie megas or variants.
Dangerously low pokedex numbers. This one is another risky one but I've seen posts claiming 64, 50, or less new pokemon. While GF ain't exactly fond of breaking 100 these days, please keep in mind that they have to make room for starters, legends, and mythicals which can be anywhere between 18 to 27 pokemon depending on their mood. Anything less than 70 should be suspect at best. Remember that this is the debut on a HOME CONSOLE as well, so while I'm not saying to expect 160 newbies, I am saying that it would be a weak move to premiere with less pokemon than X and Y or Sun and Moon on a console they want to sell fans on.
Read the list. Does it read like a wish list? 20 new megas including Johto? 15 new regional variants including Arcanine and ? Dunsparce evolution? Tauros pre evolution? Kalos post game? Is fake man. Game freak doesn't do things perfectly, unnervingly so. You have to take in account that they won't make the end all be all pokemon game unless they think it's the last one. Now will it be fun? Sure, but if the list reads too much like a "all regions" fan request, then it won't happen. Use your discretion here.
I'd like to also throw in anything saying regional variants are done, but I know GF can get bored of something and drop it to make the games they appeared in "special". Just think is all I'm saying.
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freakplayspokemon · 6 years
Harvest Moon (or Stardew)-like Pokemon game?
I decided that I’m doing this rather the government takes my open internet away to the point where it’s basically unusable or not since my fiance showed a great interest in what I described to him. Of course, this wouldn’t play like a Harvest Moon game. It would play like a Pokemon game. (The concept would be similar though which is why I’m making the comparison) The idea of a casual dating sim Pokemon game is still fun though. (I already started on the graphics because I’m still going to be making this.)
At this point, I think I want to start development of this game since Accourt Academy’s story is done, and there hasn’t been any bugs reported for a while.
If this post does fairly well (in favorites or people flat out saying “I want this”) I’ll probably just make a separate Tumblr account for this game.
So while I was making Accourt Academy my fiance downloaded Stardew Valley for the PS4 and started playing it like his life depended on it. And then I remember a post on here that I read a while ago asking for a Harvest Moon-like Pokemon game. And then I was up all night thinking about a Pokemon game that’s like Harvest Moon. I seriously couldn’t sleep because my mind was reeling with ideas.
It would be really different from Distrust, Sanguine, and even Accourt Academy, which is suppose to start out as a casual Pokemon school game where you can date people. Start out. This one would be completely casual if you want it to be, and no teenagers murdering each other. (And I don’t think I’m going to have the date-able people have horrid backstories in this.)
Also, I wouldn’t have some collect-a-thon task thing before you can get married. I was always pretty annoyed by those when Harvest Moon started doing them. So instead I’ll just have marriage be a thing you have to work towards emotionally, instead of having it be a tedious chore.
The development would start a bit slow for a few months for... Reasons. =3
The goal here, instead of progressing through a story, is to... Do whatever. You wanna get married? Great! You wanna become a millionaire? Good luck! Wanna become champion? I’ll root for you! Wanna do all of these things and more? 100% possible!
Oh, and one more thing: I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll get tired of making this at most rated T game (if it were to have a rating) so I would probably start making something else on the side, but that’s nothing anybody has to worry about until I’m done with either this or that... If I know what “that” is eventually.
At this point I already got at 100+ hours into Stardew Valley. Any bold - are ideas that I either took from or was inspired by Stardew in one way or another.
Ideas so far:
-Instead of veggies, you would be in charge of a berry farm. (Since that’s already a canon thing that has a code, so I don’t have to make a new one.)
-Eleven bachelor/ettes. Probably 5 girls and 6 guys. (Eleven so nobody is alone in the end.) All bisexual so you it won’t matter what gender you are... Because I hate myself apparently. (It would mean twice the work for me.)
-“Rivals,” as in you can walk into an event between two people... Probably three times before they get married. (It would probably be easy to avoid though.)
