#this is one of the least media literate fandoms I have ever had the displeasure of being in
branwendaughterofllyr · 8 months
I really thought we were past people drinking the Valyrian exceptionalism kool-aid, but I guess we will never be. Look at me. Look me straight in the eyes. The family from a doomed empire built on slavery and conquest that practices incest to keep the blood pure that goes mad and has dragon babies and periodically blows itself up is to be looked at with a critical eye- look at me! don't look away! Think critically for five seconds, for the love of George
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moomingitz · 3 years
What is your exact opinion of Miraculous Ladybug?
I'm just gonna sum it up like this, because if I don't my opinion of the show itself will be an endless void of paragraphs. As someone who was a casual watcher of the show ever since it first premiered, and was genuinely interested to see where the plot and story would go, this is my current personal opinion of it:
Wasted Potential: The Show
Okay, so, I know one shouldn't automatically associate or base one's opinions of media because of who their creator is. But, Thomas Astruc, the show's creator, is the reason why I stopped watching this show.
He's an egomaniac, his behavior towards the fandom is disgusting, and he's just a shitty person. I mean it! Normally I can at least ignore who the creator of a piece media is, judge it by it's own merits, and pirate it. But it's obvious how much his influence and attitude to the fans starts to completely permeate the show starting in season 3- especially with how much he says that Chloe is a person worse than even a fucking manipulative terrorist, and yet glorifies a creepy stalker that is the main character at the same time. I'm not exaggerating in any manner when I say that Marinette is a literal stalker, too! Oh, but according to Thomas Assmad, knowing Adrien's entire schedule and every literal move is not stalking, it's just her "inability to express her love for Adrien".
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If someone were to say why Gabriel is extremely protective of his son, Adrien, because he knows that his classmate, Marienette, is stalking him, his actions would make more sense than the canonical explanation.
And yet this hack not only has the gall to pull that character assassination bullshit with Chloe at the end of season 3(because he does not make his bias towards her a secret), but he shits on the fans who not only like or defend her as a character, but dare voiced their displeasure about her treatment in the season 3 finale. How dare they don't drop to their knees and kiss King Astruc's ring by seeing something in a character he hates! God help if you may even relate to her. Because alienating your audience and fans by attacking them has worked out sooo well for studios and creators for the last 6+ years. And that's only one of these many kind of instances from Thomas Asstuck.
Well, if his goal was to turn people off from his show, it sure fucking worked, because after that, and the New York special, I've officially had enough and I haven't picked it back up since then.(And from what little I've seen and heard from season 4, it looks like I made the right choice.)
The ironic bitter cherry on top was when Thomas Asspats told someone to not be an "SJW" when they brought up something in that infamous official comic where Marienette is in "da hood", when he himself is the biggest SJW out there: He's a person who is superficially progressive! In reality, he's a neckbeard who embodies everything he claims to be against, using matters like feminism as a shield!
And I'm just a person who used to casually watch the show. God, I can only imagine how the die-hard fans must feel; because it's obvious they sure as fuck don't like the guy, too.
I can't also help but wonder just even a little if his obvious influence on the show may have had something to do with Jeremy Zag making the upcoming "re-imagining" movie- how it's pretty much going to be his vision of the show. And you know what? I hope it ends up being good. I really do! Not only so we can finally see all of the wasted potential the show clearly doesn't want to reach be properly utilized, but, I also think it would be a great big fat middle finger to Thomas Astruc.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
Please Assist Me (Chapter 18)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Ch6apter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 , Chapter 16, Chapter 17
Warnings: Explicit Content
He Said
At last in January of 2021, the schools opened and we felt like there was more every day normal going on.  There were a few more restaurants open with outdoor service too so Sophia and I had the occasional lunch out together when he had free time.  I was training hard though so I didn’t have much free time which meant we tended to need to stick to Hollywood rather than driving out to the coast off the beaten track and that was our first mistake. Sophia had been my assistant  for almost 2 years now so it  wasn’t odd for us to be seen together but as there was almost never any other women seen with me,  Cheryl alerted me that pictures started appearing in gossip rags, putting 2 and 2 together based on their (correct!) reading of intimate gazes and body language.
