#this is seth' son coming to join the mob
nocturnalazure · 1 year
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cartoonishvendor · 5 years
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The Khatar Bloodline
...at least so far. Anyway, before I talk about them under the cut, this idea was stolen by SamRose’s & Carousel Unique’s display of the siren’s children on ariasarchives. Check it out, it’s pretty neat. And, a few triggerwarnings for the segments, if you plan to read: “The Frightening“: mutilation, death Selena: sexual harrassment, death Atticus: death Seth: death
“The Frightening”
A figure striking fear with it’s sheer presence, that is what most people knew “The Frightening” as, and hence named them after it. Made as the first Master of Bones, “The Frightening” had no childhood, but wandered as a vagabond through the villages, in which they were feared for their power, which they were not afraid to display if they needed or wanted to. Their eyes were slashed out by a bitter man, whose friend challenged “The Frightening” to a duel to death, ignoring their warning that he would die. Ultimately, “The Frightening” was last seen in a village near today’s area of Ninjago City, and was never sighted again. The cause was unknown, but it is assumed that they were banished to Exile or another realm. But it is known that their bloodline lives on.
Selena Khatar
As an infant, Selena was dropped off by her parents at the mansion of a rich landlord, where she was taken care of by the lord’s staff, and raised to be one of his jesters. She was unaware of her Elemental Power until the age of fourteen, when three men attempted to sexually harrass her, and she bursted all three of their skulls open. 
She continued to secretly practice her, relatively weak, powers until the age of 18, where she left the mansion, and continued to work as a dancer of similar fashion as the job before. She seduced men, and killed them when they attempted to do things with her against her will. She took their money and belongings, since as a dancer, she was barely paid enough. 
At the age of 20, she got pregnant from a customer with whom she wanted no child. The man found out after she gave birth to the child, and tried to force Selena into becoming his wife, she barely escaped from the man by breaking his arm, as she couldn’t kill him with his entire entourage of armed men accompanying him. By hiding her son in the carriage of farmers from a town far away, she secured him before the men found her a few months after and killed her. The jesters who raised Selena witnessed the murder and alarmed their landlord, who despite Selena’s disobedience toward himself, killed the men for quote “doing something as honorless as killing a defenseless dancer”. It was an occurance whose word didn’t spread outside the land he owned. Nobody dared to challenge him.
Atticus Khatar
Having only a necklace with his a drawing of his mother as a jester in it as the indicator of his heritage, Atticus grew up with the farmers who found him in their carriage and didn’t have the heart to send this weak child back. In his early life, he aspired to be part of the military force of Ninjago’s monarch, even though Madgalena, his surrogate mother, tried to tell him that growing up in a village like this, it would never happen. He met his childhood friend and future lover Saria during this time too, and Atticus lived a relatively tame life, helping his parents harvesting the farms having accepted that he wouldn’t join the military, until he turned 18.
A group of raiders were invading the village, and Atticus was ordered to hide as his father and the other men attempted to stop the raiders. Atticus stayed hidden until he noticed the raiders attacking his father. He ran out, and used his powers for the first time, as during his attack, he lifted up the raider in question and broke several of his bones until he died. The other raiders quickly fled. As the village began to notice what he did, a few of the oldest panicked, telling the others about a terrifying Bonemaster who once visited this village and killed people with their powers. They believed that Atticus was either that someone, or an incarnation of them, and he was hunted down by a village mob. Saria followed him to the next village.
From years to years, paranoid that the villagers will come find them, Atticus and Saria travelled as far away as they could, always stopping for a bit of time at one place before leaving again. It became their new way of life, until Atticus, at the age of 34, became a father and settled down, thinking he was finally safe. Being new in this village, people’s attention had been drawn to this family. Eventually, after Atticus was provoked to use his powers again, and a few people noticed, spreading the word like wildfire, the story repeated itself, and Saria was captured and presumably killed for having a child with the descendant of “The Frightening”. He fled once again with the nine-year-old Seth, staying in an abandoned, well-enough hidden treehouse, being to exhausted to move further. With documentations stored in the house, Atticus began to teach Seth his powers on animals, before the villagers eventually found the house. Using the advantage of always having Seth hidden fro mthe eyes of others, Atticus hid him away and faced the mob. While fighting his way through, the people eventually took over and won, stabbing Atticus to death.
