#this is so fucking wack bruh I stg 😂
venting-town · 2 years
I feel like I had psychosis ( or something similar ) as a child
I had hallucinations
I watched the pictures on the back of a vhs tape thingy (( the case that holds it )) change into different pictures and they stayed that way
When I threw down a bug catching-container ( the ones that have the magnifying glass in it so you could see what you caught better ), the butterfly inside suddenly had giant eyeballs and kept looking around wildly at everything ( don’t ask me why I threw it don’t, I was a fucking dickhead and I was pissed off about something ). Ofc I got freaked out about it ( like the scared spineless bitch I was/still am )
I accidentally disturbed a wasps’ nest which was hidden in one of those stick-animal thingy’s that my grandma had out in her garden. A wasp came out, suddenly had a cartoony-like mouth, and bit the shit out of my finger
One that happened often was there was a bear rug in my room ( along with a rabbit and turtle one I believe ) and I always got woke up at night by him. One time he was behind my TV stand growling and staring at me with big/beady red eyes. Another time was where I threw a ball at him and it landed on his head, he woke up and looked around and asked “ Who threw that?? “. There have been other times too, but I can’t exactly remember what happened. All I knew was that he’d “ come to life “ so I’d grab my blanket and toss it over me before I’d run into my moms room to sleep with her
And I’m pretty sure I had voices in my head as a young child too! Because why the fuck not right, me/universe/creators/observers????
Why not create some stupid fuck like me that’s just a giant fucking burden from the beginning, who’d end up fucking every bodies lives over INCLUDING my own???
Because why not right??? Or something or nothing or whatever???
Cuz “ fUn “ and “ ExpErIEnce “ and whatnot???
Because we were too fucking bored or whatever so we just “ hAd “ to exist… or something. Because * things *
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