She Said
In the new year, a few photos started to come out of me with Keanu online and in gossip rags. The publicity wasn’t hugely invasive and I wasn’t too bothered by it - my family and friends knew the truth so this only really attracted random contact on social media from acquaintances being nosy rather than any real invasion at first.
My first direct experience that the attention was getting invasive came one day at the school pick up. I had noticed a man hovering at a distance from the gates who I was pretty sure wasn’t a parent. My attention was torn away when my kids came out but as I turned to take them to the car, I saw a teacher cautiously approach him and after a brief exchange he turned on his heal and left. That’s when I spotted the camera slung over his shoulder. A couple of days later, pictures of me and the kids were published on-line on a gossip site.  The kids’ images were a little blurry but still, I was furious.
 He Said
I’d just clicked on my phone on a link Sophia had sent to me  for a photo news site showing pictures of her and the kids at their school gate. Some low life pap had tracked them down and deemed them newsworthy because of her link to me that had been emerging more and more frequently of late.
I forwarded it to Cheryl and asked her to arrange an urgent  call with her and my lawyer to work out an action plan. Then I called Sophia, nervous that I might be in for a tirade of Spanish insults.
“Hun, you OK?”
“No, I’m not OK. Que pendejo insoportable!”
Here we go, I thought!
“who me?!”
“No, no, the photographer, this isn’t your fault!”
“kind of is though isn’t it?”
“No, I won’t let you take the blame – but we have to stop them. The kids need to be kept out of this right?”
“Yeah, I’m waiting to hear back from Cheryl. I asked her to arrange a call with the lawyers. I’ll let you know when they can set it up OK?  And I’m sorry, even if you say it isn’t my fault, it wouldn’t be happening if we weren’t in a relationship.”
She sighed.
“We’ll figure it out, OK, I just, I need to keep them safe”
“I know, I know sweetheart”
We managed to issue a cease and desist order on that particular photographer to not take further photographs of the children and put out a general statement asking the press to respect their privacy  but that did seem to have the effect of making them more thirsty for pictures of Sophia and I – we were still game.  As pictures circulated of us eating out or on bike rides, this apparently spawned a trend of what I understand are called “Trolls” seeking out Sophia on social media to send her hateful messages to ‘leave me alone’ and to stop ‘trying to wheedle her way into my life’  and ‘get her grubby Latino hands on my money’. And, she said, if they didn’t do it directly, there would be comments underneath her photo on fan sites with people expressing their disgust at my choice of romantic partner.  On top of that, there was a lot of denial   - people saying that Sophia was and could only ever be my PA – just like Janey they said. Good grief the world really had gone to hell - why did who I was dating even matter?
Apparently there were many people being kind and saying it was nice that I’d found love and that she was beautiful, might give me the babies I’d missed out on etc etc but I could see the comments of the trolls weighed on her mind and lodged there far more than anything positive. Eventually I said she should really just follow me into the social media free wilderness. She could keep an active messenger service for group chats with friends and use a cloud service to share photos of the kids with our parents but for her sanity, she needed to drop Facebook, Instagram and Twitter before she went insane!
 She Said
I knew I shouldn’t get drawn into looking at what Keanu’s fan base were saying online but the curiosity was hard to control. I actually only started getting drawn in after the trolls started tracking my down and sending me abusive DMs. That made me want to know if there were any positive voices or if these nasty people basically spoke for the whole of his fandom. I found myself wasting so much time going down rabbit holes trying to find out who these people were but there was no way to do that really.