Seth Khatar
Due to his faulty memory, everything before his lessons with his father only seems like vague thoughts, like the redhaired woman staring down at him with a smile, or the screams of faceless people, saying “murder” or something similar. Hours after his father told him to stay hidden until he’d get him, and after all the noise outside got quiet, he got out of his hiding spot, but couldn’t find his father anywhere. From then on, Seth began to hunt for himself, using his powers whenever he saw fit, like when killing animals to eat, or protecting the house from intruders. The years he spends alonein the treehouse chip away at his sanity, and his social behavor is long gone, but he remains a well-meaning soul to anyone he considers a friend. His future remains unknown, for now.
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absinthehq · 5 years
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Son of a small business owner, Pedro's family moved from Guatemala years prior to his birth, leaving him to be the first Costero child born in America. His parents were hard-working immigrants who ran a quaint little grocery store in the corners of one of the poorest neighborhoods in South Bronx, New York City, and Pedro was meant to follow his parents' footsteps -- hadn't it been for a tragedy that would strike upon them all.
He remembers it vividly: two men in black walking into the grocery store, as a seven-year old Pedro Costero hid behind the  counter and closed his eyes to the sound of loaded guns executing both of his parents right there, in front of him.  Pedro didn't mutter a word. They left without seeing him, but on the inside, he was screaming. He was sent off to live with one of his uncles, living an underprivileged life as the son of two executed immigrants whose deaths would never see the light of justice.
As he would learn later on, his father had connections with the Russian mob, the Bratva. And they had been treading on dangerous waters working as double agents for the rising star, Cesare Bonventre, who had just founded his club in Vegas. Pedro was twenty-one when he joined the police force, with a strong vendetta against mobsters and assassins alike.  He was logical, strategical, and most of all, numb to everything that made him human, as if somehow the death of his parents had killed some vital part inside of him as well.  Pedro was one of the police force's best officers and was soon moved to Vegas at the age of thirty seven to investigate what would become his most prized mission: the association of the Bratva and the Bonventre altogether.
He has been working under Devon Fortwood's orders for a year now, but Cesare Bonventre's death was a move that neither of them could have predicted: it came as a shock to learn that even the most powerful businessman in all of Vegas had finally met his fate. Pedro couldn't help but feel as if his death hadn't brought enough justice to the killing of his parents, and so the mission remained one of LVPD's top priorities as Pedro went deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole, as an undercover cop posing as an important Guatemalan businessman, and although many have bought his act, he can't let the facade slip.
Pedro has been cautious. Tough and brooding, it's hard to see past beneath the surface, but every man has his vulnerabilities: for him it's the flashbacks of his parents' death. The day when they died was the day when his hopes turned into dreams of vengeance, into hatred and sorrow. He's sworn to himself that no one will suffer at the hands of the Bonventre ever again -- all they need now is full evidence that the Bonventre name is a dirty one, and that their hands have been stained with blood for so long that it's begun to look like an entire graveyard of names in their fingertips. Firstly, he's coming for Cesare's children, and after that, he'll deal with the rest of them.
Piper Torrington: He’s been paying her to give him inside intel on the Bonventre mob. It’s not easy, and most of the time she has nothing to offer, but he persists and insists on following her around like a good cop would, searching for the right answers from the wrong people.
Devon Fortwood: His boss -- he’s the only person whose opinion Pedro actually cares for, and even then, sometimes Pedro has a one track mind, too focused on the investigation to care for anything else. It’s Devon that pulls him out of his own mind and helps him think even more strategically.
Krishan Seth: Krishan is a good friend, and Pedro feels a little guilty for using him in order to get the investigation ahead. It makes him even guiltier to think that Krishan trusts him, and has confessed a couple of mafia secrets of his own. If it were up to Pedro, Krishan would be living a much better life, away from the corrupted hands of Cesare and his men.
