#this is one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet
halles-comet · 1 year
took a pregnancy test that was defective (like it just stayed blank) so i went back to get another one in the space of forty minutes and the cashier was like '...you good?' and i gave her a look and she gave me one back and it's very rare you know two people are both thinking about the same scene from Juno at the same time
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
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one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet (platonic)
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one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet (platonic)
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"The movie Juno is anti-abortion, pro-adoption propaganda," is an opinion i just don't agree with, honestly. People who say this always start by citing the "babies have fingernails" thing. To me, that was a sort of random, dark-funny narrative device used to symbolize Juno's personal struggle to figure out which decision was right for her. Yes, the knowledge that "fetuses have fingernails" came from an anti-abortion nut who Juno knows to have a questionable worldview, but she also knows that she, herself, is a kid who doesn't have all the answers.
The assertion that Juno is pro-adoption is doubly annoying to me, because I think it misses the most important thing the film was trying to do in a very obtuse and noxious way. Juno is really a coming-of-age story. For as self-aware, clever, and "grown man/gatekeeper-certified-cool" as she is, Juno has a very childish view of relationships and life at the beginning of the movie. It's handed to us through Rainn Wilson's line right at the beginning of the movie:
That ain't no Etch-a-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be undid, Homeskillet.
Through her pregnancy, her childish views are dismantled. She's forced to accept that she didn't get pregnant because of fate or because her and Paulie Bleeker were meant to be together. She learns that real relationships take work you can't make the other person put in. And, yes, she has the image of the "perfect, smiling, adoptive parents" we've all been made familiar with through cultural propaganda shattered. As things get difficult with Paulie Bleeker, she redirects her childish notion of destiny onto Patrick Bateman's character (the would-be adoptive father). Her belief that their fates are intertwined is largely symbolized through their shared taste in music and movies. Ultimately, however, he divulges that he doesn't want to be a parent and hints that his feelings for her are less-than-innocent. Juno comes to understand that good relationships and correct choices aren't built on uncanny connections or odd coincidences; Jennifer Garner's character is the right person to adopt her baby because of the love she has to give and the work she's willing to put in. Juno choosing to stick with her for the adoption despite Patrick Bateman leaving the picture is a turning point in her maturation.
To say that Juno is pro-adoption propaganda completely misses the point. Anyone that saw this movie as a point in favor of choosing adoption over abortion (or vice-versa, for that matter) completely missed the point, too.
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“That ain't no etch-a-sketch. That's one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.” 🧡
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allthingsheathers · 7 years
*Heather Duke is holding a pregnancy test*
Heather McNamara: What's the prognosis, Fertile Myrtle? Plus or minus?
Heather Duke: Don't know, it's not seasoned yet. Oh, there it is. That little pink plus sign is unholy. *angrily shakes test*
Heather McNamara: That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.
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fus-roh-no · 8 years
So I've posted it everywhere else, so I'll post it here to- I'm having a baby! I'm really excited to raise them not to be an asshole.
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hawesd · 10 years
Guilty Pleasures
The movie Juno is definitely in my top 5 guilty pleasure...
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cummingrainbows · 11 years
Today my boyfriend and I watched Juno in honor of my period being late
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