 When my general tetchiness finally got too much and Keanu said I should join him in the 1990s and get off social media, I knew he was right but at the same time it was infuriating as I had got so used to using it for sharing news, family photos, jokes etc as well as using all the messenger tools to connect with my friends. After all the isolation of 2020, this new isolation felt like a kick in the teeth but I felt so childish to think that way and didn’t dare say anything to Keanu. Having never been on social media, he just wouldn’t get it! After about a week though, I had to admit I felt better and admitted that his way was probably the sane option – after weeks of anxiety,  I finally felt free from the worry of silly people  out there who didn’t know us personally having an opinion about whether we ‘should’ be dating.
Happily, we  also had a trip to New York to look forward to - Keanu would be starting filming on John Wick 4 and we were heading there as a family with around a week free to enjoy the city together before he would start on set.
The kids were beyond excited to be flying, not ever having done so before. They each had a little pull-along case and we booked first class so we would have as little time as possible milling around in the public spaces at the airport. I was sure there’d be paps about - we couldn’t ban them from taking our photo altogether even though we’d asked for their privacy to be respected so I was desperate to minimise their chances.
When we got to LAX, it was literally minutes after we’d got into the building when a fan approached asking for a photo. Keanu started to try and explain that he was on his down time with his family and would they mind if he didn’t take one today but he hated the crestfallen look on their face and he quickly suggested that we split up and meet up in the lounge. I rummaged through my bag to get his ticket out and handed it to him with a pointed look at the woman before heading off to check in with the kids, not caring that my silent displeasure might make it online somewhere to be used as evidence of what a bitch I was!
We went on through to departures and waited a good half hour before he showed up.
“Hey Keanu why did you take so long” Eva whined.
He chuckled.
“Sorry honey, but I guess it’s because ‘I’m Duke Caboom, Canada’s greatest stuntman’ he boomed, tickling her sides “and sometimes that means people want to say hi and take a photo so it took a while to catch you up.
“Oh OK” she said matter of factly not at all phased by that idea. I guess she knew how excited Julie and Miranda’s kids had been when they zoomed with him when he was in Berlin so it made sense to her even though Toy Story 4 was the only thing she’d ever seen with him in so she had no idea just how truly famous he was!
“You’re too good to them” I said, still a bit put out that we’d already been separated for a while right at the beginning of our trip.
“Yeah, but it never ends well if I’m an ass…. I mean not nice and you’ve got to remember that I’m usually ‘so high’ on a screen and seeing me in real life is exciting …. to them at least” he said cocking an eyebrow at me as if to say that I no longer saw him as special.
“You’re exciting to me too silly!” I said, relenting a bit from my sulk.
He squeezed my hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ll try to give off some ‘stay away’ vibes in New York so we can all hang out like real people.
“I know, I’m being a bitch, I just wanted this to be, you know, normal”
When we arrived in New York, we had a car waiting so were quickly away from the airport and managed to pass through it without being bothered. On the journey, the kids were pressing their faces against the car windows to see the famous sky-scrapers and there was much anticipation of getting to his apartment to see how their bedrooms looked. We’d arranged to have them  decorated and bought new duvets and drapes which Keanu’s maid service had taken care of putting up for them. We got take out pizza for the first night and once again I felt safe and cocooned from the outside world of fans and paparazzi.
He Said
It was strange that Sophia and I had been together for not much short of a year before the public interest in me,  and its impact on living our lives, really became a pain in the ass and the source of some conflict  between us. I had to remind myself that I’d been living this way for about 20 years and had learned to just allow a little extra time in my day for stopping for a photo. It only affected me when I was on my own so I had to learn to see if from her point of view  - it was a shock to her system basically. She’d been my PA for 2 years but we had rarely needed to conduct our business in the public eye so she hadn’t even experienced the attention when we weren’t dating – it was all happening in the context of her being my significant other and with the backdrop of the online trolls and the need to protect her kids.
I guess it would have happened much sooner if I hadn’t been away filming for almost 5 months shortly after we started dating so we’d had an extended time of being together but with no-one outside of friends and family knowing. I tried to tell her we should be grateful all this hadn’t started sooner. I’m not sure that was the right thing to say!