Catarina Álvarez: Catarina wants attention, plain and simple. He gives it to her and in exchange, she lets a secret or two about Matteo’s plans slip through the cracks. She’s a useful asset, and a beautiful woman. So it’s a win-win scenario... for him. 
✉ SENT @ 2:54pm  → DEVON: i’m on it, chief. ✉ SENT @ 2:57pm  → KRISHAN: sure. drinks on me. ✉ SENT @ 7:32pm  → PIPER: i pay you well.
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musicemo · 5 years
About your OCs: who has the most tragic story in your opinion (and why)? Annnnddd who's the one closest to your heart?
(I’m in a narrative mood, so I did this in a narrative style. Also TW for: Drug abuse, Marital Abuse, and Child Abuse.)
 All in attendance turn towards the brothers leaning idly against the back wall. Nick and Seth share a look. Nick, the elder brother—a tall, broad man with medium brown loose-curly hair that hangs to his chin. He has an eyepatch over his left eye that is black—turns his good eye, small and black in color, to his younger brother. He says something in German around the lit cigarette he’s holding between his thin lips. Whatever he says makes Seth roll his eyes, though while smirking. Seth is younger by half a decade. His longer hair is cut and styled into a tall, thin mohawk that’s been dyed bright green. He’s not only paler and thinner than his older brother but shorter as well. The only thing that gives away the fact the drastically different men are related is their same small eyes.
“I would have to agree with Nick,” Seth began, “I wouldn’t say our story is the most tragic. Most fucked up? Maybe. But TRAGIC? That seems a bit dramatic.”
“Our father only used his position at a pharmaceutical company to keep our naive younger mother drugged for the entire beginning of their marriage until all the pharmaceuticals became too ‘little’ and he had to start using extreme street drugs to keep her malleable. Until she was able to get the drugs herself, no longer needing him, which drove him into the arms of his secretary, who was an undocumented immigrant, and then kept HER in line by threating to turn her over to authorizes if she told anyone. Meanwhile, Mother Dearest was getting worse and worse by the day, trying to kill me in drug-induced rages every chance she got. Until Daddy-Dearest came home long enough to knock-up Mom. She was sober for a while, but Daddy couldn’t have that and got her hooked again. I ran off in the night and joined a street gang while you took my place as Mom’s punching bag for eighteen years, the cycle of ‘Dad comes home, knocks up Mom, Mom gets sober to have the baby then Dad gets her hooked again to keep her under his imaginary control’ continuing three times—Nicole, Michelle, and Melissa—until Melody, who Mom couldn’t stay sober for, was born and you caught Mom trying to kill her, causing you to call the cops.
“And come to find out we had three younger half-brothers because of Dad’s affair, and we didn’t find out until the trial when it was brought up during a custody dispute. A dispute I only heard about because of the News coverage, and won because the girls said they’d rather have me—a complete stranger to you all—raise them over Dad. Then you were furious at me for leaving you, but finally forgave me when I proved that I had every intention of coming back for you, but couldn’t because the Nothing-Shy-Of-A-Mob-Boss I worked for made me cut all ties, saying if I didn’t, she’d force me to kill my only friend at the time. Then you.
“When I went back to tell her I was quitting she took my eye as retribution. This only comes after the original catalyst that made me want to leave: Her killing my only friend for voice concern about who was having us target.
“Now we live at your boyfriend’s parent’s house because the trailer our family lived in since Mom and Dad got married—a tin-sided travel trailer from the 60’s—finally collapsed destroying basically all of our possessions in the process.”
Everyone, Seth included, looked at Nick with a look that collectively said: “That’s exactly what we mean!” Nick blinked a few times, looking around at all of them.
“What?” He asks, generally confused.
Seth sighed, “You proved their point.”
“I think Lil’ Hase-” referring to Cas by the nickname he gave him “-Had it worse. Even Papa Hase-” he motioned to Hachiro, referring to him by the ‘adult’ version of the nickname he gave Hachiro’s son “-had it worse.”