-House upgrades
-Town upgrades. Like, if you do so much, or donate enough money, or whatever, abandoned buildings will be filled with.. I dunno, EV training building, TM/HM buying building? Stones? ...Things like that?
-Pokemon that can help you on your land by giving you stuff. (Like Miltank giving you Moo Moo Milk.) And instead of a bike, you would ride a Pokemon maybe. (Taurus)
-Gyms and an Elite 4 that aren’t technically required, but you can’t use certain HMs without the badges. The gyms and Elite 4 are probably going to be run by Accourt/Distrust/Sanguine characters so I can just reuse assets instead of making new ones. (They would probably have slightly different personalities. Think “Accourt Academy AU where shit doesn’t hit the fan.” Maybe I’ll make this the “Not Mega Stone universe.)
(The marriageable characters would be 100% new, though. I already have designs thought up for them.) (Also, it’s possible that I’ll reuse adult characters from Accourt Academy for smaller roles. It would take forever for me to make this if I don’t.)
-Probably two islands to go to. One with nine cities, including the one connected to your berry farm, and one that has a city. Or maybe one big one with a bunch of little towns and then one maybe medium size with just one huge town. Ooor One small island with your farm and the “main” town, and then one big island with the rest of the cities... I’ll decide later.
-Babuus, of course... Maybe up to two? Maybe the possibility of having twins? Who knows? ‘Probably will have them grow into adults, maybe... Possibly... At least kids. Probably teenagers. I’ll try to find a way to name both of them, but it’s possible that you would only be able to name one of them, and the other your spouse will name. (Maybe they’ll give you a choice of three or four names to choose from.) (Of course you can just adopt one, or have one out of surrogate if you choose to marry someone as the same gender as you are.) 
-Also other married couples can have babuus too. And will. They’ll probably look pretty similar to each other, at least to start. (Less sprite work for me.)
-Two starters, technically. Like, you would have one Pokemon already (I’m thinking Tauros, so you can have your “bike” Pokemon immediately. Also I wouldn’t have to change the Pokemon since it never evolves) and an “everybody who lives in this town/island has one of these Pokemon” Pokemon. 
--What would they be? The BETA Pokemon Gold Starters! I’ve been “revamping” some of the BETA sprites to look more like they belong in gen 3 and/or beyond. (Well, I’ve been doing my best anyway) and I really want to have the “starter” Pokemon the BETA starters. (I dunno if I want to make Chikorita look like the BETA art work since they changed it to how it is now in the demo anyway.)
---Wild revamp BETA Pokemon, just because I can. Though I think I’m going to at least start with only the cut Pokemon, but in the future I may decide to replace the final sprites with revamped BETA sprites, just because.
-Instead of just giving people gifts to make them like you like in Harvest Moon, you have to actually talk to them and say the right things if they ask you a question. Kind of like a typical Newgrounds dating sim game, but without the porn.
---Which means that you would have to have them like you so much before they’ll go on a date with you. (They’ll probably ask you to go on the date so you don’t have to worry about timing it just right before asking them.)
-I think I want to add a cave where you can either find rarer and rarer things the deeper you go, or rarer and more powerful Pokemon the deeper you go. (This will also probably be the place where you can dig for fossils and what-not.) Or both.
-I’ll most likely keep the player silent. In AADS I’m trying to tell a story with characters. In this though it’s supposed to be whatever you choose to do, so I want it to feel more immersive by uh... Not assigning a personality to your character. Of course this means awkward “Oh so you’re \PN and you moved here from blah blah blah” dialogue, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! (\PN is the placeholder for the character’s name in the game.) 
-Portraits... I mean this is a dating sim game after all. You’d probably want to know how the person looks.
-Holidays, of course. It would be too monotonous without them. 
---Though I would only have one Valentine’s day instead of two to make it easier on me. In Harvest Moon... And Japan, they have both “White Day” as well as “Valentines Day.” One day is for men to give chocolate to women, and the other is for women to give chocolate to men. Also, this will make it easier for people to get/give gifts to the same gender. If I had both “White” and “Valentines” day, and you were to choose to date a person of the same gender, you would be excluded from one of the two days, rather it’s gift giving or receiving.