My celebrity did have some advantages though and in New York I’d managed to arrange a private tour of the  Empire State Building  and rink side seats at a Rangers game. Those earned me points but we weren’t so lucky in Central Park. My apartment isn’t far from there so we headed out for a walk one afternoon, ending up in in the Conservatory Garden figuring that this would be  a nice place to be by some water but not where most people would be like Bethesda or the model boat pond.
We’d bought some sandwiches on our way (my time to enjoy the pastrami, pickle and Russian salad I so love)  and settled on a bench to chill and rest the kids’ legs when I saw a guy across the other side of the pond raising his camera. It was clearly a Pap with a long lens. I’m normally not a hot head but it was such an intrusion to our pleasant afternoon that I handed Sophia my sandwich and marched up to him.
I was striding fast, not caring much that my stance was clearly threatening and some people idling by the pond scuttled out of my way. The Pap, surprisingly stood his ground until I reached him, squaring up to him.
“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing? We’re just having some private time as a family and you come along determined to ruin it!”
I was yelling and drawing the attention of others by the pond but I didn’t care.
“hey man, you’re fair game” he responded brazenly.
“Yeah that’s right, I, me, I’m fair game, me not them ,now get the hell out of here”
He was a short weasel of a guy and I was towering above him. He soon thought better of trying to take a picture and scurried away.  A woman a few feet away spontaneously clapped!
“Good for you Keanu” she said.
I blushed, coming down suddenly from the adrenaline of the confrontation. It has been a long time since I’d even spoken to a Pap. I usually just ignored them, occasionally putting my hand in front of my face to ruin the shot. It generally wasn’t worth antagonising them but this dude had pushed it too far.
I thanked her and returned to the bench. Sophia handed me back my sandwich while the kids eagerly asked why I’d been shouting at the man.  I explained as best I could and I think they were grateful that I just wanted their mom and them to enjoy their time without strangers photographing them.
A couple of days later, Cheryl let me know that the guy made a claim on-line that I’d assaulted him – no actual legal claim was made, I guess because he knew it was bullshit. That was quickly proven when people quickly came forward that they had witnessed it and no such thing had happened. I wondered if the lady clapping was one of them.
  She Said
After the Central Park incident, I was so proud of how Keanu had stood up to the paparazzo but we still made a decision to do most of the tourist things without him after that. I couldn’t see us being in Time Square, The Lego Store or the M&M store with him alongside us comfortably. And that was strange and a little sad for me to be back to the single parent feeling, having experienced some very cherished family days.
Our time to go home was fast approaching and I was keen to get one day just for the two of us. Luckily I have a cousin in New York who wanted to spend time with the kids and they offered to take  them on the boat trip to the Statue of Liberty for the day. We made the kids breakfast and handed them over to my cousin with backpacks, ready for their adventure.
We just had coffee ourselves as we were planning on a brunch out for ourselves later after some us time between the sheets!
The minute the door was shut, Keanu was pulling me by the hand back to bed.
We quickly shed our pjs, climbed under the covers and started to kiss
Keanu soon reached down and started to gently tease my folds. I moaned into his mouth thrusting myself against his fingers.
A thought came to me and I pulled back and asked
“Can we um, try something today ?”
“Mmmm - what?”
“Well you know your movie, Siberia? “
He nodded
“Well, I watched it while you were away and, um that thing with your thumb ....”
“Oh you want that do you?” - a wicked grin spread across his face
“Well we can try that lots of ways ….. so, we can try that from behind. Get on all fours for me”
I obliged and I felt him slip his stiff cock into me, my folds parting  with a pop. He was moving very slowly, then after a few thrusts as I was moaning softly, I felt his wet fingers reach around to gently tease my clit. He did it just enough to make me  moan louder but not enough to make me cum. Then he pulled out leaving me bereft
“What?” I cried out
Then he rolled over on his back and pulled me  onto him.
