#this is random shit i found around my house this is not a serious cosplay i just think its funny
raccoonspooky · 9 months
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So i went to spirit halloween today and i had to buy this hat and shirt ok. Fem hoe binclair would be one of those fuckboy lesbians like absolutely disrespecting women 😭
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jayteacups · 2 years
In the Actor AU, “Memories of the Future” took forever to film because Eren and Zeke kept making the baby who played Baby Eren laugh by pulling silly faces instead of staring ominously like in the script.
Awww yess I love this HC! Actor AU is my absolute favourite, I'm gonna use this as an excuse to talk about a few of my actor au headcanons
Random AOT actor AU hcs!
It took a record number of takes to shoot that scene with Eren and Zeke ominously staring at baby Eren, because they kept breaking out into smiles at the baby who kept smiling and waving at them all cute and stuff
Hange writes fanfiction of the characters in their downtime (they're a very avid multishipper. they definitely enjoy erurihan the most tho lmao). Connie is an avid fanfic reader and has no idea that Hange's written some of his favourites.
Zeke has a secret stan account for canon Levi. (and actor Levi too tbh) Levi found out, laughed for a grand total of ten seconds, then blocked every single one of Zeke's accounts. Zeke retaliated by making even more. Levi's still on the hunt to find them and block
Talking of, Zeke and Levi are hilarious though when they're interviewed together, so for the press stuff for S4 they were together for pretty much every interview (to Hange's chagrin, because before Zeke became a prominent character it was always them, Levi and Erwin being interviewed as a trio). there are youtube compilations dedicated to Levi and Zeke's banterous moments, titled something like 'levi ackerman and zeke jaeger having a lovers spat for seven minutes straight' 💀
Armin loves reading fan theories! spends hours on stan twitter stalking through tweets about what people think is in the basement and laughs at how horrifically wrong they are
Jean and Marco worked on a project together before being casted for AOT! (yes they were child stars too lol)
Annie is really shy off screen
Eren can't keep his mouth shut about spoilers for shit. It just comes out. Hange had to literally clap a hand over his mouth during an interview because he was about to let slip the identities of the Armoured and Colossal Titans during an interview lmao
Every time a character dies every cast member buys that actor flowers. Gabi bought Sasha a humongous bouquet as a gift after shooting Assassin's Bullet because she lowkey felt bad, it was so large that Sasha could hardly carry it by herself.
Levi has a lot of stunt experience so out of the cast members, he does most of his stunts. His stunt double likes to joke he has the easiest job because he barely needs to show up
Erwin went to a convention whilst cosplaying his character once. got told by a bunch of fans that his eyebrows weren't big enough but was an otherwise very convincing cosplayer
Actor Eren hates canon Eren so much especially in S4. Just reads his lines and sighs and goes 'is this dude fucking serious'
Erwin is a talented pianist and performs covers of the show's opening and ending songs, the soundtracks, etc.
Floch was a huge fanboy of the series and ran around his house screaming when he got casted for his role
Before becoming an actor for the show, Floch also ran an AOT facts page on instagram or something, that's how committed he was to the show, and still keeps it going incognito (listen i hate canon floch so to compensate im trying to make actor floch seem nice lmao)
Actor Floch also hates canon floch if we're being honest here
Yelena and Porco were just here for the paycheck they had no idea what this show was before getting casted and lowkey can't wait to finish it lol
Gabi and Falco make tiktoks all around set - both their idea and a new marketing ploy. Pieck is a recurring star in these tiktoks. Mostly it's her napping between takes whilst Gabi and Falco snicker and zoom in on her face with a dumb filter on or something. Sometimes they go up to other actors and ask them a question about the show, their character, or what happens behind the scenes
In a similar vein, Connie and Ymir run a podcast like this where the actors get to expand on those things past a two-minute tiktok! They started this after S2 (connie and ymir brotp!!!) Also out of all of the actors Connie is definitely the most interactive with the fans. interviewers love him too!
On this podcast, sometimes Ymir invites Historia and they read PG Yumihisu fanfic lol. Ymir also loves it when fans give her yumihisu fanfic or fanart to sign at fanmeets! and they're definitely dating offscreen.
