#this is only more performance grievance revenge theater from the group of moronic sociopaths known as the republican party
qqueenofhades ยท 9 months
I was about to ask about the mccarthy thing myself, since I'd opened my email and saw it in big blaring letters, because my immediate fear is that... they'll go through with it just to get rid of biden. the way they didn't impeach trump despite the evidence, I don't know why the republicans /wouldn't/ impeach biden on /no/ evidence just to support their own ends, and... I don't know. I guess I just wanted reassurance that that wouldn't be the case?
Well for one thing, it won't get rid of Biden either way. They can put together a spurious impeachment inquiry with no evidence, they can vote on it (and pass it, even, though that would be hella hard for McCarthy to actually do), but as we all saw with both Trump's impeachments, being impeached in the House alone doesn't remove the president from office. The Senate also has to convict and vote to remove, which they won't do, and it won't even come up for a vote because the Democrats control it. So the GOP can pursue a hyper-partisan, baseless impeachment inquiry with zero evidence that will make them look like clowns, but a) it sure as hell won't help them hold the House (especially with those 18 vulnerable Republicans in Biden districts) and b) won't remove Biden from office. But hey, they will have technically impeached him just because Trump ordered them to for vengeful grievance performance theater! Which once again, I don't think McCarthy has the votes to even do, so like. Sure, you can look like morons and achieve absolutely nothing if you want. Good luck with that, it's what you do all the time anyway. It sure as hell doesn't make you any more popular.
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