“And then there’s lady on top”
I happily sank down on his cock and started to ride him. I was groaning but at the same time I could hear my voice quavering as I neared orgasm once more. He licked his thumb, this time, re-enacting the Siberia moment making me throw my head back in pleasure. I was about to lift off, my voice  raised in pitch but again he stopped me before I could, holding my hips to stop my movement.
The he flipped me over onto my back and straddled me, making me wait a few moments as he played with my breasts and smoothed his hands down my sides .
“And finally we can try man on top”
“Will you do that thing ?” I asked
“What the thumb ?”
“No, well yes, but first the thing where you lift me onto you”
“Oh like our first time?”
I nodded, glad he remembered.
He obliged lifting me onto him,  pulling me up,  ensheathing him  slowly so I could feel every vein of his rigid cock and he could feel every ridge of my tunnel.
I was wailing by now each time he pulled me up then released me – I could feel his cock getting even harder when he asked simply
I just whimpered and nodded my agreement.
 He Said
I was so close to coming, I needed to really focus to give her everything she deserved.
I manoeuvred her fully onto her back and encouraged her to lift her legs up over my shoulders.
This allowed me maximum access to thrust in all the way to her cervix and pump in and out.
I could already feel the beginnings of her orgasm, her pussy pulsating around me. It was as if she was a beautiful flower, attracting me with her petals then sucking me in, holding me there in a vice like grip to take what she needed from me. It was primal and all encompassing
As I felt the ripples get more intense, I managed to balance on my left hand and free my right hand, lick my thumb and circle it over her clit.
That was it, it was all over for both of us. She clamped around me, her legs quivering and I shot my hot load inside shouting out as she screamed “yes, yes oh god, yes”
My thrusts gradually slowed, I was still moaning and fighting to catch my breath. I eased her legs down and lay on her just holding my weight off her by resting on my elbows. I gave her a sloppy kiss before easing off her onto my back. I still couldn’t speak. and just squeezed her hand. Tears leaked out of my eyes and I gulped, looking across, I found her in a similar emotional state.
“Wow that was - god I don’t think I’ve ever, ever come so hard”
“Me neither - love you so much Mr Reeves”
“Why do you always call me that after really great sex?”
“Dunno” she chuckled “maybe to give you the respect you deserve for making love to me so, so ….”
“So masterfully, so beautifully”
“Let’s have a snooze before brunch yeah?”
I think she was almost asleep already as she turned away and I spooned behind her, holding her warm breast in the palm of my hand.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithk’eanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles @bitchyslut99
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amisbro · 6 years
A UtaPri Q to answer
“How Long did it take you to like HEAVENS?” THIS is an interesting question to answer because we need to do the backstory how we got here and also compare them to say...QN and STARISH (or more specifically the individual members of the two in a way) Wanna go on a trip?  LET’S GO!