-Polygamy, but only up to two spouses. Half of the fun of dating sims I think is finding the person who you want to be with. It wouldn’t be that fun if you could just marry everybody in the same file. Buuuut I had this moment when I thought “damn. I really wish I could marry both Leah and Elliot in the same file without having to get a divorce.” So... That.
--I would want to have you have to get the two to like each other enough for that first, I think. How would depend on the couple. If they don’t like each other, you would have to work harder than if the two do like each other quite a bit.
-28 days in a month. I wondered why that’s the case in Stardew before realizing that it was so the weekdays can just recycle and not have to be in an infinite loop. The “1st″ is always a Monday, and the “28th” is always a Sunday.
“Maybe” section
Technically all of the ideas are “maybe” idea right now. (Besides the main ideas.) These are just more “maybe” than the others.
-I’d like to have character customization, but I think I can only go up to eight different playable characters, so it would have to be very limited.
--I think I would have the player customize their character from inside of their room so they can go back and change their looks if they change their mind. Also because I may want to add some things midway through development. This way you wouldn’t have to destroy your file just to look different. Also this would be one of the last things I put into the game. Or middle, or... Just not one of the first.
-Replaced Potions and other medicine with food at an inflated price. But food that you can make. Like, say Oran Berry juice would be... 2,000 bucks or so, OR you can make some with 20 Oran Berries.
-Gifts. It may become way too tedious or even impossible for me to try to implement gift giving, unless I really limit it. Though I will most likely give you the opportunity to give one of four-or-so gift on a date. And I’ll probably (most likely) make it possible for you to give roses and/or chocolates on Valentines Day. 
-Weekdays. The calendar will have months. How many months? I dunno. In Harvest Moon it’s four, one for each season, so probably four. But I can’t actually think of how having week days would be annoying. I could have certain small events on certain days of the week. (Like a traveling sales person.) But I could just as easily make those same events a month thing... I’m not making any sense. (Each month will have thirty days.)
-Maybe a “pet” Pokemon or two? (Meowth, Growlithe, Chatot... One of those.)
-More than two files? Pokemon Insurgence was able to do this so it would be nice if I could in a game like this. I can at least show you how to save save files into a different folder, maybe.
Things I (probably) won’t do.
-Roaming NPCs. I don’t think I can do this for reasons that you kind of need one of the RPG Makers to understand. I can’t have the NPCs walking around like in a Harvest Moon game. (Or Majora’s Mask, or Yandere Sim I guess.) I can, however, have them go to different areas depending on the time of day, so expect people to disappear suddenly during different times of the day. I guess there is a way to program a path finding script in RPG Maker XP, but hell if I can actually figure it out.
-An in-game clock, since the maker (or Essentials) makes the game automatically work on your computer’s clock.
--I WILL make sure that the day “resets” whenever you sleep, meaning that you don’t have to literally wait days for berries, or to talk to somebody. There won’t be a clock but there will be “days” that you can move forward by “sleeping.” It’s kind of confusing, but this way nobody will have to feel obligated to go back home whenever the actual clock strikes a certain time. This game will have like, at least nine different cities, so it would be pretty annoying both ways if you were forced to go back home.
---Closing hours. Because the clock would just be your own clock, it wouldn’t be very fair for night owls to play this only to have the stores closed. The people running the stores will just be generic NPCs. I may have some eligible bachelor/lettes “working” part time though.
-Seasons. It would be really annoying to try to do different seasons, if not impossible. I’ll have to just make this a “tropical, never not summer” island.
--I could possibly have a winter though.
-Divorce. Or if I do, it would be at the end of development as though it’s an afterthought. (It would make for interesting dialogue if you have at least one child.)
-Different farm types. I think I’ll instead just make thee farm have everything on it, or close by it. (Like a pond for fishing, the ocean to the south of it, a forest to the west of it, et cetera.)