Mikasa hates the red scarf with a passion. Levi hates the cravat with a passion. Makes them sweat like crazy especially when they're shooting during the hot summer (and gets in their faces for stunts)
After 'Friends' aired, Kenny, Kuchel, Levi, Mikasa, grandfather Ackerman, Mika's dad's actor and the actors for child Levi and Mikasa all took a big group photo. Mikasa posted it and captioned it #ackerfam
Actor Jean's favourite character is Armin
Actor Eren and Mikasa's favourite character is Hange
Actor Connie's favourite character is between Levi or Jean
Actor Erwin's favourite character is Erwin 😎
Feel free to add more!
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
I don’t know if this’ll make the cut, but brothers with an MC wearing their (the brothers) clothes, and I’m talking full ensemble not just a random jacket or accessory (you can delete if you’re not comfortable of course)
So when left with the question of whether this was a full on clothing theft or a cosplay of some kind, I'm going with theft because that's just funnier to me. Just a little MC marching around in Beel's tent of an outfit… Hilarious. 🤭
MC Steals the Brothers’ Outfits
It started out like any other morning, Lucifer woke up early in bed - as he always does - but when he rolled onto his side to stir the MC, he found their side of the bed empty… 
Normally, he’d have thrown up the alarm in an instant, but his mind was still groggy as he tried to recall what happened the night before… He could have sworn the MC slept over… unless…
MC: “Good morning, love.”
Their voice was enough to get him sitting up again and he uh… well he was not prepared for what he saw. The MC was sitting with their legs crossed at his desk, attempting to imitate his “I’m-in-Complete-Control-Here” energy as much as they possibly could, but with an added detail…
They were wearing his clothes. His favorite suit to be specific which was tailored to his much bigger frame, resulting in a frankly ridiculously ill-fitting look on their smaller human body...
MC: *picks up a poisoned apple off the desk, continuing their very best Lucifer-impression*  “You should get up, love. We have an early meeting today and we can’t keep Lord Diavolo waiting.”
The MC appeared to polish the apple with his sleeve for a moment before taking a bite, looking pleased with themselves before their eyes widened in complete horror. It only took a split second for them to spit the unchewed hunk of apple into a nearby waste basket and toss the apple away in panic.
MC: “Ah FUCK!! I forgot I can’t eat these!!! SHIT!!”
Their panic only grew as Lucifer could no longer hold in his laughter, the booming volume of which is enough to wake up all his brothers throughout the House.
MC: “Lucifer, don’t just sit there laughing!! Bring me some water or something!!! LUCIFER!!!”
Look, Mammon always gets up late so not being able to find, like, any of his normal clothes was a serious problem! He’d already dug through half his closest and still couldn’t find anything!!
He had a photoshoot that he had to get to in less than hour and he still needed to take a shower, get dressed, get his stuff together, then bolt halfway across town before-
MC: *literally kicks open his door Kuzco-style* “Yo, yo, yo!! What’s up, Mammon??”
First off, the sudden loud bang of his door hitting the wall nearly scared him out of his skin, but before he could even yell at the MC for their weird entrance his brain had to process what they were wearing….
Good news! He found his missing clothes, the MC had thrown them on while he was sleeping - sunglasses and all - and now stood before him with a toothy grin on their face.
MC: “What's the problem, Mams? Lucifer got your tongu-EEEK!”
Apparently, they weren't expecting Mammon to literally lunge at them and capture them in a tight hug, practically lifting them off their feet with a laugh.
Mammon: “What'cha think your doin', MC?? I'm gonna need those back ya know?”
MC: *laughs loud and bright, throwing their arms around his neck* “I know, I know... But I wanted to surprise you!” *stops laughing suddenly and blinks* “Huh…”
Mammon watched the MC experimentally lift his glasses off their nose then put them back down, repeating the action several times before snickering.
Mammon: *frowns* “What's so funny?”
MC: “Nothing really but… Mammon, do you wear these just to make everything look like gold?”
Mammon actually had to pause before responding, pulling the MC closer with a devilish grin.
Mammon: “Nah… I ‘cause got all the gold I need right here~”
MC: *chuckles and nuzzles his cheek* “Nice save...”
Mammon: *his cheeks flush and he frowns* “I dunno what your talkin’ about... But could ya go put on a t-shirt or somethin’? They’re paying me big for this shoot and I really gotta go!”