So If we take a look at S1 of UtaPri (1000%) we had an interesting landscape.  I say this because of the fact that literally I knew NOTHING about any of the characters that would be included in this series at the time and when I say “nothing” I mean jack squat.  The reason for this is because I wanted my reaction to the characters in the show to be genuine and I refused to let any “outside influence” persuade me one way or the other. I can tell you this too...the characters I liked then were almost different to whom I like now which is interesting. Like if you made me literally break it down for you it went something like this Masa ,Tokiya and Otoya were locks (especially Tokiya cos his reactions to how he had to handle having Oto as a roommate were priceless) Ren was in the category of “You annoy the shit out of me but I’m going to see what you got to show me” And then you had Syo and Natsuki that ,for whatever reason, weren’t exactly high on my faves list...more like on the outs (spoiler:  As far as the ANIME goes this doesn’t change...Shining Live I actually enjoy Syo and Natsuki more) and there were reasons but even I couldn’t tell you what they were.  I think a big one is cos ,for me, Syo just wanting to fight people cos of his height (which was a big thing in Season 1 and 2 to a lesser extent) was kind of ridiculous so that grated me.  Natsuki well...we know the reason as I make no bones that I was NEVER a fan of the “Satsuki Persona” and that just grated me (although his event story with Ren is cute af and if you never read it then SHAME ON YOU!) You will note that I conveniently leave out Cecil (sorry @baku5ds) but that was because ,at THIS POINT, while the cat storyline was an important one (and it was) and then his first appearance near the end of the season and I was just like “I need to see what the heck your angle is” Now as we know come Season 2 I liked Cecil a lot (he almost “replaced” Tokiya in the top tier but I still enjoyed him) but there was one other change Ren ,whom had been on my s**t list in Season 1, showed his maturity for me and we kind of came to an understanding ESPECIALLY after his reconciliation with Seiichirou.  THAT really helped me with him but every one else kind of stayed the same (and I was fine with this). When we got to Season 2 also we had two new groups added to the fray QUARTET NIGHT and HEAVENS Now full disclosure:  While I never really paid attention to the blurbs that were wrote on the UtaPri wikipedia page for STARISH or any other characters the ones I DID read were for QN...I actually read theirs more before I started Season 1 and when I first read the name “Ai Mikaze” and then “Aoi Shouta” my first thought was “Is this a woman?” (Before we go any further I would like to formally apologize to Shoutan for thinking he was a “she”.  For some reason I sometimes hear voice pitches and it screws me up so there we go) Now in QN there weren’t really any members that made me want to throttle them (save Reiji) and I really loved Ai and also the Baron himself in Camus and if there needs to be a breakdown of why Camus well Long hair occasional megane Royalty Good enough...aight! Alright I half told a lie about STARISH...there was ONE member I think I read their blurb the most and IT WAS Nats believe it or not...yet he was one of the two I didn’t really care for...aight! The wild card in ALL of this comes when I meet HEAVENS for the first time as a trio and we know them by now but what the hell I’ll list them out Kira Sumeragi Nagi Mikado Eiichi Otori NOW...if you were to go back into my archives (and have fun with that) you would know that I wasn’t always the biggest fanboy of HEAVENS and I wanted to see them get theirs in the end...well they did and I was happy even if the ending of Season 2 was confusing as all hell! Now this kind of brings us to the question which is “How long did it take me to like HEAVENS?” Here’s why After I saw HEAVENS lose the first time in my mind I was like this “Well these three lost and now Eiichi got knocked down a peg so now can I consider rooting for them at some point later and if so what will cause it?” Now keep this in mind when you read that 1.  HEAVENS had no Canon information on them so building sympathy was going to be harder 2.  It actually took me TWO full viewings of Season 2 (before Season 3 ever aired) to really come to the idea that I might want to really get in THEIR CORNER because watching them get beat stopped being fun THEN! (That second point is going to come into play real quick...just wait) Season 3 happens and we have QN and STARISH battling it out to see whom is going to win the spot to rep the Shining Agency for Super Star Sports (from this point on the “Triple S”) and in the final episode of Season 3 (6/27/2015) HEAVENS reappears as a 7 member group.  Now I think here is where things get a little weird with the fandom because people say they are “still new” and stuff like that.  I would like to remind people of something HEAVENS is a 5 year old group.  You use the ORIGINAL date they debuted vs. when they became a 7 member group and that’s how it goes.  