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change-the-rules · 7 years
FROM ONE PIKACHU TO ANOTHER sidenote do they play pokemon in the au do they have fave pokes. also i can't wait for alex and maggie to meet and realize they're soulmates and to be like "ok but i'm still mad about the trex and feathers thing" and then forl ucy to come in like "guys theyve been dead for years"
oh oh dude okay so I hadn’t really thought about it in context of the soulmate au specifically so it hasn’t been mentioned and it probably won’t be but they totally do and on valentines day when Magie is like 6 she doodles a pokeball and some cheesy shit like I choose you to be my soulmate and it’s adorable.
Also that is totally like an ongoing ‘fight’ Alex and Maggie have, like Maggie actually took some paleontology classes for funsies and as an adult she actually thinks it’s really cool the kind of strides we’ve made in science and the hows and whys T-Rexes probably had feathers but then there’s the little kid nostalgia and Alex gets so worked about science facts so Maggie just ‘nope 15 years later and it’s still lame’ and they bicker endlessly about it 
And when Lucy is like ‘guys guess what? they’ve been dead for years, technically none of them have feathers anymore.’  
Maggie looks up at her with the biggest saddest eyes and Alex pouts because she was going to get Maggie to see reason this time but now look at how sad she is and Lucy is just jfc how did I end up with such nerds for soulmates and she has to go put on Jurassic Park 2 and cuddle with them(Jurassic Park is Maggie’s go to comfort movie but Jurassic Park: The Lost World  is Lucy’s ‘I fucked up by saying the dinosaurs were extinct to end an argument so now we have to watch a T-Rex rampage through San Diego to balance it out).
Sooooo….I got so carried away with various pokemon hcs that I had to put it under a cut….
I have so many poke hc’s for them in general but like I tend hc Maggie as a gamer, little Maggie growing up and she can’t afford to collect the cards but she loves the anime and eventually saves up enough to get a gameboy color. Her first game is red and she plays it so many times she practically wears out the cartridge. She’s the first person (and only for awhile) in blue springs to catch Mew. She eventually collects and plays all the games and she’s a complete expert on all the glitches and secrets. 
Alex was more of a casual fan she watched the anime sometimes but Vicky liked playing the games so Alex asked her parents to buy her a gameboy color and trading pokemon on the playground is probably the most social Alex ever was without alcohol.
She did really REALLY get into collecting the cards though and at one point Maggie and Alex visit Eliza in Midvale and Alex’s room is as she left it. Maggie is having fun poking around and teasing Alex for her Xena memorabilia and Dana Scully and BtVS posters(seriously Danvers, Faith is practically eye-fucking the camera in that one across from your bed how did you not know)  when she finds the three thick Pokemon card binders and freezes. Alex notices and grabs them like I totally forgot I had these and she starts flipping through one reminiscing and handing another to Maggie and Maggie almost shits herself because Alex has a first edition base set holo Charizard, she has all the starters, she has all the original 151 cards in various editions from different series and collections , She has holos, she has Japanese cards, she has shining cards. Kara ends up stopping by because I could hear Maggie’s erratic heart rate from National city and ‘holy shit is everyone okay?’ 
Alex’s attachment to the cards is more nostalgia than anything so she’s like you can have them if you want, Maggie almost has a heart attack. Of course she refuses those cards are worth more than she makes in a month but Alex brings them back to National City and they just kind of end up ‘Maggie’s’ anyway.
Lucy collected the cards too but she actually played the trading card game. Being an army brat could be isolating but pokemon in the 90s was inescapable and it was something to do on any base, in any school she ended up in for awhile. Lucy played to win and for keeps and she ended up with her own pretty decent collection of cards even though hers aren’t nearly in the kind of mint condition Alex’s are in. Maggie still hyperventilates sometimes if she catches sight of the 5 card binders on the bookcase(Alex organized Lucy’s collection from an old shoebox into binders of their own). 