“My wife died. That’s not as bad.” Hachiro said matter-of-factly.
“You were forced into an abusive arranged marriage.” Nick corrected.
“And I found someone who loves me and takes care of my family and me.”
“And we live with Zander’s rich-ass parents in a mansion-“
“And the guy you’re mildly in love with isn’t gay and is scared of you.”
Nick fell silent, no longer being able to argue.
As for which of my OCs is the closest to my heart… Probably Hachiro. I’ve had to do the most research for his character, and he has my favorite personality.
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roxsannel · 4 years
Sons of Sindicato by Sonya Jesus & Cam Johns.
Braelynne Shaw is a woman with a powerful job, she is an attorney at law and is one step away from partner, but she has secrets from everyone apart from one person at work who she trusts and one day, she decides to clear the air around one of these secrets, so she goes to see the other person involved, but instead of being her usual strong self, the same thing starts to happen all over again, but this time, she snaps back to reality and acts on impulse and in self defense, but unable to stop herself, Braelynn gives in to more animal urges and goes one step further and commits a murder and now she doesn’t know what to do. Seth Giordano is the youngest son of a the Sindicato, a group of mob families who is also in an unethical but loving relationship with his lawyer and when he is sent in to see one of her coworkers, he stumbles into his girlfriend covered in blood in the office of the man he came to see and realising the situation, he calls in the reinforcements.
Once Brealynn realises what she has done, she is glad Seth is going to help her, but when her crime means that they both have to come clean with his family, but they are all about tradition and Braelynn is the opposite of all that, but when a mutual enemy is discovered and the ability to do something about it comes knocking, will Braelynn and Seth’s relationship survive the barriers put up between them, or will love conquer all? Life is never as simple as it seems and this story will have you joining the dots and following the winding road until it’s conclusion.
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savetopnow · 7 years
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Understanding the Egyptian Pantheon
So one thing I’ve noticed when talking about the Egyptian gods is that most people don’t really fully understand how they work. Like, most people know the basics and some of the stories; Anubis is the jackal guy who mummifies people, you got Osiris who was killed by Set/Seth, things like that. But what they don’t get is how the pantheon still works because compared to other pantheons, they don’t seem to act logically. 
Example, the Greeks fight a war with the Titans, and then imprison them. The Aesir fight and then conquer the Vanir. 
Meanwhile Seth kills Osiris, fights with Horus, and then he’s not just still allowed at dinner, he’s guarding Ra’s chariot through the underworld, a place of prestige. What? 
Well, that only doesn’t make sense if you look at Seth’s act as one of rebellion, which it wasn’t, and also look at the Egyptians as a normal family, which they aren’t. In fact, the Egyptian pantheon are more like a mob family. They act and behave like mobsters. Everything that’s important is kept in the family, and disputes are solved as a family, when they arise. 
So in that light, the gods are a bit easier to understand. Think of it like this: 
Ra, current don of the family and the one who started it, is getting old and senile, because while the gods can age, they’re immortal. So he can’t keep running the family, because he’s been doing it since before he invented time. This means that there needs to be a new don. Now normally, that would go to Osiris. But Seth is Osiris’ brother, and also the one whose job it is to protect Ra every night. Basically, the fight breaks down between the don’s son, and the don’s other son and also his bodyguard/number two. 
So Seth decides that he can’t leave it to chance, because while Seth is important and a trusted guy, most people don’t particularly like him, at least not compared to Osiris. So Seth offs Osiris, and then cuts up his body and scatters it across the world so it can’t be put back together again, thus making him the only candidate for don. 
Except Osiris has a son, Horus. And in true mafia tradition, Horus now has a feud with Seth, because Seth ‘killed’ Osiris. It doesn’t matter that they put Osiris back together again with all the kings mummies and all the kings priests, he’s missing his dick, and so he can’t be don now, because the rules say that the don needs to have a working dick. 