Its weird to me because when you look at the fan art for STARISH I think there was one that celebrated them being 7 years old but I also saw one where they had acknowledged HEAVENS being 3 years old...that’s NOT how it works in the Music industry but I digress When we were getting ready for Season 4 I had “officially” made the decision that I wanted to see what Broccoli did with HEAVENS and I wanted to see what their role in Season 4 would be.  Now we know how HEAVENS was treated both in the Anime and on this website during the whole season and it was the first time I ever got legit angry but that was a culmination of things  - I had wondered WHY the fandom ignored the times that a HEAVENS member was under distress like when Shion flipped out even Eiichi getting manhandled by his dad...the latter there were people that legit believed Eiichi DESERVED that because of “what happened to Otoya” (despite us knowing that he didn’t mean for that to happen and he basically stated such the following episode after NEXT DOOR)  - The other thing is that it felt like the fandom just never wanted to see HEAVENS happy...yeah I’m saying it and I don’t care who gets mad.  I know there were some that wanted the best for them but they always got drowned out by the people that LOVED STARISH so much that if something negative happened to HEAVENS I bet they were happy Then of course EVERYONE knows about my thoughts and feelings about 6th stage and why I thought that was a complete dumpster fire and I still do.  That show is one I pretty much ignore it unless you show me the intro from QN because...Maeno! Now HEAVENS has had some positives (although they get consistently overshadowed by STARISH in most cases) HEAVENS has had a group single go to #3 on the Oricon chart (and beat STARISH no less) A Drama CD unto themselves that went to #5 on the same chart (but unlike the Anime single this one dropped like a rock after the fact) They also had their own birbs and now they DO have bears and Eiichi has his own plush (which I still want for damn sure) and next year they will start their own web radio show and store...although unlike the Shining Store theirs isn’t going to be separate and instead its going to be a part of an Animate store which...not sure how I feel about that (oh yeah and Shuffle Units they are with a QN/Starish member and you know they are gonna get buried again...fuck I wrote a fic about my displeasure for it when I had Camus beat the **** out of Eiji!) Here is going to be my period on all of this YES...HEAVENS has the movie single ,the shuffle units and even are going to be involved in Dolce Vita...this is GREAT! Here is my problem They have always been treated like 3rd class citizens by both Broc and the fandom and they deserve better and we all know this to be fact BUT as it appears if you are a HEAVENS fan on any social media you get run off because of the fact that we have this “Seniority complex” bull shit!  HEAVENS and their fans deserve a lot more than we get and one thing we definitely deserve is our “moment” because I’m sorry but STARISH got theirs HOW MANY TIMES...AND I LIKE MEMBERS OF STARISH BUT SHIT MAN! People have asked me before why I like HEAVENS...I have said this in video form but I will do it again for new people Because there are things about each member that is literally a part of me Eiji is the shy kid to a degree...I can relate to that Yamato had his issues with his brother...you have NO IDEA how I relate to that and in his case he was the younger...for me I’m the older one! Shion is shy/anxious around new people...I REALLY can get with that for sure (and I have had my share of freakouts like he did...never hid in a closet though) Van loves him some baseball...I used to too (and with me my sport of choice to really watch is Hockey oddly enough) Nagi is smart as a tack and sassy af...I at least relate to the whole thing with his smarts...and some would say the sass too I’m sure! The BIG one though is Eiichi because you have NO IDEA the shit I went through with my mother many years ago and the times she decided to get physical with me...we won’t even talk about one of my grandparents and his short fucking temper!  If you wonder why I am always quick to protect Eiichi there we go! Do we get it yet?  Like I LOVE HEAVENS because I probably share more personality traits with them or experiences than I ever could say STARISH...then again there are the members I like there for different reasons and the big one was Tokiya because he (kind of like Camus to a degree) was someone that was organized and was good at getting shit done...yeah that is kind of me right there (and I am working on the “getting shit done” part). When people say about HEAVENS you “need more time” I respond like this It is 2018 and soon to be 2019...you have had over 5 years and a total of 18 episodes to figure the fuck out whether or not you were going to like them or not.  It LITERALLY only took me two watches of S2 and the duet project of S4 to figure out that I was going to “Ride and Die” with HEAVENS and for me that is where I will mark my grave and die with my boots on. Maybe there are some of you that need just a little bit more (and genuinely which I can respect) but I wonder if when people say “I need more time” its just a way of saying “I will NEVER like them” This is just something I wanted to write about for a while and now I did and I enjoyed writing this...good therapy! I’ll be back in the near future with a brand new fic I promise!
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