For her birthday Lucy and Alex get Maggie an unopened special edition pokemon gameboy color from the yellow bundle. She cries because she had wanted that one more than anything as a kid but couldn’t afford it and they spend the night cuddled up together playing pokemon on their gameboys like the nerds they are. 
Maggie and Winn stay up all night outside gamestop for the 20th aanniversary red and blue 3ds bundle.  
Maggie’s ultimate fav is Bulbasaur she remembers watching the anime and wishing she had one to protect her from the bullies and eventually she gets older and decides she may never have a Bulbasaur but she can be one for others. 
She has a bunch of favorites though including pikachu (she will physically fight anyone who says something about anyone not being a ‘real fan’ because pikachu is too famous or popular a pokemon), Aerodactly, Kabuto(her first body on the beach she sees a horseshoe crab and has to try really hard not to lose her shit because she’s from landlocked nebraska, and she is looking a kabuto and basically it’s an effort to remind herself that she is a newly promoted detective that needs to get her shit together) Tauros, Nidoqueen, Donphan, Tyranitar(basically if it’s vaguely dino-like she has a soft spot but dragons can go either way stemming from her childhood belief they arent as cool as dinos), Mightyena, Groudon, alright I’m going to stop but she develops favorites in each gen.
Alex meanwhile is staunchly first gen and she and Maggie bicker about constantly. 
Alex tended to favor water pokemon but not exclusively some of her faves Lapras, Vaporeon, Porygon, Starmie, Dratini, Ninetails, Abra/Alakazam and Onix. She also has a secret soft spot for Togepi as well as Espeon and Umbreon who she thinks of kind of like her and Kara, sun and moon and argues that they still technically count as 1st gen because they’re eevee evolutions. 
Lucy is mostly only really familiar with the first gen and some of the second but she doesn’t really care either way and will choose sides based on maximum amusement for the moment. Some of her favs include Squirtle/Blastoise, Arcanine, Pidgeot, Nidoking, Machamp, Lickitung, Gyarados, Flareon.
And well Alex is a BIOengineer and she studies alien physiology and genetic engineering and if anyone was going to ‘accidentally’ create real life pokemon it would be her okay.
(mostly I just really think J'onn needs a Ditto…..)
And I was talking about this with nerdsbianhokie ages ago and they pointed out that Alex has seen Jurassic Park enough times to know to not create large creatures that can kill humans and would probably go with the mini-zoo variety and then they blessed me with the mental image of a tiny little Ditto riding on J'onn’s shoulder.
Vasquez would end up making obligatory pocket size jokes that they don’t even pretend aren’t about Maggie and Lucy. They’d only stop when Alex threatens to withhold the actual mini pocket monsters from them and even then only when They’re within ear shot of Alex.
The spacefam ending up with mini-pokemon protectors. Maggie gets her fucking Bulbasaur and everyone cries. 
And then my dude I have not even touched on pokemon go hc’s
Kara blowing an entire paycheck on upgrading her pokemon storage because she can’t bring herself to turn any of her duplicates into candy and she needs to catch every single pokemon she sees. She has like a thousand pidgeys at this point.
Nerdsbianhokie was like but Kara being upset that she flies too fast for the app.
And Alex/Maggie/Lucy? Pokemon go would be terrible and awesome for those competitive nerds. They have zero shame.
Lucy exploits her military contacts, her and Alex abuse DEO resources, Alex makes Kara fly her around the world to get the region locked pokemon. 
After Lucy came back from a ‘work trip’ in Asia with a Farfetch’d,  Alex made Kara take the day off and wouldn’t let them go home til she had multiple Farfetch'ds, Kangeshkans, and Mr. Mimes. 
Maggie tries to keep up but detecting only gets her so far. She does have a network of ppl who are the type to text the location of a Lapras at 3am.When Kara realizes the edge Lucy and Alex have she starts exclusively helping Maggie. 