Another convention, another cosplay far too complex to ever hope to peel out of… Though Levi would never regret wearing his five piece Lord of Shadow cosplay, it’s a heavy thing and certainly not something he can change out of in a bathroom stall…
When he finally got back to the House, he wasn’t looking to do anything but drag his tired body back to his room and change into some more manageable clothes… but… well…
When Levi opened his door, he saw the MC sitting alone at his computer desk playing a game by themselves. That was all well and good but… WHY IN DIAVOLO’S BLACK HELL ARE THEY WEARING HIS CLOTHES???
When they heard the door, the MC whipped their head back and they both stared at each other in an awkward silence… His clothes didn’t even fit them right!-or maybe they did?? His mind was panicking because they had the collar of his shirt covering their mouth and it looked so moe it was actually ridiculous!
Levi: ……….
MC: ………….
MC: …. “I can explain.”
Levi: ……. “Y-yea?”
MC: “I was having trouble on this one level and you wouldn’t pick up the phone… so I thought ‘What would Levi do?’... and it escalated…”
Levi: “You think??”
Levi felt like he could die right there, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was from embarrassment or happiness… On the one hand, the MC was  literally trying to be him in order to get better at video games - which was flatteringly adorable… And on the other, the MC is pretty much cosplaying as him, right in front of him… and looked so damn cute doing it too… 
MC: “Is this weird…? This is weird. I’m sorry, I’ll go change-”
Levi: NO-agh! *he throws a hand over his own mouth, surprised by how loud he just shouted* … “U-uh… no it’s fine…”
MC: “Okay...?”
MC: “But could you put your phone down? I think you’ve been taking pictures for the past two minutes…”
Levi looked down at his hand and sure enough he unconsciously pulled out his phone in camera mode and has been spamming the “Capture” button long enough to have his thumb cramping...
Levi: “Oh.” *stops for a moment, then seems to second guess himself*
Levi: “Uh… just one more?”
When you share a house with Mammon, you grow accustomed to not being able to find things from time to time, but an entire outfit?? 
When he woke up one morning to find that he couldn't find any of his normal clothes, he blamed Mammon right off the bat… 
I guess in hindsight, what would Mammon want with his jacket? But anger doesn't always jump to the most rational conclusion, you know?
After searching for "long enough," Satan stormed out of his bedroom on a warpath. He didn't stop his march until he was banging on Mammon’s door with a closed fist!
Satan: “Mammon!! What did you do with my clothes you useless, money-grubbing asshole!?”
When he didn’t get a reply, likely because Mammon was hiding in his closet or something, he was about to kick the door in when he felt a tap on his shoulder...
When he turned his head, much to his surprise, he found his missing clothes!... They were on the MC - right down to the single sleeve - and the MC met his eyes with a mischievous grin…
They had a book in their hands he recalled seeing once at the library: "101 Ways to Prank Your Partner," open like they'd been reading down the hallway.
MC: … Page 47.
They winked at him before bolting back down the hallway in a fit of giggles and oooh, it was on now.
Satan spent the morning chasing the MC through the House, both laughing and dashing around in reckless abandon. He really needed his clothes back and he wouldn’t mind an extra hour or two with the MC when he got them… 😏
Asmo isn’t exactly a morning person… Though he forces himself awake so he can perform his wake-up routine, by the time he comes to the table it’s a hit-or-miss on how irritable he’s going to be...
Of course, his favorite outfit suddenly disappearing from his massive closet did not help his mood in the slightest!
Who would take his clothes?? Well, that’s not even a question - surely plenty of his devoted, adoring stans would kill to even have his scarf, so maybe the better question was, “How??” Lucifer keeps all the doors and windows magically sealed at night! (He would know, having been locked out on numerous occasions)
Asmo was tearing through his closet, wracking his brain for any place he might have left his beloved outfit, before he heard someone clear their throat by his bedroom door.
What greeted him was a lovely look at the MC wearing the missing clothing in question, even with all the grace and style he would himself!
Asmo: *jaw-drops* “MC???”
MC: *smirks at his delight and winks at him* “Looking for something?”
They strutted into the room with the confidence of a mock fashion model and took a silly vogue pose in front of the closet, barely holding in a fit of laughter from their actions.
MC: “… Or just at me?”
Asmo, of course, snatched them right up in his arms with a delighted squeal.
Asmo: “Oh. My. Diavolo!! MC, you look just gorgeous!!!- Because you look like me, of course.” 🤭
MC: *laughs and cups his cheeks to pull him closer* “Who wouldn't want to be you, Asmo?”