Now, the gods were willing to excuse Seth’s actions towards Osiris, you can get away with that kind of shit once after all. The gods aren’t so willing to let Seth do the same to Horus. So Seth has to come up with other ways to deal with Horus, only Horus is smarter than Osiris was, and outwits Seth, even if he can’t get Seth to outright concede his claim, because Seth is older than Horus, and Horus has a weaker claim than Seth does by virtue of that. 
Except the fight goes on for so long that the other gods get tired of this shit, and so they arrange a sit-down where they go ‘these two are never going to stop fighting, so it’s up to us to vote on who’s the next don and put an end to all this shit.’ And they do! And they vote unanimously for Horus. Which displeases Seth, but Seth agrees to end the feud because the family has decided. And Horus, despite having his eye gouged out by Seth, also agrees to put the feud aside. And Osiris, despite being chopped into pieces and everything, forgives his brother and becomes ruler of the underworld in place of Anubis, who becomes the second to Horus as god of judgement. 
So, the family problems stay in the family. So what about that whole Aten problem? For those that don’t know, Atenism was a really brief religious experiment wherein Akhenaten the mortal pharaoh decided to outlaw all religious worship other than Aten, a minor sun god who is literally the disk of the sun. 
In mythological terms we can explain his actions and then the retribution towards him like this: 
Aten is a low ranking made man. He’s the literal disk of the sun, he’s around Ra all the time, and he’s kind of in the inner circle despite the fact that he’s a minor god. Still, that’s pretty big, given the fact that the Egyptian pantheon has thousands of gods and goddesses and variations and combinations of divinities. So Aten is kind of important, but he’s not Ra or Horus. But Aten thinks he can be, despite the fact that he’s got no actual claim on being Don. And so since he can’t be head of the family, he decides to rebel against the family, and start his own family, and it’ll be super great with blackjack and hookers and stuff. 
So Aten, minor god, goes ‘hey everyone, I’m the new don now, and you should all join me and if you don’t I’ll destroy you. I make the rules now and you all obey me.” 
This goes about as well as expected, and the gods kick his ass and then strap him to Ra’s solar chariot so he’s burned by Ra’s rays during the day and then torn apart by demons through the underworld every night while Ra’s going through the solar gates. 
So why such a harsh punishment for him and not Seth? Because Aten’s crime is graver than Seth’s crime in the eyes of the Egyptians. Seth acted dishonorably, but he acted within the bounds of the family. His actions are fully within the bounds of reasonable action, and when things were decided by the family, he went along with it. That’s entirely fine by them. Sometimes families fight, sometimes they get along. It happens. 
Aten meanwhile, decides to take things outside the family, decides to try and become the family, despite having no real claim to anything and also not following the rules. And so he’s treated accordingly. 
So hopefully that explains the Egyptian god mentality. 
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aion-rsa · 8 years
BOOM! Studios’ June 2017 Solicitations
BOOM! Studios has provided CBR with the exclusive first look at covers and solicit information for products shipping in June 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Independents Comic Forum and discuss these BOOM!, Archaia and KABOOM! releases with fellow readers.
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Main Cover: Kat Leyh
Variant Cover: Ayme Sotuyo
Parents’ Day is coming to an end, but the trickster is still determined to ruin the Lumberjanes’ day!
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Sam Sykes
Artist: Selina Espiritu
Cover Artist: Bridget Underwood
Brianna must go up against Madame Cron in the ultimate Monster City cook off in order to save her restaurant from closing!
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Melanie Gillman
Artist: Katy Farina
Main Cover: Missy Peña
Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh
Variant Cover: Sara Talmadge
Mayor Dewey commissions a play about the history of Beach City, and it’s up to Steven and Jamie to make sure the show goes on!