Alex is completely overdramatic like my own sister, MY OWN SISTER pretending to pretend to make a huge production about loyalty. And Kara’s just like ‘I’m just being fair besides Lucy and Maggie are my sisters too at this point’ and Alex just melts. She also gets Winn to build her a long range Jet pack into the kryptonite suit in an attempt and get back on top of the game but she’s melty while doing it. 
Winn Mr.tech genius manages to get himself banned from ‘suping’ up his account and has to start over at level 21. He cries.
As repayment for not commenting upon the melty-ness during the jet pack building Alex takes his phone with her on flights since he had to start over. Of course, being Alex she doesn’t actually say this she just sort of punches his arm in thanks, steals the phone and drops it back into his lap later with a few eggs hatched, some new pokemon and a full items inventory.
Lucy realizes she’s the only one currently unable to fly which oh hell no so she starts scheming. 
‘Director Lane, did you requisition military resources for a video game?’  'Of course not, it’s an app.’ (via nerdsbianhokie)
Vasquez is the first to get the original 151….All of them… no one understands, they have no obvious hacks, seemingly haven’t left North America, Ditto is still a spoty rumor at that point and Mewtwo is confirmed as not yet available or even programed and yet… Vasquez has them. When anyone asks They deflect and says you should see my wife’s.
Erin is level 48 way too early in the game.She has a Mew. Everyone is kinda of scared of them after learning about it, the true power couple.
No one ever figures out how they did it. 
J’onn just wants his agents to behave like professionals and bans non-related phone use during working hours after seven agents ran away from their posts to catch a Charizard. He’s in the middle of lecturing them when Lucy and Alex stroll in like did you guys see that Charizard?!
(Kara downloaded the app to his phone and J’onn totally caught the Charizard)
James takes pictures of the gang doing absolutely ridiculous things while trying the catch pokemon and it becomes a meme.
There’s a gym (The D.E.O was also accidently made a gym what no Vasquez and Winn had nothing to do with that what are you talking about) accessible from Alex’s apartment and it’s a bloodbath because they’re all on different teams, Maggie-Instinct, Lucy-Valor and Alex-Mystic.
Just yea……uhmmm this all got away from me *shrugs sheepishly*
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dogcat101-95 · 7 years
I guess I got tagged
I got tagged by:  @fan-taco-tastic
Rules: I accidentally deleted the rules, but they had something to do with 20 blogs that follow me…
Name: Matthew
Nickname: Matt, Mattie, dogcat, DC
Star sign: Tauros
Height: 5'8" I think
Sexual orientation: straight
Hogwarts house (I don’t really like Harry Potter, So I’m replacing this with clan from the Warriors book series): Shadowclan
Favorite color: Green
Favorite Animal: Tigers
Cats or dogs: Cats
Favorite fictional character: Garnet from Steven Universe, the cabbage vender from Avatar, Firestar from Warriors, Twilight Sparkle from MLP, The Bye Bye man for his ridiculous name only, The Iron Fist from Marvel comics, Rorschach from DC
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
Favorite singer/band: My all-time favorite band is the Offspring, but recently I’ve been liking Neverwake
Dream Trip: Anywhere but Earth
Dream job: Comic book writer
When was this blog created: Sometime in 2014 I think
When this blog hit its peak:  Hahahahah! Oh wait, you’re serious? Probably at its peek right now.
Why did you decide to make a tumblr: My sister wouldn’t stop badgering me about making one. So I made one to get her to stop.
Why did I pick my url: In the spring of 2007 I decided to make a Gaia Online account. For some reason the show “Catdog” was on my mind so I reversed the order of the animals but that name was already taken so I added “101” to the end of it. The name stuck so when it came to making a tumblr blog that name was taken so I added “-95” to the end of it because that was my birth year.
I tag: Only 9 people follow me, of those 9 people I can only see 5 of them. Those five are a porn blog, someone who only seems to do advertising, my sister, my best friend, and an old friend of mine. So the tag chain pretty much ends here.
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