Asmo: “So true… But you’re already perfect, my love~” 😘
And he went on to prove that to them all morning long...
Beel didn't even get the chance to notice his clothes were missing. He had a tournament the night before and was sleeping even harder than Belphie that morning...
What woke him up was the smell of food: scrambled shadowhawk eggs, hellboar bacon, pancakes with nightshade syrup…. 
Beel's stomach had him sitting up long before his eyes ever opened, drawn in by his nose alone.
MC: “Beeeeel. Wake up!”
Beel's eyes dragged open at their request and what he found had his mouth watering... The MC had brought him a dining cart with a complete breakfast spread, brimming with portions only Beel could ever finish, but for once he wasn’t looking at the food.
The MC, for whatever reason, had decided to put on his clothes… And keep in mind that Beel's built like an ox compared to almost anybody. They were absolutely swimming under all that fabric (thank the Devil for his suspenders…) 
MC: “Congratulations!!!”
They throw their arms up excitedly, making the unzipped jacket balloon out like a parachute behind them… It's a remarkably cute image.
Beel: *blinks* “Oh.” *he gets a little pink, still very confused* “What did I do exactly…?”
MC: “You won the championship last night, remember? Or did you forget already??”
The MC takes a step to the side and begins pointing at the plates on the cart.
MC: “I thought we'd celebrate with some breakfast! I brought you eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, cereal-”
As they continued their list, Beel's hand naturally reached out towards the cart eagerly, before something finally clicked in his head. WHY were they wearing his clothes??
Beel: “Wait. MC, why are you wearing-...?”
MC *holds their hand up* “Hold on!”
MC: “-oatmeal, muffins, banana bread, annnd…” *they get onto the bed and plop down onto his lap with a grin*
MC: “Me! Congratulations, Beel!!”
They lean up to peck his cheek while his arms automatically wind around their waist. The combination of their scents already bringing out a different sort of hunger in him…
Let’s say if this is his reward, he'll never lose a game again. 😏
Belphie was in the middle of his afterschool nap in the library. The day was exhausting, so he didn’t even bother changing uniforms… The couches there were comfortable and the space was quiet, really nothing should have woken him up...
But somehow, for whatever reason, something did. A tug… Something was chasing away his dreams by tugging on the cow pillow in his arms.
MC: “Beeelllppphie….”
The tugging did not cease and he half growled in response, still keeping his eyes firmly closed.
Belphie: “What now...?”
MC: “I need this…” *they tug on the corner of the pillow a little harder* “Can you let go please…?”
What kind of question is that?? No one takes away his favorite pillow!
Belphie: *hugs the pillow tighter* “Go away, I'm trying to nap…”
MC: “Noooo please…! I need it for something right now…!!”
They started really pulling on his pillow now and he only held on tighter in annoyance. Since they wouldn’t leave him alone, he finally opened his eyes.
Belphie: “MC! Why are… you..?”
His voice trailed off as he finally saw the MC standing there in his usual outfit. His cardigan was so long over their arms that they had to grasp his pillow through its sleeves...
While his drowsy mind tried to catch up, the MC snatched the pillow from his grasp with one swift yank.
MC: *grins* “Mine now!”
They turned to bolt out of the library, but Belphie snatched them by the waist and dragged them back to the couch with him.
Belphie: “Fine, but then I get a new pillow.” 😏
The MC yelped as he flopped on top of them, pulling them close like a body pillow and resting his head into the crook of their neck to enjoy the soothing smell of their scent mixed with his.
MC: “W-wait Belphie…!” *tries to wiggle out from under his surprisingly heavy deadweight* “I was just playing around…! Please don't fall asleep on me!!”
Belphie: *yawns and settles in, already drifting off* “Too late… G'night, MC…”
MC: “Belphie!!!” 😫
They could complain all they liked, he wasn’t going to let them go for a few hours. Cute or not, MC, nobody takes his pillow!
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noretreatnancy · 3 years
January Reading Wrap-Up
Okay so I want to start typing up a little summary/review for each of the books I read this year, so that maybe some of my followers can find some new titles! This month I read 5 romances, 2 fantasies, 2 non-fiction (a memoir and a recounting of some supposedly true paranormal events), and 1 mystery/thriller. If you’re interested in any of those genres, maybe check out the reviews under the cut :)
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
Rating: 2.5/5
This book was a mega disappointment for me. The concept was really intriguing. Jules has just recently been through some life turmoil, losing her job, boyfriend, and home in the same day. She takes a job apartment sitting in a very prestigious historical building with a dark history. Weird occurrences ensue, including strict rules and missing apartment sitters. If you don’t read/watch a lot of mystery/thriller/(even true crime) content and are interested in dabbling, this could be a good choice for you. Unfortunately, I found the hints started dropping a little too early, and the answers were a little too obvious for me to be properly intrigued. I wanted a really slow burn mystery, and this just felt overly rushed for me. 