THE DEEP #6 (of 6)
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: James Brouwer
Cover Artist: James Brouwer
Now a hit animated series on Netflix! Still trapped, the Nekton siblings must work together to get back to their family.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Mad Rupert, Eva Cabrera, Matt Smigiel
Artists: Mad Rupert, Eva Cabrera, Matt Smigiel
Main Cover: Jarrett Williams
Subscription Cover: Pamela Lovas
Variant Cover: Renalto Faccini
Finn and Jake get lost. PB and Marceline try a cooking class that goes bad. Finn tries his hand at being a princess.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artists: Jim Campbell, Cara McGee
Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Subscription Cover: Victoria Maderna
The conclusion to the Hero Frog mystery! Greg and Jason must decide if they should join the Hero Frog.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Ian McGinty
Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb
Subscription Cover: E Jackson
It’s finally time to decide who is the best princess ever!
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artist: Serge Acuna
Cover Artist: Dan Mora
The secret behind the betrayal and destruction of THE SHIELD is revealed here! Why did Seth Rollins join Triple H and turn on his brothers, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose?
Collects #1-4 and WWE: Then. Now. Forever. #1.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Jakub Rebelka
Cover Artist: Jakub Rebelka
Once every seven years, Earth overlaps with Ektae, which breaches our world for seven days, bringing dirty magic and ideas. One man born of both worlds must sacrifice everything to put his fathers to rest and save himself in the process.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $49.99
Writer: Doug Moench
Artists: Mike Ploog, Tom Sutton, Herb Trimpe
Cover Artist: Malcolm McNeill
Experience the legendary 1970s Marvel Comics’ Terror on the Planet of the Apes, collected for the first time ever and remastered in this prestigious hardcover. This classic series follows two friends—man and ape—on the run from the law.
From Doug Moench (Batman), Mike Ploog (Ghost Rider), Tom Sutton (Doctor Strange), Herb Trimpe (Incredible Hulk), and more!
Retail Price: $24.99
Writers: Conor Nolan, Brandon Dayton, Feifei Ruan, and Jared Cullum
Artists: Conor Nolan, Brandon Dayton, Feifei Ruan, and Jared Cullum
Cover Artist: Karl Kerschl
The critically acclaimed Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Giants includes four mythic tales of when giants roamed the Earth, inspired by folklore from around the world and told in the spirit of Jim Henson’s beloved television series.
Includes exclusive behind-the-scenes art and more! Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Pamela Ribon
Artist: Veronica Fish
Cover Artist: Veronica Fish
Bestselling novelist, screenwriter, and retired Los Angeles Derby Doll Pamela Ribon (Going in Circles, Why Girls Are Weird) joins artist Veronica Fish (Archie, Silk) for a tale of friendship, heartbreak, and truly epic jams.
In roller derby you take your hits, get back up, and learn how to be a better jammer, a better blocker, and a better friend—if the competition doesn’t tear you apart!
Collects issues #1-4.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: Amber Benson, Sarah Kuhn
Artist: Siobhan Keenan
Cover Artist: Natacha Bustos
Your favorite girls from Beverly Hills are back in an all-new adventure! It’s senior year and Cher, Dionne, and Tai find themselves in a bit of a crisis of self… Where are they meant to go, and what are they meant to DO after high school? Luckily they have all year—and each other’s help—to figure it out!
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Brianne Drouhard
Cover Artist: Brianne Drouhard
Kelly Thompson (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink, Jem and the Holograms) and artist Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee) give us a dose of princess power with a twist in Mega Princess!
On Princess Maxine Titan’s 10th birthday, her fairy godmother grants her the powers of every princess, from speaking to animals to sensing a pea under a ton of mattresses. Max is more interested in being a detective than a princess, but when her baby brother goes missing, she’ll have to combine her princess powers with her sleuthing prowess to get him back!
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: George Mager, Jim Campbell, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artists: George Mager, Jim Campbell with Danielle Burgos, Cara McGee
Cover Artist: Jim Campbell
The Eisner Award-winning series continues! Wirt and Greg find themselves at a crossroads in the Unknown where each brother has to take his own path, but something sinister is on their trail.
Collects issues #5-8.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Christopher Hastings
Artist: Ian McGinty
Cover Artist: Ian McGinty
Finn and Jake wake up in a bizarre world inside of BMO, and it looks like BMO is determined to give them the best game of their lives!
Collects issues #54-57.
The post BOOM! Studios’ June 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.
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