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (memoir)
Rating: 5/5
I don’t usually rate non-fiction, especially memoirs, because it’s hard for me to but a grade on someone’s account of their own life. But holy shit this book blew me out of the water. This is the story of Carmen Maria Machado’s abusive same-sex relationship, and the unique struggles faced by victims of f/f relationship violence. First of all, Machado’s writing is unparralled. Absolutely gorgeous. The way she structures this, all the history and pop culture she ties in keeps it feeling fresh and engaging. The content is of course very heavy, dealing with themes of abuse in many different forms. However, imo these issues are handled with honesty and grace, in a way that never felt gratuitous. 
The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel (paranormal account)
Rating: N/A
Uhm... I hated every second of reading this. I love Mothman. I love reading/watching/listening to content around weird/spooky/paranormal occurrences. I did not love this book. It was so boring. Total slog to read. There was no narrative structure/order of events. I assumed the story would track the beginning of weird reports in Point Pleasant, then follow Keel’s own arrival and investigation of these reports, with his own experiences and background being used to create a coherent story. That’s not what this is. This is a random arrangement of ufo/men in black/strange encounter stories that all fit a similar theme. Not to say no one would enjoy this, or that it doesn’t present interesting theories (it certainly does), just didn’t work for me. If you want a more easily digestible (and by FAR more enjoyable) version of this, check out the Astonishing Legends podcast and their episodes covering this book. 
Black Sun (Book 1, Between Earth and Sky) by Rebecca Roanhorse
Ratung: 4/5
Finally some good fucking food. if you’re looking for some adult fantasy with a new and interesting world, have I got a book for you. This is a multiple POV story following four main characters and two main plotlines. Xiala, a Teek (siren-esque) ship captain hired to transport Serapio (who may or may not be the vessel of an apocalypse god) to the city of Tova, where Naranpa (the Sun Priestess) is trying to navigate a city on the brink of political upheaval. The world is inspired by Pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas, and the lore/magic/politics are all totally unlike any other fantasy I’ve read. 
Come Tumbling Down (Book 5, Wayward Children) by Seanan McGuire
Rating: 3
This was definitely a solid addition to this series, if not my favorite. The Wayward Children series follows the adventures of children who were able to enter magical worlds, but for a variety of reasons had to leave those worlds. This book most closely aligns with books one and two, almost feeling like a direct sequel to book two with the addition of characters from book three. It didn’t have the emotional impact for me that earlier books did, but there was nothing glaringly bad or wrong here. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who enjoyed portal/doorway/wardrobe to a magical world stories as a kid. 
The Bride Test (Book 2, The Kiss Quotient) by Helen Hoang
Rating: 5/5
I love this series. I love these characters. As far as I’m concerned, Helen Hoang cannot fucking miss. This is an excellent sequel to The Kiss Quotient, but can be read on it’s own no problem. This story follows Esme, a Vietnamese woman who is enlisted to travel to the US to woo and marry Khai, an autistic man who isn’t interested in dating (much to the concern of his mother). They’re both dealing with their own issues in this book. Khai is convinced that he can’t feel love, because he’s spent his entire life being told he’s demonstrating it in the wrong way. Esme is dealing with the struggles of a new immigrant, who wants to be able to support her family back in Vietnam (including her young daughter), while also dealing with the pressure to seduce Khai. Shenanigans ensue. These books have the perfect balance of sweetness/sexy appeal/angst. There is a good deal of miscommunication/misunderstanding/secret keeping in here, but it’d ultimately a minor issue in an overall really supportive relationship full of mutual admiration. I will absolutely be reading the third book, and I highly recommend the series overall. 
She Tempts the Duke (Book 1, Lost Lords of Pembrook) by Lorraine Heath
Rating: 3/5
This was fine. I’ve read better historical romance, but I have certainly read worse. This book follows Mary and Sebastian, childhood friends separated by a tragedy. When they were children, Sebastian and his brothers were forced to flee for their lives based on the actions of their power hungry uncle. Now, as adults, they have returned to reclaim their father’s title. Mary, who helped them escape, has just been allowed back into society after a childhood in a convent, and she must work extra hard to maintain her reputation in order to maintain her engagement. I’m sure you can imagine where it goes from there. The story itself is very simple, there were no twists or unexpected turns. The childhood friends aspect could’ve been played up more imo, but I did enjoy the care between the two leads. They really want what’s best for each other. The most interesting aspect for me was the relationship between the brothers, and how they’ve all been changed and hardened by their pasts.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Rating: 3.5/5
This was cute! The book follows Marcus (a major actor in a GOT-esque blockbuster fantasy TV show on the rocks) and April (fan of the show). April and Marcus both write fanfiction for the same ship (half of which is Marcus’s own character), and have developed a strong online friendship, both keeping their identities secret. If anyone were to find out that Marcus writes show critical fanfic, he would be in serious legal trouble, not to mention what it would do to his reputation. April has been keeping her fandom life separate from her real life, in order to maintain credibility in her career. However, a new work environment gives her the confidence to be more open about her passions. April posts a cosplay of herself as one of the characters from the show (the other half of their ship). April is plus-size, and her cosplay gets a lot of attention, some of which being internet typical negativity. Marcus sees this hate online, and is so upset by it that he publicly praises her and asks her on a date (not knowing April is his fanfic buddy). Shenanigans ensue. I liked this book a lot, I thought the concept was cute and I loved how sweet Marcus was at all times. The relationship felt really grounded in the friendship/common interests of the characters. There is a lot of misunderstanding/miscommunication in this book, to the point where I did become frustrated, even if it is understandable based on the insecurities of the characters. 
Take A Hint, Dani Brown (Book 2, The Brown Sisters) by Talia Hibbert
Rating: 4/5
Zaf I am in love with you. This is the second book in the series but you can totally read it on its own without the context of the first book. This is the story of Dani (a bi phd student with a no relationship rule) and Zaf (an ex-pro rugby player turned security guard who loves romance novels and deals with extreme anxiety). Zaf and Dani work in the same building on a college campus, and have developed a casual friendship. During a fire drill gone wrong, a video of Zaf rescuing Dani goes viral, with everyone thinking they are a couple. Zaf wants to use the publicity to help his charity organization (helping teen boys learn emotional maturity), Dani wants a no-strings sex arrangement with Zaf, fake-dating ensues. This series is the blueprint for healthy relationships built on mutual respect and admiration, with two characters learning to deal with their own issues with the help and support of their potential romantic partner. If you don’t usually read romance bc of the genre-typical problematic content, consider checking this series out. 
One Foot in the Grave (Book 2, Night Huntress) by Jeaniene Frost
Rating: 3/5
This series follows Cat, a half human/half vampire hybrid who hunts vampires. In this book, set four years after the first, she is the leader of a vampire hunting secret government kill squad. Her ex-lover, the vampire Bones, who trained her and is basically the love of her life, reappears after four years of separation. They are very, very obviously Buffy and Spike (if Spike was a good guy). It was better than the first one. More/better humor, Cat is much less annoying. I liked the relationship dynamics, particularly with Cat and her team. It really kind of negates the big conflict set up at the end of the first book, so that all the relationship drama there feels very pointless. There is a TON of woman/woman hate in this series and it’s so cringey. I try to be lenient bc the books are old and I know that kind of attitude was common back then, but oh my god is it gross and weird. There is literally ONE female character Cat views in a positive lights, and she literally disappears into thin air 1/4 of the through the book. I wish the romance wasn’t so rushed (a complaint I had in the first book as well). If you like paranormal romance and don’t mind a pretty dated read, this series could be fun for you. 
Rooms by Lauren Oliver
Rating: 3/5
I have no idea what genre to call this (literary fiction?? kind of??). It’s a ghost story and the story of a pretty messed up family dealing with their issues. The writing is really pretty, but the story feels kind of without substance. Like there are multiple POVs (the two ghosts haunting the house, the mother of the family, the sister and the brother, the niece), but none of them really struck any cords with me. I never felt emotionally connected to anyone. It was a really easy read, I enjoyed the writing. The concept was interesting. It just felt a little hollow and pointless to me, which sounds really harsh considering I by no means hated it. 
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